1 /****************************************************************************
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3 ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
4 ** Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
5 ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
6 **
7 ** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
8 **
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12 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
13 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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38 **
39 ****************************************************************************/
41 // Prevent windows system header files from defining min/max as macros.
42 #define NOMINMAX 1
44 #include <winsock2.h>
45 #include <ws2tcpip.h>
47 #include "qnativesocketengine_p.h"
49 #include <qabstracteventdispatcher.h>
50 #include <qsocketnotifier.h>
51 #include <qdebug.h>
52 #include <qdatetime.h>
53 #include <qnetworkinterface.h>
54 #include <qoperatingsystemversion.h>
56 #include <algorithm>
60 #   include <qstring.h>
61 #   include <qbytearray.h>
62 #endif
66 //Some distributions of mingw (including 4.7.2 from mingw.org) are missing this from headers.
67 //Also microsoft headers don't include it when building on XP and earlier.
68 #ifndef IPV6_V6ONLY
69 #define IPV6_V6ONLY 27
70 #endif
71 #ifndef IP_HOPLIMIT
72 #define IP_HOPLIMIT               21 // Receive packet hop limit.
73 #endif
verboseWSErrorDebug(int r)77 void verboseWSErrorDebug(int r)
78 {
79     switch (r) {
80         case WSANOTINITIALISED : qDebug("WSA error : WSANOTINITIALISED"); break;
81         case WSAEINTR: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEINTR"); break;
82         case WSAEBADF: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEBADF"); break;
83         case WSAEACCES: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEACCES"); break;
84         case WSAEFAULT: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEFAULT"); break;
85         case WSAEINVAL: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEINVAL"); break;
86         case WSAEMFILE: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEMFILE"); break;
87         case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEWOULDBLOCK"); break;
88         case WSAEINPROGRESS: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEINPROGRESS"); break;
89         case WSAEALREADY: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEALREADY"); break;
90         case WSAENOTSOCK: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENOTSOCK"); break;
91         case WSAEDESTADDRREQ: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEDESTADDRREQ"); break;
92         case WSAEMSGSIZE: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEMSGSIZE"); break;
93         case WSAEPROTOTYPE: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEPROTOTYPE"); break;
94         case WSAENOPROTOOPT: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENOPROTOOPT"); break;
95         case WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT"); break;
96         case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: qDebug("WSA error : WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT"); break;
97         case WSAEOPNOTSUPP: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEOPNOTSUPP"); break;
98         case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEPFNOSUPPORT"); break;
99         case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEAFNOSUPPORT"); break;
100         case WSAEADDRINUSE: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEADDRINUSE"); break;
101         case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL"); break;
102         case WSAENETDOWN: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENETDOWN"); break;
103         case WSAENETUNREACH: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENETUNREACH"); break;
104         case WSAENETRESET: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENETRESET"); break;
105         case WSAECONNABORTED: qDebug("WSA error : WSAECONNABORTED"); break;
106         case WSAECONNRESET: qDebug("WSA error : WSAECONNRESET"); break;
107         case WSAENOBUFS: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENOBUFS"); break;
108         case WSAEISCONN: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEISCONN"); break;
109         case WSAENOTCONN: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENOTCONN"); break;
110         case WSAESHUTDOWN: qDebug("WSA error : WSAESHUTDOWN"); break;
111         case WSAETOOMANYREFS: qDebug("WSA error : WSAETOOMANYREFS"); break;
112         case WSAETIMEDOUT: qDebug("WSA error : WSAETIMEDOUT"); break;
113         case WSAECONNREFUSED: qDebug("WSA error : WSAECONNREFUSED"); break;
114         case WSAELOOP: qDebug("WSA error : WSAELOOP"); break;
115         case WSAENAMETOOLONG: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENAMETOOLONG"); break;
116         case WSAEHOSTDOWN: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEHOSTDOWN"); break;
117         case WSAEHOSTUNREACH: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEHOSTUNREACH"); break;
118         case WSAENOTEMPTY: qDebug("WSA error : WSAENOTEMPTY"); break;
119         case WSAEPROCLIM: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEPROCLIM"); break;
120         case WSAEUSERS: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEUSERS"); break;
121         case WSAEDQUOT: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEDQUOT"); break;
122         case WSAESTALE: qDebug("WSA error : WSAESTALE"); break;
123         case WSAEREMOTE: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEREMOTE"); break;
124         case WSAEDISCON: qDebug("WSA error : WSAEDISCON"); break;
125         default: qDebug("WSA error : Unknown"); break;
126     }
127     qErrnoWarning(r, "more details");
128 }
130 /*
131     Returns a human readable representation of the first \a len
132     characters in \a data.
133 */
qt_prettyDebug(const char * data,int len,int maxLength)134 static QByteArray qt_prettyDebug(const char *data, int len, int maxLength)
135 {
136     if (!data) return "(null)";
137     QByteArray out;
138     for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
139         char c = data[i];
140         if (isprint(int(uchar(c)))) {
141             out += c;
142         } else switch (c) {
143         case '\n': out += "\\n"; break;
144         case '\r': out += "\\r"; break;
145         case '\t': out += "\\t"; break;
146         default:
147             QString tmp;
148             tmp.sprintf("\\%o", c);
149             out += tmp.toLatin1().constData();
150         }
151     }
153     if (len < maxLength)
154         out += "...";
156     return out;
157 }
160 #define WS_ERROR_DEBUG(x) verboseWSErrorDebug(x);
162 #else
164 #define WS_ERROR_DEBUG(x) Q_UNUSED(x)
166 #endif
168 #ifndef AF_INET6
169 #define AF_INET6        23              /* Internetwork Version 6 */
170 #endif
173 #define SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE ((int)(~SO_REUSEADDR)) /* disallow local address reuse */
174 #endif
176 /*
177     Extracts the port and address from a sockaddr, and stores them in
178     \a port and \a addr if they are non-null.
179 */
qt_socket_getPortAndAddress(SOCKET socketDescriptor,const qt_sockaddr * sa,quint16 * port,QHostAddress * address)180 static inline void qt_socket_getPortAndAddress(SOCKET socketDescriptor, const qt_sockaddr *sa, quint16 *port, QHostAddress *address)
181 {
182     if (sa->a.sa_family == AF_INET6) {
183         const sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = &sa->a6;
184         Q_IPV6ADDR tmp;
185         for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
186             tmp.c[i] = sa6->sin6_addr.s6_addr[i];
187         if (address) {
188             QHostAddress a;
189             a.setAddress(tmp);
190             if (sa6->sin6_scope_id)
191                 a.setScopeId(QString::number(sa6->sin6_scope_id));
192             *address = a;
193         }
194         if (port)
195             WSANtohs(socketDescriptor, sa6->sin6_port, port);
196     } else
198     if (sa->a.sa_family == AF_INET) {
199         const sockaddr_in *sa4 = &sa->a4;
200         unsigned long addr;
201         WSANtohl(socketDescriptor, sa4->sin_addr.s_addr, &addr);
202         QHostAddress a;
203         a.setAddress(addr);
204         if (address)
205             *address = a;
206         if (port)
207             WSANtohs(socketDescriptor, sa4->sin_port, port);
208     }
209 }
convertToLevelAndOption(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption opt,QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol socketProtocol,int & level,int & n)211 static void convertToLevelAndOption(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption opt,
212                                     QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol socketProtocol, int &level, int &n)
213 {
214     n = -1;
215     level = SOL_SOCKET; // default
217     switch (opt) {
218     case QNativeSocketEngine::NonBlockingSocketOption:      // WSAIoctl
219     case QNativeSocketEngine::TypeOfServiceOption:          // not supported
220     case QNativeSocketEngine::MaxStreamsSocketOption:
221         Q_UNREACHABLE();
223     case QNativeSocketEngine::ReceiveBufferSocketOption:
224         n = SO_RCVBUF;
225         break;
226     case QNativeSocketEngine::SendBufferSocketOption:
227         n = SO_SNDBUF;
228         break;
229     case QNativeSocketEngine::BroadcastSocketOption:
230         n = SO_BROADCAST;
231         break;
232     case QNativeSocketEngine::AddressReusable:
233         n = SO_REUSEADDR;
234         break;
235     case QNativeSocketEngine::BindExclusively:
236         n = SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE;
237         break;
238     case QNativeSocketEngine::ReceiveOutOfBandData:
239         n = SO_OOBINLINE;
240         break;
241     case QNativeSocketEngine::LowDelayOption:
242         level = IPPROTO_TCP;
243         n = TCP_NODELAY;
244         break;
245     case QNativeSocketEngine::KeepAliveOption:
246         n = SO_KEEPALIVE;
247         break;
248     case QNativeSocketEngine::MulticastTtlOption:
249         if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol || socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol) {
250             level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
251             n = IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS;
252         } else
253         {
254             level = IPPROTO_IP;
255             n = IP_MULTICAST_TTL;
256         }
257         break;
258     case QNativeSocketEngine::MulticastLoopbackOption:
259         if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol || socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol) {
260             level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
261             n = IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP;
262         } else
263         {
264             level = IPPROTO_IP;
265             n = IP_MULTICAST_LOOP;
266         }
267         break;
268     case QNativeSocketEngine::ReceivePacketInformation:
269         if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol || socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol) {
270             level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
271             n = IPV6_PKTINFO;
272         } else if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
273             level = IPPROTO_IP;
274             n = IP_PKTINFO;
275         }
276         break;
277     case QNativeSocketEngine::ReceiveHopLimit:
278         if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol || socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol) {
279             level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
280             n = IPV6_HOPLIMIT;
281         } else if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
282             level = IPPROTO_IP;
283             n = IP_HOPLIMIT;
284         }
285         break;
287     case QAbstractSocketEngine::PathMtuInformation:
288         break;          // not supported on Windows
289     }
290 }
292 /*! \internal
294 */
qt_socket_getType(qintptr socketDescriptor)295 static inline QAbstractSocket::SocketType qt_socket_getType(qintptr socketDescriptor)
296 {
297     int value = 0;
298     QT_SOCKLEN_T valueSize = sizeof(value);
299     if (::getsockopt(socketDescriptor, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE,
300                      reinterpret_cast<char *>(&value), &valueSize) != 0) {
301         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(WSAGetLastError());
302     } else {
303         if (value == SOCK_STREAM)
304             return QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket;
305         else if (value == SOCK_DGRAM)
306             return QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket;
307     }
308     return QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketType;
309 }
311 // MS Transport Provider IOCTL to control
312 // reporting PORT_UNREACHABLE messages
313 // on UDP sockets via recv/WSARecv/etc.
314 // Path TRUE in input buffer to enable (default if supported),
315 // FALSE to disable.
317 #  ifndef IOC_VENDOR
318 #    define IOC_VENDOR 0x18000000
319 #  endif
320 #  ifndef _WSAIOW
321 #    define _WSAIOW(x,y) (IOC_IN|(x)|(y))
322 #  endif
324 #endif
createNewSocket(QAbstractSocket::SocketType socketType,QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol & socketProtocol)326 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::createNewSocket(QAbstractSocket::SocketType socketType, QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol &socketProtocol)
327 {
329     //### no ip6 support on winsocket 1.1 but we will try not to use this !!!!!!!!!!!!1
330     /*
331     if (winsockVersion < 0x20 && socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) {
332         //### no ip6 support
333         return -1;
334     }
335     */
337     //### SCTP not implemented
338     if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::SctpSocket) {
339         setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError,
340                  ProtocolUnsupportedErrorString);
341         return false;
342     }
344     //Windows XP and 2003 support IPv6 but not dual stack sockets
345     int protocol = (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol
346         || (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol)) ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET;
347     int type = (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket) ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM;
349     // MSDN KB179942 states that on winnt 4 WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is needed if socket is to be non blocking
350     // and recomends alwasy doing it for cross windows version comapablity.
352     // WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT is atomic (like linux O_CLOEXEC), but requires windows 7 SP 1 or later
353     // SetHandleInformation is supported since W2K but isn't atomic
356 #endif
358     SOCKET socket = ::WSASocket(protocol, type, 0, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT | WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED);
359     // previous call fails if the windows 7 service pack 1 or hot fix isn't installed.
361     // Try the old API if the new one failed on Windows 7
362     if (socket == INVALID_SOCKET && QOperatingSystemVersion::current() < QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows8) {
363         socket = ::WSASocket(protocol, type, 0, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED);
365         if (socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
366             // make non inheritable the old way
367             BOOL handleFlags = SetHandleInformation(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(socket), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
369             qDebug() << "QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::createNewSocket - set inheritable" << handleFlags;
370 #else
371             Q_UNUSED(handleFlags);
372 #endif
373         }
374 #endif
375     }
377     if (socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
378         int err = WSAGetLastError();
379         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
380         switch (err) {
381         case WSANOTINITIALISED:
382             //###
383             break;
384         case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT:
385         case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT:
386         case WSAEPROTOTYPE:
387         case WSAEINVAL:
388             setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError, ProtocolUnsupportedErrorString);
389             break;
390         case WSAEMFILE:
391         case WSAENOBUFS:
392             setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketResourceError, ResourceErrorString);
393             break;
394         default:
395             break;
396         }
398         return false;
399     }
401     if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket) {
402         // enable new behavior using
403         // SIO_UDP_CONNRESET
404         DWORD dwBytesReturned = 0;
405         int bNewBehavior = 1;
406         if (::WSAIoctl(socket, SIO_UDP_CONNRESET, &bNewBehavior, sizeof(bNewBehavior),
407                        NULL, 0, &dwBytesReturned, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
408             // not to worry isBogusUdpReadNotification() should handle this otherwise
409             int err = WSAGetLastError();
410             WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
411         }
412     }
414     // get the pointer to sendmsg and recvmsg
415     DWORD bytesReturned;
416     GUID recvmsgguid = WSAID_WSARECVMSG;
418                  &recvmsgguid, sizeof(recvmsgguid),
419                  &recvmsg, sizeof(recvmsg), &bytesReturned, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
420         recvmsg = 0;
422     GUID sendmsgguid = WSAID_WSASENDMSG;
424                  &sendmsgguid, sizeof(sendmsgguid),
425                  &sendmsg, sizeof(sendmsg), &bytesReturned, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
426         sendmsg = 0;
428     socketDescriptor = socket;
429     if (socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
430         this->socketProtocol = socketProtocol;
431         this->socketType = socketType;
432     }
434     // Make the socket nonblocking.
435     if (!setOption(QAbstractSocketEngine::NonBlockingSocketOption, 1)) {
436         setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError, NonBlockingInitFailedErrorString);
437         q_func()->close();
438         return false;
439     }
441     return true;
442 }
444 /*! \internal
446     Returns the value of the socket option \a opt.
447 */
option(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption opt) const448 int QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::option(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption opt) const
449 {
450     Q_Q(const QNativeSocketEngine);
451     if (!q->isValid())
452         return -1;
454     // handle non-getsockopt
455     switch (opt) {
456     case QNativeSocketEngine::NonBlockingSocketOption: {
457         unsigned long buf = 0;
458         if (WSAIoctl(socketDescriptor, FIONBIO, 0,0, &buf, sizeof(buf), 0,0,0) == 0)
459             return buf;
460         else
461             return -1;
462         break;
463     }
464     case QNativeSocketEngine::TypeOfServiceOption:
465     case QNativeSocketEngine::MaxStreamsSocketOption:
466         return -1;
468     default:
469         break;
470     }
473 #error code assumes windows is little endian
474 #endif
475     int n, level;
476     int v = 0; //note: windows doesn't write to all bytes if the option type is smaller than int
477     QT_SOCKOPTLEN_T len = sizeof(v);
479     convertToLevelAndOption(opt, socketProtocol, level, n);
480     if (n != -1) {
481         if (getsockopt(socketDescriptor, level, n, (char *) &v, &len) == 0)
482             return v;
483         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(WSAGetLastError());
484     }
485     return -1;
486 }
489 /*! \internal
490     Sets the socket option \a opt to \a v.
491 */
setOption(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption opt,int v)492 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::setOption(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption opt, int v)
493 {
494     Q_Q(const QNativeSocketEngine);
495     if (!q->isValid())
496         return false;
498     // handle non-setsockopt options
499     switch (opt) {
500     case QNativeSocketEngine::SendBufferSocketOption:
501         // see QTBUG-30478 SO_SNDBUF should not be used on Vista or later
502         return false;
503     case QNativeSocketEngine::NonBlockingSocketOption:
504         {
505         unsigned long buf = v;
506         unsigned long outBuf;
507         DWORD sizeWritten = 0;
508         if (::WSAIoctl(socketDescriptor, FIONBIO, &buf, sizeof(unsigned long), &outBuf, sizeof(unsigned long), &sizeWritten, 0,0) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
509             WS_ERROR_DEBUG(WSAGetLastError());
510             return false;
511         }
512         return true;
513         break;
514         }
515     case QNativeSocketEngine::TypeOfServiceOption:
516     case QNativeSocketEngine::MaxStreamsSocketOption:
517         return false;
519     default:
520         break;
521     }
523     int n, level;
524     convertToLevelAndOption(opt, socketProtocol, level, n);
525     if (n == -1)
526         return false;
527     if (::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, level, n, (char*)&v, sizeof(v)) != 0) {
528         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(WSAGetLastError());
529         return false;
530     }
531     return true;
532 }
534 /*!
535     Fetches information about both ends of the connection: whatever is
536     available.
537 */
fetchConnectionParameters()538 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::fetchConnectionParameters()
539 {
540     localPort = 0;
541     localAddress.clear();
542     peerPort = 0;
543     peerAddress.clear();
544     inboundStreamCount = outboundStreamCount = 0;
546     if (socketDescriptor == -1)
547        return false;
549     qt_sockaddr sa;
550     QT_SOCKLEN_T sockAddrSize = sizeof(sa);
552     // Determine local address
553     memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
554     if (::getsockname(socketDescriptor, &sa.a, &sockAddrSize) == 0) {
555         qt_socket_getPortAndAddress(socketDescriptor, &sa, &localPort, &localAddress);
556         // Determine protocol family
557         switch (sa.a.sa_family) {
558         case AF_INET:
559             socketProtocol = QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol;
560             break;
561         case AF_INET6:
562             socketProtocol = QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol;
563             break;
564         default:
565             socketProtocol = QAbstractSocket::UnknownNetworkLayerProtocol;
566             break;
567         }
568     } else {
569         int err = WSAGetLastError();
570         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
571         if (err == WSAENOTSOCK) {
572             setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError,
573                 InvalidSocketErrorString);
574             return false;
575         }
576     }
578     // determine if local address is dual mode
579     DWORD ipv6only = 0;
580     QT_SOCKOPTLEN_T optlen = sizeof(ipv6only);
581     if (localAddress == QHostAddress::AnyIPv6
582         && !getsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&ipv6only, &optlen )) {
583             if (!ipv6only) {
584                 socketProtocol = QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol;
585                 localAddress = QHostAddress::Any;
586             }
587     }
589     // Some Windows kernels return a v4-mapped QHostAddress::AnyIPv4 as a
590     // local address of the socket which bound on both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces.
591     // This address does not match to any special address and should not be used
592     // to send the data. So, replace it with QHostAddress::Any.
593     const uchar ipv6MappedNet[] = {0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0xff,0xff, 0,0,0,0};
594     if (localAddress.isInSubnet(QHostAddress(ipv6MappedNet), 128 - 32)) {
595         bool ok = false;
596         const quint32 localIPv4 = localAddress.toIPv4Address(&ok);
597         if (ok && localIPv4 == INADDR_ANY) {
598             socketProtocol = QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol;
599             localAddress = QHostAddress::Any;
600         }
601     }
603     memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
604     if (::getpeername(socketDescriptor, &sa.a, &sockAddrSize) == 0) {
605         qt_socket_getPortAndAddress(socketDescriptor, &sa, &peerPort, &peerAddress);
606         inboundStreamCount = outboundStreamCount = 1;
607     } else {
608         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(WSAGetLastError());
609     }
611     socketType = qt_socket_getType(socketDescriptor);
614     QString socketProtocolStr = QStringLiteral("UnknownProtocol");
615     if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) socketProtocolStr = QStringLiteral("IPv4Protocol");
616     else if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) socketProtocolStr = QStringLiteral("IPv6Protocol");
618     QString socketTypeStr = QStringLiteral("UnknownSocketType");
619     if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) socketTypeStr = QStringLiteral("TcpSocket");
620     else if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket) socketTypeStr = QStringLiteral("UdpSocket");
622     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::fetchConnectionParameters() localAddress == %s, localPort = %i, peerAddress == %s, peerPort = %i, socketProtocol == %s, socketType == %s", localAddress.toString().toLatin1().constData(), localPort, peerAddress.toString().toLatin1().constData(), peerPort, socketProtocolStr.toLatin1().constData(), socketTypeStr.toLatin1().constData());
623 #endif
625     return true;
626 }
setErrorFromWSAError(int error,QNativeSocketEnginePrivate * d)629 static void setErrorFromWSAError(int error, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate *d)
630 {
631     Q_ASSERT(d);
632     switch (error) {
633     case WSAEISCONN:
634         d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState;
635         break;
637         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::HostUnreachableErrorString);
638         d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
639         break;
641         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::AddressNotAvailableErrorString);
642         d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
643         break;
644     case WSAEINPROGRESS:
645         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnfinishedSocketOperationError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::InvalidSocketErrorString);
646         d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState;
647         break;
648     case WSAEADDRINUSE:
649         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::AddressInuseErrorString);
650         break;
652         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::ConnectionRefusedErrorString);
653         d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
654         break;
655     case WSAETIMEDOUT:
656         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::ConnectionTimeOutErrorString);
657         d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
658         break;
659     case WSAEACCES:
660         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::AccessErrorString);
661         d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
662         break;
663     case WSAENETUNREACH:
664         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::NetworkUnreachableErrorString);
665         d->socketState = QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState;
666         break;
667     case WSAEINVAL:
668     case WSAEALREADY:
669         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnfinishedSocketOperationError, QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::InvalidSocketErrorString);
670         break;
671     default:
672         break;
673     }
674 }
nativeConnect(const QHostAddress & address,quint16 port)676 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port)
677 {
680     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect() to %s :: %i", address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port);
681 #endif
683     qt_sockaddr aa;
684     QT_SOCKLEN_T sockAddrSize = 0;
686     setPortAndAddress(port, address, &aa, &sockAddrSize);
688     if ((socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol || socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol) && address.toIPv4Address()) {
689         //IPV6_V6ONLY option must be cleared to connect to a V4 mapped address
690         DWORD ipv6only = 0;
691         ipv6only = ::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&ipv6only, sizeof(ipv6only) );
692     }
694     forever {
695         int connectResult = ::WSAConnect(socketDescriptor, &aa.a, sockAddrSize, 0,0,0,0);
696         if (connectResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
697             int err = WSAGetLastError();
698             WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
700             switch (err) {
701             case WSANOTINITIALISED:
702                 //###
703                 break;
704             case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: {
705                 // If WSAConnect returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK on the second
706                 // connection attempt, we have to check SO_ERROR's
707                 // value to detect ECONNREFUSED. If we don't get
708                 // ECONNREFUSED, we'll have to treat it as an
709                 // unfinished operation.
710                 int value = 0;
711                 QT_SOCKLEN_T valueSize = sizeof(value);
712                 bool tryAgain = false;
713                 bool errorDetected = false;
714                 int tries = 0;
715                 do {
716                     if (::getsockopt(socketDescriptor, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *) &value, &valueSize) == 0) {
717                         if (value != NOERROR) {
718                             WS_ERROR_DEBUG(value);
719                             errorDetected = true;
720                             // MSDN says getsockopt with SO_ERROR clears the error, but it's not actually cleared
721                             // and this can affect all subsequent WSAConnect attempts, so clear it now.
722                             const int val = NO_ERROR;
723                             ::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&val), sizeof val);
724                         } else {
725                             // When we get WSAEWOULDBLOCK the outcome was not known, so a
726                             // NOERROR might indicate that the result of the operation
727                             // is still unknown. We try again to increase the chance that we did
728                             // get the correct result.
729                             tryAgain = !tryAgain;
730                         }
731                         setErrorFromWSAError(value, this);
732                     }
733                     tries++;
734                 } while (tryAgain && (tries < 2));
736                 if (errorDetected)
737                     break;
738                 // fall through to unfinished operation error handling
739                 err = WSAEINPROGRESS;
740                 Q_FALLTHROUGH();
741             }
743             default:
744                 setErrorFromWSAError(err, this);
745                 break;
746             }
747             if (socketState != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) {
749                 qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(%s, %i) == false (%s)",
750                         address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port,
751                         socketState == QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState
752                         ? "Connection in progress" : socketErrorString.toLatin1().constData());
753 #endif
754                 return false;
755             }
756         }
757         break;
758     }
761     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeConnect(%s, %i) == true",
762            address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port);
763 #endif
765     socketState = QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState;
766     return true;
767 }
nativeBind(const QHostAddress & a,quint16 port)770 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(const QHostAddress &a, quint16 port)
771 {
772     QHostAddress address = a;
773     if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
774         if ((address.toIPv4Address() & 0xffff0000) == 0xefff0000) {
775             // binding to a multicast address
776             address = QHostAddress(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4);
777         }
778     }
780     qt_sockaddr aa;
781     QT_SOCKLEN_T sockAddrSize = 0;
782     setPortAndAddress(port, address, &aa, &sockAddrSize);
784     if (aa.a.sa_family == AF_INET6) {
785         // The default may change in future, so set it explicitly
786         int ipv6only = 0;
787         if (address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol)
788             ipv6only = 1;
789         ::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&ipv6only, sizeof(ipv6only) );
790     }
793     int bindResult = ::bind(socketDescriptor, &aa.a, sockAddrSize);
794     if (bindResult == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() == WSAEAFNOSUPPORT
795             && address.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol) {
796         // retry with v4
797         aa.a4.sin_family = AF_INET;
798         aa.a4.sin_port = htons(port);
799         aa.a4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(address.toIPv4Address());
800         sockAddrSize = sizeof(aa.a4);
801         bindResult = ::bind(socketDescriptor, &aa.a, sockAddrSize);
802     }
803     if (bindResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
804         int err = WSAGetLastError();
805         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
806         switch (err) {
807         case WSANOTINITIALISED:
808             //###
809             break;
810         case WSAEADDRINUSE:
811         case WSAEINVAL:
812             setError(QAbstractSocket::AddressInUseError, AddressInuseErrorString);
813             break;
814         case WSAEACCES:
815             setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError, AddressProtectedErrorString);
816             break;
817         case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL:
818             setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAddressNotAvailableError, AddressNotAvailableErrorString);
819             break;
820         default:
821             break;
822         }
825         qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(%s, %i) == false (%s)",
826                address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port, socketErrorString.toLatin1().constData());
827 #endif
829         return false;
830     }
833     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBind(%s, %i) == true",
834            address.toString().toLatin1().constData(), port);
835 #endif
836     socketState = QAbstractSocket::BoundState;
837     return true;
838 }
nativeListen(int backlog)841 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeListen(int backlog)
842 {
843     if (::listen(socketDescriptor, backlog) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
844         int err = WSAGetLastError();
845         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
846         switch (err) {
847         case WSANOTINITIALISED:
848             //###
849             break;
850         case WSAEADDRINUSE:
851             setError(QAbstractSocket::AddressInUseError,
852                      PortInuseErrorString);
853             break;
854         default:
855             break;
856         }
859         qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeListen(%i) == false (%s)",
860                backlog, socketErrorString.toLatin1().constData());
861 #endif
862         return false;
863     }
866     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeListen(%i) == true", backlog);
867 #endif
869     socketState = QAbstractSocket::ListeningState;
870     return true;
871 }
nativeAccept()873 int QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeAccept()
874 {
875     int acceptedDescriptor = WSAAccept(socketDescriptor, 0,0,0,0);
876     if (acceptedDescriptor == -1) {
877         int err = WSAGetLastError();
878         switch (err) {
879         case WSAEACCES:
880             setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError, AccessErrorString);
881             break;
882         case WSAECONNREFUSED:
883             setError(QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionRefusedErrorString);
884             break;
885         case WSAECONNRESET:
886             setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, RemoteHostClosedErrorString);
887             break;
888         case WSAENETDOWN:
889             setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, NetworkUnreachableErrorString);
890             break;
891         case WSAENOTSOCK:
892             setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketResourceError, NotSocketErrorString);
893             break;
894         case WSAEINVAL:
895         case WSAEOPNOTSUPP:
896             setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError, ProtocolUnsupportedErrorString);
897             break;
898         case WSAEFAULT:
899         case WSAEMFILE:
900         case WSAENOBUFS:
901             setError(QAbstractSocket::SocketResourceError, ResourceErrorString);
902             break;
903         case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
904             setError(QAbstractSocket::TemporaryError, TemporaryErrorString);
905             break;
906         default:
907             setError(QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError, UnknownSocketErrorString);
908             break;
909         }
910     } else if (acceptedDescriptor != -1 && QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance()) {
911         // Because of WSAAsyncSelect() WSAAccept returns a non blocking socket
912         // with the same attributes as the listening socket including the current
913         // WSAAsyncSelect(). To be able to change the socket to blocking mode the
914         // WSAAsyncSelect() call must be cancled.
915         QSocketNotifier n(acceptedDescriptor, QSocketNotifier::Read);
916         n.setEnabled(true);
917         n.setEnabled(false);
918     }
920     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeAccept() == %i", acceptedDescriptor);
921 #endif
922     return acceptedDescriptor;
923 }
multicastMembershipHelper(QNativeSocketEnginePrivate * d,int how6,int how4,const QHostAddress & groupAddress,const QNetworkInterface & iface)925 static bool multicastMembershipHelper(QNativeSocketEnginePrivate *d,
926                                       int how6,
927                                       int how4,
928                                       const QHostAddress &groupAddress,
929                                       const QNetworkInterface &iface)
930 {
931     int level = 0;
932     int sockOpt = 0;
933     char *sockArg;
934     int sockArgSize;
936     struct ip_mreq mreq4;
937     struct ipv6_mreq mreq6;
939     if (groupAddress.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) {
940         level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
941         sockOpt = how6;
942         sockArg = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&mreq6);
943         sockArgSize = sizeof(mreq6);
944         memset(&mreq6, 0, sizeof(mreq6));
945         Q_IPV6ADDR ip6 = groupAddress.toIPv6Address();
946         memcpy(&mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr, &ip6, sizeof(ip6));
947         mreq6.ipv6mr_interface = iface.index();
948     } else if (groupAddress.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
949         level = IPPROTO_IP;
950         sockOpt = how4;
951         sockArg = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&mreq4);
952         sockArgSize = sizeof(mreq4);
953         memset(&mreq4, 0, sizeof(mreq4));
954         mreq4.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = htonl(groupAddress.toIPv4Address());
956         if (iface.isValid()) {
957             const QList<QNetworkAddressEntry> addressEntries = iface.addressEntries();
958             bool found = false;
959             for (const QNetworkAddressEntry &entry : addressEntries) {
960                 const QHostAddress ip = entry.ip();
961                 if (ip.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
962                     mreq4.imr_interface.s_addr = htonl(ip.toIPv4Address());
963                     found = true;
964                     break;
965                 }
966             }
967             if (!found) {
968                 d->setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError,
969                             QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::NetworkUnreachableErrorString);
970                 return false;
971             }
972         } else {
973             mreq4.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
974         }
975     } else {
976         // unreachable
977         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError,
978                     QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::ProtocolUnsupportedErrorString);
979         return false;
980     }
982     int res = setsockopt(d->socketDescriptor, level, sockOpt, sockArg, sockArgSize);
983     if (res == -1) {
984         d->setError(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError,
985                     QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::OperationUnsupportedErrorString);
986         return false;
987     }
988     return true;
989 }
nativeJoinMulticastGroup(const QHostAddress & groupAddress,const QNetworkInterface & iface)991 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeJoinMulticastGroup(const QHostAddress &groupAddress,
992                                                           const QNetworkInterface &iface)
993 {
994     return multicastMembershipHelper(this,
995                                      IPV6_JOIN_GROUP,
996                                      IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
997                                      groupAddress,
998                                      iface);
999 }
nativeLeaveMulticastGroup(const QHostAddress & groupAddress,const QNetworkInterface & iface)1001 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeLeaveMulticastGroup(const QHostAddress &groupAddress,
1002                                                            const QNetworkInterface &iface)
1003 {
1004     return multicastMembershipHelper(this,
1005                                      IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP,
1006                                      IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP,
1007                                      groupAddress,
1008                                      iface);
1009 }
nativeMulticastInterface() const1011 QNetworkInterface QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeMulticastInterface() const
1012 {
1013     if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol || socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol) {
1014         uint v;
1015         QT_SOCKOPTLEN_T sizeofv = sizeof(v);
1016         if (::getsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, (char *) &v, &sizeofv) == -1)
1017             return QNetworkInterface();
1018         return QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromIndex(v);
1019     }
1021     struct in_addr v;
1022     v.s_addr = 0;
1023     QT_SOCKOPTLEN_T sizeofv = sizeof(v);
1024     if (::getsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (char *) &v, &sizeofv) == -1)
1025         return QNetworkInterface();
1026     if (v.s_addr != 0 && sizeofv >= QT_SOCKOPTLEN_T(sizeof(v))) {
1027         QHostAddress ipv4(ntohl(v.s_addr));
1028         QList<QNetworkInterface> ifaces = QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces();
1029         for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.count(); ++i) {
1030             const QNetworkInterface &iface = ifaces.at(i);
1031             if (!(iface.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanMulticast))
1032                 continue;
1033             QList<QNetworkAddressEntry> entries = iface.addressEntries();
1034             for (int j = 0; j < entries.count(); ++j) {
1035                 const QNetworkAddressEntry &entry = entries.at(j);
1036                 if (entry.ip() == ipv4)
1037                     return iface;
1038             }
1039         }
1040     }
1041     return QNetworkInterface();
1042 }
nativeSetMulticastInterface(const QNetworkInterface & iface)1044 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeSetMulticastInterface(const QNetworkInterface &iface)
1045 {
1047     if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol || socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::AnyIPProtocol) {
1048         uint v = iface.isValid() ? iface.index() : 0;
1049         return (::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, (char *) &v, sizeof(v)) != -1);
1050     }
1052     struct in_addr v;
1053     if (iface.isValid()) {
1054         QList<QNetworkAddressEntry> entries = iface.addressEntries();
1055         for (int i = 0; i < entries.count(); ++i) {
1056             const QNetworkAddressEntry &entry = entries.at(i);
1057             const QHostAddress &ip = entry.ip();
1058             if (ip.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
1059                 v.s_addr = htonl(ip.toIPv4Address());
1060                 int r = ::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (char *) &v, sizeof(v));
1061                 if (r != -1)
1062                     return true;
1063             }
1064         }
1065         return false;
1066     }
1068     v.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
1069     return (::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (char *) &v, sizeof(v)) != -1);
1070 }
nativeBytesAvailable() const1072 qint64 QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeBytesAvailable() const
1073 {
1074     unsigned long  nbytes = 0;
1075     unsigned long dummy = 0;
1076     DWORD sizeWritten = 0;
1077     if (::WSAIoctl(socketDescriptor, FIONREAD, &dummy, sizeof(dummy), &nbytes, sizeof(nbytes), &sizeWritten, 0,0) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
1078         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(WSAGetLastError());
1079         return -1;
1080     }
1082     // ioctlsocket sometimes reports 1 byte available for datagrams
1083     // while the following recvfrom returns -1 and claims connection
1084     // was reset (udp is connectionless). so we peek one byte to
1085     // catch this case and return 0 bytes available if recvfrom
1086     // fails.
1087     if (nbytes == 1 && socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket) {
1088         char c;
1089         WSABUF buf;
1090         buf.buf = &c;
1091         buf.len = sizeof(c);
1092         DWORD bytesReceived;
1093         DWORD flags = MSG_PEEK;
1094         if (::WSARecvFrom(socketDescriptor, &buf, 1, &bytesReceived, &flags, 0,0,0,0) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
1095             int err = WSAGetLastError();
1096             if (err != WSAECONNRESET && err != WSAENETRESET)
1097                 return 0;
1098         } else {
1099             return bytesReceived;
1100         }
1101     }
1102     return nbytes;
1103 }
nativeHasPendingDatagrams() const1106 bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeHasPendingDatagrams() const
1107 {
1108     // Create a sockaddr struct and reset its port number.
1109     qt_sockaddr storage;
1110     QT_SOCKLEN_T storageSize = sizeof(storage);
1111     memset(&storage, 0, storageSize);
1113     bool result = false;
1115     // Peek 0 bytes into the next message. The size of the message may
1116     // well be 0, so we check if there was a sender.
1117     char c;
1118     WSABUF buf;
1119     buf.buf = &c;
1120     buf.len = sizeof(c);
1121     DWORD available = 0;
1122     DWORD flags = MSG_PEEK;
1123     int ret = ::WSARecvFrom(socketDescriptor, &buf, 1, &available, &flags, &storage.a, &storageSize,0,0);
1124     int err = WSAGetLastError();
1125     if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR && err !=  WSAEMSGSIZE) {
1126         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
1127         result = (err == WSAECONNRESET || err == WSAENETRESET);
1128     } else {
1129         // If there's no error, or if our buffer was too small, there must be
1130         // a pending datagram.
1131         result = true;
1132     }
1135     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeHasPendingDatagrams() == %s",
1136            result ? "true" : "false");
1137 #endif
1138     return result;
1139 }
nativePendingDatagramSize() const1142 qint64 QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativePendingDatagramSize() const
1143 {
1144     qint64 ret = -1;
1145     int recvResult = 0;
1146     DWORD flags;
1147     // We increase the amount we peek by 2048 * 5 on each iteration
1148     // Grabs most cases fast and early.
1149     char udpMessagePeekBuffer[2048];
1150     const int increments = 5;
1151     QVarLengthArray<WSABUF, 10> buf;
1152     for (;;) {
1153         buf.reserve(buf.size() + increments);
1154         std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(buf), increments, WSABUF{sizeof(udpMessagePeekBuffer), udpMessagePeekBuffer});
1156         flags = MSG_PEEK;
1157         DWORD bytesRead = 0;
1158         recvResult = ::WSARecv(socketDescriptor, buf.data(), DWORD(buf.size()), &bytesRead, &flags, nullptr, nullptr);
1159         int err = WSAGetLastError();
1160         if (recvResult != SOCKET_ERROR) {
1161             ret = qint64(bytesRead);
1162             break;
1163         } else {
1164             switch (err) {
1165             case WSAEMSGSIZE:
1166                 continue;
1167             case WSAECONNRESET:
1168             case WSAENETRESET:
1169                 ret = 0;
1170                 break;
1171             default:
1172                 WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
1173                 ret = -1;
1174                 break;
1175             }
1176             break;
1177         }
1178     }
1181     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativePendingDatagramSize() == %lli", ret);
1182 #endif
1184     return ret;
1185 }
nativeReceiveDatagram(char * data,qint64 maxLength,QIpPacketHeader * header,QAbstractSocketEngine::PacketHeaderOptions options)1187 qint64 QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeReceiveDatagram(char *data, qint64 maxLength, QIpPacketHeader *header,
1188                                                          QAbstractSocketEngine::PacketHeaderOptions options)
1189 {
1190     union {
1191         char cbuf[WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in6_pktinfo)) + WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))];
1192         WSACMSGHDR align;    // only to ensure alignment
1193     };
1194     WSAMSG msg;
1195     WSABUF buf;
1196     qt_sockaddr aa;
1197     char c;
1198     memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
1199     memset(&aa, 0, sizeof(aa));
1201     // we need to receive at least one byte, even if our user isn't interested in it
1202     buf.buf = maxLength ? data : &c;
1203     buf.len = maxLength ? maxLength : 1;
1204     msg.lpBuffers = &buf;
1205     msg.dwBufferCount = 1;
1206     msg.name = reinterpret_cast<LPSOCKADDR>(&aa);
1207     msg.namelen = sizeof(aa);
1208     msg.Control.buf = cbuf;
1209     msg.Control.len = sizeof(cbuf);
1211     DWORD flags = 0;
1212     DWORD bytesRead = 0;
1213     qint64 ret;
1215     if (recvmsg)
1216         ret = recvmsg(socketDescriptor, &msg, &bytesRead, 0,0);
1217     else
1218         ret = ::WSARecvFrom(socketDescriptor, &buf, 1, &bytesRead, &flags, msg.name, &msg.namelen,0,0);
1219     if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {
1220         int err = WSAGetLastError();
1221         if (err == WSAEMSGSIZE) {
1222             // it is ok the buffer was to small if bytesRead is larger than
1223             // maxLength then assume bytes read is really maxLenth
1224             ret = qint64(bytesRead) > maxLength ? maxLength : qint64(bytesRead);
1225             if (options & QNativeSocketEngine::WantDatagramSender)
1226                 qt_socket_getPortAndAddress(socketDescriptor, &aa, &header->senderPort, &header->senderAddress);
1227         } else {
1228             WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
1229             switch (err) {
1230             case WSAENETRESET:
1231                 setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, NetworkDroppedConnectionErrorString);
1232                 break;
1233             case WSAECONNRESET:
1234                 setError(QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionResetErrorString);
1235                 break;
1236             default:
1237                 setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, ReceiveDatagramErrorString);
1238                 break;
1239             }
1240             ret = -1;
1241             if (header)
1242                 header->clear();
1243         }
1244     } else {
1245         ret = qint64(bytesRead);
1246         if (options & QNativeSocketEngine::WantDatagramSender)
1247             qt_socket_getPortAndAddress(socketDescriptor, &aa, &header->senderPort, &header->senderAddress);
1248     }
1250     if (ret != -1 && recvmsg && options != QAbstractSocketEngine::WantNone) {
1251         // get the ancillary data
1252         header->destinationPort = localPort;
1253         WSACMSGHDR *cmsgptr;
1254         for (cmsgptr = WSA_CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsgptr != NULL;
1255              cmsgptr = WSA_CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsgptr)) {
1256             if (cmsgptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IPV6 && cmsgptr->cmsg_type == IPV6_PKTINFO
1257                     && cmsgptr->cmsg_len >= WSA_CMSG_LEN(sizeof(in6_pktinfo))) {
1258                 in6_pktinfo *info = reinterpret_cast<in6_pktinfo *>(WSA_CMSG_DATA(cmsgptr));
1260                 header->destinationAddress.setAddress(reinterpret_cast<quint8 *>(&info->ipi6_addr));
1261                 header->ifindex = info->ipi6_ifindex;
1262                 if (header->ifindex)
1263                     header->destinationAddress.setScopeId(QString::number(info->ipi6_ifindex));
1264             }
1265             if (cmsgptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmsgptr->cmsg_type == IP_PKTINFO
1266                     && cmsgptr->cmsg_len >= WSA_CMSG_LEN(sizeof(in_pktinfo))) {
1267                 in_pktinfo *info = reinterpret_cast<in_pktinfo *>(WSA_CMSG_DATA(cmsgptr));
1268                 u_long addr;
1269                 WSANtohl(socketDescriptor, info->ipi_addr.s_addr, &addr);
1270                 header->destinationAddress.setAddress(addr);
1271                 header->ifindex = info->ipi_ifindex;
1272             }
1274             if (cmsgptr->cmsg_len == WSA_CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int))
1275                     && ((cmsgptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IPV6 && cmsgptr->cmsg_type == IPV6_HOPLIMIT)
1276                         || (cmsgptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmsgptr->cmsg_type == IP_TTL))) {
1277                 header->hopLimit = *reinterpret_cast<int *>(WSA_CMSG_DATA(cmsgptr));
1278             }
1279         }
1280     }
1283     bool printSender = (ret != -1 && (options & QNativeSocketEngine::WantDatagramSender) != 0);
1284     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeReceiveDatagram(%p \"%s\", %lli, %s, %i) == %lli",
1285            data, qt_prettyDebug(data, qMin<qint64>(ret, 16), ret).data(), maxLength,
1286            printSender ? header->senderAddress.toString().toLatin1().constData() : "(unknown)",
1287            printSender ? header->senderPort : 0, ret);
1288 #endif
1290     return ret;
1291 }
nativeSendDatagram(const char * data,qint64 len,const QIpPacketHeader & header)1294 qint64 QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeSendDatagram(const char *data, qint64 len,
1295                                                       const QIpPacketHeader &header)
1296 {
1297     union {
1298         char cbuf[WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in6_pktinfo)) + WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))];
1299         WSACMSGHDR align;    // ensures alignment
1300     };
1301     WSACMSGHDR *cmsgptr = &align;
1302     WSAMSG msg;
1303     WSABUF buf;
1304     qt_sockaddr aa;
1306     memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
1307     memset(&aa, 0, sizeof(aa));
1308     buf.buf = len ? (char*)data : 0;
1309     msg.lpBuffers = &buf;
1310     msg.dwBufferCount = 1;
1311     msg.name = &aa.a;
1312     buf.len = len;
1314     setPortAndAddress(header.destinationPort, header.destinationAddress, &aa, &msg.namelen);
1316     uint oldIfIndex = 0;
1317     bool mustSetIpv6MulticastIf = false;
1319     if (msg.namelen == sizeof(aa.a6)) {
1320         // sending IPv6
1321         if (header.hopLimit != -1) {
1322             msg.Control.len += WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int));
1323             cmsgptr->cmsg_len = WSA_CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int));
1324             cmsgptr->cmsg_level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
1325             cmsgptr->cmsg_type = IPV6_HOPLIMIT;
1326             memcpy(WSA_CMSG_DATA(cmsgptr), &header.hopLimit, sizeof(int));
1327             cmsgptr = reinterpret_cast<WSACMSGHDR *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(cmsgptr)
1328                                                      + WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int)));
1329         }
1330         if (!header.senderAddress.isNull()) {
1331             struct in6_pktinfo *data = reinterpret_cast<in6_pktinfo *>(WSA_CMSG_DATA(cmsgptr));
1332             memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
1333             msg.Control.len += WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(*data));
1334             cmsgptr->cmsg_len = WSA_CMSG_LEN(sizeof(*data));
1335             cmsgptr->cmsg_level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
1336             cmsgptr->cmsg_type = IPV6_PKTINFO;
1337             data->ipi6_ifindex = header.ifindex;
1339             Q_IPV6ADDR tmp = header.senderAddress.toIPv6Address();
1340             memcpy(&data->ipi6_addr, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
1341             cmsgptr = reinterpret_cast<WSACMSGHDR *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(cmsgptr)
1342                                                      + WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(*data)));
1343         } else if (header.ifindex != 0) {
1344             // Unlike other operating systems, setting the interface index in the in6_pktinfo
1345             // structure above and leaving the ipi6_addr set to :: will cause the packets to be
1346             // sent with source address ::. So we have to use IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, which MSDN is
1347             // quite clear that "This option does not change the default interface for receiving
1348             // IPv6 multicast traffic."
1349             QT_SOCKOPTLEN_T len = sizeof(oldIfIndex);
1350             if (::getsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF,
1351                              reinterpret_cast<char *>(&oldIfIndex), &len) == -1
1352                     || ::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF,
1353                                     reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&header.ifindex), sizeof(header.ifindex)) == -1) {
1354                 setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, SendDatagramErrorString);
1355                 return -1;
1356             }
1357             mustSetIpv6MulticastIf = true;
1358         }
1359     } else {
1360         // sending IPv4
1361         if (header.hopLimit != -1) {
1362             msg.Control.len += WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int));
1363             cmsgptr->cmsg_len = WSA_CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int));
1364             cmsgptr->cmsg_level = IPPROTO_IP;
1365             cmsgptr->cmsg_type = IP_TTL;
1366             memcpy(WSA_CMSG_DATA(cmsgptr), &header.hopLimit, sizeof(int));
1367             cmsgptr = reinterpret_cast<WSACMSGHDR *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(cmsgptr)
1368                                                      + WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int)));
1369         }
1370         if (header.ifindex != 0 || !header.senderAddress.isNull()) {
1371             struct in_pktinfo *data = reinterpret_cast<in_pktinfo *>(WSA_CMSG_DATA(cmsgptr));
1372             memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
1373             msg.Control.len += WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(*data));
1374             cmsgptr->cmsg_len = WSA_CMSG_LEN(sizeof(*data));
1375             cmsgptr->cmsg_level = IPPROTO_IP;
1376             cmsgptr->cmsg_type = IP_PKTINFO;
1377             data->ipi_ifindex = header.ifindex;
1378             WSAHtonl(socketDescriptor, header.senderAddress.toIPv4Address(), &data->ipi_addr.s_addr);
1379             cmsgptr = reinterpret_cast<WSACMSGHDR *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(cmsgptr)
1380                                                      + WSA_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(*data)));
1381         }
1382     }
1384     if (msg.Control.len != 0)
1385         msg.Control.buf = cbuf;
1387     DWORD flags = 0;
1388     DWORD bytesSent = 0;
1389     qint64 ret = -1;
1390     if (sendmsg) {
1391         ret = sendmsg(socketDescriptor, &msg, flags, &bytesSent, 0,0);
1392     } else {
1393         ret = ::WSASendTo(socketDescriptor, &buf, 1, &bytesSent, flags, msg.name, msg.namelen, 0,0);
1394     }
1395     if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {
1396         int err = WSAGetLastError();
1397         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
1398         switch (err) {
1399         case WSAEMSGSIZE:
1400             setError(QAbstractSocket::DatagramTooLargeError, DatagramTooLargeErrorString);
1401             break;
1402         default:
1403             setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, SendDatagramErrorString);
1404             break;
1405         }
1406         ret = -1;
1407     } else {
1408         ret = qint64(bytesSent);
1409     }
1411     if (mustSetIpv6MulticastIf) {
1412         // undo what we did above
1413         ::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF,
1414                      reinterpret_cast<char *>(&oldIfIndex), sizeof(oldIfIndex));
1415     }
1418     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeSendDatagram(%p \"%s\", %lli, \"%s\", %i) == %lli", data,
1419            qt_prettyDebug(data, qMin<qint64>(len, 16), len).data(), len,
1420            header.destinationAddress.toString().toLatin1().constData(),
1421            header.destinationPort, ret);
1422 #endif
1424     return ret;
1425 }
nativeWrite(const char * data,qint64 len)1428 qint64 QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeWrite(const char *data, qint64 len)
1429 {
1430     Q_Q(QNativeSocketEngine);
1431     qint64 ret = 0;
1432     qint64 bytesToSend = len;
1434     for (;;) {
1435         WSABUF buf;
1436         buf.buf = const_cast<char*>(data) + ret;
1437         buf.len = bytesToSend;
1438         DWORD flags = 0;
1439         DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
1441         int socketRet = ::WSASend(socketDescriptor, &buf, 1, &bytesWritten, flags, 0,0);
1443         ret += qint64(bytesWritten);
1445         int err;
1446         if (socketRet != SOCKET_ERROR) {
1447             if (ret == len || bytesToSend != qint64(bytesWritten))
1448                 break;
1449         } else if ((err = WSAGetLastError()) == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
1450             break;
1451         } else if (err == WSAENOBUFS) {
1452             // this function used to not send more than 49152 per call to WSASendTo
1453             // to avoid getting a WSAENOBUFS. However this is a performance regression
1454             // and we think it only appears with old windows versions. We now handle the
1455             // WSAENOBUFS and hope it never appears anyway.
1456             // just go on, the next loop run we will try a smaller number
1457         } else {
1458             WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
1459             switch (err) {
1460             case WSAECONNRESET:
1461             case WSAECONNABORTED:
1462                 ret = -1;
1463                 setError(QAbstractSocket::NetworkError, WriteErrorString);
1464                 q->close();
1465                 break;
1466             default:
1467                 break;
1468             }
1469             break;
1470         }
1472         // for next send:
1473         bytesToSend = qMin<qint64>(49152, len - ret);
1474     }
1477     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeWrite(%p \"%s\", %lli) == %lli",
1478            data, qt_prettyDebug(data, qMin(int(ret), 16), int(ret)).data(), len, ret);
1479 #endif
1481     return ret;
1482 }
nativeRead(char * data,qint64 maxLength)1484 qint64 QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeRead(char *data, qint64 maxLength)
1485 {
1486     qint64 ret = -1;
1487     WSABUF buf;
1488     buf.buf = data;
1489     buf.len = maxLength;
1490     DWORD flags = 0;
1491     DWORD bytesRead = 0;
1492     if (::WSARecv(socketDescriptor, &buf, 1, &bytesRead, &flags, 0,0) ==  SOCKET_ERROR) {
1493         int err = WSAGetLastError();
1494         WS_ERROR_DEBUG(err);
1495         switch (err) {
1496         case WSAEWOULDBLOCK:
1497             ret = -2;
1498             break;
1499         case WSAEBADF:
1500         case WSAEINVAL:
1501             //error string is now set in read(), not here in nativeRead()
1502             break;
1503         case WSAECONNRESET:
1504         case WSAECONNABORTED:
1505             // for tcp sockets this will be handled in QNativeSocketEngine::read
1506             ret = 0;
1507             break;
1508         default:
1509             break;
1510         }
1511     } else {
1512         if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
1513             ret = -2;
1514         else
1515             ret = qint64(bytesRead);
1516     }
1519     if (ret != -2) {
1520         qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeRead(%p \"%s\", %lli) == %lli",
1521                data, qt_prettyDebug(data, qMin(int(bytesRead), 16), int(bytesRead)).data(), maxLength, ret);
1522     } else {
1523         qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeRead(%p, %lli) == -2 (WOULD BLOCK)",
1524                data, maxLength);
1525     }
1526 #endif
1528     return ret;
1529 }
nativeSelect(int timeout,bool selectForRead) const1531 int QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeSelect(int timeout, bool selectForRead) const
1532 {
1533     bool readEnabled = selectForRead && readNotifier && readNotifier->isEnabled();
1534     if (readEnabled)
1535         readNotifier->setEnabled(false);
1537     fd_set fds;
1539     int ret = 0;
1541     memset(&fds, 0, sizeof(fd_set));
1542     fds.fd_count = 1;
1543     fds.fd_array[0] = (SOCKET)socketDescriptor;
1545     struct timeval tv;
1546     tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
1547     tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
1549     if (selectForRead) {
1550         ret = select(0, &fds, 0, 0, timeout < 0 ? 0 : &tv);
1551     } else {
1552         // select for write
1554         // Windows needs this to report errors when connecting a socket ...
1555         fd_set fdexception;
1556         FD_ZERO(&fdexception);
1557         FD_SET((SOCKET)socketDescriptor, &fdexception);
1559         ret = select(0, 0, &fds, &fdexception, timeout < 0 ? 0 : &tv);
1561         // ... but if it is actually set, pretend it did not happen
1562         if (ret > 0 && FD_ISSET((SOCKET)socketDescriptor, &fdexception))
1563             ret--;
1564     }
1566     if (readEnabled)
1567         readNotifier->setEnabled(true);
1569     return ret;
1570 }
nativeSelect(int timeout,bool checkRead,bool checkWrite,bool * selectForRead,bool * selectForWrite) const1572 int QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeSelect(int timeout,
1573                                       bool checkRead, bool checkWrite,
1574                                       bool *selectForRead, bool *selectForWrite) const
1575 {
1576     bool readEnabled = checkRead && readNotifier && readNotifier->isEnabled();
1577     if (readEnabled)
1578         readNotifier->setEnabled(false);
1580     fd_set fdread;
1581     fd_set fdwrite;
1582     fd_set fdexception;
1584     int ret = 0;
1586     memset(&fdread, 0, sizeof(fd_set));
1587     if (checkRead) {
1588         fdread.fd_count = 1;
1589         fdread.fd_array[0] = (SOCKET)socketDescriptor;
1590     }
1591     memset(&fdwrite, 0, sizeof(fd_set));
1592     FD_ZERO(&fdexception);
1593     if (checkWrite) {
1594         fdwrite.fd_count = 1;
1595         fdwrite.fd_array[0] = (SOCKET)socketDescriptor;
1597         // Windows needs this to report errors when connecting a socket
1598         FD_SET((SOCKET)socketDescriptor, &fdexception);
1599     }
1601     struct timeval tv;
1602     tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
1603     tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
1605     ret = select(socketDescriptor + 1, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexception, timeout < 0 ? 0 : &tv);
1607      //... but if it is actually set, pretend it did not happen
1608     if (ret > 0 && FD_ISSET((SOCKET)socketDescriptor, &fdexception))
1609         ret--;
1611     if (readEnabled)
1612         readNotifier->setEnabled(true);
1614     if (ret <= 0)
1615         return ret;
1617     *selectForRead = FD_ISSET((SOCKET)socketDescriptor, &fdread);
1618     *selectForWrite = FD_ISSET((SOCKET)socketDescriptor, &fdwrite);
1620     return ret;
1621 }
nativeClose()1623 void QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeClose()
1624 {
1626     qDebug("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::nativeClose()");
1627 #endif
1628     // We were doing a setsockopt here before with SO_DONTLINGER. (However with kind of wrong
1629     // usage of parameters, it wants a BOOL but we used a struct and pretended it to be bool).
1630     // We don't think setting this option should be done here, if a user wants it she/he can
1631      // do it manually with socketDescriptor()/setSocketDescriptor();
1632     ::closesocket(socketDescriptor);
1633 }