1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3<TS version="2.0" language="zh_TW">
5    <name>Help</name>
6    <message>
7        <source>http://posterazor.sourceforge.net/</source>
8        <comment>Only translate, if the website has this language.</comment>
9        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10    </message>
11    <message>
12        <source>PosteRazor has its user interface organized in a &apos;Wizard&apos; fashion. All settings for the poster creation can be done in %1 steps.
13The &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; and &lt;b&gt;%3&lt;/b&gt; buttons navigate through these steps. The &lt;b&gt;?&lt;/b&gt; button opens a help window with an explanation of the current step.
14All entries and choices are remembered until the next usage of the PosteRazor.</source>
15        <comment>Manual preface. Place holders: %1 = Number of wizard steps, %2 = &apos;Back&apos;, %3 = &apos;Next&apos; (will be automatically inserted)</comment>
16        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
17    </message>
18    <message>
19        <source>&amp;Manual</source>
20        <translation type="unfinished">&amp;使用手冊(&amp;M)</translation>
21    </message>
22    <message>
23        <source>Step %1 of %2:</source>
24        <translation type="unfinished">步驟 %1  %2 :</translation>
25    </message>
26    <message>
27        <source>Load an input image</source>
28        <translation type="unfinished">匯入要處理的圖像</translation>
29    </message>
31    <message>
32        <source>Printer paper format</source>
33        <translation type="unfinished">印表機紙張格式</translation>
34    </message>
35    <message>
36        <source>Image tile overlapping</source>
37        <translation type="unfinished">圖像邊緣重叠的尺寸</translation>
38    </message>
39    <message>
40        <source>Final poster size</source>
41        <translation type="unfinished">完成後海報的尺寸</translation>
42    </message>
43    <message>
44        <source>Save the Poster</source>
45        <translation type="unfinished">儲存海報</translation>
46    </message>
47    <message>
48        <source>Load an image by clicking the button with the open icon and selecting an image file, or by drag &amp; dropping an image file on the PosteRazor. The drag &amp; drop also works during the other steps.
49After loading the image, the most important informations are listed in the &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; fields.</source>
50        <comment>Wizard step 1. Place holders: %1 = &apos;Image informations&apos; (will be automatically inserted)</comment>
51        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
52    </message>
53    <message>
54        <source>Define the paper sheet size that you use in your printer.
55A standard paper sheet size can be selected from the &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; chooser, along with the desired paper sheet orientation.
56Alternatively, a custom paper sheet size can be defined in the &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; tab.
57Paper borders are defined in the &lt;b&gt;%3&lt;/b&gt; fields. Even if your printer does need no (or small) paper borders, some border might be needed to have enough area for gluing the final poster tiles together.</source>
58        <comment>Wizard step 2. Place holders: %1 = &apos;Format:&apos;, %2 = &apos;Custom&apos;, %3 = &apos;Borders&apos; (will be automatically inserted)</comment>
59        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
60    </message>
61    <message>
62        <source>Image tile overlapping is needed to have some tolerance for cutting off the unneeded borders from one side. Additionally, like the borders from the previous step, it gives more area for gluing together the final poster tiles.
63The &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; defines the borders that are intended to be overlapped by the neighbor tiles. The borders on the opposite sides are intended to be cut (except on the outermost tiles).</source>
64        <comment>Wizard step 3. Place holders: %1 = &apos;Overlapping position&apos; (will be automatically inserted)</comment>
65        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
66    </message>
67    <message>
68        <source>Define the final poster size, in one of the following three modes which can be selected by the corresponding radio buttons:</source>
69        <comment>Wizard step 4. Start of the description.</comment>
70        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
71    </message>
72    <message>
73        <source>You want to have a specific size of your poster.</source>
74        <comment>Wizard step 4. Description for &apos;absolute size&apos;</comment>
75        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
76    </message>
77    <message>
78        <source>You want to use whole paper sheets and specify how many of them you want to use.</source>
79        <comment>Wizard step 4. Description for &apos;size in pages&apos;</comment>
80        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
81    </message>
82    <message>
83        <source>Your input image has a certain size which is defined by the number of pixels and dpi (dots per Inch) and your want to enlarge the image by a certain factor.</source>
84        <comment>Wizard step 4. Description for &apos;size in percent&apos;</comment>
85        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
86    </message>
87    <message>
88        <source>The aspect ratio of width and height is always 1:1 and is automatically recalculated. In the preview area, you can see the overlapping areas which are surrounded by light red rectangles.
89&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; sets the alignment of the image on the total paper area of the poster. This is useful if you want to keep the unused paper.</source>
90        <comment>Wizard step 4. End of the description. Place holders: %1 = &apos;Image alignment&apos; (will be automatically inserted)</comment>
91        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
92    </message>
93    <message>
94        <source>Save the poster by clicking the save button and specifying a destination file name.
95Check or uncheck the &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt;, if the standard PDF handling application that is set in your operating system should be automatically started after the PDF file is saved.</source>
96        <comment>Wizard step 5. Place holders: %1 = &apos;Open PDF after saving&apos; (will be automatically inserted)</comment>
97        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
98    </message>
99    <message>
100        <source>PosteRazor &amp;website</source>
101        <translation type="unfinished">PosteRazor 網站 (&amp;w)</translation>
102    </message>
103    <message>
104        <source>&amp;About PosteRazor</source>
105        <translation type="unfinished">關於 PosteRazor (&amp;A)</translation>
106    </message>
107    <message>
108        <source>About &amp;Qt</source>
109        <translation type="unfinished">關於 Qt (&amp;Q)</translation>
110    </message>
111    <message>
112        <source>The PosteRazor cuts a raster image into pieces which can be printed on a printer and be put together to a poster.
113As an input image, raster files of various image file formats are supported. Instead of directly printing the poster, the PosteRazor produces a multi page PDF file which contains the poster tiles.
114It is an open source program which depends on other open source projects. The PosteRazor is hosted on %1.</source>
115        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
116    </message>
119    <name>Main window</name>
120    <message>
121        <source>圖像訊息</source>
122        <translation type="unfinished">絕對大小</translation>
123    </message>
124    <message>
125        <source>Color type:</source>
126        <translation type="unfinished">色彩品質:</translation>
127    </message>
128    <message>
129        <source>Resolution:</source>
130        <translation type="unfinished">解析度:</translation>
131    </message>
132    <message>
133        <source>Size (in pixels):</source>
134        <translation type="unfinished">尺寸 (像素):</translation>
135    </message>
136    <message>
137        <source>Input Image</source>
138        <translation type="unfinished">輸入圖像</translation>
139    </message>
140    <message>
141        <source>Open PDF after saving</source>
142        <translation type="unfinished">儲存後開啟此 PDF 文件檔</translation>
143    </message>
144    <message>
145        <source>&amp;File</source>
146        <translation type="unfinished">&amp;檔案</translation>
147    </message>
148    <message>
149        <source>&amp;Settings</source>
150        <translation type="unfinished">&amp;設定</translation>
151    </message>
152    <message>
153        <source>Next</source>
154        <translation type="unfinished">下一步</translation>
155    </message>
156    <message>
157        <source>Height:</source>
158        <translation type="unfinished">高度:</translation>
159    </message>
160    <message>
161        <source>Bottom left</source>
162        <translation type="unfinished">左下</translation>
163    </message>
164    <message>
165        <source>Bottom right</source>
166        <translation type="unfinished">右下</translation>
167    </message>
168    <message>
169        <source>Overlapping position</source>
170        <translation type="unfinished">重疊區</translation>
171    </message>
172    <message>
173        <source>Top left</source>
174        <translation type="unfinished">左上</translation>
175    </message>
176    <message>
177        <source>Top right</source>
178        <translation type="unfinished">右上</translation>
179    </message>
180    <message>
181        <source>Overlapping size</source>
182        <translation type="unfinished">重疊尺寸</translation>
183    </message>
184    <message>
185        <source>Width:</source>
186        <translation type="unfinished">寬度:</translation>
187    </message>
188    <message>
189        <source>Bottom</source>
190        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
191    </message>
192    <message>
193        <source>Size (in %1):</source>
194        <translation type="unfinished">尺寸 (%1):</translation>
195    </message>
196    <message>
197        <source>Borders</source>
198        <translation type="unfinished">邊緣</translation>
199    </message>
200    <message>
201        <source>Left</source>
202        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
203    </message>
204    <message>
205        <source>Right</source>
206        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
207    </message>
208    <message>
209        <source>Top</source>
210        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
211    </message>
212    <message>
213        <source>Format:</source>
214        <translation type="unfinished">紙張規格:</translation>
215    </message>
216    <message>
217        <source>Custom</source>
218        <translation type="unfinished">自訂</translation>
219    </message>
220    <message>
221        <source>Standard</source>
222        <translation type="unfinished">標準設定</translation>
223    </message>
224    <message>
225        <source>Orientation:</source>
226        <translation type="unfinished">紙張方向:</translation>
227    </message>
228    <message>
229        <source>Landscape</source>
230        <translation type="unfinished">水平</translation>
231    </message>
232    <message>
233        <source>Portrait</source>
234        <translation type="unfinished">垂直</translation>
235    </message>
236    <message>
237        <source>Paper size</source>
238        <translation type="unfinished">頁面格式</translation>
239    </message>
240    <message>
241        <source>Image alignment</source>
242        <translation type="unfinished">圖像位置</translation>
243    </message>
244    <message>
245        <source>pages</source>
246        <translation type="unfinished">頁面</translation>
247    </message>
248    <message>
249        <source>Size:</source>
250        <translation type="unfinished">尺寸:</translation>
251    </message>
252    <message>
253        <source>Absolute size:</source>
254        <translation type="unfinished">絕對大小:</translation>
255    </message>
256    <message>
257        <source>Image size</source>
258        <translation type="unfinished">最後圖像尺寸</translation>
259    </message>
260    <message>
261        <source>Size in pages:</source>
262        <translation type="unfinished">分割頁面數:</translation>
263    </message>
264    <message>
265        <source>Size in percent:</source>
266        <translation type="unfinished">圖像百分比:</translation>
267    </message>
268    <message>
269        <source>Back</source>
270        <translation type="unfinished">上一步</translation>
271    </message>
272    <message>
273        <source>Save the poster</source>
274        <translation type="unfinished">另存為</translation>
275    </message>
276    <message>
277        <source>Monochrome</source>
278        <translation type="unfinished">黑白</translation>
279    </message>
280    <message>
281        <source>Gray scale</source>
282        <translation type="unfinished">灰階</translation>
283    </message>
284    <message>
285        <source>Palette</source>
286        <translation type="unfinished">調色盤</translation>
287    </message>
288    <message>
289        <source>RGB</source>
290        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
291    </message>
292    <message>
293        <source>RGBA</source>
294        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
295    </message>
296    <message>
297        <source>CMYK</source>
298        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
299    </message>
300    <message>
301        <source>All image formats</source>
302        <translation type="unfinished">所有的圖像格式</translation>
303    </message>
304    <message>
305        <source>Load an input image</source>
306        <translation type="unfinished">匯入圖像檔</translation>
307    </message>
308    <message>
309        <source>The image &apos;%1&apos; could not be loaded.</source>
310        <translation type="unfinished">檔案無法讀取 &apos;%1&apos;。</translation>
311    </message>
312    <message>
313        <source>The file &apos;%1&apos; already exists.
314Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
315        <translation type="unfinished">檔案 &apos;%1&apos; 已經存在要覆蓋此檔案嗎?</translation>
316    </message>
317    <message>
318        <source>The file &apos;%1&apos; could not be saved.</source>
319        <translation type="unfinished">檔案無法儲存 &apos;%1&apos;。</translation>
320    </message>
321    <message>
322        <source>Language name</source>
323        <translation type="unfinished">正體中文</translation>
324    </message>
325    <message>
326        <source>E&amp;xit</source>
327        <translation type="unfinished">離開 (&amp;x)</translation>
328    </message>