1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
8 #include "scimagecacheproxy.h"
9 #include "scimagestructs.h"
11 #include <QByteArray>
12 #include <QDataStream>
15 #include "scdebug.h"
17 namespace {
18 	const QDataStream::Version dsVersion = QDataStream::Qt_4_0;
19 }
21 const qint32 ExifValues::dsVersion = 1;
operator <<(QDataStream & stream,const ExifValues & exif)23 QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream& stream, const ExifValues & exif)
24 {
25 	stream << static_cast<qint32>(exif.width) << static_cast<qint32>(exif.height) << static_cast<qint32>(exif.orientation)
26 		   << exif.ExposureTime << exif.ApertureFNumber << static_cast<qint32>(exif.ISOequivalent) << exif.cameraName
27 		   << exif.cameraVendor << exif.comment << exif.userComment << exif.artist << exif.copyright
28 		   << exif.dateTime << exif.thumbnail;
29 	return stream;
30 }
operator >>(QDataStream & stream,ExifValues & exif)32 QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream& stream, ExifValues & exif)
33 {
34 	qint32 w, h, ori, iso;
35 	stream >> w >> h >> ori >> exif.ExposureTime >> exif.ApertureFNumber >> iso >> exif.cameraName
36 		   >> exif.cameraVendor >> exif.comment >> exif.userComment >> exif.artist >> exif.copyright
37 		   >> exif.dateTime >> exif.thumbnail;
38 	exif.width = w;
39 	exif.height = h;
40 	exif.orientation = ori;
41 	exif.ISOequivalent = iso;
42 	return stream;
43 }
ExifValues()45 ExifValues::ExifValues()
46 {
47 	init();
48 }
init()50 void ExifValues::init()
51 {
52 	width = 0;
53 	height = 0;
54 	orientation = 1;
55 	ExposureTime = 0;
56 	ApertureFNumber = 0;
57 	ISOequivalent = 0;
58 	cameraName.resize(0);
59 	cameraVendor.resize(0);
60 	comment.resize(0);
61 	userComment.resize(0);
62 	artist.resize(0);
63 	copyright.resize(0);
64 	dateTime.resize(0);
65 	thumbnail = QImage();
66 }
68 const qint32 ImageInfoRecord::iirVersion = 1;
ImageInfoRecord()70 ImageInfoRecord::ImageInfoRecord()
71 {
72 	init();
73 }
init()75 void ImageInfoRecord::init()
76 {
77 	type = ImageTypeOther;	/* 0 = jpg, 1 = tiff, 2 = psd, 3 = eps/ps, 4 = pdf, 5 = jpg2000, 6 = other */
78 	xres = 72;
79 	yres = 72;
80 	BBoxX = 0;
81 	BBoxH = 0;
82 	colorspace = ColorSpaceRGB; /* 0 = RGB  1 = CMYK  2 = Grayscale 3 = Duotone */
83 	valid = false;
84 	isRequest = false;
85 	progressive = false;
86 	isEmbedded = false;
87 	exifDataValid = false;
88 	lowResType = 1; /* 0 = full Resolution, 1 = 72 dpi, 2 = 36 dpi */
89 	lowResScale = 1.0;
90 	PDSpathData.clear();
91 	RequestProps.clear();
92 	numberOfPages = 1;
93 	actualPageNumber = 0; // default
94 	clipPath.resize(0);
95 	usedPath.resize(0);
96 	profileName.resize(0);
97 	layerInfo.clear();
98 	duotoneColors.clear();
99 	exifInfo.init();
100 }
canSerialize() const102 bool ImageInfoRecord::canSerialize() const
103 {
104 	return PDSpathData.empty() && RequestProps.empty() && layerInfo.empty() && duotoneColors.empty();
105 }
serialize(ScImageCacheProxy & cache) const107 bool ImageInfoRecord::serialize(ScImageCacheProxy & cache) const
108 {
109 	if (!canSerialize())
110 	{
111 		scDebug() << "cannot serialize" << PDSpathData.empty() << RequestProps.empty() << layerInfo.empty() << duotoneColors.empty();
112 		return false;
113 	}
115 	cache.addInfo("iirVersion", QString::number(iirVersion));
116 	cache.addInfo("type", QString::number(static_cast<int>(type)));
117 	cache.addInfo("xres", QString::number(xres));
118 	cache.addInfo("yres", QString::number(yres));
119 	cache.addInfo("BBoxX", QString::number(BBoxX));
120 	cache.addInfo("BBoxH", QString::number(BBoxH));
121 	cache.addInfo("colorspace", QString::number(static_cast<int>(colorspace)));
122 	cache.addInfo("valid", QString::number(static_cast<int>(valid)));
123 	cache.addInfo("isRequest", QString::number(static_cast<int>(isRequest)));
124 	cache.addInfo("progressive", QString::number(static_cast<int>(progressive)));
125 	cache.addInfo("isEmbedded", QString::number(static_cast<int>(isEmbedded)));
126 	cache.addInfo("lowResType", QString::number(lowResType));
127 	cache.addInfo("lowResScale", QString::number(lowResScale, 'g', 15));
128 	cache.addInfo("clipPath", clipPath);
129 	cache.addInfo("profileName", profileName);
131 	if (exifDataValid)
132 	{
133 		QByteArray exif;
134 		QDataStream es(&exif, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
135 		es.setVersion(dsVersion);
136 		es << ExifValues::dsVersion;
137 		es << exifInfo;
138 		cache.addInfo("exifInfo", exif.toBase64());
139 	}
141 	return true;
142 }
deserialize(const ScImageCacheProxy & cache)144 bool ImageInfoRecord::deserialize(const ScImageCacheProxy & cache)
145 {
146 	PDSpathData.clear();
147 	RequestProps.clear();
148 	layerInfo.clear();
149 	duotoneColors.clear();
150 	usedPath.resize(0);
151 	int v1 = cache.getInfo("iirVersion").toInt();
152 	if (v1 != iirVersion)
153 	{
154 		scDebug() << "image info version mismatch" << v1 << "!=" << iirVersion;
155 		return false;
156 	}
157 	type = static_cast<ImageTypeEnum>(cache.getInfo("type").toInt());
158 	xres = cache.getInfo("xres").toInt();
159 	yres = cache.getInfo("yres").toInt();
160 	BBoxX = cache.getInfo("BBoxX").toInt();
161 	BBoxH = cache.getInfo("BBoxH").toInt();
162 	colorspace = static_cast<ColorSpaceEnum>(cache.getInfo("colorspace").toInt());
163 	valid = cache.getInfo("valid").toInt() != 0;
164 	isRequest = cache.getInfo("isRequest").toInt() != 0;
165 	progressive = cache.getInfo("progressive").toInt() != 0;
166 	isEmbedded = cache.getInfo("isEmbedded").toInt() != 0;
167 	lowResType = cache.getInfo("lowResType").toInt();
168 	lowResScale = cache.getInfo("lowResScale").toDouble();
169 	clipPath = cache.getInfo("clipPath");
170 	profileName = cache.getInfo("profileName");
171 	QString exifData = cache.getInfo("exifInfo");
172 	exifDataValid = !exifData.isNull();
173 	if (exifDataValid)
174 	{
175 		QByteArray exif = QByteArray::fromBase64(exifData.toLatin1());
176 		QDataStream es(exif);
177 		es.setVersion(dsVersion);
178 		qint32 v2;
179 		es >> v2;
180 		if (v2 != ExifValues::dsVersion)
181 		{
182 			scDebug() << "exif version mismatch" << v2 << "!=" << ExifValues::dsVersion;
183 			return false;
184 		}
185 		es >> exifInfo;
186 	}
188 	return true;
189 }