1 /*********************** 3dBrickStat.c *************************************/
2 /* Author: Daniel Glen, 26 Apr 2005 */
3 #include "mrilib.h"
4 #include "thd_shear3d.h"
6 static int datum                   = MRI_float ;
7 static void Print_Header_MinMax(int Minflag, int Maxflag,
8                                 THD_3dim_dataset * dset);
9 static void Max_func(int Minflag, int Maxflag, int Meanflag, int Countflag,
10                      int Posflag, int Negflag, int Zeroflag, int Absflag,
11                      int nan_flag, int Sumflag,
12                      int Varflag, int Volflag, THD_3dim_dataset * dset,
13                      byte *mmm, int mmvox);
usage_3dBrickStat(int detail)15 void usage_3dBrickStat(int detail) {
16    printf(
17 "Usage: 3dBrickStat [options] dataset\n"
18 "Compute maximum and/or minimum voxel values of an input dataset\n"
19 "\n"
20 "The output is a number to the console.  The input dataset\n"
21 "may use a sub-brick selection list, as in program 3dcalc.\n"
22 "\n"
23 "Note that this program computes ONE number as the output; e.g.,\n"
24 "the mean over all voxels and time points.  If you want (say) the\n"
25 "mean over all voxels but for each time point individually, see\n"
26 "program 3dmaskave.\n"
27 "\n"
28 "Note: If you don't specify one sub-brick, the parameter you get\n"
29 "----- back is computed from all the sub-bricks in dataset.\n"
30 "Options :\n"
31 "  -quick = get the information from the header only (default)\n"
32 "  -slow = read the whole dataset to find the min and max values\n"
33 "         all other options except min and max imply slow\n"
34 "  -min = print the minimum value in dataset\n"
35 "  -max = print the maximum value in dataset (default)\n"
36 "  -mean = print the mean value in dataset \n"
37 "  -sum = print the sum of values in the dataset\n"
38 "  -var = print the variance in the dataset \n"
39 "  -stdev = print the standard deviation in the dataset \n"
40 "           -stdev and -var are mutually exclusive\n"
41 "  -count = print the number of voxels included\n"
42 "  -volume = print the volume of voxels included in microliters\n"
43 "  -positive = include only positive voxel values \n"
44 "  -negative = include only negative voxel values \n"
45 "  -zero = include only zero voxel values \n"
46 "  -non-positive = include only voxel values 0 or negative \n"
47 "  -non-negative = include only voxel values 0 or greater \n"
48 "  -non-zero = include only voxel values not equal to 0 \n"
49 "  -absolute = use absolute value of voxel values for all calculations\n"
50 "              can be combined with restrictive non-positive, non-negative,\n"
51 "              etc. even if not practical. Ignored for percentile and\n"
52 "              median computations.\n"
53 "  -nan = include only voxel values that are finite numbers, \n"
54 "         not NaN, or inf. -nan forces -slow mode.\n"
55 "  -nonan =exclude voxel values that are not numbers\n"
56 "  -mask dset = use dset as mask to include/exclude voxels\n"
57 "  -mrange MIN MAX = Only accept values between MIN and MAX (inclusive)\n"
58 "                    from the mask. Default it to accept all non-zero\n"
59 "                    voxels.\n"
60 "  -mvalue VAL = Only accept values equal to VAL from the mask.\n"
61 "  -automask = automatically compute mask for dataset\n"
62 "    Can not be combined with -mask\n"
63 "  -percentile p0 ps p1 write the percentile values starting\n"
64 "              at p0%% and ending at p1%% at a step of ps%%\n"
65 "              Output is of the form p%% value   p%% value ...\n"
66 "              Percentile values are output first. \n"
67 "              Only one sub-brick is accepted as input with this option.\n"
68 "              Write the author if you REALLY need this option\n"
69 "              to work with multiple sub-bricks.\n"
70 "  -perclist NUM_PERC PERC1 PERC2 ...\n"
71 "              Like -percentile, but output the given percentiles, rather\n"
72 "              than a list on an evenly spaced grid using 'ps'.\n"
73 "  -median a shortcut for -percentile 50 1 50 (or -perclist 1 50)\n"
74 "  -perc_quiet = only print percentile results, not input percentile cutoffs\n"
75 "  -ver = print author and version info\n"
76 "  -help = print this help screen\n"
77 ) ;
78    printf("\n" MASTER_SHORTHELP_STRING ) ;
80    return;
81 }
82 /*
83   static void Max_tsfunc( double tzero , double tdelta ,
84   int npts , float ts[] , double ts_mean ,
85   double ts_slope , void *ud , int nbriks, float *val ) ;
86   static float minvalue=1E10, maxvalue=-1E10;
87 */
89 /*! compute the overall minimum and maximum voxel values for a dataset */
main(int argc,char * argv[])90 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
91 {
92    THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
93    int nopt, nbriks;
94    int slow_flag, quick_flag, min_flag, max_flag, mean_flag,
95       automask,count_flag, sum_flag, var_flag, absolute_flag;
96    int positive_flag, negative_flag, zero_flag, nan_flag, perc_flag, vol_flag;
98    byte * mmm=NULL ;
99    int    mmvox=0 ;
100    int nxyz, i;
101    float *dvec = NULL, mmin=0.0, mmax=0.0;
102    int N_mp=0, perc_quiet=0;
103    double *mpv=NULL, *perc = NULL;
104    double mp =0.0f, mp0 = 0.0f, mps = 0.0f, mp1 = 0.0f, di =0.0f ;
105    byte *mmf = NULL;
106    MRI_IMAGE *anat_im = NULL;
107    char *mask_dset_name=NULL;
108    void *tmp_vec = NULL;
110    /*----- Read command line -----*/
112    mainENTRY("3dBrickStat main"); machdep();
113    AFNI_logger("3dBrickStat",argc,argv);
114    nopt = 1 ;
116    min_flag  = 0;
117    max_flag = -1;
118    mean_flag = 0;
119    sum_flag = 0;
120    var_flag = 0;
121    slow_flag = 0;
122    quick_flag = -1;
123    automask = 0;
124    count_flag = 0;
125    vol_flag = 0;
126    positive_flag = -1;
127    negative_flag = -1;
128    absolute_flag = 0;
129    zero_flag = -1;
130    nan_flag = -1;
131    perc_flag = 0;
132    mmin = 1.0;
133    mmax = -1.0;
134    mask_dset_name = NULL;
136    datum = MRI_float;
137    while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
138       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-help") == 0 ||
139           strcmp(argv[nopt],"-h") == 0){
140          usage_3dBrickStat(strlen(argv[nopt])> 3 ? 2:1);
141          exit(0);
142       }
144       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-ver") == 0 ){
145          PRINT_VERSION("3dBrickStat"); AUTHOR("Daniel Glen");
146          nopt++; continue;
147       }
149       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-quick") == 0 ){
150          quick_flag = 1;
151          nopt++; continue;
152       }
154       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-percentile") == 0 ){
155          perc_flag = 1;
156          ++nopt;
157          if (nopt + 2 >= argc) {
158             ERROR_exit( "** Error: Need 3 parameter after -percentile\n");
159          }
160          mp0 = atof(argv[nopt])/100.0f; ++nopt;
161          mps = atof(argv[nopt])/100.0f; ++nopt;
162          mp1 = atof(argv[nopt])/100.0f;
163          if (mps == 0.0f) {
164             ERROR_exit( "** Error: step cannot be 0" );
165          }
166          if (mp0 < 0 || mp0 > 100 || mp1 < 0 || mp1 > 100) {
167             ERROR_exit( "** Error: p0 and p1 must be >=0 and <= 100" );
168          }
170          nopt++; continue;
171       }
173       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-perclist") == 0 ) {
174          /* initialize N_mp and mpv from user list */
175          perc_flag = 1;
176          ++nopt;
178          /* init N_mp */
179          if (nopt + 1 >= argc)
180             ERROR_exit( "Need at least 2 params after -perclist\n");
182          N_mp = atoi(argv[nopt]);
183          if( N_mp <= 0 )
184             ERROR_exit("need NUM_PERC (and percs) after -perclist\n"
185                        "  (have NUM_PERC = '%s')\n", argv[nopt]);
186          ++nopt;
188          /* allocate mpv */
189          mpv = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*N_mp);
190          if (!mpv)
191             ERROR_exit("Failed to allocate %d doubles for mpv", N_mp);
192          if (nopt + N_mp >= argc)
193             ERROR_exit("Need %d percentiles for -perclist\n", N_mp);
195          /* and populate mpv */
196          for(i=0; i<N_mp; i++) {
197             /* use mp0 just for a local var */
198             mp0 = atof(argv[nopt])/100.0f;
199             if (mp0 < 0 || mp0 > 100
200                 || (mp0 == 0 && ! isdigit(argv[nopt][0])) ) {
201                ERROR_message("** Error: bad -perclist perc #%d of %d: %s\n"
202                              "   percentiles should be in the range [0,100]\n",
203                              i+1, N_mp, argv[nopt]);
204                exit(1);
205             }
207             mpv[i] = mp0;
208             ++nopt;
209          }
211          continue;
212       }
214       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-perc_quiet") == 0 ){
215          perc_quiet = 1;
216          nopt++; continue;
217       }
219       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-median") == 0 ){
220          perc_flag = 1;
221          mp0 = 0.50f;
222          mps = 0.01f;
223          mp1 = 0.50f;
224          nopt++; continue;
225       }
227       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-slow") == 0 ){
228          slow_flag = 1;
229          nopt++; continue;
230       }
232       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-min") == 0 ){
233          min_flag = 1;
234          nopt++; continue;
235       }
237       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-max") == 0 ){
238          max_flag = 1;
239          nopt++; continue;
240       }
242       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-sum") == 0 ){
243          sum_flag = 1;
244          nopt++; continue;
245       }
247       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mean") == 0 ){
248          mean_flag = 1;
249          nopt++; continue;
250       }
252       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-var") == 0 ){
253          if (var_flag) {
254             ERROR_message("Looks like -stdev is already used.\n"
255                           "-var and -stdev are mutually exclusive");
256             exit (1);
257          }
258          var_flag = 1;
259          nopt++; continue;
260       }
262       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-stdev") == 0 ){
263          if (var_flag) {
264             ERROR_message("Looks like -var is already used.\n"
265                           "-var and -stdev are mutually exclusive");
266             exit (1);
267          }
268          var_flag = 2;
269          nopt++; continue;
270       }
272       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-count") == 0 ){
273          count_flag = 1;
274          nopt++; continue;
275       }
277       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-volume") == 0 ){
278          vol_flag = 1;
279          nopt++; continue;
280       }
282       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-positive") == 0 ){
283          if(positive_flag!=-1) {
284             ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
286          }
287          positive_flag = 1;
288          negative_flag = 0;
289          zero_flag = 0;
290          nopt++; continue;
291       }
293       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-negative") == 0 ){
294          if(positive_flag!=-1) {
295             ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
296          }
297          positive_flag = 0;
298          negative_flag = 1;
299          zero_flag = 0;
300          nopt++; continue;
301       }
303       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-zero") == 0 ){
304          if(positive_flag!=-1) {
305             ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
306          }
307          positive_flag = 0;
308          negative_flag = 0;
309          zero_flag = 1;
310          nopt++; continue;
311       }
313       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-non-positive") == 0 ){
314          if(positive_flag!=-1) {
315             ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
316          }
317          positive_flag = 0;
318          negative_flag = 1;
319          zero_flag = 1;
320          nopt++; continue;
321       }
322       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-non-negative") == 0 ){
323          if(positive_flag!=-1) {
324             ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
325          }
326          positive_flag = 1;
327          negative_flag = 0;
328          zero_flag = 1;
329          nopt++; continue;
330       }
332       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-non-zero") == 0 ){
333          if(positive_flag!=-1) {
334             ERROR_exit( "Can not use multiple +/-/0 options");
335          }
336          positive_flag = 1;
337          negative_flag = 1;
338          zero_flag = 0;
339          nopt++; continue;
340       }
342       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-absolute") == 0 ){
343          absolute_flag = 1;
344          nopt++; continue;
345       }
347       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-nan") == 0 ){
348          if(nan_flag!=-1) {
349             ERROR_exit( "Can not use both -nan -nonan options");
350          }
351          nan_flag = 1;
352          nopt++; continue;
353       }
355       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-nonan") == 0 ){
356          if(nan_flag!=-1) {
357             ERROR_exit( "Can not use both -nan -nonan options");
359          }
360          nan_flag = 0;
361          nopt++; continue;
362       }
364       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-autoclip") == 0 ||
365           strcmp(argv[nopt],"-automask") == 0   ){
367          if( mmm != NULL ){
368             ERROR_exit(" ERROR: can't use -autoclip/mask with -mask!");
370          }
371          automask = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
372       }
374       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mrange") == 0 ){
375          if (nopt+2 >= argc) {
376             ERROR_exit(" ERROR: Need two values after -mrange");
377          }
378          mmin = atof(argv[++nopt]);
379          mmax = atof(argv[++nopt]);
380          if (mmax < mmin) {
381             ERROR_exit(
382                        "1st value in -mrange %s %s should be the smallest one",
383                        argv[nopt-1], argv[nopt]);
384          }
385          nopt++ ; continue ;
386       }
388       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mvalue") == 0 ){
389          if (nopt+1 >= argc) {
390             ERROR_exit(" ERROR: Need 1 value after -mvalue");
391          }
392          mmin = atof(argv[++nopt]);
393          mmax = mmin ;
394          nopt++ ; continue ;
395       }
397       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mask") == 0 ){
398          if( mask_dset_name != NULL )
399             ERROR_exit(" ERROR: can't have 2 -mask options!");
400          mask_dset_name = argv[++nopt];
401          nopt++ ; continue ;
402       }
404       ERROR_message( " Error - unknown option %s", argv[nopt]);
405       suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);
406       exit(1);
407    }
409    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
410       ERROR_message("Too few options");
411       usage_3dBrickStat(0);
412       exit(1) ;
413    }
415    if (mask_dset_name) {
416       int ninmask = 0;
417       THD_3dim_dataset * mask_dset ;
418       if( automask ){
419          ERROR_exit(" ERROR: can't use -mask with -automask!");
420       }
421       mask_dset = THD_open_dataset(mask_dset_name) ;
422       CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mask_dset,mask_dset_name) ;
424       mmm = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , mmin, mmax ) ;
425       mmvox = DSET_NVOX( mask_dset ) ;
426       ninmask = THD_countmask (mmvox, mmm);
427       if (!ninmask) {
428          ERROR_exit(" No voxels in mask !");
429       }
430       /* text output program, so avoid extras   26 Dec 2013 [rickr] */
431       /* INFO_message("%d voxels in mask\n", ninmask); */
432       DSET_delete(mask_dset) ;
433    }
435    if(((mmm!=NULL) && (quick_flag))||(automask &&quick_flag)) {
436       if(quick_flag==1)
437          WARNING_message( "+++ Warning - can't have quick option with mask");
438       quick_flag = 0;
439       slow_flag = 1;
440    }
442    /* if max_flag is not set by user, check if other user options set */
443    if(max_flag==-1) {
444       if(min_flag || mean_flag || count_flag || vol_flag || sum_flag
445          || perc_flag || var_flag)
446          max_flag = 0;
447       else
448          max_flag = 1;                  /* otherwise check only for max */
449    }
451    if((var_flag==1)||(mean_flag==1)||(count_flag==1)||
452       (vol_flag==1)||(absolute_flag==1) ||
453       (positive_flag!=-1)||(nan_flag!=-1)||
454       (sum_flag == 1)||(perc_flag == 1) || (var_flag==2))
455       {
456          /* mean flag or count_flag implies slow */
457          slow_flag = 1;
458       }
460    /* check slow and quick options */
461    if((slow_flag) && (quick_flag!=1))  /* if user asked for slow, do so */
462       quick_flag = 0;
463    else
464       quick_flag = 1;
466    if((max_flag==0) && (min_flag==0))   /* if the user only asked for mean */
467       quick_flag = 0;                  /*  no need to do quick way */
469    if((quick_flag) &&
470       ((absolute_flag==1)||(positive_flag==1)||(negative_flag==1)||(zero_flag==1)))
471       WARNING_message( " Warning - ignoring +/-/0/abs flags for quick computations");
473    if(positive_flag==-1) {   /* if no +/-/0 options set, allow all voxels */
474       positive_flag = 1;
475       negative_flag = 1;
476       zero_flag = 1;
477    }
479    /*----- read input dataset -----*/
481    if( nopt >= argc ){
482       ERROR_exit(" No input dataset!?");
483    }
485    old_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ) ;
486    CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(old_dset,argv[nopt]) ;
488    nxyz = DSET_NVOX(old_dset) ;
489    if( mmm != NULL && mmvox != nxyz ){
490       ERROR_exit(" Mask and input datasets not the same size!") ;
492    }
494    if(automask && mmm == NULL ){
495       mmm = THD_automask( old_dset ) ;
496       for(i=0;i<nxyz;i++) {
497          if(mmm[i]!=0) ++mmvox;
498       }
499    }
501    if(quick_flag)
502       Print_Header_MinMax(min_flag, max_flag, old_dset);
504    if(slow_flag!=1)
505       exit(0);
507    /* ZSS do some diddlyiddly sorting - DO not affect Daniel's
508       function later on */
509    if (perc_flag == 1) {
510       DSET_mallocize (old_dset);
511       DSET_load (old_dset);
512       if (DSET_NVALS(old_dset) != 1) {
513          ERROR_exit( "-percentile can only be used on one sub-brick only.\n"
514                      "Use sub-brick selectors '[.]' to specify "
515                      "sub-brick of interest.\n");
516       }
518       /* prep for input and output of percentiles */
519       /* if N_mp > 0, it and mpv have already been initialized  15 Mar 2021 */
520       /* (just allocate perc) */
521       if( N_mp > 0 ) {
522          perc = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*N_mp);
523          if (!mpv || !perc) {
524             ERROR_message("Failed to allocate mpv or perc");
525             exit(1);
526          }
527       } else {
528          if (mp0 > mp1) {
529             N_mp = 1;
530          } else {
531             /* allocate one above ceiling to prevent truncation error
532                (and crash), N_mp is recomputed anyway 16 Mar 2009 [rickr] */
533             N_mp = (int)((double)(mp1-mp0)/(double)mps) + 2;
534          }
535          mpv = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*N_mp);
536          perc = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*N_mp);
537          if (!mpv || !perc) {
538             ERROR_message("Failed to allocate for mpv or perc");
539             exit(1);
540          }
541          N_mp = 0;
542          mp = mp0;
543          do {
544             mpv[N_mp] = mp; ++N_mp; mp += mps;
545          } while (mp <= mp1+.00000001);
546       }
548       // [PT: March 24, 2021] Squash a bug that affects mean/stdev
549       // calcs when a non-full-FOV mask is used, by setting the arg
550       // 'option' to be 1, not 0 in Percentate().  This way, the input
551       // dset is not sorted/changed (while the mask wasn't).  Below,
552       // non-percentile calcs should now be OK.
553       tmp_vec = Percentate (DSET_ARRAY(old_dset, 0), mmm, nxyz,
554                             DSET_BRICK_TYPE(old_dset, 0), mpv, N_mp,
555                             1, perc,
556                             zero_flag, positive_flag, negative_flag );
558       if ( !tmp_vec ) {
559          ERROR_message("Failed to compute percentiles.");
560          exit(1);
561       }
563       /* take care of brick factor */
564       if (DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset,0)) {
565          for (i=0; i<N_mp; ++i) {
566             perc[i] = perc[i]*DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset,0);
567          }
568       }
570       for (i=0; i<N_mp; ++i) {
571          if( perc_quiet )
572             fprintf(stdout,"%f   ", perc[i]);
573          else
574             fprintf(stdout,"%.1f %f   ", mpv[i]*100.0f, perc[i]);
575       }
577       free(mpv);     mpv     = NULL;
578       free(perc);    perc    = NULL;
579       free(tmp_vec); tmp_vec = NULL;
580    }
582    Max_func(min_flag, max_flag, mean_flag,count_flag,
583             positive_flag, negative_flag, zero_flag, absolute_flag,
584             nan_flag, sum_flag, var_flag, vol_flag,old_dset, mmm, mmvox);
587    if(mmm!=NULL)
588       free(mmm);
590    exit(0);
592    /* unused code time series method for extracting data */
593 #if 0
594    EDIT_dset_items( old_dset ,
595                     ADN_ntt    , DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ,
596                     ADN_ttorg  , 0.0 ,
597                     ADN_ttdel  , 1.0 ,
598                     ADN_tunits , UNITS_SEC_TYPE ,
599                     NULL ) ;
600    nbriks = 1;
602    /*------------- ready to compute new min, max -----------*/
603    new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc(
604               old_dset ,             /* input dataset */
605               "temp" ,               /* output prefix */
606               datum ,                /* output datum  */
607               0 ,                    /* ignore count  */
608               0 ,                /* can't detrend in maker function  KRH 12/02*/
609               nbriks ,               /* number of briks */
610               Max_tsfunc ,           /* timeseries processor */
611               NULL,                  /* data for tsfunc */
612               NULL,                  /* mask */
613               0                      /* Allow auto scaling of output */
614               ) ;
615    if(min_flag)
616       printf("%-13.6g ", minvalue);
617    if(max_flag)
618       printf("%-13.6g", maxvalue);
619    printf("\n");
620    exit(0) ;
621 #endif
622 }
624 /*! Print the minimum and maximum values from the header */
625 static void
Print_Header_MinMax(Minflag,Maxflag,dset)626 Print_Header_MinMax(Minflag, Maxflag, dset)
627    int Minflag, Maxflag;
628 THD_3dim_dataset * dset;
629 {
630    int ival, nval_per;
631    float tf=0.0;
632    double scaledmin, scaledmax, internalmin;
633    double internalmax, overallmin, overallmax;
635    overallmin = 1E10;
636    overallmax = -1E10;
638    ENTRY("Print_Header_MinMax");
639    /* print out stuff for each sub-brick */
640    nval_per = dset->dblk->nvals ;
641    for( ival=0 ; ival < nval_per ; ival++ ){
642       tf = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ival) ;
643       if( ISVALID_STATISTIC(dset->stats) ){
644          if( tf != 0.0 ){
645             internalmin = dset->stats->bstat[ival].min/tf;
646             internalmax = dset->stats->bstat[ival].max/tf;
647          }
648          scaledmin = dset->stats->bstat[ival].min;
649          scaledmax = dset->stats->bstat[ival].max;
650          if( tf != 0.0 ){
651             if(internalmin < overallmin)
652                overallmin = scaledmin;
653             if(internalmax > overallmax)
654                overallmax = scaledmax;
655          }
656          else {
657             if(scaledmin < overallmin)
658                overallmin = scaledmin;
659             if(scaledmax > overallmax)
660                overallmax = scaledmax;
661          }
662       }
663       else {
664          WARNING_message("No valid statistics in header. \n"
665                          "Use -slow option to generate a new one.") ;
666          EXRETURN;
667       }
668    }
670    if(Minflag)
671       printf("%-13.6g ", overallmin);
672    if(Maxflag)
673       printf("%-13.6g", overallmax);
674    if( tf != 0.0)
675       printf(" [*%g]\n",tf) ;
676    else
677       printf("\n");
679    EXRETURN;
680 }
683 /*! search whole dataset for minimum and maximum */
684 /* load all at one time */
Max_func(int Minflag,int Maxflag,int Meanflag,int Countflag,int Posflag,int Negflag,int Zeroflag,int Absflag,int nan_flag,int Sumflag,int Varflag,int Volflag,THD_3dim_dataset * dset,byte * mmm,int mmvox)685 static void Max_func(int Minflag, int Maxflag, int Meanflag, int Countflag,
686                      int Posflag, int Negflag, int Zeroflag, int Absflag,
687                      int nan_flag,
688                      int Sumflag,
689                      int Varflag, int Volflag, THD_3dim_dataset * dset,
690                      byte *mmm, int mmvox)
691 {
692    double overallmin, overallmax, overallmean;
693    double voxval, fac, sum, sum2, vr;
694    int nvox, npts;
695    int i,k;
696    int test_flag;
698    MRI_IMAGE *data_im = NULL;
700    ENTRY("Max_func");
702    /* maybe the mask came up empty    [11 Jun 2019 rickr] */
703    if( mmvox > 0 ) {
704       overallmin = 1E10;
705       overallmax = -1E10;
706    } else {
707       overallmin = 0;
708       overallmax = 0;
709    }
710    sum = 0.0;
711    vr = 0.0;
712    sum2 = 0.0;
713    npts = 0;
714    DSET_mallocize (dset);
715    DSET_load (dset);                    /* load dataset */
716    npts = 0;                            /* keep track of number of points */
717    for(i=0;i<dset->dblk->nvals; i++) {  /* for each sub-brik in dataset */
718       data_im = DSET_BRICK (dset, i);   // set pointer to 0th sub-brik of dset
719       fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, i); /* get scale factor for each sub-brik*/
720       if(fac==0.0) fac=1.0;
721       if( mmm != NULL)                  /* masked out */
722          nvox = mmvox;
723       else
724          nvox = data_im->nvox;           /* number of voxels in the sub-brik */
726       for(k=0;k<nvox;k++) {
727          if( mmm != NULL && mmm[k] == 0 ) continue ;  /* masked out */
729          switch( data_im->kind ){
730          case MRI_short:{
731             short *ar = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ;
732             voxval = ar[k];
733          }
734             break ;
736          case MRI_byte:{
737             byte *ar = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ;
738             voxval = ar[k];
739          }
740             break ;
742          case MRI_float:{
743             float *ar = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ;
744             voxval = ar[k];
745          }
746             break ;
748          case MRI_double:{
749             double *ar = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ;
750             voxval = ar[k];
751          }
752             break ;
754          case MRI_int:{
755             int *ar = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ;
756             voxval = ar[k];
757          }
758             break ;
760          case MRI_complex:{
761             complex *ar = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ;
762             voxval = CABS(ar[k]);
763          }
764             break ;
766          case MRI_rgb:{
767             byte *ar = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ;
768             voxval = 0.299*ar[3*k]+0.587*ar[3*k+1]+0.114*ar[3*k+2];
769          }
770             break ;
772          default:                          /* unknown type */
773             voxval = 0.0;                   /* ignore this voxel */
774             k = nvox;                       /* skip to next sub-brik */
775             WARNING_message("Unknown type, %s, in sub-brik %d",
776                             MRI_TYPE_name[data_im->kind], i);
777             break;
778          }
780          if( mmm == NULL || ((mmm!=NULL) && mmm[k] != 0 )){ // masked in voxel?
781             voxval = voxval * fac;             /* apply scale factor */
782             if(nan_flag!=-1) {               // check for various not a numbers
783                test_flag = isfinite(voxval);
784                if((nan_flag==1) && (test_flag==1)) /* only looking for NaNs*/
785                   continue;
786                if((nan_flag==0) && (test_flag==0)) // only looking for finites
787                   continue;
788                if(test_flag==0) {  /* not a number */
789                   ++npts;
790                   continue;
791                }
792             }
793             /* use only absolute values */
794             if(Absflag) voxval = abs(voxval);
795             /* limit data by sign */
796             if(((voxval<0)&&Negflag)||((voxval==0)&&Zeroflag)
797                ||((voxval>0)&&Posflag)) {
798                sum += voxval;
799                if (Varflag) sum2 += voxval*voxval;
800                ++npts;
801                if(voxval<overallmin)
802                   overallmin = voxval;
803                if(voxval>overallmax)
804                   overallmax = voxval;
805             }
806          }
807       }
808    }
809    if(Minflag)
810       printf("%-13.6g ", overallmin);
811    if(Maxflag)
812       printf("%-13.6g ", overallmax);
813    if(Meanflag)
814       {
815          /* 11 Jun 2019 */
816          if( npts > 0 ) overallmean = sum/npts;
817          else           overallmean = 0.0;
818          printf("%-13.6g ", overallmean);
819       }
820    if(Countflag)
821       printf("%-13d", npts);
823    if(Volflag)
824       printf("%-13.6f", DSET_VOXVOL(dset) * npts);
827    if (Sumflag)
828       printf("%-13.6g ", sum);
829    if (Varflag) {
830       /* 11 Jun 2019 */
831       if( npts > 1 ) vr = (sum2-sum*sum/(double)npts)/(double)(npts-1);
832       else           vr = 0.0;
834       if (Varflag == 2) printf("%-13.6g ", sqrt(vr));
835       else  printf("%-13.6g ", vr);
836    }
837    printf("\n");
839    mri_free (data_im);
840    /*    DSET_unload_one (dset, 0);*/
841    EXRETURN;
842 }
844 /* unused code time series method for extracting data */
845 #if 0
847 /*! search whole dataset for minimum and maximum */
848 static void Max_tsfunc( double tzero, double tdelta ,
849                         int npts, float ts[],
850                         double ts_mean, double ts_slope,
851                         void * ud, int nbriks, float * val          )
852 {
853    static int nvox, ncall;
854    int i;
856    ENTRY("Max_tsfunc");
857    /* ts is input vector data */
859    /** is this a "notification"? **/
860    if( val == NULL ){
862       if( npts > 0 ){  /* the "start notification" */
864          nvox  = npts ;                       /* keep track of   */
865          ncall = 0 ;                          /* number of calls */
867       } else {  /* the "end notification" */
869          /* nothing to do here */
870       }
871       return ;
872    }
873    ncall++;
874    for(i=0;i<npts;i++) {
875       if(ts[i]>maxvalue)
876          maxvalue = ts[i];
877       if(ts[i]<minvalue)
878          minvalue = ts[i];
879    }
881    EXRETURN;
882 }
883 #endif