1 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Artifex Software, Inc.
2    All Rights Reserved.
4    This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
5    implied.
7    This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified
8    or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that
9    license.  Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com/
10    or contact Artifex Software, Inc.,  7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134,
11    San Rafael, CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
12 */
14 /* $Id: gxfill.h 8022 2007-06-05 22:23:38Z giles $ */
15 /* Common structures for the filling algorithm and dropout prevention. */
17 #ifndef gxfill_INCLUDED
18 #  define gxfill_INCLUDED
20 /* Define the structure for keeping track of active lines. */
21 #ifndef active_line_DEFINED
22 #  define active_line_DEFINED
23 typedef struct active_line_s active_line;
24 #endif
25 struct active_line_s {
26     gs_fixed_point start;	/* x,y where line starts */
27     gs_fixed_point end; 	/* x,y where line ends */
28     gs_fixed_point diff;	/* end - start */
29     fixed y_fast_max;		/* can do x_at_y in fixed point */
30 				/* if y <= y_fast_max */
31     fixed num_adjust;		/* 0 if diff.x >= 0, -diff.y + epsilon if */
32 				/* diff.x < 0 and division truncates */
34     /* neg/pos truncates, we must bias the numberator. */
35 #  define SET_NUM_ADJUST(alp) \
36     (alp)->num_adjust =\
37       ((alp)->diff.x >= 0 ? 0 : -(alp)->diff.y + fixed_epsilon)
38 #  define ADD_NUM_ADJUST(num, alp) ((num) + (alp)->num_adjust)
39 #  define MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) ADD_NUM_ADJUST(max_fixed, alp)
40 #else
41     /* neg/pos takes the floor, no special action is needed. */
42 #  define SET_NUM_ADJUST(alp) DO_NOTHING
43 #  define ADD_NUM_ADJUST(num, alp) (num)
44 #  define MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) max_fixed
45 #endif
46 #define SET_AL_POINTS(alp, startp, endp)\
47   BEGIN\
48     (alp)->diff.y = (endp).y - (startp).y;\
49     (alp)->diff.x = (endp).x - (startp).x;\
50     SET_NUM_ADJUST(alp);\
51     (alp)->y_fast_max = MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) /\
52       (((alp)->diff.x >= 0 ? (alp)->diff.x : -(alp)->diff.x) | 1) +\
53       (startp).y;\
54     (alp)->start = startp, (alp)->end = endp;\
55   END
56     /*
57      * We know that alp->start.y <= yv <= alp->end.y, because the fill loop
58      * guarantees that the only lines being considered are those with this
59      * property.
60      */
61 #define AL_X_AT_Y(alp, yv)\
62   ((yv) == (alp)->end.y ? (alp)->end.x :\
63    ((yv) <= (alp)->y_fast_max ?\
64     ADD_NUM_ADJUST(((yv) - (alp)->start.y) * (alp)->diff.x, alp) / (alp)->diff.y :\
65     (INCR_EXPR(slow_x),\
66      fixed_mult_quo((alp)->diff.x, (yv) - (alp)->start.y, (alp)->diff.y))) +\
67    (alp)->start.x)
68     fixed x_current;		/* current x position */
69     fixed x_next;		/* x position at end of band */
70     const segment *pseg;	/* endpoint of this line */
71     int direction;		/* direction of line segment */
72 #define DIR_UP 1
73 #define DIR_HORIZONTAL 0	/* (these are handled specially) */
74 #define DIR_DOWN (-1)
75     bool monotonic_x;		/* "false" means "don't know"; only for scanline. */
76     bool monotonic_y;		/* "false" means "don't know"; only for scanline. */
77     gx_flattened_iterator fi;
78     bool more_flattened;
79     int contour_count;
80 /*
81  * "Pending" lines (not reached in the Y ordering yet) use next and prev
82  * to order lines by increasing starting Y.  "Active" lines (being scanned)
83  * use next and prev to order lines by increasing current X, or if the
84  * current Xs are equal, by increasing final X.
85  */
86     active_line *prev, *next;
87 /* Link together active_lines allocated individually */
88     active_line *alloc_next;
89 };
91 typedef struct fill_options_s {
92     bool pseudo_rasterization;  /* See comment about "pseudo-rasterization". */
93     fixed ymin, ymax;
94     const gx_device_color * pdevc;
95     gs_logical_operation_t lop;
96     bool fill_direct;
97     fixed fixed_flat;
98     bool fill_by_trapezoids;
99     fixed adjust_left, adjust_right;
100     fixed adjust_below, adjust_above;
101     gx_device *dev;
102     const gs_fixed_rect * pbox;
103     bool is_spotan;
104     int rule;
105     dev_proc_fill_rectangle((*fill_rect));
106     dev_proc_fill_trapezoid((*fill_trap));
107 } fill_options;
109 /* Line list structure */
110 #ifndef line_list_DEFINED
111 #  define line_list_DEFINED
112 typedef struct line_list_s line_list;
113 #endif
114 struct line_list_s {
115     gs_memory_t *memory;
116     active_line *active_area;	/* allocated active_line list */
117     active_line *next_active;	/* next allocation slot */
118     active_line *limit; 	/* limit of local allocation */
119     int close_count;		/* # of added closing lines */
120     active_line *y_list;	/* Y-sorted list of pending lines */
121     active_line *y_line;	/* most recently inserted line */
122     active_line x_head; 	/* X-sorted list of active lines */
123 #define x_list x_head.next
124     active_line *h_list0, *h_list1; /* lists of horizontal lines for y, y1 */
125     margin_set margin_set0, margin_set1;
126     margin *free_margin_list;
127     int *windings;
128     int local_margin_alloc_count;
129     int bbox_left, bbox_width;
130     int main_dir;
131     fixed y_break;
132     const fill_options * const fo;
133     int contour_count;
134     /* Put the arrays last so the scalars will have */
135     /* small displacements. */
136     /* Allocate a few active_lines locally */
137     /* to avoid round trips through the allocator. */
138 #if arch_small_memory
139 #  define MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE 6	/* don't overburden the stack */
140 #  define MAX_LOCAL_SECTION 50
141 #else
142 #  define MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE 20
143 #  define MAX_LOCAL_SECTION 100
144 #endif
145     active_line local_active[MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE];
146     margin local_margins[MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE];
147     section local_section0[MAX_LOCAL_SECTION];
148     section local_section1[MAX_LOCAL_SECTION];
149     int local_windings[MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE];
150 };
152 #define LOOP_FILL_RECTANGLE_DIRECT(fo, x, y, w, h)\
153   (/*fo->fill_direct*/FILL_DIRECT ?\
154    (fo)->fill_rect((fo)->dev, x, y, w, h, (fo)->pdevc->colors.pure) :\
155    gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(x, y, w, h, (fo)->pdevc, (fo)->dev, (fo)->lop))
157 /* ---------------- Statistics ---------------- */
159 #ifdef DEBUG
160 struct stats_fill_s {
161     long
162 	fill, fill_alloc, y_up, y_down, horiz, x_step, slow_x, iter, find_y,
163 	band, band_step, band_fill, afill, slant, slant_shallow, sfill,
164 	mq_cross, cross_slow, cross_low, order, slow_order;
165 };
166 typedef struct stats_fill_s stats_fill_t;
167 extern stats_fill_t stats_fill;
169 #  define INCR(x) (++(stats_fill.x))
170 #  define INCR_EXPR(x) INCR(x)
171 #  define INCR_BY(x,n) (stats_fill.x += (n))
172 #else
173 #  define INCR(x) DO_NOTHING
174 #  define INCR_EXPR(x) discard(0)
175 #  define INCR_BY(x,n) DO_NOTHING
176 #endif
178 #endif /* gxfill_INCLUDED */