1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4 /*-- This program implements and extends Anand Joshi's BrainSync algorithm. --*/
5 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7 /*---------------------------*/
9 #if 0
11 # define MEMORY_CHECK(mm)                                               \
12    do{ if( verb > 5 ) mcw_malloc_dump() ;                               \
13        if( verb > 1 ){                                                  \
14          long long nb = mcw_malloc_total() ;                            \
15          if( nb > 0 ) INFO_message("Memory usage now = %s (%s): %s" ,   \
16                       commaized_integer_string(nb) ,                    \
17                       approximate_number_string((double)nb) , (mm) ) ;  \
18          ININFO_message(" status = %s",mcw_malloc_status(NULL,0)) ;     \
19        }                                                                \
20    } while(0)
21 #endif
22 #endif
24 #ifndef MEMORY_CHECK
25 # define MEMORY_CHECK(mm) /*nada*/
26 #endif
27 /*---------------------------*/
29 /* various inputs from the options */
30 static int   verb    = 0 ;
31 static char *Qprefix = NULL , *Qbase = NULL ;
32 static char *Pprefix = NULL , *Pbase = NULL ;
33 static int do_norm   = 0 ;
35 static int ct ; /* clock time in ms */
36 #define TIMER nice_time_string(NI_clock_time()-ct)+1
38 /* input datasets */
39 static THD_3dim_dataset *dsetB=NULL, *dsetC=NULL, *maskset=NULL ;
41 static int *bperm = NULL ;                             /* best permutation */
42 static THD_3dim_dataset *permset=NULL , *ortset=NULL ; /* output datasets */
44 #undef DO_DESPIKE  /* at this time, despiking of inputs is disabled */
45                    /* (expect that user will have done this already) */
47 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BSY_help_the_pitiful_user(void)49 void BSY_help_the_pitiful_user(void)  /* HELP ME IF YOU CAN, I'M FEELING DOWN */
50 {
51   printf(
52    "\n"
53    "Usage:  3dBrainSync [options]\n"
54    "\n"
55    "This program 'synchronizes' the -inset2 dataset to match the -inset1\n"
56    "dataset, as much as possible (average voxel-wise correlation), using the\n"
57    "same transformation on each input time series from -inset2:\n"
58    "\n"
59    " ++ With the -Qprefix option, the transformation is an orthogonal matrix,\n"
60    "    computed as described in Joshi's original OHBM 2017 presentations,\n"
61    "    and in the corresponding NeuroImage 2018 paper.\n"
62    "  -->> Anand Joshi's presentation at OHBM was the genesis of this program.\n"
63    "\n"
64    " ++ With the -Pprefix option, the transformation is simply a\n"
65    "    permutation of the time order of -inset2 (a very special case\n"
66    "    of an orthogonal matrix).\n"
67    "\n"
68    " ++ The algorithms and a little discussion of the different features of\n"
69    "    these two techniques are discussed in the METHODS section, infra.\n"
70    "\n"
71    " ++ At least one of '-Qprefix' or '-Pprefix' must be given, or\n"
72    "    this program does not do anything! You can use both methods,\n"
73    "    if you want to compare them.\n"
74    "\n"
75    " ++ 'Harmonize' might be a better name for what this program does,\n"
76    "    but calling it 3dBrainHarm would probably not be good marketing\n"
77    "    (except for Traumatic Brain Injury researchers?).\n"
78    "\n"
79    "One possible application of this program is to correlate resting state\n"
80    "FMRI datasets between subjects, voxel-by-voxel, as is sometimes done\n"
81    "with naturalistic stimuli (e.g., movie viewing).\n"
82    "\n"
83    "It would be amusing to see if within-subject resting state FMRI\n"
84    "runs can be BrainSync-ed better than between-subject runs.\n"
85    "\n"
86    "--------\n"
87    "OPTIONS:\n"
88    "--------\n"
89    " -inset1 dataset1 = Reference dataset\n"
90    "\n"
91    " -inset2 dataset2 = Dataset to be matched to the reference dataset,\n"
92    "                    as much as possible.\n"
93    "                    ++ These 2 datasets must be on the same spatial grid,\n"
94    "                       and must have the same number of time points!\n"
95    "                    ++ There must be at least twice as many voxels being\n"
96    "                       processed as there are time points (see '-mask', below).\n"
97    "                    ++ These are both MANDATORY 'options'.\n"
98    "                    ++ As usual in AFNI, since the computations herein are\n"
99    "                       voxel-wise, it is possible to input plain text .1D\n"
100    "                       files as datasets. When doing so, remember that\n"
101    "                       a ROW in the .1D file is interpreted as a time series\n"
102    "                       (single voxel's data). If your .1D files are oriented\n"
103    "                       so that time runs in down the COLUMNS, you will have to\n"
104    "                       transpose the inputs, which can be done on the command\n"
105    "                       line with the \\' operator, or externally using the\n"
106    "                       1dtranspose program.\n"
107    "                -->>++ These input datasets should be pre-processed first\n"
108    "                       to remove undesirable components (motions, baseline,\n"
109    "                       spikes, breathing, etc). Otherwise, you will be trying\n"
110    "                       to match artifacts between the datasets, which is not\n"
111    "                       likely to be interesting or useful. 3dTproject would be\n"
112    "                       one way to do this. Even better: afni_proc.py!\n"
113    "                    ++ In particular, the mean of each time series should have\n"
114    "                       been removed! Otherwise, the calculations are fairly\n"
115    "                       meaningless.\n"
116    "\n"
117    " -Qprefix qqq     = Specifies the output dataset to be used for\n"
118    "                    the orthogonal matrix transformation.\n"
119    "                    ++ This will be the -inset2 dataset transformed\n"
120    "                       to be as correlated as possible (in time)\n"
121    "                       with the -inset1 dataset, given the constraint\n"
122    "                       that the transformation applied to each time\n"
123    "                       series is an orthogonal matrix.\n"
124    "\n"
125    " -Pprefix ppp     = Specifies the output dataset to be used for\n"
126    "                    the permutation transformation.\n"
127    "                    ++ The output dataset is the -inset2 dataset\n"
128    "                       re-ordered in time, again to make the result\n"
129    "                       as correlated as possible with the -inset1\n"
130    "                       dataset.\n"
131    "\n"
132    " -normalize       = Normalize the output dataset(s) so that each\n"
133    "                    time series has sum-of-squares = 1.\n"
134    "                    ++ This option is not usually needed in AFNI\n"
135    "                       (e.g., 3dTcorrelate does not care).\n"
136    "\n"
137    " -mask mset       = Only operate on nonzero voxels in the mset dataset.\n"
138    "                    ++ Voxels outside the mask will not be used in computing\n"
139    "                       the transformation, but WILL be transformed for\n"
140    "                       your application and/or edification later.\n"
141    "                    ++ For FMRI purposes, a gray matter mask would make\n"
142    "                       sense here, or at least a brain mask.\n"
143    "                    ++ If no masking option is given, then all voxels\n"
144    "                       will be processed in computing the transformation.\n"
145    "                       This set will include all non-brain voxels (if any).\n"
146    "                    ++ Any voxel which is all constant in time\n"
147    "                       (in either input) will be removed from the mask.\n"
148    "                    ++ This mask dataset must be on the same spatial grid\n"
149    "                       as the other input datasets!\n"
150    "\n"
151    " -verb             = Print some progress reports and auxiliary information.\n"
152    "                     ++ Use this option twice to get LOTS of progress\n"
153    "                        reports; mostly useful for debugging, or for fun.\n"
154    "\n"
155    "------\n"
156    "NOTES:\n"
157    "------\n"
158    "* Is this program useful? Not even The Shadow knows!\n"
159    "  (But do NOT call it BS.)\n"
160    "\n"
161    "* The output dataset is in floating point format.\n"
162    "\n"
163    "* Although the goal of 3dBrainSync is to make the transformed\n"
164    "  -inset2 as correlated (voxel-by-voxel) as possible with -inset1,\n"
165    "  it does not actually compute or output that correlation dataset.\n"
166    "  You can do that computation with program 3dTcorrelate, as in\n"
167    "    3dBrainSync -inset1 dataset1 -inset2 dataset2 \\\n"
168    "                -Qprefix transformed-dataset2\n"
169    "    3dTcorrelate -polort -1 -prefix AB.pcor.nii \\\n"
170    "                 dataset1 transformed-dataset2\n"
171    "\n"
172    "* Besides the transformed dataset(s), if the '-verb' option is used,\n"
173    "  some other (text formatted) files are written out:\n"
174    "   {Qprefix}.sval.1D = singular values from the BC' decomposition\n"
175    "   {Qprefix}.qmat.1D = Q matrix\n"
176    "   {Pprefix}.perm.1D = permutation indexes p(i)\n"
177    "  You probably do not have any use for these files; they are mostly\n"
178    "  present to diagnose any problems.\n"
179    "\n"
180    "--------\n"
181    "METHODS:\n"
182    "--------\n"
183    "* Notation used in the explanations below:\n"
184    "    M = Number of time points\n"
185    "    N = Number of voxels > M (N = size of mask)\n"
186    "    B = MxN matrix of time series from -inset1\n"
187    "    C = MxN matrix of time series from -inset2\n"
188    "        Both matrices will have each column normalized to\n"
189    "        have sum-of-squares = 1 (L2 normalized) --\n"
190    "        The program does this operation internally; you do not have\n"
191    "        to ensure that the input datasets are so normalized.\n"
192    "    Q = Desired orthgonal MxM matrix to transform C such that B-QC\n"
193    "        is as small as possible (sum-of-squares = Frobenius norm).\n"
194    "        That is, Q transforms dataset C to be as close as possible\n"
195    "        to dataset B, given that Q is an orthogonal matrix.\n"
196    "    normF(A) = sum_{ij} A_{ij}^2 = trace(AA') = trace(A'A).\n"
197    "        NOTE: This norm is different from the matrix L2 norm.\n"
198    "        NOTE: A' denotes the transpose of A.\n"
199    "        NOTE: trace(A) = sum of diagonal element of square matrix A.\n"
200    "        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_norm\n"
201    "\n"
202    "* The expansion below shows why the matrix BC' is crucial to the analysis:\n"
203    "    normF(B-QC) = trace( [B-QC][B'-C'Q'] )\n"
204    "                = trace(BB') + trace(QCC'Q') - trace(BC'Q') - trace(QCB')\n"
205    "                = trace(BB') + trace(C'C) - 2 trace(BC'Q')\n"
206    "  The second term collapses because trace(AA') = trace(A'A), so\n"
207    "  trace([QC][QC]') = trace([QC]'[QC]) = trace(C'Q'QC) = trace(C'C)\n"
208    "  because Q is orthogonal. So the first 2 terms in the expansion of\n"
209    "  normF(B-QC) do not depend on Q at all. Thus, to minimize normF(B-QC),\n"
210    "  we have to maximize trace(BC'Q') = trace([B][QC]') = trace([QC][B]').\n"
211    "\n"
212    "  Since the columns of B and C are the (normalized) time series,\n"
213    "  each row represents the image at a particular time. So the (i,j)\n"
214    "  element of BC' is the (spatial) dot product of the i-th TR image from\n"
215    "  -inset1 with the j-th TR image from -inset2. Furthermore,\n"
216    "  trace(BC') = trace(C'B) = sum of dot products (correlations)\n"
217    "  of all time series. So maximizing trace(BC'Q') will maximize the\n"
218    "  summed correlations of B (time series from -inset1) and QC\n"
219    "  (transformed time series from -inset2).\n"
220    "\n"
221    "  Note again that the sum of correlations (dot products) of all the time\n"
222    "  series is equal to the sum of dot products of all the spatial images.\n"
223    "  So the algorithm to find the transformation Q is to maximize the sum of\n"
224    "  dot products of spatial images from B with Q-transformed spatial images\n"
225    "  from C -- since there are fewer time points than voxels, this is more\n"
226    "  efficient and elegant than trying to maximize the sum over voxels of dot\n"
227    "  products of time series.\n"
228    "\n"
229    "  If you use the '-verb' option, these summed correlations ('scores')\n"
230    "  are printed to stderr during the analysis, for your fun and profit(?).\n"
231    "\n"
232    "*******************************************************************************\n"
233    "* Joshi method [-Qprefix]:\n"
234    "    (a) compute MxM matrix B C'\n"
235    "    (b) compute SVD of B C' = U S V' (U, S, V are MxM matrices)\n"
236    "    (c) Q = U V'\n"
237    "        [note: if B=C, then U=V, so Q=I, as it should]\n"
238    "    (d) transform each time series from -inset2 using Q\n"
239    "  This matrix Q is the solution to the restricted least squares\n"
240    "  problem (i.e., restricted to have Q be an orthogonal matrix).\n"
241    "  NOTE: The sum of the singular values in S is equal to the sum\n"
242    "        of the time series dot products (correlations) in B and QC,\n"
243    "        when Q is calculated as above.\n"
244    "\n"
245    "  An article describing this method is available as:\n"
246    "    AA Joshi, M Chong, RM Leahy.\n"
247    "    Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Synchronization of resting fMRI\n"
248    "      time-series across subjects.\n"
249    "    NeuroImage v172:740-752 (2018).\n"
250    "  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.01.058\n"
251    "  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29428580/\n"
252    "  https://www.google.com/search?q=joshi+brainsync\n"
253    "*******************************************************************************\n"
254    "* Permutation method [-Pprefix]:\n"
255    "    (a) Compute B C' (same as above)\n"
256    "    (b) Find a permutation p(i) of the integers {0..M-1} such\n"
257    "        that sum_i { (BC')[i,p(i)] } is as large as possible\n"
258    "        (i.e., p() is used as a permutation of the COLUMNS of BC').\n"
259    "        This permutation is equivalent to post-multiplying BC'\n"
260    "        by an orthogonal matrix P representing the permutation;\n"
261    "        such a P is full of 0s except for a single 1 in each row\n"
262    "        and each column.\n"
263    "    (c) Permute the ROWS (time direction) of the time series matrix\n"
264    "        from -inset2 using p().\n"
265    "  Only an approximate (greedy) algorithm is used to find this\n"
266    "  permutation; that is, the BEST permutation is not guaranteed to be found\n"
267    "  (just a 'good' permutation -- it is the best thing I could code quickly :).\n"
268    "\n"
269    "  Algorithm currently implemented (let D=BC' for notational simplicity):\n"
270    "    1) Find the largest element D(i,j) in the matrix.\n"
271    "       Then the permutation at row i is p(i)=j.\n"
272    "       Strike row i and column j out of the matrix D.\n"
273    "    2) Repeat, finding the largest element left, say at D(f,g).\n"
274    "       Then p(f) = g. Strike row f and column g from the matrix.\n"
275    "       Repeat until done.\n"
276    "  (Choosing the largest possible element at each step is what makes this\n"
277    "  method 'greedy'.) This permutation is not optimal but is pretty good,\n"
278    "  and another step is used to improve it:\n"
279    "    3) For all pairs (i,j), p(i) and p(j) are swapped and that permutation\n"
280    "       is tested to see if the trace gets bigger.\n"
281    "    4) This pair-wise swapping is repeated until it does not improve things\n"
282    "       any more (typically, it improves the trace about 1-2%% -- not much).\n"
283    "  The purpose of the pair swapping is to deal with situations where D looks\n"
284    "  something like this: [  1 70 ]\n"
285    "                       [ 70 99 ]\n"
286    "  Step 1 would pick out 99, and Step 2 would pick out 1; that is,\n"
287    "  p(2)=2 and then p(1)=1, for a total trace/score of 100. But swapping\n"
288    "  1 and 2 would give a total trace/score of 140. In practice, extreme versions\n"
289    "  of this situation do not seem common with real FMRI data, probably because\n"
290    "  the subject's brain isn't actively conspiring against this algorithm :)\n"
291    "\n"
292    "  [Something called the 'Hungarian algorithm' can solve for the optimal]\n"
293    "  [permutation exactly, but I've not had the inclination to program it.]\n"
294    "\n"
295    "  This whole permutation optimization procedure is very fast: about 1 second.\n"
296    "  In the RS-FMRI data I've tried this on, the average time series correlation\n"
297    "  resulting from this optimization is 30-60%% of that which comes from\n"
298    "  optimizing over ALL orthogonal matrices (Joshi method). If you use '-verb',\n"
299    "  the stderr output line that looks like this\n"
300    "   + corr scores: original=-722.5 Q matrix=22366.0 permutation=12918.7 57.8%%\n"
301    "  shows trace(BC') before any transforms, with the Q matrix transform,\n"
302    "  and with the permutation transform. As explained above, trace(BC') is\n"
303    "  the summed correlations of the time series (since the columns of B and C\n"
304    "  are normalized prior to the optimizations); in this example, the ratio of\n"
305    "  the average time series correlation between the permutation method and the\n"
306    "  Joshi method is about 58%% (in a gray matter mask with 72221 voxels).\n"
307    "\n"
308    "* Results from the permutation method MUST be less correlated (on average)\n"
309    "  with -inset1 than the Joshi method's results: the permutation can be\n"
310    "  thought of as an orthogonal matrix containing only 1s and 0s, and the BEST\n"
311    "  possible orthogonal matrix, from Joshi's method, has more general entries.\n"
312    "  ++ However, the permutation method has an obvious interpretation\n"
313    "     (re-ordering time points), while the general method linearly combines\n"
314    "     different time points (perhaps far apart); the interpretation of this\n"
315    "     combination in terms of synchronizing brain activity is harder to intuit\n"
316    "     (at least for me).\n"
317    "  ++ Another feature of a permutation-only transformation is that it cannot\n"
318    "     change the sign of data, unlike a general orthgonal matrix; e.g.,\n"
319    "       [ 0 -1  0 ]\n"
320    "       [-1  0  0 ]\n"
321    "       [ 0  0  1 ], which swaps the first 2 time points AND negates them,\n"
322    "     and leave the 3rd time point unchanged, is a valid orthogonal\n"
323    "     matrix. For rs-FMRI datasets, this consideration might not be important,\n"
324    "     since rs-FMRI correlations are generally positive, so don't often need\n"
325    "     sign-flipping to make them so.\n"
326    "*******************************************************************************\n"
327    "\n"
328    "* This program is NOT multi-threaded. Typically, I/O is the biggest part of\n"
329    "  the run time (at least, for the cases I've tested). The '-verb' option\n"
330    "  will give progress reports with elapsed-time stamps, making it easy to\n"
331    "  see which parts of the program take the most time.\n"
332    "\n"
333    "* Author: RWCox, servant of the ChronoSynclastic Infundibulum - July 2017\n"
334    "\n"
335    "* Thanks go to Anand Joshi for his clear exposition of BrainSync at OHBM 2017,\n"
336    "  and his encouragement about the development of this program.\n"
337   ) ;
339   PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
340 }
342 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
344 #undef  A
345 #undef  QQ
346 #define A(i,j)  amat[(i)+(j)*m]
347 #define QQ(i,j) qmat[(i)+(j)*m]
349 #undef  BIGG
350 #define BIGG  1.111e37f
352 /*-------- Find the "best" permutation, in
353            the sense of the largest trace of the row-permuted amat
354            (or at least, an approximation of the "best" permutation :)
355            Matrix qmat is used only for comparison, and can be NULL.
356            Input matrices qmat and amat are square, m x m.           ---------*/
find_best_permutation(int m,float * qmat,double * amat)358 static int * find_best_permutation( int m , float *qmat , double *amat )
359 {
360    int nrand ;
361    float *rvec,*qvec , rcost=0.0f, qcost=0.0f , bestcost, rval ;
362    int *perm , *bestperm=NULL , ii,jj,rr,qq ;
364    if( m < 2 || amat == NULL ) return NULL ; /* should not happen */
366 ENTRY("find_best_permutation") ;
368    /* find score of the Q matrix, if it was input [for comparison] */
370    if( qmat != NULL ){
371      for( qcost=0.0f,jj=0 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){
372        for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) qcost += A(ii,jj)*QQ(ii,jj) ;
373      }
374      if( verb > 1 )
375        ININFO_message("-- permutation search: qmat score = %g [%s]",qcost,TIMER) ;
376    } else {
377      if( verb > 1 )
378        ININFO_message("-- permutation search starts [%s]",TIMER) ;
379    }
381    /* space for the trial permutation */
383    perm     = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*m) ;
384    bestcost = -BIGG ; /* not very good */
386    /* try a very simple greedy algorithm */
387 #undef  AA
388 #define AA(i,j) aamat[(i)+(j)*m]
389    { int kk,pi,pj , mmm=m*m , *jdone ;
390      float *aamat=(float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*m*m) , bbcost=0.0f ;
392      /* copy amat into aamat */
393      for( kk=0 ; kk < mmm ; kk++ ) aamat[kk] = (float)amat[kk] ;
395      bestperm = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*m) ; /* best yet */
396      jdone    = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*m) ; /* cols already done */
397      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ){ bestperm[ii] = -1; jdone[ii] = 0; }
399      for( rr=0 ; rr < m ; rr++ ){ /* pick biggest element left */
400        rval = -BIGG ; pi = pj = -1 ;
401        for( jj=0 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){
402          if( jdone[jj] ) continue ; /* already did this column */
403          for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ){
404            if( AA(ii,jj) > rval ){ rval = AA(ii,jj); pi=ii; pj=jj; }
405          }
406        }
407        if( pi < 0 ) break ;  /* should not be possible */
408        bestperm[pi] = pj ; jdone[pj] = 1 ;
409        for( kk=0 ; kk < m ; kk++ ){  /* strike out this row+col */
410          AA(pi,kk) = AA(kk,pj) = -BIGG;
411        }
412      }
413      free(aamat); free(jdone);
415      /* check if every entry in bestperm was set above */
416      for( ii=0 ; ii < m && bestperm[ii] >= 0 ; ii++ ) ; /*nada*/
417      if( ii < m ){
418        free(bestperm); bestperm = NULL;  /* should never happen */
419      } else { /* compute cost of bestperm */
420        for( rcost=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) rcost += A(ii,bestperm[ii]) ;
421        bestcost = bbcost = rcost ;
422        if( verb > 1 )
423          ININFO_message(" initial greedy perm score = %g",bbcost) ;
424        if( verb > 2 ){               /* debugggin output */
425          fprintf(stderr,"  perm:") ;
426          for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ )
427            fprintf(stderr," A[%d,%d]=%g",ii,bestperm[ii],A(ii,bestperm[ii])) ;
428          fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
429        }
430      }
432      /* bestperm should not be NULL here, unless the Gods are out to get me */
434      if( bestperm != NULL ){  /* swap pairs, look for improvement */
435        int ntry=0, ndone=0, ntot=0 ;
436        do{                    /* loopback to try another pairswap fun */
437          for( ndone=ii=0 ; ii < m-1 ; ii++ ){
438           for( jj=ii+1 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){       /* swapping ii,jj */
439            memcpy(perm,bestperm,sizeof(int)*m) ;
440            kk = perm[ii] ; perm[ii] = perm[jj] ; perm[jj] = kk ;
441            for( rcost=0.0f,kk=0 ; kk < m ; kk++ ) rcost += A(kk,perm[kk]) ;
442            if( rcost > bestcost ){    /* this is better? keep it! */
443              free(bestperm); bestperm = perm; bestcost = rcost;
444              perm = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*m); ndone++ ; ntot++ ;
445              if( verb > 1 )
446                ININFO_message(" improved perm score = %g swap [%d,%d]",rcost,ii,jj) ;
447            }
448          }} /* end of loops over ii,jj */
449        } while( ndone > 0 && ++ntry < 29 ) ; /* iterate, but don't try forever! */
450        if( verb > 1 && ntot > 0 ){           /* report on iteration results */
451          if( bbcost > 0.0f ) bbcost = 100.0f*(bestcost-bbcost)/bbcost ;
452          else                bbcost =   0.0f ;
453          ININFO_message("-- finish permutation after %d swaps in %d iterates: %.2f%% improvement",
454                         ntot,ntry,bbcost) ;
455        }
456        if( verb > 2 ){   /* debugging output */
457          fprintf(stderr,"  perm:") ;
458          for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ )
459            fprintf(stderr," A[%d,%d]=%g",ii,bestperm[ii],A(ii,bestperm[ii])) ;
460          fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
461        }
462      }
463    }
464 #undef AA
466    if( bestperm == NULL ){  /* should never happen: use old method */
467      nrand = 9999*m ;               /* of random trials (not good) */
468      rvec  = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*m) ;
469      qvec  = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*m) ;
470      WARNING_message("Greedy algorithm for permutation failed; using backup") ;
471      for( rr=0 ; rr < nrand ; rr++ ){
472        for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ){
473          perm[ii] = ii; rvec[ii] = 0.0f;
474          qvec[ii] = (float)(drand48()+drand48()-1.0);
475        }
476        qsort_float(m,qvec) ;
477        for( jj=0 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){
478          rval = qvec[jj] ;
479          for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) rvec[ii] += QQ(ii,jj)*rval ;
480        }
481        qsort_floatint(m,rvec,perm) ;
483        for( rcost=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) rcost += A(ii,perm[ii]) ;
484        if( rcost > bestcost ){
485          if( bestperm != NULL ) free(bestperm) ;
486          bestperm = perm; bestcost = rcost;
487          perm = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*m);
488          if( verb > 1 )
489            ININFO_message(" new perm score = %g [%d]",rcost,rr) ;
490        }
491      }
492      free(rvec); free(qvec);
493    }
495    free(perm); /* only bestperm is our friend now */
497    if( verb && qcost > 0.0f ){
498      for( rcost=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) rcost += A(ii,ii) ;
499      ININFO_message("corr scores: "
500                     "original=%.1f Q matrix=%.1f permutation=%.1f %.1f%%",
501                     rcost, qcost, bestcost , 100.0f*bestcost/qcost ) ;
502    }
504    RETURN(bestperm) ;
505 }
507 #undef A
508 #undef QQ
510 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
511 /* Given m X n matrices bmat and cmat, compute the orthogonal m X m matrix
512    qmat that 'best' transforms cmat to bmat.
513      1) normalize all columns of bmat and cmat
514      2) compute m X m matrix amat = [bmat] * [cmat]'
515      3) SVD that to get amat = [umat] * [sigma] * [vmat]'
516      4) qmat = [umat] * [vmat]'
517    Also compute the best permutation while we're at it (that's fast).
518 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
compute_joshi_matrix(int m,int n,float * bmat,float * cmat,float * qmat)520 static void compute_joshi_matrix( int m , int n ,
521                                   float *bmat , float *cmat , float *qmat )
522 {
523    int ii,jj,kk , kbot ;
524    double *bmatn , *cmatn ;
525    double *amat , *umat , *vmat , *sval ;
526    register double bsum , csum ;
528 ENTRY("compute_joshi_matrix") ;
530    /* temp matrices */
532    bmatn = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double) , m*n ) ; /* normalized bmat */
533    cmatn = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double) , m*n ) ; /* normalized cmat */
534    amat  = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double) , m*m ) ; /* [bmatn] * [cmatn]' */
536    /* macros for 2D array indexing */
538 #undef  B
539 #undef  C
540 #undef  A
541 #undef  U
542 #undef  V
543 #undef  BN
544 #undef  CN
546 #define B(i,j)  bmat[(i)+(j)*m]
547 #define C(i,j)  cmat[(i)+(j)*m]
548 #define BN(i,j) bmatn[(i)+(j)*m]
549 #define CN(i,j) cmatn[(i)+(j)*m]
550 #define A(i,j)  amat[(i)+(j)*m]
551 #define U(i,j)  umat[(i)+(j)*m]
552 #define V(i,j)  vmat[(i)+(j)*m]
553 #define QQ(i,j) qmat[(i)+(j)*m]
555    /* copy input matrices into bmatn and cmatn, normalizing as we go */
557    if( verb > 1 ) ININFO_message("Normalizing time series [%s]",TIMER) ;
559    for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
560      bsum = csum = 0.0 ;
561      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ){
562        bsum += B(ii,jj)*B(ii,jj) ;
563        csum += C(ii,jj)*C(ii,jj) ;
564      }
565      if( bsum > 0.0 ) bsum = 1.0 / sqrt(bsum) ; /* L2 normalizing */
566      if( csum > 0.0 ) csum = 1.0 / sqrt(csum) ; /* factors */
567      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ){
568        BN(ii,jj) = B(ii,jj)*bsum ;
569        CN(ii,jj) = C(ii,jj)*csum ;
570      }
571    }
572 MEMORY_CHECK("a") ;
574    /* form A matrix = BN * CN' */
576    if( verb > 1 ) ININFO_message("forming BC' matrix [%s]",TIMER) ;
578 #if 0  /* old method for computing BC' */
579    kbot = n%2 ; /* 1 if odd, 0 if even */
580    for( jj=0 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){
581      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ){
582        bsum = (kbot) ? BN(ii,0)*CN(jj,0) : 0.0 ;
583        for( kk=kbot ; kk < n ; kk+=2 ) /* unrolled by 2 */
584          bsum += BN(ii,kk)*CN(jj,kk) + BN(ii,kk+1)*CN(jj,kk+1) ;
585        A(ii,jj) = bsum ;
586    }}
587 #else  /* new method (faster) */
588    for( jj=0 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){
589      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) A(ii,jj) = 0.0 ;
590    }
591    for( kk=0 ; kk < n ; kk++ ){
592      for( jj=0 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){
593        bsum = CN(jj,kk) ;
594        for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) A(ii,jj) += BN(ii,kk)*bsum ;
595      }
596    }
597 #endif
598 MEMORY_CHECK("b") ;
600    free(bmatn) ; free(cmatn) ;
601    umat = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double),m*m ) ; /* SVD outputs */
602    vmat = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double),m*m ) ;
603    sval = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double),m   ) ;
605    /* compute SVD of scaled matrix */
607    if( verb > 1 ) ININFO_message("SVD-ing BC' matrix %dx%d [%s]",m,m,TIMER) ;
609    svd_double( m , m , amat , sval , umat , vmat ) ;
611    /* since sval is otherwise unused, sort it so largest are firstest */
613    for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) sval[ii] = -sval[ii] ;
614    qsort_double( m , sval ) ;
615    for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) sval[ii] = -sval[ii] ;
617    bsum = 0.0 ;
618    for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) bsum += sval[ii] ;
619    if( verb > 1 )
620      ININFO_message("first 5 singular values: "
621                     " %.2f [%.2f%%] "
622                     " %.2f [%.2f%%] "
623                     " %.2f [%.2f%%] "
624                     " %.2f [%.2f%%] "
625                     " %.2f [%.2f%%] ... sum = %.1f" ,
626                     sval[0], 100.0*sval[0]/bsum ,
627                     sval[1], 100.0*sval[1]/bsum ,
628                     sval[2], 100.0*sval[2]/bsum ,
629                     sval[3], 100.0*sval[3]/bsum ,
630                     sval[4], 100.0*sval[4]/bsum , bsum ) ;
632    /* write the singular values to a file? [30 Jul 2017] */
634    if( Qbase != NULL && verb ){
635      char *fname ; MRI_IMAGE *qim ; float *qar ;
636      fname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(Qbase)+32)) ;
637      strcpy(fname,Qbase) ;
638      strcat(fname,".sval.1D") ;
639      qim = mri_new( m,1, MRI_float ) ; qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ;
640      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) qar[ii] = sval[ii] ;
641      mri_write_1D( fname , qim ) ;
642      ININFO_message("wrote singular values to %s",fname) ;
643      mri_free(qim) ; free(fname) ;
644    }
646    /* compute QQ = output matrix = U V' */
648    if( verb > 1 ) ININFO_message("computing Q matrix [%s]",TIMER) ;
650    for( jj=0 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){
651      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ){
652        bsum = 0.0 ;
653        for( kk=0 ; kk < m ; kk++ ) bsum += U(ii,kk)*V(jj,kk) ;
654        QQ(ii,jj) = (float)bsum ;
655    }}
656 MEMORY_CHECK("d") ;
658    free(umat) ; free(vmat) ;
660    /* also find permutation to approximate qmat */
662    bperm = find_best_permutation( m , qmat , amat ) ;
664    free(amat) ; free(sval) ;
666    /* write the Q matrix to a file? */
668    if( Qbase != NULL && verb ){
669      char *fname ; MRI_IMAGE *qim ; float *qar ;
670      fname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(Qbase)+32)) ;
671      strcpy(fname,Qbase) ;
672      strcat(fname,".qmat.1D") ;
673      qim = mri_new_vol_empty( m,m,1, MRI_float ) ;
674      mri_fix_data_pointer( qmat , qim ) ;
675      mri_write_1D( fname , qim ) ;
676      ININFO_message("wrote Q matrix to %s",fname) ;
677      mri_clear_data_pointer(qim) ; mri_free(qim) ; free(fname) ;
678    }
680    /* write the permutation to a file? */
682    if( Pbase != NULL && bperm != NULL && verb ){
683      char *fname ; MRI_IMAGE *qim ; float *qar ;
684      fname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(Pbase)+32)) ;
685      strcpy(fname,Pbase) ;
686      strcat(fname,".perm.1D") ;
687      qim = mri_new(m,1,MRI_float) ; qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ;
688      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) qar[ii] = bperm[ii] ;
689      mri_write_1D(fname,qim); mri_free(qim);
690      ININFO_message("wrote permutation vector to %s",fname) ;
691      free(fname) ;
692    }
694    EXRETURN ;
695 }
697 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
is_vector_constant(int n,float * v)699 static INLINE int is_vector_constant( int n , float *v )
700 {
701    int ii ;
702    for( ii=1 ; ii < n && v[ii] == v[0] ; ii++ ) ; /*nada*/
703    return (ii==n) ;
704 }
706 #ifdef DO_DESPIKE
707 /*------------------- 08 Oct 2010: functions for despiking ----------------*/
709 #undef  SWAP
710 #define SWAP(x,y) (temp=x,x=y,y=temp)
712 #undef  SORT2
713 #define SORT2(a,b) if(a>b) SWAP(a,b)
715 /*--- fast median of 9 values ---*/
median9f(float * p)717 static INLINE float median9f(float *p)
718 {
719     register float temp ;
720     SORT2(p[1],p[2]) ; SORT2(p[4],p[5]) ; SORT2(p[7],p[8]) ;
721     SORT2(p[0],p[1]) ; SORT2(p[3],p[4]) ; SORT2(p[6],p[7]) ;
722     SORT2(p[1],p[2]) ; SORT2(p[4],p[5]) ; SORT2(p[7],p[8]) ;
723     SORT2(p[0],p[3]) ; SORT2(p[5],p[8]) ; SORT2(p[4],p[7]) ;
724     SORT2(p[3],p[6]) ; SORT2(p[1],p[4]) ; SORT2(p[2],p[5]) ;
725     SORT2(p[4],p[7]) ; SORT2(p[4],p[2]) ; SORT2(p[6],p[4]) ;
726     SORT2(p[4],p[2]) ; return(p[4]) ;
727 }
728 #undef SORT2
729 #undef SWAP
731 /*--- get the local median and MAD of values vec[j-4 .. j+4] ---*/
733 #undef  mead9
734 #define mead9(j)                                               \
735  { float qqq[9] ; int jj = (j)-4 ;                             \
736    if( jj < 0 ) jj = 0; else if( jj+8 >= num ) jj = num-9;     \
737    qqq[0] = vec[jj+0]; qqq[1] = vec[jj+1]; qqq[2] = vec[jj+2]; \
738    qqq[3] = vec[jj+3]; qqq[4] = vec[jj+4]; qqq[5] = vec[jj+5]; \
739    qqq[6] = vec[jj+6]; qqq[7] = vec[jj+7]; qqq[8] = vec[jj+8]; \
740    med    = median9f(qqq);     qqq[0] = fabsf(qqq[0]-med);     \
741    qqq[1] = fabsf(qqq[1]-med); qqq[2] = fabsf(qqq[2]-med);     \
742    qqq[3] = fabsf(qqq[3]-med); qqq[4] = fabsf(qqq[4]-med);     \
743    qqq[5] = fabsf(qqq[5]-med); qqq[6] = fabsf(qqq[6]-med);     \
744    qqq[7] = fabsf(qqq[7]-med); qqq[8] = fabsf(qqq[8]-med);     \
745    mad    = median9f(qqq); }
747 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
748 /*! Remove spikes from a time series, in a very simplistic way.
749     Return value is the number of spikes that were squashed [RWCox].
750 *//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
despike9(int num,float * vec)752 static int despike9( int num , float *vec )
753 {
754    int ii , nsp ; float *zma,*zme , med,mad,val ;
756    if( num < 9 || vec == NULL ) return 0 ;
757    zme = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*num) ;
758    zma = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*num) ;
760    for( ii=0 ; ii < num ; ii++ ){
761      mead9(ii) ; zme[ii] = med ; zma[ii] = mad ;
762    }
763    mad = qmed_float(num,zma) ; free(zma) ;
764    if( mad <= 0.0f ){ free(zme); return 0; }  /* should not happen */
765    mad *= 6.789f ;  /* threshold value */
767    for( nsp=ii=0 ; ii < num ; ii++ )
768      if( fabsf(vec[ii]-zme[ii]) > mad ){ vec[ii] = zme[ii]; nsp++; }
770    free(zme) ; return nsp ;
771 }
772 #undef mead9
773 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
774 #endif /* DO_DESPIKE */
776 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
777 /* compute the output datasets */
BSY_process_data(void)779 void BSY_process_data(void)
780 {
781    byte *vmask ;
782    int nvmask , ii,jj,kk , mm , nvox , ncut=0 ;
783    MRI_IMAGE *bim, *cim ;
784    float *bar, *car, *bmat, *cmat, *qmat, *cvec ;
785    register float csum ;
787 ENTRY("BSY_process_data") ;
789    if( verb ) INFO_message("begin BrainSync [%s]",TIMER) ;
791    /* build mask */
793    nvox = DSET_NVOX(dsetB) ;
794    mm   = DSET_NVALS(dsetB) ;
796    if( maskset != NULL ){  /*** = user-supplied mask ***/
797      vmask = THD_makemask( maskset , 0 , 1.0f,0.0f ) ;
798      DSET_unload(maskset) ;
799      if( vmask == NULL )
800        ERROR_exit("Can't make mask from -mask dataset '%s'",DSET_BRIKNAME(maskset)) ;
801      nvmask = THD_countmask( nvox , vmask ) ;
802      if( verb ) ININFO_message("%d voxels in the spatial mask",nvmask) ;
803      if( nvmask == 0  )
804        ERROR_exit("Mask from -mask dataset %s has 0 voxels",DSET_BRIKNAME(maskset)) ;
805    } else {               /*** mask = all voxels */
806      vmask = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*(nvox+2)) ; nvmask = nvox ;
807      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvox ; jj++ ) vmask[jj] = 1 ;
808      if( verb )
809        ININFO_message("no -mask option ==> processing all %d voxels in dataset",nvox);
810    }
813    /* find/eliminate (remove from vmask) any voxels with all-constant vectors */
815    if( verb > 1 )
816      ININFO_message("looking for all-constant time series [%s]",TIMER) ;
817    bar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*mm) ;
818    for( kk=0 ; kk < nvox ; kk++ ){
819      if( vmask[kk] ){
820        THD_extract_array( kk , dsetB , 0 , bar ) ;
821        if( is_vector_constant(mm,bar) ){ vmask[kk] = 0 ; ncut++ ; continue ; }
822        THD_extract_array( kk , dsetC , 0 , bar ) ;
823        if( is_vector_constant(mm,bar) ){ vmask[kk] = 0 ; ncut++ ; continue ; }
824      }
825    }
826    free(bar) ;
827    if( ncut > 0 ){
828      nvmask = THD_countmask(nvox,vmask) ;
829      if( verb )
830        ININFO_message("removed %d voxel%s for being constant in time" ,
831                       ncut , (ncut > 1) ? "s" : "\0" ) ;
832    }
833    if( nvmask <= 2*mm )
834      ERROR_exit("%d is not enough voxels in mask to process :(",nvmask) ;
836    /* load datasets into matrices */
838    if( verb > 1 )
839      ININFO_message("loading datasets into matrices [%s]",TIMER) ;
841    bmat = (float *)calloc( sizeof(float) , mm*nvmask ) ;
842    cmat = (float *)calloc( sizeof(float) , mm*nvox   ) ; /* extra big */
843    qmat = (float *)calloc( sizeof(float) , mm*mm     ) ;
845    for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
846      bim = THD_extract_float_brick( ii , dsetB ) ; bar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bim) ;
847      cim = THD_extract_float_brick( ii , dsetC ) ; car = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cim) ;
848      for( kk=jj=0 ; jj < nvox ; jj++ ){
849        if( vmask[jj] ){
850          bmat[ii+kk*mm] = bar[jj] ;
851          cmat[ii+kk*mm] = car[jj] ; kk++ ;
852        }
853      }
854      mri_free(bim) ; mri_free(cim) ;
855    }
857    DSET_unload(dsetB) ;
860 #ifdef DO_DESPIKE  /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
861    /* despike matrix columns */
863    if( verb > 1 )
864      ININFO_message("despiking time series [%s]",TIMER) ;
866    for( ncut=kk=0 ; kk < nvmask ; kk++ ){
867      ncut += despike9( mm , bmat+kk*mm ) ;
868      ncut += despike9( mm , cmat+kk*mm ) ;
869    }
870    if( ncut > 0 )
871      if( verb > 1 )
872        ININFO_message("  squashed %d spike%s from data vectors [%s]",
873                       ncut , (ncut==1)?"\0":"s" , TIMER ) ;
874 #endif /* DO_DESPIKE */  /*-----------------------------------------------*/
876    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
877    /*-------- compute transform matrix qmat and permutation bperm --------*/
878    /*--------     (that is, do all the work we came here for)     --------*/
879    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
881    compute_joshi_matrix( mm , nvmask , bmat , cmat , qmat ) ;
884    free(bmat) ; /* not needed no more */
886    if( verb ) ININFO_message("Brainsync done - computing outputs [%s]",TIMER) ;
888    if( Qprefix != NULL ){  /* compute ortset = Qprefix output dataset */
890      /* reload input matrix C with ALL voxels, not just mask */
891      if( nvmask < nvox ){
892        if( verb > 1 )
893          ININFO_message("reloading C matrix with all voxels [%s]",TIMER) ;
894        for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
895          cim = THD_extract_float_brick( ii , dsetC ) ; car = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cim) ;
896          for( jj=0 ; jj < nvox ; jj++ ) cmat[ii+jj*mm] = car[jj] ;
897          mri_free(cim) ;
898        }
899      }
901      if( verb > 1 )
902        ININFO_message("Q transforming dataset [%s]",TIMER) ;
904      cvec = (float *)calloc( sizeof(float) , mm ) ;
906 #undef  QQ
907 #undef  C
908 #define QQ(i,j) qmat[(i)+(j)*mm]
909 #define C(i,j)  cmat[(i)+(j)*mm]
911      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvox ; jj++ ){
912        for( kk=0 ; kk < mm && C(kk,jj)==0.0f ; kk++ ) ; /*nada*/
913        if( kk == mm ) continue ;  /* skip all zero vector */
914        for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
915          for( csum=0.0f,kk=0 ; kk < mm ; kk++ ) csum += QQ(ii,kk) * C(kk,jj) ;
916          cvec[ii] = csum ;
917        }
918        if( do_norm ){  /* -normalize column cvec */
919          for( csum=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) csum += cvec[ii]*cvec[ii] ;
920          if( csum > 0.0f ){
921            csum = 1.0f/sqrtf(csum) ;
922            for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) cvec[ii] *= csum ;
923          }
924        }
925        for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) C(ii,jj) = cvec[ii] ; /* overload matrix */
926      }
929      free(cvec) ; free(qmat) ;
931      if( verb > 1 )
932        ININFO_message("filling output dataset [%s]",TIMER) ;
934      ortset = EDIT_empty_copy( dsetB ) ;
935      EDIT_dset_items( ortset ,
936                         ADN_prefix    , Qprefix ,
937                         ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
938                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL ,
939                       ADN_none ) ;
940      for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
941        car = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nvox) ;
942        for( jj=0 ; jj < nvox ; jj++ ) car[jj] = C(ii,jj) ;
943        EDIT_substitute_brick( ortset , ii , MRI_float , car ) ;
944      }
947    } /*----- end of making ortset -----*/
949    /*------------ do it again with the permutation ------------------------*/
951    if( Pprefix != NULL && bperm != NULL ){
952      if( verb > 1 )
953        ININFO_message("reloading C matrix with all voxels [%s]",TIMER) ;
954      DSET_load(dsetC) ;
955      for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
956        cim = THD_extract_float_brick( ii , dsetC ) ; car = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cim) ;
957        for( jj=0 ; jj < nvox ; jj++ ) cmat[ii+jj*mm] = car[jj] ;
958        mri_free(cim) ;
959      }
960      cvec = (float *)calloc( sizeof(float) , mm ) ;
961      if( verb > 1 )
962        ININFO_message("permuting C matrix [%s]",TIMER) ;
963      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvox ; jj++ ){
964        for( kk=0 ; kk < mm && C(kk,jj)==0.0f ; kk++ ) ; /*nada*/
965        if( kk == mm ) continue ;  /* skip all zero vector */
966        for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) cvec[ii] = C(bperm[ii],jj) ;
967        if( do_norm ){  /* -normalize */
968          for( csum=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) csum += cvec[ii]*cvec[ii] ;
969          if( csum > 0.0f ){
970            csum = 1.0f/sqrtf(csum) ;
971            for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) cvec[ii] *= csum ;
972          }
973        }
974        for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) C(ii,jj) = cvec[ii] ;
975      }
976      free(cvec) ; free(bperm) ;
977      if( verb > 1 )
978        ININFO_message("filling permuted dataset [%s]",TIMER) ;
979      permset = EDIT_empty_copy( dsetB ) ;
980      EDIT_dset_items( permset ,
981                         ADN_prefix    , Pprefix ,
982                         ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
983                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL ,
984                       ADN_none ) ;
985      for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
986        car = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nvox) ;
987        for( jj=0 ; jj < nvox ; jj++ ) car[jj] = C(ii,jj) ;
988        EDIT_substitute_brick( permset , ii , MRI_float , car ) ;
989      }
990    } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
992    /* datasets are created, so return */
994    DSET_unload(dsetC) ; free(cmat) ;
996    if( verb ) ININFO_message("outputs computed [%s]",TIMER) ;
998    EXRETURN ;
999 }
1001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])1003 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
1004 {
1005    int iarg=1 , mm,nn , nbad=0 ;
1007    /*----------*/
1009    if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 )
1010      BSY_help_the_pitiful_user() ;
1012    /*----- bureaucracy -----*/
1014    mainENTRY("3dBrainSync"); machdep();
1015    AFNI_logger("3dBrainSync",argc,argv);
1016    PRINT_VERSION("3dBrainSync"); AUTHOR("Cox the ChronoSynclastic") ;
1017    ct = NI_clock_time() ;
1018 #ifdef USING_MCW_MALLOC
1019    enable_mcw_malloc() ;
1020 #endif
1022    /*----- scan options -----*/
1024    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
1026      /*-----*/
1028      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-quiet") == 0 ){
1029        verb = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
1030      }
1031      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){
1032        verb++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;
1033      }
1035      /*-----*/
1037      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-inset1") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input1") == 0 ){
1038        if( dsetB != NULL )
1039           ERROR_exit("Can't use option '%s' twice!",argv[iarg]) ;
1040        if( ++iarg >= argc )
1041           ERROR_exit("Need value after option '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
1043        dsetB = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]) ;
1044        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dsetB,argv[iarg]);
1045        DSET_mallocize(dsetB) ; /* is faster than mmap */
1046        iarg++ ; continue ;
1047      }
1049      /*-----*/
1051      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-inset2") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input2") == 0 ){
1052        if( dsetC != NULL )
1053           ERROR_exit("Can't use option '%s' twice!",argv[iarg]) ;
1054        if( ++iarg >= argc )
1055           ERROR_exit("Need value after option '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
1057        dsetC = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]) ;
1058        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dsetC,argv[iarg]);
1059        DSET_mallocize(dsetC) ;
1060        iarg++ ; continue ;
1061      }
1063      /*-----*/
1065      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
1066        if( maskset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use option '%s' twice!",argv[iarg]) ;
1067        if( ++iarg  >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need value after option '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
1068        maskset = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]) ;
1069        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(maskset,argv[iarg]) ;
1070        DSET_mallocize(maskset) ;
1071        iarg++ ; continue ;
1072      }
1074      /*-----*/
1076      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Qprefix") == 0 ){
1077        char *cpt ;
1078        if( ++iarg >= argc )
1079          ERROR_exit("Need value after option '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
1080        Qprefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
1081        if( !THD_filename_ok(Qprefix) )
1082          ERROR_exit("-Qprefix '%s' is not acceptable :-(",Qprefix) ;
1083        Qbase = strdup(Qprefix) ;
1084        cpt = strstr(Qbase,".nii") ; if( cpt != NULL ) *cpt = '\0' ;
1085        cpt = strstr(Qbase,".1D" ) ; if( cpt != NULL ) *cpt = '\0' ;
1086        iarg++ ; continue ;
1087      }
1089      /*-----*/
1091      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Pprefix") == 0 ){
1092        char *cpt ;
1093        if( ++iarg >= argc )
1094          ERROR_exit("Need value after option '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
1095        Pprefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
1096        if( !THD_filename_ok(Pprefix) )
1097          ERROR_exit("-Pprefix '%s' is not acceptable :-(",Pprefix) ;
1098        Pbase = strdup(Pprefix) ;
1099        cpt = strstr(Pbase,".nii") ; if( cpt != NULL ) *cpt = '\0' ;
1100        cpt = strstr(Pbase,".1D" ) ; if( cpt != NULL ) *cpt = '\0' ;
1101        iarg++ ; continue ;
1102      }
1104      /*-----*/
1106      if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-norm",5) == 0 ){
1107        do_norm = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
1108      }
1110      /*--- error! ---*/
1112      ERROR_exit(
1113        "[3dBrainSync] Don't know what to do with option '%s' :(",argv[iarg]) ;
1115    } /* end of option scanning loop */
1117    /*----- error checking the stoopid luser; nbad = fatal error count  -----*/
1119    /* no outputs? */
1121    if( Qprefix == NULL && Pprefix == NULL ){
1122      ERROR_message("no -Qprefix or -Pprefix option? Nothing to compute!") ;
1123      nbad++ ;
1124    }
1126    /* bad output names? */
1128    if( Qprefix != NULL && Pprefix != NULL ){
1129      if( strcmp(Qprefix,Pprefix) == 0 ){
1130        ERROR_message("-Qprefix and -Pprefix cannot be the same!") ;
1131        nbad++ ;
1132      } else if( strcmp(Qbase,Pbase) == 0 ){
1133        ERROR_message("-Qprefix and -Pprefix are too similar!") ;
1134        nbad++ ;
1135      }
1136    }
1138    /* no inputs? */
1140    if( dsetB == NULL ){ ERROR_message("no -inset1 dataset?") ; nbad++ ; }
1141    if( dsetC == NULL ){ ERROR_message("no -inset2 dataset?") ; nbad++ ; }
1143    /* grids don't match */
1145    if( !EQUIV_GRIDXYZ(dsetB,dsetC) ){
1146      ERROR_message("-inset1 and -inset2 datasets are not on same 3D grid :(") ;
1147      nbad++ ;
1148    }
1150    /* number of time points is bad? */
1152    mm = DSET_NVALS(dsetB) ;
1153    if( mm < 19 ){
1154      ERROR_message("-inset1 only has %d time points -- need at least 19 :(",mm);
1155      nbad++ ;
1156    }
1157    if( DSET_NVALS(dsetC) != mm ){
1158      ERROR_message(
1159            "-inset1 has %d time points; -inset2 has %d -- they should match :(",
1160            mm , DSET_NVALS(dsetC) ) ;
1161      nbad++ ;
1162    }
1164    /* mask dataset grid doesn't match? */
1166    if( maskset != NULL && !EQUIV_GRIDXYZ(dsetB,maskset) ){
1167      ERROR_message("-mask and -inset1 datsets are NOT on the same 3D grid :(") ;
1168      nbad++ ;
1169    }
1171    /* any fatal errors == DEATH */
1173    if( nbad > 0 ) ERROR_exit("Can't continue after above ERROR%s" ,
1174                              (nbad==1) ? "\0" : "s" ) ;
1176    /*----- Load datasets -----*/
1178    if( verb )
1179      INFO_message("start reading datasets [%s]",TIMER) ;
1180    DSET_load(dsetB) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dsetB) ;
1181    DSET_load(dsetC) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dsetC) ;
1182    if( maskset != NULL ){ DSET_load(maskset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(maskset) ; }
1184    /*----- process the data, get output datasets (all the work ) -----*/
1186    BSY_process_data() ;
1188    /* didn't get either output dataset? Weird */
1190    if( ortset == NULL && permset == NULL )
1191      ERROR_exit("Processing the data failed for some reason :(") ;
1193    if( verb > 1 )
1194      ININFO_message("Writing results [%s]" , TIMER ) ;
1196    if( ortset != NULL ){
1197      tross_Copy_History( dsetB , ortset ) ;
1198      tross_Make_History( "3dBrainSync" , argc,argv , ortset ) ;
1199      DSET_write(ortset) ;
1200      if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(ortset) ;
1201    }
1203    if( permset != NULL ){
1204      tross_Copy_History( dsetB , permset ) ;
1205      tross_Make_History( "3dBrainSync" , argc,argv , permset ) ;
1206      DSET_write(permset) ;
1207      if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(permset) ;
1208    }
1210    /* take a victory lap */
1212    if( verb )
1213      INFO_message("=== 3dBrainSync clock time = %s" , TIMER ) ;
1215    exit(0) ;
1216 }