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Form1.frmH A D30-Oct-201311.5 KiB356231

MSSCCPRJ.SCCH A D30-Oct-2013193 65

Project1.vbpH A D30-Oct-2013744 3735

Project1.vbwH A D30-Oct-2013128 54

README.vbH A D30-Oct-2013504 128

hpdf.basH A D30-Oct-201328.3 KiB356199

hpdf_consts.basH A D30-Oct-201327.2 KiB551466

hpdf_types.basH A D30-Oct-20139.9 KiB405244


1To use this interface, built Haru as a shared-library (DLL) or use binary
2This is an interface for VB6.
3This program was contributed by Ko, Chi-Chih.
5To use this interface, build Haru as a shared-library (DLL) or use binary
6package for win32(libharu_x_x_x_dll_win32.zip).
8Because I don't have Visual Basic, I did not test this interface. If you have
9any question or suggestion about this interface, please post it to the forum
10of libharu (http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=83044).