1 /*
2 ** Bytecode writer.
3 ** Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
4 */
6 #define lj_bcwrite_c
7 #define LUA_CORE
9 #include "lj_obj.h"
10 #include "lj_gc.h"
11 #include "lj_str.h"
12 #include "lj_bc.h"
13 #if LJ_HASFFI
14 #include "lj_ctype.h"
15 #endif
16 #if LJ_HASJIT
17 #include "lj_dispatch.h"
18 #include "lj_jit.h"
19 #endif
20 #include "lj_bcdump.h"
21 #include "lj_vm.h"
23 /* Context for bytecode writer. */
24 typedef struct BCWriteCtx {
25   SBuf sb;			/* Output buffer. */
26   lua_State *L;			/* Lua state. */
27   GCproto *pt;			/* Root prototype. */
28   lua_Writer wfunc;		/* Writer callback. */
29   void *wdata;			/* Writer callback data. */
30   int strip;			/* Strip debug info. */
31   int status;			/* Status from writer callback. */
32 } BCWriteCtx;
34 /* -- Output buffer handling ---------------------------------------------- */
36 /* Resize buffer if needed. */
bcwrite_resize(BCWriteCtx * ctx,MSize len)37 static LJ_NOINLINE void bcwrite_resize(BCWriteCtx *ctx, MSize len)
38 {
39   MSize sz = ctx->sb.sz * 2;
40   while (ctx->sb.n + len > sz) sz = sz * 2;
41   lj_str_resizebuf(ctx->L, &ctx->sb, sz);
42 }
44 /* Need a certain amount of buffer space. */
bcwrite_need(BCWriteCtx * ctx,MSize len)45 static LJ_AINLINE void bcwrite_need(BCWriteCtx *ctx, MSize len)
46 {
47   if (LJ_UNLIKELY(ctx->sb.n + len > ctx->sb.sz))
48     bcwrite_resize(ctx, len);
49 }
51 /* Add memory block to buffer. */
bcwrite_block(BCWriteCtx * ctx,const void * p,MSize len)52 static void bcwrite_block(BCWriteCtx *ctx, const void *p, MSize len)
53 {
54   uint8_t *q = (uint8_t *)(ctx->sb.buf + ctx->sb.n);
55   MSize i;
56   ctx->sb.n += len;
57   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) q[i] = ((uint8_t *)p)[i];
58 }
60 /* Add byte to buffer. */
bcwrite_byte(BCWriteCtx * ctx,uint8_t b)61 static LJ_AINLINE void bcwrite_byte(BCWriteCtx *ctx, uint8_t b)
62 {
63   ctx->sb.buf[ctx->sb.n++] = b;
64 }
66 /* Add ULEB128 value to buffer. */
bcwrite_uleb128(BCWriteCtx * ctx,uint32_t v)67 static void bcwrite_uleb128(BCWriteCtx *ctx, uint32_t v)
68 {
69   MSize n = ctx->sb.n;
70   uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)ctx->sb.buf;
71   for (; v >= 0x80; v >>= 7)
72     p[n++] = (uint8_t)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
73   p[n++] = (uint8_t)v;
74   ctx->sb.n = n;
75 }
77 /* -- Bytecode writer ----------------------------------------------------- */
79 /* Write a single constant key/value of a template table. */
bcwrite_ktabk(BCWriteCtx * ctx,cTValue * o,int narrow)80 static void bcwrite_ktabk(BCWriteCtx *ctx, cTValue *o, int narrow)
81 {
82   bcwrite_need(ctx, 1+10);
83   if (tvisstr(o)) {
84     const GCstr *str = strV(o);
85     MSize len = str->len;
86     bcwrite_need(ctx, 5+len);
87     bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, BCDUMP_KTAB_STR+len);
88     bcwrite_block(ctx, strdata(str), len);
89   } else if (tvisint(o)) {
90     bcwrite_byte(ctx, BCDUMP_KTAB_INT);
91     bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, intV(o));
92   } else if (tvisnum(o)) {
93     if (!LJ_DUALNUM && narrow) {  /* Narrow number constants to integers. */
94       lua_Number num = numV(o);
95       int32_t k = lj_num2int(num);
96       if (num == (lua_Number)k) {  /* -0 is never a constant. */
97 	bcwrite_byte(ctx, BCDUMP_KTAB_INT);
98 	bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, k);
99 	return;
100       }
101     }
102     bcwrite_byte(ctx, BCDUMP_KTAB_NUM);
103     bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, o->u32.lo);
104     bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, o->u32.hi);
105   } else {
106     lua_assert(tvispri(o));
107     bcwrite_byte(ctx, BCDUMP_KTAB_NIL+~itype(o));
108   }
109 }
111 /* Write a template table. */
bcwrite_ktab(BCWriteCtx * ctx,const GCtab * t)112 static void bcwrite_ktab(BCWriteCtx *ctx, const GCtab *t)
113 {
114   MSize narray = 0, nhash = 0;
115   if (t->asize > 0) {  /* Determine max. length of array part. */
116     ptrdiff_t i;
117     TValue *array = tvref(t->array);
118     for (i = (ptrdiff_t)t->asize-1; i >= 0; i--)
119       if (!tvisnil(&array[i]))
120 	break;
121     narray = (MSize)(i+1);
122   }
123   if (t->hmask > 0) {  /* Count number of used hash slots. */
124     MSize i, hmask = t->hmask;
125     Node *node = noderef(t->node);
126     for (i = 0; i <= hmask; i++)
127       nhash += !tvisnil(&node[i].val);
128   }
129   /* Write number of array slots and hash slots. */
130   bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, narray);
131   bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, nhash);
132   if (narray) {  /* Write array entries (may contain nil). */
133     MSize i;
134     TValue *o = tvref(t->array);
135     for (i = 0; i < narray; i++, o++)
136       bcwrite_ktabk(ctx, o, 1);
137   }
138   if (nhash) {  /* Write hash entries. */
139     MSize i = nhash;
140     Node *node = noderef(t->node) + t->hmask;
141     for (;; node--)
142       if (!tvisnil(&node->val)) {
143 	bcwrite_ktabk(ctx, &node->key, 0);
144 	bcwrite_ktabk(ctx, &node->val, 1);
145 	if (--i == 0) break;
146       }
147   }
148 }
150 /* Write GC constants of a prototype. */
bcwrite_kgc(BCWriteCtx * ctx,GCproto * pt)151 static void bcwrite_kgc(BCWriteCtx *ctx, GCproto *pt)
152 {
153   MSize i, sizekgc = pt->sizekgc;
154   GCRef *kr = mref(pt->k, GCRef) - (ptrdiff_t)sizekgc;
155   for (i = 0; i < sizekgc; i++, kr++) {
156     GCobj *o = gcref(*kr);
157     MSize tp, need = 1;
158     /* Determine constant type and needed size. */
159     if (o->gch.gct == ~LJ_TSTR) {
160       tp = BCDUMP_KGC_STR + gco2str(o)->len;
161       need = 5+gco2str(o)->len;
162     } else if (o->gch.gct == ~LJ_TPROTO) {
163       lua_assert((pt->flags & PROTO_CHILD));
164       tp = BCDUMP_KGC_CHILD;
165 #if LJ_HASFFI
166     } else if (o->gch.gct == ~LJ_TCDATA) {
167       CTypeID id = gco2cd(o)->ctypeid;
168       need = 1+4*5;
169       if (id == CTID_INT64) {
170 	tp = BCDUMP_KGC_I64;
171       } else if (id == CTID_UINT64) {
172 	tp = BCDUMP_KGC_U64;
173       } else {
174 	lua_assert(id == CTID_COMPLEX_DOUBLE);
176       }
177 #endif
178     } else {
179       lua_assert(o->gch.gct == ~LJ_TTAB);
180       tp = BCDUMP_KGC_TAB;
181       need = 1+2*5;
182     }
183     /* Write constant type. */
184     bcwrite_need(ctx, need);
185     bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, tp);
186     /* Write constant data (if any). */
187     if (tp >= BCDUMP_KGC_STR) {
188       bcwrite_block(ctx, strdata(gco2str(o)), gco2str(o)->len);
189     } else if (tp == BCDUMP_KGC_TAB) {
190       bcwrite_ktab(ctx, gco2tab(o));
191 #if LJ_HASFFI
192     } else if (tp != BCDUMP_KGC_CHILD) {
193       cTValue *p = (TValue *)cdataptr(gco2cd(o));
194       bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, p[0].u32.lo);
195       bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, p[0].u32.hi);
196       if (tp == BCDUMP_KGC_COMPLEX) {
197 	bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, p[1].u32.lo);
198 	bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, p[1].u32.hi);
199       }
200 #endif
201     }
202   }
203 }
205 /* Write number constants of a prototype. */
bcwrite_knum(BCWriteCtx * ctx,GCproto * pt)206 static void bcwrite_knum(BCWriteCtx *ctx, GCproto *pt)
207 {
208   MSize i, sizekn = pt->sizekn;
209   cTValue *o = mref(pt->k, TValue);
210   bcwrite_need(ctx, 10*sizekn);
211   for (i = 0; i < sizekn; i++, o++) {
212     int32_t k;
213     if (tvisint(o)) {
214       k = intV(o);
215       goto save_int;
216     } else {
217       /* Write a 33 bit ULEB128 for the int (lsb=0) or loword (lsb=1). */
218       if (!LJ_DUALNUM) {  /* Narrow number constants to integers. */
219 	lua_Number num = numV(o);
220 	k = lj_num2int(num);
221 	if (num == (lua_Number)k) {  /* -0 is never a constant. */
222 	save_int:
223 	  bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, 2*(uint32_t)k | ((uint32_t)k & 0x80000000u));
224 	  if (k < 0) {
225 	    char *p = &ctx->sb.buf[ctx->sb.n-1];
226 	    *p = (*p & 7) | ((k>>27) & 0x18);
227 	  }
228 	  continue;
229 	}
230       }
231       bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, 1+(2*o->u32.lo | (o->u32.lo & 0x80000000u)));
232       if (o->u32.lo >= 0x80000000u) {
233 	char *p = &ctx->sb.buf[ctx->sb.n-1];
234 	*p = (*p & 7) | ((o->u32.lo>>27) & 0x18);
235       }
236       bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, o->u32.hi);
237     }
238   }
239 }
241 /* Write bytecode instructions. */
bcwrite_bytecode(BCWriteCtx * ctx,GCproto * pt)242 static void bcwrite_bytecode(BCWriteCtx *ctx, GCproto *pt)
243 {
244   MSize nbc = pt->sizebc-1;  /* Omit the [JI]FUNC* header. */
245 #if LJ_HASJIT
246   uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)&ctx->sb.buf[ctx->sb.n];
247 #endif
248   bcwrite_block(ctx, proto_bc(pt)+1, nbc*(MSize)sizeof(BCIns));
249 #if LJ_HASJIT
250   /* Unpatch modified bytecode containing ILOOP/JLOOP etc. */
251   if ((pt->flags & PROTO_ILOOP) || pt->trace) {
252     jit_State *J = L2J(ctx->L);
253     MSize i;
254     for (i = 0; i < nbc; i++, p += sizeof(BCIns)) {
255       BCOp op = (BCOp)p[LJ_ENDIAN_SELECT(0, 3)];
256       if (op == BC_IFORL || op == BC_IITERL || op == BC_ILOOP ||
257 	  op == BC_JFORI) {
258 	p[LJ_ENDIAN_SELECT(0, 3)] = (uint8_t)(op-BC_IFORL+BC_FORL);
259       } else if (op == BC_JFORL || op == BC_JITERL || op == BC_JLOOP) {
260 	BCReg rd = p[LJ_ENDIAN_SELECT(2, 1)] + (p[LJ_ENDIAN_SELECT(3, 0)] << 8);
261 	BCIns ins = traceref(J, rd)->startins;
262 	p[LJ_ENDIAN_SELECT(0, 3)] = (uint8_t)(op-BC_JFORL+BC_FORL);
263 	p[LJ_ENDIAN_SELECT(2, 1)] = bc_c(ins);
264 	p[LJ_ENDIAN_SELECT(3, 0)] = bc_b(ins);
265       }
266     }
267   }
268 #endif
269 }
271 /* Write prototype. */
bcwrite_proto(BCWriteCtx * ctx,GCproto * pt)272 static void bcwrite_proto(BCWriteCtx *ctx, GCproto *pt)
273 {
274   MSize sizedbg = 0;
276   /* Recursively write children of prototype. */
277   if ((pt->flags & PROTO_CHILD)) {
278     ptrdiff_t i, n = pt->sizekgc;
279     GCRef *kr = mref(pt->k, GCRef) - 1;
280     for (i = 0; i < n; i++, kr--) {
281       GCobj *o = gcref(*kr);
282       if (o->gch.gct == ~LJ_TPROTO)
283 	bcwrite_proto(ctx, gco2pt(o));
284     }
285   }
287   /* Start writing the prototype info to a buffer. */
288   lj_str_resetbuf(&ctx->sb);
289   ctx->sb.n = 5;  /* Leave room for final size. */
290   bcwrite_need(ctx, 4+6*5+(pt->sizebc-1)*(MSize)sizeof(BCIns)+pt->sizeuv*2);
292   /* Write prototype header. */
293   bcwrite_byte(ctx, (pt->flags & (PROTO_CHILD|PROTO_VARARG|PROTO_FFI)));
294   bcwrite_byte(ctx, pt->numparams);
295   bcwrite_byte(ctx, pt->framesize);
296   bcwrite_byte(ctx, pt->sizeuv);
297   bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, pt->sizekgc);
298   bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, pt->sizekn);
299   bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, pt->sizebc-1);
300   if (!ctx->strip) {
301     if (proto_lineinfo(pt))
302       sizedbg = pt->sizept - (MSize)((char *)proto_lineinfo(pt) - (char *)pt);
303     bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, sizedbg);
304     if (sizedbg) {
305       bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, pt->firstline);
306       bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, pt->numline);
307     }
308   }
310   /* Write bytecode instructions and upvalue refs. */
311   bcwrite_bytecode(ctx, pt);
312   bcwrite_block(ctx, proto_uv(pt), pt->sizeuv*2);
314   /* Write constants. */
315   bcwrite_kgc(ctx, pt);
316   bcwrite_knum(ctx, pt);
318   /* Write debug info, if not stripped. */
319   if (sizedbg) {
320     bcwrite_need(ctx, sizedbg);
321     bcwrite_block(ctx, proto_lineinfo(pt), sizedbg);
322   }
324   /* Pass buffer to writer function. */
325   if (ctx->status == 0) {
326     MSize n = ctx->sb.n - 5;
327     MSize nn = (lj_fls(n)+8)*9 >> 6;
328     ctx->sb.n = 5 - nn;
329     bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, n);  /* Fill in final size. */
330     lua_assert(ctx->sb.n == 5);
331     ctx->status = ctx->wfunc(ctx->L, ctx->sb.buf+5-nn, nn+n, ctx->wdata);
332   }
333 }
335 /* Write header of bytecode dump. */
bcwrite_header(BCWriteCtx * ctx)336 static void bcwrite_header(BCWriteCtx *ctx)
337 {
338   GCstr *chunkname = proto_chunkname(ctx->pt);
339   const char *name = strdata(chunkname);
340   MSize len = chunkname->len;
341   lj_str_resetbuf(&ctx->sb);
342   bcwrite_need(ctx, 5+5+len);
343   bcwrite_byte(ctx, BCDUMP_HEAD1);
344   bcwrite_byte(ctx, BCDUMP_HEAD2);
345   bcwrite_byte(ctx, BCDUMP_HEAD3);
346   bcwrite_byte(ctx, BCDUMP_VERSION);
347   bcwrite_byte(ctx, (ctx->strip ? BCDUMP_F_STRIP : 0) +
348 		   (LJ_BE ? BCDUMP_F_BE : 0) +
349 		   ((ctx->pt->flags & PROTO_FFI) ? BCDUMP_F_FFI : 0));
350   if (!ctx->strip) {
351     bcwrite_uleb128(ctx, len);
352     bcwrite_block(ctx, name, len);
353   }
354   ctx->status = ctx->wfunc(ctx->L, ctx->sb.buf, ctx->sb.n, ctx->wdata);
355 }
357 /* Write footer of bytecode dump. */
bcwrite_footer(BCWriteCtx * ctx)358 static void bcwrite_footer(BCWriteCtx *ctx)
359 {
360   if (ctx->status == 0) {
361     uint8_t zero = 0;
362     ctx->status = ctx->wfunc(ctx->L, &zero, 1, ctx->wdata);
363   }
364 }
366 /* Protected callback for bytecode writer. */
cpwriter(lua_State * L,lua_CFunction dummy,void * ud)367 static TValue *cpwriter(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction dummy, void *ud)
368 {
369   BCWriteCtx *ctx = (BCWriteCtx *)ud;
370   UNUSED(dummy);
371   lj_str_resizebuf(L, &ctx->sb, 1024);  /* Avoids resize for most prototypes. */
372   bcwrite_header(ctx);
373   bcwrite_proto(ctx, ctx->pt);
374   bcwrite_footer(ctx);
375   return NULL;
376 }
378 /* Write bytecode for a prototype. */
lj_bcwrite(lua_State * L,GCproto * pt,lua_Writer writer,void * data,int strip)379 int lj_bcwrite(lua_State *L, GCproto *pt, lua_Writer writer, void *data,
380 	      int strip)
381 {
382   BCWriteCtx ctx;
383   int status;
384   ctx.L = L;
385   ctx.pt = pt;
386   ctx.wfunc = writer;
387   ctx.wdata = data;
388   ctx.strip = strip;
389   ctx.status = 0;
390   lj_str_initbuf(&ctx.sb);
391   status = lj_vm_cpcall(L, NULL, &ctx, cpwriter);
392   if (status == 0) status = ctx.status;
393   lj_str_freebuf(G(ctx.L), &ctx.sb);
394   return status;
395 }