1 /*** Whereami.c modified 1/11/05 -- main function by Mike Angstadt of U Chicago ***/
3 #define MAIN
4 #define SUMA_noFunc
6 #include "mrilib.h"
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include "matrix.h"
10 #include "suma_objs.h" /* 21 Apr 2020 */
11 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
13 /**Original code by Mike Angstadt *******************************************
14   Main function added by Mike Angstadt on 1/12/05
15   usage: whereami x y z [output format]
16   where x,y,z are float coordinates in tlrc space
17   and output format is a 0 or 1
18    0 (default) just outputs the string as it would appear from the interactive
19    AFNI Where am I? command
20    1 outputs the string as a tab-delimited list of the form:
21    Focus point: Some area <tab> Within 6 mm: Some area <tab> etc
22 **************************************************************************
23   New version by Ziad S. Saad Feb 06
24 */
26 #define zischar(ch) ( ( ((ch) >= 'A' && (ch) <= 'Z' ) || ((ch) >= 'a' && (ch) <= 'z' ) ) ? 1 : 0 )
27 #define isnakedarg(s) ( ( (s)[0] == '-' && strlen(s) > 1 && zischar((s)[1]) ) ? 0 : 1 )
29 int compute_overlap(char *bmsk, byte *cmask, int ncmask, int dobin,
30   int N_atlas_names, char **atlas_names, ATLAS_LIST *atlas_alist);
31 static float *make_coord_list(char *coord_file, int *nxyz, int dicom);
PrettyRef(char * ref)34 char *PrettyRef(char *ref) {
35    int i=0;
36    char *pj=NULL, *pea=NULL;
37    static char strbuf[500];
39    pj = strstr(ref, "-> ");
40    if (!pj || pj == ref) return(ref);
42    pea = pj; /* now go back until no more - are found */
43    while (pea[0] == '-') --pea;
45    pj = pj + 3; /* start of journal reference */
47    /* copy name of area */
48    i = 0;
49    while (ref<=pea) {
50       strbuf[i] = *ref; ++ref;++i;
51    }
52    strbuf[i] = '\0';
54    /* now add the reference */
55    snprintf(strbuf+i, 490*sizeof(char), "\n            -> %s", pj);
57    return(strbuf);
58 }
print_atlas_reference(char * atname)60 int print_atlas_reference(char *atname)
61 {
62    int i = 0, N_refs=0;
63    char **refs=NULL;
64    ATLAS *atlas;
65    atlas = Atlas_With_Trimming(atname, 1, NULL);
66    if (atlas && ATL_COMMENT(atlas)) {
67      print_atlas_comment(atlas);
68    }
69    else {
70      refs = atlas_reference_string_list(atname, &N_refs);
71      while (i < N_refs) {
72         printf("%s", PrettyRef(refs[i]));
73         ++i;
74      }
75      if (refs) refs = free_names_list(refs, N_refs);
76    }
78    return(1);
79 }
whereami_usage(ATLAS_LIST * atlas_alist,int detail)82 void whereami_usage(ATLAS_LIST *atlas_alist, int detail)
83 {
84    /* print help message in three sections */
85    printf(
86 "Usage: whereami [x y z [output_format]] [-lpi/-spm] [-atlas ATLAS] \n"
87 "   ++ Reports brain areas located at x y z mm in some template space\n"
88 "   ++ according to atlases present with your AFNI installation.\n"
89 "   ++ Show the contents of available atlases\n"
90 "   ++ Extract ROIs for certain atlas regions using symbolic notation\n"
91 "   ++ Report on the overlap of ROIs with Atlas-defined regions.\n"
92 "\n%s", detail ? "":"use -h or -help for more help detail.\n");
93    if (detail) {
94       printf (
95 "Options (all options are optional):\n"
96 "-----------------------------------\n"
97 "    x y z [output_format] : Specifies the x y z coordinates of the \n"
98 "                            location probed. Coordinate are in mm and \n"
99 "                            assumed to be in RAI or DICOM format, unless\n"
100 "                            otherwise specified (see -lpi/-spm below)\n"
101 "                            In the AFNI viewer, coordinate format is\n"
102 "                            specified above the coordinates in the top-left\n"
103 "                            of the AFNI controller. Right click in that spot\n"
104 "                            to change between RAI/DICOM and LPI/SPM.\n"
105 "                     NOTE I:In the output, the coordinates are reported\n"
106 "                            in LPI, in keeping with the convention used\n"
107 "                            in most publications.\n"
108 "                    NOTE II:To go between LPI and RAI, simply flip the \n"
109 "                            sign of the X and Y coordinates.\n"
110 "\n"
111 "                            Output_format is an optional flag where:\n"
112 "                            0 is for standard AFNI 'Where am I?' format.\n"
113 "                            1 is for Tab separated list, meant to be \n"
114 "                            friendly for use in spreadsheets. \n"
115 "                            The default output flag is 0. You can use\n"
116 "                            options -tab/-classic instead of the 0/1 flag.\n"
117 " -coord_file XYZ.1D: Input coordinates are stored in file XYZ.1D\n"
118 "                     Use the '[ ]' column selectors to specify the\n"
119 "                     X,Y, and Z columns in XYZ.1D.\n"
120 "                     Say you ran the following 3dclust command:\n"
121 "           3dclust -1Dformat -1clip 0.3  5 3000 func+orig'[1]' > out.1D\n"
122 "                     You can run whereami on each cluster's center\n"
123 "                     of mass with:\n"
124 "           whereami -coord_file out.1D'[1,2,3]' -tab\n"
125 "               NOTE: You cannot use -coord_file AND specify x,y,z on\n"
126 "                     command line.\n"
127 " -linkrbrain: get report from linkRbrain from list of coordinates\n"
128 "           only with -coord_file and -space or -dset_space\n"
129 " -linkr_type tasks/genes: report for correlation with tasks or genes\n"
130 "           Default is tasks\n"
131 " -lpi/-spm: Input coordinates' orientation is in LPI or SPM format. \n"
132 " -rai/-dicom: Input coordinates' orientation is in RAI or DICOM format.\n"
133 " NOTE: The default format for input coordinates' orientation is set by \n"
134 "       AFNI_ORIENT environment variable. If it is not set, then the default \n"
135 "       is RAI/DICOM\n"
136 " -space SPC: Space of input coordinates.\n"
137 "       SPC can be any template space name. Without a NIML table definition,\n"
138 "       the space name is limited to MNI, MNI_ANAT or TLRC (the default).\n"
139 " -classic: Classic output format (output_format = 0).\n"
140 " -tab: Tab delimited output (output_format = 1). \n"
141 "       Useful for spreadsheeting.\n"
142 " -atlas ATLAS: Use atlas ATLAS for the query.\n"
143 "               You can use this option repeatedly to specify\n"
144 "               more than one atlas. Default is all available atlases.\n");
145    if (detail > 1) {
146       printf("              ATLAS is one of:\n");
147       print_atlas_table(atlas_alist);
148    } else {
149       printf("              Use whereami -help to see all available atlases.\n");
150    }
152   /* third section for usage help*/
153   printf(
154 " -dset: Determine the template space to use from this reference dataset\n"
155 "        Space for human data is usually TLRC, MNI, MNI_ANAT.\n"
156 "        If the space is known and a reference atlas can be found, the\n"
157 "        regions will be based on the coordinates from this template space.\n"
158 " -atlas_sort: Sort results by atlas (default)\n"
159 " -zone_sort | -radius_sort: Sort by radius of search\n"
160 " -old : Run whereami in the olde (Pre Feb. 06) way.\n"
161 " -show_atlas_code: Shows integer code to area label map of the atlases\n"
162 "                   in use. The output is not too pretty because\n"
163 "                   the option is for debugging use.\n"
164 " -show_atlas_region REGION_CODE: You can now use symbolic notation to\n"
165 "                                 select atlas regions. REGION_CODE has \n"
166 "                                 three colon-separated elements forming it:\n"
167 "            Atlas_Name:Side:Area.\n"
168 "      Atlas_Name: one of the atlas names listed above.\n"
169 "                  If you do not have a particular atlas in your AFNI\n"
170 "                  installation, you'll need to download it (see below).\n"
171 "      Side      : Either left, right or nothing(::) for bilateral.\n"
172 "      Area      : A string identifying an area. The string cannot contain\n"
173 "                  blanks. Replace blanks by '_' for example Cerebellar Vermis\n"
174 "                  is Cerebellar_Vermis. You can also use the abbreviated \n"
175 "                  version cereb_ver and the program will try to guess at \n"
176 "                  what you want and offer suggestions if it can't find the\n"
177 "                  area or if there is ambiguity. Abbreviations are formed\n"
178 "                  by truncating the components (chunks) of an area's name \n"
179 "                  (label). For example:\n"
180 "               1- TT_Daemon::ant_cing specifies the bilateral\n"
181 "                  anterior cingulate in the TT_Daemon atlas.\n"
182 "               2- CA_N27_ML:left:hippo specifies the left\n"
183 "                  hippocampus in the CA_N27_ML atlas.\n"
184 "               3- CA_N27_MPM:right:124 specifies the right\n"
185 "                  ROI with integer code 124 in the CA_N27_MPM atlas\n"
186 "               4- CA_N27_ML::cereb_ver seeks the Cerebellar\n"
187 "                  Vermis in the CA_N27_ML atlas. However there\n"
188 "                  many distinct areas with this name so the program\n"
189 "                  will return with 'potential matches' or suggestions.\n"
190 "                  Use the suggestions to refine your query. For example:\n"
191 "                  CA_N27_ML::cereb_vermis_8\n"
192 " -mask_atlas_region REGION_CODE: Same as -show_atlas_region, plus\n"
193 "                                 write out a mask dataset of the region.\n"
194 " -prefix PREFIX: Prefix for the output mask dataset\n"
195 " -max_areas MAX_N: Set a limit on the number of distinct areas to report.\n"
196 "             This option will override the value set by the environment\n"
197 "             variable AFNI_WHEREAMI_MAX_FIND, which is now set to %d\n"
198 "             The variable  AFNI_WHEREAMI_MAX_FIND should be set in your\n"
199 "             .afnirc file.\n"
200 " -max_search_radius MAX_RAD: Set a limit on the maximum searching radius when\n"
201 "                     reporting results. This option will override the \n"
202 "                     value set by the environment variable \n"
203 "                     AFNI_WHEREAMI_MAX_SEARCH_RAD,\n"
204 "                     which is now set to %f .\n"
205 " -min_prob MIN_PROB: set minimum probability to consider in probabilistic\n"
206 "             atlas output. This option will overrid the value set by the\n"
207 "             environment variable AFNI_WHEREAMI_PROB_MIN (default is 1E-10)\n"
208 " NOTE: You can turn off some of the whining by setting the environment \n"
209 "       variable  AFNI_WHEREAMI_NO_WARN\n"
210 " -debug DEBUG: Debug flag\n"
211 " -verb VERB: Same as -debug DEBUG\n"
212 "\n"
213 "Options for determining the percent overlap of ROIs with Atlas-defined areas:\n"
214 "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
215 " -bmask MASK: Report on the overlap of all non-zero voxels in MASK dataset\n"
216 "              with various atlas regions. NOTE: The mask itself is not binary,\n"
217 "              the masking operation results in a binary mask.\n"
218 " -omask ORDERED_MASK:Report on the overlap of each ROI formed by an integral \n"
219 "                     value in ORDERED_MASK. For example, if ORDERED_MASK has \n"
220 "                     ROIs with values 1, 2, and 3, then you'll get three \n"
221 "                     reports, one for each ROI value. Note that -omask and\n"
222 "                     -bmask are mutually exclusive.\n"
223 " -cmask MASK_COMMAND: command for masking values in BINARY_MASK, \n"
224 "                      or ORDERED_MASK on the fly.\n"
225 "        e.g. whereami -bmask JoeROIs+tlrc \\\n"
226 "                      -cmask '-a JoeROIs+tlrc -expr equals(a,2)'\n"
227 "              Would set to 0, all voxels in JoeROIs that are not\n"
228 "              equal to 2.\n"
229 "        Note that this mask should form a single sub-brick,\n"
230 "        and must be at the same resolution as the bmask (binary mask) or\n"
231 "        the omask (the ordered mask) datasets.\n"
232 "        This option follows the style of 3dmaskdump (since the\n"
233 "        code for it was, uh, borrowed from there (thanks Bob!, thanks Rick!)).\n"
234 "        See '3dmaskdump -help' for more information.\n"
235 "\n"
236 "Note on the reported coordinates of the Focus Point:\n"
237 "----------------------------------------------------\n"
238 "Coordinates of the Focus Point are reported in available template spaces in\n"
239 "LPI coordinate order. The three principal spaces reported are Talairach \n"
240 " (TLRC), MNI, MNI Anatomical (MNI_ANAT).\n"
241 "  The TLRC coordinates follow the convention specified by the Talairach and \n"
242 "     Tournoux Atlas.\n"
243 "  The MNI coordinates are derived from the TLRC ones using an approximation \n"
244 "     equation.\n"
245 "  The MNI Anat. coordinates are a shifted version of the MNI coordinates \n"
246 "     (see Eickhoff et al. 05).\n"
247 "\n"
248 " For users who do not use the NIML table method of specifying template \n"
249 " and transformations, the MNI coordinates reported here are derived from TLRC\n"
250 " by an approximate function (the Brett transform). For transformations\n"
251 " between MNI_ANAT and TLRC coordinates, the 12 piece-wise linear transformation\n"
252 " that was used to transform the MNI_ANAT N27 brain to TLRC space is also\n"
253 " used to compute the coordinates in either direction.\n"
254 " For users who do use the NIML table method, the transformations among\n"
255 " the various Talairach, MNI and MNI_ANAT spaces may be performed a variety\n"
256 " of ways. The default method uses the Brett transform for TLRC to MNI, and\n"
257 " a simple shift for MNI to MNI_ANAT.\n"
258 "\n"
259 "How To See Atlas Data In AFNI as datasets:\n"
260 "------------------------------------------\n"
261 "   If you want to view the atlases in the same session\n"
262 "   that you are working with, choose one of options below.\n"
263 "   For the sake of illustrations, I will assume that atlases\n"
264 "   reside in directory: /user/abin/\n"
265 " 1-Load the session where atlases reside on afni's command\n"
266 "   line: afni ./ /user/abin\n"
267 " 2-Set AFNI's environment variable AFNI_GLOBAL_SESSION\n"
268 "   to the directory where the atlases reside.\n"
269 "   You can add the following to you .afnirc file:\n"
270 "   AFNI_GLOBAL_SESSION = /user/abin\n"
271 "   Or, for a less permanent solution, you can set this environment\n"
272 "   variable in the shell you are working in with (for csh and tcsh):\n"
273 "   setenv AFNI_GLOBAL_SESSION /user/abin \n"
274 "   ***********\n"
275 "   BE CAREFUL: Do not use the AFNI_GLOBAL_SESSION approach\n"
276 "   *********** if the data in your session is not already \n"
277 "   written in +tlrc space. To be safe, you must have\n"
278 "   both +tlrc.HEAD and +tlrc.BRIK for all datasets\n"
279 "   in that session (directory). Otherwise, if the anat parents are\n"
280 "   not properly set, you can end up applying the +tlrc transform\n"
281 "   from one of the atlases instead of the proper anatomical \n"
282 "   parent for that session.\n"
283 "\n"
284 "   Note: You can safely ignore the:\n"
285 "              ** Can't find anat parent ....  \n"
286 "         messages for the Atlas datasets.\n"
287 "\n", Init_Whereami_Max_Find(), Init_Whereami_Max_Rad());
288    if (detail > 1) {
289       printf(
290 "Convenient Color maps For Atlas Datasets:\n"
291 "----------------------------------------\n"
292 "   Color maps (color scales) for atlas dataset should automatically be used\n"
293 "   when these datasets are viewed in the overlay. To manually select a\n"
294 "   a specific color scale in the AFNI GUI's overlay panel:\n"
295 "     o set the color map number chooser to '**' \n"
296 "     o right-click on the color map's color bar and select \n"
297 "       'Choose Colorscale'\n"
298 "     o pick one of: CytoArch_ROI_256, CytoArch_ROI_256_gap, ROI_32. etc.\n"
299 "     o set autorange off and set the range to the number of colors \n"
300 "       in the chosen map (256, 32, etc.). \n"
301 "       Color map CytoArch_ROI_256_gap was created for the proper viewing\n"
302 "       of the Maximum Probability Maps of the Anatomy Toolbox.\n"
303 "\n"
304 "How To See Atlas regions overlaid in the AFNI GUI:\n"
305 "--------------------------------------------------\n"
306 "   To see specific atlas regions overlaid on underlay and other overlay data,\n"
307 "     1. In Overlay control panel, check \"See TT Atlas Regions\" \n"
308 "     2. Switch view to Talairach in View Panel\n"
309 "     3. Right-click on image and select \"-Atlas colors\". In the Atlas colors\n"
310 "        menu, select the colors you would like and then choose Done.\n"
311 "     The images need to be redrawn to see the atlas regions, for instance,\n"
312 "        by changing slices. Additional help is available in the Atlas colors\n"
313 "        menu.\n"
314 "   For the renderer plug-in, the underlay and overlay datasets should both\n"
315 "     have Talairach view datasets actually written out to disk\n"
316 "   The whereami and \"Talairach to\" functions are also available by right-\n"
317 "     clicking in an image window.\n\n"
318       );
319    } else {
320       printf("    Use whereami -help to see more information on:\n"
321              "      Convenient Color maps For Atlas Datasets:\n"
322              "         and \n"
323              "      How To See Atlas regions overlaid in the AFNI GUI:\n"
324       );
325    }
326    printf(
327 "Example 1:\n"
328 "----------\n"
329 "   To find a cluster center close to the top of the brain at -12,-26, 76 (LPI),\n"
330 "   whereami, assuming the coordinates are in Talairach space, would report:\n"
331 "    whereami -12 -26 76 -lpi\n"
332 "     ++ Input coordinates orientation set by user to LPI\n"
333 "     +++++++ nearby Atlas structures +++++++\n"
334 "\n"
335 "     Original input data coordinates in TLRC space\n"
336 "\n"
337 "     Focus point (LPI)=\n"
338 "        -12 mm [L], -26 mm [P],  76 mm [S] {TLRC}\n"
339 "        -12 mm [L], -31 mm [P],  81 mm [S] {MNI}\n"
340 "        -13 mm [L], -26 mm [P],  89 mm [S] {MNI_ANAT}\n"
341 "\n"
342 "     Atlas CA_N27_MPM: Cytoarch. Max. Prob. Maps (N27)\n"
343 "       Within 4 mm: Area 6\n"
344 "       Within 7 mm: Area 4a\n"
345 "\n"
346 "     Atlas CA_N27_ML: Macro Labels (N27)\n"
347 "       Within 1 mm: Left Paracentral Lobule\n"
348 "       Within 6 mm: Left Precentral Gyrus\n"
349 "          -AND- Left Postcentral Gyrus\n"
350 "\n"
351 "Example 2:\n"
352 "----------\n"
353 "   To create a mask dataset of both  left and right amygdala, you can do:\n"
354 "    whereami -prefix amymask -mask_atlas_region 'TT_Daemon::amygdala'\n\n"
355 "\n"
356 "   Note masks based on atlas regions can be specified \"on the fly\" in \n"
357 "   the same way with other afni commands as a dataset name (like 3dcalc,\n"
358 "   for instance), so a mask, very often, is not needed as a separate,\n"
359 "   explicit dataset on the disk.\n\n"
360 "\n"
361 "Example 3:\n"
362 "----------\n"
363 "   To create a mask from a FreeSurfer 'aparc' volume parcellation:\n"
364 "   (This assumes you have already run @SUMA_Make_Spec_FS, and your\n"
365 "    afni distribution is recent. Otherwise update afni then run:\n"
366 "    @MakeLabelTable -atlasize_labeled_dset aparc.a2009s+aseg_rank.nii\n"
367 "    from the SUMA/ directory for that subject.)\n"
368 "   To find the region's name, try something like:\n"
369 "    whereami -atlas aparc.a2009s+aseg_rank -show_atlas_code | grep -i insula\n"
370 "   Or you can try this search, assuming you screwed up the spelling:\n"
371 "   whereami -atlas aparc+aseg_rank -show_atlas_code | \\\n"
372 "                                  apsearch -word insola -stdin\n"
373 "   If you really screw up the spelling try:\n"
374 "   whereami -atlas aparc+aseg_rank -show_atlas_code | \\\n"
375 "                                  sed 's/[-_]/ /g'  | \\\n"
376 "                                  apsearch -word insolent -stdin\n"
377 "   Pick one area then run:\n"
378 "    whereami -atlas aparc.a2009s+aseg_rank \\\n"
379 "               -mask_atlas_region   \\\n"
380 "                     aparc.a2009s+aseg_rank::ctx_rh_S_circular_insula_sup\n"
381 "\n"
382 "\n");
384 printf(
385 " \n---------------\n"
386 " Atlas NIML tables:\n"
387 " Atlas, templates, template spaces and transforms may all now be specified\n"
388 " in a text file that follows an XML-like format, NIML. The specifications\n"
389 " for the NIML table files will be described more fully elsewhere, but an\n"
390 " overview is presented here. By default, and soon to be included with the\n"
391 " AFNI distributions, the file AFNI_atlas_spaces.niml contains entries for\n"
392 " each of the available atlases, template spaces, templates and \n"
393 " transformations. Two other additional files may be specified and changed\n"
394 " using the environment variables, AFNI_SUPP_ATLAS and AFNI_LOCAL_ATLAS.\n"
395 " It is best to examine the provided NIML table as an example for extending\n"
396 " and modifying the various atlas definitions.\n"
397 "\n"
398 " Show atlas NIML table options:\n"
399 " -show_atlases          : show all available atlases\n"
400 " -show_templates        : show all available templates\n"
401 " -show_spaces           : show all available template spaces\n"
402 " -show_xforms           : show all available xforms\n"
403 " -show_atlas_all        : show all the above\n"
404 " -show_atlas_dset       : print dataset associated with each atlas\n"
405 "                          can be used with -atlas option above"
406 "\n"
407 " -show_available_spaces srcspace : show spaces that are available from\n"
408 "             the source space\n"
409 " -show_chain srcspace destspace : show the chain of transformations\n"
410 "             needed to go from one space to another\n"
411 " -calc_chain srcspace destspace : compute the chain of transformations\n"
412 "             combining and inverting transformations where possible\n"
413 "     examples: convert coordinates from TT_N27 to MNI or MNI anat space\n"
414 "             whereami -calc_chain TT_N27 MNI  -xform_xyz_quiet 10 20 30\n"
415 "             whereami -calc_chain TT_N27 MNI  -xform_xyz_quiet 0 0 0\n"
416 "             whereami -calc_chain TT_N27 MNIA -xform_xyz_quiet 0 0 0\n"
417 " -xform_xyz : used with calc_chain, takes the x,y,z coordinates and \n"
418 "             applies the combined chain of transformations to compute\n"
419 "             a new x,y,z coordinate\n"
420 " -xform_xyz_quiet : Same as -xform_xyz but only ouputs the final result\n"
421 " -coord_out  outfile : with -xform_xyz, -coord_file and -calc_chain, \n"
422 "             specifies an output file for transformed coordinates\n"
423 "             If not specified, coord_files will be transformed and printed\n"
424 "             to stdout \n"
425 "Note setting the environment variable AFNI_WAMI_DEBUG will show detailed\n"
426 " progress throughout the various functions called within whereami.\n"
427 " For spaces defined using a NIML table, a Dijkstra search is used to find\n"
428 " the shortest path between spaces. Each transformation carries with it a\n"
429 " distance attribute that is used for this computation. By modifying this\n"
430 " field, the user can control which transformations are preferred.\n\n"
431 " -web_atlas_type XML/browser/struct : report results from web-based atlases\n"
432 "            using XML output to screen, open a browser for output or just\n"
433 "            return the name of the structure at the coordinate\n"
434 " -html   :  put whereami output in html format for display in a browser\n"
436 " \n---------------\n"
437 " More information about Atlases in AFNI can be found here:\n"
438 "      https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/doc/htmldoc/template_atlas/framework.html\n"
439 " Class document illustrating whereami usage:\n"
440 "      https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/edu/latest/afni11_roi/afni11_roi.pdf\n"
441 "---------------\n"
442 );
444 if (detail > 1) {
445    printf(
446      "Global Options (available to all AFNI/SUMA programs)\n"
447      "%s\n%s",
448      SUMA_Offset_SLines(get_help_help(),2), get_gopt_help());
449 }
451 printf("Thanks to Kristina Simonyan for feedback and testing.\n");
453 }
455    return;
456 }
459 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char ** argv)461 int main(int argc, char **argv)
462 {
463    float x, y, z, xi, yi, zi;
464    char *string, *shar = NULL;
465    int output = 0;
466    int nakedland = 0, k = 0, Show_Atlas_Code=0;
467    int iarg, dicom = 1, i, nakedarg, arglen, ixyz=0, nxyz=0;
468    AFNI_ATLAS *aa = NULL;
470    byte OldMethod = 0;
471    char **atlas_names=NULL;
472    int N_atlas_names = 0, nbest = 0;
473    byte atlas_sort = 1, write_mask=0;
475    char *mskpref= NULL, *bmsk = NULL;
476    byte *cmask=NULL ; int ncmask=0 ;
477    int dobin = 0, N_areas, mni;
478    char *coord_file=NULL;
479    float *coord_list = NULL, rad;
480    THD_3dim_dataset *space_dset = NULL, *atlas_dset = NULL;
481    int read_niml_atlas = 0, show_atlas = 0, show_atlas_spaces = 0;
482    int show_atlas_templates = 0, show_atlas_xforms = 0,show_atlas_dset=0;
483    int show_xform_chain = 0, calc_xform_chain=0, show_avail_space=0;
484    int show_atlas_point_lists = 0;
485    int linkrbrain_output = 0;
486    /* coordinates translated to send to linkrbrain */
487    char *linkrbrain_xml = "__temp_linkrbrain.xml";
488    /* unparsed XML response from linkrbrain */
489    char *temp_linkrbrain_results = "__temp_linkrbrain_results.xml";
490    char *linkrbrain_str = NULL;
491    char *linkrbrain_corr_test = NULL;
492    int linkr_corr_type = 0; /* linkrbrain correlation for tasks by default */
493    char *srcspace=NULL, *destspace=NULL;
494    char *coord_outfile=NULL;
496    ATLAS_XFORM_LIST *xfl = NULL, *cxfl = NULL;
497    float xout, yout, zout;
498    int xform_xyz = 0, xform_xyz_quiet = 0;
499    int atlas_writehard = 0, atlas_readhard = 0, alv=1, wv=1;
500    ATLAS_LIST *atlas_alist=NULL, *atlas_list=NULL, *atlas_rlist=NULL;
501    byte b1;
502    int LocalHead = wami_lh();
503    float minprob;
505    mainENTRY("whereami main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("whereami",argc,argv);
507    b1 = 0;
508    mni = -1;
509    dobin = 0;
510    ncmask=0 ;
511    cmask=NULL ;
512    mskpref = NULL;
513    bmsk = NULL;
514    write_mask = 0;
515    dicom = -1; /* not set */
516    output = 0;
517    rad = -1.0;
518    N_areas = -1;
519    OldMethod = 0; /* Leave at 0 */
520    coord_file = NULL;
521    alv=2; wv=2;
522    xform_xyz_quiet = 0;
523    iarg = 1 ; nakedarg = 0; Show_Atlas_Code = 0; shar = NULL;
525    set_TT_whereami_version(alv,wv);
526    if(alv<2)
527       init_custom_atlas();   /* allow for custom atlas in old framework */
528    xi = 0.0; yi=0.0, zi=0.0;
529    set_wami_web_reqtype(WAMI_WEB_STRUCT); /* set web atlas output to simple structure */
530    set_AFNI_wami_output_mode(0);   /* turn off HTML formatted output */
532    while( iarg < argc ){
533       arglen = strlen(argv[iarg]);
534       if(!isnakedarg(argv[iarg])) {
535          /* fprintf(stderr, "Not naked!\n"); */
536          /* Parse land */
537          nakedland = 0;
538 #ifdef USE_TRACING
539                if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-trace",5) == 0 ){
540                   DBG_trace = 1 ;
541                   iarg++ ; continue ;
542                }
543                if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-TRACE",5) == 0 ){
544                   DBG_trace = 2 ;
545                   iarg++ ; continue ;
546                }
547 #endif
548          for (i=1;i<arglen; ++i) argv[iarg][i] = tolower(argv[iarg][i]);
550          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-spm") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-lpi") == 0) {
551             dicom = 0;
552             ++iarg;
553             continue;
554          }
555          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ca_n27_version") == 0) {
556             fprintf(stdout,"Anatomy Toolbox Version in AFNI is:\n%s\n",
557                            atlas_version_string("CA_N27_MPM"));
558             return(0);
559          }
561          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ca_n27_reference") == 0) {
562             fprintf(stdout,"References for Anatomy Toolbox %s:\n",
563                            atlas_version_string("CA_N27_MPM"));
564             print_atlas_reference("CA_N27_MPM");
565             fprintf(stdout,"\n");
566             return(0);
567          }
569          if (  strcmp(argv[iarg],"-rai") == 0 ||
570                strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dicom") == 0) {
571             dicom = 1;
572             ++iarg;
573             continue;
574          }
576          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 ) {
577             atlas_alist = get_G_atlas_list();
578             whereami_usage(atlas_alist, strlen(argv[iarg]) > 3 ? 2:1);
579             return(0);
580             continue;
581          }
582          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-old") == 0 ) {
583             fprintf( stderr,
584                         "** Error: This option is no longer in use\n");
585             return(1);
586             OldMethod = 1;
587             ++iarg;
588             continue;
589          }
590          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-space") == 0) {
591             ++iarg;
592             if (iarg >= argc) {
593                fprintf( stderr,
594                         "** Error: Need parameter after -space\n"); return(1);
595             }
596             if (srcspace) {
597                fprintf( stderr,
598                "** Error: Specify space of input (or output mask) with either -space or -dset, not both\n");
599                return(1);
600             }
602             /* use srcspace as is on commandline */
603             srcspace = argv[iarg];
604             if ( strcmp(argv[iarg],"Paxinos_Rat_2007@Elsevier")==0 )
605                srcspace = "paxinos_rat_2007@Elsevier";
606             set_out_space(srcspace);   /* make output space for mask dset */
608             ++iarg;
609             continue;
610          }
612          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-web_atlas_type") == 0) {
613             ++iarg;
614             if (iarg >= argc) {
615                fprintf( stderr,
616                         "** Error: Need parameter after -web_atlas_type\n"); return(1);
617             }
618             if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"XML")==0) {
619                set_wami_web_reqtype(WAMI_WEB_PRINT_XML);
620             }
621             else{
622                if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"browser")==0) {
623                   set_wami_web_reqtype(WAMI_WEB_BROWSER);
624                }
625                else {
626                   if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"struct")==0) {
627                      set_wami_web_reqtype(WAMI_WEB_STRUCT);
628                   }
629                   else {
630                      fprintf( stderr, "** Error: option not value for web_atlas_type\n");
631                      return(1);
632                   }
633                }
634             }
635             ++iarg;
636             continue;
637          }
639          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dset") == 0) {
640             ++iarg;
641             if (iarg >= argc) {
642                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Need dset after -dset\n");
643                return(1);
644             }
645             if (srcspace) {
646                fprintf( stderr,
647                "** Error: Specify space of input (or output mask) with either -space or -dset, not both\n");
648                return(1);
649             }
651             if (!(space_dset = THD_open_dataset (argv[iarg]))) {
652                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Failed to open data set %s.\n",
653                        argv[iarg]);
654                return(1);
655             }
656             srcspace = THD_get_space(space_dset); /* update space if necess*/
657             set_out_space(srcspace);   /* make output space for mask dset */
658             ++iarg;
659             continue;
660          }
663          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-zone_sort") == 0 ||
664              strcmp(argv[iarg],"-radius_sort") == 0) {
665             atlas_sort = 0;
666             ++iarg;
667             continue;
668          }
669          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-atlas_sort") == 0 ) {
670             atlas_sort = 1;
671             ++iarg;
672             continue;
673          }
674          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-alv2") == 0 ) {
675             alv = 2;
676             set_TT_whereami_version(alv,wv);
677             ++iarg;
678             continue;
679          }
680          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-wv2") == 0 ) {
681             wv = 2;
682             set_TT_whereami_version(alv,wv);
683             ++iarg;
684             continue;
685          }
686          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-classic") == 0 ) {
687             output = 0;
688             ++iarg;
689             continue;
690          }
691          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-tab") == 0 ) {
692             output = 1;
693             ++iarg;
694             continue;
695          }
696          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-atlas") == 0) {
697             ++iarg;
698             if (iarg >= argc) {
699                fprintf(stderr,
700                         "** Error: Need parameter after -atlas\n"); return(1);
701             }
702             atlas_names =
703                add_to_names_list (atlas_names, &N_atlas_names, argv[iarg]);
704             ++iarg;
705             continue;
706          }
708          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_atlas_code") == 0) {
709             Show_Atlas_Code = 1;
710             ++iarg;
711             continue;
712          }
714          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_atlas_dset") == 0) {
715             show_atlas_dset = 1;
716             read_niml_atlas = 1;
717             ++iarg;
718             continue;
719          }
721          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_atlas_region") == 0 ||
722              strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask_atlas_region") == 0) {
723             if (strncmp(argv[iarg],"-mask", 4) == 0) write_mask = 1;
724             ++iarg;
725             if (iarg >= argc) {
726                fprintf( stderr,
727                         "** Error: Need parameter after"
728                         "-show_atlas_region/-mask_atlas_region\n");
729                return(1);
730             }
731             shar = argv[iarg];
732             ++iarg;
733             continue;
734          }
736          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-coord_file") == 0) {
737             ++iarg;
738             if (iarg >= argc) {
739                fprintf(stderr,
740                 "** Error: Need 1D file with coordinates after -coord_file\n");
741                return(1);
742             }
743             coord_file = argv[iarg];
744             ++iarg;
745             continue;
746          }
748          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-coord_out") == 0) {
749             ++iarg;
750             if (iarg >= argc) {
751                fprintf(stderr,
752                 "** Error: Need 1D file with coordinates after -coord_out\n");
753                return(1);
754             }
755             coord_outfile = argv[iarg];
756             ++iarg;
757             continue;
758          }
760          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-linkrbrain") == 0) {
761             ++iarg;
762             linkrbrain_output = 1;
763             set_AFNI_wami_output_mode(1);
764             continue;
765          }
767          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-linkr_type") == 0) {
768             ++iarg;
769             if (iarg >= argc) {
770                fprintf(stderr,
771                 "** Error: Need the word \"tasks\" or \"genes\" after linkr_type\n");
772                return(1);
773             }
774             if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"tasks")==0)
775                linkr_corr_type = 0;
776             else {
777                if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"genes")==0)
778                   linkr_corr_type = 1;
779                else{
780                   fprintf(stderr,
781                    "** Error: Need the word \"tasks\" or \"genes\" after linkr_type\n");
782                   return(1);
783                }
784             }
785             ++iarg;
786             continue;
787          }
789          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-linkrbrain_corr_test") == 0) {
790             ++iarg;
791             if (iarg >= argc) {
792                fprintf(stderr,
793              "** Error: Need filename for test XML to send"
794              " after -linkrbrain_corr_test\n");
795                return(1);
796             }
797             linkrbrain_output = 1;
798             linkrbrain_corr_test = argv[iarg];
799             ++iarg;
800             continue;
801          }
804          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-max_areas") == 0) {
805             ++iarg;
806             if (iarg >= argc) {
807                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Need parameter after -max_areas\n");
808                return(1);
809             }
810             N_areas = atoi(argv[iarg]);
811             if (N_areas < 1 || N_areas > 50) {
812                fprintf(stderr,
813                   "** Error: -max_areas parameter must be between 1 and 50.\n");
814                return(1);
815             }
816             Set_Whereami_Max_Find(N_areas);
817             ++iarg;
818             continue;
819          }
821          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-max_search_radius") == 0) {
822             ++iarg;
823             if (iarg >= argc) {
824                fprintf(stderr,
825                         "** Error: Need parameter after -max_search_radius\n");
826                return(1);
827             }
828             rad = atof(argv[iarg]);
829             if (rad < 1.0 || rad > 9.5) {
830                fprintf(stderr,
831                      "** Error: -max_search_radius parameter must "
832                      "be between 1.0 and 9.5.\n");
833                return(1);
834             }
835             Set_Whereami_Max_Rad(rad);
836             ++iarg;
837             continue;
838          }
840          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-min_prob") == 0) {
841             ++iarg;
842             if (iarg >= argc) {
843                fprintf(stderr,
844                         "** Error: Need parameter after -min_prob\n");
845                return(1);
846             }
847             minprob = atof(argv[iarg]);
848             if (minprob <= 0.0 || minprob > 1.0) {
849                fprintf(stderr,
850                "** Error: -min_prob parameter must be greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0\n");
851                return(1);
852             }
853             set_wami_minprob(minprob);
854             ++iarg;
855             continue;
856          }
858          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dbg") == 0 ||
859              strcmp(argv[iarg],"-debug") == 0 ||
860              strcmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0) {
861             ++iarg;
862             if (iarg >= argc) {
863                fprintf(stderr,
864                      "** Error: Need parameter after -debug|-dbg|-verb\n");
865                return(1);
866             }
867             set_wami_verb(MIN_PAIR(atoi(argv[iarg]), 4));
868             ++iarg;
869             continue;
870          }
871          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0) {
872             ++iarg;
873             if (iarg >= argc) {
874                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Need parameter after -prefix\n");
875                return(1);
876             }
877             mskpref = argv[iarg];
878             ++iarg;
879             continue;
880          }
882          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-bmask") == 0 ||
883              strcmp(argv[iarg],"-omask") == 0 ) {
884             if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-bmask") == 0) dobin = 1;
885             else dobin = 0;
886             ++iarg;
887             if (iarg >= argc) {
888                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Need parameter after -bmask\n");
889                return(1);
890             }
891             if (bmsk) {
892                fprintf(stderr,
893                   "** Error: -bmask and -omask are mutually exclusive.\n");
894                return(1);
895             }
896             bmsk = argv[iarg];
898             ++iarg;
899             continue;
900          }
902          if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-cmask") == 0 ){
903             if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
904                fprintf(stderr,
905                     "** Error: -cmask option requires a following argument!\n");
906                exit(1) ;
907             }
908             cmask = EDT_calcmask( argv[++iarg] , &ncmask, 0 ) ;
909             if( cmask == NULL ){
910                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Can't compute -cmask!\n"); exit(1);
911             }
912             iarg++ ;
913             continue ;
914          }
915          if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-readniml") == 0) {
916             ATLAS_XFORM_LIST  *xfl, *cxfl;
917             ATLAS_SPACE_LIST *asl=NULL;
918             /* atlas_xform *xf; */
920             init_global_atlas_from_niml_files();
921             /* atlas testing */
922             xfl = get_xform_chain(asl->space+0,
923                                   asl->space+1);
924             print_xform_list(xfl);
925             cxfl = calc_xform_list(xfl);
926             print_xform_list(cxfl);
927             free_xform_list(xfl);
928             free_xform_list(cxfl);
929             free_global_atlas_structs();
930             exit(0);
931          }
933         if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_available_spaces") == 0) {
934             read_niml_atlas = 1;
935             ++iarg;
936             if (iarg >= argc) {
937                fprintf(stderr,
938                   "** Error: Need src space name after"
939                   " -show_available_spaces\n");
940                return(1);
941             }
942             srcspace = argv[iarg];
943             show_avail_space = 1;
944             ++iarg;
945             continue;
946          }
948          if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_chain") == 0) {
949             read_niml_atlas = 1;
950             ++iarg;
951             if (iarg >= argc) {
952                fprintf(stderr,
953                   "** Error: Need src and dest spaces after -show_chain\n");
954                return(1);
955             }
956             srcspace = argv[iarg];
957             ++iarg;
958             if (iarg >= argc) {
959                fprintf(stderr,
960                   "** Error: Need src and dest spaces after -show_chain\n");
961                return(1);
962             }
963             destspace = argv[iarg];
964             show_xform_chain = 1;
965             ++iarg;
966             continue;
967          }
969         if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-calc_chain") == 0) {
970             read_niml_atlas = 1;
971             ++iarg;
972             if (iarg >= argc) {
973                fprintf(stderr,
974                   "** Error: Need src and dest spaces after -calc_chain\n");
975                return(1);
976             }
977             srcspace = argv[iarg];
978             ++iarg;
979             if (iarg >= argc) {
980                fprintf(stderr,
981                   "** Error: Need src and dest spaces after -calc_chain\n");
982                return(1);
983             }
984             destspace = argv[iarg];
985             show_xform_chain = 1;
986             calc_xform_chain = 1;
987             ++iarg;
988             continue;
989          }
991         if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-xform_xyz") == 0 ||
992             strcmp(argv[iarg],"-xform_xyz_quiet") == 0){
993             if (strlen(argv[iarg]) > 12) xform_xyz_quiet = 1;
994             iarg++;
995             read_niml_atlas = 1;
996             xform_xyz = 1;
997             continue ;
998          }
1000          if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_atlases") == 0) {
1001             iarg++;
1002             read_niml_atlas = 1;
1003             show_atlas = 1;
1004             continue ;
1005          }
1006          if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_templates") == 0) {
1007             iarg++;
1008             read_niml_atlas = 1;
1009             show_atlas_templates = 1;
1010             continue ;
1011          }
1012          if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_spaces") == 0) {
1013             iarg++;
1014             read_niml_atlas = 1;
1015             show_atlas_spaces = 1;
1016             continue ;
1017          }
1018          if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_xforms") == 0) {
1019             iarg++;
1020             read_niml_atlas = 1;
1021             show_atlas_xforms = 1;
1022             continue ;
1023          }
1024          if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_atlas_point_lists") == 0) {
1025             iarg++;
1026             read_niml_atlas = 1;
1027             show_atlas_point_lists = 1;
1028             continue ;
1029          }
1030          if(strcmp(argv[iarg],"-show_atlas_all") == 0) {
1031             iarg++;
1032             read_niml_atlas = 1;
1033             show_atlas = 1;
1034             show_atlas_spaces = 1;
1035             show_atlas_templates = 1;
1036             show_atlas_xforms = 1;
1037             show_atlas_point_lists = 1;
1038             continue ;
1039          }
1041          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-write_hardcode_atlas") ==0){
1042             atlas_writehard = 1;
1043             ++iarg;
1044             continue;
1045          }
1047          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-read_atlas_niml") ==0){
1048             atlas_readhard = 1;
1049             ++iarg;
1050             if (!(atlas_dset = THD_open_dataset (argv[iarg]))) {
1051                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Failed to open data set %s.\n",
1052                     argv[iarg]);
1053                return(1);
1054             }
1055             continue;
1056          }
1057          if (strcmp(argv[iarg],"-html") ==0){
1058             set_AFNI_wami_output_mode(1);
1059             iarg++;
1060             continue;
1061          }
1063          { /* bad news in tennis shoes */
1064             fprintf(stderr,"** Error: bad option %s\n", argv[iarg]);
1065             suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
1066             return 1;
1067          }
1069       } else {
1070          /* xyz format */
1071          if (nakedarg && !nakedland) {
1072             fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Keep x, y, z and output options together\n"
1073                            "argument %s not appropriate here.\n", argv[iarg]);
1074             return 1;
1075          }
1076          if (nakedarg == 0) { xi = atof(argv[iarg]); nakedland = 1; }
1077          else if (nakedarg == 1) yi = atof(argv[iarg]);
1078          else if (nakedarg == 2) zi = atof(argv[iarg]);
1079          else if (nakedarg == 3) output = atoi(argv[iarg]);
1080          ++nakedarg;
1081          ++iarg;
1082          continue;
1083       }
1085       fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Shouldn't be here Jim! (%s)\n", argv[iarg]);
1086       return 1;
1087    }
1089    /* set verbiage */
1090    LocalHead = wami_lh();
1092    /* user wants to see atlas database */
1093    if(read_niml_atlas) {
1094       init_global_atlas_from_niml_files();
1095       if(show_avail_space)
1096          report_available_spaces(srcspace);
1097       if(show_xform_chain)
1098          xfl = report_xform_chain(srcspace, destspace, !xform_xyz_quiet);
1099       if(calc_xform_chain) {
1100          cxfl = calc_xform_list(xfl);
1101          if (!xform_xyz_quiet) {
1102             print_xform_list(cxfl);/* print the xforms briefly with names only */
1103             print_all_xforms(cxfl);/* print combined list transforms with data */
1104          }
1105       }
1106       if(xform_xyz) {
1107          if(!cxfl)
1108             apply_xform_chain(xfl, xi, yi, zi, &xout, &yout, &zout);
1109          else
1110             apply_xform_chain(cxfl, xi, yi, zi, &xout, &yout, &zout);
1111 /*            cxfl = calc_xform_list(xfl);*/
1113          if (xform_xyz_quiet) {
1114             printf("%f %f %f\n", xout,yout,zout);
1115          } else {
1116             printf("Coords in: %f, %f, %f -> Coords out: %f, %f, %f\n",
1117                   xi,yi,zi,xout,yout,zout);
1118          }
1119       }
1121       if (coord_file) { /* load the XYZ coordinates from a 1D file */
1122          coord_list = make_coord_list(coord_file, &nxyz, dicom);
1123          wami_xform_coords_print(coord_list, nxyz, srcspace, destspace, coord_outfile);
1124       }
1126       if(xfl)
1127         free_xform_list(xfl);
1128       if(cxfl)
1129         free_xform_list(cxfl);
1130       if(show_atlas)
1131          print_atlas_table(get_G_atlas_list());
1132 /*         print_atlas_list(get_G_atlas_list());*/
1133       if(show_atlas_templates)
1134          print_template_list(get_G_templates_list());
1135       if(show_atlas_spaces)
1136          print_space_list(get_G_space_list());
1137       if(show_atlas_xforms)
1138          print_all_xforms(get_G_xform_list());
1139       if(show_atlas_point_lists)
1140          print_point_lists(get_G_atlas_list());
1141       if(show_atlas_dset){
1142          if (N_atlas_names != 0) {
1143             atlas_alist = get_G_atlas_list();
1144             /* check for missing atlases and stop in case of error */
1145             for (k=0; k < N_atlas_names; ++k) {
1146                 print_atlas_dset(atlas_alist,atlas_names[k]);
1147             }
1148          }
1149       }
1150       free_global_atlas_structs();
1151       exit(0);
1152    }
1155    /* write out all the atlases that are hard-coded in AFNI to NIML files */
1156    if(atlas_writehard) {
1157       AFNI_atlas_list_to_niml();
1158       exit(0);
1159    }
1161    /* read all the atlases that are hard-coded in AFNI to NIML files */
1162    if(atlas_readhard) {
1163       ATLAS_POINT_LIST *apl;
1164       apl = dset_niml_to_atlas_list(atlas_dset);
1165       print_atlas_point_list(apl);
1166       free_atlas_point_list(apl);
1167       exit(0);
1168    }
1170    if (nakedarg >= 3 && coord_file) {
1171       /* bad combo */
1172       fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Can't specify x, y, z "
1173                      "coordinates on command line AND in coord_file.\n");
1174       return(1) ;
1175    }
1178    if (dicom == -1) {
1179       THD_coorder cord;
1180       /* try to set based on AFNI_ORIENT */
1181       THD_coorder_fill (my_getenv("AFNI_ORIENT"), &cord);
1182       if (strcmp(cord.orcode,"RAI") == 0) {
1183          if(!AFNI_wami_output_mode())
1184             fprintf(stdout,
1185              "++ Input coordinates orientation set by default rules to %s\n",
1186              cord.orcode);
1187       }else if (strcmp(cord.orcode,"LPI") == 0) {
1188          if(!AFNI_wami_output_mode())
1189             fprintf(stdout,
1190              "++ Input coordinates orientation set by default rules to %s\n",
1191              cord.orcode);
1192       }else {
1193          fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Only RAI or LPI orientations allowed\n"
1194                         "default setting returned %s\n"
1195                         "You need to override AFNI_ORIENT \n"
1196                         "and use either -lpi or -rai\n", cord.orcode);
1197          return 1;
1198       }
1199    } else {
1200       if(!AFNI_wami_output_mode()){
1201        if (dicom == 1)
1202           fprintf(stdout,"++ Input coordinates orientation set by user to %s\n",
1203                       "RAI");
1204        else if (dicom == 0)
1205           fprintf(stdout,"++ Input coordinates orientation set by user to %s\n",
1206                       "LPI");
1207        else { fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Should not happen!\n"); return(1); }
1208       }
1209    }
1211    atlas_alist = get_G_atlas_list(); /* get the whole atlas list */
1212    if (N_atlas_names == 0) {
1213       /* use all atlases */
1214       for (k=0; k<atlas_alist->natlases; ++k) {
1215          atlas_names = add_to_names_list(atlas_names, &N_atlas_names,
1216                                          Atlas_Name(&(atlas_alist->atlas[k])));
1217       }
1218    } else {
1219       /* check for missing atlases and stop in case of error */
1220       for (k=0; k < N_atlas_names; ++k) {
1221          if (!get_Atlas_Named(atlas_names[k], atlas_alist)) {
1222             ERROR_message("Atlas %s not found in list.\n", atlas_names[k]);
1223             string = suggest_Atlas_Named(atlas_names[k], atlas_alist);
1224             if (string[0] != '\0') {
1225                fprintf(stderr,"  Perhaps:      %s  is what you want?\n", string);
1226             }
1227             exit(1);
1228          }
1229       }
1230       atlas_rlist = Atlas_Names_to_List(atlas_names, N_atlas_names);
1231       if(wami_verb()){
1232          INFO_message("reduced list of atlases");
1233          print_atlas_list(atlas_rlist);
1234       }
1235    }
1237    if (!N_atlas_names) {
1238       ERROR_message("Found no atlases");
1239       exit(1);
1240    }
1242    if (nakedarg < 3 && !Show_Atlas_Code && !shar && !bmsk && !coord_file) {
1243       ERROR_message("Missing useful options. See full help or simple usage below");
1244       whereami_usage(atlas_alist, 0);
1245       return 1;
1246    }
1248    if (LocalHead) Set_Show_Atlas_Mode(LocalHead);
1250    if (Show_Atlas_Code) {
1251       for (k=0; k < N_atlas_names; ++k) {
1252          aa = Build_Atlas(atlas_names[k], atlas_alist);
1253          Show_Atlas(aa);
1254          aa = Free_Atlas(aa);
1255       }
1256    }
1258    if (shar) {
1259          Set_ROI_String_Decode_Verbosity(1); /* help the user */
1260          /* Do the match business */
1261          if (!(aar = ROI_String_Decode(shar, atlas_alist))) {
1262             ERROR_message("ROI string decoding failed.");
1263          } else {
1264             if (LocalHead) {
1265                fprintf(stderr,"User seeks the following region in atlas %s:\n",
1266                        aar->atlas_name);
1267                Show_Atlas_Region(aar);
1268             }
1269             /* is this an OK atlas */
1270             if (!get_Atlas_Named(aar->atlas_name, atlas_alist)) {
1271                ERROR_message("Atlas %s not found", aar->atlas_name);
1272                exit(1);
1273             }
1274             if (aar->N_chnks < 1 && aar->id <= 0) {
1275                ERROR_message("bad or empty label");
1276                exit(1);
1277             }
1278             if (!(aa = Build_Atlas(aar->atlas_name, atlas_alist))) {
1279                ERROR_message("Failed to build atlas");
1280                exit(1);
1281             }
1283             if (wami_verb() > 2) Show_Atlas(aa);
1284             as = Find_Atlas_Regions(aa,aar, NULL);
1285             /* analyze the matches, remember no left/right decisions made yet,
1286                and even if labels are present,
1287                right/left sides may not have different ids in atlas...  */
1288             string = Report_Found_Regions(aa, aar, as, &nbest);
1289             if (string) {
1290                fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", string);
1291             } else {
1292                ERROR_message("NULL string returned");
1293                exit(1);
1294             }
1295             /* Now we know what matches, give me a mask */
1296             if (nbest && write_mask) {
1297                int codes[3], n_codes;
1298                THD_3dim_dataset *maskset=NULL;
1299                if (nbest > 2) {
1300                   ERROR_message("Should not get this");
1301                   exit(1);
1302                }
1303                n_codes = 1;
1304                codes[0] = aa->reg[as->iloc[0]]->id;
1305                if (nbest == 2) {
1306                   if (aa->reg[as->iloc[0]]->id != aa->reg[as->iloc[1]]->id) {
1307                      n_codes = 2;
1308                      codes[1] = aa->reg[as->iloc[1]]->id;
1309                   }
1310                }
1312                if (!(maskset = Atlas_Region_Mask(aar, codes, n_codes,
1313                                                  atlas_alist))) {
1314                   ERROR_message("Failed to create mask");
1315                   exit(1);
1316                } else {
1317                   if(!equivalent_space(THD_get_space(maskset))){
1318                      ERROR_message("Atlas does not match space requested.");
1319                      exit(1);
1320                   }
1321                   tross_Make_History( "whereami" , argc, argv , maskset ) ;
1322                   if (mskpref) {
1323                         EDIT_dset_items(  maskset,
1324                           ADN_prefix    , mskpref,
1325                            ADN_none ) ;
1326                   }
1327                   if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(maskset)) ) {
1328                      ERROR_message("Output dataset %s already exists -- "
1329                                    "can't overwrite", DSET_HEADNAME(maskset)) ;
1330                      exit(1);
1331                   }
1333                   if (LocalHead) {
1334                      fprintf(stderr,"Writing ROI mask to %s...\n",
1335                               DSET_HEADNAME(maskset));
1336                   }
1337                   DSET_write(maskset) ;
1338                   DSET_delete(maskset); maskset = NULL;
1339                }
1340             }
1341             aar = Free_Atlas_Region(aar);
1342             if (as) as = Free_Atlas_Search(as);
1343             if (string) free(string); string = NULL;
1344          }
1345          aa = Free_Atlas(aa);
1346    }
1348    /* le bmask business */
1349    if (bmsk) {
1350       compute_overlap(bmsk, cmask, ncmask, dobin, N_atlas_names,
1351          atlas_names, atlas_alist);
1352    }
1354    if(cmask) free(cmask); cmask = NULL;   /* Should not be needed beyond here */
1357    if (nakedarg < 3 && !coord_file) { /* nothing left to do */
1358       return(0);
1359    }
1361    if (coord_file) { /* load the XYZ coordinates from a 1D file */
1362       coord_list = make_coord_list(coord_file, &nxyz, dicom);
1363    }
1364    else {
1365       coord_list = (float *)calloc(3, sizeof(float));
1366       if (!dicom) {
1367          coord_list[0] = -xi; coord_list[1] =-yi;
1368       }
1369       else {
1370          coord_list[0] = xi; coord_list[1] = yi;
1371       }
1372       coord_list[2] = zi;
1373       nxyz = 1;
1374    }
1377    if (!coord_list) {
1378       fprintf(stderr,"** Error: No coords!\n");
1379       return(1) ;
1380    }
1382 #if 0
1383    /* linkRbrain output */
1384    if (linkrbrain_output){
1385      /* if just testing parsing linkrbrain output, just parse and exit*/
1386      /* for debugging only really */
1387      if(linkrbrain_corr_test){
1388         linkrbrain_XML_simple_report(linkrbrain_corr_test, 0);
1389         exit(0);
1390      }
1392      if(srcspace==NULL) {
1393         ERROR_message("No source space specified. Use -space or -dset_space\n");
1394         exit(1);
1395      }
1396      if(coord_list==NULL) {
1397         ERROR_message("No coordinate list given. Use -coord_file\n");
1398         exit(1);
1399      }
1400      /* make XML input coordinate file for linkrbrain (convert to MNI if needed) */
1401      if(make_linkrbrain_xml(coord_list, nxyz, srcspace, "MNI", linkrbrain_xml,
1402          linkr_corr_type)!=0) {
1403          fprintf(stderr,"** Error: could not make XML file for linkrbrain\n");
1404          exit(1);
1405      }
1406      else {
1407         int lll = send_linkrbrain_xml(linkrbrain_xml, temp_linkrbrain_results) ;
1408         if( lll != 0 ){
1409            fprintf(stderr,"** Error: could not link to %s"
1410                         " -- Check web connections\n",get_linkrbrain_site());
1411            exit(1);
1412         }
1413         else {
1414         /* parse the output here. For now just say it's there */
1415            printf(
1416         "Query of coordinates to %s correlations\n\n",get_linkrbrain_site());
1417            linkrbrain_XML_simple_report(temp_linkrbrain_results,
1418               linkr_corr_type);
1419 /*           linkrbrain_str = parse_linkrbrain("linkrbrain.xml");*/
1420         }
1421      }
1422      exit(0);
1423    }
1424 #endif
1426    for (ixyz = 0; ixyz < nxyz; ++ixyz) {
1427       x = coord_list[3*ixyz];
1428       y = coord_list[3*ixyz+1];
1429       z = coord_list[3*ixyz+2];
1431 #if 0
1432       if (!dicom) {
1433          /* go from lpi to rai */
1434          x = -x;
1435          y = -y;
1436       }
1437 #endif
1438       if (!OldMethod) {
1439          /* the new whereami */
1440          if (atlas_sort) {
1441             if (output == 1) TT_whereami_set_outmode (TAB1_WAMI_ATLAS_SORT);
1442             else TT_whereami_set_outmode (CLASSIC_WAMI_ATLAS_SORT);
1443          } else {
1444             if (output == 1) TT_whereami_set_outmode (TAB1_WAMI_ZONE_SORT);
1445             else TT_whereami_set_outmode (CLASSIC_WAMI_ZONE_SORT);
1446          }
1448          set_TT_whereami_version(alv,wv);
1450          if(!atlas_rlist){
1451             atlas_list = env_atlas_list();
1452             if(!atlas_list) {
1453                atlas_list = atlas_alist;
1454             }
1455          }
1456          else {
1457             atlas_list = atlas_rlist; /* use reduced list */
1458             if (wami_verb() >= 2){
1459                INFO_message("Calling tt_whereami with this reduced"
1460                             " list of atlases");
1461                print_atlas_list(atlas_rlist);
1462             }
1463          }
1464          if(space_dset) {
1465            if (LocalHead) INFO_message("Calling tt_whereami with space_dset");
1466            string = TT_whereami(x,y,z,
1467                                 THD_get_space(space_dset), atlas_list);
1468          } else {
1469            if (!srcspace)
1470               srcspace = TT_whereami_default_spc_name();
1471            if (LocalHead) INFO_message("Calling tt_whereami with srcspace %s",
1472               srcspace);
1473            string = TT_whereami(x,y,z, srcspace, atlas_list);
1474          }
1475          if (string) fprintf(stdout,"%s\n", string);
1476          else{
1477             if(!get_wami_web_found())
1478                fprintf(stdout,"whereami NULL string out.\n");
1479          }
1480          if (string) free(string); string = NULL;
1481       }
1482    } /* ixyz */
1484    if (coord_list) free(coord_list); coord_list = NULL;
1486    return 0;
1487 }
1488 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1489 /* End whereami main */
1490 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1492 int
compute_overlap(char * bmsk,byte * cmask,int ncmask,int dobin,int N_atlas_names,char ** atlas_names,ATLAS_LIST * atlas_alist)1493 compute_overlap(char *bmsk, byte *cmask, int ncmask, int dobin,
1494   int N_atlas_names, char **atlas_names, ATLAS_LIST *atlas_alist)
1495 {
1496       byte *bmask_vol = NULL, *bba = NULL;
1497       short *ba = NULL;
1498       THD_3dim_dataset *mset=NULL, *mset_orig = NULL, *rset = NULL;
1499       ATLAS *atlas=NULL;
1500       int isb, nvox_in_mask=0, *count = NULL, dset_kind;
1501       int *ics=NULL, *unq=NULL, n_unq=0, iroi=0, nonzero, i, k;
1502       float frac=0.0, sum = 0.0, *fba=NULL;
1503       char tmps[20];
1505       /* load the mask dset */
1506       if (!(mset_orig = THD_open_dataset (bmsk))) {
1507          fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Failed to open mask set %s.\n", bmsk);
1508          return(1);
1509       }
1511       #if 0 /* No longer enforced here. See is_identity_xform_chain below*/
1512       /* are we in TLRC land? */
1513       if (mset_orig->view_type != VIEW_TALAIRACH_TYPE) {
1514          fprintf( stderr,
1515                   "** Error: Mask set %s is not of the Talairach persuasion.\n",
1516                   bmsk);
1517          return(1);
1518       }
1519       #endif
1521       if (cmask) {
1522          if (ncmask != DSET_NVOX(mset_orig)) {
1523             fprintf(stderr,
1524              "** Error: Voxel number mismatch between -bmask and -cmask input.\n"
1525              "Make sure both volumes have the same number of voxels.\n");
1527             return(1);
1528          }
1529       }
1531       if (dobin) { /* one pass, do all */
1532          fprintf(stdout,"++ In binary mode ...\n");
1533          n_unq = 1;
1534          unq = NULL;
1535       } else {
1536          fprintf(stdout,"++ In ordered mode ...\n");
1537          /* get unique values*/
1538          unq = THD_unique_vals( mset_orig , 0, &n_unq, cmask );
1539          if (unq) {
1540             fprintf(stdout,"++ Have %d unique values of:\n", n_unq );
1541             for (k=0; k<n_unq; ++k) fprintf (stdout, "   %d", unq [k]);
1542             fprintf (stdout, "\n");
1543          } else {
1544             fprintf(stdout,"++ Failed to find unique values.\n");
1545             return(1);
1546          }
1547       }
1549       for (iroi=0; iroi<n_unq; ++iroi) {
1550          if (dobin) {
1551             mset = mset_orig;
1552           /* turn the mask dataset to zeros and 1s */
1553             if ((nonzero = THD_makedsetmask( mset , 0 , 1.0, 0.0 , cmask)) < 0) {               /* get all non-zero values */
1554               fprintf(stderr,"** Error: No mask for you.\n");
1555               return(1);
1556             }
1557          } else {
1558             if (unq[iroi] == 0) { /* skip nonesense */
1559                fprintf(stdout,"++ Skipping unique value of 0\n");
1560                continue;
1561             } else {
1562                fprintf(stdout,
1563  "++ ========================================================================\n"
1564                         ) ;
1565                fprintf(stdout,"++ Processing unique value of %d\n", unq[iroi]);
1566             }
1567             mset = EDIT_full_copy(mset_orig, "tmp_ccopy");
1568             /* turn the mask dataset to zeros and 1s */
1569             if ((nonzero =
1570                      THD_makedsetmask( mset , 0 , (float)unq[iroi],
1571                                        (float)unq[iroi] , cmask)) < 0) {
1572                   /* get all non-zero values */
1573                   fprintf(stderr,"** Error: No mask for you either.\n");
1574                   return(1);
1575             }
1576          }
1577          fprintf(stdout,"++    %d voxels in ROI\n", nonzero);
1579          /* for each atlas */
1580          for (k=0; k < N_atlas_names; ++k) {
1581             if (!(atlas = Atlas_With_Trimming(atlas_names[k], 0, atlas_alist))) {
1582                if(wami_verb()) {
1583                   fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: Atlas %s could not be loaded.\n",
1584                                atlas_names[k]);
1585                }
1586                continue;
1587             }
1589             if (!is_identity_xform_chain(THD_get_space(mset_orig),
1590                                                 atlas->space)) {
1591                if (wami_verb()) {
1592                   fprintf(stderr,
1593             "** Error: Not ready to deal with non-Identity transform chain.\n"
1594             "Path from input in %s to atlas %s in %s is:\n" ,
1595                   THD_get_space(mset_orig),
1596                   Atlas_Name(atlas), atlas->space);
1597                   print_xform_chain(THD_get_space(mset_orig),
1598                   atlas->space);
1599                }
1600                continue;
1601             }
1603             if (is_probabilistic_atlas(atlas)) {
1604                /* not appropriate, skip*/
1605                continue;
1606             }
1607             if (atlas->adh->maxkeyval < 1) {
1608                if (wami_verb()>=2)
1609                   fprintf(stderr,
1610                      "** Warning: Atlas %s not suitable for this application.\n",
1611                      Atlas_Name(atlas));
1612                continue;
1613             }
1615             /* resample mask per atlas, use linear interpolation,
1616                cut-off at 0.5 */
1617             rset = r_new_resam_dset (  mset, ATL_DSET(atlas), 0, 0, 0, NULL,
1618                                        MRI_LINEAR, NULL, 1, 0);
1619             if (!rset) {
1620                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Failed to reslice!?\n"); return(1);
1621             }
1622            /* get byte mask of regions > 0.5 */
1623             if (!(bmask_vol = THD_makemask( rset , 0 , 0.5 , 2.0 ))) {
1624                /* get all non-zero values */
1625                fprintf(stderr,"** Error: No byte for you.\n");
1626                return(1);
1627             }
1628             nvox_in_mask = 0;
1629             for (i=0; i<DSET_NVOX(ATL_DSET(atlas)); ++i) {
1630                if (bmask_vol[i]) ++nvox_in_mask;
1631             }
1632             fprintf( stdout,"++    %d voxels in atlas-resampled mask\n",
1633                      nvox_in_mask);
1634             /* for each sub-brick sb */
1635             for (isb=0; isb< DSET_NVALS(ATL_DSET(atlas)); ++isb) {
1636                dset_kind = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(ATL_DSET(atlas),isb);
1637                if(dset_kind == MRI_short) {
1638                   ba = DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(ATL_DSET(atlas),isb); /* short type */
1639                   if (!ba) {
1640                      ERROR_message("Unexpected NULL array");
1641                      free(bmask_vol); bmask_vol = NULL;
1642                      continue;
1643                   }
1644                  /* Create count array for range of integral values in atlas */
1645                   count = (int *)calloc(atlas->adh->maxkeyval+1, sizeof(int));
1646                   for (i=0; i<DSET_NVOX(ATL_DSET(atlas)); ++i) {
1647                      if (bmask_vol[i] &&
1648                          ba[i] >= atlas->adh->minkeyval) ++count[ba[i]];
1649                   }
1650                }
1651                else if(dset_kind == MRI_byte) {
1652                   bba = DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(ATL_DSET(atlas),isb); /* byte array */
1653                   if (!bba) {
1654                      ERROR_message("Unexpected NULL array");
1655                      free(bmask_vol); bmask_vol = NULL;
1656                      continue;
1657                   }
1658                  /* Create count array for range of integral values in atlas */
1659                    count = (int *)calloc(atlas->adh->maxkeyval+1, sizeof(int));
1660                    for (i=0; i<DSET_NVOX(ATL_DSET(atlas)); ++i) {
1661                       if (bmask_vol[i] &&
1662                           bba[i] >= atlas->adh->minkeyval) ++count[bba[i]];
1663                    }
1664                }
1665                else if(dset_kind == MRI_float) {
1666                   fba = DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(ATL_DSET(atlas),isb); /* float array */
1667                   if (!fba) {
1668                      ERROR_message("Unexpected NULL array");
1669                      free(bmask_vol); bmask_vol = NULL;
1670                      continue;
1671                   }
1672                  /* Create count array for range of integral values in atlas */
1673                    count = (int *)calloc(atlas->adh->maxkeyval+1, sizeof(int));
1674                    for (i=0; i<DSET_NVOX(ATL_DSET(atlas)); ++i) {
1675                       if (bmask_vol[i] &&
1676                           fba[i] >= atlas->adh->minkeyval) ++count[(int)fba[i]];
1677                    }
1678                }
1679                else {
1680                   ERROR_message(
1681                      "Atlas %s is not of type short, byte, or float.\n",
1682                      Atlas_Name(atlas));
1683                   continue;
1684                }
1686                /* Now form percentages */
1687                if (!unq) {
1688                   fprintf(stdout,
1689             "Intersection of ROI (all non-zero values) with atlas %s (sb%d):\n",
1690                            Atlas_Name(atlas), isb);
1691                } else {
1692                   fprintf(stdout,
1693             "Intersection of ROI (valued %d) with atlas %s (sb%d):\n",
1694                      unq[iroi],
1695                      Atlas_Name(atlas), isb);
1696                }
1698                /* sort the count */
1699                if (!(ics = z_idqsort (count, (atlas->adh->maxkeyval+1) ))) {
1700                   fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Failed to sort!\n");
1701                   return(1);
1702                }
1704                sum = 0.0;
1705                for (i=0; i<=atlas->adh->maxkeyval; ++i) {
1706                   if (count[i]) {
1707                      if(ics[i]==0) continue; /* don't count codes of 0 */
1708                      if(strcmp(
1709                          STR_PRINT(Atlas_Val_Key_to_Val_Name(atlas, ics[i])),
1710                          "NULL")==0)
1711                         continue; /* don't count unlabeled codes */
1712                      frac = (float)count[i]/(float)nvox_in_mask;
1713                      sum += frac;
1714                      sprintf(tmps, "%3.1f", frac*100.0);
1715                      fprintf(stdout, "   %-5s%% overlap with %s, code %d\n",
1716                              tmps,
1717                              STR_PRINT(Atlas_Val_Key_to_Val_Name(atlas, ics[i])),
1718                              ics[i] );
1719                   }
1720                }
1721                sprintf(tmps, "%3.1f", sum*100.0);
1722                fprintf(stdout, "   -----\n"
1723                                "   %-5s%% of cluster accounted for.\n"
1724                                "\n", tmps);
1725                /* done with count */
1726                if (count) free(count); count = NULL;
1727                if (ics) free(ics); ics = NULL;
1728             }
1729             /* done with resampled mset */
1730             DSET_delete(rset); rset = NULL;
1731          }
1733          /* delete mset if not same as mset_orig */
1734          if (mset != mset_orig) DSET_delete(mset); mset = NULL;
1735       } /* iroi */
1737       /* free unique values list, nothing done */
1738       if (unq) free(unq); unq = NULL;
1740       /* done with mset_orig */
1741       DSET_delete(mset_orig); mset_orig = NULL;
1743       return(0);
1744 }
1746 /* make coordinate list from file */
make_coord_list(char * coord_file,int * nxyz,int dicom)1747 static float *make_coord_list(char *coord_file, int *nxyz, int dicom)
1748 {
1749       MRI_IMAGE * XYZ_im=NULL;
1750       float *XYZv = NULL;
1751       float *fcoord_list = NULL;
1752       int ixyz;
1755    XYZ_im = mri_read_1D( coord_file ) ;
1756    if( XYZ_im == NULL ){
1757       fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Can't read XYZ.1D file %s\n",coord_file);
1758       return(NULL) ;
1759    }
1760    if (XYZ_im->ny != 3) {
1761       fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Need three columns as input.\n"
1762                      "   Found %d columns\n", XYZ_im->ny);
1763       return(NULL) ;
1764    }
1765    XYZv = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(XYZ_im) ;
1766    fcoord_list = (float *)calloc(3*XYZ_im->nx, sizeof(float));
1767    if (!fcoord_list) {
1768       fprintf(stderr,"** Error: Failed to allocate\n");
1769       return(NULL) ;
1770    }
1771    /* copy to me own vectors */
1772    *nxyz = XYZ_im->nx;
1773    for (ixyz=0; ixyz<*nxyz; ++ixyz) {
1774       if (!dicom) {
1775          fcoord_list[3*ixyz]   = -XYZv[ixyz];
1776          fcoord_list[3*ixyz+1] = -XYZv[ixyz+XYZ_im->nx];
1777       }
1778       else {
1779          fcoord_list[3*ixyz]   = XYZv[ixyz];
1780          fcoord_list[3*ixyz+1] = XYZv[ixyz+XYZ_im->nx];
1781       }
1782       fcoord_list[3*ixyz+2] = XYZv[ixyz+XYZ_im->nx*2];
1783    }
1784    mri_free(XYZ_im); XYZ_im = NULL;
1786    return(fcoord_list);
1787 }