1 /** automatically generated by AFNI program quotize **/
2 static char *readme_env[] = {
3    "###########################################\n" ,
4    "###  Intro: Unix env vars used by AFNI  ###\n" ,
5    "###########################################\n" ,
6    "\n" ,
7    "The AFNI program allows you to use several Unix environment variables\n" ,
8    "to influence its behavior. The mechanics of setting an environment\n" ,
9    "variable depend on which shell you are using. To set an environment\n" ,
10    "variable named \"FRED\" to the string \"Elvis\":\n" ,
11    "\n" ,
12    "   csh or tcsh:  setenv FRED Elvis\n" ,
13    "   bash or ksh:  FRED=Elvis ; export FRED\n" ,
14    "\n" ,
15    "Normally, these commands would go in your .cshrc or .profile files,\n" ,
16    "so that they would be invoked when you login. If in doubt, consult\n" ,
17    "your local Unix guru. If you don't have one, well....\n" ,
18    "\n" ,
19    "You don't NEED to set any of these variables -- AFNI will still work\n" ,
20    "correctly. But they are an easy way to set up certain defaults to\n" ,
21    "make AFNI a little easier on your neocortex and hippocampus.\n" ,
22    "\n" ,
23    "N.B.: Changes to environment variables AFTER you start a program will\n" ,
24    "      not be seen by that program, since each running program gets\n" ,
25    "      a private copy of the entire set of environment variables when\n" ,
26    "      it starts. This is a standard Unix feature, and is not specific\n" ,
27    "      to AFNI. Some variables can be set internally in AFNI using\n" ,
28    "      the \"Edit Environment\" control from the \"Datamode->Misc\" menu\n" ,
29    "      or from the image window Button-3 popup menu. Such variables\n" ,
30    "      are marked with \"(editable)\" in the descriptions below.\n" ,
31    "\n" ,
32    "N.B.: Some variables below are described as being of \"YES/NO\" type.\n" ,
33    "      This means that they should either be set to the value \"YES\"\n" ,
34    "      or to the value \"NO\".\n" ,
35    "\n" ,
36    "N.B.: You can now set environment variables on the 'afni' command\n" ,
37    "      line; for example:\n" ,
38    "         afni -DAFNI_SESSTRAIL=3 -DAFNI_FUNC_ALPHA=YES\n" ,
39    "      This may be useful for a 'one time' situation, or as an alias.\n" ,
40    "      You can also use this '-Dname=val' option in 1dplot and 3dDeconvolve.\n" ,
41    "      [RWCox: 22 Mar 2005]\n" ,
42    "      And now you can use this feature on most program command lines.\n" ,
43    "      [RWCox: 13 Dec 2007]\n" ,
44    "\n" ,
45    "N.B.: At the end of this file is a list of several environment variables\n" ,
46    "      that affect the program 3dDeconvolve, rather than the interactive\n" ,
47    "      AFNI program itself.\n" ,
48    "\n" ,
49    "N.B.: If you set an AFNI environment variable on the command line, or\n" ,
50    "      in a shell startup file (e.g., ~/.cshrc), and also have that\n" ,
51    "      variable in your ~/.afnirc file, you will get a warning telling\n" ,
52    "      you that the value in the ~/.afnirc file is being ignored.\n" ,
53    "      To turn off these warnings, set environment variable\n" ,
54    "      AFNI_ENVIRON_WARNINGS to NO.\n" ,
55    "\n" ,
56    "N.B.: You can allow the .afnirc file to re-set existing environment\n" ,
57    "      variables by setting environment variable AFNI_ENVIRON_RESET to YES.\n" ,
58    "\n" ,
59    "#################################################\n" ,
60    "###  Setting env variables in file ~/.afnirc  ###\n" ,
61    "#################################################\n" ,
62    "\n" ,
63    "As of June, 1999, you can now set environment variables for an interactive\n" ,
64    "AFNI run in the setup (~/.afnirc) file. This is provided as a convenience.\n" ,
65    "An example:\n" ,
66    "\n" ,
67    "   ***ENVIRONMENT\n" ,
68    "     AFNI_HINTS = YES\n" ,
69    "     AFNI_SESSTRAIL = 3\n" ,
70    "\n" ,
71    "Note that the spaces around the \"=\" sign are required. See README.setup\n" ,
72    "for more information about the possible contents of .afnirc besides the\n" ,
73    "environment variables.\n" ,
74    "\n" ,
75    "A few other programs in the AFNI package also read the ***ENVIRONMENT\n" ,
76    "section of the .afnirc file. This is needed so that environment settings\n" ,
77    "that affect those programs (e.g., AFNI_COMPRESSOR for auto-compression of\n" ,
78    "output datasets) can be properly initialized in .afnirc.\n" ,
79    "\n" ,
80    "At the same time, the routine in AFNI that initializes certain internal\n" ,
81    "constants from X11 resources (usually in your .Xdefaults or .Xresources\n" ,
82    "file, and described in file AFNI.Xdefaults) has been modified to also\n" ,
83    "allow the same constants to be set from Unix environment variables.\n" ,
84    "For example, the gap (in pixels) between sub-graphs is set by the\n" ,
85    "X11 resource \"AFNI*graph_ggap\", and can now be set by the environment\n" ,
86    "variables \"AFNI_graph_ggap\" or \"AFNI_GRAPH_GGAP\", as in:\n" ,
87    "\n" ,
88    "  AFNI_graph_ggap = 6   // this is a comment\n" ,
89    "\n" ,
90    "If an X11 resource is actually set, it will take priority over the\n" ,
91    "environment variable. Some of the variables that can be set in this\n" ,
92    "way are:\n" ,
93    "\n" ,
94    "   AFNI_ncolors             = number of gray levels to use\n" ,
95    "   AFNI_gamma               = gamma correction for image intensities\n" ,
96    "   AFNI_graph_boxes_thick   = 0=thin lines, 1=thick lines, for graph boxes\n" ,
97    "   AFNI_graph_grid_thick    = ditto for the graph vertical grid lines\n" ,
98    "   AFNI_graph_data_thick    = ditto for the data graphs\n" ,
99    "   AFNI_graph_ideal_thick   = ditto for the ideal graphs\n" ,
100    "   AFNI_graph_ort_thick     = ditto for the ort graphs\n" ,
101    "   AFNI_graph_dplot_thick   = ditto for the dplot graphs\n" ,
102    "   AFNI_graph_ggap          = initial spacing between graph boxes\n" ,
103    "   AFNI_graph_matrix        = initial number of sub-graphs\n" ,
104    "   AFNI_fim_polort          = polynomial detrending order for FIM\n" ,
105    "   AFNI_fim_ignore          = how many pts to ignore at start when doing FIM\n" ,
106    "   AFNI_montage_periodic    = True allows periodic montage wraparound\n" ,
107    "   AFNI_purge               = True allows automatic dataset memory purge\n" ,
108    "   AFNI_resam_vox           = dimension of voxel (mm) for resampled datasets\n" ,
109    "   AFNI_resam_anat          = One of NN, Li, Cu, Bk for Anat resampling mode\n" ,
110    "   AFNI_resam_func          = ditto for Func resampling mode\n" ,
111    "   AFNI_resam_thr           = ditto for Threshold resampling mode\n" ,
112    "   AFNI_pbar_posfunc        = True will start color pbar as all positive\n" ,
113    "   AFNI_pbar_sgn_pane_count = # of panes to start signed color pbar with\n" ,
114    "   AFNI_pbar_pos_pane_count = # of panes to start positive color pbar with\n" ,
115    "\n" ,
116    "Some other such variables are described in file AFNI.Xdefaults. Note that\n" ,
117    "values that actually affect the way the X11/Motif interface appears, such as\n" ,
118    "AFNI*troughColor, must be set via the X11 mechanism and cannot be set using\n" ,
119    "Unix environment variables. This is because they are interpreted by the\n" ,
120    "Motif graphics library when it starts and not by any actual AFNI code.\n" ,
121    "\n" ,
122    "The following example is from my own .afnirc file on the Linux system on\n" ,
123    "which I do most of the AFNI development. The first ones (in lower case)\n" ,
124    "are described in AFNI.Xdefaults. The later ones (all upper case) are\n" ,
125    "documented in this file. (You can tell from this file that I like to\n" ,
126    "have things line up. You would never be able to tell this from the\n" ,
127    "piles of paper in my office, though.) And the file is:\n" ,
128    "\n" ,
129    " ***ENVIRONMENT\n" ,
130    "   AFNI_ncolors             = 60      // number of gray levels\n" ,
131    "   AFNI_gamma               = 1.5     // adjust for proper display\n" ,
132    "   AFNI_purge               = True    // purge datasets from memory when not used\n" ,
133    "   AFNI_chooser_doubleclick = Apply   // like Apply button; could also be Set\n" ,
134    "   AFNI_chooser_listmax     = 25      // max nonscrolling items in chooser lists\n" ,
135    "   AFNI_graph_width         = 512     // initial width of graph window (pixels)\n" ,
136    "   AFNI_graph_height        = 384     // initial height of graph window\n" ,
137    "   AFNI_graph_data_thick    = 1       // graph time series with thick lines\n" ,
138    "   AFNI_fim_ignore          = 2       // default value for FIM ignore\n" ,
139    "   AFNI_graph_ggap          = 7       // gap between sub-graphs (pixels)\n" ,
140    "   AFNI_pbar_hide           = True    // hide color pbar when it changes size\n" ,
141    "   AFNI_hotcolor            = Violet  // color to use on Done and Set buttons\n" ,
142    "   AFNI_SESSTRAIL           = 2       // see below for these ...\n" ,
143    "   AFNI_RENDER_ANGLE_DELTA  = 4.0     //                       |\n" ,
144    "   AFNI_RENDER_CUTOUT_DELTA = 4.0     //                       |\n" ,
145    "   AFNI_FIM_BKTHR           = 25.0    //                       |\n" ,
146    "   AFNI_SPLASHTIME          = 3.0     //                       v\n" ,
147    "\n" ,
148    "###################################\n" ,
149    "###  Env vars: the looong list  ###\n" ,
150    "###################################\n" ,
151    "\n" ,
152    "-----------------------------\n" ,
153    "Variable: AFNI_MESSAGE_PREFIX\n" ,
154    "-----------------------------\n" ,
155    "Most AFNI programs output various messages prefixed by '++', '**', and\n" ,
156    "divers variations. If you are running several programs at once, you can\n" ,
157    "pre-pend a string to these prefixes to distinguish them in the output\n" ,
158    "terminal stream. For example, a csh script might look like so:\n" ,
159    "  foreach fred ( 1 2 3 4 )\n" ,
160    "    setenv AFNI_MESSAGE_PREFIX case$fred\n" ,
161    "    run_some_program -option $fred ... |& tee out${fred}.txt &\n" ,
162    "  end\n" ,
163    "  wait\n" ,
164    "\n" ,
165    "-------------------------------\n" ,
166    "Variable: AFNI_MESSAGE_COLORIZE   [22 Feb 2016]\n" ,
167    "-------------------------------\n" ,
168    "When AFNI programs print WARNING or ERROR messages, they normally\n" ,
169    "print the 'WARNING' or 'ERROR' label using inverted colors, to aid in\n" ,
170    "picking out these messages from other text on the screen. To turn\n" ,
171    "this feature off, set this environment variable to 'NO'.\n" ,
172    "\n" ,
173    "-----------------------\n" ,
174    "Variable: AFNI_FONTSIZE   [06 Nov 2018]\n" ,
175    "-----------------------\n" ,
176    "This variable can be used to set the AFNI controller font sizes.\n" ,
177    "It is a convenient way to avoid using the '-XXXfontsize' option.\n" ,
178    "The values this variable can take are:\n" ,
179    "   MINUS ==> smaller than normal fonts\n" ,
180    "   PLUS  ==> larger than normal fonts\n" ,
181    "   BIG   ==> much larger than normal fonts\n" ,
182    "\n" ,
183    "------------------------------------\n" ,
184    "Variable: AFNI_DONT_SORT_ENVIRONMENT\n" ,
185    "------------------------------------\n" ,
186    "If this YES/NO variable is YES, then the Edit Environment controls\n" ,
187    "will NOT be sorted alphabetically. The default action is to sort them\n" ,
188    "alphabetically. If they are unsorted, the editable environment\n" ,
189    "variables will appear in the control panel in the order in which they\n" ,
190    "were added to the code (that is, in an order that makes no real\n" ,
191    "sense).\n" ,
192    "\n" ,
193    "---------------------\n" ,
194    "Variable: AFNI_ORIENT (editable)\n" ,
195    "---------------------\n" ,
196    "This is a string used to control the display of coordinates in the AFNI\n" ,
197    "main control window. The string must be 3 letters, one each from the\n" ,
198    "pairs {R,L} {A,P} {I,S}. The first letter in the string gives the\n" ,
199    "orientation of the x-axis, the second the orientation of the y-axis,\n" ,
200    "the third the z-axis:\n" ,
201    "\n" ,
202    "   R = right-to-left           L = left-to-right\n" ,
203    "   A = anterior-to-posterior   P = posterior-to-anterior\n" ,
204    "   I = inferior-to-superior    S = superior-to-inferior\n" ,
205    "\n" ,
206    "If AFNI_ORIENT is undefined, the default is RAI. This is the order\n" ,
207    "used by DICOM, and means\n" ,
208    "\n" ,
209    "   the -x axis is Right,    the +x axis is Left,\n" ,
210    "   the -y axis is Anterior, the +y axis is Posterior,\n" ,
211    "   the -z axis is Inferior, the +z axis is Superior.\n" ,
212    "\n" ,
213    "As a special case, using the code 'flipped' is equivalent to 'LPI',\n" ,
214    "which is the orientation used in many neuroscience journals.\n" ,
215    "\n" ,
216    "This variable is also recognized by program 3dclust, which will report\n" ,
217    "the cluster coordinates in the (x,y,z) order given by AFNI_ORIENT.\n" ,
218    "Both AFNI and 3dclust also recognize the command line switch\n" ,
219    "\"-orient string\", where string is a 3 letter code that can be used\n" ,
220    "to override the value of AFNI_ORIENT.\n" ,
221    "\n" ,
222    "The plugin \"Coord Order\" (plug_coord.c) allows you to interactively\n" ,
223    "change the orientation of the variable display within AFNI.\n" ,
224    "\n" ,
225    "-------------------------\n" ,
226    "Variable: AFNI_PLUGINPATH\n" ,
227    "-------------------------\n" ,
228    "This variable should be the directory in which AFNI should search for\n" ,
229    "plugins, executable files, atlases, templates and atlas definition\n" ,
230    "files. See the atlas environment variable section below for more\n" ,
231    "details. If there is more than one appropriate directory, they can be\n" ,
232    "separated by colons, as in\n" ,
233    "\n" ,
234    "   setenv AFNI_PLUGINPATH /directory/one:/directory/two\n" ,
235    "\n" ,
236    "If this variable is not set, then AFNI will use the PATH variable\n" ,
237    "instead. This will waste time, since most directories in the PATH\n" ,
238    "will not have plugins. On some systems, using the PATH has been\n" ,
239    "known to cause problems when AFNI starts. I believe this is due to\n" ,
240    "bugs in the system library routines (e.g., dlopen) used to manage\n" ,
241    "dynamically loaded shared objects. Take care to remove any slow or\n" ,
242    "non-existent directories from the PATH because these problems will cause\n" ,
243    "searches to fail or become excessively slow.\n" ,
244    "\n" ,
245    "------------------------\n" ,
246    "Variable: AFNI_NOPLUGINS\n" ,
247    "------------------------\n" ,
248    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then AFNI will not try to\n" ,
249    "read plugins when it starts up. The command line switch \"-noplugins\"\n" ,
250    "will have the same effect.\n" ,
251    "\n" ,
252    "--------------------------------\n" ,
253    "Variable: AFNI_ALLOW_ALL_PLUGINS\n" ,
254    "--------------------------------\n" ,
255    "Setting this variable to YES will allow all defined plugins to\n" ,
256    "be loaded. Otherwise, little-used plugins must be allowed one\n" ,
257    "at a time, using the next set of variable names.\n" ,
258    "\n" ,
259    "-------------------------------------\n" ,
260    "Variables: AFNI_ALLOW_somename_PLUGIN\n" ,
261    "-------------------------------------\n" ,
262    "Some plugins distributed with AFNI are not commonly used, and are\n" ,
263    "disabled by default. If you wish to turn one of these plugins\n" ,
264    "back on, set the corresponding environment variable to YES.\n" ,
265    "The list of these plugins is:\n" ,
266    "  --- somename ---     --- name in menu ---\n" ,
267    "  2DREGISTRATION       2D Registration\n" ,
268    "  3DCLUSTER            3D Cluster\n" ,
269    "  3DCORRELATION        3D Correlation\n" ,
270    "  3DDUMP98             3D Dump98\n" ,
271    "  3DEDIT               3D Edit\n" ,
272    "  3DEXTRACT            3D+t Extract\n" ,
273    "  3DREGISTRATION       3D Registration\n" ,
274    "  3DSTATISTIC          3D+t Statistic\n" ,
275    "  4DDUMP               4D Dump\n" ,
276    "  ASL                  ASL a3/d3\n" ,
277    "  BRIKCOMPRESSOR       BRIK Compressor\n" ,
278    "  COORDORDER           Coord Order\n" ,
279    "  DATASETCOPY          Dataset Copy\n" ,
280    "  DATASETDUP           Dataset Dup\n" ,
281    "  DATASETRENAME        Dataset Rename\n" ,
282    "  DECONVOLVE           Deconvolution\n" ,
283    "  DSETZEROPAD          Dset Zeropad\n" ,
284    "  FOURIER              Fourier\n" ,
285    "  GYRUSFINDER          Gyrus Finder\n" ,
286    "  HEMISUBTRACT         Hemi-subtract\n" ,
287    "  HILBERTDELAY98       Hilbert Delay98\n" ,
288    "  HISTOGRAMBFIT        Histogram: BFit\n" ,
289    "  L1FIT                L1_Fit & Dtr\n" ,
290    "  L2FIT                LSqFit & Dtr\n" ,
291    "  MASKCALC             maskcalc\n" ,
292    "  PERMUTATIONTEST      Permutation Test\n" ,
293    "  POWERSPECTRUM        Power Spectrum\n" ,
294    "  REORDER              Reorder\n" ,
295    "  RETROICOR            RETROICOR\n" ,
296    "  ROIAVERAGE           ROI Average\n" ,
297    "  ROIPLOT              ROI Plot\n" ,
298    "  SINGLETRIALAVG       SingleTrial Avg\n" ,
299    "  THRESHOLD            Threshold\n" ,
300    "  TSGENERATE           TS Generate\n" ,
301    "  WAVELETS             Wavelets\n" ,
302    "\n" ,
303    "--------------------------\n" ,
304    "Variable: AFNI_YESPLUGOUTS\n" ,
305    "--------------------------\n" ,
306    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then AFNI will try to listen\n" ,
307    "for plugouts when it starts. The command line switch \"-yesplugouts\"\n" ,
308    "will have the same effect. (Plugouts are an experimental feature\n" ,
309    "that allow external programs to exchange data with AFNI.)  It is now\n" ,
310    "also possible to start plugout listening from the Datamode->Misc menu.\n" ,
311    "\n" ,
312    "---------------------\n" ,
313    "Variable: AFNI_TSPATH\n" ,
314    "---------------------\n" ,
315    "This variable should be set to any directory which you want to have\n" ,
316    "AFNI scan for timeseries files (*.1D -- see the AFNI manual). If\n" ,
317    "more than one directory is desired, then colons can be used to\n" ,
318    "separate them, as in AFNI_PLUGINPATH. Note that timeseries files\n" ,
319    "are read from all session directories, so directories provided by\n" ,
320    "AFNI_TSPATH are designed to contain extra timeseries files that\n" ,
321    "you want loaded no matter what AFNI sessions and datasets are being\n" ,
322    "viewed.\n" ,
323    "\n" ,
324    "---------------------------\n" ,
325    "Variable: AFNI_TCSV_VIEWNUM\n" ,
326    "---------------------------\n" ,
327    "This numeric value sets the number of preview lines for the AFNI\n" ,
328    "*.tsv/*.csv (TCSV) file chooser. If you don't set this to a\n" ,
329    "positive value, then the default number of preview lines is 4.\n" ,
330    "\n" ,
331    "------------------------\n" ,
332    "Variable: AFNI_MODELPATH\n" ,
333    "------------------------\n" ,
334    "This variable should be set to the directory from which you want AFNI\n" ,
335    "timeseries models to be loaded. These models are similar to plugins,\n" ,
336    "and are used by programs 3dNLfim, 3dTSgen, and the plugin plug_nlfit\n" ,
337    "(menu label \"NLfit & NLerr\") -- see documentation file 3dNLfim.ps.\n" ,
338    "If AFNI_MODELPATH is not given, then AFNI_PLUGINPATH will be used\n" ,
339    "instead.\n" ,
340    "\n" ,
341    "-----------------------------------------\n" ,
342    "Variable: AFNI_IMSIZE_* (or MCW_IMSIZE_*)\n" ,
343    "-----------------------------------------\n" ,
344    "These variables (named AFNI_IMSIZE_1 to AFNI_IMSIZE_99) allow you\n" ,
345    "to control how the AFNI programs read binary image files. The use of\n" ,
346    "these is somewhat complicated, and is explained in detail at the end\n" ,
347    "of the auxiliary programs manual (afni_aux.ps), in the section on \"3D:\"\n" ,
348    "file specifications, and is also explained in the AFNI FAQ list.\n" ,
349    "\n" ,
350    "------------------------\n" ,
351    "Variable: AFNI_SESSTRAIL (editable)\n" ,
352    "------------------------\n" ,
353    "This variable controls the number of directory levels shown when\n" ,
354    "choosing between session directories with the \"Switch Session\"\n" ,
355    "button. This variable should be set to a nonnegative integer.\n" ,
356    "If a session directory name were\n" ,
357    "   this/is/a/directory/name/\n" ,
358    "then the \"Switch Session\" chooser would display the following:\n" ,
359    "\n" ,
360    "   AFNI_SESSTRAIL    Display\n" ,
361    "   --------------    -------\n" ,
362    "            0        name/\n" ,
363    "            1        directory/name/\n" ,
364    "            2        a/directory/name/\n" ,
365    "            3        is/a/directory/name/\n" ,
366    "            4        this/is/a/directory/name/\n" ,
367    "\n" ,
368    "That is, AFNI_SESSTRAIL determines how many trailing levels of\n" ,
369    "the directory name are used for the display. If AFNI_SESSTRAIL\n" ,
370    "is not set, then it is equivalent to setting it to 0 (which\n" ,
371    "was the old method).\n" ,
372    "\n" ,
373    "--------------------\n" ,
374    "Variable: AFNI_HINTS\n" ,
375    "--------------------\n" ,
376    "This is a string controlling whether or not the popup \"hints\" are\n" ,
377    "displayed when AFNI starts. If the string is \"NO\", then the hints\n" ,
378    "are disabled when AFNI starts, otherwise they are enabled. In\n" ,
379    "either case, they can be turned off and on interactively from the\n" ,
380    "Define Datamode->Misc menu.\n" ,
381    "\n" ,
382    "Hints can be permanently disabled by setting the C macro\n" ,
383    "DONT_USE_HINTS in machdep.h and recompiling AFNI. They can also\n" ,
384    "be disabled at runtime by setting AFNI_HINTS to \"KILL\".\n" ,
385    "\n" ,
386    "-------------------------\n" ,
387    "Variable: AFNI_COMPRESSOR (cf. AFNI_AUTOGZIP) (editable)\n" ,
388    "-------------------------\n" ,
389    "This variable is used to control automatic compression of .BRIK files\n" ,
390    "on output. The legal values are \"COMPRESS\", \"GZIP\", \"BZIP2\", \"PIGZ\",\n" ,
391    "which respectively invoke programs \"compress\", \"gzip\",\"bzip2\" and\n" ,
392    "\"pigz\" (these must be in your path for compression to work). If\n" ,
393    "AFNI_COMPRESSOR is equal to one of these, then all AFNI programs will\n" ,
394    "automatically pass .BRIK data through the appropriate compression\n" ,
395    "program as it is written to disk. Note that this will slow down\n" ,
396    "dataset write operations. Note also that compressed datasets cannot\n" ,
397    "be mapped directly from disk into memory ('mmap'), but must occupy\n" ,
398    "actual memory (RAM) and swap space. For more details, see file\n" ,
399    "README.compression.\n" ,
400    "\n" ,
401    "Note that compressed (.BRIK.Z, .BRIK.gz, and .BRIK.bz2) datasets will\n" ,
402    "automatically be uncompressed on input, no matter what the setting of\n" ,
403    "this variable. AFNI_COMPRESSOR only controls how the datasets are\n" ,
404    "written.\n" ,
405    "\n" ,
406    "----------------------------\n" ,
407    "Variable: AFNI_DONT_USE_PIGZ\n" ,
408    "----------------------------\n" ,
409    "On some systems, the multi-threaded version of gzip -- program pigz --\n" ,
410    "can fail randomly. To prevent the use of pigz even if it is found,\n" ,
411    "set this variable to YES. Note that if you explicitly set\n" ,
412    "AFNI_COMPRESSOR to PIGZ, then AFNI_DONT_USE_PIGZ will be ignored. The\n" ,
413    "purpose of AFNI_DONT_USE_PIGZ is to prevent the automatic use of the\n" ,
414    "pigz program in cases where you don't provide AFNI_COMPRESSOR\n" ,
415    "explicitly.\n" ,
416    "\n" ,
417    "------------------------\n" ,
418    "Variable: AFNI_BYTEORDER\n" ,
419    "------------------------\n" ,
420    "This variable is used to control the byte order for output files.\n" ,
421    "If you use it, the two legal values are \"LSB_FIRST\" and \"MSB_FIRST\".\n" ,
422    "If you don't use it, the default order on your CPU will be used.\n" ,
423    "The main purpose of this would be if you were using a mixture of\n" ,
424    "CPU types reading shared disks (i.e., using NFS). If the majority\n" ,
425    "of the systems were MSB_FIRST (e.g., SGI, HP, Sun), but there were\n" ,
426    "a few LSB_FIRST systems (e.g., Intel, DEC Alpha), then you might\n" ,
427    "want to do 'setenv AFNI_BYTEORDER MSB_FIRST' on all of the MSB_FIRST\n" ,
428    "systems to make sure that the datasets that they write out are\n" ,
429    "readable by the other computers.\n" ,
430    "\n" ,
431    "Note that AFNI programs can now check the .HEAD file for the byte\n" ,
432    "order of a dataset, and will swap the bytes on input, if needed.\n" ,
433    "If you wish to mark all of the datasets on a given system as\n" ,
434    "being in a particular order, the following command should work:\n" ,
435    "\n" ,
436    " find /top/dir -name \\*.HEAD -exec 3drefit -byteorder NATIVE_ORDER {} \\;\n" ,
437    "\n" ,
438    "Here, '/top/dir' is the name of the top level directory under\n" ,
439    "which you wish to search for AFNI datasets. The string NATIVE_ORDER\n" ,
440    "means to set all datasets to the CPU default order, which is probably\n" ,
441    "what you are using now. (You can use the program 'byteorder' to\n" ,
442    "find out the native byte ordering of your CPU.)\n" ,
443    "\n" ,
444    "------------------------------\n" ,
445    "Variable: AFNI_BYTEORDER_INPUT\n" ,
446    "------------------------------\n" ,
447    "This variable is used to control the byte order for input files.\n" ,
448    "If you use it, the two legal values are \"LSB_FIRST\" and \"MSB_FIRST\".\n" ,
449    "The value of this variable is only used for old datasets that do\n" ,
450    "not have the byte order encoded in their headers. If this variable\n" ,
451    "is not present, then the CPU native byte order is used. If this\n" ,
452    "variable is present, and its value differs from the native byte\n" ,
453    "order, then 2 byte dataset BRIKs (short) are 2-swapped (as in\n" ,
454    "\"ab\" -> \"ba\") when they are read from disk, and 4 byte datasets\n" ,
455    "(float, complex) are 4-swapped (\"abcd\" -> \"dcba\").\n" ,
456    "\n" ,
457    "[per the request of John Koger]\n" ,
458    "\n" ,
459    "---------------------\n" ,
460    "Variable: AFNI_NOMMAP\n" ,
461    "---------------------\n" ,
462    "This YES/NO variable can be used to turn off the mmap feature by which\n" ,
463    "AFNI can load datasets into memory using the map-file-to-memory\n" ,
464    "functionality of Unix. (Dataset .BRIK files will only be mmap-ed if\n" ,
465    "they are not compressed and are in the native byte order of the CPU.)\n" ,
466    "On some systems, mmap doesn't seem to work very well (e.g., Linux kernel\n" ,
467    "version 1.2.13). You can disable mmap by 'setenv AFNI_NOMMAP YES'.\n" ,
468    "\n" ,
469    "The penalty for disabling mmap is that all datasets must be loaded\n" ,
470    "into actual RAM. AFNI does not have the ability to load a dataset\n" ,
471    "only partially, so if a 20 Megabyte .BRIK file is accessed, all of it\n" ,
472    "will be loaded into RAM. With mmap, the Unix operating system will\n" ,
473    "decide how much of the file to load. In this way, it is possible to\n" ,
474    "deal with more files than you have swap space on your computer (since\n" ,
475    ".BRIK files are mmap-ed in readonly mode, so they don't take up swap\n" ,
476    "space, which is for saving modified memory pages).\n" ,
477    "\n" ,
478    "The moral of the story: buy more memory, it's cheap. At the time\n" ,
479    "I write this line [Aug 1998], I have a PC with 384 MB of RAM, and\n" ,
480    "it is great to use with AFNI.\n" ,
481    "\n" ,
482    "[Feb 2004] I now have a Mac G5 with 8 GB of RAM, and it is even\n" ,
483    "greater!  [Oct 2010] Now I have 32 GB of RAM (more than Ziad - ha!),\n" ,
484    "and it's nice!\n" ,
485    "\n" ,
486    "----------------------\n" ,
487    "Variable: AFNI_PSPRINT (editable)\n" ,
488    "----------------------\n" ,
489    "This variable is used to define a command that will print the\n" ,
490    "standard input (stdin) to a PostScript printer. If it is defined,\n" ,
491    "the \"->printer\" button on the timeseries \"Plot\" windows will work.\n" ,
492    "For some Unix systems, the following should work:\n" ,
493    "  setenv AFNI_PSPRINT \"lp -\"\n" ,
494    "For others, this may work\n" ,
495    "  setenv AFNI_PSPRINT \"lpr -\"\n" ,
496    "It all depends on the printer software setup you have. To send the\n" ,
497    "output into GhostView\n" ,
498    "  setenv AFNI_PSPRINT \"ghostview -landscape -\"\n" ,
499    "\n" ,
500    "In the (very far distant) future, other windows (e.g., image and graph\n" ,
501    "displays) may get the ability to print to a PostScript file or printer.\n" ,
502    "\n" ,
503    "---------------------------\n" ,
504    "Variable: AFNI_LEFT_IS_LEFT (editable)\n" ,
505    "---------------------------\n" ,
506    "Setting this YES/NO variable to YES tells AFNI to display images with\n" ,
507    "the left side of the subject on the left side of the window. The\n" ,
508    "default mode is to display the right side of the subject on the left\n" ,
509    "side of the window - the radiology convention. This setting affects\n" ,
510    "the coronal and axial image and graph viewers.\n" ,
511    "\n" ,
512    "--------------------------------\n" ,
513    "Variable: AFNI_LEFT_IS_POSTERIOR (editable)\n" ,
514    "--------------------------------\n" ,
515    "Setting this YES/NO variable to YES tells AFNI to display images with\n" ,
516    "the posterior side of the subject on the left side of the window. The\n" ,
517    "default mode is to display the anterior side of the subject on the\n" ,
518    "left side of the window. This setting affects the sagittal image and\n" ,
519    "graph viewers.\n" ,
520    "\n" ,
521    "--------------------------\n" ,
522    "Variable: AFNI_ALWAYS_LOCK\n" ,
523    "--------------------------\n" ,
524    "Setting this YES/NO variable to YES tells AFNI to start up with all\n" ,
525    "the controller windows locked together. If you mostly use multiple\n" ,
526    "controllers to view datasets in unison, then this will be useful.\n" ,
527    "Notice that the Time Lock feature is not automatically enabled\n" ,
528    "by this -- you must still actuate it manually from the Lock menu\n" ,
529    "on the Define Datamode panel.\n" ,
530    "\n" ,
531    "--------------------------\n" ,
532    "Variable: AFNI_TIME_LOCK\n" ,
533    "--------------------------\n" ,
534    "Setting this YES/NO variable to YES tells AFNI to start up with\n" ,
535    "Time lock turned on. The Time Lock feature can be set manually\n" ,
536    "from the Lock menu on the Define Datamode panel.\n" ,
537    "\n" ,
538    "--------------------------\n" ,
539    "Variable: AFNI_ZOOM_LOCK\n" ,
540    "--------------------------\n" ,
541    "Setting this YES/NO variable to YES tells AFNI to start up with\n" ,
542    "Zoom lock turned on. The Zoom Lock feature can be set manually\n" ,
543    "from the Lock menu on the Define Datamode panel.\n" ,
544    "\n" ,
545    "------------------------\n" ,
546    "Variables: AFNI_RENDER_* (editable)\n" ,
547    "------------------------\n" ,
548    "These variables set some defaults in the \"Render Dataset\" (volume\n" ,
549    "rendering) plugin. The first two variables are\n" ,
550    "\n" ,
551    "  AFNI_RENDER_ANGLE_DELTA  = stepsize for viewing angles, in degrees\n" ,
552    "  AFNI_RENDER_CUTOUT_DELTA = stepsize for cutout dimensions, in mm\n" ,
553    "\n" ,
554    "These stepsizes control how much the control parameters change when\n" ,
555    "one of their up- or down-arrows is pressed. Both of these stepsize\n" ,
556    "values default to 5.0.\n" ,
557    "\n" ,
558    "The third variable is\n" ,
559    "\n" ,
560    "  AFNI_RENDER_PRECALC_MODE = \"Low\", \"Medium\", or \"High\"\n" ,
561    "\n" ,
562    "This is used to set the initial precalculation mode for the renderer\n" ,
563    "(this mode can be altered interactively, unlike the stepsizes).\n" ,
564    "\n" ,
565    "The fourth variable is\n" ,
566    "\n" ,
567    "  AFNI_RENDER_SHOWTHRU_FAC = some number between 0.0 and 1.0\n" ,
568    "\n" ,
569    "This is used to control the way in which the \"ShowThru\" Color Opacity\n" ,
570    "option renders images. See the rendering plugin Help window for more\n" ,
571    "information.\n" ,
572    "\n" ,
573    "-------------------------\n" ,
574    "Variable: AFNI_NOREALPATH\n" ,
575    "-------------------------\n" ,
576    "Normally, when AFNI reads a list of session directories, it converts\n" ,
577    "their names to the \"real path\" form, which follows symbolic links, and\n" ,
578    "removes '/./' and '/../' components. These converted names are used\n" ,
579    "for display purposes in the \"Switch Session\" chooser and in other\n" ,
580    "places. If you wish to have the names NOT converted to the \"real path\"\n" ,
581    "format, set this YES/NO environment variable to YES, as in\n" ,
582    "\n" ,
583    "   setenv AFNI_NOREALPATH YES\n" ,
584    "\n" ,
585    "(For more information on the \"real path\" conversion, see the Unix\n" ,
586    "man page for the realpath() function.)  Note that if you use this\n" ,
587    "feature, then the effect of AFNI_SESSTRAIL will be limited to what\n" ,
588    "you type on the command line, since it is the realpath() function\n" ,
589    "that provides the higher level hierarchies of the session names.\n" ,
590    "\n" ,
591    "----------------------------\n" ,
592    "Variable: AFNI_NO_MCW_MALLOC\n" ,
593    "----------------------------\n" ,
594    "AFNI uses a set of \"wrapper\" macros and functions to let itself keep\n" ,
595    "track of the memory allocated and freed by the C malloc() library.\n" ,
596    "This is useful for debugging purposes (see the last items on the 'Misc'\n" ,
597    "menu in the AFNI 'Define Datamode' control panel), but carries a small\n" ,
598    "overhead (both in memory and speed). Setting this YES/NO environment\n" ,
599    "variable to YES provides one way to disable this facility, as in\n" ,
600    "\n" ,
601    "   setenv AFNI_NO_MCW_MALLOC YES\n" ,
602    "\n" ,
603    "Another way to permanently disable this capability (so that it isn't\n" ,
604    "even compiled) is outlined in the file machdep.h. Also, the interactive\n" ,
605    "AFNI program takes the command line switch \"-nomall\", which will turn\n" ,
606    "off these functions for the given run.\n" ,
607    "\n" ,
608    "N.B.: Setting this variable in the .afnirc file will have no effect,\n" ,
609    "      since the decision whether to use the routines in mcw_malloc.c\n" ,
610    "      is made at the very start of the program, before .afnirc is\n" ,
611    "      scanned. Therefore, to use this variable, you must set it\n" ,
612    "      externally, perhaps in your .cshrc or .profile initialization\n" ,
613    "      file.\n" ,
614    "\n" ,
615    "------------------------\n" ,
616    "Variable: AFNI_FIM_BKTHR\n" ,
617    "------------------------\n" ,
618    "This sets the threshold for the elimination of the background voxels\n" ,
619    "during the interactive FIM calculations. The average intensity of\n" ,
620    "all voxels in the first 3D volume used in the correlation is calculated.\n" ,
621    "Voxels with intensity below 0.01 * AFNI_FIM_BKTHR * (this average)\n" ,
622    "will not have the correlation computed. The default value is 10.0, but\n" ,
623    "values as large as 50.0 may be useful. This parameter may be changed\n" ,
624    "interactively from the FIM->Edit Ideal submenu in a graph viewer.\n" ,
625    "\n" ,
626    "------------------------\n" ,
627    "Variable: AFNI_FLOATSCAN (editable)\n" ,
628    "------------------------\n" ,
629    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then floating point bricks\n" ,
630    "are checked for illegal values (NaN and Infinity) when they are\n" ,
631    "read into an AFNI program -- illegal values will be replaced by\n" ,
632    "zeros. If a dataset brick contains such illegal values that go\n" ,
633    "undetected, AFNI programs will probably fail miserably, and have\n" ,
634    "been known to go into nearly-infinite loops.\n" ,
635    "\n" ,
636    "Setting this variable implies setting AFNI_NOMMAP to YES, since\n" ,
637    "only in-memory bricks can be altered (mmap-ed bricks are readonly).\n" ,
638    "\n" ,
639    "The command line program 'float_scan' can be used to check and\n" ,
640    "patch floating point files.\n" ,
641    "\n" ,
642    "[14 Sep 1999] The program to3d will scan input float and complex\n" ,
643    "files for illegal values, and patch illegal input numbers with\n" ,
644    "zeros in the output dataset. If this behavior is not desired for\n" ,
645    "some bizarre reason, the '-nofloatscan' command line option to\n" ,
646    "to3d must be used.\n" ,
647    "\n" ,
648    "-----------------------\n" ,
649    "Variable: AFNI_NOSPLASH\n" ,
650    "-----------------------\n" ,
651    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the AFNI splash screen\n" ,
652    "will not be displayed when the program starts. I'm not sure WHY\n" ,
653    "you would want to disable this thing of beauty (which is a joy\n" ,
654    "forever), but if your soul is thusly degraded, so be it.\n" ,
655    "\n" ,
656    "------------------------\n" ,
657    "Variable: AFNI_SPLASH_XY\n" ,
658    "------------------------\n" ,
659    "If set, this variable should be in the form \"100:37\" (two integers\n" ,
660    "separated by a colon). These values specify the (x,y) screen location\n" ,
661    "where the splash window's upper left corner will be placed. If not\n" ,
662    "set, x will be set to center the splash window on the display and\n" ,
663    "y will be 100.\n" ,
664    "\n" ,
665    "-------------------------\n" ,
666    "Variable: AFNI_SPLASHTIME\n" ,
667    "-------------------------\n" ,
668    "The value of this variable determines how long the AFNI splash screen\n" ,
669    "will stay popped up, in seconds (default value = 5.0). The splash\n" ,
670    "screen will always stay up until the first AFNI controller window is\n" ,
671    "ready for use. If the time from program start to this ready condition\n" ,
672    "is less than AFNI_SPLASHTIME, the splash screen will stay up until\n" ,
673    "AFNI_SPLASHTIME has elapsed; otherwise, the splash screen will be\n" ,
674    "removed as soon as AFNI is ready to go. By setting AFNI_SPLASHTIME\n" ,
675    "to 0.0, you can have the splash screen removed as soon as possible\n" ,
676    "(and the fade-out feature will be disabled).\n" ,
677    "\n" ,
678    "-----------------------------\n" ,
679    "Variable: AFNI_SPLASH_ANIMATE\n" ,
680    "-----------------------------\n" ,
681    "If this variable is NO, then the splash screen animation will be disabled.\n" ,
682    "Otherwise, it will run.\n" ,
683    "\n" ,
684    "--------------------------\n" ,
685    "Variable: AFNI_SPLASH_MELT\n" ,
686    "--------------------------\n" ,
687    "If this variable is YES, then the splash screen will close via 'melting'.\n" ,
688    "\n" ,
689    "--------------------------------\n" ,
690    "Variable: AFNI_FIM_PERCENT_LIMIT (editable)\n" ,
691    "--------------------------------\n" ,
692    "This sets an upper limit on the % Change that the FIM+ computation\n" ,
693    "will compute. For example\n" ,
694    "\n" ,
695    "  setenv AFNI_FIM_PERCENT_LIMIT 50\n" ,
696    "\n" ,
697    "means that computed values over 50% will be set to 50%, and values\n" ,
698    "below -50% will be set to -50%. This can be useful to avoid scaling\n" ,
699    "problems that arise when some spurious voxels with tiny baselines have\n" ,
700    "huge percent changes. This limit applies to all 3 possible percentages\n" ,
701    "that FIM and FIM+ can compute: % from baseline, % from average, and\n" ,
702    "% from top.\n" ,
703    "\n" ,
704    "---------------------------\n" ,
705    "Variable: AFNI_NOTES_DLINES\n" ,
706    "---------------------------\n" ,
707    "This sets the upper limit on the number of lines displayed in the\n" ,
708    "Notes plugin, for each note. If not present, the limit is 9 lines\n" ,
709    "shown per note at once. To see a note longer than this limit, you'll\n" ,
710    "have to use the vertical scrollbar.\n" ,
711    "\n" ,
712    "-----------------------\n" ,
713    "Variable: AFNI_FIM_MASK\n" ,
714    "-----------------------\n" ,
715    "This chooses the default subset of values computed with the FIM+\n" ,
716    "button in a graph window. The mask should be the sum of the desired\n" ,
717    "values from this list:\n" ,
718    "\n" ,
719    "    1 = Fit Coef\n" ,
720    "    2 = Best Index\n" ,
721    "    4 = % Change\n" ,
722    "    8 = Baseline\n" ,
723    "   16 = Correlation\n" ,
724    "   32 = % From Ave\n" ,
725    "   64 = Average\n" ,
726    "  128 = % From Top\n" ,
727    "  256 = Topline\n" ,
728    "  512 = Sigma Resid\n" ,
729    "\n" ,
730    "If you don't set this variable, the default mask is 23 = 1+2+4+16.\n" ,
731    "\n" ,
732    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
733    "Variable: AFNI_NO_BYTEORDER_WARNING\n" ,
734    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
735    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then AFNI program will not\n" ,
736    "warn you when reading in a dataset that does not contain a byte\n" ,
737    "order flag. The default is to issue such a warning. Only older\n" ,
738    "versions of AFNI create datasets that don't have the byte order\n" ,
739    "flag. (See also the variable AFNI_BYTEORDER, described far above.)\n" ,
740    "The purpose of this warning is to alert you to possible problems\n" ,
741    "when you move datasets between computers with different CPU types.\n" ,
742    "\n" ,
743    "--------------------------\n" ,
744    "Variable: AFNI_PCOR_DENEPS\n" ,
745    "--------------------------\n" ,
746    "The correlation coefficient calculated in FIM is calculated as the\n" ,
747    "ratio of two quantities. If the denominator is negative or zero,\n" ,
748    "then this value is meaningless and may even cause the program to\n" ,
749    "crash. Mathematically, the denominator cannot be zero or negative,\n" ,
750    "but this could arise due to finite precision arithmetic on the computer\n" ,
751    "(i.e., roundoff error accumulation). To avoid this problem, the routine\n" ,
752    "that computes the correlation coefficient compares the denominator to a\n" ,
753    "value (called DENEPS) - if the denominator is less than DENEPS, then\n" ,
754    "the correlation coefficient for that voxel is set to zero.\n" ,
755    "\n" ,
756    "The denominator that is being computed is proportional to the variance\n" ,
757    "of the time series. If the voxel time series data is very small, then\n" ,
758    "the variance will be really small - so much so that the DENEPS test\n" ,
759    "will be failed, even though it shouldn't be. This problem has arisen\n" ,
760    "when people input time series whose typical value is 0.001 or smaller.\n" ,
761    "It never occurred to me that people would input data this small to the\n" ,
762    "AFNI FIM routines. To get around this difficulty, set this environment\n" ,
763    "variable to a value for DENEPS; for example\n" ,
764    "  setenv AFNI_PCOR_DENEPS 0.0\n" ,
765    "will turn off the checking entirely. Or you could do\n" ,
766    "  setenv AFNI_PCOR_DENEPS 1.e-10\n" ,
767    "\n" ,
768    "-----------------------------\n" ,
769    "Variable: AFNI_ENFORCE_ASPECT (editable)\n" ,
770    "-----------------------------\n" ,
771    "Some X11 window managers do no enforce the aspect ratio (width to height\n" ,
772    "proportion) request that the image display module makes. This means that\n" ,
773    "image windows can become undesirably distorted when manually resized.\n" ,
774    "Setting this YES/NO variable to YES will make AFNI itself enforce the\n" ,
775    "aspect ratio whenever an image window is resized.\n" ,
776    "** NOTICE **\n" ,
777    "  As of 10 May 2018, this variable no longer has any effect. The\n" ,
778    "  enforcement never worked well, and so you now have to manage this\n" ,
779    "  problem manually. To fix the aspect ratio of an image viewer\n" ,
780    "  window, Left-click in the image intensity bar (right of the image)\n" ,
781    "  or press the 'a' key while the mouse cursor is over the image.\n" ,
782    "\n" ,
783    "----------------------------------------\n" ,
784    "Variables: AFNI_<plug_filename>_butcolor\n" ,
785    "----------------------------------------\n" ,
786    "These variables (one for each AFNI plugin) let you set the menu button\n" ,
787    "colors for the Plugins menu item. For example\n" ,
788    "  setenv AFNI_plug_power_butcolor red3\n" ,
789    "will make the \"Power Spectrum\" button appear in a dark red color. The\n" ,
790    "format of the variable is exemplified above: the <plug_filename> is\n" ,
791    "replaced by the filename of the plugin (after removing the suffix).\n" ,
792    "Note that it is possible for the plugin author to hardcode the menu\n" ,
793    "button for his/her plugin, in which case the corresponding environment\n" ,
794    "variable will have no effect.\n" ,
795    "\n" ,
796    "Colors are specified as described in file README.setup. If you are\n" ,
797    "using an X11 PseudoColor visual, then you should be economical with\n" ,
798    "color usage!\n" ,
799    "\n" ,
800    "The purpose of this feature is to let you highlight the plugins that\n" ,
801    "you use most frequently. The size of the of plugin menu is growing,\n" ,
802    "and it is easy to misplace what you most use in the list.\n" ,
803    "\n" ,
804    "-----------------------------\n" ,
805    "Variable: AFNI_MARKERS_NOQUAL (editable)\n" ,
806    "-----------------------------\n" ,
807    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the interactive AFNI\n" ,
808    "program behaves as if the \"-noqual\" command line option had been\n" ,
809    "included. This feature was added at the request of Dr. Michael\n" ,
810    "S. Beauchamp, who has a very rare neurological disorder called\n" ,
811    "\"noqaulagnosia\".\n" ,
812    "\n" ,
813    "-----------------------------\n" ,
814    "Variable: AFNI_ENABLE_MARKERS\n" ,
815    "-----------------------------\n" ,
816    "As of 28 Apr 2010, the AFNI Talairach 'Define Markers' panel will no\n" ,
817    "longer be visible by default. To use this old feature, you must set\n" ,
818    "this variable to YES before running AFNI.\n" ,
819    "\n" ,
820    "----------------------\n" ,
821    "Variable: AFNI_OPTIONS\n" ,
822    "----------------------\n" ,
823    "In the spirit of the previous variable, this variable can be used to\n" ,
824    "set up command line options that will always be passed to the\n" ,
825    "interactive AFNI program. If more than one option is needed, then\n" ,
826    "they should be separated by spaces, and the whole value of the\n" ,
827    "variable will need to be placed in quotes. For example\n" ,
828    "\n" ,
829    "   setenv AFNI_OPTIONS \"-noqual -ncolors 60\"\n" ,
830    "\n" ,
831    "Note that the AFNI command line option \"-nomall\" cannot be specified\n" ,
832    "this way (cf. the discussion under variable AFNI_NO_MCW_MALLOC).\n" ,
833    "\n" ,
834    "------------------------------\n" ,
835    "Variable: AFNI_NO_SIDES_LABELS (editable)\n" ,
836    "------------------------------\n" ,
837    "As of 01 Dec 1999, the interactive AFNI program now displays a label\n" ,
838    "beneath each image window showing which side of the image is on the\n" ,
839    "left edge of the window. This label is based on the anatomical\n" ,
840    "directions encoded in the anatomical dataset .HEAD file, usually when\n" ,
841    "to3d was used to create the file. If you do NOT want these labels\n" ,
842    "displayed (why not?), set this YES/NO environment variable to YES.\n" ,
843    "\n" ,
844    "----------------------------------\n" ,
845    "Variable: AFNI_NO_ADOPTION_WARNING\n" ,
846    "----------------------------------\n" ,
847    "\n" ,
848    "AFNI now can print a warning when it forces a dataset to have an\n" ,
849    "anatomy parent dataset (the \"forced adoption\" function). This happens\n" ,
850    "when there a dataset does not have an anatomy parent encoded into its\n" ,
851    ".HEAD file (either via to3d or 3drefit), and there is more than one\n" ,
852    "anatomical dataset in the directory that has Talairach transformation\n" ,
853    "markers attached. If you wish to enable this warning, set this YES/NO\n" ,
854    "variable to NO. For more information on this subject, please see\n" ,
855    "https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/afni_faq.shtml#AnatParent .\n" ,
856    "\n" ,
857    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
858    "Variable: AFNI_NO_NEGATIVES_WARNING\n" ,
859    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
860    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then to3d will skip the usual\n" ,
861    "warning that it pops up in a message window when it discovers negative\n" ,
862    "values in the input short images. (The warning will still be printed\n" ,
863    "to stdout.)\n" ,
864    "\n" ,
865    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
866    "Variable: AFNI_NO_OBLIQUE_WARNING\n" ,
867    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
868    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the AFNI GUI will skip the\n" ,
869    "usual warning that it pops up in a message window when an oblique\n" ,
870    "dataset is selected. (The warning will still be printed to stdout.)\n" ,
871    "\n" ,
872    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
873    "Variable: AFNI_ONE_OBLIQUE_WARNING\n" ,
874    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
875    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the AFNI GUI will pop up a\n" ,
876    "warning just ONCE when an oblique dataset is encountered.\n" ,
877    "\n" ,
878    "\n" ,
879    "----------------------\n" ,
880    "Variable: AFNI_NO_XDBE\n" ,
881    "----------------------\n" ,
882    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the X11 Double Buffer\n" ,
883    "Extension (XDBE) will not be used, even if the X11 server supports it.\n" ,
884    "This is needed when the X11 server says that it supports it, but actually\n" ,
885    "does not implement it correctly - this is a problem on the Xsgi server\n" ,
886    "running under IRIX 6.5.3 on R4400 machines.\n" ,
887    "\n" ,
888    "----------------------------------------------------\n" ,
889    "Variable: AFNI_VIEW_ANAT_BRICK, AFNI_VIEW_FUNC_BRICK (editable)\n" ,
890    "----------------------------------------------------\n" ,
891    "One of the (very few) confusing parts of AFNI is the \"warp-on-demand\"\n" ,
892    "viewing of transformed datasets (e.g., in the +tlrc coordinate system).\n" ,
893    "This allows you to look at slices taken from transformed volumes without\n" ,
894    "actually computing and storing the entire transformed dataset. This\n" ,
895    "viewing mode is controlled by from the \"Define Datamode\" control panel.\n" ,
896    "When an anatomical dataset has a +tlrc.BRIK file, then you can choose\n" ,
897    "between \"View Anat Data Brick\" and \"Warp Anat on Demand\"; when there\n" ,
898    "is no +tlrc.BRIK file for the dataset, then only \"Warp Anat on Demand\"\n" ,
899    "is possible.\n" ,
900    "\n" ,
901    "If you switch the Talairach view when the current anat dataset does\n" ,
902    "not have a +tlrc.BRIK file, then the \"Warp Anat on Demand\" mode will\n" ,
903    "be turned on. If you then switch to a dataset that does have a\n" ,
904    "+tlrc.BRIK file, \"Warp Anat on Demand\" will still be turned on,\n" ,
905    "although the \"View Anat Data Brick\" option will be enabled.\n" ,
906    "\n" ,
907    "If you set the YES/NO variable AFNI_VIEW_ANAT_BRICK to YES,\n" ,
908    "then \"View Anat Data Brick\" will be turned on whenever possible after\n" ,
909    "switching datasets. Similarly, setting AFNI_VIEW_FUNC_BRICK to YES\n" ,
910    "will engage \"View Func Data Brick\" whenever possible (when the BRIK\n" ,
911    "file exists and its grid spacing matches the anatomical grid spacing).\n" ,
912    "Note that switching any dataset (func or anat) triggers the same\n" ,
913    "routine, and will set either or both \"View Brick\" modes on. When\n" ,
914    "these environment variables are present, the only way to switch to\n" ,
915    "\"Warp\" mode when \"View Brick\" mode is possible is to do it manually\n" ,
916    "(by clicking on the toggle button) when you want this.\n" ,
917    "\n" ,
918    "When you use one of the drawing plugins (\"Draw Dataset\" or \"Gyrus\n" ,
919    "Finder\"), you must operate directly on the dataset BRIK. For this\n" ,
920    "reason, it is important to be in \"View Data Brick\" mode on these\n" ,
921    "occasions. Setting these variables is one way to ensure that this\n" ,
922    "will happen whenever possible.\n" ,
923    "\n" ,
924    "When AFNI is in \"Warp Anat on Demand\" mode, the word \"{warp}\" will\n" ,
925    "appear in the windows' titlebars. This provides a reminder of the\n" ,
926    "viewing mode you are using (warped from a brick, or data directly\n" ,
927    "extracted from a brick), since the \"Define Datamode\" control panel\n" ,
928    "will not always be open.\n" ,
929    "\n" ,
930    "08 Aug 2003: I have modified the way these variables are treated in\n" ,
931    "AFNI so that they now default to the \"YES\" behavior. If you don't\n" ,
932    "want this, you have to explicitly set them to \"NO\" from this day forth.\n" ,
933    "\n" ,
934    "-------------------------------\n" ,
935    "Variable: AFNI_RECENTER_VIEWING (editable)\n" ,
936    "-------------------------------\n" ,
937    "If this variable is set to YES, then AFNI's viewers will reset the\n" ,
938    "crosshair coordinate to the center of the dataset whenever a new\n" ,
939    "dataset or sub-brick is chosen. The only real reason to use this\n" ,
940    "feature is if you are scanning through a collection of datasets with\n" ,
941    "wildly different coordinates, so that the usual method of matching\n" ,
942    "(x,y,z) coordinates at such times gives useless results.\n" ,
943    "\n" ,
944    "----------------\n" ,
945    "Variable: TMPDIR\n" ,
946    "----------------\n" ,
947    "This variable specifies the directory where temporary files are to be\n" ,
948    "written. It is not unique to AFNI, but is used by many Unix programs.\n" ,
949    "You must have permission to write into this directory. If you want to\n" ,
950    "use the current directory, setting TMPDIR to \".\" would work. If TMPDIR\n" ,
951    "is not defined, directory /tmp will be used. On some systems, this\n" ,
952    "directory may not have enough space for the creation of large temporary\n" ,
953    "datasets. On most Unix systems, you can tell the size of various disk\n" ,
954    "partitions using a command like \"df -k\" (on HPUX, \"bdf\" works).\n" ,
955    "\n" ,
956    "----------------------------\n" ,
957    "Variable: AFNI_GRAYSCALE_BOT\n" ,
958    "----------------------------\n" ,
959    "This variable sets the darkest level shown in a grayscale image window.\n" ,
960    "The default value is 55 (a leftover from Andrzej Jesmanowicz). You can\n" ,
961    "set this value to anything from 0 to 254.\n" ,
962    "\n" ,
963    "----------------------------\n" ,
964    "Variable: AFNI_SYSTEM_AFNIRC\n" ,
965    "----------------------------\n" ,
966    "If this variable is set, it is the name of a file to be read like the\n" ,
967    "user's .afnirc file (see README.setup). The purpose is to allow a\n" ,
968    "system-wide setup file to be used. To do this, you would create such\n" ,
969    "a file in a useful place - perhaps where you store the AFNI binaries.\n" ,
970    "Then each user account should have the equivalent of\n" ,
971    "\n" ,
972    "   setenv AFNI_SYSTEM_AFNIRC /place/where/setup/is/stored/.afnirc\n" ,
973    "\n" ,
974    "defined in its .cshrc (.bashrc, etc.) file. Note that it doesn't make\n" ,
975    "sense to define this variable in the user's .afnirc file, since that\n" ,
976    "file won't be read until AFTER this file is read. Also note that use\n" ,
977    "of the -skip_afnirc option will cause both the system and user setup\n" ,
978    "files to be skipped.\n" ,
979    "\n" ,
980    "------------------------\n" ,
981    "Variable: AFNI_PBAR_IMXY (editable)\n" ,
982    "------------------------\n" ,
983    "This variable determines the size of the image saved when the\n" ,
984    "\"Save to PPM\" button is selected for a color pbar. It should be\n" ,
985    "in the format\n" ,
986    "  setenv AFNI_PBAR_IMXY 20x256\n" ,
987    "which means to set the x-size (horizontal) to 20 pixels and the\n" ,
988    "y-size (vertical) to 256 pixels. These values are the default,\n" ,
989    "by the way.\n" ,
990    "\n" ,
991    "--------------------------\n" ,
992    "Variable: AFNI_LAYOUT_FILE\n" ,
993    "--------------------------\n" ,
994    "If defined, this variable is the name of a file to read at startup\n" ,
995    "to define the \"layout\" of AFNI windows at the program start. If\n" ,
996    "this name starts with a '/' character, then it is an absolute path;\n" ,
997    "otherwise, it is taken to be a path relative to the user's home\n" ,
998    "directory ($HOME). If the AFNI command line switch \"-layout\" is\n" ,
999    "used, it will override this specification.\n" ,
1000    "\n" ,
1001    "The simplest way to produce a layout file is to use the \"Save Layout\"\n" ,
1002    "button on the Datamode->Misc menu. You can then edit this file;\n" ,
1003    "the format should be fairly self-explanatory. The structure of the\n" ,
1004    "file is similar to the .afnirc file (cf. README.setup). In fact,\n" ,
1005    "the layout file can be included into .afnirc (since it is just another\n" ,
1006    "*** section) and then setting AFNI_LAYOUT_FILE = .afnirc in the\n" ,
1007    "***ENVIRONMENT section should work.\n" ,
1008    "\n" ,
1009    "A sample layout file:\n" ,
1010    "\n" ,
1011    "***LAYOUT\n" ,
1012    " A               geom=+73+1106                 // start controller A\n" ,
1013    " A.sagittalimage geom=320x320+59+159 ifrac=0.8 // and Sagittal image\n" ,
1014    " A.sagittalgraph geom=570x440+490+147 matrix=9 // and Sagittal graph\n" ,
1015    " B                                             // start controller B\n" ,
1016    " B.plugin.ROI_Average                          // start a plugin\n" ,
1017    "\n" ,
1018    "Each window to be opened has a separate command line in this file.\n" ,
1019    "The \"geom=\" qualifiers specify the size and position of the windows.\n" ,
1020    "For images, \"ifrac=\" can be used to specify the fraction of the window\n" ,
1021    "occupied by the image (if \"ifrac=1.0\", then no control widgets will be\n" ,
1022    "visible). For graphs, \"matrix=\" can be used to control the initial\n" ,
1023    "number of sub-graphs displayed. For plugins, the label on the button\n" ,
1024    "that starts the plugin is used after the \".plugin.\" string (blanks\n" ,
1025    "should be filled with underscores \"_\"). In the example above, the last\n" ,
1026    "two windows to be opened do not have a \"geom=\" qualifier, so their\n" ,
1027    "placement will be chosen by the window manager.\n" ,
1028    "\n" ,
1029    "If you add \"slow\" after the \"***LAYOUT\", then each window operation\n" ,
1030    "will be paused for 1 second to let you watch the layout operations\n" ,
1031    "proceed gradually. Otherwise, they will be executed as fast as\n" ,
1032    "possible (which still may not be all that fast).\n" ,
1033    "\n" ,
1034    "Using layouts with a window manager that requires user placement\n" ,
1035    "of new windows (e.g., twm) is a futile and frustrating exercise.\n" ,
1036    "\n" ,
1037    "If you do NOT have any layout file defined, then AFNI will choose\n" ,
1038    "a layout for you that includes opening image viewers. Some people\n" ,
1039    "find this very annoying. The simplest way to avoid this annoyance\n" ,
1040    "is to set AFNI_LAYOUT_FILE to a name of a file that doesn't exist\n" ,
1041    "(e.g., 'ElvisIsAliveOnPlanetZork'). The reason for this default\n" ,
1042    "layout behavior (added Dec 2010) is that we received complaints\n" ,
1043    "that novice users were finding AFNI too confusing on startup.\n" ,
1044    "(Hard to believe, but true.)\n" ,
1045    "\n" ,
1046    "-------------------------\n" ,
1047    "Variable: AFNI_tsplotgeom\n" ,
1048    "-------------------------\n" ,
1049    "Related to the above, if you set this environment variable (in the\n" ,
1050    "***ENVIRONMENT section, not in the ***LAYOUT section), it is used\n" ,
1051    "to set the geometry of the plotting windows used for time series\n" ,
1052    "plots, histograms, etc. -- all the graphs except the dataset plots.\n" ,
1053    "Its format should be something like \"550x350\"; this example sets\n" ,
1054    "the width to 550 pixels and the height to 350 pixels. If you don't\n" ,
1055    "set this, the default is \"200x200\", which is quite small on a high\n" ,
1056    "resolution display.\n" ,
1057    "\n" ,
1058    "------------------------\n" ,
1059    "Variable: AFNI_FIM_IDEAL\n" ,
1060    "------------------------\n" ,
1061    "This variable specifies the filename of the initial FIM ideal timeseries.\n" ,
1062    "The main use of this would be to be able to initialize the Realtime\n" ,
1063    "plugin without direct user intervention.\n" ,
1064    "\n" ,
1065    "--------------------------\n" ,
1066    "Variable: AFNI_FIM_SAVEREF\n" ,
1067    "--------------------------\n" ,
1068    "When you run the interactive AFNI 'fim' (from the graph viewer FIM menu),\n" ,
1069    "the program saves the reference time series (and ort time series, if any)\n" ,
1070    "in the new functional dataset header, with the attribute name\n" ,
1071    "AFNI_FIM_REF (or AFNI_FIM_ORT). If you do NOT want this information saved,\n" ,
1072    "then set this variable to NO. Two sample ways to use this information is\n" ,
1073    "the command below:\n" ,
1074    "  1dplot \"`3dAttribute -ssep ' ' AFNI_FIM_REF r1_time@1+orig`\"\n" ,
1075    "  1dcat  \"`3dAttribute -ssep ' ' AFNI_FIM_REF r1_time@1+orig`\" > ref.1D\n" ,
1076    "The 3 different styles of Unix quotes must be used exactly as shown here!\n" ,
1077    "\n" ,
1078    "----------------------------------\n" ,
1079    "Variable: AFNI_PLUGINS_ALPHABETIZE\n" ,
1080    "----------------------------------\n" ,
1081    "If this YES/NO variable is set to NO, then the plugin buttons will\n" ,
1082    "not be alphabetized on the menu,  and they will appear in the\n" ,
1083    "order which AFNI chooses. Otherwise, the plugin menu buttons will\n" ,
1084    "be alphabetized by default. Alphabetizing is done without regard to\n" ,
1085    "case (using the C library routine strcasecmp).\n" ,
1086    "\n" ,
1087    "----------------------------\n" ,
1088    "Variable: AFNI_VOLREG_EDGING\n" ,
1089    "----------------------------\n" ,
1090    "This variable affects the operation of 3dvolreg, the volume registration\n" ,
1091    "plugin, and the 3D registration code in the realtime acquisition plugin.\n" ,
1092    "It determines the size of the region around the edges of the base volume\n" ,
1093    "where the default weight will be set to zero. Call the value of this\n" ,
1094    "variable 'ee'. If 'ee' is a plain number (e.g., 5), then it is a voxel\n" ,
1095    "count, giving the thickness along each face of the 3D brick. If 'ee' is\n" ,
1096    "of the form '5%', then it is a fraction of of each brick size. For\n" ,
1097    "example, '5%' of a 256x256x124 volume means that 13 voxels on each side\n" ,
1098    "of the xy-axes will get zero weight, and 6 along the z-axis. '5%' is\n" ,
1099    "the default value used by the 3D registration routines (in mri_3dalign.c)\n" ,
1100    "if no other value is specified.\n" ,
1101    "\n" ,
1102    "--------------------\n" ,
1103    "Variable: AFNI_TRACE\n" ,
1104    "--------------------\n" ,
1105    "This variable controls the initial setting of the tracing (debugging)\n" ,
1106    "code when AFNI programs startup. If it is set to 'y', then tracing\n" ,
1107    "is turned on and set to the LOW mode (like -trace in AFNI). If it is\n" ,
1108    "set to 'Y', then tracing is turned on and set to the HIGH mode (like\n" ,
1109    "-TRACE in AFNI). Anything else, and tracing is turned off.\n" ,
1110    "\n" ,
1111    "N.B.: You can't set this variable in .afnirc and expect it to have\n" ,
1112    "      any effect (and why would you want to?), since it is read from\n" ,
1113    "      the environment BEFORE the .afnirc file is read in.\n" ,
1114    "\n" ,
1115    "N.B.: At this moment (26 Jan 2001), only the AFNI program itself is\n" ,
1116    "      configured for tracing. As time goes on, the entire AFNI\n" ,
1117    "      programming library and suite of programs will be revamped for\n" ,
1118    "      this purpose. The goal is to make it easier to find bugs, and\n" ,
1119    "      localize crashes.\n" ,
1120    "\n" ,
1121    "-------------------------\n" ,
1122    "Variable: AFNI_TRACE_FILE\n" ,
1123    "-------------------------\n" ,
1124    "If this variable is set, then the output from the AFNI function tracing\n" ,
1125    "macros will be written to a file with that name, rather than to stdout.\n" ,
1126    "This variable cannot be set in .afnirc; the intention is to provide a\n" ,
1127    "way to get 'clean' tracing output (not mixed up with other program junk)\n" ,
1128    "that can be fed to Ziad Saad's AnalyzeTrace function.\n" ,
1129    "\n" ,
1130    "------------------------\n" ,
1131    "Variable: AFNI_ROTA_ZPAD\n" ,
1132    "------------------------\n" ,
1133    "This variable controls the amount of zero-padding used during 3D rotations\n" ,
1134    "in 3drotate, 3dvolreg, etc. It provides a default value for the \"-zpad\"\n" ,
1135    "options of these programs. If zero-padding is used, then this many voxels\n" ,
1136    "are padded out on each edge (all 6 faces) of a 3D brick before rotation.\n" ,
1137    "After the rotation, these perimeter values (whatever they might be) will\n" ,
1138    "be stripped off. If \"-zpad\" is used on the command line, it overrides\n" ,
1139    "this value. Zero padding during rotation is useful to avoid edge effects,\n" ,
1140    "the worst of which is the loss of data off the edge of the volume during\n" ,
1141    "the 4 shearing stages.\n" ,
1142    "\n" ,
1143    "------------------------\n" ,
1144    "Variable: AFNI_TO3D_ZPAD\n" ,
1145    "------------------------\n" ,
1146    "This variable sets the number of slices added on each z-face in datasets\n" ,
1147    "created by program to3d. It provides a default value for the \"-zpad\" option\n" ,
1148    "of that program. It can be set to an integer, meaning a slice count, or\n" ,
1149    "a number of millimeters, meaning a minimum distance to pad:\n" ,
1150    "   setenv AFNI_TO3D_ZPAD 2\n" ,
1151    "   setenv AFNI_TO3D_ZPAD 16mm\n" ,
1152    "If \"-zpad\" is used on the to3d command line, it overrides this value.\n" ,
1153    "If neither is present, no zero padding is used. Note well that this\n" ,
1154    "padding is only in the z-direction, unlike that of AFNI_ROTA_ZPAD.\n" ,
1155    "\n" ,
1156    "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
1158    "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
1159    "When the AFNI GUI starts, by default it opens all 3 image viewer\n" ,
1160    "windows. If you do NOT want a particular one of these, set the\n" ,
1161    "corresponding variable named above to NO. For finer control over\n" ,
1162    "AFNI startup, see the AFNI_STARTUP_SCRIPT variable and README.driver.\n" ,
1163    "\n" ,
1164    "----------------------------\n" ,
1165    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_MINFRAC (editable)\n" ,
1166    "----------------------------\n" ,
1167    "This variable sets the minimum size of an image window when it is first\n" ,
1168    "opened, in terms of a fraction of the overall screen area. By default,\n" ,
1169    "this value is set to 0.02; you can override this by (for example)\n" ,
1170    "   setenv AFNI_IMAGE_MINFRAC 0.05\n" ,
1171    "If you set this value to 0.0, then there will be no minimum. This is\n" ,
1172    "the old behavior, where the initial window size is always 1 screen pixel\n" ,
1173    "per data pixel, and can lead to image windows that are hard to resize or\n" ,
1174    "otherwise use (when the dataset is small). The largest value I recommend\n" ,
1175    "for AFNI_IMAGE_MINFRAC is 0.1; however, you can set it to as large as 0.9\n" ,
1176    "if you are completely crazy, but I'm not responsible for the results --\n" ,
1177    "don't even think of complaining or commenting to me about problems that\n" ,
1178    "arise if you try this!\n" ,
1179    "\n" ,
1180    "----------------------------\n" ,
1181    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_MAXFRAC\n" ,
1182    "----------------------------\n" ,
1183    "This variable sets the maximum size of an image window, as a fraction\n" ,
1184    "of the width and height of the screen. The default value is 0.9.\n" ,
1185    "This lets you prevent image windows from auto-resizing to be too big\n" ,
1186    "when you change datasets. Note that if you have turned on\n" ,
1187    "AFNI_ENFORCE_ASPECT, then this feature will prevent you from resizing\n" ,
1188    "a window to be larger than the AFNI_IMAGE_MAXFRAC fraction of the\n" ,
1189    "screen dimensions.\n" ,
1190    "\n" ,
1191    "-----------------------\n" ,
1192    "Variable: AFNI_AUTOGZIP (cf. AFNI_COMPRESSOR) (editable)\n" ,
1193    "-----------------------\n" ,
1194    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when AFNI programs write a\n" ,
1195    "dataset .BRIK file to disk, they will test to see if the data is easily\n" ,
1196    "compressible (at least 80%). If so, then the GZIP compression will be\n" ,
1197    "used. (For this to work, the gzip program must be in your path.) This\n" ,
1198    "can be useful if you are dealing with mask datasets, which are usually\n" ,
1199    "highly compressible, but don't want the overhead of trying to compress\n" ,
1200    "and decompress arbitrary MRI datasets.\n" ,
1201    "\n" ,
1202    "A command line method to carry out compression of datasets that will\n" ,
1203    "compress well is to use a csh script like the following:\n" ,
1204    "\n" ,
1205    "  #!/bin/csh\n" ,
1206    "  foreach fred ( `find . -name \\*.BRIK -print` )\n" ,
1207    "    ent16 -%50 < $fred\n" ,
1208    "    if( $status == 1 ) gzip -1v $fred\n" ,
1209    "  end\n" ,
1210    "\n" ,
1211    "This will only gzip .BRIK files that the program ent16 estimates will\n" ,
1212    "compress by at least 50%. Note that ent16's estimate of compression\n" ,
1213    "may be high or low relative to what gzip actually does.\n" ,
1214    "\n" ,
1215    "------------------------------\n" ,
1216    "Variable: AFNI_DONT_MOVE_MENUS (editable)\n" ,
1217    "------------------------------\n" ,
1218    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the functions that try\n" ,
1219    "to move popup menus to \"good\" locations on screens will be skipped.\n" ,
1220    "This seems to be necessary on some Solaris systems, where the menus\n" ,
1221    "can end up being moved to bizarre locations.\n" ,
1222    "\n" ,
1223    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1224    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_DATASETS\n" ,
1225    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1226    "If this YES/NO variable is not set to NO, then 2D image files\n" ,
1227    "(*.png and *.jpg) will be read as datasets when the interactive\n" ,
1228    "AFNI program starts. That is, you have to set this variable explicitly\n" ,
1229    "to NO if you do not want image files read into the AFNI GUI at\n" ,
1230    "startup. Image files can be opened using the Axial image viewer.\n" ,
1231    "\n" ,
1232    "----------------------------\n" ,
1233    "Variable: AFNI_MINC_DATASETS\n" ,
1234    "----------------------------\n" ,
1235    "If this YES/NO variable is not set to NO, then MINC-format files\n" ,
1236    "with name suffix .mnc will be read into the interactive AFNI\n" ,
1237    "program at startup, along with standard .HEAD/.BRIK datasets.\n" ,
1238    "That is, you have to set this variable explicitly to NO if you\n" ,
1239    "don't want MINC-format files to be automatically recognized by\n" ,
1240    "the interactive AFNI program. This variable does not affect\n" ,
1241    "the ability of command line programs (3dSomething) to read\n" ,
1242    ".mnc input files.\n" ,
1243    "\n" ,
1244    "----------------------------\n" ,
1245    "Variable: AFNI_MINC_FLOATIZE\n" ,
1246    "----------------------------\n" ,
1247    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when MINC-format files\n" ,
1248    "are read in as datasets, their values will be scaled to floats.\n" ,
1249    "Otherwise, their values will be scaled to the same data type as\n" ,
1250    "stored in the file. In some cases, the latter behavior is not\n" ,
1251    "good; for example, if a byte-valued file (intrinsic range 0..255)\n" ,
1252    "is scaled to the range 0..0.5 in the MINC header, then after\n" ,
1253    "conversion back to bytes, the resulting AFNI dataset values will\n" ,
1254    "all be zero. Setting AFNI_MINC_FLOATIZE to YES will cause the\n" ,
1255    "scaled values to be stored as floats.\n" ,
1256    "\n" ,
1257    "------------------------------\n" ,
1258    "Variable: AFNI_MINC_SLICESCALE\n" ,
1259    "------------------------------\n" ,
1260    "If this YES/NO variable is set to NO, then AFNI will not use the\n" ,
1261    "image-min and image-max scaling when reading data from MINC files.\n" ,
1262    "Normally, you want this scaling, since MINC files are scaled separately\n" ,
1263    "in each slice. However, if the image-min and image-max values in the\n" ,
1264    "MINC file are damaged, then you can turn off the scaling this way.\n" ,
1265    "\n" ,
1266    "----------------------------\n" ,
1267    "Variable: AFNI_ANALYZE_SCALE\n" ,
1268    "----------------------------\n" ,
1269    "If this YES/NO variable is set to NO, then the \"funused1\" entry\n" ,
1270    "in the Mayo Analyze .hdr file will not be used as a scale factor\n" ,
1271    "for the images contained in the corresponding .img file. Otherwise,\n" ,
1272    "if funused1 is positive and not equal to 1.0, all the image data\n" ,
1273    "in the .img file will be scaled by this value.\n" ,
1274    "\n" ,
1275    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1276    "Variable: AFNI_ANALYZE_FLOATIZE\n" ,
1277    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1278    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then Mayo Analyze files\n" ,
1279    "will be scaled to floats on input. Otherwise, they will be read\n" ,
1280    "in the format in which they are stored in the .img file. Conversion\n" ,
1281    "to floats can be useful if the scaling factor is such that the image\n" ,
1282    "native format can't hold the scaled values; for example, if short\n" ,
1283    "values in the image range from -1000..1000 and the scale factor\n" ,
1284    "is 0.0001, then the scaled values range from -0.1..0.1, which would\n" ,
1285    "be truncated to 0 in the scaled image if it is not \"floatized\".\n" ,
1286    "(Conversion to floats will only be done to byte, short, and int\n" ,
1287    "image types.)\n" ,
1288    "\n" ,
1289    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1290    "Variable: AFNI_ANALYZE_ORIGINATOR\n" ,
1291    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1292    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then AFNI will attempt\n" ,
1293    "to read and use the ORIGINATOR field in a Mayo Analyze file\n" ,
1294    "to set the origin of the pixel space in AFNI. This origin\n" ,
1295    "can be used directly by several programs--the main AFNI viewer,\n" ,
1296    "and all of the 3dxxxx programs, including especially 3dcopy,\n" ,
1297    "which is the preferred way to convert an Analyze format file\n" ,
1298    "to an AFNI native file.\n" ,
1299    "This variable will also force 3dAFNItoANALYZE to write the\n" ,
1300    "ORIGINATOR field into the output Analyze file based on the\n" ,
1301    "input AFNI file's origin information.\n" ,
1302    "The ORIGINATOR field should be compatible with SPM in most\n" ,
1303    "cases, but please verify this.\n" ,
1304    "\n" ,
1305    "--------------------------\n" ,
1306    "Variable: AFNI_START_SMALL\n" ,
1307    "--------------------------\n" ,
1308    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when AFNI starts, it will\n" ,
1309    "look for the smallest dataset in the first session, and choose this\n" ,
1310    "as its starting point. This can be useful if you also use the layout\n" ,
1311    "feature to pop open an image window on startup; in that case, if the\n" ,
1312    "default starting dataset (the first alphabetical) is huge, you won't\n" ,
1313    "see anything while the program reads all of into memory before displaying\n" ,
1314    "the first image.\n" ,
1315    "\n" ,
1316    "The old behavior of this variable was to set the smallest dataset\n" ,
1317    "marked as 'Anatomical' to be the underlay, and the smallest dataset\n" ,
1318    "marked as 'Functional' to be the overlay. The new behavior just\n" ,
1319    "sets both the underlay and overlay to be the smallest dataset.\n" ,
1320    "If you want the old behavior, set this variable to the string 'OLD'.\n" ,
1321    "\n" ,
1322    "---------------------------\n" ,
1323    "Variable: AFNI_MENU_COLSIZE\n" ,
1324    "---------------------------\n" ,
1325    "This numerical variable sets the maximum number of entries in a popup\n" ,
1326    "menu column (e.g., like the sub-brick menus for bucket datasets). The\n" ,
1327    "default value is 20, but you may want to make this larger (say 40). When\n" ,
1328    "you have a menu with a huge number of entries, the menu can become so\n" ,
1329    "wide that it doesn't fit on the screen. Letting the columns be longer\n" ,
1330    "will make the menus be narrower across the screen.\n" ,
1331    "\n" ,
1332    "Another way to get a handle on such huge menus is to Button-3 (right)\n" ,
1333    "click on the label to the left of the menu. This will popup a one-\n" ,
1334    "column scrollable list chooser that is equivalent to the menu. In\n" ,
1335    "this way, it is still possible to use menus that have hundreds of\n" ,
1336    "entries. The maximum number of entries shown at one time in a\n" ,
1337    "scrollable list chooser is given by variable AFNI_chooser_listmax if\n" ,
1338    "it exists, otherwise by AFNI_MENU_COLSIZE.\n" ,
1339    "\n" ,
1340    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1341    "Variable: AFNI_GLOBAL_SESSION\n" ,
1342    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1343    "This variable, if it exists, is the name of a directory that contains\n" ,
1344    "\"global\" datasets - ones that you want to be visible in each \"Switch\n" ,
1345    "Underlay\" or \"Switch Overlay\" menu. Pointers to the datasets read\n" ,
1346    "from this directory will be appended to the dataset list for each\n" ,
1347    "directory read from the command line. In the \"Switch\" choosers, these\n" ,
1348    "datasets are marked with the character 'G' at the right, and they\n" ,
1349    "appear last in the list.\n" ,
1350    "\n" ,
1351    "It really only makes sense to put +tlrc (i.e., in a template\n" ,
1352    "space) datasets in the global session directory, since only they\n" ,
1353    "can be presumed to be aligned with other datasets. Also, it is probably\n" ,
1354    "best if you make sure each global anatomical dataset has itself\n" ,
1355    "as the anatomy parent; this can be enforced by issuing the command\n" ,
1356    "  3drefit -apar SELF *.HEAD *.nii *.nii.gz\n" ,
1357    "in the global session directory.\n" ,
1358    "\n" ,
1359    "In my [RWC's] global session directory, there is one file:\n" ,
1360    "  MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz\n" ,
1361    "which I copied there from the AFNI binaries download. In this way,\n" ,
1362    "I always have available the human template which I use most often.\n" ,
1363    "\n" ,
1364    "When you Switch Sessions and are viewing a global dataset, it is\n" ,
1365    "likely that you will NOT be viewing the same dataset after the Switch\n" ,
1366    "Session. You will have to then Switch Underlay and/or Switch Overlay\n" ,
1367    "to get back to the same global dataset(s).\n" ,
1368    "\n" ,
1369    "If you start AFNI and there are no datasets in the sessions given on\n" ,
1370    "the command line, then the directory specified by this variable\n" ,
1371    "becomes the default session. If there are no datasets there, either,\n" ,
1372    "then AFNI makes up a dummy dataset (AFNI cannot operate without at\n" ,
1373    "least one dataset present).\n" ,
1374    "\n" ,
1375    "------------------------------\n" ,
1376    "Variable: AFNI_DISP_SCROLLBARS (editable)\n" ,
1377    "------------------------------\n" ,
1378    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the 'Disp' control window\n" ,
1379    "(on the image viewers) will have scrollbars attached. This window has\n" ,
1380    "grown larger over the years, and for some people with pitifully small\n" ,
1381    "displays (e.g., laptops), it is now taller than their screens. If\n" ,
1382    "activated, this option will prevent the Disp window from being so tall\n" ,
1383    "and will attach scrollbars so you can access all of its contents.\n" ,
1384    "\n" ,
1385    "Note: If you change this value interactively, via Edit Environment,\n" ,
1386    "the change will only affect Disp windows opened after you 'Set' the\n" ,
1387    "variable. That is, already opened Disp windows won't suddenly get\n" ,
1388    "scrollbars if you change this to YES.\n" ,
1389    "\n" ,
1390    "------------------------------\n" ,
1391    "Variable: AFNI_GRAPH_TEXTLIMIT (editable)\n" ,
1392    "------------------------------\n" ,
1393    "This numerical variable sets the upper limit on the number of rows\n" ,
1394    "shown in the Button-3 popup in a sub-graph. If the number of rows in\n" ,
1395    "the popup would be more than this value, a text window with scrollbars\n" ,
1396    "is used instead of a \"spring-loaded\" menu pane. If you set this value\n" ,
1397    "to 1, then the text window will always be used. Note that a text\n" ,
1398    "window does not automatically popdown, but must be explicitly\n" ,
1399    "dismissed by the user pressing the \"Quit\" button.\n" ,
1400    "\n" ,
1401    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1402    "Variable: AFNI_GRAPH_BASELINE\n" ,
1403    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1404    "This variable should be set to one of the strings \"Individual\", \"Common\",\n" ,
1405    "or \"Global\", corresponding to the choices on the Opt->Baseline menu in\n" ,
1406    "a graph window. (Actually, only the first letter of the string will be\n" ,
1407    "used.)  This variable will determine the initial setting of the Baseline\n" ,
1408    "menu when a graph window opens.\n" ,
1409    "\n" ,
1410    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1411    "Variable: AFNI_GRAPH_GLOBALBASE\n" ,
1412    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1413    "Normally, the global baseline for a graph window is set to the\n" ,
1414    "smallest value found in the entire 3D+time dataset. This variable\n" ,
1415    "lets you specify a numerical value to be used for this purpose\n" ,
1416    "instead. Probably the most common setting (for those who want to use\n" ,
1417    "this feature at all, which means Mike Beauchamp) would be\n" ,
1418    "  setenv AFNI_GRAPH_GLOBALBASE 0\n" ,
1419    "Of course, you can always change the global baseline from the\n" ,
1420    "Opt->Baseline menu.\n" ,
1421    "\n" ,
1422    "-------------------------\n" ,
1423    "Variable: AFNI_GRAPH_CX2R (editable)\n" ,
1424    "-------------------------\n" ,
1425    "This variable determines how the AFNI time series graphing window\n" ,
1426    "displays complex-valued datasets. The possible values are ABS, PHASE,\n" ,
1427    "REAL, and IMAG. (Actually, only the first letter matters to the\n" ,
1428    "program.)  The default method is ABS. (If you edit this method\n" ,
1429    "interactively, the graph won't automatically be redrawn -- you'll have\n" ,
1430    "to force a graph window redraw to see the effects.)\n" ,
1431    "\n" ,
1432    "---------------------------\n" ,
1433    "Variable: AFNI_GRAPH_BOXLAB --- THIS VARIABLE HAS BEEN REMOVED [11 Jan 2021]\n" ,
1434    "---------------------------\n" ,
1435    "Formerly, this variable determined how the AFNI grapher displays sub-brick\n" ,
1436    "labels on top of the Box graphs (from the 'Colors, Etc.' menu, or via\n" ,
1437    "the 'B' keypress).\n" ,
1438    "Now, the choice of if and where the labels appear is made directly in\n" ,
1439    "the graph viewer menus.\n" ,
1440    "\n" ,
1441    "-------------------------\n" ,
1442    "Variable: AFNI_GRAPH_FONT\n" ,
1443    "-------------------------\n" ,
1444    "This variable is the name of a font to use for text overlays in the\n" ,
1445    "AFNI time series graph viewers. If this variable is not set, the\n" ,
1446    "program has a list of fonts to try to load. If none of those can\n" ,
1447    "be loaded (something I've never seen happen), text may not display.\n" ,
1448    "For best results, this should be a fixed width font. To see a full\n" ,
1449    "list of all X11 fonts available, use the system command 'xlsfonts'\n" ,
1450    "(you probably want to pipe this output through 'more'). The first\n" ,
1451    "default font is currently [Apr 2011] set to\n" ,
1452    "  -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1\n" ,
1453    "For a font that is larger than the default, try 9x15bold or even\n" ,
1454    "10x20, as in the command\n" ,
1455    "  afni -DAFNI_GRAPH_FONT=9x15bold\n" ,
1456    "The entire list of fonts that will be tried can be found in the\n" ,
1457    "source code file display.h, in the string array tfont_hopefuls[].\n" ,
1458    "\n" ,
1459    "-------------------------\n" ,
1460    "Variable: AFNI_GRAPH_FADE\n" ,
1461    "-------------------------\n" ,
1462    "If this variable is set to YES, then the 'threshold fade' feature\n" ,
1463    "of the AFNI graph window is turned on for all graph viewers when\n" ,
1464    "they open. Otherwise, you have to turn this feature on via the\n" ,
1465    "'F' key or the toggle control in the Opt menu.\n" ,
1466    "\n" ,
1467    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1468    "Variable: AFNI_GRAPH_ALLOW_SHIFTN\n" ,
1469    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1470    "If set to YES, this variable allows the use of the following keystroke\n" ,
1471    "sequence in the AFNI graph viewer:\n" ,
1472    "  shift-N\n" ,
1473    "  digit [digit ...]\n" ,
1474    "  <Enter>\n" ,
1475    "The result is to immediately shift the graph matrix count (number of\n" ,
1476    "sub-graphs) to the decimal integer expressed by the digits. For example:\n" ,
1477    "  N7<Enter>\n" ,
1478    "will set the graph window to show a 7x7 matrix of sub-graphs. By default,\n" ,
1479    "this is disabled, since it confuses some beginners -- until you press\n" ,
1480    "the <Enter> key, the graph window will be unresponsive to other keys.\n" ,
1481    "\n" ,
1482    "------------------------------\n" ,
1483    "Variable: AFNI_AdptMeanWidth1D\n" ,
1484    "------------------------------\n" ,
1485    "This variable lets you add a new Adaptive Mean filter to the 'Tran 1D'\n" ,
1486    "transformations menu in the AFNI graph viewer. The built in adaptive\n" ,
1487    "mean filter widths are 9 time points (plus/minus 4 about each value)\n" ,
1488    "and 19 time points (plus/minus 9). If you define this variable to\n" ,
1489    "be an odd integer larger than 9, not equal to 19, and less than 100,\n" ,
1490    "then a new function labeled 'AdptMeanXX' will appear in the 'Tran 1D'\n" ,
1491    "menu, where 'XX' is the width you choose here. This transformation\n" ,
1492    "is mainly for 'fun' -- to smooth out a time series to see structure\n" ,
1493    "obscured by noise. You can combine this function with the |FFT|\n" ,
1494    "function using the 'Edit 1Dchain' item in the Datamode->Misc menu.\n" ,
1495    "\n" ,
1496    "--------------------------\n" ,
1497    "Variable: AFNI_VALUE_LABEL (editable)\n" ,
1498    "--------------------------\n" ,
1499    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the data value label on\n" ,
1500    "the Define Overlay control panel will be turned on when only 1 or 2\n" ,
1501    "image viewer windows are open. This will consume more CPU time and\n" ,
1502    "redrawing time than the default, which is that this label is only\n" ,
1503    "turned on when all 3 image viewer windows are open. If you are\n" ,
1504    "operating X11 remotely over a slow connection, this option should not\n" ,
1505    "be turned on.\n" ,
1506    "\n" ,
1507    "--------------------------------\n" ,
1508    "Variable: AFNI_SUMA_BOXCOLOR_xxx\n" ,
1509    "--------------------------------\n" ,
1510    "This string defines the color used for overlaying surface nodes\n" ,
1511    "transmitted from SUMA to AFNI. This applies to surface number 'xxx',\n" ,
1512    "for xxx=001, 002, etc. If this is set to \"none\", then these boxes (at\n" ,
1513    "each node near a slice) won't be plotted.\n" ,
1514    "**NOTE** This variable, and the immediately following AFNI_SUMA_something\n" ,
1515    "         variables, can be set interactively from the 'Control Surface'\n" ,
1516    "         chooser window in the AFNI GUI.\n" ,
1517    "**NOTE** The colors allowed for surface display in AFNI are chosen via\n" ,
1518    "         AFNI's color chooser menu. So no matter what color you specify\n" ,
1519    "         in one of these AFNI_SUMA_something variables, it will be mapped\n" ,
1520    "         to be the closest color on the color chooser menu.\n" ,
1521    "\n" ,
1522    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1523    "Variable: AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR_xxx\n" ,
1524    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1525    "This string defines the color used for overlaying surfaces transmitted\n" ,
1526    "from SUMA to AFNI. This applies to surface number 'xxx', for xxx=001,\n" ,
1527    "002, etc. If this is set to \"none\", then these lines (intersections\n" ,
1528    "of surfaces with slices) won't be plotted.\n" ,
1529    "\n" ,
1530    "In the special case that xxx=DEF, then the supplied color becomes\n" ,
1531    "'default' for all lines. Individual line colors can still be set by\n" ,
1532    "additional variables with xxx=001, 002, etc. being set.\n" ,
1533    "\n" ,
1534    "---------------------------------------\n" ,
1535    "Variable: AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR_FORCE_xxx\n" ,
1536    "---------------------------------------\n" ,
1537    "\n" ,
1538    "This variable is similar to AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR_xxx (again, for\n" ,
1539    "xxx=001 etc.), except for one detail. When SUMA sends a surface to\n" ,
1540    "AFNI for display, it can also send a color. If that happens, then\n" ,
1541    "AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR_xxx will have no effect. But\n" ,
1542    "AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR_FORCE_xxx will over-ride the choice SUMA makes and\n" ,
1543    "forces the color for surface number 'xxx' to be this color.\n" ,
1544    "\n" ,
1545    "The special usage of xxx=DEF (see AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR_xxx) also\n" ,
1546    "applies here.\n" ,
1547    "\n" ,
1548    "---------------------------\n" ,
1549    "Variable: AFNI_SUMA_BOXSIZE\n" ,
1550    "---------------------------\n" ,
1551    "This variable defines the size of the boxes drawn at each surface node\n" ,
1552    "transmitted from SUMA. The default is 0.25, which means that each box\n" ,
1553    "is plus and minus 1/4 of a voxel size about the node location. If you\n" ,
1554    "want a larger box, you could try\n" ,
1555    "   setenv AFNI_SUMA_BOXSIZE 0.5\n" ,
1556    "\n" ,
1557    "----------------------------\n" ,
1558    "Variable: AFNI_SUMA_LINESIZE\n" ,
1559    "----------------------------\n" ,
1560    "This variable sets the thickness of the lines used when drawing a\n" ,
1561    "surface intersection overlay. The units are the width of the entire\n" ,
1562    "image; reasonable values are in the range 0..0.01; 0 means to draw the\n" ,
1563    "thinnest line possible. Since this is editable, you can experiment\n" ,
1564    "with it to see what looks good.\n" ,
1565    "\n" ,
1566    "-------------------------\n" ,
1567    "Variable: AFNI_NIML_START\n" ,
1568    "-------------------------\n" ,
1569    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then NIML listening will be\n" ,
1570    "engaged from when AFNI starts. You can also enable NIML from the\n" ,
1571    "command line with the option \"-niml\", and from the Datamode->Misc menu\n" ,
1572    "item \"Start NIML\".\n" ,
1573    "\n" ,
1574    "NIML is the mechanism by which AFNI talks to other programs - it is\n" ,
1575    "the successor to plugouts. At this moment (Mar 2002), the only\n" ,
1576    "external NIML program is SUMA - the surface mapper.\n" ,
1577    "\n" ,
1578    "---------------------------\n" ,
1579    "Variable: AFNI_KEEP_PANNING (editable)\n" ,
1580    "---------------------------\n" ,
1581    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when the Zoom pan gets\n" ,
1582    "turned on in the AFNI image viewer, it will stay on until it is\n" ,
1583    "explicitly turned off. (The default behavior is to turn panning off\n" ,
1584    "after the user releases the mouse button.)\n" ,
1585    "\n" ,
1586    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1587    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_MODE\n" ,
1588    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1589    "This integer determines the placement of the image coordinate labels\n" ,
1590    "drawn in the AFNI image viewer windows. The possible values are\n" ,
1591    "   0  =  Labels are off\n" ,
1592    "   1  =  Labels in upper left\n" ,
1593    "   2  =  Labels in upper right\n" ,
1594    "   3  =  Labels in lower left\n" ,
1595    "   4  =  Labels in lower right\n" ,
1596    "   5  =  Labels in upper middle\n" ,
1597    "   6  =  Labels in lower middle\n" ,
1598    "You can also control the placement and size of the labels from the\n" ,
1599    "Button-3 (right-click) popup menu attached to the intensity bar to the\n" ,
1600    "right of the image sub-window.\n" ,
1601    "\n" ,
1602    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1603    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_SIZE\n" ,
1604    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1605    "This integer determines the size of the image coordinate labels:\n" ,
1606    "   0  =  Small\n" ,
1607    "   1  =  Medium\n" ,
1608    "   2  =  Large\n" ,
1609    "   3  =  Huge\n" ,
1610    "   4  =  Enormous\n" ,
1611    "\n" ,
1612    "--------------------------------\n" ,
1613    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_COLOR (editable)\n" ,
1614    "--------------------------------\n" ,
1615    "This variable controls the color of the image coordinate labels.\n" ,
1616    "\n" ,
1617    "----------------------------------\n" ,
1618    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_SETBACK (editable)\n" ,
1619    "----------------------------------\n" ,
1620    "This variable, a floating point value between 0 and 0.1, determines\n" ,
1621    "how far from the edge an image coordinate label will be drawn. The\n" ,
1622    "units are fractions of the image width/height.\n" ,
1623    "\n" ,
1624    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1625    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_STRING (editable)\n" ,
1626    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1627    "This value of this variable is a string that is appended to the\n" ,
1628    "automatically generated image slice viewer overlay label -- the\n" ,
1629    "viewing of this label is controlled from the right-click popup menu\n" ,
1630    "attached to the intensity bar to the right of the image itself. This\n" ,
1631    "variable applies to any slice image viewer window into which the user\n" ,
1632    "has not specifically set a string for this purpose from the GUI menu\n" ,
1633    "item 'Label Append String'.\n" ,
1634    "\n" ,
1635    "------------------------------\n" ,
1636    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_IJK (editable)\n" ,
1637    "------------------------------\n" ,
1638    "If this variable is YES, then the image label will be based on the\n" ,
1639    "slice index rather than the spatial (mm) coordinate. This variable can\n" ,
1640    "be set in the EditEnv AFNI GUI plugin (that is what 'editable' means).\n" ,
1641    "\n" ,
1642    "------------------------------\n" ,
1643    "Variable: AFNI_CROSSHAIR_LINES (editable) -- THIS VARIABLE IS NOW UNUSED\n" ,
1644    "------------------------------\n" ,
1645    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the image crosshairs will\n" ,
1646    "be drawn using lines rather than pixels. By default (this is the\n" ,
1647    "original AFNI way), crosshair lines are drawn the same way as\n" ,
1648    "functional overlays: by putting color pixels on top of the image. The\n" ,
1649    "new way draws lines on top of the image instead. The difference is\n" ,
1650    "quite visible when the image is zoomed; overlay by pixels shows the\n" ,
1651    "crosshair lines as fat blobs, but the lines are drawn as thin as\n" ,
1652    "possible, no matter what the image window size and zoom factor.\n" ,
1653    "\n" ,
1654    "Good points about crosshairs drawn with lines:\n" ,
1655    " - They are less obtrusive than pixel overlay, especially if you zoom\n" ,
1656    "     or enlarge the image a lot\n" ,
1657    " - When doing a montage with Spacing=1, they'll look better in the\n" ,
1658    "     orthogonal slices.\n" ,
1659    "Good points about crosshairs drawn with pixel overlay:\n" ,
1660    " - Pixel overlays can be rendered as translucent (on X11 TrueColor\n" ,
1661    "     displays); geometrical overlays are always solid color.\n" ,
1662    "\n" ,
1663    "So you have to decide what you need most. You can change this item\n" ,
1664    "using the \"Edit Environment\" pseudo-plugin on the Datamode->Misc menu,\n" ,
1665    "so you can play with it interactively to get the features you want.\n" ,
1666    "\n" ,
1667    "----------------------------------\n" ,
1668    "Variable: AFNI_CROSSHAIR_THICKNESS\n" ,
1669    "----------------------------------\n" ,
1670    "This numeric variable lets you set the thickness of the lines used to\n" ,
1671    "draw the image viewer crosshairs. The default value is 0, which means\n" ,
1672    "thin lines. The units are fractions of the image size, and the legal\n" ,
1673    "range is 0 .. 0.05 (which will be very thick lines, I assure you).\n" ,
1674    "This variable was introduced in March 2015 for Corianne (if there is\n" ,
1675    "such a person).\n" ,
1676    "\n" ,
1677    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1678    "Variable: AFNI_CROSSHAIRS_OFF\n" ,
1679    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1680    "Set this variable to YES to turn off crosshairs for AFNI startup.\n" ,
1681    "\n" ,
1682    "----------------------------\n" ,
1683    "Variable: AFNI_CROP_ZOOMSAVE (editable)\n" ,
1684    "----------------------------\n" ,
1685    "When saving a zoomed image, the default is to save the entire zoomed\n" ,
1686    "image, not just the part you see. If this YES/NO variable is set to\n" ,
1687    "YES, then only the visible part will be saved.\n" ,
1688    "\n" ,
1689    "------------------------------\n" ,
1690    "Variable: AFNI_CROP_AUTOCENTER\n" ,
1691    "------------------------------\n" ,
1692    "If this variable is set to YES, then the image viewer windows will\n" ,
1693    "automatically re-center the cropping sub-window (if cropping is\n" ,
1694    "active) around the crosshair position -- as far as possible. You can\n" ,
1695    "also set this crop autocenter capability individually for each image\n" ,
1696    "viewer window from the intensity bar right-click popup menu.\n" ,
1697    "\n" ,
1698    "---------------------------\n" ,
1699    "Variables: AFNI_TLRC_BBOX_*\n" ,
1700    "---------------------------\n" ,
1701    "These variables let you choose the size of the \"Talairach Box\", into\n" ,
1702    "which +tlrc datasets are transformed. If defined, they should be\n" ,
1703    "positive values, in mm. The 5 variables (any or all of which may be\n" ,
1704    "used) are:\n" ,
1705    "\n" ,
1706    "  AFNI_TLRC_BBOX_LAT = distance from midline to maximum left/right\n" ,
1707    "                        position [default=80]\n" ,
1708    "  AFNI_TLRC_BBOX_ANT = distance from AC to most anterior point in box\n" ,
1709    "                        [default=80]\n" ,
1710    "  AFNI_TLRC_BBOX_POS = distance from AC to most posterior point in box\n" ,
1711    "                        [default=110]\n" ,
1712    "  AFNI_TLRC_BBOX_INF = distance from AC-PC line to most inferior point\n" ,
1713    "                        in box [default=55 for small box, 65 for big\n" ,
1714    "                        box]\n" ,
1715    "  AFNI_TLRC_BBOX_SUP = distance from AC-PC line to most superior point\n" ,
1716    "                        in box [default=85]\n" ,
1717    "\n" ,
1718    "For example, \"setenv AFNI_TLRC_BBOX_INF 100\" lets you define the +tlrc\n" ,
1719    "box to extend 100 mm below the AC-PC line. Please note that virtually\n" ,
1720    "all the 3d* analysis programs (3dANOVA, etc.) do voxel-by-voxel\n" ,
1721    "analyses. This fact means that you will be unable to compare datasets\n" ,
1722    "created in +tlrc coordinates with different box sizes. Also, you will\n" ,
1723    "be unable to overlay regions from the Talairach Daemon database onto\n" ,
1724    "odd-sized +tlrc datasets. Therefore, I recommend that these variables\n" ,
1725    "be used only when strictly needed, and with caution.\n" ,
1726    "\n" ,
1727    "Lastly, try hard not to mix TLRC datasets created with various box\n" ,
1728    "sizes in the same session. Strange things may happen.\n" ,
1729    "\n" ,
1730    "---------------------------\n" ,
1731    "Variables: AFNI_ACPC_BBOX_*\n" ,
1732    "---------------------------\n" ,
1733    "The variables let you choose the size of the \"ACPC Box\", into which\n" ,
1734    "+acpc datasets are transformed. If defined, they should be positive\n" ,
1735    "values, in mm. The 6 variables (any or all of which may be used) are:\n" ,
1736    "\n" ,
1737    "  AFNI_ACPC_BBOX_LAT = distance from midline to maximum left/right\n" ,
1738    "                        position [default=95]\n" ,
1739    "  AFNI_ACPC_BBOX_ANT = distance from AC to most anterior point in box\n" ,
1740    "                        [default=95]\n" ,
1741    "  AFNI_ACPC_BBOX_POS = distance from AC to most posterior point in box\n" ,
1742    "                        [default=140]\n" ,
1743    "  AFNI_ACPC_BBOX_INF = distance from AC-PC line to most inferior point\n" ,
1744    "                        in box [default=70]\n" ,
1745    "  AFNI_ACPC_BBOX_SUP = distance from AC-PC line to most superior point\n" ,
1746    "                        in box [default=100]\n" ,
1747    "\n" ,
1748    "Check example and heed ALL warnings for variables AFNI_TLRC_BBOX_*\n" ,
1749    "above.\n" ,
1750    "\n" ,
1751    "-------------------------\n" ,
1752    "Variable: AFNI_TTRR_SETUP\n" ,
1753    "-------------------------\n" ,
1754    "Name of a file to be loaded to define Talairach Atlas Colors, when the\n" ,
1755    "Atlas Colors control panel is first created. Format is the same as a\n" ,
1756    "file created from this control panel's \"Save\" button. This filename\n" ,
1757    "should be an absolute path (e.g., /home/yourname/.afni_ttcolors),\n" ,
1758    "since otherwise it will be read relative to the directory in which you\n" ,
1759    "start AFNI.\n" ,
1760    "\n" ,
1761    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1762    "Variable: AFNI_LOAD_PRINTSIZE\n" ,
1763    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1764    "AFNI will print (to stderr) a warning that it is loading a large\n" ,
1765    "dataset from disk. This value determines the meaning of \"large\". For\n" ,
1766    "example, setting this variable to \"40M\" means that loading a dataset\n" ,
1767    "larger than 40 Megabytes will trigger the warning. If not given, the\n" ,
1768    "default value is 100 Megabytes. The purpose of the warning is just to\n" ,
1769    "let the user know that it may be several seconds before the dataset is\n" ,
1770    "loaded (e.g., before the images appear). If you don't want this\n" ,
1771    "warning at all, set this variable to the string \"0\".\n" ,
1772    "\n" ,
1773    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1774    "Variable: AFNI_ANALYZE_DATASETS\n" ,
1775    "-------------------------------\n" ,
1776    "If this YES/NO variable is not set to NO, then ANALYZE-format files\n" ,
1777    "with name suffix .hdr will be read into the interactive AFNI program\n" ,
1778    "at startup, along with standard .HEAD/.BRIK datasets. That is, you\n" ,
1779    "have to set this variable explicitly to NO if you don't want\n" ,
1780    "ANALYZE-format files to be automatically recognized by the interactive\n" ,
1781    "AFNI program. This variable does not affect the ability of command\n" ,
1782    "line programs (3dSomething) to read .hdr input files.\n" ,
1783    "\n" ,
1784    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1785    "Variable: AFNI_ANALYZE_ORIENT\n" ,
1786    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1787    "ANALYZE .hdr files do not contain reliable information about the\n" ,
1788    "orientation of the data volumes. By default, AFNI assumes that these\n" ,
1789    "datasets are oriented in LPI order. You can set this variable to a\n" ,
1790    "different default order. See AFNI_ORIENT for details on the 3 letter\n" ,
1791    "format for this.\n" ,
1792    "\n" ,
1793    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1794    "Variable: AFNI_ANALYZE_AUTOCENTER\n" ,
1795    "---------------------------------\n" ,
1796    "ANALYZE .hdr files do not contain information about the origin of\n" ,
1797    "coordinates. The default AFNI approach mirrors that of FSL - the\n" ,
1798    "outermost corner of the first voxel in the dataset is set to (0,0,0).\n" ,
1799    "If you set this variable (AFNI_ANALYZE_AUTOCENTER) to YES, then\n" ,
1800    "instead (0,0,0) will be set to the center of the 3D ANALYZE array.\n" ,
1801    "This is the default that would be applied if you read the ANALYZE\n" ,
1802    "array into program to3d.\n" ,
1803    "\n" ,
1804    "----------------------------\n" ,
1805    "Variable: AFNI_VERSION_CHECK\n" ,
1806    "----------------------------\n" ,
1807    "If this YES/NO variable is set to NO, then AFNI will not try to check\n" ,
1808    "if its version is up-to-date when it starts. Otherwise, it will try\n" ,
1809    "to check the program version with the AFNI web server.\n" ,
1810    "\n" ,
1811    "-------------------------\n" ,
1812    "Variable: AFNI_MOTD_CHECK\n" ,
1813    "-------------------------\n" ,
1814    "Similarly, if this YES/NO variable is set to NO, then AFNI will not\n" ,
1815    "display and fetch the AFNI \"Message of the Day\" at startup. You can\n" ,
1816    "always check the MOTD by using the Datamode->Misc menu.\n" ,
1817    "\n" ,
1818    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
1819    "Variable: AFNI_SLICE_SPACING_IS_GAP\n" ,
1820    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
1821    "This YES/NO variable is designed to patch a flaw in some DICOM files,\n" ,
1822    "where the \"Spacing Between Slices\" attribute is erroneously set to the\n" ,
1823    "gap between the slices, rather than the center-to-center slice\n" ,
1824    "distance specified in the DICOM standard. If this variable is set to\n" ,
1825    "YES, then the \"Slice Thickness\" attribute will always be added to\n" ,
1826    "\"Spacing Between Slices\" to get the z voxel size (assuming both\n" ,
1827    "attributes are present in the DICOM file).\n" ,
1828    "\n" ,
1829    "To check if a DICOM file has this problem, you can read it into to3d\n" ,
1830    "with the command \"to3d suspect_file_name\". A warning will be printed\n" ,
1831    "to the terminal window if attribute \"Spacing Between Slices\" is less\n" ,
1832    "than attribute \"Slice Thickness\". Another way to check is with a\n" ,
1833    "command like so\n" ,
1834    "\n" ,
1835    "  dicom_hdr suspect_file_name | grep \"Slice\"\n" ,
1836    "\n" ,
1837    "then check if the \"Spacing Between Slices\" and \"Slice Thickness\"\n" ,
1838    "values are correct for the given acquisition. We have only seen this\n" ,
1839    "problem in GE generated DICOM files, but that doesn't mean it won't\n" ,
1840    "occur elsewhere.\n" ,
1841    "\n" ,
1842    "If this variable is set to NO, then this patchup will never be made.\n" ,
1843    "The z voxel size will be set to \"Spacing Between Slices\" if present,\n" ,
1844    "otherwise to \"Slice Thickness\". This may be needed for some Phillips\n" ,
1845    "pulse sequences, which can report \"Spacing Between Slices\" < \"Slice\n" ,
1846    "Thickness\". In such a case, if this variable is not set, the wrong z\n" ,
1847    "voxel size will be assigned!\n" ,
1848    "\n" ,
1849    "If this variable is not set at all, AND if \"Spacing Between Slices\" is\n" ,
1850    "less less than 0.99 times \"Slice Thickness\", it will be treated as a\n" ,
1851    "gap; that is, the z voxel size will again be set to \"Spacing Between\n" ,
1852    "Slices\" + \"Slice Thickness\" if \"Spacing Between Slices\" < 0.99*\"Slice\n" ,
1853    "Thickness\". Otherwise, the z voxel size will be set to the larger of\n" ,
1854    "\"Spacing Between Slices\" and \"Slice Thickness\".\n" ,
1855    "\n" ,
1856    "N.B.: \"YES\", \"NO\", and \"not set\" have 3 different sets of behavior!\n" ,
1857    "      In the summary below, if a variable isn't set, treat it as zero:\n" ,
1858    "\n" ,
1859    "  YES     => dz = Thickness + Spacing\n" ,
1860    "  NO      => dz = Spacing if present, otherwise Thickness\n" ,
1861    "  not set => if( Spacing > 0 && Spacing < 0.99*Thickness )\n" ,
1862    "               dz = Thickness + Spacing\n" ,
1863    "             else\n" ,
1864    "               dz = MAX( Thickness , Spacing )\n" ,
1865    "\n" ,
1866    "If neither variable is set, then dz=1 mm, which is probably wrong.\n" ,
1867    "\n" ,
1868    "Sorry about this complexity, but the situation with various\n" ,
1869    "manufacturers is complicated, murky, and confusingly maddening.\n" ,
1870    "\n" ,
1871    "---------------------------------------------------\n" ,
1872    "Variables: AFNI_DICOM_RESCALE and AFNI_DICOM_WINDOW\n" ,
1873    "---------------------------------------------------\n" ,
1874    "DICOM image files can contain rescaling and windowing \"tags\". If\n" ,
1875    "present, these values indicate to affinely modify the values stored in\n" ,
1876    "the file. As far as I can tell, \"rescale\" means that the values\n" ,
1877    "should always be modified, whereas \"window\" means the values should be\n" ,
1878    "modified for display purposes. If both are present, the rescale comes\n" ,
1879    "before window. These two YES/NO environment variables control whether\n" ,
1880    "the AFNI image input functions (used in to3d) should apply the rescale\n" ,
1881    "and window tags.\n" ,
1882    "\n" ,
1883    "It is my impression from the laconic, terse, and opaque DICOM manual\n" ,
1884    "that window tags are intended for display purposes only, and that they\n" ,
1885    "aren't needed for signal processing. But you'll have to examine your\n" ,
1886    "own data to decide whether to use these options -- manufacturers seem\n" ,
1887    "to differ. Plus, I don't have that much experience with DICOM data\n" ,
1888    "from many different sources.\n" ,
1889    "\n" ,
1890    "---------------------------------------------------\n" ,
1891    "Variable: AFNI_DICOM_VERBOSE\n" ,
1892    "---------------------------------------------------\n" ,
1893    "Set this YES/NO variable to YES to output extra details when reading\n" ,
1894    "DICOM images.\n" ,
1895    "\n" ,
1896    "---------------------------------------------------\n" ,
1897    "Variable: AFNI_DICOM_USE_LAST_ELEMENT\n" ,
1898    "---------------------------------------------------\n" ,
1899    "Set this YES/NO variable to YES to force the DICOM reading routines to\n" ,
1900    "set each DICOM element based on the last occurrence, not necessarily\n" ,
1901    "the first.\n" ,
1902    "\n" ,
1903    "-----------------------\n" ,
1904    "Variable: IDCODE_PREFIX\n" ,
1905    "-----------------------\n" ,
1906    "AFNI stores with each dataset a unique string, called an \"idcode\". An\n" ,
1907    "example is \"XYZ_MoNLqdNOwMNEYmKSBytfJg\". You can alter the first\n" ,
1908    "three characters of the idcode with this variable. For example,\n" ,
1909    "  setenv IDCODE_PREFIX RWC\n" ,
1910    "sets the first 3 characters of newly generated idcodes to be the\n" ,
1911    "initials of AFNI's author. I find this a handy way to \"brand\" my\n" ,
1912    "datasets. Of course, there are only 17576 possible 3 letter\n" ,
1913    "combinations (140608 if you allow for case), so you should claim your\n" ,
1914    "prefix soon!!!\n" ,
1915    "\n" ,
1916    "Idcodes are used to store links between datasets. For example, when\n" ,
1917    "SUMA sends a surface to AFNI, it identifies the dataset to which the\n" ,
1918    "surface is to be associated with the dataset's idcode. Similarly,\n" ,
1919    "when AFNI sends a color overlay to SUMA, it uses the surface idcode to\n" ,
1920    "indicate which surface family the overlay is to be mapped onto.\n" ,
1921    "\n" ,
1922    "-------------------------\n" ,
1923    "Variable: AFNI_AGIF_DELAY\n" ,
1924    "-------------------------\n" ,
1925    "This is the time delay between frames when writing an animated GIF\n" ,
1926    "file from an image viewer window. The units are 100ths of seconds\n" ,
1927    "(centi-seconds!); the default value is 20 (= 5 frames per second).\n" ,
1928    "Note that this value is NOT editable in the Edit Environment control\n" ,
1929    "panel, so you have to set it up prior to starting AFNI (e.g., by using\n" ,
1930    "an option like '-DAFNI_AGIF_DELAY=10' on the command line when\n" ,
1931    "starting AFNI).\n" ,
1932    "\n" ,
1933    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1934    "Variable: AFNI_MPEG_FRAMERATE\n" ,
1935    "-----------------------------\n" ,
1936    "This value sets the frame rate (per second) of the MPEG-1 output\n" ,
1937    "animation from the image viewer window. The legal values allowed by\n" ,
1938    "MPEG-1 are 24, 25, 30, 50, and 60; 24 (the slowest) is the default.\n" ,
1939    "Note that the MPEG-1 standard does NOT allow arbitrary framerates,\n" ,
1940    "only these listed. To further slow down an MPEG-1 animation in AFNI,\n" ,
1941    "use the AFNI_ANIM_DUP variable, described below.\n" ,
1942    "\n" ,
1943    "-----------------------\n" ,
1944    "Variable: AFNI_ANIM_DUP (editable)\n" ,
1945    "-----------------------\n" ,
1946    "This value sets the frame duplication factor for AGIF or MPEG\n" ,
1947    "animation output. If this value 'd' is between 1 and 99, then each\n" ,
1948    "frame (image) will be written out 'd' times before being incorporated\n" ,
1949    "into the movie file. Note that AFNI_AGIF_DELAY can be used to slow\n" ,
1950    "down an AGIF file more efficiently, but that there is no other way\n" ,
1951    "(within AFNI) to slow down an MPEG file. (Some MPEG movie players\n" ,
1952    "will let you slow down the animation, but that's outside of AFNI's\n" ,
1953    "control.)\n" ,
1954    "\n" ,
1955    "You can control this variable directly from the Edit Environment\n" ,
1956    "control panel, or set its internal value in AFNI (or other image\n" ,
1957    "viewers) from the right-click popup menu attached to the intensity\n" ,
1958    "grayscale bar just to the right of the image sub-window in the viewer.\n" ,
1959    "Note that the duplication factor must be greater than 1 for any\n" ,
1960    "slowdown to occur. For example, if you want 6 frames per second in an\n" ,
1961    "MPEG file, then a duplication factor of 4 would work (24 fps / 4 = 6\n" ,
1962    "fps).\n" ,
1963    "\n" ,
1964    "For MPEG-1 files, AFNI will set up the frame temporal encoding pattern\n" ,
1965    "so that there is very little .mpg file size overhead for this frame\n" ,
1966    "duplication. The same is NOT true for animated GIF files, since these\n" ,
1967    "files do not have any compression along the time axis. Therefore, you\n" ,
1968    "should use AFNI_AGIF_DELAY to control the frame rate of animated GIF\n" ,
1969    "files, and not this frame duplication factor.\n" ,
1970    "\n" ,
1971    "----------------------------\n" ,
1972    "Variable: AFNI_STARTUP_SOUND\n" ,
1973    "----------------------------\n" ,
1974    "If this variable is set to YES, then when the AFNI GUI starts, a\n" ,
1975    "pair of notes will be played (softly). For this to happen, it is\n" ,
1976    "also necessary that\n" ,
1977    " a) the 'sox' sound software package be installed\n" ,
1978    " b) that the X11 display is local, not remote\n" ,
1979    " c) that no '-com' options are on the command line\n" ,
1980    "You can also try using the 'Play startup sound' button on the\n" ,
1981    "right-click popup menu attached to the logo space to the right\n" ,
1982    "of the GUI 'done' button. For that button to work, conditions\n" ,
1983    "a) and b) above must be true. On a Mac, you can install 'sox'\n" ,
1984    "using the 'brew' package (e.g.).\n" ,
1985    "\n" ,
1986    "---------------------------\n" ,
1987    "Variable: AFNI_SOUND_PLAYER\n" ,
1988    "---------------------------\n" ,
1989    "The 'p' and 'P' keys in the AFNI graph viewer can be used to generate\n" ,
1990    "sound from the graph data time series. However, AFNI itself does not\n" ,
1991    "play sound - it uses an external player program. By default, AFNI can\n" ,
1992    "use any one of these programs:\n" ,
1993    "  play (part of sox) ; afplay (Mac) ; mplayer ; aplay (Linux)\n" ,
1994    "and it will search your path to find one of these (in that order).\n" ,
1995    "If you have some other player program you want to use, you can provide\n" ,
1996    "the full path to that program in this variable, as in '/usr/bin/afplay'.\n" ,
1997    "\n" ,
1998    "-------------------------\n" ,
1999    "Variable: AFNI_MUSIC_SIZE\n" ,
2000    "-------------------------\n" ,
2001    "This variable is the length of the random music sequence generated by\n" ,
2002    "the 'Play random music' button. The default value is 99; if you want\n" ,
2003    "it to be longer, increase this value. There are about 7 notes per\n" ,
2004    "seconds normally, so setting this value to 420 is about 1 minute.\n" ,
2005    "Music can only be played if a sound player program is installed on\n" ,
2006    "your computer, as described under AFNI_SOUND_PLAYER above.\n" ,
2007    "\n" ,
2008    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2009    "Variable: AFNI_STARTUP_SCRIPT\n" ,
2010    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2011    "If this is set, this is the name of an AFNI Script to run when AFNI\n" ,
2012    "first starts. (See the file README.driver for information about AFNI\n" ,
2013    "Scripts.)  If this is not set, it defaults to \".afni.startup_script\".\n" ,
2014    "The program first tries to read this filename from the current working\n" ,
2015    "directory; if that fails, then it tries to read from your home\n" ,
2016    "directory. No error message is given if neither file can be read.\n" ,
2017    "\n" ,
2018    "You can save a file \".afni.startup_script\" that will recreate the\n" ,
2019    "window layout you currently have. Use the \"Datamode->Misc->Save\n" ,
2020    "Layout\" button and press \"Set\" on the popup control without entering\n" ,
2021    "any filename. Instead of a Layout file (cf. AFNI_LAYOUT_FILE above),\n" ,
2022    "you'll get a Script file if you leave the filename blank or enter any\n" ,
2023    "filename with the string \"script\" included (e.g., \"coolstuff.script\").\n" ,
2024    "\n" ,
2025    "The capabilities of Script files are expanded from time to time. Not\n" ,
2026    "all features of the AFNI window setup are currently save-able this\n" ,
2027    "way.\n" ,
2028    "\n" ,
2029    "You can load a Script file interactively during an AFNI run by using\n" ,
2030    "the button \"Datamode->Misc->Run Script\". As a 'secret' option, if you\n" ,
2031    "enter a line containing a blank in the filename dialog, that line\n" ,
2032    "will be executed as a single command, rather than be used as a script\n" ,
2033    "filename.\n" ,
2034    "\n" ,
2035    "------------------------------\n" ,
2036    "Variable: AFNI_DEFAULT_OPACITY\n" ,
2037    "------------------------------\n" ,
2038    "This should be set to an integer from 1..9, and controls the default\n" ,
2039    "opacity setting for the color overlay in image viewer windows.\n" ,
2040    "\n" ,
2041    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2042    "Variable: AFNI_DEFAULT_IMSAVE\n" ,
2043    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2044    "This should be set to the suffix of the image format to which you want\n" ,
2045    "to save from an image viewer. The suffixes AFNI knows about (as of 23\n" ,
2046    "Jan 2003) are\n" ,
2047    " ppm = Portable PixMap format                            = cat\n" ,
2048    " jpg = Joint Photographics Experts Group (JPEG) format   = cjpeg\n" ,
2049    " gif = Compuserve Graphics Interchange File (GIF) format = ppmtogif\n" ,
2050    " tif = Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)                   = ppm2tiff\n" ,
2051    "                                                           or pnmtotiff\n" ,
2052    " bmp = Windows Bitmap (BMP) format                       = ppmtobmp\n" ,
2053    " eps = Encapsulated PostScript format                    = pnmtops\n" ,
2054    " pdf = Portable Document Format                          = epstopdf\n" ,
2055    " png = Portable Network Graphics format                  = pnmtopng\n" ,
2056    "The third column is the name of the external filter program that AFNI\n" ,
2057    "uses to write the format. If a filter is not present on your system,\n" ,
2058    "then that option is not available. Most of these filters are part of\n" ,
2059    "the netpbm package, which can be installed on MacOS X by using the\n" ,
2060    "brew package (for example).\n" ,
2061    "\n" ,
2062    "------------------------------\n" ,
2063    "Variable: AFNI_IMSAVE_WARNINGS\n" ,
2064    "------------------------------\n" ,
2065    "If this variable is not set, then if the program cannot find one\n" ,
2066    "of the output filter programs listed above, then a warning message\n" ,
2067    "will be printed to the terminal. However, if you set this variable\n" ,
2068    "to NO, then such warning messages will NOT be printed out. The\n" ,
2069    "purpose of this variable is to let you silence these messages\n" ,
2070    "once you get sick of seeing them.\n" ,
2071    "\n" ,
2072    "---------------------------\n" ,
2073    "Variable: AFNI_IMSAVE_DEBUG\n" ,
2074    "---------------------------\n" ,
2075    "If this variable is set to YES, then when you save an image from the\n" ,
2076    "image viewer, the various steps will be printed to the terminal\n" ,
2077    "as the process happens. As the variable name is implied, this\n" ,
2078    "capability is here for debugging, and has not actually been used\n" ,
2079    "for years (at least by the AFNI Imperial Command Team).\n" ,
2080    "\n" ,
2081    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2082    "Variables: AFNI_COLORSCALE_xx  for xx=01, 02, ..., 99\n" ,
2083    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2084    "These variables let you name files to be read it at AFNI startup to\n" ,
2085    "define \"continuous\" colorscales for the \"**\" mode of the color pbar.\n" ,
2086    "These files will be looked for in the current directory when you start\n" ,
2087    "AFNI, or in your home directory (if they aren't in the current\n" ,
2088    "directory). A sample file:\n" ,
2089    "\n" ,
2090    "  Yellow-Red-Blue\n" ,
2091    "  1.0 #ffff00\n" ,
2092    "  0.7 #ffaa00\n" ,
2093    "  0.5 #ff0000\n" ,
2094    "  0.3 #aa00aa\n" ,
2095    "  0.0 #0000ff\n" ,
2096    "\n" ,
2097    "The first line is the name of this colorscale, to go in the colorscale\n" ,
2098    "popup chooser. The succeeding lines each have a number and a color\n" ,
2099    "definition. The numbers should be decreasing, and indicate the\n" ,
2100    "location on the colorscale. The largest number corresponds to the top\n" ,
2101    "of the colorscale and the smallest to the bottom - intermediate\n" ,
2102    "numbers denote intermediate locations. The colors at each location\n" ,
2103    "are specified using X11 notation (cf. \"man XParseColor\"). In this\n" ,
2104    "example, I'm using hexadecimal colors, in the form #rrggbb, where each\n" ,
2105    "hex pair ranges from 00 to ff. Another color format is\n" ,
2106    "\"rgbi:rf/gf/bf\", where each value rf,gf,bf is a number between 0.0 and\n" ,
2107    "1.0 (inclusive); for example, yellow would be \"rgbi:1.0/1.0/0.0\".\n" ,
2108    "\n" ,
2109    "Colors are interpolated (linearly in RGB space) between the break\n" ,
2110    "locations given in the file. There are actually 128 color locations\n" ,
2111    "on a colorscale.\n" ,
2112    "\n" ,
2113    "An alternative format for the file is to omit the numbers indicating\n" ,
2114    "the break locations. In this case, the break locations will be taken\n" ,
2115    "to be equally spaced. For example:\n" ,
2116    "\n" ,
2117    "  Yellow-Red-Blue\n" ,
2118    "   #ffff00\n" ,
2119    "   #ffaa00\n" ,
2120    "   #ff0000\n" ,
2121    "   #aa00aa\n" ,
2122    "   #0000ff\n" ,
2123    "\n" ,
2124    "This example is not exactly the same as the other one, since the\n" ,
2125    "breakpoints are evenly spaced now (as if they had been given as 1.0,\n" ,
2126    "0.75, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.0). With this format, if you want to manually\n" ,
2127    "specify all 128 colors, you can do so, 1 color per line, remembering\n" ,
2128    "that the first line of the file is taken to be the colorscale title\n" ,
2129    "(no blanks allowed in the title!).\n" ,
2130    "\n" ,
2131    "---------------------------------\n" ,
2132    "Variable: AFNI_COLORSCALE_DEFAULT\n" ,
2133    "---------------------------------\n" ,
2134    "If set, this is the name of the default colorscale to use in setup.\n" ,
2135    "As a special case, if you DO NOT want a colorscale to be setup by\n" ,
2136    "default at all, then set this variable to the string \"NO\".\n" ,
2137    "\n" ,
2138    "N.B.: This variable only applies if you are using AFNI with a\n" ,
2139    "TrueColor X11 visual. If you are using a PseudoColor visual, then\n" ,
2140    "this variable is ignored!\n" ,
2141    "\n" ,
2142    "----------------------------\n" ,
2143    "Variable: AFNI_RESCAN_METHOD\n" ,
2144    "----------------------------\n" ,
2145    "On 28 Dec 2002, I modified the way that the \"Rescan\" operation in AFNI\n" ,
2146    "works when re-reading datasets from sessions. The old way would purge\n" ,
2147    "and replace all datasets; the new way just adds datasets that didn't\n" ,
2148    "exist before. There are some differences between these methods:\n" ,
2149    "  \"Replace\" will detect changes to a dataset, so if you add a brick\n" ,
2150    "    using 3dTcat -glueto (for example), this will be reflected in\n" ,
2151    "    AFNI.\n" ,
2152    "  \"Replace\" will cause troubles if you are using a dataset in a\n" ,
2153    "    plugin; the two main examples are volume rendering and the drawing\n" ,
2154    "    plugin. This problem will occur even if you didn't do anything to\n" ,
2155    "    the dataset on disk, since the internal pointer to the dataset\n" ,
2156    "    will have been changed by the rescan, but the plugins won't know\n" ,
2157    "    that.\n" ,
2158    "  \"Add\" will not detect changes to a dataset on disk, but it also\n" ,
2159    "    won't affect the pointers to the existing datasets.\n" ,
2160    "You can choose to use the \"Replace\" method (the old style) by setting\n" ,
2161    "this environment variable to the string \"REPLACE\".\n" ,
2162    "\n" ,
2163    "---------------------------\n" ,
2164    "Variable: AFNI_OLD_PPMTOBMP\n" ,
2165    "---------------------------\n" ,
2166    "The old (before 21 Feb 2003) usage of netpbm program \"ppmtobmp\" was to\n" ,
2167    "write a color image quantized to 255 colors. The new usage is to\n" ,
2168    "write a 24-bit image, which is thus not color-quantized. If you want\n" ,
2169    "the old behavior, set this environment variable to YES. This setting\n" ,
2170    "(YES) will be necessary if you have an older version of ppmtobmp in\n" ,
2171    "your path, which doesn't support the \"-bpp\" option.\n" ,
2172    "\n" ,
2173    "------------------------------\n" ,
2174    "Variable: AFNI_1DPLOT_COLOR_xx\n" ,
2175    "------------------------------\n" ,
2176    "This variable lets you set the colors used in the 1dplot program (and\n" ,
2177    "other similar graphs). Here, \"xx\" is a number from \"01\" to \"19\". The\n" ,
2178    "value of the environment variable must be in the form \"rgbi:rf/gf/bf\",\n" ,
2179    "where each color intensity (rf, gf, bf) is a number between 0.0 and\n" ,
2180    "1.0. For example, \"rgbi:1.0/1.0/0.0\" is yellow. By default, the\n" ,
2181    "first 4 colors are defined as the equivalents of\n" ,
2182    "  setenv AFNI_1DPLOT_COLOR_01 rgbi:0.0/0.0/0.0\n" ,
2183    "  setenv AFNI_1DPLOT_COLOR_02 rgbi:0.9/0.0/0.0\n" ,
2184    "  setenv AFNI_1DPLOT_COLOR_03 rgbi:0.0/0.7/0.0\n" ,
2185    "  setenv AFNI_1DPLOT_COLOR_04 rgbi:0.0/0.0/0.9\n" ,
2186    "which are black, red, green, and blue, respectively. You can alter\n" ,
2187    "these colors, or leave them unchanged and start defining colors at 05.\n" ,
2188    "The largest color number you define will be the last color index used;\n" ,
2189    "if more line colors are needed, they will cycle back to color 01. If\n" ,
2190    "you leave a gap in the numbering (e.g., you define color 07 but not 05\n" ,
2191    "or 06), then the undefined colors will be fuliginous.\n" ,
2192    "\n" ,
2193    "[Dec 2007] You can now specify the colors by using the special names\n" ,
2194    "'green', 'red', 'blue', 'gold', 'pink', and 'purple'. Also, by using\n" ,
2195    "3 or 6 digit hexadecimal notation as in '#8888aa' for a blueish-gray\n" ,
2196    "color (6 digits) or '#0ac' for a cyanish color (3 digits). These are\n" ,
2197    "intended to make life a little simpler.\n" ,
2198    "\n" ,
2199    "--------------------------\n" ,
2200    "Variable: AFNI_1DPLOT_THIK (editable)\n" ,
2201    "--------------------------\n" ,
2202    "This numeric variable lets you control the thickness of lines drawn in\n" ,
2203    "the 1dplot-style windows. The units are in terms of the width of the\n" ,
2204    "entire plot, so that a value of 0.005 is 'reasonable'; 0.01 will be\n" ,
2205    "fairly thick lines, and 0.02 will be too thick for most purposes.\n" ,
2206    "\n" ,
2207    "----------------------------\n" ,
2208    "Variable: AFNI_1DPLOT_IMSIZE\n" ,
2209    "----------------------------\n" ,
2210    "This numeric variable sets the image size (in pixels across the\n" ,
2211    "screen) of images saved via the '-png' or '-jpg' options of 1dplot, or\n" ,
2212    "images saved when giving the '.png' or '.jpg' from 1dplot-style\n" ,
2213    "graphs. The default value is 1024. Values over 2048 may give odd\n" ,
2214    "looking results, and will be palpably slower to render.\n" ,
2215    "\n" ,
2216    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2217    "Variable: AFNI_1DPLOT_BOXSIZE\n" ,
2218    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2219    "This variable sets the size of the boxes that are plotted with the\n" ,
2220    "1dplot '-box' option. The units are in terms of the width of the\n" ,
2221    "entire plot; a value of 0.006 is the default. The largest allowed\n" ,
2222    "value is 0.02 and the smallest is 0.001.\n" ,
2223    "\n" ,
2224    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2225    "Variable: AFNI_1DPLOT_RENDEROLD\n" ,
2226    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2227    "On 30 Apr 2012, a new method of rendering the 1dplot graph into an X11\n" ,
2228    "window was introduced -- this method uses 'anti-aliasing' to produce\n" ,
2229    "smoother lines and characters. If you want the old coarser-looking\n" ,
2230    "rendering method, set this variable to YES.\n" ,
2231    "\n" ,
2232    "----------------------------\n" ,
2233    "Variable: AFNI_1DPLOT_RANBOX\n" ,
2234    "----------------------------\n" ,
2235    "When using '-noline' in 1dplot (to get a cloud of points without\n" ,
2236    "lines), and when there are multiple time series being plotted with\n" ,
2237    "option '-one', the normal state of affairs is that later time series\n" ,
2238    "boxes get plotted on top of earlier boxes. If there are a lot of\n" ,
2239    "points, then the earlier boxes get completely obscured. Setting\n" ,
2240    "this variable to YES means that the boxes will be plotted in a\n" ,
2241    "pseudo-random order, so that each color/shape of box has a chance\n" ,
2242    "to be seen in the cloud of data.\n" ,
2243    "\n" ,
2244    "---------------------------------\n" ,
2245    "Variable: AFNI_SIEMENS_INTERLEAVE\n" ,
2246    "---------------------------------\n" ,
2247    "The old (pre-DICOM) Siemens .ima image mosaic format sometimes stores\n" ,
2248    "the multi-slice EPI data in correct spatial order and sometimes in\n" ,
2249    "correct time acquisition order. In the latter case, the images are\n" ,
2250    "stored in a spatially-interleaved fashion. As far as I know, there is\n" ,
2251    "no way to tell this from the .ima file header itself. Therefore, if\n" ,
2252    "you have a problem with such files, set this variable to YES to\n" ,
2253    "un-interleave the images when to3d reads them. One way to tell if the\n" ,
2254    "images need to be un-interleaved is to do\n" ,
2255    "  afni -im fred.ima\n" ,
2256    "then look at the images in an Axial image viewer. If the slices make\n" ,
2257    "up a single coherent volume, then they are NOT interleaved. If the\n" ,
2258    "slices look like they make up 2 separate brain volumes, then they need\n" ,
2259    "to be un-interleaved, and you need to set this variable to YES.\n" ,
2260    "\n" ,
2261    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2262    "Variable: AFNI_TRY_DICOM_LAST\n" ,
2263    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2264    "When to3d tries to read an image file, it guesses the format from the\n" ,
2265    "filename. However, this doesn't always work. In particular, DICOM\n" ,
2266    "files don't have any fixed filename suffix or prefix. If all else\n" ,
2267    "fails, to3d normally tries to read a file as a DICOM file, and as a\n" ,
2268    "last resort, as a flat binary file. However, if a file is NOT a DICOM\n" ,
2269    "file, the DICOM reading function will print out a lot of error\n" ,
2270    "messages, since there is also no standard internal marker in all DICOM\n" ,
2271    "files that identify them. Most people don't like all these messages\n" ,
2272    "(perhaps hundreds per file), even if the program then successfully\n" ,
2273    "reads their flat binary files.\n" ,
2274    "\n" ,
2275    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the normal last-resort\n" ,
2276    "order of reading described above is reversed. If to3d can't read the\n" ,
2277    "file any other way, it will try it as a flat binary file. If that\n" ,
2278    "fails, then DICOM will be the ultimate resort, instead of being the\n" ,
2279    "penultimate resort that it is by default. This may help elide some\n" ,
2280    "error messages. However, if you have a DICOM file that is exactly\n" ,
2281    "131072 bytes long (for example), then it will be interpreted as a\n" ,
2282    "headerless 256x256 image of shorts, instead of whatever it really is.\n" ,
2283    "So only set this variable to YES if necessary!\n" ,
2284    "\n" ,
2285    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2286    "Variable: AFNI_THRESH_BIGSTEP\n" ,
2287    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2288    "The AFNI threshold sliders (in the Define Overlay control panels and\n" ,
2289    "the Render Dataset plugins) are divided into 10000 steps from bottom\n" ,
2290    "to top. If you click in the trough or use the PageUp/PageDown keys,\n" ,
2291    "the default action is to move the slider 10 of the steps at once.\n" ,
2292    "(The up and down arrow keys move 1 step at a time.)  You can change\n" ,
2293    "this big step from the default of 10 to any value between 1 and 1000\n" ,
2294    "by setting this environment variable; for example\n" ,
2295    "  setenv AFNI_THRESH_BIGSTEP 100\n" ,
2296    "will move the slider 1% of its height per PageUp/PageDown key or mouse\n" ,
2297    "click.\n" ,
2298    "\n" ,
2299    "--------------------------\n" ,
2300    "Variable: AFNI_THRESH_AUTO (editable)\n" ,
2301    "--------------------------\n" ,
2302    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then whenever you switch\n" ,
2303    "overlay datasets, the function threshold slider will automatically\n" ,
2304    "change to some value that MIGHT be appropriate for the values in the\n" ,
2305    "new dataset. [This is for Ziad!]\n" ,
2306    "\n" ,
2307    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2308    "Variable: AFNI_THRESH_TOP_EXPON\n" ,
2309    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2310    "This variable defines the maximum value for the '**' setting underneath\n" ,
2311    "the Overlay threshold slider. By default, this value is 5, but you\n" ,
2312    "can change that to 4 or 6 with this variable. [This is for Phil Kohn]\n" ,
2313    "\n" ,
2314    "--------------------------------\n" ,
2315    "Variable: AFNI_THRESH_INIT_EXPON\n" ,
2316    "--------------------------------\n" ,
2317    "This variable defines the initial power-of-ten scale for the '**'\n" ,
2318    "setting. By default, this value is 1 (thresholds run from 0 to 10),\n" ,
2319    "but you can change this to a value from 0 to 'TOP_EXPON'.\n" ,
2320    "\n" ,
2321    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2322    "Variable: AFNI_OLD_SHORT_THRESH\n" ,
2323    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2324    "When thresholding a dataset with a sub-brick that is stored as shorts\n" ,
2325    "(16 bit integers), the AFNI GUI uses floats, but the 3dmerge and\n" ,
2326    "Clusterize functions use shorts. The difference is that the\n" ,
2327    "user-supplied threshold in the latter case is rounded to the nearest\n" ,
2328    "short. Thus, a threshold of 2.2 would become 2, and then a value of 2\n" ,
2329    "would pass the 'greater than or equal to threshold' test -- which is\n" ,
2330    "probably not what the user meant. Again, this would happen in 3dmerge\n" ,
2331    "and Clusterize, but NOT in the AFNI GUI without Clusterize. This\n" ,
2332    "inconsistency has been fixed, and both sets of places now threshold\n" ,
2333    "using floats. However, IF you want to stick with the old method for\n" ,
2334    "some grotesquely un-imaginable reason, you need to set this variable\n" ,
2335    "to YES.\n" ,
2336    "\n" ,
2337    "------------------------------\n" ,
2338    "Variable: AFNI_SNAPFILE_PREFIX\n" ,
2339    "------------------------------\n" ,
2340    "Image files saved with the \"snapfile\" (or \"record to file\") by default\n" ,
2341    "have filenames of the form \"S_000001.ppm\". The prefix \"S\" can be\n" ,
2342    "altered by setting this environment variable; for example,\n" ,
2343    "  setenv AFNI_SNAPFILE_PREFIX Elvis\n" ,
2344    "will save snapfiles with names like \"Elvis_000666.ppm\". You can view\n" ,
2345    "snapfiles with the \"aiv\" (\"AFNI Image Viewer\") utility, the \"xv\"\n" ,
2346    "program, or many other Unix utilities.\n" ,
2347    "\n" ,
2348    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2349    "Variable: AFNI_STARTUP_WARNINGS\n" ,
2350    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2351    "When the interactive AFNI program starts, it may pop up warnings about\n" ,
2352    "the programming environment for which it was compiled. At this time,\n" ,
2353    "there are two such warning messages possible:\n" ,
2354    "  LessTiff: AFNI will work with LessTif, but works better with Motif.\n" ,
2355    "  Button-3: On Solaris 2.8, Button-3 popup menus don't work quite\n" ,
2356    "            properly.\n" ,
2357    "If you are tired of seeing these messages, set AFNI_STARTUP_WARNINGS\n" ,
2358    "to NO.\n" ,
2359    "\n" ,
2360    "----------------------\n" ,
2361    "Variable: AFNI_1D_TIME\n" ,
2362    "----------------------\n" ,
2363    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when a multicolumn .1D\n" ,
2364    "file is read in as an AFNI dataset, the column variable is taken to be\n" ,
2365    "time, and a time-dependent dataset is created. The default is to\n" ,
2366    "create a bucket dataset. Note that each row is taken to be a separate\n" ,
2367    "'voxel'.\n" ,
2368    "\n" ,
2369    "-------------------------\n" ,
2370    "Variable: AFNI_1D_TRANOUT\n" ,
2371    "-------------------------\n" ,
2372    "If this variable is set to YES, it affects the way 1D datasets are\n" ,
2373    "written out from 3d* programs that are being used to process 1D files\n" ,
2374    "as AFNI dataset. If this variable is YES, AND if the output dataset\n" ,
2375    "prefix ends in '.1D' or is the string '-' (meaning standard output),\n" ,
2376    "then the output 1D file will be transposed and written so that the\n" ,
2377    "time axis goes down the columns instead of across them. If this\n" ,
2378    "variable is NO, then the standard AFNI 1D-to-3D dataset convention is\n" ,
2379    "followed: each row is a single voxel time series. Example:\n" ,
2380    "  3dDetrend -polort 1 -prefix - 1D:'3 4 5 4 3'\\'\n" ,
2381    "will write to the screen\n" ,
2382    "           -0.8\n" ,
2383    "            0.2\n" ,
2384    "            1.2\n" ,
2385    "            0.2\n" ,
2386    "           -0.8\n" ,
2387    "if AFNI_1D_TRANOUT is YES, but will write\n" ,
2388    " -0.8 0.2 1.2 0.2 -0.8\n" ,
2389    "to stdout if AFNI_1D_TRANOUT is NO.\n" ,
2390    "\n" ,
2391    "-------------------------\n" ,
2392    "Variable: AFNI_1D_TIME_TR\n" ,
2393    "-------------------------\n" ,
2394    "If this is set, and AFNI_1D_TIME is YES, then this determines the TR\n" ,
2395    "(in seconds) of a .1D file read in as an AFNI dataset.\n" ,
2396    "\n" ,
2397    "---------------------------\n" ,
2398    "Variable: AFNI_1D_ZERO_TEXT\n" ,
2399    "---------------------------\n" ,
2400    "If this is set to 'YES', then non-commented text gets set to 0\n" ,
2401    "instead of causing a read failure. The default setting is 'No'\n" ,
2402    "\n" ,
2403    "------------------------\n" ,
2404    "Variable: AFNI_3D_BINARY\n" ,
2405    "------------------------\n" ,
2406    "If this is set to YES, then .3D files are written by AFNI programs in\n" ,
2407    "binary, rather than the default text mode. Binary files will be more\n" ,
2408    "compact (usually) and faster to read in.\n" ,
2409    "\n" ,
2410    "--------------------------\n" ,
2411    "Variable: AFNI_MAX_OPTMENU (editable)\n" ,
2412    "--------------------------\n" ,
2413    "This variable (default=255) sets the maximum number of entries allowed\n" ,
2414    "in an AFNI \"option menu\" -- these are the buttons that popup a menu\n" ,
2415    "of values from which to choose, and which also let you popup a text\n" ,
2416    "list chooser by right-clicking in the menu's label. (Example: the\n" ,
2417    "sub-brick option menus \"Anat\", \"Func\", \"Thr\" on the \"Define Overlay\"\n" ,
2418    "control panel.)\n" ,
2419    "\n" ,
2420    "Some computer systems may crash when an option menu gets too big.\n" ,
2421    "That's why there is a default limit in AFNI of 255 entries. However,\n" ,
2422    "if you have a bucket dataset with more than 255 sub-bricks, this makes\n" ,
2423    "it impossible to view the later data volumes. If this problem arises,\n" ,
2424    "you can try setting this environment variable to a larger limit (e.g.,\n" ,
2425    "99999 would take care of all currently imaginable cases).\n" ,
2426    "\n" ,
2427    "---------------------------------\n" ,
2428    "Variable: AFNI_VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE\n" ,
2429    "---------------------------------\n" ,
2430    "This variable sets a filename that holds a default value-label table\n" ,
2431    "for the Draw Dataset plugin. A sample file is shown below:\n" ,
2432    "\n" ,
2433    "   <VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE\n" ,
2434    "     ni_type=\"2*String\"\n" ,
2435    "     ni_dimen=\"3\" >\n" ,
2436    "    \"1\" \"elvis\"\n" ,
2437    "    \"2\" \"presley\"\n" ,
2438    "    \"3\" \"memphis\"\n" ,
2439    "   </VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE>\n" ,
2440    "\n" ,
2441    "The 'ni_dimen' attribute is the number of value-label pairs; in the\n" ,
2442    "  above example it is 3.\n" ,
2443    "Each value-label pair is shown on a separate line. The values and\n" ,
2444    "  labels are strings, enclosed in quote characters. There should be\n" ,
2445    "  exactly as many value-label pairs as specified in 'ni_dimen'.\n" ,
2446    "If you really want to put a double quote character \" in a label,\n" ,
2447    "  you can enclose the label in single forward quotes ' instead.\n" ,
2448    "When you 'Save' a drawn dataset from the Draw Dataset plugin, the\n" ,
2449    "  .HEAD file attribute VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE will contain a table in\n" ,
2450    "  exactly this XML-based format.\n" ,
2451    "\n" ,
2452    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2453    "Variable: AFNI_STROKE_THRESHOLD (editable)\n" ,
2454    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2455    "If you press Button-1 in an image window, and then move it left or\n" ,
2456    "right (\"stroke it\") before releasing the button, the grayscale mapping\n" ,
2457    "changes in the same way as if you pressed the 'c' button up and the\n" ,
2458    "'b' button down. This variable sets the threshold for the stroking\n" ,
2459    "movement size in pixels; a movement of this number of pixels\n" ,
2460    "rightwards corresponds to one press of 'c' up and 'b' down, while a\n" ,
2461    "leftwards movement is like one press of 'c' down and 'b' up. Larger\n" ,
2462    "movements make larger adjustments.\n" ,
2463    "\n" ,
2464    "A larger threshold makes the stroking less sensitive; a smaller\n" ,
2465    "threshold makes it more sensitive. The value you choose will depend\n" ,
2466    "on your personal taste. The default is 32 pixels, which is the flavor\n" ,
2467    "I prefer. If you set this variable to 0, then the stroking function\n" ,
2468    "is disabled.\n" ,
2469    "\n" ,
2470    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2471    "Variable: AFNI_STROKE_AUTOPLOT (editable)\n" ,
2472    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2473    "If this variable is set to YES, then the graymap-versus-data value\n" ,
2474    "plot (manually controlled by \"Display Graymap Plot\") is automatically\n" ,
2475    "popped up when the grayscale mapping is altered by using the stroking\n" ,
2476    "feature described above. When the stroke is finished, the plot will\n" ,
2477    "pop down. N.B.: when the 'Draw Dataset' plugin is active, this option\n" ,
2478    "is disabled temporarily.\n" ,
2479    "\n" ,
2480    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2481    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_MINTOMAX (editable)\n" ,
2482    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2483    "If this variable is set to YES, then image viewer windows will be set\n" ,
2484    "to the \"Min-to-Max\" state rather than the default \"2%-to-98%\" state\n" ,
2485    "when they are opened. If you set this in the \"Edit Environment\"\n" ,
2486    "control, it only affects image viewer windows opened after that point.\n" ,
2487    "\n" ,
2488    "----------------------------\n" ,
2489    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_CLIPPED (editable)\n" ,
2490    "----------------------------\n" ,
2491    "If this variable is set to YES, then image viewer windows will be set\n" ,
2492    "to the \"Clipped\" state rather than the default \"2%-to-98%\" state\n" ,
2493    "when they are opened. If you set this in the \"Edit Environment\"\n" ,
2494    "control, it only affects image viewer windows opened after that point.\n" ,
2495    "\n" ,
2496    "----------------------------\n" ,
2497    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_CLIPBOT (editable)\n" ,
2498    "----------------------------\n" ,
2499    "In the \"Clipped\" mode, the top level of the grayscale image is\n" ,
2500    "computed as 3.11 times the 'cliplevel' as computed by the 3dClipLevel\n" ,
2501    "algorithm. The bottom level is then a fraction of this top level --\n" ,
2502    "by default, the fraction is 0.25, but you can change this default by\n" ,
2503    "setting this variable to a value between 0.0 and 0.5 (inclusive). You\n" ,
2504    "can also use variable AFNI_IMAGE_CLIPTOP to scale the default top\n" ,
2505    "level -- this variable can take values between 0.6 and 1.9 (inclusive)\n" ,
2506    "-- the default is 1.0.\n" ,
2507    "\n" ,
2508    "--------------------------------\n" ,
2509    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_GLOBALRANGE (editable)\n" ,
2510    "--------------------------------\n" ,
2511    "AFNI_IMAGE_GLOBALRANGE can be set to SLICE (default), VOLUME\n" ,
2512    "(SUBBRICK), or DSET. The GUI applies the lookup table to color the\n" ,
2513    "underlay with the range determined from the slice, sub-brick or the\n" ,
2514    "whole multi-sub-brick dataset,respectively, depending on this\n" ,
2515    "variable. Besides the .afnirc file, the GUI allows changes from the\n" ,
2516    "environment plugin menu, the right-click menu on the image viewer\n" ,
2517    "colorbar or by typing Control-m in an image viewer. The Control-m\n" ,
2518    "cycles among the global range types.\n" ,
2519    "\n" ,
2520    "Previous YES/NO definitions for this variable correspond to VOLUME and\n" ,
2521    "SLICE respectively and will continue to work as before. The lower\n" ,
2522    "right corner of the image viewer shows the current range setting:\n" ,
2523    "(2%-98%/Min2Max, Vol, Dset)\n" ,
2524    "\n" ,
2525    "If this variable is set to YES/VOLUME/SUBBRICK, then the image\n" ,
2526    "viewer windows will be set to scale the bottom gray level to the\n" ,
2527    "minimum value in the 3D volume and the top gray level to the maximum\n" ,
2528    "value in the 3D volume. Setting the variable to DSET similarly sets\n" ,
2529    "the minimum and maximum based on the range of the whole dataset.\n" ,
2530    "\n" ,
2531    "This setting overrides the \"Min-to-Max\" and \"2%-to-98%\" settings in\n" ,
2532    "the \"Disp\" control panel. This setting also applies to all image\n" ,
2533    "viewers. If you set this in the \"Edit Environment\" control, it will\n" ,
2534    "apply to all open image viewers immediately, as well as to any image\n" ,
2535    "viewers opened later.\n" ,
2536    "  It is important to realize that if you use the 'Display Range'\n" ,
2537    "popup to set the bot-top range for the grayscale, these settings\n" ,
2538    "will override the global range UNTIL you switch datasets or switch\n" ,
2539    "sub-bricks within a dataset. At that point, the global range for\n" ,
2540    "the new volume will be enforced. This change can be confusing.\n" ,
2541    "Therefore, the info label beneath the slider shows the source of\n" ,
2542    "the bot-top grayscale values:\n" ,
2543    "  [2%-98%]  = from the 2% to 98% points on the slice histogram\n" ,
2544    "  [Min2Max] = from the 0% to 100% points on the slice histogram\n" ,
2545    "  [Vol]     = set from the entire volume min and max values\n" ,
2546    "  [Dset]    = set from the min and max across all subbricks of a dataset\n" ,
2547    "  [User]    = set by the user from 'Display Range'\n" ,
2548    "  absent    = not applicable (e.g., underlay image is RGB)\n" ,
2549    "The popup 'hint' for the grayscale bar shows the current values\n" ,
2550    "of the bot-top range, if you want to know what numbers correspond\n" ,
2551    "to the image at which you are gazing so fondly.\n" ,
2552    "  Finally, note that when a montage is built, the number-to-grayscale\n" ,
2553    "algorithm is applied to each slice separately, and then the montage\n" ,
2554    "is assembled. For [2%-98%] and [Min2Max], this fact means that each\n" ,
2555    "slice will (probably) have a separate grayscale conversion range.\n" ,
2556    "\n" ,
2557    "----------------------------\n" ,
2558    "Variable: AFNI_DRAW_UNDOSIZE (editable)\n" ,
2559    "----------------------------\n" ,
2560    "This variable sets the size (in units of Megabytes) of the Undo/Redo\n" ,
2561    "buffer in the Draw Dataset plugin. The default value is 6. If you\n" ,
2562    "are short on memory, you could set this to 1. If you are running out\n" ,
2563    "of undo levels, you could set this to a larger value; however, this\n" ,
2564    "would only be needed if you are drawing huge 3D swaths of data at a\n" ,
2565    "time (e.g., using the 3D sphere option with a large radius).\n" ,
2566    "\n" ,
2567    "----------------------------\n" ,
2568    "Variable: AFNI_DRAW_THRESH\n" ,
2569    "----------------------------\n" ,
2570    "This variable controls the clipping threshold for converting atlas\n" ,
2571    "regions into ROIs in the Draw Dataset plugin. The default value is 49\n" ,
2572    "percent unless set by this variable as a percentage greater than 0.0\n" ,
2573    "and at most 100.0 percent\n" ,
2574    "\n" ,
2575    "---------------------\n" ,
2576    "Variable: AFNI_SPEECH (editable)\n" ,
2577    "---------------------\n" ,
2578    "If this YES/NO variable is set to NO, then the AFNI speech synthesis\n" ,
2579    "is disabled. At the current time (Nov 2003), only the Mac OS X 10.3\n" ,
2580    "version of AFNI uses speech synthesis in any way. And that's just\n" ,
2581    "for fun.\n" ,
2582    "\n" ,
2583    "------------------------------\n" ,
2584    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_ZEROCOLOR\n" ,
2585    "------------------------------\n" ,
2586    "This variable, if set to the string name of one of the colors in the\n" ,
2587    "color chooser menus (e.g., \"Black\"), will result in voxels whose value\n" ,
2588    "is 0 being set to this color in the slice viewing windows (except when\n" ,
2589    "viewing RGB images). The main function is to avoid having to use the\n" ,
2590    "\"Choose Zero Color\" menu all the time, especially when you use the\n" ,
2591    "\"Swap\" feature to invert the grayscale map (e.g., to make a T2\n" ,
2592    "weighted image look sort of like a T1 weighted image).\n" ,
2593    "\n" ,
2594    "----------------------------\n" ,
2595    "Variable: AFNI_MPEG_DATASETS\n" ,
2596    "----------------------------\n" ,
2597    "This variable can be used to allow MPEG files to be read in as AFNI\n" ,
2598    "datasets. Such datasets are inherently 3 dimensional. How they will\n" ,
2599    "be organized inside AFNI depends on the setting of this variable. The\n" ,
2600    "options are:\n" ,
2601    "  SPACE = the frame sequence number will be the z-axis\n" ,
2602    "  TIME  = the frame sequence number will be the time axis\n" ,
2603    "  NO    = MPEG files won't be read as AFNI datasets\n" ,
2604    "          (they can still be read as images into to3d, aiv, etc.)\n" ,
2605    "If this variable is NOT set to anything, then it is the same as NO.\n" ,
2606    "\n" ,
2607    "MPEG filenames input to AFNI programs (as sources of images or as\n" ,
2608    "datasets) must end in \".mpg\", \".MPG\", \".mpeg\", or \".MPEG\". MPEG\n" ,
2609    "datasets will be read so that the individal images are displayed in an\n" ,
2610    "Axial image window.\n" ,
2611    "\n" ,
2612    "Note that decoding a long .mpg file that happens to be in your\n" ,
2613    "directory can slow down the AFNI startup considerably!\n" ,
2614    "\n" ,
2615    "---------------------------\n" ,
2616    "Variable: AFNI_MPEG_GRAYIZE\n" ,
2617    "---------------------------\n" ,
2618    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then MPEG files read into AFNI,\n" ,
2619    "to3d, or aiv will be converted to grayscale, even if the images in\n" ,
2620    "the movie are in color.\n" ,
2621    "\n" ,
2622    "--------------------------\n" ,
2623    "Variable: AFNI_VIDEO_DELAY (editable)\n" ,
2624    "--------------------------\n" ,
2625    "This is the number of milliseconds the AFNI waits between drawing new\n" ,
2626    "images when the 'V' or 'v' keys are pressed in an image (or graph)\n" ,
2627    "window. The default value is 1, which is faster than video can be\n" ,
2628    "displayed anyway. Set this to a larger value (e.g, 100) to slow down\n" ,
2629    "the image redraw rate.\n" ,
2630    "\n" ,
2631    "----------------------------\n" ,
2632    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_ENTROPY (editable)\n" ,
2633    "----------------------------\n" ,
2634    "If this numeric variable is set, this is the entropy of an image below\n" ,
2635    "which the 2%-98% image scaling will be disabled, and min-to-max will\n" ,
2636    "be used instead. The units are bits/byte; a useful threshold seems to\n" ,
2637    "be in the range (0.2,0.5). For images that only have a few values\n" ,
2638    "different from 0, the 2%-98% scaling can produce weird artifacts. Such\n" ,
2639    "images will also have a very low entropy. Since this variable can be\n" ,
2640    "changed interactively from the Edit Environment controls, you can play\n" ,
2641    "with it to see how it affects your images.\n" ,
2642    "\n" ,
2643    "----------------------------\n" ,
2644    "Variable: AFNI_LOGO16 (etc.)\n" ,
2645    "----------------------------\n" ,
2646    "If this variable is set to YES, then the 'AFNI' background logo used in\n" ,
2647    "the controller and image windows will be enabled. By default, it is off.\n" ,
2648    "You can control the colors of this logo by the following variables:\n" ,
2649    "  AFNI_LOGO16_FOREGROUND_x\n" ,
2650    "  AFNI_LOGO16_BACKGROUND_x\n" ,
2651    "where 'x' is 'A', 'B', 'C', etc., for the various controller labels.\n" ,
2652    "If AFNI_LOGO16_BACKGROUND_x isn't set, then AFNI_LOGO16_BACKGROUND\n" ,
2653    "(with no suffix) is checked as an alternate. The values of these\n" ,
2654    "variables should be the names of one of the labels on the color chooser\n" ,
2655    "menus (e.g., the \"Xhairs Color\" menu). You can use these variables to\n" ,
2656    "make the windows for the various controllers somewhat distinct in\n" ,
2657    "appearance. If these color variables are not set at all, then AFNI\n" ,
2658    "uses some colors of my choosing for this purpose.\n" ,
2659    "\n" ,
2660    "----------------------------------\n" ,
2661    "Variable: AFNI_COLORIZE_CONTROLLER\n" ,
2662    "----------------------------------\n" ,
2663    "If this variable is set to YES, then the background of the AFNI\n" ,
2664    "controllers and image viewers will be colorized. The default state is\n" ,
2665    "that they are not colorized.\n" ,
2666    "\n" ,
2667    "--------------------------\n" ,
2668    "Variable: AFNI_THRESH_LOCK (editable)\n" ,
2669    "--------------------------\n" ,
2670    "This variable can be used to lock the Define Overlay threshold sliders\n" ,
2671    "together. There are three possibilities:\n" ,
2672    "  NO (the default) => each controller's slider is independent\n" ,
2673    "  VALUE            => the numerical value on each slider will be the same\n" ,
2674    "  P-VALUE          => the p-value for each slider will be the same\n" ,
2675    "This locking only applies to AFNI controllers that are Lock-ed together\n" ,
2676    "(cf. AFNI_ALWAYS_LOCK and the Define Datamode->Lock menu). If p-values\n" ,
2677    "are locked, this lock will also only apply to controllers whose current\n" ,
2678    "Threshold sub-brick has a known statistical distribution.\n" ,
2679    "\n" ,
2680    "When you drag a locked threshold slider, the other one will only change\n" ,
2681    "when you release the mouse button -- they won't slide in tandem, but will\n" ,
2682    "just jump to the final value.\n" ,
2683    "\n" ,
2684    "------------------------\n" ,
2685    "Variable: AFNI_PBAR_LOCK (editable)\n" ,
2686    "------------------------\n" ,
2687    "If this variable is set to YES, then the Define Overlay color bars\n" ,
2688    "(the \"pbars\") of AFNI controllers that are Lock-ed together will be\n" ,
2689    "coordinated. Changes to one locked pbar will be reflected in the\n" ,
2690    "others immediately.\n" ,
2691    "\n" ,
2692    "------------------------\n" ,
2693    "Variable: AFNI_PBAR_AUTO  (or AFNI_CMAP_AUTO)\n" ,
2694    "------------------------\n" ,
2695    "If this variable is set to NO, then the automatic color bar switching\n" ,
2696    "(that was introduced by Ziad Saad) will be turned off.\n" ,
2697    "\n" ,
2698    "-------------------------\n" ,
2699    "Variable: AFNI_PBAR_THREE\n" ,
2700    "-------------------------\n" ,
2701    "If this variable is set to YES, then the 'continuous' colorscale color\n" ,
2702    "bar in the AFNI GUI will have 3 panes rather than 1. The middle pane\n" ,
2703    "will have the continuously variable colorscale loaded. The upper and\n" ,
2704    "lower panes will have the upper and lower colors loaded, OR they can\n" ,
2705    "be turned off. The sashes that controls the position and size of the\n" ,
2706    "middle pane can be moved to separately set the top and bottom of the\n" ,
2707    "color-ization scale (rather than make bottom = -top or bottom = 0, as\n" ,
2708    "with the 1 pane color bar).\n" ,
2709    "\n" ,
2710    "------------------------\n" ,
2711    "Variable: AFNI_PBAR_TICK (editable)\n" ,
2712    "------------------------\n" ,
2713    "If this variable is set to NO, then the tick marks in the continuous\n" ,
2714    "colorscale bar in the AFNI GUI will not have tick marks added on the\n" ,
2715    "left and right edges. You can also set the number of tick marks this\n" ,
2716    "way, if you don't want the default number (9). The maximum number\n" ,
2717    "of tick marks allowed is 63, which should be enough.\n" ,
2718    "* If this variable is NOT set to NO (or 0), then 9 tick marks will\n" ,
2719    "  be drawn in the image window intensity bar as well (dividing it\n" ,
2720    "  into 10 intervals). For this bar, the number of tick marks is\n" ,
2721    "  fixed: it is either 0 or 9.\n" ,
2722    "\n" ,
2723    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2724    "Variable: AFNI_PBAR_FULLRANGE  [03 Jun 2014]\n" ,
2725    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2726    "If this variable is set to YES, then the color pbar in Define Overlay\n" ,
2727    "will reflect the range set by the user for the colorization process.\n" ,
2728    "At some point, this feature will become the default, and then you'll\n" ,
2729    "have to set this variable to NO to get the old behavior -- where the\n" ,
2730    "range set by the user is shown only at the bottom right of the Define\n" ,
2731    "Overlay panel, and it then multiplies the independently set top value\n" ,
2732    "of the pbar to get the colorization scale. In the new method, the top\n" ,
2733    "value of the pbar cannot be set by the user independently of the range\n" ,
2734    "(or autorange) parameter. The intention of this change is to make the\n" ,
2735    "number -> colors process somewhat more blatant. This variable's value\n" ,
2736    "must be set at startup (e.g., in .afnirc), and changing it later will\n" ,
2737    "have no effect. Also note that if this variable is YES, then setting\n" ,
2738    "AFNI_PBAR_LOCK to YES will imply AFNI_RANGE_LOCK is YES as well.\n" ,
2739    "\n" ,
2740    "-------------------------\n" ,
2741    "Variable: AFNI_RANGE_LOCK (editable)\n" ,
2742    "-------------------------\n" ,
2743    "If this variable is set to YES, then the OLay range values of\n" ,
2744    "different AFNI controllers that are Lock-ed together will be\n" ,
2745    "coordinated. Changes in one controller will be reflected in\n" ,
2746    "the others immediately.\n" ,
2747    "\n" ,
2748    "---------------------------\n" ,
2749    "Variable: AFNI_OPACITY_LOCK\n" ,
2750    "---------------------------\n" ,
2751    "This variable controls if changing the overlay opacity in one\n" ,
2752    "image viewer window (the 1-9 arrows at the viewer right edge)\n" ,
2753    "changes the opacity in all viewer windows. The default value\n" ,
2754    "is YES, but you can set this to NO if you don't like it.\n" ,
2755    "\n" ,
2756    "----------------------------\n" ,
2757    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_ZOOM_NN (editable)\n" ,
2758    "----------------------------\n" ,
2759    "If this variable is set to YES, then image viewer windows will use\n" ,
2760    "nearest neighbor interpolation for zooming. The default is linear\n" ,
2761    "interpolation, which produces smoother-looking images. However, some\n" ,
2762    "people want to see the actual data values represented in the window,\n" ,
2763    "not some fancy-schmancy interpolated values designed to look good but\n" ,
2764    "in fact making a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two\n" ,
2765    "mockeries of a sham of reality.\n" ,
2766    "\n" ,
2767    "------------------------------\n" ,
2768    "Variable: AFNI_DISABLE_CURSORS\n" ,
2769    "------------------------------\n" ,
2770    "If this variable is set to YES, then AFNI will not try to change the\n" ,
2771    "X11 cursor shape. This feature is available because it seems that\n" ,
2772    "sometimes particular X11 installations choices of cursor and AFNI's\n" ,
2773    "choices don't work together well. If you have unpleasant cursors in\n" ,
2774    "AFNI (e.g., an X), try setting this variable to YES.\n" ,
2775    "\n" ,
2776    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2777    "Variable: AFNI_SLAVE_FUNCTIME (editable)\n" ,
2778    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2779    "When the underlay and overlay datasets both are time-dependent,\n" ,
2780    "switching the time index will change both the underlay and overlay\n" ,
2781    "sub-bricks. If you want the time index control to change ONLY the\n" ,
2782    "underlay sub-brick, then set this variable to NO.\n" ,
2783    "\n" ,
2784    "----------------------------\n" ,
2785    "Variable: AFNI_SLAVE_THROLAY\n" ,
2786    "----------------------------\n" ,
2787    "This variable allows you to control the INITIAL setting of the widgets\n" ,
2788    "that slave (or not) the threshold index to the overlay index. (These\n" ,
2789    "widgets are on the 'Index' right-click popup chooser and on the\n" ,
2790    "threshold slider right-click popup menu.)  The values you can set for\n" ,
2791    "this variable, and their effects, are listed below (not case\n" ,
2792    "sensitive):\n" ,
2793    "  'OLay'    *or*  '=='  *or*  '0'  ==> threshold index = overlay index\n" ,
2794    "  'OLay+1'  *or*  '+1'  *or*  '1'  ==> threshold index = overlay index + 1\n" ,
2795    "  ANYTHING ELSE                    ==> threshold index is free and wild\n" ,
2796    "This variable replaces the 2 variables listed below. Again, this only\n" ,
2797    "controls the INITIAL setting of the widgets -- you can change them in\n" ,
2798    "the AFNI GUI later at any time. Setting this variable after AFNI\n" ,
2799    "starts (e.g., from plugout_drive) will have little discernable effect.\n" ,
2800    "\n" ,
2801    "-------------------------\n" ,
2802    "Variable: AFNI_FUNC_ALPHA\n" ,
2803    "-------------------------\n" ,
2804    "Setting this string to YES will turn on Alpha fading of the functional\n" ,
2805    "overlay -- it is the same as setting the 'A' button on top of the\n" ,
2806    "threshold slider to the on stated.\n" ,
2807    "\n" ,
2808    "If Alpha is turned on, then the opacity of the overlay ranges from 1\n" ,
2809    "for above-threshold pixels down to 0. Note that the alpha (opacity)\n" ,
2810    "level at the pixel-wise level also is scaled by the global\n" ,
2811    "opacity '1-9' control on the right side of the image viewer,\n" ,
2812    "where '9' means that above-threshold pixels will be 100% opaque, and\n" ,
2813    "'6' means they will be 6/9=67% opaque -- and lower opacity pixels will\n" ,
2814    "be have their opacity scaled down by the same factor.\n" ,
2815    "\n" ,
2816    "The variable-opacity overlay usually looks better (less blocky) if you\n" ,
2817    "open 'Define Datamode' and set the resampling modes for the OLay and\n" ,
2818    "Stat to 'Li' (linear) rather than the default 'NN' (you can also do\n" ,
2819    "this via variables AFNI_resam_func and AFNI_resam_thr).\n" ,
2820    "\n" ,
2821    "Please note that the Alpha features described above only apply if the\n" ,
2822    "color scale is in the 'continuous' mode ('**'), not in the discrete\n" ,
2823    "panes mode. Sorry about this, but that's the situation for the nonce.\n" ,
2824    "\n" ,
2825    "-------------------------\n" ,
2826    "Variable: AFNI_FUNC_BOXED\n" ,
2827    "-------------------------\n" ,
2828    "Setting this string to YES will turn on outlining/boxing for the above\n" ,
2829    "threshold pixels in a functional image overlay. The outline is done over\n" ,
2830    "the pixels immediately OUTSIDE the above-threshold regions, in the\n" ,
2831    "overlay image as interpolated to the underlay resolution. If the\n" ,
2832    "underlay is on a coarse matrix (e.g., native EPI), these outlines\n" ,
2833    "will look blocky -- you can alter the underlay display grid dimension\n" ,
2834    "in 'Define Datamode' using the control 'Warp ULay on Demand', and then\n" ,
2835    "alter the way the datasets are interpolated to the underlay grid using\n" ,
2836    "'Resam Mode' menus. In this way, you can make blocky-looking EPI results\n" ,
2837    "fictionally look as if they are beautiful and high resolution.\n" ,
2838    "\n" ,
2839    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2840    "Variable: AFNI_FUNC_BOXED_COLOR (editable)\n" ,
2841    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2842    "Defines the color used for the boxed outline of above threshold\n" ,
2843    "regions, when Boxed ('B' button above threshold slided) is turned on.\n" ,
2844    "See AFNI_FUNC_BOXED for more information. The default color is\n" ,
2845    "black, which a few people find harsh. This variable replaces the former\n" ,
2846    "AFNI_EDGIZE_COLOR, which now has no effect. Colors can be set via X11\n" ,
2847    "names (e.g., \"yellow\", \"hotpink\", \"#1188ff\").\n" ,
2848    "\n" ,
2849    "----------------------------\n" ,
2850    "Variable: AFNI_SLAVE_THRTIME     *** THIS VARIABLE IS NO LONGER USED ***\n" ,
2851    "----------------------------\n" ,
2852    "When the underlay and overlay datasets both are time-dependent,\n" ,
2853    "switching the time index will change both the underlay and overlay\n" ,
2854    "sub-bricks, but NOT the threshold sub-brick. If you want the time\n" ,
2855    "index control to change the threshold sub-brick, then set this\n" ,
2856    "variable to YES.\n" ,
2857    "\n" ,
2858    "--------------------------------\n" ,
2860    "--------------------------------\n" ,
2861    "Set this to YES if you want to make changing the time index in the\n" ,
2862    "underlay dataset change the sub-brick index in the overlay dataset\n" ,
2863    "even when the overlay is a 'bucket' dataset without a time axis.\n" ,
2864    "\n" ,
2865    "----------------------------\n" ,
2866    "Variable: AFNI_CLICK_MESSAGE\n" ,
2867    "----------------------------\n" ,
2868    "If this veriable is set to NO, then the string\n" ,
2869    "  [---------------]\n" ,
2870    "  [ Click in Text ]\n" ,
2871    "  [ to Pop Down!! ]\n" ,
2872    "will NOT be appended to the very first popup message window that AFNI\n" ,
2873    "creates. This message was added because some people do not realize\n" ,
2874    "that the way to get rid of these popups (before they vanish on their\n" ,
2875    "own after 30 seconds) is to click in them. You know who you are.\n" ,
2876    "However, if you are advanced enough to read this file, then you\n" ,
2877    "probably aren't one of THEM.\n" ,
2878    "\n" ,
2879    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2880    "Variable: AFNI_X11_REDECORATE (editable)\n" ,
2881    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2882    "By default, AFNI tries to change some of the \"decorations\" (control\n" ,
2883    "buttons) on some of the windows it creates (e.g., removing resize\n" ,
2884    "handles). If you don't want this to happen, set this variable to NO.\n" ,
2885    "This variable only has an effect on windows created AFTER it is set,\n" ,
2886    "so if you change this interactively in the Edit Environment plugin, it\n" ,
2887    "will not affect existing windows. Normally, you would want to set\n" ,
2888    "this in your .afnirc file.\n" ,
2889    "\n" ,
2890    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2891    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_SAVESQUARE\n" ,
2892    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2893    "YES/NO: Forces images (from the image view \"Save\" button) to be saved\n" ,
2894    "with square pixels, even if they are stored with nonsquare pixels.\n" ,
2895    "\n" ,
2896    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2897    "Variable: AFNI_BUCKET_LABELSIZE\n" ,
2898    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2900    "\n" ,
2901    "Formerly, it was used to set the width of the \"ULay\", \"OLay\", and\n" ,
2902    "\"Thr\" menu choosers on the \"Define Overlay\" control panel. As of 03\n" ,
2903    "May 2005, AFNI now calculates the default width based on the longest\n" ,
2904    "sub-brick label input for each dataset.\n" ,
2905    "\n" ,
2906    "-------------------------\n" ,
2907    "Variable: AFNI_MAX_1DSIZE\n" ,
2908    "-------------------------\n" ,
2909    "Sets the maximum size (in bytes) of each 1D file that will be\n" ,
2910    "automatically loaded when AFNI starts. The default is 123 Kbytes.\n" ,
2911    "The intention is to prevent loading of very large files that are not\n" ,
2912    "intended to be used for graphing/FIMming purposes. If you set this to\n" ,
2913    "0, you get the default size. If you set this to 1, no 1D files will\n" ,
2914    "be read at the AFNI GUI startup.\n" ,
2915    "\n" ,
2916    "---------------------------\n" ,
2917    "Variable: AFNI_TITLE_LABEL2 (editable)\n" ,
2918    "---------------------------\n" ,
2919    "If this YES/NO variable is YES, then the AFNI window titlebars will\n" ,
2920    "show the 'label2' field from the AFNI dataset .HEAD file, rather than\n" ,
2921    "the dataset filename. If the label2 field is set to a nontrivial\n" ,
2922    "value, that is. You can set the label2 field with the 3drefit\n" ,
2923    "command.\n" ,
2924    "\n" ,
2925    "----------------------------------\n" ,
2926    "Variable: AFNI_SKIP_ONETIME_POPUPS\n" ,
2927    "----------------------------------\n" ,
2928    "Some AFNI popup messages are 'onetime' -- that is, they show up only\n" ,
2929    "once for each user. This capability is there to announce changes that\n" ,
2930    "should be noticed. Each onetime message is logged into a file named\n" ,
2931    ".afni.recordings in the user's home directory, and if a record of such\n" ,
2932    "a message is found therein, it will not be shown again. To skip\n" ,
2933    "showing these messages at all, even once, set this variable to YES.\n" ,
2934    "\n" ,
2935    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2936    "Variable: AFNI_SHOW_SURF_POPUPS\n" ,
2937    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2938    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when AFNI receives surface\n" ,
2939    "nodes, triangles or normals from suma, a popup message will be\n" ,
2940    "displayed. Otherwise, the message will be send to stderr (on the\n" ,
2941    "terminal window).\n" ,
2942    "\n" ,
2943    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2944    "Variable: AFNI_KILL_SURF_POPUPS\n" ,
2945    "-------------------------------\n" ,
2946    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when AFNI receives surface\n" ,
2947    "nodes, triangles or normals from suma, no messages will be displayed,\n" ,
2948    "either in a popup or stderr. Note that if errors occur, popups will\n" ,
2949    "still be shown; this just turns off the normal information messages.\n" ,
2950    "N.B.: If AFNI_SHOW_SURF_POPUPS is YES, then it wins over\n" ,
2951    "      AFNI_KILL_SURF_POPUPS being YES. If neither is set, then\n" ,
2952    "      messages are displayed to stderr.\n" ,
2953    "\n" ,
2954    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2955    "Variable: AFNI_EDGIZE_OVERLAY ** This variable is no longer used **\n" ,
2956    "-----------------------------\n" ,
2957    "It has been replaced by AFNI_FUNC_BOXED.\n" ,
2958    "\n" ,
2959    "--------------------------\n" ,
2960    "Variable: AFNI_NIFTI_DEBUG (editable)\n" ,
2961    "--------------------------\n" ,
2962    "This integral variable determines the debug level used by the nifti_io\n" ,
2963    "library functions. If set to 0, only errors are reported by the\n" ,
2964    "library. The maximum debug level used is currently 4. Note that if\n" ,
2965    "this is changed from within AFNI, a 'Rescan: This' operation should\n" ,
2966    "probably be performed, which will force a re-reading of the datasets\n" ,
2967    "and so force an elicitation of the NIfTI debug messages (for .nii\n" ,
2968    "files, that is).\n" ,
2969    "\n" ,
2970    "------------------------------\n" ,
2971    "Variable: AFNI_NIFTI_TYPE_WARN\n" ,
2972    "------------------------------\n" ,
2973    "AFNI converts 'byte' NIFTI data types to 'short', and 'int' to\n" ,
2974    "'float'. Programs that do so will issue a warning each time such a\n" ,
2975    "conversion is carried out. When this variable is set to NO, as it is\n" ,
2976    "now by default, each program would issue just one warning at the first\n" ,
2977    "occurrence of a type conversion. Set this variable to YES if you want\n" ,
2978    "to see all conversion warnings.\n" ,
2979    "\n" ,
2980    "--------------------------\n" ,
2981    "Variable: AFNI_DEBUG_PLUG_VOL2SURF\n" ,
2982    "--------------------------\n" ,
2983    "Use this interger variable to initialize the debug level in\n" ,
2984    "plug_vol2surf. The current set of acceptable values is {0..5}.\n" ,
2985    "\n" ,
2986    "--------------------------\n" ,
2987    "Variable: AFNI_NIFTI_NOEXT\n" ,
2988    "--------------------------\n" ,
2989    "When writing a '.nii' (or '.nii.gz') file from an AFNI program,\n" ,
2990    "normally a NIfTI-1.1 extension field with some extra AFNI header\n" ,
2991    "information is written into the output file. If you set this variable\n" ,
2992    "to YES, then this extension is not written, which will make the output\n" ,
2993    "be a 'pure' NIfTI-1.1 file. Only use this if absolutely necessary.\n" ,
2994    "You can also use the 'nifti_tool' program to strip extension data from\n" ,
2995    "a NIfTI-1.1 dataset file.\n" ,
2996    "\n" ,
2997    "---------------------------\n" ,
2998    "Variable: AFNI_OVERLAY_ZERO (editable)\n" ,
2999    "---------------------------\n" ,
3000    "If set to YES, this variable indicates that voxels in the overlay\n" ,
3001    "dataset that have the numerical value of 0 will get colored when the\n" ,
3002    "Inten color scale on the Define Datamode panel indicates that 0 has a\n" ,
3003    "color that isn't \"none\". The default way that AFNI works is NOT to\n" ,
3004    "colorize voxels that are 0, even if they should otherwise get a color.\n" ,
3005    "\n" ,
3006    "---------------------------\n" ,
3007    "Variable: NIML_TRUSTHOST_xx\n" ,
3008    "---------------------------\n" ,
3009    "These environment variables ('xx' = '01', '02', ..., '99') set the\n" ,
3010    "names and/or addresses of external computer hosts to trust with NIML\n" ,
3011    "TCP/IP connections, which are how AFNI and SUMA communicate. Should\n" ,
3012    "only be necessary to use these if you are using AFNI and SUMA on\n" ,
3013    "different machines. Connections from machines not on the trusted list\n" ,
3014    "will be rejected, for the sake of security. The 'localhost' or\n" ,
3015    " address and local class B network 192.168.0.* addresses are\n" ,
3016    "always trusted.\n" ,
3017    "\n" ,
3018    "---------------------------\n" ,
3019    "Variable: AFNI_DONT_LOGFILE\n" ,
3020    "---------------------------\n" ,
3021    "Most AFNI programs write a copy of their command line to a file in\n" ,
3022    "your home directory named \".afni.log\". If you do NOT want the log to\n" ,
3023    "be kept, set this environment variable to YES. The purpose of the log\n" ,
3024    "is for you to be able to look back and see what AFNI commands you used\n" ,
3025    "in the past. However, if you are doing a vast number of commands\n" ,
3026    "inside a script, the log file might eventually become gigantic (the\n" ,
3027    "Kevin Murphy effect).\n" ,
3028    "\n" ,
3029    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3030    "Variable: AFNI_ECHO_COMMANDLINE\n" ,
3031    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3032    "If this is YES, then the command line logger will also echo the\n" ,
3033    "command line of each AFNI program to stderr, as it starts up. This\n" ,
3034    "feature is explicitly for Daniel Handwerker, and may well eventually\n" ,
3035    "be considered his ultimate claim to fame in the Macrocosmic All.\n" ,
3036    "\n" ,
3037    "-------------------------\n" ,
3038    "Variable: AFNI_WRITE_NIML\n" ,
3039    "-------------------------\n" ,
3040    "If this variable is set to YES, then AFNI .HEAD files will be written\n" ,
3041    "in the new NIML (XML subset) format, rather than the 'classic' format.\n" ,
3042    "The volumetric image data is still in the pure binary .BRIK file, not\n" ,
3043    "XML-ified in any way. At present (Jun 2005) this format is\n" ,
3044    "experimental, but will someday soon become the default.\n" ,
3045    "\n" ,
3046    "---------------------------------\n" ,
3047    "Variable: AFNI_ALLOW_MILLISECONDS\n" ,
3048    "---------------------------------\n" ,
3049    "The TR value (time step) in 3D+time datasets created with to3d can be\n" ,
3050    "flagged as being in units of milliseconds (ms) or seconds (s). This\n" ,
3051    "situation is unfortunate, as some AFNI programs assume that the units\n" ,
3052    "are always s, which doesn't work well when the TR is actually in ms.\n" ,
3053    "On 15 Aug 2005, AFNI dataset I/O was modified to only write out TR in\n" ,
3054    "s units, and to convert ms units to s units on input. If you\n" ,
3055    "absolutely need to store TR in ms, then you must set this environment\n" ,
3056    "variable to YES. I strongly recommend against such a setting, but\n" ,
3057    "recall the AFNI philosophy: \"provide mechanism, not policy\" -- in\n" ,
3058    "other words, if you want to shoot yourself in the foot, go right\n" ,
3059    "ahead. This variable is just the safety on the revolver.\n" ,
3060    "\n" ,
3061    "--------------------------\n" ,
3062    "Variable: AFNI_AUTO_RESCAN\n" ,
3063    "--------------------------\n" ,
3064    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the interactive AFNI\n" ,
3065    "program will rescan all session directories every 15 seconds for new\n" ,
3066    "datasets. Basically, this is just a way for you to avoid pressing the\n" ,
3067    "'Rescan' buttons. Note that if AFNI_AUTO_RESCAN is enabled, then the\n" ,
3068    "rescan method will be 'Add', not 'Replace', no matter what you set\n" ,
3069    "variable AFNI_RESCAN_METHOD to.\n" ,
3070    "\n" ,
3071    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3072    "Variable: AFNI_RESCAN_AT_SWITCH\n" ,
3073    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3074    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the interactive AFNI\n" ,
3075    "program will rescan all session directories everytime you click on\n" ,
3076    "either of the 'Overlay' or 'Underlay' buttons. Basically, this is just\n" ,
3077    "another way for you to avoid pressing the 'Rescan' buttons. (Unlike\n" ,
3078    "with AFNI_AUTO_RESCAN, the AFNI_RESCAN_METHOD settings are respected.)\n" ,
3079    "\n" ,
3080    "---------------------------\n" ,
3081    "Variable: AFNI_ALL_DATASETS  [02 Jun 2016]\n" ,
3082    "---------------------------\n" ,
3083    "By default, AFNI creates a session (internal to the program) that\n" ,
3084    "contains all the input datasets -- if you input more than one session\n" ,
3085    "directory, that is. This session is called 'All_Datasets' in the\n" ,
3086    "'DataDir Switch' popup chooser, and should be the last session listed\n" ,
3087    "in that list. If you do NOT want this session created, then set\n" ,
3088    "AFNI_ALL_DATASETS to NO.\n" ,
3089    "\n" ,
3090    "--------------------------\n" ,
3091    "Variable: AFNI_WEB_BROWSER\n" ,
3092    "--------------------------\n" ,
3093    "This variable should be set to the full executable path to a Web\n" ,
3094    "browser, as in\n" ,
3095    "  setenv AFNI_WEB_BROWSER /usr/bin/mozilla\n" ,
3096    "If it is not set, AFNI will scan your path to see if it can find a\n" ,
3097    "browser, looking for \"firefox\", \"mozilla\", \"netscape\", and \"opera\" (in\n" ,
3098    "that order). If a browser is found, or set, then the 'hidden' popup\n" ,
3099    "menu (in the blank square to the right of the 'done' button) will have\n" ,
3100    "a menu item to open it.\n" ,
3101    "\n" ,
3102    "--------------------------\n" ,
3103    "Variable: AFNI_SELENIUM\n" ,
3104    "--------------------------\n" ,
3105    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the Selenium webdriver\n" ,
3106    "will be used to open a browser window in the places where AFNI uses\n" ,
3107    "webpages (whereami, help,...) The AFNI_WEB_BROWSER should be set to\n" ,
3108    "the browser of choice (Chrome,Firefox,Safari). The default browser\n" ,
3109    "will be chrome if the AFNI_WEB_BROWSER variable is not set. If\n" ,
3110    "AFNI_SELENIUM is not set or set to NO, AFNI will open the standard\n" ,
3111    "browser using a system command. Selenium may be installed with \"pip\n" ,
3112    "install -U selenium\" on a Mac or \"sudo yum install selenium\" on\n" ,
3113    "Linux. If you need to get pip, it is available from\n" ,
3114    "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip .\n" ,
3115    "\n" ,
3116    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3117    "Variable: AFNI_WEB_DOWNLOADER\n" ,
3118    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3119    "This variable should be set to the full executable path to a Web\n" ,
3120    "downloader, as in\n" ,
3121    "  setenv AFNI_WEB_DOWNLOADER /usr/bin/curl\n" ,
3122    "If it is not set, AFNI will scan your path to see if it can find a\n" ,
3123    "downloader, looking for \"curl\" and \"wget\" (in that order).\n" ,
3124    "\n" ,
3125    "----------------------------\n" ,
3126    "Variable: AFNI_JPEG_COMPRESS\n" ,
3127    "----------------------------\n" ,
3128    "This variable determines the compression quality of JPEG files saved\n" ,
3129    "in the AFNI GUI and 3dDeconvolve. Its value can be set to an integer\n" ,
3130    "from 1 to 100. If not set, the default value is 95%.\n" ,
3131    "\n" ,
3132    "---------------------------\n" ,
3133    "Variable: AFNI_NLFIM_METHOD\n" ,
3134    "---------------------------\n" ,
3135    "Can be used to set the optimization method using in the NLfit plugin\n" ,
3136    "(not in 3dNLfim). The methods available are\n" ,
3137    "  SIMPLEX (the default)\n" ,
3138    "  POWELL  (the NEWUOA method)\n" ,
3139    "  BOTH    (use both methods, choose the 'best' result)\n" ,
3140    "\n" ,
3141    "----------------------------\n" ,
3142    "Variable: AFNI_OVERLAY_ONTOP\n" ,
3143    "----------------------------\n" ,
3144    "If this variable is set to YES, then the 'Overlay' button will be\n" ,
3145    "above the 'Underlay' button on the AFNI control panel. The default,\n" ,
3146    "from the olden days, is to have the 'Underlay' button above the\n" ,
3147    "'Overlay' button, which some people find confusing.\n" ,
3148    "\n" ,
3149    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3150    "Variable: AFNI_DATASET_BROWSE (editable)\n" ,
3151    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3152    "If this variable is set to YES, then when you 'browse' through a\n" ,
3153    "dataset chooser ('Overlay' or 'Underlay' list) with the mouse or arrow\n" ,
3154    "keys, then as a dataset is selected in the list, AFNI will immediately\n" ,
3155    "switch to viewing that dataset. This can be convenient for scrolling\n" ,
3156    "through datasets, but can also consume memory and CPU time very\n" ,
3157    "quickly.\n" ,
3158    "\n" ,
3159    "------------------------------\n" ,
3160    "Variable: AFNI_DISABLE_TEAROFF\n" ,
3161    "------------------------------\n" ,
3162    "If this variable is set to YES, then the AFNI GUI will not allow popup\n" ,
3163    "or popdown menus to be 'torn off'. The default is to enable tear off\n" ,
3164    "for most menus, but this may cause bad things on some platforms (like\n" ,
3165    "program death).\n" ,
3166    "\n" ,
3167    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3169    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3170    "This integer will override the base TCP port used by afni to listen for\n" ,
3171    "plugouts. This allows multiple instances of afni on one machine, where\n" ,
3172    "each can listen for plugouts. Valid port numbers are 1024..65535.\n" ,
3173    "\n" ,
3174    "--------------------------\n" ,
3175    "Variable: AFNI_PORT_OFFSET\n" ,
3176    "--------------------------\n" ,
3177    "This integer provides an offset for the range of port numbers used by\n" ,
3178    "AFNI and its ilk. This allows multiple instances of communicating\n" ,
3179    "programs on one machine. Valid port offset numbers are 1024..65000.\n" ,
3180    "See related options -np in afni -help. See also AFNI_PORT_BLOC.\n" ,
3181    "\n" ,
3182    "--------------------------\n" ,
3183    "Variable: AFNI_PORT_BLOC\n" ,
3184    "--------------------------\n" ,
3185    "This integer selects a bloc of port numbers to be used by\n" ,
3186    "AFNI and its ilk. Much like AFNI_PORT_OFFSET, it allows multiple instances\n" ,
3187    "of communicating programs on one machine. However it is easier to use.\n" ,
3188    "Acceptable integer values range from 0 to a couple of thousands.\n" ,
3189    "See related option -npb, -max_port_bloc in afni -help.\n" ,
3190    "This environment variable takes precedence over AFNI_PORT_OFFSET.\n" ,
3191    "\n" ,
3192    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
3193    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_TICK_DIV_IN_MM (editable)\n" ,
3194    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
3195    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the Tick Div. value in an\n" ,
3196    "image window will be interpreted as a separation distance, in mm, as\n" ,
3197    "opposed to the number of tick divisions along each edge. In the YES\n" ,
3198    "case, a larger value would produce fewer ticks, as they would be\n" ,
3199    "farther apart. In the NO case, a larger value will produce more tick\n" ,
3200    "marks. Tick marks are controlled from the Button 3 popup menu\n" ,
3201    "attached to the grayscale intensity bar in an image viewer.\n" ,
3202    "\n" ,
3203    "----------------------------\n" ,
3204    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGRA_CLOSER\n" ,
3205    "----------------------------\n" ,
3206    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when you click in an\n" ,
3207    "'Image' or 'Graph' button for a viewer window that is already open (so\n" ,
3208    "the button is displayed in inverted colors), then the corresponding\n" ,
3209    "viewer window will close. The default action is to try to raise the\n" ,
3210    "viewer window to the front, but some window managers (I'm looking at\n" ,
3211    "you, FC5) don't allow this action. So this provides a way to kill the\n" ,
3212    "window, at least, if you've lost it in desktop hell somewhere.\n" ,
3213    "\n" ,
3214    "-------------------------\n" ,
3215    "Variable: AFNI_DECONFLICT\n" ,
3216    "-------------------------\n" ,
3217    "When AFNI programs write datasets to disk, they will check whether the\n" ,
3218    "output filename already exists. If it does, the AFNI programs will act\n" ,
3219    "based on the possible values of AFNI_DECONFLICT as follows:\n" ,
3220    "    NO/<none>   : do not modify the name or overwrite the file, but\n" ,
3221    "                  inform the user of the conflict, and exit\n" ,
3222    "    YES         : modify the filename, as stated below\n" ,
3223    "    OVERWRITE   : do not modify the filename, overwrite the dataset\n" ,
3224    "If AFNI_DECONFLICT is YES, then the filename will be changed to one that\n" ,
3225    "does not conflict with any existing file. For example 'fred+orig' could\n" ,
3226    "be changed to 'fred_AA1+orig'.\n" ,
3227    "\n" ,
3228    "The default behavior is as 'NO', not to deconflict, but to exit.\n" ,
3229    "Some programs supply their own default.\n" ,
3230    "\n" ,
3231    "---------------------------------------\n" ,
3232    "Variable:  AFNI_GUI_WRITE_AS_DECONFLICT\n" ,
3233    "---------------------------------------\n" ,
3234    "When you use the 'Write' buttons under 'Define Datamode' Panel, the\n" ,
3235    "default is to overwrite existing datasets. However, if\n" ,
3236    "AFNI_GUI_WRITE_AS_DECONFLICT is set to YES, then the decision follows\n" ,
3237    "the value of AFNI_DECONFLICT\n" ,
3238    "\n" ,
3239    "The default value for this variable is NO, which means interactive\n" ,
3240    "'Write' operates in overwrite mode.\n" ,
3241    "\n" ,
3242    "--------------------------\n" ,
3243    "Variable: AFNI_SEE_OVERLAY\n" ,
3244    "--------------------------\n" ,
3245    "If this variable is set to YES, then the 'See Overlay' button will be\n" ,
3246    "turned on when a new AFNI controller is opened.\n" ,
3247    "\n" ,
3248    "------------------------------\n" ,
3249    "Variable: AFNI_INDEX_SCROLLREV\n" ,
3250    "------------------------------\n" ,
3251    "If this variable is set to YES, then the default direction of image\n" ,
3252    "slice and time index scrolling will be reversed in the image and graph\n" ,
3253    "viewers, respectively.\n" ,
3254    "\n" ,
3255    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3256    "Variable: AFNI_CLUSTER_PREFIX\n" ,
3257    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3258    "This variable sets the prefix for 'Save' timeseries 1D files from the\n" ,
3259    "'Clusterize' report panel. The default string is \"Clust\". The value\n" ,
3260    "of this variable will be loaded into the cluster Rpt window text entry\n" ,
3261    "field, and the prefix can be edited there by the users when it comes\n" ,
3262    "time to save files.\n" ,
3263    "\n" ,
3264    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3265    "Variable: AFNI_CLUSTER_SCROLL\n" ,
3266    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3267    "If this variable is NO, then the 'Clusterize' report will not be given\n" ,
3268    "scrollbars. The default is to give it scroll bars (i.e., YES).\n" ,
3269    "\n" ,
3270    "---------------------------\n" ,
3271    "Variable: AFNI_CLUSTER_EBAR\n" ,
3272    "---------------------------\n" ,
3273    "If this variable is YES, then the Clusterize 'Mean' and 'Medn' Plot\n" ,
3274    "graphs will have error bars plotted.\n" ,
3275    "\n" ,
3276    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3277    "Variable: AFNI_CLUSTER_REPMAX  (editable)\n" ,
3278    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3279    "This numeric variable (between 10 and 9999, inclusive) sets the\n" ,
3280    "maximum number of clusters that will be reported in a 'Clusterize'\n" ,
3281    "report panel, if scroll bars are turned off by\n" ,
3282    "AFNI_CLUSTER_SCROLL. The default value is 15. If scroll bars are\n" ,
3283    "turned on, then the maximum number of clusters shown defaults to 999,\n" ,
3284    "but can be increased to 9999 if you are completely mad, or are named\n" ,
3285    "Shruti. If scroll bars are turned off, then you probably don't want\n" ,
3286    "to make this very big, since the report window would become taller\n" ,
3287    "than your monitor, and that would be hard to deal with.\n" ,
3288    "\n" ,
3289    "------------------------------\n" ,
3290    "Variable: AFNI_CLUSTER_WAMIMAX (editable)\n" ,
3291    "------------------------------\n" ,
3292    "This variable should be set to a number indicating the maximum number\n" ,
3293    "of clusters to get a 'whereami' report when the 'WamI' button is\n" ,
3294    "pressed. Since the querying the diverse atlas datasets is slow,\n" ,
3295    "increasing this value much past its default value of 20 is not usually\n" ,
3296    "a good plan.\n" ,
3297    "\n" ,
3298    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3299    "Variable: AFNI_CLUSTERIZE_OLD\n" ,
3300    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3301    "As of Halloween 2018, the 'Clusterize' control panel in the AFNI GUI\n" ,
3302    "uses program 3dClusterize for outputting tables and masks. One good\n" ,
3303    "point of this program is that it can do bi-sided clustering, as the\n" ,
3304    "GUI does. The older program 3dclust cannot do this type of clustering.\n" ,
3305    "However, if for some bizarre deranged maniacal reason (e.g., testing)\n" ,
3306    "you want to use 3dclust for these reporting purposes, then set this\n" ,
3307    "variable to YES. Note that the internal clustering of the AFNI GUI\n" ,
3308    "does not use either program - the external program is used only for\n" ,
3309    "the purpose of mask saving. If you use bi-sided clustering, then\n" ,
3310    "to get the saved mask have the same results as the AFNI GUI, you\n" ,
3311    "should NOT set this variable to YES.\n" ,
3312    "\n" ,
3313    "----------------------------\n" ,
3314    "Variable: AFNI_STRLIST_INDEX\n" ,
3315    "----------------------------\n" ,
3316    "If this variable is set to NO, then the new [12 Oct 2007] 'Index'\n" ,
3317    "selector at the bottom of a string-list chooser (e.g., the 'Overlay'\n" ,
3318    "button popup window) will NOT be shown.\n" ,
3319    "\n" ,
3320    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3321    "Variable: AFNI_HISTOG_MAXDSET\n" ,
3322    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3323    "If this variable is set to a numeric value between 4 and 9\n" ,
3324    "(inclusive), then the number of Source datasets in the 'Histogram:\n" ,
3325    "Multi' plugin will be set to this value. The default number of Source\n" ,
3326    "datasets is 3 -- this variable allows you to increase that setting.\n" ,
3327    "\n" ,
3328    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3329    "Variable: AFNI_HISTOG_CUMULATIVE (editable)\n" ,
3330    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3331    "This YES/NO variable lets you control if the 'Histogram: Multi' plugin\n" ,
3332    "plots the cumulative distribution as well as the density histogram.\n" ,
3333    "Mostly this was added to subserve the nefarious conspiracies of the\n" ,
3334    "dreaded Dr Cox, but if you find it useful ....\n" ,
3335    "\n" ,
3336    "----------------------------\n" ,
3337    "Variable: AFNI_SIGQUIT_DELAY\n" ,
3338    "----------------------------\n" ,
3339    "This numeric variable (between 1 and 30) sets the number of seconds\n" ,
3340    "AFNI will delay before exiting after a SIGQUIT signal is delivered to\n" ,
3341    "the process. The default delay is 5 seconds. If you deliver a\n" ,
3342    "SIGALRM signal, AFNI will exit immediately. If you don't know what\n" ,
3343    "Unix signals are, then don't pay any attention to this subject!\n" ,
3344    "\n" ,
3345    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3346    "Variable: AFNI_NEVER_SAY_GOODBYE\n" ,
3347    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3348    "If this variable is set to YES, then the AFNI 'goodbye' messages won't\n" ,
3349    "be printed when the program exits. For the grumpy people out there\n" ,
3350    "(you know who I'm talking about, don't you, Daniel?).\n" ,
3351    "\n" ,
3352    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3353    "Variable: AFNI_NEWSESSION_SWITCH\n" ,
3354    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3355    "If this variable is set to NO, then AFNI will not automatically switch\n" ,
3356    "to a new session after that session is read in using the 'Read Sess'\n" ,
3357    "button on the Datamode control panel.\n" ,
3358    "\n" ,
3359    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3360    "Variable: AFNI_FLASH_VIEWSWITCH\n" ,
3361    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3362    "If you switch sessions, underlay, or overlay, it can happen that the\n" ,
3363    "coordinate system might be forced to switch from +orig to +tlrc\n" ,
3364    "(for example) because there is no dataset to view in the +orig system.\n" ,
3365    "If you set this variable to YES, AFNI flashes the view switch buttons\n" ,
3366    "on and off a few times to let you know this is happening\n" ,
3367    "(this is the Adam Thomas feature).\n" ,
3368    "  ** Formerly, this feature was on by default, but now you have **\n" ,
3369    "  ** to explicitly turn it on (this is the Ziad Saad fixup).   **\n" ,
3370    "\n" ,
3371    "-------------------------\n" ,
3372    "Variable: AFNI_SHELL_GLOB\n" ,
3373    "-------------------------\n" ,
3374    "'Globbing' is the Unix jargon for filename wildcard expansion. AFNI\n" ,
3375    "programs do globbing at various points, using an adaptation of a\n" ,
3376    "function from the csh shell. This function has been reported to fail\n" ,
3377    "on Mac OS X Server 10.5 on network mounted directories. If you set\n" ,
3378    "this variable to YES, then globbing will instead be done using the\n" ,
3379    "shell directly (via popen and ls). You should only set this variable\n" ,
3380    "if you really need it, and understand the issue!  [For Graham Wideman]\n" ,
3381    "\n" ,
3382    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3383    "Variable: AFNI_GLOB_SELECTORS\n" ,
3384    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3385    "If this variable is 'YES', then internal wildcard expansion (in AFNI\n" ,
3386    "programs that support this capability) will NOT use the '[]' , '{}' ,\n" ,
3387    "or '<>' selectors. Note that '[]' is a standard shell wildcard, so\n" ,
3388    "using this variable will restrict your wildcard-ing. On the other\n" ,
3389    "hand, it lets you do something like\n" ,
3390    "  3dTcat -prefix ALL_rest0.nii -relabel -verb 'rest_*.nii[0]'\n" ,
3391    "which will create a dataset from the #0 sub-brick of every dataset\n" ,
3392    "that matches the wildcard 'rest_*.nii'.\n" ,
3393    "\n" ,
3394    "----------------------------------\n" ,
3395    "Variable: AFNI_IGNORE_BRICK_FLTFAC\n" ,
3396    "----------------------------------\n" ,
3397    "Under some very rare circumstances, you might want to ignore the brick\n" ,
3398    "scaling factors. Set this variable to YES to do so. WARNING: this is\n" ,
3399    "dangerous, so be sure to unset this variable when you are done.\n" ,
3400    "Sample usage:\n" ,
3401    "  3dBrickStat -DAFNI_IGNORE_BRICK_FLTFAC=YES -max fred+orig\n" ,
3402    "\n" ,
3403    "----------------------------------------\n" ,
3405    "----------------------------------------\n" ,
3406    "Normally, AFNI checks output filenames for 'bad' characters, which are\n" ,
3407    "defined as control characters and ASCII characters that will cause\n" ,
3408    "trouble on the Unix command line ('*', '$', etc.). 'Bad' filenames\n" ,
3409    "will not be allowed by most AFNI programs. If, for some reason, you\n" ,
3410    "want to use such filenames, set this variable to YES. Don't blame\n" ,
3411    "me if you get into trouble with such filenames!\n" ,
3412    "\n" ,
3413    "----------------------------\n" ,
3414    "Variable: AFNI_INSTACORR_FDR (editable)\n" ,
3415    "----------------------------\n" ,
3416    "If you want AFNI's InstaCorr feature to compute the FDR curve for the\n" ,
3417    "on-the-fly correlation coefficient sub-brick created interactively,\n" ,
3418    "then set this variable to YES. Since the FDR computations are the\n" ,
3419    "slowest part of the operation, the default (if this variable is not\n" ,
3420    "YES) is that FDR curves are NOT computed.\n" ,
3421    "\n" ,
3422    "---------------------------------\n" ,
3423    "Variable: AFNI_INSTACORR_SEEDBLUR\n" ,
3424    "---------------------------------\n" ,
3425    "The InstaCorr controls let you use extra spatial smoothing when\n" ,
3426    "selecting the seed voxel time series. By default, this extra\n" ,
3427    "smoothing is a flat average over a sphere of the chosen radius:\n" ,
3428    "\"SeedRad\". However, if this environment variable is set to YES, then\n" ,
3429    "the extra smoothing is done by Gaussian blurring with the chosen FWHM:\n" ,
3430    "\"SeedBlur\". This variable cannot be set interactively, but can be set\n" ,
3431    "on the AFNI command line with the usual -DAFNI_INSTACORR_SEEDBLUR=YES\n" ,
3432    "method.\n" ,
3433    "\n" ,
3434    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3435    "Variable: AFNI_INSTACORR_JUMP (editable)\n" ,
3436    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3437    "When using the Shift+Ctrl+Click method to set the InstaCorr seed, the\n" ,
3438    "usual operation is to jump the crosshairs focus point to the location\n" ,
3439    "where the click happened, and then do the InstaCorr seed set. If you\n" ,
3440    "set this environment variable to NO (the default value is YES), then\n" ,
3441    "the crosshair jumping will not happen, but the seed will be set at\n" ,
3442    "the clicked point.\n" ,
3443    "One use case for this setting is when you have setup a Montage layout\n" ,
3444    "and don't want it to automatically jump to a new slice when you set\n" ,
3445    "the InstaCorr seed -- you like the layout of what you are seeing, and\n" ,
3446    "don't want it to change underneath you just because you are moving\n" ,
3447    "the seed location. [For Phil Kohn, Sep 2021]\n" ,
3448    "\n" ,
3449    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3450    "Variable: AFNI_INSTACORR_XYZ_LPI\n" ,
3451    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3452    "In 3dGroupInCorr's batch mode, the XYZ method of operation sets the\n" ,
3453    "seed coordinates using AFNI's standard RAI (DICOM) order. If you\n" ,
3454    "set this variable to YES, then the coordinates given will be\n" ,
3455    "interpreted as being in LPI (AKA 'neurological') order; that is,\n" ,
3456    "the given x and y values will be negated before being used inside\n" ,
3457    "3dGroupInCorr to pick the seed voxel.\n" ,
3458    "\n" ,
3459    "----------------------------------\n" ,
3460    "Variable: AFNI_BLUR_INTS_AS_OLD\n" ,
3461    "----------------------------------\n" ,
3462    "As of 15 June 2009, the FIR (finite implulse response) method is\n" ,
3463    "applid to byte and short data. Previously, 3dmerge had used FIR only\n" ,
3464    "on float data, meaning shorts and floats would be applied via Fourier\n" ,
3465    "interpolation. Setting AFNI_BLUR_INTS_AS_OLD to YES will revert to\n" ,
3466    "the Fourier method for such data.\n" ,
3467    "\n" ,
3468    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3469    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_CROPSTEP (editable)\n" ,
3470    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3471    "Numeric value sets the size of the panning step using in the image\n" ,
3472    "viewer, when you are adjusting the cropping region using the\n" ,
3473    "Shift+Arrow keys on the keyboard. Defaults to 1. Legal values are\n" ,
3474    "-9..9 (inclusive). Positive values means pressing Shift+LeftArrow\n" ,
3475    "causes the image in the crop window to appear to move to the left;\n" ,
3476    "negative values cause the crop window to move in the opposite\n" ,
3477    "direction, so the visible part of the image appears to move to the\n" ,
3478    "right. (Mutatis mutandum for the other directions, of course.)\n" ,
3479    "\n" ,
3480    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3481    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_COLORANGLE (editable) ** OBSOLETE **/\n" ,
3482    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3483    "This value, a number between 90 and 360 (inclusive) describes the\n" ,
3484    "amount of the AJJ color circle used by the 'Colr' button in an\n" ,
3485    "AFNI image viewer. If no value is given, the default is 240.\n" ,
3486    "Changing this number to 360 means the color circle is continuous\n" ,
3487    "from top to bottom -- an effect that is obvious if you use the 'r'\n" ,
3488    "arrow buttons (on the right of the image viewer) to rotate the\n" ,
3489    "color circle. The default value of 240 is purely for historical\n" ,
3490    "reasons, dating back to the old FD program from Medieval Times.\n" ,
3491    "\n" ,
3492    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3493    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_COLORSCALE\n" ,
3494    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3495    "This variable defines the colorscale used by the 'Colr' button\n" ,
3496    "at the top right of the AFNI image viwer window to colorize\n" ,
3497    "the Underlay image -- the Overlay colorization is controlled\n" ,
3498    "from the colorscale on the 'Define Overlay' control pane.\n" ,
3499    "At this time [Oct 2019], only the following four color scales\n" ,
3500    "can be used for this purpose:\n" ,
3501    "   magma  plasma  viridis  googleturbo\n" ,
3502    "If you do not define AFNI_IMAGE_COLORSCALE, or you define it\n" ,
3503    "to something besides one of these names (case insensitive),\n" ,
3504    "then 'googleturbo' is used.\n" ,
3505    "  https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/08/turbo-improved-rainbow-colormap-for.html\n" ,
3506    "Note that the color scale can be modified somewhat by using the\n" ,
3507    "'g' (gamma) arrow buttons on the right edge of the image viewer.\n" ,
3508    "\n" ,
3509    "It is possible to change this image viewer underlay colorscale by\n" ,
3510    "changing this environment variable interactively, using the driving\n" ,
3511    "feature of the AFNI GUI (e.g., program plugout_drive).\n" ,
3512    "\n" ,
3513    "--------------------------------------\n" ,
3514    "Variable: AFNI_IMAGE_SCROLLWHEEL_TMASK\n" ,
3515    "--------------------------------------\n" ,
3516    "This variable lets you control which keyboard modifier keys are\n" ,
3517    "checked when the mouse scroll wheel is used inside the image.\n" ,
3518    "If one (or more) of the selected keys is pressed while the\n" ,
3519    "scroll wheel is moved, then the AFNI controller 'Define Overlay'\n" ,
3520    "threshold slider moves -- otherwise (the normal case), the image\n" ,
3521    "slice slider moves. The value of this variable should be contain\n" ,
3522    "one or more of these strings (NOT case sensitive):\n" ,
3523    "  Shift           = Shift key pressed\n" ,
3524    "  Ctrl or Control = Control key pressed\n" ,
3525    "  Mod1            = Alt key pressed (Linux)\n" ,
3526    "  Mod2            = Command key pressed (Mac)\n" ,
3527    "If you do NOT set this variable, it is like setting it to the\n" ,
3528    "value 'Mod1+Mod2' (so that Alt and Command work on Linux and\n" ,
3529    "Mac OS X, respectively). However, some Linux systems seem to\n" ,
3530    "always have the Mod2 mask set for the scroll wheel, and so\n" ,
3531    "the wheel ALWAYS change the threshold slider and not the slice.\n" ,
3532    "To prevent this sad thing from happening, set this variable to\n" ,
3533    "just 'Mod1'. Furthermore, if you include the string 'Debug'\n" ,
3534    "in this variable, when the scroll wheel is used over the image\n" ,
3535    "sub-window, some information will be printed out about what the\n" ,
3536    "program detects, which might help you set things up correctly.\n" ,
3537    "On my Mac, I get the following output when using the scroll wheel\n" ,
3538    "twice -- once with no key pressed and once with the Command key:\n" ,
3539    "  ++ Scrollwheel (imag): button=5 ; state mask=0x\n" ,
3540    "   +   (mask: shift=1x ctrl=4x mod1=8x mod2=10x mod3=20x mod4=40x mod5=80x)\n" ,
3541    "   +   change slice\n" ,
3542    "  ++ Scrollwheel (imag): button=5 ; state mask=10x\n" ,
3543    "   +   (mask: shift=1x ctrl=4x mod1=8x mod2=10x mod3=20x mod4=40x mod5=80x)\n" ,
3544    "   +   change threshold\n" ,
3545    "The second use shows that the 'state mask' (which shows the modifier\n" ,
3546    "keys) was hexadecimal '10x', which corresponds to the 'mod2' value.\n" ,
3547    "\n" ,
3548    "----------------------------\n" ,
3549    "Variable: AFNI_DUMMY_DATASET\n" ,
3550    "----------------------------\n" ,
3551    "The old 'frivolous' AFNI dummy dataset was replaced with a\n" ,
3552    "low-resolution edition of the N27 dataset on 12 Feb 2010. If for some\n" ,
3553    "absurd reason you want the old dummy dataset back, then set this\n" ,
3554    "variable to OLD. (Recall that the dummy dataset is only created if\n" ,
3555    "you start the AFNI GUI without any input datasets at all -- AFNI is so\n" ,
3556    "constructed that it needs SOME dataset present to be able to operate:\n" ,
3557    "hence, the dummy dataset concept.)\n" ,
3558    "\n" ,
3559    "----------------------------\n" ,
3560    "Variable: AFNI_DONT_COMMAIZE\n" ,
3561    "----------------------------\n" ,
3562    "When AFNI programs print out informative (and fun) messages about the\n" ,
3563    "size of files, memory space, etc., by default commas are inserted,\n" ,
3564    "as in \"8,765,432\". If you want these numbers printed as \"8765432\"\n" ,
3565    "(for whatever hideous and twisted reason), set this variable to YES.\n" ,
3566    "\n" ,
3567    "----------------------------\n" ,
3568    "Variable: AFNI_FILE_COORDS_x\n" ,
3569    "----------------------------\n" ,
3570    "If this variable is set (where 'x' is A, B, C, ...), then for AFNI\n" ,
3571    "controller 'x', whenever the crosshair viewpoint changes, the DICOM\n" ,
3572    "order (x,y,z) coordinates and the dataset 3D index (i,j,k) will be\n" ,
3573    "written to the file whose name is given by the value of this variable.\n" ,
3574    "As a special case, if the filename is 'stdout', then the coordinates\n" ,
3575    "are written to standard output. A sample command\n" ,
3576    "\n" ,
3577    "  afni -DAFNI_FILE_COORDS_A=stdout\n" ,
3578    "\n" ,
3579    "If the file already exists when afni starts, it will be over-written;\n" ,
3580    "that is, it is opened in \"w\" mode.\n" ,
3581    "\n" ,
3582    "This feature may be referred to as the Jen Evans special.\n" ,
3583    "\n" ,
3584    "------------------------------\n" ,
3585    "Variable: AFNI_AUTORANGE_POWER -- this variable is now obsolete\n" ,
3586    "------------------------------\n" ,
3587    "If this variable is set to a value between 0 and 1 (exclusive),\n" ,
3588    "then the functional overlay 'autoRange' value will be set to\n" ,
3589    "the largest value in the dataset raised to this power. By default,\n" ,
3590    "the autoRange value is computed as if this power is 1.\n" ,
3591    "\n" ,
3592    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3593    "Variable: AFNI_AUTORANGE_PERC - experimental at this moment\n" ,
3594    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3595    "If this variable is set to a value P between 2 and 99 (inclusive),\n" ,
3596    "then it indicates that the functional overlay 'autoRange' value\n" ,
3597    "will be set the P-th percentile point on the cumulative histogram\n" ,
3598    "of the absolute values of the nonzero entries in the Overlay\n" ,
3599    "dataset sub-brick being viewed. To be less confusing, if P=95\n" ,
3600    "(for example), then the nonzero absolute values are tabulated\n" ,
3601    "into histogram bins from smallest (percentile=0) to largest\n" ,
3602    "(percentile=100), and the value at the 95th percentile will\n" ,
3603    "be chosen -- so that only 5 percent of the values in the\n" ,
3604    "dataset are larger than this autoRange value. The reason for\n" ,
3605    "doing this is to avoid allowing a few large values to distort\n" ,
3606    "the overlay color scale.\n" ,
3607    "\n" ,
3608    "---------------------------\n" ,
3609    "Variable: AFNI_IDEAL_COLORS (editable)\n" ,
3610    "---------------------------\n" ,
3611    "This variable, if set, allows you to specify the set of colors used\n" ,
3612    "for the FIM Ideal overlay in the graph viewer window. Separate color\n" ,
3613    "names by colons, as in \"red:green:blue\". The first column in the\n" ,
3614    "Ideal 1D file gets the first color; the second column gets the second\n" ,
3615    "color, and so on. The variable AFNI_ORT_COLORS can similarly be used\n" ,
3616    "to specify the colors for the FIM Ort overlay.\n" ,
3617    "\n" ,
3618    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3619    "Variable: AFNI_DONT_USE_HTMLWIN\n" ,
3620    "-------------------------------\n" ,
3621    "If this variable is set to NO, then the 'AFNI Tips' button will not\n" ,
3622    "use the HTML window to display the requested information -- a plain\n" ,
3623    "text window will be used. You should only need to use this variable\n" ,
3624    "if the AFNI Tips window crashes on your system.\n" ,
3625    "\n" ,
3626    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3627    "Variable: AFNI_UNFONTIZE_HTML\n" ,
3628    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3629    "If this variable is set to YES, then font-changing HTML tags will be\n" ,
3630    "deleted before opening the 'AFNI Tips' HTML window. Try this first\n" ,
3631    "to avoid crashes, before using the previous variable to turn off the\n" ,
3632    "HTML tips entirely.\n" ,
3633    "\n" ,
3634    "------------------------\n" ,
3635    "Variable: AFNI_USE_FGETS\n" ,
3636    "------------------------\n" ,
3637    "The function fgets() is the Unix standard for reading text lines from\n" ,
3638    "a file. However, it assumes that the text file lines end in the Unix\n" ,
3639    "standard end-of-line character (ASCII 0xA). Files created on\n" ,
3640    "Microsoft platforms use a different end-of-line character (ASCII 0xD).\n" ,
3641    "The result is that Microsoft-ized text files don't work well with\n" ,
3642    "fgets(). AFNI uses its own function, cleverly called afni_fgets(), to\n" ,
3643    "read text lines, to avoid this problem. However, this function is 4-5\n" ,
3644    "times slower than the system fgets() function, so if speed if crucial\n" ,
3645    "-- as when reading a giant 1D file -- then set AFNI_USE_FGETS to YES\n" ,
3646    "to make AFNI programs use the system fgets() function. The best way\n" ,
3647    "to do this would be on the command line, as in the simple example\n" ,
3648    "below:\n" ,
3649    "  1dcat -DAFNI_USE_FGETS=YES bigfileA.1D bigfileB.1D > bigfileAB.1D\n" ,
3650    "In such an example, you won't see a 4-5 times speedup, since actually\n" ,
3651    "most of the time is spent decoding the text in the file into numbers\n" ,
3652    "and then writing them back out -- you'll probably see a speedup of\n" ,
3653    "about 1.2-1.4 instead -- not trivial, but not exhilarating.\n" ,
3654    "\n" ,
3655    "------------------------\n" ,
3656    "Variables: AFNI_WSINC5_*\n" ,
3657    "------------------------\n" ,
3658    "These variables affect the way the '3dAllineate -final wsinc5' windowed\n" ,
3659    "since interpolation option works. See the output of the command\n" ,
3660    "  3dAllineate -HELP\n" ,
3661    "for the details. You can control the width of the sinc window, the\n" ,
3662    "tapering function, and a couple of other useless options.\n" ,
3663    "** N.B.: You can turn off the message that the wsinc5 code prints out\n" ,
3664    "detailing the parameter setup by setting AFNI_WSINC5_SILENT to YES.\n" ,
3665    "\n" ,
3666    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3667    "Variable: AFNI_3dAllineate_final\n" ,
3668    "--------------------------------\n" ,
3669    "The default '-final' option for 3dAllineate is 'cubic'. You can change\n" ,
3670    "this default to any other legitimate value, such as 'wsinc5' or 'NN'.\n" ,
3671    "This variable is provided to allow you to force the final interpolation\n" ,
3672    "mode into a script that doesn't allow any easy way to affect it, such\n" ,
3673    "as that generated by afni_proc.py.\n" ,
3674    "\n" ,
3675    "-------------------------\n" ,
3676    "Variable: AFNI_INDEX_STEP\n" ,
3677    "-------------------------\n" ,
3678    "This numeric variable (between 1 and 9, inclusive) sets the step size\n" ,
3679    "used when you press the up/down arrows on the 'Index' control in the\n" ,
3680    "left column of the main AFNI controller. Setting this value to 2 (say)\n" ,
3681    "let's you scroll through an image time series seeing alternate time\n" ,
3682    "points. This feature can be useful when looking at datasets where\n" ,
3683    "sub-bricks alternate in type -- for example, from 3dttest++, where the\n" ,
3684    "even-numbered volumes are effect size estimates, and the odd-numbered\n" ,
3685    "volumes are the corresponding t-statistics. (This value can also be\n" ,
3686    "set interactively from a popup chooser activated by right-clicking\n" ,
3687    "on the 'Index' label to the left of the up/down arrows.)\n" ,
3688    "\n" ,
3689    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3690    "Variable: AFNI_SCATPLOT_LINES\n" ,
3691    "-----------------------------\n" ,
3692    "The ScatterPlot plugin lets you graph the data in one sub-brick along\n" ,
3693    "the x-axis and the data in another sub-brick along the y-axis. It also\n" ,
3694    "computes some straight line y=ax+b fits to the graph. By default, it\n" ,
3695    "does 2 different fits, with least sum of squares (L2) and least sum\n" ,
3696    "of absolutes (L1) criteria. The L2 line is plotted in red (and thus\n" ,
3697    "corresponds to the Pearson R also shown in red), and the L1 line is\n" ,
3698    "plotted in blue (and corresponds to the Spearman rho shown in blue).\n" ,
3699    "With this variable, you can turn off the plotting of either or both\n" ,
3700    "of these lines, which are often very nearly the same. If the value\n" ,
3701    "of this variable contains the string 'NOL1', then the L1 line won't\n" ,
3702    "be shown, and if the value of this variable contains 'NOL2', then\n" ,
3703    "the L2 line won't be shown. Thus, if the value of this variable is\n" ,
3704    "'NOL1+NOL2', neither line will be plotted.\n" ,
3705    "\n" ,
3706    "----------------------------\n" ,
3707    "Variable: AFNI_SCATPLOT_FRAC\n" ,
3708    "----------------------------\n" ,
3709    "This variable lets you choose the size of the boxes plotted in the\n" ,
3710    "ScatterPlot plugin. The units are fractions of the plot width,\n" ,
3711    "so the reasonable range for this value is 0.0 to 0.01 (not inclusive).\n" ,
3712    "If this variable is not set, or the value is outside of this range,\n" ,
3713    "then the size of the boxes is set based on the number of points\n" ,
3714    "being plotted. The only reason for using this variable is if you\n" ,
3715    "wish to create a sequence of scatterplots and ensure that the points\n" ,
3716    "plotted in different graphs have a uniform size of boxes.\n" ,
3717    "\n" ,
3718    "-------------------------\n" ,
3719    "Variable: AFNI_GIFTI_VERB\n" ,
3720    "-------------------------\n" ,
3721    "This integer sets the verbose level in the gifti I/O library routines.\n" ,
3722    "Level 1 is the default, 0 is \"quiet\", and values go up to 7.\n" ,
3723    "\n" ,
3724    "----------------------------\n" ,
3725    "Variable: AFNI_DATASETN_NMAX\n" ,
3726    "----------------------------\n" ,
3727    "This numeric variable, if set, lets you expand the number of dataset\n" ,
3728    "lines in the 'Dataset#N' plugin from the default of 9 up to a max of 49.\n" ,
3729    "(This one is for Shruti.)\n" ,
3730    "\n" ,
3731    "---------------------------------\n" ,
3732    "Variable: AFNI_WRITE_1D_AS_PREFIX\n" ,
3733    "---------------------------------\n" ,
3734    "If this variable is set to YES, then 1D formatted files will be\n" ,
3735    "written to the file based on the given prefix, rather than to an\n" ,
3736    "automatic 1D file. This allows writing surface files to NIfTI format,\n" ,
3737    "for example.\n" ,
3738    "\n" ,
3739    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
3740    "Variable: AFNI_PATH_SPACES_OK\n" ,
3741    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
3742    "If this variable is set to YES, dataset names with spaces in them will\n" ,
3743    "go through \"normal\" reading routines, rather than using\n" ,
3744    "THD_open_tcat() to try to combine multiple datasets.\n" ,
3745    "\n" ,
3746    "----------------------\n" ,
3747    "Variable: AFNI_CREEPTO\n" ,
3748    "----------------------\n" ,
3749    "If set to YES, then the AFNI GUI 'Jump to (xyz)' behavior is altered to\n" ,
3750    "move the crosshairs to the chosen location incrementally, rather than\n" ,
3751    "in one big jump. The reasons for using this feature are (a) to help\n" ,
3752    "get a feel for the transit, and (b) just plain fun.\n" ,
3753    "\n" ,
3754    "---------------------------\n" ,
3755    "Variable: AFNI_HISTORY_NAME\n" ,
3756    "---------------------------\n" ,
3757    "The value of this variable will alter the 'username@machine' listing\n" ,
3758    "in the history notes generated by AFNI programs. If this variable\n" ,
3759    "is NOT set, then your user login name and machine ID are put in the\n" ,
3760    "header; otherwise, the value of this string is used. You can set this\n" ,
3761    "string to the null string '' if you wish to hide your identity totally.\n" ,
3762    "\n" ,
3763    "---------------------------\n" ,
3764    "Variable: AFNI_INCLUDE_HISTORY\n" ,
3765    "---------------------------\n" ,
3766    "If this variable is set to YES, output datasets will have a\n" ,
3767    "HISTORY_NOTE which can be seen via 3dinfo, for example. If set to NO,\n" ,
3768    "output datasets will not have any HISTORY. This is one method for\n" ,
3769    "making datasets anonymous.\n" ,
3770    "\n" ,
3771    "---------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
3773    "---------------------------------------------------------\n" ,
3774    "These variables control the setting of the 'global' and 'local' ETAC\n" ,
3775    "calculations, and are equivalent to using the '-ETAC_global' and\n" ,
3776    "'-ETAC_local' command line switches to 3dttest++. If you set a\n" ,
3777    "variable to YES, then that commands the relevant ETAC thresholds\n" ,
3778    "to be calculated; if you set a variable to NO, it turns off the\n" ,
3779    "relevant calculation. If you do not set a variable, and you do\n" ,
3780    "not use the 3dttest++ command line option, you will get whatever\n" ,
3781    "the default ETAC method(s) are enabled.\n" ,
3782    "\n" ,
3783    "----------------------------\n" ,
3784    "Variable: AFNI_CLUSTSIM_MEGA\n" ,
3785    "----------------------------\n" ,
3786    "Set this variable to YES to force the use of the '-MEGA' option\n" ,
3787    "in 3dClustSim. The primary reason for this usage is to force\n" ,
3788    "'3dttest -Clustsim' to use '-MEGA' rather than the default '-LOTS'.\n" ,
3789    "\n" ,
3790    "=============================================\n" ,
3791    "| Robert W Cox, PhD                         |\n" ,
3792    "| Scientific and Statistical Computing Core |\n" ,
3793    "| National Institute of Mental Health       |\n" ,
3794    "| National Institutes of Health             |\n" ,
3795    "| Department of Health & Human Services     |\n" ,
3796    "| United States of America                  |\n" ,
3797    "| Earth, United Federation of Planets       |\n" ,
3798    "| Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy          |\n" ,
3799    "| Local Group, Virgo Supercluster           |\n" ,
3800    "=============================================\n" ,
3801    "\n" ,
3802    "-------------------------\n" ,
3803    "Variable: AFNI_LINKRBRAIN\n" ,
3804    "-------------------------\n" ,
3805    "If you do NOT want to see the 'linkRbrain' button in the Clusterize\n" ,
3806    "GUI, then set this variable to NO.\n" ,
3807    "\n" ,
3808    "------------------------------\n" ,
3809    "Variable: AFNI_LINKRBRAIN_SITE\n" ,
3810    "------------------------------\n" ,
3811    "This variable sets the name of the linkRbrain server to use. The default\n" ,
3812    "server is 'linkrbrain.eu'.\n" ,
3813    "\n" ,
3814    "#########################################\n" ,
3815    "###  Vars for realtime functionality  ###\n" ,
3816    "#########################################\n" ,
3817    "\n" ,
3818    "--------------------------\n" ,
3819    "Variables: AFNI_REALTIME_*\n" ,
3820    "--------------------------\n" ,
3821    "This set of variables allows you to control the initial setup of the\n" ,
3822    "realtime data acquisition plugin (menu item \"RT Options\"). Normally,\n" ,
3823    "this plugin is active only if AFNI is started with the \"-rt\" command\n" ,
3824    "line option. (It will consume CPU time continually as it polls for\n" ,
3825    "an incoming data connection, which is why you don't want it running\n" ,
3826    "by default.)  The following variables can be used to initialize the\n" ,
3827    "plugin's options:\n" ,
3828    "\n" ,
3829    "AFNI_REALTIME_Activate = This is a YES/NO variable, and allows you\n" ,
3830    "                         to have the realtime plugin active without\n" ,
3831    "                         using the \"-rt\" command line option. If\n" ,
3832    "                         this variable is set to YES, then you can\n" ,
3833    "                         disable the realtime plugin with \"-nort\".\n" ,
3834    "\n" ,
3835    "The variables below are used to set the initial status of the widgets\n" ,
3836    "in the realtime plugin's control window. Each one has the same name as\n" ,
3837    "the labels in the control window, with blanks replaced by underscores.\n" ,
3838    "The values to set for these variables are exact copies of the inputs\n" ,
3839    "you would specify interactively (again, with blanks replaced by\n" ,
3840    "underscores). For details as to the meaning of these options, see\n" ,
3841    "the plugin's Help window.\n" ,
3842    "\n" ,
3843    "AFNI_REALTIME_Images_Only  = \"No\" or \"Yes\"\n" ,
3844    "AFNI_REALTIME_Root         = name for datasets to be created\n" ,
3845    "AFNI_REALTIME_Update       = an integer from 0 to 19\n" ,
3846    "AFNI_REALTIME_Function     = \"None\" or \"FIM\" (cf. AFNI_FIM_IDEAL below)\n" ,
3847    "AFNI_REALTIME_Verbose      = \"No\", \"Yes\", or \"Very\"\n" ,
3848    "AFNI_REALTIME_Registration = \"None\", \"2D:_realtime\", \"2D:_at_end\",\n" ,
3849    "                             \"3D:_realtime\", \"3D:_at_end\",\n" ,
3850    "                             or \"3D:_estimate\"\n" ,
3851    "AFNI_REALTIME_Resampling   = \"Cubic\", \"Quintic\", \"Heptic\", \"Fourier\",\n" ,
3852    "                             or \"Hept+Four\"\n" ,
3853    "AFNI_REALTIME_Reg_Base_Mode= \"Current_Run\", \"Current_Run_Keep\", or\n" ,
3854    "                             \"External_Dataset\"\n" ,
3855    "AFNI_REALTIME_Base_Image   = an integer from 0 to 9999\n" ,
3856    "AFNI_REALTIME_Graph        = \"No\", \"Yes\", or \"Realtime\"\n" ,
3857    "AFNI_REALTIME_NR           = an integer from 5 to 9999\n" ,
3858    "AFNI_REALTIME_YR           = a floating point number from 0.1 to 10.0\n" ,
3859    "\n" ,
3860    "AFNI_REALTIME_External_Dataset = name of dataset to use as external\n" ,
3861    "                                 basis for registration\n" ,
3862    "        * if this variable is set, then the plugin assumes that\n" ,
3863    "          AFNI_REALTIME_Reg_Base_Mode is \"External_Dataset\"\n" ,
3864    "        * but AFNI_REALTIME_Base_Image is ignored\n" ,
3865    "        * instead, you can use a sub-brick selector here, if desired;\n" ,
3866    "          for example: setenv AFNI_REALTIME_External_Dataset 'X+orig[3]'\n" ,
3867    "        * to be brutally clear, you can give the name of a dataset that is\n" ,
3868    "          NOT in the current directory -- unlike when using the plugin GUI\n" ,
3869    "        * the plugin GUI will NOT show the choice of external dataset given\n" ,
3870    "          via this environment variable!\n" ,
3871    "\n" ,
3872    "AFNI_REALTIME_Mask_Vals  = String (one of the listed strings)\n" ,
3873    "\n" ,
3874    "        This allows the user to set the \"Vals to Send\" field from the RT\n" ,
3875    "        plugin's \"Mask\" line. It determines what data are sent to the remote\n" ,
3876    "        MP program (e.g. serial_helper). Valid strings are:\n" ,
3877    "\n" ,
3878    "            None        - send nothing\n" ,
3879    "            Motion_Only - send only the 6 registration parameters\n" ,
3880    "            ROI_means   - send the mean EPI value per mask ROI (value) per TR\n" ,
3881    "            All_Data    - send each voxel value (in mask) per TR\n" ,
3882    "\n" ,
3883    "AFNI_REALTIME_Mask_Dset  = String (the name of a dataset)\n" ,
3884    "\n" ,
3885    "        This option allows the user to set the Mask dataset, used to\n" ,
3886    "        send ROI and motion data to a program listening at a socket.\n" ,
3887    "        This environment variable overrides the variable set in the\n" ,
3888    "        plugin interface, allowing it to change per run.\n" ,
3889    "\n" ,
3890    "        Set the variable to None to either clear the mask or to allow\n" ,
3891    "        the interface mask to apply. Note that this can be done via a\n" ,
3892    "        drive afni command, allowing changes after afni is already\n" ,
3893    "        running, e.g. plugout_drive -com 'SETENV\n" ,
3894    "        AFNI_REALTIME_MASK_DSET None' -quit\n" ,
3895    "\n" ,
3896    "AFNI_REALTIME_WRITEMODE = Number\n" ,
3897    "        This variable controls writing individual volumes as they are acquired\n" ,
3898    "        by the realtime plugin. Valid Numbers and their effects are:\n" ,
3899    "            0 = Off        : do nothing [default]\n" ,
3900    "            1 = Acquired   : write each volume as it is acquired\n" ,
3901    "            2 = Registered : write each registered volume\n" ,
3902    "            3 = Merged     : write each merged volume (merged across channels)\n" ,
3903    "\n" ,
3904    "\n" ,
3905    "N.B.: The following internal controls can only be set using these environment\n" ,
3906    "       variables (there is no GUI to set these values):\n" ,
3907    "\n" ,
3908    "AFNI_REALTIME_volreg_maxite      = an integer >= 1 [default = 9]\n" ,
3909    "AFNI_REALTIME_volreg_maxite_est  = an integer >= 1 [default = 1]\n" ,
3910    "AFNI_REALTIME_volreg_graphgeom   = something like 320x320+59+159\n" ,
3911    "\n" ,
3912    "AFNI_REALTIME_reset_output_index = YES/NO\n" ,
3913    "\n" ,
3914    "        By default, output files will be named with a prefix,\n" ,
3915    "        PREFIX__NNN, where PREFIX is given by the AFNI_REALTIME_Root\n" ,
3916    "        variable or the Root in the interface, and where NNN\n" ,
3917    "        increments per run.\n" ,
3918    "\n" ,
3919    "        If this variable is set to YES, then the plugin will try to\n" ,
3920    "        use NNN=001 each run.\n" ,
3921    "\n" ,
3922    "AFNI_REALTIME_CHILDWAIT = max wait time (in sec) for child info process\n" ,
3923    "        [default = 66.6]; not needed if child info process is not used\n" ,
3924    "\n" ,
3925    "AFNI_REALTIME_WRITEWAIT = if the image data pauses for this number of\n" ,
3926    "        seconds, then the datasets being constructed will be written\n" ,
3927    "        to disk [default=37.954]; since this output may take several\n" ,
3928    "        seconds, you may need to adjust this if you are in fact doing\n" ,
3929    "        imaging with a very long TR.\n" ,
3930    "        Note that after this wait, the plugin can still receive image\n" ,
3931    "        data -- even if the image source program is silent for a very\n" ,
3932    "        long time, AFNI will still be waiting patiently for data.\n" ,
3933    "\n" ,
3934    "AFNI_GRAPH_AUTOGRID = By default, if the number of time points in an\n" ,
3935    "        AFNI graph viewer changes, the density of vertical grid lines\n" ,
3936    "        changes. If you don't want this to happen, set this variable\n" ,
3937    "        to NO.\n" ,
3938    "\n" ,
3940    "\n" ,
3941    "        When this variable is set, the realtime plugin will attempt to\n" ,
3942    "        open a tcp socket to the corresponding host and port, and will\n" ,
3943    "        send the six registration correction parameters for each 3D\n" ,
3944    "        volume received by the plugin. This applies only to the case\n" ,
3945    "        of graphing 3D registration. The socket will be opened at the\n" ,
3946    "        start of each run, and will be closed at the end. A simple\n" ,
3947    "        example of what to set this variable to is localhost:53214.\n" ,
3948    "        See 'serial_helper -help' for more details.\n" ,
3949    "\n" ,
3950    "AFNI_REALTIME_SEND_VER   = Y/N\n" ,
3951    "\n" ,
3952    "        If AFNI_REALTIME_MP_HOST_PORT is set, the RT plugin has 3 choices\n" ,
3953    "        of what to send to that port (possibly to serial_helper):\n" ,
3954    "            0. the motion parameters\n" ,
3955    "            1. motion params, along with average EPI values over each ROI\n" ,
3956    "               in the mask dataset (if set)\n" ,
3957    "            2. motion params, along with all voxel values over the mask\n" ,
3958    "               dataset (including index, i,j,k and x,y,z values)\n" ,
3959    "        If AFNI_REALTIME_SEND_VER is set to YES, then the plugin will\n" ,
3960    "        offset the last byte of the communication HELLO string by the\n" ,
3961    "        version number (0, 1 or 2). In the case of versions 1 or 2,\n" ,
3962    "        the plugin will send the number of ROIs/voxels in a 4-byte int\n" ,
3963    "        after the HELLO string.\n" ,
3964    "\n" ,
3966    "\n" ,
3967    "        If set, the RT plugin will output CPU times whenever motion\n" ,
3968    "        parameters are sent to the remote program, allowing evaluation\n" ,
3969    "        of timing. The times are modulo one hour, and are at a\n" ,
3970    "        millisecond resolution.\n" ,
3971    "\n" ,
3973    "\n" ,
3974    "        If set, this is the maximum number of controllers that AFNI will\n" ,
3975    "         open for multi-channel acquisition display. If more channels\n" ,
3976    "         than this are sent, only the first ones will be displayed.\n" ,
3977    "     ** If this variable is not set, its value defaults to 2.\n" ,
3978    "\n" ,
3979    "AFNI_REALTIME_DATAMODE = Number\n" ,
3980    "\n" ,
3981    "        If set, this variable controls the initial setting of the\n" ,
3982    "        \"DataWriting\" control, where 0=Off, 1=Acquired, etc. If not\n" ,
3983    "        set, the default value is 0.\n" ,
3984    "\n" ,
3985    "AFNI_REALTIME_CHMERMODE = Number\n" ,
3986    "\n" ,
3987    "        If set, this variable controls the initial setting of the\n" ,
3988    "        \"ChannelMerge\" control, where 0=none, 1=sum, 2=L1 norm, 3=L2norm.\n" ,
3989    "        If not set, the default value is 0.\n" ,
3990    "\n" ,
3991    "AFNI_REALTIME_CM_REG_MODE = Number\n" ,
3992    "\n" ,
3993    "        If set, this variable controls the ChannelMerge registration mode.\n" ,
3994    "        Here: 0=none            : no merge registration\n" ,
3995    "              1=reg_merge       : register merged dastaset\n" ,
3996    "              2=reg_chan        : apply merge xform to all channels\n" ,
3997    "        The default is 0.\n" ,
3998    "\n" ,
3999    "AFNI_REALTIME_MRG_CHANLIST = String\n" ,
4000    "\n" ,
4001    "        If set, this variable specifies a list of 0-based channels to\n" ,
4002    "        merge, rather than using all channels. The format is akin to\n" ,
4003    "        sub-brick selection. For example '0..$' means all and\n" ,
4004    "        '0,5..7' means 0,5,6,7.\n" ,
4005    "\n" ,
4006    "\n" ,
4007    "For detailed information about how the realtime plugin works, read the\n" ,
4008    "file README.realtime.\n" ,
4009    "\n" ,
4010    "Also see \"Dimon -help\" (example E \"for testing complete real-time system\").\n" ,
4011    "Also see \"serial_helper -help\".\n" ,
4012    "Also see program rtfeedme.c and \"rtfeedme -help\".\n" ,
4013    "\n" ,
4014    "###################################\n" ,
4015    "###  Vars specific to NIML I/O  ###\n" ,
4016    "###################################\n" ,
4017    "\n" ,
4018    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4019    "Variable: AFNI_NIML_DEBUG\n" ,
4020    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4021    "This integer sets the debugging level in some niml I/O routines,\n" ,
4022    "particularly those in thd_niml.c. Currently used values range from 0\n" ,
4023    "to 3.\n" ,
4024    "\n" ,
4025    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4026    "Variable: AFNI_NSD_ADD_NODES\n" ,
4027    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4028    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then when a NI_SURF_DSET\n" ,
4029    "dataset is written to disk, if it has no node list attribute, a\n" ,
4030    "default list will be created.\n" ,
4031    "\n" ,
4032    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4033    "Variable: AFNI_NSD_TO_FLOAT\n" ,
4034    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4035    "If this YES/NO variable is set to NO, then any necessary conversion of\n" ,
4036    "NI_SURF_DSET datasets to type float will be blocked. Otherwise, all such\n" ,
4037    "datasets will be written as float.\n" ,
4038    "\n" ,
4039    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4040    "Variable: AFNI_NIML_TEXT_DATA\n" ,
4041    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4042    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then NI_SURF_DSET datasets will\n" ,
4043    "be written with data in text format. Otherwise, data will be in\n" ,
4044    "binary.\n" ,
4045    "\n" ,
4046    "-----------------------------\n" ,
4047    "Variable: AFNI_SIMPLE_HISTORY\n" ,
4048    "-----------------------------\n" ,
4049    "A few programs (particularly 3dcalc) create a complicated history note\n" ,
4050    "in the output dataset header, by including the history of all inputs.\n" ,
4051    "This history can become inordinately long and pointless when 3calc is\n" ,
4052    "run in a long chain of calculations. Setting this variable to YES\n" ,
4053    "will turn off this cumulation of all histories, and may make your\n" ,
4054    "dataset headers more manageable.\n" ,
4055    "\n" ,
4056    "-------------------------------------------\n" ,
4057    "Variable: AFNI_NIML_BUFSIZE or NIML_BUFSIZE\n" ,
4058    "-------------------------------------------\n" ,
4059    "This variable sets the number of bytes used as a memory buffer for\n" ,
4060    "NIML dataset input. If you are inputting gigantic headers or gigantic\n" ,
4061    "String data components (I'm looking at YOU, Ziad), then you may want\n" ,
4062    "to increase this past its default size of 255*1024=261120.\n" ,
4063    "\n" ,
4064    "###############################\n" ,
4065    "###  Vars for 3dDeconvolve  ###\n" ,
4066    "###############################\n" ,
4067    "\n" ,
4068    "---------------------------\n" ,
4069    "Variable: AFNI_INDEX_PREFIX\n" ,
4070    "---------------------------\n" ,
4071    "3dDeconvolve and 3dREMLfit create statistics datasets that have sub-brick\n" ,
4072    "labels of the form 'NAME#0_Coef', where 'NAME' is the task name set up\n" ,
4073    "when running the program. This environment variable lets you replace\n" ,
4074    "'#' character with another character; for example (in tcsh):\n" ,
4075    "   setenv AFNI_INDEX_PREFIX _\n" ,
4076    "which will create labels of the form 'NAME_0_Coef' instead. The single\n" ,
4077    "character value you supply must be a printable character - not a space,\n" ,
4078    "not a control character, and not the '~' character (which is special).\n" ,
4079    "\n" ,
4080    "Please note that in the future, the default '#' may be replaced by\n" ,
4081    "some other character in the AFNI setup. When that happens, datasets\n" ,
4082    "created after that date will not be exactly compatible (as far as\n" ,
4083    "the sub-brick labels) with datasets created earlier. The purpose of this\n" ,
4084    "environment variable is to allow you to make these programs backward\n" ,
4085    "compatible, if necessary. [11 Jul 2019]\n" ,
4086    "\n" ,
4087    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4088    "Variable: AFNI_3dDeconvolve_GOFORIT\n" ,
4089    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4090    "If this variable is set to YES, then 3dDeconvolve behaves as if you\n" ,
4091    "used the '-GOFORIT' option on the command line -- that is, it will\n" ,
4092    "continue to run even if it detects serious non-fatal problems with the\n" ,
4093    "problem setup.\n" ,
4094    "\n" ,
4095    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4096    "Variable: AFNI_3dDeconvolve_NIML\n" ,
4097    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4098    "3dDeconvolve outputs the regression matrix 'X' into a file formatted in\n" ,
4099    "the 'NIML' .1D format -- with an XML-style header in '#' comments at the\n" ,
4100    "start of the file. If you DON'T want this format, just plain numbers,\n" ,
4101    "set this variable to NO.\n" ,
4102    "\n" ,
4103    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4104    "Variable: AFNI_3dDeconvolve_extend\n" ,
4105    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4106    "If you input a stimulus time series (via the -stim_file option) to\n" ,
4107    "3dDeconvolve that is shorter than needed for the regression analysis,\n" ,
4108    "the program will normally print a warning message and extend the time\n" ,
4109    "series with zero values to the needed length. If you would rather\n" ,
4110    "have the program stop if it detects this problem (the behavior before\n" ,
4111    "22 Oct 2003), then set this environment variable to NO.\n" ,
4112    "\n" ,
4113    "---------------------------------\n" ,
4114    "Variable: AFNI_3dDeconvolve_nodup\n" ,
4115    "---------------------------------\n" ,
4116    "If this variable is set to YES, then if the 3dDeconvolve program\n" ,
4117    "detects duplicate input stimulus filenames or duplicate regressors,\n" ,
4118    "the program will fail (with an error message) rather than attempt to\n" ,
4119    "continue.\n" ,
4120    "\n" ,
4121    "-----------------------------------------\n" ,
4122    "Variable: AFNI_3dDeconvolve_nodata_extras\n" ,
4123    "-----------------------------------------\n" ,
4124    "When using the -nodata option in 3dDeconvolve, the default printout\n" ,
4125    "gives the 'normalized standard deviation' for each stimulus parameter.\n" ,
4126    "If you set this variable to YES, then the printout will include the\n" ,
4127    "-polort baseline parameters as well, and also the L2 norm of each\n" ,
4128    "column in the regression matrix.\n" ,
4129    "\n" ,
4130    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4131    "Variable: AFNI_3dDeconvolve_oneline\n" ,
4132    "-----------------------------------\n" ,
4133    "3dDeconvolve outputs a command line for running the cognate 3dREMLfit\n" ,
4134    "program. By default, this command line is line broken with '\\'\n" ,
4135    "characters for printing beauty. If you want this command line\n" ,
4136    "to be all on one physical output line, for convenience in automatic\n" ,
4137    "extraction (e.g., via grep), then set this variable to YES before\n" ,
4138    "running the program.\n" ,
4139    "\n" ,
4140    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4141    "Variable: AFNI_3dDeconvolve_rawAM2\n" ,
4142    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4143    "Normally, when you use the -stim_times_AM2 option, the regression\n" ,
4144    "against the covariates is 'centered' around the mean of the values\n" ,
4145    "given. If you want the regression to proceed directly with the\n" ,
4146    "covariate values as given, set this option to YES. Please do NOT do\n" ,
4147    "this unless you understand what this means!!!\n" ,
4148    "\n" ,
4149    "--------------------------\n" ,
4150    "Variable: AFNI_XJPEG_COLOR\n" ,
4151    "--------------------------\n" ,
4152    "Determines the color of the lines drawn between the column boxes in\n" ,
4153    "the output from the -xjpeg option to 3dDeconvolve. The color format\n" ,
4154    "is \"rgbi:rf/gf/bf\", where each value rf,gf,bf is a number between 0.0\n" ,
4155    "and 1.0 (inclusive); for example, yellow would be \"rgbi:1.0/1.0/0.0\".\n" ,
4156    "As a special case, if this value is the string \"none\" or \"NONE\", then\n" ,
4157    "these lines will not be drawn.\n" ,
4158    "\n" ,
4159    "-------------------------\n" ,
4160    "Variable: AFNI_XJPEG_IMXY\n" ,
4161    "-------------------------\n" ,
4162    "This variable determines the size of the image saved when via the\n" ,
4163    "-xjpeg option to 3dDeconvolve. It should be in the format AxB, where\n" ,
4164    "'A' is the number of pixels the image is to be wide (across the matrix\n" ,
4165    "rows) and 'B' is the number of pixels high (down the columns); for\n" ,
4166    "example:\n" ,
4167    "  setenv AFNI_XJPEG_IMXY 768x1024\n" ,
4168    "which means to set the x-size (horizontal) to 768 pixels and the\n" ,
4169    "y-size (vertical) to 1024 pixels. These values are the default, by\n" ,
4170    "the way.\n" ,
4171    "\n" ,
4172    "If the first value 'A' is negative and less than -1, its absolute\n" ,
4173    "value is the number of pixels across PER ROW. If the second value 'B'\n" ,
4174    "is negative, its absolute value is the number of pixels down PER ROW.\n" ,
4175    "(Usually there are many fewer columns than rows.)\n" ,
4176    "\n" ,
4177    "-------------------------\n" ,
4178    "Variable: AFNI_XSAVE_TEXT\n" ,
4179    "-------------------------\n" ,
4180    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the .xsave file created by\n" ,
4181    "the \"-xsave\" option to 3dDeconvolve will be saved in text format. The\n" ,
4182    "default is a binary format, which preserves the full accuracy of the\n" ,
4183    "matrices stored therein. However, if you want to look at the .xsave\n" ,
4184    "file yourself, the binary format is hard to grok. Note that the two\n" ,
4185    "forms are not quite equivalent, since the binary format stores the\n" ,
4186    "exact matrices used internally in the program, whereas the ASCII format\n" ,
4187    "stores only a decimal approximation of these matrices.\n" ,
4188    "\n" ,
4189    "---------------------------\n" ,
4190    "Variable: AFNI_GLTSYM_PRINT\n" ,
4191    "---------------------------\n" ,
4192    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then the GLT matrices generated\n" ,
4193    "in 3dDeconvolve by the \"-gltsym\" option will be printed to the screen\n" ,
4194    "when the program starts up.\n" ,
4195    "\n" ,
4196    "-----------------------\n" ,
4197    "Variable: AFNI_FLOATIZE\n" ,
4198    "-----------------------\n" ,
4199    "If this YES/NO variable is set to YES, then 3dDeconvolve and 3dcalc\n" ,
4200    "will write their outputs in floating point format (unless they are\n" ,
4201    "forced to do otherwise with the '-datum short' type of option). In\n" ,
4202    "the future, other programs may also be affected by this variable.\n" ,
4203    "Later [18 Nov 2008]: Now 3dANOVA, 3dANOVA2, and 3dANOVA3 will also\n" ,
4204    "use this flag to determine if their outputs should be written in\n" ,
4205    "float format. For example:\n" ,
4206    "  3dANOVA -DAFNI_FLOATIZE=YES ... other options ...\n" ,
4207    "\n" ,
4208    "----------------------------\n" ,
4209    "Variable: AFNI_AUTOMATIC_FDR\n" ,
4210    "----------------------------\n" ,
4211    "If this variable is set to NO, then the automatic computation of FDR\n" ,
4212    "curves into headers output by 3dDeconvolve, 3dANOVA, 3dttest, and\n" ,
4213    "3dNLfim will NOT be done. Otherwise, the automatic FDR-ization of\n" ,
4214    "these datasets will performed when the datasets are written to disk.\n" ,
4215    "(You can always use '3drefit -addFDR' to add FDR curves to a dataset\n" ,
4216    "header, for those sub-bricks marked as statistical parameters.)\n" ,
4217    "\n" ,
4218    "------------------------------\n" ,
4219    "Variable: AFNI_DONT_ADJUST_FDR\n" ,
4220    "------------------------------\n" ,
4221    "If this variable is set to YES, then the adjustment of FDR q-values\n" ,
4222    "downwards by allowing for the estimate of the number of true\n" ,
4223    "negatives (e.g., as discussed by Storey, Benjamini, and others)\n" ,
4224    "will NOT be carried out. As of 26 Mar 2009, this adjustment of\n" ,
4225    "q-values is the default in AFNI programs. If you want the old\n" ,
4226    "behavior, set this variable to YES.\n" ,
4227    "\n" ,
4228    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4229    "Variable: AFNI_NON_INDEPENDENT_FDR\n" ,
4230    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4231    "If this variable is set to YES, then the FDR calculation is made using\n" ,
4232    "the non-independent assumption, as in the '-cdep' option for program\n" ,
4233    "3dFDR. This setting will affect the calculation of FDR curves via\n" ,
4234    "program 3drefit, et cetera.\n" ,
4235    "\n" ,
4236    "----------------------------\n" ,
4237    "Variable: AFNI_SKIP_SATCHECK\n" ,
4238    "----------------------------\n" ,
4239    "If you want 3dDeconvolve to check the input dataset time series for\n" ,
4240    "initial saturation transients (a somewhat time consuming process),\n" ,
4241    "set this variable to NO. You can also use program 3dSatCheck for\n" ,
4242    "this purpose. Or just look at your data (please!).\n" ,
4243    "\n" ,
4244    "###########################################\n" ,
4245    "###  ATLAS and WHEREAMI env variables   ###\n" ,
4246    "###########################################\n" ,
4247    "\n" ,
4248    "N.B.: These variables control how AFNI and whereami make use of\n" ,
4249    "      various atlases and template spaces. The variables may also\n" ,
4250    "      affect how other AFNI programs use atlases as input datasets.\n" ,
4251    "\n" ,
4252    "-------------------------\n" ,
4253    "Variable: AFNI_ATLAS_LIST\n" ,
4254    "-------------------------\n" ,
4255    "This list contains the names of the atlases that should be queried\n" ,
4256    "when no specific atlas has been requested. For example, the afni GUI\n" ,
4257    "and whereami, by default, do not load all the atlases specified in the\n" ,
4258    "AFNI_atlas_spaces.niml file. If this variable is not set, the\n" ,
4259    "TT_Daemon atlas and the cytoarchitectonic Eickhoff-Zilles in MNI_ANAT\n" ,
4260    "space are loaded. If the variable is set to a list like\n" ,
4261    "\"TT_Daemon,DD_Desai_PM\", then only these two atlases are loaded. The\n" ,
4262    "list of atlas names may be separated by commas or semicolons. A\n" ,
4263    "special case of \"ALL\" may be set, and all the available atlases will\n" ,
4264    "be loaded.\n" ,
4265    "\n" ,
4266    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4267    "Variable: AFNI_TEMPLATE_SPACE_LIST\n" ,
4268    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4269    "This list contains the names of the template spaces that are shown\n" ,
4270    "when whereami reports the coordinates among various spaces. By\n" ,
4271    "default, the list contains \"TLRC,MNI,MNI_ANAT\". As with\n" ,
4272    "AFNI_ATLAS_LIST, this list may also be set to \"ALL\".\n" ,
4273    "\n" ,
4274    "----------------------------\n" ,
4275    "Variable: AFNI_ATLAS_COLORS (editable)\n" ,
4276    "----------------------------\n" ,
4277    "This variable sets which atlas to use in the AFNI GUI for \"Atlas\n" ,
4278    "Colors\", \"Go to Atlas location\", \"Draw Dataset\" and \"Renderer\"\n" ,
4279    "functions.\n" ,
4280    "\n" ,
4281    "----------------------------\n" ,
4282    "Variable: AFNI_JUMPTO_SPACE (editable)\n" ,
4283    "----------------------------\n" ,
4284    "This variable sets which space to use in the AFNI GUI for \"Jump to\n" ,
4285    "(spacename)\" function where this would default to \"MNI\". Choose a\n" ,
4286    "valid spacename from the current list of spaces in \"whereami\n" ,
4287    "-show_spaces\". The jump function transforms the user input coordinates\n" ,
4288    "from that space to the space of the dataset.\n" ,
4289    "\n" ,
4290    "----------------------------\n" ,
4291    "Variable: AFNI_ATLAS_PATH\n" ,
4292    "----------------------------\n" ,
4293    "This variable sets which directory or directories to search for AFNI\n" ,
4294    "atlas datasets that have been defined in the AFNI_atlas_spaces.niml or\n" ,
4295    "CustomAtlases.niml file. For all afni programs and scripts that use\n" ,
4296    "atlas and template datasets, the program will preferentially use (in\n" ,
4297    "order) the file path included in the dataset filename definition, the\n" ,
4298    "AFNI_ATLAS_PATH, the AFNI_PLUGINPATH or the standard PATH values.\n" ,
4299    "\n" ,
4300    "-------------------------\n" ,
4301    "Variable: AFNI_PLUGINPATH\n" ,
4302    "-------------------------\n" ,
4303    "Described above, this variable is used for several purposes. For\n" ,
4304    "whereami, this variable sets the directory to load atlases and NIML\n" ,
4305    "files if not in the current directory. If this variable does not exist\n" ,
4306    "or the referred file does not exist, then the atlas is searched in the\n" ,
4307    "user's current PATH setting. If this is set, atlases will be found\n" ,
4308    "more quickly than searching all the directories of the entire\n" ,
4309    "PATH. Searches of the PATH variable for whereami usage stop at the\n" ,
4310    "first occurrence of the searched file, so placing the AFNI directory\n" ,
4311    "earlier in the PATH will dramatically increase the speed that the file\n" ,
4312    "is found.\n" ,
4313    "\n" ,
4314    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4315    "Variable: AFNI_WHEREAMI_DEC_PLACES (editable)\n" ,
4316    "----------------------------------\n" ,
4317    "Sets precision for whereami output. Higher field data and animal\n" ,
4318    "atlases require higher precision. The default value used for focus\n" ,
4319    "point among template spaces is still 0 decimal places (closest mm),\n" ,
4320    "but animal data requires three decimal places. Value may range from 0\n" ,
4321    "to 10.\n" ,
4322    "\n" ,
4323    "-------------------------\n" ,
4324    "Variable: AFNI_WAMI_DEBUG\n" ,
4325    "-------------------------\n" ,
4326    "This variable controls the output of detailed messages about various\n" ,
4327    "tasks involved in loading atlases, transformations and composing query\n" ,
4328    "results. By default, this information is not shown. This integer sets\n" ,
4329    "the debugging level in whereami routines. Currently used values range\n" ,
4330    "from 0 to 3.\n" ,
4331    "\n" ,
4332    "------------------------------\n" ,
4333    "Variable: AFNI_TTATLAS_DATASET\n" ,
4334    "------------------------------\n" ,
4335    "This variable may also specify the default location of AFNI atlases. This\n" ,
4336    "variable is maintained mostly for backward compatibility. By default, this\n" ,
4337    "is not set.\n" ,
4338    "\n" ,
4339    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4340    "Variable: AFNI_WHEREAMI_NO_WARN\n" ,
4341    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4342    "Turns off warnings about various whereami features - like queries that\n" ,
4343    "have reached their limit of returned results. By default, warnings are\n" ,
4344    "displayed only the first time a particular message is encountered.\n" ,
4345    "\n" ,
4346    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4347    "Variable: AFNI_WHEREAMI_MAX_FIND (editable)\n" ,
4348    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4349    "By default, only the first nine structures are displayed within a\n" ,
4350    "particular atlas. You may increase or decrease this to show more or\n" ,
4351    "fewer structures in the whereami results.\n" ,
4352    "\n" ,
4353    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4354    "Variable: AFNI_WHEREAMI_MAX_SEARCH_RAD (editable)\n" ,
4355    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4356    "\n" ,
4357    "By default, whereami searches a radius of 7.5 mm. Set a radius up to\n" ,
4358    "9.5 mm.\n" ,
4359    "\n" ,
4360    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4361    "Variable: AFNI_WHEREAMI_PROB_MIN\n" ,
4362    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4363    "Minimum probability AFNI considers in probabilistic atlases\n" ,
4364    "\n" ,
4365    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4366    "Variable: AFNI_DEFAULT_STD_SPACE\n" ,
4367    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4368    "The default template space is assumed to be TLRC. This is used for\n" ,
4369    "coordinate input to whereami, the whereami GUI and for TLRC view\n" ,
4370    "datasets without a template space explicitly set in the dataset\n" ,
4371    "header.\n" ,
4372    "\n" ,
4373    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4374    "Variable: AFNI_NIFTI_VIEW\n" ,
4375    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4376    "The default view extension used for output when creating AFNI format\n" ,
4377    "datasets from NIFTI datasets.This variable is only applicable for\n" ,
4378    "sform and qform codes that do not have clearly defined views\n" ,
4379    "(sform/qform code = 2). Set to \"tlrc\" or \"orig\". See also\n" ,
4380    "AFNI_DEFAULT_STD_SPACE and AFNI_NIFTI_PRIORITY. Note sform/qform code=5\n" ,
4381    "can be used for spaces other than MNI or TLRC including MNI_ANAT or D99\n" ,
4382    "spaces.\n" ,
4383    "\n" ,
4384    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4385    "Variable: AFNI_NIFTI_PRIORITY\n" ,
4386    "--------------------------------\n" ,
4387    "Sets preference for NIFTI files to use sform or qform codes and\n" ,
4388    "matrices to determine space, origin and orientation. Set to 'S' or 'Q'\n" ,
4389    "for sform or qform respectively. If not set, NIFTI files are read\n" ,
4390    "using the non-zero form code or the sform code if both are set.\n" ,
4391    "\n" ,
4392    "-------------------------------------------\n" ,
4393    "Variable: AFNI_SUPP_ATLAS, AFNI_LOCAL_ATLAS\n" ,
4394    "-------------------------------------------\n" ,
4395    "These variables allow the addition of more atlas definitions to the\n" ,
4396    "global list of atlases, templates, spaces and transformations. The\n" ,
4397    "variable should be set to the name of a NIML file with the same format\n" ,
4398    "of the AFNI_atlas_spaces.niml file. These can be customized by site\n" ,
4399    "(supplemental) or by subject (local) and follow the same search order\n" ,
4400    "as the AFNI_atlas_spaces.niml file. In order to be included in default\n" ,
4401    "searches, additional atlases or template spaces would also need to be\n" ,
4402    "added to AFNI_ATLAS_SPACE_LIST and the AFNI_TEMPLATE_SPACE_LIST,\n" ,
4403    "unless those are set to \"ALL\".\n" ,
4404    "\n" ,
4405    "-------------------------------------------\n" ,
4406    "Variable: AFNI_SUPP_ATLAS_DIR\n" ,
4407    "-------------------------------------------\n" ,
4408    "Allows the addition of atlas definitions to the global list of\n" ,
4409    "atlases, templates,spaces and transformations. The variable should be\n" ,
4410    "set to the name of a directory that contains a SessionAtlases.niml\n" ,
4411    "file with the same format as the AFNI_atlas_spaces.niml file. Also see\n" ,
4414    "\n" ,
4415    "------------------------------\n" ,
4416    "Variable: AFNI_TTATLAS_CAUTION (editable)\n" ,
4417    "------------------------------\n" ,
4418    "If this YES/NO variable is set to NO, then the warning about the\n" ,
4419    "potential errors in the \"Where am I?\" popup will not appear. (This is\n" ,
4420    "purely for cosmetic purposes, Ziad.)\n" ,
4421    "\n" ,
4422    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4423    "Variable: AFNI_TTATLAS_FONTSIZE (editable)\n" ,
4424    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4425    "If this variable is not set, the default font size is used in the\n" ,
4426    "'Where am I?'  popup window.\n" ,
4427    "If this variable is set to 'BIG', then a larger font size is used.\n" ,
4428    "\n" ,
4429    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4430    "Variable: AFNI_ATLAS_NAME_TYPE\n" ,
4431    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4432    "Atlas region labels can be shown as either as a short name or with a\n" ,
4433    "longer, more descriptive name. Note that most atlases have only the\n" ,
4434    "short name available. The whereami GUI and command line can show either\n" ,
4435    "or both labels with this variable set to \"longname\", \"both\" or \"name\",\n" ,
4436    "where \"name\" is only the short, standard version. The overlay panel\n" ,
4437    "and image viewers can show this label too. The names are separated by\n" ,
4438    "a vertical pipe symbol if both are in the atlas header.\n" ,
4439    "The default is to show both names if they are available.\n" ,
4440    "\n" ,
4441    "-------------------------\n" ,
4442    "Variable: AFNI_WEBBY_WAMI\n" ,
4443    "-------------------------\n" ,
4444    "When set to YES, the Where Am I GUI becomes 'web-enabled', i.e. the\n" ,
4445    "report becomes clickable to open web pages from the output. Most\n" ,
4446    "features are still experimental. See AFNI_NEUROSYNTH and AFNI_SUMSDB\n" ,
4447    "below for examples. The default value is 'NO'.\n" ,
4448    "\n" ,
4449    "-------------------------\n" ,
4450    "Variable: AFNI_NEUROSYNTH\n" ,
4451    "-------------------------\n" ,
4452    "When set to YES, provides link for MNI coordinate in Where Am I GUI to\n" ,
4453    "the Neurosynth site. Requires AFNI_WEBBY_WAMI to also be set to\n" ,
4454    "YES. The default value is 'NO'.\n" ,
4455    "\n" ,
4456    "---------------------\n" ,
4457    "Variable: AFNI_SUMSDB\n" ,
4458    "---------------------\n" ,
4459    "When set to YES, provides link for MNI coordinate in Where Am I GUI to\n" ,
4460    "the SumsDB site. Requires AFNI_WEBBY_WAMI to also be set to YES. The\n" ,
4461    "default value is 'NO'.\n" ,
4462    "\n" ,
4463    "#####################################################\n" ,
4464    "###  Interacting with other progs and miscellany  ###\n" ,
4465    "#####################################################\n" ,
4466    "\n" ,
4467    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4468    "Variable:  AFNI_NO_OPTION_HINT\n" ,
4469    "-------------------------------\n" ,
4470    "If this variable is set, do NOT make suggestions if a program parsing\n" ,
4471    "error is encountered.\n" ,
4472    "\n" ,
4473    "--------------------------\n" ,
4474    "Variable:  AFNI_GUI_EDITOR\n" ,
4475    "--------------------------\n" ,
4476    "Set this variable to your favorite GUI text editor.\n" ,
4477    "\n" ,
4478    "----------------------------\n" ,
4479    "Variable:  AFNI_IMAGE_VIEWER\n" ,
4480    "----------------------------\n" ,
4481    "Set this variable to your favorite image viewer.\n" ,
4482    "\n" ,
4483    "----------------------------\n" ,
4484    "Variable:  AFNI_PDF_VIEWER\n" ,
4485    "----------------------------\n" ,
4486    "Set this variable to your favorite pdf viewer.\n" ,
4487    "\n" ,
4488    "------------------------------------\n" ,
4489    "Variable:  AFNI_LOG_BEST_PROG_OPTION\n" ,
4490    "------------------------------------\n" ,
4491    "If set to YES, allow approximate searching functions to log their\n" ,
4492    "behavior in a file named ~/.afni/help/aps.log.txt\n" ,
4493    "\n" ,
4494    "------------------------------------\n" ,
4495    "Variable:  AFNI_HISTDB_SCRIPT\n" ,
4496    "------------------------------------\n" ,
4497    "If set to a non-empty string, an attribute called HISTDB_SCRIPT is\n" ,
4498    "added to the header of AFNI datasets at write time. The value of the\n" ,
4499    "attribute is that of the variable AFNI_HISTDB_SCRIPT.\n" ,
4500    "At the moment, this variable is solely for Tom Ross's nefarious\n" ,
4501    "history databasing schemes.\n" ,
4502    "\n" ,
4503    "------------------------------------\n" ,
4504    "Variable:  AFNI_ICORR_UBER_USER\n" ,
4505    "------------------------------------\n" ,
4506    "If set to YES, enable distance measures that are not ready for prime\n" ,
4507    "time in the instacorr interface.\n" ,
4508    NULL } ;
4509 #define NUM_readme_env 4505