2Title:         The Webalizer
3Version:       2.20
4Entered-date:  01JUN2008
5Description:   A fast, free web server log file analysis program.  Produces
6               HTML output for viewing with a web browser.  Written in C on
7               a Linux platform, however designed to be as ANSI/POSIX
8               compliant as possible so porting to other UNIX platforms should
9               be painless.  Binary distributions for most popular platforms
10               are available.  Features multiple language support, incremental
11               processing capabilities, reverse DNS lookup support, native
12               geolocation support as well as geolocation support via the
13               optional GeoIP library and database from MaxMind Inc., data
14               export via tab delimited ASCII files to popular databases and
15               spreadsheets, and much more.  Supports all standard CLF and
16               combined web logs, wu-ftpd xferlog, squid proxy and extended
17               W3C format logs, all of which can be either in standard text
18               format or compressed using gzip or bzip2.
19Keywords:      Web Analysis, Log Analysis, Linux, Unix, apache, wcmgr, GeoDB
20Author:        Bradford L. Barrett
21Maintained-by: Bradford L. Barrett
22Primary-site:  http://www.webalizer.org/
23Original-site: ftp://ftp.webalizer.org/pub/webalizer/
24Platforms:     Linux/Unix, OS/2, Win32, MacOSX, POSIX
25Copying-policy: GPL