1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 #define NTYPE_SPHERE 1
4 #define NTYPE_RECT   2
5 #define NTYPE_NULL   666
7 #define BAILOUT      3
8 #define BLURMAX      0.05f
9 #define DFGOAL       0.2f
10 #define DFGOALC      (1.0f-DFGOAL)
12 static int verb = 1 ;
14 void estimate_blur_map( MRI_IMARR *bmar , byte *mask  , MCW_cluster *nbhd ,
15                         float *fxar     , float *fyar , float *fzar        ) ;
17 #ifdef USE_OMP
18 # include <omp.h>
19 # include "mri_fwhm.c"
20 # include "mri_blur3d_variable.c"
21 #endif
23 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])25 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
26 {
27    int iarg=1 , ii,nvox ;
28    THD_3dim_dataset *bmset=NULL, *inset=NULL, *outset=NULL , *mset=NULL ;
29    char *prefix="./blurto" ;
30    float fwhm_goal=0.0f , fwhm_subgoal ; int fwhm_2D=0 ;
31    MCW_cluster *nbhd=NULL ;
32    byte *mask=NULL ; int mask_nx=0,mask_ny=0,mask_nz=0 , automask=0 , nmask ;
33    int ntype=0 ; float na=0.0f,nb=0.0f,nc=0.0f ;
34    MRI_IMARR *bmar ; MRI_IMAGE *bmed , *bmim ; int ibm ;
35    MRI_IMARR *dsar ; MRI_IMAGE *dsim ;         int ids ;
36    MRI_IMAGE *fxim=NULL , *fyim=NULL , *fzim=NULL ;
37    float     *fxar=NULL , *fyar=NULL , *fzar=NULL ;
38    float dx,dy,dz=0.0f , hx,hy,hz=0.0f , qx,qy,qz=0.0f ;
39    float gx,gy,gz=0.0f , val , maxfxyz , maxfx,maxfy,maxfz ;
40    int   nite , bmeqin=0 , maxite=0 , numfxyz , nd,nblur , xdone,ydone,zdone ;
41    int   xstall , ystall , zstall ;
42    float bx,by,bz ;
43    float last_fwx=0.0f , last_fwy=0.0f , last_fwz=0.0f ;
44    float delt_fwx      , delt_fwy      , delt_fwz      ;
45    char *bsave_prefix=NULL ;
46    THD_fvec3 fw ; int do_acf=0 ;
47    int nbail=0 , xalmost,yalmost,zalmost , xstopped=0,ystopped=0,zstopped=0 ;
48    float blurfac , blurmax=BLURMAX ;
49    float xrat,yrat,zrat , dmin ;
50    int temperize=0 , temper_fx=0, temper_fy=0, temper_fz=0 ;
51    float fx_tbot=0.0f,fx_ttop=0.0f,fy_tbot=0.0f,fy_ttop=0.0f,fz_tbot=0.0f,fz_ttop=0.0f ;
52    float fx_trat=0.0f,fy_trat=0.0f,fz_trat=0.0f ;
53    int bmall=0,do_unif=0 ;           /* 11 Dec 2006 */
54    MRI_IMARR *imar ; MRI_IMAGE *imed, *imad ; float *imedar=NULL, *imadar=NULL, *bar ;
56    int corder_bm=-1 , corder_in=0 ;   /* 04 Jun 2007: detrending */
57    MRI_IMARR *corder_inar=NULL ; MRI_IMAGE *corder_invv ;
58    float **corder_inref=NULL ;
59    int corder_inrefnum=0 ;
61    /*-- help the pitifully ignorant luser? --*/
63    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
64      printf(
65       "Usage: 3dBlurToFWHM [options]\n"
66       "\n"
67       "Blurs a 'master' dataset until it reaches a specified FWHM\n"
68       "smoothness (approximately).  The same blurring schedule is\n"
69       "applied to the input dataset to produce the output.  The goal\n"
70       "is to make the output dataset have the given smoothness, no\n"
71       "matter what smoothness it had on input (however, the program\n"
72       "cannot 'unsmooth' a dataset!).  See below for the METHOD used.\n"
73       "\n"
74       "OPTIONS\n"
75       "-------\n"
76       " -input      ddd = This required 'option' specifies the dataset\n"
77       "                   that will be smoothed and output.\n"
78       " -blurmaster bbb = This option specifies the dataset whose\n"
79       "                   whose smoothness controls the process.\n"
80       "                  **N.B.: If not given, the input dataset is used.\n"
81       "                  **N.B.: This should be one continuous run.\n"
82       "                          Do not input catenated runs!\n"
83       " -prefix     ppp = Prefix for output dataset will be 'ppp'.\n"
84       "                  **N.B.: Output dataset is always in float format.\n"
85       " -mask       mmm = Mask dataset, if desired.  Blurring will\n"
86       "                   occur only within the mask.  Voxels NOT in\n"
87       "                   the mask will be set to zero in the output.\n"
88       " -automask       = Create an automask from the input dataset.\n"
89       "                  **N.B.: Not useful if the input dataset has been\n"
90       "                          detrended or otherwise regressed before input!\n"
91       " -FWHM       f   = Blur until the 3D FWHM is 'f'.\n"
92       " -FWHMxy     f   = Blur until the 2D (x,y)-plane FWHM is 'f'.\n"
93       "                   No blurring is done along the z-axis.\n"
94       "                  **N.B.: Note that you can't REDUCE the smoothness\n"
95       "                          of a dataset.\n"
96       "                  **N.B.: Here, 'x', 'y', and 'z' refer to the\n"
97       "                          grid/slice order as stored in the dataset,\n"
98       "                          not DICOM ordered coordinates!\n"
99       "                  **N.B.: With -FWHMxy, smoothing is done only in the\n"
100       "                          dataset xy-plane.  With -FWHM, smoothing\n"
101       "                          is done in 3D.\n"
102       "                  **N.B.: The actual goal is reached when\n"
103       "                            -FWHM  :  cbrt(FWHMx*FWHMy*FWHMz) >= f\n"
104       "                            -FWHMxy:  sqrt(FWHMx*FWHMy)       >= f\n"
105       "                          That is, when the area or volume of a\n"
106       "                          'resolution element' goes past a threshold.\n"
107       " -quiet            Shut up the verbose progress reports.\n"
108       "                  **N.B.: This should be the first option, to stifle\n"
109       "                          any verbosity from the option processing code.\n"
110       "\n"
111       "FILE RECOMMENDATIONS for -blurmaster:\n"
112       "For FMRI statistical purposes, you DO NOT want the FWHM to reflect\n"
113       "  the spatial structure of the underlying anatomy.  Rather, you want\n"
114       "  the FWHM to reflect the spatial structure of the noise.  This means\n"
115       "  that the -blurmaster dataset should not have anatomical structure.  One\n"
116       "  good form of input is the output of '3dDeconvolve -errts', which is\n"
117       "  the residuals left over after the GLM fitted signal model is subtracted\n"
118       "  out from each voxel's time series.  You can also use the output of\n"
119       "  '3dREMLfit -Rerrts' or '3dREMLfit -Rwherr' for this purpose.\n"
120       "You CAN give a multi-brick EPI dataset as the -blurmaster dataset; the\n"
121       "  dataset will be detrended in time (like the -detrend option in 3dFWHMx)\n"
122       "  which will tend to remove the spatial structure.  This makes it\n"
123       "  practicable to make the input and blurmaster datasets be the same,\n"
124       "  without having to create a detrended or residual dataset beforehand.\n"
125       "  Considering the accuracy of blurring estimates, this is probably good\n"
126       "  enough for government work [that is an insider's joke :-]. \n"
127       "  N.B.: Do not use catenated runs as blurmasters. There should\n"
128       "  be no discontinuities in the time axis of blurmaster, which would\n"
129       "  make the simple regression detrending do peculiar things.\n"
130       "\n"
131       "ALSO SEE:\n"
132       " * 3dFWHMx, which estimates smoothness globally\n"
133       " * 3dLocalstat -stat FWHM, which estimates smoothness locally\n"
134       " * This paper, which discusses the need for a fixed level of smoothness\n"
135       "   when combining FMRI datasets from different scanner platforms:\n"
136       "     Friedman L, Glover GH, Krenz D, Magnotta V; The FIRST BIRN. \n"
137       "     Reducing inter-scanner variability of activation in a multicenter\n"
138       "     fMRI study: role of smoothness equalization.\n"
139       "     Neuroimage. 2006 Oct 1;32(4):1656-68.\n"
140       "\n"
141       "METHOD:\n"
142       "The blurring is done by a conservative finite difference approximation\n"
143       "to the diffusion equation:\n"
144       "  du/dt = d/dx[ D_x(x,y,z) du/dx ] + d/dy[ D_y(x,y,z) du/dy ]\n"
145       "                                   + d/dz[ D_z(x,y,z) du/dz ]\n"
146       "        = div[ D(x,y,z) grad[u(x,y,z)] ]\n"
147       "where diffusion tensor D() is diagonal, Euler time-stepping is used, and\n"
148       "with Neumann (reflecting) boundary conditions at the edges of the mask\n"
149       "(which ensures that voxel data inside and outside the mask don't mix).\n"
150       "* At each pseudo-time step, the FWHM is estimated globally (like '3dFWHMx')\n"
151       "  and locally (like '3dLocalstat -stat FWHM'). Voxels where the local FWHM\n"
152       "  goes past the goal will not be smoothed any more (D gets set to zero).\n"
153       "* When the global smoothness estimate gets close to the goal, the blurring\n"
154       "  rate (pseudo-time step) will be reduced, to avoid over-smoothing.\n"
155       "* When an individual direction's smoothness (e.g., FWHMz) goes past the goal,\n"
156       "  all smoothing in that direction stops, but the other directions continue\n"
157       "  to be smoothed until the overall resolution element goal is achieved.\n"
158       "* When the global FWHM estimate reaches the goal, the program is done.\n"
159       "  It will also stop if progress stalls for some reason, or if the maximum\n"
160       "  iteration count is reached (infinite loops being unpopular).\n"
161       "* The output dataset will NOT have exactly the smoothness you ask for, but\n"
162       "  it will be close (fondly we do hope).  In our Imperial experiments, the\n"
163       "  results (measured via 3dFWHMx) are within 10%% of the goal (usually better).\n"
164       "* 2D blurring via -FWHMxy may increase the smoothness in the z-direction\n"
165       "  reported by 3dFWHMx, even though there is no inter-slice processing.\n"
166       "  At this moment, I'm not sure why.  It may be an estimation artifact due\n"
167       "  to increased correlation in the xy-plane that biases the variance estimates\n"
168       "  used to calculate FWHMz.\n"
169       "\n"
170       "ADVANCED OPTIONS:\n"
171       " -maxite  ccc = Set maximum number of iterations to 'ccc' [Default=variable].\n"
172       " -rate    rrr = The value of 'rrr' should be a number between\n"
173       "                0.05 and 3.5, inclusive.  It is a factor to change\n"
174       "                the overall blurring rate (slower for rrr < 1) and thus\n"
175       "                require more or less blurring steps.  This option should only\n"
176       "                be needed to slow down the program if the it over-smooths\n"
177       "                significantly (e.g., it overshoots the desired FWHM in\n"
178       "                Iteration #1 or #2).  You can increase the speed by using\n"
179       "                rrr > 1, but be careful and examine the output.\n"
180       " -nbhd    nnn = As in 3dLocalstat, specifies the neighborhood\n"
181       "                used to compute local smoothness.\n"
182       "                [Default = 'SPHERE(-4)' in 3D, 'SPHERE(-6)' in 2D]\n"
183       "               ** N.B.: For the 2D -FWHMxy, a 'SPHERE()' nbhd\n"
184       "                        is really a circle in the xy-plane.\n"
185       "               ** N.B.: If you do NOT want to estimate local\n"
186       "                        smoothness, use '-nbhd NULL'.\n"
187       " -ACF or -acf = Use the 'ACF' method (from 3dFWHMx) to estimate\n"
188       "                the global smoothness, rather than the 'classic'\n"
189       "                Forman 1995 method. This option will be somewhat\n"
190       "                slower.  It will also set '-nbhd NULL', since there\n"
191       "                is no local ACF estimation method implemented.\n"
192       " -bsave   bbb = Save the local smoothness estimates at each iteration\n"
193       "                with dataset prefix 'bbb' [for debugging purposes].\n"
194       " -bmall       = Use all blurmaster sub-bricks.\n"
195       "                [Default: a subset will be chosen, for speed]\n"
196       " -unif        = Uniformize the voxel-wise MAD in the blurmaster AND\n"
197       "                input datasets prior to blurring.  Will be restored\n"
198       "                in the output dataset.\n"
199       " -detrend     = Detrend blurmaster dataset to order NT/30 before starting.\n"
200       " -nodetrend   = Turn off detrending of blurmaster.\n"
201       "               ** N.B.: '-detrend' is the new default [05 Jun 2007]!\n"
202       " -detin       = Also detrend input before blurring it, then retrend\n"
203       "                it afterwards. [Off by default]\n"
204       " -temper      = Try harder to make the smoothness spatially uniform.\n"
205       "\n"
206       "-- Author: The Dreaded Emperor Zhark - Nov 2006\n"
207      ) ;
208      PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
209    }
211    /*---- official startup ---*/
213    PRINT_VERSION("3dBlurToFWHM"); mainENTRY("3dBlurToFWHM main"); machdep();
214    AFNI_logger("3dBlurToFWHM",argc,argv);
216    /*---- loop over options ----*/
218    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
220      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nodetrend") == 0 ){        /* 05 Jun 2007 */
221        corder_bm = corder_in = 0 ;
222        iarg++ ; continue ;
223      }
225      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-detin") == 0 ){            /* 05 Jun 2007 */
226        corder_bm = corder_in = -1 ; do_unif = 0 ;
227        iarg++ ; continue ;
228      }
230      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-detrend") == 0 ){          /* 04 Jun 2007 */
231        corder_bm = -1 ; do_unif = 0 ;
232        iarg++ ; continue ;
233      }
235      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-rate") == 0 ){
236        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-rate'") ;
237        val = (float)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
238        if( val >= 0.05f && val <= 3.555f ) blurmax = BLURMAX * val ;
239        else ERROR_exit("Illegal value after '-rate': '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
240        iarg++ ; continue ;
241      }
243      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-q",2) == 0 ){
244        verb = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
245      }
246      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",4) == 0 ){
247        verb = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
248      }
250      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-bmal",5) == 0 ){
251        bmall = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
252      }
254      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-unif",4) == 0 ){
255        do_unif = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
256      }
257      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-nounif",6) == 0 ){
258        do_unif = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
259      }
261      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-temper",6) == 0 ){
262        temperize = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
263      }
265      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-maxite") == 0 ){
266        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-maxite'") ;
267        maxite = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
268        if( maxite <= 0 ) maxite = 666 ;
269        iarg++ ; continue ;
270      }
272      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dset") == 0 ){
273        if( inset != NULL  ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two -input options") ;
274        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-input'") ;
275        inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] );
276        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(inset,argv[iarg]) ;
277        iarg++ ; continue ;
278      }
280      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-blurm",6) == 0 ){
281        if( bmset != NULL  ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two -blurmaster options") ;
282        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-blurmaster'") ;
283        bmset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
284        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(bmset,argv[iarg]) ;
285        iarg++ ; continue ;
286      }
288      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
289        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-prefix'") ;
290        prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
291        if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("Bad name after '-prefix'") ;
292        iarg++ ; continue ;
293      }
295      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-bsave") == 0 ){
296        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-bsave'") ;
297        bsave_prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
298        if( !THD_filename_ok(bsave_prefix) ) ERROR_exit("Bad name after '-bsave'") ;
299        iarg++ ; continue ;
300      }
302      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
303        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'") ;
304        if( mask != NULL || automask ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two mask inputs") ;
305        mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
306        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mset,argv[iarg]) ;
307        DSET_load(mset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset) ;
308        mask_nx = DSET_NX(mset); mask_ny = DSET_NY(mset); mask_nz = DSET_NZ(mset);
309        mask = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 0.5f, 0.0f ) ; DSET_unload(mset) ;
310        if( mask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't make mask from dataset '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
311        nmask = THD_countmask( mask_nx*mask_ny*mask_nz , mask ) ;
312        if( verb ) INFO_message("Number of voxels in mask = %d",nmask) ;
313        if( nmask < 333 ) ERROR_exit("Mask is too small to process") ;
314        iarg++ ; continue ;
315      }
317      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-automask") == 0 ){
318        if( mask != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't have -automask and -mask") ;
319        automask = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
320      }
322      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-acf") == 0 ){  /* 30 Dec 2015 */
323        do_acf++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;
324      }
326      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nbhd") == 0 ){
327        char *cpt ;
328        if( ntype  >  0    ) ERROR_exit("Can't have 2 '-nbhd' options") ;
329        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-nbhd'") ;
331        cpt = argv[iarg] ;
332        if( strncasecmp(cpt,"SPHERE",6) == 0 ){
333          sscanf( cpt+7 , "%f" , &na ) ;
334          if( na == 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Can't have a SPHERE of radius 0") ;
335          ntype = NTYPE_SPHERE ;
336        } else if( strncasecmp(cpt,"RECT",4) == 0 ){
337          sscanf( cpt+5 , "%f,%f,%f" , &na,&nb,&nc ) ;
338          if( na == 0.0f && nb == 0.0f && nc == 0.0f )
339            ERROR_exit("'RECT(0,0,0)' is not a legal neighborhood") ;
340          ntype = NTYPE_RECT ;
341        } else if( strcasecmp(cpt,"NULL") == 0 || *cpt == '0' ){
342          ntype = NTYPE_NULL ;
343        } else {
344           ERROR_exit("Unknown -nbhd shape: '%s'",cpt) ;
345        }
346        iarg++ ; continue ;
347      }
349      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-FWHM") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-FHWM") == 0 ){
350        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
351        val = (float)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
352        if( val <= 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Illegal value after '%s': '%s'",
353                                     argv[iarg-1],argv[iarg]) ;
354        fwhm_goal = val ; fwhm_2D = 0 ;
355        iarg++ ; continue ;
356      }
358      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-FWHMxy") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-FHWMxy") == 0 ){
359        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
360        val = (float)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
361        if( val <= 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Illegal value after '%s': '%s'",
362                                     argv[iarg-1],argv[iarg]) ;
363        fwhm_goal = val ; fwhm_2D = 1 ;
364        iarg++ ; continue ;
365      }
367      ERROR_exit("Unknown option '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
369    } /*--- end of loop over options ---*/
371    /*----- check for stupid inputs, load datasets, et cetera -----*/
373    if( do_acf ) ntype = NTYPE_NULL ;  /* 30 Dec 2015 */
375    if( fwhm_goal == 0.0f )
376      ERROR_exit("No -FWHM option given! What do you want?") ;
378    fwhm_subgoal = 0.95f*fwhm_goal ;  /* stop one axis if it gets 95% of the way */
379                                      /* while the other axes need to catch up   */
380    blurfac      = blurmax ;
382    if( inset == NULL ){
383      if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("No input dataset on command line?") ;
384      inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
385      CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(inset,argv[iarg]) ;
386    }
387    nvox = DSET_NVOX(inset)     ;
388    dx   = fabs(DSET_DX(inset)) ; if( dx == 0.0f ) dx = 1.0f ;
389    dy   = fabs(DSET_DY(inset)) ; if( dy == 0.0f ) dy = 1.0f ;
390    dz   = fabs(DSET_DZ(inset)) ; if( dz == 0.0f ) dz = 1.0f ;
391    dmin = MIN(dx,dy) ; if( !fwhm_2D ) dmin = MIN(dmin,dz) ;
392    xrat = dmin/dx ; xrat = xrat*xrat ;
393    yrat = dmin/dy ; yrat = yrat*yrat ;
394    zrat = dmin/dz ; zrat = zrat*zrat ;
396    if( bmset == NULL ){
397      bmset = inset ; bmeqin = 1 ;
398      if( verb ) INFO_message("Using input dataset as blurmaster") ;
399    }
401    if( DSET_NX(inset) != DSET_NX(bmset) ||
402        DSET_NY(inset) != DSET_NY(bmset) ||
403        DSET_NZ(inset) != DSET_NZ(bmset)   )
404      ERROR_exit("-blurmaster dataset grid doesn't match input dataset") ;
406    if( DSET_NZ(inset) == 1 && !fwhm_2D ){
407      WARNING_message("Dataset is 2D ==> switching from -FWHM to -FWHMxy") ;
408      fwhm_2D = 1 ;
409    }
411    if( maxite <= 0 ){
412      if( fwhm_2D ) maxite = (int)( 66.6 * fwhm_goal / sqrt(dx*dy) ) ;
413      else          maxite = (int)( 66.6 * fwhm_goal / cbrt(dx*dy*dz) ) ;
414      if( maxite < 66 ) maxite = 66 ;
415      INFO_message("Max number iterations set to %d",maxite) ;
416    }
418    /*--- deal with mask or automask ---*/
420    if( mask != NULL ){
421      if( mask_nx != DSET_NX(inset) ||
422          mask_ny != DSET_NY(inset) ||
423          mask_nz != DSET_NZ(inset)   )
425        ERROR_exit("-mask dataset grid doesn't match input dataset") ;
427    } else if( automask ){
428      mask = THD_automask( inset ) ;
429      if( mask == NULL )
430        ERROR_message("Can't create -automask from input dataset?") ;
431      nmask = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(inset) , mask ) ;
432      if( verb ) INFO_message("Number of voxels in automask = %d (out of %d total)",
433                              nmask,DSET_NVOX(inset));
434      if( nmask < 333 ) ERROR_exit("Automask is too small to process") ;
436    } else {
437      mask = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nvox) ; nmask = nvox ;
438      memset(mask,1,sizeof(byte)*nvox) ;
439      if( verb ) INFO_message("No mask ==> processing all %d voxels",nvox);
440    }
442    /*---- create neighborhood -----*/
444    if( ntype == 0 ){
445      ntype = NTYPE_SPHERE ; na = (fwhm_2D) ? -6.0f : -4.0f ;
446      if( verb ) INFO_message("Using default neighborhood 'SPHERE(%.1f)'",na);
447    }
449    switch( ntype ){
450      default:
451        ERROR_exit("WTF?  ntype=%d",ntype) ;   /* should not happen */
453      case NTYPE_NULL: nbhd = NULL ; break ;
455      case NTYPE_SPHERE:{
456        float ddx , ddy , ddz ;
457        if( na < 0.0f ){ ddx = ddy = ddz = 1.0f ; na = -na ; }
458        else           { ddx = dx ; ddy = dy ; ddz = dz ;    }
459        if( fwhm_2D ) ddz = 1.e+10 ;   /* 2D only */
460        nbhd = MCW_spheremask( ddx,ddy,ddz , na ) ;
461      }
462      break ;
464      case NTYPE_RECT:{
465        float ddx , ddy , ddz ;
466        if( na < 0.0f ){ ddx = 1.0f; na = -na; } else ddx = dx ;
467        if( nb < 0.0f ){ ddy = 1.0f; nb = -nb; } else ddy = dy ;
468        if( nc < 0.0f ){ ddz = 1.0f; nc = -nc; } else ddz = dz ;
469        nbhd = MCW_rectmask( ddx,ddy,ddz , na,nb,nc ) ;
470      }
471      break ;
472    }
474    if( nbhd != NULL ){
475      if( verb || nbhd->num_pt < 19)
476        INFO_message("Neighborhood comprises %d voxels",nbhd->num_pt) ;
477      if( nbhd->num_pt < 19 )
478        ERROR_exit("FWHM estimation requires neighborhood of at least 19 voxels!") ;
479    } else {
480      if( bsave_prefix != NULL ){
481        WARNING_message("Option '-bsave' means nothing with '-nbhd NULL'") ;
482        bsave_prefix = NULL ;
483      }
484      if( temperize ){
485        WARNING_message("Option '-temper' means nothing with '-nbhd NULL'") ;
486        temperize = 0 ;
487      }
488    }
490    /*--- process blurmaster dataset to produce blur master image array ---*/
492    DSET_load(bmset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(bmset) ;
493    INIT_IMARR(bmar) ;
495    if( corder_bm ) do_unif = 0 ;
496    if( corder_bm < 0 ) corder_bm = DSET_NVALS(bmset) / 30 ;
497 #if 0
498    if( corder_bm > 0 && 2*corder_bm+3 >= DSET_NVALS(bmset) )
499      ERROR_exit("-corder %d is too big for blurmaster dataset",corder_bm) ;
500 #endif
502    if( DSET_NVALS(bmset) == 1 ){
504      bmed = THD_median_brick(bmset) ;   /* scaled to floats, if need be */
505      if( mri_allzero(bmed) )
506        ERROR_exit("blurmaster dataset has 1 sub-brick, which is all zero!") ;
507      ADDTO_IMARR(bmar,bmed) ;
508      if( do_unif )
509        WARNING_message("Can't apply -unif: only 1 sub-brick in blurmaster dataset") ;
510      else if( corder_bm > 0 ){
511        WARNING_message("Can't apply -detrend: only 1 sub-brick in blurmaster dataset") ;
512        corder_bm = 0 ;
513      }
515    } else {
517      MRI_IMAGE *smed ;
518      float *mar , *sar ;
519      int ntouse , nvb=DSET_NVALS(bmset) , ibot , idel , nzs ;
520      int *az=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nvb) , naz=0 , jbm , jj ;
522      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvb ; jj++ ){
523        az[jj] = mri_allzero(DSET_BRICK(bmset,jj)); if( az[jj] ) naz++;
524      }
525      if( corder_bm > 0 && naz > 0 ){                       /* 04 Nov 2008 */
526        corder_bm = 0 ;
527        WARNING_message("blurmaster detrend disabled: %d all zero sub-bricks found",naz) ;
528      }
530      if( corder_bm > 0 ){                                  /*--- 04 Jun 2007 ---*/
531        int nref=2*corder_bm+3, iv,kk ;
532        float **ref , tm,fac,fq ;
533        THD_3dim_dataset *newset ;
534        INFO_message("detrending blurmaster: %d ref funcs, %d time points",nref,nvb) ;
536        ref = THD_build_trigref( corder_bm , nvb ) ;
537        if( ref == NULL ) ERROR_exit("THD_build_trigref failed!") ;
539        newset = THD_detrend_dataset( bmset, nref,ref , 2,1 , mask , NULL ) ;
540        if( newset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("detrending failed!?") ;
542        if( !bmeqin ) DSET_delete(bmset) ;
543        bmset = newset ;
544        ININFO_message("detrending of blurmaster complete") ;
546        for( jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ ) free(ref[jj]) ;
547        free(ref) ;
548      }
550      imar = THD_medmad_bricks(bmset) ;
551      bmed = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,0) ;        /* 11 Dec 2006: -do_unif: */
552      smed = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,1) ;        /* normalize each voxel   */
553      mar  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bmed) ;        /* by 1/MAD, to allow for */
554      sar  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(smed) ;        /* spatial variability    */
556      for( nzs=ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )                 /* 10 May 2007 */
557        if( mask[ii] && sar[ii] == 0.0f ){ mask[ii] = 0; nzs++ ; }
558      if( nzs > 0 )
559        INFO_message("Removed %d voxels with 0 MAD in blurmaster from mask",nzs) ;
561      if( do_unif )
562        for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( sar[ii] != 0.0f ) sar[ii] = 1.0/sar[ii] ;
564      if( nbhd != NULL ){
565        ntouse = (int)ceil(9999.9999/nbhd->num_pt) ;
566        ntouse = MAX(2,ntouse) ;
567        ntouse = MIN(nvb,ntouse) ;
568      } else {
569        ntouse = MIN(nvb,32) ;
570      }
571      if( bmall ) ntouse = nvb ;
572      idel = nvb / ntouse ;
573      ibot = (nvb-1 - idel*(ntouse-1)) / 2 ;
574      if( verb ) INFO_message("Using blurmaster sub-bricks [%d..%d(%d)]",
575                              ibot,ibot+(ntouse-1)*idel,idel);
576      for( ibm=ibot ; ibm < nvb && IMARR_COUNT(bmar) < ntouse  ; ibm+=idel ){
577        jbm = ibm ;
578        if( az[jbm] ){
579          if( idel == 1 ){
580            WARNING_message("skip blurmaster sub-brick #%d because it is all zero",ibm) ;
581            continue ;
582          }
583          for( jbm=ibm-1 ; jbm >= 0 && jbm > ibm-idel && az[jbm] ; jbm-- ) ; /*nada*/
584          if( jbm < 0 || jbm == ibm-idel || az[jbm] ){
585            WARNING_message("skip blurmaster sub-brick #%d because it is all zero",ibm) ;
586            continue ;
587          }
588          if( verb )
589            INFO_message("replace blurmaster all zero sub-brick #%d with #%d",ibm,jbm) ;
590        }
591        bmim = mri_scale_to_float(DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(bmset,jbm),DSET_BRICK(bmset,jbm));
592        bar  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bmim) ;
593        if( do_unif )
594          for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) bar[ii] = (bar[ii]-mar[ii])*sar[ii] ;
595        else if( corder_bm == 0 )
596          for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) bar[ii] = bar[ii]-mar[ii] ;
597        ADDTO_IMARR(bmar,bmim) ;
598        if( !bmeqin ) DSET_unload_one(bmset,jbm) ;
599      }
600      DESTROY_IMARR(imar) ;  /* median and MAD bricks */
601      free(az) ;
602      if( IMARR_COUNT(bmar) == 0 )
603        ERROR_exit("Can't create blurmaster subset collection? Help me, Mr. Wizard!") ;
604    }
606    { MRI_IMAGE *bbim = IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,0) ;   /* 30 Dec 2015 */
607      bbim->dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(bmset)) ;
608      bbim->dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(bmset)) ;
609      bbim->dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(bmset)) ;
610    }
612    if( !bmeqin ) DSET_unload(bmset) ;
613    for( ibm=0 ; ibm < IMARR_COUNT(bmar) ; ibm++ ){
614      IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,ibm)->dx = dx ;
615      IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,ibm)->dy = dy ;
616      IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,ibm)->dz = dz ;
617    }
619    /*--- pre-process input dataset ---*/
621 #if 1
622    if( corder_in < 0 ) corder_in = DSET_NVALS(inset) / 30 ;
623 #else
624    corder_in = 0 ;
625 #endif
627    DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;
629    outset = EDIT_empty_copy( inset ) ;   /* moved here 04 Jun 2007 */
630    EDIT_dset_items( outset , ADN_prefix , prefix , ADN_none ) ;
631    EDIT_dset_items( outset , ADN_brick_fac , NULL , ADN_none ) ;  /* 11 Sep 2007 */
632    tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
633    tross_Make_History( "3dBlurToFWHM" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
635    if( corder_in > 0 ){  /* 04 Jun 2007 -- detrend input (but don't scale) */
637      int jj,iv,kk , nvi = DSET_NVALS(inset) , nzs ;
638      float tm,fac,fq , *vv,*ww , vmed ;
639      THD_3dim_dataset *newset ;
641      corder_inrefnum = 2*corder_in+3 ;
642      INFO_message("detrending input: %d ref funcs, %d time points",corder_inrefnum,nvi) ;
644      corder_inref = THD_build_trigref( corder_in , nvi ) ;
645      if( corder_inref == NULL ) ERROR_exit("THD_build_trigref failed!") ;
647      newset = THD_detrend_dataset( inset, corder_inrefnum,corder_inref ,
648                                    2,0 , mask , &corder_inar ) ;
649      if( newset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("detrending failed!?") ;
650      corder_invv = IMARR_SUBIM(corder_inar,corder_inrefnum) ;
651      vv = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(corder_invv) ;
652      ww = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvox) ;
653      for( ii=jj=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( mask[ii] ) ww[jj++] = vv[ii] ;
654      vmed = 0.05 * qmed_float(jj,ww) ; free(ww) ;
655      for( nzs=ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
656        if( mask[ii] && vv[ii] < vmed ){ mask[ii] = 0; nzs++ ; }
657      if( nzs > 0 )
658        INFO_message("Removed %d voxels with small input stdev from mask",nzs) ;
660      DSET_delete(inset) ; inset = newset ;
661      ININFO_message("detrending of input complete") ;
663    } else if( do_unif ){
665      int nvi = DSET_NVALS(inset) ;
666      if( nvi < 3 ){
667        WARNING_message(
668          "Can't apply -unif: only %d sub-brick%s in input dataset" ,
669          nvi , (nvi==1) ? "\0" : "s" ) ;
670        do_unif = 0 ;
671      } else {
672        imar = THD_medmad_bricks(inset) ;
673        imed = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,0) ; imedar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imed) ;
674        imad = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,1) ; imadar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imad) ;
675        for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
676          if( imadar[ii] != 0.0f ) imadar[ii] = 1.0f/imadar[ii] ;
677      }
678    }
679    INIT_IMARR(dsar) ;
680    for( ids=0 ; ids < DSET_NVALS(inset) ; ids++ ){
681      dsim = mri_scale_to_float(DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(inset,ids),DSET_BRICK(inset,ids));
682      if( do_unif ){
683        bar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(dsim) ;
684        for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) bar[ii] = (bar[ii]-imedar[ii])*imadar[ii] ;
685      }
686      ADDTO_IMARR(dsar,dsim) ; DSET_unload_one(inset,ids) ;
687    }
688    if( do_unif ){
689      for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
690        if( imadar[ii] != 0.0f ) imadar[ii] = 1.0f/imadar[ii] ;
691    }
692    DSET_unload(inset) ;
693    for( ids=0 ; ids < IMARR_COUNT(dsar) ; ids++ ){
694      IMARR_SUBIM(dsar,ids)->dx = dx ;
695      IMARR_SUBIM(dsar,ids)->dy = dy ;
696      IMARR_SUBIM(dsar,ids)->dz = dz ;
697    }
699    /*--- make arrays for FWHM estimates and then diffusion parameters ---*/
701    numfxyz = 0 ;
702    fxim = mri_new_conforming( IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,0) , MRI_float ) ;
703    fxar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fxim) ;
704    gx   = fwhm_goal - 0.011f*dx ; numfxyz++ ;
705    hx   = 0.8f*gx ; qx = 1.0f/(gx-hx) ;
707    fyim = mri_new_conforming( IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,0) , MRI_float ) ;
708    fyar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fyim) ;
709    gy   = fwhm_goal - 0.011f*dy ; numfxyz++ ;
710    hy   = 0.8f*gy ; qy = 1.0f/(gy-hy) ;
712    if( !fwhm_2D ){
713      fzim = mri_new_conforming( IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,0) , MRI_float ) ;
714      fzar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fzim) ;
715      gz   = fwhm_goal - 0.011f*dz ; numfxyz++ ;
716      hz   = 0.8f*gz ; qz = 1.0f/(gz-hz) ;
717    }
718    maxfxyz    = blurfac / numfxyz ;  /* maximum lambda */
719 #if 1
720    if( do_acf ) fwhm_goal *= 0.985f ;  /* fudge factor */
721 #endif
723    /*----------- Do the work:
724                    estimate smoothness of blur master
725                      - exit loop when all done
726                    set up incremental blurring parameters
727                    blur the master and the input
728                    loop back to top                       --------------*/
730    for( nite=1 ; nite <= maxite ; nite++ ){
732      /*--- global smoothness estimation into bx,by,bz ---*/
734      if( !do_acf ){  /* the old way */
735        fw = mriarr_estimate_FWHM_1dif( bmar , mask , do_unif ) ;
736        UNLOAD_FVEC3(fw,bx,by,bz) ;
737      } else {        /* the ACF way [30 Dec 2015] */
738        bx = mriarr_estimate_FWHM_acf( bmar, mask, do_unif, 3.0f*fwhm_goal ) ;
739        by = bz = bx ;  /* spherical assumption */
740      }
742      if( bx <= 0.0f ) bx = dx ;  /* should not happen */
743      if( by <= 0.0f ) by = dy ;
744      if( bz <= 0.0f ) bz = dz ;
746      /*--- test for progress towards our goal ---*/
748      if( fwhm_2D ){                 /*-- 2D work --*/
749        val = (float)sqrt(bx*by) ;
750        if( verb )
751          INFO_message("-- Iteration #%d: 2D FWHMx=%.4f FWHMy=%.4f sqrt()=%.4f",
752                       nite,bx,by,val) ;
753        if( val >= fwhm_goal ){
754          if( verb ){
755            if( !do_acf )
756              INFO_message("** Passes 2D threshold sqrt(FWHMx*FWHMy) ==> done!");
757            else
758              INFO_message("** Passes 2D threshold for ACF FWHM ==> done!");
759          }
760          break;
761        }
762        if( nite > 3 && bx < last_fwx && by < last_fwy ){  /* negative progress? */
763          nbail++ ;
764          if( nbail == BAILOUT ){
765            if( verb ) INFO_message("** Bailing out for sluggish progress!") ;
766            break ;
767          } else {
768            if( verb ) INFO_message("** Progress is slow for some reason?!") ;
769          }
770        } else nbail = 0 ;
771        xdone   = (bx >= fwhm_goal) ;  /* is x done? */
772        ydone   = (by >= fwhm_goal) ;  /* is y done? */
773        zdone   = 1 ;
774        xalmost = (!xdone && bx >= DFGOALC*fwhm_goal) ;  /* is x 80% done? */
775        yalmost = (!ydone && by >= DFGOALC*fwhm_goal) ;  /* is y 80% done? */
776        zalmost = 0 ;
777        xstall  = (!xdone && (bx < last_fwx && nbail==BAILOUT)) ;  /* is x going backwards? */
778        ystall  = (!ydone && (by < last_fwy && nbail==BAILOUT)) ;  /* is y going backwards? */
779        zstall  = 1 ;
780      } else {                       /*--- 3D work ---*/
781        val = (float)cbrt(bx*by*bz) ;
782        if( verb ){
783          if( !do_acf )
784            INFO_message("-- Iteration #%d: 3D FWHMx=%.4f FWHMy=%.4f FWHMz=%.4f cbrt()=%.4f",
785                         nite,bx,by,bz,val) ;
786          else
787            INFO_message("-- Iteration #%d: 3D ACF FWHM=%.4f",nite,val) ;
788        }
789        if( val >= fwhm_goal ){
790          if( verb ){
791            if( !do_acf ){
792              INFO_message("** Passes 3D threshold cbrt(FWHMx*FWHMy*FWHMz) ==> done!");
793            } else {
794              INFO_message("** Passes 3D threshold for ACF FWHM ==> done!") ;
795            }
796          }
797          break;
798        }
799        if( nite > 3 && bx < last_fwx && by < last_fwy && bz < last_fwz ){  /* negative progress? */
800          nbail++ ;
801          if( nbail == BAILOUT ){
802            if( verb ) INFO_message("** Bailing out for sluggish progress!") ;
803            break ;
804          } else {
805            if( verb ) INFO_message("** Progress is slow for some reason?!") ;
806          }
807        } else nbail = 0 ;
808        xdone   = (bx >= fwhm_goal) ;                     /* is x done? */
809        ydone   = (by >= fwhm_goal) ;                     /* is y done? */
810        zdone   = (bz >= fwhm_goal) ;                     /* is z done? */
811        xalmost = (!xdone && bx >= DFGOALC*fwhm_goal) ;   /* is x 80% done? */
812        yalmost = (!ydone && by >= DFGOALC*fwhm_goal) ;   /* is y 80% done? */
813        zalmost = (!zdone && bz >= DFGOALC*fwhm_goal) ;   /* is z 80% done? */
814        xstall  = (!xdone && (bx < last_fwx && nbail==BAILOUT)) ; /* is x going backwards? */
815        ystall  = (!ydone && (by < last_fwy && nbail==BAILOUT)) ; /* is y going backwards? */
816        zstall  = (!zdone && (bz < last_fwz && nbail==BAILOUT)) ; /* is z going backwards? */
817      }
819      /* these cases should not happen, but just in case ... */
820      if( xdone && ydone && zdone ){
821        if( verb ) INFO_message("** All axes done!") ;
822        break ;
823      }
824      if( xstall && ystall && zstall ){
825        if( verb ) INFO_message("** All axes stalled ==> quitting in disgust") ;
826        break ;
827      }
829      /** if one axis is very close but others still need work, stop that one now **/
831      if( fwhm_2D && !xdone && !ydone ){
832             if( by > 1.01f*bx && by >= fwhm_subgoal ) ydone = 1;  /* stop y */
833        else if( bx > 1.01f*by && bx >= fwhm_subgoal ) xdone = 1;  /* stop y */
834      } else if( !fwhm_2D && !xdone && !ydone && !zdone ){
835             if( bz > 1.01f*by && bz > 1.01f*bx && bz >= fwhm_subgoal ) zdone = 1; /* stop z */
836        else if( by > 1.01f*bx && by > 1.01f*bz && by >= fwhm_subgoal ) ydone = 1; /* stop y */
837        else if( bx > 1.01f*by && bx > 1.01f*bz && bx >= fwhm_subgoal ) xdone = 1; /* stop x */
838      }
840      /** if global blurring is going too fast
841          (more than 20% progress per iteration), slow it down **/
843      if( nite > 1 ){
844        float bfac=1.0f , dfg=DFGOAL*fwhm_goal ;
845        delt_fwx = bx-last_fwx; delt_fwy = by-last_fwy; delt_fwz = bz-last_fwz;
846        if( !xdone && !xstall && delt_fwx > 0.0f && (val=dfg/delt_fwx) < 1.0f )
847          bfac = MIN( bfac , val ) ;
848        if( !ydone && !ystall && delt_fwy > 0.0f && (val=dfg/delt_fwy) < 1.0f )
849          bfac = MIN( bfac , val ) ;
850        if( !zdone && !zstall && delt_fwz > 0.0f && (val=dfg/delt_fwz) < 1.0f )
851          bfac = MIN( bfac , val ) ;
852        bfac = MAX(0.123f,bfac) ; blurfac *= bfac ;
853        maxfxyz = blurfac / numfxyz ;
854        if( bfac < 0.999f )
855          if( verb )
856            ININFO_message(" Slowing overall blur rate by factor of %.3f",bfac) ;
857      }
859      /** if near the goal in any direction, slow that direction's blurring down **/
861      maxfx = maxfxyz * xrat ;
862      if( xdone || xstall ){
863        maxfx = 0.0f; xstopped = 1;
864        if( verb ) ININFO_message(" x-blur is stopped");
865      } else if( xalmost ){
866        val = (nite==1) ? 0.123f : sqrt((fwhm_goal-bx)/(DFGOAL*fwhm_goal)) ;
867        if( val >= 0.0f && val < 0.999f ){
868          val = MAX(0.09f,val) ;
869          if( verb ) ININFO_message(" Slowing x-blur rate by factor of %.3f",val) ;
870          maxfx *= val ;
871        }
872      }
874      maxfy = maxfxyz * yrat ;
875      if( ydone || ystall ){
876        maxfy = 0.0f; ystopped = 1;
877        if( verb ) ININFO_message(" y-blur is stopped");
878      } else if( yalmost ){
879        val = (nite==1) ? 0.123f : sqrt((fwhm_goal-by)/(DFGOAL*fwhm_goal)) ;
880        if( val >= 0.0f && val < 0.999f ){
881          val = MAX(0.09f,val) ;
882          if( verb ) ININFO_message(" Slowing y-blur rate by factor of %.3f",val) ;
883          maxfy *= val ;
884        }
885      }
887      maxfz = maxfxyz * zrat ;
888      if( zdone || zstall ){
889        maxfz = 0.0f ; zstopped = 1;
890        if( !fwhm_2D && verb ) ININFO_message(" z-blur is stopped");
891      } else if( zalmost ){
892        val = (nite==1) ? 0.123f : sqrt((fwhm_goal-bz)/(DFGOAL*fwhm_goal)) ;
893        if( val >= 0.0f && val < 0.999f ){
894          val = MAX(0.09f,val) ;
895          if( verb ) ININFO_message(" Slowing z-blur rate by factor of %.3f",val) ;
896          maxfz *= val ;
897        }
898      }
900      last_fwx = bx; last_fwy = by; last_fwz = bz;
902      /*--- blur map estimation (within each nbhd) ---*/
904      if( nbhd != NULL ){
905        if( verb ) ININFO_message(" Estimate smoothness in each voxel's nbhd") ;
906        estimate_blur_map( bmar , mask,nbhd , fxar,fyar,fzar ) ;
908        /*--- Save blur maps for debuggers? ---*/
910        if( bsave_prefix != NULL ){
911          char bp[1024]; THD_3dim_dataset *bset; float *qqq;
912          { float *bbb=MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,0) ) ;
913            qqq = malloc(sizeof(float)*nvox); memcpy(qqq,bbb,sizeof(float)*nvox);
914            bset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset); sprintf(bp,"%s_%04d_bm",bsave_prefix,nite);
915            EDIT_dset_items( bset, ADN_prefix,bp, ADN_nvals,1, ADN_ntt,0, ADN_none );
916            EDIT_substitute_brick( bset , 0 , MRI_float , qqq ) ;
917            EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( bset , 0 , "Bmar0" ) ;
918            DSET_write(bset) ; WROTE_DSET(bset) ; DSET_delete(bset) ;
919          }
920          if( fxar != NULL ){
921            qqq = malloc(sizeof(float)*nvox); memcpy(qqq,fxar,sizeof(float)*nvox);
922            bset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset); sprintf(bp,"%s_%04dx",bsave_prefix,nite);
923            EDIT_dset_items( bset, ADN_prefix,bp, ADN_nvals,1, ADN_ntt,0, ADN_none );
924            EDIT_substitute_brick( bset , 0 , MRI_float , qqq ) ;
925            EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( bset , 0 , "FWHMx" ) ;
926            DSET_write(bset) ; WROTE_DSET(bset) ; DSET_delete(bset) ;
927          }
928          if( fyar != NULL ){
929            qqq = malloc(sizeof(float)*nvox); memcpy(qqq,fyar,sizeof(float)*nvox);
930            bset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset); sprintf(bp,"%s_%04dy",bsave_prefix,nite);
931            EDIT_dset_items( bset, ADN_prefix,bp, ADN_nvals,1, ADN_ntt,0, ADN_none );
932            EDIT_substitute_brick( bset , 0 , MRI_float , qqq ) ;
933            EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( bset , 0 , "FWHMy" ) ;
934            DSET_write(bset) ; WROTE_DSET(bset) ; DSET_delete(bset) ;
935          }
936          if( fzar != NULL ){
937            qqq = malloc(sizeof(float)*nvox); memcpy(qqq,fzar,sizeof(float)*nvox);
938            bset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset); sprintf(bp,"%s_%04dz",bsave_prefix,nite);
939            EDIT_dset_items( bset, ADN_prefix,bp, ADN_nvals,1, ADN_ntt,0, ADN_none );
940            EDIT_substitute_brick( bset , 0 , MRI_float , qqq ) ;
941            EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( bset , 0 , "FWHMz" ) ;
942            DSET_write(bset) ; WROTE_DSET(bset) ; DSET_delete(bset) ;
943          }
944        }
946        /*--- compute local blurring parameters where needed ---*/
948        /* temper the blurring rate depending on the local smoothness? */
950 #undef  TB
951 #undef  TT
952 #undef  TR
953 #define TB 0.8f
954 #define TT 0.2f
955 #define TR 0.05f
956        if( temperize ){
957          float_pair qp; MRI_IMAGE *qim; float *qar; int ng;
958          temper_fx = temper_fy = temper_fz = 0 ;
959          if( fxim != NULL && !xstopped ){
960            for( ii=ng=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
961              if( mask[ii] == 1 && fxar[ii] > 0.0f && fxar[ii] < gx ) ng++ ;
962            if( ng >= 666 ){
963              qim = mri_new_vol( ng,1,1 , MRI_float ); qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim);
964              for( ii=ng=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
965                if( mask[ii] == 1 && fxar[ii] > 0.0f && fxar[ii] < gx )
966                  qar[ng++] = fxar[ii] ;
967              qp = mri_twoquantiles( qim , 0.15f , 0.85f ) ;
968              fx_tbot = qp.a ; fx_ttop = qp.b ; mri_free(qim) ;
969              fx_trat = fx_ttop - fx_tbot ;
970              temper_fx = (fx_trat > 0.0f) && (fx_trat > TR*gx) ;
971              if( temper_fx ) fx_trat = TB / fx_trat ;
972              if( verb ) ININFO_message(" temper x: %.4f .. %.4f %s",
973                                        fx_tbot,fx_ttop,temper_fx?"ON":"OFF") ;
974            }
975          }
976          if( fyim != NULL && !ystopped ){
977            for( ii=ng=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
978              if( mask[ii] == 1 && fyar[ii] > 0.0f && fyar[ii] < gy ) ng++ ;
979            if( ng >= 666 ){
980              qim = mri_new_vol( ng,1,1 , MRI_float ); qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim);
981              for( ii=ng=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
982                if( mask[ii] == 1 && fyar[ii] > 0.0f && fyar[ii] < gy )
983                  qar[ng++] = fyar[ii] ;
984              qp = mri_twoquantiles( qim , 0.15f , 0.85f ) ;
985              fy_tbot = qp.a ; fy_ttop = qp.b ; mri_free(qim) ;
986              fy_trat = fy_ttop - fy_tbot ;
987              temper_fy = (fy_trat > 0.0f) && (fy_trat > TR*gy) ;
988              if( verb ) ININFO_message(" temper y: %.4f .. %.4f %s",
989                                        fy_tbot,fy_ttop,temper_fy?"ON":"OFF") ;
990            }
991          }
992          if( fzim != NULL && !zstopped ){
993            for( ii=ng=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
994              if( mask[ii] == 1 && fzar[ii] > 0.0f && fzar[ii] < gz ) ng++ ;
995            if( ng >= 666 ){
996              qim = mri_new_vol( ng,1,1 , MRI_float ); qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim);
997              for( ii=ng=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
998                if( mask[ii] == 1 && fzar[ii] > 0.0f && fzar[ii] < gz )
999                  qar[ng++] = fzar[ii] ;
1000              qp = mri_twoquantiles( qim , 0.15f , 0.85f ) ;
1001              fz_tbot = qp.a ; fz_ttop = qp.b ; mri_free(qim) ;
1002              fz_trat = fz_ttop - fz_tbot ;
1003              temper_fz = (fz_trat > 0.0f) && (fz_trat > TR*gz) ;
1004              if( verb ) ININFO_message(" temper z: %.4f .. %.4f %s",
1005                                        fz_tbot,fz_ttop,temper_fz?"ON":"OFF") ;
1006            }
1007          }
1008        }
1010        nblur = 0 ;
1011        for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
1012          if( mask[ii] == 1 ){
1013            nd = 0 ;
1014            if( fxar != NULL ){
1015              if( fxar[ii] <= 0.0f || fxar[ii] >= gx )
1016                fxar[ii] = 0.0f ;
1017              else if( !temper_fx )
1018                fxar[ii] = (fxar[ii] <= hx) ? maxfx : maxfx*qx*(gx-fxar[ii]) ;
1019              else if( fxar[ii] <= fx_tbot )
1020                fxar[ii] = maxfx ;
1021              else if( fxar[ii] >= fx_ttop )
1022                fxar[ii] = TT*maxfx ;
1023              else
1024                fxar[ii] = (TT+fx_trat*(fx_ttop-fxar[ii]))*maxfx ;
1026              if( fxar[ii] > 0.0f ) nd++ ;
1027            }
1028            if( fyar != NULL ){
1029              if( fyar[ii] <= 0.0f || fyar[ii] >= gy )
1030                fyar[ii] = 0.0f ;
1031              else if( !temper_fy )
1032                fyar[ii] = (fyar[ii] <= hy) ? maxfy : maxfy*qy*(gy-fyar[ii]) ;
1033              else if( fyar[ii] <= fy_tbot )
1034                fyar[ii] = maxfy ;
1035              else if( fyar[ii] >= fy_ttop )
1036                fyar[ii] = TT*maxfy ;
1037              else
1038                fyar[ii] = (TT+fy_trat*(fy_ttop-fyar[ii]))*maxfy ;
1040              if( fyar[ii] > 0.0f ) nd++ ;
1041            }
1042            if( fzar != NULL ){
1043              if( fzar[ii] <= 0.0f || fzar[ii] >= gz )
1044                fzar[ii] = 0.0f ;
1045              else if( !temper_fz )
1046                fzar[ii] = (fzar[ii] <= hz) ? maxfz : maxfz*qz*(gz-fzar[ii]) ;
1047              else if( fzar[ii] <= fz_tbot )
1048                fzar[ii] = maxfz ;
1049              else if( fzar[ii] >= fz_ttop )
1050                fzar[ii] = TT*maxfz ;
1051              else
1052                fzar[ii] = (TT+fz_trat*(fz_ttop-fzar[ii]))*maxfz ;
1054              if( fzar[ii] > 0.0f ) nd++ ;
1055            }
1056            if( nd == 0 ) mask[ii] = 2 ;   /* turn off future diffusion here */
1057            else          nblur++ ;
1058          }
1059        }
1060        if( nblur == 0 ) break ;   /* no blurring ==> done?! */
1062      } else {  /* no nbhd ==> blur all non-mask points equally */
1063        nblur = 0 ;
1064        for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
1065          if( fxar != NULL ) fxar[ii] = (mask[ii]) ? maxfx : 0.0f ;
1066          if( fyar != NULL ) fyar[ii] = (mask[ii]) ? maxfy : 0.0f ;
1067          if( fzar != NULL ) fzar[ii] = (mask[ii]) ? maxfz : 0.0f ;
1068          if( mask[ii] ) nblur++ ;
1069        }
1070      }
1072      /*--- blur the master and the input ---*/
1074      if( verb ) ININFO_message(" Blurring %d voxels in master",nblur) ;
1076 #pragma omp parallel if( IMARR_COUNT(bmar) > 2 )
1077  { int ii ;
1078 #pragma omp for
1079      for( ii=0 ; ii < IMARR_COUNT(bmar) ; ii++ )
1080        mri_blur3D_variable( IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,ii) , mask , fxim,fyim,fzim ) ;
1081  }
1082  AFNI_OMP_END ;
1084      if( verb ) ININFO_message(" Blurring input") ;
1086 #pragma omp parallel if( IMARR_COUNT(dsar) > 2 )
1087  { int ii ;
1088 #pragma omp for
1089      for( ii=0 ; ii < IMARR_COUNT(dsar) ; ii++ )
1090        mri_blur3D_variable( IMARR_SUBIM(dsar,ii) , mask , fxim,fyim,fzim ) ;
1091  }
1092  AFNI_OMP_END ;
1094    } /*-- loop back to estimate smoothness, check done-ness, smooth, etc --*/
1096    /*----- tossolo some trashola ---*/
1098    DESTROY_IMARR(bmar) ;
1100    if( fxim != NULL ) mri_free(fxim) ;
1101    if( fyim != NULL ) mri_free(fyim) ;
1102    if( fzim != NULL ) mri_free(fzim) ;
1104    /*--- put blurred data into the output dataset ---*/
1106    for( ids=0 ; ids < DSET_NVALS(outset) ; ids++ ){
1107      bar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(dsar,ids) ) ;
1108      if( do_unif ){
1109        for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
1110          if( mask[ii] ) bar[ii] = bar[ii]*imadar[ii] + imedar[ii] ;
1111      }
1112      EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , ids , MRI_float , bar ) ;
1113    }
1114 #if 1
1115    if( corder_inrefnum > 0 ){
1116      INFO_message("re-trending output dataset") ;
1117      THD_retrend_dataset( outset , corder_inrefnum,corder_inref ,
1118                           0 , mask , corder_inar ) ;
1119    }
1120 #endif
1121    DSET_write(outset) ;
1122    WROTE_DSET(outset) ;
1124    /*--- run 3dFWHMx for fun and profit(?) ---*/
1126    if( verb ){
1127      char *buf , *pg ;
1128      pg  = THD_find_executable("3dFWHMx") ;
1129      buf = malloc(     ((pg != NULL) ? strlen(pg)+999 : 999      ) ) ;
1130      sprintf(buf,"%s", ((pg != NULL) ? pg             : "3dFWHMx") ) ;
1131      if( !do_acf ) sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," -arith") ;
1132      else          sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," -acf %s.1D %.3g",prefix,3.0*fwhm_goal ) ;
1133      if( do_unif )
1134        sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," -unif") ;
1135      else if( corder_bm > 0 )
1136        sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," -detrend") ;
1137      if( automask )
1138        sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," -automask") ;
1139      else if( mset != NULL )
1140        sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," -mask %s",DSET_BRIKNAME(mset)) ;
1141      sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," -input %s",DSET_BRIKNAME(outset)) ;
1142      if( pg != NULL ){
1143          INFO_message("-------------------------------------------------------") ;
1144        ININFO_message("Checking results by running command below:") ;
1145        ININFO_message(" %s",buf) ;
1146        (void)system(buf) ;
1147          INFO_message("-------------------------------------------------------") ;
1148      } else {
1149          INFO_message("-------------------------------------------------------") ;
1150        ININFO_message("To check results, run the command below:") ;
1151        ININFO_message(" %s",buf) ;
1152          INFO_message("-------------------------------------------------------") ;
1153      }
1154      free(buf) ;
1155    }
1156    exit(0) ;
1157 }
1159 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1161 #undef  ASSIF
1162 #define ASSIF(f,i,v) if(f != NULL)f[i]=v
estimate_blur_map(MRI_IMARR * bmar,byte * mask,MCW_cluster * nbhd,float * fxar,float * fyar,float * fzar)1164 void estimate_blur_map( MRI_IMARR *bmar , byte *mask  , MCW_cluster *nbhd ,
1165                         float *fxar     , float *fyar , float *fzar        )
1166 {
1167    int ibm , ii , nvox , nar , nx,nxy , xx,yy,zz , pp ;
1168    THD_fvec3 fw ;
1169    float  fxx ,  fyy , fzz ;
1170    int   nfxx , nfyy , nfzz;
1171    float  vxx ,  vyy ,  vzz;
1173 ENTRY("estimate_blur_map") ;
1175    nvox = IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,0)->nvox ;
1176    nar  = IMARR_COUNT(bmar) ;
1177    nx   = IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,0)->nx ;
1178    nxy  = nx * IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,0)->ny ;
1180    for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
1181      vxx = vyy = vzz = 0.0f ;
1182      if( mask[ii] == 1 ){
1183        nfxx = nfyy = nfzz = 0 ;
1184         fxx =  fyy =  fzz = 0.0f ;
1185        IJK_TO_THREE(ii,xx,yy,zz,nx,nxy) ;
1186        for( ibm=0 ; ibm < nar ; ibm++ ){
1187          fw = mri_nstat_fwhmxyz( xx,yy,zz , IMARR_SUBIM(bmar,ibm),mask,nbhd );
1188          if( fxar != NULL && fw.xyz[0] > 0.0f ){ nfxx++; fxx += fw.xyz[0]; }
1189          if( fyar != NULL && fw.xyz[1] > 0.0f ){ nfyy++; fyy += fw.xyz[1]; }
1190          if( fzar != NULL && fw.xyz[2] > 0.0f ){ nfzz++; fzz += fw.xyz[2]; }
1191        }
1192        if( nfxx > 0 ) vxx = fxx / nfxx ;
1193        if( nfyy > 0 ) vyy = fyy / nfyy ;
1194        if( nfzz > 0 ) vzz = fzz / nfzz ;
1195      }
1196      ASSIF(fxar,ii,vxx); ASSIF(fyar,ii,vyy); ASSIF(fzar,ii,vzz);
1197    }
1199    EXRETURN;
1200 }