1 /***** This code is part of the AFNI software package, which is   *****
2  ***** partly in the public domain and partly covered by the GPL. *****
3  ***** See https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni for more information.    *****/
5 #include "mrilib.h"
7 static floatvec * THD_deconvolve_autopen( int npt    , float *far   ,
8                                           int minlag , int maxlag   , float *kern,
9                                           int nbase  , float *base[],
10                                           int meth   , float *ccon  , int dcon   ,
11                                           int pencode, float *penfac_used         );
13 /* 'AO' changes (from Aomp.h) are for compatibility with OpenMP */
15 AO_DEFINE_SCALAR(int,voxid) ;
THD_fitter_voxid(int i)16 void THD_fitter_voxid( int i ){ AO_VALUE(voxid) = i; }
18 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 /* Least squares fitting without constraints. (cf mri_matrix.c) */
20 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
new_lsqfit(int npt,float * far,int nref,float * ref[])22 static float * new_lsqfit( int npt  , float *far   ,
23                            int nref , float *ref[]  )
24 {
25   int  jj ;
26   MRI_IMAGE *rmat,*pmat,*smat ;
27   float *rar;
29 ENTRY("new_lsqfit") ;
31   /* compute pseudo-inverse of matrix into pmat */
33   rmat = mri_new(npt,nref,MRI_float ); rar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(rmat);
34   for( jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ )
35     memcpy( rar+jj*npt , ref[jj] , sizeof(float)*npt ) ;
36   pmat = mri_matrix_psinv(rmat,NULL,0.0f) ;
37   mri_free(rmat) ;
38   if( pmat == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;  /* should not happen */
40   /* create vector of data and multiply by pseudo-inverse */
42   rmat = mri_new_vol_empty( npt , 1 , 1 , MRI_float ) ;
43   mri_fix_data_pointer( far , rmat ) ;
44   smat = mri_matrix_mult( pmat , rmat ) ;
45   mri_free(pmat); mri_clear_data_pointer(rmat); mri_free(rmat);
46   if( smat == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;  /* should not happen */
48   /* get pointer to results array and return it */
50   rar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(smat);
51   mri_clear_data_pointer(smat); mri_free(smat);
52   RETURN(rar) ;
53 }
55 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
57 #undef  GOOD_METH
58 #define GOOD_METH(m) ( (m)==1 || (m)==2 || (m)==-2 || (m)==-1 )
60 /**--- 05 Mar 2008: stuff to get the fitted model back ---**/
62 /* this variable is set once-and-for-all so doesn't need to be thread-ized */
63 static int    do_fitv = 0 ;    /* if 1, will compute fitts into fitv */
THD_fitter_do_fitts(int qq)64 void       THD_fitter_do_fitts(int qq){ do_fitv = qq; }
66 AO_DEFINE_SCALAR(floatvec*,gfitv) ;
67 #if 0
68 static floatvec *gfitv= NULL ;
69 #endif
71 /* get the fitted time series vector (immediately after getting params) */
THD_retrieve_fitts(void)72 floatvec * THD_retrieve_fitts(void){ return AO_VALUE(gfitv); }
74 /* these variables are set once-and-for-all so don't need to be thread-ized */
75 static int use_rcmat = 0 ;
77 static float vthresh = 0.0f ;             /* 18 May 2010: vector threshold */
THD_fitter_set_vthresh(float vvv)78 void THD_fitter_set_vthresh( float vvv ){
79    vthresh = (vvv > 0.0f && vvv < 0.1f) ? vvv : 0.0f ;
80 }
82 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
83 /* Fit the npt-long vector far[] to the nref vectors in ref[].
84     - meth =  1 ==> L1 fit
85     - meth =  2 ==> L2 fit
86     - meth = -2 ==> L2 fit with LASSO [11 Mar 2011]
87     - meth = -1 ==> L2 fit with SQRT(LASSO) [not yet implemented]
88     - ccon != NULL ==> ccon[i] is sign constraint on coef #i
89                        ccon[i] = 0 == no constraint
90                                > 0 == coef #i must be >= 0
91                                < 0 == coef #i must be <= 0
92     - Output is vector of coefficients (nref of them).
93     - Output is NULL if some error transpired.
94 *//*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
THD_fitter(int npt,float * far,int nref,float * ref[],int meth,float * ccon)96 floatvec * THD_fitter( int npt , float *far  ,
97                        int nref, float *ref[],
98                        int meth, float *ccon  )
99 {
100    int ii,jj , nbad ;
101    float *qfit=NULL, val , qmax ;
102    floatvec *fv=NULL ;
103    float *qmag=NULL ;  /* 18 May 2010 */
105 ENTRY("THD_fitter") ;
107    KILL_floatvec(AO_VALUE(gfitv)) ;  /* 05 Mar 2008 */
109    /* check inputs for stupid users */
111    if( npt  <= 1 || far == NULL ||
112        nref <= 0 || ref == NULL ||
113        (nref >= npt-1 && meth > 0) ) RETURN(NULL) ;
115    for( jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ ) if( ref[jj] == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;
117    /*--- 08 Apr 2008: check if some columns are way small;
118                       if so, excise them and solve smaller problem ---*/
120    qmag = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nref) ;
121    for( qmax=0.0f,jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ ){
122      for( val=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ) val += fabsf(ref[jj][ii]) ;
123      qmag[jj] = val ; if( val > qmax ) qmax = val ;
124    }
125    if( qmax == 0.0f ){ free(qmag); RETURN(NULL); }  /* all zero?! */
127    qmax *= vthresh ;  /* vthresh used to be fixed at 0.000333 [18 May 2010] */
128    for( nbad=jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ ) if( qmag[jj] <= qmax ) nbad++ ;
130    if( nbad > 0 ){  /*-- must excise the tiny columns before solving --*/
131      int    ngood = nref-nbad , nc ;
132      float **qref = (float **)calloc(sizeof(float *),ngood) ;
133      floatvec *qv ; float *qcon=NULL ;
134      if( ccon != NULL ) qcon = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),ngood) ;
135      for( nc=ii=jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ ){
136        if( qmag[jj] > qmax ){
137          if( ccon != NULL && ccon[jj] != 0.0f ){ qcon[ii] = ccon[jj] ; nc++ ; }
138          qref[ii++] = ref[jj] ;
139        }
140      }
141      if( nc == 0 ){ free(qcon) ; qcon = NULL ; }
142      qv = THD_fitter( npt , far , ngood , qref , meth , qcon ) ; /* recurse! */
143      if( qcon != NULL ) free((void *)qcon) ;
144      free((void *)qref) ;
145      if( qv == NULL ){ free(qmag); RETURN(NULL); } /* bad solve? */
146      MAKE_floatvec(fv,nref) ;                            /* will be all zero */
147      for( ii=jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ ){          /* load results into output */
148        if( qmag[jj] > qmax ) fv->ar[jj] = qv->ar[ii++] ;
149      }
150      KILL_floatvec(qv) ; free(qmag) ; RETURN(fv) ;
151    }
153    /*------- actually solve now -------*/
155    switch( meth ){
157      default: free(qmag) ; RETURN(NULL) ;  /* stupid user */
159      /*-- least squares with LASSO-ish things [experimental] --*/
161      case -1:{           /* not implemented yet */
162        floatvec *lfit ;
163        lfit = THD_sqrtlasso_L2fit( npt , far , nref , ref , NULL , ccon ) ;
164        if( lfit == NULL ){ free(qmag) ; RETURN(NULL) ; }
165        qfit = lfit->ar ; lfit->ar = NULL ; KILL_floatvec(lfit) ;
166      }
167      break ;
169      case -2:{
170        floatvec *lfit ;
171        lfit = THD_lasso_L2fit( npt , far , nref , ref , NULL , ccon ) ;
172        if( lfit == NULL ){ free(qmag) ; RETURN(NULL) ; }
173        qfit = lfit->ar ; lfit->ar = NULL ; KILL_floatvec(lfit) ;
174      }
175      break ;
177      /*-- straightforward least squares --*/
179      case 2:
180        if( ccon == NULL ){                            /* unconstrained */
181          if( use_rcmat && nref > 9 ){
182            int first=1 ;
183            qfit = rcmat_lsqfit( npt, far, nref, ref ) ; /* 30 Dec 2008 */
184            if( qfit == NULL && first ){
185              WARNING_message("sparse matrix least squares fails: trying pseudo-inverse") ;
186              first = 0 ;
187            }
188          }
189          if( qfit == NULL )
190            qfit = new_lsqfit  ( npt, far, nref, ref ) ;
191        } else {                                         /* constrained */
192          qfit = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nref);   /* output array */
193          memcpy(qfit,ccon,sizeof(float)*nref) ;
194          val = cl2_solve( npt, nref, far, ref, qfit, 1 ) ; /* cf cl2.c */
195          if( val < 0.0f ){ free(qfit); qfit = NULL; }           /* bad */
196        }
197      break ;
199      /*-- L1 fitting --*/
201      case 1:
202        qfit = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nref) ;          /* output array */
203        if( ccon != NULL ) memcpy(qfit,ccon,sizeof(float)*nref) ;
204        val = cl1_solve( npt,nref, far,ref, qfit, (ccon!=NULL) ); /* cf cl1.c */
205        if( val < 0.0f ){ free(qfit); qfit = NULL; }                   /* bad */
206      break ;
207    }
209    if( qfit == NULL ){ free(qmag); RETURN(NULL); } /* didn't get output array */
211    MAKE_floatvec(fv,nref) ;                      /* copy output array */
212    memcpy( fv->ar, qfit, sizeof(float)*nref ) ;  /* into floatvec and */
213    free(qfit) ;                                  /* free the trashola */
214    if( do_fitv )                                              /* compute fitts? */
215      AO_VALUE(gfitv) = THD_fitter_fitts( npt,fv,nref,ref,NULL ); /* 05 Mar 2008 */
217    free(qmag) ; RETURN(fv) ;                      /* return to caller */
218 }
220 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
221 /* Get the fitted time series (length npt), given the nref parameters
222    in fv (presumably from THD_fitter itself)  and the reference functions
223    in ref[0..nref-1].  If far is not NULL, then its contents are
224    subtracted from the fit -- thus, giving the residuals.
225 *//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
THD_fitter_fitts(int npt,floatvec * fv,int nref,float * ref[],float * far)227 floatvec * THD_fitter_fitts( int npt , floatvec *fv ,
228                              int nref, float *ref[] , float *far )
229 {
230    int ii , jj ;
231    float sum , *qar , pval ;
232    floatvec *qv ;
234 ENTRY("THD_fitter_fitts") ;
236    if( npt < 1 || fv == NULL || fv->nar < nref ||
237                   nref < 1   || ref == NULL      ) RETURN(NULL) ;
239    MAKE_floatvec(qv,npt) ; qar = qv->ar ;
240    for( jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ ){
241      pval = fv->ar[jj] ;
242      for( ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ) qar[ii] += ref[jj][ii] * pval ;
243    }
244    if( far != NULL )
245      for( ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ) qar[ii] -= far[ii] ;
247    RETURN(qv) ;
248 }
250 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
252 #if 0
253 # define ERREX(s) do { ERROR_message(s); RETURN(NULL); } while(0)
254 #else
255 # define ERREX(s) RETURN(NULL)
256 #endif
258 /* these fitted time series vectors are for deconvolution */
260 AO_DEFINE_SCALAR(int,nggfitvv) ;
261 AO_DEFINE_SCALAR(floatvec**,ggfitvv) ;
262 #if 0
263 static int       nggfitvv = 0 ;
264 static floatvec **ggfitvv = NULL ;
265 #endif
267 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
268 /* Fit a deconvolution model, using THD_fitter() as the workhorse.
269     - npt    = length of time series
270     - far    = time series data [0..npt-1]
271     - minlag = minimum lag into the past (can be negative) -- usually 0
272     - maxlag = maximum lag into the past
273     - kern   = kernel to deconvolve = kern[0..maxlag-minlag]
274     - nbase  = number of baseline parameters (can be 0)
275     - base   = baseline reference functions (can be NULL if nbase==0)
276     - meth   = 1 or 2 for L1 or L2 regresstion
277     - ccon   = constraints on signs of baseline parameters
278     - dcon   = constraint on sign of deconvolved time series s(t)
279     - pencode= penalty function for s(t) -- cf. 3dTfitter -help
280     - npfac  = number of penalty factors to use
281     - pfac   = array of penalty factors (if NULL, program makes them up)
283    Return value is an array of npfac floatvec-s, each of which has
284    npt+nbase values -- the first npt of which are s(t) and the last
285    nbase of which are the baseline parameters.  A NULL return indicates
286    some bad input.  An individual NULL floatvec indicates that particular
287    value of pfac caused the regression to fail for some hideous reason.
289    The purpose of evaluating multiple pfac-s is to implement the L-curve
290    methodology for choosing a pfac -- cf. THD_deconvolve_autopen()
291 *//*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
THD_deconvolve_multipen(int npt,float * far,int minlag,int maxlag,float * kern,int nbase,float * base[],int meth,float * ccon,int dcon,int pencode,int npfac,float * pfac,float * pres,float * psiz)293 floatvec ** THD_deconvolve_multipen( int npt    , float *far   ,
294                                      int minlag , int maxlag   , float *kern,
295                                      int nbase  , float *base[],
296                                      int meth   , float *ccon  , int dcon   ,
297                                      int pencode, int npfac    , float *pfac,
298                                      float *pres, float *psiz                )
299 {
300    int ii , jj , kk ;
301    float val,kernsum, *zar , *zcon=NULL ;
302    floatvec **fvv ;
303    int nref,nlag,npen,nplu ; float **ref ;
304    int p0,p1,p2,p3 , np0,np1,np2,np3 , rp0,rp1,rp2,rp3 , ipf ;
305    float penfac,fmed,fsig , *qfac , p1scl,p2scl,p3scl,p1fac,p2fac,p3fac ;
307 ENTRY("THD_deconvolve_multipen") ;
309    /* delete any leftover junk */
311    if( AO_VALUE(nggfitvv) > 0 ){
312      for( ii=0 ; ii < AO_VALUE(nggfitvv) ; ii++ ) KILL_floatvec(AO_VALUE(ggfitvv)[ii]) ;
313      free((void *)AO_VALUE(ggfitvv)) ; AO_VALUE(nggfitvv) = 0 ; AO_VALUE(ggfitvv) = NULL ;
314    }
316    /* check inputs for stupid users */
318    if( npt <= 3 || far == NULL || npfac < 1 ) ERREX("e1") ;
319    nlag = maxlag-minlag+1 ;
320    if( nlag <= 1 || kern == NULL || !GOOD_METH(meth) ) ERREX("e2") ;
321    if( minlag <= -npt+1 || maxlag >= npt-1 ) ERREX("e3") ;
322    if( nbase > 0 ){
323      if( base == NULL ) ERREX("e4") ;
324      for( jj=0 ; jj < nbase ; jj++ ) if( base[jj] == NULL ) ERREX("e5") ;
325    } else if( nbase < 0 ){ /* user = dumb as a brick */
326      nbase = 0 ;
327    }
329    for( kernsum=0.0f,jj=0 ; jj < nlag ; jj++ ){
330      val = kern[jj] ; kernsum += val*val ;
331    }
332    if( kernsum <= 0.0f ) ERREX("e6") ;
333    kernsum = sqrtf(kernsum) ;
335    /* count penalty equations */
337    p0   = (pencode & 1) ;    /* which penalty functions are enabled */
338    p1   = (pencode & 2) ;
339    p2   = (pencode & 4) ;
340    p3   = (pencode & 8) ;
341    if( p0==0 && p1==0 && p2==0 && p3==0 ) p0 = 1 ;  /* some penalty */
342    np0  = (p0) ? npt   : 0 ;   /* number of equations for each case */
343    np1  = (p1) ? npt-1 : 0 ;
344    np2  = (p2) ? npt-2 : 0 ;
345    np3  = (p3) ? npt-3 : 0 ;
346    rp0  = npt ;                      /* row offset for p0 functions */
347    rp1  = rp0 + np0 ;                /* row offset for p1 functions */
348    rp2  = rp1 + np1 ;                /* row offset for p2 functions */
349    rp3  = rp2 + np2 ;                /* row offset for p3 functions */
350    npen = np0+np1+np2+np3 ;    /* total number of penalty equations */
352    /* set scale level for negative pfac values */
354 #if 0
355    qmedmad_float  ( npt , far , NULL , &fmed ) ; fmed *= 1.777f ;
356    meansigma_float( npt , far , &val , &fsig ) ;
357    if( fmed <  fsig ) fmed = fsig ;
358    if( fmed == 0.0f ) fmed = fabsf(val) ; /* data is constant? */
359    if( fmed == 0.0f ) ERREX("e7") ;       /* data is all zero? */
360    fmed = fmed * 1.777 / kernsum ;
361 #else
362    fmed = 0.333f * kernsum ;
363 #endif
365 #if 1
366    if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_TFITTER_VERBOSE") )
367      ININFO_message("default penalty scale factor=%g",fmed) ;
368 #endif
370    /* number of equations and number of references */
372    nplu = npt + npen ;   /* number of equations */
373    nref = npt + nbase ;  /* number of references */
374    if( nref > nplu ) ERREX("e8") ;  /* only if user is really stupid */
376    /** make new reference vectors (that are nplu long) **/
378    ref = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*nref) ;
380    /* deconvolution equations (rows and columns #0..npt-1) */
382 STATUS("setup deconvolution") ;
384    for( jj=0 ; jj < npt ; jj++ ){
385      ref[jj] = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nplu) ;
386      for( ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ){
387        kk = ii-jj ; if( kk < minlag ) continue; if( kk > maxlag ) break ;
388        ref[jj][ii] = kern[kk-minlag] ;
389      }
390    }
392 STATUS("setup baseline") ;
394    /* baseline equations, if any (columns #npt..nref-1, rows #0..npt-1) */
396    for( jj=0 ; jj < nbase ; jj++ ){
397      ref[jj+npt] = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nplu) ;
398      memcpy( ref[jj+npt] , base[jj] , sizeof(float)*npt ) ;
399    }
401 STATUS("copy data") ;
403    /* copy data (rows #0..npt-1) */
405    zar = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nplu) ;
406    memcpy(zar,far,sizeof(float)*npt) ;          /* the rest will be zero */
408    /* copy constraints? */
410 STATUS("copy constraints?") ;
412    if( ccon != NULL || dcon != 0 ){
413      zcon = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nref) ;
414      if( dcon != 0 )  /* sign constraints on deconvolution output */
415        for( ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ) zcon[ii] = (float)dcon ;
416      if( nbase > 0 && ccon != NULL ) /* sign constraints on baseline params */
417        memcpy(zcon+npt,ccon,sizeof(float)*nbase) ;
418    }
420    /* make up some penalty factors if not supplied by user */
422    if( pfac == NULL ){
423 STATUS("make up penalty factors") ;
424      qfac = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*npfac) ;
425      if( npfac == 1 ){
426        qfac[0] = -1.0f ;
427      } else {
428        float pb,pt,dp ;
429        pt = sqrtf((float)npfac); pb = 1.0f/pt;
430        dp = powf(pt/pb,1.0f/(npfac-1.0f));
431        qfac[0] = -pb ;
432        for( ii=1 ; ii < npfac ; ii++ ) qfac[ii] = qfac[ii-1] * dp ;
433      }
434    } else {
435      qfac = pfac ;
436    }
438    /** loop over different penalty factors **/
440    fvv = (floatvec **)calloc(sizeof(floatvec *),npfac) ;
442    /* allocate space for multiple fit vectors, for multiple penalty factors */
444    if( do_fitv ){
445       AO_VALUE(ggfitvv) = (floatvec **)calloc(sizeof(floatvec *),npfac) ;
446      AO_VALUE(nggfitvv) = npfac ;
447    }
449    p1scl = AFNI_numenv("AFNI_TFITTER_P1SCALE"); if( p1scl <= 0.0f ) p1scl=1.0f ;
450    p2scl = AFNI_numenv("AFNI_TFITTER_P2SCALE"); if( p2scl <= 0.0f ) p2scl=1.0f ;
451    p3scl = AFNI_numenv("AFNI_TFITTER_P3SCALE"); if( p3scl <= 0.0f ) p3scl=1.0f ;
453 STATUS("loop over ipf") ;
455    for( ipf=0 ; ipf < npfac ; ipf++ ){
457      /* penalty eqations for deconv (columns #0..npt-1, rows #npt..nplu-1) */
459      penfac = qfac[ipf] ;
460      if( penfac == 0.0f ) penfac = -0.999f ;
461      if( penfac <  0.0f ) penfac = -penfac * fmed ;
462      p1fac = p1scl * penfac ;
463      p2fac = p2scl * penfac * 2.0f ;
464      p3fac = p3scl * penfac * 3.0f ;
466      if( p0 ){
467 STATUS(" setup p0") ;
468        for( jj=0 ; jj < npt   ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp0+jj]   =  penfac ;
469      }
470      if( p1 ){
471 STATUS(" setup p1") ;
472        for( jj=0 ; jj < npt-1 ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp1+jj]   = -p1fac ;
473        for( jj=1 ; jj < npt   ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp1+jj-1] =  p1fac ;
474      }
475      if( p2 ){
476 STATUS(" setup p2") ;
477        val = 0.5f*p2fac ;
478        for( jj=0 ; jj < npt-2 ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp2+jj]   = -val ;
479        for( jj=1 ; jj < npt-1 ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp2+jj-1] =  p2fac ;
480        for( jj=2 ; jj < npt   ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp2+jj-2] = -val ;
481      }
482      if( p3 ){
483 STATUS(" setup p3") ;
484        val = 0.3333333f*p3fac ;
485        for( jj=0 ; jj < npt-3 ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp3+jj]   = -val ;
486        for( jj=1 ; jj < npt-2 ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp3+jj-1] =  p3fac ;
487        for( jj=2 ; jj < npt-1 ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp3+jj-2] = -p3fac ;
488        for( jj=3 ; jj < npt   ; jj++ ) ref[jj][rp3+jj-3] =  val ;
489      }
491      /***** actually fit the parameters (deconvolution + baseline) *****/
493      fvv[ipf] = THD_fitter( nplu , zar , nref , ref , meth , zcon ) ;
495      /* fvv = fitted params; gfitv = fitted time series */
497      if( do_fitv && fvv[ipf] != NULL && AO_VALUE(gfitv) != NULL ){
498 STATUS("copy fitvec") ;
499        COPY_floatvec( AO_VALUE(ggfitvv)[ipf] , AO_VALUE(gfitv) ) ;
500 STATUS(" end copy fitvec") ;
501      }
503      if( pres != NULL && psiz != NULL && fvv[ipf] != NULL ){
504        floatvec *fitv ; float *rar , *sar , rsum=0.0f,ssum=0.0f ;
505 STATUS("computing pres + psiz") ;
506        fitv = THD_fitter_fitts( nplu,fvv[ipf] , nref,ref , zar ) ;
507        rar = fitv->ar ; sar = fvv[ipf]->ar ;
508        switch(meth){
509          case 1: case -1:
510            for( ii=0; ii < npt; ii++ ){
511              rsum += fabsf(rar[ii]); ssum += fabsf(sar[ii]);
512            }
513            if( p1 || p2 || p3 )
514             for( ii=1 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ) ssum += fabsf(sar[ii]-sar[ii-1]) ;
515          break ;
516          case 2: case -2:
517            for( ii=0; ii < npt; ii++ ){
518              rsum += rar[ii]*rar[ii] ; ssum += sar[ii]*sar[ii] ;
519            }
520            if( p1 || p2 || p3 )
521             for( ii=1 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ) ssum += SQR(sar[ii]-sar[ii-1]) ;
522            rsum = sqrtf(rsum) ; ssum = sqrtf(ssum) ;
523          break ;
524        }
525        KILL_floatvec(fitv) ; pres[ipf] = rsum ; psiz[ipf] = ssum ;
526 #if 1
527        if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_TFITTER_VERBOSE") )
528          ININFO_message("qfac=%g penfac=%g resid=%g norm=%g",
529                         qfac[ipf],penfac,rsum,ssum) ;
530 #endif
531      }
533 STATUS("at end of ipf loop") ;
534    }
536    /* free the enslaved memory and return to the user */
538 STATUS("free-ing") ;
540    if( qfac != pfac ) free((void *)qfac) ;
541    if( zcon != NULL ) free((void *)zcon) ;
542    free((void *)zar) ;
543    for( jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ ) free((void *)ref[jj]) ;
544    free((void *)ref) ;
546 STATUS("done") ;
547    RETURN(fvv) ;
548 }
550 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
551 /* The real work is outsourced to the function above, or the one below. */
THD_deconvolve(int npt,float * far,int minlag,int maxlag,float * kern,int nbase,float * base[],int meth,float * ccon,int dcon,int pencode,float penfac)553 floatvec * THD_deconvolve( int npt    , float *far   ,
554                            int minlag , int maxlag   , float *kern,
555                            int nbase  , float *base[],
556                            int meth   , float *ccon  , int dcon   ,
557                            int pencode, float penfac               )
558 {
559    floatvec **fvv , *fv=NULL ; float pfac=penfac ;
561 ENTRY("THD_deconvolve") ;
563    use_rcmat = !AFNI_noenv("AFNI_FITTER_RCMAT") ;  /* 30 Dec 2008 */
565    if( pfac == -666.0f || pfac == 0.0f ){
566      fv = THD_deconvolve_autopen( npt , far , minlag , maxlag , kern ,
567                                   nbase , base , meth , ccon , dcon ,
568                                   pencode , NULL ) ;
569    } else {
570      fvv = THD_deconvolve_multipen( npt , far , minlag , maxlag , kern ,
571                                     nbase , base , meth , ccon , dcon ,
572                                     pencode , 1 , &pfac , NULL,NULL ) ;
574      if( fvv != NULL ){ fv = fvv[0]; free((void *)fvv); }
575    }
577    use_rcmat = 0 ;
579    RETURN(fv) ;
580 }
582 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
583 /* L curving. */
585 #undef  NPFAC
586 #define NPFAC 11
fillerup(float bot,float top,int nval,float * val)588 static void fillerup( float bot, float top, int nval, float *val )
589 {
590    int ii ; double fac ;
592    if( nval < 1 || val == NULL ) return ;
593    if( nval == 1 ){ val[0] = sqrtf(bot*top); return; }
594    if( nval == 2 ){ val[0] = bot; val[1] = top; return; }
595    fac = pow( fabs(top/bot) , 1.0/(nval-1.0) ) ;
596 #if 0
597    ININFO_message("fillerup: bot=%g top=%g nval=%d fac=%g",bot,top,nval,fac) ;
598 #endif
599    val[0] = bot ;
600    for( ii=1 ; ii < nval-1 ; ii++ ) val[ii] = bot * pow(fac,(double)ii) ;
601    val[nval-1] = top ; return ;
602 }
604 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ellish(float a,float b,float c,float d,float e,float f)606 static float ellish( float a , float b , float c ,
607                      float d , float e , float f  )
608 {
609    float dd , ee , ss=0.0f ;
610    dd = SQR(b-a)+SQR(e-d) ;
611    ee = SQR(c-b)+SQR(f-e) ;
612    if( dd > 0.0f && ee > 0.0f )
613      ss = fabsf((b-a)*(f-e)-(c-b)*(e-d)) / sqrtf(dd*ee) ;
614    return ss ;
615 }
617 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
618 /* Like THD_deconvolve, but choose the penalty factor automatically.
619    Will be significantly slower as it searches through penfac space.
620 *//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
THD_deconvolve_autopen(int npt,float * far,int minlag,int maxlag,float * kern,int nbase,float * base[],int meth,float * ccon,int dcon,int pencode,float * penfac_used)622 static floatvec * THD_deconvolve_autopen( int npt    , float *far   ,
623                                           int minlag , int maxlag   , float *kern,
624                                           int nbase  , float *base[],
625                                           int meth   , float *ccon  , int dcon   ,
626                                           int pencode, float *penfac_used         )
627 {
628    floatvec **fvv=NULL , *fv=NULL , *gv=NULL ;
629    float pfac[NPFAC] , pres[NPFAC] , psiz[NPFAC] ;
630    float pbot,ptop , ppk , val , rpk,spk ;
631    int ii , ipk ;
633 ENTRY("THD_deconvolve_autopen") ;
635    /*--- solve many problems, using a crude mesh in pfac ---*/
637    fillerup( -0.01f , -10.0f , NPFAC , pfac ) ;
638    memset( (void *)pres , 0 , sizeof(float)*NPFAC ) ;
639    memset( (void *)psiz , 0 , sizeof(float)*NPFAC ) ;
641    fvv = THD_deconvolve_multipen( npt , far , minlag , maxlag , kern ,
642                                   nbase , base , meth , ccon , dcon ,
643                                   pencode , NPFAC , pfac , pres,psiz ) ;
645    if( fvv == NULL ){
646      ERROR_message(
647        "THD_deconvolve_autopen failed to solve initial problems: voxel ID=%d",
648        AO_VALUE(voxid) ) ;
649      RETURN(NULL) ;
650    }
652    /* find the best combination of residual and solution size */
654    ipk = -1 ; ppk = 0.0f ;
655 #if 0
656    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ){
657      val = pres[ii]*psiz[ii] ;
658      if( val > ppk ){ ipk = ii; ppk = val; }
659    }
660 #else
661    rpk = spk = 0.0f ;
662    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ){
663      rpk = MAX(rpk,pres[ii]) ; spk = MAX(rpk,psiz[ii]) ;
664    }
665    if( rpk > 0.0f ) rpk = 1.0f / rpk ;
666    if( spk > 0.0f ) spk = 1.0f / spk ;
667    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ){
668      pres[ii] *= rpk ; psiz[ii] *= spk ;
669    }
670    for( ii=1 ; ii < NPFAC-1 ; ii++ ){
671      val = ellish( pres[ii-1],pres[ii],pres[ii+1] ,
672                    psiz[ii-1],psiz[ii],psiz[ii+1]  ) ;
673 #if 1
674      if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_TFITTER_VERBOSE") ) ININFO_message("ellish[%d] = %g",ii,val) ;
675 #endif
676      if( val > ppk && psiz[ii] > 1.e-5 ){ ipk = ii; ppk = val; }
677    }
678    if( ipk > 0 && psiz[ipk+1] > 1.e-5 ) ipk++ ;
679 #endif
681    if( ipk < 0 || ppk == 0.0f ){  /* all fits failed?! */
682      for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ) KILL_floatvec(fvv[ii]) ;
683      free((void *)fvv) ;
684      ERROR_message(
685        "THD_deconvolve_autopen fails to find initial good fit: voxel ID=%d",
686        AO_VALUE(voxid));
687      RETURN(NULL) ;
688    }
690    fv = fvv[ipk] ; if( do_fitv ){ COPY_floatvec(gv,AO_VALUE(ggfitvv)[ipk]); }
691    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ) if( ii != ipk ) KILL_floatvec(fvv[ii]) ;
692    free((void *)fvv) ;
693    if( penfac_used != NULL ) *penfac_used = pfac[ipk] ;
694 #if 1
695    if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_TFITTER_VERBOSE") )
696      ININFO_message("optimal penfac_used#%d = %g",ipk,pfac[ipk]) ;
697 #endif
699    /*--- refinement step in pfac: scan around best one found above ---*/
701    pbot = (ipk > 0)       ? 0.8f*pfac[ipk-1] : 0.5f*pfac[0] ;
702    ptop = (ipk < NPFAC-1) ? 1.0f*pfac[ipk+1] : 2.0f*pfac[NPFAC-1] ;
703    fillerup( pbot , ptop , NPFAC , pfac ) ;
704    memset( (void *)pres , 0 , sizeof(float)*NPFAC ) ;
705    memset( (void *)psiz , 0 , sizeof(float)*NPFAC ) ;
707    fvv = THD_deconvolve_multipen( npt , far , minlag , maxlag , kern ,
708                                   nbase , base , meth , ccon , dcon ,
709                                   pencode , NPFAC , pfac , pres,psiz ) ;
711    if( fvv == NULL ){  /* failed ==> return what we found earlier */
712      ERROR_message("THD_deconvolve_autopen semi-failed: voxel ID=%d",AO_VALUE(voxid)) ;
713      if( do_fitv ){ KILL_floatvec(AO_VALUE(gfitv)); AO_VALUE(gfitv) = gv; }
714      RETURN(fv) ;
715    }
717    ipk = -1 ; ppk = 0.0f ;
718 #if 0
719    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ){
720      val = pres[ii]*psiz[ii] ;
721      if( val > ppk ){ ipk = ii; ppk = val; }
722    }
723 #else
724    rpk = spk = 0.0f ;
725    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ){
726      rpk = MAX(rpk,pres[ii]) ; spk = MAX(rpk,psiz[ii]) ;
727    }
728    if( rpk > 0.0f ) rpk = 1.0f / rpk ;
729    if( spk > 0.0f ) spk = 1.0f / spk ;
730    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ){
731      pres[ii] *= rpk ; psiz[ii] *= spk ;
732    }
733    for( ii=1 ; ii < NPFAC-1 ; ii++ ){
734      val = ellish( pres[ii-1],pres[ii],pres[ii+1] ,
735                    psiz[ii-1],psiz[ii],psiz[ii+1]  ) ;
736 #if 1
737      if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_TFITTER_VERBOSE") ) ININFO_message("ellish[%d] = %g",ii,val) ;
738 #endif
739      if( val > ppk && psiz[ii] > 1.e-5 ){ ipk = ii; ppk = val; }
740    }
741    if( ipk > 0 && psiz[ipk+1] > 1.e-5 ) ipk++ ;
742 #endif
744    if( ipk < 0 || ppk == 0.0f ){ /* all failed?  use old result */
745      for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ) KILL_floatvec(fvv[ii]) ;
746      free((void *)fvv) ;
747      ERROR_message("THD_deconvolve_autopen semi-fails: voxel ID=%d",AO_VALUE(voxid)) ;
748      if( do_fitv ){ KILL_floatvec(AO_VALUE(gfitv)); AO_VALUE(gfitv) = gv; }
749      RETURN(fv) ;
750    }
752    KILL_floatvec(fv) ; fv = fvv[ipk] ;
753    if( do_fitv ){ KILL_floatvec(gv); COPY_floatvec(gv,AO_VALUE(ggfitvv)[ipk]); }
754    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPFAC ; ii++ ) if( ii != ipk ) KILL_floatvec(fvv[ii]) ;
755    free((void *)fvv) ;
756    if( penfac_used != NULL ) *penfac_used = pfac[ipk] ;
757 #if 1
758    if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_TFITTER_VERBOSE") )
759      ININFO_message("Optimal penfac_used#%d = %g",ipk,pfac[ipk]) ;
760 #endif
762    if( do_fitv ){ KILL_floatvec(AO_VALUE(gfitv)); AO_VALUE(gfitv) = gv; }
763    RETURN(fv) ;
764 }