1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
7 #include "annot.h"
9 #include <QCheckBox>
10 #include <QComboBox>
11 #include <QDateTime>
12 #include <QFrame>
13 #include <QGroupBox>
14 #include <QHBoxLayout>
15 #include <QGridLayout>
16 #include <QVBoxLayout>
17 #include <QLabel>
18 #include <QLineEdit>
19 #include <QList>
20 #include <QPixmap>
21 #include <QPushButton>
22 #include <QSpinBox>
23 #include <QTabWidget>
24 #include <QTextEdit>
25 #include <QToolTip>
26 #include <QRadioButton>
27 #include <QSpacerItem>
28 #include <QStackedWidget>
29 #include <QStringList>
30 #include <QWidget>
32 #include "annotation.h"
33 #include "buttonicon.h"
34 #include "cmsettings.h"
35 #include "colorcombo.h"
36 #include "colorlistbox.h"
37 #include "commonstrings.h"
38 #include "editor.h"
39 #include "iconmanager.h"
40 #include "navigator.h"
41 #include "pageitem.h"
42 #include "prefscontext.h"
43 #include "prefsfile.h"
44 #include "prefsmanager.h"
45 #include "scfonts.h"
46 #include "scimage.h"
47 #include "scribusstructs.h"
48 #include "scribusdoc.h"
49 #include "scribusview.h"
50 #include "selfield.h"
51 #include "ui/customfdialog.h"
52 #include "ui/propertiespalette_utils.h"
53 #include "util.h"
54 #include "util_formats.h"
ScAnnot(QWidget * parent,PageItem * it,ScribusDoc * doc,ScribusView * view)56 ScAnnot::ScAnnot(QWidget* parent, PageItem *it, ScribusDoc* doc, ScribusView* view) : QDialog(parent),
57 	m_item(it),
58 	m_doc(doc),
59 	m_view(view)
60 {
61 	m_prefsCtxt = PrefsManager::instance().prefsFile->getContext("dirs");
62 	m_annotation = it->annotation();
64 	setupUi(this);
65 	setModal(true);
66 	setWindowTitle( tr( "Field Properties" ) );
67 	setWindowIcon(IconManager::instance().loadIcon("AppIcon.png"));
69 	Width = static_cast<int>(m_doc->pageWidth());
70 	Height = static_cast<int>(m_doc->pageHeight());
71 	OriWidth = static_cast<int>(m_doc->pageWidth());
72 	OriHeight = static_cast<int>(m_doc->pageHeight());
73 	MaxPages = m_doc->DocPages.count();
75 	QStringList tl;
76 	if ((m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoTo) || (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel) || (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileAbs))
77 	{
78 		QString tm = m_annotation.Action();
79 		tl = tm.split(" ", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
80 	}
81 	else
82 	{
83 		tl.append("0");
84 		tl.append("0");
85 	}
87 	if (m_annotation.Type() != Annotation::RadioButton)
88 		ComboBox1->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.Type() - 2);
89 	else
90 		ComboBox1->setCurrentIndex(5);
92 	PropertiesGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
94 	Tip->setText(m_annotation.ToolTip());
95 	Name->setText(m_item->itemName());
96 	OldName = m_item->itemName();
98 	TextGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
99 	Schrift->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.Font());
101 	BorderGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
103 	ColorList::Iterator cit;
104 	BorderC->setPixmapType(ColorCombo::fancyPixmaps);
105 	BorderC->setColors(m_doc->PageColors, true);
106 	if (m_annotation.borderColor() == CommonStrings::None)
107 		BorderC->setCurrentIndex(0);
108 	else
109 		BorderC->setCurrentText(m_annotation.borderColor());
111 	// PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered to the QString/size_t/for style
112 	QString borders[] = { CommonStrings::tr_NoneColor, tr("Thin"), tr("Normal"), tr("Wide") };
113 	size_t bordersArray = sizeof(borders) / sizeof(*borders);
114 	BorderW->clear();
115 	for (uint propagate = 0; propagate < bordersArray; ++propagate)
116 		BorderW->addItem(borders[propagate]);
117 	BorderW->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.borderWidth());
119 	BorderS->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.borderStyle());
121 	OtherGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
123 	ReadOnly->setEnabled(m_annotation.Type() != Annotation::Button);
124 	ReadOnly->setChecked(m_annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_ReadOnly);
125 	Required->setEnabled(m_annotation.Type() != Annotation::Button);
126 	Required->setChecked(m_annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_Required);
127 	NoExport->setEnabled(m_annotation.Type() != Annotation::Button);
128 	NoExport->setChecked(m_annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_NoExport);
129 	Visib->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.Vis());
131 	TextOptionGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
132 	DownT->setText(m_annotation.Down());
133 	TextO->setText(m_annotation.RollOver());
135 	IconOptionGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
136 	UseIcons->setChecked(m_annotation.UseIcons());
137 	IconNR->setEnabled(false);
138 	IconPR->setEnabled(false);
139 	IconRR->setEnabled(false);
140 	if (!UseIcons->isChecked())
141 	{
142 		IconN->setEnabled(false);
143 		IconP->setEnabled(false);
144 		IconR->setEnabled(false);
145 		NiconPrev->setEnabled(false);
146 		PiconPrev->setEnabled(false);
147 		RiconPrev->setEnabled(false);
148 		PlaceIcon->setEnabled(false);
149 	}
150 	else
151 	{
152 		QPixmap pmI1;
153 		ScImage im;
154 		CMSettings cms(m_view->m_doc, "", Intent_Perceptual);
155 		cms.allowColorManagement(false);
156 		if (!m_item->Pfile.isEmpty())
157 		{
158 			im.loadPicture(m_item->Pfile, 1, cms, ScImage::RGBData, 72);
159 			pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage());
160 			NiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1);
161 			IconNR->setEnabled(true);
162 		}
163 		if (!m_item->Pfile2.isEmpty())
164 		{
165 			im.loadPicture(m_item->Pfile2, 1, cms, ScImage::RGBData, 72);
166 			pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage());
167 			PiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1);
168 			IconPR->setEnabled(true);
169 		}
170 		if (!m_item->Pfile3.isEmpty())
171 		{
172 			im.loadPicture(m_item->Pfile3, 1, cms, ScImage::RGBData, 72);
173 			pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage());
174 			RiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1);
175 			IconRR->setEnabled(true);
176 		}
177 	}
179 	HighlightOptionGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
180 	ComboBox7_2->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.Feed());
182 	MultiL->setChecked(m_annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_Multiline);
183 	Passwd->setChecked(m_annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_Password);
184 	MaxChars->setMinimum(0);
185 	MaxChars->setMaximum(32768);
186 	bool setter = m_annotation.MaxChar() != -1;
187 	MaxChars->setValue(setter ? m_annotation.MaxChar() : 0);
188 	Limit->setChecked(setter);
189 	MaxChars->setEnabled(setter);
190 	NoScroll->setChecked(m_annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_DoNotScroll);
191 	NoSpell->setChecked(m_annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_DoNotSpellCheck);
193 	ChkStil->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.ChkStil());
194 	isChkd->setChecked(m_annotation.IsChk());
196 	CanEdit->setChecked(m_annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_Edit);
198 	int tmpac = m_annotation.ActionType();
199 	if (m_annotation.ActionType() < 0)
200 		tmpac = 1;
201 	if ((tmpac == 7) || (tmpac == 9))
202 		tmpac = 2;
203 	else if (tmpac == 10)
204 		tmpac = 6;
205 	ActionCombo->setCurrentIndex(tmpac);
207 	QPalette palTxt = EditJava->palette();
208 	palTxt.setColor(QPalette::Base, palette().color(QPalette::Window));
209 	if ((m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_JavaScript) || (m_annotation.AAact()))
210 		EditJava->setPlainText(m_annotation.Action());
211 	ScrEdited = Annotation::Java_ReleaseButton;
212 	SelAction->setCurrentIndex(0);
213 	EditJava->setReadOnly(true);
214 	EditJava->setAutoFillBackground(true);
215 	EditJava->setPalette(palTxt);
216 	EditJava->setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 50 ) );
217 	EditJava->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
219 	GroupBoxDestination->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
220 	Destfile->setText(m_annotation.Extern());
221 	Destfile->setReadOnly(true);
222 	if (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel)
223 		useAbsolute->setChecked(false);
224 	else if (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileAbs)
225 		useAbsolute->setChecked(true);
226 	SpinBox11->setMinimum(1);
227 	SpinBox11->setMaximum(((m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel) || (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileAbs)) ? 1000 : MaxPages);
228 	SpinBox11->setValue(qMin(m_annotation.Ziel() + 1, MaxPages));
230 	if ((m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel) || (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileAbs))
231 		m_navig = new Navigator( GroupBoxDestination, 100, m_annotation.Ziel()+1, m_view, m_annotation.Extern());
232 	else
233 		m_navig = new Navigator( GroupBoxDestination, 100, qMin(m_annotation.Ziel(), MaxPages - 1), m_view);
234 	m_navig->setMinimumSize(QSize(m_navig->pmx.width(), m_navig->pmx.height()));
235 	GroupBoxDestinationLayout->addWidget(m_navig, 2, 2, 3, 1);
237 	SpinBox21->setSuffix( tr( " pt" ) );
238 	SpinBox21->setMaximum(Width);
239 	SpinBox21->setValue(tl[0].toInt());
240 	SpinBox31->setMaximum(Height);
241 	SpinBox31->setSuffix( tr( " pt" ) );
242 	SpinBox31->setValue(Height - tl[1].toInt());
244 	if (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_SubmitForm)
245 		SubURL->setText(m_annotation.Action());
246 	SelAsHtml->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.HTML());
248 	if (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_ImportData)
249 		SubURLa->setText(m_annotation.Action());
251 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("First Page"), QString("FirstPage"));
252 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Previous Page"), QString("PrevPage"));
253 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Next Page"), QString("NextPage"));
254 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Last Page"), QString("LastPage"));
255 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Go Back"), QString("GoBack"));
256 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Go Forward"), QString("GoForward"));
257 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Go Back Doc"), QString("GoBackDoc"));
258 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Go Forward Doc"), QString("GoForwardDoc"));
259 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Go To Page"), QString("GoToPage"));
260 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Actual Size"), QString("ActualSize"));
261 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Fit Page"), QString("FitPage"));
262 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Fit Width"), QString("FitWidth"));
263 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Fit Height"), QString("FitHeight"));
264 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Fit Visible"), QString("FitVisible"));
265 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Single Page"), QString("SinglePage"));
266 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Two Pages"), QString("TwoPages"));
267 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("One Column"), QString("OneColumn"));
268 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Two Columns"), QString("TwoColumns"));
269 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Zoom View In"), QString("ZoomViewIn"));
270 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Zoom View Out"), QString("ZoomViewOut"));
271 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Zoom To"), QString("ZoomTo"));
272 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Print"), QString("Print"));
273 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Close"), QString("Close"));
274 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Quit"), QString("Quit"));
275 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("General Prefs"), QString("GeneralPrefs"));
276 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("General Info"), QString("GeneralInfo"));
277 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Page Setup"), QString("PageSetup"));
278 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Full Screen"), QString("FullScreen"));
279 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Bookmarks"), QString("ShowHideBookmarks"));
280 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Thumbnails"), QString("ShowHideThumbnails"));
281 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Editing"), QString("ShowHideToolbarEditing"));
282 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Commenting"), QString("ShowHideToolbarCommenting"));
283 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Edit"), QString("ShowHideToolbarEdit"));
284 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar File"), QString("ShowHideToolbarFile"));
285 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Find"), QString("ShowHideToolbarFind"));
286 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Forms"), QString("ShowHideToolbarForms"));
287 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Measuring"), QString("ShowHideToolbarMeasuring"));
288 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Data"), QString("ShowHideToolbarData"));
289 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Page Display"), QString("ShowHideToolbarPageDisplay"));
290 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Navigation"), QString("ShowHideToolbarNavigation"));
291 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Print Production"), QString("ShowHideToolbarPrintProduction"));
292 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Redaction"), QString("ShowHideToolbarRedaction"));
293 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Basic Tools"), QString("ShowHideToolbarBasicTools"));
294 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Tasks"), QString("ShowHideToolbarTasks"));
295 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Toolbar Typewriter"), QString("ShowHideToolbarTypewriter"));
296 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Articles"), QString("ShowHideArticles"));
297 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide File Attachment"), QString("ShowHideFileAttachment"));
298 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Annot Manager"), QString("ShowHideAnnotManager"));
299 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Fields"), QString("ShowHideFields"));
300 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Optional Content"), QString("ShowHideOptCont"));
301 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Model Tree"), QString("ShowHideModelTree"));
302 	nameActionCombo->addItem( tr("Show/Hide Signatures"), QString("ShowHideSignatures"));
304 	if ((m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel) || (m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileAbs))
305 	{
306 		LExtern->setChecked(true);
307 		if (!Destfile->text().isEmpty())
308 		{
309 			Width = m_navig->Width;
310 			Height = m_navig->Height;
311 		}
312 		else
313 		{
314 			Destfile->setEnabled(false);
315 			ChFile->setEnabled(false);
316 			LExtern->setChecked(false);
317 		}
318 	}
319 	else
320 	{
321 		Destfile->setEnabled(false);
322 		ChFile->setEnabled(false);
323 		LExtern->setChecked(false);
324 	}
326 	// Format tab settings
327 	TxFormat->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.Format());
329 	NumbGroup->layout()->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
330 	Decim->setMinimum(0);
331 	Decim->setMaximum(12);
332 	Decim->setValue(0);
333 	CurSym->setEnabled(false);
334 	PreCurr->setEnabled(false);
336 	FormNum = 0;
338 	Decim2->setMinimum(0);
339 	Decim2->setMaximum(12);
340 	Decim2->setValue(0);
342 	NumGroup2a->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
344 	GroupCust->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
345 	EditFormat->setAutoDefault(false);
346 	if (m_annotation.Format() != 5)
347 		EditFormat->setEnabled( false );
348 	if (m_annotation.Format() == 5)
349 		FormatScript->setPlainText( m_annotation.F_act() );
350 	FormatScript->setReadOnly(true);
351 	FormatScript->setAutoFillBackground(true);
352 	FormatScript->setPalette(palTxt);
353 	FormatScript->setMaximumSize(QSize(32000,50));
354 	FormatScript->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
355 	EditKeystr->setAutoDefault( false );
356 	if (m_annotation.Format() != 5)
357 		EditKeystr->setEnabled( false );
358 	if (m_annotation.Format() == 5)
359 		KeyScript->setPlainText( m_annotation.K_act() );
360 	KeyScript->setReadOnly(true);
361 	KeyScript->setAutoFillBackground(true);
362 	KeyScript->setPalette(palTxt);
363 	KeyScript->setMaximumSize(QSize(32000, 50));
364 	KeyScript->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
366 	DecodeNum();
368 	TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabFormat), false);
371 	// Value validation settings
372 	/*ValidateGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);*/
373 	ValidScript->setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 50 ) );
374 	ValidScript->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
375 	ValidScript->setReadOnly( true );
376 	ValidScript->setAutoFillBackground(true);
377 	ValidScript->setPalette(palTxt);
378 	EditValScript->setAutoDefault( false );
380 	TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabValidate), false);
381 	SetVali();
383 	// Value calculation settings
384 	/*CalcGroup->layout()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);*/
385 	CalcScript->setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 50 ) );
386 	CalcScript->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
387 	CalcScript->setReadOnly( true );
388 	CalcScript->setAutoFillBackground(true);
389 	CalcScript->setPalette(palTxt);
391 	TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabCalculate), false);
392 	SetCalc();
394 	if (m_annotation.Type() == Annotation::RadioButton)
395 		SetAnnotationType(5);
396 	else
397 		SetAnnotationType(m_annotation.Type()-2);
399 	PushButton1->setDefault( true );
401 	connect(PushButton1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetValues()));
402 	connect(PushButton2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
403 	connect(EditFormat, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editFormatSc()));
404 	connect(EditKeystr, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editKeySc()));
405 	connect(EditValScript, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editValidSc()));
406 	connect(EditCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editCalcSc()));
407 	connect(EditJ, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editJavaSc()));
408 	connect(SeField, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SelectFelder()));
409 	connect(Format0c, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setDateSample(const QString&)));
410 	connect(TxFormat, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetFoScript(int)));
411 	connect(ComboBox1, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetAnnotationType(int)));
412 	connect(ActionCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetActionType(int)));
413 	connect(SelAction, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetActionScript(int)));
414 	connect(m_navig, SIGNAL(Coords(double, double)), this, SLOT(SetCoords(double, double)));
415 	connect(SpinBox11, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetPage(int)));
416 	connect(SpinBox21, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetCross()));
417 	connect(SpinBox31, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetCross()));
418 	connect(Limit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetLimit()));
419 	connect(UseCurr, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetCurr()));
420 	connect(Format0, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
421 	connect(Format1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
422 	connect(Format2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
423 	connect(Format3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
424 	connect(Format0a, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
425 	connect(Format1a, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
426 	connect(Format2a, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
427 	connect(Format3a, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
428 	connect(Format0b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
429 	connect(Format1b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
430 	connect(Format2b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
431 	connect(Format3b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFormNum()));
432 	connect(NoValid, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleVali()));
433 	connect(SimpleValid, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleVali()));
434 	connect(CustomValid, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleVali()));
435 	connect(NoCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleCalc()));
436 	connect(SimpleCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleCalc()));
437 	connect(CustomCalc, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(HandleCalc()));
438 	connect(IconN, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetNIcon()));
439 	connect(IconNR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RemoveNIcon()));
440 	connect(IconP, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetPIcon()));
441 	connect(IconPR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RemovePIcon()));
442 	connect(IconR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetRIcon()));
443 	connect(IconRR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(RemoveRIcon()));
444 	connect(UseIcons, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(IconsEin()));
445 	connect(PlaceIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(IPlace()));
446 	connect(ChFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(GetFile()));
447 	connect(LExtern, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetExternLink()));
448 	connect(Name, SIGNAL(Leaved()), this, SLOT(NewName()));
450 	NoSpell->setToolTip( tr( "Flag is ignored for PDF 1.3" ) );
451 	NoScroll->setToolTip( tr( "Flag is ignored for PDF 1.3" ) );
452 	CalcFields->setToolTip( tr( "Enter a comma separated list of fields here" ) );
453 	IconNR->setToolTip( tr("You need at least the Icon for Normal to use Icons for Buttons"));
455 	SetPage(qMin(SpinBox11->value(), MaxPages));
456 	SetCross();
457 	//resize( minimumSizeHint() );
458 }
~ScAnnot()460 ScAnnot::~ScAnnot()
461 {}
NewName()463 void ScAnnot::NewName()
464 {
465 	QString NameNew = Name->text();
466 	if (NameNew.isEmpty())
467 	{
468 		Name->setText(OldName);
469 		return;
470 	}
471 	bool found = false;
472 	QList<PageItem*> allItems;
473 	for (int i = 0; i < m_view->m_doc->Items->count(); ++i)
474 	{
475 		PageItem *currItem = m_view->m_doc->Items->at(i);
476 		if (currItem->isGroup())
477 			allItems = currItem->getAllChildren();
478 		else
479 			allItems.append(currItem);
480 		for (int j = 0; j < allItems.count(); j++)
481 		{
482 			PageItem* ite = allItems.at(j);
483 			if ((NameNew == ite->itemName()) && (ite != m_item))
484 			{
485 				found = true;
486 				break;
487 			}
488 		}
489 		allItems.clear();
490 	}
491 	if (found)
492 	{
493 		Name->setText(OldName);
494 		Name->setFocus();
495 	}
496 }
IPlace()498 void ScAnnot::IPlace()
499 {
500 	ButtonIcon* dia = new ButtonIcon(this, m_item);
501 	if (dia->exec())
502 	{
503 		int w = m_item->pixm.width();
504 		int h = m_item->pixm.height();
505 		double sw = m_item->width() / w;
506 		double sh = m_item->height() / h;
507 		double sc = qMin(sw, sh);
508 		if (dia->IcScaleH == 3)
509 		{
510 			m_item->setImageXYScale(1.0, 1.0);
511 			m_item->setImageXYOffset((m_item->width() - w) * dia->IcPlaceX, (m_item->height() - h) * dia->IcPlaceY);
512 		}
513 		else if (dia->ScaleH->currentIndex() == 0)
514 		{
515 			m_item->setImageXYScale(sc, sc);
516 			m_item->setImageXYOffset(((m_item->width() - w * sc) / sc) / 2.0 / sc, ((m_item->height() - h * sc) / sc) / 2.0 / sc);
517 		}
518 		else
519 		{
520 			m_item->setImageXYScale(sw, sh);
521 			m_item->setImageXYOffset(0.0, 0.0);
522 		}
523 		m_annotation.setIPlace(dia->Place->currentIndex());
524 		m_annotation.setScaleW(dia->ScaleW->currentIndex());
525 	}
526 	delete dia;
527 }
RemoveNIcon()529 void ScAnnot::RemoveNIcon()
530 {
531 	NiconPrev->clear();
532 	m_item->Pfile.clear();
533 	m_item->imageIsAvailable = false;
534 	IconNR->setEnabled(false);
535 }
RemovePIcon()537 void ScAnnot::RemovePIcon()
538 {
539 	PiconPrev->clear();
540 	m_item->Pfile2.clear();
541 	IconPR->setEnabled(false);
542 }
RemoveRIcon()544 void ScAnnot::RemoveRIcon()
545 {
546 	RiconPrev->clear();
547 	m_item->Pfile3.clear();
548 	IconRR->setEnabled(false);
549 }
IconsEin()551 void ScAnnot::IconsEin()
552 {
553 	bool setter = UseIcons->isChecked();
554 	IconN->setEnabled(setter);
555 	IconP->setEnabled(setter);
556 	IconR->setEnabled(setter);
558 	NiconPrev->setEnabled(setter);
559 	PiconPrev->setEnabled(setter);
560 	RiconPrev->setEnabled(setter);
561 	PlaceIcon->setEnabled(setter);
562 	IconNR->setEnabled(!m_item->Pfile.isEmpty());
563 	IconPR->setEnabled(!m_item->Pfile2.isEmpty());
564 	IconRR->setEnabled(!m_item->Pfile3.isEmpty());
565 	m_annotation.setUseIcons(UseIcons->isChecked());
566 }
GetNIcon()568 void ScAnnot::GetNIcon()
569 {
570 	QString fileName;
571 	QString wdir = m_prefsCtxt->get("icon", ".");
572 	CustomFDialog dia(this, wdir, tr("Open"),
573 					  tr("Images (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;%1;;All Files (*)").arg(FormatsManager::instance()->extensionsForFormat(FormatsManager::EPS)), fdShowPreview | fdExistingFiles);
574 	if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
575 		fileName = dia.selectedFile();
576 	else
577 		return;
578 	if (!fileName.isEmpty())
579 	{
580 		m_prefsCtxt->set("icon", fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("/")));
581 		QPixmap pmI1;
582 		CMSettings cms(m_view->m_doc, "", Intent_Perceptual);
583 		cms.allowColorManagement(false);
584 		m_item->pixm.loadPicture(fileName, 1, cms, ScImage::RGBData, 72);
585 		pmI1=QPixmap::fromImage(m_item->pixm.qImage());
586 		NiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1);
587 		m_item->Pfile = fileName;
588 		m_item->imageIsAvailable = true;
589 		int w = m_item->pixm.width();
590 		int h = m_item->pixm.height();
591 		double sw = m_item->width() / w;
592 		double sh = m_item->height() / h;
593 		double sc = qMin(sw,sh);
594 		m_item->setImageXYScale(sc, sc);
595 		m_item->setImageXYOffset(((m_item->width() - (w * sc)) / 2) / sc, ((m_item->height() - (h * sc)) / 2) / sc);
596 		IconNR->setEnabled(true);
597 	}
598 }
GetPIcon()600 void ScAnnot::GetPIcon()
601 {
602 	QString fileName;
603 	QString wdir = m_prefsCtxt->get("icon", ".");
604 	CustomFDialog dia(this, wdir, tr("Open"),
605 	                  tr("Images (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;PostScript (*.eps *.epsi);;All Files (*)"), fdShowPreview | fdExistingFiles);
606 	if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
607 		fileName = dia.selectedFile();
608 	else
609 		return;
610 	if (!fileName.isEmpty())
611 	{
612 		m_prefsCtxt->set("icon", fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("/")));
613 		QPixmap pmI1;
614 		ScImage im;
615 		CMSettings cms(m_view->m_doc, "", Intent_Perceptual);
616 		cms.allowColorManagement(false);
617 		im.loadPicture(fileName, 1, cms, ScImage::RGBData, 72);
618 		pmI1 = QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage());
619 		PiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1);
620 		m_item->Pfile2 = fileName;
621 		IconPR->setEnabled(true);
622 	}
623 }
GetRIcon()625 void ScAnnot::GetRIcon()
626 {
627 	QString fileName;
628 	QString wdir = m_prefsCtxt->get("icon", ".");
629 	CustomFDialog dia(this, wdir, tr("Open"),
630 	                  tr("Images (*.tif *.png *.jpg *.xpm);;PostScript (*.eps *.epsi);;All Files (*)"), fdShowPreview | fdExistingFiles);
631 	if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
632 		fileName = dia.selectedFile();
633 	else
634 		return;
635 	if (!fileName.isEmpty())
636 	{
637 		m_prefsCtxt->set("icon", fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("/")));
638 		QPixmap pmI1;
639 		ScImage im;
640 		CMSettings cms(m_view->m_doc, "", Intent_Perceptual);
641 		cms.allowColorManagement(false);
642 		im.loadPicture(fileName, 1, cms, ScImage::RGBData, 72);
643 		pmI1 = QPixmap::fromImage(im.qImage());
644 		RiconPrev->setPixmap(pmI1);
645 		m_item->Pfile3 = fileName;
646 		IconRR->setEnabled(true);
647 	}
648 }
SelectFelder()650 void ScAnnot::SelectFelder()
651 {
652 	SelectFields* dia = new SelectFields(this, CalcFields->text(), m_item->itemName(), m_view->m_doc, 3);
653 	if (dia->exec())
654 		CalcFields->setText(dia->S_Fields);
655 	delete dia;
656 }
editKeySc()658 void ScAnnot::editKeySc()
659 {
660 	Editor* dia = new Editor(this, m_annotation.K_act(), m_view);
661 	if (dia->exec())
662 	{
663 		m_annotation.setK_act(dia->EditTex->toPlainText());
664 		KeyScript->setPlainText( m_annotation.K_act() );
665 	}
666 	delete dia;
667 }
editFormatSc()669 void ScAnnot::editFormatSc()
670 {
671 	Editor* dia = new Editor(this, m_annotation.F_act(), m_view);
672 	if (dia->exec())
673 	{
674 		m_annotation.setF_act(dia->EditTex->toPlainText());
675 		FormatScript->setPlainText( m_annotation.F_act() );
676 	}
677 	delete dia;
678 }
editValidSc()680 void ScAnnot::editValidSc()
681 {
682 	Editor* dia = new Editor(this, m_annotation.V_act(), m_view);
683 	if (dia->exec())
684 	{
685 		m_annotation.setV_act(dia->EditTex->toPlainText());
686 		ValidScript->setPlainText( m_annotation.V_act() );
687 	}
688 	delete dia;
689 }
editCalcSc()691 void ScAnnot::editCalcSc()
692 {
693 	Editor* dia = new Editor(this, m_annotation.C_act(), m_view);
694 	if (dia->exec())
695 	{
696 		m_annotation.setC_act(dia->EditTex->toPlainText());
697 		CalcScript->setPlainText( m_annotation.C_act() );
698 	}
699 	delete dia;
700 }
editJavaSc()702 void ScAnnot::editJavaSc()
703 {
704 	Editor* dia = new Editor(this, EditJava->toPlainText(), m_view);
705 	if (dia->exec())
706 		EditJava->setPlainText(dia->EditTex->toPlainText());
707 	delete dia;
708 }
setDateSample(const QString & ds)710 void ScAnnot::setDateSample(const QString& ds)
711 {
712 	QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
713 	QString tmp = "";
714 	if (ds == "m/d")
715 		tmp = "M/d";
716 	if (ds == "m/d/yy")
717 		tmp = "M/d/yy";
718 	if (ds == "mm/dd/yy")
719 		tmp = "MM/dd/yy";
720 	if (ds == "mm/yy")
721 		tmp = "MM/yy";
722 	if (ds == "d-mmm")
723 		tmp = "d-MMM";
724 	if (ds == "d-mmm-yy")
725 		tmp = "d-MMM-yy";
726 	if (ds == "dd-mmm-yy")
727 		tmp = "dd-MMM-yy";
728 	if (ds == "dd/mm/yy")
729 		tmp = "dd/MM/yy";
730 	if (ds == "dd.mm.yyyy")
731 		tmp = "dd.MM.yyyy";
732 	if (ds == "dd/mm/yyyy")
733 		tmp = "dd/MM/yyyy";
734 	if (ds == "yy-mm-dd")
735 		tmp = "yy-MM-dd";
736 	if (ds == "mmm-yy")
737 		tmp = "MMM-yy";
738 	if (ds == "mmmm-yy")
739 		tmp = "MMMM-yy";
740 	if (ds == "mmm d, yyyy")
741 		tmp = "MMM d, yyyy";
742 	if (ds == "mmmm d, yyyy")
743 		tmp = "MMMM d, yyyy";
744 	if (ds == "m/d/yy h:MM tt")
745 		tmp = "M/d/yy h:mm ap";
746 	if (ds == "m/d/yy HH:MM")
747 		tmp = "M/d/yy hh:mm";
748 	if (ds == "yyyy-mm-dd")
749 		tmp = "yyyy-MM-dd";
750 	TextDa1->setText( tr("Example:")+" "+dt.toString(tmp));
751 }
DecodeVali()753 void ScAnnot::DecodeVali()
754 {
755 	QString pfor = m_annotation.V_act();
756 	int ss = pfor.indexOf("(");
757 	QString pfo = pfor.mid(ss+1, pfor.length()-ss-2);
758 	QStringList pfol;
759 	pfol = pfo.split(",", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
760 	MinValid->setText(pfol[1].simplified());
761 	MaxValid->setText(pfol[3].simplified());
762 }
DecodeCalc()764 void ScAnnot::DecodeCalc()
765 {
766 	QString tm = "";
767 	QString tm2;
768 	QString pfor = m_annotation.C_act();
769 	int ss = pfor.lastIndexOf("(");
770 	QString pfo = pfor.mid(ss+1, pfor.length()-ss-3);
771 	QStringList pfol;
772 	pfol = pfo.split(",", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
773 	if (pfol.count() > 1)
774 	{
775 		tm2 = pfol[0].simplified();
776 		tm += tm2.midRef(1, tm2.length()-2);
777 		for (int cfx = 1; cfx < pfol.count(); ++cfx)
778 		{
779 			tm2 = pfol[cfx].simplified();
780 			tm += ", "+tm2.mid(1, tm2.length()-2);
781 		}
782 	}
783 	CalcFields->setText(tm);
784 	ss = pfor.indexOf("(");
785 	pfo = pfor.mid(ss+1, pfor.length()-ss-3);
786 	pfol = pfo.split(",", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
787 	/* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Let's get rid of lots of ifs.... */
788 	QString pf[] = {"\"SUM\"", "\"PRD\"", "\"AVG\"", "\"MIN\"", "\"MAX\""};
789 	size_t pfTest = sizeof(pf) / sizeof(*pf);
790 	for (uint test = 0; test < pfTest; ++test)
791 	{
792 		if (pfol[0] == pf[test])
793 			CalcArt->setCurrentIndex(test);
794 	}
795 }
DecodeNum()797 void ScAnnot::DecodeNum()
798 {
799 	QString pfor = m_annotation.F_act();
800 	int ss = pfor.indexOf("(");
801 	QString pfo = pfor.mid(ss+1, pfor.length()-ss-2);
802 	QStringList pfol;
803 	pfol = pfo.split(",", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
804 	if (m_annotation.Format() == 1)
805 	{
806 		Decim->setValue(pfol[0].toInt());
807 		switch (pfol[1].toInt())
808 		{
809 			case 0:
810 				Format0->setChecked(true);
811 				FormNum = 0;
812 				break;
813 			case 1:
814 				Format1->setChecked(true);
815 				FormNum = 1;
816 				break;
817 			case 2:
818 				Format2->setChecked(true);
819 				FormNum = 2;
820 				break;
821 			case 3:
822 				Format3->setChecked(true);
823 				FormNum = 3;
824 				break;
825 		}
826 		if (pfol[5] == " true")
827 			PreCurr->setChecked(true);
828 		else
829 			PreCurr->setChecked(false);
830 		if (pfol[4].length() > 2)
831 		{
832 			if (PreCurr->isChecked())
833 				CurSym->setText(pfol[4].mid(2,pfol[4].length()-4));
834 			else
835 				CurSym->setText(pfol[4].mid(3,pfol[4].length()-4));
836 		}
837 		else
838 			CurSym->setText("");
839 		if (!CurSym->text().isEmpty())
840 		{
841 			CurSym->setEnabled(true);
842 			UseCurr->setEnabled(true);
843 			UseCurr->setChecked(true);
844 			PreCurr->setEnabled(true);
845 		}
846 	}
847 	if (m_annotation.Format() == 2)
848 	{
849 		Decim2->setValue(pfol[0].toInt());
850 		switch (pfol[1].toInt())
851 		{
852 			case 0:
853 				Format0a->setChecked(true);
854 				FormNum = 0;
855 				break;
856 			case 1:
857 				Format1a->setChecked(true);
858 				FormNum = 1;
859 				break;
860 			case 2:
861 				Format2a->setChecked(true);
862 				FormNum = 2;
863 				break;
864 			case 3:
865 				Format3a->setChecked(true);
866 				FormNum = 3;
867 				break;
868 		}
869 	}
870 	if (m_annotation.Format() == 3)
871 	{
872 		setCurrentComboItem(Format0c, pfol[0].remove("\""));
873 		setDateSample(pfol[0]);
874 	}
875 	if (m_annotation.Format() == 4)
876 	{
877 		switch (pfol[0].toInt())
878 		{
879 			case 0:
880 				Format0b->setChecked(true);
881 				FormNum = 0;
882 				break;
883 			case 1:
884 				Format1b->setChecked(true);
885 				FormNum = 1;
886 				break;
887 			case 2:
888 				Format2b->setChecked(true);
889 				FormNum = 2;
890 				break;
891 			case 3:
892 				Format3b->setChecked(true);
893 				FormNum = 3;
894 				break;
895 		}
896 	}
897 }
SetFormNum()899 void ScAnnot::SetFormNum()
900 {
901 	switch (m_annotation.Format())
902 	{
903 	case 1:
904 		if (Format0->isChecked())
905 			FormNum = 0;
906 		if (Format1->isChecked())
907 			FormNum = 1;
908 		if (Format2->isChecked())
909 			FormNum = 2;
910 		if (Format3->isChecked())
911 			FormNum = 3;
912 		break;
913 	case 2:
914 		if (Format0a->isChecked())
915 			FormNum = 0;
916 		if (Format1a->isChecked())
917 			FormNum = 1;
918 		if (Format2a->isChecked())
919 			FormNum = 2;
920 		if (Format3a->isChecked())
921 			FormNum = 3;
922 		break;
923 	case 4:
924 		if (Format0b->isChecked())
925 			FormNum = 0;
926 		if (Format1b->isChecked())
927 			FormNum = 1;
928 		if (Format2b->isChecked())
929 			FormNum = 2;
930 		if (Format3b->isChecked())
931 			FormNum = 3;
932 		break;
933 	}
934 }
HandleVali()936 void ScAnnot::HandleVali()
937 {
938 	bool setter = SimpleValid->isChecked();
939 	MaxValid->setEnabled(setter);
940 	MinValid->setEnabled(setter);
941 	EditValScript->setEnabled(false);
942 	if (CustomValid->isChecked())
943 		EditValScript->setEnabled(true);
944 }
SetVali()946 void ScAnnot::SetVali()
947 {
948 	MaxValid->setEnabled(false);
949 	MinValid->setEnabled(false);
950 	EditValScript->setEnabled(false);
951 	ValidScript->setEnabled(false);
952 	if (m_annotation.V_act().isEmpty())
953 		NoValid->setChecked(true);
954 	else
955 	{
956 		if (m_annotation.V_act().startsWith("AFRange_Validate"))
957 		{
958 			MaxValid->setEnabled(true);
959 			MinValid->setEnabled(true);
960 			SimpleValid->setChecked(true);
961 			DecodeVali();
962 		}
963 		else
964 		{
965 			EditValScript->setEnabled(true);
966 			CustomValid->setChecked(true);
967 			ValidScript->setPlainText(m_annotation.V_act());
968 		}
969 	}
970 }
HandleCalc()972 void ScAnnot::HandleCalc()
973 {
974 	bool setter = SimpleCalc->isChecked();
975 	CalcFields->setEnabled(setter);
976 	CalcArt->setEnabled(setter);
977 	EditCalc->setEnabled(false);
978 	SeField->setEnabled(setter);
979 	if (CustomCalc->isChecked())
980 		EditCalc->setEnabled(true);
981 }
SetCalc()983 void ScAnnot::SetCalc()
984 {
985 	CalcFields->setEnabled(false);
986 	CalcArt->setEnabled(false);
987 	EditCalc->setEnabled(false);
988 	SeField->setEnabled(false);
989 	if (m_annotation.C_act().isEmpty())
990 		NoCalc->setChecked(true);
991 	else
992 	{
993 		if (m_annotation.C_act().startsWith("AFSimple_Calculate"))
994 		{
995 			CalcFields->setEnabled(true);
996 			CalcArt->setEnabled(true);
997 			SimpleCalc->setChecked(true);
998 			SeField->setEnabled(true);
999 			DecodeCalc();
1000 		}
1001 		else
1002 		{
1003 			EditCalc->setEnabled(true);
1004 			CustomCalc->setChecked(true);
1005 			CalcScript->setPlainText(m_annotation.C_act());
1006 		}
1007 	}
1008 }
SetCurr()1010 void ScAnnot::SetCurr()
1011 {
1012 	bool setter = UseCurr->isChecked();
1013 	CurSym->setEnabled(setter);
1014 	PreCurr->setEnabled(setter);
1015 }
SetFoScript(int it)1017 void ScAnnot::SetFoScript(int it)
1018 {
1019 	if (it >= 0 && it <=5)
1020 		FoFram->setCurrentIndex(it);
1021 	if (it == 1)
1022 		SetCurr();
1023 	if (it == 5)
1024 	{
1025 		EditFormat->setEnabled( true );
1026 		EditKeystr->setEnabled( true );
1027 //		KeyScript->setPlainText("");
1028 //		FormatScript->setPlainText("");
1029 		KeyScript->setText(m_annotation.K_act());
1030 		FormatScript->setText(m_annotation.F_act());
1031 	}
1032 	m_annotation.setFormat(it);
1033 }
SetCoords(double x,double y)1035 void ScAnnot::SetCoords(double x, double y)
1036 {
1037 	SpinBox21->setValue(static_cast<int>(x*Width));
1038 	SpinBox31->setValue(static_cast<int>(y*Height));
1039 }
SetPage(int v)1041 void ScAnnot::SetPage(int v)
1042 {
1043 	disconnect(SpinBox11, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetPage(int)));
1044 	if ((m_annotation.ActionType() == Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel) || (m_annotation.ActionType() == 9))
1045 	{
1046 		if (!m_navig->setPage(v, 100, Destfile->text()))
1047 		{
1048 			SpinBox11->setValue(1);
1049 			m_navig->setPage(1, 100, Destfile->text());
1050 		}
1051 		Width = m_navig->Width;
1052 		Height = m_navig->Height;
1053 		//		SetCoords(0,0);
1054 	}
1055 	else
1056 	{
1057 		m_navig->setPage(qMin(v-1, MaxPages - 1), 100);
1058 		SpinBox11->setValue(qMin(v, MaxPages));
1059 		Width = OriWidth;
1060 		Height = OriHeight;
1061 		//		SetCoords(0,0);
1062 	}
1063 	SpinBox21->setMaximum(Width);
1064 	SpinBox31->setMaximum(Height);
1065 	connect(SpinBox11, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SetPage(int)));
1066 }
SetCross()1068 void ScAnnot::SetCross()
1069 {
1070 	int x, y;
1071 	disconnect(m_navig, SIGNAL(Coords(double, double)), this, SLOT(SetCoords(double, double)));
1072 	x = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(SpinBox21->value()) / static_cast<double>(Width) * m_navig->pmx.width());
1073 	y = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(SpinBox31->value()) / static_cast<double>(Height) * m_navig->pmx.height());
1074 	m_navig->drawMark(x, y);
1075 	connect(m_navig, SIGNAL(Coords(double, double)), this, SLOT(SetCoords(double, double)));
1076 }
SetValues()1078 void ScAnnot::SetValues()
1079 {
1080 	bool AAct = false;
1081 	QString tmp, tmp2;
1082 	QString Nfo("");
1084 	Annotation& annotation = m_item->annotation();
1085 	annotation = m_annotation;
1087 	if (ComboBox1->currentIndex() == 5)
1088 		annotation.setType(Annotation::RadioButton);
1089 	else
1090 		annotation.setType(ComboBox1->currentIndex() + 2);
1091 	if (Name->text() != OldName)
1092 		m_item->setItemName(Name->text());
1093 	annotation.setToolTip(Tip->text());
1094 	annotation.setRollOver(TextO->text());
1095 	annotation.setDown(DownT->text());
1096 	annotation.setBorderWidth(BorderW->currentIndex());
1097 	annotation.setBorderStyle(BorderS->currentIndex());
1098 	annotation.setFeed(ComboBox7_2->currentIndex());
1099 	annotation.setVis(Visib->currentIndex());
1100 	annotation.setFont(Schrift->currentIndex());
1101 	annotation.setFlag(0);
1102 	annotation.setIsChk(isChkd->isChecked());
1103 	annotation.setCheckState(isChkd->isChecked());
1104 	annotation.setChkStil(ChkStil->currentIndex());
1105 	annotation.setBorderColor(BorderC->currentText());
1106 	if (annotation.borderColor() == CommonStrings::tr_NoneColor)
1107 		annotation.setBorderColor(CommonStrings::None);
1108 	Limit->isChecked() ? annotation.setMaxChar(MaxChars->value()) : annotation.setMaxChar(-1);
1109 	if (annotation.Type() == Annotation::Button)
1110 	{
1111 		annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_PushButton);
1112 		if (m_item->Pfile.isEmpty())
1113 			annotation.setUseIcons(false);
1114 		annotation.setFormat(0);
1115 		annotation.setF_act(QString());
1116 	}
1117 	else
1118 	{
1119 		annotation.setUseIcons(false);
1120 		if (ReadOnly->isChecked())
1121 			annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_ReadOnly);
1122 		if (Required->isChecked())
1123 			annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_Required);
1124 		if (NoExport->isChecked())
1125 			annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_NoExport);
1126 	}
1127 	if (annotation.Type() == Annotation::RadioButton)
1128 	{
1129 		annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_Radio | Annotation::Flag_NoToggleToOff);
1130 		annotation.setFormat(0);
1131 		annotation.setF_act(QString());
1132 	}
1133 	if (annotation.Type() == Annotation::Checkbox)
1134 	{
1135 		annotation.setFormat(0);
1136 		annotation.setF_act(QString());
1137 	}
1138 	if (annotation.Type() == Annotation::Combobox)
1139 	{
1140 		annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_Combo);
1141 		if (CanEdit->isChecked())
1142 			annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_Edit);
1143 	}
1144 	if (annotation.Type() == Annotation::Listbox)
1145 	{
1146 		annotation.setFormat(0);
1147 		annotation.setF_act(QString());
1148 	}
1149 	if (annotation.Type() == Annotation::Textfield)
1150 	{
1151 		if (MultiL->isChecked())
1152 			annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_Multiline);
1153 		if (Passwd->isChecked())
1154 			annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_Password);
1155 		if (NoSpell->isChecked())
1156 			annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_DoNotSpellCheck);
1157 		if (NoScroll->isChecked())
1158 			annotation.addToFlag(Annotation::Flag_DoNotScroll);
1159 	}
1160 	if ((annotation.Type() == Annotation::Textfield) || (annotation.Type() == Annotation::Combobox))
1161 	{
1162 		if (NoValid->isChecked())
1163 			annotation.setV_act("");
1164 		if (SimpleValid->isChecked())
1165 			annotation.setV_act("AFRange_Validate(true, "+MinValid->text()+", true, "+MaxValid->text()+")");
1166 		if (CustomValid->isChecked())
1167 			annotation.setV_act(ValidScript->toPlainText());
1168 		if (NoCalc->isChecked())
1169 			annotation.setC_act("");
1170 		if (SimpleCalc->isChecked())
1171 		{
1172 			QString tmpCact = "AFSimple_Calculate(";
1173 			switch (CalcArt->currentIndex())
1174 			{
1175 				case 0:
1176 					tmpCact += "\"SUM\", ";
1177 					break;
1178 				case 1:
1179 					tmpCact += "\"PRD\", ";
1180 					break;
1181 				case 2:
1182 					tmpCact += "\"AVG\", ";
1183 					break;
1184 				case 3:
1185 					tmpCact += "\"MIN\", ";
1186 					break;
1187 				case 4:
1188 					tmpCact += "\"MAX\", ";
1189 					break;
1190 			}
1191 			tmpCact += "new Array (";
1192 			QStringList pfol;
1193 			pfol = CalcFields->text().split(",", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
1194 			if (pfol.count() > 1)
1195 			{
1196 				tmpCact += "\""+pfol[0].simplified()+"\"";
1197 				for (int cfx = 1; cfx < pfol.count(); cfx++)
1198 				{
1199 					tmpCact += ", \""+pfol[cfx].simplified()+"\"";
1200 				}
1201 			}
1202 			tmpCact += "))";
1203 			annotation.setC_act(tmpCact);
1204 		}
1205 		if (CustomCalc->isChecked())
1206 			annotation.setC_act(CalcScript->toPlainText());
1207 		switch (TxFormat->currentIndex())
1208 		{
1209 			case 0:
1210 				annotation.setF_act("");
1211 				annotation.setK_act("");
1212 				break;
1213 			case 1:
1214 				Nfo = tmp.setNum(Decim->value())+", "+tmp2.setNum(FormNum)+", 0, 0, \"";
1215 				if (UseCurr->isChecked())
1216 				{
1217 					if (!PreCurr->isChecked())
1218 						Nfo += " ";
1219 					Nfo += CurSym->text().simplified();
1220 					if (PreCurr->isChecked())
1221 						Nfo += " ";
1222 				}
1223 				if (PreCurr->isChecked())
1224 					Nfo += "\", true)";
1225 				else
1226 					Nfo += "\", false)";
1227 				annotation.setF_act("AFNumber_Format("+Nfo);
1228 				annotation.setK_act("AFNumber_Keystroke("+Nfo);
1229 				break;
1230 			case 2:
1231 				Nfo = tmp.setNum(Decim2->value())+", "+tmp.setNum(FormNum)+")";
1232 				annotation.setF_act("AFPercent_Format("+Nfo);
1233 				annotation.setK_act("AFPercent_Keystroke("+Nfo);
1234 				break;
1235 			case 3:
1236 				Nfo = Format0c->currentText()+"\")";
1237 				annotation.setF_act("AFDate_FormatEx(\""+Nfo);
1238 				annotation.setK_act("AFDate_KeystrokeEx(\""+Nfo);
1239 				break;
1240 			case 4:
1241 				Nfo = tmp.setNum(FormNum)+")";
1242 				annotation.setF_act("AFTime_Format("+Nfo);
1243 				annotation.setK_act("AFTime_Keystroke("+Nfo);
1244 				break;
1245 			case 5:
1246 				annotation.setF_act(FormatScript->toPlainText());
1247 				annotation.setK_act(KeyScript->toPlainText());
1248 				break;
1249 		}
1250 	}
1251 	switch (ActionCombo->currentIndex())
1252 	{
1253 		case 0:
1254 			annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_None);
1255 			annotation.setAction(QString());
1256 			break;
1257 		case 1:
1258 			annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_JavaScript);
1259 			switch (ScrEdited)
1260 			{
1261 				case Annotation::Java_ReleaseButton:
1262 					annotation.setAction(EditJava->toPlainText());
1263 					break;
1264 				case Annotation::Java_PressButton:
1265 					annotation.setD_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1266 					break;
1267 				case Annotation::Java_EnterWidget:
1268 					annotation.setE_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1269 					break;
1270 				case Annotation::Java_LeaveWidget:
1271 					annotation.setX_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1272 					break;
1273 				case Annotation::Java_FocusIn:
1274 					annotation.setFo_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1275 					break;
1276 				case Annotation::Java_FocusOut:
1277 					annotation.setBl_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1278 					break;
1279 				case Annotation::Java_SelectionChg:
1280 					annotation.setK_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1281 					break;
1282 			}
1283 			break;
1284 		case 2:
1285 			if ((LExtern->isChecked()) && (!Destfile->text().isEmpty()))
1286 			{
1287 				annotation.setExtern(Destfile->text());
1288 				if (useAbsolute->isChecked())
1289 					annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileAbs);
1290 				else
1291 					annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel);
1292 			}
1293 			else
1294 			{
1295 				annotation.setExtern("");
1296 				annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_GoTo);
1297 			}
1298 			annotation.setZiel(SpinBox11->value()-1);
1299 			annotation.setAction(tmp.setNum(SpinBox21->value())+" "+tmp2.setNum(Height-SpinBox31->value())+" 0");
1300 			break;
1301 		case 3:
1302 			annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_SubmitForm);
1303 			annotation.setAction(SubURL->text().simplified());
1304 			annotation.setHTML(SelAsHtml->currentIndex());
1305 			break;
1306 		case 4:
1307 			annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_ResetForm);
1308 			annotation.setAction(QString());
1309 			break;
1310 		case 5:
1311 			annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_ImportData);
1312 			annotation.setAction(SubURLa->text().simplified());
1313 			break;
1314 		case 6:
1315 			annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_Named);
1316 			annotation.setAction(nameActionCombo->itemData(nameActionCombo->currentIndex()).toString());
1317 			break;
1318 		default:
1319 			annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_None);
1320 			annotation.setAction(QString());
1321 			break;
1322 	}
1323 	if (!annotation.E_act().isEmpty())
1324 		AAct = true;
1325 	if (!annotation.X_act().isEmpty())
1326 		AAct = true;
1327 	if (!annotation.D_act().isEmpty())
1328 		AAct = true;
1329 	if (!annotation.Fo_act().isEmpty())
1330 		AAct = true;
1331 	if (!annotation.Bl_act().isEmpty())
1332 		AAct = true;
1333 	if (!annotation.K_act().isEmpty())
1334 		AAct = true;
1335 	if (!annotation.F_act().isEmpty())
1336 		AAct = true;
1337 	if (!annotation.V_act().isEmpty())
1338 		AAct = true;
1339 	if (!annotation.C_act().isEmpty())
1340 		AAct = true;
1341 	annotation.setAAact(AAct);
1342 	accept();
1343 }
SetAnnotationType(int it)1345 void ScAnnot::SetAnnotationType(int it)
1346 {
1347 	disconnect(ActionCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetActionType(int)));
1348 	disconnect(TxFormat, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetFoScript(int)));
1350 	Annotation& annotation = m_annotation;
1351 	int tmpac = annotation.ActionType();
1352 	if ((tmpac == 7) || (tmpac == 9))
1353 		tmpac = 2;
1354 	else if (tmpac == 10)
1355 		tmpac = 6;
1356 	int sela = it + 2;
1357 	TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabFormat), false);
1358 	TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabValidate), false);
1359 	TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabCalculate), false);
1360 	EditFormat->setEnabled( false );
1361 	EditKeystr->setEnabled( false );
1362 	CText1->show();
1363 	ChkStil->show();
1364 	SelAction->clear();
1365 	QString tmp_selact[]={tr("Mouse Up"), tr("Mouse Down"), tr("Mouse Enter"),
1366 	                      tr("Mouse Exit"), tr("On Focus"), tr("On Blur")};
1367 	size_t array_sel = sizeof(tmp_selact) / sizeof(*tmp_selact);
1368 	/* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and varname */
1369 	for (uint prop = 0; prop < array_sel; ++prop)
1370 		SelAction->addItem(tmp_selact[prop]);
1371 	bool setter;
1372 	switch (sela)
1373 	{
1374 	case 2:
1375 		{
1376 			Fram->setCurrentIndex(3);
1377 			FramOp->setCurrentIndex(sela-2);
1378 			ReadOnly->setEnabled(false);
1379 			ReadOnly->setChecked(false);
1380 			Required->setEnabled(false);
1381 			Required->setChecked(false);
1382 			NoExport->setEnabled(false);
1383 			NoExport->setChecked(false);
1384 			ActionCombo->clear();
1385 			QString tmp_actcom[] = {tr("None", "action"), tr("JavaScript"), tr("Go To"),
1386 									tr("Submit Form"), tr("Reset Form"), tr("Import Data"), tr("Named")};
1387 			size_t array_act = sizeof(tmp_actcom) / sizeof(*tmp_actcom);
1388 			/* PFJ - 28/02/04 - Altered from uint to int and varname */
1389 			for (uint prop = 0; prop < array_act; ++prop)
1390 				ActionCombo->addItem(tmp_actcom[prop]);
1391 			ActionCombo->setCurrentIndex(qMin(tmpac,6));
1392 			setter = (annotation.ActionType() != Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel) && (annotation.ActionType() != Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileAbs);
1393 			Destfile->setEnabled(setter);
1394 			ChFile->setEnabled(setter);
1395 			SetActionType(tmpac);
1396 			break;
1397 		}
1398 	case 3:
1399 	case 6:
1400 	case 4:
1401 	case 5:
1402 	case 7:
1403 		if ((sela == 3) || (sela == 5))
1404 		{
1405 			TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabFormat), true);
1406 			TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabValidate), true);
1407 			TabWidget2->setTabEnabled(TabWidget2->indexOf(tabCalculate), true);
1408 			TxFormat->setCurrentIndex(annotation.Format());
1409 			SetFoScript(annotation.Format());
1410 			SetVali();
1411 			SetCalc();
1412 		}
1413 		if (sela == 6)
1414 			SelAction->addItem( tr( "Selection Change" ) );
1415 		ReadOnly->setEnabled(true);
1416 		ReadOnly->setChecked(annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_ReadOnly);
1417 		Required->setChecked(annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_Required);
1418 		NoExport->setChecked(annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_NoExport);
1419 		Fram->setCurrentIndex(3);
1420 		if (sela < 6)
1421 			FramOp->setCurrentIndex(sela-2);
1422 		else if (sela == 6)
1423 			FramOp->setCurrentIndex(3);
1424 		else
1425 		{
1426 			CText1->hide();
1427 			ChkStil->hide();
1428 			FramOp->setCurrentIndex(2);
1429 		}
1430 		ActionCombo->clear();
1431 		ActionCombo->addItem( tr( "None" ) );
1432 		ActionCombo->addItem( tr( "JavaScript" ) );
1433 		ActionCombo->setCurrentIndex(qMin(tmpac, 1));
1434 		SetActionType(tmpac);
1435 		break;
1436 	default:
1437 		Fram->setCurrentIndex(2);
1438 		break;
1439 	}
1440 	MultiL->setChecked(annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_Multiline);
1441 	Passwd->setChecked(annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_Password);
1442 	CanEdit->setChecked(annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_Edit);
1443 	NoSpell->setChecked(annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_DoNotSpellCheck);
1444 	NoScroll->setChecked(annotation.Flag() & Annotation::Flag_DoNotScroll);
1445 	ChkStil->setCurrentIndex(annotation.ChkStil());
1446 	isChkd->setChecked(annotation.IsChk());
1447 	setter = annotation.MaxChar() != -1;
1448 	MaxChars->setValue(setter ? annotation.MaxChar() : 0);
1449 	Limit->setChecked(setter);
1450 	MaxChars->setEnabled(setter);
1451 	connect(ActionCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetActionType(int)));
1452 	connect(TxFormat, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(SetFoScript(int)));
1453 }
SetLimit()1455 void ScAnnot::SetLimit()
1456 {
1457 	Limit->isChecked() ? MaxChars->setEnabled(true) :MaxChars->setEnabled(false);
1458 }
SetExternLink()1460 void ScAnnot::SetExternLink()
1461 {
1462 	disconnect(LExtern, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetExternLink()));
1463 	bool enable;
1464 	if (!LExtern->isChecked())
1465 	{
1466 		m_annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_GoTo);
1467 		enable = false;
1468 		//		Destfile->setEnabled(false);
1469 		//		ChFile->setEnabled(false);
1470 		SetPage(qMin(SpinBox11->value(), MaxPages));
1471 	}
1472 	else
1473 	{
1474 		if (useAbsolute->isChecked())
1475 			m_annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileAbs);
1476 		else
1477 			m_annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel);
1478 		enable = true;
1479 		//		Destfile->setEnabled(true);
1480 		//		ChFile->setEnabled(true);
1481 		if (Destfile->text().isEmpty())
1482 		{
1483 			GetFile();
1484 			if (Destfile->text().isEmpty())
1485 			{
1486 				m_annotation.setActionType(Annotation::Action_GoTo);
1487 				enable = false;
1488 				//				Destfile->setEnabled(false);
1489 				//				ChFile->setEnabled(false);
1490 				LExtern->setChecked(false);
1491 			}
1492 		}
1493 		SetPage(qMin(SpinBox11->value(), MaxPages));
1494 	}
1495 	Destfile->setEnabled(enable);
1496 	ChFile->setEnabled(enable);
1497 	connect(LExtern, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetExternLink()));
1498 }
SetActionType(int it)1500 void ScAnnot::SetActionType(int it)
1501 {
1502 	bool setter;
1503 	switch (it)
1504 	{
1505 	case 6:
1506 	{
1507 		Fram2->setCurrentIndex(5);
1508 		int nac = nameActionCombo->findData(m_annotation.Action());
1509 		if (nac >= 0)
1510 			nameActionCombo->setCurrentIndex(nac);
1511 		break;
1512 	}
1513 	case 5:
1514 		Fram2->setCurrentIndex(4);
1515 		SubURLa->setText(m_annotation.Action());
1516 		break;
1517 	case 3:
1518 		Fram2->setCurrentIndex(3);
1519 		SubURL->setText(m_annotation.Action());
1520 		SelAsHtml->setCurrentIndex(m_annotation.HTML());
1521 		break;
1522 	case 2:
1523 		Fram2->setCurrentIndex(2);
1524 		setter = (m_annotation.ActionType() != Annotation::Action_GoToR_FileRel);
1525 		Destfile->setEnabled(setter);
1526 		ChFile->setEnabled(setter);
1527 		SetPage(qMin(SpinBox11->value(), MaxPages));
1528 		break;
1529 	case 1:
1530 		Fram2->setCurrentIndex(1);
1531 		SelAction->setCurrentIndex(ScrEdited);
1532 		break;
1533 	default:
1534 		Fram2->setCurrentIndex(0);
1535 		break;
1536 	}
1537 }
SetActionScript(int it)1539 void ScAnnot::SetActionScript(int it)
1540 {
1541 	Annotation& annotation = m_annotation;
1542 	switch (ScrEdited)
1543 	{
1544 	case Annotation::Java_ReleaseButton:
1545 		annotation.setAction(EditJava->toPlainText());
1546 		break;
1547 	case Annotation::Java_PressButton:
1548 		annotation.setD_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1549 		break;
1550 	case Annotation::Java_EnterWidget:
1551 		annotation.setE_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1552 		break;
1553 	case Annotation::Java_LeaveWidget:
1554 		annotation.setX_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1555 		break;
1556 	case Annotation::Java_FocusIn:
1557 		annotation.setFo_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1558 		break;
1559 	case Annotation::Java_FocusOut:
1560 		annotation.setBl_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1561 		break;
1562 	case Annotation::Java_SelectionChg:
1563 		annotation.setK_act(EditJava->toPlainText());
1564 		break;
1565 	}
1566 	switch (it)
1567 	{
1568 	case Annotation::Java_ReleaseButton:
1569 		EditJava->setPlainText(annotation.Action());
1570 		break;
1571 	case Annotation::Java_PressButton:
1572 		EditJava->setPlainText(annotation.D_act());
1573 		break;
1574 	case Annotation::Java_EnterWidget:
1575 		EditJava->setPlainText(annotation.E_act());
1576 		break;
1577 	case Annotation::Java_LeaveWidget:
1578 		EditJava->setPlainText(annotation.X_act());
1579 		break;
1580 	case Annotation::Java_FocusIn:
1581 		EditJava->setPlainText(annotation.Fo_act());
1582 		break;
1583 	case Annotation::Java_FocusOut:
1584 		EditJava->setPlainText(annotation.Bl_act());
1585 		break;
1586 	case Annotation::Java_SelectionChg:
1587 		EditJava->setPlainText(annotation.K_act());
1588 		break;
1589 	}
1590 	ScrEdited = it;
1591 }
GetFile()1593 void ScAnnot::GetFile()
1594 {
1595 	QString wdir = m_prefsCtxt->get("annot_getfile", ".");
1596 	CustomFDialog dia(this, wdir, tr("Open"), tr("PDF Files (*.pdf);;All Files (*)"));
1597 	if (!Destfile->text().isEmpty())
1598 		dia.setSelection(Destfile->text());
1599 	if (dia.exec() != QDialog::Accepted)
1600 		return;
1602 	QString fn = dia.selectedFile();
1603 	if (fn.isEmpty())
1604 		return;
1605 	m_prefsCtxt->set("annot_getfile", fn.left(fn.lastIndexOf("/")));
1606 	Destfile->setText(fn);
1607 	SpinBox11->setValue(1);
1608 	SpinBox11->setMaximum(1000);
1609 	SetPage(1);
1610 }