1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 #undef ALLOW_FILLIN  /* 28 May 2002 */
main(int argc,char * argv[])6 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
7 {
8    THD_3dim_dataset *dset , *mset=NULL, *masked_dset ;
9    char *amprefix = "automask" ;
10    char *prefix = NULL;
11    byte *mask ;
12    int iarg=1 , fillin=0 , nmask,nfill , dilate=0 , dd  , erode = 0;
13    int dilate_flag = 0, erode_flag = 0;
14    float SIhh=0.0 ;        /* 06 Mar 2003 */
15    int   SIax=0 , SIbot=0,SItop=0 ;
16    int   verb=1 ;
17    float clfrac=0.5 ;      /* 20 Mar 2006 */
18    int peels=1, nbhrs=17 ; /* 24 Oct 2006 */
19    byte NN = 2;             /* edge neighbors 23 Dec 2019 DRG */
20    byte new_NN = 0;        /* flag user settings for neighbors and NNx*/
21    int new_nbhrs = 0;
22    int max_nbhrs = 18;     /* maximum neighbors for NN2 */
23    int apply_mask = 0;     /* 17 Nov 2009 */
24    char *apply_prefix = NULL, *depthprefix=NULL;
25    short *depth=NULL, dodepth=0;      /* 02 March 2010 ZSS */
28    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
29       printf(
30 "Usage: 3dAutomask [options] dataset\n"
31  "Input dataset is EPI 3D+time, or a skull-stripped anatomical.\n"
32  "Output dataset is a brain-only mask dataset.\n"
33  "\n"
34  "This program by itself does NOT do 'skull-stripping'.  Use\n"
35  "program 3dSkullStrip for that purpose!\n"
36  "\n"
37  "Method:\n"
38  " + Uses 3dClipLevel algorithm to find clipping level.\n"
39  " + Keeps only the largest connected component of the\n"
40  "   supra-threshold voxels, after an erosion/dilation step.\n"
41  " + Writes result as a 'fim' type of functional dataset,\n"
42  "   which will be 1 inside the mask and 0 outside the mask.\n"
43  "\n"
44  "Options:\n"
45  "--------\n"
46  "  -prefix ppp = Write mask into dataset with prefix 'ppp'.\n"
47  "                 [Default == 'automask']\n"
48  "\n"
49  "  -apply_prefix ppp = Apply mask to input dataset and save\n"
50  "                masked dataset. If an apply_prefix is given\n"
51  "                and not the usual prefix, the only output\n"
52  "                will be the applied dataset\n"
53  "\n"
54  "  -clfrac cc  = Set the 'clip level fraction' to 'cc', which\n"
55  "                 must be a number between 0.1 and 0.9.\n"
56  "                 A small 'cc' means to make the initial threshold\n"
57  "                 for clipping (a la 3dClipLevel) smaller, which\n"
58  "                 will tend to make the mask larger.  [default=0.5]\n"
59  "\n"
60  "  -nograd     = The program uses a 'gradual' clip level by default.\n"
61  "                 To use a fixed clip level, use '-nograd'.\n"
62  "                 [Change to gradual clip level made 24 Oct 2006.]\n"
63  "\n"
64  "  -peels pp   = Peel (erode) the mask 'pp' times, \n"
65 "                  then unpeel (dilate). Using NN2 neighborhoods,\n"
66  "                 clips off protuberances less than 2*pp voxels\n"
67  "                 thick. Turn off by setting to 0. [Default == 1]\n"
68  "\n"
69  "  -NN1 -NN2 -NN3 = Erode and dilate using different neighbor definitions\n"
70  "                 NN1=faces, NN2=edges, NN3= corners [Default=NN2]\n"
71  "                 Applies to erode and dilate options, if present.\n"
72  "                 Note the default peeling processes still use NN2\n"
73  "                 unless the peels are set to 0\n"
74  "\n"
75  "  -nbhrs nn   = Define the number of neighbors needed for a voxel\n"
76  "                 NOT to be eroded.  The 18 nearest neighbors in\n"
77  "                 the 3D lattice are used, so 'nn' should be between\n"
78  "                 6 and 26. [Default == 17]\n"
79  "\n"
80  "  -q          = Don't write progress messages (i.e., be quiet).\n"
81  "\n"
82  "  -eclip      = After creating the mask, remove exterior\n"
83  "                 voxels below the clip threshold.\n"
84  "\n"
85  "  -dilate nd  = Dilate the mask outwards 'nd' times.\n"
86  "\n"
87  "  -erode ne   = Erode the mask inwards 'ne' times.\n"
88 #ifdef ALLOW_FILLIN
89  "\n"
90  "  -fillin nnn = Fill in holes inside the mask of width up\n"
91  "                 to 'nnn' voxels. [Default == 0 == no fillin]\n"
92 #endif
93  "\n"
94  "  -SI hh      = After creating the mask, find the most superior\n"
95  "                 voxel, then zero out everything more than 'hh'\n"
96  "                 millimeters inferior to that.  hh=130 seems to\n"
97  "                 be decent (i.e., for Homo Sapiens brains).\n"
98  "\n"
99  "  -depth DEP  = Produce a dataset (DEP) that shows how many peel \n"
100  "                operations it takes to get to a voxel in the mask.\n"
101  "                The higher the number, the deeper a voxel is located \n"
102  "                in the mask. Note this uses the NN1,2,3 neighborhoods\n"
103  "                above with a default of 2 for edge-sharing neighbors\n"
104 #ifdef ALLOW_FILLIN
105 "          None of -peels, -dilate, -fillin, or -erode affect this option.\n"
106 #else
107 "          None of -peels, -dilate, or -erode affect this option.\n"
108 #endif
109             ) ;
111       printf(
112        "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
113        "How to make an edge-of-brain mask from an anatomical volume:\n"
114        "* 3dSkullStrip to create a brain-only dataset; say, Astrip+orig\n"
115        "* 3dAutomask -prefix Amask Astrip+orig\n"
116        "* Create a mask of edge-only voxels via\n"
117        "   3dcalc -a Amask+orig -b a+i -c a-i -d a+j -e a-j -f a+k -g a-k \\\n"
118        "          -expr 'ispositive(a)*amongst(0,b,c,d,e,f,g)' -prefix Aedge\n"
119        "  which will be 1 at all voxels in the brain mask that have a\n"
120        "  nearest neighbor that is NOT in the brain mask.\n"
121        "* cf. '3dcalc -help' DIFFERENTIAL SUBSCRIPTS for information\n"
122        "  on the 'a+i' et cetera inputs used above.\n"
123        "* In regions where the brain mask is 'stair-stepping', then the\n"
124        "  voxels buried inside the corner of the steps probably won't\n"
125        "  show up in this edge mask:\n"
126        "     ...00000000...\n"
127        "     ...aaa00000...\n"
128        "     ...bbbaa000...\n"
129        "     ...bbbbbaa0...\n"
130        "  Only the 'a' voxels are in this edge mask, and the 'b' voxels\n"
131        "  down in the corners won't show up, because they only touch a\n"
132        "  0 voxel on a corner, not face-on.  Depending on your use for\n"
133        "  the edge mask, this effect may or may not be a problem.\n"
134        "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
135       ) ;
137       PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
138    }
140    mainENTRY("3dAutomask main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dAutomask",argc,argv);
141    PRINT_VERSION("3dAutomask") ; AUTHOR("Emperor Zhark") ;
143    /*-- options --*/
145    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
147       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-peel",5) == 0 ){           /* 24 Oct 2006 */
148         peels = (int)strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
149         iarg++ ; continue ;
150       }
152       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-NN1") == 0 ){           /* 23 Dec 2019 */
153         new_NN = 1 ;
154         iarg++ ; continue ;
155       }
157       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-NN2") == 0 ){
158         new_NN = 2 ;
159         iarg++ ; continue ;
160       }
162       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-NN3") == 0 ){
163         new_NN = 3 ;
164         iarg++ ; continue ;
165       }
167       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-nbhr",5) == 0 ){           /* 24 Oct 2006 */
168         nbhrs = (int)strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
169         iarg++ ; continue ;
170       }
172       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-nograd",5) == 0 ){
173         THD_automask_set_gradualize(0) ;
174         iarg++ ; continue ;
175       }
177       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-clfrac") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mfrac") == 0 ){    /* 20 Mar 2006 */
178         clfrac = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
179         if( clfrac < 0.1f || clfrac > 0.9f )
180           ERROR_exit("-clfrac value %f is illegal!",clfrac) ;
181         THD_automask_set_clipfrac(clfrac) ;
182         iarg++ ; continue ;
183       }
185       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-SI") == 0 ){        /* 06 Mar 2003 */
186         SIhh = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
187         if( SIhh <= 0.0 )
188           ERROR_exit("-SI value %f is illegal!\n",SIhh) ;
189         iarg++ ; continue ;
190       }
192       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-eclip") == 0 ){     /* 28 Oct 2003 */
193         THD_automask_extclip(1) ;
194         iarg++ ; continue ;
195       }
197       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-depth") == 0 ){
198          depthprefix = argv[++iarg] ;
199          if( !THD_filename_ok(depthprefix) )
200            ERROR_exit("-depth %s is illegal!\n",depthprefix) ;
201          dodepth = 1 ;
202          iarg++ ; continue ;
203       }
205       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-q") == 0 ){     /* 28 Oct 2003 */
206         verb = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
207       }
209       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
210          prefix = argv[++iarg] ;
211          if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
212            ERROR_exit("-prefix %s is illegal!\n",prefix) ;
213          iarg++ ; continue ;
214       }
216 #ifdef ALLOW_FILLIN
217       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-fillin") == 0 ){
218          fillin = strtol( argv[++iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
219          if( fillin <  0 )
220            ERROR_exit("-fillin %s is illegal!\n",argv[iarg]) ;
221          else if( fillin > 0 )
222            fillin = (fillin+2) / 2 ;
223          iarg++ ; continue ;
224       }
225 #endif
227       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dilate") == 0 ){
228          dilate = strtol( argv[++iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
229          dilate_flag = 1;
230          if( dilate < 0 )
231            ERROR_exit("-dilate %s is illegal!\n",argv[iarg]);
232          iarg++ ; continue ;
233       }
235       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-erode") == 0 ){
236          erode = strtol( argv[++iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
237          erode_flag = 1;
238          if( erode < 0 )
239            ERROR_exit("-erode %s is illegal!\n",argv[iarg]);
240          iarg++ ; continue ;
241       }
243       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-apply_prefix") == 0 ){
244          apply_prefix = argv[++iarg] ;
245          if( !THD_filename_ok(apply_prefix) )
246            ERROR_exit("-apply_prefix %s is illegal!\n",apply_prefix) ;
247          apply_mask = 1;
248          iarg++ ; continue ;
249       }
251       ERROR_exit("ILLEGAL option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
252    }
254    // nearest neighbor mode changes override neighbor choices
255    if(new_NN)
256      NN = new_NN;
258    switch(NN){
259        case(1):
260           max_nbhrs = 6;
261           break;
262        case(3):
263           max_nbhrs = 26;
264           break;
266        case(2):
267        default:
268           max_nbhrs = 18;
269    }
271    if(new_NN) /* keep historic default of 17 for NN2
272                  unless changed via NNx or nbhrs options */
273       nbhrs = max_nbhrs;
275    /*  check for valid number of neighbors */
276    if(new_nbhrs){
277       if((new_nbhrs< max_nbhrs) && (new_nbhrs>0))
278          nbhrs = new_nbhrs;
279       else
280          ERROR_exit("-nbhrs %d is illegal (choose between 1 and %d)!\n",
281            new_nbhrs, max_nbhrs);
282    }
284    /* set default number of peels (erosions/dilations combo, neighbors) */
285    THD_automask_set_peelcounts(peels,nbhrs) ;
287    if((dilate_flag+erode_flag)>1)
288      WARNING_message("Combining dilate,erode options is like peels option");
290    /*-- read data --*/
292    dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dset,argv[iarg]);
293    if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) != MRI_short &&
294        DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) != MRI_byte  &&
295        DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) != MRI_float   ){
296       ERROR_exit("Illegal dataset datum type\n") ;
297    }
298    if( verb ) INFO_message("Loading dataset %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
299    DSET_load(dset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset) ;
301    /*** do all the real work now ***/
303    if( verb ) INFO_message("Forming automask\n") ;
304    if( verb ) THD_automask_verbose(1) ;
305    mask = THD_automask( dset ) ;
306    if( mask == NULL )
307      ERROR_exit("Mask creation fails for unknown reasons!\n");
309    if (dodepth) {       /* ZSS March 02 2010 */
310       if (!(depth = THD_mask_depth( DSET_NX(dset),
311                                     DSET_NY(dset),
312                                     DSET_NZ(dset), mask, 1, NULL, NN))) {
313          ERROR_exit("Failed to get depth vector!\n");
314       }
315    }
317    /* 30 Aug 2002 (modified 05 Mar 2003 to do fillin, etc, after dilation) */
318    if(dilate||erode) {
319      int ii,nx,ny,nz , nmm ;
321      nx = DSET_NX(dset) ; ny = DSET_NY(dset) ; nz = DSET_NZ(dset) ;
322      nmm = 1 ;
323      ii  = rint(0.032*nx) ; nmm = MAX(nmm,ii) ;
324      ii  = rint(0.032*ny) ; nmm = MAX(nmm,ii) ;
325      ii  = rint(0.032*nz) ; nmm = MAX(nmm,ii) ;
327      if( verb && dilate) INFO_message("Dilating automask\n") ;
328      for( dd=0 ; dd < dilate ; dd++ ){
329        THD_mask_dilate           ( nx,ny,nz , mask, 3, NN ) ;
330        THD_mask_fillin_completely( nx,ny,nz , mask, nmm ) ;
331      }
333      /* 3 May 2006 - drg- eroding option added */
334      if( verb && erode) INFO_message("Eroding automask\n") ;
335      for( dd=0 ; dd < erode ; dd++ ){
336        THD_mask_erode           ( nx,ny,nz , mask, 0, NN) ;
337        THD_mask_fillin_completely( nx,ny,nz , mask, nmm ) ;
338      }
340      if(dilate||erode) {
341        nmm = nx*ny*nz ;
342        for( ii=0 ; ii < nmm ; ii++ ) mask[ii] = !mask[ii] ;
343        THD_mask_clust( nx,ny,nz, mask ) ;
344        for( ii=0 ; ii < nmm ; ii++ ) mask[ii] = !mask[ii] ;
345      }
346    }
348    /* 18 Apr 2002: print voxel count */
350    nmask = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(dset) , mask ) ;
351    if( verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the mask [out of %d: %.2f%%]\n",
352                  nmask,DSET_NVOX(dset), (100.0*nmask)/DSET_NVOX(dset) ) ;
353    if( nmask == 0 )
354       ERROR_exit("No voxels? Quitting without saving mask\n");
356    /* 18 Apr 2002: maybe fill in voxels */
358 #ifdef ALLOW_FILLIN
359    if( fillin > 0 ){
360      nfill = THD_mask_fillin_completely(
361                  DSET_NX(dset),DSET_NY(dset),DSET_NZ(dset), mask, fillin ) ;
362      if( verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels filled in; %d voxels total\n",
363                              nfill,nfill+nmask ) ;
364    }
365 #endif
367    /** 04 Jun 2002: print cut plane report **/
369    { int nx=DSET_NX(dset), ny=DSET_NY(dset), nz=DSET_NZ(dset), nxy=nx*ny ;
370      int ii,jj,kk ;
372 #if 0
373      { int xm=-1,xp=-1,ym=-1,yp=-1,zm=-1,zp=-1 ;
374        THD_autobbox( dset , &xm,&xp , &ym,&yp , &zm,&zp, NULL ) ;
375        INFO_message("Auto bbox: x=%d..%d  y=%d..%d  z=%d..%d\n",
376                      xm,xp,ym,yp,zm,zp ) ;
377      }
378 #endif
380      for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
381        for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
382          for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
383            if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP5 ;
384      CP5: if( verb )
385            INFO_message("first %3d x-planes are zero [from %c]\n",
386                         ii,ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->xxorient][0]) ;
387      if( SIhh > 0.0 && ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->xxorient][0] == 'S' ){
388        SIax = 1 ; SIbot = ii + (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DX(dset))+0.5) ; SItop = nx-1 ;
389      }
391      for( ii=nx-1 ; ii >= 0 ; ii-- )
392        for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
393          for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
394            if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP6 ;
395      CP6: if( verb )
396            INFO_message("last  %3d x-planes are zero [from %c]\n",
397                         nx-1-ii,ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->xxorient][1]) ;
398      if( SIhh > 0.0 && ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->xxorient][1] == 'S' ){
399        SIax = 1 ; SIbot = 0 ; SItop = ii - (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DX(dset))+0.5) ;
400      }
402      for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
403        for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
404          for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
405            if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP3 ;
406      CP3: if( verb )
407            INFO_message("first %3d y-planes are zero [from %c]\n",
408                         jj,ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->yyorient][0]) ;
409      if( SIhh > 0.0 && ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->yyorient][0] == 'S' ){
410        SIax = 2 ; SIbot = jj + (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DY(dset))+0.5) ; SItop = ny-1 ;
411      }
413      for( jj=ny-1 ; jj >= 0 ; jj-- )
414        for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
415          for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
416            if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP4 ;
417      CP4: if( verb )
418            INFO_message("last  %3d y-planes are zero [from %c]\n",
419                         ny-1-jj,ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->yyorient][1]) ;
420      if( SIhh > 0.0 && ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->yyorient][1] == 'S' ){
421        SIax = 2 ; SIbot = 0 ; SItop = jj - (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DY(dset))+0.5) ;
422      }
424      for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
425        for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
426          for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
427            if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP1 ;
428      CP1: if( verb )
429            INFO_message("first %3d z-planes are zero [from %c]\n",
430                         kk,ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->zzorient][0]) ;
431      if( SIhh > 0.0 && ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->zzorient][0] == 'S' ){
432        SIax = 3 ; SIbot = kk + (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DZ(dset))+0.5) ; SItop = nz-1 ;
433      }
435      for( kk=nz-1 ; kk >= 0 ; kk-- )
436        for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
437          for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
438            if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP2 ;
439      CP2: if( verb )
440            INFO_message("last  %3d z-planes are zero [from %c]\n",
441                         nz-1-kk,ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->zzorient][1]) ;
442      if( SIhh > 0.0 && ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->zzorient][1] == 'S' ){
443        SIax = 3 ; SIbot = 0 ; SItop = kk - (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DZ(dset))+0.5) ;
444      }
446      /* 06 Mar 2003: cut off stuff below SIhh mm from most Superior point */
448      if( SIax > 0 && SIbot <= SItop ){
449        char *cax="xyz" ;
450        if( verb )
451          INFO_message("SI clipping mask along axis %c from %d..%d\n" ,
452                       cax[SIax-1] , SIbot,SItop ) ;
453        switch( SIax ){
454          case 1:
455            for( ii=SIbot ; ii <= SItop ; ii++ )
456              for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
457                for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ) mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] = 0 ;
458          break ;
459          case 2:
460            for( jj=SIbot ; jj <= SItop ; jj++ )
461              for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
462                for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] = 0 ;
463          break ;
464          case 3:
465            for( kk=SIbot ; kk <= SItop ; kk++ )
466              for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
467                for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] = 0 ;
468          break ;
469        }
470        nmask = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(dset) , mask ) ;
471        if( verb )
472          INFO_message("%d voxels left [out of %d]\n",nmask,DSET_NVOX(dset)) ;
473      }
474    }
477    /* create output dataset */
478    if(prefix==NULL) {
479       if(apply_prefix == NULL)
480          prefix = amprefix;
481    }
483    if(prefix) {
484       mset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ;
485       EDIT_dset_items( mset ,
486                          ADN_prefix     , prefix   ,
487                          ADN_datum_all  , MRI_byte ,
488                          ADN_nvals      , 1        ,
489                          ADN_ntt        , 0        ,
490                          ADN_type       , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
491                          ADN_func_type  , FUNC_FIM_TYPE ,
492                        ADN_none ) ;
493       EDIT_substitute_brick( mset , 0 , MRI_byte , mask ) ;
495       /* 16 Apr 2002: make history */
497       tross_Copy_History( dset , mset ) ;
498       tross_Make_History( "3dAutomask", argc,argv, mset ) ;
500       DSET_write( mset ) ;
501       if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(mset) ;
502    }
504    if (apply_mask) {
505       if(verb) INFO_message("applying mask to original data\n");
506       masked_dset = thd_apply_mask(dset, mask, apply_prefix);
507       if(masked_dset){
508          if(verb) INFO_message("Writing masked data\n");
509          tross_Copy_History( dset , masked_dset ) ;
510          tross_Make_History( "3dAutomask", argc,argv, masked_dset ) ;
511          DSET_write(masked_dset);
512          if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(masked_dset) ;
513          DSET_unload( masked_dset ) ;  /* don't need data any more */
514       }
515       else {
516          ERROR_exit("Could not apply mask to dataset");
517       }
518    }
520    if (dodepth) {             /* ZSS March 02 2010 */
521       if(verb) INFO_message("Writing depth dataset\n");
522       if (mset) DSET_delete(mset); mset = NULL;
523       mset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ;
524       EDIT_dset_items( mset ,
525                          ADN_prefix     , depthprefix   ,
526                          ADN_datum_all  , MRI_short ,
527                          ADN_nvals      , 1        ,
528                          ADN_ntt        , 0        ,
529                          ADN_type       , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
530                          ADN_func_type  , FUNC_FIM_TYPE ,
531                        ADN_none ) ;
532       EDIT_substitute_brick( mset , 0 , MRI_short , depth ) ;
534       /* 16 Apr 2002: make history */
536       tross_Copy_History( dset , mset ) ;
537       tross_Make_History( "3dAutomask", argc,argv, mset ) ;
539       DSET_write( mset ) ;
540       if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(mset) ;
542       DSET_delete(mset); mset = NULL;
543    }
545    DSET_unload( dset ) ;  /* don't need data any more */
547    if( verb ) INFO_message("CPU time = %f sec\n",COX_cpu_time()) ;
549    exit(0) ;
550 }