1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 #ifdef USE_OMP
4 #include <omp.h>
5 #endif
7 /*----------------------------- macros and prototypes ------------------------*/
9 #undef  DR_workspace
10 #define DR_workspace(na,nb) (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*(na)+(nb)+3)*(nb))
12 static void vec_dimred( int nt , int nv , int nfixed , float *inar , int rdim ,
13                         int polort , float dt , float fbot , float ftop ,
14                         int despike , int vnorm ,
15                         double *ws , float *umm , float *svv  ) ;
17 static void preproc_dimred( int nt , int nvv , float *inar ,
18                             int polort ,
19                             float dt , float fbot , float ftop ,
20                             int despike , int vnorm  ) ;
22 static void DR_set_svd_sort( int ss ) ;
23 static void DR_svd_double( int m, int n, double *a, double *s, double *u, double *v ) ;
25 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 static char *chunk_fnam = NULL ;  /* for -chunk temp storage */
28 static FILE *chunk_file = NULL ;
DR_atexit(void)30 static void DR_atexit(void) /*-- called by exit(): delete chunk_file --*/
31 {
32    if( chunk_file != NULL ){ fclose(chunk_file) ; chunk_file = NULL ; }
33    if( chunk_fnam != NULL ){
34      INFO_message("Deleting -chunk file %s",chunk_fnam) ;
35      remove(chunk_fnam) ; chunk_fnam = NULL ;
36    }
37    return ;
38 }
40 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
append_to_prefix(char * pre,char * app)42 static char * append_to_prefix( char *pre , char *app )
43 {
44    char *prA , *prB , *oot ; int lll ;
46    prA = strdup(pre) ; lll = strlen(prA) ;
48    if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(prA,".nii") && lll > 4 ){
49      prA[lll-4] = '\0' ;
50      prB        = strdup(".nii") ;
51    } else if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(prA,".nii.gz") && lll > 7 ){
52      prA[lll-7] = '\0' ;
53      prB        = strdup(".nii.gz") ;
54    } else {
55      prB        = strdup("\0") ;
56    }
58    oot = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(lll+strlen(app)+9)) ;
59    strcpy(oot,prA) ;
60    strcat(oot,"_") ;
61    strcat(oot,app) ;
62    strcat(oot,prB) ;
63    free(prB) ; free(prA) ; return oot ;
64 }
66 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DR_syntax(void)68 void DR_syntax(void)
69 {
70    printf(
71      "Program 3dDimRed does 'dimensional reduction' on a collection of input 3D+time\n"
72      "datasets, and produces as output a smaller collection of 3D+time datasets.\n"
73      "The process of dimensional reduction is via the Singular Value Decomposition\n"
74      "(SVD), and the goal is to produce (at each voxel) a collection of time series\n"
75      "vectors whose linear span captures most of the variability present in the\n"
76      "input.  The number of output datasets is specified by the user, via the\n"
77      "'-rdim' option.\n"
78      "\n"
79      "Usage: 3dDimRed [options] inset1 inset2 ...\n"
80      "\n"
81      "where 'inset1' is the first input 3D+time dataset, 'inset2' is the second\n"
82      "input 3D+time dataset, and so forth.  All input datasets must be on the\n"
83      "same 3D+time grid, and there must be at least 2 input datasets.\n"
84      "\n"
85      "--------\n"
86      "OPTIONS:\n"
87      "--------\n"
88      " -rdim rr        = The number 'rr' is the number of dimensions to use for the\n"
89      "                   output = the number of output 3D+time datasets.\n"
90      "                   * 'rr' must be more than 0 and less than the number of\n"
91      "                     input datasets.\n"
92      "                   * If 'rr' is set to 0, or is not given, then no output\n"
93      "                     3D+time datasets will be produced!\n"
94      "\n"
95      " -prefix pp      = The string 'pp' is the root prefix for the output datasets.\n"
96      "                   The first one will get the prefix 'pp_001', etc.\n"
97      "                   * If '-prefix' is not given, then the default root prefix\n"
98      "                     is 'dimred'.\n"
99      "\n"
100      " -sing           = Save the singular values at each voxel into a dataset with\n"
101      "                   prefix 'pp_sing', where 'pp' is the root prefix.\n"
102      "                   * If this option is not given, the singular values are not\n"
103      "                     saved.\n"
104      "\n"
105      " -1Dcols a b ... = This option lets you specify some extra time series to be\n"
106      "                   included in the dimension reduction, which are fixed for each\n"
107      "                   input voxel.  Each column of each 1D file following '-1Dcols'\n"
108      "                   is added to the collection of vectors to be processed at each\n"
109      "                   voxel.\n"
110      "\n"
111      " -input x y ...  = Alternate way to input 3D+time datasets.\n"
112      "\n"
113      " -polort qq      = Detrend the time series with polynomial basis of order 'qq'\n"
114      "                   prior to further processing.\n"
115      "                   * You cannot use this option with '-band'!\n"
116      "                   * If neither '-polort' nor '-band' is given, then the mean\n"
117      "                     of each time series is removed (e.g., '-polort 0').\n"
118      "\n"
119      " -band fbot ftop = This option specifies to bandpass the time series prior\n"
120      "                   to further processing (as in program 3dBandpass).\n"
121      "                   * You cannot use this option with '-polort'!\n"
122      "\n"
123      " -dt dd          = Set time step to 'dd' seconds (for use with '-band').\n"
124      "   *OR*            * Usually the time step is taken from the 3D+time dataset\n"
125      " -TR dd              header, but '-dt' (or '-TR') lets you over-ride that.\n"
126      "                   * If all inputs are 1D files, then this option is needed\n"
127      "                     to set the right time step; otherwise, TR is taken as 1.\n"
128      "\n"
129      " -despike        = Despike each input time series before other processing.\n"
130      "                   * Hopefully, you don't need to do this, which is why it\n"
131      "                     is optional.\n"
132      "\n"
133      " -novnorm        = By default, just before the SVD, each time series vector is\n"
134      "                   normalized to L2 magnitude 1.  Use '-novnorm' to turn this\n"
135      "                   step off.\n"
136      "\n"
137      " -mask mset      = Mask dataset\n"
138      " -automask       = Create mask from first input dataset\n"
139      "\n"
140      " -chunk          = 3dDimRed can use up a LOT of memory.  This option lets\n"
141      "                   you cut down on that by having it operate on the voxels\n"
142      "                   in chunks.  The downside to doing this is more disk I/O.\n"
143      "                   * '-chunk' alone means do 10,000 voxels at one time.\n"
144      "                   * '-chunk 999' means to do 999 voxels at one time (etc).\n"
145      "\n"
146      " -quiet          = Suppress some of the fun informative progress messages.\n"
147      "\n"
148      "------\n"
149      "NOTES:\n"
150      "------\n"
151      " * You can input ONLY 1D files, via the -1Dcols option.  In that case,\n"
152      "   there is only 1 'voxel', and instead of 'rdim' datasets being output\n"
153      "   output to hold the results, a single 1D dataset with 'rdim' columns\n"
154      "   will be produced.\n"
155      " * The output vectors are the first 'rdim' left singular vectors, as\n"
156      "   would be produced by '1dsvd -1Dleft' (for example).  They are intended\n"
157      "   to be used in further processing scripts, and are probably not useful\n"
158      "   by themselves.\n"
159      " * Written by Zhark the Singular -- April 2012\n"
160    ) ;
161    PRINT_AFNI_OMP_USAGE("3dDimRed",NULL) ;
162    PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
163 }
165 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])167 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
168 {
169    int nopt=1 , verb=1 ;
170    int do_despike=0 , do_vnorm=1 , do_automask=0 , do_sing=0 , polort=-1 ;
171    float fbot=-666.0f, ftop=-999.9f , dt=0.0f ; int have_freq=0 ;
172    byte *mask=NULL ; int mask_nx=0,mask_ny=0,mask_nz=0,nmask=0 , *imask=NULL ;
173    int nx,ny,nz,nt,nvox , nfft=0 , rdim=0 , kk,ii,qq,pp , nbad=0 ;
174    int ndset=0,nim=0,nvim=0 , ndim=0 , chunk=0,im,imbot,imtop ;
175    char *prefix="dimred" ;
176    MRI_IMARR *imarc ;
177    RwcPointer_array *dsar ;
178    THD_3dim_dataset *iset=NULL,*kset ; MRI_IMAGE *tim ;
179    float *cfixv=NULL , *cvect=NULL , *csave=NULL ;
180    size_t msize , ntsiz , ndsiz ;
181    char *prefout , prefapp[32] ;
183    /*-- startup --*/
185    mainENTRY("3dDimRed"); machdep();
186    AFNI_logger("3dDimRed",argc,argv);
187    PRINT_VERSION("3dDimRed"); AUTHOR("Uncle John's Band");
188    enable_mcw_malloc() ;
189    AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */
191    INIT_XTARR(dsar) ; INIT_IMARR(imarc) ;
192    while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
194      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-") == 0 ){ nopt++ ; continue ; }
196      if( strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) DR_syntax() ;
198      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-1Dcols") == 0 ){
199        MRI_IMAGE *qim ;
200        if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("need an argument after %s",argv[nopt-1]) ;
201        if( argv[nopt][0] == '-' ) ERROR_exit("Illegal argument after %s",argv[nopt-1]) ;
202        for( ; nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] != '-' ; nopt++ ){
203          qim = mri_read_1D(argv[nopt]) ;
204          if( qim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read from -1Dcols file '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
205          mri_add_name(argv[nopt],qim) ;
206          ADDTO_IMARR(imarc,qim) ;
207        }
208        continue ;
209      }
211      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-rdim") == 0 ){
212        if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("need an argument after -rdim!") ;
213        rdim = (int)strtod(argv[nopt],NULL) ;
214        if( rdim <= 0 )
215          WARNING_message("-rdim value means no output time series datasets") ;
216        nopt++ ; continue ;
217      }
219      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-chunk") == 0 ){
220        if( ++nopt < argc && isdigit(argv[nopt][0]) ){
221          chunk = (int)strtod(argv[nopt++],NULL) ;
222          if( chunk < 666 ) chunk = 666 ;  /* Lame user */
223        } else {
224          chunk = 10000 ;
225        }
226        nopt++ ; continue ;
227      }
229      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-despike") == 0 ){
230        do_despike++ ; nopt++ ; continue ;
231      }
233      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sing") == 0 ){
234        do_sing++ ; nopt++ ; continue ;
235      }
237      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
238        if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("need an argument after -prefix!") ;
239        prefix = strdup(argv[nopt]) ;
240        if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("bad -prefix option!") ;
241        nopt++ ; continue ;
242      }
244      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-automask") == 0 ){
245        if( mask != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -mask AND -automask!") ;
246        do_automask = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
247      }
249      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-mask") == 0 ){
250        THD_3dim_dataset *mset ;
251        if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'") ;
252        if( mask != NULL || do_automask ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two mask inputs") ;
253        mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ) ;
254        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mset,argv[nopt]) ;
255        DSET_load(mset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset) ;
256        mask_nx = DSET_NX(mset); mask_ny = DSET_NY(mset); mask_nz = DSET_NZ(mset);
257        mask = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 0.5f, 0.0f ) ; DSET_delete(mset) ;
258        if( mask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't make mask from dataset '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
259        nmask = THD_countmask( mask_nx*mask_ny*mask_nz , mask ) ;
260        if( verb ) INFO_message("Number of voxels in mask = %d",nmask) ;
261        if( nmask < 1 ) ERROR_exit("Mask is empty: nothing to process :-(") ;
262        nopt++ ; continue ;
263      }
265      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-novnorm") == 0 ){
266        do_vnorm = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
267      }
269      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-quiet") == 0 ){
270        verb = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
271      }
273      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-dt") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-TR") == 0 ){
274        if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("need an argument after %s",argv[nopt-1]) ;
275        dt = (float)strtod(argv[nopt],NULL) ;
276        if( dt <= 0.0f ) WARNING_message("value after %s illegal!",argv[nopt-1]) ;
277        nopt++ ; continue ;
278      }
280      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-polort") == 0 ){
281        if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("need an argument after -polort!") ;
282        if( have_freq ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -polort and -band together!") ;
283        polort = (int)strtod(argv[nopt],NULL) ;
284        nopt++ ; continue ;
285      }
287      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-band") == 0 ){
288        if( ++nopt >= argc-1 ) ERROR_exit("need 2 arguments after -band!") ;
289        if( polort >= 0 ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -band and -polort together!") ;
290        fbot = strtod(argv[nopt++],NULL) ;
291        ftop = strtod(argv[nopt++],NULL) ;
292        if( fbot < 0.0f || ftop <= fbot ) WARNING_message("values after -band are illegal!") ;
293        else                              have_freq = 1 ;
294        continue ;
295      }
297      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-input") == 0 ){
298        if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[nopt-1]);
299        if( argv[nopt][0] == '-' ) ERROR_exit("Illegal argument after '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ;
300        for( ; nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] != '-' ; nopt++ ){
301          kset = THD_open_dataset(argv[nopt]) ;
302          if( kset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read dataset '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
303          ADDTO_XTARR(dsar,kset) ;
304          ii = XTARR_NUM(dsar)-1 ; XTARR_IC(dsar,ii) = IC_DSET ;
305        }
306        continue ;
307      }
309      ERROR_message("Unknown option: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ;
310      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);
311      exit(1);
313    } /*-- end of loop over options --*/
315    if( argc < 2 ) DR_syntax() ;
317    /*--- read rest of args as input datasets ---*/
319    for( ; nopt < argc ; nopt++ ){
320      kset = THD_open_dataset(argv[nopt]) ;
321      if( kset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read dataset '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
322      ADDTO_XTARR(dsar,kset) ;
323      ii = XTARR_NUM(dsar)-1 ; XTARR_IC(dsar,ii) = IC_DSET ;
324    }
326    /*---- check stuff ----*/
328    ndset = XTARR_NUM(dsar) ; nim = IMARR_COUNT(imarc) ;
329    if( ndset < 2 && nim <= 0 )
330      ERROR_exit("Inadequate number of input datasets!  What am I supposed to do?!") ;
331    if( ndset == 0 && nim == 1 && IMARR_SUBIM(imarc,0)->ny == 1 )
332      ERROR_exit("Inadequate number of input 1D columns!  What am I supposed to do?!") ;
334    if( rdim <= 0 && !do_sing )
335      ERROR_exit("No output specified by either -rdim or -sing :-(") ;
337    /* check input datasets and/or 1D files for matches of various kinds */
339    if( ndset > 0 ){
340      iset = (THD_3dim_dataset *)XTARR_XT(dsar,0) ;
341      nx = DSET_NX(iset); ny = DSET_NY(iset); nz = DSET_NZ(iset); nvox = nx*ny*nz;
342      nt = DSET_NVALS(iset) ;
343      if( dt <= 0.0f ) dt = DSET_TR(iset) ;
344      if( nt < 2 ){
345        ERROR_message("Dataset %s has only 1 point in the time direction!",DSET_HEADNAME(iset)) ;
346        nbad++ ;
347      }
348      if( dt <= 0.0f && have_freq ){
349        WARNING_message("TR not present in first input dataset: using 1 s") ;
350        dt = 1.0f ;
351      }
353      for( kk=1 ; kk < ndset ; kk++ ){
354        kset = (THD_3dim_dataset *)XTARR_XT(dsar,kk) ;
355        if( DSET_NVOX(kset) != nvox ){
356          ERROR_message("Dataset %s has %d voxels, but first dataset has %d",
357                        DSET_HEADNAME(kset) , DSET_NVOX(kset) , nvox ) ;
358          nbad++ ;
359        }
360        if( DSET_NVALS(kset) != nt ){
361          ERROR_message("Dataset %s has %d time points, but first dataset has %d",
362                        DSET_HEADNAME(kset) , DSET_NVALS(kset) , nt ) ;
363          nbad++ ;
364        }
365      }
366    } else {                       /* no actual input datasets! */
367      tim = IMARR_SUBIM(imarc,0) ;
368      nvox = 1 ; nt = tim->nx ;
369      if( nt < 2 ){
370        ERROR_message("1D file %s has only 1 time point!",tim->name) ;
371        nbad++ ;
372      }
373      if( mask != NULL ){
374        WARNING_message("skipping -mask since no 3D+time datasets were input") ;
375        free(mask) ; mask = NULL ;
376      }
377    }
379    for( kk=0 ; kk < nim ; kk++ ){
380      tim = IMARR_SUBIM(imarc,kk) ;
381      if( tim->nx != nt ){
382        ERROR_message("1D file %s has %d time points, but should have %d",
383                      tim->name , tim->nx , nt ) ;
384        nbad++ ;
385      }
386      nvim += tim->ny ; /* count of number of 1D time series vectors */
387    }
389    if( mask != NULL ){
390      if( mask_nx != nx || mask_ny != ny || mask_nz != nz ){
391        ERROR_message("-mask dataset grid doesn't match input dataset") ;
392        nbad++ ;
393      }
394    } else if( do_automask ){
395      if( ndset == 0 ){
396        WARNING_message("ignoring -automask since no 3D+time datasets were input") ;
397      } else {
398        mask = THD_automask(iset) ;
399        if( mask == NULL ){
400          ERROR_message("Can't create -automask from first input dataset?") ; nbad++ ;
401        }
402        nmask = THD_countmask( nvox , mask ) ;
403        if( verb ) INFO_message("Number of voxels in automask = %d",nmask);
404        if( nmask < 1 ){ ERROR_message("Automask is too small to process"); nbad++; }
405      }
406    }
407    if( mask == NULL ){
408      mask = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nvox) ; nmask = nvox ;
409      memset(mask,1,sizeof(byte)*nvox) ;
410      if( verb && nvox > 1 ) INFO_message("No mask ==> processing all %d voxels",nvox);
411    }
413    /* make list of voxels to process, from mask */
415    imask = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nmask) ;
416    for( qq=im=0 ; im < nvox ; im++ ){
417      if( mask[im] ) imask[qq++] = im ;
418    }
419    free(mask) ; mask = NULL ;
421    ndim = ndset + nvim ;  /* total number of input dimensions */
422    if( ndim <= rdim ){
423      ERROR_message("Input dimension = %d is not bigger than output = %d",ndim,rdim) ;
424      nbad++ ;
425    }
427    ndsiz = sizeof(float)*ndim ;  /* size of singular values vector */
428    ntsiz = sizeof(float)*nt ;    /* size of time series vectors */
430    if( nbad > 0 )
431      ERROR_exit("Can't continue after above ERRORs") ;  /*** BAD USER ***/
433    /*---- create temp file for usufruct of chunk -----*/
435    if( chunk > 0 && ndset == 0 ) chunk = 0 ;
437    if( chunk > 0 && chunk < nmask ){
438      chunk_fnam    = UNIQ_idcode() ;
439      chunk_fnam[0] = 'D' ; chunk_fnam[1] = 'R' ; chunk_fnam[2] = 'X' ;
440      chunk_file    = fopen( chunk_fnam , "w+b" ) ;
441      if( chunk_file == NULL )
442        ERROR_exit("Unable to create -chunk temporary file %s",chunk_fnam) ;
443      INFO_message("Creating -chunk temporary file %s",chunk_fnam) ;
444      atexit(DR_atexit) ;
445    }
447    if( chunk <= 0 || chunk > nmask ) chunk = nmask ;
449    if( verb )
450      INFO_message("Chunk size = %s voxels",commaized_integer_string(nmask)) ;
452    DR_set_svd_sort(-1) ;
454    /*--- allocate space to hold results from one chunk ---*/
455    /*--- for each voxel, rdim vectors of length nt,    ---*/
456    /*--- plus the singular values, of length ndim.     ---*/
458 /* macro == vi-th output nt-vector for the ic-th voxel */
460 #undef  CSUU
461 #define CSUU(ic,vi) (csave+((ic)*(rdim*nt+ndim)+(vi)*nt))
463 /* macro == output ndim-vector of singular values for the ic-th voxel */
465 #undef  CSSV
466 #define CSSV(ic)    (csave+((ic)*(rdim*nt+ndim)+rdim*nt))
468 /* macro == time series nt-vector from the kd-th dataset, ic-th voxel */
470 #undef  CVD
471 #define CVD(kd,ic)  (cvect+(kd+(ic)*ndset)*nt)
473 /* macro == ic-th fixed time series nt-vector */
475 #undef  CFV
476 #define CFV(ic)     (cfixv+(ic)*nt)
478    msize = (rdim*ntsiz+ndsiz)*chunk ;
479    csave = (float *)malloc(msize) ;
480    if( verb || csave == NULL )
481      ININFO_message("Output memory chunk = %s bytes (%s)",
482                     commaized_integer_string(msize) ,
483                     approximate_number_string((double)msize) ) ;
484    if( csave == NULL )
485      ERROR_exit("Can't allocate memory for output chunk") ;
487    /* memory to hold dataset inputs from one chunk: ndset vectors of length nt */
489    if( ndset > 0 ){
490      msize = ntsiz*chunk*ndset ;
491      cvect = (float *)malloc(msize) ;
492      if( verb || cvect == NULL )
493        ININFO_message("Dataset input memory chunk = %s bytes (%s)",
494                       commaized_integer_string(msize) ,
495                       approximate_number_string((double)msize) ) ;
496      if( cvect == NULL )
497        ERROR_exit("Can't allocate memory for input chunk") ;
498    }
500    /* memory for fixed vectors, and pre-process them now */
502    if( nvim > 0 ){
503      MRI_IMAGE *tim ; float *tar ;
504      cfixv = (float *)malloc(ntsiz*nvim) ;
505      if( cfixv == NULL )
506        ERROR_exit("Can't allocate memory for fixed vectors") ;
507      for( qq=kk=0 ; kk < nim ; kk++ ){
508        tim = IMARR_SUBIM(imarc,kk) ; tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;
509        for( pp=0 ; pp < tim->ny ; pp++,qq++ )
510          AAmemcpy( CFV(qq) , tar+pp*nt , ntsiz ) ;
511      }
512      DESTROY_IMARR(imarc) ;
513      preproc_dimred( nt , nvim , cfixv ,
514                      polort , dt , fbot , ftop , do_despike , do_vnorm ) ;
515    }
517 #ifdef USE_OMP
518 #pragma omp parallel
519  {
520   if( verb && omp_get_thread_num() == 0 )
521     INFO_message("OpenMP thread count = %d",omp_get_num_threads()) ;
522  }
523 #else
524   if( verb && nmask > 1 ) INFO_message("Start main voxel loop") ;
525 #endif
527    /********** loop over chunks **********/
529    for( imbot=0 ; imbot < nmask ; imbot+=chunk ){
531      imtop = imbot + chunk ; if( imtop > nmask ) imtop = nmask ;
533      if( verb && chunk < nmask )
534        ININFO_message("start chunk: voxels %d..%d",imbot,imtop-1) ;
536      /* extract dataset data into cvect */
538 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
539      for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset ; kk++ ){
540        kset = (THD_3dim_dataset *)XTARR_XT(dsar,kk) ;
541 ININFO_message("Load dataset %s",DSET_HEADNAME(kset)) ;
542        DSET_load(kset) ;
543        if( !DSET_LOADED(kset) )
544          ERROR_exit("Can't load data from dataset %s",DSET_BRIKNAME(kset)) ;
545        for( ii=imbot ; ii < imtop ; ii++ )
546          THD_extract_array( imask[ii] , kset , 0 , CVD(kk,ii-imbot) ) ;
547        DSET_unload(kset) ;
548      }
549 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
552 #pragma omp parallel if( imtop-imbot > 66 )
553      { float *tsar , *umat , *sval ; double *ws ; int iv,kd ;
554        tsar = (float *)malloc(ntsiz*ndim) ;                /* input vectors */
555        umat = (rdim <= 0) ? NULL
556               : (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntsiz*rdim); /* output vectors */
557        sval = (float *)malloc(ndsiz) ;                     /* output sing vals */
558        ws   = DR_workspace(nt,ndim) ;
559 #pragma omp for
560        for( iv=imbot ; iv < imtop ; iv++ ){
561          /* copy fixed data into tsar */
562          if( cfixv != NULL ){
563 ININFO_message("iv = %d: cfixv -> tsar",iv) ;
564            AAmemcpy( tsar , cfixv , ntsiz*nvim ) ;
565          }
566 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
567          /* copy dataset data into tsar */
568          if( cvect != NULL ){
569 ININFO_message("iv = %d: cvect -> tsar",iv) ;
570            for( kd=0 ; kd < ndset ; kd++ )
571              AAmemcpy( tsar+(nvim+kd)*nt , CVD(kd,iv-imbot) , ntsiz ) ;
572          }
573 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
574          /* process it into umat and sval */
575 ININFO_message("iv = %d: call vec_dimred",iv) ;
576          vec_dimred( nt , ndim , nvim , tsar , rdim ,
577                      polort , dt , fbot , ftop , do_despike , do_vnorm ,
578                      ws , umat , sval ) ;
579 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
580          /* copy umat and sval into csave */
581          if( umat != NULL ){
582 ININFO_message("iv = %d: umat -> csave",iv) ;
583            AAmemcpy( CSUU(iv-imbot,0) , umat , ntsiz*rdim ) ;
584          }
585 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
586 ININFO_message("iv = %d: sval -> csave",iv) ;
587          AAmemcpy( CSSV(iv-imbot) , sval , ndsiz ) ;
588        } /* end of parallel-ized loop over voxels */
589 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
590        free(ws) ; free(sval) ; free(tsar) ; if( umat != NULL ) free(umat) ;
591      } /* end of parallel-ized code */
592      AFNI_OMP_END ;
594      /* if using temporary file, write csave to disk */
596      if( chunk_file != NULL ){
597        msize = fwrite( csave, (rdim*ntsiz+ndsiz), imtop-imbot, chunk_file ) ;
598        if( msize < imtop-imbot )
599          ERROR_exit("Failure to write to -chunk file %s -- is disk full?",
600                     chunk_fnam ) ;
601      }
602 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
604    } /* end of loop over chunks of voxels */
606    if( cvect != NULL ) free(cvect) ;
607    if( cfixv != NULL ) free(cfixv) ;
609    if( ndset > 0 && nvox > 1 ){ /* create output datasets for vectors */
611      for( kk=0 ; kk < rdim ; kk++ ){
613        /* create the empty dataset */
615        sprintf(prefapp,"%03d",kk+1) ;
616        prefout = append_to_prefix( prefix , prefapp ) ;
617        iset = (THD_3dim_dataset *)XTARR_XT(dsar,0) ;
618        kset = EDIT_empty_copy(iset) ;
619        EDIT_dset_items( kset , ADN_prefix , prefout , NULL ) ;
620        tross_Copy_History( iset , kset ) ;
621        tross_Make_History( "3dDimRed" , argc,argv , kset ) ;
622        free(prefout) ;
624        /* put in the sub-bricks */
625        for( pp=0 ; pp < nt ; pp++ )
626          EDIT_substitute_brick( kset , pp , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
628        if( chunk_file != NULL ) rewind(chunk_file) ;
630        /* loop over chunks, fill dataset time series */
632        for( imbot=0 ; imbot < nmask ; imbot += chunk ){
634          imtop = imbot + chunk ; if( imtop > nmask ) imtop = nmask ;
636          if( chunk_file != NULL ){  /* get data back from disk */
637            msize = fread( csave, (rdim*ntsiz+ndsiz), imtop-imbot, chunk_file ) ;
638            if( msize < imtop-imbot )  /* should never happen */
639              ERROR_exit("Failure to read from -chunk file %s :-(",chunk_fnam) ;
640          }
642          for( im=imbot ; im < imtop ; im++ )  /* shove it into the time series */
643            THD_insert_series( imask[im], kset, nt, MRI_float, CSUU(im-imbot,kk),0 ) ;
644        }
646        DSET_write(kset) ; WROTE_DSET(kset) ; DSET_delete(kset) ;
647      }
649    } else if( rdim > 0 ){  /* create a 1D output file */
651      MRI_IMAGE *qim ; float *qar ; char *prefout ;
653      qim = mri_new(nt,rdim,MRI_float) ; qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ;
654      AAmemcpy( qar , CSUU(0,0) , ntsiz*rdim ) ;
655      prefout = append_to_prefix( prefix , "vect.1D" ) ;
656      mri_write_1D(prefout,qim) ; mri_free(qim) ;
657      INFO_message("Wrote vector file %s",prefout) ; free(prefout) ;
659    } /* end of writing out vectors */
661    /* write the singular values dataset? */
663    if( do_sing ){
664      if( ndset > 0 && nvox > 1 ){
665        prefout = append_to_prefix( prefix , "sing" ) ;
666        iset = (THD_3dim_dataset *)XTARR_XT(dsar,0) ;
667        kset = EDIT_empty_copy(iset) ;
668        EDIT_dset_items( kset ,
669                           ADN_prefix , prefout ,
670                           ADN_nvals  , ndim    ,
671                         NULL ) ;
672        tross_Copy_History( iset , kset ) ;
673        tross_Make_History( "3dDimRed" , argc,argv , kset ) ;
674        free(prefout) ;
676        for( pp=0 ; pp < ndim ; pp++ )
677          EDIT_substitute_brick( kset , pp , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
679        if( chunk_file != NULL ) rewind(chunk_file) ;
681        for( imbot=0 ; imbot < nmask ; imbot += chunk ){
683          imtop = imbot + chunk ; if( imtop > nmask ) imtop = nmask ;
685          if( chunk_file != NULL ){
686            msize = fread( csave, (rdim*ntsiz+ndsiz), imtop-imbot, chunk_file ) ;
687            if( msize < imtop-imbot )  /* should never happen */
688              ERROR_exit("Failure to read from -chunk file %s :-(",chunk_fnam) ;
689          }
691          for( im=imbot ; im < imtop ; im++ )
692            THD_insert_series( imask[im], kset, ndim, MRI_float, CSSV(im-imbot),0 ) ;
694        }
696        DSET_write(kset) ; WROTE_DSET(kset) ; DSET_delete(kset) ;
698      } else {  /* write a 1D file with the singular values */
700        MRI_IMAGE *qim ; float *qar ; char *prefout ;
702        qim = mri_new(ndim,1,MRI_float) ; qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ;
703        AAmemcpy( qar , CSSV(0) , ndsiz ) ;
704        prefout = append_to_prefix( prefix , "sing.1D" ) ;
705        mri_write_1D(prefout,qim) ; mri_free(qim) ;
706        INFO_message("Wrote singular values file %s",prefout) ; free(prefout) ;
707      }
709    } /* end of dosing */
711    free(csave) ;
712    exit(0) ;
713 }
715 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
717 #undef  INVEC
718 #define INVEC(k) (inar+(k)*nt)
preproc_dimred(int nt,int nvv,float * inar,int polort,float dt,float fbot,float ftop,int despike,int vnorm)720 static void preproc_dimred( int nt , int nvv , float *inar ,
721                             int polort ,
722                             float dt , float fbot , float ftop ,
723                             int despike , int vnorm  )
724 {
725    static double *pcc=NULL ;   /* for polort detrending */
726    static float **pref=NULL ;
727    int ii,jj,kk ;
729    /*-- cleanup the trash call? --*/
731 #pragma omp critical
732    { if( nt <= 0 ){
733        if( pcc != NULL ){ free(pcc); pcc = NULL; }
734        if( pref != NULL ){
735          for( ii=0 ; ii <= polort ; ii++ ) free(pref[ii]) ;
736          free(pref) ; pref = NULL ;
737        }
738      }
739    }
740    if( nt <= 0 || nvv <= 0 ) return ;
742    /*-- first time in: create polort detrending stuff? --*/
744 #pragma omp critical
745    { if( pcc == NULL && polort > 0 ){
746        pref = THD_build_polyref(polort+1,nt) ;
747        pcc  = startup_lsqfit( nt , NULL , polort+1 , pref ) ;
748      }
749    }
751    /*-- despike? --*/
753    if( despike ){
754      for( kk=0 ; kk < nvv ; kk++ ) THD_despike9(nt,INVEC(kk)) ;
755    }
757    /*-- polort detrend? --*/
759    if( polort == 0 ){
760      for( kk=0 ; kk < nvv ; kk++ ) THD_const_detrend(nt,INVEC(kk),NULL) ;
761    } else if( polort > 0 && pcc != NULL ){
762      float *coef , *vec , *pr , cf ;
763      for( kk=0 ; kk < nvv ; kk++ ){
764        vec  = INVEC(kk) ;
765        coef = delayed_lsqfit( nt , vec , polort+1 , pref , pcc ) ;
766        if( coef != NULL ){
767          for( jj=0 ; jj <= polort ; jj++ ){
768            cf = coef[jj] ; pr = pref[jj] ;
769            for( ii=0 ; ii < nt ; ii++ ) vec[ii] -= cf * pr[ii] ;
770          }
771          free(coef) ;
772        }
773      }
774    }
776    /*-- bandpass? --*/
778    if( dt > 0.0f && fbot >= 0.0f && fbot < ftop ){
779      float **vvar = malloc(sizeof(float *)*nvv) ;
780      for( kk=0 ; kk < nvv ; kk++ ) vvar[kk] = INVEC(kk) ;
781      THD_bandpass_vectors( nt , nvv , vvar , dt , fbot , ftop , 2 , 0 , NULL ) ;
782      free(vvar) ;
783    }
785    /*-- L2 normalize? --*/
787    if( vnorm ){
788      for( kk=0 ; kk < nvv ; kk++ ) THD_normalize(nt,INVEC(kk)) ;
789    }
791    return ;
792 }
794 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
795 /* assume the first nfixed vectors are already pre-processed */
vec_dimred(int nt,int nv,int nfixed,float * inar,int rdim,int polort,float dt,float fbot,float ftop,int despike,int vnorm,double * ws,float * umm,float * svv)797 static void vec_dimred( int nt , int nv , int nfixed , float *inar , int rdim ,
798                         int polort , float dt , float fbot , float ftop ,
799                         int despike , int vnorm ,
800                         double *ws , float *umm , float *svv  )
801 {
802    int ntv=nt*nv , ntr=nt*rdim , ii,jj,pp,nnz ;
803    float *vv ;
804    double *wss , *amat , *sval , *umat , *vmat ;
805    MRI_IMAGE *outim ; float *outar ;
807    if( umm == NULL && svv == NULL ) return ;  /* WTF? */
809 ININFO_message("  preproc") ;
810    preproc_dimred( nt , nv-nfixed , inar+nfixed*nt ,
811                    polort , dt,fbot,ftop , despike , vnorm ) ;
812 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
814    wss = ws ; if( wss == NULL ) wss = DR_workspace(nt,nv) ;
816    amat = wss ;          /* nt*nv long */
817    umat = amat + ntv ;   /* nt*nv long */
818    vmat = umat + nv*nv ; /* nv*nv long */
819    sval = vmat + ntv ;   /* nv    long */
821    /** copy vectors into amat, removing all zero columns **/
823 ININFO_message("  copy data in") ;
824 #undef  AM
825 #undef  IM
826 #define AM(i,j) amat[(i)+(j)*nt]
827 #define IM(i,j) inar[(i)+(j)*nt]
828    for( jj=pp=0 ; jj < nv ; jj++ ){
829      for( nnz=ii=0 ; ii < nt ; ii++ ){
830        AM(ii,pp) = (double)IM(ii,jj) ; nnz += ( AM(ii,pp) != 0.0 ) ;
831      }
832      if( nnz > 0 ) pp++ ;
833    }
834 #undef  AM
835 #undef  IM
836 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
838 if( pp < nv )
839 ININFO_message("removed %d all zero vectors",nv-pp) ;
841    /* initialize outputs to 0? */
843    if( pp < nv ){
844      if( umm != NULL ) AAmemset(umm,0,sizeof(float)*ntr) ;
845      if( svv != NULL ) AAmemset(svv,0,sizeof(float)*nv ) ;
846      if( pp == 0 ){  /* if all inputs 0, output 0 */
847        if( wss != ws ) free(wss) ;
848        return ;
849      }
850    }
852    /* second dimension is now pp, possibly less than nv */
854 ININFO_message("**svd") ;
855    DR_svd_double( nt , pp , amat , sval , umat , vmat ) ;
856 ININFO_message("**svd done") ;
857 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
859    if( umm != NULL ){
860 ININFO_message("  umat -> umm") ;
861      nnz = nt*MIN(pp,rdim) ;
862      for( ii=0 ; ii < nnz ; ii++ ) umm[ii] = (float)umat[ii] ;
863 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
864    }
865    if( svv != NULL ){
866 ININFO_message("  sval -> svv") ;
867      for( ii=0 ; ii < pp ; ii++ ) svv[ii] = (float)sval[ii] ;
868 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
869    }
871    if( wss != ws ) free(wss) ;
872    return ;
873 }
875 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
877 #include "eispack.h"
879 #ifdef isfinite
880 # define IS_GOOD_FLOAT(x) isfinite(x)
881 #else
882 # define IS_GOOD_FLOAT(x) finite(x)
883 # define isfinite finite
884 #endif
886 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
888 #define CHECK_SVD
890 #undef CHK
891 #ifdef CHECK_SVD
892 # define CHK 1
893 # define A(i,j) aa[(i)+(j)*m]
894 # define U(i,j) uu[(i)+(j)*m]
895 # define V(i,j) vv[(i)+(j)*n]
896 #else
897 # define CHK 0
898 #endif
900 /** setup for sorting SVD values:
901       0 = no sort (whatever the function returns)
902      +1 = sort in increasing order of singular values
903      -1 = sort in descending order of singular values **/
905 static int svd_sort = 0 ;
DR_set_svd_sort(int ss)906 static void DR_set_svd_sort( int ss ){ svd_sort = ss; }
908 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
909 /*! Compute SVD of double precision matrix:                      T
910                                             [a] = [u] diag[s] [v]
911     - m = # of rows in a = length of each column
912     - n = # of columns in a = length of each row
913     - a = pointer to input matrix; a[i+j*m] has the (i,j) element
914           (m X n matrix, stored in column-first order)
915     - s = pointer to output singular values; length = n (cannot be NULL)
916     - u = pointer to output matrix, if desired; length = m*n (m X n matrix)
917     - v = pointer to output matrix, if desired; length = n*n (n x n matrix)
919   Modified 10 Jan 2007 to add sorting of s and corresponding columns of u & v.
920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DR_svd_double(int m,int n,double * a,double * s,double * u,double * v)922 static void DR_svd_double( int m, int n, double *a, double *s, double *u, double *v )
923 {
924    integer mm,nn , lda,ldu,ldv , ierr ;
925    doublereal *aa, *ww , *uu , *vv , *rv1 ;
926    logical    matu , matv ;
928    if( a == NULL || s == NULL || m < 1 || n < 1 ) return ;
930    mm  = m ;
931    nn  = n ;
932    aa  = a ;
933    lda = m ;
934    ww  = s ;
936    /* make space for u matrix, if not supplied */
938    if( u == NULL ){
939      matu = (logical) CHK ;
940      uu   = (doublereal *)calloc(sizeof(double),m*n) ;
941    } else {
942      matu = (logical) 1 ;
943      uu = u ;
944    }
945    ldu = m ;
947    /* make space for v matrix if not supplied */
949    if( v == NULL ){
950      matv = (logical) CHK ;
951      vv   = (CHK) ? (doublereal *)calloc(sizeof(double),n*n) : NULL ;
952    } else {
953      matv = (logical) 1 ;
954      vv   = v ;
955    }
956    ldv = n ;
958    rv1 = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),n) ;  /* workspace */
960    /** the actual SVD **/
962    (void) svd_( &mm , &nn , &lda , aa , ww ,
963                 &matu , &ldu , uu , &matv , &ldv , vv , &ierr , rv1 ) ;
965 #ifdef CHECK_SVD
966    /** back-compute [A] from [U] diag[ww] [V]'
967        and see if it is close to the input matrix;
968        if not, compute the results in another function;
969        this is needed because the svd() function compiles with
970        rare computational errors on some compilers' optimizers **/
971    { register int i,j,k ; register doublereal aij ; double err=0.0,amag=1.e-11 ;
972      for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ ){
973       for( i=0 ; i < m ; i++ ){
974         aij = A(i,j) ; amag += fabs(aij) ;
975         for( k=0 ; k < n ; k++ ) aij -= U(i,k)*V(j,k)*ww[k] ;
976         err += fabs(aij) ;
977      }}
978      amag /= (m*n) ; /* average absolute value of matrix elements */
979      err  /= (m*n) ; /* average absolute error per matrix element */
980      if( err >= 1.e-5*amag || !IS_GOOD_FLOAT(err) ){
981        fprintf(stderr,"SVD avg err=%g; recomputing ...",err) ;
983 #if 1     /* mangle all zero columns */
984        { double arep=1.e-11*amag , *aj ;
985          for( j=0 ; j < nn ; j++ ){
986            aj = aa + j*mm ;
987            for( i=0 ; i < mm ; i++ ) if( aj[i] != 0.0 ) break ;
988            if( i == mm ){
989 ININFO_message("mangling all zero column %d",j) ;
990              for( i=0 ; i < mm ; i++ ) aj[i] = (drand48()-0.5)*arep ;
991            }
992          }
993        }
994 #endif
996        /* svd_slow is compiled without optimization */
998        (void) svd_slow_( &mm , &nn , &lda , aa , ww ,
999                          &matu , &ldu , uu , &matv , &ldv , vv , &ierr , rv1 ) ;
1000        err = 0.0 ;
1001        for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ ){
1002         for( i=0 ; i < m ; i++ ){
1003           aij = A(i,j) ;
1004           for( k=0 ; k < n ; k++ ) aij -= U(i,k)*V(j,k)*ww[k] ;
1005           err += fabs(aij) ;
1006        }}
1007        err /= (m*n) ;
1008        fprintf(stderr," new avg err=%g %s\n",
1009                err , (err >= 1.e-5*amag || !IS_GOOD_FLOAT(err)) ? "**BAD**" : "**OK**" ) ;
1010      }
1011    }
1012 #endif
1014    free((void *)rv1) ;
1016    /* discard [u] and [v] spaces if not needed for output */
1018    if( u == NULL && uu != NULL ) free((void *)uu) ;
1019    if( v == NULL && vv != NULL ) free((void *)vv) ;
1021    /*--- 10 Jan 2007: sort the singular values and columns of U and V ---*/
1023    if( n > 1 && svd_sort != 0 ){
1024      double *sv ; int *iv , jj,kk ;
1025      sv = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n) ;
1026      iv = (int *)   malloc(sizeof(int)   *n) ;
1027      for( kk=0 ; kk < n ; kk++ ){
1028        iv[kk] = kk ; sv[kk] = (svd_sort > 0) ? s[kk] : -s[kk] ;
1029      }
1030 ININFO_message("sorting sv") ;
1031 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
1032      qsort_doubleint( n , sv , iv ) ;
1033 ININFO_message(" -- sorted") ;
1034 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
1035      if( u != NULL ){
1036        double *cc ;
1037 ININFO_message("malloc-ing cc: n=%d",n) ;
1038 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
1039        cc = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),m*n) ;
1040 ININFO_message("copying u") ;
1041        AAmemcpy( cc , u , sizeof(double)*m*n ) ;
1042        for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
1043 ININFO_message(" u[%d] <- cc[%d]",jj,kk) ;
1044          kk = iv[jj] ;  /* where the new jj-th col came from */
1045          AAmemcpy( u+jj*m , cc+kk*m , sizeof(double)*m ) ;
1046        }
1047 ININFO_message("freeing cc") ;
1048        free((void *)cc) ;
1049 ININFO_message("cc is freed") ;
1050      }
1051      if( v != NULL ){
1052        double *cc ;
1053 ININFO_message("malloc-ing cc: n=%d",n) ;
1054 ININFO_message("MCW_MALLOC_status = %s",MCW_MALLOC_status) ;
1055        cc = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),n*n) ;
1056 ININFO_message("copying cc <- v") ;
1057        AAmemcpy( cc , v , sizeof(double)*n*n ) ;
1058        for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
1059          kk = iv[jj] ;
1060          AAmemcpy( v+jj*n , cc+kk*n , sizeof(double)*n ) ;
1061        }
1062        free((void *)cc) ;
1063      }
1064 ININFO_message("getting s back") ;
1065      for( kk=0 ; kk < n ; kk++ )
1066        s[kk] = (svd_sort > 0) ? sv[kk] : -sv[kk] ;
1067      free((void *)iv) ; free((void *)sv) ;
1068    }
1070    return ;
1071 }