1 #include "mrilib.h"
2 #include "remla.c"
main(int argc,char * argv[])4 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
5 {
6    MRI_IMAGE *inim , *outim ; float *iv ;
7    int iarg , ii,jj , nreg , ntime , *tau=NULL , rnum ;
8    NI_element *nelmat=NULL ; char *matname=NULL ;
9    MTYPE rhomax=0.7 , bmax=0.7 ; int rhonum=7 , bnum=14 ;
10    char *cgl , *rst ;
11    matrix X ; vector y ;
12    float cput ;
13    reml_collection *rrcol ;
15    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
16      printf(
17       "Usage: 1dREMLfit [option] file.1D\n"
18       "Least squares fit with REML estimation of the ARMA(1,1) noise.\n"
19       "\n"
20       "Options (the first one is mandatory)\n"
21       "------------------------------------\n"
22       " -matrix mmm = Read the matrix 'mmm', which should have been\n"
23       "                 output from 3dDeconvolve via the '-x1D' option.\n"
24       " -MAXrho rm  = Set the max allowed rho parameter to 'rm' (default=0.7).\n"
25       " -Nrho nr    = Use 'nr' values for the rho parameter (default=7).\n"
26       " -MAXb bm    = Set max allow MA b parameter to 'bm' (default=0.7).\n"
27       " -Nb nb      = Use 'nb' values for the b parameter (default=7).\n"
28      ) ;
29       PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
30    }
32    iarg = 1 ;
33    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
35       /** rho and del params **/
37       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-MAXrho") == 0 ){
38         rhomax = (MTYPE)strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
39              if( rhomax < 0.3 ) rhomax = 0.3 ;
40         else if( rhomax > 0.9 ) rhomax = 0.9 ;
41         iarg++ ; continue ;
42       }
43       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-Nrho") == 0 ){
44         rhonum = (int)strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
45              if( rhonum <  2 ) rhonum =  2 ;
46         else if( rhonum > 20 ) rhonum = 20 ;
47         iarg++ ; continue ;
48       }
49       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-MAXb") == 0 ){
50         bmax = (MTYPE)strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
51              if( bmax < 0.3 ) bmax = 0.3 ;
52         else if( bmax > 0.9 ) bmax = 0.9 ;
53         iarg++ ; continue ;
54       }
55       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-Nb") == 0 ){
56         bnum = (int)strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
57              if( bnum <  2 ) bnum =  2 ;
58         else if( bnum > 20 ) bnum = 20 ;
59         iarg++ ; continue ;
60       }
62       /** -matrix **/
64       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-matrix") == 0 ){
65         if( nelmat != NULL ) ERROR_exit("More than 1 -matrix option!");
66         nelmat = NI_read_element_fromfile( argv[++iarg] ) ; /* read NIML file */
67         matname = argv[iarg];
68         if( nelmat == NULL ){                     /* try to read as a 1D file */
69           MRI_IMAGE *nim ; float *nar ;
70           nim = mri_read_1D(argv[iarg]) ;
71           if( nim != NULL ){              /* construct a minimal NIML element */
72             nelmat = NI_new_data_element( "matrix" , nim->nx ) ;
73             nar    = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(nim) ;
74             for( jj=0 ; jj < nim->ny ; jj++ )
75               NI_add_column( nelmat , NI_FLOAT , nar + nim->nx*jj ) ;
76             mri_free(nim) ;
77           }
78         }
79         if( nelmat == NULL || nelmat->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )
80           ERROR_exit("Can't process -matrix file!");
81         iarg++ ; continue ;
82       }
84      ERROR_exit("Unknown option '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
85    }
87    if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("No 1D file on command line?!") ;
89    inim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
90    if( inim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read 1D file %s",argv[iarg]) ;
92    nreg  = nelmat->vec_num ;
93    ntime = nelmat->vec_len ;
94    if( ntime != inim->nx )
95      ERROR_exit("matrix vectors are %d long but input 1D file is %d long",
96                 ntime,inim->nx) ;
98    cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , "GoodList" ) ;
99    if( cgl != NULL ){
100      int Ngoodlist,*goodlist , Nruns,*runs ;
101      NI_int_array *giar ;
102      giar = NI_decode_int_list( cgl , ";," ) ;
103      if( giar == NULL || giar->num < ntime )
104        ERROR_exit("-matrix 'GoodList' badly formatted?") ;
105      Ngoodlist = giar->num ; goodlist = giar->ar ;
106      rst = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , "RunStart" ) ;
107      if( rst != NULL ){
108        NI_int_array *riar = NI_decode_int_list( rst , ";,") ;
109        if( riar == NULL ) ERROR_exit("-matrix 'RunStart' badly formatted?") ;
110        Nruns = riar->num ; runs = riar->ar ;
111      } else {
112        Nruns = 1 ; runs = calloc(sizeof(int),1) ;
113      }
114      rnum = 0 ; tau = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*ntime) ;
115      for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ){
116        jj = goodlist[ii] ;
117        for( ; rnum+1 < Nruns && jj >= runs[rnum+1] ; rnum++ ) ; /*nada*/
118        tau[ii] = jj + 10000*rnum ;
119      }
120    }
122    matrix_initialize( &X ) ;
123    matrix_create( ntime , nreg , &X ) ;
124    if( nelmat->vec_typ[0] == NI_FLOAT ){
125      float *cd ;
126      for( jj=0 ; jj < nreg ; jj++ ){
127        cd = (float *)nelmat->vec[jj] ;
128        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) X.elts[ii][jj] = (MTYPE)cd[ii] ;
129      }
130    } else if( nelmat->vec_typ[0] == NI_DOUBLE ){
131      double *cd ;
132      for( jj=0 ; jj < nreg ; jj++ ){
133        cd = (double *)nelmat->vec[jj] ;
134        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) X.elts[ii][jj] = (MTYPE)cd[ii] ;
135      }
136    } else {
137      ERROR_exit("-matrix file stored will illegal data type!?") ;
138    }
140    cput = COX_cpu_time() ;
141    rrcol = REML_setup( &X , tau , rhonum,rhomax,bnum,bmax ) ;
142    if( rrcol == NULL ) ERROR_exit("REML setup fails?" ) ;
143    cput = COX_cpu_time() - cput ;
144    INFO_message("REML setup: rows=%d cols=%d %d cases CPU=%.2f",
145                 ntime,nreg,rrcol->nset,cput) ;
147    cput = COX_cpu_time() ;
148    vector_initialize( &y ) ; vector_create_noinit( ntime , &y ) ;
149    for( jj=0 ; jj < inim->ny ; jj++ ){
150      iv = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(inim) + ntime*jj ;
151      for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) y.elts[ii] = (MTYPE)iv[ii] ;
152      (void)REML_find_best_case( &y , rrcol ) ;
153      INFO_message(
154        "Vector #%d: best_rho=%.2f best_b=%.2f best_lam=%.2f best_ssq=%g  olsq_ssq=%g",
155        jj, REML_best_rho, REML_best_bb, REML_best_lam, REML_best_ssq, REML_olsq_ssq ) ;
156    }
157    cput = COX_cpu_time() - cput ;
158    INFO_message("REML fitting: CPU=%.2f",cput) ;
159    exit(0) ;
160 }