1 /*
3 ver = 1.0;  date = Dec 1, 2021
4 + [PT] start of this program
6 ver = 1.2;  date = Dec 3, 2021
7 + [PT] getting there, for basic functionality.  Defaults work pretty well.
9 ver = 1.3;  date = Dec 6, 2021
10 + [PT] start to add scaling of edge values...
12 ver = 1.31;  date = Dec 6, 2021
13 + [PT] ... and scaling now activated: using DOG value at each edge vox
15 ver = 1.4;  date = Dec 9, 2021
16 + [PT] add -only2D opt, for DRG
18 ver = 1.5;  date = Dec 23, 2021
19 + [PT] run with binarized/optimized EulerDist form.  shd be faster
21 ver = 1.51;  date = Dec 26, 2021
22 + [PT] all output dsets get their history full made
24 ver = 1.52;  date = Dec 26, 2021
25 + [PT] start adding in pieces for masking---have NOT applied yet
27 ver = 1.6;  date = Dec 26, 2021
28 + [PT] add in -automask, automask+X, and '-mask ..' option behavior
31 *** still might add:
32   - multi-spatial scale requests
34 */
36 #include <stdio.h>
37 #include <stdlib.h>
38 #include <math.h>
39 #include <unistd.h>
40 #include "debugtrace.h"
41 #include "mrilib.h"
43 int run_edge_dog( int comline, PARAMS_edge_dog opts,
44                   int argc, char *argv[] );
46 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
usage_3dedgedog()48 int usage_3dedgedog()
49 {
50    char *author = "PA Taylor and DR Glen (SSCC, NIMH, NIH)";
51    PARAMS_edge_dog opts;
53    opts = set_edge_dog_defaults();
55    printf(
56 "\n"
57 "Overview ~1~ \n"
58 "\n"
59 "This program calculates edges in an image using the Difference of Gaussians\n"
60 "(DOG) method by Wilson and Giese (1977) and later combined with work by\n"
61 "Marr and Hildreth (1980) to provide a computationally efficient\n"
62 "approximation to their Lagrangian of Gaussian (LOG) method for calculating\n"
63 "edges in an image.  This is a fascinating set of papers to read.  But you\n"
64 "don't have to take *my* word for it!...\n"
65 "\n"
66 "Generating edges in this way has some interesting properties, such as\n"
67 "numerical efficiency and edges that are closed loops/surfaces.  The edges\n"
68 "can be tuned to focus on structures of a particular size, too, which can be\n"
69 "particularly useful in some applications.\n"
70 "\n"
71 "written by: %s\n"
72 "\n"
73 "Description ~2~ \n"
74 "\n"
75 "The primary papers for learning more about the DOG and LOG methods are:\n"
76 "\n"
77 "   Wilson HR, Giese SC  (1977). Threshold visibility of frequency\n"
78 "   gradient patterns. Vision Res. 17(10):1177-90.\n"
79 "   doi: 10.1016/0042-6989(77)90152-3. PMID: 595381.\n"
80 "\n"
81 "   Marr D, Hildreth E (1980). Theory of edge detection. Proc R Soc\n"
82 "   Lond B Biol Sci. 207(1167):187-217.\n"
83 "   doi: 10.1098/rspb.1980.0020. PMID: 6102765.\n"
84 "\n"
85 "Thanks to C. Rorden for pointing these papers out and discussing them.\n"
86 "\n"
87 "The current code here extends/tweaks the MH1980 algorithm a bit.  It runs\n"
88 "in 3D by default (a straightforward extension), it also employs the\n"
89 "Eulerian Distance Transform (EDT) to pick out the actual edges from the\n"
90 "DOG step---see 3dEulerDist for more information about the EDT.\n"
91 "\n"
92 "The DOG-based edges require specifying a couple parameters, the main\n"
93 "one being interpretable as a minimal 'scale size' for structures.  In this\n"
94 "code, this is the 'sigma_rad' (or 'sigma_nvox', if you want to specify it\n"
95 "in terms of the number of voxels along a given axis), which is the 'inner\n"
96 "Gaussian' sigma value, if you are following MH1980.  The default for this\n"
97 "sigma_rad parameter is set based on the expected average thickness of adult\n"
98 "human GM, but it is easily alterable at the command line for any other\n"
99 "values.\n"
100 "\n"
101 "==========================================================================\n"
102 "\n"
103 "Command usage and option list ~1~ \n"
104 "\n"
105 "    3dedgedog [options] -prefix PREF -input DSET\n"
106 "\n"
107 "where: \n"
108 "\n"
109 "  -input DSET      :(req) input dataset\n"
110 "\n"
111 "  -prefix PREF     :(req) output prefix name\n"
112 "\n"
113 "  -mask  MASK      :mask dataset.  NB: this mask is only applied *after*\n"
114 "                    the EDT has been calculated.  Therefore, the boundaries\n"
115 "                    of this mask have no affect on the calculated distance\n"
116 "                    values, except for potentially zeroing some out at the\n"
117 "                    end. Mask only gets made from [0]th vol.\n"
118 "\n"
119 "  -automask        :alternative to '-mask ..', for automatic internal\n"
120 "                    calculation of a mask in the usual AFNI way. Again, this\n"
121 "                    mask is only applied after all calcs (so using this does\n"
122 "                    not speed up the calc or affect distance values).\n"
123 "                    ** Special note: you can also write '-automask+X', where\n"
124 "                    X is some integer; this will dilate the initial automask\n"
125 "                    X number of times (as in 3dAllineate); must have X>0.\n"
126 "\n"
127 "  -sigma_rad RRR   :radius for 'inner' Gaussian, in units of mm; RRR must\n"
128 "                    by greater than zero (def: %.2f). Default is chosen to\n"
129 "                    approximate typical GM thickness in human adults.\n"
130 "\n"
131 "  -sigma_nvox NNN  :define radius for 'inner' Gaussian by providing a\n"
132 "                    multiplicative factor for voxel edge length, which will\n"
133 "                    be applied in each direction; NNN can be any float\n"
134 "                    greater than zero.  This is an alternative to the\n"
135 "                    '-sigma_rad ..' opt (def: use '-sigma_rad' and its\n"
136 "                    default value).\n"
137 "\n"
138 "  -ratio_sigma RS  :the ratio of inner and outer Gaussian sigma values.\n"
139 "                    That is, RS defines the size of the outer Gaussian,\n"
140 "                    by scaling up the inner value.  RS can be any float\n"
141 "                    greater than 1 (def: %.2f). See 'Notes' for more about\n"
142 "                    this parameter.\n"
143 "\n"
144 "  -output_intermed :use this option flag if you would like to output some\n"
145 "                    intermediate dataset(s):\n"
146 "                         + DOG (difference of Gaussian)\n"
147 "                         + EDT2 (Euler Distance Transform, dist**2 values),\n"
148 "                           [0]th vol only\n"
149 "                    (def: not output).  Output names  will be user-entered\n"
150 "                    prefix with a representative suffix appended.\n"
151 "\n"
152 "  -edge_bnd_NN EBN :specify the 'nearest neighbor' (NN) value for the\n"
153 "                    connectedness of the drawn boundaries.  EBN must be\n"
154 "                    one of the following integer values:\n"
155 "                        1 -> for face only\n"
156 "                        2 -> for face+edge\n"
157 "                        3 -> for face+edge+node\n"
158 "                    (def: %d).\n"
159 "\n"
160 "  -edge_bnd_side EBS :specify which boundary layer around the zero-layer\n"
161 "                    to use in the algorithm.  EBS must be one of the\n"
162 "                    following keywords:\n"
163 "                       \"NEG\"  -> for negative (inner) boundary\n"
164 "                       \"POS\"  -> for positive (outer) boundary\n"
165 "                       \"BOTH\" -> for both (inner+outer) boundary\n"
166 "                       \"BOTH_SIGN\" -> for both (inner+outer) boundary,\n"
167 "                                        with pos/neg sides keeping sign\n"
168 "                    (def: \"%s\").\n"
169 "\n"
170 "  -edge_bnd_scale  :by default, this program outputs a mask of edges, so\n"
171 "                    edge locations have value=1, and everything else is 0.\n"
172 "                    Using this option means the edges will have values\n"
173 "                    scaled to have a relative magnitude between 0 and 100\n"
174 "                    (NB: the output dset will still be datum=short)\n"
175 "                    depending on the gradient value at the edge.\n"
176 "\n"
177 "  -only2D   SLI    :instead of estimating edges in full 3D volume, calculate\n"
178 "                    edges just in 2D, per plane.  Provide the slice plane\n"
179 "                    you want to run along as the single argument SLI:\n"
180 "                       \"axi\"  -> for axial slice\n"
181 "                       \"cor\"  -> for coronal slice\n"
182 "                       \"sag\"  -> for sagittal slice\n"
183 "\n"
184 "==========================================================================\n"
185 "\n"
186 "Notes ~1~\n"
187 "\n"
188 "The value of sigma_rad ~2~\n"
189 "\n"
190 "(... which sounds like the title of a great story, no? Anyways...)\n"
191 "This parameter represents the ratio of the width of the two Gaussians that\n"
192 "are blurred in the first stage of the DOG estimation.  In the limit that\n"
193 "sigma_rad approaches 1, the DOG -> LOG.  So, we want to keep the value of\n"
194 "this parameter in the general vicinity of 1 (and it can't be less than 1,\n"
195 "because the ratio is of the outer-to-the-inner Gaussian).  MH1980 suggested\n"
196 "that sigma_rad=1.6 was optimal 'on engineering grounds' of bandwidth\n"
197 "sensitivity of filters.  This is *very approximate* reasoning, but provides\n"
198 "another reference datum for selection.\n"
199 "\n"
200 "Because the DOG approximation used here is for visual purposes of MRI\n"
201 "datasets, often even more specifically for alignment purposes, we have\n"
202 "chosen a default value that seemed visually appropriate to real data.\n"
203 "Values of sigma_rad close to one show much noisier, scattered images---that\n"
204 "is, they pick up *lots* of contrast differences, probably too many for most\n"
205 "visualization purposes.  Edge images smoothen as sigma_rad increases, but\n"
206 "as it gets larger, it can also blend together edges of features---such as\n"
207 "gyri of the brain with dura.  So, long story short, the default value here\n"
208 "tries to pick a reasonable middle ground.\n"
209 "\n"
210 "==========================================================================\n"
211 "\n"
212 "Examples ~1~\n"
213 "\n"
214 "1) Basic case:\n"
215 "   3dedgedog                                                       \\\n"
216 "       -input   anat+orig.HEAD                                     \\\n"
217 "       -prefix  anat_EDGE.nii.gz                                   \n"
218 "\n"
219 "2) Same as above, but output both edges from the DOG+EDT steps, keeping\n"
220 "   the sign of each side:\n"
221 "   3dedgedog                                                       \\\n"
222 "       -edge_bnd_side  BOTH_SIGN                                   \\\n"
223 "       -input   anat+orig.HEAD                                     \\\n"
224 "       -prefix  anat_EDGE_BOTHS.nii.gz                             \n"
225 "\n"
226 "3) Output both sides of edges, and scale the edge values (by DOG value):\n"
227 "   3dedgedog                                                       \\\n"
228 "       -edge_bnd_side  BOTH_SIGN                                   \\\n"
229 "       -edge_bnd_scale                                             \\\n"
230 "       -input   anat+orig.HEAD                                     \\\n"
231 "       -prefix  anat_EDGE_BOTHS_SCALE.nii.gz                       \n"
232 "\n"
233 "4) Increase scale size of edged shapes to 2.7mm:\n"
234 "   3dedgedog                                                       \\\n"
235 "       -sigma_rad 2.7                                              \\\n"
236 "       -edge_bnd_scale                                             \\\n"
237 "       -input   anat+orig.HEAD                                     \\\n"
238 "       -prefix  anat_EDGE_BOTHS_SCALE.nii.gz                       \n"
239 "\n"
240 "5) Apply automasking, with a bit of mask dilation so outer boundary is\n"
241 "   included:\n"
242 "   3dedgedog                                                       \\\n"
243 "       -automask+2                                                 \\\n"
244 "       -input   anat+orig.HEAD                                     \\\n"
245 "       -prefix  anat_EDGE_AMASK.nii.gz                             \n"
246 "\n"
247 "==========================================================================\n"
248 "\n",
249 author, opts.sigma_rad[0], opts.ratio_sigma, opts.edge_bnd_NN,
250 opts.edge_bnd_side_user );
252 	return 0;
253 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])255 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
257    int ii = 0;
258    int iarg;
259    PARAMS_edge_dog InOpts;
260    float tmp;
261    int itmp;
262    char *auto_tstring = NULL;
264    mainENTRY("3dedgedog"); machdep();
266    // fill option struct with defaults
267    InOpts = set_edge_dog_defaults();
269    // ****************************************************************
270    //                  parse command line arguments
271    // ****************************************************************
273    if (argc == 1) { usage_3dedgedog(); exit(0); }
275    /* scan through args */
276    iarg = 1;
277    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
279       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 ||
280           strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 ) {
281          usage_3dedgedog();
282          exit(0);
283       }
285       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
286          if( ++iarg >= argc )
287             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
289          InOpts.input_name = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
290          iarg++ ; continue ;
291       }
293       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
294          if( ++iarg >= argc )
295             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
297          InOpts.mask_name = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
298          iarg++ ; continue ;
299       }
301       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-automask", 9) == 0 ) {
302          InOpts.do_automask = 1;
304          auto_tstring = argv[iarg];
305          if ( auto_tstring[9] == '+' && auto_tstring[10] != '\0' ) {
306             InOpts.amask_ndil = (int) strtod(auto_tstring+10, NULL);
307             if ( InOpts.amask_ndil <= 0 )
308                ERROR_exit("Cannot have number of dilations (%d) <=0.",
309                           InOpts.amask_ndil);
310          }
312          iarg++ ; continue ;
313       }
315       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
316          if( ++iarg >= argc )
317             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
319          InOpts.prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
321          if( !THD_filename_ok(InOpts.prefix) )
322             ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
323          iarg++ ; continue ;
324       }
326       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-sigma_rad") == 0) {
327          if( ++iarg >= argc )
328             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
330          tmp = atof(argv[iarg]);
331          if( tmp <= 0 )
332             ERROR_exit("Need positive value after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
334          InOpts.sigma_rad[0] = tmp;
335          InOpts.sigma_rad[1] = tmp;
336          InOpts.sigma_rad[2] = tmp;
338          iarg++ ; continue ;
339       }
341       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-sigma_nvox") == 0) {
342          if( ++iarg >= argc )
343             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
345          tmp = atof(argv[iarg]);
346          if( tmp <= 0 )
347             ERROR_exit("Need positive value after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
349          InOpts.sigma_nvox[0] = tmp;
350          InOpts.sigma_nvox[1] = tmp;
351          InOpts.sigma_nvox[2] = tmp;
353          iarg++ ; continue ;
354       }
356       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-edge_bnd_NN") == 0) {
357          if( ++iarg >= argc )
358             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
360          itmp = atoi(argv[iarg]);
361          if( 1 <= itmp && itmp <=3 )
362             InOpts.edge_bnd_NN = itmp;
363          else
364             ERROR_exit("Need either 1, 2 or 3 after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
366          iarg++ ; continue ;
367       }
369       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-edge_bnd_side") == 0) {
370          if( ++iarg >= argc )
371             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
373          if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"NEG") == 0)
374             InOpts.edge_bnd_side = -1;
375          else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"POS") == 0)
376             InOpts.edge_bnd_side = 1;
377          else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"BOTH") == 0)
378             InOpts.edge_bnd_side = 2;
379          else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"BOTH_SIGN") == 0)
380             InOpts.edge_bnd_side = 3;
381          else
382             ERROR_exit("Need either \"NEG\", \"POS\" or \"BOTH\" "
383                        "after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
385          iarg++ ; continue ;
386       }
388       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-edge_bnd_scale") == 0 ){
389          InOpts.edge_bnd_scale = 1;
390          iarg++ ; continue ;
391       }
393       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ratio_sigma") == 0) {
394          if( ++iarg >= argc )
395             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
397          tmp = atof(argv[iarg]);
398          if( tmp <= 1.0 )
399             ERROR_exit("Need value >1 after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
401          InOpts.ratio_sigma = tmp;
403          iarg++ ; continue ;
404       }
406       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-output_intermed") == 0 ){
407          InOpts.do_output_intermed = 1;
408          iarg++ ; continue ;
409       }
411       // same as in 3dEulerDist
412       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-only2D") == 0) {
413          if( ++iarg >= argc )
414             ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
416          if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"cor") == 0 || \
417              strcmp(argv[iarg],"axi") == 0 || \
418              strcmp(argv[iarg],"sag") == 0 )
419             InOpts.only2D = strdup(argv[iarg]);
420          else
421             ERROR_exit("Need either \"cor\", \"axi\" or \"sag\" "
422                        "after '%s'", argv[iarg-1]);
424          iarg++ ; continue ;
425       }
427       ERROR_message("Bad option '%s'\n",argv[iarg]);
428       suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
429       exit(1);
430    }
432    // ****************************************************************
433    //               verify presence+behavior of inputs
434    // ****************************************************************
436    INFO_message("3dedgedog: verify inputs");
438    if ( !InOpts.input_name ) {
439       ERROR_message("You need to provide an input dset with '-input ..'");
440       exit(1);
441    }
443    if ( !InOpts.prefix )
444       ERROR_exit("Need an output name via '-prefix ..'\n");
446    if ( InOpts.mask_name && InOpts.do_automask )
447       ERROR_exit("Cannot combine '-mask ..' and '-automask'.  "
448                  "You must choose which you *really* want.\n");
450    // DONE FILLING, now do the work
451    ii = run_edge_dog(1, InOpts, argc, argv);
453    return 0;
454 }
run_edge_dog(int comline,PARAMS_edge_dog opts,int argc,char * argv[])457 int run_edge_dog( int comline, PARAMS_edge_dog opts,
458                 int argc, char *argv[] )
459 {
460    int i, j, k, idx;
461    int nn;
462    int nx, ny, nz, nxy, nvox, nvals;
464 	THD_3dim_dataset *dset_input = NULL;        // input
465    THD_3dim_dataset *dset_mask = NULL;         // mask
466 	THD_3dim_dataset *dset_dog = NULL;          // intermed/out
467    THD_3dim_dataset *dset_bnd = NULL;          // output
469    char prefix_dog[THD_MAX_PREFIX];
471    byte *mask_arr = NULL;                      // what mask becomes
472    int nmask = -1;
474    ENTRY("run_edge_dog");
476    dset_input = THD_open_dataset(opts.input_name);
477    if( dset_input == NULL )
478       ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s'", opts.input_name);
479    DSET_load(dset_input); CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset_input);
481    nx = DSET_NX(dset_input);
482    ny = DSET_NY(dset_input);
483    nz = DSET_NZ(dset_input);
484    nxy = nx*ny;
485    nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset_input);
486    nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset_input);
488    // get/make mask array, if user asks
489    if( opts.mask_name ) {
490       dset_mask = THD_open_dataset(opts.mask_name);
491       if( dset_mask == NULL )
492          ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s'", opts.mask_name);
493       DSET_load(dset_mask); CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset_mask);
495       if( THD_dataset_mismatch( dset_input, dset_mask ) )
496          ERROR_exit("Mismatch between input and mask dsets!\n");
498       // mask comes from just [0]th vol
499       mask_arr = THD_makemask( dset_mask, 0, 0, -1 );
500 		nmask    = THD_countmask( nvox, mask_arr );
501 		if( opts.verb )
502          INFO_message("Number of voxels in automask = %d / %d", nmask, nvox);
503 		if( nmask < 1 )
504          ERROR_exit("Automask is too small to process");
506       DSET_delete(dset_mask);
507       if(dset_mask)
508          free(dset_mask);
509    }
510    else if( opts.do_automask ) {
511 		mask_arr = THD_automask( dset_input );
512 		if( mask_arr == NULL )
513 			ERROR_exit("Can't create -automask from input dataset?");
515       if( opts.amask_ndil ){
516          if( opts.verb )
517             INFO_message("Inflate automask %d times", opts.amask_ndil);
519          // a very odd recipe for inflating a mask... mirroring
520          // default 3dAllineate behavior (slightly different than that
521          // of 3dAutomask; commented out)
522          for( i=0 ; i < opts.amask_ndil ; i++ ){
523             j = THD_mask_dilate( nx, ny, nz, mask_arr, 3, 2 );
524             j = THD_mask_fillin_once( nx, ny, nz, mask_arr, 2 );
525             //j = THD_mask_fillin_completely( nx, ny, nz , mask_arr, 1 );
526          }
527       }
529 		nmask = THD_countmask( nvox, mask_arr );
530 		if( opts.verb )
531          INFO_message("Number of voxels in automask = %d / %d", nmask, nvox);
532 		if( nmask < 1 )
533          ERROR_exit("Automask is too small to process");
534    }
536    // if only running in 2D, figure out which slice that is;
537    // same as in 3dEulerDist
538    if ( opts.only2D )
539       i = choose_axes_for_plane( dset_input, opts.only2D,
540                                  opts.axes_to_proc, opts.verb );
542    /* Prepare header for output by copying that of input, and then
543       changing items as necessary */
544    dset_dog = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_input );
545    i = build_edge_dog_suppl_prefix( &opts, prefix_dog, "_DOG" );
546    EDIT_dset_items(dset_dog,
547                    ADN_nvals, nvals,
548                    ADN_datum_all, MRI_float,
549                    ADN_prefix, prefix_dog,
550                    ADN_none );
552    // calculate DOG
553    INFO_message("Calculate DOG");
554    for( nn=0 ; nn<nvals ; nn++ )
555       i = calc_edge_dog_DOG(dset_dog, opts, dset_input, nn);
557    // Output DOG data, if asked
558    if ( opts.do_output_intermed ){
559       INFO_message("Output intermediate dset: %s", prefix_dog);
561       THD_load_statistics( dset_dog );
562       if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(dset_dog)) )
563          ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
564                     DSET_HEADNAME(dset_dog));
565       tross_Make_History("3dedgedog", argc, argv, dset_dog);
567       // write dset
568       THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, dset_dog, True);
569    }
571    // ------------------------ calc edge/bnd ---------------------------
573    dset_bnd = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_input );
574    EDIT_dset_items(dset_bnd,
575                    ADN_nvals, nvals,
576                    ADN_datum_all, MRI_short,
577                    ADN_prefix, opts.prefix,
578                    ADN_none );
580    INFO_message("Calculate boundaries");
582    // calculate edges/bnds: might be several ways to these from DOG data
583    for( nn=0 ; nn<nvals ; nn++ ){
584       i = calc_edge_dog_BND(dset_bnd, opts, dset_dog, nn, argc, argv);
586       if( opts.edge_bnd_scale ){
587          if( !nn )
588             INFO_message("Scale boundaries");
589          i = scale_edge_dog_BND(dset_bnd, opts, dset_dog, nn);
590       }
591    }
593    if ( mask_arr ) {
594       if( opts.verb )
595          INFO_message("Apply mask");
596       THD_3dim_dataset *dset_tmp = NULL;
598       dset_tmp = thd_apply_mask( dset_bnd, mask_arr,
599                                  opts.prefix );
600       DSET_delete( dset_bnd );
601       dset_bnd = dset_tmp;
602       dset_tmp = NULL;
603    }
605    INFO_message("Output main dset: %s", opts.prefix);
607    THD_load_statistics( dset_bnd );
608    if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(dset_bnd)) )
609       ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
610                  DSET_HEADNAME(dset_bnd));
611    tross_Make_History("3dedgedog", argc, argv, dset_bnd);
613    // write edge/bnd
614    THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, dset_bnd, True);
616    // ------ write out automask, if used and intermediates are output ------
617    if( opts.do_output_intermed && opts.do_automask ){
618       char prefix_amask[THD_MAX_PREFIX];
619       THD_3dim_dataset *dset_amask = NULL;
621       dset_amask = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_input );
622       i = build_edge_dog_suppl_prefix( &opts, prefix_amask, "_AMASK" );
624       if( opts.verb )
625          INFO_message("Write out automask dset: %s", prefix_amask);
627       EDIT_dset_items(dset_amask,
628                       ADN_nvals, 1,
629                       ADN_datum_all, MRI_byte,
630                       ADN_prefix, prefix_amask,
631                       ADN_none );
633       EDIT_substitute_brick(dset_amask, 0, MRI_byte, mask_arr);
635       THD_load_statistics( dset_amask );
636       if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(dset_amask)) )
637          ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
638                     DSET_HEADNAME(dset_amask));
639       tross_Make_History("3dedgedog", argc, argv, dset_amask);
641       // write and free dset
642       THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, dset_amask, True);
643       DSET_delete(dset_amask);
644       free(dset_amask);
645       mask_arr = NULL;
646    }
649    // ------------------------- free stuff ---------------------------
651    if( dset_input ){
652       DSET_delete(dset_input);
653       free(dset_input);
654    }
656    if( dset_dog ){
657       DSET_delete(dset_dog);
658       free(dset_dog);
659    }
661    if( dset_bnd ){
662       DSET_delete(dset_bnd);
663       free(dset_bnd);
664    }
666    if( mask_arr )
667       free(mask_arr);
669    return 0;
670 }