1 /*********************** 3dDWItoDT.c **********************************************/
2 /* Author: Daniel Glen, 17 Nov 2004 */
3 /* compute 6 principle direction tensors from multiple gradient vectors*/
4 /* and corresponding image data */
5 /* This version includes a more complex algorithm that takes into account*/
6 /* noise.*/
9 /* Gregory Baxter (gbaxter@ucsd.edu), 2 Nov 2012                             */
10 /* UCSD Center for Scientific Computation in Imaging (csci.ucsd.edu)         */
11 /*                                                                           */
12 /* Added modifications to allow for reading a b-matrix file directly rather  */
13 /* constructing it from gradient directions.                                 */
14 /*                                                                           */
15 /* When -bmatrix is specified on the command line, the gradient file is      */
16 /* read as a bmatrix file instead and expected to have 6 columns (rather     */
17 /* than 3), with elements ordered Bxx, Byy, Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz.              */
18 /*                                                                           */
19 /* For calculations with the -bmatrix option, the diffusion weighted dataset */
20 /* is assumed to have a single b0 image first, followed by all the diffusion */
21 /* weighted images. The bmatrix file should have the same number of rows as  */
22 /* the total number of diffusion weighted images (including the b0 image).   */
25 // Dec, 2013 (PT):
26 // + (probable) bug fix and new matrix format allowed for input (no
27 //   zeros at top).  search for '$$' to see the new lines for allowing
28 //   bmatrix input with no zeros in top row, and for '@@' for potential
29 //   bug fix for original `-bmatrix' options.
31 // Apr, 2016 (PT):
32 // + allow for non-unit gradient magnitudes, so that gradients can be
33 //   weighted by b-values- affects Form_R_Matrix() and computebmatrix().
34 //   search for 'apt,2016' to see changes.
36 // May, 2016 (PT):
37 // + extra badness condition for when fits go really wrong, for example if
38 //   data is missing.  By default, will censor when values are >100*(MD_0),
39 //   where MD_0 is the default 'CSF value' based on the b_max.
41 // (end of) May, 2016 (PT):
42 // + allow user to scaled DT/MD/L? values by 1000 internally. If
43 //   bweighted matrix/gradient values have been input, this may be
44 //   nicer than having 0.0007 (mm^2/s), etc., values, changing them to
45 //   ~0.7 (x10^{-3} mm^2/s), etc., which is more the style propounded in
46 //   reported literature.
48 // Sep, 2016 (PT):
49 // + introduce user opt BMAX_REF into program, so we can identify if
50 //   bvalue is really > 0, which can happen
52 // Oct, 2016 (PT):
53 // + now calcs/outputs RD as part of '-eigs'
55 // May, 2017 (PT):
56 // + can now calc goodness of fit chi-squared values (signal-based
57 //   ones, at the moment), if user wants; now happens when
58 //   '-debug_briks' is used.
60 // Aug, 2017 (PT):
61 // + can now have cumulative weights dumped into a file, as well as
62 //   shown in terminal -> CORRECTLY now...
65 #include "thd_shear3d.h"
66 /*#ifndef FLOATIZE*/
67 # include "matrix.h"
68 /*#endif*/
69 #include "mrilib.h"
71 #define SIG_EPS 1E-8
72 #define TINYNUMBER 1E-10
73 #define SMALLNUMBER 1E-4
74 #define HUGENUMBER 1E38
75 #define MAX_CONVERGE_STEPS 10           /* default maximum steps */
78 static char prefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX] = "DT";
79 static int datum = MRI_float;
80 static matrix Rtmat;
81 static double *Rvector;		/* residuals at each gradient */
82 static double *tempRvector;     /* copy of residuals at each gradient */
83 static int *B0list = NULL;
84 static matrix Fmatrix;
85 static matrix Dmatrix;
86 static matrix OldD;
87 static matrix Hplusmatrix, Hminusmatrix;
88 static vector Dvector;
89 static matrix tempFmatrix[2];
90 static matrix tempDmatrix[2];
91 static matrix tempHplusmatrix[2], tempHminusmatrix[2];
92 /* static vector tempDvector; */
94 static byte *maskptr = NULL;
95 static double eigs[12];
96 static double deltatau;
97 static double *wtfactor;	     /* weight factors for time points at
98                                    each voxel */
99 static double *bmatrix;		     /* b matrix = GiGj for gradient
100                                    intensities */
101 static double *cumulativewt;    /* overall wt. factor for each
102                                    gradient */
103 static long rewtvoxels;         /* how many voxels were reweighted */
104 static double sigma;		        /* std.deviation */
105 static double ED;		           /* error for each iteration - cost
106                                    function result */
107 static int automask = 0;        /* automasking flag - user option */
108 static int reweight_flag = 0;   /* reweight computation flag - user
109                                    option */
110 static int method = -1;         /* linear or non-linear method - user
111                                    option */
112 static int max_iter = -2;       /* maximum #convergence iteration
113                                    steps - user option */
114 static int max_iter_rw = -2;    /* maximum #convergence iteration
115                                    steps - user option */
116 static int eigs_flag = 0;       /* eigenvalue calculation in output -
117                                    user option */
118 static int cumulative_flag = 0; /* calculate, display cumulative wts
119                                    for gradients - user option */
120 static int debug_briks = 0;     /* put Ed, Ed0 and Converge step
121                                    sub-briks in output - user
122                                    option */
123 static int verbose = 0;         /* print out info every verbose number
124                                    of voxels - user option */
125 static int afnitalk_flag = 0;   /* show convergence in AFNI graph -
126                                    user option */
127 static int bmatrix_given = 0;   /* user input file is b matrix
128                                    (instead of gradient direction
129                                    matrix) with 6 columns: Bxx, Byy,
130                                    Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz */
131 static int BMAT_NZ = 0;         /* non-zero bmatrix supplied */
132 static int use_mean_b0 = 0;     /* compute initial linear estimate
133                                    with first b=0 volume rather than
134                                    mean of all b=0 volumes */
135 static int opt_method = 2;      /* use gradient descent instead of
136                                    Powell's new optimize method*/
137 static int voxel_opt_method = 0;/* hybridize optimization between
138                                     Powell and gradient descent */
139 static int Powell_npts = 1;     /* number of points in input dataset
140                                    for Powell optimization function */
141 static float *Powell_ts;        /* pointer to time-wise voxel data for
142                                    Powell optimization function */
143 static double Powell_J;
144 static double backoff_factor = 0.2; /* minimum allowable factor for
145                                        lambda2,3 relative to lambda1
146                                        eigenvalues*/
147 static float csf_val = 1.0;     /* a default value for diffusivity for
148                                    CSF at 37C; apr,2016: now set to
149                                    '1' */
150 static float rd_val = 1.0;     /* a default value for diffusivity for
151                                    CSF at 37C; apr,2016: now set to
152                                    '1' */
154 static float csf_fa = 0.012345678; /* default FA value where there is
155                                       CSF */
156 static float MAX_BVAL = -1.;     /* use in scaling csf_val for MD and
157                                    such, *if* user doesn't enter
158                                    one */
159 int USER_CSF_VAL = 0;           // flag so we know if the user entered
160                                 // his/her own scaling
161 static float MIN_BAD_SCALE_MD = 100.; // May,2016: mult this number
162                                       // times csf_val to detect some
163                                       // baaadness
164 float SCALE_VAL_OUT = -1.0 ;         // allow users to scaled physical
165                                      // values by 1000 easily; will be
166                                      // set to 1 if negative after
167                                      // reading in inputs
168 float BMAX_REF = 0.01;    // for identifying reference bvalues
170 // [PT: May, 2017]
171 static float *I0_ptr;           /* I0 matrix */
172 static int nvols = -1;
173 // used in copying DT info: NOTE THE ORDER!
174 static int sublist[7]={6,0,1,2,3,4,5};
176 static NI_stream_type * DWIstreamid = 0;     /* NIML stream ID */
179 int ChiSq_GOF( THD_3dim_dataset *DWmeas,
180                THD_3dim_dataset *DWfit,
181                int *b0list,
182                float **ccc,
183                byte *maskp);
185 // *Shamelessly* copied+pasted from 3dDTtoDWI.c for use here, because
186 // *it was a pain to navigate around static variables and linking.
187 static void DTtoDWI_tsfunc (double tzero, double tdelta, int npts, float ts[],
188                             double ts_mean, double ts_slope, void *ud,
189                             int nbriks, float *val);
190 static void Form_R_Matrix (MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr);
191 static void DWItoDT_tsfunc ( double tzero, double tdelta, int npts,
192                              float ts[], double ts_mean, double ts_slope,
193                              void *ud, int nbriks, float *val);
194 static void EIG_func (void);
195 static float Calc_FA(float *val);
196 static float Calc_MD(float *val);
197 static float Calc_RD(float *val); // pt,Oct,2016: for RD
198 static void ComputeD0 (void);
199 static double ComputeJ (float ts[], int npts);
200 static void ComputeDeltaTau (void);
201 static void Computebmatrix (MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr, int NO_ZERO_ROW1);
202 static void InitGlobals (int npts);
203 static void FreeGlobals (void);
204 static void Store_Computations (int i, int npts, int converge_step);
205 static void Restore_Computations (int i, int npts, int converge_step);
206 static void InitWtfactors (int npts);
207 static void ComputeWtfactors (int npts);
208 static void ComputeHpHm (double deltatau);
209 static void ComputeNewD (void);
210 static int TestConvergence (matrix NewD, matrix OldD);
211 static void udmatrix_to_vector (matrix m, vector * v);
212 static void udmatrix_copy (double *udptr, matrix * m);
213 static double matrix_sumabs (matrix m);
214 static double *InvertSym3 (double a, double b, double c, double e, double f,
215                            double i);
216 static void matrix_copy (matrix a, matrix * b);
217 static int DWI_Open_NIML_stream(void);
218 static int DWI_NIML_create_graph(void);
219 static void DWI_AFNI_update_graph(double *Edgraph, double *dtau, int npts);
220 static void vals_to_NIFTI(float *val);
221 static void Save_Sep_DTdata(THD_3dim_dataset *, char *, int);
222 static void Copy_dset_array(THD_3dim_dataset *, int,int,char *, int);
223 static int ComputeDwithPowell(float *ts, float *val, int npts, int nbriks);
224 static int bad_DWI_data(int npts, float *ts);
225 static int bad_DWI_data_2_MD(float v1, float v2, float v3); // May,2016: new badness
226                                         // check, based on MD val
227 static double compute_mean_B0(int npts, float *ts, char B0flag);
228 static void Assign_CSF_values(float *val);
229 static int all_dwi_zero(int npts, float *ts);
231 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])232 main (int argc, char *argv[])
233 {
234    THD_3dim_dataset *old_dset=NULL, *new_dset=NULL;	 // input and output datasets
235    THD_3dim_dataset *fit_dset=NULL; // intermed dset: DWIs on tensor
236    THD_3dim_dataset *new_dsetDT=NULL, *old_dset0=NULL;
237    int nopt, nbriks;
238    int i, eigs_brik;
239    MRI_IMAGE *grad1Dptr = NULL;
240    MRI_IMAGE *anat_im = NULL;
241 #if 0
242    int nvox;
243    short *sar = NULL;
244    short *tempsptr = NULL;
245    byte *tempbptr = NULL;
246    short tempval;
247 #endif
249    double *cumulativewtptr=NULL;
250    int mmvox=0 ;
251    int nxyz;
252    int sep_dsets = 0;
254    // [PT: May, 2017]
255    MRI_IMAGE *data_im = NULL;
256    double fac;
257    int n;
259    // [PT: Aug, 2017]
260    float tmp_cwvalue=0.0;    // for outputting cumulative_wt values
261    int ncwts=0;
262    FILE *fout1=NULL;
265    /*----- Read command line -----*/
266    if (argc < 2 || strcmp (argv[1], "-help") == 0)
267       {
268          printf (
269 "\n"
270 " Usage: 3dDWItoDT [options] gradient-file dataset\n"
271 "\n"
272 " Computes 6 principle direction tensors from multiple gradient vectors\n"
273 " and corresponding DTI image volumes.\n"
274 " The program takes two parameters as input :  \n"
275 "    a 1D file of the gradient vectors with lines of ASCII floats:\n"
276 "            Gxi, Gyi, Gzi.\n"
277 "    Only the non-zero gradient vectors are included in this file (no G0 \n"
278 "    line). \n"
279 "    ** Now, a '1D' file of b-matrix elements can alternatively be input,\n"
280 "        and *all* the gradient values are included!**\n"
281 "    A 3D bucket dataset with Np+1 sub-briks where the first sub-brik is the\n"
282 "    volume acquired with no diffusion weighting.\n"
283 "\n"
284 " OUTPUTS: \n"
285 "     + you can output all 6 of the independent tensor values (Dxx, Dyy, \n"
286 "       etc.), as well as all three eigenvalues (L1, L2, L3) and \n"
287 "       eigenvectors (V1, V2, V3), and useful DTI parameters FA, MD and\n"
288 "       RD.\n"
289 "     + 'Debugging bricks' can also be output, see below.\n"
290 "\n"
291 " Options:\n"
292 "   -prefix pname = Use 'pname' for the output dataset prefix name.\n"
293 "                   [default='DT']\n\n"
294 "   -automask = mask dataset so that the tensors are computed only for\n"
295 "               high-intensity (presumably brain) voxels.  The intensity \n"
296 "               level is determined the same way that 3dClipLevel works.\n\n"
297 "   -mask dset = use dset as mask to include/exclude voxels\n\n"
298 " -bmatrix_NZ FF = switch to note that the input dataset is b-matrix, \n"
299 "               not gradient directions, and there is *no* row of zeros \n"
300 "               at the top of the file, similar to the format for the grad\n"
301 "               input: N-1 rows in this file for N vols in matched data set.\n"
302 "               There must be 6 columns of data, representing either elements\n"
303 "               of G_{ij} = g_i*g_j (i.e., dyad of gradients, without b-value\n"
304 "               included) or of the DW scaled version, B_{ij} = b*g_i*g_j.\n"
305 "               The order of components is: G_xx G_yy G_zz G_xy G_xz G_yz.\n"
306 " -bmatrix_Z FF = similar to '-bmatrix_NZ' above, but assumes that first\n"
307 "               row of the file is all zeros (or whatever the b-value for\n"
308 "               the reference volume was!), i.e. there are N rows to the\n"
309 "               text file and N volumes in the matched data set.\n\n"
310 " -bmatrix_FULL FF = exact same as '-bmatrix_Z FF' above (i.e. there are N\n"
311 "               rows to the text file and N volumes in the matched data set)\n"
312 "               with just a lot more commonsensical name.  Definitely would\n"
313 "               be preferred way to go, for ease of usage!\n"
314 "\n"
315 "   -scale_out_1000 = increase output parameters that have physical units\n"
316 "               (DT, MD, RD, L1, L2 and L3) by multiplying them by 1000. This\n"
317 "               might be convenient, as the input bmatrix/gradient values \n"
318 "               can have their physical magnitudes of ~1000 s/mm^2, for\n"
319 "               which typical adult WM has diffusion values of MD~0.0007\n"
320 "               (in physical units of mm^2/s), and people might not like so\n"
321 "               many decimal points output; using this option rescales the\n"
322 "               input b-values and would lead to having a typical MD~0.7\n"
323 "               (now in units of x10^{-3} mm^2/s).  If you are not using\n"
324 "               bmatrix/gradient values that have their physical scalings,\n"
325 "               then using this switch probably wouldn't make much sense.\n"
326 "               FA, V1, V2 and V3 are unchanged.\n\n"
327 " -bmax_ref THR = if the 'reference' bvalue is actually >0, you can flag\n"
328 "                 that here.  Otherwise, it is assumed to be zero.\n"
329 "                 At present, this is probably only useful/meaningful if\n"
330 "                 using the '-bmatrix_Z ...' or '-bmatrix_FULL ...' \n"
331 "                 option, where the reference bvalue must be found and \n"
332 "                 identified from the input info alone.\n"
333 "\n"
334 "   -nonlinear = compute iterative solution to avoid negative eigenvalues.\n"
335 "                This is the default method.\n\n"
336 "   -linear = compute simple linear solution.\n\n"
337 "   -reweight = recompute weight factors at end of iterations and restart\n\n"
338 "   -max_iter n = maximum number of iterations for convergence (Default=10).\n"
339 "                 Values can range from -1 to any positive integer less than\n"
340 "                 101. A value of -1 is equivalent to the linear solution.\n"
341 "                 A value of 0 results in only the initial estimate of the\n"
342 "                 diffusion tensor solution adjusted to avoid negative\n"
343 "                 eigenvalues.\n\n"
344 "   -max_iter_rw n = max number of iterations after reweighting (Default=5)\n"
345 "                    values can range from 1 to any positive integer less\n"
346 "                    than 101.\n\n"
347 "   -eigs = compute eigenvalues, eigenvectors, fractional anisotropy and mean\n"
348 "           diffusivity in sub-briks 6-19. Computed as in 3dDTeig\n\n"
349 "   -debug_briks = add sub-briks with Ed (error functional), Ed0 (orig.\n"
350 "                  error), number of steps to convergence and I0 (modeled B0\n"
351 "                  volume).\n"
352 "                  [May, 2017] This also now calculates two goodness-of-fit\n"
353 "                  measures and outputs a new PREFIX_CHI* dset that has two\n"
354 "                  briks:\n"
355 "                     brik [0]: chi^2_p,\n"
356 "                     brik [1]: chi^2_c.\n"
357 "                  These values are essentially calculated according to\n"
358 "                  Papadakis et al. (2003, JMRI), Eqs. 4 and 3,\n"
359 "                  respectively (in chi^2_c, the sigma value is the\n"
360 "                  variance of measured DWIs *per voxel*). Note for both\n"
361 "                  chi* values, only DWI signal values are used in the\n"
362 "                  calculation (i.e., where b>THR; by default,\n"
363 "                  THR=0.01, which can be changed using '-bmax_ref ...').\n"
364 "                  In general, chi^2_p values seem to be <<1, consistent\n"
365 "                  with Papadakis et al.'s Fig. 4; the chi^2_c values are\n"
366 "                  are also pretty consistent with the same fig and seem to\n"
367 "                  be best viewed with the upper limit being roughly =Ndwi\n"
368 "                  or =Ndwi-7 (with the latter being the given degrees\n"
369 "                  of freedom value by Papadakis et al.)\n"
370 "   -cumulative_wts = show overall weight factors for each gradient level\n"
371 "                     May be useful as a quality control\n\n"
372 "   -verbose nnnnn = print convergence steps every nnnnn voxels that survive\n"
373 "                    to convergence loops (can be quite lengthy).\n\n"
374 "   -drive_afni nnnnn = show convergence graphs every nnnnn voxels that\n"
375 "                       survive to convergence loops. AFNI must have NIML\n"
376 "                       communications on (afni -niml)\n\n"
377 "   -sep_dsets = save tensor, eigenvalues, vectors, FA, MD in separate\n"
378 "                datasets\n\n"
379 "   -csf_val n.nnn = assign diffusivity value to DWI data where the mean\n"
380 "                    values for b=0 volumes is less than the mean of the\n"
381 "                    remaining volumes at each voxel. The default value is\n"
382 "                    '1.0 divided by the max bvalue in the grads/bmatrices'.\n"
383 "                    The assumption is that there are flow artifacts in CSF\n"
384 "                    and blood vessels that give rise to lower b=0 voxels.\n"
385 "                    NB: MD, RD L1, L2, L3, Dxx, Dyy, etc. values are all\n"
386 "                    scaled in the same way.\n\n"
387 "   -min_bad_md N  = change the min MD value used as a 'badness check' for\n"
388 "                    tensor fits that have veeery (-> unreasonably) large MD\n"
389 "                    values. Voxels where MD > N*(csf_val) will be treated\n"
390 "                    like CSF and turned into spheres with radius csf_val \n"
391 "                    (default N=100).\n"
392 "   -csf_fa n.nnn  = assign a specific FA value to those voxels described\n"
393 "                    above The default is 0.012345678 for use in tractography\n"
394 "                    programs that may make special use of these voxels\n\n"
395 "   -opt mname =  if mname is 'powell', use Powell's 2004 method for \n"
396 "                 optimization. If mname is 'gradient' use gradient descent\n"
397 "                 method. If mname is 'hybrid', use combination of methods.\n"
398 "                 MJD Powell, \"The NEWUOA software for unconstrained \n"
399 "                 optimization without derivatives\", Technical report DAMTP\n"
400 "                 2004/NA08, Cambridge University Numerical Analysis Group:\n"
401 "                 See:  http://www.ii.uib.no/~lennart/drgrad/Powell2004.pdf\n\n"
402 "   -mean_b0 = use mean of all b=0 volumes for linear computation and initial\n"
403 "              linear for nonlinear method\n\n"
404 " Example:\n"
405 "  3dDWItoDT -prefix rw01 -automask -reweight -max_iter 10 \\\n"
406 "            -max_iter_rw 10 tensor25.1D grad02+orig.\n\n"
407 " The output is a 6 sub-brick bucket dataset containing \n"
408 "     Dxx, Dxy, Dyy, Dxz, Dyz, Dzz\n"
409 " (the lower triangular, row-wise elements of the tensor in symmetric matrix\n"
410 " form). Additional sub-briks may be appended with the -eigs and -debug_briks\n"
411 " options.  These results are appropriate as the input to 3dDTeig.\n"
412 "\n");
413          printf ("\n" MASTER_SHORTHELP_STRING);
414          exit (0);
415       }
417    mainENTRY ("3dDWItoDT main");
418    machdep ();
419    AFNI_logger ("3dDWItoDT", argc, argv);
420    PRINT_VERSION("3dDWItoDT") ; AUTHOR("Daniel Glen") ;
421    THD_check_AFNI_version("3dDWItoDT") ;
423    nopt = 1;
424    nbriks = 6;		/* output contains 6 sub-briks by default */
425    method = -1;
426    reweight_flag = 0;
428    datum = MRI_float;
429    while (nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-')
430       {
432          /*-- prefix --*/
434          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-prefix") == 0)
435             {
436                if (++nopt >= argc)
437                   {
438                      ERROR_exit("Error - prefix needs an argument!");
439                   }
440                /* change name from default prefix */
441                MCW_strncpy (prefix, argv[nopt], THD_MAX_PREFIX);
442                /* check file name to be sure not to overwrite - mod
443                   drg 12/9/2004 */
444                if (!THD_filename_ok (prefix))
445                   {
446                      ERROR_exit("Error - %s is not a valid prefix!", prefix);
447                   }
448                nopt++;
449                continue;
450             }
452          /*-- datum --*/
454          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-datum") == 0)
455             {
456                if (++nopt >= argc)
457                   {
458                      ERROR_exit("Error - datum needs an argument!");
459                   }
460                if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "short") == 0)
461                   {
462                      datum = MRI_short;
463                   }
464                else if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "float") == 0)
465                   {
466                      datum = MRI_float;
467                   }
468                else if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "byte") == 0)
469                   {
470                      datum = MRI_byte;
471                   }
472                else
473                   {
474                      ERROR_exit("-datum of type '%s' is not supported!",
475                                 argv[nopt]);
476                   }
477                nopt++;
478                continue;
479             }
480          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-automask") == 0)
481             {
482                if(maskptr != NULL){
483                   ERROR_exit("ERROR: can't use -mask with -automask!");
484                }
485                automask = 1;
486                nopt++;
487                continue;
488             }
490          if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mask") == 0 ){
491             THD_3dim_dataset * mask_dset ;
492             if( automask ){
493                ERROR_exit("ERROR: can't use -mask with -automask!");
494             }
495             mask_dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[++nopt]) ;
496             CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mask_dset,argv[nopt]) ;
497             if( maskptr != NULL ){
498                ERROR_exit("** ERROR: can't have 2 -mask options!");
499             }
500             maskptr = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , 1.0,-1.0 ) ;
501             mmvox = DSET_NVOX( mask_dset ) ;
503             DSET_delete(mask_dset) ; nopt++ ; continue ;
504          }
506          // input bmatrix with initial B=0 line
507          if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-bmatrix_Z") == 0) {
508             bmatrix_given = 1;
509             nopt++;
510             continue;
511          }
512          // duplicate behavior of above, but with a LOT easier name
513          if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-bmatrix_FULL") == 0) {
514             bmatrix_given = 1;
515             nopt++;
516             continue;
517          }
519          // input bmatrix without first B=0 line
520          if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-bmatrix_NZ") == 0) {
521             BMAT_NZ = 1;
522             nopt++;
523             continue;
524          }
526          //  compute mean across b=0 vols for init. linear
527          if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-mean_b0") == 0) {
528             use_mean_b0 = 1;
529             nopt++;
530             continue;
531          }
533          //  can mult output diff values by 1000
534          if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-scale_out_1000") == 0) {
535             SCALE_VAL_OUT = 1000.;
536             nopt++;
537             continue;
538          }
540          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-bmax_ref") == 0){
541             if(++nopt >=argc )
542                ERROR_exit("Error: need an argument after -bmax_ref!");
543             BMAX_REF = (float) strtod(argv[nopt], NULL);
544             nopt++;
545             continue;
546          }
548          // May,2016: essentially, turn off badness criterion of
549          // superlarge MD by setting the value SOOO high
550          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-min_bad_md") == 0){
551             if(++nopt >=argc )
552                ERROR_exit("Error - need an argument after -min_bad_md!");
553             MIN_BAD_SCALE_MD = (float) strtod(argv[nopt], NULL);
554             if(MIN_BAD_SCALE_MD < 0.00001)
555                ERROR_exit("Bad MD scale! Needs to be >0.00001-- "
556                           " and probably much more so!");
557             nopt++;
558             continue;
559          }
562          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-linear") == 0)
563             {
564                if(method==1)
565                   {
566                      ERROR_exit("Error - cannot select both linear and "
567                                 "non-linear methods at the same time");
568                   }
569                method = 0;
570                nopt++;
571                continue;
572             }
574          if ((strcmp (argv[nopt], "-nonlinear") == 0) ||
575              (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-non-linear") == 0))
576             {
577                if(method==0)
578                   {
579                      ERROR_exit("Error - cannot select both linear "
580                                 "and non-linear methods at the same time");
581                      exit(1);
582                   }
583                method = 1;
584                nopt++;
585                continue;
586             }
587          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-reweight") == 0) {
588             reweight_flag = 1;
589             nopt++;
590             continue;
591          }
593          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-max_iter") == 0)
594             {
595                if(++nopt >=argc ){
596                   ERROR_exit("Error - need an argument after -max_iter!");
597                }
598                max_iter = strtol(argv[nopt], NULL, 10);
599                if ((max_iter <-1)||(max_iter>100)) {
600                   ERROR_exit("Error - max_iter must be between -1 and 100");
601                }
602                nopt++;
603                continue;
604             }
606          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-max_iter_rw") == 0)
607             {
608                if(++nopt >=argc ){
609                   ERROR_exit("Error - need an argument after -max_iter_rw!");
610                }
611                max_iter_rw = strtol(argv[nopt], NULL, 10);
612                if ((max_iter_rw <=0)||(max_iter_rw>100)) {
613                   ERROR_exit("Error - max_iter_rw must be between 1 and 100");
614                }
615                nopt++;
616                continue;
617             }
619          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-eigs") == 0)
620             {
621                eigs_flag = 1;
622                nopt++;
623                continue;
624             }
626          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-cumulative_wts") == 0)
627             {
628                cumulative_flag = 1;
629                nopt++;
630                continue;
631             }
633          if ((strcmp (argv[nopt], "-debug_briks") == 0) ||
634              (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-debug_bricks") == 0))
635             {
636                debug_briks = 1;
637                nopt++;
638                continue;
639             }
641          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-verbose") == 0)
642             {
643                if(++nopt >=argc ){
644                   ERROR_exit("*** Error - need an argument after -verbose!");
645                }
646                verbose = strtol(argv[nopt], NULL, 10);
647                if (verbose<=0) {
648                   ERROR_exit("Error- verbose steps must be a positive number!");
649                }
650                nopt++;
651                continue;
652             }
654          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-drive_afni") == 0)
655             {
656                if(++nopt >=argc ){
657                   ERROR_exit("Error - need an argument after -drive_afni!");
658                }
659                afnitalk_flag = strtol(argv[nopt], NULL, 10);
660                if (afnitalk_flag<=0) {
661                   ERROR_exit("Error - drive_afni steps must be "
662                              "a positive number!");
663                }
664                nopt++;
665                continue;
666             }
668          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-sep_dsets") == 0)
669             {
670                sep_dsets = 1;  /* save data in separate datasets */
671                nopt++;
672                continue;
673             }
675          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-opt") == 0)
676             {
677                if (++nopt >= argc)
678                   {
679                      ERROR_exit("Error - opt should be followed by "
680                                 "gradient or powell!");
681                   }
682                if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "gradient") == 0)
683                   {
684                      opt_method = 0;
685                   }
686                else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "powell") == 0)
687                   {
688                      opt_method = 1; /* use Powell's new optimize
689                                         method instead of gradient
690                                         descent*/
691                   }
692                else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "hybrid") == 0)
693                   {
694                      opt_method = 2; /* use combination of Powell and
695                                         gradient descent*/
696                   }
697                else
698                   {
699                      ERROR_exit("-opt method '%s' is not supported!",
700                                 argv[nopt]);
701                   }
702                nopt++;
703                continue;
704             }
706          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-backoff") == 0)
707             {
708                backoff_factor = strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL);
709                if(backoff_factor<=0.0 || backoff_factor>1.0)
710                   ERROR_exit("-backoff factor must be > 0 and <= 1");
711                nopt++;
712                continue;
713             }
715          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-csf_val") == 0){
716             if(++nopt >=argc )
717                ERROR_exit("Error - need an argument after -csf_val!");
718             csf_val = (float) strtod(argv[nopt], NULL);
719             rd_val = csf_val; // pt,Oct,2016: for RD
720             USER_CSF_VAL = 1;
721             nopt++;
722             continue;
723          }
725          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-csf_fa") == 0){
726             if(++nopt >=argc )
727                ERROR_exit("Error - need an argument after -csf_fa!");
728             csf_fa = (float) strtod(argv[nopt], NULL);
729             nopt++;
730             continue;
731          }
733          ERROR_exit("Error - unknown option %s", argv[nopt]);
734       }
736    if(method==-1)
737       method = 1;    /* if not selected, choose non-linear method for now */
739    if(max_iter>=-1){
740       if(method==0)
741          WARNING_message("Warning - max_iter will be ignored "
742                          "for linear methods");
743    }
744    else
745       max_iter = MAX_CONVERGE_STEPS;
747    if(max_iter_rw>=0) {
748       if(method==0)
749          WARNING_message("Warning - max_iter_rw will be ignored "
750                          "for linear methods");
751       if(reweight_flag==0)
752          WARNING_message("Warning - max_iter_rw will be ignored "
753                          "when not reweighting");
754    }
755    else
756       max_iter_rw = MAX_RWCONVERGE_STEPS;
758    if((method==0)&&(reweight_flag==1)) {
759       WARNING_message("Warning - can not reweight voxels for linear method");
760       reweight_flag = 0;
761    }
763    if(cumulative_flag==1) {
764       if(method==0) {
765          WARNING_message("Warning - can not compute cumulative weights "
766                          "for linear method");
767          cumulative_flag = 0;
768       }
769       if(reweight_flag == 0) {
770          WARNING_message("Warning - can not compute cumulative weights "
771                          "if not reweighting");
772          cumulative_flag = 0;
773       }
774    }
776    if((method==0)&&(debug_briks==1)) {
777       WARNING_message("Warning - can not compute debug sub-briks "
778                       "for linear method");
779       debug_briks = 0;
780    }
782    if((method==0)&&(afnitalk_flag>0)) {
783       WARNING_message("Warning - can not graph convergence in AFNI "
784                       "for linear method");
785       afnitalk_flag = 0;
786    }
788    if(eigs_flag)
789       nbriks += 15; // pt,Oct,2016: for RD
791    if(debug_briks)
792       nbriks += 4;
795    /*----- read input datasets -----*/
797    if (nopt >= argc)
798       {
799          ERROR_exit("Error - No input dataset!?");
800       }
802    /* first input dataset - should be gradient vector file of ascii
803       floats Gx,Gy,Gz */
805    /* read gradient vector 1D file */
806    grad1Dptr = mri_read_1D (argv[nopt]);
807    if (grad1Dptr == NULL)
808       {
809          ERROR_exit("Error reading gradient vector file");
810       }
812    // if ((grad1Dptr->ny != 3 && !bmatrix_given) || (grad1Dptr->ny !=
813    // 6 && bmatrix_given)) // $$old
814    if ((grad1Dptr->ny != 3 && !(bmatrix_given || BMAT_NZ) )
815        || (grad1Dptr->ny != 6 && (bmatrix_given || BMAT_NZ ) )) // BMAT_NZ opts
816       {
817          ERROR_message("Error - Only 3 columns of gradient vectors "
818                        "(or 6 columns for b matrices) "
819                        "allowed: %d columns found", grad1Dptr->ny);
820          mri_free (grad1Dptr);
821          exit (1);
822       }
824    if (grad1Dptr->nx < 6)
825       {
826          mri_free (grad1Dptr);
827          ERROR_message("Error - Must have at least 6 gradient vectors");
828          ERROR_exit("%d columns found", grad1Dptr->nx);
829       }
831    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
832    // apply 1/SCALE_VAL_OUT to the bvalue as a way to scale;
833    // shamelessly pillaging format of mri_histog.c; later might allow
834    // users to choose other values
835    if( SCALE_VAL_OUT < 0 )
836       SCALE_VAL_OUT = 1.;
837    else
838       INFO_message("Implementing user-selected scaling of diffusion values by %.0f",
839                    SCALE_VAL_OUT);
841    if( grad1Dptr->kind != MRI_float )
842       ERROR_exit("How are the gradients not floats?");
844    int npix;
845    register float *flar=mri_data_pointer(grad1Dptr);
846    npix = grad1Dptr->nvox;
847    for( i=0 ; i<npix ; i++ ){
848       flar[i]/= SCALE_VAL_OUT;
849    }
852    //fprintf(stderr,"\n\n nyx=%d; npix=%d\n",grad1Dptr->nxy, npix);
853    //for( i=0 ; i<npix ; i++)
854    //   fprintf(stderr,"\n %f", flar[i]);
855    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
857    Form_R_Matrix (grad1Dptr);	/* use grad1Dptr to compute R matrix */
859    nopt++;
861    /* Now read in all the MRI volumes for each gradient vector */
862    /* assumes first one is no gradient */
863    old_dset = THD_open_dataset (argv[nopt]);
864    CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(old_dset,argv[nopt]) ;
866    /* expect at least 7 values per voxel - 7 sub-briks as input dataset */
867    if (!(!bmatrix_given && DSET_NVALS (old_dset) == (grad1Dptr->nx + 1))
868        && !((bmatrix_given && DSET_NVALS (old_dset) == (grad1Dptr->nx)))
869        && !((BMAT_NZ && DSET_NVALS (old_dset) == (grad1Dptr->nx))) )
870       {
871          mri_free (grad1Dptr);
872          ERROR_message("Error - Dataset must have number of sub-briks "
873                        "equal to one more than number");
874          ERROR_exit("  of gradient vectors (B0+Bi)!");
875       }
876    nxyz = DSET_NVOX(old_dset) ;
877    if( maskptr != NULL && mmvox != nxyz ){
878       ERROR_exit("Mask and input datasets not the same size!") ;
879    }
881    nvols = DSET_NVALS (old_dset);
883    if (bmatrix_given) {
884       InitGlobals (grad1Dptr->nx);  /* initialize all the matrs and vecs */
885    }
886    else { // $$same: can leave same, because BMAT_NZ will have `nx+1'
887       InitGlobals (grad1Dptr->nx + 1);	/* initialize all the matrs and vecs */
888    }
890    Computebmatrix (grad1Dptr, BMAT_NZ);	/* compute bij=GiGj */
891    // after this, the MAX_BVAL is known, as well; apply it to the CSF
892    // val *if* the user didn't set his/her own scale.  apr,2016
894    if(MAX_BVAL<=0)
895       ERROR_exit("Whooa! How did the max bval get to look like %f??", MAX_BVAL);
897    if (!bmatrix_given)
898       INFO_message("The maximum magnitude of the gradients "
899                    "appears to be: %.5f", MAX_BVAL);
900    else
901       INFO_message("The maximum magnitude of the bmatrix "
902                    "appears to be: %.2f", MAX_BVAL);
903    if(!USER_CSF_VAL) {
904       csf_val/= MAX_BVAL;
905       rd_val/= MAX_BVAL;
906       INFO_message("-> and, by scale, the 'CSF value' (e.g., MD)"
907                    " for any unfit voxels will be: %.8f", csf_val);
908    }
909    INFO_message("Voxels with MD>%f will be deemed unfit for "
910                 "fitting and given 'CSF' status",
911                 MIN_BAD_SCALE_MD*csf_val);
913    if (automask)
914       {
915          DSET_mallocize (old_dset);
916          DSET_load (old_dset);	/* get B0 (anatomical image) from
917                                     dataset */
918          /*anat_im = THD_extract_float_brick( 0, old_dset ); */
919          anat_im = DSET_BRICK (old_dset, 0);	/* set pointer to the 0th
920                                                 sub-brik of the
921                                                 dataset */
922          maskptr = mri_automask_image (anat_im);	/* maskptr is a
923                                                       byte pointer for
924                                                       volume */
925       }
927    /* temporarily set artificial timing to 1 second interval */
928    EDIT_dset_items (old_dset,
929                     ADN_ntt, DSET_NVALS (old_dset),
930                     ADN_ttorg, 0.0,
931                     ADN_ttdel, 1.0, ADN_tunits,
932                     UNITS_SEC_TYPE, NULL);
934    if(afnitalk_flag) {
935       if(DWI_Open_NIML_stream()!=0) {   /* Open NIML stream */
936          afnitalk_flag = 0;
937          WARNING_message("Could not open NIML communications with AFNI");
938       }
939       else
940          if(DWI_NIML_create_graph()!=0) {
941             afnitalk_flag = 0;
942             WARNING_message("Could not create graph within AFNI");
943             /* Close NIML stream */
944             NI_stream_close(DWIstreamid);
945             DWIstreamid = 0;
946          }
947    }
949    /*------------- ready to compute new dataset -----------*/
951    new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc (old_dset,	/* input dataset */
952                                       prefix,	/* output prefix */
953                                       datum,	/* output datum  */
954                                       0,	/* ignore count  */
955                                       0,	/* can't detrend in maker
956                                              function KRH 12/02 */
957                                       nbriks,	/* number of briks */
958                                       DWItoDT_tsfunc,	/* timeseries processor */
959                                       NULL,	/* data for tsfunc */
960                                       NULL,  /* mask */
961                                       0   /* Allow auto scaling of output */
962                                       );
964    if(afnitalk_flag && (DWIstreamid!=0)) {
965       /* Close NIML stream */
966       NI_stream_close(DWIstreamid);
967    }
969    if(cumulative_flag && reweight_flag) {
971       // [PT: Aug, 2017] Functionality to output cumulative weights to
972       // text file
973       char cwprefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX], cprefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX];
974       char *ext, nullch;
975       sprintf(cprefix,"%s", prefix);
976       if(has_known_non_afni_extension(prefix)){   /* for NIFTI, 3D, Niml,
977                                                      Analyze,...*/
978       ext = find_filename_extension(prefix);
979       cprefix[strlen(prefix) - strlen(ext)] = '\0';  /* remove
980                                                         non-afni-extension
981                                                         for now*/
982       }
983       else {
984          nullch = '\0';
985          ext = &nullch;
986       }
987       sprintf(cwprefix,"%s_cwts.1D", cprefix);
989       if( (fout1 = fopen(cwprefix, "w")) == NULL) {
990          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",cwprefix);
991          exit(11);
992       }
994       cumulativewtptr = cumulativewt;
995       INFO_message("Cumulative Wt. factors (and output to %s:", cwprefix);
996       // need to get the number based on whether full mat was input
997       if(bmatrix_given)
998          ncwts = grad1Dptr->nx;
999       else
1000          ncwts = grad1Dptr->nx + 1;
1001       for(i=0; i<ncwts; i++){
1002          *cumulativewtptr = *cumulativewtptr / rewtvoxels;
1003          tmp_cwvalue = *cumulativewtptr++;
1004          INFO_message("%5.3f ", tmp_cwvalue);
1005          fprintf(fout1,"%5.3f\n",tmp_cwvalue);
1006       }
1007       fclose(fout1);
1009       /* printf("\n");*/
1010    }
1013    if (new_dset != NULL)
1014       {
1015          // copy the tensor over.  Ugh.
1016          if( debug_briks) {
1017             new_dsetDT = THD_copy_dset_subs(new_dset, sublist);
1018             old_dset0 = THD_copy_one_sub( new_dset, nbriks-1);
1019          }
1021          tross_Copy_History (old_dset, new_dset);
1022          // Warning for future generations: carefully note the order
1023          // of elements here for the DT!!!
1024          EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + 0, "Dxx", ADN_none);
1025          EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + 1, "Dxy", ADN_none);
1026          EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + 2, "Dyy", ADN_none);
1027          EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + 3, "Dxz", ADN_none);
1028          EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + 4, "Dyz", ADN_none);
1029          EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + 5, "Dzz", ADN_none);
1030          if(eigs_flag) {
1031             eigs_brik = ADN_brick_label_one + 6;   /* 1st eigenvalue brik */
1032             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+0, "lambda_1", ADN_none);
1033             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+1, "lambda_2", ADN_none);
1034             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+2, "lambda_3", ADN_none);
1035             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+3, "eigvec_1[1]", ADN_none);
1036             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+4, "eigvec_1[2]", ADN_none);
1037             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+5, "eigvec_1[3]", ADN_none);
1038             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+6, "eigvec_2[1]", ADN_none);
1039             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+7, "eigvec_2[2]", ADN_none);
1040             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+8, "eigvec_2[3]", ADN_none);
1041             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+9, "eigvec_3[1]", ADN_none);
1042             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+10,"eigvec_3[2]", ADN_none);
1043             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+11,"eigvec_3[3]", ADN_none);
1044             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+12,"FA", ADN_none);
1045             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+13,"MD", ADN_none);
1046             // pt,Oct,2016: for RD
1047             EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, eigs_brik+14,"RD", ADN_none);
1048          }
1050          if(debug_briks) {
1051             EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + nbriks - 4,
1052                              "Converge Step", ADN_none);
1053             EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + nbriks - 3,
1054                              "ED", ADN_none);
1055             EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + nbriks - 2,
1056                              "EDorig", ADN_none);
1057             EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + nbriks - 1,
1058                              "I0", ADN_none);
1059          }
1061          tross_Make_History ("3dDWItoDT", argc, argv, new_dset);
1062          if(sep_dsets)
1063             Save_Sep_DTdata(new_dset, prefix, datum);
1064          else {
1065             DSET_write (new_dset);
1066             INFO_message("--- Output dataset %s", DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset));
1067          }
1068       }
1069    else
1070       {
1071          ERROR_exit("*** Error - Unable to compute output dataset!");
1072       }
1074    INFO_message("Finished main tensor+parameter calcs.");
1076    if ( debug_briks && (new_dset != NULL) ) {
1077       // pointer new_dset should just be to the AFNI-style DT, so this
1078       // should be fine...
1080       INFO_message("Start creating stats dset");
1082       char ffprefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX], fitprefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX];
1083       char *ext=NULL, nullch;
1085       THD_3dim_dataset *CHIS=NULL;
1086       float **ccc=NULL;
1088       // ------------------ allocate ----------------------------
1089       // make output arrays
1090       ccc = calloc( nxyz, sizeof(ccc));   // major output set
1091       for(i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
1092          ccc[i] = calloc( nxyz, sizeof(float));
1094       if( ccc == NULL ) {
1095          fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
1096          exit(4);
1097       }
1099       // -------------------- calc ---------------------------
1101       EDIT_dset_items ( new_dsetDT,
1102                         ADN_func_type, old_dset->func_type,
1103                         ADN_type     , old_dset->type,
1104                         ADN_ntt      , DSET_NVALS (new_dsetDT),
1105                         ADN_ttorg    , 0.0,
1106                         ADN_ttdel    , 1.0,
1107                         ADN_ttdur    , old_dset->taxis->ttdur,
1108                         ADN_nsl      , old_dset->taxis->nsl,
1109                         ADN_zorg_sl  , old_dset->taxis->zorg_sl,
1110                         ADN_toff_sl  , old_dset->taxis->toff_sl,
1111                         ADN_tunits   , UNITS_SEC_TYPE ,
1112                         ADN_none);
1114       // make the reference volume for the modeled signals be the I0
1115       // from the Powell_J value
1116       data_im = DSET_BRICK (old_dset0, 0);
1117       if( data_im == NULL ) {
1118          ERROR_exit("Null pointer when trying to make data_im set.");
1119       }
1121       fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset0, 0); // get scale factor for
1122                                              // each sub-brik
1123       if(fac==0.0) fac=1.0;
1124       if((data_im->kind != MRI_float)) {
1125          fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - Can only open float datasets. "
1126                   "Use 3dcalc to convert.\n");
1127          mri_free (grad1Dptr);
1128          mri_free (data_im);
1129          exit (1);
1130       }
1132       I0_ptr = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ; /* pointer to I0 data */
1134       if( I0_ptr == NULL ) {
1135          ERROR_exit("Null pointer when trying to make I0 set.");
1136       }
1138       sprintf(ffprefix, "%s", prefix);
1139       if(has_known_non_afni_extension(prefix)){   // for NIFTI, 3D, Niml,
1140                                                   //   Analyze,...
1141          ext = find_filename_extension(prefix);
1142          // remove non-afni-extension for now
1143          ffprefix[strlen(prefix) - strlen(ext)] = '\0';
1144       }
1145       else {
1146          nullch = '\0';
1147          ext = &nullch;
1148       }
1149       sprintf(fitprefix,"%s_CHI%s", ffprefix, ext);
1151       if ( new_dset == NULL)
1152          ERROR_exit("New dset got reset to null?");
1154       // calculates FIT dset: !!! prob not use fitprefix *here*
1155       fit_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc (new_dsetDT, /* input dataset */
1156                                          fitprefix,  /* output prefix */
1157                                          datum,	     /* output datum  */
1158                                          0,	        /* ignore count  */
1159                                          0,      	  /* can't detrend in maker
1160                                                       function KRH 12/02 */
1161                                          nvols,	     /* number of briks */
1162                                          DTtoDWI_tsfunc,	/* timeseries processor */
1163                                          NULL,       /* data for tsfunc */
1164                                          NULL,       /* mask */
1165                                          0           /* Allow auto scaling of output */
1166                                          );
1168       if ( fit_dset == NULL)
1169          ERROR_message("'fit' dset was somehow null!");
1171       // calc the goodness of fit!
1172       i = ChiSq_GOF( old_dset,
1173                      fit_dset,
1174                      B0list,
1175                      ccc,
1176                      maskptr);
1178       CHIS = EDIT_empty_copy( fit_dset );
1180       EDIT_dset_items( CHIS,
1181                        ADN_datum_all , MRI_float,
1182                        ADN_ntt       , 2,
1183                        ADN_nvals     , 2,
1184                        ADN_prefix    , fitprefix,
1185                        ADN_none );
1187       if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(CHIS)) )
1188          ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
1189                     DSET_HEADNAME(CHIS));
1191       for( n=0; n<2 ; n++) {
1192          EDIT_substitute_brick(CHIS, n, MRI_float, ccc[n]);
1193          ccc[n]=NULL;
1194       }
1196       EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(CHIS, 0, "chi_p");
1197       EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(CHIS, 1, "chi_c");
1199       THD_load_statistics(CHIS);
1200       tross_Make_History("3dDWItoDT", argc, argv, CHIS);
1201       THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, CHIS, True);
1202       INFO_message("--- Output dataset %s", DSET_BRIKNAME(CHIS));
1204       // Count number of non-b0s
1205       n = 0;
1206       for(i=0 ; i<nvols ; i++)
1207          if( !B0list[i] )
1208             n++;
1209       INFO_message("There were %d non-reference dsets (b>%.4f), "
1210                    "and %d reference ones.",
1211                    n, BMAX_REF, nvols-n);
1213       if(ccc) {
1214          for(i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
1215             free(ccc[i]);
1216          free(ccc);
1217       }
1218       if (CHIS) {
1219          DSET_delete(CHIS);
1220          free(CHIS);
1221       }
1223       /*
1224       tross_Copy_History (old_dset, fit_dset);
1225       tross_Make_History ("3dDWItoDT", argc, argv, fit_dset);
1226       //for(i=0 ; i<nvols ; i++)
1227       //  EDIT_dset_items (fit_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + i, "aa", ADN_none);
1229       DSET_write (fit_dset);
1230       INFO_message("--- Output dataset %s", DSET_BRIKNAME(fit_dset));
1231       */
1232    }
1233    INFO_message("Finished with all calcs: cleanup.");
1237    // ---------------- older cleanup ----------------------
1239    if (maskptr)
1240       {
1241          free (maskptr);
1242          if(anat_im)
1243             mri_free (anat_im);
1244 #if 0
1245          DSET_unload_one (old_dset, 0);
1246          sar = NULL;
1247 #endif
1248       }
1251    // !!!!! ADD MORE !!!!
1252    if (fit_dset) {
1253       DSET_delete(fit_dset);
1254       free(fit_dset);
1255    }
1256    if (old_dset0) {
1257       DSET_delete(old_dset0);
1258       free(old_dset0);
1259    }
1260    if (new_dsetDT) {
1261       DSET_delete(new_dsetDT);
1262       free(new_dsetDT);
1263    }
1265    FreeGlobals ();
1266    mri_free (grad1Dptr);
1267    matrix_destroy (&Rtmat);
1269    exit (0);
1270 }
1272 /*! save separate datasets for each kind of output */
1273 static void
Save_Sep_DTdata(whole_dset,prefix,output_datum)1274 Save_Sep_DTdata(whole_dset, prefix, output_datum)
1275      THD_3dim_dataset *whole_dset; /* whole dataset */
1276      char *prefix;
1277      int output_datum;
1278 {
1279    /* takes base prefix and appends to it for DT, eigvalues,
1280       eigvectors, FA, MD, debug bricks */
1281    int nbriks;
1282    char nprefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX], tprefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX];
1283    char *ext, nullch;
1285    ENTRY("Save_Sep_DTdata");
1286    sprintf(tprefix,"%s",prefix);
1287    if(has_known_non_afni_extension(prefix)){   /* for NIFTI, 3D, Niml,
1288                                                   Analyze,...*/
1289       ext = find_filename_extension(prefix);
1290       tprefix[strlen(prefix) - strlen(ext)] = '\0';  /* remove
1291                                                         non-afni-extension
1292                                                         for now*/
1293    }
1294    else {
1295       nullch = '\0';
1296       ext = &nullch;
1297    }
1299    sprintf(nprefix,"%s_DT%s", tprefix,ext);
1300    Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,0,6, nprefix, output_datum);
1301    if(eigs_flag) {
1302       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_L1%s", tprefix,ext);
1303       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,6,1, nprefix, output_datum);
1304       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_L2%s", tprefix,ext);
1305       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,7,1, nprefix, output_datum);
1306       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_L3%s", tprefix,ext);
1307       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,8,1, nprefix, output_datum);
1308       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_V1%s", tprefix,ext);
1309       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,9,3, nprefix, output_datum);
1310       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_V2%s", tprefix,ext);
1311       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,12,3, nprefix, output_datum);
1312       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_V3%s", tprefix,ext);
1313       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,15,3, nprefix, output_datum);
1314       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_FA%s", tprefix,ext);
1315       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,18,1, nprefix, output_datum);
1316       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_MD%s", tprefix,ext);
1317       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,19,1, nprefix, output_datum);
1318       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_RD%s", tprefix,ext);  // pt,Oct,2016: for RD
1319       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,20,1, nprefix, output_datum);
1320    }
1321    if(debug_briks) {
1322       sprintf(nprefix,"%s_debugbriks%s", tprefix,ext);
1323       nbriks =   whole_dset->dblk->nvals;
1324       Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,nbriks-4,4, nprefix, output_datum);
1325    }
1327    EXRETURN;
1328 }
1330 /*! create new dataset from part of existing dataset in memory */
1331 static void
Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,startbrick,nbriks,prefix,output_datum)1332 Copy_dset_array(whole_dset,startbrick,nbriks,prefix,output_datum)
1333      THD_3dim_dataset *whole_dset;
1334      int startbrick, nbriks;
1335      char *prefix;
1336      int output_datum;
1337 {
1338    THD_3dim_dataset *out_dset;
1340    int i, ierror;
1341    MRI_IMAGE *fim;
1342    void *dataptr;
1343    float *fbuf;
1345    ENTRY("Copy_dset_array");
1347    out_dset = EDIT_empty_copy(whole_dset) ;
1348    fbuf = (float *)  malloc (sizeof(float)   * nbriks);
1350    tross_Copy_History (whole_dset, out_dset);
1351    ierror = EDIT_dset_items( out_dset ,
1352             ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , /* store in memory */
1353             ADN_prefix , prefix ,
1354             ADN_datum_all, output_datum,
1355             ADN_nvals, nbriks,
1356             ADN_ntt, 0,
1357             ADN_type        , ISHEAD(whole_dset)       /* dataset type */
1358             ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE
1359             : GEN_FUNC_TYPE ,
1360             ADN_func_type   , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,        /* function type */
1361             ADN_none ) ;
1363    if(ierror>0)
1364       ERROR_exit("*** Error - Unable to edit dataset!");
1366    THD_init_datablock_keywords( out_dset->dblk ) ;
1367    THD_init_datablock_stataux( out_dset->dblk ) ; /* for some reason,
1368                                                      need to do this
1369                                                      for single brick
1370                                                      NIFTI files */
1372    /* attach brick, factors and labels to new dataset using existing
1373       brick pointers */
1374    for(i=0;i<nbriks;i++) {
1375       fim = DSET_BRICK(whole_dset,startbrick+i);
1376       dataptr = mri_data_pointer(fim);
1377       fbuf[i] = whole_dset->dblk->brick_fac[startbrick+i];
1378       /* copy labels here too.....*/
1379       EDIT_dset_items (out_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + i,
1380                        whole_dset->dblk->brick_lab[startbrick+i], ADN_none);
1381       /*----- attach mri_image pointer to to be sub-brick #i -----*/
1382       EDIT_substitute_brick(out_dset, i, output_datum, dataptr);
1383    }
1385    (void) EDIT_dset_items( out_dset , ADN_brick_fac , fbuf , ADN_none ) ;
1386    DSET_write (out_dset);
1387    INFO_message("--- Output dataset %s", DSET_BRIKNAME(out_dset));
1388    /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
1389    THD_delete_3dim_dataset (out_dset, False);   out_dset = NULL ;
1390    free (fbuf);   fbuf = NULL;
1391    EXRETURN;
1392 }
1395 /* Form R matrix as matrix of [bxx 2bxy 2bxz byy 2byz bzz] for Np rows */
1396 static void
Form_R_Matrix(MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr)1397 Form_R_Matrix (MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr)
1398 {
1399    matrix Rmat;
1400    register double sf = 1.0;	/* scale factor = 1.0 for now until we
1401                                  know DELTA, delta (gamma = 267.5
1402                                  rad/ms-mT) */
1403    register double sf2;		/* just scale factor * 2 */
1404    int i, nrows, noff; // @@new: offset counter, 'noff'= number for offset
1405    register float *imptr, *Gxptr, *Gyptr, *Gzptr;
1406    register float *Bxxptr, *Byyptr, *Bzzptr, *Bxyptr, *Bxzptr, *Byzptr;
1407    matrix *nullptr = NULL;
1408    register double Gx, Gy, Gz, Bxx, Byy, Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz;
1409    double gscale;
1411    ENTRY ("Form_R_Matrix");
1412    sf2 = sf + sf;		/* 2 * scale factor for minor speed improvement */
1414    if (grad1Dptr->ny == 6) {
1415       /* just read from b-matrix and scale as necessary */
1416       noff = grad1Dptr->nx;         // offset is always whole dim of array
1417       if(BMAT_NZ)                   //  for non-zero first row of BMATs
1418          nrows = grad1Dptr->nx;
1419       else
1420          nrows = grad1Dptr->nx - 1; //$$old:  same for 'bmatrix_given' option
1421       matrix_initialize (&Rmat);
1422       matrix_create (nrows, 6, &Rmat);	/* Rmat = Np x 6 matrix */
1423       if (Rmat.elts == NULL)
1424          {				/* memory allocation error */
1425             ERROR_message("Could not allocate memory for Rmat");
1426             EXRETURN;
1427          }
1429       /* use simple floating point pointers to get values */
1430       Bxxptr = imptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);
1431       if( !BMAT_NZ ) {// @@new switch: start at the nonzero grad
1432          Bxxptr+= 1;
1433          imptr+= 1;
1434       }
1436       Byyptr = imptr + noff; // @@new:  needed to iterate by dim of array
1437       Bzzptr = Byyptr + noff;
1438       Bxyptr = Bzzptr + noff;
1439       Bxzptr = Bxyptr + noff;
1440       Byzptr = Bxzptr + noff;
1442       for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
1443          {
1444             Bxx = *Bxxptr++;
1445             Byy = *Byyptr++;
1446             Bzz = *Bzzptr++;
1447             Bxy = *Bxyptr++;
1448             Bxz = *Bxzptr++;
1449             Byz = *Byzptr++;
1450             Rmat.elts[i][0] = sf * Bxx;	/* bxx = Gx*Gx*scalefactor */
1451             Rmat.elts[i][1] = sf2 * Bxy;	/* 2bxy = 2GxGy*scalefactor */
1452             Rmat.elts[i][2] = sf2 * Bxz;	/* 2bxz = 2GxGz*scalefactor */
1453             Rmat.elts[i][3] = sf * Byy;	/* byy = Gy*Gy*scalefactor */
1454             Rmat.elts[i][4] = sf2 * Byz;	/* 2byz = 2GyGz*scalefactor */
1455             Rmat.elts[i][5] = sf * Bzz;	/* bzz = Gz*Gz*scalefactor */
1456          }
1457    }
1458    else {
1459       nrows = grad1Dptr->nx;
1460       matrix_initialize (&Rmat);
1461       matrix_create (nrows, 6, &Rmat);	/* Rmat = Np x 6 matrix */
1462       if (Rmat.elts == NULL)
1463          {				/* memory allocation error */
1464             ERROR_message("Could not allocate memory for Rmat");
1465             EXRETURN;
1466          }
1468       /* use simple floating point pointers to get values */
1469       Gxptr = imptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);
1470       Gyptr = imptr + nrows;
1471       Gzptr = Gyptr + nrows;
1473       for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
1474          {
1475             Gx = *Gxptr++;
1476             Gy = *Gyptr++;
1477             Gz = *Gzptr++;
1478             gscale = sqrt(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy + Gz*Gz); // apr,2016: scale by this
1479             if ( gscale < TINYNUMBER) // for b=0
1480                gscale = 1.;
1481             /* bxx = Gx*Gx*scalefactor */
1482             Rmat.elts[i][0] = sf * Gx * Gx / gscale;
1483             /* 2bxy = 2GxGy*scalefactor */
1484             Rmat.elts[i][1] = sf2 * Gx * Gy / gscale;
1485             /* 2bxz = 2GxGz*scalefactor */
1486             Rmat.elts[i][2] = sf2 * Gx * Gz / gscale;
1487             /* byy = Gy*Gy*scalefactor */
1488             Rmat.elts[i][3] = sf * Gy * Gy / gscale;
1489             /* 2byz = 2GyGz*scalefactor */
1490             Rmat.elts[i][4] = sf2 * Gy * Gz / gscale;
1491             /* bzz = Gz*Gz*scalefactor */
1492             Rmat.elts[i][5] = sf * Gz * Gz / gscale;
1493          }
1494    }
1496    /*
1497    fprintf(stderr,"\n\n TESTING: Bmatrix values...\n");
1498    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
1499       INFO_message("%f  %f  %f  %f  %f  %f",
1500                    Rmat.elts[i][0],
1501                    Rmat.elts[i][1],
1502                    Rmat.elts[i][2],
1503                    Rmat.elts[i][3],
1504                    Rmat.elts[i][4],
1505                    Rmat.elts[i][5]);
1506    */
1508    matrix_initialize (&Rtmat);
1509    /* compute pseudo-inverse of Rmat=Rtmat */
1510    matrix_psinv (Rmat, nullptr, &Rtmat);
1511    matrix_destroy (&Rmat);	/*  from the other two matrices */
1512    EXRETURN;
1513 }
1519 /*
1520   [PT: May, 2017]
1521   !! NB !! This has been copy/pasted from 3dDTtoDWI.c, so if changes
1522            happen there/here, likely make them here/there as well.
1523            This inglorious route was chosen rather than deal with
1524            compile-time issues with static variables.  I'm sure I'll
1525            adjust this more properly later.  Definitely.
1526 */
1527 static void
DTtoDWI_tsfunc(double tzero,double tdelta,int npts,float ts[],double ts_mean,double ts_slope,void * ud,int nbriks,float * val)1528 DTtoDWI_tsfunc (double tzero, double tdelta,
1529                 int npts, float ts[],
1530                 double ts_mean, double ts_slope,
1531                 void *ud, int nbriks, float *val)
1532 {
1533    int i;
1534    static int nvox2, ncall2;
1535    double I0, bq_d;
1536    double *bptr;
1537    float *tempptr;
1539    ENTRY ("DTtoDWI_tsfunc");
1540    /* ts is input vector data of 6 floating point numbers.*/
1541    /* ts should come from data sub-briks in form of Dxx, Dxy, Dyy, Dxz, Dyz, Dzz */
1542    /* if automask is turned on, ts has 7 floating point numbers */
1543    /* val is output vector of form DWI0, DWI1, DWIn sub-briks */
1544    /* where n = number of gradients = nbriks-1 */
1546    /** is this a "notification"? **/
1547    if (val == NULL) {
1548       if (npts > 0) {			/* the "start notification" */
1549          nvox2 = npts;		/* keep track of   */
1550          ncall2 = 0;		/* number of calls */
1551       }
1552       else {			/* the "end notification" */
1554          /* nothing to do here */
1555       }
1556       EXRETURN;
1557    }
1559    ncall2++;
1561    if (automask)
1562       npts = npts - 1;
1564    tempptr = I0_ptr+ncall2-1;
1565    I0 = *tempptr;
1567    val[0] = I0; /* the first sub-brik is the I0 sub-brik */
1568    bptr = bmatrix+6;   /* start at the first gradient */
1570    // NOTE THE ORDER HERE! Need to match bmatrix and DT orderings,
1571    // which are different.  Yay.
1572    for(i=1;i<nbriks;i++) {
1573       bptr = bmatrix+(6*i);   /* start at the first gradient */
1574       bq_d = *bptr++ * ts[0];           /* GxGxDxx  */
1575       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[1] * 2;      /* 2GxGyDxy */
1576       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[3] * 2;      /* 2GxGzDxz */
1577       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[2];          /* GyGyDyy  */
1578       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[4] * 2;      /* 2GyGzDyz */
1579       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[5];          /* GzGzDzz  */
1581       // for each gradient,q, Iq = J e -(bq.D)
1582       val[i] = I0 * exp(-bq_d);
1583       // where bq.D is the large dot product of bq and D
1585    }
1587    EXRETURN;
1588 }
1591 /**********************************************************************
1592      Function that does the real work
1593 ***********************************************************************/
1595 static void
DWItoDT_tsfunc(double tzero,double tdelta,int npts,float ts[],double ts_mean,double ts_slope,void * ud,int nbriks,float * val)1596 DWItoDT_tsfunc (double tzero, double tdelta,
1597                 int npts, float ts[],
1598                 double ts_mean, double ts_slope,
1599                 void *ud, int nbriks, float *val)
1600 {
1601    int i, converge_step, converge, trialstep, ntrial, adjuststep, recordflag;
1602    double orig_deltatau, best_deltatau, EDold, J;
1603    static int ncall, noisecall;
1604    register double i0;
1605    register double dv, dv0;
1606    vector lnvector;
1607    int wtflag;          /* wtflag for recomputing wtfactor*/
1608    int max_converge_step, graphpoint;
1609    double dtau[50], Edgraph[50];
1610    int graphflag;
1611    int IS_BAD_MD = 0;
1613    ENTRY ("DWItoDT_tsfunc");
1614    /* ts is input vector data of Np+1 floating point numbers.
1615       For each point in volume brik convert vector data to
1616       symmetric matrix */
1617    /* ts should come from data sub-briks in form of I0,I1,...Ip */
1618    /* val is output vector of form
1619       Dxx Dxy Dxz Dyy Dyz Dzz
1620       for each voxel in 6 sub-briks */
1621    /* the Dij vector is computed as the product of Rt times ln(I0/Ip)
1622       where Rt is the pseudo-inverse of the [bxx 2bxy 2bxz byy 2byz
1623       bzz] for each gradient vector b */
1624    /** is this a "notification"? **/
1625    if (val == NULL){
1627       if (npts > 0)
1628          {			/* the "start notification" */
1629             /*nvox = npts;*/		/* keep track of   */
1630             ncall = 0;		/* number of calls */
1631             noisecall = 0;
1632          }
1633       else
1634          {			/* the "end notification" */
1636             /* nothing to do here */
1637          }
1638       EXRETURN;
1639    }
1641    ncall++;
1642    /* if there is any mask (automask or user mask), use corresponding
1643       voxel as a flag */
1644    if((maskptr && (maskptr[ncall-1]==0)) ||
1645       all_dwi_zero(npts, ts)){
1646       /* don't include this voxel for mask or if all zeros*/
1647       for (i = 0; i < nbriks; i++)	/* faster to copy preset vector */
1648          val[i] = 0.0;	/* return 0 for all Dxx,Dxy,... */
1649       if(debug_briks)  /* use -3 as flag for number of converge steps
1650                           to mean exited for masked voxels */
1651          val[nbriks-4] = -3.0;
1652       EXRETURN;
1653    }
1655    /* check for valid data at this series */
1656    if(bad_DWI_data(npts, ts)) {
1657       for (i = 0; i < nbriks; i++)	/* faster to copy preset vector */
1658          val[i] = 0.0;	/* return 0 for all Dxx,Dxy,... */
1659       Assign_CSF_values(val);
1660       EXRETURN;
1661    }
1664    /* load the symmetric matrix vector from the "timeseries" subbrik
1665       vector values */
1666    vector_initialize (&lnvector);
1667    vector_create_noinit (npts - 1, &lnvector);
1668    if(use_mean_b0)
1669       dv0 = compute_mean_B0(npts, ts, 1);
1670    else
1671       dv0 = ts[0];
1674    if (dv0 > 0.0)
1675       i0 = log (dv0);
1676    else
1677       i0 = 0.0;
1678    for (i = 0; i < (npts - 1); i++)
1679       {
1680          dv = ts[i + 1];
1681          if ((dv > 0.0) && (dv0 > 0.0))
1682             lnvector.elts[i] = i0 - log (dv); /* ln I0/Ip = ln I0 - ln Ip */
1683          else
1684             lnvector.elts[i] = 0.0;
1685       }
1687    vector_multiply (Rtmat, lnvector, &Dvector);	/* D = Rt * ln(I0/Ip),
1688                                                    allocated Dvector
1689                                                    here */
1691    vector_destroy (&lnvector);	    /* free vector elements allocated */
1693    if((method==0)||(max_iter==-1)) {     /* for linear method,stop here
1694                                             and return D values */
1695       vector_to_array(Dvector, val);
1697       if(debug_briks) {
1698          InitWtfactors (npts);	  /* initialize all weight factors to 1
1699                                       for all gradient intensities */
1700          J = ComputeJ (ts, npts);  /* Ed (error) computed here */
1701          val[nbriks-4] = -1.0;     /* use -1 as flag for number of
1702                                       converge steps to mean exited
1703                                       for */
1704                                    /* or initial insignificant deltatau
1705                                       value */
1706          val[nbriks-3] = ED;
1707          val[nbriks-2] = ED;       /* store original error */
1708          val[nbriks-1] = J;
1709       }
1711       if(eigs_flag) {             /* if user wants eigenvalues in
1712                                      output dataset */
1713          EIG_func();              /* calculate eigenvalues,
1714                                      eigenvectors here */
1715          for(i=0;i<12;i++)
1716             val[i+6] = eigs[i];
1717          /* calc FA */
1718          val[18] = Calc_FA(val+6); /* calculate fractional anisotropy */
1719          val[19] = Calc_MD(val+6); /* calculate mean diffusivity */
1720       }
1722       vals_to_NIFTI(val);
1724       EXRETURN;
1725    }
1728    /* now more complex part that takes into account noise */
1730    /* calculate initial estimate of D using standard linear model */
1731    EIG_func ();			   /* compute eigenvalues, eigenvectors standard
1732                               way */
1735    InitWtfactors (npts);	/* initialize all weight factors to 1 for all
1736                               gradient intensities */
1738    ComputeD0 ();			/* recalculate Dmatrix based on limits on
1739                            eigenvalues */
1742    if(matrix_sumabs(Dmatrix)<=TINYNUMBER) {
1743       for(i=0;i<nbriks;i++)
1744          val[i] = 0.0;
1745       if(debug_briks) {
1746          val[nbriks-4] = -2.0; /* use -2 as flag for number of converge
1747                                   steps to mean exited for insignificant
1748                                   D values*/
1749          val[nbriks-3] = 0;
1750          val[nbriks-2] = 0;    /* store original error */
1751          val[nbriks-1] = 0;
1752       }
1753       vals_to_NIFTI(val);      /* swap D tensor values for NIFTI
1754                                   standard */
1755       EXRETURN;
1756    }
1758    /* show verbose messages every verbose=n voxels */
1759    if(verbose&&(!(noisecall%verbose)))
1760       recordflag = 1;
1761    else
1762       recordflag = 0;
1763    if(ncall==202293)
1764       recordflag = 1;
1766    /* graph in AFNI convergence steps every afnitalk_flag=n voxels */
1767    if(afnitalk_flag&&(!(noisecall%afnitalk_flag))) {
1768       graphflag = 1;
1769       graphpoint = 0;
1770    }
1771    else
1772       graphflag = 0;
1774    noisecall++;
1776    /* allow up to max_iter=MAX_CONVERGE_STEPS (10) deltatau steps */
1777    converge_step = 0;
1778    /* 1st time through set limit of converge steps to user option */
1779    max_converge_step = max_iter;
1781    /* need to use Powell optimize method instead */
1782    if( (opt_method==1) || ((opt_method==2) && (voxel_opt_method==1))) {
1783       if(recordflag)
1784          printf("using  powell method\n");
1785       converge_step = ComputeDwithPowell(ts, val, npts, nbriks); /*compute D */
1786       Dmatrix.elts[0][0] = val[0];
1787       Dmatrix.elts[0][1] = val[1];
1788       Dmatrix.elts[0][2] = val[2];
1789       Dmatrix.elts[1][1] = val[3];
1790       Dmatrix.elts[1][2] = val[4];
1791       Dmatrix.elts[2][2] = val[5];
1793       goto Other_Bricks;    /* compute the other bricks for eigenvalues
1794                                and debugging */
1795    }
1797    converge = 0;
1798    wtflag = reweight_flag;
1800    /* trial step */
1801    J = ComputeJ (ts, npts); 	           /* Ed (error) computed here */
1802    Store_Computations (0, npts, wtflag); /* Store 1st adjusted
1803                                             computations */
1804    matrix_copy (Dmatrix, &OldD);         /* store first Dmatrix in OldD
1805                                             too */
1807    if(debug_briks)
1808       val[nbriks-2] = ED;                /* store original error */
1810    EDold = ED;
1811    ComputeDeltaTau ();
1812    if(deltatau<=TINYNUMBER) {            /* deltatau too small, exit */
1813       for(i=0;i<nbriks;i++)
1814          val[i] = 0.0;
1815       if(debug_briks) {
1816          val[nbriks-4] = -1.0;           /* use -1 as flag for number
1817                                             of converge steps to mean
1818                                             exited for insignificant
1819                                             deltatau value */
1820          val[nbriks-1] = J;
1821       }
1822       vals_to_NIFTI(val);                /* swap D tensor values for
1823                                             NIFTI standard */
1824       EXRETURN;
1825    }
1827    ntrial = 0;
1829    while ( (converge_step < max_converge_step) &&
1830            (converge!=1) && (ntrial < 10) )
1831       {
1832          /* find trial step */
1833          /* first do trial step to find acceptable delta tau */
1834          /* first trial step is same size as previous time step */
1835          /* Then take half of previous tau step to see if less error */
1836          /* if there is less error, then delta tau is acceptable */
1837          /* Stop at first time step giving less error */
1838          /* try halving up to 10 times, if it does not work, */
1839          /* use first D from initial estimate (previous iteration) */
1840          trialstep = 1;
1841          ntrial = 0;
1842          orig_deltatau = best_deltatau = deltatau;
1843          while ((trialstep) && (ntrial < 10))
1844             {			/* allow up to 10 iterations to find trial step */
1845                ComputeHpHm (deltatau);
1846                ComputeNewD ();
1847                J = ComputeJ (ts, npts);	/* Ed (error) computed here */
1848                if (ED < EDold)            /* is error less than error
1849                                              of trial step or previous
1850                                              step? */
1851                   {
1852                      /* found acceptable step size of DeltaTau */
1853                      if(recordflag==1)
1854                         INFO_message("ncall= %d, converge_step=%d, deltatau=%f, ED=%f, ntrial %d in find dtau",
1855                                      ncall, converge_step, deltatau, ED, ntrial);
1856                      if(graphflag==1) {
1857                         dtau[graphpoint] = deltatau;
1858                         Edgraph[graphpoint] = ED;
1859                         graphpoint++;
1860                      }
1862                      EDold = ED;
1863                      best_deltatau = deltatau;
1864                      trialstep = 0;    /* leave trial stepping */
1865                      Store_Computations (1, npts, wtflag);	/* Store
1866                                                                current
1867                                                                computations */
1868                   }
1869                else {
1870                   Restore_Computations (0, npts, wtflag);	/* Restore
1871                                                                trial 0
1872                                                                computations */
1873                   deltatau = deltatau / 2;    /* find first DeltaTau
1874                                                  step with less error
1875                                                  than 1st guess */
1876                   /* by trying smaller step sizes */
1877                   ntrial++;
1878                }
1879             }
1881          deltatau = best_deltatau;
1883          /* end of finding trial step size */
1884          /* in trial step stage, already have result of deltatau step
1885             and may have already tried deltatau*2 if halved
1886             (ntrial>=1) */
1887          if(ntrial <10) {
1888             orig_deltatau = best_deltatau = deltatau;
1889             adjuststep = 1;
1891             for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
1892                if(i==0)
1893                   deltatau = orig_deltatau*2.0;
1894                else
1895                   deltatau = orig_deltatau/2.0;
1897                if((adjuststep==1) && ((i!=0) || (ntrial<2))) {
1898                   /* if didn't shrink in initial deltatau step above */
1900                   Restore_Computations (1, npts, wtflag);	/* Restore
1901                                                                previous
1902                                                                Tau
1903                                                                step
1904                                                                computations */
1905                   ComputeHpHm (deltatau);
1906                   ComputeNewD ();
1907                   J = ComputeJ (ts, npts);	/* computes Intensity
1908                                                 without noise,*/
1909                   /*   Ed, Residuals */
1910                   if(ED<EDold){
1911                      best_deltatau = deltatau;
1912                      adjuststep = 0;
1913                      Store_Computations(0, npts, wtflag); /* Store
1914                                                              Tau+dtau
1915                                                              step
1916                                                              computations */
1917                      EDold = ED;
1919                      if(recordflag==1) {
1920                         if(i==0)
1921                            INFO_message("ncall= %d, converge_step=%d, deltatau=%f, ED=%f dt*2 best",
1922                                         ncall, converge_step, deltatau, ED);
1923                         else
1924                            INFO_message("ncall= %d, converge_step=%d, deltatau=%f, ED=%f dt/2 best",
1925                                         ncall, converge_step, deltatau, ED);
1926                      }
1927                      if(graphflag==1) {
1928                         dtau[graphpoint] = deltatau;
1929                         Edgraph[graphpoint] = ED;
1930                         graphpoint++;
1931                      }
1932                   }
1933                }
1934             }
1936             deltatau = best_deltatau;
1938             if(adjuststep!=0){            /* best choice was first
1939                                              Delta Tau */
1940                ED = EDold;
1941                Restore_Computations (1,  npts, wtflag);	/* restore
1942                                                             old
1943                                                             computed
1944                                                             matrices*/
1945                /*   D,Hp,Hm,F,R */
1946                Store_Computations(0, npts, wtflag);	/* Store
1947                                                          Tau+dtau step
1948                                                          computations */
1949                if(recordflag==1)
1950                   INFO_message("ncall= %d, converge_step=%d, deltatau=%f, ED=%f dt best",
1951                                ncall, converge_step, deltatau, ED);
1952             }
1954             if(graphflag==1) {
1955                dtau[graphpoint] = deltatau;
1956                Edgraph[graphpoint] = ED;
1957                graphpoint++;
1958             }
1960             if (converge_step != 0) {	/* first time through
1961                                           recalculate*/
1962                /* now see if converged yet */
1963                converge = TestConvergence(Dmatrix, OldD);
1964             }
1966             matrix_copy (Dmatrix, &OldD);
1968             if(graphflag==1) {
1969                dtau[graphpoint] = deltatau;
1970                Edgraph[graphpoint] = ED;
1971                graphpoint++;
1972             }
1974             converge_step++;
1975          }
1976          else
1977             {
1978                if(recordflag==1)
1979                   INFO_message("ncall= %d, converge_step=%d, deltatau=%f, ED=%f Exiting time evolution",
1980                                ncall, converge_step, deltatau, ED);
1981                Restore_Computations(0, npts, wtflag);       /* Exit
1982                                                                with
1983                                                                original
1984                                                                step
1985                                                                calculation */
1986                ED = EDold;
1987             }
1990          if(((converge) || (converge_step==max_iter)) && wtflag && reweight_flag) {
1991             /* if at end of iterations the first time*/
1993             converge = 0;                  /* through whole group of iterations */
1994             ComputeWtfactors (npts);       /* compute new weight factors */
1995             converge_step = 1;             /* start over now with computed weight factors */
1996             max_converge_step = max_iter_rw+1;   /* reset limit of converge steps to user option */
1997             wtflag = 0;                    /* only do it once - turn off next reweighting */
1998             J=ComputeJ(ts, npts);            /* compute new Ed value */
1999             EDold = ED;                    /* this avoids having to go through converge loop for two loops */
2000          }
2001       }  /* end while converge loop */
2003    ED = EDold;
2005    val[0] = Dmatrix.elts[0][0];
2006    val[1] = Dmatrix.elts[0][1];
2007    val[2] = Dmatrix.elts[0][2];
2008    val[3] = Dmatrix.elts[1][1];
2009    val[4] = Dmatrix.elts[1][2];
2010    val[5] = Dmatrix.elts[2][2];
2016  Other_Bricks:
2018    // May,2016: final tensor has been estimated-- check on badness 2!
2019    if(bad_DWI_data_2_MD(val[0], val[3], val[5])) {
2020       for (i = 0; i < nbriks; i++)	/* faster to copy preset vector */
2021          val[i] = 0.0;	/* return 0 for all Dxx,Dxy,... */
2022       Assign_CSF_values(val);
2023       EXRETURN;
2024    }
2026    if(eigs_flag) {                            /* if user wants eigenvalues in output dataset */
2027       double length, dl;
2028       udmatrix_to_vector(Dmatrix, &Dvector);
2029       EIG_func();                              /* calculate eigenvalues, eigenvectors here */
2030       for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
2031          if(fabs(eigs[i])<SMALLNUMBER)
2032             eigs[i] = 0.0;
2033       }
2034       for(i=0;i<12;i++)
2035          val[i+6] = eigs[i];
2036       /* calc FA */
2037       val[18] = Calc_FA(val+6);                /* calculate fractional anisotropy */
2038       val[19] = Calc_MD(val+6);               /* calculate average (mean) diffusivity */
2039       val[20] = Calc_RD(val+6);               // calculate radial diffusivity; pt,Oct,2016
2040       length = sqrt(eigs[3]*eigs[3]+eigs[4]*eigs[4]+eigs[5]*eigs[5]);
2041       dl = fabs(1.0 - length);
2042       if (dl>SMALLNUMBER) {
2043          if(recordflag) {
2044             printf("V1 not a unit vector, length = %f\n", length);
2045             printf("  V1 eigs %f %f %f\n", eigs[3], eigs[4], eigs[5]);
2046             printf("D tensor %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
2047                    val[0],val[1],val[2],val[3],val[4],val[5]);
2048             printf("Time series:\n");
2049             for(i=0;i<npts;i++) printf("%f ", ts[i]);
2050             printf("\n");
2051          }
2052       }
2053    }
2055    /* testing information only */
2056    if(recordflag)
2057       INFO_message("ncall= %d, converge_step=%d, deltatau=%f, ED=%f",
2058                    ncall, converge_step, deltatau, ED);
2059    if(debug_briks && ((opt_method==0) || ((opt_method==2) && (voxel_opt_method==0)) )){
2060       val[nbriks-4] = converge_step;
2061       val[nbriks-3] = ED;
2062       val[nbriks-1] = ComputeJ(ts, npts);            /* compute J value */;
2063    }
2064    if(graphflag==1) {
2065       DWI_AFNI_update_graph(Edgraph, dtau, graphpoint);
2066    }
2068    vals_to_NIFTI(val);   /* swap D tensor values for NIFTI standard */
2070    EXRETURN;
2071 }
2073 /* some simple checks for bad DWI data */
2074 static int
bad_DWI_data(int npts,float * ts)2075 bad_DWI_data(int npts, float *ts)
2076 {
2077    double m0, m1;
2079    ENTRY("bad_DWI_data");
2080    /* check if mean of B0 is less than mean of rest of data */
2081    m0 = compute_mean_B0(npts, ts, 1);
2082    m1 = compute_mean_B0(npts, ts, 0);
2083    if(m0<=m1) RETURN(1); /* bad data */
2084    RETURN(0);
2085 }
2087 // May,2016-- added; extra badness check
2088 static int
bad_DWI_data_2_MD(float v1,float v2,float v3)2089 bad_DWI_data_2_MD(float v1, float v2, float v3)
2090 {
2091    double m0;
2092    float v[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
2094    ENTRY("bad_DWI_data_2_MD");
2096    v[0] = v1;
2097    v[1] = v2;
2098    v[2] = v3;
2100    m0 = Calc_MD(v);
2101    if(m0 > MIN_BAD_SCALE_MD*csf_val) {
2102       //WARNING_message("Whoa! MD is reeeeally big: %f", m0);
2103       RETURN(1); /* bad data */
2104    }
2106    RETURN(0);
2107 }
2109 static int
all_dwi_zero(int npts,float * ts)2110 all_dwi_zero(int npts, float *ts)
2111 {
2112    int i;
2114    ENTRY("all_DWI_zero");
2115    for(i=0;i<npts;i++) {
2116       if(ts[i]!=0.0) RETURN(0);
2117    }
2118    RETURN(1);
2119 }
2121 static double
compute_mean_B0(int npts,float * ts,char B0flag)2122 compute_mean_B0(int npts, float *ts, char B0flag)
2123 {
2124    int i, nb=0;
2125    double m0=0.0, sum=0.0;
2127    ENTRY("compute_mean_B0");
2128    for(i=0;i<npts;i++) {
2129       if(B0list[i] == B0flag) {
2130          sum += (double) ts[i];
2131          nb++;
2132       }
2133    }
2134    m0 = sum / nb;
2135    RETURN(m0);
2136 }
2138 static void
Assign_CSF_values(float * val)2139 Assign_CSF_values(float *val)
2140 {
2141    /* assign default CSF values to tensor */
2142    // apr,2016: lots of '1.0' values changed to 'csf_val' for
2143    // consistency, and to not cause visualization issues anywhere.
2144    // Hopefully.  Maybe.  It still doesn't match technically with the
2145    // csf_fa, but at least that is *almost* zero.
2146    val[0] = val[3] = val[5] = csf_val;
2147    val[1] = val[2] = val[4] = 0.0;
2148    if(eigs_flag) {                    /* if user wants eigenvalues in
2149                                          output dataset */
2150       val[6] = csf_val;
2151       val[7] = csf_val;
2152       val[8] = csf_val;
2153       val[9] =  1.0;  val[10] = 0.0;  val[11] = 0.0; // eigenvectors
2154       val[12] = 0.0;  val[13] = 1.0;  val[14] = 0.0;
2155       val[15] = 0.0;  val[16] = 0.0;  val[17] = 1.0;
2156       val[18] = csf_fa;               /* calculate fractional
2157                                          anisotropy */
2158       val[19] = csf_val;              /* calculate average (mean)
2159                                          diffusivity */
2160       val[20] = rd_val;              /* calculate average (mean)
2161                                          diffusivity */
2162    }
2163 }
2165 /* taken from 3dDTeig.c */
2166 /*! given Dij tensor data for principal directions */
2167 /* calculate 3 principal sets of eigenvalues and eigenvectors */
2168 static void
EIG_func()2169 EIG_func ()
2170 {
2171    /*  THD_dmat33 inmat;
2172        THD_dvecmat eigvmat; */
2173    int i, j;
2174    int maxindex, minindex, midindex;
2175    float temp, minvalue, maxvalue;
2176    int sortvector[3];
2177    double a[9], e[3];
2178    int astart, vstart;
2181    ENTRY ("EIG_func");
2182    /* Dvector is vector data of 6 floating point numbers.
2183       For each point in volume brik convert vector data to
2184       symmetric matrix */
2185    /* Dvector should come in form of Dxx,Dxy,Dxz,Dyy,Dyz,Dzz */
2186    /* convert to matrix of form
2187       [ Dxx Dxy Dxz]
2188       [ Dxy Dyy Dyz]
2189       [ Dxz Dyz Dzz]  */
2192    /* load the symmetric matrix vector from the "timeseries" subbrik
2193       vector values */
2195    a[0] = Dvector.elts[0];
2196    a[1] = Dvector.elts[1];
2197    a[2] = Dvector.elts[2];
2198    a[3] = Dvector.elts[1];
2199    a[4] = Dvector.elts[3];
2200    a[5] = Dvector.elts[4];
2201    a[6] = Dvector.elts[2];
2202    a[7] = Dvector.elts[4];
2203    a[8] = Dvector.elts[5];
2205    symeig_double (3, a, e);	/* compute eigenvalues in e,
2206                                  eigenvectors in a */
2208    maxindex = 2;			/* find the lowest, middle and highest
2209                            eigenvalue */
2210    maxvalue = e[2];
2211    minindex = 0;
2212    minvalue = e[0];
2213    midindex = 1;
2215    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2216       {
2217          temp = e[i];
2218          if (temp > maxvalue)
2219             {			/* find the maximum */
2220                maxindex = i;
2221                maxvalue = temp;
2222             }
2223          if (temp < minvalue)
2224             {			/* find the minimum */
2225                minindex = i;
2226                minvalue = temp;
2227             }
2228       }
2230    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2231       {				/* find the middle */
2232          if ((i != maxindex) && (i != minindex))
2233             {
2234                midindex = i;
2235                break;
2236             }
2237       }
2239    sortvector[0] = maxindex;
2240    sortvector[1] = midindex;
2241    sortvector[2] = minindex;
2243    /* put the eigenvalues at the beginning of the matrix */
2244    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2245       {
2246          eigs[i] = e[sortvector[i]]; /* copy sorted eigenvalues */
2247          if(fabs (eigs[i]) < TINYNUMBER)
2248             eigs[i] = 0.0;
2249          /* start filling in eigenvector values */
2250          astart = sortvector[i] * 3; /* start index of double
2251                                         eigenvector */
2252          vstart = (i + 1) * 3;     	 /* start index of float val
2253                                         vector to copy eigenvector */
2255          for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
2256             {
2257                eigs[vstart + j] = a[astart + j];
2258             }
2259       }
2261    EXRETURN;
2262 }
2264 /*! calculate Fractional Anisotropy */
2265 /* passed float pointer to start of eigenvalues */
2266 static float
Calc_FA(float * val)2267 Calc_FA(float *val)
2268 {
2269    float FA;
2270    double ssq, dv0, dv1, dv2, dsq;
2272    ENTRY("Calc_FA");
2274    /* calculate the Fractional Anisotropy, FA */
2275    /*   reference, Pierpaoli C, Basser PJ. Microstructural and
2276         physiological features of tissues elucidated by
2277         quantitative-diffusion tensor MRI,J Magn Reson B 1996;
2278         111:209-19 */
2279    if((val[0]<=0.0)||(val[1]<0.0)||(val[2]<0.0)) {
2281       /* any negative eigenvalues-- should not see any for non-linear
2282          method. Set FA to 0*/
2283       RETURN(0.0);
2284    }
2286    /* sum of squares of eigenvalues */
2287    ssq = (val[0]*val[0])+(val[1]*val[1])+(val[2]*val[2]);
2288    /* dsq = pow((val[0]-val[1]),2.0) + pow((val[1]-val[2]),2.0) +
2289       pow((val[2]-val[0]),2.0);*/ /* sum of differences squared */
2291    dv0 = val[0]-val[1];
2292    dv0 *= dv0;
2293    dv1 = val[1]-val[2];
2294    dv1 *= dv1;
2295    dv2 = val[2]-val[0];
2296    dv2 *= dv2;
2297    dsq = dv0+dv1+dv2;                 /* sum of differences squared */
2299    if(ssq!=0.0)
2300       FA = sqrt(dsq/(2.0*ssq));   /* FA calculated here */
2301    else
2302       FA = 0.0;
2304    RETURN(FA);
2305 }
2307 /*! calculate Mean Diffusivity */
2308 /* passed float pointer to start of eigenvalues */
2309 static float
Calc_MD(float * val)2310 Calc_MD(float *val)
2311 {
2312    float MD;
2314    ENTRY("Calc_MD");
2316    /* calculate the Fractional Anisotropy, FA */
2317    /* reference, Pierpaoli C, Basser PJ. Microstructural and
2318       physiological features of tissues elucidated by
2319       quantitative-diffusion tensor MRI,J Magn Reson B 1996;
2320       111:209-19 */
2321    if((val[0]<=0.0)||(val[1]<0.0)||(val[2]<0.0)) {
2322       /* any negative eigenvalues-- should not see any for non-linear
2323          method. Set FA to 0*/
2324       RETURN(0.0);
2325    }
2326    MD = (val[0] + val[1] + val[2]) / 3;
2328    RETURN(MD);
2329 }
2331 //! calculate radial Diffusivity;  pt,Oct,2016
2332 /* passed float pointer to start of eigenvalues */
2333 static float
Calc_RD(float * val)2334 Calc_RD(float *val)
2335 {
2336    float RD;
2338    ENTRY("Calc_RD");
2340    /* calculate the Fractional Anisotropy, RD */
2341    if((val[0]<=0.0)||(val[1]<0.0)||(val[2]<0.0)) {
2342       /* any negative eigenvalues-- should not see any for non-linear
2343          method. Set FA to 0*/
2344       RETURN(0.0);
2345    }
2346    RD = (val[1] + val[2]) / 2.;
2348    RETURN(RD);
2349 }
2356 /*! compute initial estimate of D0 */
2357 /* D = estimated diffusion tensor matrix
2358    [Dxx Dxy Dxz, Dxy Dyy Dyz, Dxz Dyz Dzz] */
2359 /* updates Dvector and Dmatrix */
2360 static void
ComputeD0()2361 ComputeD0 ()
2362 {
2363    int i, j;
2364    /*   matrix ULmatrix, Ematrix; */
2365    double mu, alpha, sum;
2366    double e10, e11, e12, e20, e21, e22, e30, e31, e32;
2367    double l1, l2, l3;
2368    double t1, t3, t5, t8, t10, t12, t14, t18, t19, t21, t23, t32, t33, t35,
2369       t37;
2371    ENTRY ("ComputeD0");
2372    /* create and initialize D0 */
2374    if (eigs[0] < 0)
2375       {	/* if all eigenvalues are negative - may never happen */
2376          /* D0 = diag(a,a,a) where a=1/3 Sum(Abs(Lambda_i)) */
2377          sum = 0.0;
2378          for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2379             sum += fabs (eigs[i]);
2380          alpha = sum / 3;
2381          for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2382             {
2383                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
2384                   {
2385                      if (i == j)
2386                         Dmatrix.elts[i][j] = alpha;
2387                      else
2388                         Dmatrix.elts[i][j] = 0.0;
2389                   }
2390             }
2392          /* convert to vector format for D also */
2393          udmatrix_to_vector (Dmatrix, &Dvector);
2394          EXRETURN;
2395       }
2397    mu = backoff_factor * eigs[0];
2398    voxel_opt_method = 0;
2399    /*  mu = SMALLNUMBER;*/
2400    if (eigs[1] < mu) {	      /* set limit of eigenvalues to prevent */
2401       eigs[1] = mu;		      /* too much anisotropy */
2402       voxel_opt_method = 1;   /* switch to Powell optimization for
2403                                  this voxel */
2404    }
2405    if (eigs[2] < mu) {
2406       eigs[2] = mu;
2407       voxel_opt_method = 1;
2408    }
2409    /* D0 = U L UT */
2410    /*
2411      [e10 l1    e20 l2    e30 l3]
2412      [                          ]
2413      UL := [e11 l1    e21 l2    e31 l3]
2414      [                          ]
2415      [e12 l1    e22 l2    e32 l3]
2416    */
2419    /* assign variables to match Maple code */
2420    l1 = eigs[0];
2421    l2 = eigs[1];
2422    l3 = eigs[2];
2424    e10 = eigs[3];
2425    e11 = eigs[4];
2426    e12 = eigs[5];
2428    e20 = eigs[6];
2429    e21 = eigs[7];
2430    e22 = eigs[8];
2432    e30 = eigs[9];
2433    e31 = eigs[10];
2434    e32 = eigs[11];
2437 #ifdef lkjsaklfj
2438    matrix_initialize (&Ematrix);
2439    matrix_create (3, 3, &Ematrix);
2440    /* fill Ematrix with Eigenvectors */
2442    matrix_initialize (&ULmatrix);
2443    matrix_create (3, 3, &ULmatrix);
2444    if (ULmatrix.elts == NULL)
2445       {				/* memory allocation error */
2446          ERROR_message("Could not allocate memory for Rmat");
2447          EXRETURN;
2448       }
2450    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2451       {
2452          for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
2453             {
2454                ULmatrix.elts[i][j] = Ematrix.elts[i][j] * eigs[i];
2455             }
2456       }
2458    /* new D is based on modified lambdas */
2459    matrix_multiply (ULmatrix, Ematrix, &Dmatrix);
2460 #endif
2464    t1 = e10 * e10;
2465    t3 = e20 * e20;
2466    t5 = e30 * e30;
2467    t8 = e10 * l1;
2468    t10 = e20 * l2;
2469    t12 = e30 * l3;
2470    t14 = t8 * e11 + t10 * e21 + t12 * e31;
2471    t18 = t8 * e12 + t10 * e22 + t12 * e32;
2472    t19 = e11 * e11;
2473    t21 = e21 * e21;
2474    t23 = e31 * e31;
2475    t32 = e11 * l1 * e12 + e21 * l2 * e22 + e31 * l3 * e32;
2476    t33 = e12 * e12;
2477    t35 = e22 * e22;
2478    t37 = e32 * e32;
2479    Dmatrix.elts[0][0] = t1 * l1 + t3 * l2 + t5 * l3;
2480    Dmatrix.elts[0][1] = t14;
2481    Dmatrix.elts[0][2] = t18;
2482    Dmatrix.elts[1][0] = t14;
2483    Dmatrix.elts[1][1] = t19 * l1 + t21 * l2 + t23 * l3;
2484    Dmatrix.elts[1][2] = t32;
2485    Dmatrix.elts[2][0] = t18;
2486    Dmatrix.elts[2][1] = t32;
2487    Dmatrix.elts[2][2] = t33 * l1 + t35 * l2 + t37 * l3;
2489    /* convert to vector format for D */
2490    udmatrix_to_vector (Dmatrix, &Dvector);
2492    EXRETURN;
2493 }
2495 /*! compute the diffusion weighting matrix bmatrix for q number of gradients */
2496 /* only need to calculate once */
2497 /* bq = diffusion weighting matrix of qth gradient */
2498 /*      GxGx GxGy GxGz
2499         GxGy GyGy GyGz
2500         GxGz GyGz GzGz */
2501 /* b0 is 0 for all 9 elements */
2502 /* bmatrix is really stored as 6 x npts array */
2503 // -----> !! if you change anything here, probably should copy/paste
2504 // -----> !! the function into 3dDTtoDWI, for consistency across
2505 // -----> !! functions (as of apr,2016)!
2506 static void
Computebmatrix(MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr,int NO_ZERO_ROW1)2507 Computebmatrix (MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr, int NO_ZERO_ROW1)
2508 // flag to differentiate bmatrix cases that include a zero row or not
2509 {
2510    int i, n;
2511    register double *bptr;
2512    register float *Gxptr, *Gyptr, *Gzptr;
2513    register float *Bxxptr, *Byyptr, *Bzzptr, *Bxyptr, *Bxzptr, *Byzptr;
2514    double Gx, Gy, Gz, Bxx, Byy, Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz;
2515    double gscale;
2517    ENTRY ("Computebmatrix");
2518    n = grad1Dptr->nx;		/* number of gradients other than I0 */
2520    if ( (grad1Dptr->ny == 6)  && !NO_ZERO_ROW1 ) { // extra switch to
2521                                                    // keep OLD,
2522                                                    // zero-row version
2523       /* just read in b matrix */
2524       Bxxptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);	/* use simple floating point
2525                                              pointers to get values */
2526       Byyptr = Bxxptr + n;
2527       Bzzptr = Byyptr + n;
2528       Bxyptr = Bzzptr + n;
2529       Bxzptr = Bxyptr + n;
2530       Byzptr = Bxzptr + n;
2532       bptr = bmatrix;
2534       /*    B0list[0]= 1;*/  /* keep a record of which volumes have no
2535                                 gradient: first one always assumed */
2537       for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
2538          Bxx = *Bxxptr++;
2539          Byy = *Byyptr++;
2540          Bzz = *Bzzptr++;
2541          Bxy = *Bxyptr++;
2542          Bxz = *Bxzptr++;
2543          Byz = *Byzptr++;
2544          *bptr++ = Bxx;
2545          *bptr++ = Bxy;
2546          *bptr++ = Bxz;
2547          *bptr++ = Byy;
2548          *bptr++ = Byz;
2549          *bptr++ = Bzz;
2551          // if(Bxx==0.0 && Byy==0.0 && Bzz==0.0)
2553          // is this a zero gradient volume also? -> user can input a
2554          // larger value, if necessary.
2555          if( (Bxx+Byy+Bzz)<BMAX_REF )
2556             B0list[i] = 1;
2557          else{
2558             B0list[i] = 0;
2559             // apr,2016: need the MAX_BVAL for scaling
2560             gscale = Bxx + Byy + Bzz;
2561             if(gscale > MAX_BVAL)
2562                MAX_BVAL = gscale;
2563          }
2565       }
2566    }
2567    else if( (grad1Dptr->ny == 6)  && NO_ZERO_ROW1 ) { //  very similar to old bmatrix option
2568       /* just read in b matrix */
2569       Bxxptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);	/* use simple floating point pointers to get values */
2570       Byyptr = Bxxptr + n;
2571       Bzzptr = Byyptr + n;
2572       Bxyptr = Bzzptr + n;
2573       Bxzptr = Bxyptr + n;
2574       Byzptr = Bxzptr + n;
2576       bptr = bmatrix;
2578       // do as grads below
2579       for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
2580          *bptr++ = 0.0;		/* initialize first 6 elements to 0.0 for the I0 gradient */
2581       B0list[0]= 1;      /* keep a record of which volumes have no gradient */
2584       for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
2585          Bxx = *Bxxptr++;
2586          Byy = *Byyptr++;
2587          Bzz = *Bzzptr++;
2588          Bxy = *Bxyptr++;
2589          Bxz = *Bxzptr++;
2590          Byz = *Byzptr++;
2591          *bptr++ = Bxx;
2592          *bptr++ = Bxy;
2593          *bptr++ = Bxz;
2594          *bptr++ = Byy;
2595          *bptr++ = Byz;
2596          *bptr++ = Bzz;
2598          // is this a zero gradient volume also?
2599          //if(Bxx==0.0 && Byy==0.0 && Bzz==0.0)
2600          if( (Bxx+Byy+Bzz)<BMAX_REF )
2601             B0list[i+1] = 1;
2602          else{
2603             B0list[i+1] = 0;
2604             // apr,2016: need the MAX_BVAL for scaling
2605             gscale = Bxx + Byy + Bzz;
2606             if(gscale > MAX_BVAL)
2607                MAX_BVAL = gscale;
2608          }
2610       }
2611    }
2612    else {
2613       Gxptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);	/* use simple floating point pointers to get values */
2614       Gyptr = Gxptr + n;
2615       Gzptr = Gyptr + n;
2617       bptr = bmatrix;
2618       for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
2619          *bptr++ = 0.0;		/* initialize first 6 elements to 0.0 for the I0 gradient */
2621       B0list[0]= 1;      /* keep a record of which volumes have no gradient */
2623       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
2624          {
2625             gscale = 1.;  // apr,2016: allow for non-unit gradient magnitudes
2626             Gx = *Gxptr++;
2627             Gy = *Gyptr++;
2628             Gz = *Gzptr++;
2630             //if((Gx==0.0) && (Gy==0.0) && (Gz==0.0))
2631             gscale = sqrt(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy + Gz*Gz);
2632             if( gscale<BMAX_REF )
2633                B0list[i+1] = 1;   /* no gradient applied*/
2634             else{
2635                B0list[i+1] = 0;
2636                if(gscale > MAX_BVAL)
2637                   MAX_BVAL = gscale; // apr,2016
2638             }
2640             *bptr++ = Gx * Gx / gscale; // apr,2016: allow for non-unit gradient magnitudes
2641             *bptr++ = Gx * Gy / gscale;
2642             *bptr++ = Gx * Gz / gscale;
2643             *bptr++ = Gy * Gy / gscale;
2644             *bptr++ = Gy * Gz / gscale;
2645             *bptr++ = Gz * Gz / gscale;
2646          }
2647    }
2648    EXRETURN;
2649 }
2652 /*! compute non-gradient intensity, J, based on current calculated values of
2653   diffusion tensor matrix, D */
2654 static double
ComputeJ(float ts[],int npts)2655 ComputeJ (float ts[], int npts)
2656 {
2657    /* J = Sum(wq Iq exp(-bq D)) / Sum (wq exp(-2bq D)) */
2658    /*     estimate of b0 intensity without noise and applied gradient */
2659    /* Iq = voxel value for qth gradient */
2660    /* bq = diffusion weighting matrix of qth gradient */
2661    /* wq = weighting factor for qth gradient at Iq voxel */
2662    /* D = estimated diffusion tensor matrix
2663       [Dxx Dxy Dxz, Dxy Dyy Dyz, Dxz Dyz Dzz] */
2664    /* ts = Iq is time series voxel data from original data of intensities */
2666    register int i, j;
2667    double sum0, sum1, b1D1, b2D2, b4D4, wtexpbD, J, tempcalc, sumbD, Fscalar;
2668    double *expbD, *expbDptr, *wtfactorptr, *Ftempmatrix;
2669    register double *Fptr, *Rptr, *bptr;
2670    double D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5;
2672    ENTRY ("ComputeJ");
2673    sum0 = sum1 = 0.0;
2674    expbD = malloc (npts * sizeof (double));	/* allocate calculations for speed */
2675    expbDptr = expbD;		/* temporary pointers for indexing */
2676    wtfactorptr = wtfactor;
2677    bptr = bmatrix;		/* npts of b vectors (nx6) */
2679    D0 = Dmatrix.elts[0][0];
2680    D1 = Dmatrix.elts[0][1];
2681    D2 = Dmatrix.elts[0][2];
2682    D3 = Dmatrix.elts[1][1];
2683    D4 = Dmatrix.elts[1][2];
2684    D5 = Dmatrix.elts[2][2];
2687    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
2688       {
2689          /* compute bq.D */
2690          /* bq.D is large dot product of b and D at qth gradient */
2691          /* large dot product for Hilbert algebra */
2692          /* regular dot product is for Hilbert space (vectors only)- who knew? */
2693          /* calculate explicitly rather than loop to save time */
2694          b1D1 = *(bptr + 1) * D1;
2695          b1D1 += b1D1;
2696          b2D2 = *(bptr + 2) * D2;
2697          b2D2 += b2D2;
2698          b4D4 = *(bptr + 4) * D4;
2699          b4D4 += b4D4;
2701          sumbD = *bptr * D0 + b1D1 + b2D2 +	/* bxxDxx + 2bxyDxy +  2bxzDxz + */
2702             (*(bptr + 3) * D3) +	/* byyDyy + */
2703             b4D4 +			/* 2byzDyz + */
2704             (*(bptr + 5) * D5);	/* bzzDzz */
2706          /*  exp (-bq.D) */
2707          *expbDptr = exp (-sumbD);
2708          wtexpbD = *(wtfactor + i) * *expbDptr;
2709          sum0 += wtexpbD * ts[i];
2710          sum1 += wtexpbD * *expbDptr;
2711          expbDptr++;
2712          wtfactorptr++;
2713          bptr += 6;		/* increment to next vector of bmatrix */
2714       }
2716    J = sum0 / sum1;
2717    /* Now compute error functional,E(D,J) and gradient of E with respect to D ,Ed or F in notes */
2718    /* E(D,J)= 1/2 Sum[wq (J exp(-bq.D) - Iq)^2] */
2719    /* F = Ed =  - Sum[wq (J exp(-bq.D) - Iq) bq] *//* Ed is a symmetric matrix */
2720    sum0 = 0.0;
2721    sigma = 0.0;			/* standard deviation of noise for weight factors */
2722    expbDptr = expbD;
2723    wtfactorptr = wtfactor;
2724    /* initialize F matrix */
2725    Ftempmatrix = malloc(6*sizeof(double));
2726    Fptr = Ftempmatrix;
2727    for(i=0;i<6;i++)
2728       *Fptr++ = 0.0;
2729    Fptr = Ftempmatrix;
2730    Rptr = Rvector;		/* residuals calculated here - used in Wt.factor calculations */
2731    bptr = bmatrix;		/* npts of b vectors (nx6) */
2732    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
2733       {
2734          *Rptr = tempcalc = (J * *expbDptr) - ts[i];
2735          Fscalar = -*wtfactorptr * tempcalc;
2736          tempcalc = tempcalc * tempcalc;
2738          for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
2739             {			/* for each entry of Fij (Fxx, Fxy,...) */
2740                /* F = - Sum[wq (J exp(-bq.D) - Iq) bq] = Sum[-wq (J exp(-bq.D) - Iq) bq] */
2741                *(Fptr+j) += Fscalar * (*bptr++);	/*  Fij = Fij + (Fscalar * bij)  */
2742             }
2744          sum0 += *wtfactorptr * tempcalc;	/* E(D,J) = Sum (wq temp^2) */
2745          sigma += tempcalc;	/* standard deviation of noise for weight factors */
2746          expbDptr++;
2747          wtfactorptr++;
2748          Rptr++;
2749       }
2751    udmatrix_copy (Ftempmatrix, &Fmatrix);	/* copy upper diagonal vector data into full matrix */
2753    ED = sum0 / 2;		/* this is the error for this iteration */
2755    free (Ftempmatrix);
2756    free (expbD);
2757    RETURN (J);
2758 }
2760 /*! compute initial step size for gradient descent */
2761 static void
ComputeDeltaTau()2762 ComputeDeltaTau ()
2763 {
2764    double sum0, sum1;
2765    matrix Dsqmatrix, FDsqmatrix, DsqFmatrix, Gmatrix;
2766    /* compute estimate of gradient, dD/dtau */
2767    /*G = [F] [D]^2 + [D]^2 [F] - ask Bob about ^2 and negative for this part to be sure */
2769    ENTRY ("ComputeDeltaTau");
2770    matrix_initialize (&Dsqmatrix);
2771    matrix_initialize (&FDsqmatrix);
2772    matrix_initialize (&DsqFmatrix);
2773    matrix_initialize (&Gmatrix);
2775    matrix_multiply (Dmatrix, Dmatrix, &Dsqmatrix);	/* compute D^2 */
2776    matrix_multiply (Fmatrix, Dsqmatrix, &FDsqmatrix);	/* FD^2 */
2777    matrix_multiply (Dsqmatrix, Fmatrix, &DsqFmatrix);	/* D^2F */
2778    matrix_add (FDsqmatrix, DsqFmatrix, &Gmatrix);	/* G= FD^2 +D^2F */
2781    /* deltatau = 0.01 * Sum(|Dij|) / Sum (|Gij|) */
2782    sum0 = matrix_sumabs (Dmatrix);
2783    sum1 = matrix_sumabs (Gmatrix);
2784    if (sum1 != 0.0)
2785       deltatau = 0.01 * sum0 / sum1;
2786    else
2787       deltatau = 0.0;
2788    matrix_destroy (&Dsqmatrix);
2789    matrix_destroy (&FDsqmatrix);
2790    matrix_destroy (&DsqFmatrix);
2791    matrix_destroy (&Gmatrix);
2792    EXRETURN;
2793 }
2795 /*! allocate all the global matrices and arrays once */
2796 static void
InitGlobals(int npts)2797 InitGlobals (int npts)
2798 {
2799    int i;
2800    double *cumulativewtptr;
2802    ENTRY ("InitGlobals");
2803    matrix_initialize (&Fmatrix);
2804    matrix_create (3, 3, &Fmatrix);
2805    matrix_initialize (&Dmatrix);
2806    matrix_create (3, 3, &Dmatrix);
2807    matrix_initialize (&Hplusmatrix);
2808    matrix_create (3, 3, &Hplusmatrix);
2809    matrix_initialize (&Hminusmatrix);
2810    matrix_create (3, 3, &Hminusmatrix);
2811    matrix_initialize (&OldD);
2812    matrix_create (3, 3, &OldD);
2813    for(i=0;i<2;i++){
2814       matrix_initialize (&tempFmatrix[i]);
2815       matrix_create (3, 3, &tempFmatrix[i]);
2816       matrix_initialize (&tempDmatrix[i]);
2817       matrix_create (3, 3, &tempDmatrix[i]);
2818       matrix_initialize (&tempHplusmatrix[i]);
2819       matrix_create (3, 3, &tempHplusmatrix[i]);
2820       matrix_initialize (&tempHminusmatrix[i]);
2821       matrix_create (3, 3, &tempHminusmatrix[i]);
2822    }
2823    Rvector = malloc (npts * sizeof (double));
2824    tempRvector = malloc (npts * sizeof(double));
2825    wtfactor = malloc (npts * sizeof (double));
2826    B0list = malloc (npts * sizeof (int));
2828    if(cumulative_flag && reweight_flag) {
2829       cumulativewt = malloc (npts * sizeof (double));
2830       cumulativewtptr = cumulativewt;
2831       for(i=0;i<npts;i++)
2832          *cumulativewtptr++ = 0.0;
2833       rewtvoxels = 0;
2834    }
2836    bmatrix = malloc (npts * 6 * sizeof (double));
2838    vector_initialize (&Dvector);	/* need to initialize vectors before 1st use-mod drg 12/20/2004 */
2839    /*  vector_initialize (&tempDvector);  vector_create(npts, &tempDvector);*/
2840    EXRETURN;
2841 }
2843 /*! free up all the matrices and arrays */
2844 static void
FreeGlobals()2845 FreeGlobals ()
2846 {
2847    int i;
2849    ENTRY ("FreeGlobals");
2850    matrix_destroy (&Fmatrix);
2851    matrix_destroy (&Dmatrix);
2852    matrix_destroy (&Hplusmatrix);
2853    matrix_destroy (&Hminusmatrix);
2854    matrix_destroy (&OldD);
2855    for(i=0;i<2;i++){
2856       matrix_destroy (&tempFmatrix[i]);
2857       matrix_destroy (&tempDmatrix[i]);
2858       matrix_destroy (&tempHplusmatrix[i]);
2859       matrix_destroy (&tempHminusmatrix[i]);
2860    }
2863    free (wtfactor);
2864    wtfactor = NULL;
2865    free (bmatrix);
2866    bmatrix = NULL;
2867    free (Rvector);
2868    Rvector = NULL;
2869    free (tempRvector);
2870    tempRvector = NULL;
2871    free(B0list);
2872    B0list = NULL;
2874    vector_destroy (&Dvector);	/* need to free elements of Dvector - mod-drg 12/20/2004 */
2875    /*  vector_destroy (&tempDvector);*/
2876    if(cumulative_flag && reweight_flag) {
2877       free (cumulativewt);
2878       cumulativewt = NULL;
2879    }
2880    EXRETURN;
2881 }
2883 /*! store current computed matrices D,Hp,Hm, R */
2884 static void
Store_Computations(int i,int npts,int wtflag)2885 Store_Computations (int i, int npts, int wtflag)
2886 {
2887    ENTRY ("Store_Computations");
2889    matrix_copy (Fmatrix, &tempFmatrix[i]);
2890    matrix_copy (Dmatrix, &tempDmatrix[i]);
2891    matrix_copy (Hplusmatrix, &tempHplusmatrix[i]);
2892    matrix_copy (Hminusmatrix, &tempHminusmatrix[i]);
2893    if(wtflag==1)
2894       memcpy(tempRvector, Rvector, npts*sizeof(double));
2895    EXRETURN;
2896 }
2898 /*! restore old computed matrices D,Hp,Hm, R */
2899 static void
Restore_Computations(int i,int npts,int wtflag)2900 Restore_Computations (int i, int npts, int wtflag)
2901 {
2902    ENTRY ("Restore_Computations");
2904    matrix_copy (tempFmatrix[i], &Fmatrix);
2905    matrix_copy (tempDmatrix[i], &Dmatrix);
2906    matrix_copy (tempHplusmatrix[i], &Hplusmatrix);
2907    matrix_copy (tempHminusmatrix[i], &Hminusmatrix);
2908    if(wtflag==1)
2909       memcpy(Rvector, tempRvector, npts*sizeof(double));
2910    EXRETURN;
2911 }
2913 /*! set all wt factors for all gradient levels to be 1.0 the first time through */
2914 static void
InitWtfactors(int npts)2915 InitWtfactors (int npts)
2916 {
2917    double *wtfactorptr;
2918    int i;
2920    ENTRY ("InitWtfactors");
2921    wtfactorptr = wtfactor;
2922    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
2923       *wtfactorptr++ = 1.0;
2924    EXRETURN;
2925 }
2927 /*! compute wt factors for each gradient level */
2928 static void
ComputeWtfactors(int npts)2929 ComputeWtfactors (int npts)
2930 {
2931    /* Residuals, rq, computed above in ComputeJ, stored in Rmatrix */
2932    /* unnormalized standard deviation, sigma, computed there too */
2933    /*  wq = 1 / sqrt(1 + (rq/sigma)^2)
2934        where sigma = sqrt[1/Nq Sum(rq^2)] */
2935    /*  and rq = J exp(-bq.D) - Iq */
2937    int i;
2938    double *wtfactorptr, *Rptr;
2939    double *cumulativewtptr;
2940    double tempcalc, sum;
2942    ENTRY ("ComputeWtfactors");
2943    sigma = sigma / npts;
2944    sigma = sqrt (sigma);		/* sigma = std.dev. */
2946    wtfactorptr = wtfactor;
2947    Rptr = Rvector;
2949    sum = 0.0;
2950    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
2951       {
2952          tempcalc = *Rptr++ / sigma;
2953          tempcalc = tempcalc * tempcalc;
2954          tempcalc = 1.0 / (sqrt (1 + tempcalc));
2955          *wtfactorptr++ = tempcalc;
2956          sum += tempcalc;
2957       }
2958    /* now renormalize to avoid changing the relative value of E(D) */
2959    tempcalc = npts / sum;     /* normalization factor */
2961    wtfactorptr = wtfactor;
2962    for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
2963       *wtfactorptr = *wtfactorptr * tempcalc;
2964       wtfactorptr++;
2965    }
2967    if(cumulative_flag) {
2968       wtfactorptr = wtfactor;
2969       cumulativewtptr = cumulativewt;
2970       /*  printf("Wt.factors: ");*/
2971       ++rewtvoxels;
2972       for (i=0; i<npts; i++){
2973          *cumulativewtptr++ += *wtfactorptr++;   /* calculate cumulative wt.factor across all voxels*/
2974       }
2975    }
2977    EXRETURN;
2978 }
2980 /*! compute Hplus and Hminus as a function of delta tau */
2981 /* H+- = I +/- 1/2 deltatau F D */
2982 static void
ComputeHpHm(double deltatau)2983 ComputeHpHm (double deltatau)
2984 {
2985    matrix FDmatrix;
2986    double dtau;
2987    int i, j;
2989    ENTRY ("ComputeHpHm");
2990    dtau = 0.5 * deltatau;
2992    matrix_initialize (&FDmatrix);
2993    matrix_multiply (Fmatrix, Dmatrix, &FDmatrix);
2994    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2995       for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
2996          FDmatrix.elts[i][j] = dtau * FDmatrix.elts[i][j];
2998    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2999       {
3000          for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
3001             {
3002                if (i == j)
3003                   {
3004                      Hplusmatrix.elts[i][j] = 1 + FDmatrix.elts[i][j];	/* I + dt/2 * FD */
3005                      Hminusmatrix.elts[i][j] = 1 - FDmatrix.elts[i][j];	/* I - dt/2 * FD */
3006                   }
3007                else
3008                   {
3009                      Hplusmatrix.elts[i][j] = Hminusmatrix.elts[i][j] =
3010                         FDmatrix.elts[i][j];
3011                   }
3012             }
3013       }
3015    matrix_destroy (&FDmatrix);
3016    EXRETURN;
3017 }
3019 /*! compute new D matrix */
3020 /* D(tau+deltatau) = H-  H+^-1  D(tau)  H+^-1 H- */
3021 /*                 = A          D(tau)  A^T */
3022 /* where A = H- H+^-1 */
3023 static void
ComputeNewD()3024 ComputeNewD ()
3025 {
3026    double *Hpinv;
3027    matrix Hpinvmatrix, Amatrix, ATmatrix, ADmatrix;
3029    ENTRY ("ComputeNewD");
3031    Hpinv =
3032       InvertSym3 (Hplusmatrix.elts[0][0], Hplusmatrix.elts[0][1],
3033                   Hplusmatrix.elts[0][2], Hplusmatrix.elts[1][1],
3034                   Hplusmatrix.elts[1][2], Hplusmatrix.elts[2][2]);
3035    matrix_initialize (&Hpinvmatrix);
3036    matrix_initialize (&Amatrix);
3037    matrix_initialize (&ATmatrix);
3038    matrix_initialize (&ADmatrix);
3040    matrix_create (3, 3, &Hpinvmatrix);
3041    udmatrix_copy (Hpinv, &Hpinvmatrix);	/* copy values from Hpinv vector to Hpinvmatrix */
3043    matrix_multiply (Hminusmatrix, Hpinvmatrix, &Amatrix);
3044    matrix_multiply (Amatrix, Dmatrix, &ADmatrix);
3045    matrix_transpose (Amatrix, &ATmatrix);
3046    matrix_multiply (ADmatrix, ATmatrix, &Dmatrix);
3048    matrix_destroy (&ADmatrix);
3049    matrix_destroy (&ATmatrix);
3050    matrix_destroy (&Amatrix);
3051    matrix_destroy (&Hpinvmatrix);
3053    free (Hpinv);
3054    EXRETURN;
3055 }
3057 /*! test convergence of calculation of D */
3058 /* if sum of differences hasn't changed by more than 1E-4 */
3059 /*  then the calculations have converged */
3060 /* return 1 for convergence, 0 if not converged */
3061 static int
TestConvergence(matrix NewD,matrix OldD)3062 TestConvergence(matrix NewD, matrix OldD)
3063 {
3064    int converge;
3065    double convergence;
3067    ENTRY ("TestConvergence");
3068    /* convergence test */
3069    convergence = fabs (NewD.elts[0][0] - OldD.elts[0][0]) +	/* Dxx */
3070       fabs (NewD.elts[0][1] - OldD.elts[0][1]) +	/* Dxy */
3071       fabs (NewD.elts[0][2] - OldD.elts[0][2]) +	/* Dxz */
3072       fabs (NewD.elts[1][1] - OldD.elts[1][1]) +	/* Dyy */
3073       fabs (NewD.elts[1][2] - OldD.elts[1][2]) +	/* Dyz */
3074       fabs (NewD.elts[2][2] - OldD.elts[2][2]);	/* Dzz */
3076    if (convergence < SMALLNUMBER)
3077       converge = 1;
3078    else
3079       converge = 0;
3081    RETURN (converge);
3082 }
3084 /*! copy an upper diagonal matrix (6 point vector really) into a standard double
3085   array type matrix for n timepoints */
3086 /* ud0 ud1 ud2         m0 m1 m2
3087    ud3 ud4   -->   m3 m4 m5
3088    ud5         m6 m7 m8 */
3089 static void
udmatrix_copy(double * udptr,matrix * m)3090 udmatrix_copy (double *udptr, matrix * m)
3091 {
3092    ENTRY ("udmatrix_copy");
3094    m->elts[0][0] = *udptr;
3095    m->elts[0][1] = *(udptr + 1);
3096    m->elts[0][2] = *(udptr + 2);
3097    m->elts[1][0] = *(udptr + 1);
3098    m->elts[1][1] = *(udptr + 3);
3099    m->elts[1][2] = *(udptr + 4);
3100    m->elts[2][0] = *(udptr + 2);
3101    m->elts[2][1] = *(udptr + 4);
3102    m->elts[2][2] = *(udptr + 5);
3103    EXRETURN;
3104 }
3106 /*! copy upper part of 3x3 matrix elements to 6-element vector elements */
3107 /* m1 m2 m3
3108    m4 m5   ->  v = [m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6]
3109    m6
3110 */
3111 static void
udmatrix_to_vector(matrix m,vector * v)3112 udmatrix_to_vector (matrix m, vector * v)
3113 {
3114    ENTRY ("udmatrix_to_vector");
3115    v->elts[0] = m.elts[0][0];
3116    v->elts[1] = m.elts[0][1];
3117    v->elts[2] = m.elts[0][2];
3118    v->elts[3] = m.elts[1][1];
3119    v->elts[4] = m.elts[1][2];
3120    v->elts[5] = m.elts[2][2];
3121    EXRETURN;
3122 }
3124 /*! sum the absolute value of all  elements of a matrix */
3125 static double
matrix_sumabs(matrix m)3126 matrix_sumabs (matrix m)
3127 {
3128    register int i, j;
3129    register double sum;
3131    ENTRY ("matrix_sumabs");
3132    sum = 0.0;
3133    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
3134       {
3135          for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
3136             sum += fabs (m.elts[i][j]);
3137       }
3138    RETURN (sum);
3139 }
3141 /*! calculate inverse of a symmetric 3x3 matrix */
3142 /* returns pointer to 9 element vector corresponding to 3x3 matrix */
3143 /*  a b c */
3144 /*  b e f */
3145 /*  c f i */
3146 /* Maple generated code */
3147 static double *
InvertSym3(double a,double b,double c,double e,double f,double i)3148 InvertSym3 (double a, double b, double c, double e, double f, double i)
3149 {
3150    double *symmat, *symmatptr;	/* invert matrix - actually 6 values in a vector form */
3151    double t2, t4, t7, t9, t12, t15, t20, t24, t30;
3153    ENTRY ("InvertSym3");
3154    symmat = malloc (6 * sizeof (double));
3155    symmatptr = symmat;
3156    t2 = f * f;
3157    t4 = a * e;
3158    t7 = b * b;
3159    t9 = c * b;
3160    t12 = c * c;
3161    t15 = 1 / (t4 * i - a * t2 - t7 * i + 2.0 * t9 * f - t12 * e);
3162    t20 = (b * i - c * f) * t15;
3163    t24 = (b * f - c * e) * t15;
3164    t30 = (a * f - t9) * t15;
3166    *symmatptr++ = (e * i - t2) * t15;	/*B[0][0] */
3167    *symmatptr++ = -t20;		/*B[0][1] */
3168    *symmatptr++ = t24;		/*B[0][2] */
3169    /* B[1][0] = -t20; */
3170    *symmatptr++ = (a * i - t12) * t15;	/* B[1][1] */
3171    *symmatptr++ = -t30;		/* B [1][2] */
3172    /* B[2][0] = t24; */
3173    /* B[2][1] = -t30; */
3174    *symmatptr = (t4 - t7) * t15;	/* B[2][2] */
3176    RETURN (symmat);
3177 }
3179 /*! copy elements from matrix a to matrix b */
3180 /*  matrix_equate already exists but creates and initializes new matrix */
3181 /*  steps we don't need to do here */
3182 /* assumes both a and b already exist with equal dimensions */
3183 static void
matrix_copy(matrix a,matrix * b)3184 matrix_copy (matrix a, matrix * b)
3185 {
3186    register int i;
3187    register int rows, cols;
3189    ENTRY ("matrix_copy");
3191    rows = a.rows;
3192    cols = a.cols;
3194    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
3195       {
3196 #if 0
3197          register int j;
3198          for (j = 0; j < cols; j++)
3199             b->elts[i][j] = a.elts[i][j];
3200 #else
3201          if (cols > 0)
3202             memcpy (b->elts[i], a.elts[i], sizeof (double) * cols);	/* RWCox */
3203 #endif
3204       }
3205    EXRETURN;
3206 }
3209 #define DWI_WriteCheckWaitMax 2000
3210 #define DWI_WriteCheckWait 400
3211 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
3212 /* Stuff for an extra NIML port for non-SUMA programs. */
3214 /* ZSS June 2011
3215    #ifndef NIML_TCP_FIRST_PORT
3216    #define NIML_TCP_FIRST_PORT 53212
3217    #endif
3218    Replace with:
3219    get_port_named("AFNI_DEFAULT_LISTEN_NIML");
3220 */
3222 /*! open NIML stream */
DWI_Open_NIML_stream()3223 static int DWI_Open_NIML_stream()
3224 {
3225    int nn, Wait_tot, tempport;
3226    char streamname[256];
3228    ENTRY("DWI_Open_NIML_stream");
3230    /* contact afni */
3231    tempport = get_port_named("AFNI_DEFAULT_LISTEN_NIML");
3232    sprintf(streamname, "tcp:localhost:%d",tempport);
3233    INFO_message("Contacting AFNI");
3235    DWIstreamid =  NI_stream_open( streamname, "w" ) ;
3236    if (DWIstreamid==0) {
3237       WARNING_message("Warning - NI_stream_open failed");
3238       DWIstreamid = NULL;
3239       RETURN(1);
3240    }
3242    INFO_message("Trying shared memory...");
3243    if (!NI_stream_reopen( DWIstreamid, "shm:DWIDT1M:1M" ))
3244       INFO_message("Warning: Shared memory communcation failed.");
3245    else
3246       INFO_message("Shared memory connection OK.");
3247    Wait_tot = 0;
3248    while(Wait_tot < DWI_WriteCheckWaitMax){
3249       nn = NI_stream_writecheck( DWIstreamid , DWI_WriteCheckWait) ;
3250       if( nn == 1 ){
3251          fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
3252          RETURN(0) ;
3253       }
3254       if( nn <  0 ){
3255          WARNING_message("Bad connection to AFNI");
3256          DWIstreamid = NULL;
3257          RETURN(1);
3258       }
3259       Wait_tot += DWI_WriteCheckWait;
3260       fprintf(stderr,".") ;
3261    }
3263    WARNING_message("WriteCheck timed out (> %d ms).",DWI_WriteCheckWaitMax);
3264    RETURN(1);
3265 }
3267 /*! create the initial graph in AFNI - no points yet*/
DWI_NIML_create_graph()3268 static int DWI_NIML_create_graph()
3269 {
3270    NI_element *nel;
3272    ENTRY("DWI_NIML_create_graph");
3273    nel = NI_new_data_element("ni_do", 0);
3274    NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_verb", "DRIVE_AFNI");
3275    NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_object",
3276                       "OPEN_GRAPH_1D DWIConvEd 'DWI Convergence' "
3277                       "25 1 'converge step' 1 0 300000 Ed");
3278    if (NI_write_element( DWIstreamid, nel, NI_BINARY_MODE ) < 0) {
3279       WARNING_message("Failed to send data to AFNI");
3280       NI_free_element(nel) ; nel = NULL;
3281       RETURN(1);
3282    }
3283    NI_free_element(nel) ;
3284    nel = NULL;
3285    RETURN(0);
3286 }
3288 /*! create new graph with left and right y axes scaled from 0 to max1, max2*/
DWI_NIML_create_newgraph(npts,max1,max2)3289 static int DWI_NIML_create_newgraph(npts, max1, max2)
3290      int npts;
3291      double max1, max2;
3292 {
3293    NI_element *nel;
3294    char stmp[256];
3295    static int nx = -1;
3297    ENTRY("DWI_NIML_create_newgraph");
3298    nel = NI_new_data_element("ni_do", 0);
3299    NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_verb", "DRIVE_AFNI");
3300    if((nx==-1) || (nx<npts))                 /* 1st time through close any existing graph by that name*/
3301       NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_object","CLOSE_GRAPH_1D DWIConvEd\n"); /* have to close graph to change axes */
3302    else
3303       NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_object","CLEAR_GRAPH_1D DWIConvEd\n");
3305    if (NI_write_element( DWIstreamid, nel, NI_BINARY_MODE ) < 0) {
3306       WARNING_message("Failed to send data to AFNI");
3307       NI_free_element(nel) ; nel = NULL;
3308       RETURN(1);
3309    }
3311    if((nx==-1) || (nx<npts)) {             /* update the graph only
3312                                               first time or if x-axis
3313                                               not big enough */
3314       nx = max_iter * 4  + 10;
3315       if(reweight_flag==1)
3316          nx += max_iter_rw * 4 + 10;
3317       if(nx<npts)                          /* fix graph to include
3318                                               largest number of
3319                                               steps */
3320          nx = npts;
3321       sprintf(stmp,"OPEN_GRAPH_1D DWIConvEd 'DWI Convergence' %d 1 'converge step' 2 0 100 %%Maximum Ed \\Delta\\tau\n",nx  );
3322       NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_object", stmp);
3323       if (NI_write_element( DWIstreamid, nel, NI_BINARY_MODE ) < 0) {
3324          WARNING_message("Failed to send data to AFNI");
3325          NI_free_element(nel) ; nel = NULL;
3326          RETURN(1);
3327       }
3328       NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_object",
3329                          "SET_GRAPH_GEOM DWIConvEd geom=700x400+100+400\n");
3330       if (NI_write_element( DWIstreamid, nel, NI_BINARY_MODE ) < 0) {
3331          WARNING_message("Failed to send data to AFNI");
3332          NI_free_element(nel) ; nel = NULL;
3333          RETURN(1);
3334       }
3335    }
3336    NI_free_element(nel) ;
3337    nel = NULL;
3338    RETURN(0);
3339 }
3341 /*! tell AFNI to graph data for convergence steps */
DWI_AFNI_update_graph(double * Edgraph,double * dtau,int npts)3342 static void DWI_AFNI_update_graph(double *Edgraph, double *dtau, int npts)
3343 {
3344    NI_element *nel;
3345    char stmp[256];
3346    int i;
3347    double Edmax, dtaumax;
3348    double *Edptr, *dtauptr;
3349    double tempEd, temptau;
3351    ENTRY("DWI_AFNI_update_graph");
3353    Edmax = 0.0; dtaumax = 0.0;
3354    Edptr = Edgraph;
3355    dtauptr = dtau;
3356    for(i=0;i<npts;i++) {
3357       if(*Edptr>Edmax)
3358          Edmax = *Edptr;
3359       if(*dtauptr>dtaumax)
3360          dtaumax = *dtauptr;
3361       ++Edptr; ++dtauptr;
3362    }
3364    NI_write_procins(DWIstreamid, "keep reading");
3365    DWI_NIML_create_newgraph(npts, Edmax, dtaumax);
3366    /* NI_sleep(250);*/
3368    nel = NI_new_data_element("ni_do", 0);
3369    NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_verb", "DRIVE_AFNI");
3370    NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_object", "CLEAR_GRAPH_1D DWIConvEd\n");
3371    /*      NI_sleep(25);*/
3372    if (NI_write_element( DWIstreamid, nel, NI_BINARY_MODE ) < 0) {
3373       WARNING_message("Failed to send data to AFNI");
3374    }
3377    for(i=0;i<npts;i++){
3378       if(Edmax!=0.0)
3379          tempEd = 100*Edgraph[i] / Edmax;
3380       else
3381          tempEd = 0.0;
3382       if(dtaumax!=0.0)
3383          temptau = 100*dtau[i] / dtaumax;
3384       else
3385          temptau = 0.0;
3387       /* put rel.error, Ed, and deltatau for all the convergence steps */
3388       sprintf(stmp,"ADDTO_GRAPH_1D DWIConvEd %4.2f %4.2f\n", tempEd, temptau);
3389       NI_set_attribute ( nel, "ni_object", stmp);  /* put command and data in stmp */
3390       NI_sleep(25);    /* for dramatic effect */
3391       if (NI_write_element( DWIstreamid, nel, NI_BINARY_MODE ) < 0) {
3392          WARNING_message("Failed to send data to AFNI");
3393       }
3394    }
3395    NI_free_element(nel) ; nel = NULL;
3396    EXRETURN;
3397 }
3399 /* need to put D tensor in NIFTI format standard */
vals_to_NIFTI(float * val)3400 static void vals_to_NIFTI(float *val)
3401 {
3402    float temp;
3404    /* D tensor as lower triangular for NIFTI standard */
3405    temp = val[2];
3406    val[2] = val[3];
3407    val[3] = temp;
3408 }
3410 /* function called at each optimization step */
DT_Powell_optimize_fun(int n,double * x)3411 double DT_Powell_optimize_fun(int n, double *x)
3412 {
3413    /* n should always be 6 here */
3414    /* returns J*exp(-b/a) - data values */
3415    register int i;
3416    double sum0, sum1, b1D1, b2D2, b4D4, wtexpbD, tempcalc, sumbD;
3417    double *expbD, *expbDptr, *wtfactorptr;
3418    register double *Rptr,*bptr;
3419    double D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5;
3421    sum0 = sum1 = 0.0;
3422    expbD = malloc (Powell_npts * sizeof (double));
3423    expbDptr = expbD;		/* temporary pointers for indexing */
3424    wtfactorptr = wtfactor;
3425    bptr = bmatrix;		/* npts of b vectors (nx6) */
3427    D0 = x[0]*x[0];   /* D is used as upper triangular */
3428    D1 = x[0]*x[1];
3429    D2 = x[0]*x[3];
3430    D3 = (x[1]*x[1])+(x[2]*x[2]);
3431    D4 = (x[1]*x[3])+(x[2]*x[4]);
3432    D5 = (x[3]*x[3]) + (x[4]*x[4]) + (x[5]*x[5]);
3435    for (i = 0; i < Powell_npts; i++)
3436       {
3437          /* compute bq.D */
3438          /* bq.D is large dot product of b and D at qth gradient */
3439          /* large dot product for Hilbert algebra */
3440          /* regular dot product is for Hilbert space (vectors only)-
3441             who knew? */
3442          /* calculate explicitly rather than loop to save time */
3443          b1D1 = *(bptr + 1) * D1;
3444          b1D1 += b1D1;
3445          b2D2 = *(bptr + 2) * D2;
3446          b2D2 += b2D2;
3447          b4D4 = *(bptr + 4) * D4;
3448          b4D4 += b4D4;
3450          sumbD = *bptr * D0 + b1D1 + b2D2 +	/* bxxDxx + 2bxyDxy + 2bxzDxz + */
3451             (*(bptr + 3) * D3) +	/* byyDyy + */
3452             b4D4 +			/* 2byzDyz + */
3453             (*(bptr + 5) * D5);	/* bzzDzz */
3455          /*  exp (-bq.D) */
3456          *expbDptr = exp (-sumbD);
3457          wtexpbD = *(wtfactor + i) * *expbDptr;
3458          sum0 += wtexpbD * Powell_ts[i];
3459          sum1 += wtexpbD * *expbDptr;
3460          expbDptr++;
3461          wtfactorptr++;
3462          bptr += 6;		/* increment to next vector of bmatrix */
3463       }
3465    Powell_J = sum0 / sum1;
3466    /* Now compute error functional,E(D,J) and gradient of E with
3467       respect to D ,Ed or F in notes */
3468    /* E(D,J)= 1/2 Sum[wq (J exp(-bq.D) - Iq)^2] */
3469    sum0 = 0.0;
3470    sigma = 0.0;			/* standard deviation of noise for weight factors */
3471    expbDptr = expbD;
3472    wtfactorptr = wtfactor;
3473    Rptr = Rvector;		/* residuals calculated here - used in
3474                            Wt.factor calculations */
3475    for (i = 0; i < Powell_npts; i++)
3476       {
3477          *Rptr = tempcalc = (Powell_J * *expbDptr) - Powell_ts[i];
3478          tempcalc = tempcalc * tempcalc;
3479          sum0 += *wtfactorptr * tempcalc;	/* E(D,J) = Sum (wq temp^2) */
3480          sigma += tempcalc;	/* standard deviation of noise for
3481                                  weight factors */
3482          expbDptr++;
3483          wtfactorptr++;
3484          Rptr++;
3485       }
3487    /* sum0 is the error for this iteration */
3488    ED = sum0 / 2;		/* this is the error for this iteration */
3490    free (expbD);
3491    return(sum0);
3492 }
3495 /*! compute using optimization method by Powell, 2004*/
ComputeDwithPowell(float * ts,float * val,int npts,int nbriks)3496 static int ComputeDwithPowell(float *ts, float *val, int npts, int nbriks)
3497 /* compute D tensor */
3498 /* ts is input time-wise voxel data, val is output tensor data, npts
3499    is number of time points */
3500 {
3501    /* assumes initial estimate for Dtensor already store in Dvector
3502       and Dmatrix above*/
3503    double *x, tx;
3504    int i, icalls;
3506    ENTRY("ComputeDwithPowell");
3508    Powell_npts = npts;
3509    Powell_ts = ts;
3511    x = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*6) ;
3513    /* move data into lower triangular format  */
3514    x[0] = sqrt(Dvector.elts[0]);
3515    x[1] = Dvector.elts[1] / x[0];
3516    x[2] = sqrt(Dvector.elts[3] - (x[1]*x[1]));
3517    x[3] = Dvector.elts[2] / x[0];
3518    x[4] = (Dvector.elts[4] - (x[1]*x[3]))/x[2];
3519    x[5] = sqrt(Dvector.elts[5] - (x[3]*x[3])-(x[4]*x[4]));
3521    /*printf("Dvector.elts[] %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
3522      Dvector.elts[0],Dvector.elts[1],Dvector.elts[2],
3523      Dvector.elts[3],Dvector.elts[4],Dvector.elts[5]);*/
3524    if(debug_briks) {
3525       DT_Powell_optimize_fun(6, x);     /*  calculate original error */
3526       val[nbriks-2] = ED;                  /* store original error */
3527    }
3529    tx = TINYNUMBER;
3530    for(i=0;i<6;i++) {  /* find the largest element of the initial D tensor */
3531       if(x[i]>tx) tx = x[i];
3532    }
3534    icalls = powell_newuoa( 6 , x , 0.1*tx , 0.000001 * tx , 99999 ,
3535                            DT_Powell_optimize_fun ) ;
3538    if(reweight_flag) {
3539       ComputeWtfactors (npts);       /* compute new weight factors */
3540       tx = TINYNUMBER;
3541       for(i=0;i<6;i++) { /* find the largest element of the initial D tensor */
3542          if(x[i]>tx) tx = x[i];
3543       }
3544       /* parameters to powell_newuoa (not constrained)s
3545          ndim = 6   Solving for D tensor with 6 elements
3546          x          variable for input and output (elements of D tensor)
3547          rstart = 0.1*tx size of search region aoround initial value of x
3548          rend = 0.001*tx size of final search region (desired accuracy)
3549          maxcall = 99999 maximum number times to call cost functin
3550          ufunc = DT_Powell_optimize_fun cost function
3551       */
3552       i = powell_newuoa( 6 , x , 0.1*tx , 0.001 * tx ,
3553                          99999 , DT_Powell_optimize_fun ) ;
3554    }
3556    val[0] = x[0]*x[0];   /* D is used as upper triangular */
3557    val[1] = x[0]*x[1];
3558    val[2] = x[0]*x[3];
3559    val[3] = (x[1]*x[1])+(x[2]*x[2]);
3560    val[4] = (x[1]*x[3])+(x[2]*x[4]);
3561    val[5] = (x[3]*x[3]) + (x[4]*x[4]) + (x[5]*x[5]);
3562    /*
3563      printf("D tensor %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
3564      val[0],val[1],val[2],val[3],val[4],val[5]);
3565    */
3566    if(debug_briks) {
3567       val[nbriks-4] = (float) icalls;
3568       if(icalls<1) {
3569          printf("x values %12.9g %12.9g %12.9g %12.9g %12.9g %12.9g   tx %g\n", \
3570                 x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5],tx );
3571          DT_Powell_optimize_fun(6, x);     /* compute J value if not
3572                                               already computed */
3573       }
3574       val[nbriks-3] = ED;
3575       val[nbriks-1] = Powell_J;            /* compute J value */;
3576    }
3577    free(x);
3579    RETURN(icalls);
3580 }
3582 // ========================================================================
3584 // [PT: May, 2017] Calculate goodness-of-fit in two ways, following
3585 // Papadakis et al. (2003, JMRI): Eqs. 1-4.
ChiSq_GOF(THD_3dim_dataset * DWmeas,THD_3dim_dataset * DWfit,int * b0list,float ** ccc,byte * maskp)3587 int ChiSq_GOF( THD_3dim_dataset *DWmeas,
3588                THD_3dim_dataset *DWfit,
3589                int *b0list,
3590                float **ccc,
3591                byte *maskp)
3592 {
3593    int i,j,k;
3594    int Nvox = -1, Ndwi = -1;
3595    int Nwei = 0;
3596    double sumx=0., sumxx=0., diff=0.;
3597    float xm, xf;
3599    ENTRY("ChiSq_GOF");
3601    Nvox = DSET_NVOX(DWmeas);
3602    Ndwi = DSET_NVALS(DWmeas); // len of b0list
3604    // Count number of non-b0s
3605    for(j=0 ; j<Ndwi ; j++)
3606       if( !b0list[j] )
3607          Nwei++;
3609    if( Nwei < 2 )
3610       ERROR_exit("Somehow only %d non-b0 values? "
3611                  "How can that be?", Nwei);
3613    // calc the chis
3614    for(i=0 ; i<Nvox ; i++)
3615       if( *(maskp+i) ) {
3616          sumx = 0.;
3617          sumxx = 0.;
3618          diff = 0.;
3619          for(j=0 ; j<Ndwi ; j++) {
3620             if( !b0list[j] ) {
3621                xm = THD_get_voxel(DWmeas, i, j);
3622                xf = THD_get_voxel(DWfit, i, j) - xm;
3623                sumx+= xm;
3624                sumxx+= xm*xm;
3625                diff+= xf * xf;
3626             }
3627          }
3629          if( sumxx > SIG_EPS )
3630             ccc[0][i] = (float) (diff / sumxx); // fine chi_p
3631          else
3632             ccc[0][i] = -1;           // bad chi_p
3634          // Calc var; have already guarded against badness here.
3635          sumxx-= sumx*sumx/Nwei;
3636          sumxx/= (Nwei - 1);
3638          if( sumxx > SIG_EPS )
3639             ccc[1][i] = (float) (diff / sumxx); // fine chi_c
3640          else
3641             ccc[1][i] = -1;           // bad chi_c
3642       }
3644    INFO_message("Calc'ed chi values. Writing out now.");
3647    RETURN(0);
3648 }