2 BerkeleyGW trunk revision 7030
3 Sigma code, Complex version, run on 28-Jun-2016 at 21:47:57 -0700
5                                                                 ..o.
6                                                                .oxxo.
7                                                               .oxxxxo...
8                                                               oxxxxxxo.
9                                                              .oxxxxxxx.
10                                                              .ooooooxxo..
11                                                              .oooooooxo..
12                                                              .oooooxxo...
13                                                       .........oxooo......
14                                                 ............................
15                                             .................................
16                                          ....................................
17           .          ..oo. ....  .................................oooxxxxxxxo.
18     .............oxxxx@ox@@@x@x.....................o...........ooooooooooxx.
19    .o.........oox@x.oo........xxx@@............ooxxxxo..........ooooxxxxxoxo
20    .x........x@xxo...............o@xxo........oxxx@@@xoooooooooooooooxxxo...
21    .o......ox@@o..................oox@o.....ooxxx@xoooxxxxxxxoooooooooooo....
22    o..ooooo@@xoooo....ooo...........x@o.....ooxxxxo   .oxxxxxxxxxxooooooo....
23    . .oooo@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....ooooox.     .oxx@@@@@xxoo........
24      .ooooxxxxxxxooooooxooooooooooooooxo...oooooxx.        ..ox@xxxoo.........
25      .ooooooxxxx@xoooooooooooooxxoooooooooooxxxxx.            .oxxooooooooxxo.
26     .oooooxxxxx@@@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoxxxxo.                .oxxxxxxxxo.
27   ....oooxxxxx@@@xo..oxxx@@@@@@xxxxoxxoooooooxx.                  .oxxxoo..
28  .....ooxxxx@@xo.       ........    .ooooooooxxo
29  ..oooxxxx@@@o                       .oooooooxoo.
30  ....oxooxxxxx.                       .ooo..oooo.
31  .....o.ooxxxxxo.                     .oooooooxo.
32 ......ooooxxxxxxo.                     .ooooooxoo..
33........ooxxxxxxxo..                     .o....oxoo...
34.......ooooxxxxxxxo.                     ........oooo.
35.ooooooo..ooxxxxoooo.                    .........ooo...
36..oxo...ooooxxxoooo..                    .ooo......oooo...
37  .ooooo....o.                            .oxxxoo....ooo....
38    .oooooo...                              ...ooooo...ooo..
39       ...                                     .oo.......
40                                               ....ooo...
41                      __              __
42 ______              [  |            [  |                 ._____  _          _
43|_   _ \              | |  _          | |                /  ___ \| |        | |
44  | |_) | .---.  _. _.| | / |  .---.  | | .---.  _    _ / /    \_|\ \  /\  / /
45  |  __'./ /__\\[ /`\_| '' <  / /__\\ | |/ /__\\| \  | | |   _____ \ \/  \/ /
46 _| |__| | \__. | |   | |`\ \ | \___. | || \___. \ \/ / \ \.___| |  \  /\  /
47|_______/ \.__./[_]  [__|  \_] \.__./[___]\.__./  \  /   \.____./    \/  \/
48                                                  / /
49                                                 /_/
51 Please cite the following papers when using results from BerkeleyGW:
53 Jack Deslippe, Georgy Samsonidze, David A. Strubbe, Manish Jain, Marvin L.
54 Cohen, and Steven G. Louie, "BerkeleyGW: A Massively Parallel Computer Package
55 for the Calculation of the Quasiparticle and Optical Properties of Materials
56 and Nanostructures," Comput. Phys. Commun. 183, 1269 (2012)
58 Mark S. Hybertsen and Steven G. Louie, "Electron correlation in semiconductors
59 and insulators: Band gaps and quasiparticle energies," Phys. Rev. B 34, 5390
60 (1986)
62 Michael Rohlfing and Steven G. Louie, "Electron-hole excitations and optical
63 spectra from first principles," Phys. Rev. B 62, 4927 (2000)
66 Running MPI version (parallel)
67 Running with 24 MPI task(s)
68 Using OpenMP. Number of threads per MPI task: 2
70 Compilation flags:
71 - Compiler: INTEL
72 - Para. flags: MPI, OMP
74 - Debug flags:
76 Running with verbosity level 1 (default).
78 Using the Generalized Plasmon Pole model
80 We are communicating via MPI
82 Computing CH as a partial sum over empty bands
84 Running with semiconductor screening
86 We are using a truncated Coulomb interaction: Cell Box
88 Cutoff for Monte-Carlo average of Coulomb potential: 1.000E-012 Ry
90 Reading exchange-correlation matrix elements from vxc.dat file
92 Treating W within the Hybertsen-Louie Generalized Plasmon Pole model
94 Memory available: 2558.2 MB per PE
96 Read from eps0mat.h5:
97 - Number of G-vectors in the charge-density grid: 145165
98 - Max. number of G-vectors for dielectric matrices: 1237
99 - Cutoff of the dielectric matrix (Ry): 10.000
100 - Number of imaginary frequencies: 0
101 - Total number of frequencies: 1
102 - Frequency dependence: 0
103 - Number of q-points: 1
104 - Q grid: 1 1 1
106 Reading header of WFN_inner
107 Highest occupied band (unshifted grid) = 5
108 Valence max    (unshifted grid) = -8.555236 eV
109 Conduction min (unshifted grid) = -1.640096 eV
110 Middle energy  (unshifted grid) = -5.097666 eV
111 Fermi  energy  (unshifted grid) = -5.097666 eV
114 Calculation parameters:
115 - Cutoff of the bare Coulomb interaction (Ry): 60.00
116 - Cutoff of the screened Coulomb interaction (Ry): 10.00
117 - Number of G-vectors up to the bare int. cutoff: 18037
118 - Number of G-vectors up to the screened int. cutoff: 1237
119 - Total number of bands in the calculation: 499
120 - Number of fully occupied valence bands: 5
121 - Number of partially occ. conduction bands: 0
123 Memory required for execution: 45.4 MB per PE
124 Memory required for vcoul: 5.6 MB per PE
126 Number of electrons per unit cell (from ifmax) = 10.000000
127 Number of electrons per unit cell (from occupations) = 10.000000
128 Plasma Frequency = .466008 Ry
130 Q-grid symmetries are not being used.
132 Parallelization report:
133 - Using 24 processor(s), 1 pool(s), 24 processor(s) per pool.
134 - Each pool is computing 37 diagonal sigma matrix element(s).
135 - Each pool is computing 0 off-diagonal sigma matrix element(s).
136 - Each pool is holding 16 to 21 band(s).
137 - Note: distribution is not ideal because the total number of bands
138   (499) is not divisible by the number of processors per pool (24).
141 Started reading wavefunctions (WFN_inner) with 499 state(s) at 21:47:58.
142 [ 21:47:58 |   0% ] state   1 / 499.
143 [ 21:47:58 |   0% ] state   3 / 499, remaining: 1 s.
144 [ 21:47:58 |  10% ] state  50 / 499, remaining: 1 s.
145 [ 21:47:58 |  20% ] state 100 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
146 [ 21:47:58 |  30% ] state 150 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
147 [ 21:47:58 |  40% ] state 200 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
148 [ 21:47:58 |  50% ] state 250 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
149 [ 21:47:58 |  60% ] state 300 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
150 [ 21:47:58 |  70% ] state 350 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
151 [ 21:47:58 |  80% ] state 400 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
152 [ 21:47:58 |  90% ] state 450 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
153 [ 21:47:58 | 100% ] state 499 / 499, remaining: 0 s.
154 Finished reading wavefunctions (WFN_inner) at 21:47:58.
155 Elapsed time: 0 s.
158 Scissors parameters:
159 - Valence:    es =   0.0000 eV, e0 =   0.0000 eV, edel =   0.0000
160 - Conduction: es =   0.0000 eV, e0 =   0.0000 eV, edel =   0.0000
162 Scissors parameters (outer):
163 - Valence:    es =   0.0000 eV, e0 =   0.0000 eV, edel =   0.0000
164 - Conduction: es =   0.0000 eV, e0 =   0.0000 eV, edel =   0.0000
167 Data for sum rule:
168 - rho(0,1) = 10.000000 electrons
169 - wp = 6.340366 eV
171 Number of bands to compute diagonal self-energy matrix elements: 37
172 Bands:
173 - 1
174 - 2
175 - 3
176 - 4
177 - 5
178 - 6
179 - 7
180 - 8
181 - 9
182 - 10
183 - 11
184 - 12
185 - 13
186 - 14
187 - 15
188 - 16
189 - 17
190 - 18
191 - 19
192 - 20
193 - 21
194 - 22
195 - 23
196 - 24
197 - 25
198 - 26
199 - 27
200 - 28
201 - 29
202 - 30
203 - 31
204 - 32
205 - 33
206 - 34
207 - 35
208 - 36
209 - 37
210 Number of off-diagonal bands to compute self-energy matrix elements: 0
213 Total number of frequencies in the dielectric matrix: 1
214 Number of imag. frequencies in the dielectric matrix: 0
217 Started reading eps0mat.h5 with 1 q-point(s) at 21:47:58.
218 [ 21:47:58 |   0% ] q-point 1 / 1.
219 Finished reading eps0mat.h5 at 21:47:59.
220 Elapsed time: 1 s.
222 Number of k-points in WFN_inner: 1
223 Number of k-points in the full BZ of WFN_inner: 1
224 No k+G sampling uniformity to check, given selected truncation scheme.
227 21:47:59   Dealing with k =  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000                 1 / 1
230 Reading vxc.dat
231 Number of q-points in the irreducible BZ(k) (nrq): 1
233 Started calculating Sigma with 37 block(s) at 21:47:59.
234 [ 21:47:59 |   0% ] block  1 / 37.
235 [ 21:48:01 |   5% ] block  3 / 37, remaining: 40 s.
236 [ 21:48:02 |   8% ] block  4 / 37, remaining: 39 s.
237 [ 21:48:07 |  19% ] block  8 / 37, remaining: 34 s.
238 [ 21:48:12 |  30% ] block 12 / 37, remaining: 30 s.
239 [ 21:48:15 |  38% ] block 15 / 37, remaining: 26 s.
240 [ 21:48:20 |  49% ] block 19 / 37, remaining: 22 s.
241 [ 21:48:24 |  59% ] block 23 / 37, remaining: 17 s.
242 [ 21:48:28 |  68% ] block 26 / 37, remaining: 14 s.
243 [ 21:48:32 |  78% ] block 30 / 37, remaining: 9 s.
244 [ 21:48:37 |  89% ] block 34 / 37, remaining: 5 s.
245 Finished calculating Sigma at 21:48:41.
246 Elapsed time: 42 s.
248 Unsymmetrized values for ik =   1 spin = 1
250     n      Emf       Eo      Vxc        X     SX-X       CH      Cor      Sig
251     1  -28.703  -28.703  -20.560  -33.269   12.353   -6.691    5.663  -27.606
252     2  -13.613  -13.613  -18.816  -27.116    9.183   -6.643    2.541  -24.576
253     3  -11.537  -11.537  -17.577  -23.316    6.720   -6.055    0.665  -22.651
254     4  -11.537  -11.537  -17.577  -23.316    6.720   -6.055    0.665  -22.651
255     5   -8.555   -8.555  -13.801  -19.428    5.756   -5.523    0.233  -19.195
256     6   -1.640   -1.640  -13.752   -7.572    4.250   -5.496   -1.246   -8.818
257     7   -1.640   -1.640  -13.752   -7.572    4.250   -5.496   -1.246   -8.818
258     8   -0.065   -0.065   -1.801   -0.580    0.270   -0.502   -0.232   -0.812
259     9    2.361    2.361   -2.072   -0.444    0.186   -0.521   -0.335   -0.778
260    10    2.530    2.530   -1.325   -0.120    0.038   -0.259   -0.222   -0.342
261    11    2.703    2.703   -2.182   -0.488    0.200   -0.610   -0.410   -0.898
262    12    2.703    2.703   -2.182   -0.488    0.200   -0.610   -0.410   -0.898
263    13    2.787    2.787   -1.829   -0.435    0.205   -0.476   -0.272   -0.706
264    14    3.655    3.655   -1.882   -0.622    0.304   -0.600   -0.296   -0.918
265    15    4.851    4.851   -2.375   -0.347    0.123   -0.599   -0.476   -0.823
266    16    5.524    5.524   -1.855   -0.482    0.222   -0.519   -0.298   -0.779
267    17    5.548    5.548   -2.283   -0.531    0.230   -0.604   -0.375   -0.906
268    18    5.548    5.548   -2.283   -0.531    0.230   -0.604   -0.375   -0.906
269    19    5.697    5.697   -1.119   -0.110    0.041   -0.230   -0.190   -0.300
270    20    5.727    5.727   -1.283   -0.145    0.057   -0.257   -0.200   -0.344
271    21    5.727    5.727   -1.283   -0.145    0.057   -0.257   -0.200   -0.344
272    22    5.733    5.733   -1.061   -0.037    0.006   -0.179   -0.173   -0.210
273    23    6.092    6.092   -2.274   -0.671    0.336   -0.707   -0.372   -1.043
274    24    6.093    6.093   -2.414   -0.548    0.257   -0.798   -0.540   -1.089
275    25    6.093    6.093   -2.414   -0.548    0.257   -0.798   -0.540   -1.089
276    26    7.395    7.395   -2.279   -0.719    0.364   -0.794   -0.430   -1.149
277    27    8.280    8.280   -1.618   -0.187    0.072   -0.368   -0.296   -0.484
278    28    8.301    8.301   -1.575   -0.110    0.029   -0.367   -0.338   -0.448
279    29    8.754    8.754   -1.655   -0.305    0.129   -0.422   -0.294   -0.598
280    30    8.754    8.754   -1.655   -0.305    0.129   -0.422   -0.294   -0.598
281    31    8.763    8.763   -2.425   -0.708    0.372   -0.794   -0.422   -1.131
282    32    9.044    9.044   -1.691   -0.240    0.102   -0.473   -0.370   -0.610
283    33    9.044    9.044   -1.691   -0.240    0.102   -0.473   -0.370   -0.610
284    34    9.480    9.480   -2.128   -0.472    0.242   -0.620   -0.378   -0.850
285    35    9.960    9.960   -3.660   -0.814    0.373   -1.164   -0.791   -1.605
286    36   11.188   11.188   -3.265   -0.926    0.445   -1.015   -0.570   -1.496
287    37   11.735   11.735   -2.505   -0.513    0.237   -0.750   -0.513   -1.026
289 Symmetrized values from band-averaging:
291       k =  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 ik =   1 spin = 1
293     n      Emf       Eo      Vxc        X      Cor     Eqp0     Eqp1      Znk
294     1  -28.703  -28.703  -20.560  -33.269    5.663  -35.749  -34.547    0.829
295     2  -13.613  -13.613  -18.816  -27.116    2.541  -19.373  -18.785    0.898
296     3  -11.537  -11.537  -17.577  -23.316    0.665  -16.611  -16.151    0.909
297     4  -11.537  -11.537  -17.577  -23.316    0.665  -16.611  -16.151    0.909
298     5   -8.555   -8.555  -13.801  -19.428    0.233  -13.949  -13.479    0.913
299     6   -1.640   -1.640  -13.752   -7.572   -1.246    3.294    2.926    0.925
300     7   -1.640   -1.640  -13.752   -7.572   -1.246    3.294    2.926    0.925
301     8   -0.065   -0.065   -1.801   -0.580   -0.232    0.924    0.915    0.990
302     9    2.361    2.361   -2.072   -0.444   -0.335    3.655    3.640    0.988
303    10    2.530    2.530   -1.325   -0.120   -0.222    3.513    3.506    0.993
304    11    2.703    2.703   -2.182   -0.488   -0.410    3.987    3.970    0.987
305    12    2.703    2.703   -2.182   -0.488   -0.410    3.987    3.970    0.987
306    13    2.787    2.787   -1.829   -0.435   -0.272    3.909    3.897    0.990
307    14    3.655    3.655   -1.882   -0.622   -0.296    4.620    4.609    0.989
308    15    4.851    4.851   -2.375   -0.347   -0.476    6.403    6.380    0.985
309    16    5.524    5.524   -1.855   -0.482   -0.298    6.600    6.588    0.990
310    17    5.548    5.548   -2.283   -0.531   -0.375    6.925    6.906    0.986
311    18    5.548    5.548   -2.283   -0.531   -0.375    6.925    6.906    0.986
312    19    5.697    5.697   -1.119   -0.110   -0.190    6.517    6.512    0.994
313    20    5.727    5.727   -1.283   -0.145   -0.200    6.666    6.659    0.993
314    21    5.727    5.727   -1.283   -0.145   -0.200    6.666    6.659    0.993
315    22    5.733    5.733   -1.061   -0.037   -0.173    6.584    6.579    0.994
316    23    6.092    6.092   -2.274   -0.671   -0.372    7.323    7.307    0.987
317    24    6.093    6.093   -2.414   -0.548   -0.540    7.418    7.396    0.983
318    25    6.093    6.093   -2.414   -0.548   -0.540    7.418    7.396    0.983
319    26    7.395    7.395   -2.279   -0.719   -0.430    8.524    8.508    0.985
320    27    8.280    8.280   -1.618   -0.187   -0.296    9.414    9.403    0.990
321    28    8.301    8.301   -1.575   -0.110   -0.338    9.428    9.416    0.989
322    29    8.754    8.754   -1.655   -0.305   -0.294    9.811    9.799    0.989
323    30    8.754    8.754   -1.655   -0.305   -0.294    9.811    9.799    0.989
324    31    8.763    8.763   -2.425   -0.708   -0.422   10.057   10.038    0.985
325    32    9.044    9.044   -1.691   -0.240   -0.370   10.125   10.112    0.988
326    33    9.044    9.044   -1.691   -0.240   -0.370   10.125   10.112    0.988
327    34    9.480    9.480   -2.128   -0.472   -0.378   10.758   10.742    0.987
328    35    9.960    9.960   -3.660   -0.814   -0.791   12.015   11.966    0.976
329    36   11.188   11.188   -3.265   -0.926   -0.570   12.957   12.920    0.979
330    37   11.735   11.735   -2.505   -0.513   -0.513   13.214   13.187    0.982
334    n = band index.
335  Emf = "inner" mean-field energy eigenvalue used to construct Sigma(E),
336        read from WFN_inner.
337   Eo = "outer" mean-field energy eigenvalue where we center the evaluation
338        frequency grid {E} of Sigma(E). Defaults to Emf, unless
339        you use WFN_outer and eqp_outer.dat / scissors_outer.
340  Vxc = exchange-correlation pot., calculated from VXC or read from vxc.dat.
341    X = bare exchange.
342   SX = screened exchange contrib. to Sigma(E) at energy E=Eo
343   CH = Coulomb hole contrib. to Sigma(E) at energy E=Eo
344  Cor = SX-X + CH = correlation portion of Sigma(E) at energy E=Eo.
345  Sig = X + Cor = self energy, Sigma(E), at energy E=Eo.
346 Eqp0 = on-shell QP energy = Emf - Vxc + Sig(Eo)
347        Eqp0 is *not* the recommended quantity to use for QP properties.
348 Eqp1 = off-shell solution to the linearized  Dyson`s equation
349      = Eqp0 + (dSig/dE) / (1 - dSig/dE) * (Eqp0 - Eo),
350        or a full linear interpolation if more freq. points where computed.
351        Eqp1 is the recommended quantity to use for QP properties.
352  Znk = quasiparticle renormalization factor
354 Notes on the finite_difference_form from sigma.inp file:
355   none    : -2 => dSig/dE = 0 (skip the expansion)
356   backward: -1 => dSig/dE = (Sig(Eo) - Sig(Eo-dE)) / dE
357   central :  0 => dSig/dE = (Sig(Eo+dE) - Sig(Eo-dE)) / (2*dE)
358   forward :  1 => dSig/dE = (Sig(Eo+dE) - Sig(Eo)) / dE
359   default :  2 => forward for diagonal and none for off-diagonal
360   dE is finite_difference_spacing from Sigma.inp file.
361   We are using the form #2 with dE = 1.000 eV.
363 General notes:
364 - All energies are reported here in eV.
365 - Both Emf and Vxc contain the average pot. Vxc0, so Vxc0 doesn`t affect Sigma.
366 - Eqp1 and Eqp0 are Eqs. (36-37) from Hybertsen & Louie PRB 34 5390.
367 - We recommend you use Eqp1 for QP properties of materials.
372WARNING: |Eqp0 - Eo| > finite_difference_spacing. Linear extrapolation for eqp1
373may be inaccurate. You should test the validity of eqp1 by rerunning the
374calculation with the self energy evaluated at the eqp0 energies. For that,
375use the eqp_outer.dat file, created with eqp.py script and point WFN_outer to
376WFN_inner, if you were not already using WFN_outer.
379                      CPU (s)        WALL (s)           #
381FULLBZ:                 0.000           0.002           2
382IRRBZ:                  0.000           0.000           1
383SUBGRP:                 0.000           0.000           1
384GMAP:                   0.000           0.004           1
385INPUT:                  0.530           0.762           1
386INPUT I/O               0.120           0.289         504
387INPUT COMM              0.050           0.063         504
388INPUT (READ):           0.220           0.413         502
389INPUT (WRITE):          0.000           0.005         499
390INPUT_OUTER:            0.000           0.000           1
391GENWF:                  0.020           0.012           1
392WF COMM:                0.000           0.000           1
393WF_CH COMM:             0.000           0.000           0
394EPSCOPY:                0.370           0.546           1
395EPSCOPY IO:             0.360           0.482           1
396EPSCOPY COMM:           0.000           0.000           0
397READ NEPS:              0.000           0.015           1
398EPSREAD:                0.010           0.005           1
399MTXEL:                 49.880          25.082          37
400MTXEL_CH:               0.000           0.000           0
401MTXEL COMM:             0.000           0.000           1
402VCOUL:                  0.330           0.230           1
403VXC:                    0.000           0.018           2
404BARE X:                 0.080           0.030          38
405MTXEL_COR TOT:         34.070          17.109          37
406M.COR INIT:             0.030           0.012          37
407M.COR EPSINIT:          0.320           0.163          37
408M.COR COMM:             1.060           0.440         888
409M.COR PP PREP:          0.150           0.074        1144
410M.COR SX+CH:           32.510          16.430       18463
411M.COR RA SX:            0.000           0.000           0
412M.COR RA CH:            0.000           0.000           0
413M.COR RA CH2:           0.000           0.000           0
414M.COR RA SUM:           0.000           0.000           0
415M.COR CD RES:           0.000           0.000           0
416M.COR CD INT:           0.000           0.000           0
417M.COR CD SUM:           0.000           0.000           0
418M.COR REMAIN:           0.000           0.000           0
419FFT ZERO                3.830           1.916         814
420FFT PUT                 0.530           0.297         814
421FFT PLAN                0.870           0.446        2461
422FFT EXEC               37.670          18.822        2461
423FFT MLTPLY              5.270           2.705         777
425TOTAL:                 85.350          43.883