1 #include "mrilib.h"
2 #include "mri_bport.c"
4 #undef  BMAX
5 #define BMAX 666
main(int argc,char * argv[])7 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
8 {
9    MRI_IMAGE *bpim ;
10    int nopt=1 , nbad=0 ;
11    float dt=1.0f ;
12    int dtforce=0 , ntime=0 , tt , nblock=0 , *blocklist=NULL , *blocklen=NULL ;
13    int bbot, btop ;
14    int nband=0 , nozero=0 , quad=0 ; float fbot[BMAX] , ftop[BMAX] ;
16    /*-----*/
18    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
19      printf(
20        "Usage: 1dBport [options]\n"
21        "\n"
22        "Creates a set of columns of sines and cosines for the purpose of\n"
23        "bandpassing via regression (e.g., in 3dDeconvolve).  Various option\n"
24        "are given to specify the duration and structure of the time series\n"
25        "to be created.  Results are written to stdout, and usually should be\n"
26        "redirected appropriately (cf. EXAMPLES, infra).  The file produced\n"
27        "could be used with the '-ortvec' option to 3dDeconvolve, for example.\n"
28        "\n"
29        "OPTIONS\n"
30        "-------\n"
31        " -band fbot ftop  = Specify lowest and highest frequencies in the passband.\n"
32        "                    fbot can be 0 if you want to do a highpass filter only;\n"
33        "                    on the other hand, if ftop > Nyquist frequency, then\n"
34        "                    it's a lowpass filter only.\n"
35        "                  ** This 'option' is actually mandatory! (At least once.)\n"
36        "                   * For the un-enlightened, the Nyquist frequency is the\n"
37        "                     highest frequency supported on the given grid, and\n"
38        "                     is equal to 0.5/TR (units are Hz if TR is in s).\n"
39        "                   * The lowest nonzero frequency supported on the grid\n"
40        "                     is equaly to 1/(N*TR), where N=number of time points.\n"
41        "                  ** Multiple -band options can be used, if needed.\n"
42        "                     If the bands overlap, regressors will NOT be duplicated.\n"
43        "                   * That is, '-band 0.01 0.05 -band 0.03 0.08' is the same\n"
44        "                     as using '-band 0.01 0.08'.\n"
45        "                  ** Note that if fbot==0 and ftop>=Nyquist frequency, you\n"
46        "                     get a 'complete' set of trig functions, meaning that\n"
47        "                     using these in regression is effectively a 'no-pass'\n"
48        "                     filter -- probably not what you want!\n"
49        "                  ** It is legitimate to set fbot = ftop.\n"
50        "                  ** The 0 frequency (fbot = 0) component is all 1, of course.\n"
51        "                     But unless you use the '-quad' option, nothing generated\n"
52        "                     herein will deal well with linear-ish or quadratic-ish\n"
53        "                     trends, which fall below the lowest nonzero frequency\n"
54        "                     representable in a full cycle on the grid:\n"
55        "                        f_low = 1 / ( NT * TR )\n"
56        "                     where NT = number of time points.\n"
57        "                  ** See the fourth EXAMPLE to learn how to use 3dDeconvolve\n"
58        "                     to generate a file of polynomials for regression fun.\n"
59        "\n"
60        " -invert          = After computing which frequency indexes correspond to the\n"
61        "                    input band(s), invert the selection -- that is, output\n"
62        "                    all those frequencies NOT selected by the -band option(s).\n"
63        "                    See the fifth EXAMPLE.\n"
64        "\n"
65        " -nozero          } Do NOT generate the 0 frequency (constant) component\n"
66        "   *OR            } when fbot = 0; this has the effect of setting fbot to\n"
67        " -noconst         } 1/(N*TR), and is essentially a convenient way to say\n"
68        "                    'eliminate all oscillations below the ftop frequency'.\n"
69        "\n"
70        " -quad            = Add regressors for linear and quadratic trends.\n"
71        "                    (These will be the last columns in the output.)\n"
72        "\n"
73        " -input dataset   } One of these options is used to specify the number of\n"
74        "   *OR*           } time points to be created, as in 3dDeconvolve.\n"
75        " -input1D 1Dfile  } ** '-input' allow catenated datasets, as in 3dDeconvolve.\n"
76        "   *OR*           } ** '-input1D' assumes TR=1 unless you use the '-TR' option.\n"
77        " -nodata NT [TR]  } ** One of these options is mandatory, to specify the length\n"
78        "                       of the time series file to generate.\n"
79        "\n"
80        " -TR del          = Set the time step to 'del' rather than use the one\n"
81        "                    given in the input dataset (if any).\n"
82        "                   ** If TR is not specified by the -input dataset or by\n"
83        "                      -nodata or by -TR, the program will assume it is 1.0 s.\n"
84        "\n"
85        " -concat rname    = As in 3dDeconvolve, used to specify the list of start\n"
86        "                    indexes for concatenated runs.\n"
87        "                   ** Also as in 3dDeconvolve, if the -input dataset is auto-\n"
88        "                      catenated (by providing a list of more than one dataset),\n"
89        "                      the run start list is automatically generated.  Otherwise,\n"
90        "                      this option is needed if more than one run is involved.\n"
91        "\n"
92        "EXAMPLES\n"
93        "--------\n"
94        " The first example provides basis functions to filter out all frequency\n"
95        " components from 0 to 0.25 Hz:\n"
96        "   1dBport -nodata 100 1 -band 0 0.25   > highpass.1D\n"
97        "\n"
98        " The second example provides basis functions to filter out all frequency\n"
99        " components from 0.25 Hz up to the Nyquist freqency:\n"
100        "   1dBport -nodata 100 1 -band 0.25 666 > lowpass.1D\n"
101        "\n"
102        " The third example shows how to examine the results visually, for fun:\n"
103        "   1dBport -nodata 100 1 -band 0.41 0.43 | 1dplot -stdin -thick\n"
104        "\n"
105        " The fourth example shows how to use 3dDeconvolve to generate a file of\n"
106        " polynomial 'orts', in case you find yourself needing this ability someday\n"
107        " (e.g., when stranded on a desert isle, with Gilligan, the Skipper, et al.):\n"
108        "   3dDeconvolve -nodata 100 1 -polort 2 -x1D_stop -x1D stdout: | 1dcat stdin: > pol3.1D\n"
109        "\n"
110        " The fifth example shows how to use 1dBport to generate a set of regressors to\n"
111        " eliminate all frequencies EXCEPT those in the selected range:\n"
112        "   1dBport -nodata 100 1 -band 0.03 0.13 -nozero -invert | 1dplot -stdin\n"
113        " In this example, the '-nozero' flag is used because the next step will be to\n"
114        " 3dDeconvolve with '-polort 2' and '-ortvec' to get rid of the undesirable stuff.\n"
115        "\n"
117        "------------------\n"
118        " * The word 'ort' was coined by Andrzej Jesmanowicz, as a shorthand name for\n"
119        "   a timeseries to which you want to 'orthogonalize' your data.\n"
120        " * 'Ort' actually IS an English word, and means 'a scrap of food left from a meal'.\n"
121        "   As far as I know, its only usage in modern English is in crossword puzzles,\n"
122        "   and in Scrabble.\n"
123        " * For other meanings of 'ort', see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ort\n"
124        " * Do not confuse 'ort' with 'Oort': http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oort_cloud\n"
125        "\n"
126        "AUTHOR -- RWCox -- Jan 2012\n"
127      ) ;
128      PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
129    }
131    mainENTRY("1dBport") ; machdep() ; AFNI_logger("1dBport",argc,argv) ;
133    /*---- scan args ----*/
135    while( nopt < argc ){
137      /*-----*/
139      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nozero")  == 0 ||
140          strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-noconst") == 0 ||
141          strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nonzero") == 0   ){
143        mri_bport_set_ffbot(1) ; nopt++ ; continue ;
144      }
146      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-quad") == 0 ){
147        mri_bport_set_quad(1) ; quad = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
148      }
150      /*-----*/
152      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-invert") == 0 ){
153        mri_bport_set_invert(1) ; nopt++ ; continue ;
154      }
156      /*-----*/
158      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-band") == 0 ){
159        float fb,ft ;
160        if( nopt+2 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need 2 arguments after %s",argv[nopt]) ;
161        if( nband  >= BMAX ) ERROR_exit("Too many -band options given :-(") ;
162        fb = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
163        ft = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
164        if( fb < 0.0f || ft < fb )
165          ERROR_exit("Illegal values after -band:  fbot=%g ftop=%g",fbot,ftop) ;
166        fbot[nband] = fb ; ftop[nband] = ft ; nband++ ;
167        nopt++ ; continue ;
168      }
170      /*-----*/
172      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-TR") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-del") == 0 ){
173        if( nopt+1 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need 1 argument after %s",argv[nopt]) ;
174        dt = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ; dtforce = 1 ;
175        if( dt <= 0.0f ){
176          WARNING_message("Illegal TR=%g replaced with TR=1",dt); dt = 1.0f; dtforce = 0;
177        }
178        nopt++ ; continue ;
179      }
181      /*-----*/
183      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-concat") == 0 ){
184        MRI_IMAGE *bim ; float *bar ;
185        if( nopt+1 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need 2 arguments after %s",argv[nopt]) ;
186        if( nblock > 0 )
187          WARNING_message("-concat over-riding existing block list") ;
188        bim = mri_read_1D(argv[++nopt]) ;
189        if( bim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read -concat file '%s",argv[nopt]) ;
190        nblock = bim->nx ; bar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bim) ;
191        blocklist = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nblock) ;
192        for( tt=0 ; tt < nblock ; tt++ ) blocklist[tt] = (int)floorf(bar[tt]+0.5f) ;
193        nopt++ ; continue ;
194      }
196      /*-----*/
198      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nodata") == 0 ){
199        if( nopt+1 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need at least 1 argument after %s",argv[nopt]) ;
200        ntime = (int)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
201        if( ntime < 9 ) ERROR_exit("Value after -nodata is not allowable: %d",ntime) ;
202        nopt++ ;
203        if( nopt < argc && isdigit(argv[nopt][0]) ){
204          dt = (float)strtod(argv[nopt++],NULL) ;
205          if( dt <= 0.0f ){
206            WARNING_message("Illegal TR=%g replaced with TR=1",dt) ; dt = 1.0f ;
207          }
208        }
209        continue ;
210      }
212      /*-----*/
214      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-input1D") == 0 ){
215        MRI_IMAGE *tim ;
216        if( nopt+1 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need 1 argument after %s",argv[nopt]) ;
217        tim = mri_read_1D(argv[++nopt]) ;
218        if( tim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read -input1D file '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
219        ntime = tim->nx ; mri_free(tim) ;
220        if( ntime < 9 ) ERROR_exit("Length of -input1D file is not allowable: %d",ntime) ;
221        nopt++ ; continue ;
222      }
224      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-input") == 0 ){
225        int iopt , slen=0 ; char *fname ; THD_3dim_dataset *dset ;
226        nopt++;
227        if( nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need 1 or more arguments after -input") ;
228        for( iopt=nopt ; iopt < argc && argv[iopt][0] != '-' ; iopt++ )
229          slen += strlen(argv[iopt])+8 ;
230        fname = calloc(sizeof(char),slen) ;
231        for( iopt=nopt ; iopt < argc && argv[iopt][0] != '-' ; iopt++ ){
232          strcat( fname , argv[iopt] ) ;
233          strcat( fname , " "        ) ;
234         }
235        slen = strlen(fname) ; fname[slen-1] = '\0' ; /* trim last blank */
236        nopt = iopt ;
237        dset = THD_open_dataset(fname) ;
238        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dset,fname) ;
239        if( !dtforce ){ DSET_UNMSEC(dset) ; dt = DSET_TR(dset) ; }
240        ntime = DSET_NVALS(dset) ;
241        if( DSET_IS_TCAT(dset) ){
242          nblock = dset->tcat_num ;
243          blocklist = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nblock) ;
244          blocklist[0] = 0 ;
245          for( tt=0 ; tt < nblock-1 ; tt++ )
246            blocklist[tt+1] = blocklist[tt] + dset->tcat_len[tt] ;
247        }
248        DSET_delete(dset) ; continue ;
249      }
251      /*-----*/
253      ERROR_message("Unknown option: %s",argv[nopt]) ;
254      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]) ;
255      exit(1) ;
257    } /* end of scanning options */
259    /*----- check inputs -----*/
261    if( ntime <= 0 ){
262      ERROR_message("No way to determine time series length!") ; nbad++ ;
263    }
264    if( nband <= 0 ){
265      ERROR_message("No -band option given! What bandpass do you want?") ; nbad++ ;
266    }
268    if( nblock == 0 ){
269      nblock = 1 ;
270      blocklist = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)) ;
271      blocklist[0] = 0 ;
272    }
274    blocklen = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nblock) ;
275    for( tt=0 ; tt < nblock ; tt++ ){
276      bbot = blocklist[tt] ;
277      btop = (tt+1 < nblock) ? blocklist[tt+1] : ntime ;
278      blocklen[tt] = btop - bbot ;
279      if( blocklen[tt] < 9 ){
280        ERROR_message("Block length #%d = %d ==> too small!",tt+1,blocklen[tt]) ; nbad++ ;
281      }
282    }
284    if( nbad > 0 )
285      ERROR_exit("Cannot continue after above error%s :-(", (nbad==1) ? "\0" : "s" ) ;
287    fprintf(stderr,"++ Block length%s:",(nblock==1)?"\0":"s") ;
288    for( tt=0 ; tt < nblock ; tt++ ) fprintf(stderr," %d",blocklen[tt]) ;
289    fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
291    /*----- work -----*/
293    bpim = mri_bport_multi( dt,nband,fbot,ftop , nblock,blocklen ) ;
294    if( bpim == NULL )
295      ERROR_exit("Computation fails! :-(((") ;
296    mri_write_1D( "-" , bpim ) ;
297    exit(0) ;
298 }