2 unit LexLib;
4 (* Standard Lex library unit for TP Lex Version 3.0.
5    2-11-91 AG *)
7 interface
9 (* The Lex library unit supplies a collection of variables and routines
10    needed by the lexical analyzer routine yylex and application programs
11    using Lex-generated lexical analyzers. It also provides access to the
12    input/output streams used by the lexical analyzer and the text of the
13    matched string, and provides some utility functions which may be used
14    in actions.
16    This `standard' version of the LexLib unit is used to implement lexical
17    analyzers which read from and write to MS-DOS files (using standard input
18    and output, by default). It is suitable for many standard applications
19    for lexical analyzers, such as text conversion tools or compilers.
21    However, you may create your own version of the LexLib unit, tailored to
22    your target applications. In particular, you may wish to provide another
23    set of I/O functions, e.g., if you want to read from or write to memory
24    instead to files, or want to use different file types. *)
26 (* Variables:
28    The variable yytext contains the current match, yyleng its length.
29    The variable yyline contains the current input line, and yylineno and
30    yycolno denote the current input position (line, column). These values
31    are often used in giving error diagnostics (however, they will only be
32    meaningful if there is no rescanning across line ends).
34    The variables yyinput and yyoutput are the text files which are used
35    by the lexical analyzer. By default, they are assigned to standard
36    input and output, but you may change these assignments to fit your
37    target application (use the Turbo Pascal standard routines assign,
38    reset, and rewrite for this purpose). *)
40 var
42 yyinput, yyoutput : Text;        (* input and output file *)
43 yyline            : String;      (* current input line *)
44 yylineno, yycolno : Integer;     (* current input position *)
45 yytext            : String;      (* matched text (should be considered r/o) *)
46 yyleng            : Byte         (* length of matched text *)
47   absolute yytext;
49 (* I/O routines:
51    The following routines get_char, unget_char and put_char are used to
52    implement access to the input and output files. Since \n (newline) for
53    Lex means line end, the I/O routines have to translate MS-DOS line ends
54    (carriage-return/line-feed) into newline characters and vice versa. Input
55    is buffered to allow rescanning text (via unput_char).
57    The input buffer holds the text of the line to be scanned. When the input
58    buffer empties, a new line is obtained from the input stream. Characters
59    can be returned to the input buffer by calls to unget_char. At end-of-
60    file a null character is returned.
62    The input routines also keep track of the input position and set the
63    yyline, yylineno, yycolno variables accordingly.
65    Since the rest of the Lex library only depends on these three routines
66    (there are no direct references to the yyinput and yyoutput files or
67    to the input buffer), you can easily replace get_char, unget_char and
68    put_char by another suitable set of routines, e.g. if you want to read
69    from/write to memory, etc. *)
get_charnull71 function get_char : Char;
72   (* obtain one character from the input file (null character at end-of-
73      file) *)
75 procedure unget_char ( c : Char );
76   (* return one character to the input file to be reread in subsequent calls
77      to get_char *)
79 procedure put_char ( c : Char );
80   (* write one character to the output file *)
82 (* Utility routines: *)
84 procedure echo;
85   (* echoes the current match to the output stream *)
87 procedure yymore;
88   (* append the next match to the current one *)
90 procedure yyless ( n : Integer );
91   (* truncate yytext to size n and return the remaining characters to the
92      input stream *)
94 procedure reject;
95   (* reject the current match and execute the next one *)
97   (* reject does not actually cause the input to be rescanned; instead,
98      internal state information is used to find the next match. Hence
99      you should not try to modify the input stream or the yytext variable
100      when rejecting a match. *)
102 procedure return ( n : Integer );
103 procedure returnc ( c : Char );
104   (* sets the return value of yylex *)
106 procedure start ( state : Integer );
107   (* puts the lexical analyzer in the given start state; state=0 denotes
108      the default start state, other values are user-defined *)
110 (* yywrap:
112    The yywrap function is called by yylex at end-of-file (unless you have
113    specified a rule matching end-of-file). You may redefine this routine
114    in your Lex program to do application-dependent processing at end of
115    file. In particular, yywrap may arrange for more input and return false
116    in which case the yylex routine resumes lexical analysis. *)
yywrapnull118 function yywrap : Boolean;
119   (* The default yywrap routine supplied here closes input and output files
120      and returns true (causing yylex to terminate). *)
122 (* The following are the internal data structures and routines used by the
123    lexical analyzer routine yylex; they should not be used directly. *)
125 var
127 yystate    : Integer; (* current state of lexical analyzer *)
128 yyactchar  : Char;    (* current character *)
129 yylastchar : Char;    (* last matched character (#0 if none) *)
130 yyrule     : Integer; (* matched rule *)
131 yyreject   : Boolean; (* current match rejected? *)
132 yydone     : Boolean; (* yylex return value set? *)
133 yyretval   : Integer; (* yylex return value *)
135 procedure yynew;
136   (* starts next match; initializes state information of the lexical
137      analyzer *)
139 procedure yyscan;
140   (* gets next character from the input stream and updates yytext and
141      yyactchar accordingly *)
143 procedure yymark ( n : Integer );
144   (* marks position for rule no. n *)
146 procedure yymatch ( n : Integer );
147   (* declares a match for rule number n *)
yyfindnull149 function yyfind ( var n : Integer ) : Boolean;
150   (* finds the last match and the corresponding marked position and adjusts
151      the matched string accordingly; returns:
152      - true if a rule has been matched, false otherwise
153      - n: the number of the matched rule *)
yydefaultnull155 function yydefault : Boolean;
156   (* executes the default action (copy character); returns true unless
157      at end-of-file *)
159 procedure yyclear;
160   (* reinitializes state information after lexical analysis has been
161      finished *)
163 implementation
165 procedure fatal ( msg : String );
166   (* writes a fatal error message and halts program *)
167   begin
168     writeln('LexLib: ', msg);
169     halt(1);
170   end(*fatal*);
172 (* I/O routines: *)
174 const nl = #10;  (* newline character *)
176 const max_chars = 2048;
178 var
180 bufptr : Integer;
181 buf    : array [1..max_chars] of Char;
get_charnull183 function get_char : Char;
184   var i : Integer;
185   begin
186     if (bufptr=0) and not eof(yyinput) then
187       begin
188         readln(yyinput, yyline);
189         inc(yylineno); yycolno := 1;
190         buf[1] := nl;
191         for i := 1 to length(yyline) do
192           buf[i+1] := yyline[length(yyline)-i+1];
193         inc(bufptr, length(yyline)+1);
194       end;
195     if bufptr>0 then
196       begin
197         get_char := buf[bufptr];
198         dec(bufptr);
199         inc(yycolno);
200       end
201     else
202       get_char := #0;
203   end(*get_char*);
205 procedure unget_char ( c : Char );
206   begin
207     if bufptr=max_chars then fatal('input buffer overflow');
208     inc(bufptr);
209     dec(yycolno);
210     buf[bufptr] := c;
211   end(*unget_char*);
213 procedure put_char ( c : Char );
214   begin
215     if c=#0 then
216       { ignore }
217     else if c=nl then
218       writeln(yyoutput)
219     else
220       write(yyoutput, c)
221   end(*put_char*);
223 (* Variables:
225    Some state information is maintained to keep track with calls to yymore,
226    yyless, reject, start and yymatch/yymark, and to initialize state
227    information used by the lexical analyzer.
228    - yystext: contains the initial contents of the yytext variable; this
229      will be the empty string, unless yymore is called which sets yystext
230      to the current yytext
231    - yysstate: start state of lexical analyzer (set to 0 during
232      initialization, and modified in calls to the start routine)
233    - yylstate: line state information (1 if at beginning of line, 0
234      otherwise)
235    - yystack: stack containing matched rules; yymatches contains the number of
236      matches
237    - yypos: for each rule the last marked position (yymark); zeroed when rule
238      has already been considered
239    - yysleng: copy of the original yyleng used to restore state information
240      when reject is used *)
242 const
244 max_matches = 1024;
245 max_rules   = 256;
247 var
249 yystext            : String;
250 yysstate, yylstate : Integer;
251 yymatches          : Integer;
252 yystack            : array [1..max_matches] of Integer;
253 yypos              : array [1..max_rules] of Integer;
254 yysleng            : Byte;
256 (* Utilities: *)
258 procedure echo;
259   var i : Integer;
260   begin
261     for i := 1 to yyleng do
262       put_char(yytext[i])
263   end(*echo*);
265 procedure yymore;
266   begin
267     yystext := yytext;
268   end(*yymore*);
270 procedure yyless ( n : Integer );
271   var i : Integer;
272   begin
273     for i := yyleng downto n+1 do
274       unget_char(yytext[i]);
275     yyleng := n;
276   end(*yyless*);
278 procedure reject;
279   var i : Integer;
280   begin
281     yyreject := true;
282     for i := yyleng+1 to yysleng do
283       yytext := yytext+get_char;
284     dec(yymatches);
285   end(*reject*);
287 procedure return ( n : Integer );
288   begin
289     yyretval := n;
290     yydone := true;
291   end(*return*);
293 procedure returnc ( c : Char );
294   begin
295     yyretval := ord(c);
296     yydone := true;
297   end(*returnc*);
299 procedure start ( state : Integer );
300   begin
301     yysstate := state;
302   end(*start*);
304 (* yywrap: *)
yywrapnull306 function yywrap : Boolean;
307   begin
308     close(yyinput); close(yyoutput);
309     yywrap := true;
310   end(*yywrap*);
312 (* Internal routines: *)
314 procedure yynew;
315   begin
316     if yylastchar<>#0 then
317       if yylastchar=nl then
318         yylstate := 1
319       else
320         yylstate := 0;
321     yystate := yysstate+yylstate;
322     yytext  := yystext;
323     yystext := '';
324     yymatches := 0;
325     yydone := false;
326   end(*yynew*);
328 procedure yyscan;
329   begin
330     if yyleng=255 then fatal('yytext overflow');
331     yyactchar := get_char;
332     inc(yyleng);
333     yytext[yyleng] := yyactchar;
334   end(*yyscan*);
336 procedure yymark ( n : Integer );
337   begin
338     if n>max_rules then fatal('too many rules');
339     yypos[n] := yyleng;
340   end(*yymark*);
342 procedure yymatch ( n : Integer );
343   begin
344     inc(yymatches);
345     if yymatches>max_matches then fatal('match stack overflow');
346     yystack[yymatches] := n;
347   end(*yymatch*);
yyfindnull349 function yyfind ( var n : Integer ) : Boolean;
350   begin
351     yyreject := false;
352     while (yymatches>0) and (yypos[yystack[yymatches]]=0) do
353       dec(yymatches);
354     if yymatches>0 then
355       begin
356         yysleng := yyleng;
357         n       := yystack[yymatches];
358         yyless(yypos[n]);
359         yypos[n] := 0;
360         if yyleng>0 then
361           yylastchar := yytext[yyleng]
362         else
363           yylastchar := #0;
364         yyfind := true;
365       end
366     else
367       begin
368         yyless(0);
369         yylastchar := #0;
370         yyfind := false;
371       end
372   end(*yyfind*);
yydefaultnull374 function yydefault : Boolean;
375   begin
376     yyreject := false;
377     yyactchar := get_char;
378     if yyactchar<>#0 then
379       begin
380         put_char(yyactchar);
381         yydefault := true;
382       end
383     else
384       begin
385         yylstate := 1;
386         yydefault := false;
387       end;
388     yylastchar := yyactchar;
389   end(*yydefault*);
391 procedure yyclear;
392   begin
393     bufptr := 0;
394     yysstate := 0;
395     yylstate := 1;
396     yylastchar := #0;
397     yytext := '';
398     yystext := '';
399   end(*yyclear*);
401 begin
402   assign(yyinput, '');
403   assign(yyoutput, '');
404   reset(yyinput); rewrite(yyoutput);
405   yylineno := 0;
406   yyclear;
407 end(*LexLib*).