1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter_h
19 #define itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter_h
21 #include "itkImageToPathFilter.h"
22 #include "itkPolyLineParametricPath.h"
23 #include "itkConceptChecking.h"
24 #include <unordered_map>
25 #include <deque>
26 #include <list>
28 namespace itk
29 {
30 /** \class ContourExtractor2DImageFilter
31  * \brief Computes a list of PolyLineParametricPath objects from the contours in
32  * a 2D image.
33  *
34  * Uses the "marching squares" method to compute a the iso-valued contours of
35  * the input 2D image for a given intensity value. Multiple outputs may be
36  * produced because an image can have multiple contours at a given level, so it
37  * is advised to call GetNumberOfIndexedOutputs() and GetOutput(n) to retrieve all of
38  * the contours. The contour value to be extracted can be set with
39  * SetContourValue(). Image intensities will be linearly interpolated to provide
40  * sub-pixel resolution for the output contours.
41  *
42  * The marching squares algorithm is a special case of the marching cubes
43  * algorithm (Lorensen, William and Harvey E. Cline. Marching Cubes: A High
44  * Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 87
45  * Proceedings) 21(4) July 1987, p. 163-170). A simple explanation is available
46  * here: http://users.polytech.unice.fr/~lingrand/MarchingCubes/algo.html
47  *
48  * There is a single ambiguous case in the marching squares algorithm: if a
49  * given 2x2-pixel square has two high-valued and two low-valued pixels, each
50  * pair diagonally adjacent. (Where high- and low-valued is with respect to the
51  * contour value sought.) In this case, either the high-valued pixels can be
52  * connected into the same "object" (where groups of pixels encircled by a given
53  * contour are considered an object), or the low-valued pixels can be connected.
54  * This is the "face connected" versus "face + vertex connected" (or 4- versus
55  * 4-connected) distinction: high-valued pixels most be treated as one, and
56  * low-valued as the other. By default, high-valued pixels are treated as
57  * "face-connected" and low-valued pixels are treated as "face + vertex"
58  * connected. To reverse this, call VertexConnectHighPixelsOn();
59  *
60  * Outputs are not guaranteed to be closed paths: contours which intersect the
61  * image edge will be left open. All other paths will be closed. (The
62  * closedness of a path can be tested by checking whether the beginning point
63  * is the same as the end point.)
64  *
65  * Produced paths are oriented. Following the path from beginning to end, image
66  * intensity values lower than the contour value are to the left of the path and
67  * intensity values greater than the contour value are to the right. In other
68  * words, the image gradient at a path segment is (approximately) in the direct
69  * of that segment rotated right by 90 degrees, because the image intensity
70  * values increase from left-to-right across the segment. This means that the
71  * generated contours will circle clockwise around "hills" of
72  * above-contour-value intensity, and counter-clockwise around "depressions" of
73  * below-contour-value intensity. This convention can be reversed by calling
74  * ReverseContourOrientationOn().
75  *
76  * By default the input image's largest possible region will be processed; call
77  * SetRequestedRegion() to process a different region, or ClearRequestedRegion()
78  * to revert to the default value. Note that the requested regions are usually
79  * set on the output; however since paths have no notion of a "region", this
80  * must be set at the filter level.
81  *
82  * This class was contributed to the Insight Journal by Zachary Pincus.
83  *       https://hdl.handle.net/1926/165
84  *
85  * \sa Image
86  * \sa Path
87  * \sa PolyLineParametricPath
88  *
89  * \ingroup ITKPath
90  *
91  * \wiki
92  * \wikiexample{Segmentation/ContourExtractor2DImageFilter,Extract contours from an image}
93  * \endwiki
94  */
96 template< typename TInputImage >
97 class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT ContourExtractor2DImageFilter:
98   public ImageToPathFilter< TInputImage, PolyLineParametricPath< 2 > >
99 {
100 public:
101   ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ContourExtractor2DImageFilter);
103   /** Extract dimension from input and output image. */
104   static constexpr unsigned int InputImageDimension = TInputImage::ImageDimension;
106   /** Convenient type alias for simplifying declarations. */
107   using InputImageType = TInputImage;
108   using OutputPathType = PolyLineParametricPath< 2 >;
110   /** Standard class type aliases. */
111   using Self = ContourExtractor2DImageFilter;
112   using Superclass = ImageToPathFilter< InputImageType, OutputPathType >;
113   using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >;
114   using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >;
116   /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
117   itkNewMacro(Self);
119   /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
120   itkTypeMacro(ContourExtractor2DImageFilter, ImageToPathFilter);
122   /** Image and path type alias support */
123   using InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer;
124   using InputPixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType;
125   using InputIndexType = typename InputImageType::IndexType;
126   using InputOffsetType = typename InputImageType::OffsetType;
127   using InputRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType;
128   using OutputPathPointer = typename OutputPathType::Pointer;
129   using VertexType = typename OutputPathType::VertexType;
130   using VertexListType = typename OutputPathType::VertexListType;
132   /** Real type associated to the input pixel type. */
133   using InputRealType = typename NumericTraits< InputPixelType >::RealType;
135   using VertexListConstPointer = typename VertexListType::ConstPointer;
137   /** Control the orientation of the contours with reference to the image
138  * gradient. (See class documentation.) */
139   itkSetMacro(ReverseContourOrientation, bool);
140   itkGetConstReferenceMacro(ReverseContourOrientation, bool);
141   itkBooleanMacro(ReverseContourOrientation);
143   /** Control whether high- or low-valued pixels are vertex-connected.
144     * Default is for low-valued pixels to be vertex-connected.
145     * (See class documentation.) */
146   itkSetMacro(VertexConnectHighPixels, bool);
147   itkGetConstReferenceMacro(VertexConnectHighPixels, bool);
148   itkBooleanMacro(VertexConnectHighPixels);
150   /** Control whether the largest possible input region is used, or if a
151     * custom requested region is to be used. */
152   void SetRequestedRegion(const InputRegionType region);
154   itkGetConstReferenceMacro(RequestedRegion, InputRegionType);
155   void ClearRequestedRegion();
157   /** Set/Get the image intensity value that the contours should follow.
158    *  This is the equivalent of an iso-value in Marching Squares. */
159   itkSetMacro(ContourValue, InputRealType);
160   itkGetConstReferenceMacro(ContourValue, InputRealType);
163   // Begin concept checking
164   itkConceptMacro( DimensionShouldBe2,
165                    ( Concept::SameDimension< Self::InputImageDimension, 2 > ) );
166   itkConceptMacro( InputPixelTypeComparable,
167                    ( Concept::Comparable< InputPixelType > ) );
168   itkConceptMacro( InputHasPixelTraitsCheck,
169                    ( Concept::HasPixelTraits< InputPixelType > ) );
170   itkConceptMacro( InputHasNumericTraitsCheck,
171                    ( Concept::HasNumericTraits< InputPixelType > ) );
172   // End concept checking
173 #endif
175 protected:
177   ContourExtractor2DImageFilter();
178   ~ContourExtractor2DImageFilter() override = default;
179   void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const override;
181   void GenerateData() override;
183   /** ContourExtractor2DImageFilter manually controls the input requested
184     * region via SetRequestedRegion and ClearRequestedRegion, so it must
185     * override the superclass method. */
186   void GenerateInputRequestedRegion() override;
188 private:
189   VertexType InterpolateContourPosition(InputPixelType fromValue,
190                                         InputPixelType toValue,
191                                         InputIndexType fromIndex,
192                                         InputOffsetType toOffset);
194   void AddSegment(const VertexType from, const VertexType to);
196   void FillOutputs();
198   InputRealType   m_ContourValue;
199   bool            m_ReverseContourOrientation;
200   bool            m_VertexConnectHighPixels;
201   bool            m_UseCustomRegion;
202   InputRegionType m_RequestedRegion;
203   unsigned int    m_NumberOfContoursCreated;
205   // Represent each contour as deque of vertices to facilitate addition of
206   // nodes at beginning or end. At the end of the processing, we will copy
207   // the contour into a PolyLineParametricPath.
208   // We subclass the deque to store an additional bit of information: an
209   // identification number for each growing contour. We use this number so
210   // that when it becomes necessary to merge two growing contours, we can
211   // merge the newer one into the older one. This helps because then we can
212   // guarantee that the output contour list is ordered from left to right,
213   // top to bottom (in terms of the first pixel of the contour encountered
214   // by the marching squares). Currently we make no guarantees that this
215   // pixel is the first pixel in the contour list, just that the contours
216   // are so ordered in the output. Ensuring this latter condition (first
217   // pixel traversed = first pixel in contour) would be possible by either
218   // changing the merging rules, which would make the contouring operation
219   //slower, or by storing additional data as to which pixel was first.
220   class ContourType:public std::deque< VertexType >
221   {
222 public:
223     unsigned int m_ContourNumber;
224   };
226   // Store all the growing contours in a list. We may need to delete contours
227   // from anywhere in the sequence (when we merge them together), so we need to
228   // use a list instead of a vector or similar.
229   using ContourContainer = std::list< ContourType >;
230   using ContourRef = typename ContourContainer::iterator;
232   // declare the hash function we are using for the hash_map.
233   struct VertexHash {
234     using CoordinateType = typename VertexType::CoordRepType;
operatorVertexHash235     inline SizeValueType operator()(const VertexType & k) const
236     {
237       // Xor the hashes of the vertices together, after multiplying the
238       // first by some number, so that identical (x,y) vertex indices
239       // don't all hash to the same bucket. This is a decent if not
240       // optimal hash.
241       const SizeValueType hashVertex1 = this->float_hash(k[0] * 0xbeef);
242       const SizeValueType hashVertex2 = this->float_hash(k[1]);
243       const SizeValueType hashValue = hashVertex1 ^ hashVertex2;
245       return hashValue;
246     }
248     // Define hash function for floats. Based on method from
249     // http://www.brpreiss.com/books/opus4/html/page217.html
float_hashVertexHash250     inline SizeValueType float_hash(const CoordinateType & k) const
251     {
252       if ( k == 0 )
253         {
254         return 0;
255         }
256       int            exponent;
257       CoordinateType mantissa = std::frexp(k, &exponent);
258       auto value = static_cast< SizeValueType >( std::fabs(mantissa) );
259       value = ( 2 * value - 1 ) * ~0U;
260       return value;
261     }
262   };
264   // We use a hash to associate the endpoints of each contour with the
265   // contour itself. This makes it easy to look up which contour we should add
266   // a new arc to.
267   // We can't store the contours themselves in the hashtable because we
268   // need to have two tables (one to hash from beginpoint -> contour and one
269   // for endpoint -> contour), and sometimes will remove a contour from the
270   // tables (if it has been closed or merged with another contour). So in the
271   // hash table we store a reference to the contour. Because sometimes we will
272   // need to merge contours, we need to be able to quickly remove contours
273   // from our list when they have been merged into another. Thus, we store
274   // an iterator pointing to the contour in the list.
276   using VertexToContourMap = std::unordered_map< VertexType, ContourRef, VertexHash >;
277   using VertexMapIterator = typename VertexToContourMap::iterator;
278   using VertexContourRefPair = typename VertexToContourMap::value_type;
280   // The contours we find in the image are stored here
281   ContourContainer m_Contours;
283   // And indexed by their beginning and ending points here
284   VertexToContourMap m_ContourStarts;
285   VertexToContourMap m_ContourEnds;
286 };
287 } // end namespace itk
290 #include "itkContourExtractor2DImageFilter.hxx"
291 #endif
293 #endif