1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 #undef  PMAX
4 #define PMAX 0.9999f  /*** don't process p-values >= PMAX ***/
6 #undef  QTOZ                  /* convert q-value to z-score */
7 #undef  ZTOQ                  /* vice-versa */
8 #define QTOZ(x) qginv(0.5*x)
9 #define ZTOQ(x) (2.0*qg(x))
11 #undef  ZTOP
12 #undef  QBOT
13 #define ZTOP 9.0           /* largest value of z(q) to output */
14 #define QBOT 2.25718e-19   /* smallest value of q to return */
15 #define PBOT 1.e-15        /* smallest value of p to use */
17 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
18 #undef  INMASK
19 #define INMASK(vv) ( FDRmask == NULL || FDRmask[vv] != 0 )
20 static byte *FDRmask = NULL ;
mri_fdr_setmask(byte * mmm)22 void mri_fdr_setmask( byte *mmm ){ FDRmask = mmm ; }  /* 27 Mar 2009 */
24 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
25 #undef  QSTHRESH
26 #define QSTHRESH 0.15      /* q threshold for computing FDR_mdfv */
28 static floatvec *FDR_mdfv = NULL ;  /* missed detection fraction vs. log10(p) */
mri_fdr_getmdf(void)30 floatvec *mri_fdr_getmdf(void){ return FDR_mdfv; }  /* 22 Oct 2008 */
32 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 /* Estimate m1 = number of true positives.
34    Actually, estimates m0 = number of true negatives, then m1 = nq-m0.
35    Method:
36    * Build a histogram of large-ish p-values [0.15..0.95], which should be
37      approximately uniformly distributed.
38    * Then find m0 by estimating the average-ish level of this histogram.
39    * Then multiply by the number of such bins (20) that would cover the
40      entire p-range of 0..1 to get the m0 estimate.
41    * If something bad happens, return value is -1.
42    * Note that this is the NUMBER of true positives, NOT the fraction
43      of true positives (which is how I use the symbol m_1 in presentations)
44 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
estimate_m1(int nq,float * qq)46 static int estimate_m1( int nq , float *qq )
47 {
48    int jj , kk , nh=0 , hist[16] , ma,mb, mone ;
50    if( nq < 233 || qq == NULL ) return -1 ;  /* not enuf data to bother with */
52    /* build histogram with 16 bins of length 0.05,
53       to count p-values ranging from 0.15 to 0.95  */
55    for( kk=0 ; kk < 16 ; kk++ ) hist[kk] = 0.0f ;
56    for( jj=0 ; jj < nq ; jj++ ){ /* jj-th point is in the kk-th bin */
57      kk = (int)( (qq[jj]-0.15f)*20.0f ) ; if( kk < 0 || kk > 15 ) continue ;
58      hist[kk]++ ; nh++ ;
59    }
60    if( nh < 160 ) return -1 ; /* too few p-values in [0.15..0.95] range!! */
61    qsort_int( 16 , hist ) ;   /* sort; use central values to get 'average' */
62                               /* level of the uniform part of the histogram */
64    /* estimate m1 two different ways, take the smaller value */
66              /* m0 from median 4 bins averaged */
67    ma = nq - 20.0f * ( hist[6] + 2*hist[7] + 2*hist[8] + hist[9] ) / 6.0f ;
69              /* m0 from median 6 bins averaged */
70    mb = nq - 20.0f * (    hist[5] + 2*hist[6] + 2*hist[7]
71                       + 2*hist[8] + 2*hist[9] +   hist[10] ) / 10.0f ;
73    mone = MIN(ma,mb) ; return mone ;
74 }
76 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
77 /*! Take an image of statistics and convert to FDR-ized z-scores (in place):
78       - im must be in float format
79       - if statcode > 0, the data is a statistic to be converted to
80         a p-value first
81         (input data values == 0 are masked out as having p=1)
82       - otherwise, the data is already p-value-ized
83         (input data values < 0 or >= 1 will be masked out)
84       - if flags&1==1, then the function tries to be compatible with the
85         3dFDR program in '-old' mode:
86           - in 3dFDR -old, processed input values that give p==1 are
87             still counted in the number of thresholdings performed,
88             which will make the output z-scores smaller
89           - if flags&1==0, then this function will NOT count such
90             p==1 voxels at all, which will make the z-scores larger
91           - since this function actually sorts the p-values while 3dFDR
92             just bins them, small differences will be present anyhoo
93           - also, in '-old' mode, the m0 correction will not be made
94       - if flags&2==1, then the q-values are corrected for arbitrary
95         correlation structure -- this is not usually necessary for FMRI
96         task activation data
97       - if flags&4==1, then the output is q-values, not z-values
98       - to mask, set input values to a statistic that will give p==1
99         (e.g., 0.0 for t, F, or rho; 1.0 for p) -- and set flags=0;
100         masked out voxels will be set to 0 (or 1 if flags&4 is set).
101 *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
mri_fdrize(MRI_IMAGE * im,int statcode,float * stataux,int flags)103 int mri_fdrize( MRI_IMAGE *im, int statcode, float *stataux, int flags )
104 {
105   float *far ;
106   int ii,jj, nvox, doz, qsmal=0 ;
107   float *qq, nthr, fbad, mone=0.0f,qfac=1.0f ; int *iq, nq ; double qval,qmin ;
109 ENTRY("mri_fdrize") ;
111   KILL_floatvec(FDR_mdfv) ; FDR_mdfv = NULL ; /* erase the past */
113   if( im == NULL || im->kind != MRI_float )   RETURN(0) ;
114   far  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im); if( far == NULL ) RETURN(0) ;
115   nvox = im->nvox ;
116   doz  = (flags&4) == 0 ;
118   /*----- convert to p-value first? -----*/
120   if( FUNC_IS_STAT(statcode) ){     /* conversion to p-value */
121 STATUS("convert to p-value") ;
122     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
123       if( far[ii] != 0.0f && INMASK(ii) )
124         far[ii] = THD_stat_to_pval( fabsf(far[ii]), statcode,stataux ) ;
125       else
126         far[ii] = 1.0f ;            /* will be ignored */
127     }
128   } else {                          /* already supposed to be p-value */
129 STATUS("input is p-value") ;
130     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )  /* scan for bad values */
131       if( far[ii] < 0.0f || far[ii] > 1.0f || !INMASK(ii) ) far[ii] = 1.0f ;
132   }
134   qq = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvox) ;  /* array of p-values */
135   iq = (int   *)malloc(sizeof(int  )*nvox) ;  /* voxel indexes */
137   if( qq == NULL || iq == NULL ){
138     ERROR_message("mri_fdrize: out of memory!") ;
139     if( qq != NULL ) free(qq) ;
140     if( iq != NULL ) free(iq) ;
141     RETURN(0) ;
142   }
144   /*---- build array of p-values into qq and source voxel indexes into iq ----*/
146 STATUS("find reasonable p-values") ;
147   fbad = (doz) ? 0.0f : 1.0f ;  /* output value for masked voxels */
148   for( nq=ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
149     if( far[ii] >= 0.0f && far[ii] < PMAX ){  /* reasonable p-value */
150       qq[nq] = (far[ii] > PBOT) ? far[ii] : PBOT ;
151       iq[nq] = ii ; nq++ ;
152     } else {
153       far[ii] = fbad ;  /* clear out such criminal voxels in the result array */
154     }
155   }
157   /*----- process p-values to get q-values -----*/
159   if( nq > 19 ){  /* something to process! */
161     if( nvox-nq > 3333 ){  /* free up space, if significant */
162       qq = (float *)realloc( qq , sizeof(float)*nq ) ;
163       iq = (int   *)realloc( iq , sizeof(int  )*nq ) ;
164     }
166 STATUS("sorting p-values") ;
167     qsort_floatint( nq , qq , iq ) ;  /* sort into increasing order; */
168                                       /* iq[] tracks where it's from */
170     /* downward scan from large p's to calculate q's */
172     qmin = 1.0 ;
173     nthr = (flags&1) ? nvox : nq ;
174     if( (flags&2) && nthr > 1 ){
175       float nold = nthr ;
176       nthr *= (logf(nthr)+0.5772157f+0.5f/nthr) ;
177       if( PRINT_TRACING ){
178         char str[256] ;
179         sprintf(str, "expand count %g to %g to allow for dependence",nold,nthr) ;
180         STATUS(str) ;
181       }
182     }
183 STATUS("convert p to q") ;
184     for( jj=nq-1 ; jj >= 0 ; jj-- ){           /* convert to q, then z */
185       qval = (nthr * qq[jj]) / (jj+1.0) ;
186       if( qval > qmin ) qval = qmin; else qmin = qval;
187       if( qsmal == 0 && qval <= QSTHRESH ) qsmal = jj ;
188       far[iq[jj]] = (float)qval ;   /* store q into result array */
189     }
191     /** estimate NUMBER (not fraction) of true positives into mone (m1) **/
193     if( qsmal && qq[0] > 0.0f && (flags&1)==0 ) mone = (float)estimate_m1(nq,qq) ;
195     /* 26 Mar 2009: scale q down using m1 estimate above */
197     if( mone > 0.0f && !AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_DONT_ADJUST_FDR") ){
198       qfac = (nq-mone)/(float)nq; if( qfac < 0.5f ) qfac = 0.25f+qfac*qfac ;
199 /* ININFO_message("FDR: using mone = %g  qfac = %g",mone,qfac) ; */
200       if( PRINT_TRACING ){
201         char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"Adjust q by %.3f",qfac) ; STATUS(str) ;
202       }
203       for( jj=0 ; jj < nq ; jj++ ) far[iq[jj]] *= qfac ;
204     }
206     /* convert to z-score, if ordered to do so */
208     if( doz ){
209 STATUS("convert to z") ;
210       for( jj=0 ; jj < nq ; jj++ ){
211         qval = (double)far[iq[jj]] ;
212              if( qval <  QBOT ) qval = ZTOP ;  /* honking big z-score  */
213         else if( qval >= 1.0  ) qval =  0.0 ;  /* very non-significant */
214         else                    qval = QTOZ(qval) ; /* meaningful z(q) */
215         far[iq[jj]] = (float)qval ;
216       }
217     }
219     free(iq) ; iq = NULL ;  /* done with the original indexes */
221     /* compute missed detection fraction (MDF) vs. log10(p) */
223     if( mone > 8.0f ){
224       float ms , dpl ; int jtop,jbot , npp , kk ;
225       float *mdf=(float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nq) ;
226       floatvec *fv ; float p1,p2,m1,m2,pf,mf , pl,pv ;
227       if( mdf == NULL ){
228         ERROR_message("mri_fdrize: out of memory!") ; goto finished ;
229       }
231 STATUS("computing mdf") ;
232       qmin = 1.0 ;
233       for( jj=nq-1 ; jj >=0 ; jj-- ){       /* scan down again to get q */
234         qval = (nthr * qq[jj]) / (jj+1.0) ; /* NOT adjusted by qfac!   */
235         if( qval > qmin ) qval = qmin; else qmin = qval;
236         if( qval < QBOT ) qval = QBOT;
238         /* The reasoning involved to get MDF as a function of threshold:
239           * Number of values more signifcant than this threshold is jj+1;
240           * Approximately qval*(jj+1) of these are false positive detections
241              (that's what FDR means, dude or dudette);
242           * So about (1-qval)*(jj+1) are true positive detections;
243           * So about (1-qval)*(jj+1)/mone is the ratio
244              of true detections to the number of true positives;
245           * So about 1-(1-qval)*(jj+1)/mone is about the
246              fraction of missed true detections (MDF);
247           * The whole thing depends on the accuracy of the mone estimate
248              of the number of true positives (m1=mone) in the data.
249           * If you believe this, I've got a bridge to Brooklyn for sale! */
251         mdf[jj] = 1.0 - (1.0-qval)*(jj+1) / mone ;
252              if( mdf[jj] < 0.0f ) mdf[jj] = 0.0f ;  /* make sure mdf */
253         else if( mdf[jj] > 1.0f ) mdf[jj] = 1.0f ;  /* is reasonable */
254       }
256       /* However, MDF should only decrease as p-value increases */
258       for( jj=1 ; jj < nq ; jj++ ){
259         if( mdf[jj] > mdf[jj-1] ) mdf[jj] = mdf[jj-1] ;
260       }
262       /* cheapo trick: adjust MDF downwards to make sure it -> 0 as p -> 1 */
264       ms = mdf[nq-1] ;  /* last MDF, nearest to p=1 */
265       if( ms > 0.0f ){
266         float alp=1.0f/(1.0f-ms) , bet=alp*ms ;
267         for( jj=0 ; jj < nq ; jj++ ) mdf[jj] = alp*mdf[jj]-bet ;
268         mdf[nq-1] = 0.0f ;
269       }
271       /* now find last nonzero mdf */
273       for( jj=nq-2 ; jj > 0 && mdf[jj] == 0.0f ; jj-- ) ; /*nada*/
274       if( jj <= 1 || qq[jj+1] <= qq[0] ){
275         if( jj       <= 1     ) STATUS("all mdf zero? ==> no mdf") ;
276         if( qq[jj+1] <= qq[0] ) STATUS("qq=const? ==> no mdf") ;
277         free(mdf) ; goto finished ;
278       }
279       jtop = jj+1 ;  /* mdf[jtop] = 0 */
281       /* now find first mdf below 99.9% */
283       for( jj=1 ; jj < jtop && mdf[jj] >= 0.999f ; jj++ ) ; /*nada*/
284       jbot = (jj < jtop-9) ? jj-1 : 0 ;
286       /* build a table of mdf vs log10(p) */
288       ms  = log10( qq[jtop] / qq[jbot] ) ; /* will be positive */
289       npp = (int)( 0.99f + 5.0f * ms ) ;   /* number of grid points */
291       if( npp < 3 ){
292         if( PRINT_TRACING ){
293           char str[256] ;
294           sprintf(str,"nq=%d npp=%d jbot=%d jtop=%d qq[jtop]=%g qq[jbot]=%g ==> no mdf",
295                   nq , npp , jbot,jtop , qq[jtop] , qq[jbot] ) ;
296           STATUS(str) ;
297         }
298         free(mdf); goto finished;
299       }
301       dpl = ms / (npp-1) ;                 /* grid spacing in log10(p) */
302       MAKE_floatvec(fv,npp) ; fv->x0 = log10(qq[jbot]) ; fv->dx = dpl ;
303       fv->ar[0] = mdf[jbot] ;
304       for( jj=jbot,kk=1 ; kk < npp-1 ; kk++ ){
305         pl = fv->x0 + kk*dpl ;   /* kk-th grid point in log10(p) */
306         pv = powf(10.0f,pl) ;    /* kk-th grid point in p */
307         for( ; jj < jtop && qq[jj] < pv ; jj++ ) ; /*nada*/
308         /* linearly interpolate mdf in log10(p) */
309         p1 = log10(qq[jj-1]) ; p2 = log10(qq[jj]) ; pf = (pl-p1)/(p2-p1) ;
310         m1 = mdf[jj-1]       ; m2 = mdf[jj]       ; mf = pf*m2 + (1.0f-pf)*m1;
311         fv->ar[kk] = mf ;
312       }
313       fv->ar[npp-1] = 0.0f ;
314       FDR_mdfv = fv ;        /* record the results for posterity */
315       if( PRINT_TRACING ){
316         char str[256]; sprintf(str,"MDF: npp=%d x0=%g dx=%g",npp,fv->x0,fv->dx);
317         STATUS(str) ;
318       }
319       free(mdf) ; /* end of producing mdf values */
321     } else {
322       if( !qsmal        ) STATUS("no qsmal  ==> no mdf") ;
323       if( nq < 200      ) STATUS("small nq  ==> no mdf") ;
324       if( qq[0] <= 0.0f ) STATUS("bad qq[0] ==> no mdf") ;
325     }
327   } else {
328       /* warn user of impending doom   28 Jan, 2015 [rickr] */
329       WARNING_message("mri_fdrize: will not process only %d values (min=20)",
330                       nq);
331       RETURN(0);
332   } /* end of producing q-values */
334 finished:
335 STATUS("finished") ;
336   if( iq != NULL ) free(iq);
337   if( qq != NULL ) free(qq);
338   RETURN(nq);
339 }
341 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
343 #undef  NCURV
344 #define NCURV 101
346 /*! Create a curve that gives the FDR z(q) value vs. the statistical
347     threshold.  Stored as a floatvec struct, with the statistical
348     value given as x0+i*dx and the corresponding z(q) value in ar[i].  */
mri_fdr_curve(MRI_IMAGE * im,int statcode,float * stataux)350 floatvec * mri_fdr_curve( MRI_IMAGE *im, int statcode, float *stataux )
351 {
352   MRI_IMAGE *cim ;
353   float *car , *far , *zar , *tar ;
354   int nvox , ii , nq , *iq ;
355   floatvec *fv=NULL ;
356   float tbot,ttop , zbot,ztop , dt,tt,zz , t1,t2,z1,z2 , tf,zf ;
357   int kk,klast,jj , flags=0 ;
359 ENTRY("mri_fdr_curve") ;
361   /* check for legal inputs */
363   KILL_floatvec(FDR_mdfv) ;  /* erase the past */
365   if( !FUNC_IS_STAT(statcode) )              RETURN(NULL) ;
366   if( im == NULL || im->kind != MRI_float )  RETURN(NULL) ;
367   far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im); if( far == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;
369   /* make a copy of the statistics and convert them to z(q) scores */
371 STATUS("copy statistics image") ;
372   cim = mri_to_float(im) ; car = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cim) ;
374   if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_NON_INDEPENDENT_FDR") ) flags = 2 ;  /* 21 May 2012 */
376   nq = mri_fdrize( cim , statcode , stataux , flags ) ;
377   if( nq < 9 ){ mri_free(cim); RETURN(NULL); }  /* bad FDR-izing */
379   /* create iq[] = list of voxels that were validly FDR-ized */
381 STATUS("make list of valid q's") ;
382   nvox = im->nvox ;
383   iq   = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nvox) ;
384   if( iq == NULL ){
385     ERROR_message("mri_fdr_curve: out of memory!") ;
386     mri_free(cim); RETURN(NULL);
387   }
389   for( nq=ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){      /* make list of voxels with */
390     if( car[ii] > 0.0f ) iq[nq++] = ii ;  /* meaningful z(q) values   */
391   }
392   if( nq < 9 ){ free(iq); mri_free(cim); RETURN(NULL); }  /* bad */
394   /* create list of z(q) scores and corresponding statistics */
396   zar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nq) ;  /* z(q) values */
397   tar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nq) ;  /* statistics */
398   if( zar == NULL || tar == NULL ){
399     ERROR_message("mri_fdr_curve: out of memory!") ;
400     if( zar != NULL ) free(zar) ;
401     if( tar != NULL ) free(tar) ;
402     free(iq); mri_free(cim); RETURN(NULL);
403   }
405 STATUS("make list of z(q) vs. statistic") ;
406   for( ii=0 ; ii < nq ; ii++ ){
407     zar[ii] = car[iq[ii]] ; tar[ii] = fabsf(far[iq[ii]]) ;
408   }
409   free(iq) ; mri_free(cim) ;   /* toss the trash */
411 STATUS("sort the list") ;
412   qsort_floatfloat( nq , zar , tar ) ;  /* sort into increasing z */
414   /* find the largest z(q) that isn't beyond the top value we like */
416   for( klast=nq-1 ; klast > 0 && zar[klast] >= ZTOP ; klast-- ) ; /*nada */
417   if( klast == 0 ){ free(tar); free(zar); RETURN(NULL); }
418   if( klast < nq-1 ) klast++ ;
420   /* make the floatvec, evenly spaced in the statistic (tar) values */
422   tbot = tar[0] ; ttop = tar[klast] ; dt = (ttop-tbot)/(NCURV-1) ;
423   zbot = zar[0] ; ztop = zar[klast] ;
425 STATUS("make the floatvec") ;
426   MAKE_floatvec(fv,NCURV) ; fv->dx = dt ; fv->x0 = tbot ;
427   fv->ar[0] = zbot ;
428   for( jj=ii=1 ; ii < NCURV-1 ; ii++ ){
429     tt = tbot + ii*dt ;  /* the statistic for this point on the curve */
430     for( ; jj < nq && tar[jj] < tt ; jj++ ) ; /*nada*/
431     t1 = tar[jj-1] ; t2 = tar[jj] ; tf = (tt-t1)/(t2-t1) ;      /* linearly */
432     z1 = zar[jj-1] ; z2 = zar[jj] ; zf = tf*z2 + (1.0f-tf)*z1 ; /* interp z */
433     fv->ar[ii] = zf ;                                         /* to this tt */
434   }
435   fv->ar[NCURV-1] = ztop ;
437 STATUS("finished") ;
438   free(tar) ; free(zar) ; RETURN(fv) ;
439 }