2 #define	BUFSIZE		1500
4 			/* globals */
5 char recvbuf[BUFSIZE];
6 char sendbuf[BUFSIZE];
8 int  datalen;			/* #bytes of data, following ICMP header */
9 int   nsent;				/* add 1 for each sendto() */
10 pid_t pid;				/* our PID */
11 int   sockfd;
12 int   verbose;
13 char  stopPing;
14 			/* function prototypes */
15 void	 proc_v4(char *, ssize_t, struct timeval *);
16 void	 proc_v6(char *, ssize_t, struct timeval *);
17 void	 send_v4(void);
18 void	 send_v6(void);
19 int      readloop(void);
20 void	 sig_alrm(int);
21 void	 tv_sub(struct timeval *, struct timeval *);
22 char*    sock_ntop_host(const struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen);
23 unsigned short in_cksum(unsigned short *addr, int len);
24 struct proto {
25   void	 (*fproc)(char *, ssize_t, struct timeval *);
26   void	 (*fsend)(void);
27   struct sockaddr  *sasend;	/* sockaddr{} for send, from getaddrinfo */
28   struct sockaddr  *sarecv;	/* sockaddr{} for receiving */
29   socklen_t	    salen;		/* length of sockaddr{}s */
30   int	   	    icmpproto;	/* IPPROTO_xxx value for ICMP */
31   unsigned long n_send;
32   unsigned long n_recv;
33 } *pr;