1 static char * afni_broutext[] = {
2    "                             ----------------------\n" ,
3    "                             |  BRODMANN'S AREAS  |\n" ,
4    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
5    "Note Well: The same number in different species does not necessarily represent\n" ,
6    "           structurally homologous areas.  The numbers below refer to the\n" ,
7    "           Brodmann areas defined for homo sapiens sapiens.\n" ,
8    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
9    "BA 1\n" ,
10    "Sensory cortical area in the crest of the postcentral gyrus; a component\n" ,
11    "of the primary somatosensory cortex.\n" ,
12    "Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus)\n" ,
13    "Function: processes somatic sensory sensations\n" ,
14    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
15    "BA 2\n" ,
16    "Sensory cortical area in the crest and posterior bank of the postcentral\n" ,
17    "gyrus; component of the primary somatosensory cortex.\n" ,
18    "Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus)\n" ,
19    "Function: processes somatic sensory sensations\n" ,
20    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
21    "BA 3\n" ,
22    "Sensory cortical area in the posterior bank of the central sulcus (postcentral\n" ,
23    "gyrus); a principal component of the primary somatosensory cortex.\n" ,
24    "Area 3 is further subdivided into\n" ,
25    " - 3a, which receives proprioceptive signals that originate in deep receptors,\n" ,
26    " - 3b, which receives discriminative mechano-sensory signals that arise from\n" ,
27    "       cutaneous receptors.\n" ,
28    "Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus)\n" ,
29    "Function: processes somatic sensory sensations\n" ,
30    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
31    "BA 4\n" ,
32    "Motor cortical area in the anterior bank of the central sulcus (precentral\n" ,
33    "gyrus); corresponds to the primary motor cortex, which governs the execution\n" ,
34    "of volitional movement.\n" ,
35    "Location: posterior frontal lobe (precentral gyrus)\n" ,
36    "Function: motor execution\n" ,
37    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
38    "BA 5\n" ,
39    "Associational cortical area in the superior parietal lobe, just posterior to\n" ,
40    "the somatosensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus; involved in maintaining a\n" ,
41    "spatial reference system for goal-oriented behavior.\n" ,
42    "Location: superior parietal lobe\n" ,
43    "Function: spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions\n" ,
44    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
45    "BA 6\n" ,
46    "Motor cortical area in the posterior frontal lobe just anterior to the primary\n" ,
47    "motor cortex; contains the lateral and medial divisions of the premotor cortex\n" ,
48    "that participate in the planning and execution of volitional\n" ,
49    "movement.\n" ,
50    "Location: posterior frontal lobe\n" ,
51    "Function: motor planning and execution\n" ,
52    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
53    "BA 7\n" ,
54    "Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the superior parietal\n" ,
55    "lobe; involved in maintaining a spatial reference system for goal-oriented\n" ,
56    "behavior.\n" ,
57    "Location: superior parietal lobe\n" ,
58    "Function: spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions\n" ,
59    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
60    "BA 8\n" ,
61    "Motor cortical area in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal region of the frontal\n" ,
62    "lobe; contains the frontal eye fields, which participate (together with the\n" ,
63    "superior colliculus) in the control of saccadic eye movements.\n" ,
64    "Location: frontal lobe\n" ,
65    "Function: control of eye movements (contains 'frontal eye fields')\n" ,
66    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
67    "BA 9\n" ,
68    "Associational cortical area in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal region of the\n" ,
69    "frontal lobe; participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern\n" ,
70    "executive functions.\n" ,
71    "Location: frontal lobe\n" ,
72    "Function: prefrontal associational integration\n" ,
73    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
74    "BA 10\n" ,
75    "Associational cortical area in the anterior-polar prefrontal region of the\n" ,
76    "frontal lobe; participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern\n" ,
77    "executive functions.\n" ,
78    "Location: frontal pole\n" ,
79    "Function: prefrontal associational integration\n" ,
80    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
81    "BA 11\n" ,
82    "Associational cortical area in the orbital-medial prefrontal region of the\n" ,
83    "frontal lobe; participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern\n" ,
84    "personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making.\n" ,
85    "Location: ventral frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex)\n" ,
86    "Function: prefrontal associational integration\n" ,
87    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
88    "BA 12\n" ,
89    "Associational cortical area in the orbital-medial prefrontal region of the\n" ,
90    "frontal lobe; participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern\n" ,
91    "personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making.\n" ,
92    "Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex)\n" ,
93    "Function: prefrontal associational integration\n" ,
94    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
95    "BA 13\n" ,
96    "Associational cortical area in the insula; not visible in medial and lateral\n" ,
97    "views of the hemisphere.\n" ,
98    "Location: insula\n" ,
99    "Function: associational cortex\n" ,
100    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
101    "BA 14\n" ,
102    "Associational cortical area in the insula; not visible in medial and lateral\n" ,
103    "views of the hemisphere.\n" ,
104    "Location: insula\n" ,
105    "Function: associational cortex\n" ,
106    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
107    "BA 15\n" ,
108    "Associational cortical area in the insula; not visible in medial and lateral\n" ,
109    "views of the hemisphere.\n" ,
110    "Location: insula\n" ,
111    "Function: associational cortex\n" ,
112    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
113    "BA 16\n" ,
114    "Associational cortical area in the insula; not visible in medial and lateral\n" ,
115    "views of the hemisphere.\n" ,
116    "Location: insula\n" ,
117    "Function: associational cortex\n" ,
118    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
119    "BA 17\n" ,
120    "Sensory cortical area in the banks of the calcarine sulcus (lingual and cuneus\n" ,
121    "gyral formations of the medial occipital lobe); corresponds to the primary\n" ,
122    "visual cortex (also known as 'striate cortex').\n" ,
123    "Location: medial occipital lobe\n" ,
124    "Function: processes visual information\n" ,
125    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
126    "BA 18\n" ,
127    "Sensory cortical area in the medial and lateral aspect of the occipital lobe;\n" ,
128    "part of the extrastriate visual cortex surrounding the primary visual cortex.\n" ,
129    "Location: occipital lobe\n" ,
130    "Function: processes visual information\n" ,
131    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
132    "BA 19\n" ,
133    "Sensory cortical area in the medial and lateral aspect of the occipital lobe;\n" ,
134    "part of the extrastriate visual cortex surrounding the primary visual cortex.\n" ,
135    "Location: occipital lobe\n" ,
136    "Function: processes visual information\n" ,
137    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
138    "BA 20\n" ,
139    "Associational cortical area in the inferior temporal gyrus; participates in\n" ,
140    "the analysis of visual form and the representation of objects.\n" ,
141    "Location: ventral temporal lobe (inferior temporal gyrus)\n" ,
142    "Function: processes visual information\n" ,
143    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
144    "BA 21\n" ,
145    "Associational cortical area in the middle temporal gyrus; participates in the\n" ,
146    "analysis of visual signals related to object form and motion.\n" ,
147    "Location: lateral temporal lobe (middle temporal gyrus)\n" ,
148    "Function: processes visual information, among other temporal associational\n" ,
149    "          functions\n" ,
150    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
151    "BA 22\n" ,
152    "Associational cortical area in the lateral aspect of the superior temporal\n" ,
153    "gyrus; participates in the analysis of auditory signals and the reception of\n" ,
154    "language (a major component of Wernicke's area).\n" ,
155    "Location: lateral temporal lobe (superior temporal gyrus)\n" ,
156    "Function: auditory processing and language reception\n" ,
157    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
158    "BA 23\n" ,
159    "Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus;\n" ,
160    "a cortical component of the limbic system.\n" ,
161    "Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus)\n" ,
162    "Function: limbic associational integration\n" ,
163    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
164    "BA 24\n" ,
165    "Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus;\n" ,
166    "is a cortical component of the limbic system that is involved in emotional\n" ,
167    "processing, control of facial expressions and affective dimensions of pain.\n" ,
168    "Location: medial frontal lobe (anterior cingulate gyrus)\n" ,
169    "Function: emotional and cognitive processing\n" ,
170    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
171    "BA 25\n" ,
172    "Associational cortical area in the medial prefrontal region of the frontal\n" ,
173    "lobe; participates in prefrontal cortical networks that governs personal and\n" ,
174    "social behavior, emotion, and decision making.\n" ,
175    "Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex)\n" ,
176    "Function: prefrontal associational integration\n" ,
177    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
178    "BA 26\n" ,
179    "Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior\n" ,
180    "cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; is a cortical component of the\n" ,
181    "limbic system.\n" ,
182    "Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus)\n" ,
183    "Function: limbic associational integration\n" ,
184    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
185    "BA 27\n" ,
186    "Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe; corresponds to\n" ,
187    "Ammon's horn division of the hippocampal formation, which is subdivided\n" ,
188    "into (cornu ammonis) fields, CA1-CA4. Together with the other parts of the\n" ,
189    "hippocampal formation in the medial temporal lobe, the hippocampus proper\n" ,
190    "is involved in short-term declarative memory processes. This area is not\n" ,
191    "visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere.\n" ,
192    "Location: medial temporal lobe: hippocampal formation\n" ,
193    "Function: hippocampal formation: short-term declarative memory\n" ,
194    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
195    "BA 28\n" ,
196    "Associational and sensory cortical area in the anterior-medial temporal lobe;\n" ,
197    "part of the olfactory cortex; also a component of the entorhinal division of\n" ,
198    "the hippocampal formation.\n" ,
199    "Location: medial temporal lobe\n" ,
200    "Function: olfaction and hippocampal processing\n" ,
201    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
202    "BA 29\n" ,
203    "Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior\n" ,
204    "cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; a cortical component of the\n" ,
205    "limbic system.\n" ,
206    "Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus)\n" ,
207    "Function: limbic associational integration\n" ,
208    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
209    "BA 30\n" ,
210    "Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior\n" ,
211    "cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; is a cortical component of the\n" ,
212    "limbic system.\n" ,
213    "Location: medial temporal lobe\n" ,
214    "Function: limbic associational integration\n" ,
215    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
216    "BA 31\n" ,
217    "Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus and\n" ,
218    "the posterior banks of the cingulate sulcus; cingulate part of this area is a\n" ,
219    "cortical component of the limbic system.\n" ,
220    "Location: medial parietal lobe\n" ,
221    "Function: limbic and parietal associational integration\n" ,
222    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
223    "BA 32\n" ,
224    "Associational cortical area in the medial prefrontal region of the frontal\n" ,
225    "lobe; participates in prefrontal cortical networks that governs personal and\n" ,
226    "social behavior, emotion, and decision making.\n" ,
227    "Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex)\n" ,
228    "Function: emotional and cognitive processing\n" ,
229    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
230    "BA 33\n" ,
231    "Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus just\n" ,
232    "dorsal to the corpus callosum; a cortical component of the limbic system that\n" ,
233    "is involved in emotional processing and affective dimensions of pain.\n" ,
234    "Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex)\n" ,
235    "Function: emotional and cognitive processing\n" ,
236    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
237    "BA 34\n" ,
238    "Associational and sensory cortical area in the anterior-medial temporal lobe;\n" ,
239    "a principal division of the olfactory cortex; also a component of the\n" ,
240    "entorhinal division of the hippocampal formation.\n" ,
241    "Location: medial temporal lobe\n" ,
242    "Function: olfaction and hippocampal processing\n" ,
243    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
244    "BA 35\n" ,
245    "Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe near the position of\n" ,
246    "the rhinal sulcus; also known as the perirhinal cortex; a component of the\n" ,
247    "hippocampal formation.\n" ,
248    "Location: medial temporal lobe\n" ,
249    "Function: hippocampal associational functions\n" ,
250    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
251    "BA 36\n" ,
252    "Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe; lies at the interface\n" ,
253    "of visual processing systems in the inferior temporal lobe and semantic memory\n" ,
254    "systems in the medial temporal lobe.\n" ,
255    "Location: medial temporal lobe\n" ,
256    "Function: visual and hippocampal associational functions\n" ,
257    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
258    "BA 37\n" ,
259    "Associational cortical area in the temporal lobe that extends from the medial\n" ,
260    "to lateral sides of this lobe; participates in the analysis of visual form,\n" ,
261    "motion, and the representation of objects.\n" ,
262    "Location: posterior temporal lobe\n" ,
263    "Function: visual recognition\n" ,
264    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
265    "BA 38\n" ,
266    "Associational cortical area in the anterior pole of the temporal lobe;\n" ,
267    "temporal area related to networks in the amygdala and orbital prefrontal\n" ,
268    "cortex that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making.\n" ,
269    "Location: temporal pole\n" ,
270    "Function: limbic associational integration\n" ,
271    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
272    "BA 39\n" ,
273    "Associational cortical area in the angular gyrus at the interface between the\n" ,
274    "posterior parietal and occipital lobes.\n" ,
275    "Location: lateral junction of temporal, parietal and occipital lobes\n" ,
276    "Function: processing language, spatial orientation and semantic representation\n" ,
277    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
278    "BA 40\n" ,
279    "Associational cortical area in the inferior parietal lobe, including the\n" ,
280    "supramarginal gyrus.\n" ,
281    "Location: inferior parietal lobe\n" ,
282    "Function: spatial orientation and semantic representation\n" ,
283    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
284    "BA 41\n" ,
285    "Sensory cortical area in the superior aspect of the temporal lobe (located in\n" ,
286    "a series of transverse gyri, called Heschl's gyri, that form the inferior bank\n" ,
287    "of the lateral fissure); corresponds to the primary auditory cortex.\n" ,
288    "Location: superior temporal lobe\n" ,
289    "Function: processes auditory information\n" ,
290    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
291    "BA 42\n" ,
292    "Sensory cortical area in the superior aspect of the temporal lobe and the\n" ,
293    "dorsal-lateral margin of the superior temporal gyrus; is part of a 'belt' of\n" ,
294    "higher-order auditory areas that surround the primary auditory cortex (BA 41).\n" ,
295    "Location: superior temporal lobe\n" ,
296    "Function: processes auditory information\n" ,
297    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
298    "BA 43\n" ,
299    "Sensorimotor cortical area in the inferior margin of the postcentral and\n" ,
300    "precentral gyri where the frontal-parietal operculum merges with the insula\n" ,
301    "just below the inferior termination of the central sulcus; may participate in\n" ,
302    "the sensorimotor representation of the mouth and taste\n" ,
303    "reception.\n" ,
304    "Location: junction of insula, frontal and parietal lobes\n" ,
305    "Function: sensorimotor representation and taste processing\n" ,
306    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
307    "BA 44\n" ,
308    "Motor cortical area in the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus;\n" ,
309    "division of the lateral premotor cortex involved in the production of\n" ,
310    "language, especially in the left hemisphere (also known as Broca's area).\n" ,
311    "Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus)\n" ,
312    "Function: language production\n" ,
313    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
314    "BA 45\n" ,
315    "Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus;\n" ,
316    "the posterior part of this area may contribute (with BA 44) to the production\n" ,
317    "of language (Broca's area), while other circuits in this area participate in\n" ,
318    "prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions.\n" ,
319    "Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus)\n" ,
320    "Function: language production and prefrontal associational integration\n" ,
321    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
322    "BA 46\n" ,
323    "Associational cortical area in the middle frontal gyrus and anterior part of\n" ,
324    "the inferior frontal gyrus; participates in prefrontal cortical networks that\n" ,
325    "govern executive functions.\n" ,
326    "Location: lateral frontal lobe (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex)\n" ,
327    "Function: prefrontal associational integration\n" ,
328    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
329    "BA 47\n" ,
330    "Associational cortical area in the anterior-ventral part of the inferior\n" ,
331    "frontal gyrus; participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern\n" ,
332    "executive functions.\n" ,
333    "Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus)\n" ,
334    "Function: prefrontal associational integration\n" ,
335    "===============================================================================\n" ,
336    "\n" ,
337    "Brief biography (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korbinian_Brodmann)\n" ,
338    "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
339    "Korbinian Brodmann (November 17, 1868 -- August 22, 1918) was a German\n" ,
340    "neurologist who became famous for his definition of the cerebral cortex into\n" ,
341    "52 distinct regions from their cytoarchitectonic (histological) characteristics.\n" ,
342    "These areas are now usually referred to as Brodmann areas. Some of these areas\n" ,
343    "were later associated to nervous functions, such as areas 41 and 42 in the\n" ,
344    "temporal lobe (related to hearing), areas 1, 2 and 3 in the postcentral gyrus\n" ,
345    "of the parietal lobe (the somatosensory region), and the areas 17 and 18 in\n" ,
346    "the occipital lobe (the primary visual areas).\n" ,
347    "\n" ,
348    "Brodmann studied medicine in Munich, Wurzburg, Berlin and Freiburg, where he\n" ,
349    "received his medical diploma in 1895. Subsequently he studied at the Medical\n" ,
350    "School in the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, and then worked in the\n" ,
351    "University Clinic in Munich. He got a doctoral degree in the University of\n" ,
352    "Leipzig in 1858, with a thesis on chronical ependymal sclerosis. He worked\n" ,
353    "also in the Psychiatric Clinic in the University of Jena, with Ludwig\n" ,
354    "Binswanger, and in the Municipal Mental Asylum in Frankfurt, from 1900 to 1901.\n" ,
355    "There, he met Alois Alzheimer, who was influential in his decision to pursue\n" ,
356    "neuroscientific basic research.\n" ,
357    "\n" ,
358    "Following this, Brodmann started to work in 1901 with Oskar Vogt in the private\n" ,
359    "institute 'Neurobiologischen Zentralstation' in Berlin, and in 1902 in the\n" ,
360    "Neurobiological Laboratory of the University of Berlin. In 1915 he joined the\n" ,
361    "Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut fur Hirnforschung (Institute for Brain Research).\n" ,
362    "\n" ,
363    "In 1909 he published his original research on cortical cytoarchitectonics in\n" ,
364    "'Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre der Grosshirnrinde in ihren Prinzipien\n" ,
365    "dargestellt auf Grund des Zellenbaues' (Comparative Localization Studies in\n" ,
366    "the Brain Cortex, its Fundamentals Represented on the Basis of its Cellular\n" ,
367    "Architecture).\n" ,
368    "\n" ,
369    "In the following years he worked at the University of Tubingen, where he was\n" ,
370    "habilitated and made a full professor in 1913, and from 1910 to 1916 as\n" ,
371    "physician and chairman of the Anatomical Laboratory at the University\n" ,
372    "Psychiatric Clinic. In 1916 he moved to Halle in order to work in the\n" ,
373    "Nietleben Municipal Hospital. Finally, in 1918, he accepted an invitation\n" ,
374    "from the University of Munich to direct the group of histology at Psychiatric\n" ,
375    "Research Center.\n" ,
376    "\n" ,
377    "He died in Munich rather suddenly of a generalized septic infection following\n" ,
378    "a pneumonia, barely under 50 years of age on August 22, 1918.\n" ,
379    "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
380    NULL } ;
381 #define NUM_afni_broutext 378