2# @measure_erosion_thick
3# erode a dataset repeatedly to separate datasets until nothing left
4# add up all the erosions at the end to get erosion_levels depth dataset
5# and normalize to get erosionnorm dataset
6# 12 Dec 2019 - DRG, addition of centers
7set ver = 1.01
9# h_view help instead of regular help (opens editor with -help output)
10@global_parse `basename $0` "$*" ; if ($status) exit 0
12# initializations
13set maskset = ""
14set surfset = ""
15set thickdir = "erosion_thickdir"
16set maxthick = "6"
17set resample = "auto"
18set surfsmooth = "8"
19set smoothmm = ""
20set depthsearch = "3"
21set inval = ""
22set outval = ""
23set maskval = ""
24set keep_temp_files = ""
25set balls_only = ""
26set heat_method = "HEAT_07"
28if ($# < 1) then
29# help
31    echo "@measure_erosion_thick - compute thickness of mask using erosion method"
32    echo "usage:"
33    echo "@measure_erosion_thick -maskset maskset -surfset surfacedset.gii -outdir thickdir"
34    echo
35    echo "where maskset is the dataset to find thickness"
36    echo " using the largest non-zero value in the mask."
37    echo " If dataset has values -2,-1 and 1 for different regions, this script"
38    echo " calculates the thickness only for voxels with a value of 1"
39    echo "surfset is a surface to use to find normals into the volume"
40    echo "output is in directory thickdir. If not specified, erosion_thickdir is used"
41    echo
42    echo "This script finds thickness by eroding voxels away, using facing voxels"
43    echo "a layer at a time."
44    echo
45    echo "Because of limitations in the growth of the spheres used in this method,"
46    echo "it is recommended to use oversampled data, particularly when using 1mm data"
47    echo "See -resample option below"
48    echo
49    echo "Main options:"
50    echo "  -maskset mydset      mask dataset for input"
51    echo "  -surfset mydset.gii  surface dataset onto which to map thickness"
52    echo "                       (probably a pial/gray matter surface)"
53    echo "  -outdir thickdir     output directory"
54    echo
55    echo "Other options:"
56    echo
57    echo "  -resample mm   resample input to mm in millimeters (put a number here)"
58    echo '                 set this to half a voxel or \"auto\".'
59    echo "                 No resampling is done by default"
60    echo "                 Resampling is highly recommended for most 1mm data"
61    echo "  -surfsmooth mm smooth surface map of thickness by mm millimeters"
62    echo "                 default is 8 mm"
63    echo "  -smoothmm mm  smooth volume by mm FWHM in mask"
64    echo "                 default is 2*voxelsize of mask or resampled mask"
65    echo "  -maxthick mm   search for maximum thickness value of mm millimeters"
66    echo "                 default is 6 mm"
67    echo "  -depthsearch mm map to surface by looking for max along mm millimeter"
68    echo "                 normal vectors. default is 3 mm"
69    echo "  -keep_temp_files do not delete the intermediate files (for testing)"
70    echo "  -surfsmooth_method heattype heat method used for smoothing surfaces"
71    echo "                 default is HEAT_07 but HEAT_05 is also useful for models"
72    echo
73    echo "Output:"
74    echo "   erosion_depth.nii.gz - depth dataset"
75    echo "   erosion_thick.nii.gz - volumetric thickness dataset"
76    echo "   erosion_thick_smooth.nii.gz - smoothed volumetric thickness dataset"
77    echo "   erosion_thick.niml.dset - unsmoothed thickness mapped to surface nodes"
78    echo "   erosion_thick_smooth_nn_mm.niml.dset - smoothed thickness mapped to surface nodes"
79    echo
80    echo "   Other datasets included in output:"
81    echo "   maskset.nii.gz, maskset_rs.nii.gz - mask and optional resampled mask"
82    echo "   anat.gii - surface representation of mask volume"
83    echo "   quick.spec - simple specification file for surface to use with suma commands"
84    echo
85    echo "See related scripts and programs for computing thickness:"
86    echo "    @measure_in2out, @measure_bb_thick and SurfMeasures"
87    exit
91# process user options
92set ac = 1
93while ( $ac <= $#argv )
94    # maybe just a desperate plea for help
95    if ( ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-help" ) || ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-HELP" )  || \
96       ( "$argv[$ac]" == "--help" ) || ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-h" ) ) then
97       goto HELP
98    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-ver" ) then
99       echo "@measure_erosion_thick version: $ver"
100       exit 0
101    # get the basics - input dataset, surface and output directory
102    # only the input is really required, but the other two are nice to have
103    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-maskset" ) then
104        @ ac ++
105        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
106            echo "** missing parameter for option '-maskset'"
107            exit 1
108        endif
109        set  maskset = $argv[$ac]
110        @ ac ++; continue;
111    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-surfset" ) then
112        @ ac ++
113        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
114            echo "** missing parameter for option '-surfset'"
115            exit 1
116        endif
117        set  surfset = $argv[$ac]
118        @ ac ++; continue;
119    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-outdir" ) then
120        @ ac ++
121        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
122            echo "** missing parameter for option '-outdir'"
123            exit 1
124        endif
125        set  thickdir = $argv[$ac]
126        @ ac ++; continue;
128    # now tweak the options
129    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-resample" ) then
130        @ ac ++
131        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
132            echo "** missing parameter for option '-resample'"
133            exit 1
134        endif
135        set resample = $argv[$ac]
136        if ("$resample" == "auto") then
137           echo "resampling set to auto"
138        else
139           set resample = `ccalc -expr "$resample"`
140           if ("$status" != "0") then
141              echo "resample set to $argv[$ac] is not valid"
142              exit 1
143           endif
144           echo "resample voxel size to $resample mm"
145        endif
146        @ ac ++; continue;
147    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-maxthick" ) then
148        @ ac ++
149        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
150            echo "** missing parameter for option '-maxthick'"
151            exit 1
152        endif
153        set  maxthick = $argv[$ac]
154       set maxthick = `ccalc -expr "$maxthick"`
155       if ("$status" != "0") then
156         echo "maxthick set to $argv[$ac] is not valid"
157         exit 1
158       endif
159        @ ac ++; continue;
160    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-surfsmooth" ) then
161        @ ac ++
162        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
163            echo "** missing parameter for option '-surfsmooth'"
164            exit 1
165        endif
166        set surfsmooth = $argv[$ac]
167       set surfsmooth = `ccalc -expr "$surfsmooth"`
168       if ("$status" != "0") then
169         echo "surfsmooth set to $argv[$ac] is not valid"
170         exit 1
171       endif
172        @ ac ++; continue;
173    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-surfsmooth_method" ) then
174        @ ac ++
175        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
176            echo "** missing parameter for option '-surfsmooth'"
177            exit 1
178        endif
179        set heat_method = $argv[$ac]
180        @ ac ++; continue;
181    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-smoothmm" ) then
182        @ ac ++
183        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
184            echo "** missing parameter for option '-smoothmm'"
185            exit 1
186        endif
187        set smoothmm = $argv[$ac]
188       set smoothmm = `ccalc -expr "$smoothmm"`
189       if ("$status" != "0") then
190         echo "smoothmm set to $argv[$ac] is not valid"
191         exit 1
192       endif
193        @ ac ++; continue;
194    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-depthsearch" ) then
195        @ ac ++
196        if ( $ac > $#argv ) then
197            echo "** missing parameter for option '-depthsearch'"
198            exit 1
199        endif
200        set depthsearch = $argv[$ac]
201       set depthsearch = `ccalc -expr "$depthsearch"`
202       if ("$status" != "0") then
203         echo "depthsearch set to $argv[$ac] is not valid"
204         exit 1
205       endif
206        @ ac ++; continue;
207    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-keep_temp_files" ) then
208        set keep_temp_files = "keep"
209        @ ac ++; continue;
210    else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-ignore_unknown_options" ) then
211        set ignore_unknown_options = "yes"
212        @ ac ++; continue;
214    # unknown options - exit
215    else
216        if ("$ignore_unknown_options" != "yes") then
217          echo "** unknown option $argv[$ac]"
218          exit 1
219        endif
220    endif
221    @ ac ++
224if ("$maskset" == "") then
225   echo 'No input dataset. Please provide "-maskset mydset.nii" '
226   exit 1
229# get voxel size - minimum of 2D square at least in-plane (should use cubic voxels though)
230# but this could potentially work for 2D images too ("thick" 2D images)
231set v3 = `3dinfo -d3 $maskset`
232set voxsize = `ccalc "min(abs($v3[1]),abs($v3[2]))"`
233# starting radius in mm
234set inirad = $voxsize
236# maximum radius in mm (not absolutely necessary for this method)
237if ("$maxthick" == "") then
238   set maxrad = 4
240   set maxrad = `ccalc -expr "$maxthick/2+0.01"`
243# do everything in a new directory for simplicity
244mkdir $thickdir
246# put original dataset into output directory with specific name
247#  this is easier and allows for mask range selectors, sub-brick selectors, and NIFTI
2483dTcat -prefix $thickdir/allmaskset.nii.gz -overwrite $maskset
249if ($surfset != "") then
250    ConvertSurface -i $surfset -o $thickdir/anat.gii
253cd $thickdir
254set maskset = maskset_rs.nii.gz
256# goto CENTERS
258# get rid of any previous results if directory already exists
259\rm -f __tt_*_erode_*
261set maskset = maskset.nii.gz
262# if there are multiple values in the mask dataset
263# then assume the lower values are inside and outside masks for now
264set vrange = `3dBrickStat -non-zero -min -max allmaskset.nii.gz`
265if ($vrange[1] != $vrange[2]) then
266   # can do in-out, but use a simpler mask for the other methods
267   3dTcat -overwrite -prefix maskset.nii.gz allmaskset.nii.gz"<${vrange[2]}>"
269   # just a single value mask - can't do in-out calculation
270   rm maskset.nii.gz
271   3dcopy allmaskset.nii.gz maskset.nii.gz
274# check if resampling is desired
275if ("$resample" != "") then
276   # for the "auto" way, use 1/2 voxel size
277   if ("$resample" == "auto") then
278      set voxsize = `ccalc -expr "${voxsize}/2"`
279   else
280      set voxsize = $resample
281   endif
282   3dresample -rmode NN -prefix maskset_rs.nii.gz -overwrite \
283      -bound_type SLAB -dxyz $voxsize $voxsize $voxsize -input $maskset
284   set maskset = maskset_rs.nii.gz
287set iter = `printf "%2.2d" 0`
288set iterp1 = `printf "%2.2d" 1`
290# put copy of original dset in 1st iteration as mask and for easier bookkeeping
2913dcalc -a $maskset -prefix __tt_erode_$iter.nii.gz -overwrite -expr 'step(a)'
293# get voxel size - minimum of 2D square at least in-plane (should use cubic voxels though)
294# but this will for 2D images too (maybe)
295set v3 = `3dinfo -d3 $maskset`
296set voxsize = `ccalc "min(abs($v3[1]),abs($v3[2]))"`
297set nvox = 1
299# iterate until no more voxels in mask
300while ( $nvox != 0 )
301   # erode facing voxels with 3dcalc
302   3dcalc -a __tt_erode_${iter}.nii.gz \
303   -b a+i -c a-i -d a+j -e a-j -f a+k -g a-k \
304   -expr 'and(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)' \
305   -prefix __tt_erode_${iterp1}.nii.gz -overwrite
307   set iter = $iterp1
308   set iterp1 = `ccalc -form "%2.2d" "$iterp1+1"`
310# @ operator is weird with 08, that is converted octal and doesn't know what to do...
311#   so used ccalc instead to add 1 above
312#   @ iterp1++
313#   set iterp1 = `printf "%2.2d" $iterp1`
315   # check for maximum thickness
316   set too_thick = `ccalc "step($iterp1*$voxsize-$maxthick)"`
317   if ($too_thick == "1") then
318      set nvox = 0
319   else
320      # count the voxels left
321      set nvox = `3dBrickStat -count -non-zero __tt_erode_${iter}.nii.gz`
322   endif
324rm -rf erosion_depth_vox.nii.gz erosion_depth.nii.gz erosion_thick.nii.gz erosion_norm.nii.gz
325# add all the erosions together for a continuous map of the erosion
326#  each iteration left masks always with a value of 1, so how many 1's across
327#  erosion iterations is the level. Inside values get more 1's
328# up to 99 erosions allowed here with the ??
3293dMean -sum -overwrite -prefix erosion_depth_vox.nii.gz __tt_erode_??.nii.gz
331# compute normalized erosion, to range from 0-1
3323dcalc -a erosion_depth_vox.nii.gz -expr "a / ($iterp1-1)" \
333  -overwrite -prefix erosion_norm.nii.gz
335# convert erosion level to thickness by voxelsize
336# unfortunately there's a problem converting depth to thickness
337# for every layer there can be two possible thicknesses
338# that will give rise to that depth.
339# These examples are 1D versions with x's for each voxel
340# and a number for the maximum depth
341# x - 1
342# xx - 1
343# xxx - 2
344# xxxx - 2
345# xxxxx - 3
346# xxxxxx - 3
347# xxxxxxx - 4
348# xxxxxxxx - 4
349# 1->1.5v, 2->3.5v, 3->5.5v, 4-> 7.5
3503dcalc -a erosion_depth_vox.nii.gz -expr "step(a)*max((2*a-0.5)*$voxsize, $voxsize)" \
351  -overwrite -prefix erosion_depth.nii.gz -datum float
353# Convert depth to thickness by putting balls down (same as in ball and box method)
355# now put spheres back down at each coordinate starting at the maximum radius
356# write out all the coordinates in the mask with the current thickness
3573dmaskdump -mask $maskset -nozero erosion_depth.nii.gz > sphere_centers_pre.1D
359# sort coordinates from smallest to largest thickness
360sort -n -k 4 sphere_centers_pre.1D > sphere_centers_sorted.1D
361# calculate radius again - need this for 3dUndump
3621deval -a sphere_centers_sorted.1D'[3]' -expr "(a-${voxsize})/2" > radii.1D
363# 1D file is "i j k thickness radius" sorted by radius
3641dcat sphere_centers_sorted.1D radii.1D > sphere_centers.1D
366# fill spheres around centers with 1/2 thickness radii and values of the thickness
367# minimum value in mask should be voxsize
3683dUndump -master $maskset -overwrite -prefix erosion_thick.nii.gz \
369    -datum float -mask $maskset \
370    -srad 1.0 -dval $voxsize -ijk sphere_centers.1D
372# smooth volume in mask
373if ("$smoothmm" == "") then
374   set smoothmm = `ccalc "$voxsize*2"`
3763dBlurInMask -overwrite -FWHM $smoothmm -prefix erosion_thick_smooth.nii.gz \
377   -mask $maskset -input erosion_thick.nii.gz
379# map the thickness to a surface if we have one
380if ($surfset != "") then
381   quickspec -tn gii anat.gii -spec quick.spec
382   # how many steps along normal vector for surface mapping
383   set norm_step_size = `ccalc -int "1.5*$depthsearch/$voxsize"`
385   # use the erosionlevels dset and search for the max going along a normal
386   #  from the surface. This requires looking a little deeper, and maybe too deep
387   3dVol2Surf -spec quick.spec -surf_A anat.gii -sv $maskset \
388     -grid_parent erosion_depth.nii.gz -map_func max \
389     -f_steps $norm_step_size -f_index nodes \
390     -use_norms -norm_len -$depthsearch \
391     -cmask "-a $maskset -expr astep(a,0.000000)" \
392     -oob_value $voxsize -oom_value $voxsize \
393     -out_niml erosion_thick.niml.dset -overwrite
395   # smooth data on surface
396   # (HEAT_05 method is more robust from quick tests than HEAT_07 method
397   #  recommended in help for SurfSmooth, but HEAT_07 gives smoother
398   #  results that look reasonable)
399   SurfSmooth -spec quick.spec -surf_A anat.gii -met HEAT_07  \
400     -input erosion_thick.niml.dset -fwhm $surfsmooth \
401     -output erosion_thick_smooth.niml.dset -overwrite
405# find center
406# first center of mass of original dataset
407set CM = `3dCM -mask $maskset $maskset`
409# find second kind of center - deepest, then closest to CM
410# maximum erosion level
411set maxdepth = `3dBrickStat -max -slow erosion_depth.nii.gz`
412# calculate distance for maximum depth voxels from CM map
4133dcalc -RAI -a erosion_depth.nii.gz -datum float -overwrite \
414    -expr "within(a,$maxdepth-0.01,$maxdepth+0.01)*(sqrt(($CM[1]-x)^2 + ($CM[2]-y)^2 + \
415    ($CM[3]-z)^2) + 0.0001)"  \
416    -prefix  max_erosion_distance.nii.gz -overwrite
417# smallest distance in deepest erosion level
418set closest_erosion = `3dBrickStat  -min -slow \
419     -mask max_erosion_distance.nii.gz max_erosion_distance.nii.gz`
420# *** Erosion Center - get xyz of closest erosion point
421# allow some tolerance to get the distance
422set lowval = `ccalc "$closest_erosion - 0.0001"`
423set highval = `ccalc "$closest_erosion + 0.0001"`
424# get xyz value
425set erosioncm_xyz = `3dmaskdump -xyz -noijk \
426   -mask max_erosion_distance.nii.gz \
427   -mrange $lowval $highval max_erosion_distance.nii.gz| head -1`
429# find third kind of center - closest to CM in mask
430# calculate distance for maximum depth voxels from CM map
4313dcalc -RAI -a erosion_depth.nii.gz -datum float -overwrite \
432    -expr "step(a)*(sqrt(($CM[1]-x)^2 + ($CM[2]-y)^2 + \
433    ($CM[3]-z)^2) + 0.0001)"  \
434    -prefix  cm_distance.nii.gz  -overwrite
435# smallest distance in all of mask (not deepest this time)
436set closest_cm = `3dBrickStat	-min -slow \
437     -mask cm_distance.nii.gz cm_distance.nii.gz`
438# *** Closest to Center of mass - get xyz of closest voxel in mask
439# allow some tolerance to get the distance
440set lowval = `ccalc "$closest_cm - 0.0001"`
441set highval = `ccalc "$closest_cm + 0.0001"`
442# get xyz value
443set closestcm_xyz = `3dmaskdump -xyz -noijk \
444   -mask cm_distance.nii.gz \
445   -mrange $lowval $highval cm_distance.nii.gz| head -1`
447# find 4th kind of center, deeper near the voxel that is close to CM
448# at closestcm_xyz, get deepest voxel nearby
449# get thickness at closestcm_xyz voxel
450set thickclosestcm = `3dmaskdump -xyz -noijk \
451   -mask cm_distance.nii.gz \
452   -mrange $lowval $highval erosion_thick_smooth.nii.gz | head -1`
453# look a little more than halfway into volume (thickness/2)
454set deeprad = `ccalc "${thickclosestcm[4]}*0.51"`
456echo ${closestcm_xyz[1-3]} 3 > __tt_closest_center.txt
4573dresample -orient RAI -inset erosion_depth.nii.gz \
458   -prefix  __tt_erosion_depth_RAI.nii.gz -overwrite
459# make a small sphere that goes a little into the mask from the edge
4603dUndump -srad $deeprad -xyz -master  __tt_erosion_depth_RAI.nii.gz -datum byte \
461    -prefix __tt_sphere_closest_center.nii.gz -overwrite __tt_closest_center.txt
462# maximum depth nearby
463set deepclose  = `3dBrickStat   -max -slow \
464     -mask __tt_sphere_closest_center.nii.gz __tt_erosion_depth_RAI.nii.gz`
465# *** find deepest  - get xyz of deepest voxel in very small sphere mask
466# allow some tolerance to get the value at this depth
467set lowval = `ccalc "$deepclose - 0.0001"`
468# calc distance from max depth in nearby sphere to CM as final deciding factor
4693dcalc -RAI \
470    -a __tt_sphere_closest_center.nii.gz -b __tt_erosion_depth_RAI.nii.gz \
471    -datum float -overwrite \
472    -expr "step(a)*step(b-$lowval)*(sqrt(($CM[1]-x)^2 + ($CM[2]-y)^2 + \
473    ($CM[3]-z)^2) + 0.0001)"  \
474    -prefix  deepclosest_cm_distance.nii.gz  -overwrite
475# smallest distance in all of mask (not deepest this time)
476set deepclosest_cm = `3dBrickStat   -min -slow \
477     -mask deepclosest_cm_distance.nii.gz deepclosest_cm_distance.nii.gz`
478# *** Closest to Center of mass - get xyz of closest voxel in mask
479# allow some tolerance to get the distance
480set lowval = `ccalc "$deepclosest_cm - 0.0001"`
481set highval = `ccalc "$deepclosest_cm + 0.0001"`
482# get xyz value
483set deepclose_xyz = `3dmaskdump -xyz -noijk \
484   -mask deepclosest_cm_distance.nii.gz \
485   -mrange $lowval $highval deepclosest_cm_distance.nii.gz| head -1`
487# put various centers into stats
488echo "CM::$CM" > erosion_stats.txt
489echo "ErosionCM::${erosioncm_xyz[1-3]}" >> erosion_stats.txt
490echo "Erosion_dist_to_CM::$closest_erosion" >> erosion_stats.txt
492echo "ClosestCM::${closestcm_xyz[1-3]}" >> erosion_stats.txt
493echo "Closest_dist_to_CM::$closest_cm" >> erosion_stats.txt
495echo "DeepClose::${deepclose_xyz[1-3]}" >> erosion_stats.txt
497# make a dataset to show the centers
498# make temporary RAI file
4993dresample -overwrite -orient RAI -prefix __tt_mask_RAI.nii.gz -input $maskset
500# put centers in a text file to then put as spheres in a dataset
501echo $CM 1 > centers.txt
502echo ${erosioncm_xyz[1-3]} 2 >> centers.txt
503echo ${closestcm_xyz[1-3]} 3 >> centers.txt
504echo ${deepclose_xyz[1-3]} 4 >> centers.txt
506# get voxel size of mask
507set voxsize = `@GetAfniRes -min $maskset`
508# set a sphere size to put the voxel down
509set srad = `ccalc "8*$voxsize"`
511# make volume with volumetric spheres
5123dUndump -srad $srad -xyz -master __tt_mask_RAI.nii.gz -datum byte \
513    -prefix __tt_spheres_coords.nii.gz -overwrite centers.txt
5143dAutobox -noclust -prefix spheres_coords.nii.gz -overwrite __tt_spheres_coords.nii.gz
5153drefit -cmap INT_CMAP spheres_coords.nii.gz
517# unless the user is a hoarder, trash the intermediate files
518if ("$keep_temp_files" != "keep") then
519# cleanup all the erosion iterations and the voxel level erosions
520   \rm -f __tt_* erosion_depth_vox.nii.gz sphere_centers*.1D *.smrec
523echo "#\!/bin/tcsh" > @show_thick
524echo "setenv SUMA_Sym_I_Range NO" >> @show_thick
525echo "suma -i anat.gii -drive_com " '"-com surf_cont -view_surf_cont y \' >> @show_thick
526echo '     -com surf_cont -load_dset erosion_thick_smooth.niml.dset \' >> @show_thick
527echo '     -com surf_cont -Dim 0.4 -com surf_cont -I_range 0 5 \' >> @show_thick
528echo '     -com viewer_cont -key b" &' >> @show_thick
529echo "To show surface with thickness map, use this command:"
530echo "   cd $thickdir; tcsh @show_thick"
531echo "To see volume datasets of thickness, view erosion_thick_smooth.nii.gz in the afni GUI"