1 #include "mcwfft.h"
3 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
4    Complex-to-complex 2D FFT in place:
5      modex = -1 or +1
6      modey = -1 or +1
7      idx   = dimension in x (power of 2)
8      idy   = dimension in y (power of 2)
9      zc    = input/output array
10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
FFT_2dcx(int modex,int modey,int idx,int idy,complex * zc)12 void FFT_2dcx( int modex , int modey , int idx , int idy , complex * zc )
13 {
14    int ii , jj ;
15    static complex * tc = NULL ;
16    static int ntc_old = -1 ;
18    /*** make workspace, if needed ***/
20    if( idy > ntc_old ){
21       if( tc != NULL ) free(tc) ;
22       tc = (complex *) malloc( sizeof(complex) * idy ) ;
23       if( tc == NULL ){
24          fprintf(stderr,"\n***FFT_2dcx cannot malloc workspace!\n") ;
25          exit(-1) ;
26       }
27       ntc_old = idy ;
28    }
30    /*** x FFTs ***/
32    for( jj=0 ; jj < idy ; jj++ )
33       FFT_1dcx( modex , idx , zc + (jj*idx) ) ;
35    /*** y FFTs ***/
37    for( ii=0 ; ii < idx ; ii++ ){
38       for( jj=0 ; jj < idy ; jj++ ) tc[jj] = zc[ii+jj*idx] ;
39       FFT_1dcx( modey , idy , tc ) ;
40       for( jj=0 ; jj < idy ; jj++ ) zc[ii+jj*idx] = tc[jj] ;
41    }
43    return ;
44 }
46 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
47    Complex-to-complex 1D FFT in place:
48      mode = -1 or +1 [phase factor in exponent: NO SCALING ON INVERSE!]
49      idim = dimension (power of 2)
50      xc   = input/output array
51    Automagically re-initializes itself when idim changes from
52    previous call.  By AJJesmanowicz, modified by RWCox.
53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
FFT_1dcx(int mode,int idim,complex * xc)55 void FFT_1dcx( int mode , int idim , complex * xc )
56 {
57    register unsigned int  m, n, i0, i1, i2, i3, k;
58    register complex       *r0, *r1, *csp;
59    register float         co, si, f0, f1, f2, f3, f4;
60    double                 al;
62    static complex * csplus = NULL , * csminus = NULL ;  /* trig consts */
63    static int nold = -666 ;
65    /** perhaps initialize **/
67    if( nold != idim ){
69       if( idim > nold ){
70          if( csplus != NULL ){ free(csplus) ; free(csminus) ; }
71          csplus  = (complex *) malloc( sizeof(complex) * idim ) ;
72          csminus = (complex *) malloc( sizeof(complex) * idim ) ;
73          if( csplus == NULL || csminus == NULL ){
74             fprintf(stderr,"\n*** FFT_1dcx cannot malloc workspace! ***\n");
75             exit(-1) ;
76          }
77       }
78       nold = n = idim ;
80       f1 = 1.0 ;  /* csplus init */
81       m  = 1;
82       k  = 0;
83       while (n > m) {
84          i3 = m << 1;
85          f2 = m;
86          al = f1*PI/f2;
87          co = cos(al);
88          si = sin(al);
89          (csplus + k)->r = 1.;
90          (csplus + k)->i = 0.;
91          for (i0=0; i0 < m; i0++) {
92             k++;
93             csp = csplus + k;
94             r0 = csp - 1;
95             csp->r = r0->r * co - r0->i * si;
96             csp->i = r0->i * co + r0->r * si;
97          }
98          m = i3;
99       }
101       f1 = -1.0 ;  /* csminus init */
102       m  = 1;
103       k  = 0;
104       while (n > m) {
105          i3 = m << 1;
106          f2 = m;
107          al = f1*PI/f2;
108          co = cos(al);
109          si = sin(al);
110          (csminus + k)->r = 1.;
111          (csminus + k)->i = 0.;
112          for (i0=0; i0 < m; i0++) {
113             k++;
114             csp = csminus + k;
115             r0  = csp - 1;
116             csp->r = r0->r * co - r0->i * si;
117             csp->i = r0->i * co + r0->r * si;
118          }
119          m = i3;
120       }
121    }
123    /** Main loop starts here **/
125    n   = idim;
126    i2  = idim >> 1;
127    i1  = 0;
128    csp = (mode > 0) ? csplus : csminus ;  /* choose const array */
130    for (i0=0; i0 < n; i0 ++) {
131       if ( i1 > i0 ) {
132          r0    = xc + i0;
133          r1    = xc + i1;
134          f1    = r0->r;
135          f2    = r0->i;
136          r0->r = r1->r;
137          r0->i = r1->i;
138          r1->r = f1;
139          r1->i = f2;
140       }
141       m = i2;
142       while ( m && !(i1 < m) ) {
143          i1 -= m;
144          m >>= 1;
145      }
146      i1 += m;
147    }
149    m = 1;
150    k = 0;
151    while (n > m) {
152       i3 = m << 1;
153       for (i0=0; i0 < m; i0 ++) {
154          co = (csp + k)->r;
155          si = (csp + k)->i;
156          for (i1=i0; i1 < n; i1 += i3) {
157             r0    = xc + i1;
158             r1    = r0 + m;
159             f1    = r1->r * co;
160             f2    = r1->i * si;
161             f3    = r1->r * si;
162             f4    = r1->i * co;
163             f1   -= f2;
164             f3   += f4;
165             f2    = r0->r;
166             f4    = r0->i;
167             r1->r = f2 - f1;
168             r1->i = f4 - f3;
169             r0->r = f2 + f1;
170             r0->i = f4 + f3;
171          }
172          k++;
173       }
174       m = i3;
175    }
177 #ifdef SCALE_INVERSE
178    if (mode > 0) {
179       f0 = 1.0 / idim ;
180       i0 = 0;
181       i1 = 1;
182       while (i0 < n) {
183          r0 = xc + i0;
184          r1 = xc + i1;
185          f1 = r0->r;
186          f2 = r0->i;
187          f3 = r1->r;
188          f4 = r1->i;
189          f1 *= f0;
190          f2 *= f0;
191          f3 *= f0;
192          f4 *= f0;
193          r0->r = f1;
194          r0->i = f2;
195          r1->r = f3;
196          r1->i = f4;
197          i0 += 2;
198          i1 += 2;
199       }
200    }
201 #endif
203    return ;
204 }
206 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
207     SUM  SUM  x   exp( -2*Pi*I * (lp+mq)*alpha - 2*Pi*I*(mp-lq)*beta )
208      l=0..N-1  lm
209      m=0..N-1
211   where N = idim and x = xc ; result overwrites array xc.
212   alpha and beta are arbitrary floats;  N is arbitrary integer > 3.
213 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
FFT_2dchirpz(float alpha,float beta,int idim,complex * xc)215 void FFT_2dchirpz( float alpha , float beta , int idim , complex * xc )
216 {
217    int nn , ll , ll2 , pp,qq , ll2q , use_old , qloff , qnoff ;
219    static complex * yc = NULL , * zc = NULL , * zhatc = NULL ;
220    static int nn_old = -666 , ll_old = -666 ;
221    static float alpha_old = -987.654 , beta_old = 314.1592 ;
223    /*** if needed, create new workspace arrays ***/
225    nn = idim ;
226    if( nn == nn_old ){  /* same dimensions as before */
227       ll   = ll_old ;
228       ll2  = 2*ll ;
229       ll2q = ll2 * ll2 ;
231       use_old = ( alpha == alpha_old && beta == beta_old ) ;
233    } else {             /* new dimensions */
235       nn_old = nn ;
236       for( ll=4 ; ll < nn ; ll *= 2 ) ;  /* until power of 2 >= nn */
237       ll2  = 2*ll ;
238       ll2q = ll2 * ll2 ;
240       use_old = 0 ;
242       if( ll != ll_old ){
243          ll_old = ll ;
244          if( yc != NULL ){ free(yc) ; free(zc) ; free(zhatc) ; }
246          yc    = (complex *) malloc( sizeof(complex) * ll2q ) ;
247          zc    = (complex *) malloc( sizeof(complex) * ll2q ) ;
248          zhatc = (complex *) malloc( sizeof(complex) * ll2q ) ;
250          if( yc == NULL || zc == NULL || zhatc == NULL ){
251             fprintf(stderr,"\n*** FFT_2dchirpz cannot malloc workspace!\n") ;
252             exit(-1) ;
253          }
254       }
255    }
257    /*** if needed, fill "z" workspace arrays ***/
259    if( ! use_old ){
260       float aq , bq , t , api ;
262       for( pp=0 ; pp < ll2q ; pp++ ) zc[pp].r = zc[pp].i = 0.0 ;
264       api = alpha * PI ;
266       for( qq=-(nn-1) ; qq <= (nn-1) ; qq++ ){
268          qloff = (qq < 0) ? ((qq+ll2)*ll2) : (qq*ll2) ;
269          aq    = alpha * PI * qq * qq ;
270          bq    = 2.0 * beta * PI * qq ;
272          for( pp=0 ; pp < 2*nn ; pp++ ){
273             t = aq - (api * pp + bq ) * pp ;
274             zc[pp+qloff].r = cos(t) ;
275             zc[pp+qloff].i = sin(t) ;
276          }
277       }
279       t = 1.0 / ll2q ;
280       for( pp=0 ; pp < ll2q ; pp++ ){
281          zhatc[pp].r = t * zc[pp].r ;
282          zhatc[pp].i = t * zc[pp].i ;
283       }
284       FFT_2dcx( 1 , 1 , ll2 , ll2 , zhatc ) ;
285    }
287    /*** fill "yc" workspace ***/
289    for( pp=0 ; pp < ll2q ; pp++ ) yc[pp].r = yc[pp].i = 0.0 ;
291    for( qq=0 ; qq < nn ; qq++ ){
292       qloff = qq*ll2 ;
293       qnoff = qq*nn ;
294       for( pp=0 ; pp < nn ; pp++ )
295          yc[pp] = CJMULT( xc[pp+qnoff] , zc[pp+qloff] ) ;
296    }
298    /*** 2D FFT, multiply, inverse 2D FFT ***/
300    FFT_2dcx( -1 , -1 , ll2 , ll2 , yc ) ;
301    for( pp=0 ; pp < ll2q ; pp++ ) yc[pp] = CMULT( yc[pp] , zhatc[pp] ) ;
302    FFT_2dcx( -1 , 1 , ll2 , ll2 , yc ) ;
304    /*** produce output ***/
306    for( qq=0 ; qq < nn ; qq++ ){
307       qloff = qq*ll2 ;
308       qnoff = qq*nn ;
309       for( pp=0 ; pp < nn ; pp++ )
310          xc[pp+qnoff] = CMULT( zc[pp+qloff] , yc[pp+qloff] ) ;
311    }
313    return ;
314 }