1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Alessandro Tasora, Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
15 #include "chrono/motion_functions/ChFunction_Fillet3.h"
17 namespace chrono {
19 // Register into the object factory, to enable run-time dynamic creation and persistence
CH_FACTORY_REGISTER(ChFunction_Fillet3)20 CH_FACTORY_REGISTER(ChFunction_Fillet3)
22 ChFunction_Fillet3::ChFunction_Fillet3(const ChFunction_Fillet3& other) {
23     end = other.end;
24     y1 = other.y1;
25     y2 = other.y2;
26     dy1 = other.dy1;
27     dy2 = other.dy2;
28     c1 = other.c1;
29     c2 = other.c2;
30     c3 = other.c3;
31     c4 = other.c4;
32 }
Get_y(double x) const34 double ChFunction_Fillet3::Get_y(double x) const {
35     double ret = 0;
36     if (x <= 0)
37         return y1;
38     if (x >= end)
39         return y2;
40     ret = c1 * pow(x, 3) + c2 * pow(x, 2) + c3 * x + c4;
41     return ret;
42 }
Get_y_dx(double x) const44 double ChFunction_Fillet3::Get_y_dx(double x) const {
45     double ret = 0;
46     if (x <= 0)
47         return 0;
48     if (x >= end)
49         return 0;
50     ret = 3 * c1 * pow(x, 2) + 2 * c2 * x + c3;
51     return ret;
52 }
Get_y_dxdx(double x) const54 double ChFunction_Fillet3::Get_y_dxdx(double x) const {
55     double ret = 0;
56     if (x <= 0)
57         return 0;
58     if (x >= end)
59         return 0;
60     ret = 6 * c1 * x + 2 * c2;
61     return ret;
62 }
SetupCoefficients()64 void ChFunction_Fillet3::SetupCoefficients() {
65     ChMatrixDynamic<> ma(4, 4);
66     ChMatrixDynamic<> mb(4, 1);
67     ChMatrixDynamic<> mx(4, 1);
69     mb(0, 0) = y1;
70     mb(1, 0) = y2;
71     mb(2, 0) = dy1;
72     mb(3, 0) = dy2;
74     ma(0, 3) = 1.0;
76     ma(1, 0) = pow(end, 3);
77     ma(1, 1) = pow(end, 2);
78     ma(1, 2) = end;
79     ma(1, 3) = 1.0;
81     ma(2, 2) = 1.0;
83     ma(3, 0) = 3 * pow(end, 2);
84     ma(3, 1) = 2 * end;
85     ma(3, 2) = 1.0;
87     mx = ma.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(mb);
89     c1 = mx(0, 0);
90     c2 = mx(1, 0);
91     c3 = mx(2, 0);
92     c4 = mx(3, 0);
93 }
ArchiveOUT(ChArchiveOut & marchive)95 void ChFunction_Fillet3::ArchiveOUT(ChArchiveOut& marchive) {
96     // version number
97     marchive.VersionWrite<ChFunction_Fillet3>();
98     // serialize parent class
99     ChFunction::ArchiveOUT(marchive);
100     // serialize all member data:
101     marchive << CHNVP(end);
102     marchive << CHNVP(y1);
103     marchive << CHNVP(y2);
104     marchive << CHNVP(dy1);
105     marchive << CHNVP(dy2);
106 }
ArchiveIN(ChArchiveIn & marchive)108 void ChFunction_Fillet3::ArchiveIN(ChArchiveIn& marchive) {
109     // version number
110     /*int version =*/ marchive.VersionRead<ChFunction_Fillet3>();
111     // deserialize parent class
112     ChFunction::ArchiveIN(marchive);
113     // stream in all member data:
114     marchive >> CHNVP(end);
115     marchive >> CHNVP(y1);
116     marchive >> CHNVP(y2);
117     marchive >> CHNVP(dy1);
118     marchive >> CHNVP(dy2);
119     SetupCoefficients();
120 }
122 }  // end namespace chrono