1 #include "mrilib.h"
main(int argc,char * argv[])3 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
4 {
5    int iarg=1 , dcode=0 , maxgap=9 , nftot=0, i=0;
6    char * prefix="rowfillin" , * dstr=NULL;
7    THD_3dim_dataset * inset , * outset ;
8    MRI_IMAGE * brim ;
9    int verb=0, bin=0;
11    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
12       printf("Usage: 3dRowFillin [options] dataset\n"
13              "Extracts 1D rows in the given direction from a 3D dataset,\n"
14              "searches for blank (zero) regions, and fills them in if\n"
15              "the blank region isn't too large and it is flanked by\n"
16              "the same value on either edge.  For example:\n"
17              "     input row = 0 1 2 0 0 2 3 0 3 0 0 4 0\n"
18              "    output row = 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 0 0 4 0\n"
19              "\n"
20              "OPTIONS:\n"
21              " -maxgap N  = set the maximum length of a blank region that\n"
22              "                will be filled in to 'N' [default=9].\n"
23              " -dir D     = set the direction of fill to 'D', which can\n"
24              "                be one of the following:\n"
25              "                  A-P, P-A, I-S, S-I, L-R, R-L, x, y, z, \n"
26              "                  XYZ.OR, XYZ.AND\n"
27              "                The first 6 are anatomical directions;\n"
28              "                x,y, and z, are reference to the dataset\n"
29              "                internal axes. \n"
30              "             XYZ.OR means do the fillin in x, followed by y,\n"
31              "                followed by z directions.\n"
32              "             XYZ.AND is like XYZ.OR but only accept voxels that\n"
33              "                would have been filled in each of the three fill\n"
34              "                calls. \n"
35              "         Note that with XYZ* options, the fill value depends on\n"
36              "         on the axis orientation. So you're better off sticking\n"
37              "         to single valued dsets when using them. \n"
38              "         See also -binary option below\n"
39              " -binary: Turn input dataset to 0 and 1 before filling in.\n"
40              "          Output will also be a binary valued dataset.\n"
41              " -prefix P  = set the prefix to 'P' for the output dataset.\n"
42              "\n"
43              "N.B.: If the input dataset has more than one sub-brick,\n"
44              "      only the first one will be processed.\n"
45              "\n"
46              "* The intention of this program is to let you fill in slice gaps\n"
47              "  made when drawing ROIs with the 'Draw Dataset' plugin.  If you\n"
48              "  draw every 5th coronal slice, say, then you could fill in using\n"
49              "    3dRowFillin -maxgap 4 -dir A-P -prefix fredfill fred+orig\n"
50              "* This program is moderately obsolescent, since I later added\n"
51              "    the 'Linear Fillin' controls to the 'Draw Dataset' plugin.\n"
52              "\n"
53             ) ;
54       PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
55    }
57    mainENTRY("3dRowFillin main"); machdep();
58    AFNI_logger("3dRowFillin",argc,argv);
59    PRINT_VERSION("3dRowFillin") ;
61    /*-- scan args --*/
63    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
65       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",5) == 0 ){
66          verb++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;
67       }
69       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-bin",4) == 0 ){
70          bin=1; iarg++ ; continue ;
71       }
73       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
74          prefix = argv[++iarg] ;
75          if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ){
76             fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal string after -prefix!\n"); exit(1) ;
77          }
78          iarg++ ; continue ;
79       }
81       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-maxgap") == 0 ){
82          maxgap = strtol( argv[++iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
83          if( maxgap < 1 ){
84             fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal value after -maxgap!\n"); exit(1);
85          }
86          iarg++ ; continue ;
87       }
89       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dir") == 0 ){
90          dstr = argv[++iarg] ;
91          iarg++ ; continue ;
92       }
94       fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; exit(1) ;
95    }
97    if( dstr == NULL ){
98       fprintf(stderr,"*** No -dir option on command line!\n"); exit(1);
99    }
100    if( iarg >= argc ){
101       fprintf(stderr,"*** No input dataset on command line!\n"); exit(1);
102    }
104    inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
105    CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(inset,argv[iarg]) ;
107    outset = EDIT_empty_copy( inset ) ;
108    EDIT_dset_items( outset , ADN_prefix , prefix , ADN_none ) ;
109    if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file( DSET_HEADNAME(outset) ) ){
110       fprintf(stderr,"** Output file %s exists -- cannot overwrite!\n",
111               DSET_HEADNAME(outset) ) ;
112       exit(1) ;
113    }
115    tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
116    tross_Make_History( "3dRowFillin" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
118    if( DSET_NVALS(inset) > 1 ){
119       fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: input dataset has more than one sub-brick!\n");
120       EDIT_dset_items( outset ,
121                          ADN_ntt   , 0 ,
122                          ADN_nvals , 1 ,
123                        ADN_none ) ;
124    }
126    if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(outset,0) != MRI_short &&
127        DSET_BRICK_TYPE(outset,0) != MRI_byte    ){
129       fprintf(stderr,"*** This program only works on byte and short dataset!\n");
130       exit(1) ;
131    }
133         if (strcasecmp(dstr,"XYZ.OR") ==0) dcode = 4;
134    else if (strcasecmp(dstr,"XYZ.AND")==0) dcode = 5;
135    else {
136       switch( *dstr ){
137          case 'X': case 'x': dcode = 1 ; break ;
138          case 'Y': case 'y': dcode = 2 ; break ;
139          case 'Z': case 'z': dcode = 3 ; break ;
140          default:
141            if( *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->xxorient][0] ||
142                *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->xxorient][1]  ) dcode = 1 ;
144            if( *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->yyorient][0] ||
145                *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->yyorient][1]  ) dcode = 2 ;
147            if( *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->zzorient][0] ||
148                *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->zzorient][1]  ) dcode = 3 ;
149          break ;
150       }
151    }
152    if( dcode == 0 ){
153       ERROR_exit("Illegal -dir direction '%s'",dstr) ;
154    }
155    if( verb )
156       INFO_message("Direction = axis %d in dataset",dcode) ;
158    if (bin) DSET_mallocize(inset);
159    DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;
162    /* binarize input */
163    if (bin) {
164       switch(DSET_BRICK_TYPE(inset,0)) {
165          case MRI_short: {
166             short *dp;
167             dp = DSET_ARRAY(inset, 0);
168             for (i=0; i<DSET_NVOX(inset); ++i) {
169                if (dp[i]) dp[i]=1;
170             }
171             break;
172          }
173          case MRI_byte: {
174             byte *dp;
175             dp = DSET_ARRAY(inset, 0);
176             for (i=0; i<DSET_NVOX(inset); ++i) {
177                if (dp[i]) dp[i]=1;
178             }
179             break;
180          }
181          default:
182             fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal brick type!\n") ; exit(1) ;
183       }
184    }
186    if (dcode < 4) {
187       brim = mri_copy( DSET_BRICK(inset,0) ) ;
188       EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , 0 , brim->kind , mri_data_pointer(brim) ) ;
189       DSET_unload(inset) ;
190       nftot = THD_dataset_rowfillin( outset , 0 , dcode , maxgap ) ;
191       fprintf(stderr,"++ Number of voxels filled = %d\n",nftot) ;
192    } else if (dcode == 4) {
193       brim = mri_copy( DSET_BRICK(inset,0) ) ;
194       EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , 0 , brim->kind , mri_data_pointer(brim) ) ;
195       DSET_unload(inset) ;
196       nftot = 0; dcode=0;
197       for (dcode=1; dcode<4; ++dcode) {
198          nftot = nftot +
199                   THD_dataset_rowfillin( outset , 0 , dcode , maxgap ) ;
200       }
201       fprintf(stderr,"++ Number of voxels OR filled = %d\n",nftot) ;
202    }  else if (dcode == 5) {
203       int nf=0;
204       THD_3dim_dataset *otmp[3]={NULL, NULL, NULL};
205       MRI_IMAGE *brimtmp=NULL;
207       brim = mri_copy( DSET_BRICK(inset,0) ) ;
208       EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , 0 , brim->kind , mri_data_pointer(brim) ) ;
209       for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
210          otmp[i] = EDIT_empty_copy( outset ) ;
211          brimtmp = mri_copy( DSET_BRICK(inset,0) ) ;
212          EDIT_substitute_brick( otmp[i] , 0 ,
213                         brimtmp->kind, mri_data_pointer(brimtmp) ) ;
214          THD_dataset_rowfillin( otmp[i] , 0 , i+1 , maxgap);
215       }
216       DSET_unload(inset) ;
218       switch(DSET_BRICK_TYPE(outset,0)) {
219          case MRI_short: {
220             short * dp[3], *doo;
221             nftot = 0;
222             doo = DSET_ARRAY(outset, 0);
223             for (i=0; i<3; ++i) dp[i] = DSET_ARRAY(otmp[i], 0);
224             for (i=0; i<DSET_NVOX(outset); ++i) {
225                if ( !doo[i] &&  (dp[0][i] == dp[1][i]) &&
226                     (dp[0][i] == dp[2][i]) && dp[0][i] ) {
227                   doo[i] = dp[0][i]; ++nftot;
228                }
229             }
230             break;
231          }
232          case MRI_byte: {
233             byte * dp[3], *doo;
234             nftot = 0;
235             doo = DSET_ARRAY(outset, 0);
236             for (i=0; i<3; ++i) dp[i] = DSET_ARRAY(otmp[i], 0);
237             for (i=0; i<DSET_NVOX(outset); ++i) {
238                if ( !doo[i] && (dp[0][i] == dp[1][i]) &&
239                     (dp[0][i] == dp[2][i]) && dp[0][i] ) {
240                   doo[i] = dp[0][i]; ++nftot;
241                }
242             }
243             break;
244          }
245          default:
246             fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal brick type!\n") ; exit(1) ;
247       }
249       for (i=0; i<3; ++i) DSET_delete(otmp[i]); otmp[i] = NULL;
250       fprintf(stderr,"++ Number of voxels AND filled = %d\n",nftot) ;
251    }
253    DSET_write(outset) ;
254    exit(0) ;
255 }