1 #include "mrilib.h"
2 #include "r_new_resam_dset.h"
4 #ifdef USE_OMP
5 #include <omp.h>
6 #endif
8 #include "mri_genalign.c"
9 #include "mri_genalign_util.c"
10 #include "mri_nwarp.c"
12 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
NWC_help(void)14 void NWC_help(void)
15 {
16    printf(
17     "Usage: 3dNwarpCat [options] warp1 warp2 ...\n"
18     "------\n"
19     " * This program catenates (composes) 3D warps defined on a grid,\n"
20     "   OR via a matrix.\n"
21     "  ++ All transformations are from DICOM xyz (in mm) to DICOM xyz.\n"
22     "\n"
23     " * Matrix warps are in files that end in '.1D' or in '.txt'.  A matrix\n"
24     "   warp file should have 12 numbers in it, as output (for example), by\n"
25     "   '3dAllineate -1Dmatrix_save'.\n"
26     "  ++ The matrix (affine) warp can have either 12 numbers on one row,\n"
27     "     or be in the 3x4 format.\n"
28     "  ++ The 12-numbers-on-one-row format is preferred, and is the format\n"
29     "     output by the '-1Dmatrix_save' option in 3dvolreg and 3dAllineate.\n"
30     "  ++ The matrix warp is a transformation of coordinates, not voxels,\n"
31     "     and its use presumes the correctness of the voxel-to-coordinate\n"
32     "     transformation stored in the header of the datasets involved.\n"
33     "\n"
34     " * Nonlinear warps are in dataset files (AFNI .HEAD/.BRIK or NIfTI .nii)\n"
35     "   with 3 sub-bricks giving the DICOM order xyz grid displacements in mm.\n"
36     "  ++ Note that it is not required that the xyz order of voxel storage be in\n"
37     "     DICOM order, just that the displacements be in DICOM order (and sign).\n"
38     "  ++ However, it is important that the warp dataset coordinate order be\n"
39     "     properly specified in the dataset header, since warps are applied\n"
40     "     based on coordinates, not on voxels.\n"
41     "  ++ Also note again that displacements are in mm, NOT in voxel.\n"
42     "  ++ You can 'edit' the warp on the command line by using the 'FAC:'\n"
43     "     scaling prefix, described later. This input editing could be used\n"
44     "     to change the sign of the xyz displacments, if needed.\n"
45     "\n"
46     " * If all the input warps are matrices, then the output is a matrix\n"
47     "   and will be written to the file 'prefix.aff12.1D'.\n"
48     "  ++ Unless the prefix already contains the string '.1D', in which case\n"
49     "     the filename is just the prefix.\n"
50     "  ++ If 'prefix' is just 'stdout', then the output matrix is written\n"
51     "     to standard output.\n"
52     "  ++ In any of these cases, the output format is 12 numbers in one row.\n"
53     "\n"
54     " * If any of the input warps are datasets, they must all be defined on\n"
55     "   the same 3D grid!\n"
56     "  ++ And of course, then the output will be a dataset on the same grid.\n"
57     "  ++ However, you can expand the grid using the '-expad' option.\n"
58     "\n"
59     " * The order of operations in the final (output) warp is, for the\n"
60     "   case of 3 input warps:\n"
61     "\n"
62     "     OUTPUT(x) = warp3( warp2( warp1(x) ) )\n"
63     "\n"
64     "   That is, warp1 is applied first, then warp2, et cetera.\n"
65     "   The 3D x coordinates are taken from each grid location in the\n"
66     "   first dataset defined on a grid.\n"
67     "\n"
68     " * For example, if you aligned a dataset to a template with @auto_tlrc,\n"
69     "   then further refined the alignment with 3dQwarp, you would do something\n"
70     "   like this:\n"
71     "       warp1 is the output of 3dQwarp\n"
72     "       warp2 is the matrix from @auto_tlrc\n"
73     "       This is the proper order, since the desired warp takes template xyz\n"
74     "       to original dataset xyz, and we have\n"
75     "         3dQwarp warp:      takes template xyz to affinely aligned xyz, and\n"
76     "         @auto_tlrc matrix: takes affinely aligned xyz to original xyz\n"
77     "\n"
78     "   3dNwarpCat -prefix Fred_total_WARP -warp1 Fred_WARP+tlrc.HEAD -warp2 Fred.Xat.1D \n"
79     "\n"
80     "   The dataset Fred_total_WARP+tlrc.HEAD could then be used to transform original\n"
81     "   datasets directly to the final template space, as in\n"
82     "\n"
83     "   3dNwarpApply -prefix Wilma_warped        \\\n"
84     "                -nwarp Fred_total_WARP+tlrc \\\n"
85     "                -source Wilma+orig          \\\n"
86     "                -master Fred_total_WARP+tlrc\n"
87     "\n"
88     " * If you wish to invert a warp before it is used here, supply its\n"
89     "   input name in the form of\n"
90     "     INV(warpfilename)\n"
91     "   To produce the inverse of the warp in the example above:\n"
92     "\n"
93     "   3dNwarpCat -prefix Fred_total_WARPINV        \\\n"
94     "              -warp2 'INV(Fred_WARP+tlrc.HEAD)' \\\n"
95     "              -warp1 'INV(Fred.Xat.1D)' \n"
96     "\n"
97     "   Note the order of the warps is reversed, in addition to the use of 'INV()'.\n"
98     "\n"
99     " * The final warp may also be inverted simply by adding the '-iwarp' option, as in\n"
100     "\n"
101     "   3dNwarpCat -prefix Fred_total_WARPINV -iwarp -warp1 Fred_WARP+tlrc.HEAD -warp2 Fred.Xat.1D \n"
102     "\n"
103     " * Other functions you can apply to modify a 3D dataset warp are:\n"
104     "    SQRT(datasetname) to get the square root of a warp\n"
105     "    SQRTINV(datasetname) to get the inverse square root of a warp\n"
106     "   However, you can't do more complex expressions, such as 'SQRT(SQRT(warp))'.\n"
107     "   If you think you need something so rococo, use 3dNwarpCalc.  Or think again.\n"
108     "\n"
109     " * You can also manufacture a 3D warp from a 1-brick dataset with displacments\n"
110     "   in a single direction.  For example:\n"
111     "      AP:0.44:disp+tlrc.HEAD  (note there are no blanks here!)\n"
112     "   means to take the 1-brick dataset disp+tlrc.HEAD, scale the values inside\n"
113     "   by 0.44, then load them into the y-direction displacements of a 3-brick 3D\n"
114     "   warp, and fill the other 2 directions with zeros.  The prefixes you can use\n"
115     "   here for the 1-brick to 3-brick displacment trick are\n"
116     "     RL: for x-displacements (Right-to-Left)\n"
117     "     AP: for y-displacements (Anterior-to-Posterior)\n"
118     "     IS: for z-displacements (Inferior-to-Superior)\n"
119     "     VEC:a,b,c: for displacements in the vector direction (a,b,c),\n"
120     "                which vector will be scaled to be unit length.\n"
121     "     Following the prefix's colon, you can put in a scale factor followed\n"
122     "     by another colon (as in '0.44:' in the example above).  Then the name\n"
123     "     of the dataset with the 1D displacments follows.\n"
124     " * You might reasonably ask of what possible value is this peculiar format?\n"
125     "   This was implemented to use Bz fieldmaps for correction of EPI datasets,\n"
126     "   which are distorted only along the phase-encoding direction.  This format\n"
127     "   for specifying the input dataset (the fieldmap) is built to make the\n"
128     "   scripting a little easier.  Its principal use is in the program 3dNwarpApply.\n"
129     "\n"
130     " * You can scale the displacements in a 3D warp file via the 'FAC:' prefix, as in\n"
131     "     FAC:0.6,0.4,-0.2:fred_WARP.nii\n"
132     "   which will scale the x-displacements by 0.6, the y-displacements by 0.4, and\n"
133     "   the z-displacments by -0.2.\n"
134     "\n"
135     " * Finally, you can input a warp catenation string directly as in the '-nwarp'\n"
136     "   option of 3dNwarpApply, as in\n"
137     "\n"
138     "   3dNwarpCat -prefix Fred_total_WARP 'Fred_WARP+tlrc.HEAD Fred.Xat.1D' \n"
139     "\n"
140     "\n"
141     "OPTIONS\n"
142     "-------\n"
143     " -interp iii == 'iii' is the interpolation mode:\n"
144     "                ++ Modes allowed are a subset of those in 3dAllineate:\n"
145     "                     linear  quintic  wsinc5\n"
146     "                ++ The default interpolation mode is 'wsinc5'.\n"
147     "                ++ 'linear' is much faster but less accurate.\n"
148     "                ++ 'quintic' is between 'linear' and 'wsinc5',\n"
149     "                   in both accuracy and speed.\n"
150     "\n"
151     " -verb       == print (to stderr) various fun messages along the road.\n"
152     "\n"
153     " -prefix ppp == prefix name for the output dataset that holds the warp.\n"
154     " -space sss  == attach string 'sss' to the output dataset as its atlas\n"
155     "                space marker.\n"
156     "\n"
157     " -warp1 ww1  == alternative way to specify warp#1\n"
158     " -warp2 ww2  == alternative way to specify warp#2 (etc.)\n"
159     "                ++ If you use any '-warpX' option for X=1..99, then\n"
160     "                   any addition warps specified after all command\n"
161     "                   line options appear AFTER these enumerated warps.\n"
162     "                   That is, '-warp1 A+tlrc -warp2 B+tlrc C+tlrc'\n"
163     "                   is like using '-warp3 C+tlrc'.\n"
164     "                ++ At most 99 warps can be used.  If you need more,\n"
165     "                   PLEASE back away from the computer slowly, and\n"
166     "                   get professional counseling.\n"
167     "\n"
168     " -iwarp      == Invert the final warp before output.\n"
169     "\n"
170     " -expad PP   == Pad the nonlinear warps by 'PP' voxels in all directions.\n"
171     "                The warp displacements are extended by linear extrapolation\n"
172     "                from the faces of the input grid.\n"
173    ) ;
175    printf(
176     "\n"
177     "AUTHOR -- RWCox -- March 2013\n"
178    ) ;
181    exit(0) ;
182 }
184 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
186 #define NWMAX 99
188 static int  nwtop=0 ;
189 static char *cwarp[NWMAX] ;
190 static char *sname=NULL ;
192 static int verb=0 , interp_code=MRI_WSINC5 ;
194 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
195 /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
196 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])198 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
199 {
200    int iarg=1 , ii , do_iwarp=0 ;
201    char *prefix = "NwarpCat" ;
202    mat44 wmat , smat , qmat ;
203    THD_3dim_dataset *oset=NULL ;
204    char *cwarp_all=NULL ; int ntot=0 ;
206    AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */
208    if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) NWC_help() ;
210    /*-- bureaucracy --*/
212    mainENTRY("3dNwarpCat"); machdep();
213    AFNI_logger("3dNwarpCat",argc,argv);
214    PRINT_VERSION("3dNwarpCat"); AUTHOR("Zhark the Warper");
215    (void)COX_clock_time() ;
216    putenv("AFNI_WSINC5_SILENT=YES") ;
218    /*-- initialization --*/
220    CW_no_expad = 1 ;  /* don't allow automatic padding of input warp */
221    Hverb = 0 ;        /* don't be verbose inside mri_nwarp.c */
222    for( ii=0 ; ii < NWMAX ; ii++ ) cwarp[ii] = NULL ;
224    /*-- scan args --*/
226    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
228      /*---------------*/
230      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-iwarp") == 0 ){
231        do_iwarp = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
232      }
234      /*---------------*/
236      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-space") == 0 ){
237        sname = strdup(argv[++iarg]) ; iarg++ ; continue ;
238      }
240      /*---------------*/
242      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-NN") == 0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nearest",6) == 0 ){
243        WARNING_message("NN interpolation not legal here -- switched to linear") ;
244        interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
245      }
246      if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-linear",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-trilinear",6)==0 ){
247        interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ; iarg++ ; continue ;
248      }
249      if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-cubic",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-tricubic",6)==0 ){
250        WARNING_message("cubic interplation not legal here -- switched to quintic") ;
251        interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
252      }
253      if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-quintic",4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-triquintic",6)==0 ){
254        interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ; iarg++ ; continue ;
255      }
256      if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-wsinc",5) == 0 ){
257        interp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
258      }
260      /*---------------*/
262      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-expad") == 0 ){
263        int expad ;
264        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
265        expad = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
266        if( expad < 0 ){
267          WARNING_message("-expad %d is illegal and is set to zero",expad) ;
268          expad = 0 ;
269        }
270        CW_extra_pad = expad ;  /* this is how we force extra padding */
271        iarg++ ; continue ;
272      }
274      /*---------------*/
276      if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-interp",5)==0 ){
277        char *inam ;
278        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
279        inam = argv[iarg] ; if( *inam == '-' ) inam++ ;
280        if( strcasecmp(inam,"NN")==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"nearest",5)==0 ){
281          WARNING_message("NN interpolation not legal here -- changed to linear") ;
282          interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
283        } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"linear",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"trilinear",5)==0 ){
284          interp_code = MRI_LINEAR ;
285        } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"cubic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"tricubic",5)==0 ){
286          WARNING_message("cubic interplation not legal here -- changed to quintic") ;
287          interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
288        } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"quintic",3)==0 || strncasecmp(inam,"triquintic",5)==0 ){
289          interp_code = MRI_QUINTIC ;
290        } else if( strncasecmp(inam,"wsinc",4)==0 ){
291          interp_code = MRI_WSINC5 ;
292        } else {
293          ERROR_exit("Unknown code '%s' after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg],argv[iarg-1]) ;
294        }
295        iarg++ ; continue ;
296      }
298      /*---------------*/
300      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){
301        verb++ ; NwarpCalcRPN_verb(verb) ; iarg++ ; continue ;
302      }
304      /*---------------*/
306      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
307        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
308        prefix = argv[iarg] ;
309        if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
310        iarg++ ; continue ;
311      }
313      /*---------------*/
315      if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-warp",5) == 0 ){
316        int nn ;
317        if( iarg >= argc-1 ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
318        if( !isdigit(argv[iarg][5]) ) ERROR_exit("illegal format for '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
319        nn = (int)strtod(argv[iarg]+5,NULL) ;
320        if( nn <= 0 || nn > NWMAX )
321          ERROR_exit("illegal warp index in '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
322        if( cwarp[nn-1] != NULL )
323          ERROR_exit("'%s': you can't specify warp #%d more than once :-(",argv[iarg],nn) ;
324        cwarp[nn-1] = strdup(argv[++iarg]) ;
325        if( nn > nwtop ) nwtop = nn ;
326        iarg++ ; continue ;
327      }
329      /*---------------*/
331      ERROR_message("Confusingly Unknown option '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]) ;
332      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0],argv[iarg]) ;
333      exit(1) ;
335    }
337    /*-- load any warps left on the command line, after options --*/
339    for( ; iarg < argc && nwtop < NWMAX-1 ; iarg++ )
340      cwarp[nwtop++] = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
342    /*-- check if all warp strings are affine matrices --*/
345 #define AFFINE_WARP_STRING(ss)     \
346   ( strstr((ss)," ") == NULL &&    \
347     ( strcasestr((ss),".1D") != NULL || strcasestr((ss),".txt") != NULL ) )
349    for( ntot=ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
350      if( cwarp[ii] == NULL ) continue ;
351      ntot += strlen(cwarp[ii]) ;
352      if( ! AFFINE_WARP_STRING(cwarp[ii]) ) break ;  /* not affine */
353    }
354    if( ntot == 0 ) ERROR_exit("No warps on command line?!") ;
356    if( ii == nwtop ){  /* all are affine (this is for Ziad) */
357      char *fname = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(prefix)+16)) ; FILE *fp ;
358      float a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34 ;
360      LOAD_IDENT_MAT44(wmat) ;
361      for( ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
362        if( cwarp[ii] == NULL ) continue ;
363        smat = CW_read_affine_warp_OLD(cwarp[ii]) ;
364        qmat = MAT44_MUL(smat,wmat) ; wmat = qmat ;
365      }
367      if( strcmp(prefix,"-") == 0 || strncmp(prefix,"stdout",6) == 0 ){
368        fp = stdout ; strcpy(fname,"stdout") ;
369      } else {
370        strcpy(fname,prefix) ;
371        if( strstr(fname,".1D") == NULL ) strcat(fname,".aff12.1D") ;
372        fp = fopen(fname,"w") ;
373        if( fp == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't open output matrix file %s",fname) ;
374      }
375      if( do_iwarp ){
376        qmat = MAT44_INV(wmat) ; wmat = qmat ;
377      }
378      UNLOAD_MAT44(wmat,a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34) ;
379      fprintf(fp,
380              " %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g %13.6g\n",
381              a11,a12,a13,a14,a21,a22,a23,a24,a31,a32,a33,a34 ) ;
382      if( verb && fp != stdout ) INFO_message("Wrote matrix to %s",fname) ;
383      if( fp != stdout ) fclose(fp) ;
384      exit(0) ;
385    }
387    /*** at least one nonlinear warp ==> cat all strings, use library function to read ***/
389    cwarp_all = (char *)calloc(sizeof(char),(ntot+NWMAX)*2) ;
390    for( ii=0 ; ii < nwtop ; ii++ ){
391      if( cwarp[ii] != NULL ){ strcat(cwarp_all,cwarp[ii]) ; strcat(cwarp_all," ") ; }
392    }
394    oset = IW3D_read_catenated_warp( cwarp_all ) ;  /* process all of them at once */
396    if( do_iwarp ){            /* 18 Jul 2014 */
397      THD_3dim_dataset *qwarp ;
398      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"Applying -iwarp option") ;
399      qwarp = THD_nwarp_invert(oset) ;
400      DSET_delete(oset) ;
401      oset = qwarp ;
402      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
403    }
404    tross_Make_History( "3dNwarpCat" , argc,argv , oset ) ;
405    if( sname != NULL ) MCW_strncpy( oset->atlas_space , sname , THD_MAX_NAME ) ;
406    EDIT_dset_items( oset , ADN_prefix,prefix , ADN_none ) ;
407    DSET_write(oset) ; WROTE_DSET(oset) ;
409    /*--- run away screaming into the night, never to be seen again ---*/
411    INFO_message("total CPU time = %.1f sec  Elapsed = %.1f\n",
412                 COX_cpu_time() , COX_clock_time() ) ;
414    exit(0) ;
415 }