1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
8 #include "inspage.h"
10 #include <QLabel>
11 #include <QDialog>
12 #include <QComboBox>
13 #include <QGroupBox>
14 #include <QCheckBox>
15 #include <QPushButton>
16 #include <QScopedPointer>
18 #include "commonstrings.h"
19 #include "iconmanager.h"
20 #include "pagesize.h"
21 #include "scpage.h"
22 #include "scribusdoc.h"
23 #include "scrspinbox.h"
24 #include "units.h"
25 #include "util.h"
InsPage(QWidget * parent,ScribusDoc * currentDoc,int currentPage,int maxPages)27 InsPage::InsPage( QWidget* parent, ScribusDoc* currentDoc, int currentPage, int maxPages)
28 	: QDialog(parent, Qt::WindowFlags())
29 {
30 	m_doc = currentDoc;
31 	masterPageCombos.clear();
33 	setModal(true);
34 	setWindowTitle( tr( "Insert Page" ) );
35 	setWindowIcon(IconManager::instance().loadIcon("AppIcon.png"));
37 	dialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
38 	dialogLayout->setSpacing(6);
39 	dialogLayout->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
41 	whereLayout = new QGridLayout();
42 	whereLayout->setSpacing(6);
43 	whereLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
45 	insCountData = new QSpinBox(this);
46 	insCountData->setMinimum(1);
47 	insCountData->setMaximum(999);
48 	insCountData->setValue(1);
49 	insCountLabel = new QLabel(tr( "&Insert" ), this );
50 	insCountLabel->setBuddy(insCountData);
51 	whereLayout->addWidget(insCountLabel, 0, 0);
52 	whereLayout->addWidget(insCountData, 0, 1);
54 	pagesLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Page(s)" ), this);
55 	whereLayout->addWidget(pagesLabel, 0, 2);
57 	insWhereData = new QComboBox( this );
58 	insWhereData->addItem( tr("before Page"));
59 	insWhereData->addItem( tr("after Page"));
60 	insWhereData->addItem( tr("at End"));
61 	insWhereData->setCurrentIndex(2);
62 	whereLayout->addWidget(insWhereData, 1, 0, 1, 2);
64 	insWherePageData = new QSpinBox(this);
65 	insWherePageData->setMinimum(1);
66 	insWherePageData->setMaximum(maxPages);
67 	insWherePageData->setValue(currentPage + 1);
68 	insWherePageData->setDisabled(true);
70 	whereLayout->addWidget(insWherePageData, 1, 2);
71 	whereLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(insCountLabel->fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance( tr( "&Insert" )), 0), 0, 0);
72 	dialogLayout->addLayout(whereLayout);
74 	masterPageLabel = nullptr;
75 	masterPageGroup = new QGroupBox( this);
76 	masterPageGroup->setTitle( tr( "Master Pages" ) );
77 	masterPageLayout = new QGridLayout( masterPageGroup );
78 	masterPageLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
79 	masterPageLayout->setSpacing(6);
80 	masterPageLayout->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
81 	if (m_doc->pagePositioning() == 0)
82 	{
83 		QComboBox* pageData = new QComboBox(masterPageGroup);
84 		for (QMap<QString, int>::Iterator it = m_doc->MasterNames.begin(); it != m_doc->MasterNames.end(); ++it)
85 		{
86 			pageData->addItem(it.key() == CommonStrings::masterPageNormal ? CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal : it.key(), it.key());
87 		}
88 		if (m_doc->MasterNames.contains( CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal))
89 			setCurrentComboItem(pageData, CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal);
90 		masterPageLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Master Page:"), masterPageGroup);
91 		masterPageLabel->setBuddy(pageData);
92 		masterPageLayout->addWidget(masterPageLabel, 0, 0);
93 		masterPageLayout->addWidget(pageData, 0, 1);
94 		masterPageCombos.append(pageData);
95 	}
96 	else
97 	{
98 		int row = 0;
99 		const PageSet& currentPageSet = m_doc->pageSets()[m_doc->pagePositioning()];
100 		for (int mp = 0; mp < currentPageSet.pageNames.count(); ++mp)
101 		{
102 			QComboBox* pageData = new QComboBox(masterPageGroup);
103 //			for (QMap<QString, int>::Iterator it = m_doc->MasterNames.begin(); it != m_doc->MasterNames.end(); ++it)
104 //				pageData->insertItem(it.key() == CommonStrings::masterPageNormal ? CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal : it.key());
105 			if (mp == 0)
106 			{
107 				bool conNam = m_doc->MasterNames.contains(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalLeft);
108 				for (QMap<QString, int>::Iterator it = m_doc->MasterNames.begin(); it != m_doc->MasterNames.end(); ++it)
109 				{
110 					if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::masterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
111 						pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
112 					else if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
113 						pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
114 					else
115 					{
116 						if (m_doc->MasterPages.at(it.value())->LeftPg == 1)
117 							pageData->addItem(it.key(), it.key());
118 					}
119 				}
120 				if (m_doc->MasterNames.contains(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalLeft))
121 					setCurrentComboItem(pageData, CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalLeft);
122 			}
123 			else if (mp == 1)
124 			{
125 				if (currentPageSet.pageNames.count() > 2)
126 				{
127 					bool conNam = m_doc->MasterNames.contains( CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalMiddle);
128 					for (QMap<QString, int>::Iterator it = m_doc->MasterNames.begin(); it != m_doc->MasterNames.end(); ++it)
129 					{
130 						if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::masterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
131 							pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
132 						else if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
133 							pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
134 						else
135 						{
136 							if ((m_doc->MasterPages.at(it.value())->LeftPg != 0) && (m_doc->MasterPages.at(it.value())->LeftPg != 1))
137 								pageData->addItem(it.key(), it.key());
138 						}
139 					}
140 					if (m_doc->MasterNames.contains(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalMiddle))
141 						setCurrentComboItem(pageData, CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalMiddle);
142 				}
143 				else
144 				{
145 					bool conNam = m_doc->MasterNames.contains( CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight);
146 					for (QMap<QString, int>::Iterator it = m_doc->MasterNames.begin(); it != m_doc->MasterNames.end(); ++it)
147 					{
148 						if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::masterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
149 							pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
150 						else if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
151 							pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
152 						else
153 						{
154 							if (m_doc->MasterPages.at(it.value())->LeftPg == 0)
155 								pageData->addItem(it.key(), it.key());
156 						}
157 					}
158 					if (m_doc->MasterNames.contains(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight))
159 						setCurrentComboItem(pageData, CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight);
160 				}
161 			}
162 			else if (mp == 2)
163 			{
164 				if (currentPageSet.pageNames.count() > 3)
165 				{
166 					bool conNam = m_doc->MasterNames.contains(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalMiddle);
167 					for (QMap<QString, int>::Iterator it = m_doc->MasterNames.begin(); it != m_doc->MasterNames.end(); ++it)
168 					{
169 						if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::masterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
170 							pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
171 						else if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
172 							pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
173 						else
174 						{
175 							if ((m_doc->MasterPages.at(it.value())->LeftPg != 0) && (m_doc->MasterPages.at(it.value())->LeftPg != 1))
176 								pageData->addItem(it.key(), it.key());
177 						}
178 					}
179 					if (m_doc->MasterNames.contains(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalMiddle))
180 						setCurrentComboItem(pageData, CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalMiddle);
181 				}
182 				else
183 				{
184 					bool conNam = m_doc->MasterNames.contains(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight);
185 					for (QMap<QString, int>::Iterator it = m_doc->MasterNames.begin(); it != m_doc->MasterNames.end(); ++it)
186 					{
187 						if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::masterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
188 							pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
189 						else if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
190 							pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
191 						else
192 						{
193 							if (m_doc->MasterPages.at(it.value())->LeftPg == 0)
194 								pageData->addItem(it.key(), it.key());
195 						}
196 					}
197 					if (m_doc->MasterNames.contains( CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight))
198 						setCurrentComboItem(pageData, CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight);
199 				}
200 			}
201 			else if (mp == 3)
202 			{
203 				bool conNam = m_doc->MasterNames.contains( CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight);
204 				for (QMap<QString, int>::Iterator it = m_doc->MasterNames.begin(); it != m_doc->MasterNames.end(); ++it)
205 				{
206 					if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::masterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
207 						pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
208 					else if ((it.key() == CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal) && (!conNam))
209 						pageData->addItem(CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormal, it.key());
210 					else
211 					{
212 						if (m_doc->MasterPages.at(it.value())->LeftPg == 0)
213 							pageData->addItem(it.key(), it.key());
214 					}
215 				}
216 				if (m_doc->MasterNames.contains( CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight))
217 					setCurrentComboItem(pageData, CommonStrings::trMasterPageNormalRight);
218 			}
219 			QString transLabel = currentPageSet.pageNames[mp];
220 			QLabel* pageLabel = new QLabel(CommonStrings::translatePageSetLocString(transLabel), masterPageGroup);
221 			pageLabel->setBuddy(pageData);
222 			masterPageLayout->addWidget(pageLabel, row, 0 );
223 			masterPageLayout->addWidget(pageData, row, 1);
224 			row++;
225 			masterPageCombos.append(pageData);
226 		}
227 	}
228 	dialogLayout->addWidget(masterPageGroup);
229 	overrideMPSizingCheckBox = new QCheckBox( tr("Override Master Page Sizing"));
230 	dialogLayout->addWidget(overrideMPSizingCheckBox);
231 	dsGroupBox7 = new QGroupBox( this );
232 	dsGroupBox7->setTitle( tr( "Page Size" ) );
233 	dsGroupBox7Layout = new QGridLayout(dsGroupBox7);
234 	dsGroupBox7Layout->setSpacing(6);
235 	dsGroupBox7Layout->setContentsMargins(9, 9, 9, 9);
236 	textLabel1 = new QLabel( tr( "&Size:" ), dsGroupBox7);
237 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(textLabel1, 0, 0);
239 	QScopedPointer<PageSize> ps(new PageSize(m_doc->pageSize()));
240 	prefsPageSizeName = ps->name();
241 	sizeQComboBox = new QComboBox(dsGroupBox7);
242 	QStringList insertList(ps->activeSizeTRList());
243 	if (insertList.indexOf(prefsPageSizeName) == -1)
244 		insertList << prefsPageSizeName;
245 	insertList.sort();
246 	insertList << CommonStrings::trCustomPageSize;
247 	sizeQComboBox->addItems(insertList);
248 	int sizeIndex = insertList.indexOf(ps->nameTR());
249 	if (sizeIndex != -1)
250 		sizeQComboBox->setCurrentIndex(sizeIndex);
251 	else
252 		sizeQComboBox->setCurrentIndex(sizeQComboBox->count() - 1);
254 	textLabel1->setBuddy(sizeQComboBox);
255 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(sizeQComboBox, 0, 1, 1, 3);
257 	textLabel2 = new QLabel( tr( "Orie&ntation:" ), dsGroupBox7);
258 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(textLabel2, 1, 0);
260 	orientationQComboBox = new QComboBox(dsGroupBox7);
261 	orientationQComboBox->addItem( tr( "Portrait" ) );
262 	orientationQComboBox->addItem( tr( "Landscape" ) );
263 	orientationQComboBox->setCurrentIndex(m_doc->pageOrientation() );
264 	textLabel2->setBuddy(orientationQComboBox);
265 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(orientationQComboBox, 1, 1, 1, 3);
267 	widthSpinBox = new ScrSpinBox(1, 10000, dsGroupBox7, m_doc->unitIndex());
268 	widthQLabel = new QLabel( tr( "&Width:" ), dsGroupBox7);
269 	widthSpinBox->setValue(m_doc->pageWidth() * m_doc->unitRatio());
270 	widthQLabel->setBuddy(widthSpinBox);
271 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(widthQLabel, 2, 0);
272 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(widthSpinBox, 2, 1);
274 	heightSpinBox = new ScrSpinBox(1, 10000, dsGroupBox7, m_doc->unitIndex());
275 	heightSpinBox->setValue(m_doc->pageHeight() * m_doc->unitRatio());
276 	heightQLabel = new QLabel( tr( "&Height:" ), dsGroupBox7);
277 	heightQLabel->setBuddy(heightSpinBox);
278 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(heightQLabel, 3, 0);
279 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(heightSpinBox, 3, 1);
281 	moveObjectsCheckBox = new QCheckBox( dsGroupBox7);
282 	moveObjectsCheckBox->setText( tr( "Move Objects with their Page" ) );
283 	moveObjectsCheckBox->setChecked(true);
284 	dsGroupBox7Layout->addWidget(moveObjectsCheckBox, 4, 0, 1, 4);
285 	dialogLayout->addWidget(dsGroupBox7);
287 	dsGroupBox7->setEnabled(false);
288 	bool b = (sizeQComboBox->currentText() == CommonStrings::trCustomPageSize);
289 	heightSpinBox->setEnabled(b);
290 	widthSpinBox->setEnabled(b);
292 	okCancelLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
293 	okCancelLayout->setSpacing(6);
294 	okCancelLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
295 	QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
296 	okCancelLayout->addItem(spacer);
298 	okButton = new QPushButton(CommonStrings::tr_OK, this);
299 	okButton->setDefault(true);
300 	okCancelLayout->addWidget(okButton);
302 	cancelButton = new QPushButton(CommonStrings::tr_Cancel, this);
303 	okCancelLayout->addWidget(cancelButton);
304 	dialogLayout->addLayout(okCancelLayout);
305 	setMaximumSize(sizeHint());
306 	m_unitRatio = m_doc->unitRatio();
308 	// signals and slots connections
309 	connect(insWhereData, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( insWherePageDataDisable(int) ) );
310 	connect(okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );
311 	connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );
312 	connect(orientationQComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setOrientation(int)));
313 	connect(sizeQComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(setSize(const QString &)));
314 	connect(overrideMPSizingCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(enableSizingControls(int)));
315 }
setSize(const QString & gr)317 void InsPage::setSize(const QString & gr)
318 {
319 	widthSpinBox->setEnabled(false);
320 	heightSpinBox->setEnabled(false);
321 	PageSize *ps2 = new PageSize(gr);
322 	prefsPageSizeName = ps2->name();
323 	if (gr == CommonStrings::trCustomPageSize)
324 	{
325 		widthSpinBox->setEnabled(true);
326 		heightSpinBox->setEnabled(true);
327 		prefsPageSizeName = CommonStrings::customPageSize;
328 	}
329 	else
330 	{
331 		widthSpinBox->setValue(ps2->width() * m_unitRatio);
332 		heightSpinBox->setValue(ps2->height() * m_unitRatio);
333 	}
334 	delete ps2;
335 }
setOrientation(int ori)337 void InsPage::setOrientation(int ori)
338 {
339 	double br;
340 	setSize(sizeQComboBox->currentText());
341 	if (ori == 0)
342 	{
343 		if (sizeQComboBox->currentText() == CommonStrings::trCustomPageSize)
344 		{
345 			br = widthSpinBox->value();
346 			widthSpinBox->setValue(heightSpinBox->value());
347 			heightSpinBox->setValue(br);
348 		}
349 	}
350 	else
351 	{
352 		br = widthSpinBox->value();
353 		widthSpinBox->setValue(heightSpinBox->value());
354 		heightSpinBox->setValue(br);
355 	}
356 }
getMasterPages() const358 QStringList InsPage::getMasterPages() const
359 {
360 	QStringList ret;
361 	for (int i = 0; i < masterPageCombos.count(); ++i)
362 	{
363 		int currentIndex = masterPageCombos.at(i)->currentIndex();
364 		QVariant pageVar = masterPageCombos.at(i)->itemData(currentIndex);
365 		ret.append(pageVar.toString());
366 	}
367 	return ret;
368 }
getMasterPageN(uint n) const370 QString InsPage::getMasterPageN(uint n) const
371 {
372 	QComboBox* comboBox = masterPageCombos.at(n);
373 	int currentIndex = comboBox->currentIndex();
374 	return comboBox->itemData(currentIndex).toString();
375 }
getWhere() const377 int InsPage::getWhere() const
378 {
379 	return insWhereData->currentIndex();
380 }
getWherePage() const382 int InsPage::getWherePage() const
383 {
384 	if (insWhereData->currentIndex() == 2)
385 		return m_doc->Pages->count();
386 	return insWherePageData->value();
387 }
getCount() const389 int InsPage::getCount() const
390 {
391 	return insCountData->value();
392 }
pageWidth() const394 double InsPage::pageWidth() const
395 {
396 	return widthSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio;
397 }
pageHeight() const399 double InsPage::pageHeight() const
400 {
401 	return heightSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio;
402 }
orientation() const404 int InsPage::orientation() const
405 {
406 	return orientationQComboBox->currentIndex();
407 }
overrideMasterPageSizing() const409 bool InsPage::overrideMasterPageSizing() const
410 {
411 	return (overrideMPSizingCheckBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked);
412 }
moveObjects() const414 bool InsPage::moveObjects() const
415 {
416 	return moveObjectsCheckBox->isChecked();
417 }
insWherePageDataDisable(int index)419 void InsPage::insWherePageDataDisable(int index)
420 {
421 	insWherePageData->setDisabled((index == 2));
422 }
enableSizingControls(int state)424 void InsPage::enableSizingControls(int state)
425 {
426 	dsGroupBox7->setEnabled(state == Qt::Checked);
427 }