4 /*============================================================================
5  * Functions to handle the assembly process of equatino discretized with CDO
6  * schemes
7  *============================================================================*/
9 /*
10   This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
12   Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
14   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
15   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
16   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
17   version.
19   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
21   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
22   details.
24   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
25   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
26   Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
27 */
29 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30  *  Local headers
31  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #include "cs_cdo_connect.h"
34 #include "cs_matrix.h"
35 #include "cs_matrix_assembler.h"
36 #include "cs_param_cdo.h"
37 #include "cs_param_types.h"
38 #include "cs_sdm.h"
40 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44 /*============================================================================
45  * Macro definitions
46  *============================================================================*/
48 /*============================================================================
49  * Type definitions
50  *============================================================================*/
52 typedef struct _cs_equation_assemble_t  cs_equation_assemble_t;
54 /*============================================================================
55  * Function pointer type definitions
56  *============================================================================*/
58 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
59 /*!
60  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
61  *         Block or no block versions are handled
62  *
63  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
64  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
65  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
66  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
67  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
68  */
69 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
71 typedef void
72 (cs_equation_assembly_t)(const cs_sdm_t                         *m,
73                          const cs_lnum_t                        *dof_ids,
74                          const cs_range_set_t                   *rset,
75                          cs_equation_assemble_t                 *eqa,
76                          cs_matrix_assembler_values_t           *mav);
78 /*============================================================================
79  * Public function prototypes
80  *============================================================================*/
82 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
83 /*!
84  * \brief  Retrieve the pointer to a requested \ref cs_matrix_structure_t
85  *         structure
86  *
87  * \param[in]  flag_id       id in the array of matrix structures
88  *
89  * \return  a pointer to a cs_matrix_structure_t
90  */
91 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
93 cs_matrix_structure_t *
94 cs_equation_get_matrix_structure(int  flag);
96 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
97 /*!
98  * \brief  Get a pointer to a cs_equation_assemble_t structure related
99  *         to a given thread
100  *
101  * \param[in]  t_id    id in the array of pointer
102  *
103  * \return a pointer to a cs_equation_assemble_t structure
104  */
105 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
107 cs_equation_assemble_t *
108 cs_equation_assemble_get(int    t_id);
110 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
111 /*!
112  * \brief  Allocate and initialize matrix-related structures according to
113  *         the type of discretization used for this simulation
114  *
115  * \param[in]  connect      pointer to a cs_cdo_connect_t structure
116  * \param[in]  time_step    pointer to a time step structure
117  * \param[in]  eb_flag      metadata for Edge-based schemes
118  * \param[in]  fb_flag      metadata for Face-based schemes
119  * \param[in]  vb_flag      metadata for Vertex-based schemes
120  * \param[in]  vcb_flag     metadata for Vertex+Cell-basde schemes
121  * \param[in]  hho_flag     metadata for HHO schemes
122  */
123 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
125 void
126 cs_equation_assemble_init(const cs_cdo_connect_t       *connect,
127                           cs_flag_t                     eb_flag,
128                           cs_flag_t                     fb_flag,
129                           cs_flag_t                     vb_flag,
130                           cs_flag_t                     vcb_flag,
131                           cs_flag_t                     hho_flag);
133 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
134 /*!
135  * \brief  Free matrix-related structures used during the simulation.
136  *         Display overall statistic about the assembly stage for CDO schemes
137  */
138 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
140 void
141 cs_equation_assemble_finalize(void);
143 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
144 /*!
145  * \brief  Define the function pointer used to assemble the algebraic system
146  *
147  * \param[in] scheme     space discretization scheme
148  * \param[in] ma_id      id in the array of matrix assembler
149  *
150  * \return a function pointer cs_equation_assembly_t
151  */
152 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
154 cs_equation_assembly_t *
155 cs_equation_assemble_set(cs_param_space_scheme_t    scheme,
156                          int                        ma_id);
158 #if defined(HAVE_MPI)
160 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
161 /*!
162  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
163  *         Scalar-valued case. Parallel and with openMP threading.
164  *
165  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
166  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
167  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
168  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to a matrix assembler buffers
169  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
170  */
171 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
173 void
174 cs_equation_assemble_matrix_mpit(const cs_sdm_t                   *m,
175                                  const cs_lnum_t                  *dof_ids,
176                                  const cs_range_set_t             *rset,
177                                  cs_equation_assemble_t           *eqa,
178                                  cs_matrix_assembler_values_t     *mav);
180 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
181 /*!
182  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
183  *         Scalar-valued case. Parallel without openMP threading.
184  *
185  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
186  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
187  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
188  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to a matrix assembler buffers
189  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
190  */
191 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
193 void
194 cs_equation_assemble_matrix_mpis(const cs_sdm_t                   *m,
195                                  const cs_lnum_t                  *dof_ids,
196                                  const cs_range_set_t             *rset,
197                                  cs_equation_assemble_t           *eqa,
198                                  cs_matrix_assembler_values_t     *mav);
200 #endif /* defined(HAVE_MPI) */
202 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
203 /*!
204  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
205  *         Scalar-valued case. Sequential and with openMP threading.
206  *
207  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
208  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
209  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
210  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to a matrix assembler buffers
211  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
212  */
213 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
215 void
216 cs_equation_assemble_matrix_seqt(const cs_sdm_t                  *m,
217                                  const cs_lnum_t                 *dof_ids,
218                                  const cs_range_set_t            *rset,
219                                  cs_equation_assemble_t          *eqa,
220                                  cs_matrix_assembler_values_t    *mav);
222 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
223 /*!
224  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
225  *         Scalar-valued case. Sequential and without openMP.
226  *
227  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
228  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
229  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
230  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to a matrix assembler buffers
231  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
232  */
233 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
235 void
236 cs_equation_assemble_matrix_seqs(const cs_sdm_t                  *m,
237                                  const cs_lnum_t                 *dof_ids,
238                                  const cs_range_set_t            *rset,
239                                  cs_equation_assemble_t          *eqa,
240                                  cs_matrix_assembler_values_t    *mav);
242 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
243 /*!
244  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
245  *         Case of a block 3x3 entries. Expand each row.
246  *         Sequential run without openMP threading.
247  *
248  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
249  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
250  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
251  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
252  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
253  */
254 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
256 void
257 cs_equation_assemble_eblock33_matrix_seqs(const cs_sdm_t               *m,
258                                           const cs_lnum_t              *dof_ids,
259                                           const cs_range_set_t         *rset,
260                                           cs_equation_assemble_t       *eqa,
261                                           cs_matrix_assembler_values_t *mav);
263 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
264 /*!
265  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
266  *         Case of a block 3x3 entries. Expand each row.
267  *         Sequential run with openMP threading.
268  *
269  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
270  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
271  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
272  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
273  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
274  */
275 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
277 void
278 cs_equation_assemble_eblock33_matrix_seqt(const cs_sdm_t                *m,
279                                           const cs_lnum_t               *dof_ids,
280                                           const cs_range_set_t          *rset,
281                                           cs_equation_assemble_t        *eqa,
282                                           cs_matrix_assembler_values_t  *mav);
284 #if defined(HAVE_MPI)
286 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
287 /*!
288  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
289  *         Case of a block 3x3 entries. Expand each row.
290  *         Parallel run without openMP threading.
291  *
292  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
293  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
294  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
295  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
296  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
297  */
298 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
300 void
301 cs_equation_assemble_eblock33_matrix_mpis(const cs_sdm_t                *m,
302                                           const cs_lnum_t               *dof_ids,
303                                           const cs_range_set_t          *rset,
304                                           cs_equation_assemble_t        *eqa,
305                                           cs_matrix_assembler_values_t  *mav);
307 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
308 /*!
309  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
310  *         Case of a block 3x3 entries. Expand each row.
311  *         Parallel run with openMP threading.
312  *
313  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
314  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
315  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
316  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
317  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
318  */
319 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
321 void
322 cs_equation_assemble_eblock33_matrix_mpit(const cs_sdm_t               *m,
323                                           const cs_lnum_t              *dof_ids,
324                                           const cs_range_set_t         *rset,
325                                           cs_equation_assemble_t       *eqa,
326                                           cs_matrix_assembler_values_t *mav);
328 #endif /* defined(HAVE_MPI) */
330 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
331 /*!
332  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
333  *         Case of a block NxN entries. Expand each row.
334  *         Sequential run without openMP threading.
335  *
336  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
337  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
338  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
339  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
340  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
341  */
342 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
344 void
345 cs_equation_assemble_eblock_matrix_seqs(const cs_sdm_t                *m,
346                                         const cs_lnum_t               *dof_ids,
347                                         const cs_range_set_t          *rset,
348                                         cs_equation_assemble_t        *eqa,
349                                         cs_matrix_assembler_values_t  *mav);
351 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
352 /*!
353  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise system into the global algebraic system.
354  *         Case of a block NxN entries. Expand each row.
355  *         Sequential run with openMP threading.
356  *
357  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
358  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
359  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
360  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
361  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
362  */
363 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
365 void
366 cs_equation_assemble_eblock_matrix_seqt(const cs_sdm_t                *m,
367                                         const cs_lnum_t               *dof_ids,
368                                         const cs_range_set_t          *rset,
369                                         cs_equation_assemble_t        *eqa,
370                                         cs_matrix_assembler_values_t  *mav);
372 #if defined(HAVE_MPI)
374 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
375 /*!
376  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
377  *         Case of a block NxN entries. Expand each row.
378  *         Parallel run without openMP threading.
379  *
380  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
381  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
382  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
383  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
384  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
385  */
386 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
388 void
389 cs_equation_assemble_eblock_matrix_mpis(const cs_sdm_t                *m,
390                                         const cs_lnum_t               *dof_ids,
391                                         const cs_range_set_t          *rset,
392                                         cs_equation_assemble_t        *eqa,
393                                         cs_matrix_assembler_values_t  *mav);
395 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
396 /*!
397  * \brief  Assemble a cellwise matrix into the global matrix
398  *         Case of a block NxN entries. Expand each row.
399  *         Parallel run with openMP threading.
400  *
401  * \param[in]      m        cellwise view of the algebraic system
402  * \param[in]      dof_ids  local DoF numbering
403  * \param[in]      rset     pointer to a cs_range_set_t structure
404  * \param[in, out] eqa      pointer to an equation assembly structure
405  * \param[in, out] mav      pointer to a matrix assembler structure
406  */
407 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
409 void
410 cs_equation_assemble_eblock_matrix_mpit(const cs_sdm_t                *m,
411                                         const cs_lnum_t               *dof_ids,
412                                         const cs_range_set_t          *rset,
413                                         cs_equation_assemble_t        *eqa,
414                                         cs_matrix_assembler_values_t  *mav);
416 #endif /* defined(HAVE_MPI) */
418 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
422 #endif /* __CS_EQUATION_ASSEMBLE_H__ */