1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
19 #ifndef itkParticleSwarmOptimizerBase_h
20 #define itkParticleSwarmOptimizerBase_h
22 #include "itkSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer.h"
23 #include "itkMersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator.h"
24 #include "ITKOptimizersExport.h"
26 namespace itk
27 {
28 /** \class ParticleSwarmOptimizerBase
29  * \brief Abstract implementation of a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm.
30  *
31  * The PSO algorithm was originally presented in:<br>
32  * J. Kennedy, R. Eberhart, "Particle Swarm Optimization",
33  * Proc. IEEE Int. Neural Networks, 1995.<br>
34  *
35  * The algorithm is a stochastic global search optimization approach.
36  * Optimization is performed by maintaining a swarm of particles that traverse
37  * the parameter space, searching for the optimal function value. Associated
38  * with each particle are its location and speed, in parameter space.
39  *
40  * Swarm initialization is performed within the user supplied parameter bounds
41  * using either a uniform distribution or a normal distribution centered on
42  * the initial parameter values supplied by the user. The search terminates when
43  * the maximal number of iterations has been reached or when the change in the
44  * best value in the past \f$g\f$ generations is below a threshold and the swarm
45  * has collapsed (i.e. best personal particle locations are close to the
46  * swarm's best location in parameter space).
47  *
48  * The actual optimization procedure, updating the swarm, is performed in the
49  * subclasses, required to implement the UpdateSwarm() method.
50  *
51  * NOTE: This implementation only performs minimization.
52  *
53  * \ingroup Numerics Optimizers
54  * \ingroup ITKOptimizers
55  */
56 class ITKOptimizers_EXPORT ParticleSwarmOptimizerBase :
57   public SingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
58 {
59 public:
60   ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ParticleSwarmOptimizerBase);
62   /** Standard "Self" type alias. */
63   using Self = ParticleSwarmOptimizerBase;
64   using Superclass = SingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer;
65   using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>;
66   using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>;
68   /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
69   itkTypeMacro( ParticleSwarmOptimizerBase, SingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer )
71   using ParameterBoundsType = std::vector< std::pair<ParametersType::ValueType,
72                                  ParametersType::ValueType> >;
74   struct ParticleData
75   {
76     ParametersType m_CurrentParameters;
77     ParametersType m_CurrentVelocity;
78     CostFunctionType::MeasureType m_CurrentValue;
79     ParametersType m_BestParameters;
80     CostFunctionType::MeasureType m_BestValue;
81   };
83   using SwarmType = std::vector<ParticleData>;
84   using NumberOfIterationsType = unsigned int;
85   using NumberOfParticlesType = unsigned int;
86   using NumberOfGenerationsType = unsigned int;
87   using MeasureType = CostFunctionType::MeasureType;
88   using ValueType = ParametersType::ValueType;
89   using RandomVariateGeneratorType = Statistics::MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator;
91   /** Specify whether to initialize the particles using a normal distribution
92     * centered on the user supplied initial value or a uniform distribution.
93     * If the optimum is expected to be near the initial value it is likely
94     * that initializing with a normal distribution will result in faster
95     * convergence.*/
96   itkSetMacro( InitializeNormalDistribution, bool )
97   itkGetMacro( InitializeNormalDistribution, bool )
98   itkBooleanMacro( InitializeNormalDistribution )
100   /**
101    * Specify the initial swarm. Useful for evaluating PSO variants. If the
102    * initial swarm is set it will be used. To revert to random initialization
103    * (uniform or normal particle distributions) set using an empty swarm.
104    */
105   void SetInitialSwarm( const SwarmType &initialSwarm );
106   void ClearSwarm();
108   /**
109    * Indicate whether or not to output the swarm information when printing an
110    * object. By default this option is turned off as it generates too much
111    * information.
112    */
113   itkSetMacro( PrintSwarm, bool )
114   itkGetMacro( PrintSwarm, bool )
115   itkBooleanMacro( PrintSwarm )
117   /** Start optimization. */
118   void StartOptimization() override;
121   /** Set/Get number of particles in the swarm - the maximal number of function
122       evaluations is m_MaximalNumberOfIterations*m_NumberOfParticles */
123   void SetNumberOfParticles( NumberOfParticlesType n );
124   itkGetMacro( NumberOfParticles, NumberOfParticlesType )
126   /** Set/Get maximal number of iterations - the maximal number of function
127       evaluations is m_MaximalNumberOfIterations*m_NumberOfParticles */
128   itkSetMacro( MaximalNumberOfIterations, NumberOfIterationsType )
129   itkGetMacro( MaximalNumberOfIterations, NumberOfIterationsType )
131   /** Set/Get the number of generations to continue with minimal improvement in
132    *  the function value, |f_best(g_i) - f_best(g_k)|<threshold where
133    *  k <= i+NumberOfGenerationsWithMinimalImprovement
134    *  Minimal value is one.*/
135   itkSetMacro( NumberOfGenerationsWithMinimalImprovement, NumberOfGenerationsType )
136   itkGetMacro( NumberOfGenerationsWithMinimalImprovement, NumberOfGenerationsType )
138   /**Set/Get the parameter bounds. Search for optimal value is inside these
139      bounds. NOTE: It is assumed that the first entry is the minimal value,
140      second is the maximal value. */
141   virtual void SetParameterBounds( ParameterBoundsType & bounds );
142   void SetParameterBounds( std::pair<ParametersType::ValueType,
143                            ParametersType::ValueType> &bounds,
144                            unsigned int n );
146   ParameterBoundsType GetParameterBounds() const;
148     /** The optimization algorithm will terminate when the function improvement
149      *  in the last m_NumberOfGenerationsWithMinimalImprovement generations
150      *  is less than m_FunctionConvergenceTolerance and the maximal distance
151      *  between particles and the best particle in each dimension is less than
152      *  m_ParametersConvergenceTolerance[i] for the specified percentage of the
153      *  particles.
154      *  That is, we haven't improved the best function value for a while and in
155      *  the parameter space most (m%) of our particles attained their best value
156      *  close to the swarm's best value.
157      *  NOTE: The use of different tolerances for each dimension is desired when
158      *         optimizing over non-commensurate parameters (e.g. rotation and
159      *         translation). Alternatively, we could use ITK's parameter scaling
160      *         approach. The current approach seems more intuitive.
161      */
162   itkSetMacro( FunctionConvergenceTolerance, MeasureType )
163   itkGetMacro( FunctionConvergenceTolerance, MeasureType )
164   /**Set parameters convergence tolerance using the same value for all, sz,
165      parameters*/
166   void SetParametersConvergenceTolerance( ValueType convergenceTolerance,
167                                           unsigned int sz );
168   itkSetMacro( ParametersConvergenceTolerance, ParametersType )
169   itkGetMacro( ParametersConvergenceTolerance, ParametersType )
170   itkGetMacro( PercentageParticlesConverged, double )
171   itkSetMacro( PercentageParticlesConverged, double )
173   /**Set the random number seed for the swarm. Use this method to
174    * produce reaptible results, typically, for testing.
175    */
176   itkSetMacro( Seed, RandomVariateGeneratorType::IntegerType)
177   itkGetMacro( Seed, RandomVariateGeneratorType::IntegerType)
179   /** Use a specific seed to initialize the random number
180     * generator. If On, use m_Seed to seed the random number
181     * generator. Default is Off. */
182   itkSetMacro( UseSeed, bool )
183   itkGetMacro( UseSeed, bool )
184   itkBooleanMacro( UseSeed)
186   /** Get the function value for the current position.
187    *  NOTE: This value is only valid during and after the execution of the
188    *        StartOptimization() method.*/
189   MeasureType GetValue() const;
191   /** Get the reason for termination */
192   const std::string GetStopConditionDescription() const override;
194   /** Print the swarm information to the given output stream. Each line
195    * (particle data) is of the form:
196    * current_parameters current_velocity current_value best_parameters best_value
197    */
198   void PrintSwarm( std::ostream& os, Indent indent ) const;
200 protected:
201   ParticleSwarmOptimizerBase();
202   ~ParticleSwarmOptimizerBase() override;
203   void PrintSelf( std::ostream& os, Indent indent ) const override;
204   void PrintParamtersType(  const ParametersType& x, std::ostream& os ) const;
206   /**
207    * Implement your update rule in this function.*/
208   virtual void UpdateSwarm() = 0;
210   virtual void ValidateSettings();
212   /**
213    * Initialize the particle swarm, and seed the random number generator.
214    */
215   virtual void Initialize();
217   void RandomInitialization();
218   void FileInitialization();
220   bool                                         m_PrintSwarm;
221   std::ostringstream                           m_StopConditionDescription;
222   bool                                         m_InitializeNormalDistribution;
223   NumberOfParticlesType                        m_NumberOfParticles;
224   NumberOfIterationsType                       m_MaximalNumberOfIterations;
225   NumberOfGenerationsType                      m_NumberOfGenerationsWithMinimalImprovement;
226   ParameterBoundsType                          m_ParameterBounds;
227   ParametersType                               m_ParametersConvergenceTolerance;
228   double                                       m_PercentageParticlesConverged;
229   CostFunctionType::MeasureType                m_FunctionConvergenceTolerance;
230   std::vector<ParticleData>                    m_Particles;
231   CostFunctionType::MeasureType                m_FunctionBestValue{0};
232   std::vector<MeasureType>                     m_FunctionBestValueMemory;
233   ParametersType                               m_ParametersBestValue;
234   NumberOfIterationsType                       m_IterationIndex{0};
235   RandomVariateGeneratorType::IntegerType      m_Seed;
236   bool                                         m_UseSeed;
237 };
238 } // end namespace itk
240 #endif