1 /*********************** 3dRank.c **********************************************/
2 /* Author: Ziad Saad May 2009 */
3 #include "mrilib.h"
4 #include "uthash.h"
6 typedef struct {
7     int id;    /* keep it named 'id' to facilitate use of convenience
8                   macros in uthash . */
9     UT_hash_handle hh;  /* keep name for same reason  */
10     int index;
14 extern int * UniqueInt (int *y, int ysz, int *kunq, int Sorted );
Rank_help(void)16 void Rank_help(void) {
17       printf(
18 "Usage: 3dRank [-prefix PREFIX] <-input DATASET1 [DATASET2 ...]>\n"
19 "\n"
20 "Replaces voxel values by their rank in the set of\n"
21 "values collected over all voxels in all input datasets\n"
22 "If you input one dataset, the output should be identical\n"
23 "to the -1rank option in 3dmerge\n"
24 "\n"
25 "This program only works on datasets of integral storage type, \n"
26 "and on integral valued data stored as floats.\n"
27 "\n"
28 "  -input DATASET1 [DATASET2 ...]: Input datasets.\n"
29 "                                  Acceptable data types are:\n"
30 "                                  byte, short, and floats.\n"
31 "  -prefix PREFIX: Ouput prefix.\n"
32 "                  If you have multiple datasets on input\n"
33 "                  the prefix is preceded by r00., r01., etc.\n"
34 "                  If no prefix is given, the default is \n"
35 "                  rank.DATASET1, rank.DATASET2, etc.\n"
36 "\n"
37 "                  In addition to the ranked volume, a rank map\n"
38 "                  1D file is created. It shows the mapping from \n"
39 "                  the rank (1st column) to the integral values \n"
40 "                  (2nd column) in the input dataset. Sub-brick float \n"
41 "                  factors are ignored.\n"
42 "\n"
43 "  -ver = print author and version info\n"
44 "  -help = print this help screen\n"
45          ) ;
46       printf("\n" MASTER_SHORTHELP_STRING ) ;
48       return;
49 }
53 /*! Replace a voxel's value by the value's rank in the entire set of input datasets */
main(int argc,char * argv[])54 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
55 {
56    THD_3dim_dataset ** dsets_in = NULL, *dset=NULL; /*input and output datasets*/
57    int nopt=0, nbriks=0, nsubbriks=0, ib=0, isb=0;
58    byte *cmask=NULL;
59    int *all_uniques=NULL, **uniques=NULL, *final_unq=NULL, *N_uniques=NULL;
60    int N_final_unq=0, iun=0, total_unq=0;
61    INT_HASH_DATUM *rmap=NULL, *hd=NULL;
62    int imax=0, iunq=0, ii=0, id = 0;
63    long int off=0;
64    char *prefix=NULL;
65    char stmp[THD_MAX_PREFIX+1]={""};
66    FILE *fout=NULL;
68    /*----- Read command line -----*/
69    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
70       Rank_help ();
71       exit(0) ;
72    }
74    mainENTRY("3dRank main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dRank",argc,argv);
75    nopt = 1 ;
77    while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
78       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-ver") == 0 ){
79          PRINT_VERSION("3dRank"); AUTHOR("Ziad Saad");
80          nopt++; continue;
81       }
83       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-help") == 0 ){
84          Rank_help();
85          exit(0) ;
86       }
88       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
89          ++nopt;
90          if (nopt>=argc) {
91             fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: Need string after -prefix\n");
92             exit(1);
93          }
94          prefix = argv[nopt] ;
95          ++nopt; continue;
96       }
97       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-input") == 0 ){
98          dsets_in = (THD_3dim_dataset**)
99                         calloc(argc-nopt+1, sizeof(THD_3dim_dataset*));
100          ++nopt; nbriks=0;
101          while (nopt < argc ) {
102             dsets_in[nbriks] = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] );
103             if( !ISVALID_DSET(dsets_in[nbriks]) ){
104               fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: can't open dataset %s\n",argv[nopt]) ;
105               exit(1);
106             }
107             ++nopt; ++nbriks;
108          }
109          continue;
110       }
112       ERROR_exit( " Error - unknown option %s", argv[nopt]);
113    }
114    if (nopt < argc) {
115       ERROR_exit( " Error unexplained trailing option: %s\n", argv[nopt]);
116    }
117    if (!nbriks) {
118       ERROR_exit( " Error no volumes entered on command line?");
119    }
121    /* some checks and inits*/
122    nsubbriks = 0;
123    for (ib = 0; ib<nbriks; ++ib) {
124       if (!is_integral_dset(dsets_in[ib], 0)) {
125          ERROR_exit("Dset %s is not of an integral data type.",
126                         DSET_PREFIX(dsets_in[ib]));
127       }
128       nsubbriks += DSET_NVALS(dsets_in[ib]);
129    }
131    /* Now get unique arrays */
132    uniques = (int **)calloc(nsubbriks, sizeof(int*));
133    N_uniques = (int *)calloc(nsubbriks, sizeof(int));
134    total_unq = 0;
135    iun = 0;
136    for (ib = 0; ib<nbriks; ++ib) {
137       DSET_mallocize(dsets_in[ib]); DSET_load(dsets_in[ib]);
138       for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dsets_in[ib]); ++isb) {
139          uniques[iun] = THD_unique_vals(dsets_in[ib], isb,
140                                         &(N_uniques[iun]), cmask);
141          total_unq += N_uniques[iun];
142          ++iun;
143       }
144    }
146    /* put all the arrays together and get the unique of the uniques */
147    all_uniques = (int *)calloc(total_unq, sizeof(int));
148    off=0;
149    for (iun=0; iun<nsubbriks; ++iun) {
150       memcpy(all_uniques+off, uniques[iun], N_uniques[iun]*sizeof(int));
151       off += N_uniques[iun];
152    }
154    /* free intermediate unique arrays */
155    for (iun=0; iun<nsubbriks; ++iun) {
156       free(uniques[iun]);
157    }
158    free(uniques); uniques=NULL;
159    free(N_uniques); N_uniques=NULL;
161    /* get unique of catenated array */
162    if (!(final_unq = UniqueInt (all_uniques, total_unq, &N_final_unq, 0 ))) {
163       ERROR_exit( " Failed to get unique list (%d, %d, %d) ",
164                   total_unq, N_final_unq, nsubbriks);
165    }
166    free(all_uniques); all_uniques=NULL;
168    if (prefix) {
169       snprintf(stmp, sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_PREFIX,
170                "%s.rankmap.1D", prefix);
171    } else {
172       if (nbriks == 1) {
173         snprintf(stmp, sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_PREFIX,
174                   "%s.rankmap.1D", DSET_PREFIX(dsets_in[0]));
175       } else {
176          snprintf(stmp, sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_PREFIX,
177                   "%s+.rankmap.1D", DSET_PREFIX(dsets_in[0]));
178       }
179    }
181    if (stmp[0]) {
182       if ((fout = fopen(stmp,"w"))) {
183          fprintf(fout, "#Rank Map (%d unique values)\n", N_final_unq);
184          fprintf(fout, "#Col. 0: Rank\n");
185          fprintf(fout, "#Col. 1: Input Dset Value\n");
186       }
187    }
190    /* get the maximum integer in the unique array */
191    imax = 0;
192    for (iunq=0; iunq<N_final_unq; ++iunq) {
193       if (final_unq[iunq] > imax) imax = final_unq[iunq];
194       if (fout) fprintf(fout, "%d   %d\n", iunq, final_unq[iunq]);
195       hd = (INT_HASH_DATUM*)calloc(1,sizeof(INT_HASH_DATUM));
196       hd->id = final_unq[iunq];
197       hd->index = iunq;
198       HASH_ADD_INT(rmap, id, hd);
199    }
201    fclose(fout); fout=NULL;
203    /* now cycle over all dsets and replace their voxel values with rank */
204    for (ib = 0; ib<nbriks; ++ib) {
205       for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dsets_in[ib]); ++isb) {
206          EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(  dsets_in[ib],isb, "rank" ) ;
207          EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(  dsets_in[ib],isb ) ;
208          EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dsets_in[ib],isb, 0.0);/* no factors for rank*/
209          switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dsets_in[ib],isb) ){
210             default:
211                fprintf(stderr,
212                         "** Bad dset type for unique operation.\n"
213                         "Only Byte, Short, and float dsets are allowed.\n");
214                break ; /* this should not happen here,
215                         so don't bother returning*/
216             case MRI_short:{
217                short *mar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(dsets_in[ib],isb) ;
218                if (imax >  MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short]) {
219                   WARNING_message("Maximum rank value of %d is more\n"
220                                   "than maximum value for dset datatype of %d\n",
221                                   imax, MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short]);
222                }
223                for( ii=0 ; ii < DSET_NVOX(dsets_in[ib]) ; ii++ )
224                   if (!cmask || cmask[ii]) {
225                      id = (int)mar[ii];
226                      HASH_FIND_INT(rmap,&id ,hd);
227                      if (hd) mar[ii] = (short)(hd->index);
228                      else
229                        ERROR_exit("** Failed to find key %d in hash table\n",id);
230                   } else mar[ii] = 0;
231             }
232             break ;
233             case MRI_byte:{
234                byte *mar ;
235                if (imax >  MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_byte]) {
236                   WARNING_message("Maximum rank value of %d is more\n"
237                                   "than maximum value for dset datatype of %d\n",
238                                   imax, MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_byte]);
239                }
240                mar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dsets_in[ib],isb) ;
241                for( ii=0 ; ii < DSET_NVOX(dsets_in[ib]) ; ii++ )
242                   if (!cmask || cmask[ii]) {
243                      id = (int)mar[ii];
244                      HASH_FIND_INT(rmap,&id ,hd);
245                      if (hd) mar[ii] = (byte)(hd->index);
246                      else
247                        ERROR_exit("** Failed to find key %d in hash table\n",id);
248                   } else mar[ii] = 0;
249             }
250             break ;
251             case MRI_float:{
252                float *mar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(dsets_in[ib],isb) ;
253                for( ii=0 ; ii < DSET_NVOX(dsets_in[ib]) ; ii++ )
254                   if (!cmask || cmask[ii]) {
255                      id = (int)mar[ii]; /* Assuming float is integral valued */
256                      HASH_FIND_INT(rmap,&id ,hd);
257                      if (hd) mar[ii] = (float)(hd->index);
258                      else
259                        ERROR_exit("** Failed to find key %d in hash table\n",id);
260                   } else mar[ii] = 0;
261             }
262             break ;
264          }
265       }
267       /* update range, etc. */
268       THD_load_statistics(dsets_in[ib]);
270       /* Now write the bricks */
271       if (prefix) {
272          if (nbriks == 1) {
273             snprintf(stmp, sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_PREFIX,
274                      "%s", prefix);
275          } else {
276             snprintf(stmp, sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_PREFIX,
277                      "r%02d.%s", ib, prefix);
278          }
279       } else {
280          snprintf(stmp, sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_PREFIX,
281                   "rank.%s", DSET_PREFIX(dsets_in[ib]));
282       }
284       EDIT_dset_items( dsets_in[ib] ,
285                        ADN_prefix   , stmp ,
286                        ADN_none ) ;
288       /* storage_mode was set in EDIT_dset_items(), based on the prefix,
289          do not reset it here                        [21 Nov 2019 rickr] */
290       /* dsets_in[ib]->dblk->diskptr->storage_mode = STORAGE_BY_BRICK;   */
292       tross_Make_History( "3dRank" , argc, argv , dsets_in[ib] ) ;
293       if (DSET_IS_MASTERED(dsets_in[ib])) {
294          /*  THD_write_3dim_dataset won't write a mastered dude */
295          dset = EDIT_full_copy(dsets_in[ib],stmp);
296       } else {
297          dset = dsets_in[ib];
298       }
300       /* New ID */
301       ZERO_IDCODE(dset->idcode);
302       dset->idcode = MCW_new_idcode() ;
304       if (!THD_write_3dim_dataset( NULL, stmp, dset,True )) {
305          ERROR_message("Failed to write %s", stmp);
306          exit(1);
307       } else {
308          WROTE_DSET(dsets_in[ib]);
309          if (dset != dsets_in[ib]) DSET_deletepp(dset);
310          DSET_deletepp(dsets_in[ib]);
312       }
313    }
315    /* destroy hash */
316    while (rmap) {
317       hd = rmap;
318       HASH_DEL(rmap,hd);
319       free(hd);
320    }
322    free(final_unq);  final_unq=NULL;
324    exit(0);
325 }