1 #ifndef __CS_SLES_PETSC_H__
2 #define __CS_SLES_PETSC_H__
4 /*============================================================================
5  * Sparse Linear Equation Solvers using PETSc
6  *============================================================================*/
8 /*
9   This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
11   Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
16   version.
18   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
20   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
21   details.
23   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
24   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
25   Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
26 */
28 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  * PETSc headers
32  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include <petscversion.h>
35 #include <petscconf.h>
36 #include <petscviewer.h>
37 #include <petscksp.h>
39 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40  *  Local headers
41  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
43 #include "cs_base.h"
44 #include "cs_matrix.h"
45 #include "cs_sles.h"
47 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
51 /*============================================================================
52  * Macro definitions
53  *============================================================================*/
55 /*============================================================================
56  * Type definitions
57  *============================================================================*/
59 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
60  * Function pointer for user settings of a PETSc KSP solver setup.
61  *
62  * This function is called at the end of the setup stage for a KSP solver.
63  *
64  * Note that using the advanced KSPSetPostSolve and KSPSetPreSolve functions,
65  * this also allows setting further function pointers for pre and post-solve
66  * operations (see the PETSc documentation).
67  *
68  * Note: if the context pointer is non-NULL, it must point to valid data
69  * when the selection function is called so that value or structure should
70  * not be temporary (i.e. local);
71  *
72  * parameters:
73  *   context <-> pointer to optional (untyped) value or structure
74  *   ksp     <-> pointer to PETSc KSP context
75  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
77 typedef void
78 (cs_sles_petsc_setup_hook_t) (void               *context,
79                               KSP                 ksp);
81 /* Iterative linear solver context (opaque) */
83 typedef struct _cs_sles_petsc_t  cs_sles_petsc_t;
85 /*============================================================================
86  *  Global variables
87  *============================================================================*/
89 /*=============================================================================
90  * User function prototypes
91  *============================================================================*/
93 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
94  * Function pointer for user settings of a PETSc KSP solver setup.
95  *
96  * This function is called at the end of the setup stage for a KSP solver.
97  *
98  * Note that using the advanced KSPSetPostSolve and KSPSetPreSolve functions,
99  * this also allows setting further function pointers for pre and post-solve
100  * operations (see the PETSc documentation).
101  *
102  * Note: if the context pointer is non-NULL, it must point to valid data
103  * when the selection function is called so that value or structure should
104  * not be temporary (i.e. local);
105  *
106  * parameters:
107  *   context <-> pointer to optional (untyped) value or structure
108  *   ksp     <-> pointer to PETSc KSP context
109  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
111 void
112 cs_user_sles_petsc_hook(void               *context,
113                         KSP                 ksp);
115 /*=============================================================================
116  * Static inline public function prototypes
117  *============================================================================*/
119 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
120  * Initialize PETSc if needed
121  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
123 void
124 cs_sles_petsc_init(void);
126 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
127  * \brief Output the settings of a KSP structure
128  *
129  * \param[in]  ksp     Krylov SubSpace structure
130  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
132 static inline void
cs_sles_petsc_log_setup(KSP ksp)133 cs_sles_petsc_log_setup(KSP          ksp)
134 {
135   PetscViewer  v;
137   PetscViewerCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &v);
138   PetscViewerSetType(v, PETSCVIEWERASCII);
139   PetscViewerFileSetMode(v, FILE_MODE_APPEND);
140   PetscViewerFileSetName(v, "petsc_setup.log");
142   KSPView(ksp, v);
143   PetscViewerDestroy(&v);
144 }
146 /*=============================================================================
147  * Public function prototypes
148  *============================================================================*/
150 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151  * Define and associate a PETSc linear system solver
152  * for a given field or equation name.
153  *
154  * If this system did not previously exist, it is added to the list of
155  * "known" systems. Otherwise, its definition is replaced by the one
156  * defined here.
157  *
158  * This is a utility function: if finer control is needed, see
159  * cs_sles_define() and cs_sles_petsc_create().
160  *
161  * In case of rotational periodicity for a block (non-scalar) matrix,
162  * the matrix type will be forced to MATSHELL ("shell") regardless
163  * of the option used.
164  *
165  * Note that this function returns a pointer directly to the iterative solver
166  * management structure. This may be used to set further options.
167  * If needed, cs_sles_find() may be used to obtain a pointer to the matching
168  * cs_sles_t container.
169  *
170  * parameters:
171  *   f_id         <-- associated field id, or < 0
172  *   name         <-- associated name if f_id < 0, or NULL
173  *   matrix_type  <-- PETSc matrix type
174  *   setup_hook   <-- pointer to optional setup epilogue function
175  *   context      <-> pointer to optional (untyped) value or structure
176  *                    for setup_hook, or NULL
177  *
178  * returns:
179  *   pointer to newly created iterative solver info object.
180  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
182 cs_sles_petsc_t *
183 cs_sles_petsc_define(int                          f_id,
184                      const char                  *name,
185                      MatType                      matrix_type,
186                      cs_sles_petsc_setup_hook_t  *setup_hook,
187                      void                        *context);
189 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
190  * Create PETSc linear system solver info and context.
191  *
192  * In case of rotational periodicity for a block (non-scalar) matrix,
193  * the matrix type will be forced to MATSHELL ("shell") regardless
194  * of the option used.
195  *
196  * parameters:
197  *   matrix_type  <-- PETSc matrix type
198  *   setup_hook   <-- pointer to optional setup epilogue function
199  *   context      <-> pointer to optional (untyped) value or structure
200  *                    for setup_hook, or NULL
201  *
202  * returns:
203  *   pointer to newly created solver info object.
204  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
206 cs_sles_petsc_t *
207 cs_sles_petsc_create(MatType                      matrix_type,
208                      cs_sles_petsc_setup_hook_t  *setup_hook,
209                      void                        *context);
211 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212  * Create PETSc linear system solver info and context
213  * based on existing info and context.
214  *
215  * parameters:
216  *   context <-- pointer to reference info and context
217  *               (actual type: cs_sles_petsc_t  *)
218  *
219  * returns:
220  *   pointer to newly created solver info object
221  *   (actual type: cs_sles_petsc_t  *)
222  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
224 void *
225 cs_sles_petsc_copy(const void  *context);
227 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
228  * Destroy PETSc linear system solver info and context.
229  *
230  * parameters:
231  *   context  <-> pointer to PETSc linear solver info
232  *                (actual type: cs_sles_petsc_t  **)
233  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
235 void
236 cs_sles_petsc_destroy(void  **context);
238 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
239  * Setup PETSc linear equation solver.
240  *
241  * parameters:
242  *   context   <-> pointer to PETSc linear solver info
243  *                 (actual type: cs_sles_petsc_t  *)
244  *   name      <-- pointer to system name
245  *   a         <-- associated matrix
246  *   verbosity <-- verbosity level
247  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
249 void
250 cs_sles_petsc_setup(void               *context,
251                     const char         *name,
252                     const cs_matrix_t  *a,
253                     int                 verbosity);
255 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
256  * Call PETSc linear equation solver.
257  *
258  * parameters:
259  *   context       <-> pointer to PETSc linear solver info
260  *                     (actual type: cs_sles_petsc_t  *)
261  *   name          <-- pointer to system name
262  *   a             <-- matrix
263  *   verbosity     <-- verbosity level
264  *   precision     <-- solver precision
265  *   r_norm        <-- residue normalization
266  *   n_iter        --> number of iterations
267  *   residue       --> residue
268  *   rhs           <-- right hand side
269  *   vx            <-> system solution
270  *   aux_size      <-- number of elements in aux_vectors (in bytes)
271  *   aux_vectors   --- optional working area (internal allocation if NULL)
272  *
273  * returns:
274  *   convergence state
275  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
277 cs_sles_convergence_state_t
278 cs_sles_petsc_solve(void                *context,
279                     const char          *name,
280                     const cs_matrix_t   *a,
281                     int                  verbosity,
282                     double               precision,
283                     double               r_norm,
284                     int                 *n_iter,
285                     double              *residue,
286                     const cs_real_t     *rhs,
287                     cs_real_t           *vx,
288                     size_t               aux_size,
289                     void                *aux_vectors);
291 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
292  * Free PETSc linear equation solver setup context.
293  *
294  * This function frees resolution-related data, such as
295  * buffers and preconditioning but does not free the whole context,
296  * as info used for logging (especially performance data) is maintained.
298  * parameters:
299  *   context <-> pointer to PETSc linear solver info
300  *               (actual type: cs_sles_petsc_t  *)
301  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
303 void
304 cs_sles_petsc_free(void  *context);
306 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
307 /*!
308  * \brief Error handler for PETSc solver.
309  *
310  * In case of divergence or breakdown, this error handler outputs an error
311  * message
312  * It does nothing in case the maximum iteration count is reached.
314  * \param[in, out]  sles           pointer to solver object
315  * \param[in]       state          convergence state
316  * \param[in]       a              matrix
317  * \param[in]       rhs            right hand side
318  * \param[in, out]  vx             system solution
319  *
320  * \return  false (do not attempt new solve)
321  */
322 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
324 bool
325 cs_sles_petsc_error_post_and_abort(cs_sles_t                    *sles,
326                                    cs_sles_convergence_state_t   state,
327                                    const cs_matrix_t            *a,
328                                    const cs_real_t              *rhs,
329                                    cs_real_t                    *vx);
331 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
332  * Log sparse linear equation solver info.
333  *
334  * parameters:
335  *   context  <-> pointer to PETSc linear solver info
336  *                (actual type: cs_sles_petsc_t  *)
337  *   log_type <-- log type
338  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
340 void
341 cs_sles_petsc_log(const void  *context,
342                   cs_log_t     log_type);
344 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
345 /*!
346  * \brief Print information on PETSc library.
347  *
348  * \param[in]  log_type  log type
349  */
350 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
352 void
353 cs_sles_petsc_library_info(cs_log_t  log_type);
355 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
359 #endif /* __CS_SLES_PETSC_H__ */