2 BerkeleyGW trunk revision 7008
3 Sigma code, Complex version, run on 25-Apr-2016 at 18:43:27 -0700
5                                                                 ..o.
6                                                                .oxxo.
7                                                               .oxxxxo...
8                                                               oxxxxxxo.
9                                                              .oxxxxxxx.
10                                                              .ooooooxxo..
11                                                              .oooooooxo..
12                                                              .oooooxxo...
13                                                       .........oxooo......
14                                                 ............................
15                                             .................................
16                                          ....................................
17           .          ..oo. ....  .................................oooxxxxxxxo.
18     .............oxxxx@ox@@@x@x.....................o...........ooooooooooxx.
19    .o.........oox@x.oo........xxx@@............ooxxxxo..........ooooxxxxxoxo
20    .x........x@xxo...............o@xxo........oxxx@@@xoooooooooooooooxxxo...
21    .o......ox@@o..................oox@o.....ooxxx@xoooxxxxxxxoooooooooooo....
22    o..ooooo@@xoooo....ooo...........x@o.....ooxxxxo   .oxxxxxxxxxxooooooo....
23    . .oooo@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....ooooox.     .oxx@@@@@xxoo........
24      .ooooxxxxxxxooooooxooooooooooooooxo...oooooxx.        ..ox@xxxoo.........
25      .ooooooxxxx@xoooooooooooooxxoooooooooooxxxxx.            .oxxooooooooxxo.
26     .oooooxxxxx@@@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoxxxxo.                .oxxxxxxxxo.
27   ....oooxxxxx@@@xo..oxxx@@@@@@xxxxoxxoooooooxx.                  .oxxxoo..
28  .....ooxxxx@@xo.       ........    .ooooooooxxo
29  ..oooxxxx@@@o                       .oooooooxoo.
30  ....oxooxxxxx.                       .ooo..oooo.
31  .....o.ooxxxxxo.                     .oooooooxo.
32 ......ooooxxxxxxo.                     .ooooooxoo..
33........ooxxxxxxxo..                     .o....oxoo...
34.......ooooxxxxxxxo.                     ........oooo.
35.ooooooo..ooxxxxoooo.                    .........ooo...
36..oxo...ooooxxxoooo..                    .ooo......oooo...
37  .ooooo....o.                            .oxxxoo....ooo....
38    .oooooo...                              ...ooooo...ooo..
39       ...                                     .oo.......
40                                               ....ooo...
41                      __              __
42 ______              [  |            [  |                 ._____  _          _
43|_   _ \              | |  _          | |                /  ___ \| |        | |
44  | |_) | .---.  _. _.| | / |  .---.  | | .---.  _    _ / /    \_|\ \  /\  / /
45  |  __'./ /__\\[ /`\_| '' <  / /__\\ | |/ /__\\| \  | | |   _____ \ \/  \/ /
46 _| |__| | \__. | |   | |`\ \ | \___. | || \___. \ \/ / \ \.___| |  \  /\  /
47|_______/ \.__./[_]  [__|  \_] \.__./[___]\.__./  \  /   \.____./    \/  \/
48                                                  / /
49                                                 /_/
51 Please cite the following papers when using results from BerkeleyGW:
53 Jack Deslippe, Georgy Samsonidze, David A. Strubbe, Manish Jain, Marvin L.
54 Cohen, and Steven G. Louie, "BerkeleyGW: A Massively Parallel Computer Package
55 for the Calculation of the Quasiparticle and Optical Properties of Materials
56 and Nanostructures," Comput. Phys. Commun. 183, 1269 (2012)
58 Mark S. Hybertsen and Steven G. Louie, "Electron correlation in semiconductors
59 and insulators: Band gaps and quasiparticle energies," Phys. Rev. B 34, 5390
60 (1986)
62 Michael Rohlfing and Steven G. Louie, "Electron-hole excitations and optical
63 spectra from first principles," Phys. Rev. B 62, 4927 (2000)
66 Running MPI version (parallel)
67 Running with 32 MPI task(s)
68 Using OpenMP. Number of threads per MPI task: 1
70 Compilation flags:
71 - Compiler: INTEL
72 - Para. flags: MPI, OMP
74 - Debug flags:
76 Using the Generalized Plasmon Pole model
78 We are communicating via MPI
80 Computing CH as a partial sum over empty bands with the static remainder
82 Running with metal screening
84 We are using a truncated Coulomb interaction: Cell Wire
86 WARNING: Metal screening usually should have number_partial_occup > 0.
87 Cutoff for Monte-Carlo average of Coulomb potential:    1.000E-12 Ry
89 Reading exchange-correlation matrix elements from vxc.dat file
91 Treating W within the Hybertsen-Louie Generalized Plasmon Pole model
93 Memory available: 3921.1 MB per PE
95 Read from eps0mat.h5:
96 - Number of G-vectors in the charge-density grid: 226283
97 - Max. number of G-vectors for dielectric matrices: 873
98 - Cutoff of the dielectric matrix (Ry): 6.000
99 - Number of imaginary frequencies: 0
100 - Total number of frequencies: 1
101 - Frequency dependence: 0
102 - Number of q-points: 1
103 - Q grid: 1 1 128
105 Read from epsmat.h5:
106 - Number of G-vectors in the charge-density grid: 226283
107 - Max. number of G-vectors for dielectric matrices: 940
108 - Cutoff of the dielectric matrix: 6.000
109 - Number of imaginary frequencies: 0
110 - Total number of frequencies: 1
111 - Frequency dependence: 0
112 - Number of q-points: 31
113 - Q grid: 1 1 32
115 Reading header of WFN_inner
116 Highest occupied band (unshifted grid) = 40
117 Valence max    (unshifted grid) = -.740513 eV
118 Conduction min (unshifted grid) = -.709624 eV
119 Middle energy  (unshifted grid) = -.725068 eV
120 Fermi  energy  (unshifted grid) = -.725068 eV
123 Calculation parameters:
124 - Cutoff of the bare Coulomb interaction (Ry): 60.00
125 - Cutoff of the screened Coulomb interaction (Ry): 6.00
126 - Number of G-vectors up to the bare int. cutoff: 28343
127 - Number of G-vectors up to the screened int. cutoff: 873
128 - Total number of bands in the calculation: 80
129 - Number of fully occupied valence bands: 40
130 - Number of partially occ. conduction bands: 0
132 Memory required for execution: 125.9 MB per PE
133 Memory required for vcoul: 114.4 MB per PE
135 Number of electrons per unit cell (from ifmax) = 80.000000
136 Number of electrons per unit cell (from occupations) = 80.000000
137 Plasma Frequency = 1.056920 Ry
139 Q-grid symmetries are being used.
141 Parallelizatiion report:
142 - Using 32 processor(s), 2 pool(s), 16 processor(s) per pool.
143 - Each pool is computing 4 diagonal sigma matrix element(s).
144 - Each pool is computing 0 off-diagonal sigma matrix element(s).
145 - Each processor is holding 5 band(s).
148 Started reading wavefunctions (WFN_inner) with 2560 state(s) at 18:43:27.
149 [ 18:43:27 |   0% ] state    1 / 2560.
150 [ 18:43:27 |   0% ] state    3 / 2560, remaining: 5 s.
151 [ 18:43:30 |  10% ] state  256 / 2560, remaining: 32 s.
152 [ 18:43:33 |  20% ] state  512 / 2560, remaining: 25 s.
153 [ 18:43:35 |  30% ] state  768 / 2560, remaining: 19 s.
154 [ 18:43:37 |  40% ] state 1024 / 2560, remaining: 16 s.
155 [ 18:43:40 |  50% ] state 1280 / 2560, remaining: 13 s.
156 [ 18:43:41 |  60% ] state 1536 / 2560, remaining: 10 s.
157 [ 18:43:43 |  70% ] state 1792 / 2560, remaining: 7 s.
158 [ 18:43:46 |  80% ] state 2048 / 2560, remaining: 5 s.
159 [ 18:43:47 |  90% ] state 2304 / 2560, remaining: 2 s.
160 [ 18:43:50 | 100% ] state 2560 / 2560, remaining: 0 s.
161 Finished reading wavefunctions (WFN_inner) at 18:43:51.
162 Elapsed time: 24 s.
165 Scissors parameters
166 Valence:    es =   0.0000 eV, e0 =   0.0000 eV, edel =   0.0000
167 Conduction: es =   0.0000 eV, e0 =   0.0000 eV, edel =   0.0000
169 Scissors parameters (outer)
170 Valence:    es =   0.0000 eV, e0 =   0.0000 eV, edel =   0.0000
171 Conduction: es =   0.0000 eV, e0 =   0.0000 eV, edel =   0.0000
174 Data for sum rule:
175 - rho(0,1) = 80.000000 electrons
176 - wp = 14.380130 eV
178 Number of bands to compute diagonal self-energy matrix elements: 8
179 Bands:
180 - 37
181 - 38
182 - 39
183 - 40
184 - 41
185 - 42
186 - 43
187 - 44
188 Number of off-diagonal bands to compute self-energy matrix elements: 0
191 Total number of frequencies in the dielectric matrix: 1
192 Number of imag. frequencies in the dielectric matrix: 0
195 Started reading eps0mat.h5 with 1 q-point(s) at 18:43:51.
196 [ 18:43:51 |   0% ] q-point 1 / 1.
197 Finished reading eps0mat.h5 at 18:43:51.
198 Elapsed time: 0 s.
201 Started reading epsmat.h5 with 31 q-point(s) at 18:43:51.
202 [ 18:43:51 |   0% ] q-point  1 / 31.
203 [ 18:43:51 |   6% ] q-point  3 / 31, remaining: 1 s.
204 [ 18:43:51 |  10% ] q-point  4 / 31, remaining: 1 s.
205 [ 18:43:52 |  19% ] q-point  7 / 31, remaining: 1 s.
206 [ 18:43:52 |  29% ] q-point 10 / 31, remaining: 1 s.
207 [ 18:43:52 |  39% ] q-point 13 / 31, remaining: 1 s.
208 [ 18:43:52 |  48% ] q-point 16 / 31, remaining: 1 s.
209 [ 18:43:52 |  58% ] q-point 19 / 31, remaining: 1 s.
210 [ 18:43:52 |  68% ] q-point 22 / 31, remaining: 1 s.
211 [ 18:43:53 |  77% ] q-point 25 / 31, remaining: 0 s.
212 [ 18:43:53 |  87% ] q-point 28 / 31, remaining: 0 s.
213 Finished reading epsmat.h5 at 18:43:53.
214 Elapsed time: 2 s.
216 No k+G sampling uniformity to check, given selected truncation scheme.
219 18:43:53   Dealing with k =  0.000000  0.000000  0.375000                 1 / 1
222 Reading vxc.dat
223 Number of k-points in the irreducible BZ(q) (nrq): 32
225               q                     neq      indrq      itrq         kg0
227   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000        1        1        1        0   0   0
228   0.00000   0.00000   0.03125        1        2        1        0   0   0
229   0.00000   0.00000   0.06250        1        3        1        0   0   0
230   0.00000   0.00000   0.09375        1        4        1        0   0   0
231   0.00000   0.00000   0.12500        1        5        1        0   0   0
232   0.00000   0.00000   0.15625        1        6        1        0   0   0
233   0.00000   0.00000   0.18750        1        7        1        0   0   0
234   0.00000   0.00000   0.21875        1        8        1        0   0   0
235   0.00000   0.00000   0.25000        1        9        1        0   0   0
236   0.00000   0.00000   0.28125        1       10        1        0   0   0
237   0.00000   0.00000   0.31250        1       11        1        0   0   0
238   0.00000   0.00000   0.34375        1       12        1        0   0   0
239   0.00000   0.00000   0.37500        1       13        1        0   0   0
240   0.00000   0.00000   0.40625        1       14        1        0   0   0
241   0.00000   0.00000   0.43750        1       15        1        0   0   0
242   0.00000   0.00000   0.46875        1       16        1        0   0   0
243   0.00000   0.00000   0.50000        1       17        1        0   0   0
244   0.00000   0.00000   0.53125        1       18        1        0   0   0
245   0.00000   0.00000   0.56250        1       19        1        0   0   0
246   0.00000   0.00000   0.59375        1       20        1        0   0   0
247   0.00000   0.00000   0.62500        1       21        1        0   0   0
248   0.00000   0.00000   0.65625        1       22        1        0   0   0
249   0.00000   0.00000   0.68750        1       23        1        0   0   0
250   0.00000   0.00000   0.71875        1       24        1        0   0   0
251   0.00000   0.00000   0.75000        1       25        1        0   0   0
252   0.00000   0.00000   0.78125        1       26        1        0   0   0
253   0.00000   0.00000   0.81250        1       27        1        0   0   0
254   0.00000   0.00000   0.84375        1       28        1        0   0   0
255   0.00000   0.00000   0.87500        1       29        1        0   0   0
256   0.00000   0.00000   0.90625        1       30        1        0   0   0
257   0.00000   0.00000   0.93750        1       31        1        0   0   0
258   0.00000   0.00000   0.96875        1       32        1        0   0   0
260 Started calculating Sigma with 128 block(s) at 18:43:53.
261 [ 18:43:53 |   0% ] block   1 / 128.
262 [ 18:43:54 |   2% ] block   3 / 128, remaining: 56 s.
263 [ 18:43:58 |   9% ] block  13 / 128, remaining: 51 s.
264 [ 18:44:04 |  20% ] block  26 / 128, remaining: 44 s.
265 [ 18:44:09 |  30% ] block  39 / 128, remaining: 38 s.
266 [ 18:44:15 |  40% ] block  52 / 128, remaining: 33 s.
267 [ 18:44:21 |  50% ] block  65 / 128, remaining: 28 s.
268 [ 18:44:26 |  59% ] block  77 / 128, remaining: 23 s.
269 [ 18:44:32 |  70% ] block  90 / 128, remaining: 17 s.
270 [ 18:44:37 |  80% ] block 103 / 128, remaining: 11 s.
271 [ 18:44:43 |  90% ] block 116 / 128, remaining: 6 s.
272 Finished calculating Sigma at 18:44:48.
273 Elapsed time: 55 s.
275 Unsymmetrized values for ik =  13 spin = 1
277     n      Emf       Eo      Vxc        X     SX-X       CH      Cor      Sig
278    37   -3.467   -3.467  -13.787  -15.868    9.532   -7.255    2.278  -13.590
279    38   -2.255   -2.255  -13.974  -15.006    8.862   -7.379    1.483  -13.523
280    39   -2.254   -2.254  -13.974  -15.006    8.857   -7.372    1.484  -13.521
281    40   -1.670   -1.670  -13.954  -14.277    8.317   -7.388    0.929  -13.348
282    41    0.124    0.124  -14.073  -10.569    5.339   -7.499   -2.159  -12.728
283    42    0.448    0.448  -13.885   -9.828    4.818   -7.427   -2.609  -12.437
284    43    0.448    0.448  -13.885   -9.828    4.809   -7.417   -2.609  -12.437
285    44    1.197    1.197  -13.868   -9.016    4.235   -7.462   -3.227  -12.243
287 Symmetrized values from band-averaging:
289       k =  0.000000  0.000000  0.375000 ik =  13 spin = 1
291     n      Emf       Eo      Vxc        X      Cor     Eqp0     Eqp1      Znk
292    37   -3.467   -3.467  -13.787  -15.868    2.278   -3.269   -3.306    0.815
293    38   -2.255   -2.255  -13.974  -15.006    1.483   -1.803   -1.884    0.821
294    39   -2.254   -2.254  -13.974  -15.006    1.484   -1.802   -1.883    0.821
295    40   -1.670   -1.670  -13.954  -14.277    0.929   -1.063   -1.171    0.822
296    41    0.124    0.124  -14.073  -10.569   -2.159    1.470    1.214    0.810
297    42    0.448    0.448  -13.885   -9.828   -2.609    1.895    1.625    0.813
298    43    0.448    0.448  -13.885   -9.828   -2.609    1.897    1.625    0.813
299    44    1.197    1.197  -13.868   -9.016   -3.227    2.821    2.510    0.808
303    n = band index.
304  Emf = "inner" mean-field energy eigenvalue used to construct Sigma(E),
305        read from WFN_inner.
306   Eo = "outer" mean-field energy eigenvalue where we center the evaluation
307        frequency grid {E} of Sigma(E). Defaults to Emf, unless
308        you use WFN_outer and eqp_outer.dat / scissors_outer.
309  Vxc = exchange-correlation pot., calculated from VXC or read from vxc.dat.
310    X = bare exchange.
311   SX = screened exchange contrib. to Sigma(E) at energy E=Eo
312   CH = Coulomb hole contrib. to Sigma(E) at energy E=Eo
313  Cor = SX-X + CH = correlation portion of Sigma(E) at energy E=Eo.
314  Sig = X + Cor = self energy, Sigma(E), at energy E=Eo.
315 Eqp0 = Emf - Vxc + Sig(Eo)
316        (Eqp0 is the on-shell QP energy, not recommended for direct usage)
317 Eqp1 = Eqp0 + (dSig/dE) / (1 - dSig/dE) * (Eqp0 - Eo)
318        (Eqp1 is the off-shell QP energy obtained by solving the linearized
319         Dyson`s equation, and is the recommended quantity for QP properties.)
320  Znk = quasiparticle renormalization factor
322 Notes on the static remainder:
323 - Unprimed values, such as Eqp0, are evaluated WITH the static remainder
324 - Primed values, such as Eqp0`, are evaluated WITHOUT the static remainder
326 Notes on the finite_difference_form from sigma.inp file:
327   none    : -2 => dSig/dE = 0 (skip the expansion)
328   backward: -1 => dSig/dE = (Sig(Eo) - Sig(Eo-dE)) / dE
329   central :  0 => dSig/dE = (Sig(Eo+dE) - Sig(Eo-dE)) / (2*dE)
330   forward :  1 => dSig/dE = (Sig(Eo+dE) - Sig(Eo)) / dE
331   default :  2 => forward for diagonal and none for off-diagonal
332   dE is finite_difference_spacing from Sigma.inp file.
333   We are using the form #2 with dE = 1.000 eV.
335 General notes:
336 - All energies are reported here in eV.
337 - Both Emf and Vxc contain the average pot. Vxc0, so Vxc0 doesn`t affect Sigma.
338 - Eqp1 and Eqp0 are Eqs. (36-37) from Hybertsen & Louie PRB 34 5390.
339 - We recommend you use Eqp1 for QP properties of materials.
344WARNING: |Eqp0 - Eo| > finite_difference_spacing. Linear extrapolation for eqp1
345may be inaccurate. You should test the validity of eqp1 by rerunning the
346calculation with the self energy evaluated at the eqp0 energies. For that,
347use the eqp_outer.dat file, created with eqp.py script and point WFN_outer to
348WFN_inner, if you were not already using WFN_outer.
351                      CPU (s)        WALL (s)           #
353FULLBZ:                -0.000           0.003           2
354IRRBZ:                 -0.000           0.000           1
355SUBGRP:                -0.000           0.000           1
356GMAP:                   0.160           0.164          32
357INPUT:                  0.970          24.371           1
358INPUT I/O               0.510          13.798        8387
359INPUT COMM              0.290           0.335        8387
360INPUT (READ):           0.860          23.938        8385
361INPUT (WRITE):          0.010           0.041        2560
362INPUT_OUTER:            0.000           0.001           1
363GENWF:                  0.790           0.824          32
364WF COMM:               -0.000           0.000           1
365WF_CH COMM:             0.000           0.000           0
366EPSCOPY:                0.580           1.946           1
367EPSCOPY IO:             0.490           1.346          32
368EPSCOPY COMM:           0.000           0.000           0
369READ NEPS:              0.000           0.006           1
370EPSREAD:                0.130           0.103          32
371MTXEL:                 29.300          29.368         128
372MTXEL_CH:               0.270           0.259           4
373MTXEL COMM:            -0.000           0.000          32
374VCOUL:                  2.390           2.478          32
375VXC:                    0.000           0.023           2
376BARE X:                 0.100           0.117         129
377MTXEL_COR TOT:         20.960          21.098         128
378M.COR INIT:             0.060           0.086         128
379M.COR EPSINIT:          1.350           1.377         128
380M.COR COMM:             0.170           0.175        2048
381M.COR PP PREP:          0.570           0.650        7208
382M.COR SX+CH:           18.820          18.955       10240
383M.COR RA SX:            0.000           0.000           0
384M.COR RA CH:            0.000           0.000           0
385M.COR RA CH2:           0.000           0.000           0
386M.COR RA SUM:           0.000           0.000           0
387M.COR CD RES:           0.000           0.000           0
388M.COR CD INT:           0.000           0.000           0
389M.COR CD SUM:           0.000           0.000           0
390M.COR REMAIN:           0.510           0.485       10240
391FFT ZERO                3.740           3.676         776
392FFT PUT                 0.600           0.496         776
393FFT PLAN                0.510           0.643        1452
394FFT EXEC               19.030          19.205        1452
395FFT MLTPLY              4.620           4.584         644
397TOTAL:                 56.430          81.599