1# $Id: rules.mak,v 1.21 2007/01/13 23:12:39 kkeys Exp $
3#  TinyFugue - programmable mud client
4#  Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2002, 2006-2007 Ken Keys
6#  TinyFugue (aka "tf") is protected under the terms of the GNU
7#  General Public License.  See the file "COPYING" for details.
10#  For instructions on changing configuration, see the README file in the
11#  directory for your operating system.
14### rules.mak - Makefile rules common to all systems.
15# This file should be portable to all systems, so it can be included in or
16# concatenated with all system-specific makefiles.
18# Predefined variables:
19#   SYS          - required system type (unix, os2)
20#   O            - required object suffix (e.g., "o" or "obj")
21#   BUILDERS     - optional list of system-specific dependancies
23attr.$(O): attr.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
24  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
25  search.h tfio.h output.h attr.h variable.h parse.h \
26  opcodes.h $(BUILDERS)
27command.$(O): command.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
28  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
29  search.h tfio.h cmdlist.h command.h world.h socket.h \
30  output.h attr.h macro.h keyboard.h expand.h signals.h variable.h $(BUILDERS)
31dmalloc.$(O): dmalloc.c $(BUILDERS)
32dstring.$(O): dstring.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h malloc.h tf.h dstring.h \
33  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h signals.h $(BUILDERS)
34expand.$(O): expand.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
35  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
36  search.h tfio.h macro.h signals.h socket.h keyboard.h \
37  parse.h opcodes.h expand.h expr.h cmdlist.h command.h variable.h $(BUILDERS)
38expr.$(O): expr.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
39  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
40  search.h tfio.h macro.h signals.h socket.h output.h \
41  attr.h keyboard.h parse.h opcodes.h expand.h expr.h cmdlist.h command.h \
42  variable.h tty.h history.h world.h funclist.h $(BUILDERS)
43help.$(O): help.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
44  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h search.h pattern.h \
45  tfio.h cmdlist.h variable.h $(BUILDERS)
46history.$(O): history.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
47  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
48  search.h tfio.h history.h socket.h world.h output.h \
49  attr.h macro.h cmdlist.h keyboard.h variable.h signals.h $(BUILDERS)
50keyboard.$(O): keyboard.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
51  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
52  search.h tfio.h macro.h keyboard.h output.h history.h \
53  expand.h cmdlist.h variable.h keylist.h $(BUILDERS)
54macro.$(O): macro.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
55  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
56  search.h tfio.h world.h macro.h keyboard.h expand.h \
57  socket.h output.h attr.h cmdlist.h command.h parse.h opcodes.h \
58  variable.h $(BUILDERS)
59main.$(O): main.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
60  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
61  search.h tfio.h history.h world.h socket.h macro.h \
62  output.h attr.h signals.h command.h keyboard.h variable.h tty.h \
63  expand.h expr.h process.h $(BUILDERS)
64makehelp.$(O): makehelp.c $(BUILDERS)
65malloc.$(O): malloc.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h signals.h malloc.h $(BUILDERS)
66myechod.$(O): myechod.c $(BUILDERS)
67output.$(O): output.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
68  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
69  search.h tfio.h socket.h output.h attr.h macro.h tty.h \
70  variable.h expand.h parse.h opcodes.h keyboard.h cmdlist.h $(BUILDERS)
71pattern.$(O): pattern.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
72  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
73  search.h tfio.h $(BUILDERS)
74process.$(O): process.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
75  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
76  search.h tfio.h history.h world.h process.h socket.h \
77  expand.h cmdlist.h output.h signals.h $(BUILDERS)
78search.$(O): search.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h malloc.h search.h $(BUILDERS)
79signals.$(O): signals.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
80  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
81  search.h tfio.h world.h process.h tty.h output.h \
82  signals.h variable.h expand.h $(BUILDERS)
83socket.$(O): socket.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
84  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
85  search.h tfio.h tfselect.h history.h world.h socket.h \
86  output.h attr.h process.h macro.h keyboard.h cmdlist.h command.h \
87  signals.h variable.h $(BUILDERS)
88tfio.$(O): tfio.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
89  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
90  search.h tfio.h tfselect.h output.h attr.h macro.h \
91  history.h signals.h variable.h keyboard.h expand.h cmdlist.h $(BUILDERS)
92timers.$(O): timers.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h malloc.h search.h $(BUILDERS)
93tty.$(O): tty.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h globals.h \
94  varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h search.h tty.h output.h macro.h \
95  variable.h $(BUILDERS)
96util.$(O): util.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
97  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
98  search.h tfio.h output.h tty.h signals.h variable.h \
99  parse.h opcodes.h $(BUILDERS)
100variable.$(O): variable.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
101  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
102  search.h tfio.h output.h attr.h socket.h cmdlist.h \
103  process.h expand.h parse.h opcodes.h variable.h $(BUILDERS)
104world.$(O): world.c tfconfig.h tfdefs.h port.h tf.h malloc.h dstring.h \
105  globals.h varlist.h enumlist.h hooklist.h util.h pattern.h \
106  search.h tfio.h history.h world.h process.h macro.h \
107  cmdlist.h socket.h output.h $(BUILDERS)