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READMEH A D01-Jun-20181.1 KiB3528

irrbz.pyH A D03-May-20225.3 KiB177153

siesta-3.0-rc2-patchH A D01-Jun-201822.5 KiB646597

siesta-3.1-patchH A D01-Jun-201822.4 KiB646597


2This directory contains a patch for denchar-1.4 and
3grid2cube-1.1.1 in siesta-3.1 that adds support
4for non-orthogonal cells. The modified versions
5generate Gaussian Cube files on real-space grid.
6To apply the patch execute the following command
7in the directory where you have siesta-3.1:
9% patch -p0 -i siesta-3.1-patch
11Use the following keywords in siesta input file:
13WaveFuncKPointsScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors
14%block WaveFuncKPoints
150.000  0.000  0.000
16%endblock WaveFuncKPoints
17WriteDenchar T
18SaveRho T
19SaveElectrostaticPotential T
20SaveTotalPotential T
21MeshCutoff 240.0 Ry
23Then run denchar for wavefunctions and grid2cube for
24charge density and potentials. In denchar input file,
25use keywords LatticeConstant and LatticeVectors same as
26in siesta input file. Keywords Denchar.{Min|Max}{X|Y|Z}
27will be ignored. In grid2cube input file, 3rd and 4th
28lines (shift of the origin of coordinates and nskip)
29will be ignored.
31There is also irrbz.py that extracts irreducible wedge
32from siesta output files prefix.KP and prefix.EIG.
33This is needed because siesta reduces k-points by
34time-reversal symmetry only.