2 * Code_Saturne documentation page
3 *============================================================================*/
6  This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
8  Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
10  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
12  Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
13  version.
15  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
18  details.
20  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
21  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
22  Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
28  \page cs_var_dico Variables and structures reference (C and Fortran)
30  \section cs_var_dico_intro Introduction
32  This page is meant to help users find their way through when implementing
33  user C functions or Fortran subroutines or even developing inside the code
34  kernel. It provides cross-reference tables containing the names of Fortran
35  variables and their C counterparts as well as guidelines about
36  how to manage the mesh entities and the fields (variables, properties, ...).
37  In addition, some naming conventions are described.
39  Note: variables with the same name in Fortran and in C are most of the time not listed.
41  \section cs_var_dico_namingcontent Contents
43  Cross-reference tables and guidelines are organized as follows:
45   - \subpage mesh
46   - \subpage field
47   - \subpage local
48   - \subpage field_kw
51// _____________________________________________________________________________
54  \page mesh How to access and manage the main  mesh entities and mesh quantities ?
56  \section cs_var_dico_mesh_vars Mesh variables
58  These variables are defined in the files \ref mesh.f90 and \ref cs_mesh.h.
60  - The Fortran variables are global in the code, accessible directly by their
61    name.
62  - Members of the global C structure \c cs_glob_mesh are accessed as: \n
63    <tt>cs_glob_mesh->name</tt>, \n
64    \e i.e. adding <tt> cs_glob_mesh-> </tt> in front of the name of the
65    variable.
66  - For a more concise syntax, defining a local \c m or \c mesh variable is recommended:
67    \code{.c}
68    const cs_mesh_t *m = cs_glob_mesh;
69    \endcode
70    so that the shorter name of the local variable may be used.
71  - In functions which have a <tt> domain </tt> argument,
72    using <tt> domain->mesh </tt> is recommended, and may be combined
73    with the use of a local argument (as above) for conciseness.
74  - Note that the number of elements given here are *local* to a given
75    rank when running in parallel. Global sizes should only be used in specific
76    instances, though they are available in \ref cs_mesh_t structures.
78  Fortran code  | C code                                | Description
79  ------------- | ------------------------------------- | ------------
80  <tt> ndim     | cs_glob_mesh->dim  </tt>              | Space dimension (always 3)
81  <tt> ncelet   | cs_glob_mesh->n_cells_with_ghosts </tt> | Total number of cells on the local rank \n (n_cells + n_ghost_cells)
82  <tt> ncel     | cs_glob_mesh->n_cells </tt>           | Number of cells
83  <tt> nfac     | cs_glob_mesh->n_i_faces </tt>         | Number of interior faces
84  <tt> nfabor   | cs_glob_mesh->n_b_faces </tt>         | Number of boundary faces
85  <tt> nnod     | cs_glob_mesh->n_vertices </tt>        | Number of vertices
86  -             | <tt> cs_glob_mesh->n_b_cells </tt>    | Number of boundary cells
87  <tt> lndfac   | cs_glob_mesh->i_face_vtx_connect_size </tt> | Size of the connectivity \n interior faces -> vertices
88  <tt> lndfbr   | cs_glob_mesh->b_face_vtx_connect_size  </tt>| Size of the connectivity \n boundary faces -> vertices
89  <tt> ifacel   | cs_glob_mesh->i_face_cells </tt>      | Interior faces -> cells connectivity
90  <tt> ifabor   | cs_glob_mesh->b_face_cells </tt>      | Boundary faces -> cells connectivity
91  <tt> ipnfac   | cs_glob_mesh->i_face_vtx_idx </tt>    | Interior faces -> vertices index
92  <tt> nodfac   | cs_glob_mesh->i_face_vtx_lst </tt>    | Interior faces -> vertices connectivity
93  <tt> ipnfbr   | cs_glob_mesh->b_face_vtx_idx </tt>    | Boundary faces -> vertices index
94  <tt> nodfbr   | cs_glob_mesh->b_face_vtx_lst </tt>    | Boundary faces -> vertices connectivity
95  -             | <tt> cs_glob_mesh->b_cells </tt>      | Boundary cell list
96  <tt> xyznod   | cs_glob_mesh->vtx_coord </tt>         | Vertex coordinates
98  \section cs_var_dico_mesh_q_vars Mesh quantity variables
100  These variables are defined in the files \ref mesh.f90 and
101  \ref cs_mesh_quantities.h.
103  - The Fortran variables are global in the code, accessible directly by their
104    name.
105  - Members of the global C structure \c cs_glob_mesh_quantities are accessed
106    as: \n
107    <tt>cs_glob_mesh_quantities->name</tt>, \n
108    \e i.e. adding <tt> cs_glob_mesh_quantities-> </tt> in front of the name of
109    the variable.
110  - For a more concise syntax, defining a local \c mq variable is recommended:
111    \code{.c}
112    const cs_mesh_quantities_t *mq = cs_glob_mesh_quantities;
113    \endcode
114    so that the shorter name of the local variable may be used.
115  - In functions which have a <tt> domain </tt> argument,
116    using <tt> domain->mesh_quantities </tt> is recommended, and may be combined
117    with the use of a local argument (as above) for conciseness.
119  Fortran code  | C code                                        | Description
120  ------------- | --------------------------------------------- |-------------
121  <tt> isympa   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->b_sym_flag </tt>    | Symmetry flag for boundary faces
122  <tt> xyzcen   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->cell_cen </tt>      | Cell center coordinates
123  <tt> surfac   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->i_face_normal </tt> | Surface normal of interior faces
124  <tt> surfbo   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->b_face_normal </tt> | Surface normal of border faces
125  <tt> cdgfac   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->i_face_cog </tt>    | Center of gravity of interior faces
126  <tt> cdgfbo   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->b_face_cog </tt>    | Center of gravity of border faces
127  <tt> volume   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->cell_vol </tt>      | Cell volume
128  <tt> surfan   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->i_face_surf </tt>   | Surface of interior faces
129  <tt> surfbn   |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->b_face_surf </tt>   | Surface of boundary faces
130  <tt> dist     |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->i_dist </tt>        | Distance between the cell center and \n the center of gravity of interior faces
131  <tt> distb    |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->b_dist </tt>        | Distance between the cell center and \n the center of gravity of border faces
132  <tt> pond     |  cs_glob_mesh_quantities->weight </tt>        | Interior faces weighting factor
135// _____________________________________________________________________________
138  \page field How to access and manage variables and properties using the cs_field API?
140  \ref cs_var_dico_vars "Variables" and \ref cs_var_dico_props "properties" can be accessed both in Fortran and in C using the \ref cs_field.h "cs_field" API.
142  First, let us specify a few conventions used in code_saturne:
144  - The *dynamic variables* designation includes velocity, pressure, and
145    variables related to the turbulence model (<em>k</em>, <em>ε</em>,
146    <em>R<sub>ij</sub></em>, <em>ω</em>, <em>ϕ</em>, \f$ \overline{f} \f$,
147    <em>α</em>, <em>ν<sub>t</sub></em>). \n
149  - The designation “scalar” refers to (usually scalar) variables which are
150    solution of an advection equation, apart from the *dynamic* variables listed
151    above; for instance the temperature, scalars which may be passive or not,
152    user-defined or model-defined.
154    The mean value of the square of the fluctuations of a “scalar” is a
155    “scalar”, too.
157    Scalars may be divided into two groups: **user-defined** scalars
158    and **model-defined** (sometimes referred to as “specific physics”) scalars.
159    In Fortran, there are \c nscaus user-defined scalars and \c nscapp
160    “specific physics” (i.e. model-defined) scalars, with
161    <tt>nscal = nscaus + nscapp</tt>.
163  - Depending on the thermal model used; the solved thermal scalar variable may be
164    the temperature, the enthalpy, or in the case of the compressible module,
165    the total energy. When the temperature is not the solved thermal variable,
166    it is usually available as a property.
168  - When a user scalar represents the mean of the
169      square of the fluctuations of another scalar (<em>i.e.</em> the average
170      \f$ \overline{\varphi^\prime\varphi^\prime} \f$ for a fluctuating scalar
171      <em>ϕ</em>). This can be made either {\em via} the
172      interface or by declaring that scalar using
173      \texttt{cs\_parameters\_add\_variable\_variance} in
174      \texttt{cs\_user\_parameters.f90} (if the scalar in question is not a ``user''
175      scalar, the selection is made automatically). For instance, if \texttt{j}
176      and \texttt{k} are ``user'' scalars, the variable $\varphi$ corresponding
177      to \texttt{k} is the variable number
178      \texttt{isca(k)=isca(iscavr(j))}.
182  \par Accessing variables and properties in Fortran:
184    - The most general way of accessing a field is to use its name: \n\n
186      <tt>call \ref field::field_get_val_s_by_name "field_get_val_s_by_name"("pressure", cvar_pr)
187          \n pres =  cvar_pr(iel)</tt> \n\n
189    - Both \ref cs_var_dico_vars "variables" and \ref cs_var_dico_props "properties" can be accessed via the
190      \ref field.f90 "cs_field" API, using the global field indices and indirections arrays, as in the following examples:
192      - For one-dimensional arrays:\n\n
193      <tt>call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref numvar::ipr "ipr"), cvar_pr)
194          \n pres =  cvar_pr(iel)</tt>, \n\n
195      <tt>call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref cstphy::icp "icp", cpro_cp) \n
196          cp = cpro_cp(iel)</tt> \n\n
197          The values of scalar variable can be accessed as follows:\n\n
198       <tt>call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref isca "isca"(iscalt)), cvar_scalt) \n
199          temp = cvar_scalt(iel)</tt> \n\n
201      - For interleaved multidimensional arrays:\n\n
202            <tt>call \ref field::field_get_val_v "field_get_val_v"(ivarfl(\ref numvar::iu "iu"), cvar_vel)
203          \n ux = cvar_vel(1,iel)</tt> \n\n
205       \ref numvar::ipr "ipr", \ref numvar::iu "iu" are here variable indices and the array ivarfl allows to get the corresponding field indices.\n
206       \ref isca "isca"(iscalt) is also a variable index (\ref optcal::iscalt "iscalt" is the scalar index of the thermal scalar).\n
207       \ref cstphy::icp "icp" is directly a field index (there is no equivalent to the array ivarfl for field of type properties).\n\n
209    - the solved variable number for scalar <tt>j</tt>, where
210      <tt>1 <= j <= nscal</tt>, is given by the <tt>iscal</tt> array.
211      So to access the associated field, use:\n
212      <tt>ivarfl(iscal(j))</tt>). \n\n
214    - For model-defined scalars, the total scalar number for model scalar <tt>j</tt>, where
215      <tt>1 <= j <= nscapp</tt>, is given by the <tt>iscapp</tt> array.
216      So to access the associated field, use:\n
217      <tt>ivarfl(iscal(iscapp(j)))</tt>). \n\n
219    - The thermal scalar can be accessed using the <tt>iscalt</tt> index in the list of the
220      scalars. It's variable number is thus <tt> isca(iscalt) </tt>.\n
221      if there is no thermal scalar, <tt>iscalt</tt> is equal to -1. \n\n
223  \par Accessing variables and properties in C:
225    - The most general way of accessing a field is to use its name: \n\n
227      <tt>cs_real_t *cvar_pr = cs_field_by_name "field_get_val_s_by_name"("pressure")->val; </tt>\n
228      then: \n
229      <tt> cvar_pr(cell_id) </tt> \n\n
231    - The main \ref cs_var_dico_vars "variables" and \ref cs_var_dico_props "properties" can be accessed using the \ref CS_F_ macro:\n\n
233     - For one-dimensional arrays:\n
234      <tt>press = CS_F_(p)->val[cell_id]</tt>, \n
235      <tt>cp = CS_F_(cp)->val[cell_id]</tt> \n
236      <tt>temp = CS_F_(t)->val[cell_id]</tt> \n\n
238     - For multidimensional arrays:\n
239      <tt>uz = CS_F_(vel)->val[3*cell_id + 2]</tt>\n\n
240      These arrays can also be cast as follows (for a 3-D array):\n
241      <tt>\ref cs_real_3_t *cvar_vel = (\ref cs_real_3_t *)CS_F_(vel)->val</tt> \n\n
242      The cell value can then be accessed as \n
243      <tt>ux = cvar_vel[cell_id][0]</tt>\n\n
245      <b>\c vel, \c p, or \c cp </b> are defined in \ref cs_field_pointer.h. \n\n
247    - Indexed variables (such as user scalars) and indexed properties
248      are accessed as: \n
249      <tt>\ref CS_FI_(name,ii-1)->val[cell_id]</tt>. \n\n
251    - The thermal scalar can be accessed using the \ref cs_thermal_model_field
252      function: \n
253      <tt>field_t *tf = cs_thermal_model_field();</tt>\n
254      then: \n
255      <tt>tf->val[cell_id]</tt>. \n
256      if there is no thermal scalar, cs_thermal_model_field returns NULL. \n\n
258    - In any case, all variables can be accessed using the function \ref cs_field_by_name:\n
259      <tt>\ref cs_real_t *cvar_pr = \ref cs_field_by_name("pressure")->val</tt> \n\n
261    - A field's \ref scalar_id key-word should be ≥ 0 if it is a scalar. \n\n
263    - When a field is user-defined (rather than model-defined),
264      its \ref cs_field_t::type "type" flag
265      should also match the \ref CS_FIELD_USER mask: \n
266      <tt> if (f->type & CS_FIELD_USER) ... </tt>
268  \remark Note that indexes in C begin at 0, while indexes in Fortran begin at 1.
269          Thus, Fortran and C loop counters are related in the following as:\n
270          <tt>cell_id = iel-1</tt>.
272  Cross-reference tables are available for the variables and properties of the
273  standard solver and the specific physics features:
274    - \ref cs_var_dico_vars
275    - \ref cs_var_dico_props
276    - \ref cs_var_dico_part
277    - \ref cs_var_dico_atmo
278    - \ref cs_var_dico_comb
279    - \ref cs_var_dico_cfbl
280    - \ref cs_var_dico_elec
281    - \ref cs_var_dico_cogz
282    - \ref cs_var_dico_rayt
284  \section cs_var_dico_vars Variables
286  The Fortran variables indexes are defined in the files \ref numvar.f90 (with
287  the exception of \c ihm and \c iscal, which are respectively defined in \ref
288  ppincl.f90 and \ref optcal.f90) and the C variables names are defined in
289  \ref cs_field_pointer.h. \n Note that \c dt is accessible by its name
290  (using the \ref cs_field_by_name family of functions), but not through
291  a permanent index..
293  Fortran code                             | C code                       | Description
294  ------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------- | ------------
295  <tt> call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ipr), cvar_pr)  | CS_F_(p)->val       | Pressure
296  call \ref field::field_get_val_v "field_get_val_v"(ivarfl(\ref iu), cvar_vel)       | CS_F_(vel)->val     | Velocity
297  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ivolf2), cvar_voidf) | CS_F_(void_f)->val  | Void fraction for Volume of Fluid model
298  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ik  ), cvar_k  )     | CS_F_(k)->val       | Turbulent kinetic energy \f$ k \f$
299  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref iep ), cvar_eps)     | CS_F_(eps)->val     | Turbulent dissipation \f$ \varepsilon \f$
300  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ir11), cvar_r11)     | CS_F_(r11)->val     | Reynolds stress component \f$ R_{xx} \f$
301  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ir22), cvar_r22)     | CS_F_(r22)->val     | Reynolds stress component \f$ R_{yy} \f$
302  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ir33), cvar_r33)     | CS_F_(r33)->val     | Reynolds stress component \f$ R_{zz} \f$
303  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ir12), cvar_r12)     | CS_F_(r12)->val     | Reynolds stress component \f$ R_{xy} \f$
304  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ir23), cvar_r23)     | CS_F_(r23)->val     | Reynolds stress component \f$ R_{yz} \f$
305  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ir13), cvar_r13)     | CS_F_(r13)->val     | Reynolds stress component \f$ R_{xz} \f$
306  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref iphi), cvar_phi)     | CS_F_(phi)->val     | \f$ \phi \f$ for \f$ \phi-f_b \f$ model
307  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ifb ), cvar_fb )     | CS_F_(f_bar)->val   | \f$ f_b \f$ for \f$ \phi-f_b \f$ model
308  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref ial ), cvar_al )     | CS_F_(alp_bl)->val  | \f$ \alpha \f$ for \f$ Bl-v^2-k \f$ \n or EBRSM model
309  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref iomg), cvar_omg)     | CS_F_(omg)->val     | \f$ \omega \f$ for \f$ k-\omega \f$ SST model
310  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref inusa), cvar_nusa)   | CS_F_(nusa)->val    | \f$ \widetilde{\nu}_T \f$ for Spalart-Allmaras
311  call \ref field::field_get_val_v "field_get_val_v"(ivarfl(\ref iuma), cvar_mesh_v)  | CS_F_(mesh_u)->val  | Mesh velocity
312  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(isca(\ref ppincl::ihm "ihm")), cvar_hm) | CS_F_(h)->val | Enthalpy
313  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(isca(\ref optcal::iscalt "iscalt")), cvar_scalt) | CS_F_(t)->val | Temperature </tt>
316  \section cs_var_dico_props Properties
318  These properties are defined in the files \ref numvar.f90 and
319  \ref cs_field_pointer.h.
321  Fortran code                                                                                    |C code                             | Description
322  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------- | ------------
323  <tt> dt                                                                                         |CS_F_(dt)->val                     | Local time step
324  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::iviscl "iviscl", cpro_viscl)    |CS_F_(mu)->val                     | Molecular viscosity
325  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::ivisct "ivisct", cpro_visct)    |CS_F_(mu_t)->val                   | Turbulent dynamic viscosity
326  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref cstphy::icp "icp", cpro_cp)             |CS_F_(cp)->val                     | Specific heat
327  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::icrom "icrom", cpro_crom)       |CS_F_(rho)->val                    | Density (at cells)
328  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::ibrom "ibrom", bpro_rho)        |CS_F_(rho_b)->val[face_id]         | Density (at boundary faces)
329  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::ismago "ismago", cpro_smago)    |\ref cs_real_t *cpro_smago = \ref cs_field_by_name("smagorinsky_constant^2")->val| Field id of the anisotropic turbulent viscosity
330  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::icour "icour", cpro_cour)       |\ref cs_real_t *cpro_cour = \ref cs_field_by_name("courant_number")->val | Courant number
331  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::ifour "ifour", cpro_four)       |\ref cs_real_t *cpro_four = \ref cs_field_by_name("fourier_number")->val | Fourier number
332  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::iprtot "iprtot", cpro_prtot)    |\ref cs_real_t *cpro_prtot = \ref cs_field_by_name("total_pressure")->val | Total pressure at cell centers
333  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::ivisma "ivisma", cpro_visma_s)  |\ref cs_real_t *cpro_visma_s = \ref cs_field_by_name("mesh_viscosity")->val | Mesh velocity viscosity (scalar) for the ALE module
334  call \ref field::field_get_val_v "field_get_val_v"(\ref numvar::ivisma "ivisma", cpro_visma_s)  |\ref cs_real_t *cpro_visma_v = \ref cs_field_by_name("mesh_viscosity")->val | Mesh velocity viscosity (vector) for the ALE module
335  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::itsrho "itsrho"), cpro_tsrho )   |\ref cs_real_t *cpro_tsrho = \ref cs_field_by_name("dila_st")->val        | Global dilatation source terms
336  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::ibeta "ibeta"), cpro_beta  )     |\ref cs_real_t *cpro_beta = \ref cs_field_by_name("thermal_expansion")->val | Thermal expansion coefficient
337  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::ipori "ipori", cpro_ipori)       |CS_F_(poro)->val                   | Porosity
338  call \ref field::field_get_val_v "field_get_val_v"(\ref numvar::iporf "iporf", cpro_iporf)       |CS_F_(t_poro)->val                 | Tensorial porosity
339  call \ref field::field_get_val_v "field_get_val_v"(\ref numvar::iforbr "iforbr", bpro_forbr)     |\ref cs_real_t *bpro_forbr = \ref cs_field_by_name("boundary_forces")->val| Field id of the stresses at boundary
340  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::iyplbr "iyplbr", bpro_yplus)     |\ref cs_real_t *bpro_yplus = \ref cs_field_by_name("yplus")->val          | Field id of \f$y^+\f$ at boundary
341  call \ref field::field_get_val_v "field_get_val_v"(\ref numvar::idtten "idtten", dttens)         |\ref cs_real_t *dttens = \ref cs_field_by_name("dttens")->val         | Field id for the dttens tensor
342  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref numvar::itempb "itempb", t_b)            |CS_F_(t_b)->val                   | Boundary temperature </tt>
344Some physical properties such as specific heat or diffusivity are often
345constant (depending on the model or user parameters).
346In that case, these properties are stored as a simple real numbers
347rather than in a field over all mesh cells.
349- This is the case for the specific heat <em>C<sub>p</sub></em>.
351  - If <em>C<sub>p</sub></em> is constant, it is based on the reference
352    value \ref cs_glob_fluid_properties->cp0 (<tt>cp0</tt> in Fortran).\n
353    When this is the case, \ref cs_glob_fluid_properties->icp (mapped as <tt>icp</tt> in
354    Fortran) should remain set to 0.\n
355    When <tt>icp</tt> is initialized to 1 (by the GUI, or in
356    \ref cs_user_parameters.c, it is automatically reset to the id of
357    the  cell-based property field referenced in the above table.
359- This is the same for the diffusivity <em>K</em> of each scalar.
361  - When <em>K</em> is constant, its value is based on the field's reference
362    diffusivity, accessible through the scalar field's \ref diffusivity_ref
363    keyword.
365    When it is variable, the matching field can be specified and accessed using
366    the base scalar field's \ref diffusivity_id key (accessible using
367    \ref cs_field_key_id("diffusivity_id") in C, or <tt>kivisl</tt> in Fortran).\n
368    For example, for a scalar field <tt>f</tt>:\n
369    <tt> int k_f_id = \ref cs_field_get_key_int(f, \ref cs_field_key_id("diffusivity_id")); \n
370    cs_field_t *kf = \ref cs_field_by_id(k_f_id); </tt>
373  \section cs_var_dico_part Specific physical models
375  \subsection cs_var_dico_atmo Atmospheric
377  Defined in \ref optcal.f90, \ref atincl.f90, \ref atvarp.f90 and
378  \ref cs_field_pointer.h.
380  Fortran code | C code | Description
381  ------------ | ------ | ------------
382  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(isca(iscalt)), cvar_scalt) | <tt> CS_F_(pot_t)->val </tt>  | Potential temperature
383  -            | <tt> CS_F_(totwt)->val </tt> | Total water content
384  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref isca(\ref atincl::intdrp "intdrp")), cvar_intdrp) | <tt> CS_F_(ntdrp)->val </tt> | Total number of droplets
385  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(ivarfl(\ref isca(\ref atchem::isca_chem "isca_chem"(iesp))), cvar_sc) | <tt> CS_FI_(chemistry,iesp-1)->val </tt>| Chemistry species (indexed)
387  \subsection cs_var_dico_comb Coal combustion
389  Defined in \ref ppincl.f90, \ref ppcpfu.f90 and \ref cs_field_pointer.h.
391  Fortran code                                                                    | C code                           | Description
392  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------
393  <tt> call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::inp "inp"(iesp)), cvar_inpcl)  | \ref CS_FI_(np,iesp-1)->val  | Particles per kg for coal class
394  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ixch "ixch"(iesp)), cvar_xchcl)     | \ref CS_FI_(xch,iesp-1)->val | Reactive coal mass fraction for coal class
395  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ixck "ixck"(iesp)), cvar_xckcl)     | \ref CS_FI_(xck,iesp-1)->val | Coke mass fraction for coal class
396  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ixwt "ixwt"(iesp)), cvar_xwtcl)     | \ref CS_FI_(xwt,iesp-1)->val | Water mass fraction for coal class
397  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ih2 "ih2"(iesp)), cvar_h2cl)        | \ref CS_FI_(h2,iesp-1)->val  | Mass enthalpy for coal class (permeatic case)
398  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::if1m "if1m"(iesp)), cvar_f1mcl)     | \ref CS_FI_(f1m,iesp-1)->val | Mean value light volatiles for coal class
399  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::if2m "if2m"(iesp)), cvar_f2mcl)     | \ref CS_FI_(f2m,iesp-1)->val | Mean value heavy volatiles for coal class
400  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::if4m "if4m"), cvar_f4m)             | CS_F_(f4m)->val         | Oxydant 2 mass fraction
401  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::if5m "if5m"), cvar_f5m))            | CS_F_(f5m)->val         | Oxydant 3 mass fraction
402  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::if6m "if6m"), cvar_f6m))            | CS_F_(f6m)->val         | Water from coal drying mass fraction
403  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::if7m "if7m"), cvar_f7m))            | CS_F_(f7m)->val         | Carbon from coal oxidyzed by O2 mass fraction
404  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::if8m "if8m"), cvar_f8m))            | CS_F_(f8m)->val         | Carbon from coal gasified by CO2 mass fraction
405  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::if9m "if9m"), cvar_f9m))            | CS_F_(f9m)->val         | Carbon from coal gasified by H2O mass fraction
406  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ifvp2m "ifvp2m"), cvar_fvp2m)       | CS_F_(fvp2m)->val       | f1f2 variance
407  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppcpfu::iyco2 "iyco2"), cvar_yco2)          | CS_F_(yco2)->val        | CO2 fraction
408  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppcpfu::iyhcn "iyhcn"), cvar_yhnc)          | CS_F_(yhcn)->val        | HCN fraction
409  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppcpfu::iyno "iyno"), cvar, yno)            | CS_F_(yno)->val         | NO fraction
410  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppcpfu::iynh3 "iynh3"), cvar_ynh3)          | CS_F_(ynh3)->val        | NH3 enthalpy
411  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppcpfu::ihox "ihox"), cvar_hox)             | CS_F_(hox)->val         | Ox enthalpy </tt>
414  \subsection cs_var_dico_cfbl Compressible
416  Defined in \ref ppincl.f90 and \ref cs_field_pointer.h.
418  Fortran code                                                                   | C code                        | Description
419  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------- | ------------
420  <tt> call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ienerg "ienerg"), cvar_energ) | CS_F_(e_tot)->val   | Total energy
421  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::itempk "itempk"), cvar_tempk)      | CS_F_(t_kelvin)->val | Temperature, in Kelvin </tt>
424  \subsection cs_var_dico_elec Electric arcs
426  Defined in \ref ppincl.f90 and \ref cs_field_pointer.h.
428  Fortran code                                                                  | C code                             | Description
429  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------
430  <tt> call \ref field::field_get_val_s_by_name "field_get_val_s_by_name"("elec_pot_r", cvar_potr)   | CS_F_(potr)->val          | Electric potential, real part
431  call \ref field::field_get_val_s_by_name "field_get_val_s_by_name"("elec_pot_i", cvar_poti)        | CS_F_(poti)->val          | Electric potential, imaginary part
432  call \ref field::field_get_val_v_by_name "field_get_val_v_by_name"("vec_potential", cvar_potva)    | CS_F_(potva)->val         | Vector potential
433  call \ref field::field_get_val_s_by_name "field_get_val_s_by_name"("esl_fraction_01", cvar_ycoel_01) | \ref CS_FI_(ycoel,iesp-1)->val | Constituent mass fraction </tt>
436  \subsection cs_var_dico_cogz Gas combustion
438  Defined in \ref ppincl.f90 and \ref cs_field_pointer.h.
440  Fortran code                                                              | C code                     | Description
441  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------
442  <tt> call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ifm "ifm"), cvar_fm)     | CS_F_(fm)->val    | Mixture fraction
443  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ifp2m "ifp2m"), cvar_fp2m)    | CS_F_(fp2m)->val  | Mixture fraction variance
444  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::ifsm "ifsm"), cvar_fsm)       | CS_F_(fsm)->val   | Soot mass fraction
445  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::inpm "inpm"), cvar_npm)       | CS_F_(npm)->val   | Soot precursor number
446  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::iygfm "iygfm"), cvar_ygfm)    | CS_F_(ygfm)->val  | Fresh gas fraction
447  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::iyfm "iyfm"), cvar_yfm)       | CS_F_(yfm)->val   | Mass fraction
448  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::iyfp2m "iyfp2m"), cvar_yfp2m) | CS_F_(yfp2m)->val | Mass fraction variance
449  call \ref field::field_get_val_s "field_get_val_s"(\ref isca(\ref ppincl::icoyfp "icoyfp"), cvar_coyfp) | CS_F_(coyfp)->val | Mass fraction covariance </tt>
452  \subsection cs_var_dico_rayt Radiative transfer
454  Defined in \ref cs_field_pointer.h.
456  C code                                  | Description
457  --------------------------------------- | ------------
458  <tt> CS_F_(rad_lumin)->val </tt>        | Radiative luminance
459  <tt> CS_F_(rad_q)->val </tt>            | Radiative flux
460  <tt> CS_FI_(rad_ets,iesp-1)->val </tt>  | Radiative flux explicit source term
461  <tt> CS_FI_(rad_its,iesp-1)->val </tt>  | Radiative flux implicit source term
462  <tt> CS_FI_(rad_abs,iesp-1)->val </tt>  | Radiative absorption
463  <tt> CS_FI_(rad_emi,iesp-1)->val </tt>  | Radiative emission
464  <tt> CS_FI_(rad_cak,iesp-1)->val </tt>  | Radiative absorption coefficient
465  <tt> CS_F_(qinci)->val </tt>            | Radiative incident radiative flux density
466  <tt> CS_F_(xlam)->val </tt>             | Wall thermal conductivity
467  <tt> CS_F_(epa)->val </tt>              | Wall thickness
468  <tt> CS_F_(emissivity)->val </tt>       | Wall emissivity
469  <tt> CS_F_(fnet)->val </tt>             | Boundary radiative flux
470  <tt> CS_F_(fconv)->val </tt>            | Boundary radiative convective flux
471  <tt> CS_F_(hconv)->val </tt>            | Radiative exchange coefficient
474  \subsection cs_var_dico_multiphase Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase flows
476  Defined in \ref cs_field_pointer.h.
478  C code                                  | Description
479  --------------------------------------- | ------------
480  <tt> CS_FI_(yf_ncond,inc)->val </tt>    | Non-condensable gas mass fractions
481  <tt> CS_FI_(qp,ip)->val </tt>           | Particles turbulent kinetic energy Q2
482  <tt> CS_FI_(qfp,ip)->val </tt>          | Covariance of the turbulent Q12
483  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpxx,ip)->val </tt>        | XX component of qfp
484  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpxy,ip)->val </tt>        | XY component of qfp
485  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpxz,ip)->val </tt>        | XZ component of qfp
486  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpyx,ip)->val </tt>        | YX component of qfp
487  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpyy,ip)->val </tt>        | YY component of qfp
488  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpyz,ip)->val </tt>        | YZ component of qfp
489  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpzx,ip)->val </tt>        | ZX component of qfp
490  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpzy,ip)->val </tt>        | ZY component of qfp
491  <tt> CS_FI_(qfpzz,ip)->val </tt>        | ZZ component of qfp
492  <tt> CS_FI_(gamma,ip)->val </tt>        | Interfacial mass transfer
493  <tt> CS_FI_(ia,ip)->val </tt>           | Interfacial area
494  <tt> CS_FI_(x2,ip)->val </tt>           | Droplets x2
495  <tt> CS_FI_(d32,ip)->val </tt>          | Droplets Sauter mean diameter
496  <tt> CS_FI_(drag,ipcpl)->val </tt>      | Drag between phases
497  <tt> CS_FI_(ad_mass,ip)->val </tt>      | Added mass
498  <tt> CS_FI_(th_diff,ip)->val </tt>      | Thermal diffusivity
499  <tt> CS_FI_(th_diff_t,ip)->val </tt>    | Turbulent thermal diffusivity
500  <tt> CS_FI_(drho_dp,ip)->val </tt>      | dRho over dP
501  <tt> CS_FI_(drho_dh,ip)->val </tt>      | dRho over dH
502  <tt> CS_FI_(tau12_t,ip)->val </tt>      | Turbulent tau12 for particles
503  <tt> CS_FI_(lift,ip)->val </tt>         | Particles lift
504  <tt> CS_FI_(disp_t,ip)->val </tt>       | Particles turbulent dispersion
505  <tt> CS_FI_(drift_vel,ip)->val </tt>    | Particles drift velocity
508// _____________________________________________________________________________
511  \page local How to name common local variables ?
513  The following table provides a non-exhaustive list of local variables which
514  are used in the code in a recurring manner.
516  Fortran code       | C code     | Description
517  ------------------ | ---------- | ------------
518  <tt> iel           | cell_id    </tt> | Cell index
519  <tt> ifac          | face_id    </tt> | Face index
520  <tt> ig            | g_id       </tt> | Interior face number of associated groups (OpenMP)
521  <tt> it            | t_id       </tt> | Interior face number of threads (OpenMP)
522  <tt> idimtr        | tr_dim     </tt> | Indicator for tensor perodicity of rotation
523  <tt> flumas        | i_massflux </tt> | Mass flux at interior faces
524  <tt> flumab        | b_massflux </tt> | Mass flux at boundary faces
525  <tt> viscf         | i_visc     </tt> | \f$ \mu_\fij \dfrac{S_\fij}{\ipf \jpf} \f$ \n  at interior faces for the r.h.s.
526  <tt> viscb         | b_visc     </tt> | \f$ \mu_\fib \dfrac{S_\fib}{\ipf \centf} \f$ \n  at border faces for the r.h.s.
527  <tt> smbrp         | rhs        </tt> | Right hand side \f$ \vect{Rhs} \f$
529  \section cs_var_dico_conv Local naming convention for fields (Fortran and C)
531  Rules have been stablished for local names denoting fields, depending on their nature. The convention, applying both in Fortran and in C, is as follows:
533  - The first letter of the name indicates the location at which the field values are defined:
534    - \b c for values at the cell centers.
535    - \b i for values at the interior faces.
536    - \b b for values at the boundary faces.
537  - The next three letters indicate if the field is a variable (at the current time step or the previous time step) or a property:
538    - \b var for variables at the current time step.
539    - \b vara for variables at the previous time step.
540    - \b pro for properties.
541  - An underscore \b _ follows.
542  - Finally, the <b> short name </b> of the variable/property is specified. This short name is built from the variable/property Fortran index, removing the \c i at the beginning of the word.
544  The following examples ilustrate this convention:
546  \c cvar_pr: Values of the variable pressure field defined at the cell centers, at the current time step. \n
547  \c cvara_pr: Values of the variable pressure field defined at the cell centers, at the previous time step. \n
548  \c cpro_cp: Values of the property specific heat defined field at the cell centers. \n
551// _____________________________________________________________________________
554  \page field_kw List of main field keys
556  A non-exhaustive \ref field_keywords "list of field keys" which are used in the code is provided.