1function kr = revRateConstants(a)
2% REVRATECONSTANTS  Get the reverse reaction rate constants.
3% kr = revRateConstants(a)
5% The computed values include all temperature-dependent, pressure-dependent, and
6% third body contributions. Units are a combination of kmol, m^3 and s, that
7% depend on the rate expression for the reaction.
9% Deprecated 2.6:
11%     Behavior to change after Cantera 2.6; for Cantera 2.6, rate constants of
12%     three-body reactions are multiplied with third-body concentrations
13%     (no change to legacy behavior). After Cantera 2.6, results will no longer
14%     include third-body concentrations and be consistent with conventional
15%     definitions (see Eq. 9.75 in Kee, Coltrin and Glarborg, 'Chemically
16%     Reacting Flow', Wiley Interscience, 2003).
17%     To switch to new behavior, run 'useLegacyRateConstants(0)'.
19% See also: :mat:func:`fwdRateConstants`, :mat:func:`equil_KC`
21% :param a:
22%     Instance of class :mat:func:`Kinetics` (or another
23%     object deriving from Kinetics)
24%     for which reverse rate constants are desired.
25% :return:
26%     Returns a column vector of the reverse rate constants of
27%     all of the reactions.
30kr = kinetics_get(a.id, 16, 0);