1 /*@z06.c:Parser:PushObj(), PushToken(), etc.@*********************************/
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /*  THE LOUT DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM (VERSION 3.39)                       */
4 /*  COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2008 Jeffrey H. Kingston                             */
5 /*                                                                           */
6 /*  Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au)                                */
7 /*  School of Information Technologies                                       */
8 /*  The University of Sydney 2006                                            */
9 /*  AUSTRALIA                                                                */
10 /*                                                                           */
11 /*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     */
12 /*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     */
13 /*  the Free Software Foundation; either Version 3, or (at your option)      */
14 /*  any later version.                                                       */
15 /*                                                                           */
16 /*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          */
17 /*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           */
19 /*  GNU General Public License for more details.                             */
20 /*                                                                           */
21 /*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        */
22 /*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software              */
23 /*  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA   */
24 /*                                                                           */
25 /*  FILE:         z06.c                                                      */
26 /*  MODULE:       Parser                                                     */
27 /*  EXTERNS:      InitParser(), Parse()                                      */
28 /*                                                                           */
29 /*****************************************************************************/
30 #include "externs.h"
31 #define	LEFT_ASSOC	0
32 #define	RIGHT_ASSOC	1
34 #define	PREV_OP		0		/* means an operator was previous    */
35 #define	PREV_OBJ	1		/* prev was object not ending in RBR */
36 #define	PREV_RBR	2		/* prev was object ending in RBR     */
38 static	OBJECT		cross_name;	/* name of the cr database   */
41 #define	MAX_STACK	250			/* size of parser stacks     */
42 static	OBJECT		obj_stack[MAX_STACK];	/* stack of objects          */
43 static	int		otop;			/* top of obj_stack          */
44 static	OBJECT		tok_stack[MAX_STACK];	/* stack of tokens           */
45 static	int		ttop;			/* top of tok_stack          */
46 static	int		unknown_count;		/* no. of unknown symbols    */
47 	BOOLEAN		InDefinitions;		/* TRUE when in definitions  */
48 #if DEBUG_ON
49 static	BOOLEAN		debug_now = FALSE;	/* TRUE when want to debug   */
50 #endif
53 /*****************************************************************************/
54 /*                                                                           */
55 /*  OBJECT OptimizeCase(x)                                                   */
56 /*                                                                           */
57 /*  Optimize the @Case expression x, which is known to be of the form        */
58 /*  "@BackEnd @Case ...", by evaluating it immediately if its choices        */
59 /*  are all literal words or "else".                                         */
60 /*                                                                           */
61 /*****************************************************************************/
check_yield(OBJECT y,OBJECT * res_yield,BOOLEAN * all_literals)63 static void check_yield(OBJECT y, OBJECT *res_yield, BOOLEAN *all_literals)
64 { OBJECT s1, link, z;
65   Child(s1, Down(y));
66   debug1(DOP, DD, "  checkyield(%s)", EchoObject(y));
67   if( is_word(type(s1)) )
68   { if( StringEqual(string(s1), BackEnd->name) ||
69 	StringEqual(string(s1),STR_ELSE) )
70       if( *res_yield == nilobj )  *res_yield = y;
71   }
72   else if( type(s1) == ACAT )
73   { for( link = Down(s1);  link != s1;  link = NextDown(link) )
74     { Child(z, link);
75       if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ )  continue;
76       if( is_word(type(z)) )
77       { if( StringEqual(string(z), BackEnd->name) ||
78 	    StringEqual(string(s1), STR_ELSE))
79 	  if( *res_yield == nilobj )  *res_yield = y;
80       }
81       else
82       { *all_literals = FALSE;
83 	*res_yield = nilobj;
84 	break;
85       }
86     }
87   }
88   else
89   { *all_literals = FALSE;
90     *res_yield = nilobj;
91   }
92   debug2(DOP, DD, "  checkyield returning (%s, %s)", EchoObject(*res_yield),
93     bool(*all_literals));
94 }
OptimizeCase(OBJECT x)96 OBJECT OptimizeCase(OBJECT x)
97 { OBJECT link, s2, y, res_yield, res;  BOOLEAN all_literals;
98   debug1(DOP, DD, "OptimizeCase(%s)", EchoObject(x));
99   assert( type(x) == CASE, "OptimizeCase:  type(x) != CASE!" );
101   Child(s2, LastDown(x));
102   all_literals = TRUE;  res_yield = nilobj;
103   if( type(s2) == YIELD )
104   { check_yield(s2, &res_yield, &all_literals);
105   }
106   else if( type(s2) == ACAT )
107   { for( link = Down(s2);  link != s2 && all_literals;  link = NextDown(link) )
108     {
109       Child(y, link);
110       debug2(DOP, DD, "  OptimizeCase examining %s %s", Image(type(y)),
111 	EchoObject(y));
112       if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )  continue;
113       if( type(y) == YIELD )
114       { check_yield(y, &res_yield, &all_literals);
115       }
116       else
117       { all_literals = FALSE;
118 	res_yield = nilobj;
119       }
120     }
121   }
122   else
123   { all_literals = FALSE;
124     res_yield = nilobj;
125   }
127   if( all_literals && res_yield != nilobj )
128   { Child(res, LastDown(res_yield));
129     DeleteLink(Up(res));
130     DisposeObject(x);
131   }
132   else
133   { res = x;
134   }
136   debug1(DOP, DD, "OptimizeCase returning %s", EchoObject(res));
137   return res;
138 } /* end OptimizeCase */
141 /*****************************************************************************/
142 /*                                                                           */
143 /*  HuntCommandOptions(x)                                                    */
144 /*                                                                           */
145 /*  See if any of the command-line options apply to closure x.  If so,       */
146 /*  change x to reflect the overriding command line option.                  */
147 /*                                                                           */
148 /*****************************************************************************/
HuntCommandOptions(OBJECT x)150 static void HuntCommandOptions(OBJECT x)
151 { OBJECT colink, coname, coval, opt = nilobj, y = nilobj, link, sym;  BOOLEAN found;
152   debug1(DOP, DD, "HuntCommandOptions(%s)", SymName(actual(x)));
153   sym = actual(x);
154   for( colink = Down(CommandOptions);  colink != CommandOptions;
155     colink = NextDown(NextDown(colink)) )
156   {
157     Child(coname, colink);
158     Child(coval, NextDown(colink));
159     debug2(DOP, DD, "  hunting \"%s\" with value \"%s\"", string(coname),
160       EchoObject(coval));
162     /* set found to TRUE iff coname is the name of an option of x */
163     found = FALSE;
164     for( link = Down(sym);  link != sym;  link = NextDown(link) )
165     { Child(opt, link);
166       if( type(opt) == NPAR && StringEqual(SymName(opt), string(coname)) )
167       { found = TRUE;
168 	debug2(DOP, DD, "  %s is an option of %s", string(coname),SymName(sym));
169 	break;
170       }
171     }
173     if( found )
174     {
175       /* see whether this option is already set within x */
176       found = FALSE;
177       for( link = Down(x);  link != x;  link = NextDown(link) )
178       { Child(y, link);
179 	if( type(y) == PAR && actual(y) == opt )
180 	{ found = TRUE;
181 	  debug2(DOP, DD, "  %s is set in %s", string(coname), SymName(sym));
182 	  break;
183 	}
184       }
186       if( found )
187       {
188 	/* option exists already in x: replace it with oval */
189 	DisposeChild(Down(y));
190 	Link(y, coval);
191 	debug2(DOP, DD, "  replacing %s value with %s; x =", string(coname),
192 	  EchoObject(coval));
193 	ifdebug(DOP, DD, DebugObject(x));
194       }
195       else
196       {
197 	/* option applies to x but has not yet been set in x */
198 	New(y, PAR);
199 	Link(x, y);
200 	actual(y) = opt;
201 	Link(y, coval);
202 	debug2(DOP, DD, "  inserting %s with value %s; x =", string(coname),
203 	  EchoObject(coval));
204 	ifdebug(DOP, DD, DebugObject(x));
205       }
206     }
207   }
208   debug1(DOP, DD, "HuntCommandOptions(%s) returning", SymName(sym));
209 } /* end HuntCommandOptions */
212 /*****************************************************************************/
213 /*                                                                           */
214 /*  PushObj(x)                                                               */
215 /*  PushToken(t)                                                             */
216 /*  OBJECT PopObj()                                                          */
217 /*  OBJECT PopToken()                                                        */
218 /*  OBJECT TokenTop                                                          */
219 /*  OBJECT ObjTop                                                            */
220 /*                                                                           */
221 /*  Push and pop from the object and token stacks; examine top item.         */
222 /*                                                                           */
223 /*****************************************************************************/
225 #define PushObj(x)							\
226 { zz_hold = x;								\
227   if( ++otop < MAX_STACK ) obj_stack[otop] = zz_hold;			\
228   else Error(6, 1, "expression is too deeply nested",			\
229     FATAL, &fpos(obj_stack[otop-1]));					\
230 }
232 #define PushToken(t)							\
233 { if( ++ttop < MAX_STACK ) tok_stack[ttop] = t;				\
234   else Error(6, 2, "expression is too deeply nested",			\
235 	 FATAL, &fpos(tok_stack[ttop-1]));				\
236 }
238 #define PopObj()	obj_stack[otop--]
239 #define PopToken()	tok_stack[ttop--]
240 #define	TokenTop	tok_stack[ttop]
241 #define	ObjTop		obj_stack[otop]
244 /*@::DebugStacks(), InsertSpace()@********************************************/
245 /*                                                                           */
246 /*  DebugStacks()                                                            */
247 /*                                                                           */
248 /*  Print debug output of the stacks state                                   */
249 /*                                                                           */
250 /*****************************************************************************/
252 #if DEBUG_ON
DebugStacks(int initial_ttop,int obj_prev)253 static void DebugStacks(int initial_ttop, int obj_prev)
254 { int i;
255   debug3(ANY, D, "  obj_prev: %s; otop: %d; ttop: %d",
256     obj_prev == PREV_OP ? "PREV_OP" : obj_prev == PREV_OBJ ? "PREV_OBJ" :
257     obj_prev == PREV_RBR ? "PREV_RBR" : "???", otop, ttop);
258   for( i = 0;  i <= otop; i++ )
259     debug3(ANY, D, "  obj[%d] = (%s) %s", i,
260        Image(type(obj_stack[i])), EchoObject(obj_stack[i]));
261   for( i = 0;  i <= ttop;  i++ )
262   { if( i == initial_ttop+1 ) debug0(DOP, DD, "  $");
263     debug3(ANY, D, "  tok[%d] = %s (precedence %d)", i,
264       type(tok_stack[i]) == CLOSURE ?
265 	SymName(actual(tok_stack[i])) : Image(type(tok_stack[i])),
266       precedence(tok_stack[i]));
267   }
268 } /* end DebugStacks */
269 #endif
272 /*****************************************************************************/
273 /*                                                                           */
274 /*  InsertSpace(t)                                                           */
275 /*                                                                           */
276 /*  Add any missing catenation operator in front of token t.                 */
277 /*                                                                           */
278 /*****************************************************************************/
280 #define InsertSpace(t)							\
281 if( obj_prev )								\
282 { int typ, prec;							\
283   if( hspace(t) + vspace(t) > 0 )					\
284     typ = TSPACE, prec = ACAT_PREC;					\
285   else if( type(t) == LBR || obj_prev == PREV_RBR )			\
286     typ = TJUXTA, prec = ACAT_PREC;					\
287   else									\
288     typ = TJUXTA, prec = JUXTA_PREC;					\
289   debugcond1(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ InsertSpace(%s)", Image(typ));	\
290   while( obj_prev && precedence(TokenTop) >= prec )			\
291     obj_prev = Reduce();						\
292   if( obj_prev )							\
293   { New(tmp, typ);  precedence(tmp) = prec;				\
294     vspace(tmp) = vspace(t);  hspace(tmp) = hspace(t);			\
295     width(gap(tmp)) = 0;  nobreak(gap(tmp)) = TRUE;			\
296     mark(gap(tmp)) = FALSE;  join(gap(tmp)) = TRUE;			\
297     units(gap(tmp)) = FIXED_UNIT;  mode(gap(tmp)) = EDGE_MODE;		\
298     FposCopy(fpos(tmp), fpos(t));					\
299     PushToken(tmp);							\
300   }									\
301   debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] end InsertSpace()");		\
302 } /* end InsertSpace */
305 /*@::Shift(), ShiftObj()@*****************************************************/
306 /*                                                                           */
307 /*  static Shift(t, prec, rassoc, leftpar, rightpar)                         */
308 /*  static ShiftObj(t)                                                       */
309 /*                                                                           */
310 /*  Shift token or object t onto the stacks; it has the attributes shown.    */
311 /*                                                                           */
312 /*****************************************************************************/
314 #define Shift(t, prec, rassoc, leftpar, rightpar)			\
315 { debugcond5(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ Shift(%s, %d, %s, %s, %s)",		\
316     Image(type(t)), prec, rassoc ? "rightassoc" : "leftassoc",		\
317       leftpar ? "lpar" : "nolpar", rightpar ? "rpar" : "norpar");	\
318   if( leftpar )								\
319   { for(;;)								\
320     { if( !obj_prev )							\
321       {	PushObj( MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(t)) );			\
322 	obj_prev = PREV_OBJ;						\
323       }									\
324       else if( precedence(TokenTop) >= prec + rassoc )			\
325       { obj_prev = Reduce();						\
326 	if( ttop == initial_ttop )					\
327 	{ *token = t;							\
328 	  debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now,				\
329 	    "] ] end Shift() and Parse(); stacks are:");		\
330 	  ifdebugcond(DOP, DD, debug_now,				\
331 	    DebugStacks(initial_ttop, obj_prev));			\
332 	  return PopObj();						\
333 	}								\
334       }									\
335       else break;							\
336     }									\
337   }									\
338   else InsertSpace(t);							\
339   PushToken(t);								\
340   if( rightpar )  obj_prev = FALSE;					\
341   else									\
342   { obj_prev = Reduce(); 						\
343     if( ttop == initial_ttop )						\
344     { *token = nilobj;							\
345       debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now,					\
346 	"] ] end Shift and Parse; stacks are:");			\
347       ifdebugcond(DOP, DD, debug_now,					\
348 	DebugStacks(initial_ttop, obj_prev));				\
349       return PopObj();							\
350     }									\
351   }									\
352   debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] end Shift()");			\
353 } /* end Shift */
356 #define ShiftObj(t, new_obj_prev)					\
357 { debugcond1(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ ShiftObj(%s)", Image(type(t)));	\
358   InsertSpace(t);							\
359   PushObj(t);								\
360   obj_prev = new_obj_prev;						\
361   debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] end ShiftObj()");			\
362 }
364 /*@::Reduce()@****************************************************************/
365 /*                                                                           */
366 /*  static Reduce()                                                          */
367 /*                                                                           */
368 /*  Perform a single reduction of the stacks.                                */
369 /*                                                                           */
370 /*****************************************************************************/
Reduce(void)372 static BOOLEAN Reduce(void)
373 { OBJECT p1, p2, p3, s1, s2, tmp;
374   OBJECT op;  int obj_prev;
375   debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ Reduce()");
376   /* ifdebugcond(DOP, DD, debug_now, DebugStacks(0, TRUE)); */
378   op = PopToken();
379   obj_prev = PREV_OBJ;
380   switch( type(op) )
381   {
383     case GSTUB_INT:
384     case GSTUB_EXT:
386 	debug0(DGT, D, "calling TransferEnd( PopObj() ) from Reduce()");
387 	TransferEnd( PopObj() );
388 	New(p1, NULL_CLOS);
389 	PushObj(p1);
390 	Dispose(op);
391 	break;
394     case GSTUB_NONE:
396 	New(p1, NULL_CLOS);
397 	PushObj(p1);
398 	Dispose(op);
399 	break;
402     case NULL_CLOS:
403     case PAGE_LABEL:
404     case BEGIN_HEADER:
405     case END_HEADER:
406     case SET_HEADER:
407     case CLEAR_HEADER:
408     case ONE_COL:
409     case ONE_ROW:
410     case WIDE:
411     case HIGH:
412     case HSHIFT:
413     case VSHIFT:
414     case HMIRROR:
415     case VMIRROR:
416     case HSCALE:
417     case VSCALE:
418     case HCOVER:
419     case VCOVER:
420     case SCALE:
421     case KERN_SHRINK:
422     case HCONTRACT:
423     case VCONTRACT:
424     case HLIMITED:
425     case VLIMITED:
426     case HEXPAND:
427     case VEXPAND:
428     case START_HVSPAN:
429     case START_HSPAN:
430     case START_VSPAN:
431     case HSPAN:
432     case VSPAN:
433     case PADJUST:
434     case HADJUST:
435     case VADJUST:
436     case ROTATE:
437     case BACKGROUND:
438     case YIELD:
439     case BACKEND:
440     case XCHAR:
441     case FONT:
442     case SPACE:
443     case YUNIT:
444     case ZUNIT:
445     case SET_CONTEXT:
446     case GET_CONTEXT:
447     case BREAK:
448     case UNDERLINE:
449     case UNDERLINE_COLOUR:
450     case COLOUR:
451     case TEXTURE:
452     case OUTLINE:
453     case LANGUAGE:
454     case CURR_LANG:
455     case CURR_FAMILY:
456     case CURR_FACE:
457     case CURR_YUNIT:
458     case CURR_ZUNIT:
459     case COMMON:
460     case RUMP:
461     case MELD:
462     case INSERT:
463     case ONE_OF:
464     case NEXT:
465     case PLUS:
466     case MINUS:
467     case TAGGED:
468     case INCGRAPHIC:
469     case SINCGRAPHIC:
470     case PLAIN_GRAPHIC:
471     case GRAPHIC:
472     case LINK_SOURCE:
473     case LINK_DEST:
474     case LINK_URL:
475     case OPEN:
476     case RAW_VERBATIM:
477     case VERBATIM:
479 	if( has_rpar(actual(op)) )
480 	{ s2 = PopObj();
481 	  Link(op, s2);
482 	}
483 	if( has_lpar(actual(op)) )
484 	{ s1 = PopObj();
485 	  Link(Down(op), s1);
486 	}
487 	PushObj(op);
488 	break;
491     case CASE:
493 	if( has_rpar(actual(op)) )
494 	{ s2 = PopObj();
495 	  Link(op, s2);
496 	}
497 	if( has_lpar(actual(op)) )
498 	{ s1 = PopObj();
499 	  Link(Down(op), s1);
500 	  if( type(s1) == BACKEND )
501 	  { op = OptimizeCase(op);
502 	  }
503 	}
504 	PushObj(op);
505 	break;
508     case CROSS:
509     case FORCE_CROSS:
511 	s2 = PopObj();
512 	Link(op, s2);
513 	s1 = PopObj();
514 	Link(Down(op), s1);
515 	if( type(s1) != CLOSURE )
516 	  Error(6, 3, "left parameter of %s is not a symbol (or not visible)",
517 	    WARN, &fpos(s1), Image(type(op)));
518 	PushObj(op);
519 	break;
522     case CLOSURE:
524 	if( has_rpar(actual(op)) )
525 	{ New(s2, PAR);
526 	  tmp = PopObj();
527 	  Link(s2, tmp);
528 	  FposCopy(fpos(s2), fpos(tmp));
529 	  actual(s2) = ChildSym(actual(op), RPAR);
530 	  Link(op, s2);
531 	}
532 	if( has_lpar(actual(op)) )
533 	{ New(s1, PAR);
534 	  tmp = PopObj();
535 	  Link(s1, tmp);
536 	  FposCopy(fpos(s1), fpos(tmp));
537 	  actual(s1) = ChildSym(actual(op), LPAR);
538 	  Link(Down(op), s1);
539 	}
540 	PushObj(op);
541 	break;
544     case LBR:
546 	Error(6, 4, "unmatched %s (inserted %s)", WARN, &fpos(op),
547 	  KW_LBR, KW_RBR);
548 	Dispose(op);
549 	obj_prev = PREV_RBR;
550 	break;
553     case BEGIN:
555 	assert1(FALSE, "Reduce: unmatched", KW_BEGIN);
556 	break;
559     case RBR:
561 	if( type(TokenTop) == LBR )
562 	{ /* *** FposCopy(fpos(ObjTop), fpos(TokenTop)); *** */
563 	  Dispose( PopToken() );
564 	}
565 	else if( type(TokenTop) == BEGIN )
566 	{ if( file_num(fpos(TokenTop)) > 0 )
567 	    Error(6, 5, "unmatched %s; inserted %s at%s (after %s)",
568 	      WARN, &fpos(op), KW_RBR, KW_LBR,
569 	      EchoFilePos(&fpos(TokenTop)), KW_BEGIN);
570 	  else
571 	    Error(6, 6, "unmatched %s not enclosed in anything",
572 	      FATAL, &fpos(op), KW_RBR);
573 	}
574 	else
575 	{ assert1(FALSE, "Reduce: unmatched", KW_RBR);
576 	}
577 	Dispose(op);
578 	obj_prev = PREV_RBR;
579 	break;
582     case END:
584 	if( type(TokenTop) != BEGIN )
585 	{ assert1(FALSE, "Reduce: unmatched", KW_END);
586 	}
587 	else
588 	{ if( actual(op) != actual(TokenTop) )
589 	  {
590 	    if( actual(op) == StartSym )
591 	      Error(6, 7, "%s %s appended at end of file to match %s at%s",
592 		WARN, &fpos(op), KW_END, SymName(actual(TokenTop)),
593 		KW_BEGIN, EchoFilePos(&fpos(TokenTop)) );
594 	    else if( actual(op) == nilobj )
595 	      Error(6, 8, "%s replaced by %s %s to match %s at%s",
596 	        WARN, &fpos(op), KW_END, KW_END,
597 		actual(TokenTop) == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("??") :
598 		  SymName(actual(TokenTop)),
599 		KW_BEGIN, EchoFilePos(&fpos(TokenTop)) );
600 	    else
601 	      Error(6, 9, "%s %s replaced by %s %s to match %s at%s",
602 	        WARN, &fpos(op), KW_END, SymName(actual(op)),
603 		KW_END, SymName(actual(TokenTop)),
604 		KW_BEGIN, EchoFilePos(&fpos(TokenTop)) );
605 	  }
606 	  Dispose( PopToken() );
607 	}
608 	Dispose(op);
609 	obj_prev = PREV_RBR;
610 	break;
613     case GAP_OBJ:
615 	p1 = PopObj();
616 	Link(op, p1);
617 	PushObj(op);
618 	obj_prev = PREV_OP;
619 	break;
622     case VCAT:
623     case HCAT:
624     case ACAT:
626 	p3 = PopObj();  p2 = PopObj();  p1 = PopObj();
627 	if( type(p1) == type(op) )
628 	{ Dispose(op);
629 	}
630 	else
631 	{ Link(op, p1);
632 	  p1 = op;
633 	}
634 	Link(p1, p2);
635 	Link(p1, p3);
636 	PushObj(p1);
637 	break;
640     case TSPACE:
641     case TJUXTA:
643 	p2 = PopObj();  p1 = PopObj();
644 	if( type(p1) != ACAT )
645 	{ New(tmp, ACAT);
646 	  Link(tmp, p1);
647 	  FposCopy(fpos(tmp), fpos(p1));
648 	  p1 = tmp;
649 	}
650 	type(op) = GAP_OBJ;
651 	Link(p1, op);
652 	Link(p1, p2);
653 	PushObj(p1);
654 	break;
657     default:
659 	assert1(FALSE, "Reduce:", Image(type(op)));
660 	break;
662   } /* end switch */
663   debugcond1(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] end Reduce(), returning %s",
664     obj_prev == PREV_OP ? "PREV_OP" : obj_prev == PREV_OBJ ? "PREV_OBJ" :
665     obj_prev == PREV_RBR ? "PREV_RBR" : "???");
666   return obj_prev;
667 } /* end Reduce */
670 /*@::SetScope(), InitParser()@************************************************/
671 /*                                                                           */
672 /*  SetScope(env, count, vis_only)                                           */
673 /*                                                                           */
674 /*  Push scopes required to parse object whose environment is env.           */
675 /*  Add to *count the number of scope pushes made.                           */
676 /*                                                                           */
677 /*  If vis_only is true, we only want visible things of the top-level        */
678 /*  element of env to be visible in this scope.                              */
679 /*                                                                           */
680 /*****************************************************************************/
SetScope(OBJECT env,int * count,BOOLEAN vis_only)682 void SetScope(OBJECT env, int *count, BOOLEAN vis_only)
683 { OBJECT link, y, yenv;  BOOLEAN visible_only;
684   debugcond2(DOP,DD, debug_now, "[ SetScope(%s, %d)", EchoObject(env), *count);
685   assert( env != nilobj && type(env) == ENV, "SetScope: type(env) != ENV!" );
686   if( Down(env) != env )
687   { Child(y, Down(env));
688     assert( LastDown(y) != y, "SetScope: LastDown(y)!" );
689     link = LastDown(env) != Down(env) ? LastDown(env) : LastDown(y);
690     Child(yenv, link);
691     assert( type(yenv) == ENV, "SetScope: type(yenv) != ENV!" );
692     SetScope(yenv, count, FALSE);
693     visible_only = vis_only || (use_invocation(actual(y)) != nilobj);
694     /* i.e. from @Use clause */
695     PushScope(actual(y), FALSE, visible_only);  (*count)++;
696     /*** this following was a bright idea that did not work owing to
697 	 allowing body parameters at times they definitely shouldn't be
698     BodyParAllowed();
699     ***/
700   }
701   debugcond1(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] SetScope returning, count = %d", *count);
702 } /* end SetScope */
705 /*****************************************************************************/
706 /*                                                                           */
707 /*  InitParser()                                                             */
708 /*                                                                           */
709 /*  Initialise the parser to contain just GstubExt.                          */
710 /*  Remember cross_db, the name of the cross reference database, for Parse.  */
711 /*                                                                           */
712 /*****************************************************************************/
InitParser(FULL_CHAR * cross_db)714 void InitParser(FULL_CHAR *cross_db)
715 {
716   otop = -1;
717   ttop = -1;
718   unknown_count = 0;
719   InDefinitions = TRUE;
720   debug0(DOP, D, "InitParser setting InDefinitions to TRUE");
721 #if DEBUG_ON
722   debug_now = FALSE;
723 #endif
724   if( StringLength(cross_db) >= MAX_WORD )
725     Error(6, 10, "cross reference database file name %s is too long",
726       FATAL, no_fpos, cross_db);
727   cross_name = MakeWord(WORD, cross_db, no_fpos);
728   PushToken( NewToken(GSTUB_EXT, no_fpos, 0, 0, DEFAULT_PREC, StartSym) );
729 } /* end InitParser */
732 /*@::ParseEnvClosure()@*******************************************************/
733 /*                                                                           */
734 /*  static OBJECT ParseEnvClosure(t, encl)                                   */
735 /*                                                                           */
736 /*  Parse an object which is a closure with environment.  Consume the        */
737 /*  concluding @LClos.                                                       */
738 /*                                                                           */
739 /*****************************************************************************/
ParseEnvClosure(OBJECT t,OBJECT encl)741 static OBJECT ParseEnvClosure(OBJECT t, OBJECT encl)
742 { OBJECT env, res, y;  int count, i;
743   debugcond0(DOP, DDD, debug_now, "ParseEnvClosure(t, encl)");
744   assert( type(t) == ENV, "ParseEnvClosure: type(t) != ENV!" );
745   env = t;  t = LexGetToken();
746   while( type(t) != CLOS )  switch( type(t) )
747   {
748     case LBR:	count = 0;
749 		SetScope(env, &count, FALSE);
750 		y = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
751 		if( type(y) != CLOSURE )
752 		{
753 		  debug1(DIO, D, "  Parse() returning %s:", Image(type(y)));
754 		  ifdebug(DIO, D, DebugObject(y));
755 		  Error(6, 11, "syntax error in cross reference database",
756 		    FATAL, &fpos(y));
757 		}
758 		for( i = 1;  i <= count;  i++ )  PopScope();
759 		AttachEnv(env, y);
760 		debug0(DCR, DDD, "  calling SetEnv from ParseEnvClosure (a)");
761 		env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
762 		t = LexGetToken();
763 		break;
765     case ENV:	y = ParseEnvClosure(t, encl);
766 		debug0(DCR, DDD, "  calling SetEnv from ParseEnvClosure (b)");
767 		env = SetEnv(y, env);
768 		t = LexGetToken();
769 		break;
771     default:	Error(6, 12, "error in cross reference database",
772 		  FATAL, &fpos(t));
773 		break;
774   }
775   Dispose(t);
776   if( Down(env) == env || Down(env) != LastDown(env) )
777     Error(6, 13, "error in cross reference database", FATAL, &fpos(env));
778   Child(res, Down(env));
779   DeleteNode(env);
780   debugcond1(DOP, DDD, debug_now, "ParseEnvClosure ret. %s", EchoObject(res));
781   assert( type(res) == CLOSURE, "ParseEnvClosure: type(res) != CLOSURE!" );
782   return res;
783 } /* end ParseEnvClosure */
786 /*@::Parse()@*****************************************************************/
787 /*                                                                           */
788 /*  OBJECT Parse(token, encl, defs_allowed, transfer_allowed)                */
789 /*                                                                           */
790 /*  Parse input tokens, beginning with *token, looking for an object of the  */
791 /*  form { ... } or @Begin ... @End <sym>, and return the object.            */
792 /*  The parent definition is encl, and scope has been set appropriately.     */
793 /*  Parse reads up to and including the last token of the object             */
794 /*  (the right brace or <sym>), and returns nilobj in *token.                */
795 /*                                                                           */
796 /*  If defs_allowed == TRUE, there may be local definitions in the object.   */
797 /*  In this case, encl is guaranteed to be the enclosing definition.         */
798 /*                                                                           */
799 /*  If transfer_allowed == TRUE, the parser may transfer components to the   */
800 /*  galley handler as they are read.                                         */
801 /*                                                                           */
802 /*  Note: the lexical analyser returns "@End \Input" at end of input, so the */
803 /*  parser does not have to handle end of input separately.                  */
804 /*                                                                           */
805 /*****************************************************************************/
Parse(OBJECT * token,OBJECT encl,BOOLEAN defs_allowed,BOOLEAN transfer_allowed)807 OBJECT Parse(OBJECT *token, OBJECT encl,
808 BOOLEAN defs_allowed, BOOLEAN transfer_allowed)
809 { OBJECT t, x, tmp, xsym, env, y, link, res, imps, xlink;
810   int i, offset, lnum, initial_ttop = ttop;
811   int obj_prev, scope_count, compulsory_count;  BOOLEAN revealed;
813   debugcond4(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ Parse(%s, %s, %s, %s)", EchoToken(*token),
814       SymName(encl), bool(defs_allowed), bool(transfer_allowed));
815   assert( type(*token) == LBR || type(*token) == BEGIN, "Parse: *token!" );
817   obj_prev = PREV_OP;
818   Shift(*token, precedence(*token), 0, FALSE, TRUE);
819   t = LexGetToken();
820   if( defs_allowed )
821   { ReadDefinitions(&t, encl, LOCAL);
823     /* if error in definitions, stop now */
824     if( ErrorSeen() )
825       Error(6, 14, "exiting now (error in definitions)", FATAL, &fpos(t));
827     if( encl == StartSym )
828     {
829       /* read @Use, @Database, and @Prepend commands and defs and construct env */
830       New(env, ENV);
831       for(;;)
832       {
833 	if( type(t) == WORD && (
834 	    StringEqual(string(t), KW_DEF)     ||
835 	    /* StringEqual(string(t), KW_FONTDEF) || */
836 	    StringEqual(string(t), KW_LANGDEF) ||
837 	    StringEqual(string(t), KW_MACRO)   ||
838 	    StringEqual(string(t), KW_IMPORT)  ||
839 	    StringEqual(string(t), KW_EXTEND)  ||
840 	    StringEqual(string(t), KW_EXPORT)  ) )
841 	{
842 	  ReadDefinitions(&t, encl, LOCAL);
844           /* if error in definitions, stop now */
845           if( ErrorSeen() )
846 	    Error(6, 39, "exiting now (error in definitions)", FATAL, &fpos(t));
848 	}
849 	else if( type(t) == USE )
850 	{
851 	  OBJECT crs, res_env;  STYLE style;
852 	  Dispose(t);  t = LexGetToken();
853 	  if( type(t) != LBR )
854 	    Error(6, 15, "%s expected after %s", FATAL, &fpos(t),KW_LBR,KW_USE);
855 	  debug0(DOP, DD, "  Parse() calling Parse for @Use clause");
856 	  y = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
857 	  if( is_cross(type(y)) )
858 	  { OBJECT z;
859 	    Child(z, Down(y));
860 	    if( type(z) == CLOSURE )
861 	    { crs = nilobj;
862 	      y = CrossExpand(y, env, &style, &crs, &res_env);
863 	      if( crs != nilobj )
864 	      { Error(6, 16, "%s or %s tag not allowed here",
866 	      }
867 	      HuntCommandOptions(y);
868 	      AttachEnv(res_env, y);
869 	      debug0(DCR, DDD, "  calling SetEnv from Parse (a)");
870 	      env = SetEnv(y, env);
871 	    }
872 	    else Error(6, 17, "invalid parameter of %s", FATAL, &fpos(y), KW_USE);
873 	  }
874 	  else if( type(y) == CLOSURE )
875 	  { if( use_invocation(actual(y)) != nilobj )
876 	      Error(6, 18, "symbol %s occurs in two %s clauses",
877 		FATAL, &fpos(y), SymName(actual(y)), KW_USE);
878 	    use_invocation(actual(y)) = y;
879 	    HuntCommandOptions(y);
880 	    AttachEnv(env, y);
881 	    debug0(DCR, DDD, "  calling SetEnv from Parse (b)");
882 	    env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
883 	  }
884 	  else Error(6, 19, "invalid parameter of %s", FATAL, &fpos(y), KW_USE);
885 	  PushScope(actual(y), FALSE, TRUE);
886 	  t = LexGetToken();
887         }
888 	else if( type(t) == PREPEND || type(t) == SYS_PREPEND )
889 	{ ReadPrependDef(type(t), encl);
890 	  Dispose(t);
891 	  t = LexGetToken();
892 	}
893 	else if( type(t) == INCG_REPEATED || type(t) == SINCG_REPEATED )
894 	{ ReadIncGRepeatedDef(type(t), encl);
895 	  Dispose(t);
896 	  t = LexGetToken();
897 	}
898 	else if( type(t) == DATABASE || type(t) == SYS_DATABASE )
899 	{ ReadDatabaseDef(type(t), encl);
900 	  Dispose(t);
901 	  t = LexGetToken();
902 	}
903 	else break;
904       }
906       /* transition point from defs to content; turn on debugging now */
907 #if DEBUG_ON
908       debug_now = TRUE;
909 #endif
910       InDefinitions = FALSE;
911       debug0(DOP, D, "Parse() setting InDefinitions to FALSE");
912       debugcond4(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ Parse (first) (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
913 	EchoToken(*token), SymName(encl), bool(defs_allowed),
914 	bool(transfer_allowed));
916       /* load cross-references from previous run, open new cross refs */
917       if( AllowCrossDb )
918       {
919 	  NewCrossDb = DbCreate(MakeWord(WORD, string(cross_name), no_fpos));
920 	  OldCrossDb = DbLoad(cross_name, SOURCE_PATH, FALSE, nilobj,
921 	    InMemoryDbIndexes);
922       }
923       else OldCrossDb = NewCrossDb = nilobj;
925       /* tidy up and possibly print symbol table */
926       FlattenUses();
927       ifdebug(DST, DD, DebugObject(StartSym));
929       TransferInit(env);
930       debug0(DMA, D, "at end of definitions:");
931       ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugMemory());
932     }
933   }
935   for(;;)
936   {
937     debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "");
938     ifdebugcond(DOP, DD, debug_now, DebugStacks(0, obj_prev));
939     debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "");
940     debugcond2(DOP, DD, debug_now, ">> %s (precedence %d)", EchoToken(t), precedence(t));
942     switch( type(t) )
943     {
945       case WORD:
947 	if( string(t)[0] == CH_SYMSTART &&
948 	  (obj_prev != PREV_OBJ || vspace(t) + hspace(t) > 0) )
949 	{
950 	  Error(6, 20, "symbol %s unknown or misspelt",
951 	    WARN, &fpos(t), string(t));
952 	  if( ++unknown_count > 25 )
953 	  {
954 	    Error(6, 21, "too many errors (%s lines missing or out of order?)",
955 	      FATAL, &fpos(t), KW_SYSINCLUDE);
956 	  }
957 	}
958 	ShiftObj(t, PREV_OBJ);
959 	t = LexGetToken();
960 	break;
963       case QWORD:
965 	ShiftObj(t, PREV_OBJ);
966 	t = LexGetToken();
967 	break;
970       case VCAT:
971       case HCAT:
972       case ACAT:
974 	/* clean up left context */
975 	Shift(t, precedence(t), LEFT_ASSOC, TRUE, TRUE);
977 	/* invoke transfer subroutines if appropriate */
978 	/* *** if( type(t) == VCAT && !has_join(actual(t)) *** */
979 	if( transfer_allowed && type(t) == VCAT && !has_join(actual(t))
980 		&& type(tok_stack[ttop-2]) == GSTUB_EXT )
981 	{
982 	  debug0(DGT, DD, "  calling TransferComponent from Parse:");
983 	  ifdebug(DGT, DD, DebugStacks(0, obj_prev));
984 	  TransferComponent( PopObj() );
985 	  New(tmp, NULL_CLOS);
986 	  FposCopy( fpos(tmp), fpos(t) );
987 	  PushObj(tmp);
988 	}
990 	/* push GAP_OBJ token, to cope with 3 parameters */
991 	New(x, GAP_OBJ);
992 	mark(gap(x)) = has_mark(actual(t));
993 	join(gap(x)) = has_join(actual(t));
994 	hspace(x) = hspace(t);
995 	vspace(x) = vspace(t);
996 	precedence(x) = GAP_PREC;
997 	FposCopy( fpos(x), fpos(t) );
1000 	/* if op is followed by space, insert {} */
1001 	t = LexGetToken();
1002 	if( hspace(t) + vspace(t) > 0 )
1003 	{ ShiftObj(MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)), PREV_OBJ);
1004 	}
1005 	break;
1008       case CROSS:
1009       case FORCE_CROSS:
1010       case NULL_CLOS:
1011       case PAGE_LABEL:
1012       case BEGIN_HEADER:
1013       case END_HEADER:
1014       case SET_HEADER:
1015       case CLEAR_HEADER:
1016       case ONE_COL:
1017       case ONE_ROW:
1018       case WIDE:
1019       case HIGH:
1020       case HSHIFT:
1021       case VSHIFT:
1022       case HMIRROR:
1023       case VMIRROR:
1024       case HSCALE:
1025       case VSCALE:
1026       case HCOVER:
1027       case VCOVER:
1028       case SCALE:
1029       case KERN_SHRINK:
1030       case HCONTRACT:
1031       case VCONTRACT:
1032       case HLIMITED:
1033       case VLIMITED:
1034       case HEXPAND:
1035       case VEXPAND:
1036       case START_HVSPAN:
1037       case START_HSPAN:
1038       case START_VSPAN:
1039       case HSPAN:
1040       case VSPAN:
1041       case PADJUST:
1042       case HADJUST:
1043       case VADJUST:
1044       case ROTATE:
1045       case BACKGROUND:
1046       case CASE:
1047       case YIELD:
1048       case BACKEND:
1049       case XCHAR:
1050       case FONT:
1051       case SPACE:
1052       case YUNIT:
1053       case ZUNIT:
1054       case SET_CONTEXT:
1055       case GET_CONTEXT:
1056       case BREAK:
1057       case UNDERLINE:
1058       case UNDERLINE_COLOUR:
1059       case COLOUR:
1060       case TEXTURE:
1061       case OUTLINE:
1062       case LANGUAGE:
1063       case CURR_LANG:
1064       case CURR_FAMILY:
1065       case CURR_FACE:
1066       case CURR_YUNIT:
1067       case CURR_ZUNIT:
1068       case COMMON:
1069       case RUMP:
1070       case MELD:
1071       case INSERT:
1072       case ONE_OF:
1073       case NEXT:
1074       case TAGGED:
1075       case INCGRAPHIC:
1076       case SINCGRAPHIC:
1077       case PLAIN_GRAPHIC:
1078       case GRAPHIC:
1079       case LINK_SOURCE:
1080       case LINK_DEST:
1081       case LINK_URL:
1083 	/* clean up left context of t (these ops are all right associative) */
1084 	Shift(t, precedence(t), RIGHT_ASSOC,
1085 	  has_lpar(actual(t)), has_rpar(actual(t)));
1086 	t = LexGetToken();
1087 	break;
1090       case VERBATIM:
1091       case RAW_VERBATIM:
1093 	/* clean up left context of t */
1094 	x = t;
1095 	Shift(t, precedence(t), RIGHT_ASSOC,
1096 	  has_lpar(actual(t)), has_rpar(actual(t)));
1098 	/* check for opening brace or begin following, and shift it onto the stacks */
1099 	t = LexGetToken();
1100 	if( type(t) != BEGIN && type(t) != LBR )
1101 	  Error(6, 40, "right parameter of %s or %s must be enclosed in braces",
1102 	    FATAL, &fpos(x), KW_VERBATIM, KW_RAWVERBATIM);
1103         actual(t) = type(x) == VERBATIM ? VerbatimSym : RawVerbatimSym;
1104 	Shift(t, LBR_PREC, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
1106 	/* read right parameter and add it to the stacks, and reduce */
1107 	y = LexScanVerbatim( (FILE *) NULL, type(t) == BEGIN, &fpos(t),
1108 	  type(x) == RAW_VERBATIM);
1109 	ShiftObj(y, PREV_OBJ);
1111 	/* carry on, hopefully to the corresponding right brace or @End @Verbatim */
1112 	t = LexGetToken();
1113 	break;
1116       case PLUS:
1117       case MINUS:
1119 	/* clean up left context of t (these ops are all left associative) */
1120 	Shift(t, precedence(t), LEFT_ASSOC,
1121 	  has_lpar(actual(t)), has_rpar(actual(t)));
1122 	t = LexGetToken();
1123 	break;
1126       case UNEXPECTED_EOF:
1128 	Error(6, 22, "unexpected end of input", FATAL, &fpos(t));
1129 	break;
1132       case BEGIN:
1134 	if( actual(t) == nilobj )
1135 	{ Error(6, 23, "%s replaced by %s", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_BEGIN, KW_LBR);
1136 	  type(t) = LBR;
1137 	}
1138 	/* NB NO BREAK! */
1141       case LBR:
1143 	Shift(t, LBR_PREC, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
1144 	t = LexGetToken();
1145 	break;
1148       case END:
1150 	if( actual(t) == nilobj )  /* haven't sought following symbol yet */
1151 	{ x = LexGetToken();
1152 	  if( type(x) == CLOSURE )
1153 	  { actual(t) = actual(x);
1154 	    Dispose(x);
1155 	    x = nilobj;
1156 	  }
1157 	  else if( type(x) == VERBATIM )
1158 	  { actual(t) = VerbatimSym;
1159 	    Dispose(x);
1160 	    x = nilobj;
1161 	  }
1162 	  else if( type(x) == RAW_VERBATIM )
1163 	  { actual(t) = RawVerbatimSym;
1164 	    Dispose(x);
1165 	    x = nilobj;
1166 	  }
1167 	  else if( type(x) == WORD && string(x)[0] == CH_SYMSTART )
1168 	  { Error(6, 24, "unknown or misspelt symbol %s after %s deleted",
1169 	      WARN, &fpos(x), string(x), KW_END);
1170 	    actual(t) = nilobj;
1171 	    Dispose(x);
1172 	    x = nilobj;
1173 	  }
1174 	  else
1175 	  { Error(6, 25, "symbol expected after %s", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_END);
1176 	    actual(t) = nilobj;
1177 	  }
1178 	}
1179 	else x = nilobj;
1180 	Shift(t, precedence(t), 0, TRUE, FALSE);
1181 	t = (x != nilobj) ? x : LexGetToken();
1182 	break;
1185       case RBR:
1187 	Shift(t, precedence(t), 0, TRUE, FALSE);
1188 	t = LexGetToken();
1189 	break;
1192       case USE:
1193       case NOT_REVEALED:
1194       case PREPEND:
1195       case SYS_PREPEND:
1196       case INCG_REPEATED:
1197       case SINCG_REPEATED:
1198       case DATABASE:
1199       case SYS_DATABASE:
1201 	Error(6, 26, "%s symbol out of place",
1202 	  INTERN, &fpos(t), SymName(actual(t)));
1203 	break;
1206       case ENV:
1208 	/* only occurs in cross reference databases */
1209 	res = ParseEnvClosure(t, encl);
1210 	ShiftObj(res, PREV_OBJ);
1211 	t = LexGetToken();
1212 	break;
1215       case ENVA:
1217 	/* only occurs in cross reference databases */
1218 	offset = LexNextTokenPos() -StringLength(KW_ENVA)-StringLength(KW_LBR)-1;
1219 	Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
1220 	tmp = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
1221 	env = SetEnv(tmp, nilobj);
1222 	ShiftObj(env, PREV_OBJ);
1223 	t = LexGetToken();
1224 	EnvReadInsert(file_num(fpos(t)), offset, env);
1225 	break;
1228       case ENVB:
1230 	/* only occurs in cross reference databases */
1231 	offset = LexNextTokenPos() -StringLength(KW_ENVB)-StringLength(KW_LBR)-1;
1232 	Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
1233 	env = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
1234 	t = LexGetToken();
1235 	res = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
1236 	/* env = SetEnv(res, env); fails sometimes, below is yukky patch JK */
1237 	env = SetEnv(res, type(env) == ENV ? env : NULL);
1238 	ShiftObj(env, PREV_OBJ);
1239 	t = LexGetToken();
1240 	EnvReadInsert(file_num(fpos(t)), offset, env);
1241 	break;
1244       case ENVC:
1246 	/* only occurs in cross reference databases */
1247 	Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
1248 	New(res, ENV);
1249 	ShiftObj(res, PREV_OBJ);
1250 	break;
1253       case ENVD:
1255 	/* only occurs in cross reference databases */
1256 	Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
1257 	if( type(t) != QWORD ||
1258 	  sscanf((char *) string(t), "%d %d", &offset, &lnum) != 2 )
1259 	  Error(6, 37, "error in cross reference database", FATAL, &fpos(t));
1260 	if( !EnvReadRetrieve(file_num(fpos(t)), offset, &env) )
1261 	{ LexPush(file_num(fpos(t)), offset, DATABASE_FILE, lnum, TRUE);
1262 	  Dispose(t);  t = LexGetToken();
1263 	  env = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
1264 	  LexPop();
1265 	}
1266 	else
1267 	{ Dispose(t);
1268 	}
1269 	ShiftObj(env, PREV_OBJ);
1270 	t = LexGetToken();
1271 	break;
1274       case CENV:
1276 	/* only occurs in cross reference databases */
1277 	Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
1278 	env = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
1279 	scope_count = 0;
1280 	SetScope(env, &scope_count, FALSE);
1281 	t = LexGetToken();
1282 	res = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
1283 	for( i = 0;  i < scope_count;  i++ ) PopScope();
1284 	AttachEnv(env, res);
1285 	ShiftObj(res, PREV_OBJ);
1286 	t = LexGetToken();
1287 	break;
1290       case LUSE:
1292 	/* only occurs in cross-reference databases */
1293 	/* copy invocation from use_invocation(xsym), don't read it */
1294 	Dispose(t);  t = LexGetToken();
1295 	if( type(t) != CLOSURE )
1296 	  Error(6, 27, "symbol expected following %s", FATAL,&fpos(t),KW_LUSE);
1297 	xsym = actual(t);
1298 	if( use_invocation(xsym) == nilobj )
1299 	  Error(6, 28, "%s clause(s) changed from previous run",
1300 	    FATAL, &fpos(t), KW_USE);
1301 	x = CopyObject(use_invocation(xsym), no_fpos);
1302 	for( link = LastDown(x);  link != x;  link = PrevDown(link) )
1303 	{ Child(y, link);
1304 	  if( type(y) == ENV )
1305 	  { DeleteLink(link);
1306 	    break;
1307 	  }
1308 	}
1309 	ShiftObj(x, PREV_OBJ);
1310 	t = LexGetToken();
1311 	break;
1314       case LVIS:
1316 	/* only occurs in cross-reference databases */
1317 	SuppressVisible();
1318 	Dispose(t);  t = LexGetToken();
1319 	UnSuppressVisible();
1320 	if( type(t) != CLOSURE )
1321 	  Error(6, 29, "symbol expected following %s", FATAL,&fpos(t),KW_LVIS);
1322 	/* NB NO BREAK! */
1325       case CLOSURE:
1327 	x = t;  xsym = actual(x);
1329 	/* look ahead one token, which could be an NPAR */
1330 	/* or could be @NotRevealed */
1331 	PushScope(xsym, TRUE, FALSE);
1332 	t = LexGetToken();
1333 	if( type(t) == NOT_REVEALED )
1334 	{ Dispose(t);
1335 	  t = LexGetToken();
1336 	  revealed = FALSE;
1337 	}
1338 	else revealed = TRUE;
1339 	PopScope();
1341 	/* if x starts a cross-reference, make it a CLOSURE */
1342 	if( is_cross(type(t)) )
1343 	{ ShiftObj(x, PREV_OBJ);
1344 	  break;
1345 	}
1347 	/* clean up left context of x */
1348 	Shift(x,precedence(x),right_assoc(xsym),has_lpar(xsym),has_rpar(xsym));
1350 	/* update uses relation if required */
1351 	if( encl != StartSym && encl != nilobj )
1352 	{ if( has_target(xsym) )
1353 	  { uses_galley(encl) = TRUE;
1354 	    dirty(encl) = (dirty(encl) || dirty(xsym));
1355 	  }
1356 	  else if( revealed )  InsertUses(encl, xsym);
1357 	}
1359 	/* read named parameters */
1360 	compulsory_count = 0;
1361 	while( (type(t) == CLOSURE && enclosing(actual(t)) == xsym
1362 				       && type(actual(t)) == NPAR)
1363 	  || (type(t) == LBR && precedence(t) != LBR_PREC) )
1364 	{
1365 	  OBJECT new_par;
1367 	  /* check syntax and attach the named parameter to x */
1368 	  if( type(t) == CLOSURE )
1369 	  {
1370 	    new_par = t;
1371 	    t = LexGetToken();
1372 	    if( type(t) != LBR )
1373 	    { Error(6, 30, "%s must follow named parameter %s",
1374 	        WARN, &fpos(new_par), KW_LBR, SymName(actual(new_par)));
1375 	      Dispose(new_par);
1376 	      break;
1377 	    }
1378 	  }
1379 	  else
1380 	  {
1381 	    /* compressed form of named parameter */
1382 	    new_par = NewToken(CLOSURE, &fpos(t), vspace(t), hspace(t),
1383 	      NO_PREC, ChildSymWithCode(x, precedence(t)));
1384 	    precedence(t) = LBR_PREC;
1385 	  }
1387 	  /* add import list of the named parameter to current scope */
1388 	  scope_count = 0;
1389 	  imps = imports(actual(new_par));
1390 	  if( imps != nilobj )
1391 	  { for( link = Down(imps);  link != imps;  link = NextDown(link) )
1392 	    { Child(y, link);
1393 	      PushScope(actual(y), FALSE, TRUE);
1394 	      scope_count++;
1395 	    }
1396 	  }
1398 	  /* read the body of the named parameter */
1399 	  PushScope(actual(new_par), FALSE, FALSE);
1400 	  tmp = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
1401 	  PopScope();
1402 	  type(new_par) = PAR;
1403 	  Link(new_par, tmp);
1405 	  /* pop the scopes pushed for the import list */
1406 	  for( i = 0;  i < scope_count;  i++ )
1407 	    PopScope();
1409 	  /* check that new_par has not already occurred, then link it to x */
1410 	  for( link = Down(x);  link != x;  link = NextDown(link) )
1411 	  { Child(y, link);
1412 	    assert( type(y) == PAR, "Parse: type(y) != PAR!" );
1413 	    if( actual(new_par) == actual(y) )
1414 	    { Error(6, 31, "named parameter %s of %s appears twice", WARN,
1415 		&fpos(new_par), SymName(actual(new_par)), SymName(actual(x)));
1416 	      DisposeObject(new_par);
1417 	      new_par = nilobj;
1418 	      break;
1419 	    }
1420 	  }
1421 	  if( new_par != nilobj )
1422 	  {
1423 	    /* keep track of the number of compulsory named parameters */
1424 	    if( is_compulsory(actual(new_par)) )
1425 	      compulsory_count++;
1427 	    Link(x, new_par);
1428 	  }
1430 	  /* get next token, possibly another NPAR */
1431 	  PushScope(xsym, TRUE, FALSE);	 /* allow NPARs only */
1432 	  if( t == nilobj )  t = LexGetToken();
1433 	  PopScope();
1435 	} /* end while */
1437 	/* report absence of compulsory parameters */
1438 	debug4(DOP, DD, "%s %s %d : %d", EchoFilePos(&fpos(x)),
1439 	  SymName(xsym), compulsory_count, has_compulsory(xsym));
1440 	if( compulsory_count < has_compulsory(xsym) )
1441 	{
1442 	  for( xlink = Down(xsym);  xlink != xsym;  xlink = NextDown(xlink) )
1443 	  { Child(tmp, xlink);
1444 	    if( type(tmp) == NPAR && is_compulsory(tmp) )
1445 	    { for( link = Down(x);  link != x;  link = NextDown(link) )
1446 	      { Child(y, link);
1447 		if( type(y) == PAR && actual(y) == tmp )
1448 		  break;
1449 	      }
1450 	      if( link == x )
1451 	      {
1452 		Error(6, 38, "compulsory option %s missing from %s",
1453 		  WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(tmp), SymName(xsym));
1454 	      }
1455 	    }
1456 	  }
1457 	}
1459 	/* record symbol name in BEGIN following, if any */
1460 	if( type(t) == BEGIN )
1461 	{ if( !has_rpar(xsym) )
1462 	    Error(6, 32, "%s out of place here (%s has no right parameter)",
1463 	      WARN, &fpos(x), KW_BEGIN, SymName(xsym));
1464 	  else actual(t) = xsym;
1465 	}
1467 	/* if x can be transferred, do so */
1468 	if( transfer_allowed && has_target(xsym) &&
1469 	    !has_key(xsym) && filter(xsym) == nilobj )
1470 	{
1471 	  if( !has_rpar(xsym) || uses_count(ChildSym(xsym, RPAR)) <= 1 )
1472 	  {
1473 	    debug1(DGT, D, "examining transfer of %s", SymName(xsym));
1474 	    ifdebug(DGT, D, DebugStacks(initial_ttop, obj_prev));
1475 	    i = has_rpar(xsym) ? ttop -1 : ttop;
1476 	    while( is_cat_op(type(tok_stack[i])) )   i--;
1477 	    if( (type(tok_stack[i])==LBR || type(tok_stack[i])==BEGIN)
1478 		  && type(tok_stack[i-1]) == GSTUB_EXT )
1479 	    {
1480 	      /* at this point it is likely that x is transferable */
1481 	      if( has_rpar(xsym) )
1482 	      { New(tmp, CLOSURE);
1483 		actual(tmp) = InputSym;
1484 		FposCopy( fpos(tmp), fpos(t) );
1485 		ShiftObj(tmp, PREV_OBJ);
1486 		obj_prev = Reduce();
1487 	      }
1488 	      x = PopObj();
1489 	      x = TransferBegin(x);
1490 	      if( type(x) == CLOSURE )	/* failure: unReduce */
1491 	      {	if( has_rpar(xsym) )
1492 		{ Child(tmp, LastDown(x));
1493 		  assert(type(tmp)==PAR && type(actual(tmp))==RPAR,
1494 				"Parse: cannot undo rpar" );
1495 		  DisposeChild(LastDown(x));
1496 		  if( has_lpar(xsym) )
1497 		  { Child(tmp, Down(x));
1498 		    assert(type(tmp)==PAR && type(actual(tmp))==LPAR,
1499 				"Parse: cannot undo lpar" );
1500 		    Child(tmp, Down(tmp));
1501 		    PushObj(tmp);
1502 		    DeleteLink(Up(tmp));
1503 		    DisposeChild(Down(x));
1504 		  }
1505 		  PushToken(x);  obj_prev = PREV_OP;
1506 		}
1507 		else
1508 		{ PushObj(x);
1509 		  obj_prev = PREV_OBJ;
1510 		}
1511 	      }
1512 	      else /* success */
1513 	      { obj_prev = PREV_OP;
1514 	        Shift(x, NO_PREC, 0, FALSE, has_rpar(xsym));
1515 	      }
1516 	    }
1517 	  }
1518 	} /* end if has_target */
1520 	if( filter(xsym) != nilobj )
1521 	{
1522 	  if( type(t) == BEGIN || type(t) == LBR )
1523 	  {
1524 	    /* create filter object and copy parameter into temp file */
1525 	    tmp = FilterCreate((BOOLEAN) (type(t) == BEGIN), xsym, &fpos(t));
1527 	    /* push filter object onto stacks and keep going */
1528 	    Shift(t, precedence(t), 0, FALSE, TRUE);
1529 	    ShiftObj(tmp, PREV_OBJ);
1530 	    t = LexGetToken();
1531 	  }
1532 	  else Error(6, 33, "right parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces",
1533 		 FATAL, &fpos(x), SymName(xsym));
1534 	}
1536 	else if( has_body(xsym) )
1537 	{ if( type(t) == BEGIN || type(t) == LBR )
1538 	  { PushScope(xsym, FALSE, TRUE);
1539 	    PushScope(ChildSym(xsym, RPAR), FALSE, FALSE);
1540 	    PushObj( Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, TRUE) );
1541 	    obj_prev = Reduce();
1542 	    PopScope();
1543 	    PopScope();
1544 	    if( t == nilobj )  t = LexGetToken();
1545 	  }
1546 	  else
1547 	  { Error(6, 34, "body parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces",
1548 	      WARN, &fpos(t), SymName(xsym));
1549 	  }
1550 	}
1551 	break;
1554       case OPEN:
1556 	x = t;  xsym = nilobj;
1557 	Shift(t, precedence(t), RIGHT_ASSOC, TRUE, TRUE);
1558 	if( type(ObjTop) == CLOSURE )  xsym = actual(ObjTop);
1559 	else if( is_cross(type(ObjTop)) && Down(ObjTop) != ObjTop )
1560 	{ Child(tmp, Down(ObjTop));
1561 	  if( type(tmp) == CLOSURE )  xsym = actual(tmp);
1562 	}
1563 	t = LexGetToken();
1565 	if( xsym == nilobj )
1566 	  Error(6, 35, "invalid left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_OPEN);
1567 	else if( type(t) != BEGIN && type(t) != LBR )
1568 	  Error(6, 36, "right parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces",
1569 	    WARN, &fpos(t), KW_OPEN);
1570 	else
1571 	{ PushScope(xsym, FALSE, TRUE);
1572 	  tmp = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
1573 	  ShiftObj(tmp, PREV_RBR);
1574 	  PopScope();
1575 	  if( t == nilobj )  t = LexGetToken();
1576 	  obj_prev = Reduce();
1577 	}
1578 	break;
1581       default:
1583 	assert1(FALSE, "Parse:", Image(type(t)));
1584 	break;
1586     } /* end switch */
1587   } /* end for */
1589 } /* end Parse */