1 /* Do not modify this file. Changes will be overwritten.                      */
2 /* Generated automatically by the ASN.1 to Wireshark dissector compiler       */
3 /* packet-inap.c                                                              */
4 /* asn2wrs.py -b -p inap -c ./inap.cnf -s ./packet-inap-template -D . -O ../.. IN-common-classes.asn IN-SSF-SCF-Classes.asn IN-SCF-SRF-Classes.asn IN-operationcodes.asn IN-object-identifiers.asn IN-common-datatypes.asn IN-SSF-SCF-datatypes.asn IN-SSF-SCF-ops-args.asn IN-SCF-SRF-datatypes.asn IN-SCF-SRF-ops-args.asn IN-errorcodes.asn IN-errortypes.asn ../ros/Remote-Operations-Information-Objects.asn ../ros/Remote-Operations-Generic-ROS-PDUs.asn */
6 /* Input file: packet-inap-template.c */
8 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
9 /* packet-inap-template.c
10  * Routines for INAP
11  * Copyright 2004, Tim Endean <endeant@hotmail.com>
12  * Built from the gsm-map dissector Copyright 2004, Anders Broman <anders.broman@ericsson.com>
13  *
14  * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
15  * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
16  * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
17  *
18  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
19  * References: ETSI 300 374
20  * ITU Q.1218
21  */
23 #include "config.h"
25 #include <epan/packet.h>
26 #include <epan/prefs.h>
27 #include <epan/oids.h>
28 #include <epan/expert.h>
29 #include <epan/asn1.h>
31 #include "packet-ber.h"
32 #include "packet-inap.h"
33 #include "packet-q931.h"
34 #include "packet-e164.h"
35 #include "packet-isup.h"
36 #include "packet-tcap.h"
37 #include "packet-dap.h"
38 #include "packet-dsp.h"
40 #define PNAME  "Intelligent Network Application Protocol"
41 #define PSNAME "INAP"
42 #define PFNAME "inap"
44 void proto_register_inap(void);
45 void proto_reg_handoff_inap(void);
48 /* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */
49 static int proto_inap = -1;
51 /* include constants */
53 /*--- Included file: packet-inap-val.h ---*/
54 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-val.h"
55 #define opcode_initialDP               0
56 #define opcode_originationAttemptAuthorized 1
57 #define opcode_collectedInformation    2
58 #define opcode_analysedInformation     3
59 #define opcode_routeSelectFailure      4
60 #define opcode_oCalledPartyBusy        5
61 #define opcode_oNoAnswer               6
62 #define opcode_oAnswer                 7
63 #define opcode_oDisconnect             8
64 #define opcode_termAttemptAuthorized   9
65 #define opcode_tBusy                   10
66 #define opcode_tNoAnswer               11
67 #define opcode_tAnswer                 12
68 #define opcode_tDisconnect             13
69 #define opcode_facilitySelectedAndAvailable 80
70 #define opcode_originationAttempt      81
71 #define opcode_terminationAttempt      82
72 #define opcode_oAbandon                83
73 #define opcode_oMidCall                14
74 #define opcode_tMidCall                15
75 #define opcode_oSuspended              84
76 #define opcode_tSuspended              85
77 #define opcode_assistRequestInstructions 16
78 #define opcode_establishTemporaryConnection 17
79 #define opcode_disconnectForwardConnection 18
80 #define opcode_dFCWithArgument         86
81 #define opcode_connectToResource       19
82 #define opcode_connect                 20
83 #define opcode_holdCallInNetwork       21
84 #define opcode_releaseCall             22
85 #define opcode_requestReportBCSMEvent  23
86 #define opcode_eventReportBCSM         24
87 #define opcode_requestNotificationChargingEvent 25
88 #define opcode_eventNotificationCharging 26
89 #define opcode_collectInformation      27
90 #define opcode_analyseInformation      28
91 #define opcode_selectRoute             29
92 #define opcode_selectFacility          30
93 #define opcode_continue                31
94 #define opcode_authorizeTermination    87
95 #define opcode_initiateCallAttempt     32
96 #define opcode_resetTimer              33
97 #define opcode_furnishChargingInformation 34
98 #define opcode_applyCharging           35
99 #define opcode_applyChargingReport     36
100 #define opcode_requestCurrentStatusReport 37
101 #define opcode_requestEveryStatusChangeReport 38
102 #define opcode_requestFirstStatusMatchReport 39
103 #define opcode_statusReport            40
104 #define opcode_callGap                 41
105 #define opcode_callFiltering           145
106 #define opcode_activateServiceFiltering 42
107 #define opcode_serviceFilteringResponse 43
108 #define opcode_callInformationReport   44
109 #define opcode_callInformationRequest  45
110 #define opcode_sendChargingInformation 46
111 #define opcode_playAnnouncement        47
112 #define opcode_promptAndCollectUserInformation 48
113 #define opcode_specializedResourceReport 49
114 #define opcode_cancel                  53
115 #define opcode_cancelStatusReportRequest 54
116 #define opcode_activityTest            55
117 #define opcode_continueWithArgument    88
118 #define opcode_createCallSegmentAssociation 89
119 #define opcode_disconnectLeg           90
120 #define opcode_mergeCallSegments       91
121 #define opcode_moveCallSegments        92
122 #define opcode_moveLeg                 93
123 #define opcode_reconnect               94
124 #define opcode_splitLeg                95
125 #define opcode_entityReleased          96
126 #define opcode_manageTriggerData       97
127 #define opcode_createOrRemoveTriggerData 135
128 #define opcode_setServiceProfile       136
129 #define opcode_requestReportUTSI       98
130 #define opcode_sendSTUI                100
131 #define opcode_reportUTSI              101
132 #define opcode_sendFacilityInformation 102
133 #define opcode_requestReportFacilityEvent 103
134 #define opcode_eventReportFacility     104
135 #define opcode_monitorRouteRequest     146
136 #define opcode_monitorRouteReport      147
137 #define opcode_promptAndReceiveMessage 107
138 #define opcode_scriptInformation       108
139 #define opcode_scriptEvent             109
140 #define opcode_scriptRun               110
141 #define opcode_scriptClose             111
142 #define opcode_srfCallGap              139
143 #define opcode_establishChargingRecord 112
144 #define opcode_handlingInformationRequest 113
145 #define opcode_handlingInformationResult 114
146 #define opcode_networkCapability       115
147 #define opcode_notificationProvided    116
148 #define opcode_confirmedNotificationProvided 117
149 #define opcode_provideUserInformation  118
150 #define opcode_confirmedReportChargingInformation 119
151 #define opcode_reportChargingInformation 120
152 #define opcode_requestNotification     121
153 #define opcode_runUserScript           140
154 #define opcode_transferSTSI            141
155 #define opcode_announcementCompletionReport 142
156 #define opcode_initiateCallRequest     143
157 #define opcode_provideAnnouncementRequest 144
158 #define opcode_execute                 10
159 #define opcode_trafficFlowControl      138
160 #define opcode_activationReceivedAndAuthorized 122
161 #define opcode_initiateAssociation     123
162 #define opcode_associationReleaseRequested 124
163 #define opcode_componentReceived       125
164 #define opcode_releaseAssociation      126
165 #define opcode_requestReportBCUSMEvent 127
166 #define opcode_sendComponent           130
167 #define opcode_connectAssociation      132
168 #define opcode_continueAssociation     133
169 #define opcode_eventReportBCUSM        134
170 #define opcode_initialAssociationDP    131
171 #define tc_Messages                    ""
172 #define tc_NotationExtensions          ""
173 #define ros_InformationObjects         ""
174 #define ros_genericPDUs                ""
175 #define ros_UsefulDefinitions          ""
176 #define sese_APDUs                     ""
177 #define guls_Notation                  ""
178 #define guls_SecurityTransformations   ""
179 #define guls_DirectoryProtectionMappings ""
180 #define ds_UsefulDefinitions           ""
181 #define spkmGssTokens                  ""
182 #define contexts                       ""
183 #define id                             ""
184 #define modules                        id".1"
185 #define id_ac                          id".3"
186 #define id_at                          id".4"
187 #define id_as                          id".5"
188 #define id_oc                          id".6"
189 #define id_mt                          id".7"
190 #define id_sf                          id".11"
191 #define id_soa                         id".21"
192 #define id_aca                         id".24"
193 #define id_rosObject                   id".25"
194 #define id_contract                    id".26"
195 #define id_package                     id".27"
196 #define id_avc                         id".29"
197 #define object_identifiers             modules".0.0"
198 #define common_datatypes               modules".1.0"
199 #define errortypes                     modules".2.0"
200 #define operationcodes                 modules".3.0"
201 #define errorcodes                     modules".4.0"
202 #define common_classes                 modules".5.0"
203 #define ssf_scf_datatypes              modules".6.0"
204 #define ssf_scf_classes                modules".7.0"
205 #define ssf_scf_Operations             modules".8.0"
206 #define ssf_scf_Protocol               modules".9.0"
207 #define scf_srf_datatypes              modules".10.0"
208 #define scf_srf_classes                modules".11.0"
209 #define scf_srf_Operations             modules".12.0"
210 #define scf_srf_Protocol               modules".13.0"
211 #define scf_sdf_datatypes              modules".14.0"
212 #define scf_sdf_classes                modules".15.0"
213 #define scf_sdf_Operations             modules".16.0"
214 #define scf_sdf_Protocol               modules".17.0"
215 #define sdf_sdf_Operations             modules".18.0"
216 #define sdf_sdf_Protocol               modules".19.0"
217 #define scf_scf_datatypes              modules".20.0"
218 #define scf_scf_classes                modules".21.0"
219 #define scf_scf_Operations             modules".22.0"
220 #define scf_scf_Protocol               modules".23.0"
221 #define scf_cusf_datatypes             modules".24.0"
222 #define scf_cusf_classes               modules".25.0"
223 #define scf_cusf_Operations            modules".26.0"
224 #define scf_cusf_Protocol              modules".27.0"
225 #define scf_sdf_Additional_Definitions modules".28.0"
226 #define id_ac_ssf_scfGenericAC         id_ac".4.0"
227 #define id_ac_ssf_scfDPSpecificAC      id_ac".5.0"
228 #define id_ac_ssf_scfAssistHandoffAC   id_ac".6.0"
229 #define id_ac_ssf_scfServiceManagementAC id_ac".7.0"
230 #define id_ac_scf_ssfGenericAC         id_ac".8.0"
231 #define id_ac_scf_ssfDPSpecificAC      id_ac".9.0"
232 #define id_ac_scf_ssfINTrafficManagementAC id_ac".10.0"
233 #define id_ac_scf_ssfServiceManagementAC id_ac".11.0"
234 #define id_ac_scf_ssfStatusReportingAC id_ac".12.0"
235 #define id_ac_scf_ssfTriggerManagementAC id_ac".13.0"
236 #define id_ac_scf_ssfRouteMonitoringAC id_ac".33.0"
237 #define id_ac_ssf_scfRouteMonitoringAC id_ac".34.0"
238 #define id_ac_scf_ssfTrafficManagementAC id_ac".35.0"
239 #define id_ac_srf_scfAC                id_ac".14.0"
240 #define id_ac_indirectoryAccessAC      id_ac".1.0"
241 #define id_ac_indirectoryAccessWith3seAC id_ac".2.0"
242 #define id_ac_inExtendedDirectoryAccessAC id_ac".3.0"
243 #define id_ac_inExtendedDirectoryAccessWith3seAC id_ac".27.0"
244 #define id_ac_trafficFlowControlAC     id_ac".28.0"
245 #define id_ac_indirectorySystemAC      id_ac".15.0"
246 #define id_ac_inShadowSupplierInitiatedAC id_ac".16.0"
247 #define id_ac_inShadowConsumerInitiatedAC id_ac".17.0"
248 #define id_ac_indirectorySystemWith3seAC id_ac".18.0"
249 #define id_ac_inShadowSupplierInitiatedWith3seAC id_ac".19.0"
250 #define id_ac_inShadowConsumerInitiatedWith3seAC id_ac".20.0"
251 #define id_ac_scfc_scfsOperationsAC    id_ac".21.0"
252 #define id_ac_distributedSCFSystemAC   id_ac".22.0"
253 #define id_ac_scfc_scfsOperationsWith3seAC id_ac".23.0"
254 #define id_ac_distributedSCFSystemWith3seAC id_ac".24.0"
255 #define id_ac_scfs_scfcOperationsAC    id_ac".31.0"
256 #define id_ac_scfs_scfcOperationsWith3seAC id_ac".32.0"
257 #define id_acscfcusfDPSpecific         id_ac".25.0"
258 #define id_accusfscfDPSpecific         id_ac".26.0"
259 #define id_acscfcusfGeneric            id_ac".29.0"
260 #define id_accusfscfGeneric            id_ac".30.0"
261 #define id_at_securityFacilityId       id_at".1"
262 #define id_at_secretKey                id_at".2"
263 #define id_at_identifierList           id_at".3"
264 #define id_at_bindLevelIfOK            id_at".4"
265 #define id_at_lockSession              id_at".5"
266 #define id_at_failureCounter           id_at".6"
267 #define id_at_maxAttempts              id_at".7"
268 #define id_at_currentList              id_at".8"
269 #define id_at_stockId                  id_at".9"
270 #define id_at_source                   id_at".10"
271 #define id_at_sizeOfRestocking         id_at".11"
272 #define id_at_challengeResponse        id_at".12"
273 #define id_as_ssf_scfGenericAS         id_as".4"
274 #define id_as_ssf_scfDpSpecificAS      id_as".5"
275 #define id_as_assistHandoff_ssf_scfAS  id_as".6"
276 #define id_as_scf_ssfGenericAS         id_as".7"
277 #define id_as_scf_ssfDpSpecificAS      id_as".8"
278 #define id_as_scf_ssfINTrafficManagementAS id_as".9"
279 #define id_as_scf_ssfServiceManagementAS id_as".10"
280 #define id_as_ssf_scfServiceManagementAS id_as".11"
281 #define id_as_scf_ssfStatusReportingAS id_as".12"
282 #define id_as_scf_ssfTriggerManagementAS id_as".13"
283 #define id_as_scf_ssfRouteMonitoringAS id_as".31"
284 #define id_as_ssf_scfRouteMonitoringAS id_as".32"
285 #define id_as_scf_ssfTrafficManagementAS id_as".33"
286 #define id_as_basic_srf_scf            id_as".14"
287 #define id_as_basic_scf_srf            id_as".15"
288 #define id_as_indirectoryOperationsAS  id_as".1"
289 #define id_as_indirectoryBindingAS     id_as".2"
290 #define id_as_inExtendedDirectoryOperationsAS id_as".3"
291 #define id_as_inSESEAS                 id_as".25"
292 #define id_as_tfcOperationsAS          id_as".26"
293 #define id_as_tfcBindingAS             id_as".27"
294 #define id_as_indirectorySystemAS      id_as".16"
295 #define id_as_indirectoryDSABindingAS  id_as".17"
296 #define id_as_indirectoryShadowAS      id_as".18"
297 #define id_as_indsaShadowBindingAS     id_as".19"
298 #define id_as_scfc_scfsOperationsAS    id_as".20"
299 #define id_as_distributedSCFSystemAS   id_as".21"
300 #define id_as_scf_scfBindingAS         id_as".22"
301 #define id_as_scfs_scfcOperationsAS    id_as".30"
302 #define id_asscfcusfDPSpecific         id_as".23"
303 #define id_ascusfscfDPSpecific         id_as".24"
304 #define id_asscfcusfGeneric            id_as".28"
305 #define id_ascusfscfGeneric            id_as".29"
306 #define id_oc_securityUserInfo         id_oc".1"
307 #define id_oc_tokensStock              id_oc".2"
308 #define id_mt_verifyCredentials        id_mt".1"
309 #define id_mt_conformCredentials       id_mt".2"
310 #define id_mt_provideTokens            id_mt".3"
311 #define id_mt_fillSecurityTokens       id_mt".4"
312 #define id_sf_pwd                      id_sf".1"
313 #define id_sf_challengeResponse        id_sf".2"
314 #define id_sf_onAirSubscription        id_sf".3"
315 #define id_soa_methodRuleUse           id_soa".1"
316 #define id_aca_prescriptiveACI         id_aca".4"
317 #define id_aca_entryACI                id_aca".5"
318 #define id_aca_subentryACI             id_aca".6"
319 #define id_rosObject_scf               id_rosObject".1"
320 #define id_rosObject_ssf               id_rosObject".2"
321 #define id_rosObject_srf               id_rosObject".3"
322 #define id_rosObject_sdf               id_rosObject".4"
323 #define id_rosObject_cusf              id_rosObject".5"
324 #define id_inSsfToScfGeneric           id_contract".3"
325 #define id_inSsfToScfDpSpecific        id_contract".4"
326 #define id_inAssistHandoffSsfToScf     id_contract".5"
327 #define id_inScfToSsfGeneric           id_contract".6"
328 #define id_inScfToSsfDpSpecific        id_contract".7"
329 #define id_inScfToSsfINTrafficManagement id_contract".8"
330 #define id_inScfToSsfServiceManagement id_contract".9"
331 #define id_inSsfToScfServiceManagement id_contract".10"
332 #define id_inScfToSsfStatusReporting   id_contract".11"
333 #define id_inScfToSsfTriggerManagement id_contract".12"
334 #define id_inScfToSsfRouteMonitoring   id_contract".26"
335 #define id_inSsfToScfRouteMonitoring   id_contract".27"
336 #define id_inScfToSsfTrafficManagement id_contract".28"
337 #define id_contract_srf_scf            id_contract".13"
338 #define id_contract_dap                id_contract".1"
339 #define id_contract_dapExecute         id_contract".2"
340 #define id_contract_tfc                id_contract".22"
341 #define id_contract_indsp              id_contract".14"
342 #define id_contract_shadowConsumer     id_contract".15"
343 #define id_contract_shadowSupplier     id_contract".17"
344 #define id_contract_scfc_scfs          id_contract".18"
345 #define id_contract_dssp               id_contract".19"
346 #define id_contract_scfs_scfc          id_contract".25"
347 #define id_contract_scfcusfDPSpecific  id_contract".20"
348 #define id_contract_cusfscfDPSpecific  id_contract".21"
349 #define id_contract_scfcusfGeneric     id_contract".23"
350 #define id_contract_cusfscfGeneric     id_contract".24"
351 #define id_package_emptyConnection     id_package".60"
352 #define id_package_scfActivation       id_package".11"
353 #define id_package_basicBCPDP          id_package".12"
354 #define id_package_advancedBCPDP       id_package".14"
355 #define id_package_srf_scfActivationOfAssist id_package".15"
356 #define id_package_assistConnectionEstablishment id_package".16"
357 #define id_package_genericDisconnectResource id_package".17"
358 #define id_package_nonAssistedConnectionEstablishment id_package".18"
359 #define id_package_connect             id_package".19"
360 #define id_package_callHandling        id_package".20"
361 #define id_package_bcsmEventHandling   id_package".21"
362 #define id_package_dpSpecificEventHandling id_package".22"
363 #define id_package_chargingEventHandling id_package".23"
364 #define id_package_ssfCallProcessing   id_package".24"
365 #define id_package_scfCallInitiation   id_package".25"
366 #define id_package_timer               id_package".26"
367 #define id_package_billing             id_package".27"
368 #define id_package_charging            id_package".28"
369 #define id_package_iNTrafficManagement id_package".29"
370 #define id_package_serviceManagementActivate id_package".30"
371 #define id_package_serviceManagementResponse id_package".31"
372 #define id_package_callReport          id_package".32"
373 #define id_package_signallingControl   id_package".33"
374 #define id_package_activityTest        id_package".34"
375 #define id_package_statusReporting     id_package".35"
376 #define id_package_cancel              id_package".36"
377 #define id_package_cphResponse         id_package".37"
378 #define id_package_entityReleased      id_package".38"
379 #define id_package_triggerManagement   id_package".39"
380 #define id_package_uSIHandling         id_package".40"
381 #define id_package_facilityIEHandling  id_package".41"
382 #define id_package_triggerCallManagement id_package".63"
383 #define id_package_monitorRoute        id_package".77"
384 #define id_package_trafficManagement   id_package".78"
385 #define id_package_specializedResourceControl id_package".42"
386 #define id_package_srf_scfCancel       id_package".43"
387 #define id_package_messageControl      id_package".44"
388 #define id_package_scriptControl       id_package".45"
389 #define id_package_srfManagement       id_package".66"
390 #define id_package_search              id_package".2"
391 #define id_package_modify              id_package".3"
392 #define id_package_dapConnection       id_package".10"
393 #define id_package_execute             id_package".4"
394 #define id_package_tfcOperations       id_package".64"
395 #define id_package_tfcConnection       id_package".65"
396 #define id_package_dspConnection       id_package".47"
397 #define id_package_inchainedModify     id_package".48"
398 #define id_package_inchainedSearch     id_package".49"
399 #define id_package_chainedExecute      id_package".50"
400 #define id_package_dispConnection      id_package".51"
401 #define id_package_shadowConsumer      id_package".52"
402 #define id_package_shadowSupplier      id_package".53"
403 #define id_package_scf_scfConnection   id_package".46"
404 #define id_package_dsspConnection      id_package".74"
405 #define id_package_handlingInformation id_package".54"
406 #define id_package_notification        id_package".55"
407 #define id_package_chargingInformation id_package".56"
408 #define id_package_userInformation     id_package".57"
409 #define id_package_networkCapability   id_package".58"
410 #define id_package_chainedSCFOperations id_package".59"
411 #define id_package_transferStsi        id_package".75"
412 #define id_package_initiateCall        id_package".76"
413 #define id_package_cusfTDPSpecificInvocation id_package".61"
414 #define id_package_cusfTDPGenericInvocation id_package".62"
415 #define id_package_cusfDPSpecificEventHandling id_package".67"
416 #define id_package_cusfGenericEventHandling id_package".68"
417 #define id_package_cusfComponentHandling id_package".69"
418 #define id_package_cusfSCFInitiation   id_package".70"
419 #define id_package_cusfContinue        id_package".71"
420 #define id_package_cusfConnect         id_package".72"
421 #define id_package_cusfRelease         id_package".73"
422 #define id_avc_assignment              id_avc".1"
423 #define id_avc_basicService            id_avc".2"
424 #define id_avc_lineIdentity            id_avc".3"
425 #define initialCallSegment             1
426 #define leg1                           0x01
427 #define leg2                           0x02
428 #define errcode_canceled               0
429 #define errcode_cancelFailed           1
430 #define errcode_eTCFailed              3
431 #define errcode_improperCallerResponse 4
432 #define errcode_missingCustomerRecord  6
433 #define errcode_missingParameter       7
434 #define errcode_parameterOutOfRange    8
435 #define errcode_requestedInfoError     10
436 #define errcode_systemFailure          11
437 #define errcode_taskRefused            12
438 #define errcode_unavailableResource    13
439 #define errcode_unexpectedComponentSequence 14
440 #define errcode_unexpectedDataValue    15
441 #define errcode_unexpectedParameter    16
442 #define errcode_unknownLegID           17
443 #define errcode_unknownResource        18
444 #define errcode_scfReferral            21
445 #define errcode_scfTaskRefused         22
446 #define errcode_chainingRefused        23
447 #define noInvokeId                     NULL
449 /*--- End of included file: packet-inap-val.h ---*/
450 #line 45 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
453 /*--- Included file: packet-inap-hf.c ---*/
454 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-hf.c"
455 static int hf_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg_PDU = -1;  /* ActivateServiceFilteringArg */
456 static int hf_inap_AnalysedInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* AnalysedInformationArg */
457 static int hf_inap_AnalyseInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* AnalyseInformationArg */
458 static int hf_inap_ApplyChargingArg_PDU = -1;     /* ApplyChargingArg */
459 static int hf_inap_ApplyChargingReportArg_PDU = -1;  /* ApplyChargingReportArg */
460 static int hf_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg_PDU = -1;  /* AssistRequestInstructionsArg */
461 static int hf_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg_PDU = -1;  /* AuthorizeTerminationArg */
462 static int hf_inap_CallFilteringArg_PDU = -1;     /* CallFilteringArg */
463 static int hf_inap_CallGapArg_PDU = -1;           /* CallGapArg */
464 static int hf_inap_CallInformationReportArg_PDU = -1;  /* CallInformationReportArg */
465 static int hf_inap_CallInformationRequestArg_PDU = -1;  /* CallInformationRequestArg */
466 static int hf_inap_CancelArg_PDU = -1;            /* CancelArg */
467 static int hf_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg_PDU = -1;  /* CancelStatusReportRequestArg */
468 static int hf_inap_CollectedInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* CollectedInformationArg */
469 static int hf_inap_CollectInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* CollectInformationArg */
470 static int hf_inap_ConnectArg_PDU = -1;           /* ConnectArg */
471 static int hf_inap_ConnectToResourceArg_PDU = -1;  /* ConnectToResourceArg */
472 static int hf_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg_PDU = -1;  /* ContinueWithArgumentArg */
473 static int hf_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_PDU = -1;  /* CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg */
474 static int hf_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_PDU = -1;  /* CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg */
475 static int hf_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_PDU = -1;  /* CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg */
476 static int hf_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_PDU = -1;  /* CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg */
477 static int hf_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_PDU = -1;  /* DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg */
478 static int hf_inap_DisconnectLegArg_PDU = -1;     /* DisconnectLegArg */
479 static int hf_inap_EntityReleasedArg_PDU = -1;    /* EntityReleasedArg */
480 static int hf_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_PDU = -1;  /* EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg */
481 static int hf_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg_PDU = -1;  /* EventNotificationChargingArg */
482 static int hf_inap_EventReportBCSMArg_PDU = -1;   /* EventReportBCSMArg */
483 static int hf_inap_EventReportFacilityArg_PDU = -1;  /* EventReportFacilityArg */
484 static int hf_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_PDU = -1;  /* FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg */
485 static int hf_inap_FurnishChargingInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* FurnishChargingInformationArg */
486 static int hf_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg_PDU = -1;  /* HoldCallInNetworkArg */
487 static int hf_inap_InitialDPArg_PDU = -1;         /* InitialDPArg */
488 static int hf_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg_PDU = -1;  /* InitiateCallAttemptArg */
489 static int hf_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg_PDU = -1;  /* ManageTriggerDataArg */
490 static int hf_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg_PDU = -1;  /* ManageTriggerDataResultArg */
491 static int hf_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg_PDU = -1;  /* MergeCallSegmentsArg */
492 static int hf_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg_PDU = -1;  /* MonitorRouteReportArg */
493 static int hf_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg_PDU = -1;  /* MonitorRouteRequestArg */
494 static int hf_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg_PDU = -1;  /* MoveCallSegmentsArg */
495 static int hf_inap_MoveLegArg_PDU = -1;           /* MoveLegArg */
496 static int hf_inap_OAbandonArg_PDU = -1;          /* OAbandonArg */
497 static int hf_inap_OAnswerArg_PDU = -1;           /* OAnswerArg */
498 static int hf_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg_PDU = -1;  /* OCalledPartyBusyArg */
499 static int hf_inap_ODisconnectArg_PDU = -1;       /* ODisconnectArg */
500 static int hf_inap_MidCallArg_PDU = -1;           /* MidCallArg */
501 static int hf_inap_ONoAnswerArg_PDU = -1;         /* ONoAnswerArg */
502 static int hf_inap_OriginationAttemptArg_PDU = -1;  /* OriginationAttemptArg */
503 static int hf_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU = -1;  /* OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg */
504 static int hf_inap_OSuspendedArg_PDU = -1;        /* OSuspendedArg */
505 static int hf_inap_ReconnectArg_PDU = -1;         /* ReconnectArg */
506 static int hf_inap_ReleaseCallArg_PDU = -1;       /* ReleaseCallArg */
507 static int hf_inap_ReportUTSIArg_PDU = -1;        /* ReportUTSIArg */
508 static int hf_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg_PDU = -1;  /* RequestCurrentStatusReportArg */
509 static int hf_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_PDU = -1;  /* RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg */
510 static int hf_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_PDU = -1;  /* RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg */
511 static int hf_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_PDU = -1;  /* RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg */
512 static int hf_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_PDU = -1;  /* RequestNotificationChargingEventArg */
513 static int hf_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg_PDU = -1;  /* RequestReportBCSMEventArg */
514 static int hf_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg_PDU = -1;  /* RequestReportFacilityEventArg */
515 static int hf_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg_PDU = -1;  /* RequestReportUTSIArg */
516 static int hf_inap_ResetTimerArg_PDU = -1;        /* ResetTimerArg */
517 static int hf_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg_PDU = -1;  /* RouteSelectFailureArg */
518 static int hf_inap_SelectFacilityArg_PDU = -1;    /* SelectFacilityArg */
519 static int hf_inap_SelectRouteArg_PDU = -1;       /* SelectRouteArg */
520 static int hf_inap_SendChargingInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* SendChargingInformationArg */
521 static int hf_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* SendFacilityInformationArg */
522 static int hf_inap_SendSTUIArg_PDU = -1;          /* SendSTUIArg */
523 static int hf_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg_PDU = -1;  /* ServiceFilteringResponseArg */
524 static int hf_inap_SetServiceProfileArg_PDU = -1;  /* SetServiceProfileArg */
525 static int hf_inap_SplitLegArg_PDU = -1;          /* SplitLegArg */
526 static int hf_inap_StatusReportArg_PDU = -1;      /* StatusReportArg */
527 static int hf_inap_TAnswerArg_PDU = -1;           /* TAnswerArg */
528 static int hf_inap_TBusyArg_PDU = -1;             /* TBusyArg */
529 static int hf_inap_TDisconnectArg_PDU = -1;       /* TDisconnectArg */
530 static int hf_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU = -1;  /* TermAttemptAuthorizedArg */
531 static int hf_inap_TerminationAttemptArg_PDU = -1;  /* TerminationAttemptArg */
532 static int hf_inap_TNoAnswerArg_PDU = -1;         /* TNoAnswerArg */
533 static int hf_inap_TSuspendedArg_PDU = -1;        /* TSuspendedArg */
534 static int hf_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg_PDU = -1;  /* PlayAnnouncementArg */
535 static int hf_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg */
536 static int hf_inap_ReceivedInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* ReceivedInformationArg */
537 static int hf_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_PDU = -1;  /* PromptAndReceiveMessageArg */
538 static int hf_inap_MessageReceivedArg_PDU = -1;   /* MessageReceivedArg */
539 static int hf_inap_ScriptCloseArg_PDU = -1;       /* ScriptCloseArg */
540 static int hf_inap_ScriptEventArg_PDU = -1;       /* ScriptEventArg */
541 static int hf_inap_ScriptInformationArg_PDU = -1;  /* ScriptInformationArg */
542 static int hf_inap_ScriptRunArg_PDU = -1;         /* ScriptRunArg */
543 static int hf_inap_SpecializedResourceReportArg_PDU = -1;  /* SpecializedResourceReportArg */
544 static int hf_inap_SRFCallGapArg_PDU = -1;        /* SRFCallGapArg */
545 static int hf_inap_PAR_cancelFailed_PDU = -1;     /* PAR_cancelFailed */
546 static int hf_inap_PAR_requestedInfoError_PDU = -1;  /* PAR_requestedInfoError */
547 static int hf_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter_PDU = -1;  /* ScfTaskRefusedParameter */
548 static int hf_inap_ReferralParameter_PDU = -1;    /* ReferralParameter */
549 static int hf_inap_UnavailableNetworkResource_PDU = -1;  /* UnavailableNetworkResource */
550 static int hf_inap_PAR_taskRefused_PDU = -1;      /* PAR_taskRefused */
551 static int hf_inap_Extensions_item = -1;          /* ExtensionField */
552 static int hf_inap_type = -1;                     /* Code */
553 static int hf_inap_criticality = -1;              /* CriticalityType */
554 static int hf_inap_value = -1;                    /* T_value */
555 static int hf_inap_AlternativeIdentities_item = -1;  /* AlternativeIdentity */
556 static int hf_inap_url = -1;                      /* IA5String_SIZE_1_512 */
557 static int hf_inap_conferenceTreatmentIndicator = -1;  /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 */
558 static int hf_inap_callCompletionTreatmentIndicator = -1;  /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 */
559 static int hf_inap_holdTreatmentIndicator = -1;   /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 */
560 static int hf_inap_ectTreatmentIndicator = -1;    /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 */
561 static int hf_inap_calledAddressValue = -1;       /* Digits */
562 static int hf_inap_gapOnService = -1;             /* GapOnService */
563 static int hf_inap_gapAllInTraffic = -1;          /* NULL */
564 static int hf_inap_calledAddressAndService = -1;  /* T_calledAddressAndService */
565 static int hf_inap_serviceKey = -1;               /* ServiceKey */
566 static int hf_inap_callingAddressAndService = -1;  /* T_callingAddressAndService */
567 static int hf_inap_callingAddressValue = -1;      /* Digits */
568 static int hf_inap_locationNumber = -1;           /* LocationNumber */
569 static int hf_inap_eventTypeBCSM = -1;            /* EventTypeBCSM */
570 static int hf_inap_monitorMode = -1;              /* MonitorMode */
571 static int hf_inap_legID = -1;                    /* LegID */
572 static int hf_inap_dpSpecificCriteria = -1;       /* DpSpecificCriteria */
573 static int hf_inap_bearerCap = -1;                /* T_bearerCap */
574 static int hf_inap_tmr = -1;                      /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 */
575 static int hf_inap_broadbandBearerCap = -1;       /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength_maxBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength */
576 static int hf_inap_aALParameters = -1;            /* AALParameters */
577 static int hf_inap_additionalATMCellRate = -1;    /* AdditionalATMCellRate */
578 static int hf_inap_aESACalledParty = -1;          /* AESACalledParty */
579 static int hf_inap_aESACallingParty = -1;         /* AESACallingParty */
580 static int hf_inap_alternativeATMTrafficDescriptor = -1;  /* AlternativeATMTrafficDescriptor */
581 static int hf_inap_aTMCellRate = -1;              /* ATMCellRate */
582 static int hf_inap_cDVTDescriptor = -1;           /* CDVTDescriptor */
583 static int hf_inap_cumulativeTransitDelay = -1;   /* CumulativeTransitDelay */
584 static int hf_inap_endToEndTransitDelay = -1;     /* EndToEndTransitDelay */
585 static int hf_inap_minAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor = -1;  /* MinAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor */
586 static int hf_inap_eventTypeCharging = -1;        /* EventTypeCharging */
587 static int hf_inap_componentInfo = -1;            /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_118 */
588 static int hf_inap_relayedComponent = -1;         /* EMBEDDED_PDV */
589 static int hf_inap_basicGapCriteria = -1;         /* BasicGapCriteria */
590 static int hf_inap_scfID = -1;                    /* ScfID */
591 static int hf_inap_counterID = -1;                /* CounterID */
592 static int hf_inap_counterValue = -1;             /* Integer4 */
593 static int hf_inap_CountersValue_item = -1;       /* CounterAndValue */
594 static int hf_inap_action = -1;                   /* T_action */
595 static int hf_inap_treatment = -1;                /* GapTreatment */
596 static int hf_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress_item = -1;  /* CalledPartyNumber */
597 static int hf_inap_serviceAddressInformation = -1;  /* ServiceAddressInformation */
598 static int hf_inap_bearerCapability = -1;         /* BearerCapability */
599 static int hf_inap_calledPartyNumber = -1;        /* CalledPartyNumber */
600 static int hf_inap_callingPartyNumber = -1;       /* CallingPartyNumber */
601 static int hf_inap_callingPartysCategory = -1;    /* CallingPartysCategory */
602 static int hf_inap_iPSSPCapabilities = -1;        /* IPSSPCapabilities */
603 static int hf_inap_iPAvailable = -1;              /* IPAvailable */
604 static int hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation = -1;  /* ISDNAccessRelatedInformation */
605 static int hf_inap_cGEncountered = -1;            /* CGEncountered */
606 static int hf_inap_serviceProfileIdentifier = -1;  /* ServiceProfileIdentifier */
607 static int hf_inap_terminalType = -1;             /* TerminalType */
608 static int hf_inap_extensions = -1;               /* Extensions */
609 static int hf_inap_chargeNumber = -1;             /* ChargeNumber */
610 static int hf_inap_servingAreaID = -1;            /* ServingAreaID */
611 static int hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators = -1;  /* ServiceInteractionIndicators */
612 static int hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityIndication = -1;  /* INServiceCompatibilityIndication */
613 static int hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo = -1;  /* ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo */
614 static int hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator = -1;      /* USIServiceIndicator */
615 static int hf_inap_uSIInformation = -1;           /* USIInformation */
616 static int hf_inap_forwardGVNS = -1;              /* ForwardGVNS */
617 static int hf_inap_createdCallSegmentAssociation = -1;  /* CSAID */
618 static int hf_inap_ipRelatedInformation = -1;     /* IPRelatedInformation */
619 static int hf_inap_numberOfDigits = -1;           /* NumberOfDigits */
620 static int hf_inap_applicationTimer = -1;         /* ApplicationTimer */
621 static int hf_inap_midCallControlInfo = -1;       /* MidCallControlInfo */
622 static int hf_inap_numberOfDigitsTwo = -1;        /* T_numberOfDigitsTwo */
623 static int hf_inap_requestedNumberOfDigits = -1;  /* NumberOfDigits */
624 static int hf_inap_minNumberOfDigits = -1;        /* NumberOfDigits */
625 static int hf_inap_agreements = -1;               /* OBJECT_IDENTIFIER */
626 static int hf_inap_networkSpecific = -1;          /* Integer4 */
627 static int hf_inap_collectedInfoSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo */
628 static int hf_inap_calledPartynumber = -1;        /* CalledPartyNumber */
629 static int hf_inap_analysedInfoSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo */
630 static int hf_inap_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo */
631 static int hf_inap_failureCause = -1;             /* Cause */
632 static int hf_inap_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo */
633 static int hf_inap_busyCause = -1;                /* Cause */
634 static int hf_inap_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo = -1;    /* T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo */
635 static int hf_inap_cause = -1;                    /* Cause */
636 static int hf_inap_oAnswerSpecificInfo = -1;      /* T_oAnswerSpecificInfo */
637 static int hf_inap_backwardGVNS = -1;             /* BackwardGVNS */
638 static int hf_inap_oMidCallSpecificInfo = -1;     /* T_oMidCallSpecificInfo */
639 static int hf_inap_connectTime = -1;              /* Integer4 */
640 static int hf_inap_oMidCallInfo = -1;             /* MidCallInfo */
641 static int hf_inap_oDisconnectSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo */
642 static int hf_inap_releaseCause = -1;             /* Cause */
643 static int hf_inap_tBusySpecificInfo = -1;        /* T_tBusySpecificInfo */
644 static int hf_inap_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo = -1;    /* T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo */
645 static int hf_inap_tAnswerSpecificInfo = -1;      /* T_tAnswerSpecificInfo */
646 static int hf_inap_tMidCallSpecificInfo = -1;     /* T_tMidCallSpecificInfo */
647 static int hf_inap_tMidCallInfo = -1;             /* MidCallInfo */
648 static int hf_inap_tDisconnectSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo */
649 static int hf_inap_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo */
650 static int hf_inap_oSuspend = -1;                 /* T_oSuspend */
651 static int hf_inap_tSuspend = -1;                 /* T_tSuspend */
652 static int hf_inap_origAttemptAuthorized = -1;    /* T_origAttemptAuthorized */
653 static int hf_inap_oReAnswer = -1;                /* T_oReAnswer */
654 static int hf_inap_tReAnswer = -1;                /* T_tReAnswer */
655 static int hf_inap_facilitySelectedAndAvailable = -1;  /* T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable */
656 static int hf_inap_callAccepted = -1;             /* T_callAccepted */
657 static int hf_inap_oAbandon = -1;                 /* T_oAbandon */
658 static int hf_inap_abandonCause = -1;             /* Cause */
659 static int hf_inap_tAbandon = -1;                 /* T_tAbandon */
660 static int hf_inap_authorizeRouteFailure = -1;    /* T_authorizeRouteFailure */
661 static int hf_inap_authoriseRouteFailureCause = -1;  /* Cause */
662 static int hf_inap_terminationAttemptAuthorized = -1;  /* T_terminationAttemptAuthorized */
663 static int hf_inap_originationAttemptDenied = -1;  /* T_originationAttemptDenied */
664 static int hf_inap_originationDeniedCause = -1;   /* Cause */
665 static int hf_inap_terminationAttemptDenied = -1;  /* T_terminationAttemptDenied */
666 static int hf_inap_terminationDeniedCause = -1;   /* Cause */
667 static int hf_inap_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo */
668 static int hf_inap_oModifyResultSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo */
669 static int hf_inap_modifyResultType = -1;         /* ModifyResultType */
670 static int hf_inap_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo */
671 static int hf_inap_tModifyResultSpecificInfo = -1;  /* T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo */
672 static int hf_inap_trunkGroupID = -1;             /* INTEGER */
673 static int hf_inap_privateFacilityID = -1;        /* INTEGER */
674 static int hf_inap_huntGroup = -1;                /* OCTET_STRING */
675 static int hf_inap_routeIndex = -1;               /* OCTET_STRING */
676 static int hf_inap_sFBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1;  /* SFBillingChargingCharacteristics */
677 static int hf_inap_informationToSend = -1;        /* InformationToSend */
678 static int hf_inap_maximumNumberOfCounters = -1;  /* MaximumNumberOfCounters */
679 static int hf_inap_filteringCharacteristics_interval = -1;  /* INTEGER_M1_32000 */
680 static int hf_inap_numberOfCalls = -1;            /* Integer4 */
681 static int hf_inap_dialledNumber = -1;            /* Digits */
682 static int hf_inap_callingLineID = -1;            /* Digits */
683 static int hf_inap_addressAndService = -1;        /* T_addressAndService */
684 static int hf_inap_duration = -1;                 /* Duration */
685 static int hf_inap_stopTime = -1;                 /* DateAndTime */
686 static int hf_inap_callDiversionTreatmentIndicator = -1;  /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 */
687 static int hf_inap_callOfferingTreatmentIndicator = -1;  /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 */
688 static int hf_inap_callWaitingTreatmentIndicator = -1;  /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 */
689 static int hf_inap_compoundCapCriteria = -1;      /* CompoundCriteria */
690 static int hf_inap_dpCriteria = -1;               /* EventTypeBCSM */
691 static int hf_inap_gapInterval = -1;              /* Interval */
692 static int hf_inap_both = -1;                     /* T_both */
693 static int hf_inap_GenericNumbers_item = -1;      /* GenericNumber */
694 static int hf_inap_actionOnProfile = -1;          /* ActionOnProfile */
695 static int hf_inap_tDPIdentifier = -1;            /* TDPIdentifier */
696 static int hf_inap_dPName = -1;                   /* EventTypeBCSM */
697 static int hf_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication_item = -1;  /* Entry */
698 static int hf_inap_alternativeCalledPartyIds = -1;  /* AlternativeIdentities */
699 static int hf_inap_alternativeOriginatingPartyIds = -1;  /* AlternativeIdentities */
700 static int hf_inap_alternativeOriginalCalledPartyIds = -1;  /* AlternativeIdentities */
701 static int hf_inap_alternativeRedirectingPartyIds = -1;  /* AlternativeIdentities */
702 static int hf_inap_sendingSideID = -1;            /* LegType */
703 static int hf_inap_receivingSideID = -1;          /* LegType */
704 static int hf_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item = -1;  /* MidCallControlInfo_item */
705 static int hf_inap_midCallInfoType = -1;          /* MidCallInfoType */
706 static int hf_inap_midCallReportType = -1;        /* T_midCallReportType */
707 static int hf_inap_iNServiceControlCode = -1;     /* Digits */
708 static int hf_inap_iNServiceControlCodeLow = -1;  /* Digits */
709 static int hf_inap_iNServiceControlCodeHigh = -1;  /* Digits */
710 static int hf_inap_messageType = -1;              /* T_messageType */
711 static int hf_inap_dpAssignment = -1;             /* T_dpAssignment */
712 static int hf_inap_threshold = -1;                /* Integer4 */
713 static int hf_inap_interval = -1;                 /* Interval */
714 static int hf_inap_access = -1;                   /* CalledPartyNumber */
715 static int hf_inap_group = -1;                    /* FacilityGroup */
716 static int hf_inap_RequestedInformationList_item = -1;  /* RequestedInformation */
717 static int hf_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList_item = -1;  /* RequestedInformationType */
718 static int hf_inap_requestedInformationType = -1;  /* RequestedInformationType */
719 static int hf_inap_requestedInformationValue = -1;  /* RequestedInformationValue */
720 static int hf_inap_callAttemptElapsedTimeValue = -1;  /* INTEGER_0_255 */
721 static int hf_inap_callStopTimeValue = -1;        /* DateAndTime */
722 static int hf_inap_callConnectedElapsedTimeValue = -1;  /* Integer4 */
723 static int hf_inap_releaseCauseValue = -1;        /* Cause */
724 static int hf_inap_uSImonitorMode = -1;           /* USIMonitorMode */
725 static int hf_inap_RequestedUTSIList_item = -1;   /* RequestedUTSI */
726 static int hf_inap_lineID = -1;                   /* Digits */
727 static int hf_inap_facilityGroupID = -1;          /* FacilityGroup */
728 static int hf_inap_facilityGroupMemberID = -1;    /* INTEGER */
729 static int hf_inap_RouteCountersValue_item = -1;  /* RouteCountersAndValue */
730 static int hf_inap_route = -1;                    /* Route */
731 static int hf_inap_RouteList_item = -1;           /* Route */
732 static int hf_inap_miscCallInfo = -1;             /* MiscCallInfo */
733 static int hf_inap_triggerType = -1;              /* TriggerType */
734 static int hf_inap_forwardServiceInteractionInd = -1;  /* ForwardServiceInteractionInd */
735 static int hf_inap_backwardServiceInteractionInd = -1;  /* BackwardServiceInteractionInd */
736 static int hf_inap_bothwayThroughConnectionInd = -1;  /* BothwayThroughConnectionInd */
737 static int hf_inap_suspendTimer = -1;             /* SuspendTimer */
738 static int hf_inap_connectedNumberTreatmentInd = -1;  /* ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd */
739 static int hf_inap_suppressCallDiversionNotification = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
740 static int hf_inap_suppressCallTransferNotification = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
741 static int hf_inap_allowCdINNoPresentationInd = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
742 static int hf_inap_userDialogueDurationInd = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
743 static int hf_inap_overrideLineRestrictions = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
744 static int hf_inap_suppressVPNAPP = -1;           /* BOOLEAN */
745 static int hf_inap_calledINNumberOverriding = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
746 static int hf_inap_redirectServiceTreatmentInd = -1;  /* T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd */
747 static int hf_inap_redirectReason = -1;           /* RedirectReason */
748 static int hf_inap_nonCUGCall = -1;               /* NULL */
749 static int hf_inap_oneTrigger = -1;               /* INTEGER */
750 static int hf_inap_triggers = -1;                 /* Triggers */
751 static int hf_inap_triggerId = -1;                /* T_triggerId */
752 static int hf_inap_triggerPar = -1;               /* T_triggerPar */
753 static int hf_inap_triggerID = -1;                /* EventTypeBCSM */
754 static int hf_inap_profile = -1;                  /* ProfileIdentifier */
755 static int hf_inap_TriggerResults_item = -1;      /* TriggerResult */
756 static int hf_inap_tDPIdentifer = -1;             /* INTEGER */
757 static int hf_inap_actionPerformed = -1;          /* ActionPerformed */
758 static int hf_inap_Triggers_item = -1;            /* Trigger */
759 static int hf_inap_trigger_tDPIdentifier = -1;    /* INTEGER */
760 static int hf_inap_dpName = -1;                   /* EventTypeBCSM */
761 static int hf_inap_global = -1;                   /* OBJECT_IDENTIFIER */
762 static int hf_inap_local = -1;                    /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minUSIServiceIndicatorLength_maxUSIServiceIndicatorLength */
763 static int hf_inap_filteredCallTreatment = -1;    /* FilteredCallTreatment */
764 static int hf_inap_filteringCharacteristics = -1;  /* FilteringCharacteristics */
765 static int hf_inap_filteringTimeOut = -1;         /* FilteringTimeOut */
766 static int hf_inap_filteringCriteria = -1;        /* FilteringCriteria */
767 static int hf_inap_startTime = -1;                /* DateAndTime */
768 static int hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters = -1;  /* DpSpecificCommonParameters */
769 static int hf_inap_dialledDigits = -1;            /* CalledPartyNumber */
770 static int hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID = -1;  /* CallingPartyBusinessGroupID */
771 static int hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress = -1;   /* CallingPartySubaddress */
772 static int hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup = -1;     /* FacilityGroup */
773 static int hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember = -1;  /* FacilityGroupMember */
774 static int hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID = -1;    /* OriginalCalledPartyID */
775 static int hf_inap_prefix = -1;                   /* Digits */
776 static int hf_inap_redirectingPartyID = -1;       /* RedirectingPartyID */
777 static int hf_inap_redirectionInformation = -1;   /* RedirectionInformation */
778 static int hf_inap_routeList = -1;                /* RouteList */
779 static int hf_inap_travellingClassMark = -1;      /* TravellingClassMark */
780 static int hf_inap_featureCode = -1;              /* FeatureCode */
781 static int hf_inap_accessCode = -1;               /* AccessCode */
782 static int hf_inap_carrier = -1;                  /* Carrier */
783 static int hf_inap_componentType = -1;            /* ComponentType */
784 static int hf_inap_component = -1;                /* Component */
785 static int hf_inap_componentCorrelationID = -1;   /* ComponentCorrelationID */
786 static int hf_inap_destinationRoutingAddress = -1;  /* DestinationRoutingAddress */
787 static int hf_inap_alertingPattern = -1;          /* AlertingPattern */
788 static int hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse = -1;  /* INServiceCompatibilityResponse */
789 static int hf_inap_correlationID = -1;            /* CorrelationID */
790 static int hf_inap_callSegmentID = -1;            /* CallSegmentID */
791 static int hf_inap_legToBeCreated = -1;           /* LegID */
792 static int hf_inap_aChBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1;  /* AChBillingChargingCharacteristics */
793 static int hf_inap_partyToCharge = -1;            /* LegID */
794 static int hf_inap_releaseIndication = -1;        /* BOOLEAN */
795 static int hf_inap_destinationNumberRoutingAddress = -1;  /* CalledPartyNumber */
796 static int hf_inap_displayInformation = -1;       /* DisplayInformation */
797 static int hf_inap_destinationIndex = -1;         /* DestinationIndex */
798 static int hf_inap_gapIndicators = -1;            /* GapIndicators */
799 static int hf_inap_registratorIdentifier = -1;    /* RegistratorIdentifier */
800 static int hf_inap_gapCriteria = -1;              /* GapCriteria */
801 static int hf_inap_controlType = -1;              /* ControlType */
802 static int hf_inap_gapTreatment = -1;             /* GapTreatment */
803 static int hf_inap_requestedInformationList = -1;  /* RequestedInformationList */
804 static int hf_inap_lastEventIndicator = -1;       /* BOOLEAN */
805 static int hf_inap_requestedInformationTypeList = -1;  /* RequestedInformationTypeList */
806 static int hf_inap_invokeID = -1;                 /* InvokeID */
807 static int hf_inap_allRequests = -1;              /* NULL */
808 static int hf_inap_callSegmentToCancel = -1;      /* T_callSegmentToCancel */
809 static int hf_inap_allRequestsForCallSegment = -1;  /* CallSegmentID */
810 static int hf_inap_resourceID = -1;               /* ResourceID */
811 static int hf_inap_numberingPlan = -1;            /* NumberingPlan */
812 static int hf_inap_cutAndPaste = -1;              /* CutAndPaste */
813 static int hf_inap_forwardingCondition = -1;      /* ForwardingCondition */
814 static int hf_inap_forwardCallIndicators = -1;    /* ForwardCallIndicators */
815 static int hf_inap_genericNumbers = -1;           /* GenericNumbers */
816 static int hf_inap_sDSSinformation = -1;          /* SDSSinformation */
817 static int hf_inap_calledDirectoryNumber = -1;    /* CalledDirectoryNumber */
818 static int hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress = -1;    /* CalledPartySubaddress */
819 static int hf_inap_connectionIdentifier = -1;     /* ConnectionIdentifier */
820 static int hf_inap_genericIdentifier = -1;        /* GenericIdentifier */
821 static int hf_inap_qOSParameter = -1;             /* QoSParameter */
822 static int hf_inap_bISDNParameters = -1;          /* BISDNParameters */
823 static int hf_inap_cug_Interlock = -1;            /* CUG_Interlock */
824 static int hf_inap_cug_OutgoingAccess = -1;       /* NULL */
825 static int hf_inap_resourceAddress = -1;          /* T_resourceAddress */
826 static int hf_inap_ipRoutingAddress = -1;         /* IPRoutingAddress */
827 static int hf_inap_ipAddressAndLegID = -1;        /* T_ipAddressAndLegID */
828 static int hf_inap_none = -1;                     /* NULL */
829 static int hf_inap_ipAddressAndCallSegment = -1;  /* T_ipAddressAndCallSegment */
830 static int hf_inap_legorCSID = -1;                /* T_legorCSID */
831 static int hf_inap_csID = -1;                     /* CallSegmentID */
832 static int hf_inap_genericName = -1;              /* GenericName */
833 static int hf_inap_ipRelationInformation = -1;    /* IPRelatedInformation */
834 static int hf_inap_newCallSegmentAssociation = -1;  /* CSAID */
835 static int hf_inap_createOrRemove = -1;           /* CreateOrRemoveIndicator */
836 static int hf_inap_triggerDPType = -1;            /* TriggerDPType */
837 static int hf_inap_triggerData = -1;              /* TriggerData */
838 static int hf_inap_defaultFaultHandling = -1;     /* DefaultFaultHandling */
839 static int hf_inap_triggerStatus = -1;            /* TriggerStatus */
840 static int hf_inap_partyToDisconnect = -1;        /* T_partyToDisconnect */
841 static int hf_inap_legToBeReleased = -1;          /* LegID */
842 static int hf_inap_cSFailure = -1;                /* T_cSFailure */
843 static int hf_inap_reason = -1;                   /* Reason */
844 static int hf_inap_bCSMFailure = -1;              /* T_bCSMFailure */
845 static int hf_inap_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress = -1;  /* AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress */
846 static int hf_inap_partyToConnect = -1;           /* T_partyToConnect */
847 static int hf_inap_eventSpecificInformationCharging = -1;  /* EventSpecificInformationCharging */
848 static int hf_inap_bcsmEventCorrelationID = -1;   /* CorrelationID */
849 static int hf_inap_eventSpecificInformationBCSM = -1;  /* EventSpecificInformationBCSM */
850 static int hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID = -1;  /* CalledPartyBusinessGroupID */
851 static int hf_inap_holdcause = -1;                /* HoldCause */
852 static int hf_inap_empty = -1;                    /* NULL */
853 static int hf_inap_highLayerCompatibility = -1;   /* HighLayerCompatibility */
854 static int hf_inap_additionalCallingPartyNumber = -1;  /* AdditionalCallingPartyNumber */
855 static int hf_inap_cCSS = -1;                     /* CCSS */
856 static int hf_inap_vPNIndicator = -1;             /* VPNIndicator */
857 static int hf_inap_cNInfo = -1;                   /* CNInfo */
858 static int hf_inap_callReference = -1;            /* CallReference */
859 static int hf_inap_routeingNumber = -1;           /* RouteingNumber */
860 static int hf_inap_callingGeodeticLocation = -1;  /* CallingGeodeticLocation */
861 static int hf_inap_globalCallReference = -1;      /* GlobalCallReference */
862 static int hf_inap_cug_Index = -1;                /* CUG_Index */
863 static int hf_inap_newCallSegment = -1;           /* CallSegmentID */
864 static int hf_inap_incomingSignallingBufferCopy = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
865 static int hf_inap_actionIndicator = -1;          /* ActionIndicator */
866 static int hf_inap_triggerDataIdentifier = -1;    /* T_triggerDataIdentifier */
867 static int hf_inap_profileAndDP = -1;             /* TriggerDataIdentifier */
868 static int hf_inap_oneTriggerResult = -1;         /* T_oneTriggerResult */
869 static int hf_inap_severalTriggerResult = -1;     /* T_severalTriggerResult */
870 static int hf_inap_results = -1;                  /* TriggerResults */
871 static int hf_inap_sourceCallSegment = -1;        /* CallSegmentID */
872 static int hf_inap_targetCallSegment = -1;        /* CallSegmentID */
873 static int hf_inap_mergeSignallingPaths = -1;     /* NULL */
874 static int hf_inap_routeCounters = -1;            /* RouteCountersValue */
875 static int hf_inap_monitoringCriteria = -1;       /* MonitoringCriteria */
876 static int hf_inap_monitoringTimeout = -1;        /* MonitoringTimeOut */
877 static int hf_inap_targetCallSegmentAssociation = -1;  /* CSAID */
878 static int hf_inap_callSegments = -1;             /* T_callSegments */
879 static int hf_inap_callSegments_item = -1;        /* T_callSegments_item */
880 static int hf_inap_legs = -1;                     /* T_legs */
881 static int hf_inap_legs_item = -1;                /* T_legs_item */
882 static int hf_inap_sourceLeg = -1;                /* LegID */
883 static int hf_inap_newLeg = -1;                   /* LegID */
884 static int hf_inap_legIDToMove = -1;              /* LegID */
885 static int hf_inap_detachSignallingPath = -1;     /* NULL */
886 static int hf_inap_exportSignallingPath = -1;     /* NULL */
887 static int hf_inap_featureRequestIndicator = -1;  /* FeatureRequestIndicator */
888 static int hf_inap_componenttCorrelationID = -1;  /* ComponentCorrelationID */
889 static int hf_inap_notificationDuration = -1;     /* ApplicationTimer */
890 static int hf_inap_initialCallSegment = -1;       /* Cause */
891 static int hf_inap_callSegmentToRelease = -1;     /* T_callSegmentToRelease */
892 static int hf_inap_callSegment = -1;              /* INTEGER_1_numOfCSs */
893 static int hf_inap_forcedRelease = -1;            /* BOOLEAN */
894 static int hf_inap_allCallSegments = -1;          /* T_allCallSegments */
895 static int hf_inap_timeToRelease = -1;            /* TimerValue */
896 static int hf_inap_resourceStatus = -1;           /* ResourceStatus */
897 static int hf_inap_monitorDuration = -1;          /* Duration */
898 static int hf_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_item = -1;  /* ChargingEvent */
899 static int hf_inap_bcsmEvents = -1;               /* SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent */
900 static int hf_inap_bcsmEvents_item = -1;          /* BCSMEvent */
901 static int hf_inap_componentTypes = -1;           /* SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType */
902 static int hf_inap_componentTypes_item = -1;      /* ComponentType */
903 static int hf_inap_requestedUTSIList = -1;        /* RequestedUTSIList */
904 static int hf_inap_timerID = -1;                  /* TimerID */
905 static int hf_inap_timervalue = -1;               /* TimerValue */
906 static int hf_inap_calledFacilityGroup = -1;      /* FacilityGroup */
907 static int hf_inap_calledFacilityGroupMember = -1;  /* FacilityGroupMember */
908 static int hf_inap_sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1;  /* SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics */
909 static int hf_inap_nocharge = -1;                 /* BOOLEAN */
910 static int hf_inap_callProcessingOperation = -1;  /* CallProcessingOperation */
911 static int hf_inap_countersValue = -1;            /* CountersValue */
912 static int hf_inap_responseCondition = -1;        /* ResponseCondition */
913 static int hf_inap_iNprofiles = -1;               /* SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile */
914 static int hf_inap_iNprofiles_item = -1;          /* INprofile */
915 static int hf_inap_legToBeSplit = -1;             /* LegID */
916 static int hf_inap_newCallSegment_01 = -1;        /* INTEGER_2_numOfCSs */
917 static int hf_inap_reportCondition = -1;          /* ReportCondition */
918 static int hf_inap_minimumNbOfDigits = -1;        /* INTEGER_1_127 */
919 static int hf_inap_maximumNbOfDigits = -1;        /* INTEGER_1_127 */
920 static int hf_inap_endOfReplyDigit = -1;          /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 */
921 static int hf_inap_cancelDigit = -1;              /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 */
922 static int hf_inap_startDigit = -1;               /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 */
923 static int hf_inap_firstDigitTimeOut = -1;        /* INTEGER_1_127 */
924 static int hf_inap_interDigitTimeOut = -1;        /* INTEGER_1_127 */
925 static int hf_inap_errorTreatment = -1;           /* ErrorTreatment */
926 static int hf_inap_interruptableAnnInd = -1;      /* BOOLEAN */
927 static int hf_inap_voiceInformation = -1;         /* BOOLEAN */
928 static int hf_inap_voiceBack = -1;                /* BOOLEAN */
929 static int hf_inap_detectModem = -1;              /* BOOLEAN */
930 static int hf_inap_collectedDigits = -1;          /* CollectedDigits */
931 static int hf_inap_iA5Information = -1;           /* BOOLEAN */
932 static int hf_inap_messageID = -1;                /* MessageID */
933 static int hf_inap_numberOfRepetitions = -1;      /* INTEGER_1_127 */
934 static int hf_inap_inbandInfo_duration = -1;      /* INTEGER_0_32767 */
935 static int hf_inap_inbandInfo_interval = -1;      /* INTEGER_0_32767 */
936 static int hf_inap_preferredLanguage = -1;        /* Language */
937 static int hf_inap_messageID_01 = -1;             /* ElementaryMessageID */
938 static int hf_inap_messageDeletionTimeOut = -1;   /* INTEGER_1_3600 */
939 static int hf_inap_timeToRecord = -1;             /* INTEGER_0_b3__maxRecordingTime */
940 static int hf_inap_controlDigits = -1;            /* T_controlDigits */
941 static int hf_inap_endOfRecordingDigit = -1;      /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 */
942 static int hf_inap_replayDigit = -1;              /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 */
943 static int hf_inap_restartRecordingDigit = -1;    /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 */
944 static int hf_inap_restartAllowed = -1;           /* BOOLEAN */
945 static int hf_inap_replayAllowed = -1;            /* BOOLEAN */
946 static int hf_inap_inbandInfo = -1;               /* InbandInfo */
947 static int hf_inap_tone = -1;                     /* Tone */
948 static int hf_inap_elementaryMessageID = -1;      /* Integer4 */
949 static int hf_inap_text = -1;                     /* T_text */
950 static int hf_inap_messageContent = -1;           /* IA5String_SIZE_b3__minMessageContentLength_b3__maxMessageContentLength */
951 static int hf_inap_attributes = -1;               /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_b3__minAttributesLength_b3__maxAttributesLength */
952 static int hf_inap_elementaryMessageIDs = -1;     /* SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4 */
953 static int hf_inap_elementaryMessageIDs_item = -1;  /* Integer4 */
954 static int hf_inap_variableMessage = -1;          /* T_variableMessage */
955 static int hf_inap_variableParts = -1;            /* SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart */
956 static int hf_inap_variableParts_item = -1;       /* VariablePart */
957 static int hf_inap_iPAddressValue = -1;           /* Digits */
958 static int hf_inap_gapOnResource = -1;            /* GapOnResource */
959 static int hf_inap_iPAddressAndresource = -1;     /* T_iPAddressAndresource */
960 static int hf_inap_toneID = -1;                   /* Integer4 */
961 static int hf_inap_tone_duration = -1;            /* Integer4 */
962 static int hf_inap_integer = -1;                  /* Integer4 */
963 static int hf_inap_number = -1;                   /* Digits */
964 static int hf_inap_time = -1;                     /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_2 */
965 static int hf_inap_date = -1;                     /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_3 */
966 static int hf_inap_price = -1;                    /* OCTET_STRING_SIZE_4 */
967 static int hf_inap_disconnectFromIPForbidden = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
968 static int hf_inap_requestAnnouncementComplete = -1;  /* BOOLEAN */
969 static int hf_inap_connectedParty = -1;           /* T_connectedParty */
970 static int hf_inap_collectedInfo = -1;            /* CollectedInfo */
971 static int hf_inap_digitsResponse = -1;           /* Digits */
972 static int hf_inap_iA5Response = -1;              /* IA5String */
973 static int hf_inap_modemdetected = -1;            /* BOOLEAN */
974 static int hf_inap_subscriberID = -1;             /* GenericNumber */
975 static int hf_inap_mailBoxID = -1;                /* MailBoxID */
976 static int hf_inap_informationToRecord = -1;      /* InformationToRecord */
977 static int hf_inap_media = -1;                    /* Media */
978 static int hf_inap_receivedStatus = -1;           /* ReceivedStatus */
979 static int hf_inap_recordedMessageID = -1;        /* RecordedMessageID */
980 static int hf_inap_recordedMessageUnits = -1;     /* INTEGER_1_b3__maxRecordedMessageUnits */
981 static int hf_inap_uIScriptId = -1;               /* Code */
982 static int hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo = -1;     /* T_uIScriptSpecificInfo */
983 static int hf_inap_uIScriptResult = -1;           /* T_uIScriptResult */
984 static int hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo_01 = -1;  /* T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_01 */
985 static int hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo_02 = -1;  /* T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_02 */
986 static int hf_inap_sRFgapCriteria = -1;           /* SRFGapCriteria */
987 static int hf_inap_problem = -1;                  /* T_problem */
988 static int hf_inap_operation = -1;                /* InvokeID */
989 static int hf_inap_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason = -1;  /* T_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason */
990 static int hf_inap_securityParameters = -1;       /* SecurityParameters */
991 static int hf_inap_tryhere = -1;                  /* AccessPointInformation */
992 static int hf_inap_code_local = -1;               /* T_code_local */
993 static int hf_inap_global_01 = -1;                /* T_global */
994 static int hf_inap_invoke = -1;                   /* Invoke */
995 static int hf_inap_returnResult = -1;             /* ReturnResult */
996 static int hf_inap_returnError = -1;              /* ReturnError */
997 static int hf_inap_reject = -1;                   /* Reject */
998 static int hf_inap_invokeId = -1;                 /* InvokeId */
999 static int hf_inap_linkedId = -1;                 /* T_linkedId */
1000 static int hf_inap_inkedIdPresent = -1;           /* T_inkedIdPresent */
1001 static int hf_inap_absent = -1;                   /* NULL */
1002 static int hf_inap_opcode = -1;                   /* Code */
1003 static int hf_inap_argument = -1;                 /* T_argument */
1004 static int hf_inap_result = -1;                   /* T_result */
1005 static int hf_inap_resultArgument = -1;           /* ResultArgument */
1006 static int hf_inap_errcode = -1;                  /* Code */
1007 static int hf_inap_parameter = -1;                /* T_parameter */
1008 static int hf_inap_problem_01 = -1;               /* T_problem_01 */
1009 static int hf_inap_general = -1;                  /* GeneralProblem */
1010 static int hf_inap_invokeProblem = -1;            /* InvokeProblem */
1011 static int hf_inap_problemReturnResult = -1;      /* ReturnResultProblem */
1012 static int hf_inap_returnErrorProblem = -1;       /* ReturnErrorProblem */
1013 static int hf_inap_present = -1;                  /* INTEGER */
1014 static int hf_inap_InvokeId_present = -1;         /* InvokeId_present */
1016 /*--- End of included file: packet-inap-hf.c ---*/
1017 #line 47 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
1019 #define MAX_SSN 254
1020 static range_t *global_ssn_range;
1022 static dissector_handle_t	inap_handle;
1024 /* Global variables */
1025 static guint32 opcode=0;
1026 static guint32 errorCode=0;
1027 static const char *obj_id = NULL;
1029 static int inap_opcode_type;
1030 #define INAP_OPCODE_INVOKE        1
1033 #define INAP_OPCODE_REJECT        4
1035 static int hf_inap_cause_indicator = -1;
1037 /* Initialize the subtree pointers */
1038 static gint ett_inap = -1;
1039 static gint ett_inapisup_parameter = -1;
1040 static gint ett_inap_RedirectionInformation = -1;
1041 static gint ett_inap_HighLayerCompatibility = -1;
1042 static gint ett_inap_extension_data = -1;
1043 static gint ett_inap_cause = -1;
1044 static gint ett_inap_calledAddressValue = -1;
1045 static gint ett_inap_callingAddressValue = -1;
1046 static gint ett_inap_additionalCallingPartyNumber = -1;
1047 static gint ett_inap_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress = -1;
1048 static gint ett_inap_correlationID = -1;
1049 static gint ett_inap_number = -1;
1050 static gint ett_inap_dialledNumber = -1;
1051 static gint ett_inap_callingLineID = -1;
1052 static gint ett_inap_iNServiceControlCode = -1;
1053 static gint ett_inap_iNServiceControlCodeLow = -1;
1054 static gint ett_inap_iNServiceControlCodeHigh = -1;
1055 static gint ett_inap_lineID = -1;
1056 static gint ett_inap_prefix = -1;
1057 static gint ett_inap_iPAddressValue = -1;
1058 static gint ett_inap_digitsResponse = -1;
1061 /*--- Included file: packet-inap-ett.c ---*/
1062 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-ett.c"
1063 static gint ett_inap_Extensions = -1;
1064 static gint ett_inap_ExtensionField = -1;
1065 static gint ett_inap_AlternativeIdentities = -1;
1066 static gint ett_inap_AlternativeIdentity = -1;
1067 static gint ett_inap_BackwardServiceInteractionInd = -1;
1068 static gint ett_inap_BasicGapCriteria = -1;
1069 static gint ett_inap_T_calledAddressAndService = -1;
1070 static gint ett_inap_T_callingAddressAndService = -1;
1071 static gint ett_inap_BCSMEvent = -1;
1072 static gint ett_inap_BearerCapability = -1;
1073 static gint ett_inap_BISDNParameters = -1;
1074 static gint ett_inap_ChargingEvent = -1;
1075 static gint ett_inap_Component = -1;
1076 static gint ett_inap_CompoundCriteria = -1;
1077 static gint ett_inap_CounterAndValue = -1;
1078 static gint ett_inap_CountersValue = -1;
1079 static gint ett_inap_DefaultFaultHandling = -1;
1080 static gint ett_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress = -1;
1081 static gint ett_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters = -1;
1082 static gint ett_inap_DpSpecificCriteria = -1;
1083 static gint ett_inap_T_numberOfDigitsTwo = -1;
1084 static gint ett_inap_Entry = -1;
1085 static gint ett_inap_EventSpecificInformationBCSM = -1;
1086 static gint ett_inap_T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo = -1;
1087 static gint ett_inap_T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo = -1;
1088 static gint ett_inap_T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo = -1;
1089 static gint ett_inap_T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo = -1;
1090 static gint ett_inap_T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo = -1;
1091 static gint ett_inap_T_oAnswerSpecificInfo = -1;
1092 static gint ett_inap_T_oMidCallSpecificInfo = -1;
1093 static gint ett_inap_T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo = -1;
1094 static gint ett_inap_T_tBusySpecificInfo = -1;
1095 static gint ett_inap_T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo = -1;
1096 static gint ett_inap_T_tAnswerSpecificInfo = -1;
1097 static gint ett_inap_T_tMidCallSpecificInfo = -1;
1098 static gint ett_inap_T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo = -1;
1099 static gint ett_inap_T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo = -1;
1100 static gint ett_inap_T_oSuspend = -1;
1101 static gint ett_inap_T_tSuspend = -1;
1102 static gint ett_inap_T_origAttemptAuthorized = -1;
1103 static gint ett_inap_T_oReAnswer = -1;
1104 static gint ett_inap_T_tReAnswer = -1;
1105 static gint ett_inap_T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable = -1;
1106 static gint ett_inap_T_callAccepted = -1;
1107 static gint ett_inap_T_oAbandon = -1;
1108 static gint ett_inap_T_tAbandon = -1;
1109 static gint ett_inap_T_authorizeRouteFailure = -1;
1110 static gint ett_inap_T_terminationAttemptAuthorized = -1;
1111 static gint ett_inap_T_originationAttemptDenied = -1;
1112 static gint ett_inap_T_terminationAttemptDenied = -1;
1113 static gint ett_inap_T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo = -1;
1114 static gint ett_inap_T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo = -1;
1115 static gint ett_inap_T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo = -1;
1116 static gint ett_inap_T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo = -1;
1117 static gint ett_inap_FacilityGroup = -1;
1118 static gint ett_inap_FilteredCallTreatment = -1;
1119 static gint ett_inap_FilteringCharacteristics = -1;
1120 static gint ett_inap_FilteringCriteria = -1;
1121 static gint ett_inap_T_addressAndService = -1;
1122 static gint ett_inap_FilteringTimeOut = -1;
1123 static gint ett_inap_ForwardServiceInteractionInd = -1;
1124 static gint ett_inap_GapCriteria = -1;
1125 static gint ett_inap_GapOnService = -1;
1126 static gint ett_inap_GapIndicators = -1;
1127 static gint ett_inap_GapTreatment = -1;
1128 static gint ett_inap_T_both = -1;
1129 static gint ett_inap_GenericNumbers = -1;
1130 static gint ett_inap_INprofile = -1;
1131 static gint ett_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication = -1;
1132 static gint ett_inap_IPRelatedInformation = -1;
1133 static gint ett_inap_LegID = -1;
1134 static gint ett_inap_MidCallControlInfo = -1;
1135 static gint ett_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item = -1;
1136 static gint ett_inap_MidCallInfo = -1;
1137 static gint ett_inap_MidCallInfoType = -1;
1138 static gint ett_inap_MiscCallInfo = -1;
1139 static gint ett_inap_MonitoringCriteria = -1;
1140 static gint ett_inap_MonitoringTimeOut = -1;
1141 static gint ett_inap_ProfileIdentifier = -1;
1142 static gint ett_inap_RequestedInformationList = -1;
1143 static gint ett_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList = -1;
1144 static gint ett_inap_RequestedInformation = -1;
1145 static gint ett_inap_RequestedInformationValue = -1;
1146 static gint ett_inap_RequestedUTSI = -1;
1147 static gint ett_inap_RequestedUTSIList = -1;
1148 static gint ett_inap_ResourceID = -1;
1149 static gint ett_inap_RouteCountersValue = -1;
1150 static gint ett_inap_RouteCountersAndValue = -1;
1151 static gint ett_inap_RouteList = -1;
1152 static gint ett_inap_ServiceAddressInformation = -1;
1153 static gint ett_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo = -1;
1154 static gint ett_inap_T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd = -1;
1155 static gint ett_inap_TDPIdentifier = -1;
1156 static gint ett_inap_TriggerData = -1;
1157 static gint ett_inap_TriggerDataIdentifier = -1;
1158 static gint ett_inap_TriggerResults = -1;
1159 static gint ett_inap_TriggerResult = -1;
1160 static gint ett_inap_Triggers = -1;
1161 static gint ett_inap_Trigger = -1;
1162 static gint ett_inap_USIServiceIndicator = -1;
1163 static gint ett_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg = -1;
1164 static gint ett_inap_AnalysedInformationArg = -1;
1165 static gint ett_inap_AnalyseInformationArg = -1;
1166 static gint ett_inap_ApplyChargingArg = -1;
1167 static gint ett_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg = -1;
1168 static gint ett_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg = -1;
1169 static gint ett_inap_CallFilteringArg = -1;
1170 static gint ett_inap_CallGapArg = -1;
1171 static gint ett_inap_CallInformationReportArg = -1;
1172 static gint ett_inap_CallInformationRequestArg = -1;
1173 static gint ett_inap_CancelArg = -1;
1174 static gint ett_inap_T_callSegmentToCancel = -1;
1175 static gint ett_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg = -1;
1176 static gint ett_inap_CollectedInformationArg = -1;
1177 static gint ett_inap_CollectInformationArg = -1;
1178 static gint ett_inap_ConnectArg = -1;
1179 static gint ett_inap_ConnectToResourceArg = -1;
1180 static gint ett_inap_T_resourceAddress = -1;
1181 static gint ett_inap_T_ipAddressAndLegID = -1;
1182 static gint ett_inap_T_ipAddressAndCallSegment = -1;
1183 static gint ett_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg = -1;
1184 static gint ett_inap_T_legorCSID = -1;
1185 static gint ett_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg = -1;
1186 static gint ett_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg = -1;
1187 static gint ett_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg = -1;
1188 static gint ett_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg = -1;
1189 static gint ett_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg = -1;
1190 static gint ett_inap_T_partyToDisconnect = -1;
1191 static gint ett_inap_DisconnectLegArg = -1;
1192 static gint ett_inap_EntityReleasedArg = -1;
1193 static gint ett_inap_T_cSFailure = -1;
1194 static gint ett_inap_T_bCSMFailure = -1;
1195 static gint ett_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg = -1;
1196 static gint ett_inap_T_partyToConnect = -1;
1197 static gint ett_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg = -1;
1198 static gint ett_inap_EventReportBCSMArg = -1;
1199 static gint ett_inap_EventReportFacilityArg = -1;
1200 static gint ett_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg = -1;
1201 static gint ett_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg = -1;
1202 static gint ett_inap_InitialDPArg = -1;
1203 static gint ett_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg = -1;
1204 static gint ett_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg = -1;
1205 static gint ett_inap_T_triggerDataIdentifier = -1;
1206 static gint ett_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg = -1;
1207 static gint ett_inap_T_oneTriggerResult = -1;
1208 static gint ett_inap_T_severalTriggerResult = -1;
1209 static gint ett_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg = -1;
1210 static gint ett_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg = -1;
1211 static gint ett_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg = -1;
1212 static gint ett_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg = -1;
1213 static gint ett_inap_T_callSegments = -1;
1214 static gint ett_inap_T_callSegments_item = -1;
1215 static gint ett_inap_T_legs = -1;
1216 static gint ett_inap_T_legs_item = -1;
1217 static gint ett_inap_MoveLegArg = -1;
1218 static gint ett_inap_OAbandonArg = -1;
1219 static gint ett_inap_OAnswerArg = -1;
1220 static gint ett_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg = -1;
1221 static gint ett_inap_ODisconnectArg = -1;
1222 static gint ett_inap_MidCallArg = -1;
1223 static gint ett_inap_ONoAnswerArg = -1;
1224 static gint ett_inap_OriginationAttemptArg = -1;
1225 static gint ett_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg = -1;
1226 static gint ett_inap_OSuspendedArg = -1;
1227 static gint ett_inap_ReconnectArg = -1;
1228 static gint ett_inap_ReleaseCallArg = -1;
1229 static gint ett_inap_T_callSegmentToRelease = -1;
1230 static gint ett_inap_T_allCallSegments = -1;
1231 static gint ett_inap_ReportUTSIArg = -1;
1232 static gint ett_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg = -1;
1233 static gint ett_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg = -1;
1234 static gint ett_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg = -1;
1235 static gint ett_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg = -1;
1236 static gint ett_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg = -1;
1237 static gint ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent = -1;
1238 static gint ett_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg = -1;
1239 static gint ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType = -1;
1240 static gint ett_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg = -1;
1241 static gint ett_inap_ResetTimerArg = -1;
1242 static gint ett_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg = -1;
1243 static gint ett_inap_SelectFacilityArg = -1;
1244 static gint ett_inap_SelectRouteArg = -1;
1245 static gint ett_inap_SendChargingInformationArg = -1;
1246 static gint ett_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg = -1;
1247 static gint ett_inap_SendSTUIArg = -1;
1248 static gint ett_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg = -1;
1249 static gint ett_inap_SetServiceProfileArg = -1;
1250 static gint ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile = -1;
1251 static gint ett_inap_SplitLegArg = -1;
1252 static gint ett_inap_StatusReportArg = -1;
1253 static gint ett_inap_TAnswerArg = -1;
1254 static gint ett_inap_TBusyArg = -1;
1255 static gint ett_inap_TDisconnectArg = -1;
1256 static gint ett_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg = -1;
1257 static gint ett_inap_TerminationAttemptArg = -1;
1258 static gint ett_inap_TNoAnswerArg = -1;
1259 static gint ett_inap_TSuspendedArg = -1;
1260 static gint ett_inap_CollectedDigits = -1;
1261 static gint ett_inap_CollectedInfo = -1;
1262 static gint ett_inap_InbandInfo = -1;
1263 static gint ett_inap_InformationToRecord = -1;
1264 static gint ett_inap_T_controlDigits = -1;
1265 static gint ett_inap_InformationToSend = -1;
1266 static gint ett_inap_MessageID = -1;
1267 static gint ett_inap_T_text = -1;
1268 static gint ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4 = -1;
1269 static gint ett_inap_T_variableMessage = -1;
1270 static gint ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart = -1;
1271 static gint ett_inap_SRFGapCriteria = -1;
1272 static gint ett_inap_T_iPAddressAndresource = -1;
1273 static gint ett_inap_Tone = -1;
1274 static gint ett_inap_VariablePart = -1;
1275 static gint ett_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg = -1;
1276 static gint ett_inap_T_connectedParty = -1;
1277 static gint ett_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg = -1;
1278 static gint ett_inap_ReceivedInformationArg = -1;
1279 static gint ett_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg = -1;
1280 static gint ett_inap_MessageReceivedArg = -1;
1281 static gint ett_inap_ScriptCloseArg = -1;
1282 static gint ett_inap_ScriptEventArg = -1;
1283 static gint ett_inap_ScriptInformationArg = -1;
1284 static gint ett_inap_ScriptRunArg = -1;
1285 static gint ett_inap_SRFCallGapArg = -1;
1286 static gint ett_inap_PAR_cancelFailed = -1;
1287 static gint ett_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter = -1;
1288 static gint ett_inap_ReferralParameter = -1;
1289 static gint ett_inap_Code = -1;
1290 static gint ett_inap_ROS = -1;
1291 static gint ett_inap_Invoke = -1;
1292 static gint ett_inap_T_linkedId = -1;
1293 static gint ett_inap_ReturnResult = -1;
1294 static gint ett_inap_T_result = -1;
1295 static gint ett_inap_ReturnError = -1;
1296 static gint ett_inap_Reject = -1;
1297 static gint ett_inap_T_problem_01 = -1;
1298 static gint ett_inap_InvokeId = -1;
1300 /*--- End of included file: packet-inap-ett.c ---*/
1301 #line 90 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
1303 static expert_field ei_inap_unknown_invokeData = EI_INIT;
1304 static expert_field ei_inap_unknown_returnResultData = EI_INIT;
1305 static expert_field ei_inap_unknown_returnErrorData = EI_INIT;
1308 /*--- Included file: packet-inap-table.c ---*/
1309 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-table.c"
1312 const value_string inap_opr_code_strings[] = {
1313   { opcode_activateServiceFiltering         , "activateServiceFiltering" },
1314   { opcode_activityTest                     , "activityTest" },
1315   { opcode_analysedInformation              , "analysedInformation" },
1316   { opcode_analyseInformation               , "analyseInformation" },
1317   { opcode_applyCharging                    , "applyCharging" },
1318   { opcode_applyChargingReport              , "applyChargingReport" },
1319   { opcode_assistRequestInstructions        , "assistRequestInstructions" },
1320   { opcode_authorizeTermination             , "authorizeTermination" },
1321   { opcode_callFiltering                    , "callFiltering" },
1322   { opcode_callGap                          , "callGap" },
1323   { opcode_callInformationReport            , "callInformationReport" },
1324   { opcode_callInformationRequest           , "callInformationRequest" },
1325   { opcode_cancel                           , "cancel" },
1326   { opcode_cancelStatusReportRequest        , "cancelStatusReportRequest" },
1327   { opcode_collectedInformation             , "collectedInformation" },
1328   { opcode_collectInformation               , "collectInformation" },
1329   { opcode_connect                          , "connect" },
1330   { opcode_connectToResource                , "connectToResource" },
1331   { opcode_continue                         , "continue" },
1332   { opcode_continueWithArgument             , "continueWithArgument" },
1333   { opcode_createCallSegmentAssociation     , "createCallSegmentAssociation" },
1334   { opcode_createOrRemoveTriggerData        , "createOrRemoveTriggerData" },
1335   { opcode_disconnectForwardConnection      , "disconnectForwardConnection" },
1336   { opcode_dFCWithArgument                  , "disconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument" },
1337   { opcode_disconnectLeg                    , "disconnectLeg" },
1338   { opcode_entityReleased                   , "entityReleased" },
1339   { opcode_establishTemporaryConnection     , "establishTemporaryConnection" },
1340   { opcode_eventNotificationCharging        , "eventNotificationCharging" },
1341   { opcode_eventReportBCSM                  , "eventReportBCSM" },
1342   { opcode_eventReportFacility              , "eventReportFacility" },
1343   { opcode_facilitySelectedAndAvailable     , "facilitySelectedAndAvailable" },
1344   { opcode_furnishChargingInformation       , "furnishChargingInformation" },
1345   { opcode_holdCallInNetwork                , "holdCallInNetwork" },
1346   { opcode_initialDP                        , "initialDP" },
1347   { opcode_initiateCallAttempt              , "initiateCallAttempt" },
1348   { opcode_manageTriggerData                , "manageTriggerData" },
1349   { opcode_mergeCallSegments                , "mergeCallSegments" },
1350   { opcode_monitorRouteReport               , "monitorRouteReport" },
1351   { opcode_monitorRouteRequest              , "monitorRouteRequest" },
1352   { opcode_moveCallSegments                 , "moveCallSegments" },
1353   { opcode_moveLeg                          , "moveLeg" },
1354   { opcode_oAbandon                         , "oAbandon" },
1355   { opcode_oAnswer                          , "oAnswer" },
1356   { opcode_oCalledPartyBusy                 , "oCalledPartyBusy" },
1357   { opcode_oDisconnect                      , "oDisconnect" },
1358   { opcode_oMidCall                         , "oMidCall" },
1359   { opcode_oNoAnswer                        , "oNoAnswer" },
1360   { opcode_originationAttempt               , "originationAttempt" },
1361   { opcode_originationAttemptAuthorized     , "originationAttemptAuthorized" },
1362   { opcode_oSuspended                       , "oSuspended" },
1363   { opcode_reconnect                        , "reconnect" },
1364   { opcode_releaseCall                      , "releaseCall" },
1365   { opcode_reportUTSI                       , "reportUTSI" },
1366   { opcode_requestCurrentStatusReport       , "requestCurrentStatusReport" },
1367   { opcode_requestEveryStatusChangeReport   , "requestEveryStatusChangeReport" },
1368   { opcode_requestFirstStatusMatchReport    , "requestFirstStatusMatchReport" },
1369   { opcode_requestNotificationChargingEvent , "requestNotificationChargingEvent" },
1370   { opcode_requestReportBCSMEvent           , "requestReportBCSMEvent" },
1371   { opcode_requestReportFacilityEvent       , "requestReportFacilityEvent" },
1372   { opcode_requestReportUTSI                , "requestReportUTSI" },
1373   { opcode_resetTimer                       , "resetTimer" },
1374   { opcode_routeSelectFailure               , "routeSelectFailure" },
1375   { opcode_selectFacility                   , "selectFacility" },
1376   { opcode_selectRoute                      , "selectRoute" },
1377   { opcode_sendChargingInformation          , "sendChargingInformation" },
1378   { opcode_sendFacilityInformation          , "sendFacilityInformation" },
1379   { opcode_sendSTUI                         , "sendSTUI" },
1380   { opcode_serviceFilteringResponse         , "serviceFilteringResponse" },
1381   { opcode_setServiceProfile                , "setServiceProfile" },
1382   { opcode_splitLeg                         , "splitLeg" },
1383   { opcode_statusReport                     , "statusReport" },
1384   { opcode_tAnswer                          , "tAnswer" },
1385   { opcode_tBusy                            , "tBusy" },
1386   { opcode_tDisconnect                      , "tDisconnect" },
1387   { opcode_termAttemptAuthorized            , "termAttemptAuthorized" },
1388   { opcode_terminationAttempt               , "terminationAttempt" },
1389   { opcode_tMidCall                         , "tMidCall" },
1390   { opcode_tNoAnswer                        , "tNoAnswer" },
1391   { opcode_tSuspended                       , "tSuspended" },
1392   { opcode_playAnnouncement                 , "playAnnouncement" },
1393   { opcode_promptAndCollectUserInformation  , "promptAndCollectUserInformation" },
1394   { opcode_promptAndReceiveMessage          , "promptAndReceiveMessage" },
1395   { opcode_scriptClose                      , "scriptClose" },
1396   { opcode_scriptEvent                      , "scriptEvent" },
1397   { opcode_scriptInformation                , "scriptInformation" },
1398   { opcode_scriptRun                        , "scriptRun" },
1399   { opcode_specializedResourceReport        , "specializedResourceReport" },
1400   { opcode_srfCallGap                       , "sRFCallGap" },
1401   { 0, NULL }
1402 };
1405 /* INAP ERRORS */
1406 static const value_string inap_err_code_string_vals[] = {
1407   { errcode_canceled                        , "canceled" },
1408   { errcode_cancelFailed                    , "cancelFailed" },
1409   { errcode_chainingRefused                 , "chainingRefused" },
1410   { errcode_eTCFailed                       , "eTCFailed" },
1411   { errcode_improperCallerResponse          , "improperCallerResponse" },
1412   { errcode_missingCustomerRecord           , "missingCustomerRecord" },
1413   { errcode_missingParameter                , "missingParameter" },
1414   { errcode_parameterOutOfRange             , "parameterOutOfRange" },
1415   { errcode_requestedInfoError              , "requestedInfoError" },
1416   { errcode_scfTaskRefused                  , "scfTaskRefused" },
1417   { errcode_scfReferral                     , "scfReferral" },
1418   { errcode_systemFailure                   , "systemFailure" },
1419   { errcode_taskRefused                     , "taskRefused" },
1420   { errcode_unavailableResource             , "unavailableResource" },
1421   { errcode_unexpectedComponentSequence     , "unexpectedComponentSequence" },
1422   { errcode_unexpectedDataValue             , "unexpectedDataValue" },
1423   { errcode_unexpectedParameter             , "unexpectedParameter" },
1424   { errcode_unknownLegID                    , "unknownLegID" },
1425   { errcode_unknownResource                 , "unknownResource" },
1426   { 0, NULL }
1427 };
1430 /*--- End of included file: packet-inap-table.c ---*/
1431 #line 96 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
1433 const value_string inap_general_problem_strings[] = {
1434 {0,"General Problem Unrecognized Component"},
1435 {1,"General Problem Mistyped Component"},
1436 {3,"General Problem Badly Structured Component"},
1437 {0, NULL}
1438 };
1440 /* Forvard declarations */
1441 static int dissect_invokeData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_);
1442 static int dissect_returnResultData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_);
1443 static int dissect_returnErrorData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx);
1446 /*--- Included file: packet-inap-fn.c ---*/
1447 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-fn.c"
1449 const value_string inap_CriticalityType_vals[] = {
1450   {   0, "ignore" },
1451   {   1, "abort" },
1452   { 0, NULL }
1453 };
1456 int
dissect_inap_CriticalityType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1457 dissect_inap_CriticalityType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1458   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1459                                   NULL);
1461   return offset;
1462 }
1466 static int
dissect_inap_T_code_local(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1467 dissect_inap_T_code_local(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1468 #line 172 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
1469     offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1470                                                 &opcode);
1472     if (inap_opcode_type == INAP_OPCODE_RETURN_ERROR){
1473       errorCode = opcode;
1474       col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str(errorCode, inap_err_code_string_vals, "Unknown INAP error (%u)"));
1475       col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " ");
1476       col_set_fence(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
1477     }else{
1478       col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str(opcode, inap_opr_code_strings, "Unknown INAP (%u)"));
1479       col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " ");
1480       col_set_fence(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
1481     }
1485   return offset;
1486 }
1490 static int
dissect_inap_T_global(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1491 dissect_inap_T_global(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1492   offset = dissect_ber_object_identifier_str(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, &obj_id);
1494   return offset;
1495 }
1498 static const value_string inap_Code_vals[] = {
1499   {   0, "local" },
1500   {   1, "global" },
1501   { 0, NULL }
1502 };
1504 static const ber_choice_t Code_choice[] = {
1505   {   0, &hf_inap_code_local     , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_INTEGER, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_code_local },
1506   {   1, &hf_inap_global_01      , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_OID, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_global },
1507   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
1508 };
1510 static int
dissect_inap_Code(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1511 dissect_inap_Code(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1512   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
1513                                  Code_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_Code,
1514                                  NULL);
1516   return offset;
1517 }
1521 static int
dissect_inap_T_value(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1522 dissect_inap_T_value(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1523 #line 235 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
1524   proto_tree *ext_tree;
1525   ext_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(tree, tvb, offset, -1, ett_inap_extension_data, NULL, "Extension Data");
1526   if (obj_id){
1527     offset=call_ber_oid_callback(obj_id, tvb, offset, actx->pinfo, ext_tree, NULL);
1528   }else{
1529     call_data_dissector(tvb, actx->pinfo, ext_tree);
1530     offset = tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb,offset);
1531   }
1537   return offset;
1538 }
1541 static const ber_sequence_t ExtensionField_sequence[] = {
1542   { &hf_inap_type           , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Code },
1543   { &hf_inap_criticality    , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_ENUMERATED, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_CriticalityType },
1544   { &hf_inap_value          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_value },
1545   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
1546 };
1548 static int
dissect_inap_ExtensionField(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1549 dissect_inap_ExtensionField(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1550 #line 230 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
1551   obj_id = NULL;
1554   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
1555                                    ExtensionField_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ExtensionField);
1557   return offset;
1558 }
1561 static const ber_sequence_t Extensions_sequence_of[1] = {
1562   { &hf_inap_Extensions_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_ExtensionField },
1563 };
1565 static int
dissect_inap_Extensions(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1566 dissect_inap_Extensions(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1567   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
1568                                       Extensions_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_Extensions);
1570   return offset;
1571 }
1575 int
dissect_inap_Integer4(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1576 dissect_inap_Integer4(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1577   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1578                                                 NULL);
1580   return offset;
1581 }
1585 static int
dissect_inap_InvokeID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1586 dissect_inap_InvokeID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1587   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1588                                                 NULL);
1590   return offset;
1591 }
1594 static const value_string inap_UnavailableNetworkResource_vals[] = {
1595   {   0, "unavailableResources" },
1596   {   1, "componentFailure" },
1597   {   2, "basicCallProcessingException" },
1598   {   3, "resourceStatusFailure" },
1599   {   4, "endUserFailure" },
1600   {   5, "screening" },
1601   { 0, NULL }
1602 };
1605 static int
dissect_inap_UnavailableNetworkResource(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1606 dissect_inap_UnavailableNetworkResource(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1607   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1608                                   NULL);
1610   return offset;
1611 }
1615 static int
dissect_inap_AALParameters(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1616 dissect_inap_AALParameters(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1617   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1618                                        NULL);
1620   return offset;
1621 }
1625 static int
dissect_inap_LocationNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1626 dissect_inap_LocationNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1627   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1628                                        NULL);
1630   return offset;
1631 }
1635 static int
dissect_inap_AccessCode(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1636 dissect_inap_AccessCode(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1637   offset = dissect_inap_LocationNumber(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
1639   return offset;
1640 }
1644 static int
dissect_inap_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1645 dissect_inap_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1646   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1647                                        NULL);
1649   return offset;
1650 }
1653 static const value_string inap_ActionIndicator_vals[] = {
1654   {   1, "activate" },
1655   {   2, "deactivate" },
1656   {   3, "retrieve" },
1657   { 0, NULL }
1658 };
1661 static int
dissect_inap_ActionIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1662 dissect_inap_ActionIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1663   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1664                                   NULL);
1666   return offset;
1667 }
1670 static const value_string inap_ActionOnProfile_vals[] = {
1671   {   0, "activate" },
1672   {   1, "deactivate" },
1673   { 0, NULL }
1674 };
1677 static int
dissect_inap_ActionOnProfile(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1678 dissect_inap_ActionOnProfile(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1679   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1680                                   NULL);
1682   return offset;
1683 }
1686 static const value_string inap_ActionPerformed_vals[] = {
1687   {   1, "activated" },
1688   {   2, "deactivated" },
1689   {   3, "alreadyActive" },
1690   {   4, "alreadyInactive" },
1691   {   5, "isActive" },
1692   {   6, "isInactive" },
1693   {   7, "tDPunknown" },
1694   { 0, NULL }
1695 };
1698 static int
dissect_inap_ActionPerformed(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1699 dissect_inap_ActionPerformed(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1700   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1701                                   NULL);
1703   return offset;
1704 }
1708 static int
dissect_inap_AdditionalATMCellRate(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1709 dissect_inap_AdditionalATMCellRate(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1710   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1711                                        NULL);
1713   return offset;
1714 }
1718 static int
dissect_inap_Digits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1719 dissect_inap_Digits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1720 #line 345 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
1721   /*
1722    *-- Indicates the address signalling digits. Refer to the Q.763 Generic Number and Generic Digits parameter
1723    *-- for encoding. The coding of the subfield's 'NumberQualifier' in Generic Number and 'TypeOfDigits' in
1724    *-- Generic Digits are irrelevant to the INAP, the ASN.1 tags are sufficient to identify the parameter.
1725    *-- The ISUP format does not allow to exclude these subfields, therefore the value is network operator specific.
1726    *-- The following parameters should use Generic Number
1727    *-- Additional Calling Number, CorrelationID for AssistRequestInstructions, AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress
1728    *--  for EstablishTemporaryConnection
1729    *-- calledAddressValue for all occurrences,callingAddressValue for all occurrences
1730    *-- The following parameters should use Generic Digits: prefix, all
1731    *-- other CorrelationID occurrences, dialledNumber filtering criteria, callingLineID filtering criteria, lineID for
1732    *-- ResourceID type, digitResponse for ReceivedInformationArg, iNServiceControlLow / iNServiceControlHigh for
1733    *--MidCallInfoType,, iNServiceControlCode for MidCallInfo.
1734    */
1735   tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
1736   proto_tree *subtree;
1737   gint ett = -1;
1738   gboolean digits = FALSE;
1740     offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1741                                        &parameter_tvb);
1744   if (!parameter_tvb)
1745     return offset;
1747   if (hf_index == hf_inap_additionalCallingPartyNumber) {
1748     ett = ett_inap_additionalCallingPartyNumber;
1749   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress) {
1750     ett = ett_inap_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress;
1751   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_correlationID) {
1752     ett = ett_inap_correlationID;
1753     digits = (opcode != opcode_assistRequestInstructions) ? TRUE : FALSE;
1754   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_calledAddressValue) {
1755     ett = ett_inap_calledAddressValue;
1756   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_callingAddressValue) {
1757     ett = ett_inap_callingAddressValue;
1758   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_number) {
1759     ett = ett_inap_number;
1760   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_dialledNumber) {
1761     ett = ett_inap_dialledNumber;
1762     digits = TRUE;
1763   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_callingLineID) {
1764     ett = ett_inap_callingLineID;
1765     digits = TRUE;
1766   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_iNServiceControlCode) {
1767     ett = ett_inap_iNServiceControlCode;
1768     digits = TRUE;
1769   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_iNServiceControlCodeLow) {
1770     ett = ett_inap_iNServiceControlCodeLow;
1771     digits = TRUE;
1772   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_iNServiceControlCodeHigh) {
1773     ett = ett_inap_iNServiceControlCodeHigh;
1774     digits = TRUE;
1775   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_lineID) {
1776     ett = ett_inap_lineID;
1777     digits = TRUE;
1778   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_prefix) {
1779     ett = ett_inap_prefix;
1780     digits = TRUE;
1781   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_iPAddressValue) {
1782     ett = ett_inap_iPAddressValue;
1783   } else if (hf_index == hf_inap_digitsResponse) {
1784     ett = ett_inap_digitsResponse;
1785     digits = TRUE;
1786   }
1788   subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(actx->created_item, ett);
1789   if (digits) {
1790     dissect_isup_generic_digits_parameter(parameter_tvb, subtree, NULL);
1791   } else {
1792     dissect_isup_generic_number_parameter(parameter_tvb, actx->pinfo, subtree, NULL);
1793   }
1796   return offset;
1797 }
1801 static int
dissect_inap_AdditionalCallingPartyNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1802 dissect_inap_AdditionalCallingPartyNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1803   offset = dissect_inap_Digits(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
1805   return offset;
1806 }
1810 static int
dissect_inap_AESACalledParty(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1811 dissect_inap_AESACalledParty(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1812   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1813                                        NULL);
1815   return offset;
1816 }
1820 static int
dissect_inap_AESACallingParty(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1821 dissect_inap_AESACallingParty(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1822   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1823                                        NULL);
1825   return offset;
1826 }
1830 static int
dissect_inap_AlertingPattern(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1831 dissect_inap_AlertingPattern(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1832   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1833                                        NULL);
1835   return offset;
1836 }
1840 static int
dissect_inap_IA5String_SIZE_1_512(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1841 dissect_inap_IA5String_SIZE_1_512(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1842   offset = dissect_ber_restricted_string(implicit_tag, BER_UNI_TAG_IA5String,
1843                                             actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1844                                             NULL);
1846   return offset;
1847 }
1850 static const value_string inap_AlternativeIdentity_vals[] = {
1851   {   0, "url" },
1852   { 0, NULL }
1853 };
1855 static const ber_choice_t AlternativeIdentity_choice[] = {
1856   {   0, &hf_inap_url            , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IA5String_SIZE_1_512 },
1857   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
1858 };
1860 static int
dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentity(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1861 dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentity(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1862   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
1863                                  AlternativeIdentity_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_AlternativeIdentity,
1864                                  NULL);
1866   return offset;
1867 }
1870 static const ber_sequence_t AlternativeIdentities_sequence_of[1] = {
1871   { &hf_inap_AlternativeIdentities_item, BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentity },
1872 };
1874 static int
dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentities(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1875 dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentities(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1876   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
1877                                       AlternativeIdentities_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_AlternativeIdentities);
1879   return offset;
1880 }
1884 static int
dissect_inap_AlternativeATMTrafficDescriptor(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1885 dissect_inap_AlternativeATMTrafficDescriptor(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1886   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1887                                        NULL);
1889   return offset;
1890 }
1894 static int
dissect_inap_ApplicationTimer(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1895 dissect_inap_ApplicationTimer(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1896   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1897                                                 NULL);
1899   return offset;
1900 }
1904 static int
dissect_inap_AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1905 dissect_inap_AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1906   offset = dissect_inap_Digits(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
1908   return offset;
1909 }
1913 static int
dissect_inap_ATMCellRate(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1914 dissect_inap_ATMCellRate(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1915   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1916                                        NULL);
1918   return offset;
1919 }
1923 static int
dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1924 dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1925   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1926                                        NULL);
1928   return offset;
1929 }
1933 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1934 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1935   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
1936                                        NULL);
1938   return offset;
1939 }
1942 static const ber_sequence_t BackwardServiceInteractionInd_sequence[] = {
1943   { &hf_inap_conferenceTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
1944   { &hf_inap_callCompletionTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
1945   { &hf_inap_holdTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
1946   { &hf_inap_ectTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
1947   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
1948 };
1950 static int
dissect_inap_BackwardServiceInteractionInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1951 dissect_inap_BackwardServiceInteractionInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1952   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
1953                                    BackwardServiceInteractionInd_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_BackwardServiceInteractionInd);
1955   return offset;
1956 }
1960 int
dissect_inap_ServiceKey(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)1961 dissect_inap_ServiceKey(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
1962   offset = dissect_inap_Integer4(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
1964   return offset;
1965 }
1968 static const value_string inap_EventTypeBCSM_vals[] = {
1969   {   1, "origAttemptAuthorized" },
1970   {   2, "collectedInfo" },
1971   {   3, "analysedInformation" },
1972   {   4, "routeSelectFailure" },
1973   {   5, "oCalledPartyBusy" },
1974   {   6, "oNoAnswer" },
1975   {   7, "oAnswer" },
1976   {   8, "oMidCall" },
1977   {   9, "oDisconnect" },
1978   {  10, "oAbandon" },
1979   {  12, "termAttemptAuthorized" },
1980   {  13, "tBusy" },
1981   {  14, "tNoAnswer" },
1982   {  15, "tAnswer" },
1983   {  16, "tMidCall" },
1984   {  17, "tDisconnect" },
1985   {  18, "tAbandon" },
1986   {  19, "oTermSeized" },
1987   {  20, "oSuspend" },
1988   {  21, "tSuspend" },
1989   {  22, "origAttempt" },
1990   {  23, "termAttempt" },
1991   {  24, "oReAnswer" },
1992   {  25, "tReAnswer" },
1993   {  26, "facilitySelectedAndAvailable" },
1994   {  27, "callAccepted" },
1995   {  28, "authorizeRouteFailure" },
1996   {  29, "originationAttemptDenied" },
1997   {  30, "terminationAttemptDenied" },
1998   { 100, "oModifyRequest" },
1999   { 101, "oModifyResult" },
2000   { 102, "tModifyRequest" },
2001   { 103, "tModifyResult" },
2002   { 0, NULL }
2003 };
2006 static int
dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2007 dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2008   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2009                                   NULL);
2011   return offset;
2012 }
2015 static const ber_sequence_t GapOnService_sequence[] = {
2016   { &hf_inap_serviceKey     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceKey },
2017   { &hf_inap_dpCriteria     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
2018   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2019 };
2021 static int
dissect_inap_GapOnService(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2022 dissect_inap_GapOnService(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2023   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2024                                    GapOnService_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_GapOnService);
2026   return offset;
2027 }
2031 static int
dissect_inap_NULL(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2032 dissect_inap_NULL(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2033   offset = dissect_ber_null(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index);
2035   return offset;
2036 }
2039 static const ber_sequence_t T_calledAddressAndService_sequence[] = {
2040   { &hf_inap_calledAddressValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
2041   { &hf_inap_serviceKey     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceKey },
2042   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2043 };
2045 static int
dissect_inap_T_calledAddressAndService(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2046 dissect_inap_T_calledAddressAndService(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2047   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2048                                    T_calledAddressAndService_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_calledAddressAndService);
2050   return offset;
2051 }
2054 static const ber_sequence_t T_callingAddressAndService_sequence[] = {
2055   { &hf_inap_callingAddressValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
2056   { &hf_inap_serviceKey     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceKey },
2057   { &hf_inap_locationNumber , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LocationNumber },
2058   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2059 };
2061 static int
dissect_inap_T_callingAddressAndService(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2062 dissect_inap_T_callingAddressAndService(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2063   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2064                                    T_callingAddressAndService_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_callingAddressAndService);
2066   return offset;
2067 }
2070 static const value_string inap_BasicGapCriteria_vals[] = {
2071   {   0, "calledAddressValue" },
2072   {   2, "gapOnService" },
2073   {   3, "gapAllInTraffic" },
2074   {  29, "calledAddressAndService" },
2075   {  30, "callingAddressAndService" },
2076   { 0, NULL }
2077 };
2079 static const ber_choice_t BasicGapCriteria_choice[] = {
2080   {   0, &hf_inap_calledAddressValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
2081   {   2, &hf_inap_gapOnService   , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GapOnService },
2082   {   3, &hf_inap_gapAllInTraffic, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
2083   {  29, &hf_inap_calledAddressAndService, BER_CLASS_CON, 29, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_calledAddressAndService },
2084   {  30, &hf_inap_callingAddressAndService, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_callingAddressAndService },
2085   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2086 };
2088 static int
dissect_inap_BasicGapCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2089 dissect_inap_BasicGapCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2090   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2091                                  BasicGapCriteria_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_BasicGapCriteria,
2092                                  NULL);
2094   return offset;
2095 }
2098 static const value_string inap_MonitorMode_vals[] = {
2099   {   0, "interrupted" },
2100   {   1, "notifyAndContinue" },
2101   {   2, "transparent" },
2102   { 0, NULL }
2103 };
2106 static int
dissect_inap_MonitorMode(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2107 dissect_inap_MonitorMode(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2108   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2109                                   NULL);
2111   return offset;
2112 }
2116 static int
dissect_inap_LegType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2117 dissect_inap_LegType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2118   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2119                                        NULL);
2121   return offset;
2122 }
2125 const value_string inap_LegID_vals[] = {
2126   {   0, "sendingSideID" },
2127   {   1, "receivingSideID" },
2128   { 0, NULL }
2129 };
2131 static const ber_choice_t LegID_choice[] = {
2132   {   0, &hf_inap_sendingSideID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LegType },
2133   {   1, &hf_inap_receivingSideID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LegType },
2134   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2135 };
2137 int
dissect_inap_LegID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2138 dissect_inap_LegID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2139   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2140                                  LegID_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_LegID,
2141                                  NULL);
2143   return offset;
2144 }
2148 static int
dissect_inap_NumberOfDigits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2149 dissect_inap_NumberOfDigits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2150   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2151                                                 NULL);
2153   return offset;
2154 }
2157 static const ber_sequence_t MidCallInfoType_sequence[] = {
2158   { &hf_inap_iNServiceControlCodeLow, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
2159   { &hf_inap_iNServiceControlCodeHigh, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
2160   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2161 };
2163 static int
dissect_inap_MidCallInfoType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2164 dissect_inap_MidCallInfoType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2165   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2166                                    MidCallInfoType_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MidCallInfoType);
2168   return offset;
2169 }
2172 static const value_string inap_T_midCallReportType_vals[] = {
2173   {   0, "inMonitoringState" },
2174   {   1, "inAnyState" },
2175   { 0, NULL }
2176 };
2179 static int
dissect_inap_T_midCallReportType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2180 dissect_inap_T_midCallReportType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2181   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2182                                   NULL);
2184   return offset;
2185 }
2188 static const ber_sequence_t MidCallControlInfo_item_sequence[] = {
2189   { &hf_inap_midCallInfoType, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MidCallInfoType },
2190   { &hf_inap_midCallReportType, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_midCallReportType },
2191   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2192 };
2194 static int
dissect_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2195 dissect_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2196   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2197                                    MidCallControlInfo_item_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item);
2199   return offset;
2200 }
2203 static const ber_sequence_t MidCallControlInfo_sequence_of[1] = {
2204   { &hf_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item },
2205 };
2207 static int
dissect_inap_MidCallControlInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2208 dissect_inap_MidCallControlInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2209   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2210                                       MidCallControlInfo_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_MidCallControlInfo);
2212   return offset;
2213 }
2216 static const ber_sequence_t T_numberOfDigitsTwo_sequence[] = {
2217   { &hf_inap_requestedNumberOfDigits, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NumberOfDigits },
2218   { &hf_inap_minNumberOfDigits, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NumberOfDigits },
2219   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2220 };
2222 static int
dissect_inap_T_numberOfDigitsTwo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2223 dissect_inap_T_numberOfDigitsTwo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2224   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2225                                    T_numberOfDigitsTwo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_numberOfDigitsTwo);
2227   return offset;
2228 }
2231 static const value_string inap_DpSpecificCriteria_vals[] = {
2232   {   0, "numberOfDigits" },
2233   {   1, "applicationTimer" },
2234   {   2, "midCallControlInfo" },
2235   {   3, "numberOfDigitsTwo" },
2236   { 0, NULL }
2237 };
2239 static const ber_choice_t DpSpecificCriteria_choice[] = {
2240   {   0, &hf_inap_numberOfDigits , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NumberOfDigits },
2241   {   1, &hf_inap_applicationTimer, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ApplicationTimer },
2242   {   2, &hf_inap_midCallControlInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MidCallControlInfo },
2243   {   3, &hf_inap_numberOfDigitsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_numberOfDigitsTwo },
2244   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2245 };
2247 static int
dissect_inap_DpSpecificCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2248 dissect_inap_DpSpecificCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2249   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2250                                  DpSpecificCriteria_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_DpSpecificCriteria,
2251                                  NULL);
2253   return offset;
2254 }
2257 static const ber_sequence_t BCSMEvent_sequence[] = {
2258   { &hf_inap_eventTypeBCSM  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
2259   { &hf_inap_monitorMode    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MonitorMode },
2260   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
2261   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCriteria, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCriteria },
2262   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2263 };
2265 static int
dissect_inap_BCSMEvent(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2266 dissect_inap_BCSMEvent(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2267   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2268                                    BCSMEvent_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_BCSMEvent);
2270   return offset;
2271 }
2275 static int
dissect_inap_T_bearerCap(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2276 dissect_inap_T_bearerCap(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2277 #line 268 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
2279   tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
2281   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2282                                        &parameter_tvb);
2285   if (!parameter_tvb)
2286     return offset;
2288   dissect_q931_bearer_capability_ie(parameter_tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length_remaining(parameter_tvb,0), tree);
2292   return offset;
2293 }
2297 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength_maxBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2298 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength_maxBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2299   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2300                                        NULL);
2302   return offset;
2303 }
2306 static const value_string inap_BearerCapability_vals[] = {
2307   {   0, "bearerCap" },
2308   {   1, "tmr" },
2309   {   2, "broadbandBearerCap" },
2310   { 0, NULL }
2311 };
2313 static const ber_choice_t BearerCapability_choice[] = {
2314   {   0, &hf_inap_bearerCap      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_bearerCap },
2315   {   1, &hf_inap_tmr            , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
2316   {   2, &hf_inap_broadbandBearerCap, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength_maxBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength },
2317   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2318 };
2320 static int
dissect_inap_BearerCapability(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2321 dissect_inap_BearerCapability(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2322   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2323                                  BearerCapability_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_BearerCapability,
2324                                  NULL);
2326   return offset;
2327 }
2331 static int
dissect_inap_CDVTDescriptor(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2332 dissect_inap_CDVTDescriptor(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2333   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2334                                        NULL);
2336   return offset;
2337 }
2341 static int
dissect_inap_CumulativeTransitDelay(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2342 dissect_inap_CumulativeTransitDelay(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2343   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2344                                        NULL);
2346   return offset;
2347 }
2351 static int
dissect_inap_EndToEndTransitDelay(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2352 dissect_inap_EndToEndTransitDelay(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2353   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2354                                        NULL);
2356   return offset;
2357 }
2361 static int
dissect_inap_MinAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2362 dissect_inap_MinAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2363   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2364                                        NULL);
2366   return offset;
2367 }
2370 static const ber_sequence_t BISDNParameters_sequence[] = {
2371   { &hf_inap_aALParameters  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AALParameters },
2372   { &hf_inap_additionalATMCellRate, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AdditionalATMCellRate },
2373   { &hf_inap_aESACalledParty, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AESACalledParty },
2374   { &hf_inap_aESACallingParty, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AESACallingParty },
2375   { &hf_inap_alternativeATMTrafficDescriptor, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlternativeATMTrafficDescriptor },
2376   { &hf_inap_aTMCellRate    , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ATMCellRate },
2377   { &hf_inap_cDVTDescriptor , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CDVTDescriptor },
2378   { &hf_inap_cumulativeTransitDelay, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CumulativeTransitDelay },
2379   { &hf_inap_endToEndTransitDelay, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EndToEndTransitDelay },
2380   { &hf_inap_minAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MinAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor },
2381   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2382 };
2384 static int
dissect_inap_BISDNParameters(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2385 dissect_inap_BISDNParameters(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2386   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2387                                    BISDNParameters_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_BISDNParameters);
2389   return offset;
2390 }
2393 const value_string inap_BothwayThroughConnectionInd_vals[] = {
2394   {   0, "bothwayPathRequired" },
2395   {   1, "bothwayPathNotRequired" },
2396   { 0, NULL }
2397 };
2400 int
dissect_inap_BothwayThroughConnectionInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2401 dissect_inap_BothwayThroughConnectionInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2402   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2403                                   NULL);
2405   return offset;
2406 }
2410 static int
dissect_inap_CalledDirectoryNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2411 dissect_inap_CalledDirectoryNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2412   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2413                                        NULL);
2415   return offset;
2416 }
2420 static int
dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2421 dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2422   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2423                                        NULL);
2425   return offset;
2426 }
2430 static int
dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2431 dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2432 #line 247 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
2433   tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
2435   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2436                                        &parameter_tvb);
2439   if (!parameter_tvb)
2440   return offset;
2442 dissect_isup_called_party_number_parameter(parameter_tvb, actx->pinfo, tree, NULL);
2446   return offset;
2447 }
2451 static int
dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2452 dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2453   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2454                                        NULL);
2456   return offset;
2457 }
2461 static int
dissect_inap_CallingGeodeticLocation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2462 dissect_inap_CallingGeodeticLocation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2463   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2464                                        NULL);
2466   return offset;
2467 }
2471 static int
dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2472 dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2473   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2474                                        NULL);
2476   return offset;
2477 }
2481 static int
dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2482 dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2483 #line 257 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
2484   tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
2486   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2487                                        &parameter_tvb);
2490   if (!parameter_tvb)
2491     return offset;
2493   dissect_isup_calling_party_number_parameter(parameter_tvb, actx->pinfo, tree, NULL);
2498   return offset;
2499 }
2503 static int
dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2504 dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2505   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2506                                        NULL);
2508   return offset;
2509 }
2513 int
dissect_inap_CallingPartysCategory(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2514 dissect_inap_CallingPartysCategory(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2515   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2516                                        NULL);
2518   return offset;
2519 }
2522 static const value_string inap_CallProcessingOperation_vals[] = {
2523   {   1, "aLERTing" },
2524   {   5, "sETUP" },
2525   {   7, "cONNect" },
2526   {  69, "dISConnect" },
2527   {  77, "rELease" },
2528   {  90, "rELeaseCOMPlete" },
2529   {  98, "fACility" },
2530   { 0, NULL }
2531 };
2534 static int
dissect_inap_CallProcessingOperation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2535 dissect_inap_CallProcessingOperation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2536   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2537                                   NULL);
2539   return offset;
2540 }
2544 static int
dissect_inap_CallReference(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2545 dissect_inap_CallReference(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2546   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2547                                        NULL);
2549   return offset;
2550 }
2554 static int
dissect_inap_CallResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2555 dissect_inap_CallResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2556   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2557                                        NULL);
2559   return offset;
2560 }
2564 static int
dissect_inap_CallSegmentID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2565 dissect_inap_CallSegmentID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2566   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2567                                                 NULL);
2569   return offset;
2570 }
2574 static int
dissect_inap_Carrier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2575 dissect_inap_Carrier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2576   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2577                                        NULL);
2579   return offset;
2580 }
2584 static int
dissect_inap_Cause(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2585 dissect_inap_Cause(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2586 #line 328 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
2587   /*
2588    * -- Indicates the cause for interface related information. Refer to the Q.763 Cause  parameter for encoding
2589    * -- For the use of cause and location values refer to Q.850.
2590    */
2591   tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
2592   guint8 Cause_value;
2593   proto_tree *subtree;
2595   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2596                                        &parameter_tvb);
2599   if (!parameter_tvb)
2600     return offset;
2601   subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(actx->created_item, ett_inap_cause);
2603   dissect_q931_cause_ie(parameter_tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length_remaining(parameter_tvb,0), subtree, hf_inap_cause_indicator, &Cause_value, isup_parameter_type_value);
2607   return offset;
2608 }
2612 static int
dissect_inap_CCSS(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2613 dissect_inap_CCSS(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2614   offset = dissect_ber_boolean(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, NULL);
2616   return offset;
2617 }
2620 static const value_string inap_CGEncountered_vals[] = {
2621   {   0, "noCGencountered" },
2622   {   1, "manualCGencountered" },
2623   {   2, "sCPOverload" },
2624   { 0, NULL }
2625 };
2628 static int
dissect_inap_CGEncountered(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2629 dissect_inap_CGEncountered(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2630   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2631                                   NULL);
2633   return offset;
2634 }
2638 static int
dissect_inap_ChargeNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2639 dissect_inap_ChargeNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2640   offset = dissect_inap_LocationNumber(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
2642   return offset;
2643 }
2647 static int
dissect_inap_EventTypeCharging(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2648 dissect_inap_EventTypeCharging(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2649   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2650                                        NULL);
2652   return offset;
2653 }
2656 static const ber_sequence_t ChargingEvent_sequence[] = {
2657   { &hf_inap_eventTypeCharging, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeCharging },
2658   { &hf_inap_monitorMode    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MonitorMode },
2659   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
2660   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2661 };
2663 static int
dissect_inap_ChargingEvent(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2664 dissect_inap_ChargingEvent(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2665   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2666                                    ChargingEvent_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ChargingEvent);
2668   return offset;
2669 }
2673 static int
dissect_inap_CNInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2674 dissect_inap_CNInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2675   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2676                                        NULL);
2678   return offset;
2679 }
2683 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_118(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2684 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_118(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2685   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2686                                        NULL);
2688   return offset;
2689 }
2693 static int
dissect_inap_EMBEDDED_PDV(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2694 dissect_inap_EMBEDDED_PDV(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2695   offset = dissect_ber_EmbeddedPDV_Type(implicit_tag, tree, tvb, offset, actx, hf_index, NULL);
2697   return offset;
2698 }
2701 static const value_string inap_Component_vals[] = {
2702   {   0, "componentInfo" },
2703   {   1, "relayedComponent" },
2704   { 0, NULL }
2705 };
2707 static const ber_choice_t Component_choice[] = {
2708   {   0, &hf_inap_componentInfo  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_118 },
2709   {   1, &hf_inap_relayedComponent, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EMBEDDED_PDV },
2710   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2711 };
2713 static int
dissect_inap_Component(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2714 dissect_inap_Component(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2715   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2716                                  Component_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_Component,
2717                                  NULL);
2719   return offset;
2720 }
2724 static int
dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2725 dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2726   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2727                                                 NULL);
2729   return offset;
2730 }
2733 static const value_string inap_ComponentType_vals[] = {
2734   {   0, "any" },
2735   {   1, "invoke" },
2736   {   2, "rResult" },
2737   {   3, "rError" },
2738   {   4, "rReject" },
2739   { 0, NULL }
2740 };
2743 static int
dissect_inap_ComponentType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2744 dissect_inap_ComponentType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2745   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2746                                   NULL);
2748   return offset;
2749 }
2753 static int
dissect_inap_ScfID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2754 dissect_inap_ScfID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2755   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2756                                        NULL);
2758   return offset;
2759 }
2762 static const ber_sequence_t CompoundCriteria_sequence[] = {
2763   { &hf_inap_basicGapCriteria, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_BasicGapCriteria },
2764   { &hf_inap_scfID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ScfID },
2765   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2766 };
2768 static int
dissect_inap_CompoundCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2769 dissect_inap_CompoundCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2770   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2771                                    CompoundCriteria_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CompoundCriteria);
2773   return offset;
2774 }
2777 static const value_string inap_ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd_vals[] = {
2778   {   0, "noINImpact" },
2779   {   1, "presentationRestricted" },
2780   {   2, "presentCalledINNumber" },
2781   {   3, "presentCalledINNumberRestricted" },
2782   { 0, NULL }
2783 };
2786 static int
dissect_inap_ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2787 dissect_inap_ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2788   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2789                                   NULL);
2791   return offset;
2792 }
2796 static int
dissect_inap_ConnectionIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2797 dissect_inap_ConnectionIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2798   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2799                                        NULL);
2801   return offset;
2802 }
2805 static const value_string inap_ControlType_vals[] = {
2806   {   0, "sCPOverloaded" },
2807   {   1, "manuallyInitiated" },
2808   {   2, "destinationOverload" },
2809   { 0, NULL }
2810 };
2813 static int
dissect_inap_ControlType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2814 dissect_inap_ControlType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2815   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2816                                   NULL);
2818   return offset;
2819 }
2823 static int
dissect_inap_CorrelationID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2824 dissect_inap_CorrelationID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2825   offset = dissect_inap_Digits(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
2827   return offset;
2828 }
2832 static int
dissect_inap_CounterID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2833 dissect_inap_CounterID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2834   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2835                                                 NULL);
2837   return offset;
2838 }
2841 static const ber_sequence_t CounterAndValue_sequence[] = {
2842   { &hf_inap_counterID      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CounterID },
2843   { &hf_inap_counterValue   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
2844   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2845 };
2847 static int
dissect_inap_CounterAndValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2848 dissect_inap_CounterAndValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2849   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2850                                    CounterAndValue_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CounterAndValue);
2852   return offset;
2853 }
2856 static const ber_sequence_t CountersValue_sequence_of[1] = {
2857   { &hf_inap_CountersValue_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_CounterAndValue },
2858 };
2860 static int
dissect_inap_CountersValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2861 dissect_inap_CountersValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2862   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2863                                       CountersValue_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_CountersValue);
2865   return offset;
2866 }
2869 static const value_string inap_CreateOrRemoveIndicator_vals[] = {
2870   {   0, "create" },
2871   {   1, "remove" },
2872   { 0, NULL }
2873 };
2876 static int
dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2877 dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2878   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2879                                   NULL);
2881   return offset;
2882 }
2886 static int
dissect_inap_CSAID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2887 dissect_inap_CSAID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2888   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2889                                                 NULL);
2891   return offset;
2892 }
2896 static int
dissect_inap_CUG_Interlock(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2897 dissect_inap_CUG_Interlock(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2898   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2899                                        NULL);
2901   return offset;
2902 }
2906 static int
dissect_inap_CUG_Index(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2907 dissect_inap_CUG_Index(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2908   offset = dissect_ber_restricted_string(implicit_tag, BER_UNI_TAG_IA5String,
2909                                             actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2910                                             NULL);
2912   return offset;
2913 }
2917 static int
dissect_inap_CutAndPaste(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2918 dissect_inap_CutAndPaste(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2919   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2920                                                 NULL);
2922   return offset;
2923 }
2927 static int
dissect_inap_DateAndTime(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2928 dissect_inap_DateAndTime(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2929   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2930                                        NULL);
2932   return offset;
2933 }
2936 static const value_string inap_T_action_vals[] = {
2937   {   0, "resumeCallProcessing" },
2938   {   1, "releaseCall" },
2939   { 0, NULL }
2940 };
2943 static int
dissect_inap_T_action(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2944 dissect_inap_T_action(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2945   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2946                                   NULL);
2948   return offset;
2949 }
2953 static int
dissect_inap_IA5String_SIZE_b3__minMessageContentLength_b3__maxMessageContentLength(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2954 dissect_inap_IA5String_SIZE_b3__minMessageContentLength_b3__maxMessageContentLength(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2955   offset = dissect_ber_restricted_string(implicit_tag, BER_UNI_TAG_IA5String,
2956                                             actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2957                                             NULL);
2959   return offset;
2960 }
2964 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_b3__minAttributesLength_b3__maxAttributesLength(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2965 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_b3__minAttributesLength_b3__maxAttributesLength(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2966   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
2967                                        NULL);
2969   return offset;
2970 }
2973 static const ber_sequence_t T_text_sequence[] = {
2974   { &hf_inap_messageContent , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IA5String_SIZE_b3__minMessageContentLength_b3__maxMessageContentLength },
2975   { &hf_inap_attributes     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_b3__minAttributesLength_b3__maxAttributesLength },
2976   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
2977 };
2979 static int
dissect_inap_T_text(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2980 dissect_inap_T_text(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2981   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2982                                    T_text_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_text);
2984   return offset;
2985 }
2988 static const ber_sequence_t SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4_sequence_of[1] = {
2989   { &hf_inap_elementaryMessageIDs_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_INTEGER, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
2990 };
2992 static int
dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)2993 dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
2994   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
2995                                       SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4);
2997   return offset;
2998 }
3002 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_2(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3003 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_2(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3004   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3005                                        NULL);
3007   return offset;
3008 }
3012 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_3(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3013 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_3(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3014   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3015                                        NULL);
3017   return offset;
3018 }
3022 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_4(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3023 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_4(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3024   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3025                                        NULL);
3027   return offset;
3028 }
3031 static const value_string inap_VariablePart_vals[] = {
3032   {   0, "integer" },
3033   {   1, "number" },
3034   {   2, "time" },
3035   {   3, "date" },
3036   {   4, "price" },
3037   { 0, NULL }
3038 };
3040 static const ber_choice_t VariablePart_choice[] = {
3041   {   0, &hf_inap_integer        , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3042   {   1, &hf_inap_number         , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
3043   {   2, &hf_inap_time           , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_2 },
3044   {   3, &hf_inap_date           , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_3 },
3045   {   4, &hf_inap_price          , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_4 },
3046   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3047 };
3049 static int
dissect_inap_VariablePart(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3050 dissect_inap_VariablePart(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3051   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3052                                  VariablePart_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_VariablePart,
3053                                  NULL);
3055   return offset;
3056 }
3059 static const ber_sequence_t SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart_sequence_of[1] = {
3060   { &hf_inap_variableParts_item, BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_VariablePart },
3061 };
3063 static int
dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3064 dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3065   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3066                                       SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart);
3068   return offset;
3069 }
3072 static const ber_sequence_t T_variableMessage_sequence[] = {
3073   { &hf_inap_elementaryMessageID, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3074   { &hf_inap_variableParts  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart },
3075   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3076 };
3078 static int
dissect_inap_T_variableMessage(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3079 dissect_inap_T_variableMessage(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3080   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3081                                    T_variableMessage_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_variableMessage);
3083   return offset;
3084 }
3087 static const value_string inap_MessageID_vals[] = {
3088   {   0, "elementaryMessageID" },
3089   {   1, "text" },
3090   {  29, "elementaryMessageIDs" },
3091   {  30, "variableMessage" },
3092   { 0, NULL }
3093 };
3095 static const ber_choice_t MessageID_choice[] = {
3096   {   0, &hf_inap_elementaryMessageID, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3097   {   1, &hf_inap_text           , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_text },
3098   {  29, &hf_inap_elementaryMessageIDs, BER_CLASS_CON, 29, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4 },
3099   {  30, &hf_inap_variableMessage, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_variableMessage },
3100   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3101 };
3103 static int
dissect_inap_MessageID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3104 dissect_inap_MessageID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3105   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3106                                  MessageID_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_MessageID,
3107                                  NULL);
3109   return offset;
3110 }
3114 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_127(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3115 dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_127(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3116   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3117                                                 NULL);
3119   return offset;
3120 }
3124 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_32767(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3125 dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_32767(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3126   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3127                                                 NULL);
3129   return offset;
3130 }
3134 static int
dissect_inap_Language(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3135 dissect_inap_Language(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3136   offset = dissect_ber_restricted_string(implicit_tag, BER_UNI_TAG_PrintableString,
3137                                             actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3138                                             NULL);
3140   return offset;
3141 }
3144 static const ber_sequence_t InbandInfo_sequence[] = {
3145   { &hf_inap_messageID      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_MessageID },
3146   { &hf_inap_numberOfRepetitions, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_127 },
3147   { &hf_inap_inbandInfo_duration, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_32767 },
3148   { &hf_inap_inbandInfo_interval, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_32767 },
3149   { &hf_inap_preferredLanguage, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Language },
3150   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3151 };
3153 static int
dissect_inap_InbandInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3154 dissect_inap_InbandInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3155   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3156                                    InbandInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_InbandInfo);
3158   return offset;
3159 }
3162 static const ber_sequence_t Tone_sequence[] = {
3163   { &hf_inap_toneID         , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3164   { &hf_inap_tone_duration  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3165   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3166 };
3168 static int
dissect_inap_Tone(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3169 dissect_inap_Tone(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3170   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3171                                    Tone_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_Tone);
3173   return offset;
3174 }
3178 static int
dissect_inap_DisplayInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3179 dissect_inap_DisplayInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3180   offset = dissect_ber_restricted_string(implicit_tag, BER_UNI_TAG_IA5String,
3181                                             actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3182                                             NULL);
3184   return offset;
3185 }
3189 static int
dissect_inap_SDSSinformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3190 dissect_inap_SDSSinformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3191   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3192                                        NULL);
3194   return offset;
3195 }
3198 static const value_string inap_InformationToSend_vals[] = {
3199   {   0, "inbandInfo" },
3200   {   1, "tone" },
3201   {   2, "displayInformation" },
3202   {   3, "sDSSinformation" },
3203   { 0, NULL }
3204 };
3206 static const ber_choice_t InformationToSend_choice[] = {
3207   {   0, &hf_inap_inbandInfo     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_InbandInfo },
3208   {   1, &hf_inap_tone           , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Tone },
3209   {   2, &hf_inap_displayInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DisplayInformation },
3210   {   3, &hf_inap_sDSSinformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SDSSinformation },
3211   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3212 };
3214 static int
dissect_inap_InformationToSend(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3215 dissect_inap_InformationToSend(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3216   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3217                                  InformationToSend_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_InformationToSend,
3218                                  NULL);
3220   return offset;
3221 }
3224 static const ber_sequence_t T_both_sequence[] = {
3225   { &hf_inap_informationToSend, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InformationToSend },
3226   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3227   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3228 };
3230 static int
dissect_inap_T_both(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3231 dissect_inap_T_both(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3232   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3233                                    T_both_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_both);
3235   return offset;
3236 }
3239 static const value_string inap_GapTreatment_vals[] = {
3240   {   0, "informationToSend" },
3241   {   1, "releaseCause" },
3242   {   2, "both" },
3243   { 0, NULL }
3244 };
3246 static const ber_choice_t GapTreatment_choice[] = {
3247   {   0, &hf_inap_informationToSend, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_InformationToSend },
3248   {   1, &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3249   {   2, &hf_inap_both           , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_both },
3250   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3251 };
3253 static int
dissect_inap_GapTreatment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3254 dissect_inap_GapTreatment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3255   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3256                                  GapTreatment_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_GapTreatment,
3257                                  NULL);
3259   return offset;
3260 }
3263 static const ber_sequence_t DefaultFaultHandling_sequence[] = {
3264   { &hf_inap_action         , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_action },
3265   { &hf_inap_treatment      , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_GapTreatment },
3266   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3267 };
3269 static int
dissect_inap_DefaultFaultHandling(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3270 dissect_inap_DefaultFaultHandling(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3271   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3272                                    DefaultFaultHandling_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_DefaultFaultHandling);
3274   return offset;
3275 }
3279 static int
dissect_inap_DestinationIndex(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3280 dissect_inap_DestinationIndex(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3281   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3282                                        NULL);
3284   return offset;
3285 }
3288 static const ber_sequence_t DestinationRoutingAddress_sequence_of[1] = {
3289   { &hf_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_OCTETSTRING, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
3290 };
3292 static int
dissect_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3293 dissect_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3294   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3295                                       DestinationRoutingAddress_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress);
3297   return offset;
3298 }
3301 static const value_string inap_T_messageType_vals[] = {
3302   {   0, "request" },
3303   {   1, "notification" },
3304   { 0, NULL }
3305 };
3308 static int
dissect_inap_T_messageType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3309 dissect_inap_T_messageType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3310   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3311                                   NULL);
3313   return offset;
3314 }
3317 static const value_string inap_T_dpAssignment_vals[] = {
3318   {   0, "individualBased" },
3319   {   1, "groupBased" },
3320   {   2, "switchBased" },
3321   { 0, NULL }
3322 };
3325 static int
dissect_inap_T_dpAssignment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3326 dissect_inap_T_dpAssignment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3327   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3328                                   NULL);
3330   return offset;
3331 }
3334 static const ber_sequence_t MiscCallInfo_sequence[] = {
3335   { &hf_inap_messageType    , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_messageType },
3336   { &hf_inap_dpAssignment   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_dpAssignment },
3337   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3338 };
3340 int
dissect_inap_MiscCallInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3341 dissect_inap_MiscCallInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3342   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3343                                    MiscCallInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MiscCallInfo);
3345   return offset;
3346 }
3349 static const value_string inap_TriggerType_vals[] = {
3350   {   0, "featureActivation" },
3351   {   1, "verticalServiceCode" },
3352   {   2, "customizedAccess" },
3353   {   3, "customizedIntercom" },
3354   {  12, "emergencyService" },
3355   {  13, "aFR" },
3356   {  14, "sharedIOTrunk" },
3357   {  17, "offHookDelay" },
3358   {  18, "channelSetupPRI" },
3359   {  25, "tNoAnswer" },
3360   {  26, "tBusy" },
3361   {  27, "oCalledPartyBusy" },
3362   {  29, "oNoAnswer" },
3363   {  30, "originationAttemptAuthorized" },
3364   {  31, "oAnswer" },
3365   {  32, "oDisconnect" },
3366   {  33, "termAttemptAuthorized" },
3367   {  34, "tAnswer" },
3368   {  35, "tDisconnect" },
3369   { 100, "oModifyRequest" },
3370   { 101, "tModifyRequest" },
3371   { 0, NULL }
3372 };
3375 static int
dissect_inap_TriggerType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3376 dissect_inap_TriggerType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3377   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3378                                   NULL);
3380   return offset;
3381 }
3384 static const ber_sequence_t ServiceAddressInformation_sequence[] = {
3385   { &hf_inap_serviceKey     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceKey },
3386   { &hf_inap_miscCallInfo   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MiscCallInfo },
3387   { &hf_inap_triggerType    , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TriggerType },
3388   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3389 };
3391 static int
dissect_inap_ServiceAddressInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3392 dissect_inap_ServiceAddressInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3393   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3394                                    ServiceAddressInformation_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ServiceAddressInformation);
3396   return offset;
3397 }
3401 static int
dissect_inap_IPSSPCapabilities(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3402 dissect_inap_IPSSPCapabilities(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3403   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3404                                        NULL);
3406   return offset;
3407 }
3411 static int
dissect_inap_IPAvailable(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3412 dissect_inap_IPAvailable(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3413   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3414                                        NULL);
3416   return offset;
3417 }
3421 static int
dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3422 dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3423   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3424                                        NULL);
3426   return offset;
3427 }
3431 static int
dissect_inap_ServiceProfileIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3432 dissect_inap_ServiceProfileIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3433   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3434                                        NULL);
3436   return offset;
3437 }
3440 static const value_string inap_TerminalType_vals[] = {
3441   {   0, "unknown" },
3442   {   1, "dialPulse" },
3443   {   2, "dtmf" },
3444   {   3, "isdn" },
3445   {   4, "isdnNoDtmf" },
3446   {  16, "spare" },
3447   { 0, NULL }
3448 };
3451 static int
dissect_inap_TerminalType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3452 dissect_inap_TerminalType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3453   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3454                                   NULL);
3456   return offset;
3457 }
3461 static int
dissect_inap_ServingAreaID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3462 dissect_inap_ServingAreaID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3463   offset = dissect_inap_LocationNumber(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
3465   return offset;
3466 }
3470 static int
dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3471 dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3472   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3473                                        NULL);
3475   return offset;
3476 }
3480 static int
dissect_inap_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3481 dissect_inap_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3482   offset = dissect_ber_object_identifier(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, NULL);
3484   return offset;
3485 }
3488 static const value_string inap_Entry_vals[] = {
3489   {   0, "agreements" },
3490   {   1, "networkSpecific" },
3491   { 0, NULL }
3492 };
3494 static const ber_choice_t Entry_choice[] = {
3495   {   0, &hf_inap_agreements     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER },
3496   {   1, &hf_inap_networkSpecific, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3497   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3498 };
3500 static int
dissect_inap_Entry(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3501 dissect_inap_Entry(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3502   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3503                                  Entry_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_Entry,
3504                                  NULL);
3506   return offset;
3507 }
3510 static const ber_sequence_t INServiceCompatibilityIndication_sequence_of[1] = {
3511   { &hf_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication_item, BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Entry },
3512 };
3514 static int
dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3515 dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3516   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3517                                       INServiceCompatibilityIndication_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication);
3519   return offset;
3520 }
3523 static const ber_sequence_t ForwardServiceInteractionInd_sequence[] = {
3524   { &hf_inap_conferenceTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
3525   { &hf_inap_callDiversionTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
3526   { &hf_inap_callOfferingTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
3527   { &hf_inap_callWaitingTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
3528   { &hf_inap_holdTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
3529   { &hf_inap_ectTreatmentIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1 },
3530   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3531 };
3533 static int
dissect_inap_ForwardServiceInteractionInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3534 dissect_inap_ForwardServiceInteractionInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3535   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3536                                    ForwardServiceInteractionInd_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ForwardServiceInteractionInd);
3538   return offset;
3539 }
3543 static int
dissect_inap_SuspendTimer(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3544 dissect_inap_SuspendTimer(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3545   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3546                                                 NULL);
3548   return offset;
3549 }
3553 static int
dissect_inap_BOOLEAN(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3554 dissect_inap_BOOLEAN(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3555   offset = dissect_ber_boolean(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, NULL);
3557   return offset;
3558 }
3562 static int
dissect_inap_RedirectReason(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3563 dissect_inap_RedirectReason(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3564   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3565                                        NULL);
3567   return offset;
3568 }
3571 static const ber_sequence_t T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd_sequence[] = {
3572   { &hf_inap_redirectReason , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectReason },
3573   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3574 };
3576 static int
dissect_inap_T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3577 dissect_inap_T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3578   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3579                                    T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd);
3581   return offset;
3582 }
3585 static const ber_sequence_t ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo_sequence[] = {
3586   { &hf_inap_forwardServiceInteractionInd, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardServiceInteractionInd },
3587   { &hf_inap_backwardServiceInteractionInd, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardServiceInteractionInd },
3588   { &hf_inap_bothwayThroughConnectionInd, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BothwayThroughConnectionInd },
3589   { &hf_inap_suspendTimer   , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SuspendTimer },
3590   { &hf_inap_connectedNumberTreatmentInd, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd },
3591   { &hf_inap_suppressCallDiversionNotification, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
3592   { &hf_inap_suppressCallTransferNotification, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
3593   { &hf_inap_allowCdINNoPresentationInd, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
3594   { &hf_inap_userDialogueDurationInd, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
3595   { &hf_inap_overrideLineRestrictions, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
3596   { &hf_inap_suppressVPNAPP , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
3597   { &hf_inap_calledINNumberOverriding, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
3598   { &hf_inap_redirectServiceTreatmentInd, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd },
3599   { &hf_inap_nonCUGCall     , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
3600   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3601 };
3603 static int
dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3604 dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3605   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3606                                    ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo);
3608   return offset;
3609 }
3613 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minUSIServiceIndicatorLength_maxUSIServiceIndicatorLength(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3614 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minUSIServiceIndicatorLength_maxUSIServiceIndicatorLength(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3615   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3616                                        NULL);
3618   return offset;
3619 }
3622 static const value_string inap_USIServiceIndicator_vals[] = {
3623   {   0, "global" },
3624   {   1, "local" },
3625   { 0, NULL }
3626 };
3628 static const ber_choice_t USIServiceIndicator_choice[] = {
3629   {   0, &hf_inap_global         , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_OID, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER },
3630   {   1, &hf_inap_local          , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_OCTETSTRING, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minUSIServiceIndicatorLength_maxUSIServiceIndicatorLength },
3631   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3632 };
3634 static int
dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3635 dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3636   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3637                                  USIServiceIndicator_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_USIServiceIndicator,
3638                                  NULL);
3640   return offset;
3641 }
3645 static int
dissect_inap_USIInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3646 dissect_inap_USIInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3647   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3648                                        NULL);
3650   return offset;
3651 }
3655 static int
dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3656 dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3657   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3658                                        NULL);
3660   return offset;
3661 }
3664 static const ber_sequence_t IPRelatedInformation_sequence[] = {
3665   { &hf_inap_alternativeCalledPartyIds, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentities },
3666   { &hf_inap_alternativeOriginatingPartyIds, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentities },
3667   { &hf_inap_alternativeOriginalCalledPartyIds, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentities },
3668   { &hf_inap_alternativeRedirectingPartyIds, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlternativeIdentities },
3669   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3670 };
3672 static int
dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3673 dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3674   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3675                                    IPRelatedInformation_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_IPRelatedInformation);
3677   return offset;
3678 }
3681 static const ber_sequence_t DpSpecificCommonParameters_sequence[] = {
3682   { &hf_inap_serviceAddressInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceAddressInformation },
3683   { &hf_inap_bearerCapability, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_BearerCapability },
3684   { &hf_inap_calledPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
3685   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
3686   { &hf_inap_callingPartysCategory, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartysCategory },
3687   { &hf_inap_iPSSPCapabilities, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPSSPCapabilities },
3688   { &hf_inap_iPAvailable    , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPAvailable },
3689   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
3690   { &hf_inap_cGEncountered  , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CGEncountered },
3691   { &hf_inap_locationNumber , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LocationNumber },
3692   { &hf_inap_serviceProfileIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceProfileIdentifier },
3693   { &hf_inap_terminalType   , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TerminalType },
3694   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
3695   { &hf_inap_chargeNumber   , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ChargeNumber },
3696   { &hf_inap_servingAreaID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServingAreaID },
3697   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
3698   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityIndication, BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication },
3699   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
3700   { &hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 18, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator },
3701   { &hf_inap_uSIInformation , BER_CLASS_CON, 19, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_USIInformation },
3702   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 20, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
3703   { &hf_inap_createdCallSegmentAssociation, BER_CLASS_CON, 21, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CSAID },
3704   { &hf_inap_ipRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 22, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation },
3705   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3706 };
3708 static int
dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3709 dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3710   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3711                                    DpSpecificCommonParameters_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters);
3713   return offset;
3714 }
3718 int
dissect_inap_Duration(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3719 dissect_inap_Duration(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3720   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
3721                                                 NULL);
3723   return offset;
3724 }
3727 static const ber_sequence_t T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3728   { &hf_inap_calledPartynumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
3729   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3730 };
3732 static int
dissect_inap_T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3733 dissect_inap_T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3734   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3735                                    T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo);
3737   return offset;
3738 }
3741 static const ber_sequence_t T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3742   { &hf_inap_calledPartynumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
3743   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3744 };
3746 static int
dissect_inap_T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3747 dissect_inap_T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3748   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3749                                    T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo);
3751   return offset;
3752 }
3755 static const ber_sequence_t T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3756   { &hf_inap_failureCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3757   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3758 };
3760 static int
dissect_inap_T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3761 dissect_inap_T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3762   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3763                                    T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo);
3765   return offset;
3766 }
3769 static const ber_sequence_t T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3770   { &hf_inap_busyCause      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3771   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3772 };
3774 static int
dissect_inap_T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3775 dissect_inap_T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3776   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3777                                    T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo);
3779   return offset;
3780 }
3783 static const ber_sequence_t T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3784   { &hf_inap_cause          , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3785   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3786 };
3788 static int
dissect_inap_T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3789 dissect_inap_T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3790   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3791                                    T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo);
3793   return offset;
3794 }
3797 static const ber_sequence_t T_oAnswerSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3798   { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS },
3799   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3800 };
3802 static int
dissect_inap_T_oAnswerSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3803 dissect_inap_T_oAnswerSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3804   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3805                                    T_oAnswerSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oAnswerSpecificInfo);
3807   return offset;
3808 }
3811 static const ber_sequence_t MidCallInfo_sequence[] = {
3812   { &hf_inap_iNServiceControlCode, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
3813   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3814 };
3816 static int
dissect_inap_MidCallInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3817 dissect_inap_MidCallInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3818   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3819                                    MidCallInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MidCallInfo);
3821   return offset;
3822 }
3825 static const ber_sequence_t T_oMidCallSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3826   { &hf_inap_connectTime    , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3827   { &hf_inap_oMidCallInfo   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MidCallInfo },
3828   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3829 };
3831 static int
dissect_inap_T_oMidCallSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3832 dissect_inap_T_oMidCallSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3833   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3834                                    T_oMidCallSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oMidCallSpecificInfo);
3836   return offset;
3837 }
3840 static const ber_sequence_t T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3841   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3842   { &hf_inap_connectTime    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3843   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3844 };
3846 static int
dissect_inap_T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3847 dissect_inap_T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3848   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3849                                    T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo);
3851   return offset;
3852 }
3855 static const ber_sequence_t T_tBusySpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3856   { &hf_inap_busyCause      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3857   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3858 };
3860 static int
dissect_inap_T_tBusySpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3861 dissect_inap_T_tBusySpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3862   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3863                                    T_tBusySpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tBusySpecificInfo);
3865   return offset;
3866 }
3869 static const ber_sequence_t T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3870   { &hf_inap_cause          , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3871   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3872 };
3874 static int
dissect_inap_T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3875 dissect_inap_T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3876   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3877                                    T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo);
3879   return offset;
3880 }
3883 static const ber_sequence_t T_tAnswerSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3884   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3885 };
3887 static int
dissect_inap_T_tAnswerSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3888 dissect_inap_T_tAnswerSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3889   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3890                                    T_tAnswerSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tAnswerSpecificInfo);
3892   return offset;
3893 }
3896 static const ber_sequence_t T_tMidCallSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3897   { &hf_inap_connectTime    , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3898   { &hf_inap_tMidCallInfo   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MidCallInfo },
3899   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3900 };
3902 static int
dissect_inap_T_tMidCallSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3903 dissect_inap_T_tMidCallSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3904   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3905                                    T_tMidCallSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tMidCallSpecificInfo);
3907   return offset;
3908 }
3911 static const ber_sequence_t T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3912   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
3913   { &hf_inap_connectTime    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
3914   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3915 };
3917 static int
dissect_inap_T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3918 dissect_inap_T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3919   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3920                                    T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo);
3922   return offset;
3923 }
3926 static const ber_sequence_t T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
3927   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3928 };
3930 static int
dissect_inap_T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3931 dissect_inap_T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3932   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3933                                    T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo);
3935   return offset;
3936 }
3939 static const ber_sequence_t T_oSuspend_sequence[] = {
3940   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3941 };
3943 static int
dissect_inap_T_oSuspend(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3944 dissect_inap_T_oSuspend(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3945   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3946                                    T_oSuspend_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oSuspend);
3948   return offset;
3949 }
3952 static const ber_sequence_t T_tSuspend_sequence[] = {
3953   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3954 };
3956 static int
dissect_inap_T_tSuspend(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3957 dissect_inap_T_tSuspend(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3958   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3959                                    T_tSuspend_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tSuspend);
3961   return offset;
3962 }
3965 static const ber_sequence_t T_origAttemptAuthorized_sequence[] = {
3966   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3967 };
3969 static int
dissect_inap_T_origAttemptAuthorized(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3970 dissect_inap_T_origAttemptAuthorized(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3971   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3972                                    T_origAttemptAuthorized_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_origAttemptAuthorized);
3974   return offset;
3975 }
3978 static const ber_sequence_t T_oReAnswer_sequence[] = {
3979   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3980 };
3982 static int
dissect_inap_T_oReAnswer(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3983 dissect_inap_T_oReAnswer(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3984   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3985                                    T_oReAnswer_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oReAnswer);
3987   return offset;
3988 }
3991 static const ber_sequence_t T_tReAnswer_sequence[] = {
3992   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
3993 };
3995 static int
dissect_inap_T_tReAnswer(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)3996 dissect_inap_T_tReAnswer(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
3997   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
3998                                    T_tReAnswer_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tReAnswer);
4000   return offset;
4001 }
4004 static const ber_sequence_t T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable_sequence[] = {
4005   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4006 };
4008 static int
dissect_inap_T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4009 dissect_inap_T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4010   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4011                                    T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable);
4013   return offset;
4014 }
4017 static const ber_sequence_t T_callAccepted_sequence[] = {
4018   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4019 };
4021 static int
dissect_inap_T_callAccepted(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4022 dissect_inap_T_callAccepted(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4023   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4024                                    T_callAccepted_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_callAccepted);
4026   return offset;
4027 }
4030 static const ber_sequence_t T_oAbandon_sequence[] = {
4031   { &hf_inap_abandonCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
4032   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4033 };
4035 static int
dissect_inap_T_oAbandon(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4036 dissect_inap_T_oAbandon(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4037   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4038                                    T_oAbandon_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oAbandon);
4040   return offset;
4041 }
4044 static const ber_sequence_t T_tAbandon_sequence[] = {
4045   { &hf_inap_abandonCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
4046   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4047 };
4049 static int
dissect_inap_T_tAbandon(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4050 dissect_inap_T_tAbandon(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4051   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4052                                    T_tAbandon_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tAbandon);
4054   return offset;
4055 }
4058 static const ber_sequence_t T_authorizeRouteFailure_sequence[] = {
4059   { &hf_inap_authoriseRouteFailureCause, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
4060   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4061 };
4063 static int
dissect_inap_T_authorizeRouteFailure(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4064 dissect_inap_T_authorizeRouteFailure(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4065   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4066                                    T_authorizeRouteFailure_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_authorizeRouteFailure);
4068   return offset;
4069 }
4072 static const ber_sequence_t T_terminationAttemptAuthorized_sequence[] = {
4073   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4074 };
4076 static int
dissect_inap_T_terminationAttemptAuthorized(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4077 dissect_inap_T_terminationAttemptAuthorized(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4078   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4079                                    T_terminationAttemptAuthorized_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_terminationAttemptAuthorized);
4081   return offset;
4082 }
4085 static const ber_sequence_t T_originationAttemptDenied_sequence[] = {
4086   { &hf_inap_originationDeniedCause, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
4087   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4088 };
4090 static int
dissect_inap_T_originationAttemptDenied(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4091 dissect_inap_T_originationAttemptDenied(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4092   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4093                                    T_originationAttemptDenied_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_originationAttemptDenied);
4095   return offset;
4096 }
4099 static const ber_sequence_t T_terminationAttemptDenied_sequence[] = {
4100   { &hf_inap_terminationDeniedCause, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
4101   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4102 };
4104 static int
dissect_inap_T_terminationAttemptDenied(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4105 dissect_inap_T_terminationAttemptDenied(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4106   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4107                                    T_terminationAttemptDenied_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_terminationAttemptDenied);
4109   return offset;
4110 }
4113 static const ber_sequence_t T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
4114   { &hf_inap_aTMCellRate    , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ATMCellRate },
4115   { &hf_inap_additionalATMCellRate, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AdditionalATMCellRate },
4116   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4117 };
4119 static int
dissect_inap_T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4120 dissect_inap_T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4121   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4122                                    T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo);
4124   return offset;
4125 }
4128 static const value_string inap_ModifyResultType_vals[] = {
4129   {   0, "modifyAcknowledge" },
4130   {   1, "modifyReject" },
4131   { 0, NULL }
4132 };
4135 static int
dissect_inap_ModifyResultType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4136 dissect_inap_ModifyResultType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4137   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4138                                   NULL);
4140   return offset;
4141 }
4144 static const ber_sequence_t T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
4145   { &hf_inap_modifyResultType, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ModifyResultType },
4146   { &hf_inap_aTMCellRate    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ATMCellRate },
4147   { &hf_inap_additionalATMCellRate, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AdditionalATMCellRate },
4148   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4149 };
4151 static int
dissect_inap_T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4152 dissect_inap_T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4153   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4154                                    T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo);
4156   return offset;
4157 }
4160 static const ber_sequence_t T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
4161   { &hf_inap_aTMCellRate    , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ATMCellRate },
4162   { &hf_inap_additionalATMCellRate, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AdditionalATMCellRate },
4163   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4164 };
4166 static int
dissect_inap_T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4167 dissect_inap_T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4168   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4169                                    T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo);
4171   return offset;
4172 }
4175 static const ber_sequence_t T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo_sequence[] = {
4176   { &hf_inap_modifyResultType, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ModifyResultType },
4177   { &hf_inap_aTMCellRate    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ATMCellRate },
4178   { &hf_inap_additionalATMCellRate, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AdditionalATMCellRate },
4179   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4180 };
4182 static int
dissect_inap_T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4183 dissect_inap_T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4184   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4185                                    T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo);
4187   return offset;
4188 }
4191 static const value_string inap_EventSpecificInformationBCSM_vals[] = {
4192   {   0, "collectedInfoSpecificInfo" },
4193   {   1, "analysedInfoSpecificInfo" },
4194   {   2, "routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo" },
4195   {   3, "oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo" },
4196   {   4, "oNoAnswerSpecificInfo" },
4197   {   5, "oAnswerSpecificInfo" },
4198   {   6, "oMidCallSpecificInfo" },
4199   {   7, "oDisconnectSpecificInfo" },
4200   {   8, "tBusySpecificInfo" },
4201   {   9, "tNoAnswerSpecificInfo" },
4202   {  10, "tAnswerSpecificInfo" },
4203   {  11, "tMidCallSpecificInfo" },
4204   {  12, "tDisconnectSpecificInfo" },
4205   {  13, "oTermSeizedSpecificInfo" },
4206   {  14, "oSuspend" },
4207   {  15, "tSuspend" },
4208   {  16, "origAttemptAuthorized" },
4209   {  17, "oReAnswer" },
4210   {  18, "tReAnswer" },
4211   {  19, "facilitySelectedAndAvailable" },
4212   {  20, "callAccepted" },
4213   {  21, "oAbandon" },
4214   {  22, "tAbandon" },
4215   {  23, "authorizeRouteFailure" },
4216   {  24, "terminationAttemptAuthorized" },
4217   {  25, "originationAttemptDenied" },
4218   {  26, "terminationAttemptDenied" },
4219   {  40, "oModifyRequestSpecificInfo" },
4220   {  41, "oModifyResultSpecificInfo" },
4221   {  42, "tModifyRequestSpecificInfo" },
4222   {  43, "tModifyResultSpecificInfo" },
4223   { 0, NULL }
4224 };
4226 static const ber_choice_t EventSpecificInformationBCSM_choice[] = {
4227   {   0, &hf_inap_collectedInfoSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo },
4228   {   1, &hf_inap_analysedInfoSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo },
4229   {   2, &hf_inap_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo },
4230   {   3, &hf_inap_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo },
4231   {   4, &hf_inap_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo },
4232   {   5, &hf_inap_oAnswerSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oAnswerSpecificInfo },
4233   {   6, &hf_inap_oMidCallSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oMidCallSpecificInfo },
4234   {   7, &hf_inap_oDisconnectSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo },
4235   {   8, &hf_inap_tBusySpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tBusySpecificInfo },
4236   {   9, &hf_inap_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo },
4237   {  10, &hf_inap_tAnswerSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tAnswerSpecificInfo },
4238   {  11, &hf_inap_tMidCallSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tMidCallSpecificInfo },
4239   {  12, &hf_inap_tDisconnectSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo },
4240   {  13, &hf_inap_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo },
4241   {  14, &hf_inap_oSuspend       , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oSuspend },
4242   {  15, &hf_inap_tSuspend       , BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tSuspend },
4243   {  16, &hf_inap_origAttemptAuthorized, BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_origAttemptAuthorized },
4244   {  17, &hf_inap_oReAnswer      , BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oReAnswer },
4245   {  18, &hf_inap_tReAnswer      , BER_CLASS_CON, 18, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tReAnswer },
4246   {  19, &hf_inap_facilitySelectedAndAvailable, BER_CLASS_CON, 19, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable },
4247   {  20, &hf_inap_callAccepted   , BER_CLASS_CON, 20, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_callAccepted },
4248   {  21, &hf_inap_oAbandon       , BER_CLASS_CON, 21, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oAbandon },
4249   {  22, &hf_inap_tAbandon       , BER_CLASS_CON, 22, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tAbandon },
4250   {  23, &hf_inap_authorizeRouteFailure, BER_CLASS_CON, 23, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_authorizeRouteFailure },
4251   {  24, &hf_inap_terminationAttemptAuthorized, BER_CLASS_CON, 24, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_terminationAttemptAuthorized },
4252   {  25, &hf_inap_originationAttemptDenied, BER_CLASS_CON, 25, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_originationAttemptDenied },
4253   {  26, &hf_inap_terminationAttemptDenied, BER_CLASS_CON, 26, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_terminationAttemptDenied },
4254   {  40, &hf_inap_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 40, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo },
4255   {  41, &hf_inap_oModifyResultSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 41, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo },
4256   {  42, &hf_inap_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 42, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo },
4257   {  43, &hf_inap_tModifyResultSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 43, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo },
4258   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4259 };
4261 static int
dissect_inap_EventSpecificInformationBCSM(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4262 dissect_inap_EventSpecificInformationBCSM(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4263   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4264                                  EventSpecificInformationBCSM_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_EventSpecificInformationBCSM,
4265                                  NULL);
4267   return offset;
4268 }
4272 static int
dissect_inap_EventSpecificInformationCharging(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4273 dissect_inap_EventSpecificInformationCharging(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4274   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4275                                        NULL);
4277   return offset;
4278 }
4282 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4283 dissect_inap_INTEGER(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4284   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4285                                                 NULL);
4287   return offset;
4288 }
4292 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4293 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4294   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4295                                        NULL);
4297   return offset;
4298 }
4301 static const value_string inap_FacilityGroup_vals[] = {
4302   {   0, "trunkGroupID" },
4303   {   1, "privateFacilityID" },
4304   {   2, "huntGroup" },
4305   {   3, "routeIndex" },
4306   { 0, NULL }
4307 };
4309 static const ber_choice_t FacilityGroup_choice[] = {
4310   {   0, &hf_inap_trunkGroupID   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER },
4311   {   1, &hf_inap_privateFacilityID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER },
4312   {   2, &hf_inap_huntGroup      , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING },
4313   {   3, &hf_inap_routeIndex     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING },
4314   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4315 };
4317 static int
dissect_inap_FacilityGroup(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4318 dissect_inap_FacilityGroup(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4319   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4320                                  FacilityGroup_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_FacilityGroup,
4321                                  NULL);
4323   return offset;
4324 }
4328 static int
dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4329 dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4330   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4331                                                 NULL);
4333   return offset;
4334 }
4338 static int
dissect_inap_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4339 dissect_inap_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4340   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4341                                        NULL);
4343   return offset;
4344 }
4348 static int
dissect_inap_FeatureCode(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4349 dissect_inap_FeatureCode(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4350   offset = dissect_inap_LocationNumber(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
4352   return offset;
4353 }
4356 static const value_string inap_FeatureRequestIndicator_vals[] = {
4357   {   0, "hold" },
4358   {   1, "retrieve" },
4359   {   2, "featureActivation" },
4360   {   3, "spare1" },
4361   { 127, "sparen" },
4362   { 0, NULL }
4363 };
4366 static int
dissect_inap_FeatureRequestIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4367 dissect_inap_FeatureRequestIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4368   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4369                                   NULL);
4371   return offset;
4372 }
4376 static int
dissect_inap_SFBillingChargingCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4377 dissect_inap_SFBillingChargingCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4378   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4379                                        NULL);
4381   return offset;
4382 }
4386 static int
dissect_inap_MaximumNumberOfCounters(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4387 dissect_inap_MaximumNumberOfCounters(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4388   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4389                                                 NULL);
4391   return offset;
4392 }
4395 static const ber_sequence_t FilteredCallTreatment_sequence[] = {
4396   { &hf_inap_sFBillingChargingCharacteristics, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SFBillingChargingCharacteristics },
4397   { &hf_inap_informationToSend, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InformationToSend },
4398   { &hf_inap_maximumNumberOfCounters, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MaximumNumberOfCounters },
4399   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
4400   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4401 };
4403 static int
dissect_inap_FilteredCallTreatment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4404 dissect_inap_FilteredCallTreatment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4405   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4406                                    FilteredCallTreatment_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_FilteredCallTreatment);
4408   return offset;
4409 }
4413 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_M1_32000(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4414 dissect_inap_INTEGER_M1_32000(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4415   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4416                                                 NULL);
4418   return offset;
4419 }
4422 static const value_string inap_FilteringCharacteristics_vals[] = {
4423   {   0, "interval" },
4424   {   1, "numberOfCalls" },
4425   { 0, NULL }
4426 };
4428 static const ber_choice_t FilteringCharacteristics_choice[] = {
4429   {   0, &hf_inap_filteringCharacteristics_interval, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_M1_32000 },
4430   {   1, &hf_inap_numberOfCalls  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
4431   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4432 };
4434 static int
dissect_inap_FilteringCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4435 dissect_inap_FilteringCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4436   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4437                                  FilteringCharacteristics_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_FilteringCharacteristics,
4438                                  NULL);
4440   return offset;
4441 }
4444 static const ber_sequence_t T_addressAndService_sequence[] = {
4445   { &hf_inap_calledAddressValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
4446   { &hf_inap_serviceKey     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceKey },
4447   { &hf_inap_callingAddressValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
4448   { &hf_inap_locationNumber , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LocationNumber },
4449   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4450 };
4452 static int
dissect_inap_T_addressAndService(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4453 dissect_inap_T_addressAndService(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4454   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4455                                    T_addressAndService_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_addressAndService);
4457   return offset;
4458 }
4461 static const value_string inap_FilteringCriteria_vals[] = {
4462   {   0, "dialledNumber" },
4463   {   1, "callingLineID" },
4464   {   2, "serviceKey" },
4465   {  30, "addressAndService" },
4466   { 0, NULL }
4467 };
4469 static const ber_choice_t FilteringCriteria_choice[] = {
4470   {   0, &hf_inap_dialledNumber  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
4471   {   1, &hf_inap_callingLineID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
4472   {   2, &hf_inap_serviceKey     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceKey },
4473   {  30, &hf_inap_addressAndService, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_addressAndService },
4474   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4475 };
4477 static int
dissect_inap_FilteringCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4478 dissect_inap_FilteringCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4479   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4480                                  FilteringCriteria_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_FilteringCriteria,
4481                                  NULL);
4483   return offset;
4484 }
4487 static const value_string inap_FilteringTimeOut_vals[] = {
4488   {   0, "duration" },
4489   {   1, "stopTime" },
4490   { 0, NULL }
4491 };
4493 static const ber_choice_t FilteringTimeOut_choice[] = {
4494   {   0, &hf_inap_duration       , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Duration },
4495   {   1, &hf_inap_stopTime       , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DateAndTime },
4496   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4497 };
4499 static int
dissect_inap_FilteringTimeOut(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4500 dissect_inap_FilteringTimeOut(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4501   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4502                                  FilteringTimeOut_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_FilteringTimeOut,
4503                                  NULL);
4505   return offset;
4506 }
4510 static int
dissect_inap_ForwardCallIndicators(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4511 dissect_inap_ForwardCallIndicators(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4512   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4513                                        NULL);
4515   return offset;
4516 }
4519 static const value_string inap_ForwardingCondition_vals[] = {
4520   {   0, "busy" },
4521   {   1, "noanswer" },
4522   {   2, "any" },
4523   { 0, NULL }
4524 };
4527 static int
dissect_inap_ForwardingCondition(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4528 dissect_inap_ForwardingCondition(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4529   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4530                                   NULL);
4532   return offset;
4533 }
4536 static const value_string inap_GapCriteria_vals[] = {
4537   {   0, "basicGapCriteria" },
4538   {   1, "compoundCapCriteria" },
4539   { 0, NULL }
4540 };
4542 static const ber_choice_t GapCriteria_choice[] = {
4543   {   0, &hf_inap_basicGapCriteria, BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_BasicGapCriteria },
4544   {   1, &hf_inap_compoundCapCriteria, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_CompoundCriteria },
4545   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4546 };
4548 static int
dissect_inap_GapCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4549 dissect_inap_GapCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4550   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4551                                  GapCriteria_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_GapCriteria,
4552                                  NULL);
4554   return offset;
4555 }
4559 int
dissect_inap_Interval(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4560 dissect_inap_Interval(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4561   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4562                                                 NULL);
4564   return offset;
4565 }
4568 static const ber_sequence_t GapIndicators_sequence[] = {
4569   { &hf_inap_duration       , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Duration },
4570   { &hf_inap_gapInterval    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Interval },
4571   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4572 };
4574 static int
dissect_inap_GapIndicators(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4575 dissect_inap_GapIndicators(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4576   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4577                                    GapIndicators_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_GapIndicators);
4579   return offset;
4580 }
4584 static int
dissect_inap_GenericIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4585 dissect_inap_GenericIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4586   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4587                                        NULL);
4589   return offset;
4590 }
4594 static int
dissect_inap_GenericName(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4595 dissect_inap_GenericName(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4596   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4597                                        NULL);
4599   return offset;
4600 }
4604 static int
dissect_inap_GenericNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4605 dissect_inap_GenericNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4606   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4607                                        NULL);
4609   return offset;
4610 }
4613 static const ber_sequence_t GenericNumbers_set_of[1] = {
4614   { &hf_inap_GenericNumbers_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_OCTETSTRING, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_GenericNumber },
4615 };
4617 static int
dissect_inap_GenericNumbers(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4618 dissect_inap_GenericNumbers(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4619   offset = dissect_ber_set_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4620                                  GenericNumbers_set_of, hf_index, ett_inap_GenericNumbers);
4622   return offset;
4623 }
4627 static int
dissect_inap_GlobalCallReference(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4628 dissect_inap_GlobalCallReference(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4629   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4630                                        NULL);
4632   return offset;
4633 }
4637 int
dissect_inap_HighLayerCompatibility(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4638 dissect_inap_HighLayerCompatibility(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4639 #line 314 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
4640 /*
4641  * -- Indicates the teleservice. For encoding, DSS1 (Q.931) is used.
4642  */
4643  tvbuff_t       *parameter_tvb;
4644  proto_tree     *subtree;
4645   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4646                                        &parameter_tvb);
4649   if (!parameter_tvb)
4650     return offset;
4652   subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(actx->created_item, ett_inap_HighLayerCompatibility);
4653   dissect_q931_high_layer_compat_ie(parameter_tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length_remaining(parameter_tvb,0), subtree);
4657   return offset;
4658 }
4662 static int
dissect_inap_HoldCause(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4663 dissect_inap_HoldCause(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4664   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4665                                        NULL);
4667   return offset;
4668 }
4671 static const ber_sequence_t Trigger_sequence[] = {
4672   { &hf_inap_trigger_tDPIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER },
4673   { &hf_inap_dpName         , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
4674   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4675 };
4677 static int
dissect_inap_Trigger(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4678 dissect_inap_Trigger(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4679   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4680                                    Trigger_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_Trigger);
4682   return offset;
4683 }
4686 static const ber_sequence_t Triggers_sequence_of[1] = {
4687   { &hf_inap_Triggers_item  , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_Trigger },
4688 };
4690 static int
dissect_inap_Triggers(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4691 dissect_inap_Triggers(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4692   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4693                                       Triggers_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_Triggers);
4695   return offset;
4696 }
4699 static const value_string inap_TDPIdentifier_vals[] = {
4700   {   0, "oneTrigger" },
4701   {   1, "triggers" },
4702   { 0, NULL }
4703 };
4705 static const ber_choice_t TDPIdentifier_choice[] = {
4706   {   0, &hf_inap_oneTrigger     , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_INTEGER, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER },
4707   {   1, &hf_inap_triggers       , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Triggers },
4708   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4709 };
4711 static int
dissect_inap_TDPIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4712 dissect_inap_TDPIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4713   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4714                                  TDPIdentifier_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_TDPIdentifier,
4715                                  NULL);
4717   return offset;
4718 }
4721 static const ber_sequence_t INprofile_sequence[] = {
4722   { &hf_inap_actionOnProfile, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ActionOnProfile },
4723   { &hf_inap_tDPIdentifier  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_TDPIdentifier },
4724   { &hf_inap_dPName         , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
4725   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
4726   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4727 };
4729 static int
dissect_inap_INprofile(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4730 dissect_inap_INprofile(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4731   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4732                                    INprofile_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_INprofile);
4734   return offset;
4735 }
4739 static int
dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4740 dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4741   offset = dissect_inap_Entry(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
4743   return offset;
4744 }
4748 static int
dissect_inap_IPRoutingAddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4749 dissect_inap_IPRoutingAddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4750   offset = dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
4752   return offset;
4753 }
4756 static const value_string inap_MonitoringCriteria_vals[] = {
4757   {   0, "threshold" },
4758   {   1, "interval" },
4759   { 0, NULL }
4760 };
4762 static const ber_choice_t MonitoringCriteria_choice[] = {
4763   {   0, &hf_inap_threshold      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
4764   {   1, &hf_inap_interval       , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Interval },
4765   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4766 };
4768 static int
dissect_inap_MonitoringCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4769 dissect_inap_MonitoringCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4770   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4771                                  MonitoringCriteria_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_MonitoringCriteria,
4772                                  NULL);
4774   return offset;
4775 }
4778 static const value_string inap_MonitoringTimeOut_vals[] = {
4779   {   0, "duration" },
4780   {   1, "stopTime" },
4781   { 0, NULL }
4782 };
4784 static const ber_choice_t MonitoringTimeOut_choice[] = {
4785   {   0, &hf_inap_duration       , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Duration },
4786   {   1, &hf_inap_stopTime       , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DateAndTime },
4787   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4788 };
4790 static int
dissect_inap_MonitoringTimeOut(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4791 dissect_inap_MonitoringTimeOut(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4792   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4793                                  MonitoringTimeOut_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_MonitoringTimeOut,
4794                                  NULL);
4796   return offset;
4797 }
4801 static int
dissect_inap_NumberingPlan(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4802 dissect_inap_NumberingPlan(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4803   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4804                                        NULL);
4806   return offset;
4807 }
4811 static int
dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4812 dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4813 #line 292 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
4815   tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
4817   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4818                                        &parameter_tvb);
4821   if (!parameter_tvb)
4822     return offset;
4824   dissect_isup_original_called_number_parameter(parameter_tvb, actx->pinfo, tree, NULL);
4828   return offset;
4829 }
4832 static const value_string inap_ProfileIdentifier_vals[] = {
4833   {   0, "access" },
4834   {   1, "group" },
4835   { 0, NULL }
4836 };
4838 static const ber_choice_t ProfileIdentifier_choice[] = {
4839   {   0, &hf_inap_access         , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
4840   {   1, &hf_inap_group          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
4841   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4842 };
4844 static int
dissect_inap_ProfileIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4845 dissect_inap_ProfileIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4846   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4847                                  ProfileIdentifier_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_ProfileIdentifier,
4848                                  NULL);
4850   return offset;
4851 }
4855 static int
dissect_inap_QoSParameter(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4856 dissect_inap_QoSParameter(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4857   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4858                                        NULL);
4860   return offset;
4861 }
4865 static int
dissect_inap_Reason(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4866 dissect_inap_Reason(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4867   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4868                                        NULL);
4870   return offset;
4871 }
4875 static int
dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4876 dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4877 #line 303 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
4879   tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
4881   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4882                                        &parameter_tvb);
4885   if (!parameter_tvb)
4886     return offset;
4888    dissect_isup_redirecting_number_parameter(parameter_tvb, actx->pinfo, tree, NULL);
4892   return offset;
4893 }
4897 int
dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4898 dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4899 #line 279 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
4901   tvbuff_t *parameter_tvb;
4902   proto_tree *subtree;
4904   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4905                                        &parameter_tvb);
4908   if (!parameter_tvb)
4909     return offset;
4911  subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(actx->created_item, ett_inap_RedirectionInformation);
4912  dissect_isup_redirection_information_parameter(parameter_tvb, subtree, NULL);
4916   return offset;
4917 }
4921 static int
dissect_inap_RegistratorIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4922 dissect_inap_RegistratorIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4923   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4924                                        NULL);
4926   return offset;
4927 }
4930 static const value_string inap_ReportCondition_vals[] = {
4931   {   0, "statusReport" },
4932   {   1, "timerExpired" },
4933   {   2, "canceled" },
4934   { 0, NULL }
4935 };
4938 static int
dissect_inap_ReportCondition(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4939 dissect_inap_ReportCondition(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4940   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4941                                   NULL);
4943   return offset;
4944 }
4947 static const value_string inap_RequestedInformationType_vals[] = {
4948   {   0, "callAttemptElapsedTime" },
4949   {   1, "callStopTime" },
4950   {   2, "callConnectedElapsedTime" },
4951   {   3, "calledAddress" },
4952   {  30, "releaseCause" },
4953   { 0, NULL }
4954 };
4957 static int
dissect_inap_RequestedInformationType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4958 dissect_inap_RequestedInformationType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4959   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4960                                   NULL);
4962   return offset;
4963 }
4967 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_255(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4968 dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_255(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4969   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
4970                                                 NULL);
4972   return offset;
4973 }
4976 static const value_string inap_RequestedInformationValue_vals[] = {
4977   {   0, "callAttemptElapsedTimeValue" },
4978   {   1, "callStopTimeValue" },
4979   {   2, "callConnectedElapsedTimeValue" },
4980   {   3, "calledAddressValue" },
4981   {  30, "releaseCauseValue" },
4982   { 0, NULL }
4983 };
4985 static const ber_choice_t RequestedInformationValue_choice[] = {
4986   {   0, &hf_inap_callAttemptElapsedTimeValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_255 },
4987   {   1, &hf_inap_callStopTimeValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DateAndTime },
4988   {   2, &hf_inap_callConnectedElapsedTimeValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
4989   {   3, &hf_inap_calledAddressValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
4990   {  30, &hf_inap_releaseCauseValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
4991   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
4992 };
4994 static int
dissect_inap_RequestedInformationValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)4995 dissect_inap_RequestedInformationValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
4996   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
4997                                  RequestedInformationValue_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestedInformationValue,
4998                                  NULL);
5000   return offset;
5001 }
5004 static const ber_sequence_t RequestedInformation_sequence[] = {
5005   { &hf_inap_requestedInformationType, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RequestedInformationType },
5006   { &hf_inap_requestedInformationValue, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_RequestedInformationValue },
5007   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5008 };
5010 static int
dissect_inap_RequestedInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5011 dissect_inap_RequestedInformation(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5012   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5013                                    RequestedInformation_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestedInformation);
5015   return offset;
5016 }
5019 static const ber_sequence_t RequestedInformationList_sequence_of[1] = {
5020   { &hf_inap_RequestedInformationList_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_RequestedInformation },
5021 };
5023 static int
dissect_inap_RequestedInformationList(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5024 dissect_inap_RequestedInformationList(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5025   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5026                                       RequestedInformationList_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestedInformationList);
5028   return offset;
5029 }
5032 static const ber_sequence_t RequestedInformationTypeList_sequence_of[1] = {
5033   { &hf_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_ENUMERATED, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_RequestedInformationType },
5034 };
5036 static int
dissect_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5037 dissect_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5038   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5039                                       RequestedInformationTypeList_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList);
5041   return offset;
5042 }
5045 static const value_string inap_USIMonitorMode_vals[] = {
5046   {   0, "monitoringActive" },
5047   {   1, "monitoringInactive" },
5048   { 0, NULL }
5049 };
5052 static int
dissect_inap_USIMonitorMode(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5053 dissect_inap_USIMonitorMode(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5054   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5055                                   NULL);
5057   return offset;
5058 }
5061 static const ber_sequence_t RequestedUTSI_sequence[] = {
5062   { &hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator },
5063   { &hf_inap_uSImonitorMode , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_USIMonitorMode },
5064   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5065 };
5067 static int
dissect_inap_RequestedUTSI(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5068 dissect_inap_RequestedUTSI(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5069   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5070                                    RequestedUTSI_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestedUTSI);
5072   return offset;
5073 }
5076 static const ber_sequence_t RequestedUTSIList_sequence_of[1] = {
5077   { &hf_inap_RequestedUTSIList_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_RequestedUTSI },
5078 };
5080 static int
dissect_inap_RequestedUTSIList(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5081 dissect_inap_RequestedUTSIList(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5082   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5083                                       RequestedUTSIList_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestedUTSIList);
5085   return offset;
5086 }
5089 static const value_string inap_ResourceID_vals[] = {
5090   {   0, "lineID" },
5091   {   1, "facilityGroupID" },
5092   {   2, "facilityGroupMemberID" },
5093   {   3, "trunkGroupID" },
5094   { 0, NULL }
5095 };
5097 static const ber_choice_t ResourceID_choice[] = {
5098   {   0, &hf_inap_lineID         , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
5099   {   1, &hf_inap_facilityGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
5100   {   2, &hf_inap_facilityGroupMemberID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER },
5101   {   3, &hf_inap_trunkGroupID   , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER },
5102   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5103 };
5105 static int
dissect_inap_ResourceID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5106 dissect_inap_ResourceID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5107   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5108                                  ResourceID_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_ResourceID,
5109                                  NULL);
5111   return offset;
5112 }
5115 static const value_string inap_ResourceStatus_vals[] = {
5116   {   0, "busy" },
5117   {   1, "idle" },
5118   { 0, NULL }
5119 };
5122 static int
dissect_inap_ResourceStatus(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5123 dissect_inap_ResourceStatus(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5124   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5125                                   NULL);
5127   return offset;
5128 }
5131 static const value_string inap_ResponseCondition_vals[] = {
5132   {   0, "intermediateResponse" },
5133   {   1, "lastResponse" },
5134   { 0, NULL }
5135 };
5138 static int
dissect_inap_ResponseCondition(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5139 dissect_inap_ResponseCondition(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5140   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5141                                   NULL);
5143   return offset;
5144 }
5148 static int
dissect_inap_Route(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5149 dissect_inap_Route(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5150   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5151                                        NULL);
5153   return offset;
5154 }
5157 static const ber_sequence_t RouteCountersAndValue_sequence[] = {
5158   { &hf_inap_route          , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Route },
5159   { &hf_inap_counterID      , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CounterID },
5160   { &hf_inap_counterValue   , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
5161   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5162 };
5164 static int
dissect_inap_RouteCountersAndValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5165 dissect_inap_RouteCountersAndValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5166   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5167                                    RouteCountersAndValue_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RouteCountersAndValue);
5169   return offset;
5170 }
5173 static const ber_sequence_t RouteCountersValue_sequence_of[1] = {
5174   { &hf_inap_RouteCountersValue_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_RouteCountersAndValue },
5175 };
5177 static int
dissect_inap_RouteCountersValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5178 dissect_inap_RouteCountersValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5179   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5180                                       RouteCountersValue_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_RouteCountersValue);
5182   return offset;
5183 }
5186 static const ber_sequence_t RouteList_sequence_of[1] = {
5187   { &hf_inap_RouteList_item , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_OCTETSTRING, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_Route },
5188 };
5190 static int
dissect_inap_RouteList(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5191 dissect_inap_RouteList(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5192   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5193                                       RouteList_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_RouteList);
5195   return offset;
5196 }
5200 static int
dissect_inap_RouteingNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5201 dissect_inap_RouteingNumber(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5202   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5203                                        NULL);
5205   return offset;
5206 }
5210 static int
dissect_inap_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5211 dissect_inap_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5212   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5213                                        NULL);
5215   return offset;
5216 }
5219 static const value_string inap_TimerID_vals[] = {
5220   {   0, "tssf" },
5221   { 0, NULL }
5222 };
5225 static int
dissect_inap_TimerID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5226 dissect_inap_TimerID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5227   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5228                                   NULL);
5230   return offset;
5231 }
5235 static int
dissect_inap_TimerValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5236 dissect_inap_TimerValue(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5237   offset = dissect_inap_Integer4(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
5239   return offset;
5240 }
5244 static int
dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5245 dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5246   offset = dissect_inap_LocationNumber(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
5248   return offset;
5249 }
5253 static int
dissect_inap_T_triggerId(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5254 dissect_inap_T_triggerId(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5255   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5256                                                 NULL);
5258   return offset;
5259 }
5263 static int
dissect_inap_T_triggerPar(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5264 dissect_inap_T_triggerPar(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5265 #line 216 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
5266 /* FIX ME */
5270   return offset;
5271 }
5274 static const ber_sequence_t TriggerData_sequence[] = {
5275   { &hf_inap_triggerId      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_triggerId },
5276   { &hf_inap_triggerPar     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_triggerPar },
5277   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5278 };
5280 static int
dissect_inap_TriggerData(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5281 dissect_inap_TriggerData(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5282   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5283                                    TriggerData_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TriggerData);
5285   return offset;
5286 }
5289 static const ber_sequence_t TriggerDataIdentifier_sequence[] = {
5290   { &hf_inap_triggerID      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
5291   { &hf_inap_profile        , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_ProfileIdentifier },
5292   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5293   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5294 };
5296 static int
dissect_inap_TriggerDataIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5297 dissect_inap_TriggerDataIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5298   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5299                                    TriggerDataIdentifier_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TriggerDataIdentifier);
5301   return offset;
5302 }
5305 static const value_string inap_TriggerDPType_vals[] = {
5306   {   0, "tdp-r" },
5307   {   1, "tdp-n" },
5308   { 0, NULL }
5309 };
5312 static int
dissect_inap_TriggerDPType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5313 dissect_inap_TriggerDPType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5314   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5315                                   NULL);
5317   return offset;
5318 }
5321 static const ber_sequence_t TriggerResult_sequence[] = {
5322   { &hf_inap_tDPIdentifer   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER },
5323   { &hf_inap_actionPerformed, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ActionPerformed },
5324   { &hf_inap_dPName         , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
5325   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5326 };
5328 static int
dissect_inap_TriggerResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5329 dissect_inap_TriggerResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5330   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5331                                    TriggerResult_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TriggerResult);
5333   return offset;
5334 }
5337 static const ber_sequence_t TriggerResults_sequence_of[1] = {
5338   { &hf_inap_TriggerResults_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_TriggerResult },
5339 };
5341 static int
dissect_inap_TriggerResults(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5342 dissect_inap_TriggerResults(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5343   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5344                                       TriggerResults_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_TriggerResults);
5346   return offset;
5347 }
5350 static const value_string inap_TriggerStatus_vals[] = {
5351   {   0, "created" },
5352   {   1, "alreadyExist" },
5353   {   2, "deleted" },
5354   {   3, "unknownTrigger" },
5355   { 0, NULL }
5356 };
5359 static int
dissect_inap_TriggerStatus(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5360 dissect_inap_TriggerStatus(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5361   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
5362                                   NULL);
5364   return offset;
5365 }
5369 static int
dissect_inap_VPNIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5370 dissect_inap_VPNIndicator(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5371   offset = dissect_ber_boolean(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index, NULL);
5373   return offset;
5374 }
5377 static const ber_sequence_t ActivateServiceFilteringArg_sequence[] = {
5378   { &hf_inap_filteredCallTreatment, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FilteredCallTreatment },
5379   { &hf_inap_filteringCharacteristics, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FilteringCharacteristics },
5380   { &hf_inap_filteringTimeOut, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FilteringTimeOut },
5381   { &hf_inap_filteringCriteria, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FilteringCriteria },
5382   { &hf_inap_startTime      , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DateAndTime },
5383   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5384   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5385 };
5387 static int
dissect_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5388 dissect_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5389   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5390                                    ActivateServiceFilteringArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg);
5392   return offset;
5393 }
5396 static const ber_sequence_t AnalysedInformationArg_sequence[] = {
5397   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
5398   { &hf_inap_dialledDigits  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
5399   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
5400   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
5401   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
5402   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
5403   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
5404   { &hf_inap_prefix         , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
5405   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
5406   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
5407   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
5408   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
5409   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5410   { &hf_inap_featureCode    , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FeatureCode },
5411   { &hf_inap_accessCode     , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AccessCode },
5412   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
5413   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
5414   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
5415   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 18, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
5416   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5417 };
5419 static int
dissect_inap_AnalysedInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5420 dissect_inap_AnalysedInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5421   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5422                                    AnalysedInformationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_AnalysedInformationArg);
5424   return offset;
5425 }
5428 static const ber_sequence_t AnalyseInformationArg_sequence[] = {
5429   { &hf_inap_destinationRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress },
5430   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
5431   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
5432   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
5433   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5434   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
5435   { &hf_inap_callingPartysCategory, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartysCategory },
5436   { &hf_inap_calledPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
5437   { &hf_inap_chargeNumber   , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ChargeNumber },
5438   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
5439   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
5440   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
5441   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse },
5442   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
5443   { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS   , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS },
5444   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
5445   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
5446   { &hf_inap_scfID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ScfID },
5447   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 18, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5448   { &hf_inap_legToBeCreated , BER_CLASS_CON, 19, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5449   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5450 };
5452 static int
dissect_inap_AnalyseInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5453 dissect_inap_AnalyseInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5454   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5455                                    AnalyseInformationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_AnalyseInformationArg);
5457   return offset;
5458 }
5461 static const ber_sequence_t ApplyChargingArg_sequence[] = {
5462   { &hf_inap_aChBillingChargingCharacteristics, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics },
5463   { &hf_inap_partyToCharge  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5464   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5465   { &hf_inap_releaseIndication, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
5466   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
5467   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5468 };
5470 static int
dissect_inap_ApplyChargingArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5471 dissect_inap_ApplyChargingArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5472   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5473                                    ApplyChargingArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ApplyChargingArg);
5475   return offset;
5476 }
5480 static int
dissect_inap_ApplyChargingReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5481 dissect_inap_ApplyChargingReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5482   offset = dissect_inap_CallResult(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
5484   return offset;
5485 }
5488 static const ber_sequence_t AssistRequestInstructionsArg_sequence[] = {
5489   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
5490   { &hf_inap_iPAvailable    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPAvailable },
5491   { &hf_inap_iPSSPCapabilities, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPSSPCapabilities },
5492   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5493   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5494 };
5496 static int
dissect_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5497 dissect_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5498   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5499                                    AssistRequestInstructionsArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg);
5501   return offset;
5502 }
5505 static const ber_sequence_t AuthorizeTerminationArg_sequence[] = {
5506   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
5507   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
5508   { &hf_inap_destinationNumberRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
5509   { &hf_inap_displayInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DisplayInformation },
5510   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
5511   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
5512   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
5513   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5514   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse },
5515   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
5516   { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS   , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS },
5517   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5518   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
5519   { &hf_inap_scfID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ScfID },
5520   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5521 };
5523 static int
dissect_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5524 dissect_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5525   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5526                                    AuthorizeTerminationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg);
5528   return offset;
5529 }
5532 static const ber_sequence_t CallFilteringArg_sequence[] = {
5533   { &hf_inap_destinationIndex, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DestinationIndex },
5534   { &hf_inap_gapIndicators  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GapIndicators },
5535   { &hf_inap_registratorIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RegistratorIdentifier },
5536   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5537   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5538 };
5540 static int
dissect_inap_CallFilteringArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5541 dissect_inap_CallFilteringArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5542   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5543                                    CallFilteringArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CallFilteringArg);
5545   return offset;
5546 }
5549 static const ber_sequence_t CallGapArg_sequence[] = {
5550   { &hf_inap_gapCriteria    , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_GapCriteria },
5551   { &hf_inap_gapIndicators  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GapIndicators },
5552   { &hf_inap_controlType    , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ControlType },
5553   { &hf_inap_gapTreatment   , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_GapTreatment },
5554   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5555   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5556 };
5558 static int
dissect_inap_CallGapArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5559 dissect_inap_CallGapArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5560   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5561                                    CallGapArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CallGapArg);
5563   return offset;
5564 }
5567 static const ber_sequence_t CallInformationReportArg_sequence[] = {
5568   { &hf_inap_requestedInformationList, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RequestedInformationList },
5569   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
5570   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5571   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5572   { &hf_inap_lastEventIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
5573   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5574 };
5576 static int
dissect_inap_CallInformationReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5577 dissect_inap_CallInformationReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5578   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5579                                    CallInformationReportArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CallInformationReportArg);
5581   return offset;
5582 }
5585 static const ber_sequence_t CallInformationRequestArg_sequence[] = {
5586   { &hf_inap_requestedInformationTypeList, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList },
5587   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
5588   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5589   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5590   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5591 };
5593 static int
dissect_inap_CallInformationRequestArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5594 dissect_inap_CallInformationRequestArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5595   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5596                                    CallInformationRequestArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CallInformationRequestArg);
5598   return offset;
5599 }
5602 static const ber_sequence_t T_callSegmentToCancel_sequence[] = {
5603   { &hf_inap_invokeID       , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_InvokeID },
5604   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5605   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5606 };
5608 static int
dissect_inap_T_callSegmentToCancel(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5609 dissect_inap_T_callSegmentToCancel(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5610   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5611                                    T_callSegmentToCancel_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_callSegmentToCancel);
5613   return offset;
5614 }
5617 static const value_string inap_CancelArg_vals[] = {
5618   {   0, "invokeID" },
5619   {   1, "allRequests" },
5620   {   2, "callSegmentToCancel" },
5621   {   3, "allRequestsForCallSegment" },
5622   { 0, NULL }
5623 };
5625 static const ber_choice_t CancelArg_choice[] = {
5626   {   0, &hf_inap_invokeID       , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_InvokeID },
5627   {   1, &hf_inap_allRequests    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
5628   {   2, &hf_inap_callSegmentToCancel, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_callSegmentToCancel },
5629   {   3, &hf_inap_allRequestsForCallSegment, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5630   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5631 };
5633 static int
dissect_inap_CancelArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5634 dissect_inap_CancelArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5635   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5636                                  CancelArg_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_CancelArg,
5637                                  NULL);
5639   return offset;
5640 }
5643 static const ber_sequence_t CancelStatusReportRequestArg_sequence[] = {
5644   { &hf_inap_resourceID     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_ResourceID },
5645   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5646   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5647 };
5649 static int
dissect_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5650 dissect_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5651   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5652                                    CancelStatusReportRequestArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg);
5654   return offset;
5655 }
5658 static const ber_sequence_t CollectedInformationArg_sequence[] = {
5659   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
5660   { &hf_inap_dialledDigits  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
5661   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
5662   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
5663   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
5664   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
5665   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
5666   { &hf_inap_prefix         , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
5667   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
5668   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
5669   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
5670   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5671   { &hf_inap_featureCode    , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FeatureCode },
5672   { &hf_inap_accessCode     , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AccessCode },
5673   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
5674   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
5675   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
5676   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
5677   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5678 };
5680 static int
dissect_inap_CollectedInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5681 dissect_inap_CollectedInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5682   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5683                                    CollectedInformationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CollectedInformationArg);
5685   return offset;
5686 }
5689 static const ber_sequence_t CollectInformationArg_sequence[] = {
5690   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
5691   { &hf_inap_numberingPlan  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NumberingPlan },
5692   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
5693   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
5694   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5695   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
5696   { &hf_inap_dialledDigits  , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
5697   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
5698   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse },
5699   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
5700   { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS   , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS },
5701   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
5702   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5703   { &hf_inap_legToBeCreated , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5704   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5705 };
5707 static int
dissect_inap_CollectInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5708 dissect_inap_CollectInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5709   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5710                                    CollectInformationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CollectInformationArg);
5712   return offset;
5713 }
5716 static const ber_sequence_t ConnectArg_sequence[] = {
5717   { &hf_inap_destinationRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress },
5718   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
5719   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
5720   { &hf_inap_cutAndPaste    , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CutAndPaste },
5721   { &hf_inap_forwardingCondition, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardingCondition },
5722   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
5723   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
5724   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
5725   { &hf_inap_scfID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ScfID },
5726   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
5727   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5728   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
5729   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 26, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
5730   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 27, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
5731   { &hf_inap_callingPartysCategory, BER_CLASS_CON, 28, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartysCategory },
5732   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 29, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
5733   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
5734   { &hf_inap_displayInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DisplayInformation },
5735   { &hf_inap_forwardCallIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardCallIndicators },
5736   { &hf_inap_genericNumbers , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericNumbers },
5737   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
5738   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse, BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse },
5739   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
5740   { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS   , BER_CLASS_CON, 18, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS },
5741   { &hf_inap_chargeNumber   , BER_CLASS_CON, 19, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ChargeNumber },
5742   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 20, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5743   { &hf_inap_legToBeCreated , BER_CLASS_CON, 21, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5744   { &hf_inap_sDSSinformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 22, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SDSSinformation },
5745   { &hf_inap_calledDirectoryNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 23, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledDirectoryNumber },
5746   { &hf_inap_bearerCapability, BER_CLASS_CON, 24, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_BearerCapability },
5747   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 60, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
5748   { &hf_inap_connectionIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 61, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ConnectionIdentifier },
5749   { &hf_inap_genericIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 62, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericIdentifier },
5750   { &hf_inap_qOSParameter   , BER_CLASS_CON, 63, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_QoSParameter },
5751   { &hf_inap_bISDNParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 64, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BISDNParameters },
5752   { &hf_inap_cug_Interlock  , BER_CLASS_CON, 31, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CUG_Interlock },
5753   { &hf_inap_cug_OutgoingAccess, BER_CLASS_CON, 32, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
5754   { &hf_inap_ipRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 33, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation },
5755   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5756 };
5758 static int
dissect_inap_ConnectArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5759 dissect_inap_ConnectArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5760   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5761                                    ConnectArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ConnectArg);
5763   return offset;
5764 }
5767 static const ber_sequence_t T_ipAddressAndLegID_sequence[] = {
5768   { &hf_inap_ipRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRoutingAddress },
5769   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5770   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5771 };
5773 static int
dissect_inap_T_ipAddressAndLegID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5774 dissect_inap_T_ipAddressAndLegID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5775   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5776                                    T_ipAddressAndLegID_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_ipAddressAndLegID);
5778   return offset;
5779 }
5782 static const ber_sequence_t T_ipAddressAndCallSegment_sequence[] = {
5783   { &hf_inap_ipRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRoutingAddress },
5784   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5785   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5786 };
5788 static int
dissect_inap_T_ipAddressAndCallSegment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5789 dissect_inap_T_ipAddressAndCallSegment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5790   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5791                                    T_ipAddressAndCallSegment_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_ipAddressAndCallSegment);
5793   return offset;
5794 }
5797 static const value_string inap_T_resourceAddress_vals[] = {
5798   {   0, "ipRoutingAddress" },
5799   {   1, "legID" },
5800   {   2, "ipAddressAndLegID" },
5801   {   3, "none" },
5802   {   5, "callSegmentID" },
5803   {   6, "ipAddressAndCallSegment" },
5804   { 0, NULL }
5805 };
5807 static const ber_choice_t T_resourceAddress_choice[] = {
5808   {   0, &hf_inap_ipRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRoutingAddress },
5809   {   1, &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5810   {   2, &hf_inap_ipAddressAndLegID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_ipAddressAndLegID },
5811   {   3, &hf_inap_none           , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
5812   {   5, &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5813   {   6, &hf_inap_ipAddressAndCallSegment, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_ipAddressAndCallSegment },
5814   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5815 };
5817 static int
dissect_inap_T_resourceAddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5818 dissect_inap_T_resourceAddress(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5819   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5820                                  T_resourceAddress_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_T_resourceAddress,
5821                                  NULL);
5823   return offset;
5824 }
5827 static const ber_sequence_t ConnectToResourceArg_sequence[] = {
5828   { &hf_inap_resourceAddress, BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_T_resourceAddress },
5829   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5830   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
5831   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
5832   { &hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 35, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator },
5833   { &hf_inap_uSIInformation , BER_CLASS_CON, 36, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_USIInformation },
5834   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5835 };
5837 static int
dissect_inap_ConnectToResourceArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5838 dissect_inap_ConnectToResourceArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5839   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5840                                    ConnectToResourceArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ConnectToResourceArg);
5842   return offset;
5843 }
5846 static const value_string inap_T_legorCSID_vals[] = {
5847   {   0, "legID" },
5848   {   9, "csID" },
5849   { 0, NULL }
5850 };
5852 static const ber_choice_t T_legorCSID_choice[] = {
5853   {   0, &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5854   {   9, &hf_inap_csID           , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5855   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5856 };
5858 static int
dissect_inap_T_legorCSID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5859 dissect_inap_T_legorCSID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5860   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5861                                  T_legorCSID_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_T_legorCSID,
5862                                  NULL);
5864   return offset;
5865 }
5868 static const ber_sequence_t ContinueWithArgumentArg_sequence[] = {
5869   { &hf_inap_legorCSID      , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_T_legorCSID },
5870   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
5871   { &hf_inap_genericName    , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericName },
5872   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse },
5873   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
5874   { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS   , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS },
5875   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5876   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
5877   { &hf_inap_sDSSinformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SDSSinformation },
5878   { &hf_inap_connectionIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 60, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ConnectionIdentifier },
5879   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 19, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
5880   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
5881   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
5882   { &hf_inap_callingPartysCategory, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartysCategory },
5883   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
5884   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
5885   { &hf_inap_forwardCallIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardCallIndicators },
5886   { &hf_inap_genericNumbers , BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericNumbers },
5887   { &hf_inap_cug_Interlock  , BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CUG_Interlock },
5888   { &hf_inap_cug_OutgoingAccess, BER_CLASS_CON, 18, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
5889   { &hf_inap_ipRelationInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 20, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation },
5890   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5891 };
5893 static int
dissect_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5894 dissect_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5895   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5896                                    ContinueWithArgumentArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg);
5898   return offset;
5899 }
5902 static const ber_sequence_t CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_sequence[] = {
5903   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5904   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5905 };
5907 static int
dissect_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5908 dissect_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5909   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5910                                    CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg);
5912   return offset;
5913 }
5916 static const ber_sequence_t CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_sequence[] = {
5917   { &hf_inap_newCallSegmentAssociation, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CSAID },
5918   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5919   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5920 };
5922 static int
dissect_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5923 dissect_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5924   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5925                                    CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg);
5927   return offset;
5928 }
5931 static const ber_sequence_t CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_sequence[] = {
5932   { &hf_inap_createOrRemove , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveIndicator },
5933   { &hf_inap_dPName         , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
5934   { &hf_inap_triggerDPType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TriggerDPType },
5935   { &hf_inap_serviceKey     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceKey },
5936   { &hf_inap_profile        , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_ProfileIdentifier },
5937   { &hf_inap_triggerData    , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TriggerData },
5938   { &hf_inap_defaultFaultHandling, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DefaultFaultHandling },
5939   { &hf_inap_tDPIdentifier  , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_TDPIdentifier },
5940   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5941   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5942 };
5944 static int
dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5945 dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5946   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5947                                    CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg);
5949   return offset;
5950 }
5953 static const ber_sequence_t CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_sequence[] = {
5954   { &hf_inap_triggerStatus  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TriggerStatus },
5955   { &hf_inap_tDPIdentifier  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_TDPIdentifier },
5956   { &hf_inap_registratorIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RegistratorIdentifier },
5957   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5958   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5959 };
5961 static int
dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5962 dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5963   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5964                                    CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg);
5966   return offset;
5967 }
5970 static const value_string inap_T_partyToDisconnect_vals[] = {
5971   {   0, "legID" },
5972   {   1, "callSegmentID" },
5973   { 0, NULL }
5974 };
5976 static const ber_choice_t T_partyToDisconnect_choice[] = {
5977   {   0, &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
5978   {   1, &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
5979   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5980 };
5982 static int
dissect_inap_T_partyToDisconnect(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)5983 dissect_inap_T_partyToDisconnect(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
5984   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
5985                                  T_partyToDisconnect_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_T_partyToDisconnect,
5986                                  NULL);
5988   return offset;
5989 }
5992 static const ber_sequence_t DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_sequence[] = {
5993   { &hf_inap_partyToDisconnect, BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_T_partyToDisconnect },
5994   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
5995   { &hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator },
5996   { &hf_inap_uSIInformation , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_USIInformation },
5997   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
5998 };
6000 static int
dissect_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6001 dissect_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6002   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6003                                    DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg);
6005   return offset;
6006 }
6009 static const ber_sequence_t DisconnectLegArg_sequence[] = {
6010   { &hf_inap_legToBeReleased, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6011   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6012   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6013   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6014 };
6016 static int
dissect_inap_DisconnectLegArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6017 dissect_inap_DisconnectLegArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6018   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6019                                    DisconnectLegArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_DisconnectLegArg);
6021   return offset;
6022 }
6025 static const ber_sequence_t T_cSFailure_sequence[] = {
6026   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6027   { &hf_inap_reason         , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Reason },
6028   { &hf_inap_cause          , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6029   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6030 };
6032 static int
dissect_inap_T_cSFailure(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6033 dissect_inap_T_cSFailure(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6034   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6035                                    T_cSFailure_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_cSFailure);
6037   return offset;
6038 }
6041 static const ber_sequence_t T_bCSMFailure_sequence[] = {
6042   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6043   { &hf_inap_reason         , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Reason },
6044   { &hf_inap_cause          , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6045   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6046 };
6048 static int
dissect_inap_T_bCSMFailure(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6049 dissect_inap_T_bCSMFailure(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6050   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6051                                    T_bCSMFailure_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_bCSMFailure);
6053   return offset;
6054 }
6057 static const value_string inap_EntityReleasedArg_vals[] = {
6058   {   0, "cSFailure" },
6059   {   1, "bCSMFailure" },
6060   { 0, NULL }
6061 };
6063 static const ber_choice_t EntityReleasedArg_choice[] = {
6064   {   0, &hf_inap_cSFailure      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_cSFailure },
6065   {   1, &hf_inap_bCSMFailure    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_bCSMFailure },
6066   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6067 };
6069 static int
dissect_inap_EntityReleasedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6070 dissect_inap_EntityReleasedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6071   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6072                                  EntityReleasedArg_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_EntityReleasedArg,
6073                                  NULL);
6075   return offset;
6076 }
6079 static const value_string inap_T_partyToConnect_vals[] = {
6080   {   2, "legID" },
6081   {   7, "callSegmentID" },
6082   { 0, NULL }
6083 };
6085 static const ber_choice_t T_partyToConnect_choice[] = {
6086   {   2, &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6087   {   7, &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6088   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6089 };
6091 static int
dissect_inap_T_partyToConnect(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6092 dissect_inap_T_partyToConnect(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6093   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6094                                  T_partyToConnect_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_T_partyToConnect,
6095                                  NULL);
6097   return offset;
6098 }
6101 static const ber_sequence_t EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_sequence[] = {
6102   { &hf_inap_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress },
6103   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
6104   { &hf_inap_partyToConnect , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_T_partyToConnect },
6105   { &hf_inap_scfID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ScfID },
6106   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6107   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6108   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
6109   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
6110   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6111 };
6113 static int
dissect_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6114 dissect_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6115   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6116                                    EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg);
6118   return offset;
6119 }
6122 static const ber_sequence_t EventNotificationChargingArg_sequence[] = {
6123   { &hf_inap_eventTypeCharging, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeCharging },
6124   { &hf_inap_eventSpecificInformationCharging, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventSpecificInformationCharging },
6125   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6126   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6127   { &hf_inap_monitorMode    , BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MonitorMode },
6128   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6129 };
6131 static int
dissect_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6132 dissect_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6133   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6134                                    EventNotificationChargingArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg);
6136   return offset;
6137 }
6140 static const ber_sequence_t EventReportBCSMArg_sequence[] = {
6141   { &hf_inap_eventTypeBCSM  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
6142   { &hf_inap_bcsmEventCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
6143   { &hf_inap_eventSpecificInformationBCSM, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_EventSpecificInformationBCSM },
6144   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6145   { &hf_inap_miscCallInfo   , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MiscCallInfo },
6146   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6147   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
6148   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
6149   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
6150   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6151 };
6153 static int
dissect_inap_EventReportBCSMArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6154 dissect_inap_EventReportBCSMArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6155   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6156                                    EventReportBCSMArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_EventReportBCSMArg);
6158   return offset;
6159 }
6162 static const ber_sequence_t EventReportFacilityArg_sequence[] = {
6163   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
6164   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
6165   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6166   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
6167   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6168   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6169 };
6171 static int
dissect_inap_EventReportFacilityArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6172 dissect_inap_EventReportFacilityArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6173   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6174                                    EventReportFacilityArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_EventReportFacilityArg);
6176   return offset;
6177 }
6180 static const ber_sequence_t FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_sequence[] = {
6181   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6182   { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID },
6183   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
6184   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6185   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
6186   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
6187   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
6188   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
6189   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
6190   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
6191   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6192   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
6193   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
6194   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
6195   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6196 };
6198 static int
dissect_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6199 dissect_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6200   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6201                                    FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg);
6203   return offset;
6204 }
6208 static int
dissect_inap_FurnishChargingInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6209 dissect_inap_FurnishChargingInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6210   offset = dissect_inap_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
6212   return offset;
6213 }
6216 static const value_string inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg_vals[] = {
6217   {   0, "holdcause" },
6218   {   1, "empty" },
6219   { 0, NULL }
6220 };
6222 static const ber_choice_t HoldCallInNetworkArg_choice[] = {
6223   {   0, &hf_inap_holdcause      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_HoldCause },
6224   {   1, &hf_inap_empty          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
6225   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6226 };
6228 static int
dissect_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6229 dissect_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6230   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6231                                  HoldCallInNetworkArg_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg,
6232                                  NULL);
6234   return offset;
6235 }
6238 static const ber_sequence_t InitialDPArg_sequence[] = {
6239   { &hf_inap_serviceKey     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceKey },
6240   { &hf_inap_dialledDigits  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
6241   { &hf_inap_calledPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
6242   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
6243   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6244   { &hf_inap_callingPartysCategory, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartysCategory },
6245   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
6246   { &hf_inap_cGEncountered  , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CGEncountered },
6247   { &hf_inap_iPSSPCapabilities, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPSSPCapabilities },
6248   { &hf_inap_iPAvailable    , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPAvailable },
6249   { &hf_inap_locationNumber , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LocationNumber },
6250   { &hf_inap_miscCallInfo   , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MiscCallInfo },
6251   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
6252   { &hf_inap_serviceProfileIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceProfileIdentifier },
6253   { &hf_inap_terminalType   , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TerminalType },
6254   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6255   { &hf_inap_triggerType    , BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TriggerType },
6256   { &hf_inap_highLayerCompatibility, BER_CLASS_CON, 23, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_HighLayerCompatibility },
6257   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 24, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
6258   { &hf_inap_additionalCallingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 25, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AdditionalCallingPartyNumber },
6259   { &hf_inap_forwardCallIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 26, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardCallIndicators },
6260   { &hf_inap_bearerCapability, BER_CLASS_CON, 27, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_BearerCapability },
6261   { &hf_inap_eventTypeBCSM  , BER_CLASS_CON, 28, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_EventTypeBCSM },
6262   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 29, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
6263   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
6264   { &hf_inap_cause          , BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6265   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 18, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
6266   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 19, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
6267   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 20, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
6268   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 21, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
6269   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityIndication, BER_CLASS_CON, 22, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication },
6270   { &hf_inap_genericNumbers , BER_CLASS_CON, 31, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericNumbers },
6271   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 32, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
6272   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 33, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
6273   { &hf_inap_createdCallSegmentAssociation, BER_CLASS_CON, 34, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CSAID },
6274   { &hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 35, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator },
6275   { &hf_inap_uSIInformation , BER_CLASS_CON, 36, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_USIInformation },
6276   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 37, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6277   { &hf_inap_cCSS           , BER_CLASS_CON, 38, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CCSS },
6278   { &hf_inap_vPNIndicator   , BER_CLASS_CON, 39, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_VPNIndicator },
6279   { &hf_inap_cNInfo         , BER_CLASS_CON, 40, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CNInfo },
6280   { &hf_inap_callReference  , BER_CLASS_CON, 41, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallReference },
6281   { &hf_inap_routeingNumber , BER_CLASS_CON, 42, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteingNumber },
6282   { &hf_inap_callingGeodeticLocation, BER_CLASS_CON, 43, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingGeodeticLocation },
6283   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 60, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
6284   { &hf_inap_connectionIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 61, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ConnectionIdentifier },
6285   { &hf_inap_genericIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 62, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericIdentifier },
6286   { &hf_inap_qOSParameter   , BER_CLASS_CON, 63, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_QoSParameter },
6287   { &hf_inap_bISDNParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 64, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BISDNParameters },
6288   { &hf_inap_globalCallReference, BER_CLASS_CON, 44, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GlobalCallReference },
6289   { &hf_inap_cug_Index      , BER_CLASS_CON, 45, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CUG_Index },
6290   { &hf_inap_cug_Interlock  , BER_CLASS_CON, 46, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CUG_Interlock },
6291   { &hf_inap_cug_OutgoingAccess, BER_CLASS_CON, 47, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
6292   { &hf_inap_ipRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 48, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation },
6293   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6294 };
6296 static int
dissect_inap_InitialDPArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6297 dissect_inap_InitialDPArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6298   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6299                                    InitialDPArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_InitialDPArg);
6301   return offset;
6302 }
6305 static const ber_sequence_t InitiateCallAttemptArg_sequence[] = {
6306   { &hf_inap_destinationRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress },
6307   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
6308   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
6309   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
6310   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6311   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 29, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
6312   { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyNumber },
6313   { &hf_inap_legToBeCreated , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6314   { &hf_inap_newCallSegment , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6315   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse },
6316   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
6317   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6318   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
6319   { &hf_inap_scfID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ScfID },
6320   { &hf_inap_callReference  , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallReference },
6321   { &hf_inap_calledDirectoryNumber, BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledDirectoryNumber },
6322   { &hf_inap_bearerCapability, BER_CLASS_CON, 60, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_BearerCapability },
6323   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 61, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
6324   { &hf_inap_connectionIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 62, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ConnectionIdentifier },
6325   { &hf_inap_genericIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 63, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericIdentifier },
6326   { &hf_inap_qOSParameter   , BER_CLASS_CON, 64, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_QoSParameter },
6327   { &hf_inap_bISDNParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 65, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BISDNParameters },
6328   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
6329   { &hf_inap_callingPartysCategory, BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartysCategory },
6330   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
6331   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
6332   { &hf_inap_displayInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 18, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DisplayInformation },
6333   { &hf_inap_forwardCallIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 19, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardCallIndicators },
6334   { &hf_inap_genericNumbers , BER_CLASS_CON, 20, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericNumbers },
6335   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 21, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
6336   { &hf_inap_globalCallReference, BER_CLASS_CON, 23, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GlobalCallReference },
6337   { &hf_inap_cug_Interlock  , BER_CLASS_CON, 24, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CUG_Interlock },
6338   { &hf_inap_cug_OutgoingAccess, BER_CLASS_CON, 25, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
6339   { &hf_inap_incomingSignallingBufferCopy, BER_CLASS_CON, 26, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
6340   { &hf_inap_ipRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 27, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation },
6341   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6342 };
6344 static int
dissect_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6345 dissect_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6346   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6347                                    InitiateCallAttemptArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg);
6349   return offset;
6350 }
6353 static const value_string inap_T_triggerDataIdentifier_vals[] = {
6354   {   1, "profileAndDP" },
6355   {   5, "profile" },
6356   { 0, NULL }
6357 };
6359 static const ber_choice_t T_triggerDataIdentifier_choice[] = {
6360   {   1, &hf_inap_profileAndDP   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TriggerDataIdentifier },
6361   {   5, &hf_inap_profile        , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ProfileIdentifier },
6362   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6363 };
6365 static int
dissect_inap_T_triggerDataIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6366 dissect_inap_T_triggerDataIdentifier(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6367   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6368                                  T_triggerDataIdentifier_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_T_triggerDataIdentifier,
6369                                  NULL);
6371   return offset;
6372 }
6375 static const ber_sequence_t ManageTriggerDataArg_sequence[] = {
6376   { &hf_inap_actionIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ActionIndicator },
6377   { &hf_inap_triggerDataIdentifier, BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_T_triggerDataIdentifier },
6378   { &hf_inap_registratorIdentifier, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RegistratorIdentifier },
6379   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6380   { &hf_inap_tDPIdentifier  , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_TDPIdentifier },
6381   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6382 };
6384 static int
dissect_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6385 dissect_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6386   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6387                                    ManageTriggerDataArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg);
6389   return offset;
6390 }
6393 static const ber_sequence_t T_oneTriggerResult_sequence[] = {
6394   { &hf_inap_actionPerformed, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ActionPerformed },
6395   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6396   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6397 };
6399 static int
dissect_inap_T_oneTriggerResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6400 dissect_inap_T_oneTriggerResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6401   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6402                                    T_oneTriggerResult_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_oneTriggerResult);
6404   return offset;
6405 }
6408 static const ber_sequence_t T_severalTriggerResult_sequence[] = {
6409   { &hf_inap_results        , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TriggerResults },
6410   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6411   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6412 };
6414 static int
dissect_inap_T_severalTriggerResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6415 dissect_inap_T_severalTriggerResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6416   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6417                                    T_severalTriggerResult_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_severalTriggerResult);
6419   return offset;
6420 }
6423 static const value_string inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg_vals[] = {
6424   {   0, "oneTriggerResult" },
6425   {   1, "severalTriggerResult" },
6426   { 0, NULL }
6427 };
6429 static const ber_choice_t ManageTriggerDataResultArg_choice[] = {
6430   {   0, &hf_inap_oneTriggerResult, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_oneTriggerResult },
6431   {   1, &hf_inap_severalTriggerResult, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_severalTriggerResult },
6432   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6433 };
6435 static int
dissect_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6436 dissect_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6437   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6438                                  ManageTriggerDataResultArg_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg,
6439                                  NULL);
6441   return offset;
6442 }
6445 static const ber_sequence_t MergeCallSegmentsArg_sequence[] = {
6446   { &hf_inap_sourceCallSegment, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6447   { &hf_inap_targetCallSegment, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6448   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6449   { &hf_inap_mergeSignallingPaths, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
6450   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6451 };
6453 static int
dissect_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6454 dissect_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6455   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6456                                    MergeCallSegmentsArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg);
6458   return offset;
6459 }
6462 static const ber_sequence_t MonitorRouteReportArg_sequence[] = {
6463   { &hf_inap_routeCounters  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteCountersValue },
6464   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
6465   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6466   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6467 };
6469 static int
dissect_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6470 dissect_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6471   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6472                                    MonitorRouteReportArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg);
6474   return offset;
6475 }
6478 static const ber_sequence_t MonitorRouteRequestArg_sequence[] = {
6479   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
6480   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
6481   { &hf_inap_monitoringCriteria, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_MonitoringCriteria },
6482   { &hf_inap_monitoringTimeout, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_MonitoringTimeOut },
6483   { &hf_inap_startTime      , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DateAndTime },
6484   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6485   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6486 };
6488 static int
dissect_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6489 dissect_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6490   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6491                                    MonitorRouteRequestArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg);
6493   return offset;
6494 }
6497 static const ber_sequence_t T_callSegments_item_sequence[] = {
6498   { &hf_inap_sourceCallSegment, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6499   { &hf_inap_newCallSegment , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6500   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6501 };
6503 static int
dissect_inap_T_callSegments_item(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6504 dissect_inap_T_callSegments_item(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6505   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6506                                    T_callSegments_item_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_callSegments_item);
6508   return offset;
6509 }
6512 static const ber_sequence_t T_callSegments_sequence_of[1] = {
6513   { &hf_inap_callSegments_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_callSegments_item },
6514 };
6516 static int
dissect_inap_T_callSegments(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6517 dissect_inap_T_callSegments(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6518   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6519                                       T_callSegments_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_T_callSegments);
6521   return offset;
6522 }
6525 static const ber_sequence_t T_legs_item_sequence[] = {
6526   { &hf_inap_sourceLeg      , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6527   { &hf_inap_newLeg         , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6528   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6529 };
6531 static int
dissect_inap_T_legs_item(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6532 dissect_inap_T_legs_item(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6533   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6534                                    T_legs_item_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_legs_item);
6536   return offset;
6537 }
6540 static const ber_sequence_t T_legs_sequence_of[1] = {
6541   { &hf_inap_legs_item      , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_legs_item },
6542 };
6544 static int
dissect_inap_T_legs(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6545 dissect_inap_T_legs(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6546   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6547                                       T_legs_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_T_legs);
6549   return offset;
6550 }
6553 static const ber_sequence_t MoveCallSegmentsArg_sequence[] = {
6554   { &hf_inap_targetCallSegmentAssociation, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CSAID },
6555   { &hf_inap_callSegments   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_callSegments },
6556   { &hf_inap_legs           , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_legs },
6557   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6558   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6559 };
6561 static int
dissect_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6562 dissect_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6563   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6564                                    MoveCallSegmentsArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg);
6566   return offset;
6567 }
6570 static const ber_sequence_t MoveLegArg_sequence[] = {
6571   { &hf_inap_legIDToMove    , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6572   { &hf_inap_targetCallSegment, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6573   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6574   { &hf_inap_detachSignallingPath, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
6575   { &hf_inap_exportSignallingPath, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
6576   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6577 };
6579 static int
dissect_inap_MoveLegArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6580 dissect_inap_MoveLegArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6581   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6582                                    MoveLegArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MoveLegArg);
6584   return offset;
6585 }
6588 static const ber_sequence_t OAbandonArg_sequence[] = {
6589   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6590   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6591   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6592   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6593   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6594 };
6596 static int
dissect_inap_OAbandonArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6597 dissect_inap_OAbandonArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6598   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6599                                    OAbandonArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_OAbandonArg);
6601   return offset;
6602 }
6605 static const ber_sequence_t OAnswerArg_sequence[] = {
6606   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6607   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6608   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
6609   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
6610   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
6611   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
6612   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
6613   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
6614   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
6615   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
6616   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6617   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6618 };
6620 static int
dissect_inap_OAnswerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6621 dissect_inap_OAnswerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6622   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6623                                    OAnswerArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_OAnswerArg);
6625   return offset;
6626 }
6629 static const ber_sequence_t OCalledPartyBusyArg_sequence[] = {
6630   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6631   { &hf_inap_busyCause      , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6632   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6633   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
6634   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
6635   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
6636   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
6637   { &hf_inap_prefix         , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
6638   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
6639   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
6640   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
6641   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
6642   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6643   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6644   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6645 };
6647 static int
dissect_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6648 dissect_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6649   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6650                                    OCalledPartyBusyArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg);
6652   return offset;
6653 }
6656 static const ber_sequence_t ODisconnectArg_sequence[] = {
6657   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6658   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6659   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
6660   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
6661   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
6662   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6663   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
6664   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6665   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6666   { &hf_inap_connectTime    , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
6667   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
6668   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
6669   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
6670   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6671 };
6673 static int
dissect_inap_ODisconnectArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6674 dissect_inap_ODisconnectArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6675   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6676                                    ODisconnectArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ODisconnectArg);
6678   return offset;
6679 }
6682 static const ber_sequence_t MidCallArg_sequence[] = {
6683   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6684   { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID },
6685   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
6686   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6687   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
6688   { &hf_inap_featureRequestIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FeatureRequestIndicator },
6689   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6690   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6691   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
6692   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
6693   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
6694   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6695 };
6697 static int
dissect_inap_MidCallArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6698 dissect_inap_MidCallArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6699   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6700                                    MidCallArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MidCallArg);
6702   return offset;
6703 }
6706 static const ber_sequence_t ONoAnswerArg_sequence[] = {
6707   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6708   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6709   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
6710   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
6711   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
6712   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
6713   { &hf_inap_prefix         , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
6714   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
6715   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
6716   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
6717   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
6718   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6719   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6720   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6721 };
6723 static int
dissect_inap_ONoAnswerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6724 dissect_inap_ONoAnswerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6725   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6726                                    ONoAnswerArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ONoAnswerArg);
6728   return offset;
6729 }
6732 static const ber_sequence_t OriginationAttemptArg_sequence[] = {
6733   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6734   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6735   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
6736   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
6737   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
6738   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6739   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
6740   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6741   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
6742   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
6743   { &hf_inap_componenttCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
6744   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6745 };
6747 static int
dissect_inap_OriginationAttemptArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6748 dissect_inap_OriginationAttemptArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6749   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6750                                    OriginationAttemptArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_OriginationAttemptArg);
6752   return offset;
6753 }
6756 static const ber_sequence_t OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_sequence[] = {
6757   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6758   { &hf_inap_dialledDigits  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
6759   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
6760   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
6761   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
6762   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
6763   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
6764   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6765   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
6766   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
6767   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
6768   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
6769   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6770 };
6772 static int
dissect_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6773 dissect_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6774   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6775                                    OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg);
6777   return offset;
6778 }
6781 static const ber_sequence_t OSuspendedArg_sequence[] = {
6782   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
6783   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6784   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6785   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6786 };
6788 static int
dissect_inap_OSuspendedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6789 dissect_inap_OSuspendedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6790   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6791                                    OSuspendedArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_OSuspendedArg);
6793   return offset;
6794 }
6797 static const ber_sequence_t ReconnectArg_sequence[] = {
6798   { &hf_inap_notificationDuration, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ApplicationTimer },
6799   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
6800   { &hf_inap_displayInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DisplayInformation },
6801   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6802   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
6803   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6804 };
6806 static int
dissect_inap_ReconnectArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6807 dissect_inap_ReconnectArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6808   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6809                                    ReconnectArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ReconnectArg);
6811   return offset;
6812 }
6816 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_numOfCSs(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6817 dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_numOfCSs(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6818   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
6819                                                 NULL);
6821   return offset;
6822 }
6825 static const ber_sequence_t T_callSegmentToRelease_sequence[] = {
6826   { &hf_inap_callSegment    , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_numOfCSs },
6827   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6828   { &hf_inap_forcedRelease  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
6829   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6830 };
6832 static int
dissect_inap_T_callSegmentToRelease(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6833 dissect_inap_T_callSegmentToRelease(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6834   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6835                                    T_callSegmentToRelease_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_callSegmentToRelease);
6837   return offset;
6838 }
6841 static const ber_sequence_t T_allCallSegments_sequence[] = {
6842   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6843   { &hf_inap_timeToRelease  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TimerValue },
6844   { &hf_inap_forcedRelease  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
6845   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6846 };
6848 static int
dissect_inap_T_allCallSegments(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6849 dissect_inap_T_allCallSegments(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6850   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6851                                    T_allCallSegments_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_allCallSegments);
6853   return offset;
6854 }
6857 static const value_string inap_ReleaseCallArg_vals[] = {
6858   {   0, "initialCallSegment" },
6859   {   1, "callSegmentToRelease" },
6860   {   2, "allCallSegments" },
6861   { 0, NULL }
6862 };
6864 static const ber_choice_t ReleaseCallArg_choice[] = {
6865   {   0, &hf_inap_initialCallSegment, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_OCTETSTRING, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
6866   {   1, &hf_inap_callSegmentToRelease, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_callSegmentToRelease },
6867   {   2, &hf_inap_allCallSegments, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_allCallSegments },
6868   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6869 };
6871 static int
dissect_inap_ReleaseCallArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6872 dissect_inap_ReleaseCallArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6873   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6874                                  ReleaseCallArg_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_ReleaseCallArg,
6875                                  NULL);
6877   return offset;
6878 }
6881 static const ber_sequence_t ReportUTSIArg_sequence[] = {
6882   { &hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator },
6883   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
6884   { &hf_inap_uSIInformation , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_USIInformation },
6885   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6886   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6887 };
6889 static int
dissect_inap_ReportUTSIArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6890 dissect_inap_ReportUTSIArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6891   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6892                                    ReportUTSIArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ReportUTSIArg);
6894   return offset;
6895 }
6899 static int
dissect_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6900 dissect_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6901   offset = dissect_inap_ResourceID(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
6903   return offset;
6904 }
6907 static const ber_sequence_t RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_sequence[] = {
6908   { &hf_inap_resourceStatus , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ResourceStatus },
6909   { &hf_inap_resourceID     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_ResourceID },
6910   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6911   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6912 };
6914 static int
dissect_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6915 dissect_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6916   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6917                                    RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg);
6919   return offset;
6920 }
6923 static const ber_sequence_t RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_sequence[] = {
6924   { &hf_inap_resourceID     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_ResourceID },
6925   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
6926   { &hf_inap_monitorDuration, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Duration },
6927   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6928   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6929 };
6931 static int
dissect_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6932 dissect_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6933   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6934                                    RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg);
6936   return offset;
6937 }
6940 static const ber_sequence_t RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_sequence[] = {
6941   { &hf_inap_resourceID     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_ResourceID },
6942   { &hf_inap_resourceStatus , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ResourceStatus },
6943   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
6944   { &hf_inap_monitorDuration, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Duration },
6945   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6946   { &hf_inap_bearerCapability, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_BearerCapability },
6947   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6948 };
6950 static int
dissect_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6951 dissect_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6952   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6953                                    RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg);
6955   return offset;
6956 }
6959 static const ber_sequence_t RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_sequence_of[1] = {
6960   { &hf_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_ChargingEvent },
6961 };
6963 static int
dissect_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6964 dissect_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6965   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6966                                       RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg);
6968   return offset;
6969 }
6972 static const ber_sequence_t SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent_sequence_of[1] = {
6973   { &hf_inap_bcsmEvents_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_BCSMEvent },
6974 };
6976 static int
dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6977 dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6978   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6979                                       SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent);
6981   return offset;
6982 }
6985 static const ber_sequence_t RequestReportBCSMEventArg_sequence[] = {
6986   { &hf_inap_bcsmEvents     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent },
6987   { &hf_inap_bcsmEventCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
6988   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
6989   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
6990 };
6992 static int
dissect_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)6993 dissect_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
6994   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
6995                                    RequestReportBCSMEventArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg);
6997   return offset;
6998 }
7001 static const ber_sequence_t SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType_sequence_of[1] = {
7002   { &hf_inap_componentTypes_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_ENUMERATED, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
7003 };
7005 static int
dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7006 dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7007   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7008                                       SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType);
7010   return offset;
7011 }
7014 static const ber_sequence_t RequestReportFacilityEventArg_sequence[] = {
7015   { &hf_inap_componentTypes , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType },
7016   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7017   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
7018   { &hf_inap_monitorDuration, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Duration },
7019   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7020   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7021 };
7023 static int
dissect_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7024 dissect_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7025   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7026                                    RequestReportFacilityEventArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg);
7028   return offset;
7029 }
7032 static const ber_sequence_t RequestReportUTSIArg_sequence[] = {
7033   { &hf_inap_requestedUTSIList, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RequestedUTSIList },
7034   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7035   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7036   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7037 };
7039 static int
dissect_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7040 dissect_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7041   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7042                                    RequestReportUTSIArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg);
7044   return offset;
7045 }
7048 static const ber_sequence_t ResetTimerArg_sequence[] = {
7049   { &hf_inap_timerID        , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TimerID },
7050   { &hf_inap_timervalue     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TimerValue },
7051   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7052   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7053   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7054 };
7056 static int
dissect_inap_ResetTimerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7057 dissect_inap_ResetTimerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7058   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7059                                    ResetTimerArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ResetTimerArg);
7061   return offset;
7062 }
7065 static const ber_sequence_t RouteSelectFailureArg_sequence[] = {
7066   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
7067   { &hf_inap_dialledDigits  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
7068   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
7069   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
7070   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
7071   { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
7072   { &hf_inap_failureCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
7073   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
7074   { &hf_inap_prefix         , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
7075   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
7076   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
7077   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
7078   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
7079   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7080   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
7081   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7082 };
7084 static int
dissect_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7085 dissect_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7086   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7087                                    RouteSelectFailureArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg);
7089   return offset;
7090 }
7093 static const ber_sequence_t SelectFacilityArg_sequence[] = {
7094   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
7095   { &hf_inap_destinationNumberRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyNumber },
7096   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
7097   { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
7098   { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
7099   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
7100   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7101   { &hf_inap_displayInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DisplayInformation },
7102   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
7103   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse },
7104   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
7105   { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS   , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS },
7106   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
7107   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
7108   { &hf_inap_scfID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ScfID },
7109   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7110   { &hf_inap_legToBeCreated , BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7111   { &hf_inap_ipRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation },
7112   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7113 };
7115 static int
dissect_inap_SelectFacilityArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7116 dissect_inap_SelectFacilityArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7117   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7118                                    SelectFacilityArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_SelectFacilityArg);
7120   return offset;
7121 }
7124 static const ber_sequence_t SelectRouteArg_sequence[] = {
7125   { &hf_inap_destinationRoutingAddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress },
7126   { &hf_inap_alertingPattern, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_AlertingPattern },
7127   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
7128   { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation },
7129   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
7130   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
7131   { &hf_inap_scfID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ScfID },
7132   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
7133   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7134   { &hf_inap_carrier        , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Carrier },
7135   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicators },
7136   { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse, BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_INServiceCompatibilityResponse },
7137   { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS    , BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ForwardGVNS },
7138   { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS   , BER_CLASS_CON, 13, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BackwardGVNS },
7139   { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, BER_CLASS_CON, 14, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo },
7140   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 15, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7141   { &hf_inap_legToBeCreated , BER_CLASS_CON, 16, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7142   { &hf_inap_ipRelatedInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 17, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IPRelatedInformation },
7143   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7144 };
7146 static int
dissect_inap_SelectRouteArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7147 dissect_inap_SelectRouteArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7148   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7149                                    SelectRouteArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_SelectRouteArg);
7151   return offset;
7152 }
7155 static const ber_sequence_t SendChargingInformationArg_sequence[] = {
7156   { &hf_inap_sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics },
7157   { &hf_inap_partyToCharge  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7158   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7159   { &hf_inap_nocharge       , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7160   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7161 };
7163 static int
dissect_inap_SendChargingInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7164 dissect_inap_SendChargingInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7165   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7166                                    SendChargingInformationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_SendChargingInformationArg);
7168   return offset;
7169 }
7172 static const ber_sequence_t SendFacilityInformationArg_sequence[] = {
7173   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
7174   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7175   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
7176   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
7177   { &hf_inap_callProcessingOperation, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallProcessingOperation },
7178   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7179   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7180 };
7182 static int
dissect_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7183 dissect_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7184   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7185                                    SendFacilityInformationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg);
7187   return offset;
7188 }
7191 static const ber_sequence_t SendSTUIArg_sequence[] = {
7192   { &hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_USIServiceIndicator },
7193   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7194   { &hf_inap_uSIInformation , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_USIInformation },
7195   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7196   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7197 };
7199 static int
dissect_inap_SendSTUIArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7200 dissect_inap_SendSTUIArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7201   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7202                                    SendSTUIArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_SendSTUIArg);
7204   return offset;
7205 }
7208 static const ber_sequence_t ServiceFilteringResponseArg_sequence[] = {
7209   { &hf_inap_countersValue  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CountersValue },
7210   { &hf_inap_filteringCriteria, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FilteringCriteria },
7211   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7212   { &hf_inap_responseCondition, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ResponseCondition },
7213   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7214 };
7216 static int
dissect_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7217 dissect_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7218   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7219                                    ServiceFilteringResponseArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg);
7221   return offset;
7222 }
7225 static const ber_sequence_t SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile_sequence_of[1] = {
7226   { &hf_inap_iNprofiles_item, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_INprofile },
7227 };
7229 static int
dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7230 dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7231   offset = dissect_ber_sequence_of(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7232                                       SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile_sequence_of, hf_index, ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile);
7234   return offset;
7235 }
7238 static const ber_sequence_t SetServiceProfileArg_sequence[] = {
7239   { &hf_inap_iNprofiles     , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile },
7240   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7241   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7242 };
7244 static int
dissect_inap_SetServiceProfileArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7245 dissect_inap_SetServiceProfileArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7246   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7247                                    SetServiceProfileArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_SetServiceProfileArg);
7249   return offset;
7250 }
7254 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_2_numOfCSs(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7255 dissect_inap_INTEGER_2_numOfCSs(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7256   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7257                                                 NULL);
7259   return offset;
7260 }
7263 static const ber_sequence_t SplitLegArg_sequence[] = {
7264   { &hf_inap_legToBeSplit   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7265   { &hf_inap_newCallSegment_01, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_2_numOfCSs },
7266   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7267   { &hf_inap_detachSignallingPath, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
7268   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7269 };
7271 static int
dissect_inap_SplitLegArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7272 dissect_inap_SplitLegArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7273   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7274                                    SplitLegArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_SplitLegArg);
7276   return offset;
7277 }
7280 static const ber_sequence_t StatusReportArg_sequence[] = {
7281   { &hf_inap_resourceStatus , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ResourceStatus },
7282   { &hf_inap_correlationID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CorrelationID },
7283   { &hf_inap_resourceID     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_ResourceID },
7284   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7285   { &hf_inap_reportCondition, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ReportCondition },
7286   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7287 };
7289 static int
dissect_inap_StatusReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7290 dissect_inap_StatusReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7291   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7292                                    StatusReportArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_StatusReportArg);
7294   return offset;
7295 }
7298 static const ber_sequence_t TAnswerArg_sequence[] = {
7299   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
7300   { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID },
7301   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
7302   { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
7303   { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
7304   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7305   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
7306   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
7307   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
7308   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7309 };
7311 static int
dissect_inap_TAnswerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7312 dissect_inap_TAnswerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7313   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7314                                    TAnswerArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TAnswerArg);
7316   return offset;
7317 }
7320 static const ber_sequence_t TBusyArg_sequence[] = {
7321   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
7322   { &hf_inap_busyCause      , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
7323   { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID },
7324   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
7325   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
7326   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
7327   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
7328   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
7329   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
7330   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7331   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7332 };
7334 static int
dissect_inap_TBusyArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7335 dissect_inap_TBusyArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7336   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7337                                    TBusyArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TBusyArg);
7339   return offset;
7340 }
7343 static const ber_sequence_t TDisconnectArg_sequence[] = {
7344   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
7345   { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID },
7346   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
7347   { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
7348   { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
7349   { &hf_inap_releaseCause   , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Cause },
7350   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7351   { &hf_inap_connectTime    , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Integer4 },
7352   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
7353   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
7354   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
7355   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7356 };
7358 static int
dissect_inap_TDisconnectArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7359 dissect_inap_TDisconnectArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7360   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7361                                    TDisconnectArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TDisconnectArg);
7363   return offset;
7364 }
7367 static const ber_sequence_t TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_sequence[] = {
7368   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
7369   { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID },
7370   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
7371   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
7372   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
7373   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
7374   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
7375   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
7376   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
7377   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7378   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
7379   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7380 };
7382 static int
dissect_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7383 dissect_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7384   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7385                                    TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg);
7387   return offset;
7388 }
7391 static const ber_sequence_t TerminationAttemptArg_sequence[] = {
7392   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
7393   { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID },
7394   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
7395   { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartyBusinessGroupID },
7396   { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallingPartySubaddress },
7397   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
7398   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
7399   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
7400   { &hf_inap_routeList      , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RouteList },
7401   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
7402   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7403   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7404 };
7406 static int
dissect_inap_TerminationAttemptArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7407 dissect_inap_TerminationAttemptArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7408   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7409                                    TerminationAttemptArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TerminationAttemptArg);
7411   return offset;
7412 }
7415 static const ber_sequence_t TNoAnswerArg_sequence[] = {
7416   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
7417   { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartyBusinessGroupID },
7418   { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CalledPartySubaddress },
7419   { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroup, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroup },
7420   { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroupMember, BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_FacilityGroupMember },
7421   { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OriginalCalledPartyID },
7422   { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectingPartyID },
7423   { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RedirectionInformation },
7424   { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_TravellingClassMark },
7425   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7426   { &hf_inap_componentType  , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentType },
7427   { &hf_inap_component      , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Component },
7428   { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID, BER_CLASS_CON, 12, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ComponentCorrelationID },
7429   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7430 };
7432 static int
dissect_inap_TNoAnswerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7433 dissect_inap_TNoAnswerArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7434   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7435                                    TNoAnswerArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TNoAnswerArg);
7437   return offset;
7438 }
7441 static const ber_sequence_t TSuspendedArg_sequence[] = {
7442   { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters },
7443   { &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7444   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7445   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7446 };
7448 static int
dissect_inap_TSuspendedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7449 dissect_inap_TSuspendedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7450   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7451                                    TSuspendedArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_TSuspendedArg);
7453   return offset;
7454 }
7458 static int
dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7459 dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7460   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7461                                        NULL);
7463   return offset;
7464 }
7467 static const value_string inap_ErrorTreatment_vals[] = {
7468   {   0, "reportErrorToScf" },
7469   {   1, "help" },
7470   {   2, "repeatPrompt" },
7471   { 0, NULL }
7472 };
7475 static int
dissect_inap_ErrorTreatment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7476 dissect_inap_ErrorTreatment(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7477   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7478                                   NULL);
7480   return offset;
7481 }
7484 static const ber_sequence_t CollectedDigits_sequence[] = {
7485   { &hf_inap_minimumNbOfDigits, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_127 },
7486   { &hf_inap_maximumNbOfDigits, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_127 },
7487   { &hf_inap_endOfReplyDigit, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 },
7488   { &hf_inap_cancelDigit    , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 },
7489   { &hf_inap_startDigit     , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 },
7490   { &hf_inap_firstDigitTimeOut, BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_127 },
7491   { &hf_inap_interDigitTimeOut, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_127 },
7492   { &hf_inap_errorTreatment , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ErrorTreatment },
7493   { &hf_inap_interruptableAnnInd, BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7494   { &hf_inap_voiceInformation, BER_CLASS_CON, 9, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7495   { &hf_inap_voiceBack      , BER_CLASS_CON, 10, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7496   { &hf_inap_detectModem    , BER_CLASS_CON, 11, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7497   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7498 };
7500 static int
dissect_inap_CollectedDigits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7501 dissect_inap_CollectedDigits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7502   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7503                                    CollectedDigits_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_CollectedDigits);
7505   return offset;
7506 }
7509 static const value_string inap_CollectedInfo_vals[] = {
7510   {   0, "collectedDigits" },
7511   {   1, "iA5Information" },
7512   {   2, "detectModem" },
7513   { 0, NULL }
7514 };
7516 static const ber_choice_t CollectedInfo_choice[] = {
7517   {   0, &hf_inap_collectedDigits, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CollectedDigits },
7518   {   1, &hf_inap_iA5Information , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7519   {   2, &hf_inap_detectModem    , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7520   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7521 };
7523 static int
dissect_inap_CollectedInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7524 dissect_inap_CollectedInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7525   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7526                                  CollectedInfo_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_CollectedInfo,
7527                                  NULL);
7529   return offset;
7530 }
7534 static int
dissect_inap_ElementaryMessageID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7535 dissect_inap_ElementaryMessageID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7536   offset = dissect_inap_Integer4(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
7538   return offset;
7539 }
7543 static int
dissect_inap_GapOnResource(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7544 dissect_inap_GapOnResource(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7545   offset = dissect_inap_Code(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
7547   return offset;
7548 }
7552 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_3600(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7553 dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_3600(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7554   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7555                                                 NULL);
7557   return offset;
7558 }
7562 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_b3__maxRecordingTime(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7563 dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_b3__maxRecordingTime(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7564   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7565                                                 NULL);
7567   return offset;
7568 }
7571 static const ber_sequence_t T_controlDigits_sequence[] = {
7572   { &hf_inap_endOfRecordingDigit, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 },
7573   { &hf_inap_cancelDigit    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 },
7574   { &hf_inap_replayDigit    , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 },
7575   { &hf_inap_restartRecordingDigit, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2 },
7576   { &hf_inap_restartAllowed , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7577   { &hf_inap_replayAllowed  , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7578   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7579 };
7581 static int
dissect_inap_T_controlDigits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7582 dissect_inap_T_controlDigits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7583   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7584                                    T_controlDigits_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_controlDigits);
7586   return offset;
7587 }
7590 static const ber_sequence_t InformationToRecord_sequence[] = {
7591   { &hf_inap_messageID_01   , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ElementaryMessageID },
7592   { &hf_inap_messageDeletionTimeOut, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_3600 },
7593   { &hf_inap_timeToRecord   , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_0_b3__maxRecordingTime },
7594   { &hf_inap_controlDigits  , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_controlDigits },
7595   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7596 };
7598 static int
dissect_inap_InformationToRecord(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7599 dissect_inap_InformationToRecord(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7600   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7601                                    InformationToRecord_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_InformationToRecord);
7603   return offset;
7604 }
7608 static int
dissect_inap_MailBoxID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7609 dissect_inap_MailBoxID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7610   offset = dissect_ber_octet_string(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7611                                        NULL);
7613   return offset;
7614 }
7617 static const value_string inap_Media_vals[] = {
7618   {   0, "voiceMail" },
7619   {   1, "faxGroup3" },
7620   {   2, "faxGroup4" },
7621   { 0, NULL }
7622 };
7625 static int
dissect_inap_Media(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7626 dissect_inap_Media(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7627   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7628                                   NULL);
7630   return offset;
7631 }
7634 static const value_string inap_ReceivedStatus_vals[] = {
7635   {   0, "messageComplete" },
7636   {   1, "messageInterrupted" },
7637   {   2, "messageTimeOut" },
7638   { 0, NULL }
7639 };
7642 static int
dissect_inap_ReceivedStatus(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7643 dissect_inap_ReceivedStatus(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7644   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7645                                   NULL);
7647   return offset;
7648 }
7652 static int
dissect_inap_RecordedMessageID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7653 dissect_inap_RecordedMessageID(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7654   offset = dissect_inap_Integer4(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
7656   return offset;
7657 }
7660 static const ber_sequence_t T_iPAddressAndresource_sequence[] = {
7661   { &hf_inap_iPAddressValue , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
7662   { &hf_inap_gapOnResource  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_GapOnResource },
7663   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7664 };
7666 static int
dissect_inap_T_iPAddressAndresource(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7667 dissect_inap_T_iPAddressAndresource(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7668   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7669                                    T_iPAddressAndresource_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_iPAddressAndresource);
7671   return offset;
7672 }
7675 static const value_string inap_SRFGapCriteria_vals[] = {
7676   {   1, "iPAddressValue" },
7677   {   2, "gapOnResource" },
7678   {   3, "iPAddressAndresource" },
7679   { 0, NULL }
7680 };
7682 static const ber_choice_t SRFGapCriteria_choice[] = {
7683   {   1, &hf_inap_iPAddressValue , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
7684   {   2, &hf_inap_gapOnResource  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GapOnResource },
7685   {   3, &hf_inap_iPAddressAndresource, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_iPAddressAndresource },
7686   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7687 };
7689 static int
dissect_inap_SRFGapCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7690 dissect_inap_SRFGapCriteria(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7691   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7692                                  SRFGapCriteria_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_SRFGapCriteria,
7693                                  NULL);
7695   return offset;
7696 }
7699 static const value_string inap_T_connectedParty_vals[] = {
7700   {   4, "legID" },
7701   {   5, "callSegmentID" },
7702   { 0, NULL }
7703 };
7705 static const ber_choice_t T_connectedParty_choice[] = {
7706   {   4, &hf_inap_legID          , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_LegID },
7707   {   5, &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7708   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7709 };
7711 static int
dissect_inap_T_connectedParty(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7712 dissect_inap_T_connectedParty(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7713   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7714                                  T_connectedParty_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_T_connectedParty,
7715                                  NULL);
7717   return offset;
7718 }
7721 static const ber_sequence_t PlayAnnouncementArg_sequence[] = {
7722   { &hf_inap_informationToSend, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InformationToSend },
7723   { &hf_inap_disconnectFromIPForbidden, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7724   { &hf_inap_requestAnnouncementComplete, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7725   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7726   { &hf_inap_connectedParty , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_T_connectedParty },
7727   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7728 };
7730 static int
dissect_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7731 dissect_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7732   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7733                                    PlayAnnouncementArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg);
7735   return offset;
7736 }
7739 static const ber_sequence_t PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_sequence[] = {
7740   { &hf_inap_collectedInfo  , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_CollectedInfo },
7741   { &hf_inap_disconnectFromIPForbidden, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7742   { &hf_inap_informationToSend, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InformationToSend },
7743   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7744   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7745   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7746 };
7748 static int
dissect_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7749 dissect_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7750   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7751                                    PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg);
7753   return offset;
7754 }
7758 static int
dissect_inap_IA5String(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7759 dissect_inap_IA5String(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7760   offset = dissect_ber_restricted_string(implicit_tag, BER_UNI_TAG_IA5String,
7761                                             actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7762                                             NULL);
7764   return offset;
7765 }
7768 static const value_string inap_ReceivedInformationArg_vals[] = {
7769   {   0, "digitsResponse" },
7770   {   1, "iA5Response" },
7771   {   2, "modemdetected" },
7772   { 0, NULL }
7773 };
7775 static const ber_choice_t ReceivedInformationArg_choice[] = {
7776   {   0, &hf_inap_digitsResponse , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Digits },
7777   {   1, &hf_inap_iA5Response    , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_IA5String },
7778   {   2, &hf_inap_modemdetected  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7779   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7780 };
7782 static int
dissect_inap_ReceivedInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7783 dissect_inap_ReceivedInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7784   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7785                                  ReceivedInformationArg_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_ReceivedInformationArg,
7786                                  NULL);
7788   return offset;
7789 }
7792 static const ber_sequence_t PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_sequence[] = {
7793   { &hf_inap_disconnectFromIPForbidden, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7794   { &hf_inap_informationToSend, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InformationToSend },
7795   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7796   { &hf_inap_subscriberID   , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GenericNumber },
7797   { &hf_inap_mailBoxID      , BER_CLASS_CON, 5, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_MailBoxID },
7798   { &hf_inap_informationToRecord, BER_CLASS_CON, 6, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_InformationToRecord },
7799   { &hf_inap_media          , BER_CLASS_CON, 7, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Media },
7800   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 8, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7801   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7802 };
7804 static int
dissect_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7805 dissect_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7806   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7807                                    PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg);
7809   return offset;
7810 }
7814 static int
dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_b3__maxRecordedMessageUnits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7815 dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_b3__maxRecordedMessageUnits(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7816   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7817                                                 NULL);
7819   return offset;
7820 }
7823 static const ber_sequence_t MessageReceivedArg_sequence[] = {
7824   { &hf_inap_receivedStatus , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ReceivedStatus },
7825   { &hf_inap_recordedMessageID, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_RecordedMessageID },
7826   { &hf_inap_recordedMessageUnits, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER_1_b3__maxRecordedMessageUnits },
7827   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7828   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7829 };
7831 static int
dissect_inap_MessageReceivedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7832 dissect_inap_MessageReceivedArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7833   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7834                                    MessageReceivedArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_MessageReceivedArg);
7836   return offset;
7837 }
7841 static int
dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7842 dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7843 #line 222 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
7844 /* FIX ME */
7848   return offset;
7849 }
7852 static const ber_sequence_t ScriptCloseArg_sequence[] = {
7853   { &hf_inap_uIScriptId     , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Code },
7854   { &hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo },
7855   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7856   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7857   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7858 };
7860 static int
dissect_inap_ScriptCloseArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7861 dissect_inap_ScriptCloseArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7862   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7863                                    ScriptCloseArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ScriptCloseArg);
7865   return offset;
7866 }
7870 static int
dissect_inap_T_uIScriptResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7871 dissect_inap_T_uIScriptResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7872 #line 219 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
7873 /* FIX ME */
7877   return offset;
7878 }
7881 static const ber_sequence_t ScriptEventArg_sequence[] = {
7882   { &hf_inap_uIScriptId     , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Code },
7883   { &hf_inap_uIScriptResult , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_uIScriptResult },
7884   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7885   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7886   { &hf_inap_lastEventIndicator, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7887   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7888 };
7890 static int
dissect_inap_ScriptEventArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7891 dissect_inap_ScriptEventArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7892   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7893                                    ScriptEventArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ScriptEventArg);
7895   return offset;
7896 }
7900 static int
dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_01(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7901 dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_01(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7902 #line 225 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
7903 /* FIX ME */
7906   return offset;
7907 }
7910 static const ber_sequence_t ScriptInformationArg_sequence[] = {
7911   { &hf_inap_uIScriptId     , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Code },
7912   { &hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo_01, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_01 },
7913   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7914   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7915   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7916 };
7918 static int
dissect_inap_ScriptInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7919 dissect_inap_ScriptInformationArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7920   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7921                                    ScriptInformationArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ScriptInformationArg);
7923   return offset;
7924 }
7928 static int
dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_02(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7929 dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_02(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7930 #line 227 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
7931 /* FIX ME */
7935   return offset;
7936 }
7939 static const ber_sequence_t ScriptRunArg_sequence[] = {
7940   { &hf_inap_uIScriptId     , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Code },
7941   { &hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo_02, BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_02 },
7942   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7943   { &hf_inap_disconnectFromIPForbidden, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_BOOLEAN },
7944   { &hf_inap_callSegmentID  , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_CallSegmentID },
7945   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7946 };
7948 static int
dissect_inap_ScriptRunArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7949 dissect_inap_ScriptRunArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7950   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7951                                    ScriptRunArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ScriptRunArg);
7953   return offset;
7954 }
7958 static int
dissect_inap_SpecializedResourceReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7959 dissect_inap_SpecializedResourceReportArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7960   offset = dissect_ber_null(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index);
7962   return offset;
7963 }
7966 static const ber_sequence_t SRFCallGapArg_sequence[] = {
7967   { &hf_inap_sRFgapCriteria , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_SRFGapCriteria },
7968   { &hf_inap_gapIndicators  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GapIndicators },
7969   { &hf_inap_controlType    , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ControlType },
7970   { &hf_inap_extensions     , BER_CLASS_CON, 30, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Extensions },
7971   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
7972 };
7974 static int
dissect_inap_SRFCallGapArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7975 dissect_inap_SRFCallGapArg(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7976   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
7977                                    SRFCallGapArg_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_SRFCallGapArg);
7979   return offset;
7980 }
7983 static const value_string inap_T_problem_vals[] = {
7984   {   0, "unknownOperation" },
7985   {   1, "tooLate" },
7986   {   2, "operationNotCancellable" },
7987   { 0, NULL }
7988 };
7991 static int
dissect_inap_T_problem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)7992 dissect_inap_T_problem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
7993   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
7994                                   NULL);
7996   return offset;
7997 }
8000 static const ber_sequence_t PAR_cancelFailed_sequence[] = {
8001   { &hf_inap_problem        , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_problem },
8002   { &hf_inap_operation      , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_InvokeID },
8003   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8004 };
8006 static int
dissect_inap_PAR_cancelFailed(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8007 dissect_inap_PAR_cancelFailed(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8008   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8009                                    PAR_cancelFailed_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_PAR_cancelFailed);
8011   return offset;
8012 }
8015 static const value_string inap_PAR_requestedInfoError_vals[] = {
8016   {   1, "unknownRequestedInfo" },
8017   {   2, "requestedInfoNotAvailable" },
8018   { 0, NULL }
8019 };
8022 static int
dissect_inap_PAR_requestedInfoError(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8023 dissect_inap_PAR_requestedInfoError(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8024   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
8025                                   NULL);
8027   return offset;
8028 }
8031 static const value_string inap_T_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason_vals[] = {
8032   {   0, "generic" },
8033   {   1, "unobtainable" },
8034   {   2, "congestion" },
8035   { 0, NULL }
8036 };
8039 static int
dissect_inap_T_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8040 dissect_inap_T_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8041   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
8042                                   NULL);
8044   return offset;
8045 }
8048 static const ber_sequence_t ScfTaskRefusedParameter_sequence[] = {
8049   { &hf_inap_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason, BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_ENUMERATED, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason },
8050   { &hf_inap_securityParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_dap_SecurityParameters },
8051   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8052 };
8054 static int
dissect_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8055 dissect_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8056   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8057                                    ScfTaskRefusedParameter_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter);
8059   return offset;
8060 }
8063 static const ber_sequence_t ReferralParameter_sequence[] = {
8064   { &hf_inap_tryhere        , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_dsp_AccessPointInformation },
8065   { &hf_inap_securityParameters, BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_dap_SecurityParameters },
8066   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8067 };
8069 static int
dissect_inap_ReferralParameter(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8070 dissect_inap_ReferralParameter(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8071   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8072                                    ReferralParameter_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ReferralParameter);
8074   return offset;
8075 }
8078 static const value_string inap_PAR_taskRefused_vals[] = {
8079   {   0, "generic" },
8080   {   1, "unobtainable" },
8081   {   2, "congestion" },
8082   { 0, NULL }
8083 };
8086 static int
dissect_inap_PAR_taskRefused(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8087 dissect_inap_PAR_taskRefused(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8088   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
8089                                   NULL);
8091   return offset;
8092 }
8095 static const value_string inap_InvokeId_vals[] = {
8096   {   0, "present" },
8097   {   1, "absent" },
8098   { 0, NULL }
8099 };
8101 static const ber_choice_t InvokeId_choice[] = {
8102   {   0, &hf_inap_present        , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_INTEGER, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_INTEGER },
8103   {   1, &hf_inap_absent         , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_NULL, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
8104   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8105 };
8107 static int
dissect_inap_InvokeId(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8108 dissect_inap_InvokeId(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8109   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8110                                  InvokeId_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_InvokeId,
8111                                  NULL);
8113   return offset;
8114 }
8118 static int
dissect_inap_InvokeId_present(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8119 dissect_inap_InvokeId_present(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8120   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
8121                                                 NULL);
8123   return offset;
8124 }
8128 static int
dissect_inap_T_inkedIdPresent(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8129 dissect_inap_T_inkedIdPresent(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8130   offset = dissect_inap_InvokeId_present(implicit_tag, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index);
8132   return offset;
8133 }
8136 static const value_string inap_T_linkedId_vals[] = {
8137   {   0, "present" },
8138   {   1, "absent" },
8139   { 0, NULL }
8140 };
8142 static const ber_choice_t T_linkedId_choice[] = {
8143   {   0, &hf_inap_inkedIdPresent , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_T_inkedIdPresent },
8144   {   1, &hf_inap_absent         , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_NULL },
8145   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8146 };
8148 static int
dissect_inap_T_linkedId(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8149 dissect_inap_T_linkedId(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8150   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8151                                  T_linkedId_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_T_linkedId,
8152                                  NULL);
8154   return offset;
8155 }
8159 static int
dissect_inap_T_argument(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8160 dissect_inap_T_argument(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8161 #line 201 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
8163   offset = dissect_invokeData(tree, tvb, offset, actx);
8167   return offset;
8168 }
8171 static const ber_sequence_t Invoke_sequence[] = {
8172   { &hf_inap_invokeId       , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InvokeId },
8173   { &hf_inap_linkedId       , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_T_linkedId },
8174   { &hf_inap_opcode         , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Code },
8175   { &hf_inap_argument       , BER_CLASS_ANY, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_argument },
8176   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8177 };
8179 static int
dissect_inap_Invoke(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8180 dissect_inap_Invoke(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8181 #line 185 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
8183   inap_opcode_type=INAP_OPCODE_INVOKE;
8186   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8187                                    Invoke_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_Invoke);
8189   return offset;
8190 }
8194 static int
dissect_inap_ResultArgument(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8195 dissect_inap_ResultArgument(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8196 #line 205 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
8198   offset = dissect_returnResultData(tree, tvb, offset, actx);
8202   return offset;
8203 }
8206 static const ber_sequence_t T_result_sequence[] = {
8207   { &hf_inap_opcode         , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Code },
8208   { &hf_inap_resultArgument , BER_CLASS_ANY, 0, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_ResultArgument },
8209   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8210 };
8212 static int
dissect_inap_T_result(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8213 dissect_inap_T_result(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8214   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8215                                    T_result_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_T_result);
8217   return offset;
8218 }
8221 static const ber_sequence_t ReturnResult_sequence[] = {
8222   { &hf_inap_invokeId       , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InvokeId },
8223   { &hf_inap_result         , BER_CLASS_UNI, BER_UNI_TAG_SEQUENCE, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_result },
8224   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8225 };
8227 static int
dissect_inap_ReturnResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8228 dissect_inap_ReturnResult(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8229 #line 189 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
8231   inap_opcode_type=INAP_OPCODE_RETURN_RESULT;
8234   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8235                                    ReturnResult_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ReturnResult);
8237   return offset;
8238 }
8242 static int
dissect_inap_T_parameter(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8243 dissect_inap_T_parameter(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8244 #line 209 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
8246   offset = dissect_returnErrorData(tree, tvb, offset, actx);
8252   return offset;
8253 }
8256 static const ber_sequence_t ReturnError_sequence[] = {
8257   { &hf_inap_invokeId       , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InvokeId },
8258   { &hf_inap_errcode        , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_Code },
8259   { &hf_inap_parameter      , BER_CLASS_ANY, 0, BER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL|BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG, dissect_inap_T_parameter },
8260   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8261 };
8263 static int
dissect_inap_ReturnError(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8264 dissect_inap_ReturnError(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8265 #line 193 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
8267   inap_opcode_type=INAP_OPCODE_RETURN_ERROR;
8270   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8271                                    ReturnError_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_ReturnError);
8273   return offset;
8274 }
8277 static const value_string inap_GeneralProblem_vals[] = {
8278   {   0, "unrecognizedPDU" },
8279   {   1, "mistypedPDU" },
8280   {   2, "badlyStructuredPDU" },
8281   { 0, NULL }
8282 };
8285 static int
dissect_inap_GeneralProblem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8286 dissect_inap_GeneralProblem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8287   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
8288                                                 NULL);
8290   return offset;
8291 }
8294 static const value_string inap_InvokeProblem_vals[] = {
8295   {   0, "duplicateInvocation" },
8296   {   1, "unrecognizedOperation" },
8297   {   2, "mistypedArgument" },
8298   {   3, "resourceLimitation" },
8299   {   4, "releaseInProgress" },
8300   {   5, "unrecognizedLinkedId" },
8301   {   6, "linkedResponseUnexpected" },
8302   {   7, "unexpectedLinkedOperation" },
8303   { 0, NULL }
8304 };
8307 static int
dissect_inap_InvokeProblem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8308 dissect_inap_InvokeProblem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8309   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
8310                                                 NULL);
8312   return offset;
8313 }
8316 static const value_string inap_ReturnResultProblem_vals[] = {
8317   {   0, "unrecognizedInvocation" },
8318   {   1, "resultResponseUnexpected" },
8319   {   2, "mistypedResult" },
8320   { 0, NULL }
8321 };
8324 static int
dissect_inap_ReturnResultProblem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8325 dissect_inap_ReturnResultProblem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8326   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
8327                                                 NULL);
8329   return offset;
8330 }
8333 static const value_string inap_ReturnErrorProblem_vals[] = {
8334   {   0, "unrecognizedInvocation" },
8335   {   1, "errorResponseUnexpected" },
8336   {   2, "unrecognizedError" },
8337   {   3, "unexpectedError" },
8338   {   4, "mistypedParameter" },
8339   { 0, NULL }
8340 };
8343 static int
dissect_inap_ReturnErrorProblem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8344 dissect_inap_ReturnErrorProblem(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8345   offset = dissect_ber_integer(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset, hf_index,
8346                                                 NULL);
8348   return offset;
8349 }
8352 static const value_string inap_T_problem_01_vals[] = {
8353   {   0, "general" },
8354   {   1, "invoke" },
8355   {   2, "returnResult" },
8356   {   3, "returnError" },
8357   { 0, NULL }
8358 };
8360 static const ber_choice_t T_problem_01_choice[] = {
8361   {   0, &hf_inap_general        , BER_CLASS_CON, 0, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_GeneralProblem },
8362   {   1, &hf_inap_invokeProblem  , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_InvokeProblem },
8363   {   2, &hf_inap_problemReturnResult, BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ReturnResultProblem },
8364   {   3, &hf_inap_returnErrorProblem, BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ReturnErrorProblem },
8365   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8366 };
8368 static int
dissect_inap_T_problem_01(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8369 dissect_inap_T_problem_01(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8370   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8371                                  T_problem_01_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_T_problem_01,
8372                                  NULL);
8374   return offset;
8375 }
8378 static const ber_sequence_t Reject_sequence[] = {
8379   { &hf_inap_invokeId       , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_InvokeId },
8380   { &hf_inap_problem_01     , BER_CLASS_ANY/*choice*/, -1/*choice*/, BER_FLAGS_NOOWNTAG|BER_FLAGS_NOTCHKTAG, dissect_inap_T_problem_01 },
8381   { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8382 };
8384 static int
dissect_inap_Reject(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8385 dissect_inap_Reject(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8386 #line 197 "./asn1/inap/inap.cnf"
8388   inap_opcode_type=INAP_OPCODE_REJECT;
8391   offset = dissect_ber_sequence(implicit_tag, actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8392                                    Reject_sequence, hf_index, ett_inap_Reject);
8394   return offset;
8395 }
8398 static const ber_choice_t ROS_choice[] = {
8399   {   1, &hf_inap_invoke         , BER_CLASS_CON, 1, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Invoke },
8400   {   2, &hf_inap_returnResult   , BER_CLASS_CON, 2, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ReturnResult },
8401   {   3, &hf_inap_returnError    , BER_CLASS_CON, 3, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_ReturnError },
8402   {   4, &hf_inap_reject         , BER_CLASS_CON, 4, BER_FLAGS_IMPLTAG, dissect_inap_Reject },
8403   { 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
8404 };
8406 static int
dissect_inap_ROS(gboolean implicit_tag _U_,tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,int offset _U_,asn1_ctx_t * actx _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,int hf_index _U_)8407 dissect_inap_ROS(gboolean implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_) {
8408   offset = dissect_ber_choice(actx, tree, tvb, offset,
8409                                  ROS_choice, hf_index, ett_inap_ROS,
8410                                  NULL);
8412   return offset;
8413 }
8415 /*--- PDUs ---*/
dissect_ActivateServiceFilteringArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8417 static int dissect_ActivateServiceFilteringArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8418   int offset = 0;
8419   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8420   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8421   offset = dissect_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg_PDU);
8422   return offset;
8423 }
dissect_AnalysedInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8424 static int dissect_AnalysedInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8425   int offset = 0;
8426   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8427   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8428   offset = dissect_inap_AnalysedInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_AnalysedInformationArg_PDU);
8429   return offset;
8430 }
dissect_AnalyseInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8431 static int dissect_AnalyseInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8432   int offset = 0;
8433   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8434   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8435   offset = dissect_inap_AnalyseInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_AnalyseInformationArg_PDU);
8436   return offset;
8437 }
dissect_ApplyChargingArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8438 static int dissect_ApplyChargingArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8439   int offset = 0;
8440   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8441   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8442   offset = dissect_inap_ApplyChargingArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ApplyChargingArg_PDU);
8443   return offset;
8444 }
dissect_ApplyChargingReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8445 static int dissect_ApplyChargingReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8446   int offset = 0;
8447   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8448   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8449   offset = dissect_inap_ApplyChargingReportArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ApplyChargingReportArg_PDU);
8450   return offset;
8451 }
dissect_AssistRequestInstructionsArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8452 static int dissect_AssistRequestInstructionsArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8453   int offset = 0;
8454   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8455   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8456   offset = dissect_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg_PDU);
8457   return offset;
8458 }
dissect_AuthorizeTerminationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8459 static int dissect_AuthorizeTerminationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8460   int offset = 0;
8461   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8462   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8463   offset = dissect_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg_PDU);
8464   return offset;
8465 }
dissect_CallFilteringArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8466 static int dissect_CallFilteringArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8467   int offset = 0;
8468   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8469   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8470   offset = dissect_inap_CallFilteringArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CallFilteringArg_PDU);
8471   return offset;
8472 }
dissect_CallGapArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8473 static int dissect_CallGapArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8474   int offset = 0;
8475   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8476   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8477   offset = dissect_inap_CallGapArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CallGapArg_PDU);
8478   return offset;
8479 }
dissect_CallInformationReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8480 static int dissect_CallInformationReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8481   int offset = 0;
8482   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8483   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8484   offset = dissect_inap_CallInformationReportArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CallInformationReportArg_PDU);
8485   return offset;
8486 }
dissect_CallInformationRequestArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8487 static int dissect_CallInformationRequestArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8488   int offset = 0;
8489   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8490   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8491   offset = dissect_inap_CallInformationRequestArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CallInformationRequestArg_PDU);
8492   return offset;
8493 }
dissect_CancelArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8494 static int dissect_CancelArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8495   int offset = 0;
8496   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8497   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8498   offset = dissect_inap_CancelArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CancelArg_PDU);
8499   return offset;
8500 }
dissect_CancelStatusReportRequestArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8501 static int dissect_CancelStatusReportRequestArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8502   int offset = 0;
8503   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8504   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8505   offset = dissect_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg_PDU);
8506   return offset;
8507 }
dissect_CollectedInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8508 static int dissect_CollectedInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8509   int offset = 0;
8510   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8511   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8512   offset = dissect_inap_CollectedInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CollectedInformationArg_PDU);
8513   return offset;
8514 }
dissect_CollectInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8515 static int dissect_CollectInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8516   int offset = 0;
8517   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8518   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8519   offset = dissect_inap_CollectInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CollectInformationArg_PDU);
8520   return offset;
8521 }
dissect_ConnectArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8522 static int dissect_ConnectArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8523   int offset = 0;
8524   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8525   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8526   offset = dissect_inap_ConnectArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ConnectArg_PDU);
8527   return offset;
8528 }
dissect_ConnectToResourceArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8529 static int dissect_ConnectToResourceArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8530   int offset = 0;
8531   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8532   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8533   offset = dissect_inap_ConnectToResourceArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ConnectToResourceArg_PDU);
8534   return offset;
8535 }
dissect_ContinueWithArgumentArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8536 static int dissect_ContinueWithArgumentArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8537   int offset = 0;
8538   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8539   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8540   offset = dissect_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg_PDU);
8541   return offset;
8542 }
dissect_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8543 static int dissect_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8544   int offset = 0;
8545   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8546   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8547   offset = dissect_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_PDU);
8548   return offset;
8549 }
dissect_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8550 static int dissect_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8551   int offset = 0;
8552   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8553   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8554   offset = dissect_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_PDU);
8555   return offset;
8556 }
dissect_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8557 static int dissect_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8558   int offset = 0;
8559   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8560   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8561   offset = dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_PDU);
8562   return offset;
8563 }
dissect_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8564 static int dissect_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8565   int offset = 0;
8566   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8567   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8568   offset = dissect_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_PDU);
8569   return offset;
8570 }
dissect_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8571 static int dissect_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8572   int offset = 0;
8573   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8574   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8575   offset = dissect_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_PDU);
8576   return offset;
8577 }
dissect_DisconnectLegArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8578 static int dissect_DisconnectLegArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8579   int offset = 0;
8580   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8581   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8582   offset = dissect_inap_DisconnectLegArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_DisconnectLegArg_PDU);
8583   return offset;
8584 }
dissect_EntityReleasedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8585 static int dissect_EntityReleasedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8586   int offset = 0;
8587   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8588   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8589   offset = dissect_inap_EntityReleasedArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_EntityReleasedArg_PDU);
8590   return offset;
8591 }
dissect_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8592 static int dissect_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8593   int offset = 0;
8594   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8595   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8596   offset = dissect_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_PDU);
8597   return offset;
8598 }
dissect_EventNotificationChargingArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8599 static int dissect_EventNotificationChargingArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8600   int offset = 0;
8601   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8602   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8603   offset = dissect_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg_PDU);
8604   return offset;
8605 }
dissect_EventReportBCSMArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8606 static int dissect_EventReportBCSMArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8607   int offset = 0;
8608   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8609   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8610   offset = dissect_inap_EventReportBCSMArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_EventReportBCSMArg_PDU);
8611   return offset;
8612 }
dissect_EventReportFacilityArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8613 static int dissect_EventReportFacilityArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8614   int offset = 0;
8615   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8616   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8617   offset = dissect_inap_EventReportFacilityArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_EventReportFacilityArg_PDU);
8618   return offset;
8619 }
dissect_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8620 static int dissect_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8621   int offset = 0;
8622   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8623   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8624   offset = dissect_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_PDU);
8625   return offset;
8626 }
dissect_FurnishChargingInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8627 static int dissect_FurnishChargingInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8628   int offset = 0;
8629   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8630   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8631   offset = dissect_inap_FurnishChargingInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_FurnishChargingInformationArg_PDU);
8632   return offset;
8633 }
dissect_HoldCallInNetworkArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8634 static int dissect_HoldCallInNetworkArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8635   int offset = 0;
8636   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8637   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8638   offset = dissect_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg_PDU);
8639   return offset;
8640 }
dissect_InitialDPArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8641 static int dissect_InitialDPArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8642   int offset = 0;
8643   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8644   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8645   offset = dissect_inap_InitialDPArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_InitialDPArg_PDU);
8646   return offset;
8647 }
dissect_InitiateCallAttemptArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8648 static int dissect_InitiateCallAttemptArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8649   int offset = 0;
8650   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8651   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8652   offset = dissect_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg_PDU);
8653   return offset;
8654 }
dissect_ManageTriggerDataArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8655 static int dissect_ManageTriggerDataArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8656   int offset = 0;
8657   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8658   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8659   offset = dissect_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg_PDU);
8660   return offset;
8661 }
dissect_ManageTriggerDataResultArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8662 static int dissect_ManageTriggerDataResultArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8663   int offset = 0;
8664   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8665   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8666   offset = dissect_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg_PDU);
8667   return offset;
8668 }
dissect_MergeCallSegmentsArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8669 static int dissect_MergeCallSegmentsArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8670   int offset = 0;
8671   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8672   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8673   offset = dissect_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg_PDU);
8674   return offset;
8675 }
dissect_MonitorRouteReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8676 static int dissect_MonitorRouteReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8677   int offset = 0;
8678   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8679   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8680   offset = dissect_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg_PDU);
8681   return offset;
8682 }
dissect_MonitorRouteRequestArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8683 static int dissect_MonitorRouteRequestArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8684   int offset = 0;
8685   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8686   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8687   offset = dissect_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg_PDU);
8688   return offset;
8689 }
dissect_MoveCallSegmentsArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8690 static int dissect_MoveCallSegmentsArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8691   int offset = 0;
8692   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8693   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8694   offset = dissect_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg_PDU);
8695   return offset;
8696 }
dissect_MoveLegArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8697 static int dissect_MoveLegArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8698   int offset = 0;
8699   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8700   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8701   offset = dissect_inap_MoveLegArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_MoveLegArg_PDU);
8702   return offset;
8703 }
dissect_OAbandonArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8704 static int dissect_OAbandonArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8705   int offset = 0;
8706   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8707   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8708   offset = dissect_inap_OAbandonArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_OAbandonArg_PDU);
8709   return offset;
8710 }
dissect_OAnswerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8711 static int dissect_OAnswerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8712   int offset = 0;
8713   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8714   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8715   offset = dissect_inap_OAnswerArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_OAnswerArg_PDU);
8716   return offset;
8717 }
dissect_OCalledPartyBusyArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8718 static int dissect_OCalledPartyBusyArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8719   int offset = 0;
8720   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8721   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8722   offset = dissect_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg_PDU);
8723   return offset;
8724 }
dissect_ODisconnectArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8725 static int dissect_ODisconnectArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8726   int offset = 0;
8727   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8728   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8729   offset = dissect_inap_ODisconnectArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ODisconnectArg_PDU);
8730   return offset;
8731 }
dissect_MidCallArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8732 static int dissect_MidCallArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8733   int offset = 0;
8734   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8735   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8736   offset = dissect_inap_MidCallArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_MidCallArg_PDU);
8737   return offset;
8738 }
dissect_ONoAnswerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8739 static int dissect_ONoAnswerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8740   int offset = 0;
8741   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8742   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8743   offset = dissect_inap_ONoAnswerArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ONoAnswerArg_PDU);
8744   return offset;
8745 }
dissect_OriginationAttemptArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8746 static int dissect_OriginationAttemptArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8747   int offset = 0;
8748   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8749   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8750   offset = dissect_inap_OriginationAttemptArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_OriginationAttemptArg_PDU);
8751   return offset;
8752 }
dissect_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8753 static int dissect_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8754   int offset = 0;
8755   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8756   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8757   offset = dissect_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU);
8758   return offset;
8759 }
dissect_OSuspendedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8760 static int dissect_OSuspendedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8761   int offset = 0;
8762   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8763   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8764   offset = dissect_inap_OSuspendedArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_OSuspendedArg_PDU);
8765   return offset;
8766 }
dissect_ReconnectArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8767 static int dissect_ReconnectArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8768   int offset = 0;
8769   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8770   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8771   offset = dissect_inap_ReconnectArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ReconnectArg_PDU);
8772   return offset;
8773 }
dissect_ReleaseCallArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8774 static int dissect_ReleaseCallArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8775   int offset = 0;
8776   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8777   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8778   offset = dissect_inap_ReleaseCallArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ReleaseCallArg_PDU);
8779   return offset;
8780 }
dissect_ReportUTSIArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8781 static int dissect_ReportUTSIArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8782   int offset = 0;
8783   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8784   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8785   offset = dissect_inap_ReportUTSIArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ReportUTSIArg_PDU);
8786   return offset;
8787 }
dissect_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8788 static int dissect_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8789   int offset = 0;
8790   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8791   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8792   offset = dissect_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg_PDU);
8793   return offset;
8794 }
dissect_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8795 static int dissect_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8796   int offset = 0;
8797   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8798   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8799   offset = dissect_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_PDU);
8800   return offset;
8801 }
dissect_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8802 static int dissect_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8803   int offset = 0;
8804   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8805   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8806   offset = dissect_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_PDU);
8807   return offset;
8808 }
dissect_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8809 static int dissect_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8810   int offset = 0;
8811   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8812   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8813   offset = dissect_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_PDU);
8814   return offset;
8815 }
dissect_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8816 static int dissect_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8817   int offset = 0;
8818   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8819   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8820   offset = dissect_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_PDU);
8821   return offset;
8822 }
dissect_RequestReportBCSMEventArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8823 static int dissect_RequestReportBCSMEventArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8824   int offset = 0;
8825   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8826   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8827   offset = dissect_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg_PDU);
8828   return offset;
8829 }
dissect_RequestReportFacilityEventArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8830 static int dissect_RequestReportFacilityEventArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8831   int offset = 0;
8832   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8833   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8834   offset = dissect_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg_PDU);
8835   return offset;
8836 }
dissect_RequestReportUTSIArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8837 static int dissect_RequestReportUTSIArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8838   int offset = 0;
8839   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8840   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8841   offset = dissect_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg_PDU);
8842   return offset;
8843 }
dissect_ResetTimerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8844 static int dissect_ResetTimerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8845   int offset = 0;
8846   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8847   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8848   offset = dissect_inap_ResetTimerArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ResetTimerArg_PDU);
8849   return offset;
8850 }
dissect_RouteSelectFailureArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8851 static int dissect_RouteSelectFailureArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8852   int offset = 0;
8853   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8854   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8855   offset = dissect_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg_PDU);
8856   return offset;
8857 }
dissect_SelectFacilityArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8858 static int dissect_SelectFacilityArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8859   int offset = 0;
8860   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8861   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8862   offset = dissect_inap_SelectFacilityArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SelectFacilityArg_PDU);
8863   return offset;
8864 }
dissect_SelectRouteArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8865 static int dissect_SelectRouteArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8866   int offset = 0;
8867   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8868   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8869   offset = dissect_inap_SelectRouteArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SelectRouteArg_PDU);
8870   return offset;
8871 }
dissect_SendChargingInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8872 static int dissect_SendChargingInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8873   int offset = 0;
8874   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8875   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8876   offset = dissect_inap_SendChargingInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SendChargingInformationArg_PDU);
8877   return offset;
8878 }
dissect_SendFacilityInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8879 static int dissect_SendFacilityInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8880   int offset = 0;
8881   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8882   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8883   offset = dissect_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg_PDU);
8884   return offset;
8885 }
dissect_SendSTUIArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8886 static int dissect_SendSTUIArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8887   int offset = 0;
8888   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8889   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8890   offset = dissect_inap_SendSTUIArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SendSTUIArg_PDU);
8891   return offset;
8892 }
dissect_ServiceFilteringResponseArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8893 static int dissect_ServiceFilteringResponseArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8894   int offset = 0;
8895   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8896   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8897   offset = dissect_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg_PDU);
8898   return offset;
8899 }
dissect_SetServiceProfileArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8900 static int dissect_SetServiceProfileArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8901   int offset = 0;
8902   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8903   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8904   offset = dissect_inap_SetServiceProfileArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SetServiceProfileArg_PDU);
8905   return offset;
8906 }
dissect_SplitLegArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8907 static int dissect_SplitLegArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8908   int offset = 0;
8909   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8910   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8911   offset = dissect_inap_SplitLegArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SplitLegArg_PDU);
8912   return offset;
8913 }
dissect_StatusReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8914 static int dissect_StatusReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8915   int offset = 0;
8916   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8917   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8918   offset = dissect_inap_StatusReportArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_StatusReportArg_PDU);
8919   return offset;
8920 }
dissect_TAnswerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8921 static int dissect_TAnswerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8922   int offset = 0;
8923   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8924   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8925   offset = dissect_inap_TAnswerArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_TAnswerArg_PDU);
8926   return offset;
8927 }
dissect_TBusyArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8928 static int dissect_TBusyArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8929   int offset = 0;
8930   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8931   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8932   offset = dissect_inap_TBusyArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_TBusyArg_PDU);
8933   return offset;
8934 }
dissect_TDisconnectArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8935 static int dissect_TDisconnectArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8936   int offset = 0;
8937   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8938   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8939   offset = dissect_inap_TDisconnectArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_TDisconnectArg_PDU);
8940   return offset;
8941 }
dissect_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8942 static int dissect_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8943   int offset = 0;
8944   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8945   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8946   offset = dissect_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU);
8947   return offset;
8948 }
dissect_TerminationAttemptArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8949 static int dissect_TerminationAttemptArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8950   int offset = 0;
8951   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8952   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8953   offset = dissect_inap_TerminationAttemptArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_TerminationAttemptArg_PDU);
8954   return offset;
8955 }
dissect_TNoAnswerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8956 static int dissect_TNoAnswerArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8957   int offset = 0;
8958   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8959   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8960   offset = dissect_inap_TNoAnswerArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_TNoAnswerArg_PDU);
8961   return offset;
8962 }
dissect_TSuspendedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8963 static int dissect_TSuspendedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8964   int offset = 0;
8965   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8966   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8967   offset = dissect_inap_TSuspendedArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_TSuspendedArg_PDU);
8968   return offset;
8969 }
dissect_PlayAnnouncementArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8970 static int dissect_PlayAnnouncementArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8971   int offset = 0;
8972   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8973   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8974   offset = dissect_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg_PDU);
8975   return offset;
8976 }
dissect_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8977 static int dissect_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8978   int offset = 0;
8979   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8980   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8981   offset = dissect_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_PDU);
8982   return offset;
8983 }
dissect_ReceivedInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8984 static int dissect_ReceivedInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8985   int offset = 0;
8986   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8987   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8988   offset = dissect_inap_ReceivedInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ReceivedInformationArg_PDU);
8989   return offset;
8990 }
dissect_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8991 static int dissect_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8992   int offset = 0;
8993   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
8994   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
8995   offset = dissect_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_PDU);
8996   return offset;
8997 }
dissect_MessageReceivedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)8998 static int dissect_MessageReceivedArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
8999   int offset = 0;
9000   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9001   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9002   offset = dissect_inap_MessageReceivedArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_MessageReceivedArg_PDU);
9003   return offset;
9004 }
dissect_ScriptCloseArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9005 static int dissect_ScriptCloseArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9006   int offset = 0;
9007   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9008   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9009   offset = dissect_inap_ScriptCloseArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ScriptCloseArg_PDU);
9010   return offset;
9011 }
dissect_ScriptEventArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9012 static int dissect_ScriptEventArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9013   int offset = 0;
9014   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9015   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9016   offset = dissect_inap_ScriptEventArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ScriptEventArg_PDU);
9017   return offset;
9018 }
dissect_ScriptInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9019 static int dissect_ScriptInformationArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9020   int offset = 0;
9021   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9022   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9023   offset = dissect_inap_ScriptInformationArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ScriptInformationArg_PDU);
9024   return offset;
9025 }
dissect_ScriptRunArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9026 static int dissect_ScriptRunArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9027   int offset = 0;
9028   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9029   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9030   offset = dissect_inap_ScriptRunArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ScriptRunArg_PDU);
9031   return offset;
9032 }
dissect_SpecializedResourceReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9033 static int dissect_SpecializedResourceReportArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9034   int offset = 0;
9035   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9036   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9037   offset = dissect_inap_SpecializedResourceReportArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SpecializedResourceReportArg_PDU);
9038   return offset;
9039 }
dissect_SRFCallGapArg_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9040 static int dissect_SRFCallGapArg_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9041   int offset = 0;
9042   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9043   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9044   offset = dissect_inap_SRFCallGapArg(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_SRFCallGapArg_PDU);
9045   return offset;
9046 }
dissect_PAR_cancelFailed_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9047 static int dissect_PAR_cancelFailed_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9048   int offset = 0;
9049   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9050   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9051   offset = dissect_inap_PAR_cancelFailed(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_PAR_cancelFailed_PDU);
9052   return offset;
9053 }
dissect_PAR_requestedInfoError_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9054 static int dissect_PAR_requestedInfoError_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9055   int offset = 0;
9056   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9057   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9058   offset = dissect_inap_PAR_requestedInfoError(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_PAR_requestedInfoError_PDU);
9059   return offset;
9060 }
dissect_ScfTaskRefusedParameter_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9061 static int dissect_ScfTaskRefusedParameter_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9062   int offset = 0;
9063   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9064   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9065   offset = dissect_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter_PDU);
9066   return offset;
9067 }
dissect_ReferralParameter_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9068 static int dissect_ReferralParameter_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9069   int offset = 0;
9070   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9071   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9072   offset = dissect_inap_ReferralParameter(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_ReferralParameter_PDU);
9073   return offset;
9074 }
dissect_UnavailableNetworkResource_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9075 static int dissect_UnavailableNetworkResource_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9076   int offset = 0;
9077   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9078   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9079   offset = dissect_inap_UnavailableNetworkResource(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_UnavailableNetworkResource_PDU);
9080   return offset;
9081 }
dissect_PAR_taskRefused_PDU(tvbuff_t * tvb _U_,packet_info * pinfo _U_,proto_tree * tree _U_,void * data _U_)9082 static int dissect_PAR_taskRefused_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, void *data _U_) {
9083   int offset = 0;
9084   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9085   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9086   offset = dissect_inap_PAR_taskRefused(FALSE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hf_inap_PAR_taskRefused_PDU);
9087   return offset;
9088 }
9091 /*--- End of included file: packet-inap-fn.c ---*/
9092 #line 110 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
9093 /*
9094 TC-Invokable OPERATION ::=
9095   {activateServiceFiltering | activityTest | analysedInformation |
9096    analyseInformation | applyCharging | applyChargingReport |
9097    assistRequestInstructions | callGap | callInformationReport |
9098    callInformationRequest | cancel | cancelStatusReportRequest |
9099    collectedInformation | collectInformation | connect | connectToResource |
9100    continue | disconnectForwardConnection | establishTemporaryConnection |
9101    eventNotificationCharging | eventReportBCSM | furnishChargingInformation |
9102    holdCallInNetwork | initialDP | initiateCallAttempt | oAnswer |
9103    oCalledPartyBusy | oDisconnect | oMidCall | oNoAnswer |
9104    originationAttemptAuthorized | releaseCall | requestCurrentStatusReport |
9105    requestEveryStatusChangeReport | requestFirstStatusMatchReport |
9106    requestNotificationChargingEvent | requestReportBCSMEvent | resetTimer |
9107    routeSelectFailure | selectFacility | selectRoute | sendChargingInformation
9108    | serviceFilteringResponse | statusReport | tAnswer | tBusy | tDisconnect |
9109    termAttemptAuthorized | tMidCall | tNoAnswer | playAnnouncement |
9110    promptAndCollectUserInformation}
9111 */
9114 /*--- Included file: packet-inap-table2.c ---*/
9115 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-table2.c"
dissect_invokeData(proto_tree * tree,tvbuff_t * tvb,int offset,asn1_ctx_t * actx)9117 static int dissect_invokeData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx) {
9119   switch(opcode){
9120     case opcode_activateServiceFiltering:  /* activateServiceFiltering */
9121       offset= dissect_ActivateServiceFilteringArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9122       break;
9123     case opcode_analysedInformation:  /* analysedInformation */
9124       offset= dissect_AnalysedInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9125       break;
9126     case opcode_analyseInformation:  /* analyseInformation */
9127       offset= dissect_AnalyseInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9128       break;
9129     case opcode_applyCharging:  /* applyCharging */
9130       offset= dissect_ApplyChargingArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9131       break;
9132     case opcode_applyChargingReport:  /* applyChargingReport */
9133       offset= dissect_ApplyChargingReportArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9134       break;
9135     case opcode_assistRequestInstructions:  /* assistRequestInstructions */
9136       offset= dissect_AssistRequestInstructionsArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9137       break;
9138     case opcode_authorizeTermination:  /* authorizeTermination */
9139       offset= dissect_AuthorizeTerminationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9140       break;
9141     case opcode_callFiltering:  /* callFiltering */
9142       offset= dissect_CallFilteringArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9143       break;
9144     case opcode_callGap:  /* callGap */
9145       offset= dissect_CallGapArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9146       break;
9147     case opcode_callInformationReport:  /* callInformationReport */
9148       offset= dissect_CallInformationReportArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9149       break;
9150     case opcode_callInformationRequest:  /* callInformationRequest */
9151       offset= dissect_CallInformationRequestArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9152       break;
9153     case opcode_cancel:  /* cancel */
9154       offset= dissect_CancelArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9155       break;
9156     case opcode_cancelStatusReportRequest:  /* cancelStatusReportRequest */
9157       offset= dissect_CancelStatusReportRequestArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9158       break;
9159     case opcode_collectedInformation:  /* collectedInformation */
9160       offset= dissect_CollectedInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9161       break;
9162     case opcode_collectInformation:  /* collectInformation */
9163       offset= dissect_CollectInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9164       break;
9165     case opcode_connect:  /* connect */
9166       offset= dissect_ConnectArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9167       break;
9168     case opcode_connectToResource:  /* connectToResource */
9169       offset= dissect_ConnectToResourceArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9170       break;
9171     case opcode_continueWithArgument:  /* continueWithArgument */
9172       offset= dissect_ContinueWithArgumentArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9173       break;
9174     case opcode_createCallSegmentAssociation:  /* createCallSegmentAssociation */
9175       offset= dissect_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9176       break;
9177     case opcode_createOrRemoveTriggerData:  /* createOrRemoveTriggerData */
9178       offset= dissect_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9179       break;
9180     case opcode_dFCWithArgument:  /* disconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument */
9181       offset= dissect_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9182       break;
9183     case opcode_disconnectLeg:  /* disconnectLeg */
9184       offset= dissect_DisconnectLegArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9185       break;
9186     case opcode_entityReleased:  /* entityReleased */
9187       offset= dissect_EntityReleasedArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9188       break;
9189     case opcode_establishTemporaryConnection:  /* establishTemporaryConnection */
9190       offset= dissect_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9191       break;
9192     case opcode_eventNotificationCharging:  /* eventNotificationCharging */
9193       offset= dissect_EventNotificationChargingArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9194       break;
9195     case opcode_eventReportBCSM:  /* eventReportBCSM */
9196       offset= dissect_EventReportBCSMArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9197       break;
9198     case opcode_eventReportFacility:  /* eventReportFacility */
9199       offset= dissect_EventReportFacilityArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9200       break;
9201     case opcode_facilitySelectedAndAvailable:  /* facilitySelectedAndAvailable */
9202       offset= dissect_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9203       break;
9204     case opcode_furnishChargingInformation:  /* furnishChargingInformation */
9205       offset= dissect_FurnishChargingInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9206       break;
9207     case opcode_holdCallInNetwork:  /* holdCallInNetwork */
9208       offset= dissect_HoldCallInNetworkArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9209       break;
9210     case opcode_initialDP:  /* initialDP */
9211       offset= dissect_InitialDPArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9212       break;
9213     case opcode_initiateCallAttempt:  /* initiateCallAttempt */
9214       offset= dissect_InitiateCallAttemptArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9215       break;
9216     case opcode_manageTriggerData:  /* manageTriggerData */
9217       offset= dissect_ManageTriggerDataArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9218       break;
9219     case opcode_mergeCallSegments:  /* mergeCallSegments */
9220       offset= dissect_MergeCallSegmentsArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9221       break;
9222     case opcode_monitorRouteReport:  /* monitorRouteReport */
9223       offset= dissect_MonitorRouteReportArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9224       break;
9225     case opcode_monitorRouteRequest:  /* monitorRouteRequest */
9226       offset= dissect_MonitorRouteRequestArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9227       break;
9228     case opcode_moveCallSegments:  /* moveCallSegments */
9229       offset= dissect_MoveCallSegmentsArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9230       break;
9231     case opcode_moveLeg:  /* moveLeg */
9232       offset= dissect_MoveLegArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9233       break;
9234     case opcode_oAbandon:  /* oAbandon */
9235       offset= dissect_OAbandonArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9236       break;
9237     case opcode_oAnswer:  /* oAnswer */
9238       offset= dissect_OAnswerArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9239       break;
9240     case opcode_oCalledPartyBusy:  /* oCalledPartyBusy */
9241       offset= dissect_OCalledPartyBusyArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9242       break;
9243     case opcode_oDisconnect:  /* oDisconnect */
9244       offset= dissect_ODisconnectArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9245       break;
9246     case opcode_oMidCall:  /* oMidCall */
9247       offset= dissect_MidCallArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9248       break;
9249     case opcode_oNoAnswer:  /* oNoAnswer */
9250       offset= dissect_ONoAnswerArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9251       break;
9252     case opcode_originationAttempt:  /* originationAttempt */
9253       offset= dissect_OriginationAttemptArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9254       break;
9255     case opcode_originationAttemptAuthorized:  /* originationAttemptAuthorized */
9256       offset= dissect_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9257       break;
9258     case opcode_oSuspended:  /* oSuspended */
9259       offset= dissect_OSuspendedArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9260       break;
9261     case opcode_reconnect:  /* reconnect */
9262       offset= dissect_ReconnectArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9263       break;
9264     case opcode_releaseCall:  /* releaseCall */
9265       offset= dissect_ReleaseCallArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9266       break;
9267     case opcode_reportUTSI:  /* reportUTSI */
9268       offset= dissect_ReportUTSIArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9269       break;
9270     case opcode_requestCurrentStatusReport:  /* requestCurrentStatusReport */
9271       offset= dissect_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9272       break;
9273     case opcode_requestEveryStatusChangeReport:  /* requestEveryStatusChangeReport */
9274       offset= dissect_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9275       break;
9276     case opcode_requestFirstStatusMatchReport:  /* requestFirstStatusMatchReport */
9277       offset= dissect_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9278       break;
9279     case opcode_requestNotificationChargingEvent:  /* requestNotificationChargingEvent */
9280       offset= dissect_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9281       break;
9282     case opcode_requestReportBCSMEvent:  /* requestReportBCSMEvent */
9283       offset= dissect_RequestReportBCSMEventArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9284       break;
9285     case opcode_requestReportFacilityEvent:  /* requestReportFacilityEvent */
9286       offset= dissect_RequestReportFacilityEventArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9287       break;
9288     case opcode_requestReportUTSI:  /* requestReportUTSI */
9289       offset= dissect_RequestReportUTSIArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9290       break;
9291     case opcode_resetTimer:  /* resetTimer */
9292       offset= dissect_ResetTimerArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9293       break;
9294     case opcode_routeSelectFailure:  /* routeSelectFailure */
9295       offset= dissect_RouteSelectFailureArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9296       break;
9297     case opcode_selectFacility:  /* selectFacility */
9298       offset= dissect_SelectFacilityArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9299       break;
9300     case opcode_selectRoute:  /* selectRoute */
9301       offset= dissect_SelectRouteArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9302       break;
9303     case opcode_sendChargingInformation:  /* sendChargingInformation */
9304       offset= dissect_SendChargingInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9305       break;
9306     case opcode_sendFacilityInformation:  /* sendFacilityInformation */
9307       offset= dissect_SendFacilityInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9308       break;
9309     case opcode_sendSTUI:  /* sendSTUI */
9310       offset= dissect_SendSTUIArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9311       break;
9312     case opcode_serviceFilteringResponse:  /* serviceFilteringResponse */
9313       offset= dissect_ServiceFilteringResponseArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9314       break;
9315     case opcode_setServiceProfile:  /* setServiceProfile */
9316       offset= dissect_SetServiceProfileArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9317       break;
9318     case opcode_splitLeg:  /* splitLeg */
9319       offset= dissect_SplitLegArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9320       break;
9321     case opcode_statusReport:  /* statusReport */
9322       offset= dissect_StatusReportArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9323       break;
9324     case opcode_tAnswer:  /* tAnswer */
9325       offset= dissect_TAnswerArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9326       break;
9327     case opcode_tBusy:  /* tBusy */
9328       offset= dissect_TBusyArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9329       break;
9330     case opcode_tDisconnect:  /* tDisconnect */
9331       offset= dissect_TDisconnectArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9332       break;
9333     case opcode_termAttemptAuthorized:  /* termAttemptAuthorized */
9334       offset= dissect_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9335       break;
9336     case opcode_terminationAttempt:  /* terminationAttempt */
9337       offset= dissect_TerminationAttemptArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9338       break;
9339     case opcode_tMidCall:  /* tMidCall */
9340       offset= dissect_MidCallArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9341       break;
9342     case opcode_tNoAnswer:  /* tNoAnswer */
9343       offset= dissect_TNoAnswerArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9344       break;
9345     case opcode_tSuspended:  /* tSuspended */
9346       offset= dissect_TSuspendedArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9347       break;
9348     case opcode_playAnnouncement:  /* playAnnouncement */
9349       offset= dissect_PlayAnnouncementArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9350       break;
9351     case opcode_promptAndCollectUserInformation:  /* promptAndCollectUserInformation */
9352       offset= dissect_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9353       break;
9354     case opcode_promptAndReceiveMessage:  /* promptAndReceiveMessage */
9355       offset= dissect_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9356       break;
9357     case opcode_scriptClose:  /* scriptClose */
9358       offset= dissect_ScriptCloseArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9359       break;
9360     case opcode_scriptEvent:  /* scriptEvent */
9361       offset= dissect_ScriptEventArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9362       break;
9363     case opcode_scriptInformation:  /* scriptInformation */
9364       offset= dissect_ScriptInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9365       break;
9366     case opcode_scriptRun:  /* scriptRun */
9367       offset= dissect_ScriptRunArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9368       break;
9369     case opcode_specializedResourceReport:  /* specializedResourceReport */
9370       offset= dissect_SpecializedResourceReportArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9371       break;
9372     case opcode_srfCallGap:  /* sRFCallGap */
9373       offset= dissect_SRFCallGapArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9374       break;
9375     default:
9376       proto_tree_add_expert_format(tree, actx->pinfo, &ei_inap_unknown_invokeData,
9377                                    tvb, offset, -1, "Unknown invokeData %d", opcode);
9378       /* todo call the asn.1 dissector */
9379       break;
9380   }
9381   return offset;
9382 }
dissect_returnResultData(proto_tree * tree,tvbuff_t * tvb,int offset,asn1_ctx_t * actx)9385 static int dissect_returnResultData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,asn1_ctx_t *actx) {
9386   switch(opcode){
9387     case opcode_createCallSegmentAssociation:  /* createCallSegmentAssociation */
9388       offset= dissect_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9389       break;
9390     case opcode_createOrRemoveTriggerData:  /* createOrRemoveTriggerData */
9391       offset= dissect_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9392       break;
9393     case opcode_manageTriggerData:  /* manageTriggerData */
9394       offset= dissect_ManageTriggerDataResultArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9395       break;
9396     case opcode_requestCurrentStatusReport:  /* requestCurrentStatusReport */
9397       offset= dissect_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9398       break;
9399     case opcode_promptAndCollectUserInformation:  /* promptAndCollectUserInformation */
9400       offset= dissect_ReceivedInformationArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9401       break;
9402     case opcode_promptAndReceiveMessage:  /* promptAndReceiveMessage */
9403       offset= dissect_MessageReceivedArg_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9404       break;
9405   default:
9406     proto_tree_add_expert_format(tree, actx->pinfo, &ei_inap_unknown_returnResultData,
9407                                  tvb, offset, -1, "Unknown returnResultData %d", opcode);
9408   }
9409   return offset;
9410 }
dissect_returnErrorData(proto_tree * tree,tvbuff_t * tvb,int offset,asn1_ctx_t * actx)9413 static int dissect_returnErrorData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,asn1_ctx_t *actx) {
9414   switch(errorCode) {
9415     case errcode_cancelFailed:  /* cancelFailed */
9416       offset= dissect_PAR_cancelFailed_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9417       break;
9418     case errcode_requestedInfoError:  /* requestedInfoError */
9419       offset= dissect_PAR_requestedInfoError_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9420       break;
9421     case errcode_scfTaskRefused:  /* scfTaskRefused */
9422       offset= dissect_ScfTaskRefusedParameter_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9423       break;
9424     case errcode_scfReferral:  /* scfReferral */
9425       offset= dissect_ReferralParameter_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9426       break;
9427     case errcode_systemFailure:  /* systemFailure */
9428       offset= dissect_UnavailableNetworkResource_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9429       break;
9430     case errcode_taskRefused:  /* taskRefused */
9431       offset= dissect_PAR_taskRefused_PDU(tvb, actx->pinfo , tree , NULL);
9432       break;
9433   default:
9434     proto_tree_add_expert_format(tree, actx->pinfo, &ei_inap_unknown_returnErrorData,
9435                                  tvb, offset, -1, "Unknown returnErrorData %d", opcode);
9436   }
9437   return offset;
9438 }
9441 /*--- End of included file: packet-inap-table2.c ---*/
9442 #line 131 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
9445 static guint8 inap_pdu_type = 0;
9446 static guint8 inap_pdu_size = 0;
9449 static int
dissect_inap(tvbuff_t * tvb,packet_info * pinfo,proto_tree * parent_tree,void * data _U_)9450 dissect_inap(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void *data _U_)
9451 {
9452   proto_item		*item=NULL;
9453   proto_tree		*tree=NULL;
9454   int				offset = 0;
9455   asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
9456   asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
9458   col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "INAP");
9460   /* create display subtree for the protocol */
9461   if(parent_tree){
9462     item = proto_tree_add_item(parent_tree, proto_inap, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
9463     tree = proto_item_add_subtree(item, ett_inap);
9464   }
9465   inap_pdu_type = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset)&0x0f;
9466   /* Get the length and add 2 */
9467   inap_pdu_size = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+1)+2;
9468   opcode = 0;
9469   dissect_inap_ROS(TRUE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx, tree, -1);
9471   return inap_pdu_size;
9472 }
9474 /*--- proto_reg_handoff_inap ---------------------------------------*/
range_delete_callback(guint32 ssn,gpointer ptr _U_)9475 static void range_delete_callback(guint32 ssn, gpointer ptr _U_)
9476 {
9477   if (ssn) {
9478     delete_itu_tcap_subdissector(ssn, inap_handle);
9479   }
9480 }
range_add_callback(guint32 ssn,gpointer ptr _U_)9482 static void range_add_callback(guint32 ssn, gpointer ptr _U_)
9483 {
9484   if (ssn) {
9485   add_itu_tcap_subdissector(ssn, inap_handle);
9486   }
9487 }
proto_reg_handoff_inap(void)9489 void proto_reg_handoff_inap(void) {
9491   static gboolean inap_prefs_initialized = FALSE;
9492   static range_t *ssn_range;
9494   if (!inap_prefs_initialized) {
9495     inap_prefs_initialized = TRUE;
9496     oid_add_from_string("Core-INAP-CS1-Codes","");
9497     oid_add_from_string("iso(1) identified-organization(3) icd-ecma(12) member-company(2) 1107 oen(3) inap(3) extensions(2)","");
9498     oid_add_from_string("alcatel(1006)","");
9499     oid_add_from_string("Siemens (1107)","");
9500     oid_add_from_string("iso(1) member-body(2) gb(826) national(0) ericsson(1249) inDomain(51) inNetwork(1) inNetworkcapabilitySet1plus(1) ","1.2.826.0.1249.51.1.1");
9501   }
9502   else {
9503     range_foreach(ssn_range, range_delete_callback, NULL);
9504     wmem_free(wmem_epan_scope(), ssn_range);
9505   }
9507   ssn_range = range_copy(wmem_epan_scope(), global_ssn_range);
9509   range_foreach(ssn_range, range_add_callback, NULL);
9511 }
proto_register_inap(void)9514 void proto_register_inap(void) {
9515   module_t *inap_module;
9516   /* List of fields */
9517   static hf_register_info hf[] = {
9520     { &hf_inap_cause_indicator, /* Currently not enabled */
9521     { "Cause indicator", "inap.cause_indicator",
9522     FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC | BASE_EXT_STRING, &q850_cause_code_vals_ext, 0x7f,
9523     NULL, HFILL } },
9526 /*--- Included file: packet-inap-hfarr.c ---*/
9527 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-hfarr.c"
9528     { &hf_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg_PDU,
9529       { "ActivateServiceFilteringArg", "inap.ActivateServiceFilteringArg_element",
9530         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9531         NULL, HFILL }},
9532     { &hf_inap_AnalysedInformationArg_PDU,
9533       { "AnalysedInformationArg", "inap.AnalysedInformationArg_element",
9534         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9535         NULL, HFILL }},
9536     { &hf_inap_AnalyseInformationArg_PDU,
9537       { "AnalyseInformationArg", "inap.AnalyseInformationArg_element",
9538         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9539         NULL, HFILL }},
9540     { &hf_inap_ApplyChargingArg_PDU,
9541       { "ApplyChargingArg", "inap.ApplyChargingArg_element",
9542         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9543         NULL, HFILL }},
9544     { &hf_inap_ApplyChargingReportArg_PDU,
9545       { "ApplyChargingReportArg", "inap.ApplyChargingReportArg",
9546         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9547         NULL, HFILL }},
9548     { &hf_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg_PDU,
9549       { "AssistRequestInstructionsArg", "inap.AssistRequestInstructionsArg_element",
9550         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9551         NULL, HFILL }},
9552     { &hf_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg_PDU,
9553       { "AuthorizeTerminationArg", "inap.AuthorizeTerminationArg_element",
9554         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9555         NULL, HFILL }},
9556     { &hf_inap_CallFilteringArg_PDU,
9557       { "CallFilteringArg", "inap.CallFilteringArg_element",
9558         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9559         NULL, HFILL }},
9560     { &hf_inap_CallGapArg_PDU,
9561       { "CallGapArg", "inap.CallGapArg_element",
9562         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9563         NULL, HFILL }},
9564     { &hf_inap_CallInformationReportArg_PDU,
9565       { "CallInformationReportArg", "inap.CallInformationReportArg_element",
9566         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9567         NULL, HFILL }},
9568     { &hf_inap_CallInformationRequestArg_PDU,
9569       { "CallInformationRequestArg", "inap.CallInformationRequestArg_element",
9570         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9571         NULL, HFILL }},
9572     { &hf_inap_CancelArg_PDU,
9573       { "CancelArg", "inap.CancelArg",
9574         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_CancelArg_vals), 0,
9575         NULL, HFILL }},
9576     { &hf_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg_PDU,
9577       { "CancelStatusReportRequestArg", "inap.CancelStatusReportRequestArg_element",
9578         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9579         NULL, HFILL }},
9580     { &hf_inap_CollectedInformationArg_PDU,
9581       { "CollectedInformationArg", "inap.CollectedInformationArg_element",
9582         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9583         NULL, HFILL }},
9584     { &hf_inap_CollectInformationArg_PDU,
9585       { "CollectInformationArg", "inap.CollectInformationArg_element",
9586         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9587         NULL, HFILL }},
9588     { &hf_inap_ConnectArg_PDU,
9589       { "ConnectArg", "inap.ConnectArg_element",
9590         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9591         NULL, HFILL }},
9592     { &hf_inap_ConnectToResourceArg_PDU,
9593       { "ConnectToResourceArg", "inap.ConnectToResourceArg_element",
9594         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9595         NULL, HFILL }},
9596     { &hf_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg_PDU,
9597       { "ContinueWithArgumentArg", "inap.ContinueWithArgumentArg_element",
9598         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9599         NULL, HFILL }},
9600     { &hf_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_PDU,
9601       { "CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg", "inap.CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg_element",
9602         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9603         NULL, HFILL }},
9604     { &hf_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_PDU,
9605       { "CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg", "inap.CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg_element",
9606         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9607         NULL, HFILL }},
9608     { &hf_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_PDU,
9609       { "CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg", "inap.CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg_element",
9610         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9611         NULL, HFILL }},
9612     { &hf_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_PDU,
9613       { "CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg", "inap.CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg_element",
9614         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9615         NULL, HFILL }},
9616     { &hf_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_PDU,
9617       { "DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg", "inap.DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg_element",
9618         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9619         NULL, HFILL }},
9620     { &hf_inap_DisconnectLegArg_PDU,
9621       { "DisconnectLegArg", "inap.DisconnectLegArg_element",
9622         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9623         NULL, HFILL }},
9624     { &hf_inap_EntityReleasedArg_PDU,
9625       { "EntityReleasedArg", "inap.EntityReleasedArg",
9626         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_EntityReleasedArg_vals), 0,
9627         NULL, HFILL }},
9628     { &hf_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_PDU,
9629       { "EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg", "inap.EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg_element",
9630         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9631         NULL, HFILL }},
9632     { &hf_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg_PDU,
9633       { "EventNotificationChargingArg", "inap.EventNotificationChargingArg_element",
9634         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9635         NULL, HFILL }},
9636     { &hf_inap_EventReportBCSMArg_PDU,
9637       { "EventReportBCSMArg", "inap.EventReportBCSMArg_element",
9638         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9639         NULL, HFILL }},
9640     { &hf_inap_EventReportFacilityArg_PDU,
9641       { "EventReportFacilityArg", "inap.EventReportFacilityArg_element",
9642         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9643         NULL, HFILL }},
9644     { &hf_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_PDU,
9645       { "FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg", "inap.FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg_element",
9646         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9647         NULL, HFILL }},
9648     { &hf_inap_FurnishChargingInformationArg_PDU,
9649       { "FurnishChargingInformationArg", "inap.FurnishChargingInformationArg",
9650         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9651         NULL, HFILL }},
9652     { &hf_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg_PDU,
9653       { "HoldCallInNetworkArg", "inap.HoldCallInNetworkArg",
9654         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg_vals), 0,
9655         NULL, HFILL }},
9656     { &hf_inap_InitialDPArg_PDU,
9657       { "InitialDPArg", "inap.InitialDPArg_element",
9658         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9659         NULL, HFILL }},
9660     { &hf_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg_PDU,
9661       { "InitiateCallAttemptArg", "inap.InitiateCallAttemptArg_element",
9662         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9663         NULL, HFILL }},
9664     { &hf_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg_PDU,
9665       { "ManageTriggerDataArg", "inap.ManageTriggerDataArg_element",
9666         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9667         NULL, HFILL }},
9668     { &hf_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg_PDU,
9669       { "ManageTriggerDataResultArg", "inap.ManageTriggerDataResultArg",
9670         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg_vals), 0,
9671         NULL, HFILL }},
9672     { &hf_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg_PDU,
9673       { "MergeCallSegmentsArg", "inap.MergeCallSegmentsArg_element",
9674         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9675         NULL, HFILL }},
9676     { &hf_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg_PDU,
9677       { "MonitorRouteReportArg", "inap.MonitorRouteReportArg_element",
9678         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9679         NULL, HFILL }},
9680     { &hf_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg_PDU,
9681       { "MonitorRouteRequestArg", "inap.MonitorRouteRequestArg_element",
9682         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9683         NULL, HFILL }},
9684     { &hf_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg_PDU,
9685       { "MoveCallSegmentsArg", "inap.MoveCallSegmentsArg_element",
9686         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9687         NULL, HFILL }},
9688     { &hf_inap_MoveLegArg_PDU,
9689       { "MoveLegArg", "inap.MoveLegArg_element",
9690         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9691         NULL, HFILL }},
9692     { &hf_inap_OAbandonArg_PDU,
9693       { "OAbandonArg", "inap.OAbandonArg_element",
9694         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9695         NULL, HFILL }},
9696     { &hf_inap_OAnswerArg_PDU,
9697       { "OAnswerArg", "inap.OAnswerArg_element",
9698         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9699         NULL, HFILL }},
9700     { &hf_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg_PDU,
9701       { "OCalledPartyBusyArg", "inap.OCalledPartyBusyArg_element",
9702         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9703         NULL, HFILL }},
9704     { &hf_inap_ODisconnectArg_PDU,
9705       { "ODisconnectArg", "inap.ODisconnectArg_element",
9706         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9707         NULL, HFILL }},
9708     { &hf_inap_MidCallArg_PDU,
9709       { "MidCallArg", "inap.MidCallArg_element",
9710         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9711         NULL, HFILL }},
9712     { &hf_inap_ONoAnswerArg_PDU,
9713       { "ONoAnswerArg", "inap.ONoAnswerArg_element",
9714         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9715         NULL, HFILL }},
9716     { &hf_inap_OriginationAttemptArg_PDU,
9717       { "OriginationAttemptArg", "inap.OriginationAttemptArg_element",
9718         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9719         NULL, HFILL }},
9720     { &hf_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU,
9721       { "OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg", "inap.OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg_element",
9722         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9723         NULL, HFILL }},
9724     { &hf_inap_OSuspendedArg_PDU,
9725       { "OSuspendedArg", "inap.OSuspendedArg_element",
9726         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9727         NULL, HFILL }},
9728     { &hf_inap_ReconnectArg_PDU,
9729       { "ReconnectArg", "inap.ReconnectArg_element",
9730         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9731         NULL, HFILL }},
9732     { &hf_inap_ReleaseCallArg_PDU,
9733       { "ReleaseCallArg", "inap.ReleaseCallArg",
9734         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ReleaseCallArg_vals), 0,
9735         NULL, HFILL }},
9736     { &hf_inap_ReportUTSIArg_PDU,
9737       { "ReportUTSIArg", "inap.ReportUTSIArg_element",
9738         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9739         NULL, HFILL }},
9740     { &hf_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportArg_PDU,
9741       { "RequestCurrentStatusReportArg", "inap.RequestCurrentStatusReportArg",
9742         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ResourceID_vals), 0,
9743         NULL, HFILL }},
9744     { &hf_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_PDU,
9745       { "RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg", "inap.RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg_element",
9746         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9747         NULL, HFILL }},
9748     { &hf_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_PDU,
9749       { "RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg", "inap.RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg_element",
9750         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9751         NULL, HFILL }},
9752     { &hf_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_PDU,
9753       { "RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg", "inap.RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg_element",
9754         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9755         NULL, HFILL }},
9756     { &hf_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_PDU,
9757       { "RequestNotificationChargingEventArg", "inap.RequestNotificationChargingEventArg",
9758         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
9759         NULL, HFILL }},
9760     { &hf_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg_PDU,
9761       { "RequestReportBCSMEventArg", "inap.RequestReportBCSMEventArg_element",
9762         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9763         NULL, HFILL }},
9764     { &hf_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg_PDU,
9765       { "RequestReportFacilityEventArg", "inap.RequestReportFacilityEventArg_element",
9766         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9767         NULL, HFILL }},
9768     { &hf_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg_PDU,
9769       { "RequestReportUTSIArg", "inap.RequestReportUTSIArg_element",
9770         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9771         NULL, HFILL }},
9772     { &hf_inap_ResetTimerArg_PDU,
9773       { "ResetTimerArg", "inap.ResetTimerArg_element",
9774         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9775         NULL, HFILL }},
9776     { &hf_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg_PDU,
9777       { "RouteSelectFailureArg", "inap.RouteSelectFailureArg_element",
9778         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9779         NULL, HFILL }},
9780     { &hf_inap_SelectFacilityArg_PDU,
9781       { "SelectFacilityArg", "inap.SelectFacilityArg_element",
9782         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9783         NULL, HFILL }},
9784     { &hf_inap_SelectRouteArg_PDU,
9785       { "SelectRouteArg", "inap.SelectRouteArg_element",
9786         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9787         NULL, HFILL }},
9788     { &hf_inap_SendChargingInformationArg_PDU,
9789       { "SendChargingInformationArg", "inap.SendChargingInformationArg_element",
9790         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9791         NULL, HFILL }},
9792     { &hf_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg_PDU,
9793       { "SendFacilityInformationArg", "inap.SendFacilityInformationArg_element",
9794         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9795         NULL, HFILL }},
9796     { &hf_inap_SendSTUIArg_PDU,
9797       { "SendSTUIArg", "inap.SendSTUIArg_element",
9798         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9799         NULL, HFILL }},
9800     { &hf_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg_PDU,
9801       { "ServiceFilteringResponseArg", "inap.ServiceFilteringResponseArg_element",
9802         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9803         NULL, HFILL }},
9804     { &hf_inap_SetServiceProfileArg_PDU,
9805       { "SetServiceProfileArg", "inap.SetServiceProfileArg_element",
9806         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9807         NULL, HFILL }},
9808     { &hf_inap_SplitLegArg_PDU,
9809       { "SplitLegArg", "inap.SplitLegArg_element",
9810         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9811         NULL, HFILL }},
9812     { &hf_inap_StatusReportArg_PDU,
9813       { "StatusReportArg", "inap.StatusReportArg_element",
9814         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9815         NULL, HFILL }},
9816     { &hf_inap_TAnswerArg_PDU,
9817       { "TAnswerArg", "inap.TAnswerArg_element",
9818         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9819         NULL, HFILL }},
9820     { &hf_inap_TBusyArg_PDU,
9821       { "TBusyArg", "inap.TBusyArg_element",
9822         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9823         NULL, HFILL }},
9824     { &hf_inap_TDisconnectArg_PDU,
9825       { "TDisconnectArg", "inap.TDisconnectArg_element",
9826         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9827         NULL, HFILL }},
9828     { &hf_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_PDU,
9829       { "TermAttemptAuthorizedArg", "inap.TermAttemptAuthorizedArg_element",
9830         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9831         NULL, HFILL }},
9832     { &hf_inap_TerminationAttemptArg_PDU,
9833       { "TerminationAttemptArg", "inap.TerminationAttemptArg_element",
9834         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9835         NULL, HFILL }},
9836     { &hf_inap_TNoAnswerArg_PDU,
9837       { "TNoAnswerArg", "inap.TNoAnswerArg_element",
9838         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9839         NULL, HFILL }},
9840     { &hf_inap_TSuspendedArg_PDU,
9841       { "TSuspendedArg", "inap.TSuspendedArg_element",
9842         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9843         NULL, HFILL }},
9844     { &hf_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg_PDU,
9845       { "PlayAnnouncementArg", "inap.PlayAnnouncementArg_element",
9846         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9847         NULL, HFILL }},
9848     { &hf_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_PDU,
9849       { "PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg", "inap.PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg_element",
9850         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9851         NULL, HFILL }},
9852     { &hf_inap_ReceivedInformationArg_PDU,
9853       { "ReceivedInformationArg", "inap.ReceivedInformationArg",
9854         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ReceivedInformationArg_vals), 0,
9855         NULL, HFILL }},
9856     { &hf_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_PDU,
9857       { "PromptAndReceiveMessageArg", "inap.PromptAndReceiveMessageArg_element",
9858         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9859         NULL, HFILL }},
9860     { &hf_inap_MessageReceivedArg_PDU,
9861       { "MessageReceivedArg", "inap.MessageReceivedArg_element",
9862         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9863         NULL, HFILL }},
9864     { &hf_inap_ScriptCloseArg_PDU,
9865       { "ScriptCloseArg", "inap.ScriptCloseArg_element",
9866         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9867         NULL, HFILL }},
9868     { &hf_inap_ScriptEventArg_PDU,
9869       { "ScriptEventArg", "inap.ScriptEventArg_element",
9870         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9871         NULL, HFILL }},
9872     { &hf_inap_ScriptInformationArg_PDU,
9873       { "ScriptInformationArg", "inap.ScriptInformationArg_element",
9874         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9875         NULL, HFILL }},
9876     { &hf_inap_ScriptRunArg_PDU,
9877       { "ScriptRunArg", "inap.ScriptRunArg_element",
9878         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9879         NULL, HFILL }},
9880     { &hf_inap_SpecializedResourceReportArg_PDU,
9881       { "SpecializedResourceReportArg", "inap.SpecializedResourceReportArg_element",
9882         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9883         NULL, HFILL }},
9884     { &hf_inap_SRFCallGapArg_PDU,
9885       { "SRFCallGapArg", "inap.SRFCallGapArg_element",
9886         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9887         NULL, HFILL }},
9888     { &hf_inap_PAR_cancelFailed_PDU,
9889       { "PAR-cancelFailed", "inap.PAR_cancelFailed_element",
9890         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9891         NULL, HFILL }},
9892     { &hf_inap_PAR_requestedInfoError_PDU,
9893       { "PAR-requestedInfoError", "inap.PAR_requestedInfoError",
9894         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_PAR_requestedInfoError_vals), 0,
9895         NULL, HFILL }},
9896     { &hf_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter_PDU,
9897       { "ScfTaskRefusedParameter", "inap.ScfTaskRefusedParameter_element",
9898         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9899         NULL, HFILL }},
9900     { &hf_inap_ReferralParameter_PDU,
9901       { "ReferralParameter", "inap.ReferralParameter_element",
9902         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9903         NULL, HFILL }},
9904     { &hf_inap_UnavailableNetworkResource_PDU,
9905       { "UnavailableNetworkResource", "inap.UnavailableNetworkResource",
9906         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_UnavailableNetworkResource_vals), 0,
9907         NULL, HFILL }},
9908     { &hf_inap_PAR_taskRefused_PDU,
9909       { "PAR-taskRefused", "inap.PAR_taskRefused",
9910         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_PAR_taskRefused_vals), 0,
9911         NULL, HFILL }},
9912     { &hf_inap_Extensions_item,
9913       { "ExtensionField", "inap.ExtensionField_element",
9914         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9915         NULL, HFILL }},
9916     { &hf_inap_type,
9917       { "type", "inap.type",
9918         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Code_vals), 0,
9919         "Code", HFILL }},
9920     { &hf_inap_criticality,
9921       { "criticality", "inap.criticality",
9922         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_CriticalityType_vals), 0,
9923         "CriticalityType", HFILL }},
9924     { &hf_inap_value,
9925       { "value", "inap.value_element",
9926         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9927         NULL, HFILL }},
9928     { &hf_inap_AlternativeIdentities_item,
9929       { "AlternativeIdentity", "inap.AlternativeIdentity",
9930         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_AlternativeIdentity_vals), 0,
9931         NULL, HFILL }},
9932     { &hf_inap_url,
9933       { "url", "inap.url",
9934         FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9935         "IA5String_SIZE_1_512", HFILL }},
9936     { &hf_inap_conferenceTreatmentIndicator,
9937       { "conferenceTreatmentIndicator", "inap.conferenceTreatmentIndicator",
9938         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9939         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1", HFILL }},
9940     { &hf_inap_callCompletionTreatmentIndicator,
9941       { "callCompletionTreatmentIndicator", "inap.callCompletionTreatmentIndicator",
9942         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9943         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1", HFILL }},
9944     { &hf_inap_holdTreatmentIndicator,
9945       { "holdTreatmentIndicator", "inap.holdTreatmentIndicator",
9946         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9947         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1", HFILL }},
9948     { &hf_inap_ectTreatmentIndicator,
9949       { "ectTreatmentIndicator", "inap.ectTreatmentIndicator",
9950         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9951         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1", HFILL }},
9952     { &hf_inap_calledAddressValue,
9953       { "calledAddressValue", "inap.calledAddressValue",
9954         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9955         "Digits", HFILL }},
9956     { &hf_inap_gapOnService,
9957       { "gapOnService", "inap.gapOnService_element",
9958         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9959         NULL, HFILL }},
9960     { &hf_inap_gapAllInTraffic,
9961       { "gapAllInTraffic", "inap.gapAllInTraffic_element",
9962         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9963         NULL, HFILL }},
9964     { &hf_inap_calledAddressAndService,
9965       { "calledAddressAndService", "inap.calledAddressAndService_element",
9966         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9967         NULL, HFILL }},
9968     { &hf_inap_serviceKey,
9969       { "serviceKey", "inap.serviceKey",
9970         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
9971         NULL, HFILL }},
9972     { &hf_inap_callingAddressAndService,
9973       { "callingAddressAndService", "inap.callingAddressAndService_element",
9974         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9975         NULL, HFILL }},
9976     { &hf_inap_callingAddressValue,
9977       { "callingAddressValue", "inap.callingAddressValue",
9978         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9979         "Digits", HFILL }},
9980     { &hf_inap_locationNumber,
9981       { "locationNumber", "inap.locationNumber",
9982         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
9983         NULL, HFILL }},
9984     { &hf_inap_eventTypeBCSM,
9985       { "eventTypeBCSM", "inap.eventTypeBCSM",
9986         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_EventTypeBCSM_vals), 0,
9987         NULL, HFILL }},
9988     { &hf_inap_monitorMode,
9989       { "monitorMode", "inap.monitorMode",
9990         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_MonitorMode_vals), 0,
9991         NULL, HFILL }},
9992     { &hf_inap_legID,
9993       { "legID", "inap.legID",
9994         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_LegID_vals), 0,
9995         NULL, HFILL }},
9996     { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCriteria,
9997       { "dpSpecificCriteria", "inap.dpSpecificCriteria",
9998         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_DpSpecificCriteria_vals), 0,
9999         NULL, HFILL }},
10000     { &hf_inap_bearerCap,
10001       { "bearerCap", "inap.bearerCap",
10002         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10003         NULL, HFILL }},
10004     { &hf_inap_tmr,
10005       { "tmr", "inap.tmr",
10006         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10007         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1", HFILL }},
10008     { &hf_inap_broadbandBearerCap,
10009       { "broadbandBearerCap", "inap.broadbandBearerCap",
10010         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10011         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength_maxBroadbandBearerCapabilityLength", HFILL }},
10012     { &hf_inap_aALParameters,
10013       { "aALParameters", "inap.aALParameters",
10014         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10015         NULL, HFILL }},
10016     { &hf_inap_additionalATMCellRate,
10017       { "additionalATMCellRate", "inap.additionalATMCellRate",
10018         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10019         NULL, HFILL }},
10020     { &hf_inap_aESACalledParty,
10021       { "aESACalledParty", "inap.aESACalledParty",
10022         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10023         NULL, HFILL }},
10024     { &hf_inap_aESACallingParty,
10025       { "aESACallingParty", "inap.aESACallingParty",
10026         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10027         NULL, HFILL }},
10028     { &hf_inap_alternativeATMTrafficDescriptor,
10029       { "alternativeATMTrafficDescriptor", "inap.alternativeATMTrafficDescriptor",
10030         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10031         NULL, HFILL }},
10032     { &hf_inap_aTMCellRate,
10033       { "aTMCellRate", "inap.aTMCellRate",
10034         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10035         NULL, HFILL }},
10036     { &hf_inap_cDVTDescriptor,
10037       { "cDVTDescriptor", "inap.cDVTDescriptor",
10038         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10039         NULL, HFILL }},
10040     { &hf_inap_cumulativeTransitDelay,
10041       { "cumulativeTransitDelay", "inap.cumulativeTransitDelay",
10042         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10043         NULL, HFILL }},
10044     { &hf_inap_endToEndTransitDelay,
10045       { "endToEndTransitDelay", "inap.endToEndTransitDelay",
10046         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10047         NULL, HFILL }},
10048     { &hf_inap_minAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor,
10049       { "minAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor", "inap.minAcceptableATMTrafficDescriptor",
10050         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10051         NULL, HFILL }},
10052     { &hf_inap_eventTypeCharging,
10053       { "eventTypeCharging", "inap.eventTypeCharging",
10054         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10055         NULL, HFILL }},
10056     { &hf_inap_componentInfo,
10057       { "componentInfo", "inap.componentInfo",
10058         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10059         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_118", HFILL }},
10060     { &hf_inap_relayedComponent,
10061       { "relayedComponent", "inap.relayedComponent_element",
10062         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10063         "EMBEDDED_PDV", HFILL }},
10064     { &hf_inap_basicGapCriteria,
10065       { "basicGapCriteria", "inap.basicGapCriteria",
10066         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_BasicGapCriteria_vals), 0,
10067         NULL, HFILL }},
10068     { &hf_inap_scfID,
10069       { "scfID", "inap.scfID",
10070         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10071         NULL, HFILL }},
10072     { &hf_inap_counterID,
10073       { "counterID", "inap.counterID",
10074         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10075         NULL, HFILL }},
10076     { &hf_inap_counterValue,
10077       { "counterValue", "inap.counterValue",
10078         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10079         "Integer4", HFILL }},
10080     { &hf_inap_CountersValue_item,
10081       { "CounterAndValue", "inap.CounterAndValue_element",
10082         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10083         NULL, HFILL }},
10084     { &hf_inap_action,
10085       { "action", "inap.action",
10086         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_action_vals), 0,
10087         NULL, HFILL }},
10088     { &hf_inap_treatment,
10089       { "treatment", "inap.treatment",
10090         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_GapTreatment_vals), 0,
10091         "GapTreatment", HFILL }},
10092     { &hf_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress_item,
10093       { "CalledPartyNumber", "inap.CalledPartyNumber",
10094         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10095         NULL, HFILL }},
10096     { &hf_inap_serviceAddressInformation,
10097       { "serviceAddressInformation", "inap.serviceAddressInformation_element",
10098         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10099         NULL, HFILL }},
10100     { &hf_inap_bearerCapability,
10101       { "bearerCapability", "inap.bearerCapability",
10102         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_BearerCapability_vals), 0,
10103         NULL, HFILL }},
10104     { &hf_inap_calledPartyNumber,
10105       { "calledPartyNumber", "inap.calledPartyNumber",
10106         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10107         NULL, HFILL }},
10108     { &hf_inap_callingPartyNumber,
10109       { "callingPartyNumber", "inap.callingPartyNumber",
10110         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10111         NULL, HFILL }},
10112     { &hf_inap_callingPartysCategory,
10113       { "callingPartysCategory", "inap.callingPartysCategory",
10114         FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC|BASE_EXT_STRING, &isup_calling_partys_category_value_ext, 0,
10115         NULL, HFILL }},
10116     { &hf_inap_iPSSPCapabilities,
10117       { "iPSSPCapabilities", "inap.iPSSPCapabilities",
10118         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10119         NULL, HFILL }},
10120     { &hf_inap_iPAvailable,
10121       { "iPAvailable", "inap.iPAvailable",
10122         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10123         NULL, HFILL }},
10124     { &hf_inap_iSDNAccessRelatedInformation,
10125       { "iSDNAccessRelatedInformation", "inap.iSDNAccessRelatedInformation",
10126         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10127         NULL, HFILL }},
10128     { &hf_inap_cGEncountered,
10129       { "cGEncountered", "inap.cGEncountered",
10130         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_CGEncountered_vals), 0,
10131         NULL, HFILL }},
10132     { &hf_inap_serviceProfileIdentifier,
10133       { "serviceProfileIdentifier", "inap.serviceProfileIdentifier",
10134         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10135         NULL, HFILL }},
10136     { &hf_inap_terminalType,
10137       { "terminalType", "inap.terminalType",
10138         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_TerminalType_vals), 0,
10139         NULL, HFILL }},
10140     { &hf_inap_extensions,
10141       { "extensions", "inap.extensions",
10142         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10143         NULL, HFILL }},
10144     { &hf_inap_chargeNumber,
10145       { "chargeNumber", "inap.chargeNumber",
10146         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10147         NULL, HFILL }},
10148     { &hf_inap_servingAreaID,
10149       { "servingAreaID", "inap.servingAreaID",
10150         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10151         NULL, HFILL }},
10152     { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicators,
10153       { "serviceInteractionIndicators", "inap.serviceInteractionIndicators",
10154         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10155         NULL, HFILL }},
10156     { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityIndication,
10157       { "iNServiceCompatibilityIndication", "inap.iNServiceCompatibilityIndication",
10158         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10159         NULL, HFILL }},
10160     { &hf_inap_serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo,
10161       { "serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo", "inap.serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo_element",
10162         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10163         NULL, HFILL }},
10164     { &hf_inap_uSIServiceIndicator,
10165       { "uSIServiceIndicator", "inap.uSIServiceIndicator",
10166         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_USIServiceIndicator_vals), 0,
10167         NULL, HFILL }},
10168     { &hf_inap_uSIInformation,
10169       { "uSIInformation", "inap.uSIInformation",
10170         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10171         NULL, HFILL }},
10172     { &hf_inap_forwardGVNS,
10173       { "forwardGVNS", "inap.forwardGVNS",
10174         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10175         NULL, HFILL }},
10176     { &hf_inap_createdCallSegmentAssociation,
10177       { "createdCallSegmentAssociation", "inap.createdCallSegmentAssociation",
10178         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10179         "CSAID", HFILL }},
10180     { &hf_inap_ipRelatedInformation,
10181       { "ipRelatedInformation", "inap.ipRelatedInformation_element",
10182         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10183         NULL, HFILL }},
10184     { &hf_inap_numberOfDigits,
10185       { "numberOfDigits", "inap.numberOfDigits",
10186         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10187         NULL, HFILL }},
10188     { &hf_inap_applicationTimer,
10189       { "applicationTimer", "inap.applicationTimer",
10190         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10191         NULL, HFILL }},
10192     { &hf_inap_midCallControlInfo,
10193       { "midCallControlInfo", "inap.midCallControlInfo",
10194         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10195         NULL, HFILL }},
10196     { &hf_inap_numberOfDigitsTwo,
10197       { "numberOfDigitsTwo", "inap.numberOfDigitsTwo_element",
10198         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10199         NULL, HFILL }},
10200     { &hf_inap_requestedNumberOfDigits,
10201       { "requestedNumberOfDigits", "inap.requestedNumberOfDigits",
10202         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10203         "NumberOfDigits", HFILL }},
10204     { &hf_inap_minNumberOfDigits,
10205       { "minNumberOfDigits", "inap.minNumberOfDigits",
10206         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10207         "NumberOfDigits", HFILL }},
10208     { &hf_inap_agreements,
10209       { "agreements", "inap.agreements",
10210         FT_OID, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10211         "OBJECT_IDENTIFIER", HFILL }},
10212     { &hf_inap_networkSpecific,
10213       { "networkSpecific", "inap.networkSpecific",
10214         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10215         "Integer4", HFILL }},
10216     { &hf_inap_collectedInfoSpecificInfo,
10217       { "collectedInfoSpecificInfo", "inap.collectedInfoSpecificInfo_element",
10218         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10219         NULL, HFILL }},
10220     { &hf_inap_calledPartynumber,
10221       { "calledPartynumber", "inap.calledPartynumber",
10222         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10223         NULL, HFILL }},
10224     { &hf_inap_analysedInfoSpecificInfo,
10225       { "analysedInfoSpecificInfo", "inap.analysedInfoSpecificInfo_element",
10226         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10227         NULL, HFILL }},
10228     { &hf_inap_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo,
10229       { "routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo", "inap.routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo_element",
10230         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10231         NULL, HFILL }},
10232     { &hf_inap_failureCause,
10233       { "failureCause", "inap.failureCause",
10234         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10235         "Cause", HFILL }},
10236     { &hf_inap_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo,
10237       { "oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo", "inap.oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo_element",
10238         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10239         NULL, HFILL }},
10240     { &hf_inap_busyCause,
10241       { "busyCause", "inap.busyCause",
10242         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10243         "Cause", HFILL }},
10244     { &hf_inap_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo,
10245       { "oNoAnswerSpecificInfo", "inap.oNoAnswerSpecificInfo_element",
10246         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10247         NULL, HFILL }},
10248     { &hf_inap_cause,
10249       { "cause", "inap.cause",
10250         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10251         NULL, HFILL }},
10252     { &hf_inap_oAnswerSpecificInfo,
10253       { "oAnswerSpecificInfo", "inap.oAnswerSpecificInfo_element",
10254         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10255         NULL, HFILL }},
10256     { &hf_inap_backwardGVNS,
10257       { "backwardGVNS", "inap.backwardGVNS",
10258         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10259         NULL, HFILL }},
10260     { &hf_inap_oMidCallSpecificInfo,
10261       { "oMidCallSpecificInfo", "inap.oMidCallSpecificInfo_element",
10262         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10263         NULL, HFILL }},
10264     { &hf_inap_connectTime,
10265       { "connectTime", "inap.connectTime",
10266         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10267         "Integer4", HFILL }},
10268     { &hf_inap_oMidCallInfo,
10269       { "oMidCallInfo", "inap.oMidCallInfo_element",
10270         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10271         "MidCallInfo", HFILL }},
10272     { &hf_inap_oDisconnectSpecificInfo,
10273       { "oDisconnectSpecificInfo", "inap.oDisconnectSpecificInfo_element",
10274         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10275         NULL, HFILL }},
10276     { &hf_inap_releaseCause,
10277       { "releaseCause", "inap.releaseCause",
10278         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10279         "Cause", HFILL }},
10280     { &hf_inap_tBusySpecificInfo,
10281       { "tBusySpecificInfo", "inap.tBusySpecificInfo_element",
10282         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10283         NULL, HFILL }},
10284     { &hf_inap_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo,
10285       { "tNoAnswerSpecificInfo", "inap.tNoAnswerSpecificInfo_element",
10286         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10287         NULL, HFILL }},
10288     { &hf_inap_tAnswerSpecificInfo,
10289       { "tAnswerSpecificInfo", "inap.tAnswerSpecificInfo_element",
10290         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10291         NULL, HFILL }},
10292     { &hf_inap_tMidCallSpecificInfo,
10293       { "tMidCallSpecificInfo", "inap.tMidCallSpecificInfo_element",
10294         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10295         NULL, HFILL }},
10296     { &hf_inap_tMidCallInfo,
10297       { "tMidCallInfo", "inap.tMidCallInfo_element",
10298         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10299         "MidCallInfo", HFILL }},
10300     { &hf_inap_tDisconnectSpecificInfo,
10301       { "tDisconnectSpecificInfo", "inap.tDisconnectSpecificInfo_element",
10302         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10303         NULL, HFILL }},
10304     { &hf_inap_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo,
10305       { "oTermSeizedSpecificInfo", "inap.oTermSeizedSpecificInfo_element",
10306         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10307         NULL, HFILL }},
10308     { &hf_inap_oSuspend,
10309       { "oSuspend", "inap.oSuspend_element",
10310         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10311         NULL, HFILL }},
10312     { &hf_inap_tSuspend,
10313       { "tSuspend", "inap.tSuspend_element",
10314         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10315         NULL, HFILL }},
10316     { &hf_inap_origAttemptAuthorized,
10317       { "origAttemptAuthorized", "inap.origAttemptAuthorized_element",
10318         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10319         NULL, HFILL }},
10320     { &hf_inap_oReAnswer,
10321       { "oReAnswer", "inap.oReAnswer_element",
10322         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10323         NULL, HFILL }},
10324     { &hf_inap_tReAnswer,
10325       { "tReAnswer", "inap.tReAnswer_element",
10326         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10327         NULL, HFILL }},
10328     { &hf_inap_facilitySelectedAndAvailable,
10329       { "facilitySelectedAndAvailable", "inap.facilitySelectedAndAvailable_element",
10330         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10331         NULL, HFILL }},
10332     { &hf_inap_callAccepted,
10333       { "callAccepted", "inap.callAccepted_element",
10334         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10335         NULL, HFILL }},
10336     { &hf_inap_oAbandon,
10337       { "oAbandon", "inap.oAbandon_element",
10338         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10339         NULL, HFILL }},
10340     { &hf_inap_abandonCause,
10341       { "abandonCause", "inap.abandonCause",
10342         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10343         "Cause", HFILL }},
10344     { &hf_inap_tAbandon,
10345       { "tAbandon", "inap.tAbandon_element",
10346         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10347         NULL, HFILL }},
10348     { &hf_inap_authorizeRouteFailure,
10349       { "authorizeRouteFailure", "inap.authorizeRouteFailure_element",
10350         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10351         NULL, HFILL }},
10352     { &hf_inap_authoriseRouteFailureCause,
10353       { "authoriseRouteFailureCause", "inap.authoriseRouteFailureCause",
10354         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10355         "Cause", HFILL }},
10356     { &hf_inap_terminationAttemptAuthorized,
10357       { "terminationAttemptAuthorized", "inap.terminationAttemptAuthorized_element",
10358         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10359         NULL, HFILL }},
10360     { &hf_inap_originationAttemptDenied,
10361       { "originationAttemptDenied", "inap.originationAttemptDenied_element",
10362         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10363         NULL, HFILL }},
10364     { &hf_inap_originationDeniedCause,
10365       { "originationDeniedCause", "inap.originationDeniedCause",
10366         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10367         "Cause", HFILL }},
10368     { &hf_inap_terminationAttemptDenied,
10369       { "terminationAttemptDenied", "inap.terminationAttemptDenied_element",
10370         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10371         NULL, HFILL }},
10372     { &hf_inap_terminationDeniedCause,
10373       { "terminationDeniedCause", "inap.terminationDeniedCause",
10374         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10375         "Cause", HFILL }},
10376     { &hf_inap_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo,
10377       { "oModifyRequestSpecificInfo", "inap.oModifyRequestSpecificInfo_element",
10378         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10379         NULL, HFILL }},
10380     { &hf_inap_oModifyResultSpecificInfo,
10381       { "oModifyResultSpecificInfo", "inap.oModifyResultSpecificInfo_element",
10382         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10383         NULL, HFILL }},
10384     { &hf_inap_modifyResultType,
10385       { "modifyResultType", "inap.modifyResultType",
10386         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ModifyResultType_vals), 0,
10387         NULL, HFILL }},
10388     { &hf_inap_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo,
10389       { "tModifyRequestSpecificInfo", "inap.tModifyRequestSpecificInfo_element",
10390         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10391         NULL, HFILL }},
10392     { &hf_inap_tModifyResultSpecificInfo,
10393       { "tModifyResultSpecificInfo", "inap.tModifyResultSpecificInfo_element",
10394         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10395         NULL, HFILL }},
10396     { &hf_inap_trunkGroupID,
10397       { "trunkGroupID", "inap.trunkGroupID",
10398         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10399         "INTEGER", HFILL }},
10400     { &hf_inap_privateFacilityID,
10401       { "privateFacilityID", "inap.privateFacilityID",
10402         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10403         "INTEGER", HFILL }},
10404     { &hf_inap_huntGroup,
10405       { "huntGroup", "inap.huntGroup",
10406         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10407         "OCTET_STRING", HFILL }},
10408     { &hf_inap_routeIndex,
10409       { "routeIndex", "inap.routeIndex",
10410         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10411         "OCTET_STRING", HFILL }},
10412     { &hf_inap_sFBillingChargingCharacteristics,
10413       { "sFBillingChargingCharacteristics", "inap.sFBillingChargingCharacteristics",
10414         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10415         NULL, HFILL }},
10416     { &hf_inap_informationToSend,
10417       { "informationToSend", "inap.informationToSend",
10418         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_InformationToSend_vals), 0,
10419         NULL, HFILL }},
10420     { &hf_inap_maximumNumberOfCounters,
10421       { "maximumNumberOfCounters", "inap.maximumNumberOfCounters",
10422         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10423         NULL, HFILL }},
10424     { &hf_inap_filteringCharacteristics_interval,
10425       { "interval", "inap.filteringCharacteristics.interval",
10426         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10427         "INTEGER_M1_32000", HFILL }},
10428     { &hf_inap_numberOfCalls,
10429       { "numberOfCalls", "inap.numberOfCalls",
10430         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10431         "Integer4", HFILL }},
10432     { &hf_inap_dialledNumber,
10433       { "dialledNumber", "inap.dialledNumber",
10434         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10435         "Digits", HFILL }},
10436     { &hf_inap_callingLineID,
10437       { "callingLineID", "inap.callingLineID",
10438         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10439         "Digits", HFILL }},
10440     { &hf_inap_addressAndService,
10441       { "addressAndService", "inap.addressAndService_element",
10442         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10443         NULL, HFILL }},
10444     { &hf_inap_duration,
10445       { "duration", "inap.duration",
10446         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10447         NULL, HFILL }},
10448     { &hf_inap_stopTime,
10449       { "stopTime", "inap.stopTime",
10450         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10451         "DateAndTime", HFILL }},
10452     { &hf_inap_callDiversionTreatmentIndicator,
10453       { "callDiversionTreatmentIndicator", "inap.callDiversionTreatmentIndicator",
10454         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10455         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1", HFILL }},
10456     { &hf_inap_callOfferingTreatmentIndicator,
10457       { "callOfferingTreatmentIndicator", "inap.callOfferingTreatmentIndicator",
10458         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10459         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1", HFILL }},
10460     { &hf_inap_callWaitingTreatmentIndicator,
10461       { "callWaitingTreatmentIndicator", "inap.callWaitingTreatmentIndicator",
10462         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10463         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1", HFILL }},
10464     { &hf_inap_compoundCapCriteria,
10465       { "compoundCapCriteria", "inap.compoundCapCriteria_element",
10466         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10467         "CompoundCriteria", HFILL }},
10468     { &hf_inap_dpCriteria,
10469       { "dpCriteria", "inap.dpCriteria",
10470         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_EventTypeBCSM_vals), 0,
10471         "EventTypeBCSM", HFILL }},
10472     { &hf_inap_gapInterval,
10473       { "gapInterval", "inap.gapInterval",
10474         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10475         "Interval", HFILL }},
10476     { &hf_inap_both,
10477       { "both", "inap.both_element",
10478         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10479         NULL, HFILL }},
10480     { &hf_inap_GenericNumbers_item,
10481       { "GenericNumber", "inap.GenericNumber",
10482         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10483         NULL, HFILL }},
10484     { &hf_inap_actionOnProfile,
10485       { "actionOnProfile", "inap.actionOnProfile",
10486         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ActionOnProfile_vals), 0,
10487         NULL, HFILL }},
10488     { &hf_inap_tDPIdentifier,
10489       { "tDPIdentifier", "inap.tDPIdentifier",
10490         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_TDPIdentifier_vals), 0,
10491         NULL, HFILL }},
10492     { &hf_inap_dPName,
10493       { "dPName", "inap.dPName",
10494         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_EventTypeBCSM_vals), 0,
10495         "EventTypeBCSM", HFILL }},
10496     { &hf_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication_item,
10497       { "Entry", "inap.Entry",
10498         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Entry_vals), 0,
10499         NULL, HFILL }},
10500     { &hf_inap_alternativeCalledPartyIds,
10501       { "alternativeCalledPartyIds", "inap.alternativeCalledPartyIds",
10502         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10503         "AlternativeIdentities", HFILL }},
10504     { &hf_inap_alternativeOriginatingPartyIds,
10505       { "alternativeOriginatingPartyIds", "inap.alternativeOriginatingPartyIds",
10506         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10507         "AlternativeIdentities", HFILL }},
10508     { &hf_inap_alternativeOriginalCalledPartyIds,
10509       { "alternativeOriginalCalledPartyIds", "inap.alternativeOriginalCalledPartyIds",
10510         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10511         "AlternativeIdentities", HFILL }},
10512     { &hf_inap_alternativeRedirectingPartyIds,
10513       { "alternativeRedirectingPartyIds", "inap.alternativeRedirectingPartyIds",
10514         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10515         "AlternativeIdentities", HFILL }},
10516     { &hf_inap_sendingSideID,
10517       { "sendingSideID", "inap.sendingSideID",
10518         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10519         "LegType", HFILL }},
10520     { &hf_inap_receivingSideID,
10521       { "receivingSideID", "inap.receivingSideID",
10522         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10523         "LegType", HFILL }},
10524     { &hf_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item,
10525       { "MidCallControlInfo item", "inap.MidCallControlInfo_item_element",
10526         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10527         NULL, HFILL }},
10528     { &hf_inap_midCallInfoType,
10529       { "midCallInfoType", "inap.midCallInfoType_element",
10530         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10531         NULL, HFILL }},
10532     { &hf_inap_midCallReportType,
10533       { "midCallReportType", "inap.midCallReportType",
10534         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_midCallReportType_vals), 0,
10535         NULL, HFILL }},
10536     { &hf_inap_iNServiceControlCode,
10537       { "iNServiceControlCode", "inap.iNServiceControlCode",
10538         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10539         "Digits", HFILL }},
10540     { &hf_inap_iNServiceControlCodeLow,
10541       { "iNServiceControlCodeLow", "inap.iNServiceControlCodeLow",
10542         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10543         "Digits", HFILL }},
10544     { &hf_inap_iNServiceControlCodeHigh,
10545       { "iNServiceControlCodeHigh", "inap.iNServiceControlCodeHigh",
10546         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10547         "Digits", HFILL }},
10548     { &hf_inap_messageType,
10549       { "messageType", "inap.messageType",
10550         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_messageType_vals), 0,
10551         NULL, HFILL }},
10552     { &hf_inap_dpAssignment,
10553       { "dpAssignment", "inap.dpAssignment",
10554         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_dpAssignment_vals), 0,
10555         NULL, HFILL }},
10556     { &hf_inap_threshold,
10557       { "threshold", "inap.threshold",
10558         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10559         "Integer4", HFILL }},
10560     { &hf_inap_interval,
10561       { "interval", "inap.interval",
10562         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10563         NULL, HFILL }},
10564     { &hf_inap_access,
10565       { "access", "inap.access",
10566         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10567         "CalledPartyNumber", HFILL }},
10568     { &hf_inap_group,
10569       { "group", "inap.group",
10570         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_FacilityGroup_vals), 0,
10571         "FacilityGroup", HFILL }},
10572     { &hf_inap_RequestedInformationList_item,
10573       { "RequestedInformation", "inap.RequestedInformation_element",
10574         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10575         NULL, HFILL }},
10576     { &hf_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList_item,
10577       { "RequestedInformationType", "inap.RequestedInformationType",
10578         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_RequestedInformationType_vals), 0,
10579         NULL, HFILL }},
10580     { &hf_inap_requestedInformationType,
10581       { "requestedInformationType", "inap.requestedInformationType",
10582         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_RequestedInformationType_vals), 0,
10583         NULL, HFILL }},
10584     { &hf_inap_requestedInformationValue,
10585       { "requestedInformationValue", "inap.requestedInformationValue",
10586         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_RequestedInformationValue_vals), 0,
10587         NULL, HFILL }},
10588     { &hf_inap_callAttemptElapsedTimeValue,
10589       { "callAttemptElapsedTimeValue", "inap.callAttemptElapsedTimeValue",
10590         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10591         "INTEGER_0_255", HFILL }},
10592     { &hf_inap_callStopTimeValue,
10593       { "callStopTimeValue", "inap.callStopTimeValue",
10594         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10595         "DateAndTime", HFILL }},
10596     { &hf_inap_callConnectedElapsedTimeValue,
10597       { "callConnectedElapsedTimeValue", "inap.callConnectedElapsedTimeValue",
10598         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10599         "Integer4", HFILL }},
10600     { &hf_inap_releaseCauseValue,
10601       { "releaseCauseValue", "inap.releaseCauseValue",
10602         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10603         "Cause", HFILL }},
10604     { &hf_inap_uSImonitorMode,
10605       { "uSImonitorMode", "inap.uSImonitorMode",
10606         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_USIMonitorMode_vals), 0,
10607         NULL, HFILL }},
10608     { &hf_inap_RequestedUTSIList_item,
10609       { "RequestedUTSI", "inap.RequestedUTSI_element",
10610         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10611         NULL, HFILL }},
10612     { &hf_inap_lineID,
10613       { "lineID", "inap.lineID",
10614         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10615         "Digits", HFILL }},
10616     { &hf_inap_facilityGroupID,
10617       { "facilityGroupID", "inap.facilityGroupID",
10618         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_FacilityGroup_vals), 0,
10619         "FacilityGroup", HFILL }},
10620     { &hf_inap_facilityGroupMemberID,
10621       { "facilityGroupMemberID", "inap.facilityGroupMemberID",
10622         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10623         "INTEGER", HFILL }},
10624     { &hf_inap_RouteCountersValue_item,
10625       { "RouteCountersAndValue", "inap.RouteCountersAndValue_element",
10626         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10627         NULL, HFILL }},
10628     { &hf_inap_route,
10629       { "route", "inap.route",
10630         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10631         NULL, HFILL }},
10632     { &hf_inap_RouteList_item,
10633       { "Route", "inap.Route",
10634         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10635         NULL, HFILL }},
10636     { &hf_inap_miscCallInfo,
10637       { "miscCallInfo", "inap.miscCallInfo_element",
10638         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10639         NULL, HFILL }},
10640     { &hf_inap_triggerType,
10641       { "triggerType", "inap.triggerType",
10642         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_TriggerType_vals), 0,
10643         NULL, HFILL }},
10644     { &hf_inap_forwardServiceInteractionInd,
10645       { "forwardServiceInteractionInd", "inap.forwardServiceInteractionInd_element",
10646         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10647         NULL, HFILL }},
10648     { &hf_inap_backwardServiceInteractionInd,
10649       { "backwardServiceInteractionInd", "inap.backwardServiceInteractionInd_element",
10650         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10651         NULL, HFILL }},
10652     { &hf_inap_bothwayThroughConnectionInd,
10653       { "bothwayThroughConnectionInd", "inap.bothwayThroughConnectionInd",
10654         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_BothwayThroughConnectionInd_vals), 0,
10655         NULL, HFILL }},
10656     { &hf_inap_suspendTimer,
10657       { "suspendTimer", "inap.suspendTimer",
10658         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10659         NULL, HFILL }},
10660     { &hf_inap_connectedNumberTreatmentInd,
10661       { "connectedNumberTreatmentInd", "inap.connectedNumberTreatmentInd",
10662         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd_vals), 0,
10663         NULL, HFILL }},
10664     { &hf_inap_suppressCallDiversionNotification,
10665       { "suppressCallDiversionNotification", "inap.suppressCallDiversionNotification",
10666         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10667         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10668     { &hf_inap_suppressCallTransferNotification,
10669       { "suppressCallTransferNotification", "inap.suppressCallTransferNotification",
10670         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10671         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10672     { &hf_inap_allowCdINNoPresentationInd,
10673       { "allowCdINNoPresentationInd", "inap.allowCdINNoPresentationInd",
10674         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10675         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10676     { &hf_inap_userDialogueDurationInd,
10677       { "userDialogueDurationInd", "inap.userDialogueDurationInd",
10678         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10679         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10680     { &hf_inap_overrideLineRestrictions,
10681       { "overrideLineRestrictions", "inap.overrideLineRestrictions",
10682         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10683         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10684     { &hf_inap_suppressVPNAPP,
10685       { "suppressVPNAPP", "inap.suppressVPNAPP",
10686         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10687         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10688     { &hf_inap_calledINNumberOverriding,
10689       { "calledINNumberOverriding", "inap.calledINNumberOverriding",
10690         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10691         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10692     { &hf_inap_redirectServiceTreatmentInd,
10693       { "redirectServiceTreatmentInd", "inap.redirectServiceTreatmentInd_element",
10694         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10695         NULL, HFILL }},
10696     { &hf_inap_redirectReason,
10697       { "redirectReason", "inap.redirectReason",
10698         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10699         NULL, HFILL }},
10700     { &hf_inap_nonCUGCall,
10701       { "nonCUGCall", "inap.nonCUGCall_element",
10702         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10703         NULL, HFILL }},
10704     { &hf_inap_oneTrigger,
10705       { "oneTrigger", "inap.oneTrigger",
10706         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10707         "INTEGER", HFILL }},
10708     { &hf_inap_triggers,
10709       { "triggers", "inap.triggers",
10710         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10711         NULL, HFILL }},
10712     { &hf_inap_triggerId,
10713       { "triggerId", "inap.triggerId",
10714         FT_UINT64, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10715         NULL, HFILL }},
10716     { &hf_inap_triggerPar,
10717       { "triggerPar", "inap.triggerPar_element",
10718         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10719         NULL, HFILL }},
10720     { &hf_inap_triggerID,
10721       { "triggerID", "inap.triggerID",
10722         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_EventTypeBCSM_vals), 0,
10723         "EventTypeBCSM", HFILL }},
10724     { &hf_inap_profile,
10725       { "profile", "inap.profile",
10726         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ProfileIdentifier_vals), 0,
10727         "ProfileIdentifier", HFILL }},
10728     { &hf_inap_TriggerResults_item,
10729       { "TriggerResult", "inap.TriggerResult_element",
10730         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10731         NULL, HFILL }},
10732     { &hf_inap_tDPIdentifer,
10733       { "tDPIdentifer", "inap.tDPIdentifer",
10734         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10735         "INTEGER", HFILL }},
10736     { &hf_inap_actionPerformed,
10737       { "actionPerformed", "inap.actionPerformed",
10738         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ActionPerformed_vals), 0,
10739         NULL, HFILL }},
10740     { &hf_inap_Triggers_item,
10741       { "Trigger", "inap.Trigger_element",
10742         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10743         NULL, HFILL }},
10744     { &hf_inap_trigger_tDPIdentifier,
10745       { "tDPIdentifier", "inap.trigger.tdpidentifier",
10746         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10747         "INTEGER", HFILL }},
10748     { &hf_inap_dpName,
10749       { "dpName", "inap.dpName",
10750         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_EventTypeBCSM_vals), 0,
10751         "EventTypeBCSM", HFILL }},
10752     { &hf_inap_global,
10753       { "global", "inap.global",
10754         FT_OID, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10755         "OBJECT_IDENTIFIER", HFILL }},
10756     { &hf_inap_local,
10757       { "local", "inap.local",
10758         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10759         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_minUSIServiceIndicatorLength_maxUSIServiceIndicatorLength", HFILL }},
10760     { &hf_inap_filteredCallTreatment,
10761       { "filteredCallTreatment", "inap.filteredCallTreatment_element",
10762         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10763         NULL, HFILL }},
10764     { &hf_inap_filteringCharacteristics,
10765       { "filteringCharacteristics", "inap.filteringCharacteristics",
10766         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_FilteringCharacteristics_vals), 0,
10767         NULL, HFILL }},
10768     { &hf_inap_filteringTimeOut,
10769       { "filteringTimeOut", "inap.filteringTimeOut",
10770         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_FilteringTimeOut_vals), 0,
10771         NULL, HFILL }},
10772     { &hf_inap_filteringCriteria,
10773       { "filteringCriteria", "inap.filteringCriteria",
10774         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_FilteringCriteria_vals), 0,
10775         NULL, HFILL }},
10776     { &hf_inap_startTime,
10777       { "startTime", "inap.startTime",
10778         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10779         "DateAndTime", HFILL }},
10780     { &hf_inap_dpSpecificCommonParameters,
10781       { "dpSpecificCommonParameters", "inap.dpSpecificCommonParameters_element",
10782         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10783         NULL, HFILL }},
10784     { &hf_inap_dialledDigits,
10785       { "dialledDigits", "inap.dialledDigits",
10786         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10787         "CalledPartyNumber", HFILL }},
10788     { &hf_inap_callingPartyBusinessGroupID,
10789       { "callingPartyBusinessGroupID", "inap.callingPartyBusinessGroupID",
10790         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10791         NULL, HFILL }},
10792     { &hf_inap_callingPartySubaddress,
10793       { "callingPartySubaddress", "inap.callingPartySubaddress",
10794         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10795         NULL, HFILL }},
10796     { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroup,
10797       { "callingFacilityGroup", "inap.callingFacilityGroup",
10798         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_FacilityGroup_vals), 0,
10799         "FacilityGroup", HFILL }},
10800     { &hf_inap_callingFacilityGroupMember,
10801       { "callingFacilityGroupMember", "inap.callingFacilityGroupMember",
10802         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10803         "FacilityGroupMember", HFILL }},
10804     { &hf_inap_originalCalledPartyID,
10805       { "originalCalledPartyID", "inap.originalCalledPartyID",
10806         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10807         NULL, HFILL }},
10808     { &hf_inap_prefix,
10809       { "prefix", "inap.prefix",
10810         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10811         "Digits", HFILL }},
10812     { &hf_inap_redirectingPartyID,
10813       { "redirectingPartyID", "inap.redirectingPartyID",
10814         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10815         NULL, HFILL }},
10816     { &hf_inap_redirectionInformation,
10817       { "redirectionInformation", "inap.redirectionInformation",
10818         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10819         NULL, HFILL }},
10820     { &hf_inap_routeList,
10821       { "routeList", "inap.routeList",
10822         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10823         NULL, HFILL }},
10824     { &hf_inap_travellingClassMark,
10825       { "travellingClassMark", "inap.travellingClassMark",
10826         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10827         NULL, HFILL }},
10828     { &hf_inap_featureCode,
10829       { "featureCode", "inap.featureCode",
10830         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10831         NULL, HFILL }},
10832     { &hf_inap_accessCode,
10833       { "accessCode", "inap.accessCode",
10834         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10835         NULL, HFILL }},
10836     { &hf_inap_carrier,
10837       { "carrier", "inap.carrier",
10838         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10839         NULL, HFILL }},
10840     { &hf_inap_componentType,
10841       { "componentType", "inap.componentType",
10842         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ComponentType_vals), 0,
10843         NULL, HFILL }},
10844     { &hf_inap_component,
10845       { "component", "inap.component",
10846         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Component_vals), 0,
10847         NULL, HFILL }},
10848     { &hf_inap_componentCorrelationID,
10849       { "componentCorrelationID", "inap.componentCorrelationID",
10850         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10851         NULL, HFILL }},
10852     { &hf_inap_destinationRoutingAddress,
10853       { "destinationRoutingAddress", "inap.destinationRoutingAddress",
10854         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10855         NULL, HFILL }},
10856     { &hf_inap_alertingPattern,
10857       { "alertingPattern", "inap.alertingPattern",
10858         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10859         NULL, HFILL }},
10860     { &hf_inap_iNServiceCompatibilityResponse,
10861       { "iNServiceCompatibilityResponse", "inap.iNServiceCompatibilityResponse",
10862         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Entry_vals), 0,
10863         NULL, HFILL }},
10864     { &hf_inap_correlationID,
10865       { "correlationID", "inap.correlationID",
10866         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10867         NULL, HFILL }},
10868     { &hf_inap_callSegmentID,
10869       { "callSegmentID", "inap.callSegmentID",
10870         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10871         NULL, HFILL }},
10872     { &hf_inap_legToBeCreated,
10873       { "legToBeCreated", "inap.legToBeCreated",
10874         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_LegID_vals), 0,
10875         "LegID", HFILL }},
10876     { &hf_inap_aChBillingChargingCharacteristics,
10877       { "aChBillingChargingCharacteristics", "inap.aChBillingChargingCharacteristics",
10878         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10879         NULL, HFILL }},
10880     { &hf_inap_partyToCharge,
10881       { "partyToCharge", "inap.partyToCharge",
10882         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_LegID_vals), 0,
10883         "LegID", HFILL }},
10884     { &hf_inap_releaseIndication,
10885       { "releaseIndication", "inap.releaseIndication",
10886         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10887         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10888     { &hf_inap_destinationNumberRoutingAddress,
10889       { "destinationNumberRoutingAddress", "inap.destinationNumberRoutingAddress",
10890         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10891         "CalledPartyNumber", HFILL }},
10892     { &hf_inap_displayInformation,
10893       { "displayInformation", "inap.displayInformation",
10894         FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10895         NULL, HFILL }},
10896     { &hf_inap_destinationIndex,
10897       { "destinationIndex", "inap.destinationIndex",
10898         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10899         NULL, HFILL }},
10900     { &hf_inap_gapIndicators,
10901       { "gapIndicators", "inap.gapIndicators_element",
10902         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10903         NULL, HFILL }},
10904     { &hf_inap_registratorIdentifier,
10905       { "registratorIdentifier", "inap.registratorIdentifier",
10906         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10907         NULL, HFILL }},
10908     { &hf_inap_gapCriteria,
10909       { "gapCriteria", "inap.gapCriteria",
10910         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_GapCriteria_vals), 0,
10911         NULL, HFILL }},
10912     { &hf_inap_controlType,
10913       { "controlType", "inap.controlType",
10914         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ControlType_vals), 0,
10915         NULL, HFILL }},
10916     { &hf_inap_gapTreatment,
10917       { "gapTreatment", "inap.gapTreatment",
10918         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_GapTreatment_vals), 0,
10919         NULL, HFILL }},
10920     { &hf_inap_requestedInformationList,
10921       { "requestedInformationList", "inap.requestedInformationList",
10922         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10923         NULL, HFILL }},
10924     { &hf_inap_lastEventIndicator,
10925       { "lastEventIndicator", "inap.lastEventIndicator",
10926         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10927         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
10928     { &hf_inap_requestedInformationTypeList,
10929       { "requestedInformationTypeList", "inap.requestedInformationTypeList",
10930         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10931         NULL, HFILL }},
10932     { &hf_inap_invokeID,
10933       { "invokeID", "inap.invokeID",
10934         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10935         NULL, HFILL }},
10936     { &hf_inap_allRequests,
10937       { "allRequests", "inap.allRequests_element",
10938         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10939         NULL, HFILL }},
10940     { &hf_inap_callSegmentToCancel,
10941       { "callSegmentToCancel", "inap.callSegmentToCancel_element",
10942         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10943         NULL, HFILL }},
10944     { &hf_inap_allRequestsForCallSegment,
10945       { "allRequestsForCallSegment", "inap.allRequestsForCallSegment",
10946         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10947         "CallSegmentID", HFILL }},
10948     { &hf_inap_resourceID,
10949       { "resourceID", "inap.resourceID",
10950         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ResourceID_vals), 0,
10951         NULL, HFILL }},
10952     { &hf_inap_numberingPlan,
10953       { "numberingPlan", "inap.numberingPlan",
10954         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10955         NULL, HFILL }},
10956     { &hf_inap_cutAndPaste,
10957       { "cutAndPaste", "inap.cutAndPaste",
10958         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10959         NULL, HFILL }},
10960     { &hf_inap_forwardingCondition,
10961       { "forwardingCondition", "inap.forwardingCondition",
10962         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ForwardingCondition_vals), 0,
10963         NULL, HFILL }},
10964     { &hf_inap_forwardCallIndicators,
10965       { "forwardCallIndicators", "inap.forwardCallIndicators",
10966         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10967         NULL, HFILL }},
10968     { &hf_inap_genericNumbers,
10969       { "genericNumbers", "inap.genericNumbers",
10970         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
10971         NULL, HFILL }},
10972     { &hf_inap_sDSSinformation,
10973       { "sDSSinformation", "inap.sDSSinformation",
10974         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10975         NULL, HFILL }},
10976     { &hf_inap_calledDirectoryNumber,
10977       { "calledDirectoryNumber", "inap.calledDirectoryNumber",
10978         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10979         NULL, HFILL }},
10980     { &hf_inap_calledPartySubaddress,
10981       { "calledPartySubaddress", "inap.calledPartySubaddress",
10982         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10983         NULL, HFILL }},
10984     { &hf_inap_connectionIdentifier,
10985       { "connectionIdentifier", "inap.connectionIdentifier",
10986         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10987         NULL, HFILL }},
10988     { &hf_inap_genericIdentifier,
10989       { "genericIdentifier", "inap.genericIdentifier",
10990         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10991         NULL, HFILL }},
10992     { &hf_inap_qOSParameter,
10993       { "qOSParameter", "inap.qOSParameter",
10994         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10995         NULL, HFILL }},
10996     { &hf_inap_bISDNParameters,
10997       { "bISDNParameters", "inap.bISDNParameters_element",
10998         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
10999         NULL, HFILL }},
11000     { &hf_inap_cug_Interlock,
11001       { "cug-Interlock", "inap.cug_Interlock",
11002         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11003         NULL, HFILL }},
11004     { &hf_inap_cug_OutgoingAccess,
11005       { "cug-OutgoingAccess", "inap.cug_OutgoingAccess_element",
11006         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11007         NULL, HFILL }},
11008     { &hf_inap_resourceAddress,
11009       { "resourceAddress", "inap.resourceAddress",
11010         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_resourceAddress_vals), 0,
11011         NULL, HFILL }},
11012     { &hf_inap_ipRoutingAddress,
11013       { "ipRoutingAddress", "inap.ipRoutingAddress",
11014         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11015         NULL, HFILL }},
11016     { &hf_inap_ipAddressAndLegID,
11017       { "ipAddressAndLegID", "inap.ipAddressAndLegID_element",
11018         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11019         NULL, HFILL }},
11020     { &hf_inap_none,
11021       { "none", "inap.none_element",
11022         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11023         NULL, HFILL }},
11024     { &hf_inap_ipAddressAndCallSegment,
11025       { "ipAddressAndCallSegment", "inap.ipAddressAndCallSegment_element",
11026         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11027         NULL, HFILL }},
11028     { &hf_inap_legorCSID,
11029       { "legorCSID", "inap.legorCSID",
11030         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_legorCSID_vals), 0,
11031         NULL, HFILL }},
11032     { &hf_inap_csID,
11033       { "csID", "inap.csID",
11034         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11035         "CallSegmentID", HFILL }},
11036     { &hf_inap_genericName,
11037       { "genericName", "inap.genericName",
11038         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11039         NULL, HFILL }},
11040     { &hf_inap_ipRelationInformation,
11041       { "ipRelationInformation", "inap.ipRelationInformation_element",
11042         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11043         "IPRelatedInformation", HFILL }},
11044     { &hf_inap_newCallSegmentAssociation,
11045       { "newCallSegmentAssociation", "inap.newCallSegmentAssociation",
11046         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11047         "CSAID", HFILL }},
11048     { &hf_inap_createOrRemove,
11049       { "createOrRemove", "inap.createOrRemove",
11050         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_CreateOrRemoveIndicator_vals), 0,
11051         "CreateOrRemoveIndicator", HFILL }},
11052     { &hf_inap_triggerDPType,
11053       { "triggerDPType", "inap.triggerDPType",
11054         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_TriggerDPType_vals), 0,
11055         NULL, HFILL }},
11056     { &hf_inap_triggerData,
11057       { "triggerData", "inap.triggerData_element",
11058         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11059         NULL, HFILL }},
11060     { &hf_inap_defaultFaultHandling,
11061       { "defaultFaultHandling", "inap.defaultFaultHandling_element",
11062         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11063         NULL, HFILL }},
11064     { &hf_inap_triggerStatus,
11065       { "triggerStatus", "inap.triggerStatus",
11066         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_TriggerStatus_vals), 0,
11067         NULL, HFILL }},
11068     { &hf_inap_partyToDisconnect,
11069       { "partyToDisconnect", "inap.partyToDisconnect",
11070         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_partyToDisconnect_vals), 0,
11071         NULL, HFILL }},
11072     { &hf_inap_legToBeReleased,
11073       { "legToBeReleased", "inap.legToBeReleased",
11074         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_LegID_vals), 0,
11075         "LegID", HFILL }},
11076     { &hf_inap_cSFailure,
11077       { "cSFailure", "inap.cSFailure_element",
11078         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11079         NULL, HFILL }},
11080     { &hf_inap_reason,
11081       { "reason", "inap.reason",
11082         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11083         NULL, HFILL }},
11084     { &hf_inap_bCSMFailure,
11085       { "bCSMFailure", "inap.bCSMFailure_element",
11086         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11087         NULL, HFILL }},
11088     { &hf_inap_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress,
11089       { "assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress", "inap.assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress",
11090         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11091         NULL, HFILL }},
11092     { &hf_inap_partyToConnect,
11093       { "partyToConnect", "inap.partyToConnect",
11094         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_partyToConnect_vals), 0,
11095         NULL, HFILL }},
11096     { &hf_inap_eventSpecificInformationCharging,
11097       { "eventSpecificInformationCharging", "inap.eventSpecificInformationCharging",
11098         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11099         NULL, HFILL }},
11100     { &hf_inap_bcsmEventCorrelationID,
11101       { "bcsmEventCorrelationID", "inap.bcsmEventCorrelationID",
11102         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11103         "CorrelationID", HFILL }},
11104     { &hf_inap_eventSpecificInformationBCSM,
11105       { "eventSpecificInformationBCSM", "inap.eventSpecificInformationBCSM",
11106         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_EventSpecificInformationBCSM_vals), 0,
11107         NULL, HFILL }},
11108     { &hf_inap_calledPartyBusinessGroupID,
11109       { "calledPartyBusinessGroupID", "inap.calledPartyBusinessGroupID",
11110         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11111         NULL, HFILL }},
11112     { &hf_inap_holdcause,
11113       { "holdcause", "inap.holdcause",
11114         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11115         NULL, HFILL }},
11116     { &hf_inap_empty,
11117       { "empty", "inap.empty_element",
11118         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11119         NULL, HFILL }},
11120     { &hf_inap_highLayerCompatibility,
11121       { "highLayerCompatibility", "inap.highLayerCompatibility",
11122         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11123         NULL, HFILL }},
11124     { &hf_inap_additionalCallingPartyNumber,
11125       { "additionalCallingPartyNumber", "inap.additionalCallingPartyNumber",
11126         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11127         NULL, HFILL }},
11128     { &hf_inap_cCSS,
11129       { "cCSS", "inap.cCSS",
11130         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11131         NULL, HFILL }},
11132     { &hf_inap_vPNIndicator,
11133       { "vPNIndicator", "inap.vPNIndicator",
11134         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11135         NULL, HFILL }},
11136     { &hf_inap_cNInfo,
11137       { "cNInfo", "inap.cNInfo",
11138         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11139         NULL, HFILL }},
11140     { &hf_inap_callReference,
11141       { "callReference", "inap.callReference",
11142         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11143         NULL, HFILL }},
11144     { &hf_inap_routeingNumber,
11145       { "routeingNumber", "inap.routeingNumber",
11146         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11147         NULL, HFILL }},
11148     { &hf_inap_callingGeodeticLocation,
11149       { "callingGeodeticLocation", "inap.callingGeodeticLocation",
11150         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11151         NULL, HFILL }},
11152     { &hf_inap_globalCallReference,
11153       { "globalCallReference", "inap.globalCallReference",
11154         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11155         NULL, HFILL }},
11156     { &hf_inap_cug_Index,
11157       { "cug-Index", "inap.cug_Index",
11158         FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11159         NULL, HFILL }},
11160     { &hf_inap_newCallSegment,
11161       { "newCallSegment", "inap.newCallSegment",
11162         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11163         "CallSegmentID", HFILL }},
11164     { &hf_inap_incomingSignallingBufferCopy,
11165       { "incomingSignallingBufferCopy", "inap.incomingSignallingBufferCopy",
11166         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11167         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11168     { &hf_inap_actionIndicator,
11169       { "actionIndicator", "inap.actionIndicator",
11170         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ActionIndicator_vals), 0,
11171         NULL, HFILL }},
11172     { &hf_inap_triggerDataIdentifier,
11173       { "triggerDataIdentifier", "inap.triggerDataIdentifier",
11174         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_triggerDataIdentifier_vals), 0,
11175         NULL, HFILL }},
11176     { &hf_inap_profileAndDP,
11177       { "profileAndDP", "inap.profileAndDP_element",
11178         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11179         "TriggerDataIdentifier", HFILL }},
11180     { &hf_inap_oneTriggerResult,
11181       { "oneTriggerResult", "inap.oneTriggerResult_element",
11182         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11183         NULL, HFILL }},
11184     { &hf_inap_severalTriggerResult,
11185       { "severalTriggerResult", "inap.severalTriggerResult_element",
11186         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11187         NULL, HFILL }},
11188     { &hf_inap_results,
11189       { "results", "inap.results",
11190         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11191         "TriggerResults", HFILL }},
11192     { &hf_inap_sourceCallSegment,
11193       { "sourceCallSegment", "inap.sourceCallSegment",
11194         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11195         "CallSegmentID", HFILL }},
11196     { &hf_inap_targetCallSegment,
11197       { "targetCallSegment", "inap.targetCallSegment",
11198         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11199         "CallSegmentID", HFILL }},
11200     { &hf_inap_mergeSignallingPaths,
11201       { "mergeSignallingPaths", "inap.mergeSignallingPaths_element",
11202         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11203         NULL, HFILL }},
11204     { &hf_inap_routeCounters,
11205       { "routeCounters", "inap.routeCounters",
11206         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11207         "RouteCountersValue", HFILL }},
11208     { &hf_inap_monitoringCriteria,
11209       { "monitoringCriteria", "inap.monitoringCriteria",
11210         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_MonitoringCriteria_vals), 0,
11211         NULL, HFILL }},
11212     { &hf_inap_monitoringTimeout,
11213       { "monitoringTimeout", "inap.monitoringTimeout",
11214         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_MonitoringTimeOut_vals), 0,
11215         NULL, HFILL }},
11216     { &hf_inap_targetCallSegmentAssociation,
11217       { "targetCallSegmentAssociation", "inap.targetCallSegmentAssociation",
11218         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11219         "CSAID", HFILL }},
11220     { &hf_inap_callSegments,
11221       { "callSegments", "inap.callSegments",
11222         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11223         NULL, HFILL }},
11224     { &hf_inap_callSegments_item,
11225       { "callSegments item", "inap.callSegments_item_element",
11226         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11227         NULL, HFILL }},
11228     { &hf_inap_legs,
11229       { "legs", "inap.legs",
11230         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11231         NULL, HFILL }},
11232     { &hf_inap_legs_item,
11233       { "legs item", "inap.legs_item_element",
11234         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11235         NULL, HFILL }},
11236     { &hf_inap_sourceLeg,
11237       { "sourceLeg", "inap.sourceLeg",
11238         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_LegID_vals), 0,
11239         "LegID", HFILL }},
11240     { &hf_inap_newLeg,
11241       { "newLeg", "inap.newLeg",
11242         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_LegID_vals), 0,
11243         "LegID", HFILL }},
11244     { &hf_inap_legIDToMove,
11245       { "legIDToMove", "inap.legIDToMove",
11246         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_LegID_vals), 0,
11247         "LegID", HFILL }},
11248     { &hf_inap_detachSignallingPath,
11249       { "detachSignallingPath", "inap.detachSignallingPath_element",
11250         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11251         NULL, HFILL }},
11252     { &hf_inap_exportSignallingPath,
11253       { "exportSignallingPath", "inap.exportSignallingPath_element",
11254         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11255         NULL, HFILL }},
11256     { &hf_inap_featureRequestIndicator,
11257       { "featureRequestIndicator", "inap.featureRequestIndicator",
11258         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_FeatureRequestIndicator_vals), 0,
11259         NULL, HFILL }},
11260     { &hf_inap_componenttCorrelationID,
11261       { "componenttCorrelationID", "inap.componenttCorrelationID",
11262         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11263         "ComponentCorrelationID", HFILL }},
11264     { &hf_inap_notificationDuration,
11265       { "notificationDuration", "inap.notificationDuration",
11266         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11267         "ApplicationTimer", HFILL }},
11268     { &hf_inap_initialCallSegment,
11269       { "initialCallSegment", "inap.initialCallSegment",
11270         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11271         "Cause", HFILL }},
11272     { &hf_inap_callSegmentToRelease,
11273       { "callSegmentToRelease", "inap.callSegmentToRelease_element",
11274         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11275         NULL, HFILL }},
11276     { &hf_inap_callSegment,
11277       { "callSegment", "inap.callSegment",
11278         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11279         "INTEGER_1_numOfCSs", HFILL }},
11280     { &hf_inap_forcedRelease,
11281       { "forcedRelease", "inap.forcedRelease",
11282         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11283         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11284     { &hf_inap_allCallSegments,
11285       { "allCallSegments", "inap.allCallSegments_element",
11286         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11287         NULL, HFILL }},
11288     { &hf_inap_timeToRelease,
11289       { "timeToRelease", "inap.timeToRelease",
11290         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11291         "TimerValue", HFILL }},
11292     { &hf_inap_resourceStatus,
11293       { "resourceStatus", "inap.resourceStatus",
11294         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ResourceStatus_vals), 0,
11295         NULL, HFILL }},
11296     { &hf_inap_monitorDuration,
11297       { "monitorDuration", "inap.monitorDuration",
11298         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11299         "Duration", HFILL }},
11300     { &hf_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg_item,
11301       { "ChargingEvent", "inap.ChargingEvent_element",
11302         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11303         NULL, HFILL }},
11304     { &hf_inap_bcsmEvents,
11305       { "bcsmEvents", "inap.bcsmEvents",
11306         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11307         "SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent", HFILL }},
11308     { &hf_inap_bcsmEvents_item,
11309       { "BCSMEvent", "inap.BCSMEvent_element",
11310         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11311         NULL, HFILL }},
11312     { &hf_inap_componentTypes,
11313       { "componentTypes", "inap.componentTypes",
11314         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11315         "SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType", HFILL }},
11316     { &hf_inap_componentTypes_item,
11317       { "ComponentType", "inap.ComponentType",
11318         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ComponentType_vals), 0,
11319         NULL, HFILL }},
11320     { &hf_inap_requestedUTSIList,
11321       { "requestedUTSIList", "inap.requestedUTSIList",
11322         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11323         NULL, HFILL }},
11324     { &hf_inap_timerID,
11325       { "timerID", "inap.timerID",
11326         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_TimerID_vals), 0,
11327         NULL, HFILL }},
11328     { &hf_inap_timervalue,
11329       { "timervalue", "inap.timervalue",
11330         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11331         NULL, HFILL }},
11332     { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroup,
11333       { "calledFacilityGroup", "inap.calledFacilityGroup",
11334         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_FacilityGroup_vals), 0,
11335         "FacilityGroup", HFILL }},
11336     { &hf_inap_calledFacilityGroupMember,
11337       { "calledFacilityGroupMember", "inap.calledFacilityGroupMember",
11338         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11339         "FacilityGroupMember", HFILL }},
11340     { &hf_inap_sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics,
11341       { "sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics", "inap.sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics",
11342         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11343         NULL, HFILL }},
11344     { &hf_inap_nocharge,
11345       { "nocharge", "inap.nocharge",
11346         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11347         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11348     { &hf_inap_callProcessingOperation,
11349       { "callProcessingOperation", "inap.callProcessingOperation",
11350         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_CallProcessingOperation_vals), 0,
11351         NULL, HFILL }},
11352     { &hf_inap_countersValue,
11353       { "countersValue", "inap.countersValue",
11354         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11355         NULL, HFILL }},
11356     { &hf_inap_responseCondition,
11357       { "responseCondition", "inap.responseCondition",
11358         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ResponseCondition_vals), 0,
11359         NULL, HFILL }},
11360     { &hf_inap_iNprofiles,
11361       { "iNprofiles", "inap.iNprofiles",
11362         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11363         "SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile", HFILL }},
11364     { &hf_inap_iNprofiles_item,
11365       { "INprofile", "inap.INprofile_element",
11366         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11367         NULL, HFILL }},
11368     { &hf_inap_legToBeSplit,
11369       { "legToBeSplit", "inap.legToBeSplit",
11370         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_LegID_vals), 0,
11371         "LegID", HFILL }},
11372     { &hf_inap_newCallSegment_01,
11373       { "newCallSegment", "inap.newCallSegment",
11374         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11375         "INTEGER_2_numOfCSs", HFILL }},
11376     { &hf_inap_reportCondition,
11377       { "reportCondition", "inap.reportCondition",
11378         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ReportCondition_vals), 0,
11379         NULL, HFILL }},
11380     { &hf_inap_minimumNbOfDigits,
11381       { "minimumNbOfDigits", "inap.minimumNbOfDigits",
11382         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11383         "INTEGER_1_127", HFILL }},
11384     { &hf_inap_maximumNbOfDigits,
11385       { "maximumNbOfDigits", "inap.maximumNbOfDigits",
11386         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11387         "INTEGER_1_127", HFILL }},
11388     { &hf_inap_endOfReplyDigit,
11389       { "endOfReplyDigit", "inap.endOfReplyDigit",
11390         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11391         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2", HFILL }},
11392     { &hf_inap_cancelDigit,
11393       { "cancelDigit", "inap.cancelDigit",
11394         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11395         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2", HFILL }},
11396     { &hf_inap_startDigit,
11397       { "startDigit", "inap.startDigit",
11398         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11399         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2", HFILL }},
11400     { &hf_inap_firstDigitTimeOut,
11401       { "firstDigitTimeOut", "inap.firstDigitTimeOut",
11402         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11403         "INTEGER_1_127", HFILL }},
11404     { &hf_inap_interDigitTimeOut,
11405       { "interDigitTimeOut", "inap.interDigitTimeOut",
11406         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11407         "INTEGER_1_127", HFILL }},
11408     { &hf_inap_errorTreatment,
11409       { "errorTreatment", "inap.errorTreatment",
11410         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ErrorTreatment_vals), 0,
11411         NULL, HFILL }},
11412     { &hf_inap_interruptableAnnInd,
11413       { "interruptableAnnInd", "inap.interruptableAnnInd",
11414         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11415         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11416     { &hf_inap_voiceInformation,
11417       { "voiceInformation", "inap.voiceInformation",
11418         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11419         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11420     { &hf_inap_voiceBack,
11421       { "voiceBack", "inap.voiceBack",
11422         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11423         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11424     { &hf_inap_detectModem,
11425       { "detectModem", "inap.detectModem",
11426         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11427         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11428     { &hf_inap_collectedDigits,
11429       { "collectedDigits", "inap.collectedDigits_element",
11430         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11431         NULL, HFILL }},
11432     { &hf_inap_iA5Information,
11433       { "iA5Information", "inap.iA5Information",
11434         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11435         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11436     { &hf_inap_messageID,
11437       { "messageID", "inap.messageID",
11438         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_MessageID_vals), 0,
11439         NULL, HFILL }},
11440     { &hf_inap_numberOfRepetitions,
11441       { "numberOfRepetitions", "inap.numberOfRepetitions",
11442         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11443         "INTEGER_1_127", HFILL }},
11444     { &hf_inap_inbandInfo_duration,
11445       { "duration", "inap.inbandInfo.duration",
11446         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11447         "INTEGER_0_32767", HFILL }},
11448     { &hf_inap_inbandInfo_interval,
11449       { "interval", "inap.inbandInfo.interval",
11450         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11451         "INTEGER_0_32767", HFILL }},
11452     { &hf_inap_preferredLanguage,
11453       { "preferredLanguage", "inap.preferredLanguage",
11454         FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11455         "Language", HFILL }},
11456     { &hf_inap_messageID_01,
11457       { "messageID", "inap.messageID",
11458         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11459         "ElementaryMessageID", HFILL }},
11460     { &hf_inap_messageDeletionTimeOut,
11461       { "messageDeletionTimeOut", "inap.messageDeletionTimeOut",
11462         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11463         "INTEGER_1_3600", HFILL }},
11464     { &hf_inap_timeToRecord,
11465       { "timeToRecord", "inap.timeToRecord",
11466         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11467         "INTEGER_0_b3__maxRecordingTime", HFILL }},
11468     { &hf_inap_controlDigits,
11469       { "controlDigits", "inap.controlDigits_element",
11470         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11471         NULL, HFILL }},
11472     { &hf_inap_endOfRecordingDigit,
11473       { "endOfRecordingDigit", "inap.endOfRecordingDigit",
11474         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11475         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2", HFILL }},
11476     { &hf_inap_replayDigit,
11477       { "replayDigit", "inap.replayDigit",
11478         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11479         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2", HFILL }},
11480     { &hf_inap_restartRecordingDigit,
11481       { "restartRecordingDigit", "inap.restartRecordingDigit",
11482         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11483         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2", HFILL }},
11484     { &hf_inap_restartAllowed,
11485       { "restartAllowed", "inap.restartAllowed",
11486         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11487         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11488     { &hf_inap_replayAllowed,
11489       { "replayAllowed", "inap.replayAllowed",
11490         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11491         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11492     { &hf_inap_inbandInfo,
11493       { "inbandInfo", "inap.inbandInfo_element",
11494         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11495         NULL, HFILL }},
11496     { &hf_inap_tone,
11497       { "tone", "inap.tone_element",
11498         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11499         NULL, HFILL }},
11500     { &hf_inap_elementaryMessageID,
11501       { "elementaryMessageID", "inap.elementaryMessageID",
11502         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11503         "Integer4", HFILL }},
11504     { &hf_inap_text,
11505       { "text", "inap.text_element",
11506         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11507         NULL, HFILL }},
11508     { &hf_inap_messageContent,
11509       { "messageContent", "inap.messageContent",
11510         FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11511         "IA5String_SIZE_b3__minMessageContentLength_b3__maxMessageContentLength", HFILL }},
11512     { &hf_inap_attributes,
11513       { "attributes", "inap.attributes",
11514         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11515         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_b3__minAttributesLength_b3__maxAttributesLength", HFILL }},
11516     { &hf_inap_elementaryMessageIDs,
11517       { "elementaryMessageIDs", "inap.elementaryMessageIDs",
11518         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11519         "SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4", HFILL }},
11520     { &hf_inap_elementaryMessageIDs_item,
11521       { "Integer4", "inap.Integer4",
11522         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11523         NULL, HFILL }},
11524     { &hf_inap_variableMessage,
11525       { "variableMessage", "inap.variableMessage_element",
11526         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11527         NULL, HFILL }},
11528     { &hf_inap_variableParts,
11529       { "variableParts", "inap.variableParts",
11530         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11531         "SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart", HFILL }},
11532     { &hf_inap_variableParts_item,
11533       { "VariablePart", "inap.VariablePart",
11534         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_VariablePart_vals), 0,
11535         NULL, HFILL }},
11536     { &hf_inap_iPAddressValue,
11537       { "iPAddressValue", "inap.iPAddressValue",
11538         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11539         "Digits", HFILL }},
11540     { &hf_inap_gapOnResource,
11541       { "gapOnResource", "inap.gapOnResource",
11542         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Code_vals), 0,
11543         NULL, HFILL }},
11544     { &hf_inap_iPAddressAndresource,
11545       { "iPAddressAndresource", "inap.iPAddressAndresource_element",
11546         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11547         NULL, HFILL }},
11548     { &hf_inap_toneID,
11549       { "toneID", "inap.toneID",
11550         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11551         "Integer4", HFILL }},
11552     { &hf_inap_tone_duration,
11553       { "duration", "inap.tone.duration",
11554         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11555         "Integer4", HFILL }},
11556     { &hf_inap_integer,
11557       { "integer", "inap.integer",
11558         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11559         "Integer4", HFILL }},
11560     { &hf_inap_number,
11561       { "number", "inap.number",
11562         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11563         "Digits", HFILL }},
11564     { &hf_inap_time,
11565       { "time", "inap.time",
11566         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11567         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_2", HFILL }},
11568     { &hf_inap_date,
11569       { "date", "inap.date",
11570         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11571         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_3", HFILL }},
11572     { &hf_inap_price,
11573       { "price", "inap.price",
11574         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11575         "OCTET_STRING_SIZE_4", HFILL }},
11576     { &hf_inap_disconnectFromIPForbidden,
11577       { "disconnectFromIPForbidden", "inap.disconnectFromIPForbidden",
11578         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11579         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11580     { &hf_inap_requestAnnouncementComplete,
11581       { "requestAnnouncementComplete", "inap.requestAnnouncementComplete",
11582         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11583         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11584     { &hf_inap_connectedParty,
11585       { "connectedParty", "inap.connectedParty",
11586         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_connectedParty_vals), 0,
11587         NULL, HFILL }},
11588     { &hf_inap_collectedInfo,
11589       { "collectedInfo", "inap.collectedInfo",
11590         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_CollectedInfo_vals), 0,
11591         NULL, HFILL }},
11592     { &hf_inap_digitsResponse,
11593       { "digitsResponse", "inap.digitsResponse",
11594         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11595         "Digits", HFILL }},
11596     { &hf_inap_iA5Response,
11597       { "iA5Response", "inap.iA5Response",
11598         FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11599         "IA5String", HFILL }},
11600     { &hf_inap_modemdetected,
11601       { "modemdetected", "inap.modemdetected",
11602         FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11603         "BOOLEAN", HFILL }},
11604     { &hf_inap_subscriberID,
11605       { "subscriberID", "inap.subscriberID",
11606         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11607         "GenericNumber", HFILL }},
11608     { &hf_inap_mailBoxID,
11609       { "mailBoxID", "inap.mailBoxID",
11610         FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11611         NULL, HFILL }},
11612     { &hf_inap_informationToRecord,
11613       { "informationToRecord", "inap.informationToRecord_element",
11614         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11615         NULL, HFILL }},
11616     { &hf_inap_media,
11617       { "media", "inap.media",
11618         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Media_vals), 0,
11619         NULL, HFILL }},
11620     { &hf_inap_receivedStatus,
11621       { "receivedStatus", "inap.receivedStatus",
11622         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ReceivedStatus_vals), 0,
11623         NULL, HFILL }},
11624     { &hf_inap_recordedMessageID,
11625       { "recordedMessageID", "inap.recordedMessageID",
11626         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11627         NULL, HFILL }},
11628     { &hf_inap_recordedMessageUnits,
11629       { "recordedMessageUnits", "inap.recordedMessageUnits",
11630         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11631         "INTEGER_1_b3__maxRecordedMessageUnits", HFILL }},
11632     { &hf_inap_uIScriptId,
11633       { "uIScriptId", "inap.uIScriptId",
11634         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Code_vals), 0,
11635         "Code", HFILL }},
11636     { &hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo,
11637       { "uIScriptSpecificInfo", "inap.uIScriptSpecificInfo_element",
11638         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11639         NULL, HFILL }},
11640     { &hf_inap_uIScriptResult,
11641       { "uIScriptResult", "inap.uIScriptResult_element",
11642         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11643         NULL, HFILL }},
11644     { &hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo_01,
11645       { "uIScriptSpecificInfo", "inap.uIScriptSpecificInfo_element",
11646         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11647         "T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_01", HFILL }},
11648     { &hf_inap_uIScriptSpecificInfo_02,
11649       { "uIScriptSpecificInfo", "inap.uIScriptSpecificInfo_element",
11650         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11651         "T_uIScriptSpecificInfo_02", HFILL }},
11652     { &hf_inap_sRFgapCriteria,
11653       { "sRFgapCriteria", "inap.sRFgapCriteria",
11654         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_SRFGapCriteria_vals), 0,
11655         NULL, HFILL }},
11656     { &hf_inap_problem,
11657       { "problem", "inap.problem",
11658         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_problem_vals), 0,
11659         NULL, HFILL }},
11660     { &hf_inap_operation,
11661       { "operation", "inap.operation",
11662         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11663         "InvokeID", HFILL }},
11664     { &hf_inap_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason,
11665       { "reason", "inap.scfTaskRefusedParameter.reason",
11666         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason_vals), 0,
11667         "T_scfTaskRefusedParameter_reason", HFILL }},
11668     { &hf_inap_securityParameters,
11669       { "securityParameters", "inap.securityParameters_element",
11670         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11671         NULL, HFILL }},
11672     { &hf_inap_tryhere,
11673       { "tryhere", "inap.tryhere_element",
11674         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11675         "AccessPointInformation", HFILL }},
11676     { &hf_inap_code_local,
11677       { "local", "inap.code.local",
11678         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11679         "T_code_local", HFILL }},
11680     { &hf_inap_global_01,
11681       { "global", "inap.global",
11682         FT_OID, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11683         NULL, HFILL }},
11684     { &hf_inap_invoke,
11685       { "invoke", "inap.invoke_element",
11686         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11687         NULL, HFILL }},
11688     { &hf_inap_returnResult,
11689       { "returnResult", "inap.returnResult_element",
11690         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11691         NULL, HFILL }},
11692     { &hf_inap_returnError,
11693       { "returnError", "inap.returnError_element",
11694         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11695         NULL, HFILL }},
11696     { &hf_inap_reject,
11697       { "reject", "inap.reject_element",
11698         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11699         NULL, HFILL }},
11700     { &hf_inap_invokeId,
11701       { "invokeId", "inap.invokeId",
11702         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_InvokeId_vals), 0,
11703         NULL, HFILL }},
11704     { &hf_inap_linkedId,
11705       { "linkedId", "inap.linkedId",
11706         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_linkedId_vals), 0,
11707         NULL, HFILL }},
11708     { &hf_inap_inkedIdPresent,
11709       { "present", "inap.present",
11710         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11711         "T_inkedIdPresent", HFILL }},
11712     { &hf_inap_absent,
11713       { "absent", "inap.absent_element",
11714         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11715         NULL, HFILL }},
11716     { &hf_inap_opcode,
11717       { "opcode", "inap.opcode",
11718         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Code_vals), 0,
11719         "Code", HFILL }},
11720     { &hf_inap_argument,
11721       { "argument", "inap.argument_element",
11722         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11723         NULL, HFILL }},
11724     { &hf_inap_result,
11725       { "result", "inap.result_element",
11726         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11727         NULL, HFILL }},
11728     { &hf_inap_resultArgument,
11729       { "result", "inap.result_element",
11730         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11731         "ResultArgument", HFILL }},
11732     { &hf_inap_errcode,
11733       { "errcode", "inap.errcode",
11734         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_Code_vals), 0,
11735         "Code", HFILL }},
11736     { &hf_inap_parameter,
11737       { "parameter", "inap.parameter_element",
11738         FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
11739         NULL, HFILL }},
11740     { &hf_inap_problem_01,
11741       { "problem", "inap.problem",
11742         FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_T_problem_01_vals), 0,
11743         "T_problem_01", HFILL }},
11744     { &hf_inap_general,
11745       { "general", "inap.general",
11746         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_GeneralProblem_vals), 0,
11747         "GeneralProblem", HFILL }},
11748     { &hf_inap_invokeProblem,
11749       { "invoke", "inap.invoke",
11750         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_InvokeProblem_vals), 0,
11751         "InvokeProblem", HFILL }},
11752     { &hf_inap_problemReturnResult,
11753       { "returnResult", "inap.returnResult",
11754         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ReturnResultProblem_vals), 0,
11755         "ReturnResultProblem", HFILL }},
11756     { &hf_inap_returnErrorProblem,
11757       { "returnError", "inap.returnError",
11758         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(inap_ReturnErrorProblem_vals), 0,
11759         "ReturnErrorProblem", HFILL }},
11760     { &hf_inap_present,
11761       { "present", "inap.present",
11762         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11763         "INTEGER", HFILL }},
11764     { &hf_inap_InvokeId_present,
11765       { "InvokeId.present", "inap.InvokeId_present",
11766         FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0,
11767         "InvokeId_present", HFILL }},
11769 /*--- End of included file: packet-inap-hfarr.c ---*/
11770 #line 214 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
11771   };
11778   /* List of subtrees */
11779   static gint *ett[] = {
11780     &ett_inap,
11781     &ett_inapisup_parameter,
11782     &ett_inap_RedirectionInformation,
11783     &ett_inap_HighLayerCompatibility,
11784     &ett_inap_extension_data,
11785     &ett_inap_cause,
11786     &ett_inap_calledAddressValue,
11787     &ett_inap_callingAddressValue,
11788     &ett_inap_additionalCallingPartyNumber,
11789     &ett_inap_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress,
11790     &ett_inap_correlationID,
11791     &ett_inap_number,
11792     &ett_inap_dialledNumber,
11793     &ett_inap_callingLineID,
11794     &ett_inap_iNServiceControlCode,
11795     &ett_inap_iNServiceControlCodeLow,
11796     &ett_inap_iNServiceControlCodeHigh,
11797     &ett_inap_lineID,
11798     &ett_inap_prefix,
11799     &ett_inap_iPAddressValue,
11800     &ett_inap_digitsResponse,
11802 /*--- Included file: packet-inap-ettarr.c ---*/
11803 #line 1 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-ettarr.c"
11804     &ett_inap_Extensions,
11805     &ett_inap_ExtensionField,
11806     &ett_inap_AlternativeIdentities,
11807     &ett_inap_AlternativeIdentity,
11808     &ett_inap_BackwardServiceInteractionInd,
11809     &ett_inap_BasicGapCriteria,
11810     &ett_inap_T_calledAddressAndService,
11811     &ett_inap_T_callingAddressAndService,
11812     &ett_inap_BCSMEvent,
11813     &ett_inap_BearerCapability,
11814     &ett_inap_BISDNParameters,
11815     &ett_inap_ChargingEvent,
11816     &ett_inap_Component,
11817     &ett_inap_CompoundCriteria,
11818     &ett_inap_CounterAndValue,
11819     &ett_inap_CountersValue,
11820     &ett_inap_DefaultFaultHandling,
11821     &ett_inap_DestinationRoutingAddress,
11822     &ett_inap_DpSpecificCommonParameters,
11823     &ett_inap_DpSpecificCriteria,
11824     &ett_inap_T_numberOfDigitsTwo,
11825     &ett_inap_Entry,
11826     &ett_inap_EventSpecificInformationBCSM,
11827     &ett_inap_T_collectedInfoSpecificInfo,
11828     &ett_inap_T_analysedInfoSpecificInfo,
11829     &ett_inap_T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo,
11830     &ett_inap_T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo,
11831     &ett_inap_T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo,
11832     &ett_inap_T_oAnswerSpecificInfo,
11833     &ett_inap_T_oMidCallSpecificInfo,
11834     &ett_inap_T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo,
11835     &ett_inap_T_tBusySpecificInfo,
11836     &ett_inap_T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo,
11837     &ett_inap_T_tAnswerSpecificInfo,
11838     &ett_inap_T_tMidCallSpecificInfo,
11839     &ett_inap_T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo,
11840     &ett_inap_T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo,
11841     &ett_inap_T_oSuspend,
11842     &ett_inap_T_tSuspend,
11843     &ett_inap_T_origAttemptAuthorized,
11844     &ett_inap_T_oReAnswer,
11845     &ett_inap_T_tReAnswer,
11846     &ett_inap_T_facilitySelectedAndAvailable,
11847     &ett_inap_T_callAccepted,
11848     &ett_inap_T_oAbandon,
11849     &ett_inap_T_tAbandon,
11850     &ett_inap_T_authorizeRouteFailure,
11851     &ett_inap_T_terminationAttemptAuthorized,
11852     &ett_inap_T_originationAttemptDenied,
11853     &ett_inap_T_terminationAttemptDenied,
11854     &ett_inap_T_oModifyRequestSpecificInfo,
11855     &ett_inap_T_oModifyResultSpecificInfo,
11856     &ett_inap_T_tModifyRequestSpecificInfo,
11857     &ett_inap_T_tModifyResultSpecificInfo,
11858     &ett_inap_FacilityGroup,
11859     &ett_inap_FilteredCallTreatment,
11860     &ett_inap_FilteringCharacteristics,
11861     &ett_inap_FilteringCriteria,
11862     &ett_inap_T_addressAndService,
11863     &ett_inap_FilteringTimeOut,
11864     &ett_inap_ForwardServiceInteractionInd,
11865     &ett_inap_GapCriteria,
11866     &ett_inap_GapOnService,
11867     &ett_inap_GapIndicators,
11868     &ett_inap_GapTreatment,
11869     &ett_inap_T_both,
11870     &ett_inap_GenericNumbers,
11871     &ett_inap_INprofile,
11872     &ett_inap_INServiceCompatibilityIndication,
11873     &ett_inap_IPRelatedInformation,
11874     &ett_inap_LegID,
11875     &ett_inap_MidCallControlInfo,
11876     &ett_inap_MidCallControlInfo_item,
11877     &ett_inap_MidCallInfo,
11878     &ett_inap_MidCallInfoType,
11879     &ett_inap_MiscCallInfo,
11880     &ett_inap_MonitoringCriteria,
11881     &ett_inap_MonitoringTimeOut,
11882     &ett_inap_ProfileIdentifier,
11883     &ett_inap_RequestedInformationList,
11884     &ett_inap_RequestedInformationTypeList,
11885     &ett_inap_RequestedInformation,
11886     &ett_inap_RequestedInformationValue,
11887     &ett_inap_RequestedUTSI,
11888     &ett_inap_RequestedUTSIList,
11889     &ett_inap_ResourceID,
11890     &ett_inap_RouteCountersValue,
11891     &ett_inap_RouteCountersAndValue,
11892     &ett_inap_RouteList,
11893     &ett_inap_ServiceAddressInformation,
11894     &ett_inap_ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo,
11895     &ett_inap_T_redirectServiceTreatmentInd,
11896     &ett_inap_TDPIdentifier,
11897     &ett_inap_TriggerData,
11898     &ett_inap_TriggerDataIdentifier,
11899     &ett_inap_TriggerResults,
11900     &ett_inap_TriggerResult,
11901     &ett_inap_Triggers,
11902     &ett_inap_Trigger,
11903     &ett_inap_USIServiceIndicator,
11904     &ett_inap_ActivateServiceFilteringArg,
11905     &ett_inap_AnalysedInformationArg,
11906     &ett_inap_AnalyseInformationArg,
11907     &ett_inap_ApplyChargingArg,
11908     &ett_inap_AssistRequestInstructionsArg,
11909     &ett_inap_AuthorizeTerminationArg,
11910     &ett_inap_CallFilteringArg,
11911     &ett_inap_CallGapArg,
11912     &ett_inap_CallInformationReportArg,
11913     &ett_inap_CallInformationRequestArg,
11914     &ett_inap_CancelArg,
11915     &ett_inap_T_callSegmentToCancel,
11916     &ett_inap_CancelStatusReportRequestArg,
11917     &ett_inap_CollectedInformationArg,
11918     &ett_inap_CollectInformationArg,
11919     &ett_inap_ConnectArg,
11920     &ett_inap_ConnectToResourceArg,
11921     &ett_inap_T_resourceAddress,
11922     &ett_inap_T_ipAddressAndLegID,
11923     &ett_inap_T_ipAddressAndCallSegment,
11924     &ett_inap_ContinueWithArgumentArg,
11925     &ett_inap_T_legorCSID,
11926     &ett_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationArg,
11927     &ett_inap_CreateCallSegmentAssociationResultArg,
11928     &ett_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataArg,
11929     &ett_inap_CreateOrRemoveTriggerDataResultArg,
11930     &ett_inap_DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg,
11931     &ett_inap_T_partyToDisconnect,
11932     &ett_inap_DisconnectLegArg,
11933     &ett_inap_EntityReleasedArg,
11934     &ett_inap_T_cSFailure,
11935     &ett_inap_T_bCSMFailure,
11936     &ett_inap_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg,
11937     &ett_inap_T_partyToConnect,
11938     &ett_inap_EventNotificationChargingArg,
11939     &ett_inap_EventReportBCSMArg,
11940     &ett_inap_EventReportFacilityArg,
11941     &ett_inap_FacilitySelectedAndAvailableArg,
11942     &ett_inap_HoldCallInNetworkArg,
11943     &ett_inap_InitialDPArg,
11944     &ett_inap_InitiateCallAttemptArg,
11945     &ett_inap_ManageTriggerDataArg,
11946     &ett_inap_T_triggerDataIdentifier,
11947     &ett_inap_ManageTriggerDataResultArg,
11948     &ett_inap_T_oneTriggerResult,
11949     &ett_inap_T_severalTriggerResult,
11950     &ett_inap_MergeCallSegmentsArg,
11951     &ett_inap_MonitorRouteReportArg,
11952     &ett_inap_MonitorRouteRequestArg,
11953     &ett_inap_MoveCallSegmentsArg,
11954     &ett_inap_T_callSegments,
11955     &ett_inap_T_callSegments_item,
11956     &ett_inap_T_legs,
11957     &ett_inap_T_legs_item,
11958     &ett_inap_MoveLegArg,
11959     &ett_inap_OAbandonArg,
11960     &ett_inap_OAnswerArg,
11961     &ett_inap_OCalledPartyBusyArg,
11962     &ett_inap_ODisconnectArg,
11963     &ett_inap_MidCallArg,
11964     &ett_inap_ONoAnswerArg,
11965     &ett_inap_OriginationAttemptArg,
11966     &ett_inap_OriginationAttemptAuthorizedArg,
11967     &ett_inap_OSuspendedArg,
11968     &ett_inap_ReconnectArg,
11969     &ett_inap_ReleaseCallArg,
11970     &ett_inap_T_callSegmentToRelease,
11971     &ett_inap_T_allCallSegments,
11972     &ett_inap_ReportUTSIArg,
11973     &ett_inap_RequestCurrentStatusReportResultArg,
11974     &ett_inap_RequestEveryStatusChangeReportArg,
11975     &ett_inap_RequestFirstStatusMatchReportArg,
11976     &ett_inap_RequestNotificationChargingEventArg,
11977     &ett_inap_RequestReportBCSMEventArg,
11978     &ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfBCSMEvents_OF_BCSMEvent,
11979     &ett_inap_RequestReportFacilityEventArg,
11980     &ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_3_OF_ComponentType,
11981     &ett_inap_RequestReportUTSIArg,
11982     &ett_inap_ResetTimerArg,
11983     &ett_inap_RouteSelectFailureArg,
11984     &ett_inap_SelectFacilityArg,
11985     &ett_inap_SelectRouteArg,
11986     &ett_inap_SendChargingInformationArg,
11987     &ett_inap_SendFacilityInformationArg,
11988     &ett_inap_SendSTUIArg,
11989     &ett_inap_ServiceFilteringResponseArg,
11990     &ett_inap_SetServiceProfileArg,
11991     &ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_numOfINProfile_OF_INprofile,
11992     &ett_inap_SplitLegArg,
11993     &ett_inap_StatusReportArg,
11994     &ett_inap_TAnswerArg,
11995     &ett_inap_TBusyArg,
11996     &ett_inap_TDisconnectArg,
11997     &ett_inap_TermAttemptAuthorizedArg,
11998     &ett_inap_TerminationAttemptArg,
11999     &ett_inap_TNoAnswerArg,
12000     &ett_inap_TSuspendedArg,
12001     &ett_inap_CollectedDigits,
12002     &ett_inap_CollectedInfo,
12003     &ett_inap_InbandInfo,
12004     &ett_inap_InformationToRecord,
12005     &ett_inap_T_controlDigits,
12006     &ett_inap_InformationToSend,
12007     &ett_inap_MessageID,
12008     &ett_inap_T_text,
12009     &ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__numOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4,
12010     &ett_inap_T_variableMessage,
12011     &ett_inap_SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_b3__maxVariableParts_OF_VariablePart,
12012     &ett_inap_SRFGapCriteria,
12013     &ett_inap_T_iPAddressAndresource,
12014     &ett_inap_Tone,
12015     &ett_inap_VariablePart,
12016     &ett_inap_PlayAnnouncementArg,
12017     &ett_inap_T_connectedParty,
12018     &ett_inap_PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg,
12019     &ett_inap_ReceivedInformationArg,
12020     &ett_inap_PromptAndReceiveMessageArg,
12021     &ett_inap_MessageReceivedArg,
12022     &ett_inap_ScriptCloseArg,
12023     &ett_inap_ScriptEventArg,
12024     &ett_inap_ScriptInformationArg,
12025     &ett_inap_ScriptRunArg,
12026     &ett_inap_SRFCallGapArg,
12027     &ett_inap_PAR_cancelFailed,
12028     &ett_inap_ScfTaskRefusedParameter,
12029     &ett_inap_ReferralParameter,
12030     &ett_inap_Code,
12031     &ett_inap_ROS,
12032     &ett_inap_Invoke,
12033     &ett_inap_T_linkedId,
12034     &ett_inap_ReturnResult,
12035     &ett_inap_T_result,
12036     &ett_inap_ReturnError,
12037     &ett_inap_Reject,
12038     &ett_inap_T_problem_01,
12039     &ett_inap_InvokeId,
12041 /*--- End of included file: packet-inap-ettarr.c ---*/
12042 #line 245 "./asn1/inap/packet-inap-template.c"
12043   };
12045   static ei_register_info ei[] = {
12046    { &ei_inap_unknown_invokeData, { "inap.unknown.invokeData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown invokeData", EXPFILL }},
12047    { &ei_inap_unknown_returnResultData, { "inap.unknown.returnResultData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown returnResultData", EXPFILL }},
12048    { &ei_inap_unknown_returnErrorData, { "inap.unknown.returnErrorData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown returnResultData", EXPFILL }},
12049   };
12051   expert_module_t* expert_inap;
12053   /* Register protocol */
12054   proto_inap = proto_register_protocol(PNAME, PSNAME, PFNAME);
12055   inap_handle = register_dissector("inap", dissect_inap, proto_inap);
12056   /* Register fields and subtrees */
12057   proto_register_field_array(proto_inap, hf, array_length(hf));
12058   proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
12059   expert_inap = expert_register_protocol(proto_inap);
12060   expert_register_field_array(expert_inap, ei, array_length(ei));
12062   register_ber_oid_dissector("", dissect_inap, proto_inap, "cs1-ssp-to-scp");
12064   /* Set default SSNs */
12065   range_convert_str(wmem_epan_scope(), &global_ssn_range, "106,241", MAX_SSN);
12067   inap_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_inap, proto_reg_handoff_inap);
12069   prefs_register_obsolete_preference(inap_module, "tcap.itu_ssn");
12071   prefs_register_obsolete_preference(inap_module, "tcap.itu_ssn1");
12073   prefs_register_range_preference(inap_module, "ssn", "TCAP SSNs",
12074                  "TCAP Subsystem numbers used for INAP",
12075                  &global_ssn_range, MAX_SSN);
12076 }
12078 /*
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12082  * c-basic-offset: 2
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