1#!/usr/bin/env AFNI_Batch_R
3#Clean up
4rm(list = ls())
6if (1) {
7   #MASS's fitdistr, does not converge always
8   #library(MASS)
9   #fitdistrplus may be better
10   #install.packages("fitdistrplus")
11   if (!require(fitdistrplus)) {
12      require(MASS)
13   }
16first.in.path <- function(file) {
17   ff <- paste(strsplit(Sys.getenv('PATH'),':')[[1]],'/', file, sep='')
18   ff<-ff[lapply(ff,file.exists)==TRUE];
19   #cat('Using ', ff[1],'\n');
20   return(gsub('//','/',ff[1], fixed=TRUE))
26#And load R's libsvm
30ExecName <- '3dSignatures'
32greeting.SigsClassify <- function ()
33   return( "#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
34          ================== Welcome to SigsClassify.R ==================          #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
35      )
37reference.SigsClassify <- function ()
38   return(
40   )
43#The help function for SigsClassify batch (command line mode)
44help.SigsClassify.opts <- function (params, alpha = TRUE, itspace='   ', adieu=FALSE) {
46   intro <-
50 3dSignatures is a program creating voxel membership priors based on
51              a collection of features termed "signatures".'
53   ex1 <-
55Example 1 --- :
57      SigsClassify  -input IBSR_01.SubClasses.skew.1D.repsig
59      SigsClassify  -input IBSR_01.SubClasses.skew.1D.repsig \\
60               -ColumnGroups 'R:c(rep(1,10), rep(2,10), rep(3,10))' \\
61               -GroupLabels CSF GM WM \\
62               -NoZeros -Nocol.ystack \\
63               -trainsuffix ZePlotIzSaved.pdf
66   parnames <- names(params)
67   ss <- vector('character')
68   if (alpha) {
69       parnames <- sort(parnames)
70      ss <- paste('Options in alphabetical order:\n',
71                  '------------------------------\n', sep='')
72   } else {
73      ss <- paste('Options:\n',
74                  '--------\n', sep='')
75   }
76   for (ii in 1:length(parnames)) {
77      op <- params[parnames[ii]][[1]]
78      if (!is.null(op$help)) {
79         ss <- c(ss , paste(itspace, op$help, sep=''));
80      } else {
81         ss <- c(ss, paste(itspace, parnames[ii],
82                           '(no help available)\n', sep=''));
83      }
84   }
85   ss <- paste(ss, sep='\n');
86   cat(intro, ex1, ss, reference.SigsClassify(), sep='\n');
88   if (adieu) exit.AFNI();
91parse.SigsClassify.ColumnGroups <- function(op) {
92   mm <- read.AFNI.matrix(op)
93   return(mm)
96init.SigsClassify.lop <- function () {
97   lop <- list()
98   lop$tset <- list()
99   lop$Tset <- list()
100   lop$odir = NULL;
101   lop$opref = 'test';
102   lop$volsuffix = NULL;
103   lop$trainsuffix = 'train';
104   lop$testsuffix = 'test';
105   lop$thiskeyset= NULL;
106   lop$thislabset= NULL;
107   lop$labeltablefile = NULL;
108   lop$groupedlabeltablefile = NULL;
109   lop$verb=0;
110   lop$no_X11=FALSE;
111   lop$doprob = TRUE;
112   lop$no_tune=FALSE;
113   lop$svmscale=TRUE;
114   lop$reuse_train=FALSE;
115   lop$load_train=NULL;
116   lop$samples_frac <- NULL;
117   lop$max_samples <- NULL;
118   lop$min_samples <- NULL;
119   lop$method <- 'svm'
120   lop$uidp <- ''
121   return(lop)
124parse.TeSetSF.opts <- function (iset, op) {
125   iset <- c(iset,
126                    list(
127                     list(subj=op[1],
128                     anat=NULL,
129                     anatname=NULL,
130                     sig=NULL,
131                     signame=op[2],
132                     lab=NULL,
133                     labname=NULL,
134                     labselecs=NULL)))
135   return(iset)
137parse.TeSetSFL.opts <- function (iset, op) {
138   iset <- c(iset,
139                    list(
140                     list(subj=op[1],
141                     anat=NULL,
142                     anatname=NULL,
143                     sig=NULL,
144                     signame=op[2],
145                     lab=NULL,
146                     labname=op[3],
147                     labselecs=NULL)))
148   return(iset)
151parse.TeSetSAFL.opts <- function (iset, op) {
152   iset <- c(iset,
153                    list(
154                     list(subj=op[1],
155                     anat=NULL,
156                     anatname=op[2],
157                     sig=NULL,
158                     signame=op[3],
159                     lab=NULL,
160                     labname=op[4],
161                     labselecs=NULL)))
162   return(iset)
165parse.TrSetSFL.opts <- function (iset, op) {
166   iset <- c(iset,
167                    list(
168                     list(subj=op[1],
169                     sig=NULL,
170                     signame=op[2],
171                     lab=NULL,
172                     labname=op[3],
173                     labselecs=NULL)))
174   return(iset)
177parse.CSet.opts <- function (iset, op) {
178   iset <- c(iset,
179                    list(
180                     list(subj=op[1],
181                     sig=NULL,
182                     signame=op[2],
183                     lab=NULL,
184                     labname=NULL,
185                     labselecs=NULL)))
186   return(iset)
189#Change command line arguments into an options list
190read.SigsClassify.opts.batch <- function (args=NULL, verb = 0) {
192   params <- list (
193      '-method' = apl(n=1, d="svm", dup=FALSE, h=paste(
194   "-method METH: Choose approach. Either 'svm', or 'prob'"
195                     ) ),
196      '-train' = apl(n = 3, d = NA, dup = TRUE,  h = paste(
197   "See -train_SFL"
198                     ) ),
199      '-train_SFL' = apl(n = 3, d = NA, dup = TRUE,  h = paste(
200   "-train_SFL SUBJ FEATURES LABELS: Specify a training set's \n",
201   "                         subject ID, volume of signatures, and\n",
202   "                         volume of labels"
203                     ) ),
204      '-train_suffix' = apl(n = 1, d = NA,  h = paste(
205   "-train_suffix TRAINSUFFIX: Suffix of file containing training results\n"
206                     ) ),
207      '-no_tune' = apl(n=0, d = 0, h = paste(
208   "-no_tune : No tuning of training model\n"
209                        ) ),
210      '-test' = apl(n = 2, d = NA,  dup = TRUE, h = paste(
211   "See -test_SF\n"
212                     ) ),
213      '-test_SF' = apl(n = 2, d = NA,  dup = TRUE, h = paste(
214   "-test_SF SUBJ FEATURES : Specify a test set's \n",
215   "                         subject ID, volume of signatures\n"
216                     ) ),
217      '-test_SFL' = apl(n = 3, d = NA,  dup = TRUE, h = paste(
218   "-test_SFL SUBJ FEATURES LABELS: Specify a test set's \n",
219   "                         subject ID, volume of signatures, and\n",
220   "                         volume of labels"
221                     ) ),
222      '-test_SAFL' = apl(n = 4, d = NA,  dup = TRUE, h = paste(
223   "-test_SAFL SUBJ ANAT FEATURES LABELS: Specify a test set's \n",
224   "                         subject ID, Anatomical, \n",
225   "                         volume of signatures, and volume of labels."
226                     ) ),
227      '-class' = apl(n = 2, d = NA,  dup = TRUE, h = paste(
228   "-test SUBJ SIGS LABELS: Specify a classification set's \n",
229   "                         subject ID, and volume of signatures"
230                     ) ),
231      '-odir' = apl(n = 1, d = NA, dup = FALSE, h = paste(
232   "-odir ODIR: Specify a directory for output of classification results"
233                     ) ),
234      '-class_labels' = apl(n = c(1,Inf), d = NA,  h = paste(
235   "-class_labels CS1 CS2 ...: \n"
236                     ) ),
237      '-class_keys' = apl(n = c(1,Inf), d = NA,  h = paste(
238   "-class_keys Ci1 Ci2 ...: \n"
239                     ) ),
241      '-parent_grouping' = apl(n = c(1,Inf), d = NA,  h = paste(
242   "-parent_grouping  ...: \n"
243                     ) ),
245      '-parent_group_labeling' = apl(n = c(1,Inf), d = NA,  h = paste(
246   "-parent_group_labeling  ...: \n"
247                     ) ),
249      '-labeltable' = apl(n = 1, d = NA,  h = paste(
250   "-labeltable labletable: \n"
251                     ) ),
252      '-grouped_labeltable' = apl(n = 1, d = NA,  h = paste(
253   "-grouped_labeltable grouped_labletable: \n"
254                     ) ),
255      '-vol_suffix' = apl(n = 1, d = NA,  h = paste(
256   "-vol_suffix PREFIX: Output suffix\n"
257                     ) ),
258      '-load_train' = apl(n = 1, d = NA,  h = paste(
259   "-load_train PREFIX: Output suffix\n"
260                     ) ),
261      '-no_X11' = apl(n=0, d = 0, h = paste(
262   "-no_X11 : No X11 display possible\n"
263                        ) ),
264      '-no_prob' = apl(n=0, d = 0, h = paste(
265   "-no_prob : No probability output\n"
266                        ) ),
267      '-reuse_train' = apl(n=0, d = 0, h = paste(
268   "-reuse_train : Reuse training result, if it exists\n"
269                        ) ),
270      '-featscale' = apl(n=1, d = 1, h = paste(
271   "-featscale : 0/[1] scaling of features\n"
272                        ) ),
273      '-min_samples' = apl(n=1, d = 100, h=paste(
274   "-min_samples MINL : Min number of training samples\n"
275                        ) ),
276      '-max_samples' = apl(n=1, d = 100, h=paste(
277   "-max_samples MAX : Max number of training samples\n"
278                        ) ),
279      '-sampling_fraction' = apl(n=1, d = NA, h = paste(
280   "-sampling_fraction: Fraction of voxel from each training volume\n",
281   "                    to use for model building.\n"
282                        ) ),
283      '-uidp' = apl(n=1, d = NA, h = paste(
284   "-uidp: Unique ID prefix\n"
285                        ) ),
286      '-verb' = apl(n=1, d = 0, h = paste(
287   "-verb VERB: VERB is an integer specifying verbosity level.\n",
288   "            0 for quiet (Default). 1 or more: talkative.\n"
289                        ) ),
290      '-help' = apl(n=0, h = '-help: this help message\n'),
291      '-show_allowed_options' = apl(n=0, h=
292   "-show_allowed_options: list of allowed options\n" ),
293      '-msg.trace' = apl(n=0, h=
294   "-msg.trace: Output trace information along with errors and notices\n" )
296         );
298   ops <- parse.AFNI.args(args,  params,
299                          other_ok=FALSE, verb=verb
300                          )
301   if (verb) show.AFNI.args(ops, verb=verb-1, hstr='');
302   if (is.null(ops)) {
303      errex.AFNI(paste(
304         'Error parsing arguments. See ',ExecName,
305         'SigsClassify -help for details.', sep=''));
306   }
308   #Parse dems options
309   #initialize with defaults
310   lop <- init.SigsClassify.lop()
312   #Get user's input
313   for (i in 1:length(ops)) {
314      opname <- strsplit(names(ops)[i],'^-')[[1]];
315      opname <- opname[length(opname)];
316      switch(opname,
317             method = lop$method <-  ops[[i]],
318             train = lop$tset <- parse.TrSetSFL.opts(lop$tset, ops[[i]]),
319             train_SFL = lop$tset <- parse.TrSetSFL.opts(lop$tset, ops[[i]]),
320             test = lop$Tset <- parse.TeSetSF.opts(lop$Tset, ops[[i]]),
321             test_SF = lop$Tset <- parse.TeSetSF.opts(lop$Tset, ops[[i]]),
322             test_SFL = lop$Tset <- parse.TeSetSFL.opts(lop$Tset, ops[[i]]),
323             test_SAFL = lop$Tset <- parse.TeSetSAFL.opts(lop$Tset, ops[[i]]),
324             class = lop$Tset <- parse.CSet.opts(lop$Tset, ops[[i]]),
325             odir = lop$odir <- ops[[i]],
326             opref = lop$opref <- ops[[i]],
327             vol_suffix = lop$volsuffix  <- ops[[i]],
328             train_suffix = lop$trainsuffix  <-
329                              strip.extension(ops[[i]],
330                                              c(".Rdat", ".niml.td"))$name_noext,
331             test_suffix = lop$testsuffix  <- ops[[i]],
332             load_train = lop$load_train <- ops[[i]],
333             class_labels = lop$thislabset <- ops[[i]],
334             class_keys = lop$thiskeyset <- read.AFNI.matrix(ops[[i]]),
335             parent_grouping = lop$ColumnGroups <- read.AFNI.matrix(ops[[i]]),
336             parent_group_labeling = lop$GroupLabels <- ops[[i]],
337             labeltable = lop$labeltablefile <- ops[[i]],
338             grouped_labeltable = lop$groupedlabeltablefile <- ops[[i]],
339             verb = lop$verb <- ops[[i]],
340             help = help.SigsClassify.opts(params, adieu=TRUE),
341             show_allowed_options = show.AFNI.args(ops, verb=0,
342                                              hstr="SigsClassify's",adieu=TRUE),
343             msg.trace = set.AFNI.msg.trace(TRUE),
344             no_prob = lop$doprob <- FALSE,
345             no_X11 = lop$no_X11 <- TRUE,
346             no_tune = lop$no_tune <- TRUE,
347             reuse_train = lop$reuse_train <- TRUE,
348             sampling_fraction = lop$samples_frac <- ops[[i]],
349             min_samples = lop$min_samples <- as.numeric(ops[[i]]),
350             max_samples = lop$max_samples <- as.numeric(ops[[i]]),
351             uidp = lop$uidp <- ops[[i]],
352             featscale = lop$svmscale <- as.logical(ops[[i]])
353             )
354   }
355   if (lop$svmscale != FALSE && lop$svmscale != TRUE) {
356      errex.AFNI("Bad -featscale value");
357   }
358   if (lop$no_X11 == FALSE) {
359      #Make sure that is possible or turn option off.
360      if (!length(kk <- capabilities(what='X11')) || kk[1] == FALSE) {
361         lop$no_X11 <- TRUE
362      }
363   }
365   if (!is.null(lop$odir) && !file_test('-d', lop$odir)) {
366      errex.AFNI(sprintf('Output directory "%s" does not exist', lop$odir));
367   }
369   if (!is.null(lop$labeltablefile) && !file_test('-f', lop$labeltablefile)) {
370      errex.AFNI(sprintf('labeltable file "%s" does not exist',
371                           lop$labeltablefile));
372   }
374   if (!is.null(lop$thislabset)) {
375      if (!is.null(lop$thiskeyset)) {
376         errex.AFNI("You have used both -class_keys and -class_labels")
377      }
378      lop$thiskeyset <- labelkey.labeltable(lop$thislabset, lop$labeltablefile)
379      if (is.null(lop$thiskeyset)) {
380         errex.AFNI("Failed to create thiskeyset from labels");
381      }
382   }
384   if (  !is.null(lop$groupedlabeltablefile) &&
385         !file_test('-f', lop$groupedlabeltablefile)) {
386      errex.AFNI(sprintf('labeltable file "%s" does not exist',
387                           lop$groupedlabeltablefile));
388   }
390   if (!is.null(lop$Tset) && length(lop$Tset) > 1) {
391      sv <- lop$Tset[[1]]$subj;
392      for (kk in 2:length(lop$Tset)) {
393         sv <- c(sv, lop$Tset[[kk]]$subj)
394      }
395      sv <- unique(sv)
396      if (length(sv) != length(lop$Tset)) {
398         errex.AFNI(paste("Have", length(sv), "unique test subject labels (",
399                          paste(sv, collapse=','),
400                       " ) but", length(lop$Tset)," '-test/-class' options"  ) )
402      }
403   }
404   if (!is.null(lop$tset) && length(lop$tset) > 1) {
405      sv <- lop$tset[[1]]$subj;
406      for (kk in 2:length(lop$tset)) {
407         sv <- c(sv, lop$tset[[kk]]$subj)
408      }
409      sv <- unique(sv)
410      if (length(sv) != length(lop$tset)) {
412         errex.AFNI(paste("Have", length(sv), "unique test subject labels (",
413                          paste(sv, collapse=','),
414                          " ) but", length(lop$tset)," '-train' options"  ) )
416      }
417   }
419   if (lop$method == 'svm' || lop$method == 'SVM') {
420      lop$method <- 'svm'
421      if (is.null(lop$samples_frac)) lop$samples_frac <- 0.03
422      if (is.null(lop$max_samples)) lop$max_samples <- 100
423      if (is.null(lop$min_samples)) lop$min_samples <- 100
424   } else if (lop$method == 'prob' || lop$method == 'PROB') {
425      lop$method <- 'prob'
426      if (is.null(lop$samples_frac)) lop$samples_frac <- 0.03
427      if (is.null(lop$max_samples)) lop$max_samples <- 100
428      if (is.null(lop$min_samples)) lop$min_samples <- 100
429   }
430   return(lop)
431}# end of read.SigsClassify.opts.batch
433#Change options list to SigsClassify variable list
434process.SigsClassify.opts <- function (lop, verb = 0) {
435   return(lop)
439prob.Train.SigsClassify <- function (lvols, samples_frac=NULL,
440                           max_samples = Inf, min_samples = 0,
441                           thiskeyset=NULL, ltfile=NULL,
442                           no_X11=FALSE, prefix="prob.Train.SigsClassify",
443                           verb = 1) {
444   if (is.null(lsamp <- get.SampleSet(lvols, samples_frac = samples_frac,
445                         max_samples = max_samples,
446                         min_samples = min_samples,
447                         thiskeyset=thiskeyset, ltfile=ltfile, prefix=prefix,
448                         verb = verb, no_X11=no_X11))) {
450      errex("Failed to get sample set");
451   }
453   #Copy all fields from lsamp into lprob
454   lprob <- list(sigs = NULL, labs = NULL, Nlabsamp=NULL,
455                 model=NULL, labeltable=NULL)
456   for (i in 1:length(lsamp)) {
457      nn <- names(lsamp[i])
458      lprob[nn] <- lsamp[i]
459   }
460   rm(lsamp)
462   if (verb) note.AFNI(sprintf(
463      "Prob model building %d samples of %d classes, and %d features",
464      dim(lprob$sigs)[1], length(lprob$Nlabsamp), dim(lprob$sigs)[2] ),
465      paste('      Label:',names(lprob$Nlabsamp),
466            ', Nsamples',lprob$Nlabsamp, '\n',
467            collapse=''),
468      tic=1)
471   #foreach feature, and foreach class, fit the distribution
472   lprob$pfci <- matrix(
473                        ncol=length(lprob$class.set),
474                        nrow=length(lprob$feat.labels))
475   colnames(lprob$pfci) <- lprob$class.set
476   rownames(lprob$pfci) <- lprob$feat.labels
477   lprob$pfc <- list()
478   for (feat in lprob$feat.labels) {
479      for (cls in lprob$class.set) {
480         note.AFNI(paste("Fitting ", feat, cls))
481         #You must apply proper scaling (scl=1), or else
482         #fit fails in many instances
483         smp <- get.train.samples(lprob, feat=feat, cls=cls, scl = 1,
484                                    verb=max(0,verb-1))
485         disp.train.samples(smp);
486         #prompt.AFNI()
487         kk<-list(fd=fit.pdist(smp))
488         lprob$pfc <- c(lprob$pfc, kk)
489         lprob$pfci[feat,cls] <- length(lprob$pfc)
490      }
491   }
494   return(lprob);
498svm.Train.SigsClassify <- function (lvols, samples_frac=NULL,
499                           max_samples = Inf, min_samples = 0,
500                           thiskeyset=NULL, ltfile=NULL,
501                           no_X11=FALSE, prefix="svm.Train.SigsClassify",
502                           svmscale=TRUE,
503                           verb = 1, no_tune = FALSE, doprob=TRUE) {
504   if (is.null(lsamp <- get.SampleSet(lvols, samples_frac = samples_frac,
505                         max_samples = max_samples,
506                         min_samples = min_samples,
507                         thiskeyset=thiskeyset, ltfile=ltfile, prefix=prefix,
508                         verb = verb))) {
510      errex.AFNI("Failed to get sample set");
511   }
512   #Copy all fields from lsamp into lsvm
513   lsvm <- list(sigs = NULL, labs = NULL, Nlabsamp=NULL,
514                model=NULL, labeltable=NULL)
515   for (i in 1:length(lsamp)) {
516      nn <- names(lsamp[i])
517      lsvm[nn] <- lsamp[i]
518   }
519   rm(lsamp)
521   if (verb) note.AFNI(sprintf(
522      "SVM model building %d samples of %d classes, and %d features",
523      dim(lsvm$sigs)[1], length(lsvm$Nlabsamp), dim(lsvm$sigs)[2] ),
524      paste('      Label:',names(lsvm$Nlabsamp),
525            ', Nsamples',lsvm$Nlabsamp, '\n',
526            collapse=''),
527      tic=1)
530   #if (verb>1) browser()
531   if (no_tune) {
532      if (verb) note.AFNI(sprintf("NO fine tuning. Probability=%d", doprob))
533      lsvm$model <- svm(lsvm$sigs, factor(lsvm$labs),
534                     scale = svmscale, probability=doprob,
535                     type="C-classification")
536   } else {
537      if (verb) note.AFNI(sprintf("With fine tuning. Probability=%d", doprob))
538      lsvm$modeltuned <- tune(svm,
539                     train.x=lsvm$sigs, train.y=factor(lsvm$labs),
540                     ranges = list( gamma = c(2^(-6:3), 1/dim(lsvm$sigs)[2]),
541                                    cost = 2^(-4:4)),
542                     scale = svmscale, probability=doprob,
543                     type="C-classification" )
544      lsvm$model <- lsvm$modeltuned$best.model
545   }
547   if (verb) note.AFNI(sprintf("SVM modeling completed"), tic=1)
549   return(lsvm)
552prob.Test.SigsClassify <- function (lvol, lprob, i, ltfile, onames,
553                                    mixfrac, verb=1) {
554   if (mixfrac=='uniform') {
555      mixfrac <- rep(1,length(lprob$class.set))/length(lprob$class.set)
556      names(mixfrac) <- lprob$class.set
557   } else {
558      err.AFNI(paste("Not ready for mixfrac other than uniform.\nHave ",
559                     mixfrac))
560      return(NULL)
561   }
563   #Now do the prob. testing
564   note.AFNI(sprintf("About to PROB test on %s", lvol[[1]]$signame));
565   #if (verb>1) browser()
566   ivox <- dset.nonzero.indices(lvol[[1]]$sig)
568   if (0) { #WAY too slow
569      #Compute probabilities
570      dd <- c(lvol[[1]]$sig$dim[1:3],length(lprob$class.set))
571      brk <- array(0,dd)
572      dim(brk) <- c(prod(dd[1:3]),dd[4])
573      uid <- newid.AFNI()
574      uid <- sprintf('subj%d',i)
575      for (v in 1:dd[4]) {
576         note.AFNI(paste("SB ",v));
577         brk[ivox,v] <- p.cv_GIV_A(lvol[[1]]$sig$brk[ivox,],
578                              lprob$feat.labels, cls = lprob$class.set[v],
579                              lprob, mixfrac, uid = uid, verb=0)
580      }
581      note.AFNI("Writing probs");
582      write.AFNI(test.vol(lvol,onames,'p','prob'), brk,
583                  label=paste('p', lprob$class.set, sep='.'),
584                  defhead=lvol[[1]]$sig$header,
585                  verb = max(0,verb-1), scale=TRUE)
586   } else {
587      nn <- parse.AFNI.name(lvol[[1]]$signame)
588      pp <- parse.AFNI.name(test.vol(lvol,onames,'p','prob'))
589      cc <- parse.AFNI.name(test.vol(lvol,onames,'c','prob'))
590      if (exists.AFNI.name(test.vol(lvol,onames,'p','prob'))) {
591         note.AFNI(sprintf("Volume %s exists. Reusing...",
592                             test.vol(lvol,onames,'p','prob')));
593      } else {
594         anatopt <- ''
595         if (!is.null(lvol[[1]]$anatname))
596            anatopt <- sprintf('-anat %s', lvol[[1]]$anatname)
597         cm <- paste('3dGenPriors -sig ', lvol[[1]]$signame,
598                   '-uid ', sprintf('%s%s',lop$uidp, nn$prefix),
599                   '-do pc', '-tdist ', sprintf("%s.niml.td",lop$trainsuffix),
600                   anatopt,
601                   '-labeltable ', ltfile,
602                   '-pprefix ', pp$pprefix,
603                   '-cprefix ', cc$pprefix)
604         sys.AFNI(cm, echo=TRUE);
605      }
606      #now loadit back in
607      if (is.null(pset <-
608            dset.3DBRKarrayto1D(read.AFNI(test.vol(lvol,onames,'p','prob'))))) {
609         errex.AFNI("Failed to read output");
610      }
611   }
612   if (0) { #Now done in GenPriors
613      #Do the classes
614      note.AFNI("Getting imax prob");
615      ddm <- c(lvol[[1]]$sig$dim[1:3],1)
616      brkm <- array(0,ddm)
617      dim(brkm) <- c(prod(ddm[1:3]),ddm[4])
618      for (i in ivox) {
619         brkm[i] <- lprob$classkey.set[which.max(pset$brk[i,])]
620      }
621      dim(brkm) <- ddm
622      note.AFNI("Writing max prob");
623      write.AFNI( test.vol(lvol,onames,'c','prob'), brkm,
624                     label=c('maxprob_labels'), defhead=lvol[[1]]$sig$header,
625                     verb = max(0,verb-1), scale=FALSE)
626      if (!is.null(ltfile)) {
627         scom <- sprintf('3drefit -labeltable %s %s',
628                           ltfile, test.vol(lvol,onames,'c','prob'));
629         system(scom)
630      }
631   }
632   return()
635svm.Test.SigsClassify <- function (lvol,lsvm,i, doprob, ltfile, onames, verb=1) {
636   #Now do the SVM testing
637   note.AFNI(sprintf("About to SVM test on %s, probability = %d",
638                  lvol[[1]]$signame, doprob));
639   #if (verb>1) browser()
640   ivox <- dset.nonzero.indices(lvol[[1]]$sig)
641   classy<-predict(lsvm$model, lvol[[1]]$sig$brk[ivox,],
642                                     probability=doprob,
643                                     decision.values = TRUE)
646   #Make a new volume data
647      dd <- c(lvol[[1]]$sig$dim[1:3],1)
648      brk <- array(0,dd)
649      #Change brk to 1D
650      dim(brk) <- c(prod(dd[1:3]),dd[4])
651      brk[ivox,1] <-
652            as.integer(levels(classy))[classy]
653         #Fastest way to get factor levels back as integer labels
654        #http://www.mail-archive.com/r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch/msg08378.html
655      #brk back to 3D
656      dim(brk) <- dd
658      #write out dset
659      write.AFNI( test.vol(lvol,onames,'c','svm'), brk,
660                  label=c('test_labels'), defhead=lvol[[1]]$sig$header,
661                  verb = max(0,verb-1), scale=FALSE)
663      if (!is.null(ltfile)) {
664         scom <- sprintf('3drefit -labeltable %s %s',
665                           ltfile, test.vol(lvol,onames,'c','svm'));
666         system(scom)
667      }
669      dv <- as.matrix(attr(classy, "decision.values"))
670      dd <- c(lvol[[1]]$sig$dim[1:3],dim(dv)[2])
671      brk <- array(0,dd)
672      dim(brk) <- c(prod(dd[1:3]),dd[4])
673      brk[ivox,] <- dv
674      dv<-NULL
675      dim(brk) <- dd
676      write.AFNI(test.vol(lvol,onames,'dv','svm'), brk,
677                  label=paste('tdecis_val', seq(1,dd[4]), sep='.'),
678                  defhead=lvol[[1]]$sig$header,
679                  verb = max(0,verb-1), scale=TRUE)
681      if (doprob) {
682         dv <- as.matrix(attr(classy, "probabilities"))
683         dd <- c(lvol[[1]]$sig$dim[1:3],dim(dv)[2])
684         brk <- array(0,dd)
685         dim(brk) <- c(prod(dd[1:3]),dd[4])
686         brk[ivox,] <- dv
687         dv<-NULL
688         dim(brk) <- dd
689         if (dd[4] != length(lsvm$class.set)) {
690            err.AFNI(paste ("have", dd[4], "subbricks, but ",
691                     length(lsvm$labeltable$labels), "training labels\n",
692                     "Something is fishy here"));
693            return(NULL);
694         }
695         write.AFNI(test.vol(lvol,onames,'p','svm'), brk,
696                     label=paste('p', lsvm$class.set, sep='.'),
697                     defhead=lvol[[1]]$sig$header,
698                     verb = max(0,verb-1), scale=TRUE)
699      }
701   #Need space so delete a little
702   if (verb > 1) {
703      llvv <- lvol
704      llvv <- c(llvv, classy=classy, ivox=ivox)
705      fout <- sprintf('%s.lvols%d.Rdat',test.vol(lvol,onames,'c','svm'),i)
706      note.AFNI(sprintf("Saving svm result in %s", fout));
707      save(llvv, file=fout)
708      llvv <- NULL
709   }
711   return()
714#Standard names of testing output volumes
715test.vol <- function (lvol, onames, tp, mode) {
716   volsuffix <- onames$volsuffix
717   opath <- onames$opath
718   opref <- onames$opref
720   if (is.null(volsuffix)) volsuffix <- ''
721   else {
722      #make sure it has a .
723      if (length(grep ('^\\.', volsuffix)) == 0) {
724         volsuffix <- sprintf('.%s', volsuffix);
725      }
726   }
727   if (!is.null(opath)) {
728      if (!file_test('-d', opath)) {
729         err.AFNI(sprintf('Output path %s does not exist', opath));
730         return(NULL);
731      }
732   }
733   #prep names
734   an <- parse.AFNI.name(lvol[[1]]$signame)
735   if (is.null(opath)) ppo <- an$path
736   else ppo <- opath
737   if (is.null(opref)) {
738      ppp <- sprintf('%s.%s%s', lvol[[1]]$subj, an$prefix, volsuffix)
739   } else {
740      ppp <- sprintf('%s.%s%s', lvol[[1]]$subj, opref, volsuffix)
741   }
742   if (mode=='svm') { mm <- 'S' }
743   else if (mode=='prob') { mm <- 'P' }
744   else return(NULL)
746   if (tp == 'c') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.cls%s'  , ppo, ppp, mm, an$view))
747   else if (tp == 'p') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.clsp%s' , ppo, ppp, mm, an$view))
748   else if (tp == 'dv') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.clsdv%s',
749                                 ppo, ppp, mm, an$view))
750   else if (tp == 'dc') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.DiceCoef', ppo, ppp, mm))
751   else if (tp == 'gc') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.gcls%s'  ,
752                                 ppo, ppp, mm, an$view))
753   else if (tp == 'gp') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.gclsp%s' ,
754                                 ppo, ppp, mm, an$view))
755   else if (tp == 'gdv') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.gclsdv%s',
756                                 ppo, ppp, mm, an$view))
757   else if (tp == 'gdc') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.gDiceCoef', ppo, ppp, mm))
758   else if (tp == 'gld') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.cls%s',
759                           ppo, lvol[[1]]$subj, 'gold',an$view))
760   else if (tp == 'ggld') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s.gcls%s',
761                           ppo, lvol[[1]]$subj,  'gold',an$view))
762   else if (tp == 'a') return(sprintf('%s/%s.%s%s',
763                           ppo, lvol[[1]]$subj, 'anat',an$view))
764   else  return(NULL)
768Test.SigsClassify <- function (lvols, ltrain=NULL, verb = 1,
769                               ltfile=NULL, overwrite=FALSE,
770                               onames = list(volsuffix=NULL,
771                                       opath = NULL, opref = NULL),
772                               ltgroupedfile = NULL, doprob=TRUE,
773                               method='svm', mixfrac='uniform') {
775   if (method=='svm') {
776      if (is.null(ltrain) || is.null(ltrain$model))  {
777         err.AFNI("Bad input")
778         return(NULL);
779      }
780   } else if (method == 'prob') {
781      if (is.null(ltrain) )  {
782         err.AFNI("Bad input")
783         return(NULL);
784      }
785   } else return(NULL);
787   for (i in 1:length(lvols)) {
789      if (!overwrite &&
790            exists.AFNI.name(test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'c',method))) {
791         note.AFNI(sprintf("Volume %s exists. Skipping...",
792                              test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'c',method)));
793      } else {
794         if (verb) note.AFNI(sprintf("About to process signatures %s",
795                           lvols[i][[1]]$signame));
796         #Load signatures
797         if (is.null(lvols[i][[1]]$sig)) {
798            if (verb > 1) note.AFNI(sprintf("Loading %s",
799                              lvols[i][[1]]$signame),tic=1)
800            lvols[i][[1]]$sig <-
801                           dset.3DBRKarrayto1D(read.AFNI(lvols[i][[1]]$signame))
802         } else {
803            if (verb > 1) note.AFNI(sprintf("signatures already loaded"))
804            lvols[i][[1]]$sig <- dset.3DBRKarrayto1D(lvols[i][[1]]$sig)
805         }
806         if (is.null(lvols[i][[1]]$sig)) {
807            err.AFNI("NULL sig");
808            return(NULL);
809         }
812         lvols[i][[1]] <- c(lvols[i][[1]],
813               list(classout=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'c',method)))
814         if (method == 'svm') {
815            svm.Test.SigsClassify(lvols[i], ltrain, i, doprob, ltfile,
816                                    onames, verb)
817         } else {
818            prob.Test.SigsClassify(lvols[i], ltrain, i, ltfile, onames,
819                                       mixfrac, verb)
820         }
821      #delete the big stuff. everything's been pretty much saved
822      #This can grow quite large with probabilities
823      if (verb) memory.hogs(msg='Pre NULLing')
824      lvols[i][[1]]$sig$brk <- NULL;
825      gc();
826      if (verb) memory.hogs(msg='Post NULLing')
828   }
830      #Put a copy of the anat in place
831      if (!is.null(lvols[i][[1]]$anatname)) {
832         if (!copy.AFNI.dset(lvols[i][[1]]$anatname,
833                  test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'a',method), overwrite = TRUE)) {
834            err.AFNI(sprintf(
835                  "Failed to create copy of anatomical volume %s",
836                  test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'a',method)))
837            return(NULL);
838         }
839      }
841      #Create a merged version if necessary
842      if (!is.null(ltgroupedfile) &&
843            (  overwrite ||
844               !exists.AFNI.name(test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gc',method)) ||
845               !exists.AFNI.name(test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gp',method))) ) {
846         if (exists.AFNI.name(test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gc',method)))
847            system(sprintf('\\rm -f %s.HEAD %s.BRIK*',
848                  test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gc',method),
849                  test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gc',method)))
850         if (doprob &&
851               exists.AFNI.name(test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gp',method)))
852            system(sprintf('\\rm -f %s.HEAD %s.BRIK*',
853                  test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gp',method),
854                  test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gp',method)))
856         if (doprob) {
857            if (group.vollabels(
858                  labelvol = test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'c',method),
859                     pvol=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'p',method),
860                     grptable=ltgroupedfile,
861                     grplabelpref=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gc',method),
862                     grpppref=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gp',method)) == 0) {
863               err.AFNI("Failed to group labels");
864               return(NULL);
865            }
866         } else {
867            if (group.vollabels(
868                  labelvol = test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'c',method),
869                        pvol=NULL,
870                        grptable=ltgroupedfile,
871                        grplabelpref=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gc',method),
872                        grpppref=NULL) == 0) {
873               err.AFNI("Failed to group labels");
874               return(NULL);
875            }
876         }
878      }
879      #Do some dice action
880      if (!is.null(lvols[i][[1]]$labname)) {
881         if (!copy.AFNI.dset(lvols[i][[1]]$labname,
882                              test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gld',method),
883                              overwrite = TRUE)) {
884            err.AFNI(sprintf(
885                  "Failed to create copy of reference label volume %s",
886                  test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gld',method)))
887            return(NULL);
888         }
889         lvols[i][[1]]$dice <-
890               dice.vollabels(
891                  basevol=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gld',method),
892                  labeltable=ltfile,
893                  prefix=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'dc',method),
894                  labelvol=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'c',method),
895                  maskby ='LABEL')
896         if (!is.null(ltgroupedfile)) {
897            #first group the base
898            if (group.vollabels(
899                     labelvol = test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gld',method),
900                     pvol=NULL,
901                     grptable=ltgroupedfile,
902                     grplabelpref=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'ggld',method),
903                     grpppref=NULL) == 0) {
904               err.AFNI("Failed to group base labels");
905               return(NULL);
906            }
907            #Now do the dice
908            lvols[i][[1]]$gdice <- dice.vollabels(
909                  test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'ggld',method),
910                  labeltable=ltgroupedfile,
911                  prefix=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gdc',method),
912                  labelvol=test.vol(lvols[i],onames,'gc',method),
913                  maskby ='LABEL')
914         }
915      }
917   }
919   return(lvols)
924########################## Begin SigsClassify main ###################################
928   if (!exists('.DBG_args')) {
929      args = (commandArgs(TRUE))
930      rfile <- first.in.path(sprintf('%s.R',ExecName))
931      farg <- sprintf("%s.dbg.AFNI.args", ExecName)
932      # save only on -dbg_args          28 Apr 2016 [rickr]
933      if ( '-dbg_args' %in% args ) {
934         save(args, rfile, file=farg, ascii = TRUE)
935         note.AFNI(paste("Saved command line arguments in ", farg))
936      }
937   } else {
938      note.AFNI("Using .DBG_args resident in workspace");
939      args <- .DBG_args
940   }
941   if (!length(args)) {
942      BATCH_MODE <<- 0
943      lop <- init.SigsClassify.lop()
944      lop$verb=1
945      note.AFNI("I am not going to have a hard coded list of options here.
946   For testing, run the command line version once. Then launch R in that
947   directory and do the following:
948   source('~/AFNI/src/R_scripts/AFNIio.R');
949   load.debug.AFNI.args()
950   source('~/AFNI/src/R_scripts/3dSignatures.R');");
951   } else {
952      if (!exists('.DBG_args')) {
953         BATCH_MODE <<- 1
954      } else {
955         BATCH_MODE <<- 0
956      }
957      if (is.null(lop <- read.SigsClassify.opts.batch(args, verb = 0))) {
958         stop('Error parsing input');
959      }
960      #str(lop);
961      if (is.null(lop <- process.SigsClassify.opts(lop, verb = lop$verb))) {
962         stop('Error processing input');
963      }
964   }
965   if (lop$verb) {
966      str(lop);
967   }
969   if (is.null(lop$method) || lop$method != 'prob') {
970      note.AFNI("SVM approach");
971      if (!is.null(lop$load_train)) {
972         if (!file.exists(lop$load_train)) {
974            if (file.exists(kk <- sprintf('%s.Rdat',lop$load_train))) {
975               lop$load_train <- kk
976            } else {
977               errex.AFNI(c(lop$load_train, " does not exist."));
978            }
979         }
981         note.AFNI(sprintf("Loading training set from pre-existing %s",
982                    lop$load_train ))
983         if (exists('train')) {
984            rm('train')
985         }
986         #Cannot override existing lop !, some .Rdat files
987         #contain lop <- stupid thing to do
988         lop_buf <- lop; rm('lop');
989         load(lop_buf$load_train);
990         if (!exists('train') || is.null(train)) {
991            warn.AFNI("Variable 'train' not found or null!")
992            train <- NULL
993         }
994         if (exists('lop')) {#part of the bug fix above
995            lop_train <- lop;
996            rm('lop');
997         }
998         lop <- lop_buf; rm('lop_buf');
999      } else {
1000         if (is.null(lop$trainsuffix)) {
1001            errex.AFNI("Have no trainsuffix");
1002         }
1003         trainname <- sprintf("%s.Rdat",lop$trainsuffix);
1004         train <- NULL
1005         if (lop$reuse_train) {
1006            if (file.exists(trainname)) {
1007               note.AFNI(sprintf("Loading training set from pre-existing %s",
1008                           trainname))
1009               rm('train')
1010            lop_buf <- lop; rm('lop');
1011            load(trainname);
1012               if (!exists('train') || is.null(train)) {
1013                  warn.AFNI("Variable 'train' not found or null!")
1014                  train <- NULL
1015               }
1016            if (exists('lop')) {#part of the bug fix above
1017               lop_train <- lop;
1018               rm('lop');
1019            }
1020            lop <- lop_buf; rm('lop_buf');
1021            }
1022         }
1023      }
1024      if (is.null(train)) {
1025         if (length(lop$tset) < 1)
1026            errex.AFNI("Have no training data or training datasets")
1027         note.AFNI("Creating new training object");
1028         train <- svm.Train.SigsClassify(lop$tset, samples_frac=lop$samples_frac,
1029                              max_samples = lop$max_samples,
1030                              min_samples = lop$min_samples,
1031                              thiskeyset=lop$thiskeyset,
1032                              ltfile = lop$labeltablefile,
1033                              prefix=lop$trainsuffix,
1034                              verb=lop$verb, no_X11=lop$no_X11,
1035                              svmscale=lop$svmcale, no_tune = lop$no_tune,
1036                              doprob = lop$doprob)
1037         if (is.null(train)) errex.AFNI("Failed to get training set");
1038         lop_train <- lop
1039         save(train, lop_train,
1040               file=sprintf("%s.Rdat",lop$trainsuffix), ascii = TRUE)
1041      } else {
1042         note.AFNI("Reusing/Or reloading SVM train object");
1043         if (is.null(train$labeltable)) {
1044            uk <- unique(train$labs)
1045            warn.AFNI(paste("Old format training struct.\n",
1046                            "Assuming ", lop$labeltablefile,
1047                            "is the proper label table for label keys [",
1048                            paste(uk,collapse=' '), "]",
1049                            collapse=''));
1051            train$labeltable <- read.AFNI.labeltable(ltfile=lop$labeltablefile)
1052            if (is.null(train$labeltable)) {
1053               err.AFNI("Failed to build test label table list");
1054               return(NULL)
1055            }
1056         }
1058      }
1059      if (is.null(train)) {
1060         errex.AFNI("End of the line, no train here");
1061      }
1062      #browser()
1063      test <- Test.SigsClassify(lop$Tset, ltrain=train,
1064                           verb=lop$verb, ltfile = lop$labeltablefile,
1065                           onames = list(volsuffix = lop$volsuffix,
1066                                 opath = lop$odir, opref = lop$opref),
1067                           ltgroupedfile = lop$groupedlabeltablefile,
1068                           doprob = lop$doprob, method = lop$method)
1069      lop_test <- lop
1070      save(test, lop_test, file=sprintf("%s.Rdat",lop$testsuffix), ascii = TRUE)
1071   } else {
1072      #Prob. based approach
1073      if (!is.null(lop$load_train)) {
1074         if (!file.exists(lop$load_train)) {
1075            if (file.exists(kk <- sprintf('%s.Rdat',lop$load_train))) {
1076               lop$load_train <- kk
1077            } else {
1078               errex.AFNI(paste(lop$load_train, " does not exist."));
1079            }
1080         }
1082         note.AFNI(sprintf("Loading training set from pre-existing %s",
1083                    lop$load_train ))
1084         if (exists('train')) rm('train')
1086         load(lop$load_train);
1087         if (!exists('train') || is.null(train)) {
1088            warn.AFNI("Variable 'train' not found or null!")
1089            train <- NULL
1090         }
1091      } else {
1092         if (is.null(lop$trainsuffix)) {
1093            errex.AFNI("Have no trainsuffix");
1094         }
1095         trainname <- sprintf("%s.Rdat",lop$trainsuffix);
1096         train <- NULL
1097         if (lop$reuse_train) {
1098            if (file.exists(trainname)) {
1099               note.AFNI(sprintf("Loading training set from pre-existing %s",
1100                           trainname))
1101               rm('train')
1102               load(trainname);
1103               if (!exists('train') || is.null(train)) {
1104                  warn.AFNI("Variable 'train' not found or null!")
1105                  train <- NULL
1106               }
1107            }
1108         }
1109      }
1110      if (is.null(train)) {
1111         if (length(lop$tset) < 1)
1112            errex.AFNI("Have no training data or training datasets")
1113         note.AFNI("Creating new training object");
1114         train <- prob.Train.SigsClassify(
1115                           lop$tset, samples_frac=lop$samples_frac,
1116                              max_samples = lop$max_samples,
1117                              min_samples = lop$min_samples,
1118                              prefix=lop$trainsuffix,
1119                              thiskeyset=lop$thiskeyset,
1120                              ltfile = lop$labeltablefile,
1121                              verb=lop$verb, no_X11=lop$no_X11)
1122         if (is.null(train)) errex.AFNI("Failed to get training set");
1123         lop_train <- lop
1124         save(train, lop_train,
1125               file=sprintf("%s.Rdat",lop$trainsuffix), ascii = TRUE)
1126         NI.write.train.dists(train, fname=sprintf("%s.niml.td",lop$trainsuffix))
1127      } else {
1128         note.AFNI("Reusing/Or reloading PROB train object");
1129      }
1130      if (is.null(train)) {
1131         errex.AFNI("End of the line, no train here");
1132      }
1133      #browser()
1134      test <- Test.SigsClassify(lop$Tset, ltrain=train,
1135                           verb=lop$verb, ltfile = lop$labeltablefile,
1136                           onames= list(volsuffix = lop$volsuffix,
1137                                        opath = lop$odir, opref = lop$opref),
1138                           ltgroupedfile = lop$groupedlabeltablefile,
1139                           method=lop$method, mixfrac='uniform')
1140      lop_test <- lop
1141      save(test, lop_test, file=sprintf("%s.Rdat",lop$testsuffix), ascii = TRUE)
1143   }
1144   note.AFNI("All done.");