1from __future__ import with_statement
3__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
5import cPickle as _cPickle
6import warnings as _warnings
7import copy as _copy
8import inspect
10import mdp
11from mdp import numx
13class NodeException(mdp.MDPException):
14    """Base class for exceptions in `Node` subclasses."""
15    pass
17class InconsistentDimException(NodeException):
18    """Raised when there is a conflict setting the dimensionalities.
20    Note that incoming data with conflicting dimensionality raises a normal
21    `NodeException`.
22    """
23    pass
25class TrainingException(NodeException):
26    """Base class for exceptions in the training phase."""
27    pass
29class TrainingFinishedException(TrainingException):
30    """Raised when the `Node.train` method is called although the
31    training phase is closed."""
32    pass
34class IsNotTrainableException(TrainingException):
35    """Raised when the `Node.train` method is called although the
36    node is not trainable."""
37    pass
39class IsNotInvertibleException(NodeException):
40    """Raised when the `Node.inverse` method is called although the
41    node is not invertible."""
42    pass
45class NodeMetaclass(type):
46    """A metaclass which copies docstrings from private to public methods.
48    This metaclass is meant to overwrite doc-strings of methods like
49    `Node.execute`, `Node.stop_training`, `Node.inverse` with the ones
50    defined in the corresponding private methods `Node._execute`,
51    `Node._stop_training`, `Node._inverse`, etc.
53    This makes it possible for subclasses of `Node` to document the usage
54    of public methods, without the need to overwrite the ancestor's methods.
55    """
57    # methods that can overwrite docs:
58    DOC_METHODS = ['_train', '_stop_training', '_execute', '_inverse',
59                   '_label', '_prob']
61    def __new__(cls, classname, bases, members):
62        new_cls = super(NodeMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, classname,
63                                                    bases, members)
65        priv_infos = cls._select_private_methods_to_wrap(cls, members)
67        # now add the wrappers
68        for wrapper_name, priv_info in priv_infos.iteritems():
69            # Note: super works because we never wrap in the defining class
70            orig_pubmethod = getattr(super(new_cls, new_cls), wrapper_name)
72            priv_info['name'] = wrapper_name
73            # preserve the last non-empty docstring
74            if not priv_info['doc']:
75                priv_info['doc'] = orig_pubmethod.__doc__
77            recursed = hasattr(orig_pubmethod, '_undecorated_')
78            if recursed:
79                undec_pubmethod = orig_pubmethod._undecorated_
80                priv_info.update(NodeMetaclass._get_infos(undec_pubmethod))
81                wrapper_method = cls._wrap_function(undec_pubmethod,
82                                                    priv_info)
83                wrapper_method._undecorated_ = undec_pubmethod
84            else:
85                priv_info.update(NodeMetaclass._get_infos(orig_pubmethod))
86                wrapper_method = cls._wrap_method(priv_info, new_cls)
87                wrapper_method._undecorated_ = orig_pubmethod
89            setattr(new_cls, wrapper_name, wrapper_method)
90        return new_cls
92    @staticmethod
93    def _get_infos(pubmethod):
94        infos = {}
95        wrapped_info = NodeMetaclass._function_infodict(pubmethod)
96        # Preserve the signature if it still does not end with kwargs
97        # (this is important for binodes).
98        if wrapped_info['kwargs_name'] is None:
99            infos['signature'] = wrapped_info['signature']
100            infos['argnames'] = wrapped_info['argnames']
101            infos['defaults'] = wrapped_info['defaults']
102        return infos
104    @staticmethod
105    def _select_private_methods_to_wrap(cls, members):
106        """Select private methods that can overwrite the public docstring.
108        Return a dictionary priv_infos[pubname], where the keys are the
109        public name of the private method to be wrapped,
110        and the values are dictionaries with the signature, doc,
111        ... informations of the private methods (see `_function_infodict`).
112        """
113        priv_infos = {}
114        for privname in cls.DOC_METHODS:
115            if privname in members:
116                # get the name of the corresponding public method
117                pubname = privname[1:]
118                # If the public method has been overwritten in this
119                # subclass, then keep it.
120                # This is also important because we use super in the wrapper
121                # (so the public method in this class would be missed).
122                if pubname not in members:
123                    priv_infos[pubname] = cls._function_infodict(members[privname])
124        return priv_infos
126    # The next two functions (originally called get_info, wrapper)
127    # are adapted versions of functions in the
128    # decorator module by Michele Simionato
129    # Version: 2.3.1 (25 July 2008)
130    # Download page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/decorator
131    # Note: Moving these functions to utils would cause circular import.
133    @staticmethod
134    def _function_infodict(func):
135        """
136        Returns an info dictionary containing:
138        - name (the name of the function : str)
139        - argnames (the names of the arguments : list)
140        - defaults (the values of the default arguments : tuple)
141        - signature (the signature without the defaults : str)
142        - doc (the docstring : str)
143        - module (the module name : str)
144        - dict (the function __dict__ : str)
145        - kwargs_name (the name of the kwargs argument, if present, else None)
147        >>> def f(self, x=1, y=2, *args, **kw): pass
148        >>> info = getinfo(f)
149        >>> info["name"]
150        'f'
151        >>> info["argnames"]
152        ['self', 'x', 'y', 'args', 'kw']
153        >>> info["defaults"]
154        (1, 2)
155        >>> info["signature"]
156        'self, x, y, *args, **kw'
157        >>> info["kwargs_name"]
158        kw
159        """
160        regargs, varargs, varkwargs, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
161        argnames = list(regargs)
162        if varargs:
163            argnames.append(varargs)
164        if varkwargs:
165            argnames.append(varkwargs)
166        signature = inspect.formatargspec(regargs,
167                                          varargs,
168                                          varkwargs,
169                                          defaults,
170                                          formatvalue=lambda value: "")[1:-1]
171        return dict(name=func.__name__,
172                    signature=signature,
173                    argnames=argnames,
174                    kwargs_name=varkwargs,
175                    defaults=func.func_defaults,
176                    doc=func.__doc__,
177                    module=func.__module__,
178                    dict=func.__dict__,
179                    globals=func.func_globals,
180                    closure=func.func_closure)
182    @staticmethod
183    def _wrap_function(original_func, wrapper_infodict):
184        """Return a wrapped version of func.
186        :param original_func: The function to be wrapped.
187        :param wrapper_infodict: The infodict to use for constructing the
188            wrapper.
189        """
190        src = ("lambda %(signature)s: _original_func_(%(signature)s)" %
191               wrapper_infodict)
192        wrapped_func = eval(src, dict(_original_func_=original_func))
193        wrapped_func.__name__ = wrapper_infodict['name']
194        wrapped_func.__doc__ = wrapper_infodict['doc']
195        wrapped_func.__module__ = wrapper_infodict['module']
196        wrapped_func.__dict__.update(wrapper_infodict['dict'])
197        wrapped_func.func_defaults = wrapper_infodict['defaults']
198        return wrapped_func
200    @staticmethod
201    def _wrap_method(wrapper_infodict, cls):
202        """Return a wrapped version of func.
204        :param wrapper_infodict: The infodict to be used for constructing the
205            wrapper.
206        :param cls: Class to which the wrapper method will be added, this is
207            used for the super call.
208        """
209        src = ("lambda %(signature)s: super(_wrapper_class_, _wrapper_class_)."
210               "%(name)s(%(signature)s)" % wrapper_infodict)
211        wrapped_func = eval(src, {"_wrapper_class_": cls})
212        wrapped_func.__name__ = wrapper_infodict['name']
213        wrapped_func.__doc__ = wrapper_infodict['doc']
214        wrapped_func.__module__ = wrapper_infodict['module']
215        wrapped_func.__dict__.update(wrapper_infodict['dict'])
216        wrapped_func.func_defaults = wrapper_infodict['defaults']
217        return wrapped_func
220class Node(object):
221    """A `Node` is the basic building block of an MDP application.
223    It represents a data processing element, like for example a learning
224    algorithm, a data filter, or a visualization step.
225    Each node can have one or more training phases, during which the
226    internal structures are learned from training data (e.g. the weights
227    of a neural network are adapted or the covariance matrix is estimated)
228    and an execution phase, where new data can be processed forwards (by
229    processing the data through the node) or backwards (by applying the
230    inverse of the transformation computed by the node if defined).
232    Nodes have been designed to be applied to arbitrarily long sets of data:
233    if the underlying algorithms supports it, the internal structures can
234    be updated incrementally by sending multiple batches of data (this is
235    equivalent to online learning if the chunks consists of single
236    observations, or to batch learning if the whole data is sent in a
237    single chunk). It is thus possible to perform computations on amounts
238    of data that would not fit into memory or to generate data on-the-fly.
240    A `Node` also defines some utility methods, like for example
241    `copy` and `save`, that return an exact copy of a node and save it
242    in a file, respectively. Additional methods may be present, depending
243    on the algorithm.
245    `Node` subclasses should take care of overwriting (if necessary)
246    the functions `is_trainable`, `_train`, `_stop_training`, `_execute`,
247    `is_invertible`, `_inverse`, `_get_train_seq`, and `_get_supported_dtypes`.
248    If you need to overwrite the getters and setters of the
249    node's properties refer to the docstring of `get_input_dim`/`set_input_dim`,
250    `get_output_dim`/`set_output_dim`, and `get_dtype`/`set_dtype`.
251    """
253    __metaclass__ = NodeMetaclass
255    def __init__(self, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None):
256        """If the input dimension and the output dimension are
257        unspecified, they will be set when the `train` or `execute`
258        method is called for the first time.
259        If dtype is unspecified, it will be inherited from the data
260        it receives at the first call of `train` or `execute`.
262        Every subclass must take care of up- or down-casting the internal
263        structures to match this argument (use `_refcast` private
264        method when possible).
265        """
266        # initialize basic attributes
267        self._input_dim = None
268        self._output_dim = None
269        self._dtype = None
270        # call set functions for properties
271        self.set_input_dim(input_dim)
272        self.set_output_dim(output_dim)
273        self.set_dtype(dtype)
275        # skip the training phase if the node is not trainable
276        if not self.is_trainable():
277            self._training = False
278            self._train_phase = -1
279            self._train_phase_started = False
280        else:
281            # this var stores at which point in the training sequence we are
282            self._train_phase = 0
283            # this var is False if the training of the current phase hasn't
284            #  started yet, True otherwise
285            self._train_phase_started = False
286            # this var is False if the complete training is finished
287            self._training = True
289    ### properties
291    def get_input_dim(self):
292        """Return input dimensions."""
293        return self._input_dim
295    def set_input_dim(self, n):
296        """Set input dimensions.
298        Perform sanity checks and then calls ``self._set_input_dim(n)``, which
299        is responsible for setting the internal attribute ``self._input_dim``.
300        Note that subclasses should overwrite `self._set_input_dim`
301        when needed.
302        """
303        if n is None:
304            pass
305        elif (self._input_dim is not None) and (self._input_dim != n):
306            msg = ("Input dim are set already (%d) "
307                   "(%d given)!" % (self.input_dim, n))
308            raise InconsistentDimException(msg)
309        else:
310            self._set_input_dim(n)
312    def _set_input_dim(self, n):
313        self._input_dim = n
315    input_dim = property(get_input_dim,
316                         set_input_dim,
317                         doc="Input dimensions")
319    def get_output_dim(self):
320        """Return output dimensions."""
321        return self._output_dim
323    def set_output_dim(self, n):
324        """Set output dimensions.
326        Perform sanity checks and then calls ``self._set_output_dim(n)``, which
327        is responsible for setting the internal attribute ``self._output_dim``.
328        Note that subclasses should overwrite `self._set_output_dim`
329        when needed.
330        """
331        if n is None:
332            pass
333        elif (self._output_dim is not None) and (self._output_dim != n):
334            msg = ("Output dim are set already (%d) "
335                   "(%d given)!" % (self.output_dim, n))
336            raise InconsistentDimException(msg)
337        else:
338            self._set_output_dim(n)
340    def _set_output_dim(self, n):
341        self._output_dim = n
343    output_dim = property(get_output_dim,
344                          set_output_dim,
345                          doc="Output dimensions")
347    def get_dtype(self):
348        """Return dtype."""
349        return self._dtype
351    def set_dtype(self, t):
352        """Set internal structures' dtype.
354        Perform sanity checks and then calls ``self._set_dtype(n)``, which
355        is responsible for setting the internal attribute ``self._dtype``.
356        Note that subclasses should overwrite `self._set_dtype`
357        when needed.
358        """
359        if t is None:
360            return
361        t = numx.dtype(t)
362        if (self._dtype is not None) and (self._dtype != t):
363            errstr = ("dtype is already set to '%s' "
364                      "('%s' given)!" % (t, self.dtype.name))
365            raise NodeException(errstr)
366        elif t not in self.get_supported_dtypes():
367            errstr = ("\ndtype '%s' is not supported.\n"
368                      "Supported dtypes: %s" % (t.name,
369                                                 [numx.dtype(t).name for t in
370                                                  self.get_supported_dtypes()]))
371            raise NodeException(errstr)
372        else:
373            self._set_dtype(t)
375    def _set_dtype(self, t):
376        t = numx.dtype(t)
377        if t not in self.get_supported_dtypes():
378            raise NodeException('dtype %s not among supported dtypes (%s)'
379                                % (str(t), self.get_supported_dtypes()))
380        self._dtype = t
382    dtype = property(get_dtype,
383                     set_dtype,
384                     doc="dtype")
386    def _get_supported_dtypes(self):
387        """Return the list of dtypes supported by this node.
389        The types can be specified in any format allowed by :numpy:`dtype`.
390        """
391        # TODO: http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/manual-othermarkup.html#external-api-links for numpy
392        return mdp.utils.get_dtypes('Float')
394    def get_supported_dtypes(self):
395        """Return dtypes supported by the node as a list of :numpy:`dtype`
396        objects.
398        Note that subclasses should overwrite `self._get_supported_dtypes`
399        when needed."""
400        return [numx.dtype(t) for t in self._get_supported_dtypes()]
402    supported_dtypes = property(get_supported_dtypes,
403                                doc="Supported dtypes")
405    _train_seq = property(lambda self: self._get_train_seq(),
406                          doc="""\
407        List of tuples::
409          [(training-phase1, stop-training-phase1),
410           (training-phase2, stop_training-phase2),
411           ...]
413        By default::
415          _train_seq = [(self._train, self._stop_training)]
416        """)
418    def _get_train_seq(self):
419        return [(self._train, self._stop_training)]
421    def has_multiple_training_phases(self):
422        """Return True if the node has multiple training phases."""
423        return len(self._train_seq) > 1
425    ### Node states
426    def is_training(self):
427        """Return True if the node is in the training phase,
428        False otherwise."""
429        return self._training
431    def get_current_train_phase(self):
432        """Return the index of the current training phase.
434        The training phases are defined in the list `self._train_seq`."""
435        return self._train_phase
437    def get_remaining_train_phase(self):
438        """Return the number of training phases still to accomplish.
440        If the node is not trainable then return 0.
441        """
442        if self.is_trainable():
443            return len(self._train_seq) - self._train_phase
444        else:
445            return 0
447    ### Node capabilities
448    @staticmethod
449    def is_trainable():
450        """Return True if the node can be trained, False otherwise."""
451        return True
453    @staticmethod
454    def is_invertible():
455        """Return True if the node can be inverted, False otherwise."""
456        return True
458    ### check functions
459    def _check_input(self, x):
460        # check input rank
461        if not x.ndim == 2:
462            error_str = "x has rank %d, should be 2" % (x.ndim)
463            raise NodeException(error_str)
465        # set the input dimension if necessary
466        if self.input_dim is None:
467            self.input_dim = x.shape[1]
469        # set the dtype if necessary
470        if self.dtype is None:
471            self.dtype = x.dtype
473        # check the input dimension
474        if not x.shape[1] == self.input_dim:
475            error_str = "x has dimension %d, should be %d" % (x.shape[1],
476                                                              self.input_dim)
477            raise NodeException(error_str)
479        if x.shape[0] == 0:
480            error_str = "x must have at least one observation (zero given)"
481            raise NodeException(error_str)
483    def _check_output(self, y):
484        # check output rank
485        if not y.ndim == 2:
486            error_str = "y has rank %d, should be 2" % (y.ndim)
487            raise NodeException(error_str)
489        # check the output dimension
490        if not y.shape[1] == self.output_dim:
491            error_str = "y has dimension %d, should be %d" % (y.shape[1],
492                                                              self.output_dim)
493            raise NodeException(error_str)
495    def _if_training_stop_training(self):
496        if self.is_training():
497            self.stop_training()
498            # if there is some training phases left we shouldn't be here!
499            if self.get_remaining_train_phase() > 0:
500                error_str = "The training phases are not completed yet."
501                raise TrainingException(error_str)
503    def _pre_execution_checks(self, x):
504        """This method contains all pre-execution checks.
506        It can be used when a subclass defines multiple execution methods.
507        """
508        # if training has not started yet, assume we want to train the node
509        if (self.get_current_train_phase() == 0 and
510            not self._train_phase_started):
511            while True:
512                self.train(x)
513                if self.get_remaining_train_phase() > 1:
514                    self.stop_training()
515                else:
516                    break
518        self._if_training_stop_training()
520        # control the dimension x
521        self._check_input(x)
523        # set the output dimension if necessary
524        if self.output_dim is None:
525            self.output_dim = self.input_dim
527    def _pre_inversion_checks(self, y):
528        """This method contains all pre-inversion checks.
530        It can be used when a subclass defines multiple inversion methods.
531        """
532        if not self.is_invertible():
533            raise IsNotInvertibleException("This node is not invertible.")
535        self._if_training_stop_training()
537        # set the output dimension if necessary
538        if self.output_dim is None:
539            # if the input_dim is not defined, raise an exception
540            if self.input_dim is None:
541                errstr = ("Number of input dimensions undefined. Inversion"
542                          "not possible.")
543                raise NodeException(errstr)
544            self.output_dim = self.input_dim
546        # control the dimension of y
547        self._check_output(y)
549    ### casting helper functions
551    def _refcast(self, x):
552        """Helper function to cast arrays to the internal dtype."""
553        return mdp.utils.refcast(x, self.dtype)
555    ### Methods to be implemented by the user
557    # this are the methods the user has to overwrite
558    # they receive the data already casted to the correct type
560    def _train(self, x):
561        if self.is_trainable():
562            raise NotImplementedError
564    def _stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs):
565        pass
567    def _execute(self, x):
568        return x
570    def _inverse(self, x):
571        if self.is_invertible():
572            return x
574    def _check_train_args(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
575        # implemented by subclasses if needed
576        pass
578    ### User interface to the overwritten methods
580    def train(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
581        """Update the internal structures according to the input data `x`.
583        `x` is a matrix having different variables on different columns
584        and observations on the rows.
586        By default, subclasses should overwrite `_train` to implement their
587        training phase. The docstring of the `_train` method overwrites this
588        docstring.
590        Note: a subclass supporting multiple training phases should implement
591        the *same* signature for all the training phases and document the
592        meaning of the arguments in the `_train` method doc-string. Having
593        consistent signatures is a requirement to use the node in a flow.
594        """
596        if not self.is_trainable():
597            raise IsNotTrainableException("This node is not trainable.")
599        if not self.is_training():
600            err_str = "The training phase has already finished."
601            raise TrainingFinishedException(err_str)
603        self._check_input(x)
604        self._check_train_args(x, *args, **kwargs)
606        self._train_phase_started = True
607        self._train_seq[self._train_phase][0](self._refcast(x), *args, **kwargs)
609    def stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs):
610        """Stop the training phase.
612        By default, subclasses should overwrite `_stop_training` to implement
613        this functionality. The docstring of the `_stop_training` method
614        overwrites this docstring.
615        """
616        if self.is_training() and self._train_phase_started == False:
617            raise TrainingException("The node has not been trained.")
619        if not self.is_training():
620            err_str = "The training phase has already finished."
621            raise TrainingFinishedException(err_str)
623        # close the current phase.
624        self._train_seq[self._train_phase][1](*args, **kwargs)
625        self._train_phase += 1
626        self._train_phase_started = False
627        # check if we have some training phase left
628        if self.get_remaining_train_phase() == 0:
629            self._training = False
631    def execute(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
632        """Process the data contained in `x`.
634        If the object is still in the training phase, the function
635        `stop_training` will be called.
636        `x` is a matrix having different variables on different columns
637        and observations on the rows.
639        By default, subclasses should overwrite `_execute` to implement
640        their execution phase. The docstring of the `_execute` method
641        overwrites this docstring.
642        """
643        self._pre_execution_checks(x)
644        return self._execute(self._refcast(x), *args, **kwargs)
646    def inverse(self, y, *args, **kwargs):
647        """Invert `y`.
649        If the node is invertible, compute the input ``x`` such that
650        ``y = execute(x)``.
652        By default, subclasses should overwrite `_inverse` to implement
653        their `inverse` function. The docstring of the `inverse` method
654        overwrites this docstring.
655        """
656        self._pre_inversion_checks(y)
657        return self._inverse(self._refcast(y), *args, **kwargs)
659    def __call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
660        """Calling an instance of `Node` is equivalent to calling
661        its `execute` method."""
662        return self.execute(x, *args, **kwargs)
664    ###### adding nodes returns flows
666    def __add__(self, other):
667        # check other is a node
668        if isinstance(other, Node):
669            return mdp.Flow([self, other])
670        elif isinstance(other, mdp.Flow):
671            flow_copy = other.copy()
672            flow_copy.insert(0, self)
673            return flow_copy.copy()
674        else:
675            err_str = ('can only concatenate node'
676                       ' (not \'%s\') to node' % (type(other).__name__))
677            raise TypeError(err_str)
679    ###### string representation
681    def __str__(self):
682        return str(type(self).__name__)
684    def __repr__(self):
685        # print input_dim, output_dim, dtype
686        name = type(self).__name__
687        inp = "input_dim=%s" % str(self.input_dim)
688        out = "output_dim=%s" % str(self.output_dim)
689        if self.dtype is None:
690            typ = 'dtype=None'
691        else:
692            typ = "dtype='%s'" % self.dtype.name
693        args = ', '.join((inp, out, typ))
694        return name + '(' + args + ')'
696    def copy(self, protocol=None):
697        """Return a deep copy of the node.
699        :param protocol: the pickle protocol (deprecated)."""
700        if protocol is not None:
701            _warnings.warn("protocol parameter to copy() is ignored",
702                           mdp.MDPDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
703        return _copy.deepcopy(self)
705    def save(self, filename, protocol=-1):
706        """Save a pickled serialization of the node to `filename`.
707        If `filename` is None, return a string.
709        Note: the pickled `Node` is not guaranteed to be forwards or
710        backwards compatible."""
711        if filename is None:
712            return _cPickle.dumps(self, protocol)
713        else:
714            # if protocol != 0 open the file in binary mode
715            mode = 'wb' if protocol != 0 else 'w'
716            with open(filename, mode) as flh:
717                _cPickle.dump(self, flh, protocol)
720class PreserveDimNode(Node):
721    """Abstract base class with ``output_dim == input_dim``.
723    If one dimension is set then the other is set to the same value.
724    If the dimensions are set to different values, then an
725    `InconsistentDimException` is raised.
726    """
728    def _set_input_dim(self, n):
729        if (self._output_dim is not None) and (self._output_dim != n):
730            err = "input_dim must be equal to output_dim for this node."
731            raise InconsistentDimException(err)
732        self._input_dim = n
733        self._output_dim = n
735    def _set_output_dim(self, n):
736        if (self._input_dim is not None) and (self._input_dim != n):
737            err = "output_dim must be equal to input_dim for this node."
738            raise InconsistentDimException(err)
739        self._input_dim = n
740        self._output_dim = n
743def VariadicCumulator(*fields):
744    """A VariadicCumulator is a `Node` whose training phase simply collects
745    all input data. In this way it is possible to easily implement
746    batch-mode learning.
748    The data is accessible in the attributes given with the VariadicCumulator's
749    constructor after the beginning of the `Node._stop_training` phase.
750    ``self.tlen`` contains the number of data points collected.
751    """
753    class Cumulator(Node):
754        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
755            super(Cumulator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
756            self._cumulator_fields = fields
757            for arg in self._cumulator_fields:
758                if hasattr(self, arg):
759                    errstr = "Cumulator Error: Property %s already defined"
760                    raise mdp.MDPException(errstr % arg)
761                setattr(self, arg, [])
762            self.tlen = 0
764        def _train(self, *args):
765            """Collect all input data in a list."""
766            self.tlen += args[0].shape[0]
767            for field, data in zip(self._cumulator_fields, args):
768                getattr(self, field).append(data)
770        def _stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs):
771            """Concatenate the collected data in a single array."""
772            for field in self._cumulator_fields:
773                data = getattr(self, field)
774                setattr(self, field, numx.concatenate(data, 0))
776    return Cumulator
778Cumulator = VariadicCumulator('data')
779Cumulator.__doc__ = """A specialized version of `VariadicCumulator` which only
780                    fills the field ``self.data``.
781                    """