1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 #include "thd_dset_to_grayplot.c"
4 #ifdef USE_OMP
5 # include "cs_pv.c"
6 #endif
8 void show_help(void) ;
10 #define IS_NUMERIC(sss)                                           \
11  ( (                                       isdigit((sss)[0]) ) || \
12    ( (sss)[0] == '.'                    && isdigit((sss)[1]) ) || \
13    ( (sss)[0] == '-'                    && isdigit((sss)[1]) ) || \
14    ( (sss)[0] == '-' && (sss)[1] == '.' && isdigit((sss)[2]) )   )
16 /*===========================================================================*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])18 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
19 {
20    THD_3dim_dataset *dset=NULL ;
21    MRI_IMAGE *imout ;
22    char *prefix = "Grayplot.png" ;
23    byte *mask=NULL ; int mask_nvox=0 ;
24    int iarg = 1 ;
25    int polort=2 , nxout=0,nyout=0 ; float fwhm=0.0f ;
26    float bnd_bot = 1000000.0, bnd_top = -1000000.0;
27    int DO_PERCENT = 0, DO_RANGE = 0, DO_RAW = 0;
29    /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
31    if( argc < 2 ){
32      show_help() ;
33      exit(0) ;
34    }
36    /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
38    mainENTRY("3dGrayplot"); machdep(); (void)COX_clock_time();
39    if( strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") != 0 ){
40      PRINT_VERSION("3dGrayplot") ;
41    }
43    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
45      /*-----*/
47      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 ){
48        show_help() ;
49        exit(0) ;
50      }
52      /*-----*/
54      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dimen") == 0 ){
55        if( ++iarg >= argc-1 )
56          ERROR_exit("'-dimen' needs 2 arguments") ;
57        nxout = (int)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
58        nyout = (int)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
59        continue ;
60      }
62      /*-----*/
64      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-polort") == 0 ){
65        if( ++iarg >= argc )
66          ERROR_exit("'-polort' needs an argument") ;
67        polort = (int)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
68        continue ;
69      }
71      /*-----*/
73      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-pvorder") == 0 ){   /* 04 May 2018 */
74        grayplot_order_by_pvmap(1) ; iarg++ ; continue ;
75      }
76      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-peelorder") == 0 ){ /* 08 May 2018 */
77        grayplot_order_by_peels(1) ; iarg++ ; continue ;
78      }
79      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ijkorder") == 0 ){  /* 09 May 2018 */
80        grayplot_order_by_ijk(1) ; iarg++ ; continue ;
81      }
82      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-LJorder") == 0 ){   /* 05 Feb 2020 */
83        grayplot_order_by_lj(1) ; iarg++ ; continue ;
84      }
86      /*-----*/
88      if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-oldresam",7) == 0 ||
89          strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-resamold",7) == 0    ){  /* 14 Aug 2018 */
90        ININFO_message("Using old (deprecated) resampling method") ;
91        grayplot_set_use_old_resam() ; iarg++ ; continue ;
92      }
94      /*-----*/
96      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-fwhm") == 0 ){
97        if( ++iarg >= argc )
98          ERROR_exit("'-fwhm' needs an argument") ;
99        fwhm = (float)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
100        continue ;
101      }
103      /*-----*/
105      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
106        if( ++iarg >= argc )
107          ERROR_exit("'-prefix' needs an argument") ;
108        if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(argv[iarg],".png") ||
109            STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(argv[iarg],".pgm") ||
110            STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(argv[iarg],".jpg")   ){
111          prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
112        } else {
113          prefix = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(argv[iarg])+16)) ;
114          sprintf(prefix,"%s.png",argv[iarg]) ;
115        }
116        if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
117          ERROR_exit("prefix '%s' is illegal :(",prefix) ;
118        iarg++ ; continue ;
119      }
121      /*-----*/
123      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
124        THD_3dim_dataset *mset ; int mmm ;
125        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'") ;
126        if( mask != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two mask inputs") ;
127        mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
128        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mset,argv[iarg]) ;
129        DSET_load(mset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset) ;
130        mask_nvox = DSET_NVOX(mset) ;
131        if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mset,0) != MRI_byte  &&
132            DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mset,0) != MRI_short   )
133          ERROR_exit("-mask dataset is NOT byte- or short-valued :(") ;
135        if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mset,0) == MRI_byte ){
136          mask = DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(mset,0) ;
137        } else {
138          short *smm = DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(mset,0) ;
139          mask = (byte *)calloc(sizeof(byte),mask_nvox) ;
140          EDIT_coerce_type( mask_nvox , MRI_short,smm , MRI_byte,mask ) ;
141          DSET_unload(mset) ;
142        }
144        mmm = THD_countmask( mask_nvox , mask ) ;
145        ININFO_message("Number of voxels in mask = %d",mmm) ;
146        if( mmm < 19 ) ERROR_exit("Mask is too small to process") ;
147        iarg++ ; continue ;
148      }
150      /*-----*/
152      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
153        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-input'") ;
154        if( dset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two -input options") ;
155        dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
156        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dset,argv[iarg]) ;
157        if( DSET_NVALS(dset) < 9 )
158          ERROR_exit("Dataset %s has too few time points",DSET_HEADNAME(dset)) ;
159        ININFO_message("Loading dataset %s",DSET_HEADNAME(dset)) ;
160        DSET_load(dset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset) ;
161        iarg++ ; continue ;
162      }
164      /*-----*/
166      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-percent") == 0 ){  /* 30 Jul 2018 */
167        grayplot_set_percent() ;
168        grayplot_norming_none() ;
169        DO_PERCENT = 1;
170        iarg++ ; continue ;
171      }
173      /*-----*/
175      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-range") == 0 ){
176        if( ++iarg < argc && IS_NUMERIC(argv[iarg]) ){
177          float val = (float)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
178          if( val > 0.0f ) grayplot_set_range(val) ;
179          DO_RANGE = 1;
180          iarg++ ;
181        }
182        continue ;
183      }
185      /*-----*/
187      // [PT: Sep 20, 2021] all display of raw data, with user-selected
188      // interval
189      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-raw_with_bounds") == 0 ){
190         if( ++iarg < argc && IS_NUMERIC(argv[iarg]) ){
191            bnd_bot = (float)strtod(argv[iarg], NULL) ;
192         }
193         else
194            ERROR_exit("Need first arg after '-raw_with_bounds' to be numeric\n"
195                       "\t-> this doesn't look numeric: %s", argv[iarg]);
196         if( ++iarg < argc && IS_NUMERIC(argv[iarg]) ){
197            bnd_top = (float)strtod(argv[iarg], NULL) ;
198            INFO_message("OK: %s", argv[iarg]);
199         }
200         else
201            ERROR_exit("Need second arg after '-raw_with_bounds' to be numeric\n"
202                       "\t-> this doesn't look numeric: %s", argv[iarg]);
204         if( bnd_top > bnd_bot )
205            grayplot_set_raw_range(bnd_bot, bnd_top) ;
206         else
207            ERROR_exit("Prob with '-raw_with_bounds BOT TOP': TOP <= BOT\n"
208                       "\t-> Please check your input again; current range is:\n"
209                       "\t   %.6f %.6f", bnd_bot, bnd_top) ;
210         grayplot_norming_none() ;  // don't scale/transform data
211         DO_RAW = 1;
213         iarg++ ;
214         continue ;
215      }
217      /*-----*/
219      ERROR_exit("Unknown option '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
220    }
222    /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
224    if ( (DO_RAW && DO_PERCENT) || (DO_RAW && DO_RANGE) ){
225       ERROR_exit("Do not combine '-raw_with_bounds ..' with either "
226                  "'-percent' or '-range ..'");
227    }
229    /*----- no dataset given yet? -----*/
231    if( dset == NULL ){
232      if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("No input dataset?") ;
233      dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
234      CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dset,argv[iarg]) ;
235      if( DSET_NVALS(dset) < 9 )
236        ERROR_exit("Dataset %s has too few time points",DSET_HEADNAME(dset)) ;
237      ININFO_message("Loading dataset %s",DSET_HEADNAME(dset)) ;
238      DSET_load(dset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset) ;
239    }
241    /*----- create default mask -----*/
243    if( mask == NULL ){
244      int ii,jj,kk , nx,ny,nz,nxy , nx1,ny1,nz1 , vv ;
245      ININFO_message("No mask input ==> using all interior voxels") ;
246      mask_nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
247      mask = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*mask_nvox) ;
248      nx = DSET_NX(dset); ny = DSET_NY(dset); nz = DSET_NZ(dset); nxy = nx*ny;
249      nx1 = nx-1 ; ny1 = ny-1 ; nz1 = nz-1 ;
250      /* allow surface datasets, if not peel ordering     [18 Jun 2019 rickr] */
251      if( grayplot_is_ordered_by_peels() && (nx1 == 0 || ny1 == 0 || nz1 == 0) )
252        ERROR_exit("Cannot peel automask on dataset with only one slice :(") ;
253      for( vv=kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ ){
254       for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){
255        for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++,vv++){
256          mask[vv] = (ii==0 || jj==0 || kk==0 || ii==nx1 || jj==ny1 || kk==nz1)
257                     ? 0 : 1 ;
258      }}}
259      vv = THD_countmask( mask_nvox , mask ) ;
260      ININFO_message("Number of voxels in mask = %d",vv) ;
261    } else if( mask_nvox != DSET_NVOX(dset) ){
262      ERROR_exit("mask and dataset voxel counts don't match :(") ;
263    }
265    /*------- do all the work -------*/
267    imout = THD_dset_to_grayplot( dset,mask , nxout,nyout , polort,fwhm ) ;
269    mri_write_png( prefix , imout ) ;
271    ININFO_message("3dGrayplot: Elapsed = %.1f s\n", COX_clock_time() ) ;
273    exit(0) ;
274 }
276 /*===========================================================================*/
show_help(void)278 void show_help(void)
279 {
280      printf("\n"
281       "Make a grayplot from a 3D+time dataset, sort of like Jonathan Power:\n"
282       "  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27510328\n"
283       "  https://www.jonathanpower.net/2017-ni-the-plot.html\n"
284       "Result is saved to a PNG image for your viewing delight.\n"
285       "\n"
286       " * This style of plot is also called a carpet plot,\n"
287       "   but REAL carpets are much more attractive, IMHO.\n"
288       "\n"
289       " * The horizontal axis of the grayplot is time, and the\n"
290       "   vertical axis is all 3 spatial dimensions collapsed into 1.\n"
291       "\n"
292       " * Also see AFNI script @grayplot, as well as the QC output\n"
293       "   generated by afni_proc.py.\n"
294       "\n"
295       "Usage:\n"
296       "\n"
297       "  3dGrayplot [options] inputdataset\n"
298       "\n"
299       "OPTIONS: [lots of them]\n"
300       "--------\n"
301       "\n"
302       " -mask mset      = Name of mask dataset\n"
303       "                    * Voxels that are 0 in mset will not be processed.\n"
304       "                    * Dataset must be byte-valued (8 bits: 0..255);\n"
305       "                      shorts (16 bits) are also acceptable, but only\n"
306       "                      values from 1.255 will be processed.\n"
307       "                    * Each distinct value from 1..255 will be processed\n"
308       "                      separately, and the output image will be ordered\n"
309       "                      with the mask=1 voxels on top, mask=2 voxels next,\n"
310       "                      and so on down the image.\n"
311       "                    * A partition (e.g., mask=3) with fewer than 9 voxels\n"
312       "                      will not be processed at all.\n"
313       "                    * If there is more than one partition, horizontal dashed\n"
314       "                      lines will drawn between them.\n"
315       "                    * If '-mask' is not given, then all voxels will be used,\n"
316       "                      except those at the very edge of a volume. Doing this is\n"
317       "                      usually not a good idea, as the non-brain tissue will\n"
318       "                      take up a lot of useless space in the output grayplot.\n"
319       "\n"
320       " -input dataset  = Alternative way to input the dataset to process.\n"
321       "\n"
322       " -prefix ppp.png = Name for output file.\n"
323       "                    * Default is Grayplot.png (if you don't use this option)\n"
324       "                    * If the filename ends in '.jpg', a JPEG file is output.\n"
325       "                    * If the filename ends in '.pgm', a PGM file is output.\n"
326       "                        [PGM files can be manipulated with the NETPBM package.]\n"
327       "                    * If the filename does not end in '.jpg' OR in '.png'\n"
328       "                      OR in '.pgm', then '.png' will be added at the end.\n"
329       "\n"
330       " -dimen X Y      = Output size of image in pixels.\n"
331       "                    * X = width  = time axis direction\n"
332       "                    * Y = height = voxel/space dimensions\n"
333       "                    * Defaults are X=1024 Y=512 -- suitable for screen display.\n"
334       "                    * For publication, you might want more pixels, as in\n"
335       "                        -dimen 1800 1200\n"
336       "                      which would be 6 inches wide by 4 inches high, at the usual\n"
337       "                      300 dots-per-inch (dpi) of high resolution image printing.\n"
338       "                   ** Note that there are usually many more voxels in the Y direction\n"
339       "                      than there are pixels in the output image. This fact requires\n"
340       "                      coarsening the Y output grid and resampling the data to match.\n"
341       "                      See the next option for a little more information about\n"
342       "                      how this resampling is implemented.\n"
343       "\n"
344       " -oldresam       = The method for resampling the processed dataset to the final\n"
345       "                   grayscale image size was changed/improved in a major way.\n"
346       "                   If you want to use the original method, then give this option.\n"
347       "                    * The only reason for using this option is for\n"
348       "                      comparison with the new method.\n"
349       "                    * The new resampling method uses minimum-sidelobe local averaging\n"
350       "                      when coarsening the grid (vertical direction Y = voxels/space)\n"
351       "                      -- whose purpose is to reduce aliasing artifacts\n"
352       "                    * And uses cubic interpolation when refining the grid\n"
353       "                      (usually horizontal direction = time) -- whose purpose\n"
354       "                      is purely beauty -- compared to the older linear interpolation.\n"
355       "                    * Note that the collapsing of multiple voxels into one pixel in\n"
356       "                      the Y direction will tend to cancel out signals that change sign\n"
357       "                      within neighbors in the voxel ordering method you choose.\n"
358       "                      (See the 'order' options below.)\n"
359       "\n"
360       " -polort p       = Order of polynomials for detrending.\n"
361       "                    * Default value is 2 (mean, slope, quadratic curve).\n"
362       "                    * Use '-1' if data is already detrended and de-meaned.\n"
363       "                      (e.g., is an AFNI errts.* file or other residual dataset)\n"
364       "\n"
365       " -fwhm f         = FWHM of blurring radius to use in the dataset before\n"
366       "                   making the image.\n"
367       "                    * Each partition (i.e., mask=1, mask=2, ...) is blurred\n"
368       "                      independently, as in program 3dBlurInMask.\n"
369       "                    * Default value is 0 mm = no blurring.\n"
370       "                        [In the past, the default value was 6.]\n"
371       "                    * If the dataset was NOT previously blurred, a little\n"
372       "                      spatial blurring here will help bring out larger scale\n"
373       "                      features in the times series, which might otherwise\n"
374       "                      look very noisy.\n"
375       "\n"
376       "  ** The following four options control the ordering of **\n"
377       "  ** voxels in the grayplot, in the vertical direction. **\n"
378       "\n"
379       " -pvorder        = Within each mask partition, order the voxels (top to\n"
380       "                   bottom) by how well they match the two leading principal\n"
381       "                   components of that partition. The result is to make the\n"
382       "                   top part of each partition be made up of voxels with\n"
383       "                   similar time series, and the bottom part will be more\n"
384       "                   'random looking'.\n"
385       "                  ++ The presence of a lot of temporal structure in a\n"
386       "                     grayplot of a 'errts' residual dataset indicates\n"
387       "                     that the 'removal' of unwanted time series components\n"
388       "                     did not work well.\n"
389       "                  ++ Using '-pvorder' to put all the structured time series\n"
390       "                     close together will make such problems more visible.\n"
391       "                  ++ IMHO, this is the most useful ordering.\n"
392       "\n"
393       " -LJorder        = Within each mask partition, order the voxels (top to\n"
394       "                   bottom) by their Ljung-Box statistics, which is a measure\n"
395       "                   of temporal correlation.\n"
396       "                  ++ Experimental; probably not useful.\n"
397       "\n"
398       " -peelorder      = Within each mask partition, order the voxels by how\n"
399       "                   many 'peel' steps are needed to get from the partition\n"
400       "                   boundary to a given voxel.\n"
401       "                  ++ This ordering puts voxels in 'similar' geometrical\n"
402       "                     positions sort-of close together in the image.\n"
403       "                     And is usually not very interesting, IMHO.\n"
404       "\n"
405       " -ijkorder       = Set the intra-partition ordering to the default, by\n"
406       "                   dataset 3D index ('ijk').\n"
407       "                  ++ In AFNI's +tlrc ordering, this ordering primarily will\n"
408       "                     be from Inferior to Superior in the brain (from top to\n"
409       "                     bottom in the grayplot image).\n"
410       "                  ++ This is the default ordering method, but not the best.\n"
411       "\n"
412       "  ** These options control the scaling from voxel value to gray level **\n"
413       "\n"
414       " -range X        = Set the range of the data to be plotted to be 'X'.\n"
415       "                   Each time series is first normalized by its values to:\n"
416       "                      Z[i] = (t[i] - mean_t)/stdev_t.\n"
417       "                   When this option is used, then:\n"
418       "                    * a value of 0 will be plotted as middle-gray\n"
419       "                    * a value of +X (or above) will be plotted as white\n"
420       "                    * a value of -X (or below) will be plotted as black\n"
421       "                   Thus, this option should be used with data that is centered\n"
422       "                   around zero -- or will be so after '-polort' detrending.\n"
423       "                    * For example, if you are applying this option to an\n"
424       "                      afni_proc.py 'errts' (residuals) dataset, a good value\n"
425       "                      of X to use is 3 or 4, since those values are in percents.\n"
426       "                    * The @grayplot script uses '-range 3.89' since that is the\n"
427       "                      value at which a standard normal N(0,1) deviate has a 1e-4\n"
428       "                      two-sided tail probability. (If nothing else, this sounds cool.)\n"
429       "                   If you do NOT use '-range', then the data will be automatically\n"
430       "                   normalized so each voxel time series has RMS value 1, and then\n"
431       "                   the grayscale plot will be black-to-white being the min-to-max,\n"
432       "                   where the min and max computed over the entire detrended\n"
433       "                   and normalized dataset.\n"
434       "                    * This default automatic normalizing and scaling makes it\n"
435       "                      almost impossible to directly compare grayplots from\n"
436       "                      different datasets. This difficulty is why the '-range'\n"
437       "                      and '-percent' options were added.\n"
438       "\n"
439       " -percent        = Use this option on 'raw' time series datasets, to compute\n"
440       "                   the mean of each voxel timeseries and then use that value\n"
441       "                   to scale the values to percent differences from the mean.\n"
442       "                    * NOT suitable for use with a residual 'errts' dataset!\n"
443       "                    * Should be combined with '-range'.\n"
444       "                    * Detrending will be applied while calculating the mean.\n"
445       "                      By default, that will be quadratic detrending of each\n"
446       "                      voxel time series, but that can be changed with the\n"
447       "                      '-polort' option.\n"
448       "\n"
449       " -raw_with_bounds A B\n"
450       "                 = Use this option on 'raw' time series datasets, map values\n"
451       "                   <= A to black, those >= B to white, and intermediate values\n"
452       "                   to grays.\n"
453       "                    * Can be used with any kind of dataset, but probably makes\n"
454       "                      most sense to use with scaled ones (errts, fitts or\n"
455       "                      all_runs).\n"
456       "                    * Should NOT be combined with '-range' or '-percent'.\n"
457       "\n"
458       "** Quick hack for Cesar Caballero-Gaudes, April 2018, by @AFNIman.\n"
459       "   As such, this program may be modified in the future to be more useful,\n"
460       "   or at least more beautifully gorgeous.\n"
461       "\n"
462       "** Applied to 'raw' EPI data, the results may not be very informative.\n"
463       "   It seems to be more useful to look at the grayplot calculated from\n"
464       "   pre-processed data (e.g., time series registered, filtered, etc.).\n"
465       "\n"
466       "** See also the script @grayplot, which can process the results from\n"
467       "   afni_proc.py and produce an image with the grayplot combined with\n"
468       "   a graph of the motion magnitude, and with the GM, WM, and CSF in\n"
469       "   different partitions.\n"
470       "\n"
471       "** afni_proc.py uses this program to create grayplots of the residuals\n"
472       "   from regression analysis, as part of its Quality Control (QC) output.\n"
473       "\n"
474       "--------\n"
475       "EXAMPLE:\n"
476       "--------\n"
477       "The following commands first generate a time series dataset,\n"
478       "then create grayplots using each of the ordering methods\n"
479       "(so you can compare them). No mask is given.\n"
480       "\n"
481       " 3dcalc -a jRandomDataset:64:64:30:256 -datum float \\\n"
482       "        -prefix Qsc.nii -expr 'abs(.3+cos(0.1*i))*sin(0.1*t+0.1*i)+gran(0,3)'\n"
483       " 3dGrayplot -pvorder   -prefix QscPV.png   -input Qsc.nii -fwhm 8\n"
484       " 3dGrayplot -ijkorder  -prefix QscIJK.png  -input Qsc.nii -fwhm 8\n"
485       " 3dGrayplot -peelorder -prefix QscPEEL.png -input Qsc.nii -fwhm 8\n"
486       "\n"
487       "\n"
488      ) ;
489 }