1 /*! \file lib/xmap.h
2     Header file for crystal maps
3 */
4 //C Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Kevin Cowtan and University of York
5 //L
6 //L  This library is free software and is distributed under the terms
7 //L  and conditions of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 //L  Licence (LGPL) with the following additional clause:
9 //L
10 //L     `You may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" to
11 //L     produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute
12 //L     that work under terms of your choice, provided that you give
13 //L     prominent notice with each copy of the work that the specified
14 //L     version of the Library is used in it, and that you include or
15 //L     provide public access to the complete corresponding
16 //L     machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
17 //L     changes were used in the work. (i.e. If you make changes to the
18 //L     Library you must distribute those, but you do not need to
19 //L     distribute source or object code to those portions of the work
20 //L     not covered by this licence.)'
21 //L
22 //L  Note that this clause grants an additional right and does not impose
23 //L  any additional restriction, and so does not affect compatibility
24 //L  with the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). If you wish to negotiate
25 //L  other terms, please contact the maintainer.
26 //L
27 //L  You can redistribute it and/or modify the library under the terms of
28 //L  the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
29 //L  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
30 //L  later version.
31 //L
32 //L  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
33 //L  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
35 //L  Lesser General Public License for more details.
36 //L
37 //L  You should have received a copy of the CCP4 licence and/or GNU
38 //L  Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write
39 //L  to the CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK.
40 //L  The GNU Lesser General Public can also be obtained by writing to the
41 //L  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
42 //L  MA 02111-1307 USA
45 #ifndef CLIPPER_XMAP
46 #define CLIPPER_XMAP
49 #include "fftmap.h"
50 #include "fftmap_sparse.h"
51 #include "derivs.h"
54 namespace clipper
55 {
57   class Xmap_cacheobj
58   {
59   public:
60     class Key
61     {
62     public:
Key(const Spgr_descr & spgr_descr,const Grid_sampling & grid)63       Key( const Spgr_descr& spgr_descr, const Grid_sampling& grid ) :
64 	spgr_descr_(spgr_descr), grid_sampling_(grid) {}
spgr_descr()65       const Spgr_descr& spgr_descr() const { return spgr_descr_; }
grid_sampling()66       const Grid_sampling& grid_sampling() const { return grid_sampling_; }
67     private:
68       Spgr_descr spgr_descr_;
69       Grid_sampling grid_sampling_;
70     };
72     Xmap_cacheobj( const Key& xmap_cachekey );  //!< construct entry
73     bool matches( const Key& xmap_cachekey ) const; //!< compare entry
74     String format() const;  //!< string description
75     // data
76     Key key;                         //!< key
77     Grid_sampling xtl_grid;          //!< grid for the cell
78     Grid_range asu_grid;             //!< grid for the ASU
79     Grid_range map_grid;             //!< grid for the ASU, plus border
80     int nsym;                        // number of symops
81     std::vector<unsigned char> asu;  //!< ASU flag array
82     std::vector<Isymop> isymop;      //!< Integerised symops
83     std::vector<int> du, dv, dw;     //!< symmetry grid shifts to index
84     Array2d<unsigned char> symperm;  //!< Perumtation matrix of symops
85     Mat33<> mat_grid_orth;           //!< for backward compatibility
86     static Mutex mutex;              //!< thread safety
87   };
90   //! Xmap_base: base for crystallographic map class
91   /*!
92     The crystallographic map class stores a map of arbitrary data
93     type. Its main difference from a 3-d array is that the data extent
94     appears to be infinite, and yet internally only a unique ASU is
95     stored. Iterators provide efficient access to data.
97     This base contains everything except the data, which is templated
98     in the derived type Xmap<T>
99   */
100   class Xmap_base
101   {
102   public:
103     enum FFTtype { Default, Normal, Sparse };  //!< FFT backend selection
105     //! test if object has been initialised
106     bool is_null() const;
108     //! get the cell
cell()109     const Cell& cell() const { return cell_; }
110     //! get the spacegroup
spacegroup()111     const Spacegroup& spacegroup() const { return spacegroup_; }
112     //! get the cell grid
grid_sampling()113     const Grid_sampling& grid_sampling() const { return grid_sam_; }
114     //! get the ASU grid
grid_asu()115     const Grid_range& grid_asu() const { return cacheref.data().asu_grid; }
116     //! map coordinate from index
117     /*! \param index The index. \return The corresponding grid coordinate. */
coord_of(const int & index)118     inline Coord_grid coord_of( const int& index ) const
119       { return cacheref.data().map_grid.deindex( index ); }
120     //! map index from coordinate
121     /*! This does not check symmetry equivalents. \param coord The coordinate.
122       \return The index, or -1 if it does not exist. */
index_of(const Coord_grid & coord)123     inline int index_of( const Coord_grid& coord ) const {
124       if ( cacheref.data().asu_grid.in_grid( coord ) ) {
125 	const int i = cacheref.data().map_grid.index( coord );
126 	if ( asu[ i ] == 0 ) return i;
127       }
128       return -1;
129     }
130     //! function to pick right cell repeat for any grid coord
to_map_unit(const Coord_grid & pos)131     Coord_grid to_map_unit( const Coord_grid& pos ) const
132       { return pos.unit( grid_sam_ ); }
134     //! return the orthogonal-to-grid coordinate operator (translation is zero)
operator_orth_grid()135     const RTop<>& operator_orth_grid() const { return rt_orth_grid; }
136     //! return the grid-to-orthogonal coordinate operator (translation is zero)
operator_grid_orth()137     const RTop<>& operator_grid_orth() const { return rt_grid_orth; }
138     //! convert map coordinate to orthogonal
139     /*! \param cm The grid coordinate to be converted.
140       \return The equivalent orthogonal coordinate. */
coord_orth(const Coord_map & cm)141     inline Coord_orth coord_orth( const Coord_map& cm ) const
142       { return Coord_orth( rt_grid_orth.rot()*cm ); }
143     //! convert orthogonal coordinate to map
144     /*! \param co The orthogonal coordinate to be converted.
145       \return The equivalent grid coordinate. */
coord_map(const Coord_orth & co)146     inline Coord_map coord_map( const Coord_orth& co ) const
147       { return Coord_map ( rt_orth_grid.rot()*co ); }
149     //! (This method is for compatibility with NXmap - it always returns true)
in_map(const Coord_grid &)150     bool in_map( const Coord_grid& ) const { return true; }
151     //! (This method is for compatibility with NXmap - it always returns true)
in_map(const Coord_map & cm)152     template<class I> bool in_map( const Coord_map& cm ) const { return true; }
154     //! get multiplicity of a map grid point
155     int multiplicity( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
157     //! Map reference base class
158     /*! This is a reference to an Map. It forms a base class for
159       index-like and coordinate-like Map references. If you write a
160       method which will work with either, then specify this instead of
161       either of the derived classed. \internal */
162     class Map_reference_base
163     {
164     public:
165       //! return the parent Xmap
base_xmap()166       inline const Xmap_base& base_xmap() const { return *map_; }
167       //! Get the index into the map data array
index()168       inline const int& index() const { return index_; }
169       //! Check for end of map
last()170       bool last() const { return ( index_ >= map_->map_grid.size() ); }
171     protected:
172       //! pointer to map for which this Map_reference_index is defined
173       const Xmap_base* map_;
174       //! integer index_ into map data array
175       int index_;
176     };
178     //! Map reference with index-like behaviour
179     /*! This is a reference to a map coordinate. It behaves like a
180       simple index into the map, but can be easily converted into a
181       coordinate as and when required. It also implements methods for
182       iterating through the unique portion of a map. It is very
183       compact, but coord() involves some overhead and loses any
184       information concerning symmetry equivelents.
186       \note The following methods are inherited from
187       Map_reference_base but are documented here for convenience:
188       base_xmap(), index(), last().
189     */
190     class Map_reference_index : public Map_reference_base
191     {
192     public:
193       //! Null constructor
Map_reference_index()194       Map_reference_index() {}
195       //! Constructor: takes parent map
Map_reference_index(const Xmap_base & map)196       explicit Map_reference_index( const Xmap_base& map )
197 	{ map_ = &map; index_=0; next(); }
198       //! Constructor: takes parent map and coord
Map_reference_index(const Xmap_base & map,const Coord_grid & pos)199       Map_reference_index( const Xmap_base& map, const Coord_grid& pos ) { map_ = &map; int sym; map_->find_sym( pos, index_, sym ); }
200       //! Get current grid coordinate
coord()201       inline Coord_grid coord() const
202 	{ return map_->map_grid.deindex(index_); }
203       //! Get current value of orthogonal coordinate
coord_orth()204       inline const Coord_orth coord_orth() const
205 	{ return Coord_orth( map_->rt_grid_orth.rot() * coord().coord_map() ); }
206       //! Set current value of coordinate - optimised for nearby coords
set_coord(const Coord_grid & pos)207       inline Map_reference_index& set_coord( const Coord_grid& pos )
208 	{ int sym; map_->find_sym( pos, index_, sym ); return *this; }
209       //! Simple increment
next()210       inline Map_reference_index& next() {
211 	do {
212 	  index_++; if ( last() ) break;
213 	} while ( map_->asu[index_] != 0 );
214 	return *this;
215       }
216       //! Index of neighbouring point
217       /* Use for e.g. peak search. Valid for -1 <= du/dv/dw <= 1 only.
218 	 \param du/dv/dw Coordinate offset. \return Map index. */
index_offset(const int & du,const int & dv,const int & dw)219       inline int index_offset(const int& du,const int& dv,const int& dw) const {
220 	int i = index_ + du*map_->du[0] + dv*map_->dv[0] + dw*map_->dw[0];
221 	if ( map_->asu[i] != 0 ) { i = map_->map_grid.index( map_->to_map_unit( map_->map_grid.deindex(i).transform( map_->isymop[map_->asu[i]-1] ) ) ); }
222 	return i;
223       }
224       // inherited functions listed for documentation purposes
225       //-- const Xmap_base& base_xmap() const;
226       //-- const int& index() const;
227       //-- bool last() const;
228     };
230     //! Map reference with coordinate-like behaviour
231     /*! This is a reference to a map coordinate. It behaves like a
232       coordinate, but also stores the index of the corresponding point
233       in the map, and the symmetry operator required to get there. It
234       also implements methods for iterating through the a map. Since
235       the current coordinate and symmetry are stored, coord() is
236       fast. However, it requires 1 pointer and 5 words of storage.
238       \note The following methods are inherited from
239       Map_reference_base but are documented here for convenience:
240       base_xmap(), index(), last().
241     */
242     class Map_reference_coord : public Map_reference_base
243     {
244     public:
245       //! Null constructor
Map_reference_coord()246       Map_reference_coord() {}
247       //! Constructor: takes parent map
Map_reference_coord(const Xmap_base & map)248       explicit Map_reference_coord( const Xmap_base& map )
249 	{ map_ = &map; index_ = 0; next(); }
250       //! Constructor: takes parent map and coord
Map_reference_coord(const Xmap_base & map,const Coord_grid & pos)251       Map_reference_coord( const Xmap_base& map, const Coord_grid& pos ) {
252 	map_ = &map;
253 	pos_ = pos;
254 	map_->find_sym( pos_, index_, sym_ );
255       }
256       //! Get current value of coordinate
coord()257       inline const Coord_grid& coord() const { return pos_; }
258       //! Get current value of orthogonal coordinate
coord_orth()259       inline const Coord_orth coord_orth() const
260 	{ return Coord_orth( map_->rt_grid_orth.rot() * coord().coord_map() ); }
261       //! Get current symmetry operator
sym()262       inline const int& sym() const { return sym_; }
263       //! Set current value of coordinate - optimised for nearby coords
264       Map_reference_coord& set_coord( const Coord_grid& pos );
265       //! Simple increment
266       /*! Use of this function resets the stored coordinate and sym */
next()267       inline Map_reference_coord& next() {
268 	sym_ = 0;
269 	do {
270 	  index_++; if ( last() ) break;
271 	} while ( map_->asu[index_] != 0 );
272 	pos_ = map_->map_grid.deindex(index_);
273 	return *this;
274       }
275       // Increment u,v,w
next_u()276       inline Map_reference_coord& next_u() { pos_.u()++; index_ += map_->du[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  //!< increment u
next_v()277       inline Map_reference_coord& next_v() { pos_.v()++; index_ += map_->dv[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  //!< increment v
next_w()278       inline Map_reference_coord& next_w() { pos_.w()++; index_ += map_->dw[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  //!< increment w
prev_u()279       inline Map_reference_coord& prev_u() { pos_.u()--; index_ -= map_->du[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  //!< increment u
prev_v()280       inline Map_reference_coord& prev_v() { pos_.v()--; index_ -= map_->dv[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  //!< decrement v
prev_w()281       inline Map_reference_coord& prev_w() { pos_.w()--; index_ -= map_->dw[sym_]; if (map_->asu[index_] != 0) edge(); return *this; }  //!< decrement w
282       //! Assignment operator from a coord
283       inline Map_reference_coord& operator =( const Coord_grid& pos )
284 	{ return set_coord( pos ); }
285       // inherited functions listed for documentation purposes
286       //-- const Xmap_base& base_xmap() const;
287       //-- const int& index() const;
288       //-- bool last() const;
290     protected:
291       //! Current symop
292       int sym_;
293       //! Current coord
294       Coord_grid pos_;
296       //! Reset index for a different symop when we hit the map border
297       void edge();
298     };
300     //! return a Map_reference_index for this map
first()301     Map_reference_index first() const { return Map_reference_index( *this ); }
302     //! return a Map_reference_coord for this map
first_coord()303     Map_reference_coord first_coord() const { return Map_reference_coord( *this ); }
304     //! set/get default backend type
default_type()305     static FFTtype& default_type() { return default_type_; }
306   protected:
307     ObjectCache<Xmap_cacheobj>::Reference cacheref;  //!< object cache reference
308     const unsigned char* asu;  //!< fast access ptr
309     const Isymop* isymop;      //!< fast access ptr
310     const int* du;             //!< fast access ptr
311     const int* dv;             //!< fast access ptr
312     const int* dw;             //!< fast access ptr
313     Grid_range asu_grid;       //!< fast access copy
314     Grid_range map_grid;       //!< fast access copy
315     int nsym;                  //!< fast access copy
317     Cell cell_;                    //!< unit cell
318     Spacegroup spacegroup_;        //!< spacegroup
319     Grid_sampling grid_sam_;       //!< grid for the whole cell
321     RTop<> rt_orth_grid;           //!< orth->grid operator
322     RTop<> rt_grid_orth;           //!< grid->orth operator
324     //! Null constructor, for later initialisation
325     Xmap_base();
326     //! initialiser
327     void init( const Spacegroup& spacegroup, const Cell& cell, const Grid_sampling& grid_sam );
328     inline void find_sym( const Coord_grid& base, int& index, int& sym ) const;
329     void asu_error( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
331     static FFTtype default_type_;       //!< default backend type
333     friend class Xmap_base::Map_reference_base;
334     friend class Xmap_base::Map_reference_index;
335     friend class Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord;
336   };
341   //! Xmap<T>: actual crystallographic map class
342   /*!
343     The crystallographic map class stores a map of arbitrary data
344     type. Its main difference from a 3-d array is that the data extent
345     appears to be infinite, and yet internally only a unique ASU is
346     stored. Iterators provide efficient access to data.
348     This is derived from Xmap_base, and adds the templatised data
349     itself and the methods which deal with it.
351     \note The following methods are inherited from Xmap_base but are
352     documented here for convenience: cell(), spacegroup(),
353     grid_sampling(), grid_asu(), in_asu(), multiplicity(),
354     to_map_unit(), first(), first_coord().
355   */
356   template<class T> class Xmap : public Xmap_base
357   {
358   public:
359     //! Null constructor, for later initialisation
Xmap()360     Xmap() {}
361     //! constructor: from spacegroup, cell, and grid
Xmap(const Spacegroup & spacegroup,const Cell & cell,const Grid_sampling & grid_sam)362     Xmap( const Spacegroup& spacegroup, const Cell& cell, const Grid_sampling& grid_sam ) { init( spacegroup, cell, grid_sam ); }
363     //! initialiser: from spacegroup, cell, and grid
init(const Spacegroup & spacegroup,const Cell & cell,const Grid_sampling & grid_sam)364     void init( const Spacegroup& spacegroup, const Cell& cell, const Grid_sampling& grid_sam ) { Xmap_base::init( spacegroup, cell, grid_sam ); list.resize( cacheref.data().asu.size() ); }
366     //! get data by Map_reference_index
367     inline const T& operator[] (const Xmap_base::Map_reference_index& ix) const
368       { return list[ix.index()]; }
369     //! set data by Map_reference_index
370     inline T& operator[] (const Xmap_base::Map_reference_index& ix)
371       { return list[ix.index()]; }
373     //! get data by Map_reference_coord
374     inline const T& operator[] (const Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord& ix) const
375       { return list[ix.index()]; }
376     //! set data by Map_reference_coord
377     inline T& operator[] (const Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord& ix)
378       { return list[ix.index()]; }
380     //! get a density value for an arbitrary position
381     const T& get_data( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
382     //! set a density value for an arbitrary position
383     void set_data( const Coord_grid& pos, const T& val );
384     //! get data by index (not recommended)
385     inline const T& get_data( const int& index ) const;
386     //! set data by index (not recommended)
387     bool set_data( const int& index, const T& val  );
389     //! get map value for fractional coord using supplied interpolator
390     template<class I> T interp( const Coord_frac& pos ) const;
391     //! get map value and grad for fractional coord using supplied interpolator
392     template<class I> void interp_grad( const Coord_frac& pos, T& val, Grad_frac<T>& grad ) const;
393     //! get map value and curv for fractional coord using supplied interpolator
394     template<class I> void interp_curv( const Coord_frac& pos, T& val, Grad_frac<T>& grad, Curv_frac<T>& curv ) const;
395     //! get map value for map coord using supplied interpolator
396     template<class I> T interp( const Coord_map& pos ) const;
397     //! get map value and grad for map coord using supplied interpolator
398     template<class I> void interp_grad( const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad ) const;
399     //! get map value and curv for map coord using supplied interpolator
400     template<class I> void interp_curv( const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad, Curv_map<T>& curv ) const;
402     //! FFT from reflection list to map
403     template<class H> void fft_from( const H& fphidata, const FFTtype type = Default );
404     //! FFT from map to reflection list
405     template<class H> void fft_to  ( H& fphidata, const FFTtype type = Default ) const;
407     // inherited functions listed for documentation purposes
408     //-- const Cell& cell() const;
409     //-- const Spacegroup& spacegroup() const;
410     //-- const Grid_sampling& grid_sampling() const;
411     //-- const Grid_range& grid_asu() const;
412     //-- inline Coord_grid coord_of( const int& index ) const;
413     //-- inline int index_of( const Coord_grid& coord ) const;
414     //-- const int multiplicity( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
415     //-- const Coord_grid to_map_unit( const Coord_grid& pos ) const;
416     //-- const Map_reference_index first() const;
417     //-- const Map_reference_coord first_coord() const;
419     //! assignment operator: assigns a single value to the whole map
420     const T& operator =( const T& value );
421     //! add another map to this one
422     const Xmap<T>& operator +=( const Xmap<T>& other );
423     //! subtract another map from this one
424     const Xmap<T>& operator -=( const Xmap<T>& other );
426   private:
427     std::vector<T> list;
428   };
432   // implementations
find_sym(const Coord_grid & base,int & index,int & sym)434   void Xmap_base::find_sym( const Coord_grid& base, int& index, int& sym ) const
435   {
436     // first deal with first symop, and cache for highest performance
437     Coord_grid rot = to_map_unit( base );
438     if ( asu_grid.in_grid( rot ) ) {
439       index = map_grid.index( rot );
440       if ( asu[ index ] == 0 ) {
441 	sym = 0;
442       } else {
443 	sym = asu[ index ] - 1;
444 	index = map_grid.index( to_map_unit( base.transform(isymop[sym]) ) );
445       }
446     } else {
447       // now deal with other symops
448       for ( sym = 1; sym < nsym; sym++ ) {
449 	rot = to_map_unit( base.transform( isymop[sym] ) );
450 	if ( asu_grid.in_grid( rot ) ) {
451 	  index = map_grid.index( rot );
452 	  if ( asu[ index ] == 0 ) return;
453 	}
454       }
455       index = 0;  // redundent, to avoid compiler warnings
456       asu_error( base );
457     }
458     return;
459   }
462   /*! Accessing the data by coordinate, rather than by
463     Map_reference_index or Map_reference_coord, involves a symmetry
464     lookup and is therefore slow. Avoid using these methods when you
465     can. */
get_data(const Coord_grid & pos)466   template<class T> const T& Xmap<T>::get_data( const Coord_grid& pos ) const
467   {
468     int index, sym;
469     find_sym( pos, index, sym );
470     return list[ index ];
471   }
473   /*! Accessing the data by coordinate, rather than by
474     Map_reference_index or Map_reference_coord, involves a symmetry
475     lookup and is therefore slow. Avoid using these methods when you
476     can. */
set_data(const Coord_grid & pos,const T & val)477   template<class T> void Xmap<T>::set_data( const Coord_grid& pos, const T& val )
478   {
479     int index, sym;
480     find_sym( pos, index, sym );
481     list[ index ] = val;
482   }
484   /*! Accessing the data by index, rather than by Map_reference_index
485     or Map_reference_coord, is generally to be avoided since the
486     indices do not start at zero and do not increase
487     contiguously. These methods are only useful when a large number of
488     references into a map must be stored, e.g. for sorting into
489     density order. */
get_data(const int & index)490   template<class T> const T& Xmap<T>::get_data( const int& index ) const
491   { return list[index]; }
493   /*! Accessing the data by index, rather than by Map_reference_index
494     or Map_reference_coord, is generally to be avoided since the
495     indices do not start at zero and do not increase
496     contiguously. These methods are only useful when a large number of
497     references into a map must be stored, e.g. for sorting into
498     density order.
499     \return true if data was set, i.e. index is valid. */
set_data(const int & index,const T & val)500   template<class T> bool Xmap<T>::set_data( const int& index, const T& val  )
501   {
502     if ( index >= 0 && index < list.size() )
503       if ( asu[index] == 0 ) {
504 	list[index] = val;
505 	return true;
506       }
507     return false;
508   }
510   /*! The value of the map at the desired non-grid fractional
511     coordinate are calculated using the supplied interpolator template.
512     \code
513     Coord_frac f( u, v, w );
514     y = xmap.interp<Interp_cubic>( f );
515     \endcode
516     \param pos The fractional coord at which the density is to be calcuated.
517     \return The value of the density at that point. */
interp(const Coord_frac & pos)518   template<class T> template<class I> T Xmap<T>::interp( const Coord_frac& pos ) const
519   {
520     T val;
521     I::interp( *this, pos.coord_map( grid_sam_ ), val );
522     return val;
523   }
526   /*! The value of the map at the desired non-grid fractional
527     coordinate and its gradient are calculated using
528     the supplied interpolator template.
529     \param pos The fractional coord at which the density is to be calcuated.
530     \param val The value of the density at that point.
531     \param grad The interpolated gradient vector with respect to the
532     fractional coordinates (see Cell::coord_orth). */
interp_grad(const Coord_frac & pos,T & val,Grad_frac<T> & grad)533   template<class T> template<class I> void Xmap<T>::interp_grad( const Coord_frac& pos, T& val, Grad_frac<T>& grad ) const
534   {
535     Grad_map<T> g;
536     I::interp_grad( *this, pos.coord_map( grid_sam_ ), val, g );
537     grad = g.grad_frac( grid_sam_ );
538   }
541   /*! The value of the map at the desired non-grid fractional
542     coordinate and its gradient and curvature are calculated using
543     the supplied interpolator template. e.g.
544     \param pos The fractional coord at which the density is to be calcuated.
545     \param val The value of the density at that point.
546     \param grad The interpolated gradient vector with respect to the
547     fractional coordinates (see Cell::coord_orth).
548     \param curv The interpolated curvature matrix with respect to the
549     fractional coordinates (see Cell::coord_orth). */
interp_curv(const Coord_frac & pos,T & val,Grad_frac<T> & grad,Curv_frac<T> & curv)550   template<class T> template<class I> void Xmap<T>::interp_curv( const Coord_frac& pos, T& val, Grad_frac<T>& grad, Curv_frac<T>& curv ) const
551   {
552     Grad_map<T> g;
553     Curv_map<T> c;
554     I::interp_curv( *this, pos.coord_map( grid_sam_ ), val, g, c );
555     grad = g.grad_frac( grid_sam_ );
556     curv = c.curv_frac( grid_sam_ );
557   }
560   /*! The value of the map at the desired non-grid map
561     coordinate are calculated using the supplied interpolator template.
562     \code
563     Coord_map m( u, v, w );
564     y = xmap.interp<Interp_cubic>( m );
565     \endcode
566     \param pos The map coord at which the density is to be calcuated.
567     \return The value of the density at that point. */
interp(const Coord_map & pos)568   template<class T> template<class I> T Xmap<T>::interp( const Coord_map& pos ) const
569   {
570     T val;
571     I::interp( *this, pos, val );
572     return val;
573   }
576   /*! The value of the map at the desired non-grid map
577     coordinate and its gradient are calculated using
578     the supplied interpolator template.
579     \param pos The map coord at which the density is to be calcuated.
580     \param val The value of the density at that point.
581     \param grad The interpolated gradient vector with respect to the
582     map coordinates (see Cell::coord_orth). */
interp_grad(const Coord_map & pos,T & val,Grad_map<T> & grad)583   template<class T> template<class I> void Xmap<T>::interp_grad( const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad ) const
584     { I::interp_grad( *this, pos, val, grad ); }
587   /*! The value of the map at the desired non-grid map
588     coordinate and its gradient and curvature are calculated using
589     the supplied interpolator template. e.g.
590     \param pos The map coord at which the density is to be calcuated.
591     \param val The value of the density at that point.
592     \param grad The interpolated gradient vector with respect to the
593     map coordinates (see Cell::coord_orth).
594     \param curv The interpolated curvature matrix with respect to the
595     map coordinates (see Cell::coord_orth). */
interp_curv(const Coord_map & pos,T & val,Grad_map<T> & grad,Curv_map<T> & curv)596   template<class T> template<class I> void Xmap<T>::interp_curv( const Coord_map& pos, T& val, Grad_map<T>& grad, Curv_map<T>& curv ) const
597     { I::interp_curv( *this, pos, val, grad, curv ); }
600   /*! An FFT is calculated using the provided reflection list of
601     F_phi, and used to fill this map. The reflection list is unchanged.
602     \param fphidata The reflection data list to use
603   */
fft_from(const H & fphidata,const FFTtype type)604   template<class T> template<class H> void Xmap<T>::fft_from( const H& fphidata, const FFTtype type )
605   {
606     if ( type == Sparse || ( type == Default && default_type() == Sparse ) ) {
607       // make a sparse fftmap
608       FFTmap_sparse_p1_hx fftmap( grid_sampling() );
609       // copy from reflection data
610       typename H::HKL_reference_index ih;
611       ffttype f, phi0, phi1;
612       int sym;
613       for ( ih = fphidata.first_data(); !ih.last(); fphidata.next_data( ih ) ) {
614 	f = fphidata[ih].f();
615 	if ( f != 0.0 ) {
616 	  phi0 = fphidata[ih].phi();
617 	  const HKL& hkl = ih.hkl();
618 	  fftmap.set_hkl( hkl,
619 			  std::complex<ffttype>( f*cos(phi0), f*sin(phi0) ) );
620 	  for ( sym = 1; sym < spacegroup_.num_primops(); sym++ ) {
621 	    phi1 = phi0 + hkl.sym_phase_shift( spacegroup_.symop(sym) );
622 	    fftmap.set_hkl( hkl.transform( isymop[sym] ),
623 			    std::complex<ffttype>( f*cos(phi1), f*sin(phi1) ) );
624 	  }
625 	}
626       }
627       // require output ASU coords
628       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); ix.next() )
629 	fftmap.require_real_data( ix.coord() );
630       // do fft
631       fftmap.fft_h_to_x(1.0/cell().volume());
632       // fill map ASU
633       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); ix.next() )
634 	(*this)[ix] = fftmap.real_data( ix.coord() );
635     } else {
636       // make a normal fftmap
637       FFTmap_p1 fftmap( grid_sampling() );
638       // copy from reflection data
639       typename H::HKL_reference_index ih;
640       ffttype f, phi0, phi1;
641       int sym;
642       for ( ih = fphidata.first_data(); !ih.last(); fphidata.next_data( ih ) ) {
643 	f = fphidata[ih].f();
644 	if ( f != 0.0 ) {
645 	  phi0 = fphidata[ih].phi();
646 	  const HKL& hkl = ih.hkl();
647 	  fftmap.set_hkl( hkl,
648 			  std::complex<ffttype>( f*cos(phi0), f*sin(phi0) ) );
649 	  for ( sym = 1; sym < spacegroup_.num_primops(); sym++ ) {
650 	    phi1 = phi0 + hkl.sym_phase_shift( spacegroup_.symop(sym) );
651 	    fftmap.set_hkl( hkl.transform( isymop[sym] ),
652 			    std::complex<ffttype>( f*cos(phi1), f*sin(phi1) ) );
653 	  }
654 	}
655       }
656       // do fft
657       fftmap.fft_h_to_x(1.0/cell().volume());
658       // fill map ASU
659       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); ix.next() )
660 	(*this)[ix] = fftmap.real_data( ix.coord() );
661     }
662   }
665   /*! The Fourier transform of this map is calculated and used to fill
666     a reflection list of F_phi. The map is unchanged.
668     Arguably this should be part of hkl_data<F_phi<T>>. But that
669     requires writing a specialisation of hkl_data for F_phi. This is
670     simpler and imposes less demands on the compiler.
671     \param fphidata The reflection data list to set.
672   */
fft_to(H & fphidata,const FFTtype type)673   template<class T> template<class H> void Xmap<T>::fft_to  ( H& fphidata, const FFTtype type ) const
674   {
675     if ( type == Sparse || ( type == Default && default_type() == Sparse ) ) {
676       // make a sparse fftmap
677       FFTmap_sparse_p1_xh fftmap( grid_sampling() );
678       // copy from map data
679       ffttype f;
680       int sym;
681       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); ix.next() ) {
682 	f = (*this)[ix];
683 	if ( f != 0.0 ) {
684 	  fftmap.real_data( ix.coord() ) = f;
685 	  for ( sym = 1; sym < cacheref.data().nsym; sym++ )
686 	    fftmap.real_data(
687               ix.coord().transform( isymop[sym] ).unit( grid_sam_ ) ) = f;
688 	}
689       }
690       // require output ASU coords
691       typename H::HKL_reference_index ih;
692       for ( ih = fphidata.first(); !ih.last(); ih.next() )
693 	fftmap.require_hkl( ih.hkl() );
694       // do fft
695       fftmap.fft_x_to_h(cell().volume());
696       // fill data ASU
697       for ( ih = fphidata.first(); !ih.last(); ih.next() ) {
698 	std::complex<ffttype> c = fftmap.get_hkl( ih.hkl() );
699 	fphidata[ih].f() = std::abs(c);
700 	fphidata[ih].phi() = std::arg(c);
701       }
702     } else {
703       // make a normal fftmap
704       FFTmap_p1 fftmap( grid_sampling() );
705       // copy from map data
706       ffttype f;
707       int sym;
708       for ( Map_reference_index ix = first(); !ix.last(); ix.next() ) {
709 	f = (*this)[ix];
710 	if ( f != 0.0 ) {
711 	  fftmap.real_data( ix.coord() ) = f;
712 	  for ( sym = 1; sym < cacheref.data().nsym; sym++ )
713 	    fftmap.real_data(
714               ix.coord().transform( isymop[sym] ).unit( grid_sam_ ) ) = f;
715 	}
716       }
717       // do fft
718       fftmap.fft_x_to_h(cell().volume());
719       // fill data ASU
720       typename H::HKL_reference_index ih;
721       for ( ih = fphidata.first(); !ih.last(); ih.next() ) {
722 	std::complex<ffttype> c = fftmap.get_hkl( ih.hkl() );
723 	fphidata[ih].f() = std::abs(c);
724 	fphidata[ih].phi() = std::arg(c);
725       }
726     }
727   }
730   /*! All values, including missing values, are overwritten by the value.
731     \param value The value to which the map is to be set. */
732   template<class T> const T& Xmap<T>::operator =( const T& value )
733   {
734     // copy value into map
735     for ( Map_reference_index im = first(); !im.last(); im.next() )
736       list[im.index()] = value;
737     return value;
738   }
741   /*! The map grids and spacegroups must match. */
742   template<class T> const Xmap<T>& Xmap<T>::operator +=( const Xmap<T>& other )
743   {
744     if ( spacegroup().hash() != other.spacegroup().hash() ||
745 	 grid_sampling() != other.grid_sampling() )
746       Message::message( Message_fatal( "Xmap: map mismatch in +=" ) );
747     for ( Map_reference_index im = first(); !im.last(); im.next() )
748       list[im.index()] += other[im];
749     return (*this);
750   }
752   /*! The map grids and spacegroups must match. */
753   template<class T> const Xmap<T>& Xmap<T>::operator -=( const Xmap<T>& other )
754   {
755     if ( spacegroup().hash() != other.spacegroup().hash() ||
756 	 grid_sampling() != other.grid_sampling() )
757       Message::message( Message_fatal( "Xmap: map mismatch in -=" ) );
758     for ( Map_reference_index im = first(); !im.last(); im.next() )
759       list[im.index()] -= other[im];
760     return (*this);
761   }
764 } // namespace clipper
766 #endif