1 /*************************************************************************
2  *  TinyFugue - programmable mud client
3  *  Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006-2007 Ken Keys
4  *
5  *  TinyFugue (aka "tf") is protected under the terms of the GNU
6  *  General Public License.  See the file "COPYING" for details.
7  ************************************************************************/
8 /* $Id: malloc.h,v 35004.24 2007/01/13 23:12:39 kkeys Exp $ */
10 /* Function hierarchy:
11  *  xmalloc: will kill process if it fails.  Calls dmalloc.
12  *  dmalloc: if USE_DMALLOC, do debugging.  Calls mmalloc.
13  *  mmalloc: if USE_MMALLOC, use GNU mmalloc; otherwise call native functions.
14  *   malloc: if !USE_MMALLOC, use native functions; otherwise, call mmalloc.
15  *
16  * XMALLOC is like xmalloc, but has file and line built in.
17  *  MALLOC is like dmalloc, but has file and line built in.
18  *
19  * Most code will call XMALLOC() (for automatic error checking) or MALLOC()
20  * (if it can handle failure itself).  Code may call xmalloc() or dmalloc()
21  * to use nonlocal file and line info.  Code should almost never call
22  * mmalloc() or malloc() directly.
23  */
25 #ifndef MALLOC_H
26 #define MALLOC_H
28 extern int low_memory_warning;
31 # include "mmalloc/mmalloc.h"
32 # define malloc(size)			mmalloc(NULL, size)
33 # define calloc(size)			mcalloc(NULL, size)
34 # define realloc(ptr, size)		mrealloc(NULL, ptr, size)
35 # define free(ptr)			mfree(NULL, ptr)
36 #else
37 # define mmalloc(md, size)		malloc(size)
38 # define mcalloc(md, size)		calloc(size)
39 # define mrealloc(md, ptr, size)	realloc(ptr, size)
40 # define mfree(md, ptr)			free(ptr)
41 #endif
43 #define XMALLOC(size) xmalloc(NULL, (size), __FILE__, __LINE__)
44 #define XCALLOC(size) xcalloc(NULL, (size), __FILE__, __LINE__)
45 #define XREALLOC(ptr, size) xrealloc(NULL, (ptr), (size), __FILE__, __LINE__)
46 #define MALLOC(size) dmalloc(NULL, (size), __FILE__, __LINE__)
47 #define CALLOC(size) dcalloc(NULL, (size), __FILE__, __LINE__)
48 #define REALLOC(ptr, size) drealloc(NULL, (ptr), (size), __FILE__, __LINE__)
49 #define FREE(ptr) xfree(NULL, (void*)(ptr), __FILE__, __LINE__)
52 extern void  *dmalloc(void *md, long unsigned size,
53                        const char *file, const int line);
54 extern void  *dcalloc(void *md, long unsigned size,
55                        const char *file, const int line);
56 extern void  *drealloc(void *md, void *ptr, long unsigned size,
57                        const char *file, const int line);
58 extern void   dfree(void *md, void *ptr,
59                        const char *file, const int line);
60 #else
61 # define dmalloc(md, size, file, line)	mmalloc(md, size)
62 # define dcalloc(md, size, file, line)	mcalloc(md, size)
63 # define drealloc(md, ptr, size, file, line) \
64 					mrealloc(md, (void*)(ptr), (size))
65 # define dfree(md, ptr, file, line)	mfree(md, (void*)(ptr))
66 #endif
68 extern void  *xmalloc(void *md, long unsigned size,
69                        const char *file, const int line);
70 extern void  *xcalloc(void *md, long unsigned size,
71                        const char *file, const int line);
72 extern void  *xrealloc(void *md, void *ptr, long unsigned size,
73                        const char *file, const int line);
74 extern void      xfree(void *md, void *ptr,
75                        const char *file, const int line);
76 extern void      init_malloc(void);
78 /* Fast allocation from pool.
79  * Should be used only on objects which are freed frequently, with md==NULL.
80  */
81 #define palloc(item, type, pool, next, file, line) \
82     ((pool) ? \
83       ((item) = (pool), (pool) = (void*)(pool)->next) : \
84       ((item) = (type *)xmalloc(NULL, sizeof(type), file, line)))
87 # define pfree_fl(item, pool, next, file, line) \
88     ((item)->next = (void*)(pool), (pool) = (item))
89 # define pfreepool(type, pool, next) \
90     do { \
91 	type *tmp; \
92 	while (pool) { \
93 	   tmp = pool; \
94 	   pool = (type*)pool->next; \
95 	   FREE(tmp); \
96 	} \
97     } while (0)
98 #else
99 # define pfree_fl(item, pool, next, file, line) \
100     dfree(NULL, item, file, line)
101 # define pfreepool(type, pool, next)	/* do nothing */
102 #endif
104 #define pfree(item, pool, next)  pfree_fl(item, pool, next, __FILE__, __LINE__)
107 extern void   free_reserve(void);
108 extern void   debug_mstats(const char *s);
109 #endif
111 #endif /* MALLOC_H */