1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 #undef  INMASK
4 #define INMASK(i) ( mask == NULL || mask[i] != 0 )
6 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 #undef  FREEIF
9 #define FREEIF(p) do{ if((p)!=NULL){free(p);(p)=NULL;} }while(0)
11 static int maxlag = 0 ;
12 static float *cor = NULL ;
13 static int  *ncor = NULL ;
14 static int   port = 0 ;
16 /*....................................................................*/
CORMAT_init(int mlag,int pp)18 void CORMAT_init( int mlag , int pp )
19 {
20    FREEIF(cor) ; FREEIF(ncor) ; maxlag = 0 ;
21    if( mlag > 0 ){
22       cor   = (float *)calloc( sizeof(float) , mlag ) ;
23      ncor   = (int *)  calloc( sizeof(int)   , mlag ) ;
24      maxlag = mlag ;
25      port   = (pp < 0 || pp > 3) ? 0 : pp ;
26    }
27    return ;
28 }
30 /*....................................................................*/
CORMAT_fetch(void)32 MRI_IMAGE * CORMAT_fetch(void)
33 {
34    MRI_IMAGE *cim ; float *car ; int ii ;
35    if( maxlag <= 0 || cor == NULL ) return NULL ;
36    cim = mri_new(maxlag,1,MRI_float) ; car = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cim) ;
37    for( ii=0 ; ii < maxlag ; ii++ )
38      if( ncor[ii] > 0 ) car[ii] = cor[ii] / ncor[ii] ;
39    return cim ;
40 }
42 /*....................................................................*/
CORMAT_add_vector(int nv,float * vv)44 void CORMAT_add_vector( int nv , float *vv )
45 {
46    int ii,itop , ktop,kk ;
47    float ss , sq ;
49    if( maxlag <= 0 || nv <= 2 || vv == NULL ) return ;
51    switch(port){
52      default:
53      case 0:  THD_const_detrend      ( nv , vv , NULL           ); break;
54      case 1:  THD_linear_detrend     ( nv , vv , NULL,NULL      ); break;
55      case 2:  THD_quadratic_detrend  ( nv , vv , NULL,NULL,NULL ); break;
56      case 3:  THD_cubic_detrend      ( nv , vv                  ); break;
57    }
58    THD_normRMS( nv , vv ) ;
60    ktop = MIN(maxlag,nv-1) ;
61    for( kk=1 ; kk <= ktop ; kk++ ){
62      itop = nv-kk ;
63      for( ii=0 ; ii < itop ; ii++ ){
64        cor[kk-1] += vv[ii] * vv[ii+kk] ; ncor[kk-1]++ ;
65      }
66    }
68    return ;
69 }
71 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
73 MRI_IMAGE * mri_cormat_vector( MRI_IMARR *imar ) ;
74 MRI_IMARR * THD_get_dset_nbhd_array( THD_3dim_dataset *dset, byte *mask,
75                                      int xx, int yy, int zz, MCW_cluster *nbhd ) ;
76 static void vstep_print(void) ;
78 float_pair estimate_arma11( int nx , float * ) ;
80 static int nbk=0 , *bk=NULL , ntime=0 , mlag=0 , pport=0 ;  /* cheap */
82 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
83 /* Adapted from 3dLocalSVD.c and 3dErrtsCormat.c */
main(int argc,char * argv[])85 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
86 {
87    THD_3dim_dataset *inset=NULL , *outset=NULL ;
88    MCW_cluster *nbhd=NULL ;
89    byte *mask=NULL ; int mask_nx,mask_ny,mask_nz , automask=0 ;
90    char *prefix="./LocalCormat" ;
91    int iarg=1 , verb=1 , ntype=0 , kk,nx,ny,nz,nxy,nxyz,nt , xx,yy,zz, vstep ;
92    float na,nb,nc , dx,dy,dz ;
93    MRI_IMARR *imar=NULL ; MRI_IMAGE *pim=NULL ;
94    int mmlag=10 , ii,jj , do_arma=0 , nvout ;
95    MRI_IMAGE *concim=NULL ; float *concar=NULL ;
97    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
98      printf(
99        "Usage: 3dLocalCORMAT [options] inputdataset\n"
100        "\n"
101        "Compute the correlation matrix (in time) of the input dataset,\n"
102        "up to lag given by -maxlag.  The matrix is averaged over the\n"
103        "neighborhood specified by the -nbhd option, and then the entries\n"
104        "are output at each voxel in a new dataset.\n"
105        "\n"
106        "Normally, the input to this program would be the -errts output\n"
107        "from 3dDeconvolve, or the equivalent residuals from some other\n"
108        "analysis.  If you input a non-residual time series file, you at\n"
109        "least should use an appropriate -polort level for detrending!\n"
110        "\n"
111        "Options:\n"
112        "  -input inputdataset\n"
113        "  -prefix ppp\n"
114        "  -mask mset    {these 2 options are}\n"
115        "  -automask     {mutually exclusive.}\n"
116        "  -nbhd nnn     [e.g., 'SPHERE(9)' for 9 mm radius]\n"
117        "  -polort ppp   [default = 0, which is reasonable for -errts output]\n"
118        "  -concat ccc   [as in 3dDeconvolve]\n"
119        "  -maxlag mmm   [default = 10]\n"
120        "  -ARMA         [estimate ARMA(1,1) parameters into last 2 sub-bricks]\n"
121        "\n"
122        "A quick hack for my own benignant purposes -- RWCox -- June 2008\n"
123      ) ;
124      PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
125    }
127    /*---- official startup ---*/
129    PRINT_VERSION("3dLocalCormat"); mainENTRY("3dLocalCormat main"); machdep();
130    AFNI_logger("3dLocalCormat",argc,argv); AUTHOR("Zhark the Toeplitzer");
132    /*---- loop over options ----*/
134    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
136 #if 0
137 fprintf(stderr,"argv[%d] = %s\n",iarg,argv[iarg]) ;
138 #endif
140      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ARMA") == 0 ){
141        do_arma = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
142      }
144      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-polort") == 0 ){
145        char *cpt ;
146        if( ++iarg >= argc )
147          ERROR_exit("Need argument after option %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;
148        pport = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],&cpt) ;
149        if( *cpt != '\0' )
150          WARNING_message("Illegal non-numeric value after -polort") ;
151        if( pport > 3 ){
152          pport = 3 ; WARNING_message("-polort set to 3 == max implemented") ;
153        } else if( pport < 0 ){
154          pport = 0 ; WARNING_message("-polort set to 0 == min implemented") ;
155        }
156        iarg++ ; continue ;
157      }
159      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
160        if( inset != NULL  ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two -input options") ;
161        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-input'") ;
162        inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
163        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(inset,argv[iarg]) ;
164        iarg++ ; continue ;
165      }
167      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
168        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-prefix'") ;
169        prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
170        iarg++ ; continue ;
171      }
173      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
174        THD_3dim_dataset *mset ; int mmm ;
175        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'") ;
176        if( mask != NULL || automask ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two mask inputs") ;
177        mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
178        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mset,argv[iarg]) ;
179        DSET_load(mset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset) ;
180        mask_nx = DSET_NX(mset); mask_ny = DSET_NY(mset); mask_nz = DSET_NZ(mset);
181        mask = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 0.5f, 0.0f ) ; DSET_delete(mset) ;
182        if( mask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't make mask from dataset '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
183        mmm = THD_countmask( mask_nx*mask_ny*mask_nz , mask ) ;
184        INFO_message("Number of voxels in mask = %d",mmm) ;
185        if( mmm < 2 ) ERROR_exit("Mask is too small to process") ;
186        iarg++ ; continue ;
187      }
189      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-automask") == 0 ){
190        if( mask != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't have -automask and -mask") ;
191        automask = 1 ;
192        iarg++ ; continue ;
193      }
195      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nbhd") == 0 ){
196        char *cpt ;
197        if( ntype  >  0    ) ERROR_exit("Can't have 2 '-nbhd' options") ;
198        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-nbhd'") ;
200        cpt = argv[iarg] ;
201        if( strncasecmp(cpt,"SPHERE",6) == 0 ){
202          sscanf( cpt+7 , "%f" , &na ) ;
203          if( na == 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Can't have a SPHERE of radius 0") ;
204          ntype = NTYPE_SPHERE ;
205        } else if( strncasecmp(cpt,"RECT",4) == 0 ){
206          sscanf( cpt+5 , "%f,%f,%f" , &na,&nb,&nc ) ;
207          if( na == 0.0f && nb == 0.0f && nc == 0.0f )
208            ERROR_exit("'RECT(0,0,0)' is not a legal neighborhood") ;
209          ntype = NTYPE_RECT ;
210        } else if( strncasecmp(cpt,"RHDD",4) == 0 ){
211          sscanf( cpt+5 , "%f" , &na ) ;
212          if( na == 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Can't have a RHDD of radius 0") ;
213          ntype = NTYPE_RHDD ;
214        } else {
215           ERROR_exit("Unknown -nbhd shape: '%s'",cpt) ;
216        }
217        iarg++ ; continue ;
218      }
220      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-maxlag") == 0 ){
221        if( ++iarg >= argc )
222          ERROR_exit("Need argument after option %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;
223        mmlag = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
224        iarg++ ; continue ;
225      }
227      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-concat") == 0 ){
228        if( concim != NULL )
229          ERROR_exit("Can't have two %s options!",argv[iarg]) ;
230        if( ++iarg >= argc )
231          ERROR_exit("Need argument after option %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;
232        concim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
233        if( concim == NULL )
234          ERROR_exit("Can't read -concat file '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
235        if( concim->nx < 2 )
236          ERROR_exit("-concat file '%s' must have at least 2 entries!",
237                     argv[iarg]) ;
238        concar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(concim) ;
239        for( ii=1 ; ii < concim->nx ; ii++ )
240          if( (int)concar[ii-1] >= (int)concar[ii] )
241            ERROR_exit("-concat file '%s' is not ordered increasingly!",
242                       argv[iarg]) ;
243        iarg++ ; continue ;
244      }
246      ERROR_exit("Unknown option '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
248    } /*--- end of loop over options ---*/
250    if( do_arma && mmlag > 0 && mmlag < 5 )
251      ERROR_exit("Can't do -ARMA with -maxlag %d",mmlag) ;
253    /*---- deal with input dataset ----*/
255    if( inset == NULL ){
256      if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("No input dataset on command line?") ;
257      inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
258      CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(inset,argv[iarg]) ;
259    }
260    ntime = DSET_NVALS(inset) ;
261    if( ntime < 9 )
262      ERROR_exit("Must have at least 9 values per voxel") ;
264    DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;
266    if( mask != NULL ){
267      if( mask_nx != DSET_NX(inset) ||
268          mask_ny != DSET_NY(inset) ||
269          mask_nz != DSET_NZ(inset)   )
270        ERROR_exit("-mask dataset grid doesn't match input dataset") ;
272    } else if( automask ){
273      int mmm ;
274      mask = THD_automask( inset ) ;
275      if( mask == NULL )
276        ERROR_message("Can't create -automask from input dataset?") ;
277      mmm = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(inset) , mask ) ;
278      INFO_message("Number of voxels in automask = %d",mmm) ;
279      if( mmm < 2 ) ERROR_exit("Automask is too small to process") ;
280    }
282    /*-- set up blocks of continuous time data --*/
284    if( DSET_IS_TCAT(inset) ){
285      if( concim != NULL ){
286        WARNING_message("Ignoring -concat, since dataset is auto-catenated") ;
287        mri_free(concim) ;
288      }
289      concim = mri_new(inset->tcat_num,1,MRI_float) ;
290      concar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(concim) ;
291      concar[0] = 0.0 ;
292      for( ii=0 ; ii < inset->tcat_num-1 ; ii++ )
293        concar[ii+1] = concar[ii] + inset->tcat_len[ii] ;
294    } else if( concim == NULL ){
295      concim = mri_new(1,1,MRI_float) ;
296      concar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(concim)  ; concar[0] = 0 ;
297    }
298    nbk = concim->nx ;
299    bk  = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(nbk+1)) ;
300    for( ii=0 ; ii < nbk ; ii++ ) bk[ii] = (int)concar[ii] ;
301    bk[nbk] = ntime ;
302    mri_free(concim) ;
303    mlag = DSET_NVALS(inset) ;
304    for( ii=0 ; ii < nbk ; ii++ ){
305      jj = bk[ii+1]-bk[ii] ; if( jj < mlag ) mlag = jj ;
306      if( bk[ii] < 0 || jj < 9 )
307        ERROR_exit("something is rotten in the dataset run lengths") ;
308    }
309    mlag-- ;
310    if( mmlag > 0 && mlag > mmlag ) mlag = mmlag ;
311    else                            INFO_message("Max lag set to %d",mlag) ;
313    if( do_arma && mlag < 5 )
314      ERROR_exit("Can't do -ARMA with maxlag=%d",mlag) ;
316    /*---- create neighborhood (as a cluster) -----*/
318    if( ntype <= 0 ){         /* default neighborhood */
319      ntype = NTYPE_SPHERE ; na = -1.01f ;
320      INFO_message("Using default neighborhood = self + 6 neighbors") ;
321    }
323    switch( ntype ){
324      default:
325        ERROR_exit("WTF?  ntype=%d",ntype) ;
327      case NTYPE_SPHERE:{
328        if( na < 0.0f ){ dx = dy = dz = 1.0f ; na = -na ; }
329        else           { dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(inset)) ;
330                         dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(inset)) ;
331                         dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(inset)) ; }
332        nbhd = MCW_spheremask( dx,dy,dz , na ) ;
333      }
334      break ;
336      case NTYPE_RECT:{
337        if( na < 0.0f ){ dx = 1.0f; na = -na; } else dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(inset));
338        if( nb < 0.0f ){ dy = 1.0f; nb = -nb; } else dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(inset));
339        if( nc < 0.0f ){ dz = 1.0f; nc = -nc; } else dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(inset));
340        nbhd = MCW_rectmask( dx,dy,dz , na,nb,nc ) ;
341      }
342      break ;
344      case NTYPE_RHDD:{
345        if( na < 0.0f ){ dx = dy = dz = 1.0f ; na = -na ; }
346        else           { dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(inset)) ;
347                         dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(inset)) ;
348                         dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(inset)) ; }
349        nbhd = MCW_rhddmask( dx,dy,dz , na ) ;
350      }
351      break ;
352    }
353    MCW_radsort_cluster( nbhd , dx,dy,dz ) ;  /* 26 Feb 2008 */
355    INFO_message("Neighborhood comprises %d voxels",nbhd->num_pt) ;
357    /** create output dataset **/
359    outset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset) ;
360    nvout  = mlag ; if( do_arma ) nvout += 2 ;
361    EDIT_dset_items( outset,
362                       ADN_prefix   , prefix,
363                       ADN_brick_fac, NULL  ,
364                       ADN_nvals    , nvout ,
365                       ADN_ntt      , nvout ,
366                     ADN_none );
367    tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
368    tross_Make_History( "3dLocalCormat" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
369    for( kk=0 ; kk < nvout ; kk++ )
370      EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , kk , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
372    nx = DSET_NX(outset) ;
373    ny = DSET_NY(outset) ; nxy  = nx*ny  ;
374    nz = DSET_NZ(outset) ; nxyz = nxy*nz ;
375    vstep = (verb && nxyz > 999) ? nxyz/50 : 0 ;
376    if( vstep ) fprintf(stderr,"++ voxel loop: ") ;
378    /** actually do the long long slog through all voxels **/
380    for( kk=0 ; kk < nxyz ; kk++ ){
381      if( vstep && kk%vstep==vstep-1 ) vstep_print() ;
382      if( !INMASK(kk) ) continue ;
383      IJK_TO_THREE( kk , xx,yy,zz , nx,nxy ) ;
384      imar = THD_get_dset_nbhd_array( inset , mask , xx,yy,zz , nbhd ) ;
385      if( imar == NULL ) continue ;
386      pim = mri_cormat_vector(imar) ; DESTROY_IMARR(imar) ;
387      if( pim == NULL ) continue ;
388      THD_insert_series( kk, outset, pim->nx, MRI_float, MRI_FLOAT_PTR(pim), 0 ) ;
390      if( do_arma ){  /* estimate ARMA(1,1) params and store those, too */
391        float_pair ab ;
392        float *aa=DSET_ARRAY(outset,mlag), *bb=DSET_ARRAY(outset,mlag+1) ;
393        ab = estimate_arma11( pim->nx , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(pim) ) ;
394        aa[kk] = ab.a ; bb[kk] = ab.b ;
395      }
397      mri_free(pim) ;
398    }
399    if( vstep ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
401    DSET_delete(inset) ;
402    DSET_write(outset) ;
403    WROTE_DSET(outset) ;
405    exit(0) ;
406 }
408 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
THD_get_dset_nbhd_array(THD_3dim_dataset * dset,byte * mask,int xx,int yy,int zz,MCW_cluster * nbhd)410 MRI_IMARR * THD_get_dset_nbhd_array( THD_3dim_dataset *dset, byte *mask,
411                                      int xx, int yy, int zz, MCW_cluster *nbhd )
412 {
413    MRI_IMARR *imar ;
414    int nvox, *ivox , nx,ny,nz , nxy,nxyz , npt, aa,bb,cc,kk,ii ;
416    nx = DSET_NX(dset) ;
417    ny = DSET_NY(dset) ; nxy  = nx*ny  ;
418    nz = DSET_NZ(dset) ; nxyz = nxy*nz ; npt = nbhd->num_pt ;
420    kk = xx + yy*nx + zz*nxy ;
421    if( kk < 0 || kk >= nxyz || !INMASK(kk) ) return NULL ;
423    ivox = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*npt) ; nvox = 0 ;
424    for( ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ){
425      aa = xx + nbhd->i[ii] ; if( aa < 0 || aa >= nx ) continue ;
426      bb = yy + nbhd->j[ii] ; if( bb < 0 || bb >= ny ) continue ;
427      cc = zz + nbhd->k[ii] ; if( cc < 0 || cc >= nz ) continue ;
428      kk = aa + bb*nx + cc*nxy ;
429      if( INMASK(kk) ) ivox[nvox++] = kk ;
430    }
432    imar = THD_extract_many_series( nvox, ivox, dset ) ;
433    free(ivox) ; return imar ;
434 }
436 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
mri_cormat_vector(MRI_IMARR * imar)438 MRI_IMAGE * mri_cormat_vector( MRI_IMARR *imar )
439 {
440    int nx , nvec , ii,jj ;
441    double *amat , *umat , *vmat , *sval ;
442    float *far ; MRI_IMAGE *tim ;
444    if( imar == NULL ) return NULL ;
445    nvec = IMARR_COUNT(imar) ;       if( nvec < 1 ) return NULL ;
446    nx   = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,0)->nx ; if( nx   < 9 ) return NULL ;
448    CORMAT_init( mlag , pport ) ;
450    for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
451      tim = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,jj) ;
452      far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;
453      for( ii=0 ; ii < nbk ; ii++ )
454        CORMAT_add_vector( bk[ii+1]-bk[ii] , far + bk[ii] ) ;
455    }
457    tim = CORMAT_fetch() ; return tim ;
458 }
460 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
vstep_print(void)462 static void vstep_print(void)
463 {
464    static char xx[10] = "0123456789" ; static int vn=0 ;
465    fprintf(stderr , "%c" , xx[vn%10] ) ;
466    if( vn%10 == 9) fprintf(stderr,".") ;
467    vn++ ;
468 }
470 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
471 /* Estimation of ARMA(1,1) coefficients a and b from correlations. */
473 static int    nc ;  /* number of correlations */
474 static float *rc ;  /* correlation vector */
arma11func(int np,double * par)476 double arma11func( int np , double *par )  /* cost = weighted least squares */
477 {
478    register double a,b,sum,rr ; register int kk ;
480    a = par[0] ; b = par[1] ;
481    rr = (b+a)*(1.0+a*b)/(1.0+b*(b+2.0*a)) ;  /* correlation at lag=1 */
482    sum = (rr-rc[0])*(rr-rc[0]) * (0.2+rc[0]*rc[0]) ;
483    for( kk=1 ; kk < nc ; kk++ ){
484      rr *= a ;                               /* correlation at lag=kk+1 */
485      sum += (rr-rc[kk])*(rr-rc[kk]) * (0.2+rc[kk]*rc[kk]) ;
486    }
487    return sum ;
488 }
estimate_arma11(int nx,float * cc)490 float_pair estimate_arma11( int nx , float *cc )
491 {
492    double x[2] , xbot[2],xtop[2] ;
493    float_pair ab ;
495    nc = nx ; rc = cc ;              /* set static variables for arma11func() */
496    x[0] = x[1] = 0.1 ;              /* initial guesses for a and b */
497    xbot[0] = 0.0 ; xtop[0] = 0.8 ;  /* range of allowed values for a and b */
498    xbot[1] = 0.0 ; xtop[1] = 0.8 ;
500    (void)powell_newuoa_constrained( 2 , x , NULL , xbot , xtop ,
501                                     13 , 5 , 2 ,
502                                     0.10 , 0.005 , 222 , arma11func ) ;
503    ab.a = (float)x[0] ;
504    ab.b = (float)x[1] ; return ab ;
505 }