1 /* netxray.c
2  *
3  * Wiretap Library
4  * Copyright (c) 1998 by Gilbert Ramirez <gram@alumni.rice.edu>
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
7  */
9 #include "config.h"
11 #include <errno.h>
12 #include <string.h>
13 #include "wtap-int.h"
14 #include "file_wrappers.h"
15 #include "netxray.h"
16 #include "atm.h"
18 /* Capture file header, *including* magic number, is padded to 128 bytes. */
21 /* Magic number size, in both 1.x and later files. */
22 #define MAGIC_SIZE	4
24 /* Magic number in NetXRay 1.x files. */
25 static const char old_netxray_magic[MAGIC_SIZE] = {
26 	'V', 'L', '\0', '\0'
27 };
29 /* Magic number in NetXRay 2.0 and later, and Windows Sniffer, files. */
30 static const char netxray_magic[MAGIC_SIZE] = {
31 	'X', 'C', 'P', '\0'
callboost::fusion::extension::begin_impl::apply32 };
34 /* NetXRay file header (minus magic number).			*/
35 /*								*/
36 /* As field usages are identified, please revise as needed	*/
37 /* Please do *not* use netxray_hdr xxx... names in the code	*/
38 /* (Placeholder names for all 'unknown' fields are		*/
39 /*   of form xxx_x<hex_hdr_offset>				*/
40 /*   where <hex_hdr_offset> *includes* the magic number)	*/
42 struct netxray_hdr {
43 	char	version[8];	/* version number				*/
44 	guint32	start_time;	/* UNIX [UTC] time when capture started		*/
46 	guint32	nframes;	/* number of packets				*/
47 	guint32	xxx_x14;	/* unknown [some kind of file offset]		*/
48 	guint32	start_offset;	/* offset of first packet in capture		*/
49 	guint32	end_offset;	/* offset after last packet in capture		*/
51 	guint32 xxx_x20;	/* unknown [some kind of file offset]		*/
52 	guint32 xxx_x24;	/* unknown [unused ?]				*/
53 	guint32 xxx_x28;	/* unknown [some kind of file offset]		*/
54 	guint8	network;	/* datalink type				*/
55 	guint8	network_plus;	/* [See code]					*/
56 	guint8	xxx_x2E[2];	/* unknown					*/
58 	guint8	timeunit;	/* encodes length of a tick			*/
59 	guint8	xxx_x31[3];	/* XXX - upper 3 bytes of timeunit ?		*/
60 	guint32	timelo;		/* lower 32 bits of capture start time stamp	*/
61 	guint32	timehi;		/* upper 32 bits of capture start time stamp	*/
62 	guint32 linespeed;	/* speed of network, in bits/second		*/
64 	guint8	xxx_x40[12];	/* unknown [other stuff]			*/
65 	guint8	realtick[4];	/* (ticks/sec for Ethernet/Ndis/Timeunit=2 ?)	*/
66 				/* (realtick[1], realtick[2] also currently	*/
67 				/*  used as flag for 'FCS presence')		*/
69 	guint8	xxx_x50[4];	/* unknown [other stuff]			*/
70 	guint8	captype;	/* capture type					*/
71 	guint8  xxx_x55[3];	/* unknown [other stuff]			*/
72 	guint8  xxx_x58[4];	/* unknown [other stuff]			*/
73 	guint8  wan_hdlc_subsub_captype; /* WAN HDLC subsub_captype		*/
74 	guint8  xxx_x5D[3];	/* unknown [other stuff]			*/
76 	guint8	xxx_x60[16];	/* unknown [other stuff]			*/
78 	guint8  xxx_x70[14];    /* unknown [other stuff]			*/
79 	gint16 timezone_hrs;	/* timezone hours [at least for version 2.2..];	*/
80 				/*  positive values = west of UTC:		*/
81 				/*  negative values = east of UTC:		*/
82 				/*  e.g. +5 is American Eastern			*/
83 				/* [Does not appear to be adjusted for DST ]	*/
84 };
86 /*
87  * Capture type, in hdr.captype.
88  *
89  * Values other than 0 are dependent on the network type.
90  * For Ethernet captures, it indicates the type of capture pod.
91  * For WAN captures (all of which are done with a pod), it indicates
92  * the link-layer type.
93  */
94 #define CAPTYPE_NDIS	0		/* Capture on network interface using NDIS			*/
96 /*
97  * Ethernet capture types.
98  */
99 #define ETH_CAPTYPE_GIGPOD	2	/* gigabit Ethernet captured with pod				*/
100 #define ETH_CAPTYPE_OTHERPOD	3	/* non-gigabit Ethernet captured with pod			*/
101 #define ETH_CAPTYPE_OTHERPOD2	5	/* gigabit Ethernet via pod ??					*/
102 					/*  Captype 5 seen in capture from Distributed Sniffer with:	*/
103 					/*    Version 4.50.211 software					*/
104 					/*    SysKonnect SK-9843 Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapter	*/
105 #define ETH_CAPTYPE_GIGPOD2	6	/* gigabit Ethernet, captured with blade on S6040-model Sniffer */
107 /*
108  * WAN capture types.
109  */
110 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_BROUTER	1	/* Bridge/router captured with pod */
111 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_PPP		3	/* PPP captured with pod */
112 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_FRELAY	4	/* Frame Relay captured with pod */
113 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_BROUTER2	5	/* Bridge/router captured with pod */
114 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_HDLC	6	/* HDLC (X.25, ISDN) captured with pod */
115 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_SDLC	7	/* SDLC captured with pod */
116 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_HDLC2	8	/* HDLC captured with pod */
117 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_BROUTER3	9	/* Bridge/router captured with pod */
118 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_SMDS	10	/* SMDS DXI */
119 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_BROUTER4	11	/* Bridge/router captured with pod */
120 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_BROUTER5	12	/* Bridge/router captured with pod */
121 #define WAN_CAPTYPE_CHDLC	19	/* Cisco router (CHDLC) captured with pod */
123 #define CAPTYPE_ATM		15	/* ATM captured with pod */
125 /*
126  * # of ticks that equal 1 second, in version 002.xxx files other
127  * than Ethernet captures with a captype other than CAPTYPE_NDIS;
128  * the index into this array is hdr.timeunit.
129  *
134  *
135  * Instead, if a value in a TpS table is wrong, check whether captype
136  * has a non-zero value; if so, perhaps we need a new TpS table for the
137  * corresponding network type and captype, or perhaps the 'realtick'
138  * field contains the correct ticks-per-second value.
139  *
140  * TpS...[] entries of 0.0 mean that no capture file for the
141  * corresponding captype/timeunit values has yet been seen, or that
142  * we're using the 'realtick' value.
143  *
144  * XXX - 05/29/07: For Ethernet captype = 0 (NDIS) and timeunit = 2:
145  *  Perusal of a number of Sniffer captures
146  *  (including those from Wireshark bug reports
147  *  and those from the Wireshark 'menagerie')
148  *  suggests that 'realtick' for this case
149  *  contains the correct ticks/second to be used.
150  *  So: we'll use realtick for Ethernet captype=0 and timeunit=2.
151  *  (It might be that realtick should be used for Ethernet captype = 0
152  *  and timeunit = 1 but I've not yet enough captures to be sure).
153  *   Based upon the captures reviewed to date, realtick cannot be used for
154  *   any of the other Ethernet captype/timeunit combinations for which there
155  *   are non-zero values in the TpS tables.
156  *
157  *  In at least one capture where "realtick" doesn't correspond
158  *  to the value from the appropriate TpS table, the per-packet header's
159  *  "xxx" field is all zero, so it's not as if a 2.x header includes
160  *  a "compatibility" time stamp corresponding to the value from the
161  *  TpS table and a "real" time stamp corresponding to "realtick".
162  *
163  * XXX - the item corresponding to timeunit = 2 is 1193180.0, presumably
164  *  because somebody found it gave the right answer for some captures, but
165  *  3 times that, i.e. 3579540.0, appears to give the right answer for some
166  *  other captures.
167  *
168  *  Some captures have realtick of 1193182, some have 3579545, and some
169  *  have 1193000.  Most of those, in one set of captures somebody has,
170  *  are wrong.  (Did that mean "wrong for some capture files, but not
171  *  for the files in which they occurred", or "wrong for the files in
172  *  which they occurred?  If it's "wrong for some capture files, but
173  *  not for the files in which they occurred", perhaps those were Ethernet
174  *  captures with a captype of 0 and timeunit = 2, so that we now use
175  *  realtick, and perhaps that fixes the problems.)
176  *
177  * XXX - in at least one ATM capture, hdr.realtick is 1193180.0
178  *  and hdr.timeunit is 0.  Does that capture have a captype of
179  *  CAPTYPE_ATM?  If so, what should the table for ATM captures with
180  *  that captype be?
181  */
182 static const double TpS[] = { 1e6, 1193000.0, 1193182.0 };
183 #define NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS (sizeof TpS / sizeof TpS[0])
185 /*
186  * Table of time units for Ethernet captures with captype ETH_CAPTYPE_GIGPOD.
187  * 0.0 means "unknown".
188  *
189  * It appears that, at least for Ethernet captures, if captype is
190  * ETH_CAPTYPE_GIGPOD, that indicates that it's a gigabit Ethernet
191  * capture, possibly from a special whizzo gigabit pod, and also
192  * indicates that the time stamps have some higher resolution than
193  * in other captures, possibly thanks to a high-resolution timer
194  * on the pod.
195  *
196  * It also appears that the time units might differ for gigabit pod
197  * captures between version 002.001 and 002.002.  For 002.001,
198  * the values below are correct; for 002.002, it's claimed that
199  * the right value for TpS_gigpod[2] is 1250000.0, but at least one
200  * 002.002 gigabit pod capture has 31250000.0 as the right value.
201  * XXX: Note that the TpS_otherpod[2] value is 1250000.0; It seems
202  *  reasonable to suspect that the original claim might actually
203  *  have been for a capture with a captype of 'otherpod'.
204  * (Based upon captures reviewed realtick does not contain the
205  *   correct TpS values for the 'gigpod' captype).
206  */
207 static const double TpS_gigpod[] = { 1e9, 0.0, 31250000.0 };
208 #define NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS_GIGPOD (sizeof TpS_gigpod / sizeof TpS_gigpod[0])
210 /*
211  * Table of time units for Ethernet captures with captype ETH_CAPTYPE_OTHERPOD.
212  *  (Based upon captures reviewed realtick does not contain the
213  *   correct TpS values for the 'otherpod' captype).
214  */
215 static const double TpS_otherpod[] = { 1e6, 0.0, 1250000.0 };
216 #define NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS_OTHERPOD (sizeof TpS_otherpod / sizeof TpS_otherpod[0])
218 /*
219  * Table of time units for Ethernet captures with captype ETH_CAPTYPE_OTHERPOD2.
220  * (Based upon captures reviewed realtick does not contain the
221  *   correct TpS values for the 'otherpod2' captype).
222  */
223 static const double TpS_otherpod2[] = { 1e6, 0.0, 0.0 };
224 #define NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS_OTHERPOD2 (sizeof TpS_otherpod2 / sizeof TpS_otherpod2[0])
226 /*
227  * Table of time units for Ethernet captures with captype ETH_CAPTYPE_GIGPOD2.
228  * (Based upon captures reviewed realtick does not contain the
229  *   correct TpS values for the 'gigpod2' captype).
230  */
231 static const double TpS_gigpod2[] = { 1e9, 0.0, 20000000.0 };
232 #define NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS_GIGPOD2 (sizeof TpS_gigpod2 / sizeof TpS_gigpod2[0])
234 /* Version number strings. */
235 static const char vers_1_0[] = {
236 	'0', '0', '1', '.', '0', '0', '0', '\0'
237 };
239 static const char vers_1_1[] = {
240 	'0', '0', '1', '.', '1', '0', '0', '\0'
241 };
243 static const char vers_2_000[] = {
244 	'0', '0', '2', '.', '0', '0', '0', '\0'
245 };
247 static const char vers_2_001[] = {
248 	'0', '0', '2', '.', '0', '0', '1', '\0'
249 };
251 static const char vers_2_002[] = {
252 	'0', '0', '2', '.', '0', '0', '2', '\0'
253 };
255 static const char vers_2_003[] = {
256 	'0', '0', '2', '.', '0', '0', '3', '\0'
257 };
259 /* Old NetXRay data record format - followed by frame data. */
260 struct old_netxrayrec_hdr {
261 	guint32	timelo;		/* lower 32 bits of time stamp */
262 	guint32	timehi;		/* upper 32 bits of time stamp */
263 	guint16	len;		/* packet length */
264 	guint8	xxx[6];		/* unknown */
265 };
267 /* NetXRay format version 1.x data record format - followed by frame data. */
268 struct netxrayrec_1_x_hdr {
269 	guint32	timelo;		/* lower 32 bits of time stamp */
270 	guint32	timehi;		/* upper 32 bits of time stamp */
271 	guint16	orig_len;	/* packet length */
272 	guint16	incl_len;	/* capture length */
273 	guint8	xxx[16];	/* unknown */
274 };
276 /*
277  * NetXRay format version 2.x data record format - followed by frame data.
278  *
279  * The xxx fields appear to be:
280  *
281  *	xxx[0]: ATM traffic type and subtype in the low 3 bits of
282  *	each nibble, and flags(?) in the upper bit of each nibble.
283  *	Always 0 for 802.11?
284  *
285  *	xxx[1]: Always 0 for 802.11?
286  *
287  *	xxx[2], xxx[3]: for Ethernet, 802.11, ISDN LAPD, LAPB,
288  *	Frame Relay, if both are 0xff, there are 4 bytes of stuff
289  *	at the end of the packet data, which might be an FCS or
290  *	which might be junk to discard.
291  *
292  *	xxx[4-7]: Always 0 for 802.11?
293  *
294  *	xxx[8], xxx[9]: 2 bytes of a flag word?  If treated as
295  *	a 2-byte little-endian flag word:
296  *
297  *		0x0001: Error of some sort, including bad CRC, although
298  *		    in one ISDN capture it's set in some B2 channel
299  *		    packets of unknown content (as opposed to the B1
300  *		    traffic in the capture, which is PPP)
301  *              0x0002: Seen in 802.11 - short preamble?  Bad CRC?
302  *		0x0004: Some particular type of error?
303  *		0x0008: For (Gigabit?) Ethernet (with special probe?),
304  *		    4 bytes at end are junk rather than CRC?
305  *		0x0100: CRC error on ATM?  Protected and Not decrypted
306  *		    for 802.11?  Bad CRC?  Short preamble?
307  *		0x0200: Something for ATM? Something else for 802.11?
308  *		0x0400: raw ATM cell
309  *		0x0800: OAM cell?
310  *		0x2000: port on which the packet was captured?
311  *
312  *	The Sniffer Portable 4.8 User's Guide lists a set of packet status
313  *	flags including:
314  *
315  *		packet is marked;
316  *		packet was captured from Port A on the pod or adapter card;
317  *		packet was captured from Port B on the pod or adapter card;
318  *		packet has a symptom or diagnosis associated with it;
319  *		packet is an event filter trigger;
320  *		CRC error packet with normal packet size;
321  *		CRC error packet with oversize error;
322  *		packet size < 64 bytes (including CRC) but with valid CRC;
323  *		packet size < 64 bytes (including CRC) with CRC error;
324  *		packet size > 1518 bytes (including CRC) but with valid CRC;
325  *		packet damaged by a collision;
326  *		packet length not a multiple of 8 bits;
327  *		address conflict in the ring on Token Ring;
328  *		packet is not copied (received) by the destination host on
329  *		    Token Ring;
330  *		AAL5 length error;
331  *		AAL5 maximum segments error;
332  *		ATM timeout error;
333  *		ATM buffer error;
334  *		ATM unknown error;
335  *		and a ton of AAL2 errors.
336  *
337  *	Not all those bits necessarily correspond to flag bits in the file,
338  *	but some might.
339  *
340  *	In one ATM capture, the 0x2000 bit was set for all frames; in another,
341  *	it's unset for all frames.  This, plus the ATMbook having two ports,
342  *	suggests that it *might* be a "port A vs. port B" flag.
343  *
344  *	The 0x0001 bit appears to be set for CRC errors on Ethernet and 802.11.
345  *	It also appears to be set on ATM for AAL5 PDUs that appear to be
346  *	completely reassembled and that have a CRC error and for frames that
347  *	appear to be part of a full AAL5 PDU.  In at least two files with
348  *	frames of the former type, the 0x0100 and 0x0200 flags are set;
349  *	in at least one file with frames of the latter type, neither of
350  *	those flags are set.
351  *
352  *	The field appears to be somewhat random in some captures,
353  *	however.
354  *
355  *	xxx[10]: for 802.11, always 0?
356  *
357  *	xxx[11]: for 802.11, 0x05 if the packet is WEP-encrypted(?).
358  *
359  *	xxx[12]: for 802.11, channel number.
360  *
361  *	xxx[13]: for 802.11, data rate, in 500 Kb/s units.
362  *
363  *	xxx[14]: for 802.11, signal strength.
364  *
365  *	xxx[15]: for 802.11, noise level; 0xFF means none reported,
366  *	    0x7F means 100%.
367  *
368  *	xxx[16-19]: for 802.11, PHY header, at least for {HR/}DSSS,
369  *	            in at least one capture.
370  *	            In another capture, xxx[16] appears to be the
371  *	            data rate in 500 Kb/s units
372  *	            Chip-dependent stuff?
373  *
374  *	xxx[20-25]: for 802.11, MAC address of sending machine(?).
375  *
376  *	xxx[26]: for 802.11, one of 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, or 0x0b?
377  *
378  *	xxx[27]: for 802.11, one of 0x00 or 0x30?
379  */
380 struct netxrayrec_2_x_hdr {
381 	guint32	timelo;		/* lower 32 bits of time stamp */
382 	guint32	timehi;		/* upper 32 bits of time stamp */
383 	guint16	orig_len;	/* packet length */
384 	guint16	incl_len;	/* capture length */
385 	guint8	xxx[28];	/* various data */
386 };
388 /*
389  * Union of the data record headers.
390  */
391 union netxrayrec_hdr {
392 	struct old_netxrayrec_hdr old_hdr;
393 	struct netxrayrec_1_x_hdr hdr_1_x;
394 	struct netxrayrec_2_x_hdr hdr_2_x;
395 };
397 typedef struct {
398 	time_t		start_time;
399 	double		ticks_per_sec;
400 	double		start_timestamp;
401 	gboolean	wrapped;
402 	guint32		nframes;
403 	gint64		start_offset;
404 	gint64		end_offset;
405 	int		version_major;
406 	gboolean	fcs_valid;	/* if packets have valid FCS at the end */
407 	guint		isdn_type;	/* 1 = E1 PRI, 2 = T1 PRI, 3 = BRI */
408 } netxray_t;
410 static gboolean netxray_read(wtap *wth, wtap_rec *rec, Buffer *buf,
411     int *err, gchar **err_info, gint64 *data_offset);
412 static gboolean netxray_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off,
413     wtap_rec *rec, Buffer *buf, int *err, gchar **err_info);
414 static int netxray_process_rec_header(wtap *wth, FILE_T fh,
415     wtap_rec *rec, int *err, gchar **err_info);
416 static void netxray_guess_atm_type(wtap *wth, wtap_rec *rec,
417     Buffer *buf);
418 static gboolean netxray_dump_1_1(wtap_dumper *wdh,
419     const wtap_rec *rec,
420     const guint8 *pd, int *err, gchar **err_info);
421 static gboolean netxray_dump_finish_1_1(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err,
422     gchar **err_info);
423 static gboolean netxray_dump_2_0(wtap_dumper *wdh,
424     const wtap_rec *rec,
425     const guint8 *pd, int *err, gchar **err_info);
426 static gboolean netxray_dump_finish_2_0(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err,
427     gchar **err_info);
429 static int netxray_old_file_type_subtype = -1;
430 static int netxray_1_0_file_type_subtype = -1;
431 static int netxray_1_1_file_type_subtype = -1;
432 static int netxray_2_00x_file_type_subtype = -1;
434 void register_netxray(void);
436 wtap_open_return_val
437 netxray_open(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info)
438 {
439 	char magic[MAGIC_SIZE];
440 	gboolean is_old;
441 	struct netxray_hdr hdr;
442 	guint network_type;
443 	double ticks_per_sec;
444 	int version_major, version_minor;
445 	int file_type;
446 	double start_timestamp;
447 	static const int netxray_encap[] = {
452 		/*
453 		 * XXX - some PPP captures may look like Ethernet,
454 		 * perhaps because they're using NDIS to capture on the
455 		 * same machine and it provides simulated-Ethernet
456 		 * packets, but captures taken with various serial
457 		 * pods use the same network type value but aren't
458 		 * shaped like Ethernet.  We handle that below.
459 		 */
460 		WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET,		/* WAN(PPP), but shaped like Ethernet */
461 		WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN,		/* LocalTalk */
462 		WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN,		/* "DIX" - should not occur */
464 		WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN,		/* ARCNET 878.2 */
467 						/* Wireless WAN with radio information */
469 	};
470 	#define NUM_NETXRAY_ENCAPS (sizeof netxray_encap / sizeof netxray_encap[0])
471 	int file_encap;
472 	guint isdn_type = 0;
473 	netxray_t *netxray;
475 	/* Read in the string that should be at the start of a NetXRay
476 	 * file */
477 	if (!wtap_read_bytes(wth->fh, magic, MAGIC_SIZE, err, err_info)) {
478 		if (*err != WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ)
479 			return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
480 		return WTAP_OPEN_NOT_MINE;
481 	}
483 	if (memcmp(magic, netxray_magic, MAGIC_SIZE) == 0) {
484 		is_old = FALSE;
485 	} else if (memcmp(magic, old_netxray_magic, MAGIC_SIZE) == 0) {
486 		is_old = TRUE;
487 	} else {
488 		return WTAP_OPEN_NOT_MINE;
489 	}
491 	/* Read the rest of the header. */
492 	if (!wtap_read_bytes(wth->fh, &hdr, sizeof hdr, err, err_info))
493 		return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
495 	if (is_old) {
496 		version_major = 0;
497 		version_minor = 0;
498 		file_type = netxray_old_file_type_subtype;
499 	} else {
500 		/* It appears that version 1.1 files (as produced by Windows
501 		 * Sniffer Pro 2.0.01) have the time stamp in microseconds,
502 		 * rather than the milliseconds version 1.0 files appear to
503 		 * have.
504 		 *
505 		 * It also appears that version 2.00x files have per-packet
506 		 * headers with some extra fields. */
507 		if (memcmp(hdr.version, vers_1_0, sizeof vers_1_0) == 0) {
508 			version_major = 1;
509 			version_minor = 0;
510 			file_type = netxray_1_0_file_type_subtype;
511 		} else if (memcmp(hdr.version, vers_1_1, sizeof vers_1_1) == 0) {
512 			version_major = 1;
513 			version_minor = 1;
514 			file_type = netxray_1_1_file_type_subtype;
515 		} else if (memcmp(hdr.version, vers_2_000, sizeof vers_2_000) == 0) {
516 			version_major = 2;
517 			version_minor = 0;
518 			file_type = netxray_2_00x_file_type_subtype;
519 		} else if (memcmp(hdr.version, vers_2_001, sizeof vers_2_001) == 0) {
520 			version_major = 2;
521 			version_minor = 1;
522 			file_type = netxray_2_00x_file_type_subtype;
523 		} else if (memcmp(hdr.version, vers_2_002, sizeof vers_2_002) == 0) {
524 			version_major = 2;
525 			version_minor = 2;
526 			file_type = netxray_2_00x_file_type_subtype;
527 		} else if (memcmp(hdr.version, vers_2_003, sizeof vers_2_003) == 0) {
528 			version_major = 2;
529 			version_minor = 3;
530 			file_type = netxray_2_00x_file_type_subtype;
531 		} else {
533 			*err_info = g_strdup_printf("netxray: version \"%.8s\" unsupported", hdr.version);
534 			return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
535 		}
536 	}
538 	switch (hdr.network_plus) {
540 	case 0:
541 		/*
542 		 * The byte after hdr.network is usually 0, in which case
543 		 * the hdr.network byte is an NDIS network type value - 1.
544 		 */
545 		network_type = hdr.network + 1;
546 		break;
548 	case 2:
549 		/*
550 		 * However, in some Ethernet captures, it's 2, and the
551 		 * hdr.network byte is 1 rather than 0.  We assume
552 		 * that if there's a byte after hdr.network with the value
553 		 * 2, the hdr.network byte is an NDIS network type, rather
554 		 * than an NDIS network type - 1.
555 		 */
556 		network_type = hdr.network;
557 		break;
559 	default:
561 		*err_info = g_strdup_printf("netxray: the byte after the network type has the value %u, which I don't understand",
562 		    hdr.network_plus);
563 		return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
564 	}
566 	if (network_type >= NUM_NETXRAY_ENCAPS
567 	    || netxray_encap[network_type] == WTAP_ENCAP_UNKNOWN) {
569 		*err_info = g_strdup_printf("netxray: network type %u (%u) unknown or unsupported",
570 		    network_type, hdr.network_plus);
571 		return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
572 	}
574 	/*
575 	 * Figure out the time stamp units and start time stamp.
576 	 */
577 	start_timestamp = (double)pletoh32(&hdr.timelo)
578 	    + (double)pletoh32(&hdr.timehi)*4294967296.0;
579 	if (is_old) {
580 		ticks_per_sec = 1000.0;
581 		wth->file_tsprec = WTAP_TSPREC_MSEC;
582 	} else if (version_major == 1) {
583 		switch (version_minor) {
585 		case 0:
586 			ticks_per_sec = 1000.0;
587 			wth->file_tsprec = WTAP_TSPREC_MSEC;
588 			break;
590 		case 1:
591 			/*
592 			 * In version 1.1 files (as produced by Windows
593 			 * Sniffer Pro 2.0.01), the time stamp is in
594 			 * microseconds, rather than the milliseconds
595 			 * time stamps in NetXRay and older versions
596 			 * of Windows Sniffer.
597 			 */
598 			ticks_per_sec = 1000000.0;
599 			wth->file_tsprec = WTAP_TSPREC_USEC;
600 			break;
602 		default:
603 			/* "Can't happen" - we rejected that above */
604 			*err = WTAP_ERR_INTERNAL;
605 			*err_info = g_strdup_printf("netxray: version %d.%d somehow didn't get rejected",
606 			                            version_major, version_minor);
607 			return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
608 		}
609 	} else if (version_major == 2) {
610 		/*
611 		 * Get the time stamp units from the appropriate TpS
612 		 * table or from the file header.
613 		 */
614 		switch (network_type) {
616 		case 1:
617 			/*
618 			 * Ethernet - the table to use depends on whether
619 			 * this is an NDIS or pod capture.
620 			 */
621 			switch (hdr.captype) {
623 			case CAPTYPE_NDIS:
624 				if (hdr.timeunit >= NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS) {
625 					*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
626 					*err_info = g_strdup_printf(
627 					    "netxray: Unknown timeunit %u for Ethernet/CAPTYPE_NDIS version %.8s capture",
628 					    hdr.timeunit, hdr.version);
629 					return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
630 				}
631 				/*
632 				XXX: 05/29/07: Use 'realtick' instead of TpS table if timeunit=2;
633 					Using 'realtick' in this case results
634 					in the correct 'ticks per second' for all the captures that
635 					I have of this type (including captures from a number of Wireshark
636 					bug reports).
637 				*/
638 				if (hdr.timeunit == 2) {
639 					ticks_per_sec = pletoh32(hdr.realtick);
640 				}
641 				else {
642 					ticks_per_sec = TpS[hdr.timeunit];
643 				}
644 				break;
647 				if (hdr.timeunit >= NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS_GIGPOD
648 				    || TpS_gigpod[hdr.timeunit] == 0.0) {
649 					*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
650 					*err_info = g_strdup_printf(
651 					    "netxray: Unknown timeunit %u for Ethernet/ETH_CAPTYPE_GIGPOD version %.8s capture",
652 					    hdr.timeunit, hdr.version);
653 					return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
654 				}
655 				ticks_per_sec = TpS_gigpod[hdr.timeunit];
657 				/*
658 				 * At least for 002.002 and 002.003
659 				 * captures, the start time stamp is 0,
660 				 * not the value in the file.
661 				 */
662 				if (version_minor == 2 || version_minor == 3)
663 					start_timestamp = 0.0;
664 				break;
667 				if (hdr.timeunit >= NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS_OTHERPOD
668 				    || TpS_otherpod[hdr.timeunit] == 0.0) {
669 					*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
670 					*err_info = g_strdup_printf(
671 					    "netxray: Unknown timeunit %u for Ethernet/ETH_CAPTYPE_OTHERPOD version %.8s capture",
672 					    hdr.timeunit, hdr.version);
673 					return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
674 				}
675 				ticks_per_sec = TpS_otherpod[hdr.timeunit];
677 				/*
678 				 * At least for 002.002 and 002.003
679 				 * captures, the start time stamp is 0,
680 				 * not the value in the file.
681 				 */
682 				if (version_minor == 2 || version_minor == 3)
683 					start_timestamp = 0.0;
684 				break;
687 				if (hdr.timeunit >= NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS_OTHERPOD2
688 				    || TpS_otherpod2[hdr.timeunit] == 0.0) {
689 					*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
690 					*err_info = g_strdup_printf(
691 					    "netxray: Unknown timeunit %u for Ethernet/ETH_CAPTYPE_OTHERPOD2 version %.8s capture",
692 					    hdr.timeunit, hdr.version);
693 					return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
694 				}
695 				ticks_per_sec = TpS_otherpod2[hdr.timeunit];
696 				/*
697 				 * XXX: start time stamp in the one capture file examined of this type was 0;
698 				 *      We'll assume the start time handling is the same as for other pods.
699 				 *
700 				 * At least for 002.002 and 002.003
701 				 * captures, the start time stamp is 0,
702 				 * not the value in the file.
703 				 */
704 				if (version_minor == 2 || version_minor == 3)
705 					start_timestamp = 0.0;
706 				break;
708 			case ETH_CAPTYPE_GIGPOD2:
709 				if (hdr.timeunit >= NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS_GIGPOD2
710 				    || TpS_gigpod2[hdr.timeunit] == 0.0) {
711 					*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
712 					*err_info = g_strdup_printf(
713 					    "netxray: Unknown timeunit %u for Ethernet/ETH_CAPTYPE_GIGPOD2 version %.8s capture",
714 					    hdr.timeunit, hdr.version);
715 					return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
716 				}
717 				ticks_per_sec = TpS_gigpod2[hdr.timeunit];
718 				/*
719 				 * XXX: start time stamp in the one capture file examined of this type was 0;
720 				 *	We'll assume the start time handling is the same as for other pods.
721 				 *
722 				 * At least for 002.002 and 002.003
723 				 * captures, the start time stamp is 0,
724 				 * not the value in the file.
725 				 */
726 				if (version_minor == 2 || version_minor == 3)
727 					start_timestamp = 0.0;
728 				break;
730 			default:
731 				*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
732 				*err_info = g_strdup_printf(
733 				    "netxray: Unknown capture type %u for Ethernet version %.8s capture",
734 				    hdr.captype, hdr.version);
735 				return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
736 			}
737 			break;
739 		default:
740 			if (hdr.timeunit >= NUM_NETXRAY_TIMEUNITS) {
741 				*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
742 				*err_info = g_strdup_printf(
743 				    "netxray: Unknown timeunit %u for %u/%u version %.8s capture",
744 				    hdr.timeunit, network_type, hdr.captype,
745 				    hdr.version);
746 				return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
747 			}
748 			ticks_per_sec = TpS[hdr.timeunit];
749 			break;
750 		}
752 		/*
753 		 * If the number of ticks per second is greater than
754 		 * 1 million, make the precision be nanoseconds rather
755 		 * than microseconds.
756 		 *
757 		 * XXX - do values only slightly greater than one million
758 		 * correspond to a resolution sufficiently better than
759 		 * 1 microsecond to display more digits of precision?
760 		 * XXX - Seems reasonable to use nanosecs only if TPS >= 10M
761 		 */
762 		if (ticks_per_sec >= 1e7)
763 			wth->file_tsprec = WTAP_TSPREC_NSEC;
764 		else
765 			wth->file_tsprec = WTAP_TSPREC_USEC;
766 	} else {
767 		/* "Can't happen" - we rejected that above */
768 		*err = WTAP_ERR_INTERNAL;
769 		*err_info = g_strdup_printf("netxray: version %d.%d somehow didn't get rejected",
770 		                            version_major, version_minor);
771 		return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
772 	}
773 	start_timestamp = start_timestamp/ticks_per_sec;
775 	if (network_type == 4) {
776 		/*
777 		 * In version 0 and 1, we assume, for now, that all
778 		 * WAN captures have frames that look like Ethernet
779 		 * frames (as a result, presumably, of having passed
780 		 * through NDISWAN).
781 		 *
782 		 * In version 2, it looks as if there's stuff in the
783 		 * file header to specify what particular type of WAN
784 		 * capture we have.
785 		 */
786 		if (version_major == 2) {
787 			switch (hdr.captype) {
789 			case WAN_CAPTYPE_PPP:
790 				/*
791 				 * PPP.
792 				 */
793 				file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_PPP_WITH_PHDR;
794 				break;
797 				/*
798 				 * Frame Relay.
799 				 *
800 				 * XXX - in at least one capture, this
801 				 * is Cisco HDLC, not Frame Relay, but
802 				 * in another capture, it's Frame Relay.
803 				 *
804 				 * [Bytes in each capture:
805 				 * Cisco HDLC:  hdr.xxx_x60[06:10]: 0x02 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x06
806 				 * Frame Relay: hdr.xxx_x60[06:10]  0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
808 				 * Cisco HDLC:  hdr.xxx_x60[14:15]: 0xff 0xff
809 				 * Frame Relay: hdr.xxx_x60[14:15]: 0x00 0x00
810 				 * ]
811 				 */
812 				file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_FRELAY_WITH_PHDR;
813 				break;
815 			case WAN_CAPTYPE_HDLC:
816 			case WAN_CAPTYPE_HDLC2:
817 				/*
818 				 * Various HDLC flavors?
819 				 */
820 				switch (hdr.wan_hdlc_subsub_captype) {
822 				case 0:	/* LAPB/X.25 */
823 					/*
824 					 * XXX - at least one capture of
825 					 * this type appears to be PPP.
826 					 */
827 					file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_LAPB;
828 					break;
830 				case 1:	/* E1 PRI */
831 				case 2:	/* T1 PRI */
832 				case 3:	/* BRI */
833 					file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ISDN;
834 					isdn_type = hdr.wan_hdlc_subsub_captype;
835 					break;
837 				default:
838 					*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
839 					*err_info = g_strdup_printf("netxray: WAN HDLC capture subsubtype 0x%02x unknown or unsupported",
840 					   hdr.wan_hdlc_subsub_captype);
841 					return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
842 				}
843 				break;
845 			case WAN_CAPTYPE_SDLC:
846 				/*
847 				 * SDLC.
848 				 */
849 				file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_SDLC;
850 				break;
852 			case WAN_CAPTYPE_CHDLC:
853 				/*
854 				 *  Cisco router (CHDLC) captured with pod
855 				 */
856 				file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_CHDLC_WITH_PHDR;
857 				break;
859 			default:
860 				*err = WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
861 				*err_info = g_strdup_printf("netxray: WAN capture subtype 0x%02x unknown or unsupported",
862 				   hdr.captype);
863 				return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
864 			}
865 		} else
866 			file_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET;
867 	} else
868 		file_encap = netxray_encap[network_type];
870 	/* This is a netxray file */
871 	wth->file_type_subtype = file_type;
872 	netxray = g_new(netxray_t, 1);
873 	wth->priv = (void *)netxray;
874 	wth->subtype_read = netxray_read;
875 	wth->subtype_seek_read = netxray_seek_read;
876 	wth->file_encap = file_encap;
877 	wth->snapshot_length = 0;	/* not available in header */
878 	netxray->start_time = pletoh32(&hdr.start_time);
879 	netxray->ticks_per_sec = ticks_per_sec;
880 	netxray->start_timestamp = start_timestamp;
881 	netxray->version_major = version_major;
883 	/*
884 	 * If frames have an extra 4 bytes of stuff at the end, is
885 	 * it an FCS, or just junk?
886 	 */
887 	netxray->fcs_valid = FALSE;
888 	switch (file_encap) {
891 	case WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11_WITH_RADIO:
892 	case WTAP_ENCAP_ISDN:
893 	case WTAP_ENCAP_LAPB:
894 		/*
895 		 * It appears that, in at least some version 2 Ethernet
896 		 * captures, for frames that have 0xff in hdr_2_x.xxx[2]
897 		 * and hdr_2_x.xxx[3] in the per-packet header:
898 		 *
899 		 *	if, in the file header, hdr.realtick[1] is 0x34
900 		 *	and hdr.realtick[2] is 0x12, the frames have an
901 		 *	FCS at the end;
902 		 *
903 		 *	otherwise, they have 4 bytes of junk at the end.
904 		 *
905 		 * Yes, it's strange that you have to check the *middle*
906 		 * of the time stamp field; you can't check for any
907 		 * particular value of the time stamp field.
908 		 *
909 		 * For now, we assume that to be true for 802.11 captures
910 		 * as well; it appears to be the case for at least one
911 		 * such capture - the file doesn't have 0x34 and 0x12,
912 		 * and the 4 bytes at the end of the frames with 0xff
913 		 * are junk, not an FCS.
914 		 *
915 		 * For ISDN captures, it appears, at least in some
916 		 * captures, to be similar, although I haven't yet
917 		 * checked whether it's a valid FCS.
918 		 *
919 		 * XXX - should we do this for all encapsulation types?
920 		 *
921 		 * XXX - is there some other field that *really* indicates
922 		 * whether we have an FCS or not?  The check of the time
923 		 * stamp is bizarre, as we're checking the middle.
924 		 * Perhaps hdr.realtick[0] is 0x00, in which case time
925 		 * stamp units in the range 1192960 through 1193215
926 		 * correspond to captures with an FCS, but that's still
927 		 * a bit bizarre.
928 		 *
929 		 * Note that there are captures with a network type of 0
930 		 * (Ethernet) and capture type of 0 (NDIS) that do, and
931 		 * that don't, have 0x34 0x12 in them, and at least one
932 		 * of the NDIS captures with 0x34 0x12 in it has FCSes,
933 		 * so it's not as if no NDIS captures have an FCS.
934 		 *
935 		 * There are also captures with a network type of 4 (WAN),
936 		 * capture type of 6 (HDLC), and subtype of 2 (T1 PRI) that
937 		 * do, and that don't, have 0x34 0x12, so there are at least
938 		 * some captures taken with a WAN pod that might lack an FCS.
939 		 * (We haven't yet tried dissecting the 4 bytes at the
940 		 * end of packets with hdr_2_x.xxx[2] and hdr_2_x.xxx[3]
941 		 * equal to 0xff as an FCS.)
942 		 *
943 		 * All captures I've seen that have 0x34 and 0x12 *and*
944 		 * have at least one frame with an FCS have a value of
945 		 * 0x01 in xxx_x40[4].  No captures I've seen with a network
946 		 * type of 0 (Ethernet) missing 0x34 0x12 have 0x01 there,
947 		 * however.  However, there's at least one capture
948 		 * without 0x34 and 0x12, with a network type of 0,
949 		 * and with 0x01 in xxx_x40[4], *without* FCSes in the
950 		 * frames - the 4 bytes at the end are all zero - so it's
951 		 * not as simple as "xxx_x40[4] = 0x01 means the 4 bytes at
952 		 * the end are FCSes".  Also, there's also at least one
953 		 * 802.11 capture with an xxx_x40[4] value of 0x01 with junk
954 		 * rather than an FCS at the end of the frame, so xxx_x40[4]
955 		 * isn't an obvious flag to determine whether the
956 		 * capture has FCSes.
957 		 *
958 		 * There don't seem to be any other values in any of the
959 		 * xxx_x5..., xxx_x6...., xxx_x7.... fields
960 		 * that obviously correspond to frames having an FCS.
961 		 *
962 		 * 05/29/07: Examination of numerous sniffer captures suggests
963 		 *            that the apparent correlation of certain realtick
964 		 *            bytes to 'FCS presence' may actually be
965 		 *            a 'false positive'.
966 		 *           ToDo: Review analysis and update code.
967 		 *           It might be that the ticks-per-second value
968 		 *           is hardware-dependent, and that hardware with
969 		 *           a particular realtick value puts an FCS there
970 		 *	     and other hardware doesn't.
971 		 */
972 		if (version_major == 2) {
973 			if (hdr.realtick[1] == 0x34 && hdr.realtick[2] == 0x12)
974 				netxray->fcs_valid = TRUE;
975 		}
976 		break;
977 	}
979 	/*
980 	 * Remember the ISDN type, as we need it to interpret the
981 	 * channel number in ISDN captures.
982 	 */
983 	netxray->isdn_type = isdn_type;
985 	/* Remember the offset after the last packet in the capture (which
986 	 * isn't necessarily the last packet in the file), as it appears
987 	 * there's sometimes crud after it.
988 	 * XXX: Remember 'start_offset' to help testing for 'short file' at EOF
989 	 */
990 	netxray->wrapped      = FALSE;
991 	netxray->nframes      = pletoh32(&hdr.nframes);
992 	netxray->start_offset = pletoh32(&hdr.start_offset);
993 	netxray->end_offset   = pletoh32(&hdr.end_offset);
995 	/* Seek to the beginning of the data records. */
996 	if (file_seek(wth->fh, netxray->start_offset, SEEK_SET, err) == -1) {
997 		return WTAP_OPEN_ERROR;
998 	}
1000 	/*
1001 	 * Add an IDB; we don't know how many interfaces were
1002 	 * involved, so we just say one interface, about which
1003 	 * we only know the link-layer type, snapshot length,
1004 	 * and time stamp resolution.
1005 	 */
1006 	wtap_add_generated_idb(wth);
1008 	return WTAP_OPEN_MINE;
1009 }
1011 /* Read the next packet */
1012 static gboolean
1013 netxray_read(wtap *wth, wtap_rec *rec, Buffer *buf, int *err,
1014              gchar **err_info, gint64 *data_offset)
1015 {
1016 	netxray_t *netxray = (netxray_t *)wth->priv;
1017 	int	padding;
1019 reread:
1020 	/*
1021 	 * Return the offset of the record header, so we can reread it
1022 	 * if we go back to this frame.
1023 	 */
1024 	*data_offset = file_tell(wth->fh);
1026 	/* Have we reached the end of the packet data? */
1027 	if (*data_offset == netxray->end_offset) {
1028 		/* Yes. */
1029 		*err = 0;	/* it's just an EOF, not an error */
1030 		return FALSE;
1031 	}
1033 	/* Read and process record header. */
1034 	padding = netxray_process_rec_header(wth, wth->fh, rec, err, err_info);
1035 	if (padding < 0) {
1036 		/*
1037 		 * Error or EOF.
1038 		 */
1039 		if (*err != 0) {
1040 			/*
1041 			 * Error of some sort; give up.
1042 			 */
1043 			return FALSE;
1044 		}
1046 		/* We're at EOF.  Wrap?
1047 		 * XXX: Need to handle 'short file' cases
1048 		 *      (Distributed Sniffer seems to have a
1049 		 *	 certain small propensity to generate 'short' files
1050 		 *       i.e. [many] bytes are missing from the end of the file)
1051 		 *   case 1: start_offset < end_offset
1052 		 *           wrap will read already read packets again;
1053 		 *           so: error with "short file"
1054 		 *   case 2: start_offset > end_offset ("circular" file)
1055 		 *           wrap will mean there's a gap (missing packets).
1056 		 *	     However, I don't see a good way to identify this
1057 		 *           case so we'll just have to allow the wrap.
1058 		 *           (Maybe there can be an error message after all
1059 		 *            packets are read since there'll be less packets than
1060 		 *            specified in the file header).
1061 		 * Note that these cases occur *only* if a 'short' eof occurs exactly
1062 		 * at the expected beginning of a frame header record; If there is a
1063 		 * partial frame header (or partial frame data) record, then the
1064 		 * netxray_read... functions will detect the short record.
1065 		 */
1066 		if (netxray->start_offset < netxray->end_offset) {
1067 			*err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ;
1068 			return FALSE;
1069 		}
1071 		if (!netxray->wrapped) {
1072 			/* Yes.  Remember that we did. */
1073 			netxray->wrapped = TRUE;
1074 			if (file_seek(wth->fh, CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE,
1075 			    SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
1076 				return FALSE;
1077 			goto reread;
1078 		}
1080 		/* We've already wrapped - don't wrap again. */
1081 		return FALSE;
1082 	}
1084 	/*
1085 	 * Read the packet data.
1086 	 */
1087 	if (!wtap_read_packet_bytes(wth->fh, buf,
1088 	    rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen, err, err_info))
1089 		return FALSE;
1091 	/*
1092 	 * If there's extra stuff at the end of the record, skip it.
1093 	 */
1094 	if (!wtap_read_bytes(wth->fh, NULL, padding, err, err_info))
1095 		return FALSE;
1097 	/*
1098 	 * If it's an ATM packet, and we don't have enough information
1099 	 * from the packet header to determine its type or subtype,
1100 	 * attempt to guess them from the packet data.
1101 	 */
1102 	netxray_guess_atm_type(wth, rec, buf);
1103 	return TRUE;
1104 }
1106 static gboolean
1107 netxray_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off,
1108 		  wtap_rec *rec, Buffer *buf,
1109 		  int *err, gchar **err_info)
1110 {
1111 	if (file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
1112 		return FALSE;
1114 	if (netxray_process_rec_header(wth, wth->random_fh, rec, err,
1115 	    err_info) == -1) {
1116 		if (*err == 0) {
1117 			/*
1118 			 * EOF - we report that as a short read, as
1119 			 * we've read this once and know that it
1120 			 * should be there.
1121 			 */
1122 			*err = WTAP_ERR_SHORT_READ;
1123 		}
1124 		return FALSE;
1125 	}
1127 	/*
1128 	 * Read the packet data.
1129 	 */
1130 	if (!wtap_read_packet_bytes(wth->random_fh, buf, rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen, err,
1131 	    err_info))
1132 		return FALSE;
1134 	/*
1135 	 * If it's an ATM packet, and we don't have enough information
1136 	 * from the packet header to determine its type or subtype,
1137 	 * attempt to guess them from the packet data.
1138 	 */
1139 	netxray_guess_atm_type(wth, rec, buf);
1140 	return TRUE;
1141 }
1143 static int
1144 netxray_process_rec_header(wtap *wth, FILE_T fh, wtap_rec *rec,
1145 			int *err, gchar **err_info)
1146 {
1147 	netxray_t *netxray = (netxray_t *)wth->priv;
1148 	union netxrayrec_hdr hdr;
1149 	int	hdr_size = 0;
1150 	double	t;
1151 	int	packet_size;
1152 	int	padding = 0;
1154 	/* Read record header. */
1155 	switch (netxray->version_major) {
1157 	case 0:
1158 		hdr_size = sizeof (struct old_netxrayrec_hdr);
1159 		break;
1161 	case 1:
1162 		hdr_size = sizeof (struct netxrayrec_1_x_hdr);
1163 		break;
1165 	case 2:
1166 		hdr_size = sizeof (struct netxrayrec_2_x_hdr);
1167 		break;
1168 	}
1169 	if (!wtap_read_bytes_or_eof(fh, (void *)&hdr, hdr_size, err, err_info)) {
1170 		/*
1171 		 * If *err is 0, we're at EOF.  *err being 0 and a return
1172 		 * value of -1 tells our caller we're at EOF.
1173 		 *
1174 		 * Otherwise, we got an error, and *err *not* being 0
1175 		 * and a return value tells our caller we have an error.
1176 		 */
1177 		return -1;
1178 	}
1180 	/*
1181 	 * If this is Ethernet, 802.11, ISDN, X.25, or ATM, set the
1182 	 * pseudo-header.
1183 	 */
1184 	switch (netxray->version_major) {
1186 	case 1:
1187 		switch (wth->file_encap) {
1190 			/*
1191 			 * XXX - if hdr_1_x.xxx[15] is 1
1192 			 * the frame appears not to have any extra
1193 			 * stuff at the end, but if it's 0,
1194 			 * there appears to be 4 bytes of stuff
1195 			 * at the end, but it's not an FCS.
1196 			 *
1197 			 * Or is that just the low-order bit?
1198 			 *
1199 			 * For now, we just say "no FCS".
1200 			 */
1201 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.eth.fcs_len = 0;
1202 			break;
1203 		}
1204 		break;
1206 	case 2:
1207 		switch (wth->file_encap) {
1210 			/*
1211 			 * It appears, at least with version 2 captures,
1212 			 * that we have 4 bytes of stuff (which might be
1213 			 * a valid FCS or might be junk) at the end of
1214 			 * the packet if hdr_2_x.xxx[2] and
1215 			 * hdr_2_x.xxx[3] are 0xff, and we don't if
1216 			 * they don't.
1217 			 *
1218 			 * It also appears that if the low-order bit of
1219 			 * hdr_2_x.xxx[8] is set, the packet has a
1220 			 * bad FCS.
1221 			 */
1222 			if (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[2] == 0xff &&
1223 			    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[3] == 0xff) {
1224 				/*
1225 				 * We have 4 bytes of stuff at the
1226 				 * end of the frame - FCS, or junk?
1227 				 */
1228 				if (netxray->fcs_valid) {
1229 					/*
1230 					 * FCS.
1231 					 */
1232 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.eth.fcs_len = 4;
1233 				} else {
1234 					/*
1235 					 * Junk.
1236 					 */
1237 					padding = 4;
1238 				}
1239 			} else
1240 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.eth.fcs_len = 0;
1241 			break;
1243 		case WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11_WITH_RADIO:
1244 			/*
1245 			 * It appears, in one 802.11 capture, that
1246 			 * we have 4 bytes of junk at the ends of
1247 			 * frames in which hdr_2_x.xxx[2] and
1248 			 * hdr_2_x.xxx[3] are 0xff; I haven't
1249 			 * seen any frames where it's an FCS, but,
1250 			 * for now, we still check the fcs_valid
1251 			 * flag - I also haven't seen any capture
1252 			 * where we'd set it based on the realtick
1253 			 * value.
1254 			 *
1255 			 * It also appears that if the low-order bit of
1256 			 * hdr_2_x.xxx[8] is set, the packet has a
1257 			 * bad FCS.  According to Ken Mann, the 0x4 bit
1258 			 * is sometimes also set for errors.
1259 			 *
1260 			 * Ken also says that xxx[11] is 0x5 when the
1261 			 * packet is WEP-encrypted.
1262 			 */
1263 			memset(&rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11, 0, sizeof(rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11));
1264 			if (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[2] == 0xff &&
1265 			    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[3] == 0xff) {
1266 				/*
1267 				 * We have 4 bytes of stuff at the
1268 				 * end of the frame - FCS, or junk?
1269 				 */
1270 				if (netxray->fcs_valid) {
1271 					/*
1272 					 * FCS.
1273 					 */
1274 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.fcs_len = 4;
1275 				} else {
1276 					/*
1277 					 * Junk.
1278 					 */
1279 					padding = 4;
1280 				}
1281 			} else
1282 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.fcs_len = 0;
1284 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.decrypted = FALSE;
1285 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.datapad = FALSE;
1286 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.phy = PHDR_802_11_PHY_UNKNOWN;
1288 			/*
1289 			 * XXX - any other information, such as PHY
1290 			 * type, frequency, 11n/11ac information,
1291 			 * etc.?
1292 			 */
1293 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.has_channel = TRUE;
1294 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.channel =
1295 			    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[12];
1297 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.has_data_rate = TRUE;
1298 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.data_rate =
1299 			    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[13];
1301 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.has_signal_percent = TRUE;
1302 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.signal_percent =
1303 			    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[14];
1305 			/*
1306 			 * According to Ken Mann, at least in the captures
1307 			 * he's seen, xxx[15] is the noise level, which
1308 			 * is either 0xFF meaning "none reported" or a value
1309 			 * from 0x00 to 0x7F for 0 to 100%.
1310 			 */
1311 			if (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[15] != 0xFF) {
1312 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.has_noise_percent = TRUE;
1313 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.ieee_802_11.noise_percent =
1314 				    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[15]*100/127;
1315 			}
1316 			break;
1318 		case WTAP_ENCAP_ISDN:
1319 			/*
1320 			 * ISDN.
1321 			 *
1322 			 * The bottommost bit of byte 12 of hdr_2_x.xxx
1323 			 * is the direction flag.
1324 			 *
1325 			 * The bottom 5 bits of byte 13 of hdr_2_x.xxx
1326 			 * are the channel number, but some mapping is
1327 			 * required for PRI.  (Is it really just the time
1328 			 * slot?)
1329 			 */
1330 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.uton =
1331 			    (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[12] & 0x01);
1332 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel =
1333 			    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[13] & 0x1F;
1334 			switch (netxray->isdn_type) {
1336 			case 1:
1337 				/*
1338 				 * E1 PRI.  Channel numbers 0 and 16
1339 				 * are the D channel; channel numbers 1
1340 				 * through 15 are B1 through B15; channel
1341 				 * numbers 17 through 31 are B16 through
1342 				 * B31.
1343 				 */
1344 				if (rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel == 16)
1345 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel = 0;
1346 				else if (rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel > 16)
1347 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel -= 1;
1348 				break;
1350 			case 2:
1351 				/*
1352 				 * T1 PRI.  Channel numbers 0 and 24
1353 				 * are the D channel; channel numbers 1
1354 				 * through 23 are B1 through B23.
1355 				 */
1356 				if (rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel == 24)
1357 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel = 0;
1358 				else if (rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel > 24)
1359 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.isdn.channel -= 1;
1360 				break;
1361 			}
1363 			/*
1364 			 * It appears, at least with version 2 captures,
1365 			 * that we have 4 bytes of stuff (which might be
1366 			 * a valid FCS or might be junk) at the end of
1367 			 * the packet if hdr_2_x.xxx[2] and
1368 			 * hdr_2_x.xxx[3] are 0xff, and we don't if
1369 			 * they don't.
1370 			 *
1371 			 * XXX - does the low-order bit of hdr_2_x.xxx[8]
1372 			 * indicate a bad FCS, as is the case with
1373 			 * Ethernet?
1374 			 */
1375 			if (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[2] == 0xff &&
1376 			    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[3] == 0xff) {
1377 				/*
1378 				 * FCS, or junk, at the end.
1379 				 * XXX - is it an FCS if "fcs_valid" is
1380 				 * true?
1381 				 */
1382 				padding = 4;
1383 			}
1384 			break;
1386 		case WTAP_ENCAP_LAPB:
1388 			/*
1389 			 * LAPB/X.25 and Frame Relay.
1390 			 *
1391 			 * The bottommost bit of byte 12 of hdr_2_x.xxx
1392 			 * is the direction flag.  (Probably true for other
1393 			 * HDLC encapsulations as well.)
1394 			 */
1395 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.dte_dce.flags =
1396 			    (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[12] & 0x01) ? 0x00 : FROM_DCE;
1398 			/*
1399 			 * It appears, at least with version 2 captures,
1400 			 * that we have 4 bytes of stuff (which might be
1401 			 * a valid FCS or might be junk) at the end of
1402 			 * the packet if hdr_2_x.xxx[2] and
1403 			 * hdr_2_x.xxx[3] are 0xff, and we don't if
1404 			 * they don't.
1405 			 *
1406 			 * XXX - does the low-order bit of hdr_2_x.xxx[8]
1407 			 * indicate a bad FCS, as is the case with
1408 			 * Ethernet?
1409 			 */
1410 			if (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[2] == 0xff &&
1411 			    hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[3] == 0xff) {
1412 				/*
1413 				 * FCS, or junk, at the end.
1414 				 * XXX - is it an FCS if "fcs_valid" is
1415 				 * true?
1416 				 */
1417 				padding = 4;
1418 			}
1419 			break;
1422 		case WTAP_ENCAP_SDLC:
1424 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.p2p.sent =
1425 			    (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[12] & 0x01) ? TRUE : FALSE;
1426 			break;
1429 			/*
1430 			 * XXX - the low-order bit of hdr_2_x.xxx[8]
1431 			 * seems to indicate some sort of error.  In
1432 			 * at least one capture, a number of packets
1433 			 * have that flag set, and they appear either
1434 			 * to be the beginning part of an incompletely
1435 			 * reassembled AAL5 PDU, with either checksum
1436 			 * errors at higher levels (possibly due to
1437 			 * the packet being reported as shorter than
1438 			 * it actually is, and checksumming failing
1439 			 * because it doesn't include all the data)
1440 			 * or "Malformed frame" errors from being
1441 			 * too short, or appear to be later parts
1442 			 * of an incompletely reassembled AAL5 PDU
1443 			 * with the last one in a sequence of errors
1444 			 * having what looks like an AAL5 trailer,
1445 			 * with a length and checksum.
1446 			 *
1447 			 * Does it just mean "reassembly failed",
1448 			 * as appears to be the case in those
1449 			 * packets, or does it mean "CRC error"
1450 			 * at the AAL5 layer (which would be the
1451 			 * case if you were treating an incompletely
1452 			 * reassembled PDU as a completely reassembled
1453 			 * PDU, although you'd also expect a length
1454 			 * error in that case), or does it mean
1455 			 * "generic error", with some other flag
1456 			 * or flags indicating what particular
1457 			 * error occurred?  The documentation
1458 			 * for Sniffer Pro 4.7 indicates a bunch
1459 			 * of different error types, both in general
1460 			 * and for ATM in particular.
1461 			 *
1462 			 * No obvious bits in hdr_2_x.xxx appear
1463 			 * to be additional flags of that sort.
1464 			 *
1465 			 * XXX - in that capture, I see several
1466 			 * reassembly errors in a row; should those
1467 			 * packets be reassembled in the ATM dissector?
1468 			 * What happens if a reassembly fails because
1469 			 * a cell is bad?
1470 			 */
1471 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.flags = 0;
1472 			if (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[8] & 0x01)
1473 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.flags |= ATM_REASSEMBLY_ERROR;
1474 			/*
1475 			 * XXX - is 0x08 an "OAM cell" flag?
1476 			 * Are the 0x01 and 0x02 bits error indications?
1477 			 * Some packets in one capture that have the
1478 			 * 0x01 bit set in hdr_2_x.xxx[8] and that
1479 			 * appear to have been reassembled completely
1480 			 * but have a bad CRC have 0x03 in hdr_2_x.xxx[9]
1481 			 * (and don't have the 0x20 bit set).
1482 			 *
1483 			 * In the capture with incomplete reassemblies,
1484 			 * all packets have the 0x20 bit set.  In at
1485 			 * least some of the captures with complete
1486 			 * reassemblies with CRC errors, no packets
1487 			 * have the 0x20 bit set.
1488 			 *
1489 			 * Are hdr_2_x.xxx[8] and hdr_2_x.xxx[9] a 16-bit
1490 			 * flag field?
1491 			 */
1492 			if (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[9] & 0x04)
1493 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.flags |= ATM_RAW_CELL;
1494 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.vpi = hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[11];
1495 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.vci = pletoh16(&hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[12]);
1496 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.channel =
1497 			    (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[15] & 0x10)? 1 : 0;
1498 			rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.cells = 0;
1500 			/*
1501 			 * XXX - the uppermost bit of hdr_2_xxx[0]
1502 			 * looks as if it might be a flag of some sort.
1503 			 * The remaining 3 bits appear to be an AAL
1504 			 * type - 5 is, surprise surprise, AAL5.
1505 			 */
1506 			switch (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[0] & 0x70) {
1508 			case 0x00:	/* Unknown */
1509 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.aal = AAL_UNKNOWN;
1510 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_UNKNOWN;
1511 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;
1512 				break;
1514 			case 0x10:	/* XXX - AAL1? */
1515 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.aal = AAL_UNKNOWN;
1516 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_UNKNOWN;
1517 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;
1518 				break;
1520 			case 0x20:	/* XXX - AAL2?  */
1521 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.aal = AAL_UNKNOWN;
1522 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_UNKNOWN;
1523 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;
1524 				break;
1526 			case 0x40:	/* XXX - AAL3/4? */
1527 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.aal = AAL_UNKNOWN;
1528 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_UNKNOWN;
1529 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;
1530 				break;
1532 			case 0x30:	/* XXX - AAL5 cells seen with this */
1533 			case 0x50:	/* AAL5 (including signalling) */
1534 			case 0x60:	/* XXX - AAL5 cells seen with this */
1535 			case 0x70:	/* XXX - AAL5 cells seen with this */
1536 				rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.aal = AAL_5;
1537 				/*
1538 				 * XXX - is the 0x08 bit of hdr_2_x.xxx[0]
1539 				 * a flag?  I've not yet seen a case where
1540 				 * it matters.
1541 				 */
1542 				switch (hdr.hdr_2_x.xxx[0] & 0x07) {
1544 				case 0x01:
1545 				case 0x02:	/* Signalling traffic */
1546 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.aal = AAL_SIGNALLING;
1547 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_UNKNOWN;
1548 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;
1549 					break;
1551 				case 0x03:	/* ILMI */
1552 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_ILMI;
1553 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;
1554 					break;
1556 				case 0x00:
1557 				case 0x04:
1558 				case 0x05:
1559 					/*
1560 					 * I've seen a frame with type
1561 					 * 0x30 and subtype 0x08 that
1562 					 * was LANE 802.3, a frame
1563 					 * with type 0x30 and subtype
1564 					 * 0x04 that was LANE 802.3,
1565 					 * and another frame with type
1566 					 * 0x30 and subtype 0x08 that
1567 					 * was junk with a string in
1568 					 * it that had also appeared
1569 					 * in some CDP and LE Control
1570 					 * frames, and that was preceded
1571 					 * by a malformed LE Control
1572 					 * frame - was that a reassembly
1573 					 * failure?
1574 					 *
1575 					 * I've seen frames with type
1576 					 * 0x50 and subtype 0x0c, some
1577 					 * of which were LE Control
1578 					 * frames, and at least one
1579 					 * of which was neither an LE
1580 					 * Control frame nor a LANE
1581 					 * 802.3 frame, and contained
1582 					 * the string "ForeThought_6.2.1
1583 					 * Alpha" - does that imply
1584 					 * FORE's own encapsulation,
1585 					 * or was this a reassembly failure?
1586 					 * The latter frame was preceded
1587 					 * by a malformed LE Control
1588 					 * frame.
1589 					 *
1590 					 * I've seen a couple of frames
1591 					 * with type 0x60 and subtype 0x00,
1592 					 * one of which was LANE 802.3 and
1593 					 * one of which was LE Control.
1594 					 * I've seen one frame with type
1595 					 * 0x60 and subtype 0x0c, which
1596 					 * was LANE 802.3.
1597 					 *
1598 					 * I've seen a couple of frames
1599 					 * with type 0x70 and subtype 0x00,
1600 					 * both of which were LANE 802.3.
1601 					 */
1602 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_LANE;
1603 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;
1604 					break;
1606 				case 0x06:	/* XXX - not seen yet */
1607 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_UNKNOWN;
1608 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;
1609 					break;
1611 				case 0x07:	/* LLC multiplexed */
1612 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type = TRAF_LLCMX;	/* XXX */
1613 					rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.subtype = TRAF_ST_UNKNOWN;	/* XXX */
1614 					break;
1615 				}
1616 				break;
1617 			}
1618 			break;
1619 		}
1620 		break;
1621 	}
1623 	rec->rec_type = REC_TYPE_PACKET;
1624 	rec->block = wtap_block_create(WTAP_BLOCK_PACKET);
1625 	if (netxray->version_major == 0) {
1626 		rec->presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_TS;
1627 		t = (double)pletoh32(&hdr.old_hdr.timelo)
1628 		    + (double)pletoh32(&hdr.old_hdr.timehi)*4294967296.0;
1629 		t /= netxray->ticks_per_sec;
1630 		t -= netxray->start_timestamp;
1631 		rec->ts.secs = netxray->start_time + (long)t;
1632 		rec->ts.nsecs = (int)((t-(double)(unsigned long)(t))
1633 			*1.0e9);
1634 		/*
1635 		 * We subtract the padding from the packet size, so our caller
1636 		 * doesn't see it.
1637 		 */
1638 		packet_size = pletoh16(&hdr.old_hdr.len);
1639 		rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen = packet_size - padding;
1640 		rec->rec_header.packet_header.len = rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen;
1641 	} else {
1642 		rec->presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_TS|WTAP_HAS_CAP_LEN;
1643 		t = (double)pletoh32(&hdr.hdr_1_x.timelo)
1644 		    + (double)pletoh32(&hdr.hdr_1_x.timehi)*4294967296.0;
1645 		t /= netxray->ticks_per_sec;
1646 		t -= netxray->start_timestamp;
1647 		rec->ts.secs = netxray->start_time + (time_t)t;
1648 		rec->ts.nsecs = (int)((t-(double)(unsigned long)(t))
1649 			*1.0e9);
1650 		/*
1651 		 * We subtract the padding from the packet size, so our caller
1652 		 * doesn't see it.
1653 		 */
1654 		packet_size = pletoh16(&hdr.hdr_1_x.incl_len);
1655 		rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen = packet_size - padding;
1656 		rec->rec_header.packet_header.len = pletoh16(&hdr.hdr_1_x.orig_len) - padding;
1657 	}
1659 	return padding;
1660 }
1662 static void
1663 netxray_guess_atm_type(wtap *wth, wtap_rec *rec, Buffer *buf)
1664 {
1665 	const guint8 *pd;
1667 	if (wth->file_encap == WTAP_ENCAP_ATM_PDUS_UNTRUNCATED &&
1668 	   !(rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.flags & ATM_REASSEMBLY_ERROR)) {
1669 		if (rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.aal == AAL_UNKNOWN) {
1670 			/*
1671 			 * Try to guess the type and subtype based
1672 			 * on the VPI/VCI and packet contents.
1673 			 */
1674 			pd = ws_buffer_start_ptr(buf);
1675 			atm_guess_traffic_type(rec, pd);
1676 		} else if (rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.aal == AAL_5 &&
1677 		    rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header.atm.type == TRAF_LANE) {
1678 			/*
1679 			 * Try to guess the subtype based on the
1680 			 * packet contents.
1681 			 */
1682 			pd = ws_buffer_start_ptr(buf);
1683 			atm_guess_lane_type(rec, pd);
1684 		}
1685 	}
1686 }
1688 typedef struct {
1689 	gboolean first_frame;
1690 	nstime_t start;
1691 	guint32	nframes;
1692 } netxray_dump_t;
1694 static const struct {
1695 	int	wtap_encap_value;
1696 	int	ndis_value;
1697 } wtap_encap_1_1[] = {
1698 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET, 0 },		/* -> NDIS Ethernet */
1699 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_TOKEN_RING, 1 },		/* -> NDIS Token Ring */
1700 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_FDDI, 2 },			/* -> NDIS FDDI */
1702 };
1703 #define NUM_WTAP_ENCAPS_1_1 (sizeof wtap_encap_1_1 / sizeof wtap_encap_1_1[0])
1705 static int
1706 wtap_encap_to_netxray_1_1_encap(int encap)
1707 {
1708 	unsigned int i;
1710 	for (i = 0; i < NUM_WTAP_ENCAPS_1_1; i++) {
1711 		if (encap == wtap_encap_1_1[i].wtap_encap_value)
1712 			return wtap_encap_1_1[i].ndis_value;
1713 	}
1715 	return -1;
1716 }
1718 /* Returns 0 if we could write the specified encapsulation type,
1719    an error indication otherwise. */
1720 static int
1721 netxray_dump_can_write_encap_1_1(int encap)
1722 {
1723 	/* Per-packet encapsulations aren't supported. */
1724 	if (encap == WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET)
1727 	if (wtap_encap_to_netxray_1_1_encap(encap) == -1)
1730 	return 0;
1731 }
1733 /* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure; sets "*err" to an error code on
1734    failure */
1735 static gboolean
1736 netxray_dump_open_1_1(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_)
1737 {
1738 	netxray_dump_t *netxray;
1740 	wdh->subtype_write = netxray_dump_1_1;
1741 	wdh->subtype_finish = netxray_dump_finish_1_1;
1743 	/* We can't fill in all the fields in the file header, as we
1744 	   haven't yet written any packets.  As we'll have to rewrite
1745 	   the header when we've written out all the packets, we just
1746 	   skip over the header for now. */
1747 	if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
1748 		return FALSE;
1749 	wdh->bytes_dumped += CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE;
1751 	netxray = g_new(netxray_dump_t, 1);
1752 	wdh->priv = (void *)netxray;
1753 	netxray->first_frame = TRUE;
1754 	netxray->start.secs = 0;
1755 	netxray->start.nsecs = 0;
1756 	netxray->nframes = 0;
1758 	return TRUE;
1759 }
1761 /* Write a record for a packet to a dump file.
1762    Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */
1763 static gboolean
1764 netxray_dump_1_1(wtap_dumper *wdh,
1765 		 const wtap_rec *rec,
1766 		 const guint8 *pd, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_)
1767 {
1768 	netxray_dump_t *netxray = (netxray_dump_t *)wdh->priv;
1769 	guint64 timestamp;
1770 	guint32 t32;
1771 	struct netxrayrec_1_x_hdr rec_hdr;
1773 	/* We can only write packet records. */
1774 	if (rec->rec_type != REC_TYPE_PACKET) {
1776 		return FALSE;
1777 	}
1779 	/*
1780 	 * Make sure this packet doesn't have a link-layer type that
1781 	 * differs from the one for the file.
1782 	 */
1783 	if (wdh->encap != rec->rec_header.packet_header.pkt_encap) {
1785 		return FALSE;
1786 	}
1788 	/* The captured length field is 16 bits, so there's a hard
1789 	   limit of 65535. */
1790 	if (rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen > 65535) {
1792 		return FALSE;
1793 	}
1795 	/* NetXRay/Windows Sniffer files have a capture start date/time
1796 	   in the header, in a UNIX-style format, with one-second resolution,
1797 	   and a start time stamp with microsecond resolution that's just
1798 	   an arbitrary time stamp relative to some unknown time (boot
1799 	   time?), and have times relative to the start time stamp in
1800 	   the packet headers; pick the seconds value of the time stamp
1801 	   of the first packet as the UNIX-style start date/time, and make
1802 	   the high-resolution start time stamp 0, with the time stamp of
1803 	   packets being the delta between the stamp of the packet and
1804 	   the stamp of the first packet with the microseconds part 0. */
1805 	if (netxray->first_frame) {
1806 		netxray->first_frame = FALSE;
1807 		netxray->start = rec->ts;
1808 	}
1810 	/* build the header for each packet */
1811 	memset(&rec_hdr, '\0', sizeof(rec_hdr));
1812 	timestamp = ((guint64)rec->ts.secs - (guint64)netxray->start.secs)*1000000
1813 		+ ((guint64)rec->ts.nsecs)/1000;
1814 	t32 = (guint32)(timestamp%G_GINT64_CONSTANT(4294967296));
1815 	rec_hdr.timelo = GUINT32_TO_LE(t32);
1816 	t32 = (guint32)(timestamp/G_GINT64_CONSTANT(4294967296));
1817 	rec_hdr.timehi = GUINT32_TO_LE(t32);
1818 	rec_hdr.orig_len = GUINT16_TO_LE(rec->rec_header.packet_header.len);
1819 	rec_hdr.incl_len = GUINT16_TO_LE(rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen);
1821 	if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &rec_hdr, sizeof(rec_hdr), err))
1822 		return FALSE;
1823 	wdh->bytes_dumped += sizeof(rec_hdr);
1825 	/* write the packet data */
1826 	if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, pd, rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen, err))
1827 		return FALSE;
1828 	wdh->bytes_dumped += rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen;
1830 	netxray->nframes++;
1832 	return TRUE;
1833 }
1835 /* Finish writing to a dump file.
1836    Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */
1837 static gboolean
1838 netxray_dump_finish_1_1(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_)
1839 {
1840 	char hdr_buf[CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE - sizeof(netxray_magic)];
1841 	netxray_dump_t *netxray = (netxray_dump_t *)wdh->priv;
1842 	gint64 filelen;
1843 	struct netxray_hdr file_hdr;
1845 	if (-1 == (filelen = wtap_dump_file_tell(wdh, err)))
1846 		return FALSE;
1848 	/* Go back to beginning */
1849 	if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, 0, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
1850 		return FALSE;
1852 	/* Rewrite the file header. */
1853 	if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, netxray_magic, sizeof netxray_magic, err))
1854 		return FALSE;
1856 	/* "sniffer" version ? */
1857 	memset(&file_hdr, '\0', sizeof file_hdr);
1858 	memcpy(file_hdr.version, vers_1_1, sizeof vers_1_1);
1859 	file_hdr.start_time = GUINT32_TO_LE(netxray->start.secs);
1860 	file_hdr.nframes = GUINT32_TO_LE(netxray->nframes);
1861 	file_hdr.start_offset = GUINT32_TO_LE(CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE);
1862 	/* XXX - large files? */
1863 	file_hdr.end_offset = GUINT32_TO_LE((guint32)filelen);
1864 	file_hdr.network = wtap_encap_to_netxray_1_1_encap(wdh->encap);
1865 	file_hdr.timelo = GUINT32_TO_LE(0);
1866 	file_hdr.timehi = GUINT32_TO_LE(0);
1868 	memset(hdr_buf, '\0', sizeof hdr_buf);
1869 	memcpy(hdr_buf, &file_hdr, sizeof(file_hdr));
1870 	if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, hdr_buf, sizeof hdr_buf, err))
1871 		return FALSE;
1873 	return TRUE;
1874 }
1876 static const struct {
1877 	int	wtap_encap_value;
1878 	int	ndis_value;
1879 } wtap_encap_2_0[] = {
1880 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET, 0 },			/* -> NDIS Ethernet */
1881 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_TOKEN_RING, 1 },		/* -> NDIS Token Ring */
1882 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_FDDI, 2 },			/* -> NDIS FDDI */
1884 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_PPP_WITH_PHDR, 3 },		/* -> NDIS WAN */
1885 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_FRELAY_WITH_PHDR, 3 },		/* -> NDIS WAN */
1886 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_LAPB, 3 },			/* -> NDIS WAN */
1887 	{ WTAP_ENCAP_SDLC, 3 },			/* -> NDIS WAN */
1888 };
1889 #define NUM_WTAP_ENCAPS_2_0 (sizeof wtap_encap_2_0 / sizeof wtap_encap_2_0[0])
1891 static int
1892 wtap_encap_to_netxray_2_0_encap(int encap)
1893 {
1894 	unsigned int i;
1896 	for (i = 0; i < NUM_WTAP_ENCAPS_2_0; i++) {
1897 		if (encap == wtap_encap_2_0[i].wtap_encap_value)
1898 			return wtap_encap_2_0[i].ndis_value;
1899 	}
1901 	return -1;
1902 }
1904 /* Returns 0 if we could write the specified encapsulation type,
1905    an error indication otherwise. */
1906 static int
1907 netxray_dump_can_write_encap_2_0(int encap)
1908 {
1909 	/* Per-packet encapsulations aren't supported. */
1910 	if (encap == WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET)
1913 	if (wtap_encap_to_netxray_2_0_encap(encap) == -1)
1916 	return 0;
1917 }
1919 /* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure; sets "*err" to an error code on
1920    failure */
1921 static gboolean
1922 netxray_dump_open_2_0(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_)
1923 {
1924 	netxray_dump_t *netxray;
1926 	wdh->subtype_write = netxray_dump_2_0;
1927 	wdh->subtype_finish = netxray_dump_finish_2_0;
1929 	/* We can't fill in all the fields in the file header, as we
1930 	   haven't yet written any packets.  As we'll have to rewrite
1931 	   the header when we've written out all the packets, we just
1932 	   skip over the header for now. */
1933 	if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
1934 		return FALSE;
1936 	wdh->bytes_dumped += CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE;
1938 	netxray = g_new(netxray_dump_t, 1);
1939 	wdh->priv = (void *)netxray;
1940 	netxray->first_frame = TRUE;
1941 	netxray->start.secs = 0;
1942 	netxray->start.nsecs = 0;
1943 	netxray->nframes = 0;
1945 	return TRUE;
1946 }
1948 /* Write a record for a packet to a dump file.
1949    Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */
1950 static gboolean
1951 netxray_dump_2_0(wtap_dumper *wdh,
1952 		 const wtap_rec *rec,
1953 		 const guint8 *pd, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_)
1954 {
1955 	const union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header = &rec->rec_header.packet_header.pseudo_header;
1956 	netxray_dump_t *netxray = (netxray_dump_t *)wdh->priv;
1957 	guint64 timestamp;
1958 	guint32 t32;
1959 	struct netxrayrec_2_x_hdr rec_hdr;
1961 	/* We can only write packet records. */
1962 	if (rec->rec_type != REC_TYPE_PACKET) {
1964 		return FALSE;
1965 	}
1967 	/*
1968 	 * Make sure this packet doesn't have a link-layer type that
1969 	 * differs from the one for the file.
1970 	 */
1971 	if (wdh->encap != rec->rec_header.packet_header.pkt_encap) {
1973 		return FALSE;
1974 	}
1976 	/* Don't write anything we're not willing to read. */
1977 	if (rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen > WTAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_STANDARD) {
1979 		return FALSE;
1980 	}
1982 	/* NetXRay/Windows Sniffer files have a capture start date/time
1983 	   in the header, in a UNIX-style format, with one-second resolution,
1984 	   and a start time stamp with microsecond resolution that's just
1985 	   an arbitrary time stamp relative to some unknown time (boot
1986 	   time?), and have times relative to the start time stamp in
1987 	   the packet headers; pick the seconds value of the time stamp
1988 	   of the first packet as the UNIX-style start date/time, and make
1989 	   the high-resolution start time stamp 0, with the time stamp of
1990 	   packets being the delta between the stamp of the packet and
1991 	   the stamp of the first packet with the microseconds part 0. */
1992 	if (netxray->first_frame) {
1993 		netxray->first_frame = FALSE;
1994 		netxray->start = rec->ts;
1995 	}
1997 	/* build the header for each packet */
1998 	memset(&rec_hdr, '\0', sizeof(rec_hdr));
1999 	timestamp = ((guint64)rec->ts.secs - (guint64)netxray->start.secs)*1000000
2000 		+ ((guint64)rec->ts.nsecs)/1000;
2001 	t32 = (guint32)(timestamp%G_GINT64_CONSTANT(4294967296));
2002 	rec_hdr.timelo = GUINT32_TO_LE(t32);
2003 	t32 = (guint32)(timestamp/G_GINT64_CONSTANT(4294967296));
2004 	rec_hdr.timehi = GUINT32_TO_LE(t32);
2005 	rec_hdr.orig_len = GUINT16_TO_LE(rec->rec_header.packet_header.len);
2006 	rec_hdr.incl_len = GUINT16_TO_LE(rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen);
2008 	switch (rec->rec_header.packet_header.pkt_encap) {
2010 	case WTAP_ENCAP_IEEE_802_11_WITH_RADIO:
2011 		rec_hdr.xxx[12] =
2012 		    pseudo_header->ieee_802_11.has_channel ?
2013 		      pseudo_header->ieee_802_11.channel :
2014 		      0;
2015 		rec_hdr.xxx[13] =
2016 		    pseudo_header->ieee_802_11.has_data_rate ?
2017 		      (guint8)pseudo_header->ieee_802_11.data_rate :
2018 		      0;
2019 		rec_hdr.xxx[14] =
2020 		    pseudo_header->ieee_802_11.has_signal_percent ?
2021 		      pseudo_header->ieee_802_11.signal_percent :
2022 		      0;
2023 		rec_hdr.xxx[15] =
2024 		    pseudo_header->ieee_802_11.has_noise_percent ?
2025 		      pseudo_header->ieee_802_11.noise_percent*127/100 :
2026 		      0xFF;
2027 		break;
2030 	case WTAP_ENCAP_SDLC:
2031 		rec_hdr.xxx[12] |= pseudo_header->p2p.sent ? 0x01 : 0x00;
2032 		break;
2035 		rec_hdr.xxx[12] |= (pseudo_header->dte_dce.flags & FROM_DCE) ? 0x00 : 0x01;
2036 		break;
2037 	}
2039 	if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, &rec_hdr, sizeof(rec_hdr), err))
2040 		return FALSE;
2041 	wdh->bytes_dumped += sizeof(rec_hdr);
2043 	/* write the packet data */
2044 	if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, pd, rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen, err))
2045 		return FALSE;
2046 	wdh->bytes_dumped += rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen;
2048 	netxray->nframes++;
2050 	return TRUE;
2051 }
2053 /* Finish writing to a dump file.
2054    Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */
2055 static gboolean
2056 netxray_dump_finish_2_0(wtap_dumper *wdh, int *err, gchar **err_info _U_)
2057 {
2058 	char hdr_buf[CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE - sizeof(netxray_magic)];
2059 	netxray_dump_t *netxray = (netxray_dump_t *)wdh->priv;
2060 	gint64 filelen;
2061 	struct netxray_hdr file_hdr;
2063 	if (-1 == (filelen = wtap_dump_file_tell(wdh, err)))
2064 		return FALSE;
2066 	/* Go back to beginning */
2067 	if (wtap_dump_file_seek(wdh, 0, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
2068 		return FALSE;
2070 	/* Rewrite the file header. */
2071 	if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, netxray_magic, sizeof netxray_magic, err))
2072 		return FALSE;
2074 	/* "sniffer" version ? */
2075 	memset(&file_hdr, '\0', sizeof file_hdr);
2076 	memcpy(file_hdr.version, vers_2_001, sizeof vers_2_001);
2077 	file_hdr.start_time = GUINT32_TO_LE(netxray->start.secs);
2078 	file_hdr.nframes = GUINT32_TO_LE(netxray->nframes);
2079 	file_hdr.start_offset = GUINT32_TO_LE(CAPTUREFILE_HEADER_SIZE);
2080 	/* XXX - large files? */
2081 	file_hdr.end_offset = GUINT32_TO_LE((guint32)filelen);
2082 	file_hdr.network = wtap_encap_to_netxray_2_0_encap(wdh->encap);
2083 	file_hdr.timelo = GUINT32_TO_LE(0);
2084 	file_hdr.timehi = GUINT32_TO_LE(0);
2085 	switch (wdh->encap) {
2088 		file_hdr.captype = WAN_CAPTYPE_PPP;
2089 		break;
2092 		file_hdr.captype = WAN_CAPTYPE_FRELAY;
2093 		break;
2095 	case WTAP_ENCAP_LAPB:
2096 		file_hdr.captype = WAN_CAPTYPE_HDLC;
2097 		file_hdr.wan_hdlc_subsub_captype = 0;
2098 		break;
2100 	case WTAP_ENCAP_SDLC:
2101 		file_hdr.captype = WAN_CAPTYPE_SDLC;
2102 		break;
2104 	default:
2105 		file_hdr.captype = CAPTYPE_NDIS;
2106 		break;
2107 	}
2109 	memset(hdr_buf, '\0', sizeof hdr_buf);
2110 	memcpy(hdr_buf, &file_hdr, sizeof(file_hdr));
2111 	if (!wtap_dump_file_write(wdh, hdr_buf, sizeof hdr_buf, err))
2112 		return FALSE;
2114 	return TRUE;
2115 }
2117 static const struct supported_block_type netxray_old_blocks_supported[] = {
2118 	/*
2119 	 * We support packet blocks, with no comments or other options.
2120 	 */
2122 };
2124 static const struct file_type_subtype_info netxray_old_info = {
2125 	"Cinco Networks NetXRay 1.x", "netxray1", "cap", NULL,
2126 	TRUE, BLOCKS_SUPPORTED(netxray_old_blocks_supported),
2128 };
2130 static const struct supported_block_type netxray_1_0_blocks_supported[] = {
2131 	/*
2132 	 * We support packet blocks, with no comments or other options.
2133 	 */
2135 };
2137 static const struct file_type_subtype_info netxray_1_0_info = {
2138 	"Cinco Networks NetXRay 2.0 or later", "netxray2", "cap", NULL,
2139 	TRUE, BLOCKS_SUPPORTED(netxray_1_0_blocks_supported),
2141 };
2143 static const struct supported_block_type netxray_1_1_blocks_supported[] = {
2144 	/*
2145 	 * We support packet blocks, with no comments or other options.
2146 	 */
2148 };
2150 static const struct file_type_subtype_info netxray_1_1_info = {
2151 	"NetXray, Sniffer (Windows) 1.1", "ngwsniffer_1_1", "cap", NULL,
2152 	TRUE, BLOCKS_SUPPORTED(netxray_1_1_blocks_supported),
2153 	netxray_dump_can_write_encap_1_1, netxray_dump_open_1_1, NULL
2154 };
2156 static const struct supported_block_type netxray_2_00x_blocks_supported[] = {
2157 	/*
2158 	 * We support packet blocks, with no comments or other options.
2159 	 */
2161 };
2163 static const struct file_type_subtype_info netxray_2_00x_info = {
2164 	"Sniffer (Windows) 2.00x", "ngwsniffer_2_0", "cap", "caz",
2165 	TRUE, BLOCKS_SUPPORTED(netxray_2_00x_blocks_supported),
2166 	netxray_dump_can_write_encap_2_0, netxray_dump_open_2_0, NULL
2167 };
2169 void register_netxray(void)
2170 {
2171 	netxray_old_file_type_subtype = wtap_register_file_type_subtype(&netxray_old_info);
2172 	netxray_1_0_file_type_subtype = wtap_register_file_type_subtype(&netxray_1_0_info);
2173 	netxray_1_1_file_type_subtype = wtap_register_file_type_subtype(&netxray_1_1_info);
2174 	netxray_2_00x_file_type_subtype = wtap_register_file_type_subtype(&netxray_2_00x_info);
2176 	/*
2177 	 * Register names for backwards compatibility with the
2178 	 * wtap_filetypes table in Lua.
2179 	 */
2180 	wtap_register_backwards_compatibility_lua_name("NETXRAY_OLD",
2181 	    netxray_old_file_type_subtype);
2182 	wtap_register_backwards_compatibility_lua_name("NETXRAY_1_0",
2183 	    netxray_1_0_file_type_subtype);
2184 	wtap_register_backwards_compatibility_lua_name("NETXRAY_1_1",
2185 	    netxray_1_1_file_type_subtype);
2186 	wtap_register_backwards_compatibility_lua_name("NETXRAY_2_00x",
2187 	    netxray_2_00x_file_type_subtype);
2188 }
2190 /*
2191  * Editor modelines  -  https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
2192  *
2193  * Local variables:
2194  * c-basic-offset: 8
2195  * tab-width: 8
2196  * indent-tabs-mode: t
2197  * End:
2198  *
2199  * vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab:
2200  * :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false:
2201  */